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The Scientific Naturalist
The Scientific Naturalist
Ecology, 0(0), 2021, e03282
© 2021 by the Ecological Society of America

A shrubby resprouting pine with
serotinous cones endemic to south-
west China
  Manuscript received 23 May 2020; revised 22 October 2020;
accepted 13 November 2020. Corresponding Editor: John Pas-
    CIDE-CSIC, Moncada, Valencia, 46113 Spain
    Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University,
Kunming, 650091 China
    College of Urban and Environmental Science, MOE
Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, Peking University,
Beijing, 100871 China
    Corresponding Author. E-mail:

Citation: Pausas, J. G., W. Su, C. Luo, and Z. Shen. 2021. A
shrubby resprouting pine with serotinous cones endemic to
southwest China. Ecology 00(00):e03282. 10.1002/ecy.3282

Key words: fire ecology; pine shrublands; Pinus yunnanensis;
postfire resprouting; serotiny; Yunnan.

   The Yunnan Province of China is wet and warm
enough to support magnificent forests. However, many
mountains in the region are covered by a shrubland for-
mation dominated by an unusual pine, the shrubby and
multistemmed Pinus yunnanensis (Yunnan pine; Fig. 1).
This formation is natural, and not the product of forest
degradation; and fire appears to be a major factor
explaining the features of this pine. This region has a
subtropical monsoon climate influenced by both the               FIG. 1. The shrubby form of Pinus yunnanensis (var. pyg-
Indian Ocean Monsoon from the west, and the Pacific            mea) generates extensive shrublands (top). It has serotinous
                                                               cones (middle; tape reading = 57 cm) and resprouts after fire
Ocean Monsoon from the east. The climate has promi-
                                                               (bottom; 4 months postfire). Photos by C. Luo, W. Su, and J.
nent seasonality in temperature and precipitation, alter-      G. Pausas, respectively, in the Yunnan Province of China.
nating a warm dry season (December to May) with a hot
wet season (June to November; Chen et al. 2019). The
annual dry season creates conditions that can favor wild-      not just a product of recent human activity (see Shao
fires. Fires are currently common mainly between Febru-        et al. 2012 for evidence of paleofires in the region). These
ary and April (Zhao et al. 2009), with area burned             fire adaptations include (Fig. 1) serotiny (Su et al. 2015),
depending on the variations in annual precipitation            basal resprouting, and high precocity (
The Scientific Naturalist
Article e03282; page 2                        THE SCIENTIFIC NATURALIST                                 Ecology, Vol. xx, No. xx

emphasizes the importance of fire in the ecology of the             as the percentage of closed cones in relation to total
region (Su et al. 2015, Han et al. 2018).                           (open plus closed) cones. For P. y. pygmea we evaluated
   In the Yunnan Province, P. yunnanensis occurs in two             the resprouting capacity in the Lufeng County (Yunnan
growth forms: as a tree and as a shrub. They are consid-            province). To do so, we counted the number of basal
ered different varieties of the same species (var. yunna-           resprouts from 104 individuals distributed in different
nensis and var. pygmea, respectively) with markedly                 topographies, altitudes (ranging from 2,016 to 2,355 m
different heights (up to 30 m and up to 2 m, respec-                asl), and postfire ages (from 2 to 11 yr; for more details
tively; eFloras 2008). A third variety, a tree (up to 30 m)         see Luo et al. 2020). The results for both serotiny and
is found in adjacent provinces (var. tenuifolia; in                 resprouting are displayed in Fig. 2. Most of the individ-
Guangxi and Guizhou provinces; eFloras 2008). The                   uals of the shrubby variety (P. y. pygmea) have a high
tree growth form dominates the lower slopes of Yunnan,              proportion of serotiny cones (>80%; Figs. 1, 2a) and
and typically has a low serotiny level (i.e., many cones            resprout from the base after fire (Fig. 2b). This shrub
open at maturity) similar to the tree form in the adjacent          shows remarkably high precocity, with cones already
province (var. tenuifolia). Previous research observed              appearing in the second or third year after germination
that trees (var. yunnanensis) in drier environments have            (Fig. 1).
more serotinous cones than those in wetter environments                Serotiny is common among pines (He et al. 2012,
(Su et al. 2019), suggesting a possible higher crown-fire           Lamont et al. 2020) while resprouting is rare, so pines
frequency in drier habitats (Hernandez-Serrano et al.              with both serotiny and resprouting are even rarer (Kee-
2013). The shrub form is unusual among pines; it occurs             ley and Zedler 1998, Rodrıguez-Trejo and Fule 2003,
mainly in upper slopes and ridges, where soils are poor             Pausas 2015). In fact, postfire resprouting capacity in
and dry, and fires are likely. In such conditions, it forms         pines (either from epicormic or from basal buds) typi-
extensive shrublands of this peculiar multistemmed pine             cally only occurs when individuals are young, with the
(Fig. 1).                                                           extraordinary exception of Pinus canariensis that has a
   In order to determine the propensity for serotiny                strong epicormic resprouting capacity at any age (Pausas
among the different varieties of P. yunnanensis, we stud-           and Keeley 2017) in addition to some serotiny (Climent
ied 24 populations of P. y. yunnanensis (696 trees, Yun-            et al. 2004). When resprouting from epicormic buds, the
nan province), 13 populations of P. y. pygmea (371                  main stem of this pine survives (i.e., it remains as a tree);
individuals, Yunnan province), and 9 populations of P.              when resprouting from basal buds, pines may develop
y. tenuifolia (219 trees, in Guangxi province). The sam-            more than one stem, so with time they may appear as
pling was performed by Su et al. (2015; including unpub-            several trees together (or one of the stems dominates);
lished sites available at Data S1). For each individual, we         but in any case, they mostly remain as trees. However, P.
counted the number of open and closed cones in three                yunnanensis can acquire the physiognomy of a multi-
main branches; then the level of serotiny was calculated            stemmed shrub with high resprouting and high serotiny,

