THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

Page created by Troy Hicks
THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

                                                                         June 2015

                                                  THE SOURCE
                                                   LA SOURCE
                                                         Dam Lake Association Newsletter

                               Message from Your President

I am looking forward to chairing my first Annual General Meeting (AGM) coming up on July 12 for which
you will find all the necessary details in this Newsletter. What has your Executive team been up to since last
summer’s AGM? The best way to find out is by attending the AGM. This event is an excellent venue to
meet your cottage neighbours and Executive team members. It gives you the opportunity to voice your
concerns and to raise any questions you may have to make your Association stronger for the preservation
and conservation of our wonderful Lake. We certainly need your feedback and involvement to make your
Association as viable as possible and accessible to all! How can you do this? Very simply. Start by
attending the AGM and join the Association. If you want to go further, you can support your Executive
team by participating in a project or, even better, by joining the Executive team. The timing is great for
helping the team in either developing our Website, doing translation, helping out with buoys and water
testing or to launch new initiatives. The Association is as strong as its members’ involvement!
Mark your calendar for Sunday July 12 at 10 o’clock at the landing. The mayor of Val-des-Monts, Jacques
Laurin, has accepted our invitation to attend the AGM. Melanie Renaud of the Federation of Lakes will
also be at the meeting to talk to us about water quality and the Eurasian Water Milfoil Project (See article
on page 8 of this Newsletter).
I also want to take this opportunity to thank the Dam Lake Landing Association who has graciously accepted
once again that we hold our AGM on their premises.
Looking forward to meet you at the AGM!
Best regards,
Serge Gascon, President
                          Ps: In case of rain on July 12 the AGM will be held on July 19

                                                Table of Contents
                                         Message from Your President 1
                                            Water Sampling Reports 2
                               Annual Membership Dues & Annual General Meeting 3
                                         Tips for Greener Dishwashing 4
                                          Trout Fishing Regulations 5, 6
                                     Who Cooks for You? – The Barred Owl 7
                                  Eurasian Water-Milfoil Identification Project 8
                                                Announcements 9

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THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

           Spring 2015 Water Sampling for Total Phosphorus Report
Total phosphorus provides an indication of phosphate levels in our lake. Phosphates provide essential nutrients for
the growth of plankton and aquatic plants. These organisms are at the base of the food chain and play an essential
role in the ecosystem. However, if the phosphate levels get too high (caused by fertilizers and many
detergents/soaps entering the lake), growth of algae will increase. This will reduce the clarity of the lake water and
lead to the death of fish and other aquatic species. For further details, please check out the following link for an
Environment Canada article on Phosphorus in Canada’s Aquatic Ecosystems.
The 2015 average Phosphorus reading is 0.011 mg/L. Aside from a spike in 2012 the levels have remained relatively
                                                                       constant and are well below the maximum
                                                                       recommended total phosphorus concentrations
                                                                       of 0.020 mg/L. Continued vigilance is absolutely
                                                                       necessary to ensure our activities on the water
                                                                       and in and around our cottages do not increase
                                                                       phosphate levels. We all must continue to do
                                                                       our part by using phosphate free cleaning
                                                                       products and by not using any fertilizers in our
                                                                       gardens and lawns. Phosphate free cleaning
                                                                       products continue to be readily available in
                                                                       Ontario and Quebec. Your Lake Executive will
                                                                       continue to monitor phosphorus levels.

                                      E.coli (Bacteria) Testing
The Executive regrets that for a variety of reasons the            provided below. They indicate consistent excellent
water was not tested for E.coli Bacteria last year. The            water quality for swimming.
tests will be done this Summer and the results
                                                                   E. coli Testing Trend - Past Five Years (cfu/100 ml)
reported in the Fall 2015 Update. We are sorry for
this to have happened. Previous test results are                    Year          2009      2010     2011     2012        2013
                                                                    Range         1-12       0-6      0-8
THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

