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The World of Innovations
     Kobets, V.1, Yatsenko, V.2, Mazur, A.1, and Zubrii, M.1
       Kherson State University,
       27, Universitetska St., Kherson, 73003, Ukraine,
       +380 552 32 6782,
       Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
       90-A, Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine,
       +380 44 521 3578,


     Introduction. Nowadays, the problem of the optimal balance between consumption and savings, transformed
     into investments is solved by using automated systems for making investment decisions, such as robo-advice ser-
     vices which have the mathematical algorithm based on the main principles of consumption-savings theories.
        Problem Statement. The task assignment of developed IT service is to maintain a constant level of client’s
     consumption during life-long period through automated analysis of how much he/she has to consume and save
     each year. Results of consumption and savings proposals can be modified if initial financial data changes.
        Purpose. To develop investment plan of investors’ profiles taking into account their risk preferences using data
     analysis of robo-adviser service.
        Materials and Methods. SWOT-analysis of robo-advice (RA) services and comparative characteristics of
     robo-advisers explain advantage of RA services. Microservice for calculating stable consumption, finance con-
     sulting model of robo-advisor to ensure a constant level of consumption for the client are developed using the
     following technologies: Python 3.6, Django 2.0, Django Rest framework, AngularJs, HTML5, CSS 3, Bootstrap.
        Results. We considered consumption-saving ratio in economics, emerging trends of robo-advice (RA) services
     for making investment decisions. A mathematical model of robo-advisor in long-run period was developed and the
     support of investment decision making was described using micro-service of robo-advisor.
        Conclusions. The development RA is intended primarily for private persons (investors) who invest in long-
     term financial instruments in order to provide them with a permanent passive income based on their chosen sa­
     vings period and the moment of retirement.
     K e y w o r d s : robo-advisor, data analysis, long life decision making, annuity.

     The problem of the optimal balance between consumption and savings, transformed into
     investments, is one of the most important issues on all levels of economic system. This is
     explained by the fact that the equivalence between consumer and savings flows provides
     for internal and external equilibrium in the economics, and, therefore, a balanced eco-
     nomic growth and increase of economic and social welfare. As a result, the scholarly ap-

     C i t a t i o n : Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M. Data Analysis of Personalized Investment
     Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers. Sci. innov. 2020. V. 16, no. 2. P. 80—93.
80   ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16(2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

paratus of the subject is characterized by the               Table 1. SWOT-Analysis of Robo-Advice Services
variability of approaches and views of top econo-                                     Strengths
mists, which sometimes supplement, and often
directly contradict each other. However, the bott­           Increased productivity
                                                             Low commission and fees
leneck of the scientific research is the analysis of
                                                             High accessibility by customers
consumer spending and saving patterns through                Streamlining the account opening process, ability to
adaptive or rational expectations theories. Usage            transfer assets
of these theories is complicated in modern econo­            No requirement for a deep financial background
mic conditions, characterized by high levels of fu­          Increased transparency
                                                             Diversification of portfolios by using ETFs
ture uncertainty, volatility of the main econo­mic
                                                             It is the ideal model for clients with simple needs
indicators, variability of market condition and              Monitoring, rebalancing and reporting on portfolios
limited ability of a person to process modern data           Appealing to non-traditional clients (young clients)
independently, etc. In this case, the ability of eco-        Offers easy-to-use tools simplifying the client experience
nomic actors to make rational economically justi-                                   Opportunities
fied solutions dramatically reduces which deter-             Adding new capabilities;
mines the necessity to use automated systems for             Attracting assets that are not currently in-house at wealth
making investment decisions. The most popular                management firms;
ones among such automated systems are robo-                  receiving synergy and added value in case of cooperation
                                                             with financial advisers;
advice services which have the mathematical al-
                                                             expanding interest in passive investing;
gorithm based on the main principles of consump-             Assimilating multiple goals (college savings, retirement,
tion-savings theories.                                       estate planning and the need for health care and/or long
   The purpose of this paper is to develop invest-           term care coverage);
ment plan of investors’ profiles taking into account         including extra assets (equities, fixed income, hedge funds
                                                             and real estate);
their risk preferences using data analysis of robo-
                                                             helping clients to understand their portfolios;
adviser service.                                             Considering the client’s complexities by adapting questions
                                                             based on earlier responses.
                                                             It does not meet all needs of investors
The concept of “robo-advice” means the use of auto­­         It does not suit every investor
mation and digital techniques in order to build              It uses simple surveys to profile clients and to assess their
and manage portfolios of exchange-traded funds               needs
(ETFs) and other instruments for investors [1].              It proposes fairly basic capabilities
                                                             It has minimal ability to explain complex topics, and no
On the other hand, it can be described as the sys-
                                                             ability at all to follow up with questions and make re­com­
tem to make investment decision exclude human                mendations based on the answers
psychology or emotion [2] by limitation of the trap
of repeating unfavourable previous decisions [3];
                                                             failure of trust to automation and digital techniques
an artificial intelligence system that makes deci-
                                                             necessity of face-to-face interaction between clients and
sions based on algorithms by collecting vast quan­           advisors
tities of big data [4]. The main principle of robo-
advice services means completing a simple profile
and risk tolerance questionnaire online and re-              and subsequently manage it (make adjustments,
ceive a recommended portfolio, composed mostly               advice, etc.). The consulting robot is able to ana-
of low-cost exchange-traded funds (ETFs).                    lyze the user's needs and his/her risk attitude,
   Robo-adviser represents an online service that            make an investment model for him and gradually
helps the client to form an investment portfolio             implement it by buying and selling securities in
ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                               81
Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M.

