The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute

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The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute

                                                         DECEMBER 2008

                             The most capable warships
                             in the Navy’s history set to
                                           join the Fleet
                                       Information Operations
                                        Management in the RAN

                                The Vernon Parker Oration 2008
                                    The Navy & the White Paper

                                 A Cautionary Tale – Failures of
                                Japanese Air Power In WWII and
                               Lessons for Australian Maritime
                                                 Air Expansion

                                    Finding The Lost Submarine:
Journal of the                               The Mystery of AE1
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
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The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                                    3

  President’s Message                                                                       Contents

            008 has been an extremely busy     the Institute and his active involvement
            and, in my mind, successful year   over the last 30 years at all levels was
                                                                                            The most capable warships in the Navy’s
            for the ANI. We have conducted     truly worthy of recognition with the
  a number of very well attended events        ANI’s highest honour.
                                                                                            history set to join the Fleet          4
  including the Vernon Parker Oration,            For the second year we hosted the
  the ANI Warfare Seminar and the Sea          ANI Warfare Seminar at HMAS Watson
  patrol Cast visit to ADFA.                   which was followed by a reception. It
                                                                                            Information Operations Management in
     We have seen membership rise by its       was good to see the support of the
  highest annual rate this decade, much        event from the Naval Warfare Officers        the RAN                           15
  of that due to our focus on engaging         Association and the Naval Officers’
  younger members through our efforts          Club. The sixty guests were given a
  at ADFA and through the two new essay        range of presentations from Senior
  competitions named after Commodores          serving officers on a range of issues that
                                                                                            The Vernon Parker Oration 2008
  Harry Adams (essay competition for           the RAN is grappling with. There is no       The Navy & the White Paper           19
  Midshipmen and Sub Lieutenants)              doubt that the Warfare Seminar has
  and Alan ‘Rocker’ Robertson (for             established itself as a key event in the
  Lieutenants). These competitions             ANI calendar.
  have lifted the ANI’s profile and have          I would like to thank the members         A Cautionary Tale – Failures of Japanese
  re-affirmed that our younger officers        of your Council for their efforts this       Air Power In WWII and Lessons for
  have much to contribute to the               year. Council has been active in
                                                                                            Australian Maritime Air Expansion 25
  maritime debate that we strive so hard       implementing a work programme to
  to stimulate. Hopefully you will read a      ensure that the key elements of the
  good cross section of essays from these      ANI Strategic Plan are put in place. I
  competitions over the next 12 months         am pleased to see an improved focus          Finding The Lost Submarine: The Mystery
  in Headmark – I would encourage you          on governance and the development of
                                                                                            of AE1                               34
  to join the debate through either letters    useful set of governance metrics which
  to the editor or through your own            I will expose to you at the next AGM
  contribution.                                early next year. I would like to thank
     There was no doubt that this              Ernie Power for his continuing work on
                                                                                            Visions from the Vault               43
  year’s Vernon Parker Oration was a           the website and Tom Lewis for getting
  real treat for those who were lucky          the Journal together each quarter and
  enough to be there. In this edition we       keeping up to the quality we have come
  have reproduced the address given by         to expect. As always I need to mention       Book Reviews                         45
  Professor the Honourable Kim Beazley.        our business manager Jean Davitt for                                                    Front page:
  He remains a most thoughtful strategic       her unstinting support.                                                                 HMAS Ballarat in
  commentator and his words were                  My aim for next year is to maintain                                                  Milford Sound.
  timely in this a White Paper year. Over      the momentum we have built this year         Style Notes for Headmark             48
  100 people attended this year’s oration      through our improved membership
  and over 65 stayed on for the annual         numbers, our busy events calendar and
  dinner –a very successful evening. I         hopefully a vigorous maritime debate.
  am pleased to report that Rear Admiral       I hope that all our members have a           ANI Online Guide                     49
  James Goldrick, AM, CSC, RAN was             peaceful and restful Christmas break.                                                   Issue Number 130
  awarded Honorary Life membership of
                                                                                                                                       Printed by Everbest
  the Institute at the annual dinner. James       Yours Aye,                                                                           Printing Company
  is of course no stranger to any of us in        Davyd Thomas                              Australian Naval Institute Info      50
                                                                                                                                       ISSN 1833-6531

                      - BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON FRIEND - EDS - KBR - LOPAC                    ANI Membership Application Form      51    Design & DTP:
                                                                                                                                       Diane Bricknell
                                            - RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA - SAAB                                                      

                                                                                                                 Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute

The most capable warships in the Navy’s
history set to join the Fleet
By Lee Cordner
The most capable warships in the                                                     build the number up to 16” with the
history of the Royal Australian Navy                                                 suggestion that “Anzac derivatives
(RAN) will soon be in service. But how                                               could also replace the first four FFGs”.5
can that be with the first of the Hobart                                                Prophetically, FSR 91 went on
Class Air Warfare Destroyers (AWD)                                                   to state: “the ADF has for some
more than five years away? Fortunately,                                              time followed a program of mid-life
the Navy and the Nation will not have                                                modernisations of the destroyer force
to wait that long before four very                                                   ... (which) without exception, have
capable surface combatants are again                                                 been lengthy. Reduced operational
operational in the Fleet. The upgraded                                               availability, together with considerable
Adelaide Class FFGs are planned to                                                   capital expenditure, have been the
re-enter service as fully operational                                                consequences of these programs. The
front-line warships over the next 12–18                                              concept of mid-life modernisations
months. They will bring what will in        HMAS Sydney in homeport                  is not cost effective, and will not
                                            – note the Mk 41 VLS
some respects be an advanced level                                                   continue.”6 When FSR 91 was
of combat capability unprecedented                                                   presented the DDG Modernisation
in the RAN. This article analyses           Defence Policy and the FFG               project was still underway, with
the Upgraded FFG, the capabilities          Upgrade                                  prospects of a limited return on
that it brings and the challenges and       The FFG Upgrade Project reflects         investment for those ships.
opportunities it presents for the Navy      the outcomes of evolving, indecisive        Notably in this context, the Anzac
and the Australian Defence Force            Australian Defence policy making         Class frigates were replacements for
(ADF).                                      and relatively low levels of national    the River Class destroyer escorts;
    No analysis of the Upgraded FFG         investment in Defence2 that have         very much at the low end of the ADF
would be complete without first briefly     marked the Australian experience over    major surface combatant range of
reviewing the policy context that           several decades.3 This has impacted      capabilities. The chosen Meko 200 base
resulted in a decision to proceed with      negatively on the development of the     design would be unlikely to provide
an upgrade, and the FFG Upgrade             surface combatant force along with       the space and weight necessary for the
Project experience. Like most major         other areas of Defence capability.       significant capability enhancements
Defence projects the FFG Upgrade            Procrastination followed by time         required to replace the FFGs (and
Project (Project SEA 1390)1 had a           and cost overruns has largely been       the DDGs). In particular, evolving
long gestation period. Although the         the characteristics of Defence           air warfare (including Aegis phased
project is a capability upgrade to an       procurement; characteristics that are    array radar derivatives and long-range
existing platform rather than a new         in many respects reflected in the FFG    vertical launch air warfare missiles)
build, the time taken from concept to       Upgrade Project experience.              plus helicopter support capabilities and
the capability being fully operational         In the 1987 Defence white paper       potentially unmanned aerial vehicles
will be more than 15 years. The FFG         the Government announced that            (UAVs) in the future (the Anzac has
Upgrade Project has drawn attention         the Navy would be expanded “…to a        only one hanger) would be beyond
to many Defence policy and project          force operating 16 to 17 major surface   that which a Meko 200 platform could
management issues that will briefly         combatants”.4 The 1991 Force Structure   reasonably support.
be considered here. Whilst project,         Review (FSR 91) recognised that the         Not withstanding the FSR 91
contractual and audit difficulties          surface combatant force was declining    pronouncement, due to concerns about
have been aired in parliamentary            in numbers (it was then down to          platform and system supportability,
committees and the media, the               10 ships) and indicated a planning       the FFG Upgrade Project was initiated
capability gains and advantages for         intention to replace the DDGs with       in 1993. A Surface Combatant Force
the total Naval force have not been as      “an Anzac derivative” to “maintain the   Study during 1993-96 concluded
well understood. This article seeks to      continuity of Australian shipbuilding,   that given evolving anti-ship missile
enhance that understanding.                 to achieve commonality … and to          (ASM) and other threats, the FFGs

