The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...

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The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
The preshower and the muon
detection system of the IDEA
 detector for FCC-ee

 Marco Poli Lener
 On behalf of uRWELL R&D group
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
Future Circular Collider @ CERN

 “Europe, together with its international
 partners, should investigate the technical
 and financial feasibility of a future hadron
 collider at CERN with a √s ∼100 TeV and
 with an e-e+ Higgs and electroweak factory
 as a possible first stage.”
 Proton-proton: signal in a large background

 International FCC collaboration with CERN as
 host lab to study:
 • ~100 km tunnel infrastructure in Geneva area,
 linked to CERN
 • e+e- collider (FCC-ee),
 as potential first step
 • pp-collider (FCC-hh)
  long-term goal, defining infrastructure

 e+e-: clear signal and close kinematics
28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 2
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
IDEA detector layout
 IDEA detector is a general purpose detector designed for experiments at future e+e- colliders (FCCee and CepC).

 Tiles: 50x50 cm2 with X-Y readout
 Strip length: 50cm
 Strip pitch: 0.4mm
 Input FEE capacity ~ 70 pF

 TOT: 330 m2, 1.5×10 6 FEE channels

 Muon detector
 Tiles: 50x50 cm2 with X-Y readout
 Strip length: 50cm
 Strip pitch: 1.5mm
 Input FEE capacity ~ 270 pF

 TOT: 4000 m2, 5×10 6 FEE channels

 ● Efficiency ≥ 98%
 ● Space resolution ≤ 100 µm (pre-shower)
 ≤ 400 µm (muon)
 ● Mass production  Technology Trasfer to Industry
 ● Reduction of FEE channels →surface resistivity
 FEE Cost reduction →custom made ASIC (TIGER)
 Preshower and Muon Apparatus designed

 with the µ-RWELL technology
28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 3
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
Why a new Micro-Pattern Gas Detector

 The R&D on µ-RWELL detector(*) is mainly motivated by the wish of improving

 stability under irradiation  discharge containment

 & simplify as much as possible the

 construction/assembly  time consuming /complex operation

 (*) G. Bencivenni et al., ʺThe micro-Resistive WELL detector: a compact spark-protected single amplification-stage MPGDʺ, 2015 JINST 10 P02008

28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 4
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
The μ-RWELL: detector scheme
 The μ-RWELL is a Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) composed of only two elements: the μ-RWELL_PCB and the cathode.
 The core is the μRWELL_PCB realized by coupling three different elements:




 1 a WELL patterned kapton foil acting as
 amplification stage (GEM-like)

 2 a resisitive DLC layer(*) (Diamond Like Carbon) for
 discharge suppression w/surface resistivity ~ 50÷100
 3 a standard readout PCB (*) The DLC foils are currently provided by the Japan Company – BeSputter-

28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 5
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
The μ-RWELL: principle of operation

 Applying a suitable voltage between the top Cu-layer and the DLC
 the WELL acts as a multiplication channell for the ionization
 produced in the conversion/drift gas gap.

 Introduction of the resistive stage:
 Pros: suppression of the transition from streamer to spark
 → Spark amplitude reduction
 Cons: reduction of the capability to stand high particle fluxes.
 But an appropriate grounding schemes of the resistive layer solves
 this problem (see next slide)

 Comparison between the current
 Single GEM uRWELL drawn by a single GE M and a μ-
 RWELL at various gas gain.

 The black spikes are the sparks in the
 detectors, clearly dumped in the μ-
 RWELL for higher gains

28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 6
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
µRWELL performance overview
 Gain up to 104 Rate Capability (@ G= 5000) ∼ 5-10 MHz/cm2

 Low stat.

 Efficiency ∼ 98% Discharge probability ∼ 10-13 @ 4000 Space resolution ∼ 100 µm
28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 7
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
Simulation of the Pre-Shower and Muon appatar
 • General description of a μRWELL detector element implemented in Geant4
 • Full barrel geometry implemented
 • Preliminary studies to define the endcap geometry
 • Everything in a standalone code
Muon detector
 • work just started
Fine details (e.g., dead spaces, modularity) will be handled at reconstruction level
The final description, including a simple implementation of the return yoke of the
solenoid, will be done within the official IDEA framework
A Machine Learning tracking algorithms will be developed to improve detector resolution

 A parametric simulation, which includes diffusion, transparency, gain, induction and readout electronics has been
 The effect of the resistive layer, describing the charge dispersion at the anode which depends on the time
 constant determined by the DLC surface resistivity and the capacitance per unit area(*), will be tuned with a Test
 Beam compaign data (end of 2021 @ CERN SPS-H8)
 (*)Dixit et al. Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A566:281-285,2006

28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 8
The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
Charge spread optimization
 Charge Centroid method
 APV & 400 μm strip pitch
 R&D 2021 plan: measurement of the space
 resolution as a function of the detector surface
 resistivity for different pitch 0.4mm (pre-shower) and
 ≥ 0.8 mm (muon).