Table 2. Comparative Characteristics of Robo-Advisers

        Day           Robo-advisor      Features and positioning       Marketing stock                          Commission

Best in total         Wealthfront     Optimization and inde­       Up to USD 10 000           USD 500         0.25% per year
indicators with                       xation of taxes for accounts no commission for
the function of                       over USD 100 000             annual maintenance
minimizing taxes
Best in Total          Betterment     With the help of a user-       First 6 months free       USD 0         0.15—0.35% per
Indicators                            friendly interface, it is      of charge                                    year
                                      possible to form a
                                      portfolio efficiently and
With minimal          WiseBanyan      Additional services paid              None               USD 10                0
With minimal             Charles      Recognized leader in the              None             USD 5 000               0
commissions              Schwab       sphere of asset
Specializing in      FutureAdvisor Operates 401K accounts            First 3 months free     USD 10 000       0.5% per year
retirement plan                    serviced by the                   of charge
401K                               investment company
                                   Fidelity and TD
                                   Ameritrade for free
Specializing in          Blooom       Manages 401K accounts                 None               USD 0        USD 5 to USD 99
retirement plan                       for a fixed fee                                                         per month
With the services       Vanguard       Services of the adviser              None             USD 50 000       0.30% per year
of a financial                        (manager)
With the services       Personal      Financial Consultant                  None             USD 25 000      0.49—0.89% per
of a financial          Capital       (Manager) + tax                                                             year
adviser and                           optimization for accounts
function of                           over USD 100 000
minimizing taxes

the stock market and other financial instruments.                  two thousand trillion won in 2020 [2]. Accor­ding to
Thus, the robo-adviser actually performs the func­                 Deloitte prediction Robo-Advisory ser­­vices will
tions of the "portfolio manager".                                  manage with assets between USD 2.2 tril­lion and
   The income depends on the amount invested                       USD 3.7 trillion in 2020. By the year 2025 is ex-
and the degree of investment risk. It is impossible                pected to rise to over USD 16.0 trillion assets un-
to guarantee a positive and stable profitability                   der management [5]. Swot-analysis of RA is de­
when trading financial instruments on the stock                    monstrated in Table 1.
exchange. This is a feature of the industry itself,                   Uptrend of robo-advisor development can be
not just this service.                                             explained due to its main parameters: strike pri­
   The scale of asset management with robo-advi-                   ce, variety and complexity of investment tools
sor continues to be quite insignificant. According to              and trust. We assume that new capabilities of ro-
research of Jae Yeon Park and et al. it is two hun-                bo-advisors and trust will be developed more ac-
dred trillion won, while it is expected more than                  tively and rapid then the price and commission
82                                                                                       ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