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                                      5

    FFG and side number      Launched          Commissioned          Original Life   Upgraded Life                    planned life of type schedule.
    HMAS Adelaide - 01       June 1978         November 1980         2008            Withdrawn from service Jan 08
    HMAS Canberra - 02       December 1978     March 1981            2008            Withdrawn from service Nov 05    The FFG Upgrade Project
    HMAS Sydney - 03         September 1980    January 1983          2010            2015                             The FFG Upgrade Project began in
    HMAS Darwin - 04         March 1982        July 1984             2012            2017                             earnest when the RFT was released
    HMAS Melbourne - 05      May 1989          February 1992         2019            2019                             which led to ADI Ltd being selected
    HMAS Newcastle - 06      February 1992     December 1993         2021            2021                             as the prime contractor in 1998. The
  Royal Australian                                                                                                    contract to proceed was signed in
  Navy - FFG Fleet        also required an increase in capability;        by “at least three air-defence capable      1999. The initial plan was for all six
  Schedule Summary14      particularly improved self defence. A7
                                                                          ships”. Upgrades to the FFGs plus the
                                                                                                                      FFGs to be upgraded and the Project
                          request for proposal (RFP) was released         Anzacs were also identified to occur.10     includes the procurement of six ship
                          to industry in 1994 which led to a              In 2007 Government policy recognised        sets of equipment plus an FFG Warfare
                          request for tender (RFT) in 1997.               that “Our Navy must be able to              Systems Support Centre (WSSC),
                             By 1997 defence policy statements            establish sea control and operate           a Combat Team Trainer and three
                          indicated that 14 major surface                 freely within our region, while denying     Operator Trainers.
                          combatants were considered an                   such freedoms to an opponent.”      11
                                                                                                                         The FFG Upgrade Project is
                          adequate number and the intention to            Given the vast maritime geography           more an end of life than a mid-life
                          substantially invest in “ASM defences           and dependence upon the maritime            modernisation. The prolonged concept
                          and other upgrades for the FFGs and             domain for economic, environmental          to upgrade timeline with attendant
                          Anzacs” was declared.8 By this time             and territorial security for Australia      project delays meant that the cost
                          the three DDGs were approaching                 and its region this bold defence policy     effectiveness of upgrading the older
                          their end of life and were to be retired        assertion appears entirely justified.       ships could not be justified. In late
                          from service without replacement,               Concomitantly, this policy statement        2003 the Government determined
                          significantly reducing the Navy’s air           raises reasonable expectations that         that Canberra and Adelaide would not
                          warfare (AW) capability.                        Australia would seek to acquire a           be upgraded. They have since been
                             The question of surface combatant            significant surface combatant fleet         withdrawn from service.
                          numbers was left unanswered in the              to operate in collaboration with               The Project has proven to be
                          2000 Defence White Paper other than             submarines and land-based air               challenging and extremely complex.15
  Mk 41 VLS being         the (six) FFGs were to be replaced              forces. While the acquisition of three      The FFG Upgrade is one of the
  embarked                                                                AWDs and upgrades to the Anzac              most sophisticated and extensive
                                                                          and Adelaide Class frigates were            enhancements ever undertaken of a
                                                                          mentioned, no mention was made              modern surface combatant. It involves
                                                                          of surface combatant numbers or             major weapon, sensor, combat,
                                                                          acquisitions beyond the AWDs.       12
                                                                                                                      and command and control systems
                                                                              The ADF currently has 12 major          upgrades along with significant
                                                                          surface combatants (eight Anzac             platform supportability work. The
                                                                          Class and four FFGs). The Anzacs are        system integration work is in some
                                                                          shouldering the operational burden          respects unique in the world with
                                                                          which includes ongoing commitments          the challenge of combining legacy
                                                                          in the Persian Gulf while the FFGs are
                                                                                                                      systems from the original FFG
                                                                          being upgraded. There is some overlap       configuration (1970s technology) with
                                                                          between when the AWDs are planned           more advanced technologies drawn
                                                                          to enter service during the period          from a range of international sources.
                                                                          2014-2017 and when the remaining            In addition to the upgrade specific
                                                                          FFGs are planned to be retired between      activities many platform deficiencies
                                                                          2015 and 2021, noting that there will       and deep maintenance issues also had
                                                                          typically be a considerable trials and      to be rectified to ensure a planned
                                                                          acceptance period beyond 2014 until         35 year hull life could be achieved.
                                                                          the first AWD will be fully operational.    Effectively this required the ships to
                                                                          The table above outlines the FFG            undergo major refits concurrent with