      Annual Dues                                                   Annual General Meeting & BBQ
        Cottage - $35.00                                                                Location: Watson’s Landing
       Vacant lot - $20.00                                                                     Chemin des Insulaires
Please make your cheque payable                                                           (where the islanders park,
   to the Dam Lake Association.                                                     near the channel to Grand Lake)
                                                                                   Sunday July 12, 2015 @ 10:00 am
 If you will not be attending the                                                          Rain Date: Sunday July 19
      AGM, please send your
       membership fee to:                                           Guests: Jacques Laurin, Mayor of Val-des-Monts
       Marc Caron,                                             and Melanie Renaud, Coordinator, Federation of Lakes
       11 Impasse Des Iris,
       Gatineau, QC, J8R 2C1                                              Don’t forget your coffee mug & lawn chair

           *********                                                            Prizes for children attending the BBQ
                                                                                    The annual BBQ follows the AGM
If there are any changes to your                                                  for paid members, family & friends
   contact information, please
complete the membership form,                                Soft Drinks will be provided. Beer and Wine will be sold.
 included in the Spring Update.
                                        Thanks to the Dam Lake Landing Association for the use of their property for
                                                                                    the Annual Meeting and BBQ.

                                    Membership has its Benefits
                          Spread the word. Invite your neighbours to join our Association.

Benefits of Lake Association Membership
1. water testing (for swimming/recreation purposes)         7. lake map and directory
2. promotes boat safety                                     8. yellow courtesy buoys
3. promotes preservation of                                     marking shallows
   our lake                                                 9. Annual General Meeting to
4. liaises with the Municipality                                discuss current news/issues
5. liaises with neighbouring Lake Associations              10. Annual Lake Barbeque
6. Annual Newsletter and electronic communications          11. promotes neighbourhood watch

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THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

                                Tips for Greener Dishwashing

             How to lighten the load on your well and septic—not to mention your power bill.
                 Here are some dish washing tips for the resource-conserving cottager.

Doing the dishes                                                      The delayed-start feature allows you to run the
                                                                       dishwasher at off-peak hours when energy
   When washing by hand, use the two-bath                             demand is low.
    method for best water and energy conservation:                    Some washers have sensors that minimize
    wash in one tub of hot water and detergent,                        waste by reading how dirty the dishes are and
    rinse another tub of cold. Don’t let the water                     gauging the amount of washing necessary.
    run.                                                              Install your dishwasher (and your stove, by the
   Invest in a resource-friendly dishwasher. They                     way) away from the refrigerator (the fridge has
    use up to 10 times less the amount of water and                    to work harder with a hot and steamy
    energy as washing by hand.                                         neighbour).
   Whichever way you wash them, use detergent
    free of chlorine and phosphates to protect your                                       ****
    septic and the lake. Choose products marked
    with the EcoLogo symbol.                                           The above is a condensed version of an article
   Scrape your dishes. Rinsing or soaking dishes is                   written by Ray Ford. Its inclusion in this
    usually not necessary, unless food is caked or                     Newsletter was suggested by Jonathan Valiant,
    burned on. Never let food dry on your dishes.                      a Dam Lake Cottager.
   Use energy-saving cycles, including the air-dry
    setting. The latter consumes between 15 and
    50 per cent less energy. Your washer’s manual
    will have hints on running it at maximum
   If you are using an older, less-efficient machine,
    open the door after the last rinse cycle to let the
    dishes air-dry with no energy use.
   Regularly clean the food gunk out of the filter at
    the bottom of your dishwasher.
   Only run the dishwasher when full. Use the
    hand-washing method for the smaller jobs.

Choosing/installing an energy-efficient dishwasher

   Today’s dishwashers use about 95% less energy
    than those built in the early 1970s. Replacing
    your old clunker with an Energy Star-qualified
    dishwasher will help cut back your water and
    energy usage.
   Look for models with energy-saving features
    (such as short, light, or economy cycles).