The space resolution exhibits a minimum around 100MΩ/□
  at low resistivity the charge spread increases and then σ is worsening
  at high resistivity the charge spread is too small (Cl_size  1 fired strip)
 then the Charge Centroid method becomes no more effective (σ  pitch/√12)
 Beam test
 Setup sketch

 Beam test planned for October 2021:
 H8-SpS test area @ CERN, 10x10cm2 muon beam

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The preshower and the muon detection system of the IDEA detector for FCC-ee - Marco Poli Lener On behalf of uRWELL R&D group - DESY ...
Short and Long term plans
 Pre-Shower status:
 Design completed (pitch strip 0.4 mm, width 0.15 mm)
 DLC foils (ρ = 10, 30, 50, 70, >100 MΩ/□)
 Muon status:
 Design compledet (pitch strip 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 mm, width 0.15 mm)
 DLC foils (ρ = 15-30 MΩ/□)
 Production concluded by the end of August
 H8-Sps Beam Test (October 2021)

 Future plans (‘22-’25):
 Design of bi-dimensional u-RWELL with final dimension (50x50 cm2)
 Develop Custom made ASIC (TIGER FEE)
 Test and validation of both pre-shower and muon protos with cosmic rays
 and beam tests
 Technological Transfer to Industry: engineering mass production
 process together with ELTOS
 New DLC machine Production @ CERN
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DLC production & Technology Transfer to Industry
 The engineering and industrialization of the µ-RWELL technology is one of the main objective of the project
 DLC production @ CERN Detector production @ ELTOS
DLC @ Be-Sputter (Kyoto - Japan)

 CERN-INFN joint DLC facility
  MOU close to approval

 1.9x1.2m2 (GE2/1) µ-RWELL
 Max foil size: 1 × 4.5 m2 Production Tests @ ELTOS (

 Max foil size: 2 × 0.6 m2

 In operation within June 2022

 Technological Transfer is in progress with the purpose of a detector mass production

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Summary and outlook
 The μ-RWELL is a single-amplification stage, spark-protected resistive MPGD based on a breakthrough
 technology suitable for very large area planar tracking devices.

 • Gain up to 104
 • Good efficiency obtained (~97%)
 • Rate capability up to 10 MHz/cm2
 • Time resolution down to 5.7 ns
 • Space resolution down to 100 μm in a large range of incidence angles of the tracks, with the combination of
 CC and μ-TPC algorithms
 • Ageing studies on going
 • The TT to Industry is in progress with the purpose to make the device cost-effective

 A road map up to 2025 has been defined for simulation, the detector R&D, the
 test activity and Technological Transfer

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28/07/2021 M. Poli Lener – EPS-HEP Conference 2021 13
Proton-proton collisions vs. e+e- collisions

 g t
 g t


 Proton-proton: signal in a large background
 p-p collisions e+e- collisions

Proton is compound object e+/e- are point-like
 Initial state not known event-by-  Initial state well defined (E, p)
event  High-precision measurements
 Limits achievable precision
High rates of QCD backgrounds Clean experimental environment
 Complex triggering schemes  Trigger-less readout
 High levels of radiation  Low radiation levels

High cross-sections for colored-states Superior sensitivity for electro-weak states

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 e+e-: clear signal and close kinematics 14
Principle of operation
Applying a suitable voltage between the top Cu-layer and the
DLC the “WELL” acts as a multiplication channel for the
ionization produced in the conversion/drift gas gap.

 The charge induced on the resistive foil is
 dispersed with a time constant, τ ~ ρ×C
 [M.S. Dixit et al., NIMA 566 (2006) 281]:
 • the DLC surface resistivity  ρ
 • the capacitance per unit area, which depends on the distance between the resistive foil and the
 pad/strip readout plane  t
 • the dielectric constant of the insulating medium  εr = × × 
 • The main effect of the introduction of the resistive stage is the suppression of the transition from
 streamer to spark, with a consequent reduction of the spark-amplitude
 • As a drawback, the capability to stand high particle fluxes is reduced, but appropriate grounding
 schemes of the resistive layer solves this problem (see High Rate layouts)

Discharge studies
The µ-RWELL discharge probability
measured at the PSI, and compared with
the measurement done with GEM at the
same time and in the 2004 (same gas
mixture - Ar:CO2:CF4 45:15:40).
The measurement has been done in
current mode, with an intense 270 MeV/c Low stat.
π+ beam, with a proton contamination of
the 3.5%.
 A “discharge” has been defined as the current
 spike exceeding the steady current level
 correlated to the particle flux (~90 MHz on a
 ~5 cm2 beam spot size).
 The discharge probability for µ-RWELL comes
 out to be slightly lower than the one
 measured for GEM.
 Moreover its discharge amplitude seems to be
 lower than the one measured for GEM.
Ageing studies (on going)
GIF++ - Full area & Flux = 200 kHz/cm2 TB PSI – beam spot 9 cm2 – Flux= 10 MHz/cm2

X-Ray gun- spot 50 cm2 Flux(rx) = 700 kHz/cm2
 Integrate a charge up to 6 mC/cm2

 Slice test of u-RWELLs
 during RUN3 in the LHCb
 Muon APPARATUS under
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