                                                                                                                     Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy’s history set to join the Fleet

the upgrade.                                 Range Facility (PMRF) off Hawaii in
    The complexity of the Project and        October 2007 the combination of the
its implementation was no doubt              upgraded air warfare (AW) package of
underestimated from the outset. Navy,        improved sensors, vertical launched
Defence Capability Development               Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile
(DCD), Defence Material Organisation         (ESSM) and ADACS successfully
(DMO) and the prime contractor, ADI          dealt with multiple, simultaneous,
Ltd now trading as Thales Australia          multi-directional live ASM attack
Ltd have been party to what became an        (using realistic drone missile targets).
ongoing series of schedule slippages to      This event included a successful live
the extent that the Project is now four      ESSM engagement. Incorporation
and half years late (i.e. the first of the   of the 32 cell Mk 41 Vertical Launch
Upgraded FFGs should have been in            System (VLS) into the FFG hull is
operational service by 2004). Following      a considerable naval architectural
an extensive negotiation between             design feat which helps fulfil one of
DMO and the prime contractor a               the key requirements for effective
Deed of Settlement and Release was           ASM defence in the Upgraded FFG.
signed in 2006 that presented a revised      The ADACS combat system has been
                                                                                                                                   Sydney launches an
master schedule with Contract Final          developed in Australia and is unique to    and the improved capabilities the
Acceptance due in December 2009.             the Upgraded FFGs.                         upgrade offers. These internal to Navy
    The extensive delays had resulted           Given the operational environment       perceptions will be difficult to rectify
in a project climate of frustration and      of the Navy’s ongoing Middle East          as the challenges are progressively
disappointment for all concerned.            commitment a fully functioning,            addressed and fully operational, high
The situation was exacerbated by a           integrated ES capability has been          performing systems are accepted
set to work and trials period plagued        identified as the highest priority         in to service. Further, the incoming
by systems interface and perceived           outstanding requirement to support         Labor Government has rightly put
performance shortcomings, with               acceptance and deployment by the           Defence on notice about poor project
several major systems initially failing      Navy. Navy has understandably taken        performance.17 No doubt the FFG
to meet acceptance criteria. The main        a firm stand in demanding that the         Upgrade Project stands out as one of
problem areas have been underwater           Project demonstrate fully functional       several troubled projects. The media,
warfare (UW), electronic surveillance        operational capabilities. In early 2008    both nationally and internationally has
(ES) system, and the central Australian      DMO, with strong support from and          understandably been critical of the
Distributed Architecture Combat              direct involvement of The Hon. Greg        project18 and this in turn impacts on
System (ADACS), with Link 16 and             Combet, Parliamentary Secretary for        morale among people in the FFG Fleet.
other significant operational features       Defence Procurement,16 established            There are parallels here with
being progressively incorporated.            an FFG ES Stakeholders Group.              the situation that obtained when
Of late, more collaborative DMO-             This group includes representatives        the Collins Class submarines were
contractor approaches with a                 from all the major players including       encountering problems during
sharper end capability focus have            Navy, DMO, Thales and Rafael (the          introduction to service. The overall
shown dividends, with substantial            subcontractor for the C-Pearl system).     result is that Navy (and Defence) is
progress on rectifying problem issues           A number of significant people and      faced with a crisis of confidence both
and demonstration of improved                perception casualties have resulted        internally and with Government,
performance.                                 from the extensive Project delays and      and this has significant implications
    There have also been highly              the failure of some systems to achieve     for national security. The situation
successful and impressive results            satisfactory results during initial        must be resolved satisfactorily and
during the trials and introduction to        acceptance trials. Within Navy the FFG     expeditiously.
service period. For example, during          Upgrade Project and the Upgraded              Considerable progress is now being
ASM defence trials involving HMAS            FFG has become known as a “lemon”.         made due in no small part to a more
Sydney on the United States Navy’s           Some FFG officers and sailors appear       collaborative approach to solving
fully instrumented Pacific Missile           to have lost confidence in the ships       problems and dealing with challenges

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                                                                              7

                                                                    3. Link 16
                                                                                          3. ES
                                                                                                                                                           complex project.
                                                 2. SRBOC MK 36 Mod                               2. AN/SPS-55
                                                                                                                                                               Effective communication and
                                                                                                      2. AN/SPS-49A(V)1
                                        3. SRBOC Ready Service
                                                                                                          2. MK 92 Mod 12                                  the creation of a cooperative and
                                                  2. MK 92 Mod 12                                         (Mod 2 upgraded to Mod
                                          (Mod 2 upgraded to Mod                                                                                           collaborative environment between
                                                   1. MK 32 Mod                                                   3. LRCR
                        2. CIW                          Torpedo
                                                                                                                            1. MK 13 GMLS                  all parties, focussed upon solving
                                                                                                                                        3. Tactica MK41
         3. ALBATRO                                1. MK 75 Gun
                                                                                                                                                           problems, are essential from the outset.
                                                                                                                                                           There must be a clear focus by all
                                                                                                                                                           parties on the requirement to deliver a
                                                                                                                                                           functional capability to the customer
                                                                                                                                                           in a cost effective and timely way. The
     1. Existing Unmodified Equipment
     2. Existing Modified Equipment
                                                                                      3. Spherion
                                                                                        Sonar MF                                     3. PETRE              customer must be closely engaged
                                                                                                                                     Mine Avoidance
     3. New Equipment                                                                                                                Sonar
  Diagram Courtesy of               generated through initiatives like the             include:
  Thales                            FFG ES Stakeholders Group. There                         Effective, comprehensive and                                 The Upgraded FFG –
                                    is now an atmosphere of cautious                   detailed project planning is essential.                             Capability Analysis
                                    optimism that the Upgraded FFG                     Early planning shortfalls can have                                  As indicated in the introductory
                                    will “get across the line” and highly              disproportionate downstream                                         remarks, the Upgraded FFG presents
                                    capable warships will soon be back in              consequences.                                                       a higher level of combat capability
                                    operational service. A brief overview                    Requirements and specifications                              than previously available in the RAN.
                                    of key Project milestones achieved and             must be well defined and agreed                                     This may sound like a grand claim, but
                                    planned is presented in the following              before contract signature. The lack                                 is backed by tangible evidence. The
                                    table.                                             of clearly defined specifications for                               following analysis will draw together
                                                                                       many of the FFG Upgrade Project                                     and assess the key elements of the
    Date                           Milestone                                           requirements has meant that assessing                               FFG systems package that when fully
    December 2006                  Sydney Provisionally Accepted          1
                                                                                       contract compliance and operational                                 operational and combined with a well
    October 2007                   Melbourne Provisionally Accepted                    performance against that specified has                              prepared, led and motivated ship’s
    October 2007                   Newcastle Commenced Upgrade                         proven to be extremely difficult.                                   company, comprises an impressive
    August 2008                    Darwin Provisionally Accepted                             Lack of expertise to define                                  naval combat capability. This analysis
    November 2008                  Sydney Acceptance2/Initial Operational Release3     requirements and manage and                                         will look at the principal naval warfare
    November 2008                  Melbourne Acceptance/Initial Operational            implement the project has proven to be                              areas in turn before drawing the total
                                                                                       a significant and difficult matter for all                          assessment together, recognising that
    November 2008                  Darwin Acceptance/Initial Operational Release
                                                                                       parties: Navy, Defence, DMO and the                                 the FFG is an integrated, multi-role
    November 2008                  Provisional Acceptance of WSSC
                                                                                       prime contractor.                                                   weapon system where components
    November 2008                  Acceptance of Upgraded Software
                                                                                             Careful consideration must be                                of the platform, the weapons systems
    February 2009                  Acceptance of Team Trainer
                                                                                       given from the outset to the systems                                and the combat system will contribute
    June 2009                      Newcastle Provisional Acceptance
                                                                                       integration implications of combining                               variously to multiple warfare
    December 2009                  Newcastle Acceptance/Initial Operational Release
                                                                                       legacy systems with more recent                                     competencies.
    December 2009                  Contract final acceptance – completion of the
                                   contract                                            technologies.
                                                                                             Conducting an upgrade of an                                  Air Warfare (AW)
                                                                                       existing capability concurrent with                                 A primary aim of the FFG Upgrade
                                    Key FFG Upgrade Project                            maintenance availability is a highly                                Project was to improve the AW
                                    Milestones19                                       complex activity that requires careful                              capability generally and particularly
                                    Many important lessons about the                   planning and close cooperation and                                  defences against new generation ASMs,
                                    management of complex defence                      collaboration in execution.                                         including sea skimming missiles.
                                    projects have been learnt (or re-                        The contract and schedule must                               The Upgraded FFG offers a more
                                    learnt) during this extended and often             be robust and achievable. There                                     comprehensive and complete AW and
                                    frustrating project experience. While              must be thorough risk appraisals and                                ASM capability package than hitherto
                                    it is beyond the scope of this paper to            risk management processes in place                                  available in the RAN. A classic layered
                                    identify or analyse the project lessons            particularly where significant technical,                           defence approach is adopted, involving
                                    in any detail, some of the major lessons           schedule and financial risks exist with a                           hard kill and soft kill capabilities. The