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THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

                              Lake Trout Fishing Regulations
                                            By Marcel Renaud

The two main culprits impacting the trout                inches). The success of these actions was reflected
population are water quality and sport fishing.          in an increase in the trout population from 1988 to
Your Association continues to promote the                2007. However, the latest studies, carried out
importance of maintaining water quality. The             between 2008 and 2012, now indicate that the
following article deals with new fishing                 number of lake trout have again declined
regulations regarding trout sport fishing.               significantly, which is why new rules and
                                                         regulations have come into effect. They were
           Lake trout fishing regulations                introduced on April 1, 2014 and will remain in
                                                         effect until the end of 2020 season.
Although Lake Trout can reach a large size, it is a
fish that grows very slowly compared to other                        The reasons for the decline
sport fish in Quebec. For example, a trout
measuring 20.5 inches (52 cm) will take 20 years to      First of all, each body of water is unique and many
reach this size, while a similar length of pike living   factors may create a negative impact on trout
in the same lake will take 8 years.                      populations. However, biologists are clear; - water
A second striking feature of trout regards sexual        quality and sport fishing are the main culprits.
maturity. In Quebec, trout is able to breed for the      Phosphorus and nitrogen found in soaps and
first time in his life at the age of 10 years. Before    fertilizers lead to a strong decomposition of organic
that age, it is impossible for her to lay eggs or        matter, reducing the oxygen available to trout. The
spread roe. By comparison, pike is able to               culprits here are people who use fertilizer too close
reproduce at the age of 5 to 6 years. No need to         to rivers and lakes, and those who do not have
say that lake trout is more vulnerable than other        sealed septic tanks.
fish.                                                    However, according to biologists, sport fishing is
For several years, biologists have been keeping an       the major cause of the decline of trout in our lakes.
eye on the trout populations. A census is regularly      Why? The rules that existed before 2014 led to
done on various lakes in our province. All data          several specimens being caught and consumed
from different lakes are analyzed and stored. It is      while they had been able to reproduce only once in
with these results that biologists learned that trout    their lives. It is clear that the pre-2014 regulations
were over-fished in the early 1980. After this           were not the most eco-friendly option for a fish
review, the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment,     species to proliferate adequately.
Wildlife and Parks responded by introducing a            Fish biologists do not know all the reasons why
range of protected sizes from 35 to 50 cm (14 to 20      trout populations suffered a decline between 2008

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THE SOURCE LA SOURCE June 2015 - Lac Dam Lake

and 2012. However, it should be recognized that           allowed, even for perch, pike and walleye, if trout
the growing popularity of sport fishing is a factor       is present in the lake.
that has contributed to this descent. Fishing gear        So fishermen friends, please respect these rules
and techniques have also evolved, which probably          and we can enjoy the fun of fishing for trout for
helped improve success for the fisherman, but at          years to come, while still being able to capture
the expense of lake trout.                                interesting size trout. Do not forget to always
                                                          respect the catch limits (2) per fisherman, and to
                 New regulations:                         always have in your possession your fishing license
                                                          and all of your boating safety equipment.
New regulations for trout fishing have been in effect
since the summer of 2014. Limited quantities, catch
and release of specimens of smaller sizes have been
established for the practice of trout sport fishing.
They also call for increased awareness on the part of
fishermen to respect the regulations of the Ministry
of Sustainability, Environment, Wildlife and Parks.
As mentioned earlier, grey trout fishermen should
expect to return to the water more fish in the                       Other important information:
different fishing areas, -- Dam and Grand Lakes are
part of zone 10. In short, trout with a total length      Grey Trout fishing season: 24/04/2015 to
of 45 cm or more (18 inches or more) may be               13/09/2015.
retained. For the regulations on the lengths              Catch limit: 2 grey trout per fisherman (only trout
permitted in other areas of Quebec, visit the             that is more than more than 45cm (18 inches) may
website ( for those who             be retained)
prefer the phone, you can call 1-877-346-6763 to          Pike fishing season: 15/05/2015 to 03/31/2016.
get assistance.                                           Catch limit: 6 in total; no size limit.