of robo-advice services which means exponential                 3. Retirement plans 401K is a popular tool in
growth and expansion robo-advisors among dif-                the US for saving. Money is transferred to these
ferent types of investors. Nevertheless, now trust           accounts by employers, the assets are not in pen-
is one of the barriers of significant robo-advice            sion funds, but on dedicated accounts in invest-
ser­vices growth. Accenture research indicates that          ment companies, taxes are not withheld from in-
77% of wealth management clients trust their fi-             vestments. Many people use several options at
nancial advisors and want to work with them to               once, and often the calculation is based on house-
grow and manage their wealth. Furthermore, 81%               hold income.
say that face-to-face interaction is important—
the highest figure of all channels [1]. Customers            WHO WILL BENEFIT?
prefer hybrid solutions, allowing them to search             In well-developed countries, due to significant
for information and compare available products               amount of savings and mature financial markets,
online, but still request human advisory before              the great majority of people have an investment
committing to an investment [6].                             interest, however individual investors usually
   The first such services for retail customers ap­          make investment decisions based on their limited
peared in the US, in 2008. According to the Re-              professional knowledge and asymmetric informa-
searchHQ News specializing in research and ra­­              tion while institutional investors have stronger
tings, the leaders of this market are American in­de­        professional background and informational sup-
pendent robot-advisers Wealthfront (USD 3 bil­­lion          port. In this case, robo-advisor is the best tool for
under management) and Betterment (USD 4.2 bil-               private investors the main aim of which is to save
lion, 150 thousand customers). In recent years, the          the current value of their wealth.
number of such online advisers has increased no-                Nevertheless, Jae Yeon Park and et al. pointed
ticeably. There are more than 200 firms offering             out that institutional investors are always ex-
services of robo-acquiring around the world. No­             posed to risks caused by diverse unpredictable
wadays, they manage about USD 300 billion and,               variables in the financial market [2] which makes
according to forecasts, this graph will grow.                robo-advice service suitable also for professional
   Comparative characteristics of robo-advisers              investors with huge amount of investments. In
are given in Table 2 and collected from Internet             this instance, by applying the Pareto principle,
por­­tals that analyze foreign brokerage services.           we can assume that robo-advisors can be used in
The table in the left column, has the criteria, for          fixed proportions for different types of investors
which two lea­der companies are allotted, high-              (Fig. 1).
lighted.                                                        For example, 80% of investments assets of pri­
   1. The commissions are charged for the use of             vate investors can be under robo-advice services
robot-advisers, but the costs for the purchase of            due to its low commission and using quite simple
assets are not taken. Most of robot-advisers use             and clear financial instruments. This stra­tegy ac-
ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), and managing                   cording to Pareto-law will gain 20% of all invest-
companies that issue ETFs, charge 0.1 to 0.5%                ment profit, which enables meeting main aim of
per annum on funds, depending on the composi-                private investor — save their capital. The rest 20%
tion of assets. Therefore, it is necessary to add the        of assets can be invested in risky investments with
specified commissions to these prices.                       the help of experienced financial consultants,
   2. Optimization of taxes: the company studies             which can receive 80% of investment profit.
the client's tax profile for the previous period in             Vice versa, for institutional investors only 20%
order to find inefficiently paid deductions (pen-            assets can be under robo-advice services because
sion, insurance, banks, medicine, stock market),             of its immature and narrow range of financial and
return them and reinvest to the client's account.            investment instruments since now it does not
ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                       83
Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M.

                                     Simple tools + asymmetric
                                   information + low commission                                   Aim
                                               80%                                                         Saving
                                         Robo-advice service              consultants                     of capital
                                    20% of profit

                                    80% of profit
                                      20%                                                                   cation
                                   Robo-advice                                                             of capital
                                                           Financial consultants
                Institutional                  Complex investment tools + professional
                  investor                   background + access to the market infomation

                Fig. 1. The possibility of using robo-advisors by different types of investors


                                                    Investment decision

                                                     Type of investor

                    Institutional investor                                         Private investor

                                                                               Purpose of investing

                                                              Welth                                   Save welth

                  Various investment tools                                                        Robo-advisory