                                                                                                                                                          Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy’s history set to join the Fleet

key elements of the
layers are reviewed
    The outer layer of
hard kill comprises
fighter aircraft, whether
operated by the ADF
or coalition partners,
land-based or carrier
borne, and combined
with Airborne
Warning and Control
Systems (AWACS)
when available, plus
the surface to air
missile capabilities of
other RAN and allied
warships that may be
operating together. The
FFG’s ability to effectively integrate      of an updated air surveillance radar,     SPS 55 surface search radar) plus the      Diagram Courtesy of
with US and NATO forces for example,        the AN/SPS 49A(V)1, which provides        two Mk 92 system fire control radars.
and to direct fighters is greatly           a much improved ability to detect         The outcome is the automatic detection
enhanced with the inclusion for the         low altitude and small radar cross        of targets, automatic correlation of
first time in the RAN of Tactical Digital   section targets, and includes automatic   multiple radar detections and accurate
Information Link (TADIL) J Link             target detection, improved reliability    prediction of target movement to the
16, added to TADIL B Link 11 and            and other features. The operational       Command team and weapons systems.
using the Joint Tactical Information        performance of this radar has proven to      The range of the Mk 92 CAS fire
Distribution System (JTIDS) for data        be considerably better than the variant   control channel is more than double
link communication. This capability         it replaced and gives high confidence     that of the earlier variants being now
effectively enables the FFG to direct the   in the early detection of aircraft and    more in line with that offered by the
prosecution of hostile aircraft, whether    missile targets.                          Mk 92 STIR fire control channel. This
missile carriers, fighter bombers              The AW fire control system has         vastly improved and automated sensor
or surveillance aircraft hundreds           been greatly enhanced with inclusion      combination means that the reaction
of kilometres away. An enemy’s              of the Mk 92 Mod 12 system, which         time for detect, track, decision, fire
surveillance, target selection and          is a further enhancement of the Mod       control radar acquisition, to firing a
identification problem becomes vastly       6 system in service with US, Spanish      weapon at a target is greatly reduced.
complicated by imposing an extended         and Taiwanese FFGs. The Mod 12            This enables the engagement of
stand-off range; and hostile aircraft can   system includes the same coherent         multiple, multi-directional and quickly
be engaged before they can launch anti-     receiver and transmitter (CORT) of the    manoeuvring air and missile targets at a
ship weapons. It also presents a much       Mod 6 variant plus improved signal        much greater range from the FFG than
improved capacity for RAN integration       processing, solid state electronics       was previously possible. The capability
with US-led coalitions.                     and improved reliability over the         was practically demonstrated during
    The subsequent layers of AW             Mod 6. Mk 92 system performance is        the PMRF ESSM firings by Sydney
capability rely primarily on ship borne     enhanced by inclusion of a new Radar      mentioned earlier. The performance of
sensors and weapons although these          Sensor Data Fusion System (SDFS),         the upgraded Mk 92 system is reported
can also be cued with information from      which provides a Radar Integrated         to be “excellent”.20
other sources like AWACS or other           Automatic Detection and Tracking             The improved radar and weapon
ships via Link 16. The air surveillance     (RAIDT) capability that combines data     system performance is supported by a
capability of the FFG has been              from all the ships search radars (AN/     vastly improved surface to air missile
considerably enhanced by inclusion          SPS 49A(V)1, Mk 92 CAS search, AN/        capability. The GMLS 13 missile