          Abolition of ice fishing on lakes                              Fishing permits costs:

The research is clear; fishing for trout is almost        Residents - less than 65 years $29.84
twice as productive in Winter as opposed to               Non Residents                 $76.84
Summer. One could even say that in this period            Non Residents 3 days          $30.79
trout is most vulnerable. Indeed, it has been shown
that 2 to 4 years of natural production of trout
could be wiped out in a single day of ice fishing. In       For other additional information and regulations,
addition it was noted that 2/3 of catches from the            please visit to the website of the Ministry of
winter specimens were about to become sexually                            Natural Resources at:
mature. It is for these reasons that the practice of
ice fishing is completely prohibited for all lakes in         online/wildlife/fishing-regulations/index.asp
Zone 10 and other areas in Quebec, where trout is
present in the lake. There will be no ice fishing

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                         Who Cooks for You? - The Barred Owl
                                      Jill Allan
                                                           Courtship begins in February and breeding occurs
Late at night you mostly likely have heard the Barred
                                                           between March and August. The male chases after the
Owl’s distinct call around the lake. Like someone
                                                           female with hooting and screeching calls. He will sway
calling out ‘Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you
                                                           back and forth, raising his wings, while sidling along a
                                                           branch. Courtship includes feeding and mutual
Other vocals from                                          preening.
this bird include a
                                                           The female will lay 2-4 white, round eggs which are
loud, drawn-out
                                                           almost perfectly round. The incubation period lasts
hoo-waaah that
                                                           28-33 days. During this time the male brings food to
gradually fades
                                                           the female while she is on the nest.
away; it may be
preceded by an                                             At 4 weeks, the young will venture out of the nest, but
ascending agitated                                         they are not yet able to fly. They crawl out of the nest
barking. Two or                                                                                   using their beak
more owls may call                                                                                and talons to sit
back and forth; the                                                                               on branches.
female’s voice is
                                                                                                 They fledge at
higher pitched.
                                                                                                 5-6 weeks.
Although the vocal
                                                                                                 Parents care for
performance is predominately a nighttime event, calls
                                                                                                 the young for at
may be heard during the day as well.
                                                                                                 least 4 months,
This stocky built, dark-eyed bird stands 20" tall with a                                         much longer
wingspan of 42” and weighs 0.5-1.0 kg. It is gray-                                               than most other
brown in colour, with cross barring on the neck and                                              Owls. The young
breast and vertical streaks (bars) on the body. The        tend to disperse very short distances, usually less than
sexes are similar in plumage. The female is larger.        10km, before settling. Pairs mate for life. Territories
                                                           (which are 85-365 hectares in size) and nest sites are
They prefer low, wet woods and swampy forests. The
                                                           maintained for many years.
range of the Barred Owl stretches as far west as
British Columbia, east to Nova Scotia and south to         Similar to what we have been experiencing on Dam
northern California, Texas and Florida.                    Lake, the population has been stable to increasing.
Barred Owls have been known to live up to 32 years in
captivity and 10 years in the wild. The Great Horned
Owl is their only natural enemy.
It’s difficult to get a good view of this bird as during   ng/barred-owl/
the day it is perched high and well hidden in thick
groves of trees and will usually fly away at any           bdow.htm
disturbance. It may also be very aggressive when 
defending its nest which is most often in tree hollows.    cies=varia
They hunt at night, feeding on small mammals, birds,
amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. Their flight is
heavy and direct, with slow, methodical wing beats.

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                    Eurasian Water-Milfoil Identification Project
                                                Eric Lugtigheid

MRC Project
                                                                Thick mats of Eurasian water-milfoil can make
Our Lake Association has been invited by the MRC                 recreational activities such as swimming, boating
des Collines-de-l’Outaouais to participate in a                  and fishing difficult or impossible.
Eurasian Water-Milfoil Identification Project. Twelve           Dense stands can create stagnant water, which is
lakes in the region will be part of this project. This           ideal habitat for mosquitoes.
project aims to better understand the extent of the             Economic damage has been estimated in the
presence of this invasive aquatic plant in Dam Lake.             millions of dollars every year.
We will hear more about this MRC project at the