   FIG. 2. Variability of serotiny (proportion of closed cones) in the three varieties of Pinus yunnanensis (a) and variability in the
number of basal resprouts in P. y. pygmea (b). Resprouting data refers to the number of resprouts observed among 104 P. y. pygmea
plants with postfire age ranging from 2 to 11 yr. Variability in serotiny is shown as bean plots (with density shape in gray) and box-
plots (in blue; with the horizontal line representing the median). Elaborated from data in Su et al. (2015, 2019), Luo et al. (2020),
and Data S1.
Xxxxx 2021                                     THE SCIENTIFIC NATURALIST                                      Article e03282; page 3

and forms extensive shrublands where fires are frequent               Chen, F., Z. Fan, S. Niu, and J. Zheng. 2014. The influence of
(var. pygmea; Fig. 1). Other shrubs with these traits are               precipitation and consecutive dry days on burned areas in
found in the family Proteaceae (Pausas and Lamont                       Yunnan province, southwestern China. Advances in Meteo-
                                                                        rology 2014:748923.
2018, Lamont et al. 2020). In P. yunnanensis, the spatial             Chen, L., Q. Dou, Z. Zhang, and Z. Shen. 2019. Moisture con-
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increasing interest, as it provides insights on the role of             fire regeneration of a fire-prone subtropical mixed Yunnan
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in each variety? Are forward and backward evolutionary                He, T., J. G. Pausas, C. M. Belcher, D. W. Schwilk, and B. B.
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rano et al. 2012) and has a genetic basis (Castellanos                  and J. G. Pausas. 2013. Fire structures pine serotiny at differ-
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                                                                      Keeley, J. E., and P. H. Zedler. 1998. Evolution of life histories in
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the base (from a lignotuber) when young, forming a mul-               Lamont, B. B., J. G. Pausas, T. He, E. T. F. Witkowski, and M.
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                                                                      Li, S.-Y., X.-N. Li, S.-H. Li, G.-J. Jin, Q. Zhou, X.-L. Hu, and
Research is needed to understand the variability in                     Q.-H. Wang. 2007. Flame retardancy of wood bark from
growth forms and fire response in the Yunnan pine fully.                Keteleeria evelyniana, Pinus yunnanensis and Pinus armandii
Common garden experiments, including perturbation,                      in Yunnan Province. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
could help to disentangle the genetic and environmental                 24:192–197 [in Chinese, with abstract in English].
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                                                                        and Y. Jiang. 2020. Determinants of post-fire regeneration
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contribute to understanding selection gradients at land-                Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment 142605.
scape scale. In any case, P. yunnanensis is a key species     
for further improving our understanding of fire-driven                Pausas, J. G. 2015. Evolutionary fire ecology: lessons learned
evolution in pines, and adds to the diversity of fire strate-           from pines. Trends in Plant Science 20:318–324.
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                                                                        2012. Fires enhance flammability in Ulex parviflorus. New
                       ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                  Phytologist 193:18–23.
                                                                      Pausas, J. G., and J. E. Keeley. 2017. Epicormic resprouting in
  This study was sponsored by the National Natural Science              fire-prone ecosystems. Trends in Plant Science 22:1008–1015.
Foundation of China (Project No. 41971228).                           Pausas, J. G., and B. B. Lamont. 2018. Ecology and biogeogra-
                                                                        phy in 3D: the case of the Australian Proteaceae. Journal of
                                                                        Biogeography 45:1469–1477.
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Ying, L. X. 2017. Spatiotemporal patterns and determinants of          Additional supporting information may be found in the
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  University, Beijing, China [in Chinese, with abstract in Eng-      doi/10.1002/ecy.3282/suppinfo
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