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                       9

            launcher system has been retained            authorised intervention in East Timor        important for cuing hard kill weapons
            with its potential to carry and launch       in 1999, where a USN Aegis cruiser had       and soft kill measures like Nulka as well
            up to 40 missiles. The system will           to be relied upon to provide effective       as for target identification. The AN/
            be upgraded so that SM 2 Medium              air defence cover for the landing force,     SLQ 32 ASM warner has been replaced
            Range surface to air missiles can be         will not be necessary in the future          with the current generation Rafael
            accommodated along with the older            when an RAN FFG is available.22              C-Pearl digital combined electronic
            SM 1 missiles and the latest variants           ESSM missiles deployed from a             surveillance and ASM warner system.
            of the Harpoon surface to surface            32 cell Mk 41 VLS provide a highly           The system covers the 0.5 – 18 GHz
            missile. SM 2 missiles are reported to       effective third layer of hard kill ASM       frequency spectrum and is fully
            be entering the ADF inventory in late        defence. The performance of this             integrated with the combat system.
            2009.21                                      system, when combined with the               The system has high sensitivity and
               Inclusion of the SM 2 option              Upgraded FFG radar and fire control          a high data rate. Significant system
            represents a major enhancement to the        package, is reported to be excellent.23      integration, perceived performance
            Navy’s AW capability with significant        The ESSM capability offers ASM               and human machine interface (HMI)
            force multiplier implications. The SM        defence redundancy not previously            problems have been encountered
            2 missile has a maximum range of             available in the FFG because the GMLS        during trials, which have resulted in
            more than 80 nautical miles (nm) (150        13 launcher was potentially a single         low confidence in the ES system among
            km) compared with the SM 1 missile           point of failure.                            some FFG personnel. As a result
            maximum range of 25 nm (46 km) and              In addition to the missile                of the concerted and collaborative
            the ESSM maximum range of around             capabilities, a fourth layer of hard kill    efforts of the FFG ES Stakeholders
            10 nm (18 km). SM 2 and ESSM                 air defence is provided by the 76 mm         Group numerous technical issues
            missiles are also reported to have           rapid firing gun. The gun effectiveness      have been identified and resolved. The
            much improved fusing arrangements            has been significantly enhanced by           Stakeholders are working to present an
            and therefore effectiveness when             integrating the existing Electro Optical     operational ES system that will meet
            engaging very low targets. This means        Tracking System (EOTS) 2500 with the         Navy’s requirements consistent with
            that the surveillance, identification        Mk 92 system. This capability includes       the Acceptance timetable.
            and targeting problem for hostile            a laser range finder and enables an
            aircraft seeking to attack or direct         additional three dimensional gun             Surface Warfare (SW)
            an attack on a force at sea protected        fire control channel to be integrated        Many of the capabilities enhancements
            by an Australian FFG has become a            with the two radar directed channels         touched upon in the AW analysis are
            whole lot harder. Previously, when           of fire. The fifth, last resort defensive    also relevant to SW. The Harpoon
            friendly fighter cover was not available,    layer is the Phalanx 20 mm close in          system has been upgraded so that
            a hostile aircraft could loiter with         weapon system (CIWS), which is now           the latest variants of the missile can
            impunity, conducting surveillance and        integrated with the ADACS combat             be deployed from the GMLS 13
            launching weapons or directing attacks       system providing a remote designation        launcher. The SWG 1(A) Harpoon
            from outside the FFG SM 1 missile            capability.                                  control panel has been installed in the
            engagement zone (MEZ) of 25 nm or                The inner layers of AW capability        Operations Room. Harpoon remains
            the Anzac MEZ of 10 nm.                      include the Australian designed and          a very potent SW weapon with its 80
               For the first time the RAN has            developed Nulka offboard, active ASM         nm (150 km) range, way points, anti-
            a genuine ship borne surface to air          decoy. Two additional Mk 137 Mod             counter measures and terminal attack
            missile-based area defence AW                1 decoy launchers able to deploy new         features. A significant aspect of the
            capability. This means that an FFG           Seagnat RF decoys and Pirate IR and          SW package is the ability to employ the
            can offer effective cover for ships it       acoustic decoys along with long range        embarked Seahawk helicopter’s surface
            is escorting as well as for itself; it can   chaff rockets (for confusion) complete       surveillance, targeting and data link
            provide AW force protection over a           the soft kill ASM (and anti-torpedo)         capabilities to provide over the horizon
            significant and moving geographic            suite.                                       targeting (OTHT) for Harpoon
            area. With this capability entering             An upgraded ES system is a major          engagements. Other upgraded features,
            the ADF inventory the circumstance           component of the enhanced AW                 including the fully integrated EOTS
            that obtained during the early stages        capability; critical to sending an FFG in    with laser range finding for the 76 mm
            of the Australian-led, United Nations        harms way. An effective ES capability is     gun, add to a potent SW capability.

                                                                                                     Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy's history set to join the Fleet - The Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy’s history set to join the Fleet

     A concerning aspect of Navy’s           UW capability. The Seahawk employs         reports from recent UW trials indicate
overall SW capability not directly           a range of UW surveillance and             that the combination of the HMS
applicable to the FFG Upgrade but            localisation sensors including for         and towed array passive and active
relevant to SW capability options that       example passive and active sonobuoys       capabilities are giving impressive
could be available for employment            and high definition search radar, and      submarine detection results.24 Also like
from the FFG and other RAN surface           can deploy anti-submarine torpedoes.       the ES system, significant HMI issues
combatants is the failure of the Super       The Upgraded FFG integrates                have been identified. The passive and
Seasprite Helicopter Program. This           information via a discrete Seahawk         active data from the HMS and towed
helicopter was originally procured to        data link into the FFG combat system,      array are presented in a single Sonar
be deployed from Anzac Class frigates        which enables effective coordination       Operator Console (SOC) which is
and Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs)           and control of force UW efforts. The       highly operator intensive. This entails
(the OPVs never came to fruition).           ability to embark two helicopters          a complex and high workload for
ASM armed helicopters deployed               remains a significant asset provided       the single operator; consideration is
from surface combatants remain a             by the FFG. The Anzac Class frigates       being given to addressing HMI and
most effective weapon option against         and the new Hobart Class AWD can           specifically the workload associated
missile armed patrol boats and larger        embark only one helicopter which           with concurrency tasking.
surface combatants optimised to              impacts on the numbers of helicopters         Another UW feature is the addition
operate in the littoral and archipelagic     available in an RAN surface force          of the Petrel Mine and Obstacle
areas in Australia’s region. While there     to support operational rotation and        Avoidance Sonar (MOAS). The MOAS
are well founded concerns about the          redundancy. This shortcoming will          provides three dimensional imaging
emergence of submarine capabilities          be felt in the future as the FFGs retire   and automatic detection and tracking
in the region the missile armed patrol       from service.                              out to around 700 metres. The MOAS
boat remains a considerable threat and          The onboard UW package in the           is controlled and monitored from the
the ADF continues to have a significant      Upgraded FFG comprises several             bridge. It performs extremely well in
capability gap in effectively dealing with   significant capability enhancements.       its designed role and provides a very
this threat.                                 The AN/SQS 56 and Mulloka hull             useful aid to navigation in confined
                                             mounted sonar’s (HMS) have been            waters.25 The FFG Petrel MOAS is
Underwater Warfare (UW)                      replaced with the second generation        the same as that fitted in the Anzac
The Upgraded FFG offers the most             Spherion medium frequency HMS that         frigates, thus offering training and
advanced and comprehensive surface           provides active and passive submarine      supportability benefits.
combatant based UW capability now            detection capabilities. The Albatross
available in the RAN. Somewhat               Torpedo Detection System (TDS)             The Combat System
similar to AW, effective UW protection       towed passive array has been added.        The FFG Operations Room (Combat
of surface vessels and geographic            When combined with the Lescut              Information Centre - CIC) layout
areas like approaches to ports and           acoustic decoys, this system offers a      remains virtually unchanged from
straits used by international shipping       greatly enhanced self defence capability   the original configuration. However,
requires a layered defence or defence in     against torpedo attack. Information        changes soon become apparent
depth approach that is asset intensive.      from the HMS and the towed array is        with new flat screen colour displays,
The outer layer may include forward          fused and integrated automatically into    although functionality is very similar
deployed submarines like the Collins         the combat system.                         to the former arrays with the NCDS
Class and land-based maritime patrol            Like the ES system experience,          functions retained. ADACS Baseline
aircraft (MPA) like the P3C Orion. The       initial results from the onboard UW        Build 3 software package is currently
FFG retains the capability to integrate      sensor package were disappointing.         undergoing trials in HMAS Darwin.
with MPA via data link and voice             Trials conducted at the Canadian           This brings Link 16 capability plus a
communications and to coordinate,            Nanoose Bay fully instrumented             number of fixes to address software
control and direct wide area UW              underwater range facility have             integration problems identified
surveillance activities.                     confirmed that the sensors are             during trials. The incorporation of
     The FFGs capacity to embark and         performing satisfactorily and system       advanced command and control (C2)
operate two S70B Seahawk helicopters         interface problems have been identified    and decision support features like
presents a significant force protection      that are being resolved. Anecdotal         automatic detection and tracking of