What is Eurasian Water-Milfoil

Eurasian water-milfoil (Latin name: Myriophyllum
spicatum) is native to Europe, Asia and northern
Africa. It was Introduced to North American in the
19th century, and is now one of the most widely             How to Identify Eurasian Water-Milfoil
distributed invasive aquatic
plants on the continent.                                        The plant is a perennial that grows under the
The plant thrives in shallow                                     water surface.
water, one to three metres                                      Feather-like green leaves circle the stem in
deep. It can form dense                                          groups of four or five.
underwater mats that                                            Leaves have 12 or more thread-like segments.
shade other aquatic plants.                                     Tiny, reddish flowers grow on spikes five to 20
On die- off in the fall, the                                     centimetres long that rise above the water.
decaying plants reduce                                          The plant blooms in late July and early August.
oxygen levels in the water.
                                                            What can be done about it
The plant can interbreed                                    The solution depends on the prevalence of the
with native milfoils, creating an aggressive form of        species in the system. The first step therefore is to
the invasive species. Because tiny plant pieces can         ascertain the extent of the problem. Success has
develop into new plants, Milfoil spreads when water         been had with collecting the plant by hand and/or
currents, boat propellers, trailers or fishing gear carry   covering the underwater areas where the plant
plant fragments to new areas. Milfoil reproduces            occurs with burlap. Most importantly, the problem
extremely rapidly and can infest an entire lake within      needs addressing before it grows so large that it
two years of its introduction to the system.                overcomes the capacity of the lake to handle it.
Impacts of Eurasian Water-Milfoil
   The plant reduces biodiversity by competing             aquatic/eurasian-water-milfoil/
    aggressively with native plants.              
   Reduced oxygen levels in the water caused by  
    decomposing plants can kill fish.                       tml

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Updated Lake Directory An up-to-date directory is included in the mailing accompanying this
newsletter. Send any changes of your contact information to
or by surface mail to the attn. of Eric Lugtigheid, 702-401 Golden Ave, Ottawa, ON, K2A 1H4.

New Internet Service Provider Digicom Wireless Internet Plans are offered now to Dam Lake
residents. Contact Digicom at 1-877-534-0666 for available program offerings, prices and conditions.

Boating Proof of Competency Transport Canada requires that anyone operating a motorized pleasure
craft must carry proof of competency on board, such as a Pleasure Craft Operator Card. For more information,
visit or call 613-722-8899 or 1-866-688-2628.

Boat Launching Services by the Dam Lake Landing Association Boat launching service will
be offered exclusively to members of the Dam Lake and Grand Lake Associations at a cost of $20 to launch and
$20 retrieve. Please note: this service is for seasonal launching and retrieval only. Please contact Peter Kearns
@ 819-671-4049 at least 48 hours in advance to arrange a mutually agreed upon time.

A call for stories and/or photographs of early days on Lac Dam In past Newsletters we
have had some wonderful articles and stories of days gone by on our lake. You may have some stories yourself,
old photographs at your cottage and/or know someone who does. Newer cottagers and residents love to hear
about what the lake was like years ago. If you have stories and/or photographs, please consider sharing them in
one of our annual newsletters. Deadline for next year’s submissions is April 1st, 2016. Please send to your
contributions to

 Association      President:      Serge Gascon            819-561-2302 (res.) 819-743-5869 (cell)
 Executive        Directors:      Marc Caron              819-743-5456
                                  Serge Tasse             819-671-3274
                                  Jill Allan              613-612-6117
                                  Eric Lugtigheid         613-728-8027 (res.) 819-671-9995 (cott.)
                                  Marcel Renaud           819-986-7258

A call for nominees / volunteers for the Association Executive We have openings on the
Executive this coming year. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the Association. If you yourself or
someone you know may be interested please contact Serge Gascon or one of the Directors (above). Thank you.

                                               Words of Thanks
The Editor would like to thank the contributors of this year’s special features to the newsletter. Marcel Renaud
 for his article on ‘Trout Fishing Regulations’, Jill Allan for her ‘Who Cooks for You?’ article on Barred Owls and
                               Jonathan Valiant for the ‘Tips on Greener Dishwashing’.

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