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                 11

            many hundreds of targets, dissimilar       increasing the limiting displacement        schedule slippages, initial equipment
            sensor data fusion, improved               from 4100 tons to 4200 tons.                application courses soon fell out of step
            tracking in clutter, automatic threat      Modifications have included reduced         with posting cycles. This has meant
            grading, interfaces with weapons           electromagnetic and acoustic                that some personnel have experienced
            and sensor systems and the multi-          signatures. Improved resilient              the frustration of not being adequately
            tier weapons scheduler in the Mk 92        mountings for machinery have been           trained for the systems they are to
            system significantly improve the C2        incorporated to reduce self noise           operate. Combined with systems
            performance of the FFG and reduce          which contributes to enhanced sonar         performance teething problems it is
            operator workloads. A new Combat           performance.                                not surprising that there has been a
            Data Link Management System                   The Upgraded FFGs are in many            “crisis of confidence” among some
            (CDLMS) has been incorporated              respects now Australian “orphans”           FFG personnel. Now that systems
            to enable Link 11 and Link 16 to be        which means that Defence must               integration and performance problems
            managed.                                   take responsibility for configuration       are being resolved perception and
               The upgraded C2 package includes        management and through life support.        attitude issues may soon ease. Certainly
            an On Board Training System (OBTS)         This offers challenges and advantages,      the Upgraded FFGs are fine ships with
            that provides sensor stimulation (the      like full control over software             excellent capabilities and hopefully all
            facility to inject false targets through   management and maintenance.                 FFG personnel will soon become justly
            the sensors) and effector (weapons)        Inclusion of the WSSC is an important       proud of being involved.
            simulation to avoid safety issues. The     feature. A windfall logistics outcome          There may however be a more
            OBTS is reported to be an excellent        from project delays and the decision        complex and demanding people
            training aid that provides realistic       not to proceed with upgrades to             issue that needs to be addressed.
            presentations for operator training.26     Adelaide and Canberra is that six ship      The Upgraded FFG in many respects
                                                       sets of new equipments were procured.       represents a quantum leap in capability.
            Supportability                             This means that further options for         For example, the new ES system is far
            A major feature of the Upgraded            spare parts are available to support the    more sensitive and capable than its
            FFG and one of the main reasons            upgraded equipments and the retired         predecessor and indeed any ES system
            for initiating the upgrade is greatly      FFGs have been comprehensively              in the RAN inventory. Similarly, the
            improved supportability. In addition       cannibalised for spares to support          UW package with the active/passive
            to the weapons and sensor upgrades         legacy equipments.                          HMS integrated with a TDS towed
            already outlined several obsolete and                                                  array that also offers a passive detection
            obsolescent equipments have been           Human Capability                            capability, provides a far greater
            replaced. The combat and weapons           Human capability is an essential            level of capability and accompanying
            systems are now supported by AN/           component of combat capability;             complexity than the RAN surface
            UYK 43 computers, which have               indeed it is the most important             community has previously
            replaced the AN/UYK 7 computers.           capability factor. Clearly the FFG          encountered.
            Former FFG sailors will be pleased to      Upgrade Project has been a long and            Configuring smart systems
            learn that the often problematic ship’s    frustrating experience for many of the      for optimum performance and
            service diesel generators (SSDGs) and      FFG personnel involved. For example,        understanding the results generated
            400 Hz static frequency converters         as the lead ship to be upgraded, the        requires equally smart and experienced
            (SFCs), essential to the provision of      Sydney team have borne the brunt            operators who know much more
            power for the ship’s systems, have         of much of the initial trials programs      than simply how to operate the
            been replaced. The former SSDGs            enduring the vague and dynamic              equipment. They need to have a
            have been replaced with Caterpillar        nature of contractor driven schedules.      deep understanding of the operating
            diesel generators that are painted in         HMI has been identified as an issue      environment, whether, for example
            stylish white and the SFCs are now         with both the ES and UW systems and         it is the electromagnetic spectrum
            solid state. Chilled water systems have    there may be shortcomings in other          for electronic warfare or the acoustic
            been upgraded however the original         areas. Lack of familiarity with the         environment for undersea warfare.
            signal data converters (SDC) have been     new systems has been exacerbated by         The generic combat system operator
            retained.                                  reduced access while the systems have       concept supported by application
               Platform upgrades have included         been in contractors’ hands. Also, given     courses may no longer be sufficient.

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K0709 09/07
Issue 130                                                                                                                                                    13
  The most capable warships in the Navy’s history set to join the Fleet

                                                                           Conclusions                              first time the RAN has a genuine
                                                                           The FFG Upgrade Project grew             ship borne area air defence capability.
                                                                           from an evolving Australian              Air defence comprises several layers
                                                                           defence policy context of                utilising enhanced systems and sensors
                                                                           indecisiveness, procrastination          combined with comprehensive hard
                                                                           and lack of commitment to                and soft kill capabilities. The AW and
                                                                           defence expenditure. The Project         anti-ship missile defence capabilities
                                                                           commenced in 1993 following              are impressive. The FFG SW
                                                                           a policy statement in 1991               capabilities have also been enhanced.
                                                                           that mid-life modernisations             The UW package is the most capable
  A potent air defence   The advent of relatively advanced,                for surface combatants were              for a surface combatant in the RAN
                         very capable and complex systems            considered not to be cost effective            with the capacity to embark two
                         in the Upgraded FFG may serve as a          and would not continue. Concerns               Seahawk helicopters and improved
                         useful precursor to the introduction        with supportability and survivability          onboard active and passive detection
                         of the even more capable and complex        of the FFGs in a contemporary threat           capabilities. These enhanced naval
                         AWDs. There may be a requirement            environment were the key drivers that          warfare capabilities are fully integrated
                         for the Navy to revisit the issue of deep   led to the decision to proceed with an         with a unique Australian combat
                         specialisation for systems operators in     upgrade.                                       system. The combination of systems
                         the surface community.                         The contract for upgrading the              and weapons improvements provides
                                                                     FFGs was signed with ADI Ltd, now              a considerable naval warfighting
                         Tactical Development                        trading as Thales Australia Ltd, in            capability in a compact package.
                         During the preparation of this              1999. The upgrade is one of the most              One of the key objectives of
                         article the extent to which tactical        sophisticated and extensive capability         the Upgraded FFG was to improve
                         employment of the Upgraded FFG              enhancements of a surface combatant            supportability and this appears to have
                         has been the subject of thoughtful          ever undertaken. The parties to the            been achieved. Concerns remain with
                         and experienced consideration was           Project underestimated the challenge           performance, integration and therefore
                         not able to be ascertained. Clearly the     and the Project has suffered schedule          acceptance of the ES and UW systems.
                         FFG presents a significant capability       slippages to the extent that it is             Technical and other issues have been
                         enhancement and its effective               now some four and a half years late.           identified and are being progressively
                         employment requires considerable            Delays and relationship difficulties           resolved. There is now confidence
                         tactical development effort, including      have contributed to frustration and            that the FFGs will soon be back in
                         experimentation and fleet trials to         disappointment for all concerned.              operational service.
                         ensure that it is employed to the           This has impacted on confidence in                Issues like HMI, human capability
                         optimum effect in a range of diverse        the Upgraded FFG within the Navy               development and tactical development
                         and demanding scenarios. The simple         and between the Navy, Defence and              may require further priority attention.
                         fact that the RAN has for the first time    Government. Significant project                The Upgraded FFG provides a valuable
                         a genuine area AW defence capability        management related lessons have been           growth path toward introduction of
                         at its disposal means that new              learnt and re-learnt in what has been a        the AWDs and the lessons learned
                         thinking about tactical employment          difficult project for all parties. After an    should be helpful when introducing
                         of the FFG should be a priority. When       extensive contract renegotiation and           that advanced warship in to service.
                         combined with the enhanced FFG              the adoption of a more collaborative           The FFGs and AWDs will be in service
                         UW capability, in a regional security       approach, the Upgraded FFG Project             together for several years, and along
                         context that includes rapid qualitative     now appears to be on track to achieve          with the Anzac FFH, will provide the
                         and quantitative improvements to            delivery of ships to the Navy during           Navy and Australia with a small but
                         maritime capabilities, including the        late 2008 and during 2009 to meet the          potent surface combatant capability.
                         proliferation of submarines, the need       revised schedule.                                 The Upgraded FFG is a highly
                         for concerted tactical development             The Upgraded FFG presents a                 capable warship that is well constituted
                         efforts is compelling.                      higher level of surface combatant              to make a major contribution to
                                                                     capability than previously available           Australia’s maritime security over
                                                                     in the history of the RAN. For the             the next decade. FFG personnel will

                                                                                                                   Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
The most capable warships in the Navy’s history set to join the Fleet

                                              or upgraded facility or Upgraded Software       Sight: The RAN in the North Arabian Gulf,
continue to serve with pride and              conform to the requirements of the              Semaphore Issue 06, June 2008,  . The 40th separate deployment of
again become fully operational, now              3 ‘Initial Operational Release’ of           Australian naval surface forces to the
with much improved capability as              the capability is the milestone at which        international coalition in the Persian Gulf
                                              Chief of Navy (CN) on the advice and            area commenced in April 2008. Tasks
fighting ships.                              recommendation of the Fleet and Navy            have included enforcing United Nations
     Support from the following people        Systems Commanders, is satisfied that           trade sanctions through the imposition
                                              the operational and materiel state of the       of maritime blockade and participation
and organisations in the preparation of       Capability and associated deliverables          in naval strike and air defence operations
this article is gratefully acknowledged:      are sufficiently safe, fit-for-service and      during the two Gulf Wars. The FFGs
                                              environmentally compliant to proceed to         initially bore the brunt of this commitment.
Commander Craig Powell and the                the Naval Operational Test and Evaluation       However, recently the Anzac Class ships
team in HMAS Darwin; the Thales               (NOTE) period. It is also the milestone,        have been rotating through the northern
                                              where any delivery deficiencies with agreed     Gulf to meet the national commitment.
FFG Upgrade Project team including            contractual remedies are manageable within         14 Australian Government, Defence
Mr Chris Lloyd, Mr Damien Elford              the NOTE period and are appropriately           Materiel Organisation, op cit. The table was
                                              mitigated at this stage of the programme.       taken directly from the Project SEA 1390
and Mr Wayne Haynes; Commodore                Importantly, IOR also marks the change in       web summary in September 2008.
Drew McKinnie, Mr Mal Adams and               ownership from the DMO to Navy.                    15 Ibid.
                                                                                                 16 McPhedran, I. “$1.4b refit shipshape”
Mr Rob Richardson and others in                  (Endnotes)                                   Herald Sun, 30 June 2008, page 22. Greg
DMO; Commodore Ian Middleton and                 1 Australian Government, Department          Combet has been credited with adding
                                              of Defence, Defence Materiel Organisation,      impetus to progress of the FFG Upgrade
Captain Tony Partridge in the Surface
                                              Projects: SEA 1390 Ph 2.1 - FFG Upgrade         Project, particularly assisting with created
Combatant FEG; and Captain Luke               Project (FFG UP), 2 September, 2008.            a climate where ES system problems can be
                                               . A concise summary           17 Australian Government, Department
                                              of the FFG Upgrade Project and its history is   of Defence, The Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon
                                              provided at this reference.                     MP, Minister for Defence, 29 Jan 2008,
                                                 2 Australia Government, Defence 2000:        MIN80129/08, Speech by the Minister
                                              Our Future Defence Force, Commonwealth          for Defence at the Pacific 2008 Maritime
                                              of Australia, 2000, pp 117-118. In the 2000     Congress and Exposition, Sydney. The
                                              Defence White Paper the government              Minister stated that “The delays, cost
                                              committed to ‘..the same proportion of GDP      blow-outs and failure to deliver we’ve
                                              on defence as we are today. That remains        experienced in defence procurement in
                                              1.9 per cent.’ There was also an ongoing        recent years cannot be allowed to continue.”
                                              commitment for defence expenditure to           2 September, 2008.  .
                                              decade’.                                           18 Defense Industry Daily, 14 January,
Lee Cordner is a Principal Research              3 Australia Government, Department           2008, “Australia’s Hazard(ous) Frigate
                                              of Defence, Australia’s National Security:      Upgrade”, 2 September, 2008,  . This
Australian National Centre for Ocean          to changing strategic circumstances,            article is typical of the negative and critical
                                              Australian Government outlays on Defence        commentary found in “informed” defence
Resources and Security (ANCORS),              had risen to “2 per cent of GDP.” So far the    media.
University of Wollongong. He was              Rudd government has indicated a similar            19 This table was prepared from
                                              commitment.                                     information provided by DMO in May 2008.
formerly MD of Future Directions                 4 Australian Government, Department             20 These remarks were made to the
                                              of Defence, The Defence of Australia 1987,      author during a sea riding opportunity in
International Pty Ltd. A proud FFG            Australian Government Publishing Service,       June 2008 in HMAS Darwin.
                                              Canberra, March 1987, p 43.                        21 Initially SM 2 missiles will be
sailor, he served in HMA Ships Darwin,           5 Australian Government, Department          employed in the “home all the way” mode.
Sydney and Adelaide.                          of Defence, Force Structure Review,             The mid-course guidance facility is to be
                                              Australian Government Publishing Service,       incorporated in the near future.
                                              Canberra, May 1991, pp 15-16.                      22 Cobb, A. “East Timor and Australia’s
                                                 6 Ibid.                                      Security Role: Issues and Scenarios”, Current
                                                 7 Australian Government, Defence             Issues Brief 3, 1999-2000, Foreign Affairs,
                                              Materiel Organisation, op cit.                  Defence and Trade Group, Parliament of
                                                 8 Australian Government, Australia’s         Australia, Department of the Parliamentary
   1 ‘Provisional Acceptance’ is a
                                              Strategic Policy, Commonwealth of               Library, 21 September 1999. The Aegis-
contractual term that means a ship, system
                                              Australia, Canberra, 1997, p 62.                class cruiser USS Mobile Bay was available
or facility is passed from contractor to
                                                 9 Australian Government, Defence 2000:       to provide air defence cover,  .
known performance shortcomings are to be
                                                 11 Australia Government, Australia’s            23 Based on conversations with FFG
resolved by the contractor.
                                              National Security: A Defence Update 2007,       officers and Surface Combatant Force
   2 ‘Acceptance’ means certification by
                                              op cit, pp 50-51.                               Element Group staff.
the Project Authority that the Contractor
                                                 12 Ibid.                                        24 These remarks were made to the
has fulfilled its contractual obligations,
                                                 13 Sea Power Centre – Australia,             author during a sea riding opportunity in
subject to any omissions or defects listed,
                                              Department of Defence, Offshore and Out of      June 2008 in HMAS Darwin.
and that those Supplies or upgraded FFG

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
Issue 130                                                                                                                                                    15

  Operations                                                         develops an IO Annex in support of a         the development of the knowledge

  Management in the                                                  Joint CONOPS along with supporting
                                                                     elemental appendices as appropriate.
                                                                                                                  edge.’ It states that ‘A knowledge edge
                                                                                                                  will exist when there is a comparative

  RAN                                                                HQJOC disseminates the approved
                                                                     CONOPS to the tactical level via the
                                                                                                                  advantage in those factors that
                                                                                                                  influence decision making and its
  By Donald Deakin-Bell                                              component commanders in the form of          effective execution.’ 4. IO is a major
                                                                     an Operational Instruction (OPINST)          means that enables a force to have such
                                                                     containing the IO Annex. The IO              a knowledge edge over adversaries.

  W            e live in the Information
               Age, where the ability to use
  information is the mark of a country’s
                                                                     implementation is chiefly carried out
                                                                     by tactical level units.
                                                                        The RAN is involved in the
                                                                                                                     The RAN is increasingly operating
                                                                                                                  in the littoral environment, with a
                                                                                                                  focus on such activities as operations
  economic and social superiority.                                   implementation of these IO Annexes           other than war including peacekeeping
  Superior Information Technology                                    instructions using its tactical level        and constabulary operations and is also
  and analysis is the key to an advanced                             units and capabilities, yet generally has    significantly improving its amphibious
  nation’s competitive advantage. This                               not been involved in the development         operations capability. This is a major
  is also true for a nation’s military                               of the instructions that it has to           change from the mid ocean blue water
  competitive advantage.                                             implement as it has few people trained       focus of the Cold War. In order for
      Information superiority in the                                 as IO Staff officers and no personnel        the RAN to create a knowledge edge
  military environment is created by the             Blue water      allocated to HQJOC IO planning.              to meet the challenges of Littoral
  Hard Art of Soft War1 the conduct of             engagements          The RAN has capabilities and              Operations, the integrated capability
  Information Operations (IO). ADDP                                  interests in many of the areas of IO,        offered by IO is needed. IO is a classic
                                                    will become
  3.13, Information Operations states that                           especially Electronic Warfare (EW),          asymmetric force multiplier, which
  IO ‘is not a capability in its own right,
                                                    increasingly     Computer Network Operations                  can either be used by our opponents
  but a collection of capabilities brought      rare… just prior     (CNO)/Information Assurance (IA),            or by us.
  together and focused for a specific             to the Battle of   Military Deception, Operational                 The important thing for the RAN
  effect’ 2.                                          Leyte Gulf.    Security (OPSEC) and Protective              to realise is that as CAPT Wayne P.
                                                                     Security. The RAN does not co-               Hughes states in his seminal book
                                                      Ships are,
  IO is                                                              ordinate these capabilities when it          on Fleet Tactics, ‘It is relatively rare
  The integrated employment of the
                                                     from left to    conducts operations, rather each             for two fleets to meet simply and
  core capabilities of electronic warfare,       right: Musashi,     capability operates as a separate entity.    specifically to gain control of the sea.
  computer network operations,                  Yamato, a cruiser                                                 In most cases one side or the other
  psychological operations, military                and Nagato.      Why IO is important                          has to deal directly and immediately
  deception and operations security,                                 So why is IO important to RAN? RAN           with an object on land’5. The object of
                                                 (Courtesy of Mr.
  in concert with specified supporting                               Doctrine 1, Australian Maritime              the threat or use of military power is
  and related capabilities to influence,
                                                Kazutoshi Hando,     Doctrine talks about the ‘Revolution         to persuade an opponent to do your
  disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial           1970.US Naval      in Military Affairs being drive by the       bidding. If this can be done without
  human and automated decision                  Historical Center    information revolution..’ and the ‘high      force, so much the better.
  making while protecting our own          3.
                                                   Photograph)       priority being placed by the ADF on             This paper proposes a means of
      IO is an integral part of Effects                                                                           managing Information Operations
  Based Operations (EBO), thus a major                                                                            within the RAN.
  departure from the platform based                                                                                  Military Forces are used by the
  mindset that pervades the RAN.                                                                                  Australian Government to pursue
      Information Operations are a                                                                                National Policy in the international
  “Whole-of-Government” development,                                                                              arena as a means of projecting
  beginning with Shaping and                                                                                      National Power and persuading other
  Influencing (S&I) conducted at the                                                                              nations and non state players to agree
  strategic-level and communicated                                                                                to Australian goals. The spectrum of
  to the operational-level, HQJOC, in                                                                             use of the military ranges from co-
  the form of a Strategic Shaping and                                                                             operative regional engagement with
  Influencing Plan (SSIP). HQJOC                                                                                  other nations, through constabulary

                                                                                                                 Journal of the Australian Naval Institute
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