                                               Various investment tools

                                                         The end                        Fig. 2. Robo-advice services

meet the needs of investors with even moderately                       Such kind of combination is the most effective
complex financial lives [1]. At the same time, it                   to our mind, since complete substitution of hu-
can gain 80% of all investment profit which al-                     man interaction in investing process is impos­
lows institutional investors to meet all clients’                   sible. Firstly, robo-advisor capabilities do not
needs in long-run period and keep profitability.                    co­ver the whole range of all latest financial and
The rest amount of assets can be invested in com-                   investment instruments, secondly, automated al-
pound instruments based on professional back-                       gorithms of a robo-advisor is based on self-repor­
ground and classified market information.                           ting processes which can lay down a wrong prin-
84                                                                                          ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

ciple of the robo-advisor working due to incorrect
                                                                                            New Client
investor self-assessment.
   On the other hand, we can mentioned that due
to its adaptiveness robo-advice services can be
useful for both aggressive and conservative types                    Result                                 Neighborhood
of investors for which there are two types of rob-
advisories: active (the investor only receives re-
balancing suggestions and decides self-directly
about actual execution) and passive (rebalancing                          Final Portfolio              Ranked Portfolios
is fully quantitative) [6]. The latest generation
(Robo-Advisor 4.0) shifts between different asset            Fig. 3. Workflow of decision making for Robo-adviser services
classes based on changing market conditions and
individual investment needs such as profit, risk                To distinguish different types of investors
appetite, and liquidity aspects, monitor and ad-             (new clients) we can use cluster analysis which
just single client portfolios in real time to keep on        help us to reveal main types of most similar in-
track with their selected investment strategy [5].           vestors (neighborhood). After that we can con-
   Analyzing short and long-term oriented in-                struct correspondence between specific users
vestments, it can be easily assumed that the robo-           and investment portfolios. Then we choose best
advice capability is indeed the better advisor in            final portfolio which corresponds described
the long run since the its mathematical algo­­               features of investor using profitability index (in­
rithm propose adequate investment opportuni-                 vestment goal) and risk attitude (risk profile).
ties based on stable economic trends, excluding              RA’s service automatically invests in preferred
the short-term speculative and human being mar-              financial instruments to achieve investment
ket precedents.                                              goal of client for given investment horizon. Fi-
   Finally, we can sum up that in the current stage          nally client can compare planned goal and ac­
of robo-advisors development this investment                 hieved result, and revise him or her decision
tool is more suitable for private investor who is            about own investment prefe­rences (profitabili-
oriented for long-run investment horizon (Fig. 2).           ty and risk).
   That is why the robot-adviser developed by us                k-means clustering algorithm for investors con­
is designed primarily for private persons (inves-            sists of following steps:
tors) who invest for a long time in financial inst­             1) Choosing number of clusters Ek for given da­
ruments in order to secure a permanent passive               ta set of investors;
income at the planned retirement age with the                   2) Selection of initial features for reference da­
help of a robot consultant.                                  ta which correspond to number of clusters;

                                                             Table 3. Description of the Features for Clients
Let’s consider workflow of Robo-adviser services             of Robo-Adviser Services
(Fig. 3). Each user is represented as a vector of               Feature         Type                     Domain
four features: risk profile, extracted via standard
MiFiD questionnaire, investment goals, sex and               Risk profile Ordinal           [very low; low; normal; high; very
age. The first two features are described on five-
                                                             Investment Ordinal             [very low; low; normal; high; very
point ordinal scale, from very low to very high,
                                                             goals                                        high]
whi­le sex is represented in a binary fashion (ma­           Sex        Binary                       [male, female]
le = 0, female = 1), age is characterized as a nu-           Age        Integer                          [17…90]
merical variable (Table 3).
ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                                   85
Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M.

  3) Calculation distance between features of in-                                               risk pref     inv goal    M or F
vestors and reference data using following for-
mula (1):

            d(Ai;Ek) = ∑ (xj —ej)2,          (1)

where i — index of investor; xj — feature j of in-
vestor i; ej — initial features for reference data;
n — number of investors, m — number of charac-
teristics of each investor;
   4) Changing coordinates for reference data Ek
according to minimal distance between given fea-
tures of investors and reference data;
   5) Defining final values of reference data Ek;
   6) Preparing the classification of objects.                              Age
   Main types of investors include risk-averse in-                          90
vestors (2), risk seeking investors (3) and hybrid                          80
type of investors (4) which combines previous                               70
ones. These types of investors are correspon­                               60

dingly described by following conditions [24, 25]:                          50
                             n    n

                     rp = ∑       ∑ xi · xj · vij → min                     40
                            i=1 j=1                                         30
                             n                                                    1   6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96
                            ∑ xi · di = mp ,                          (2)                                 Number of investors
                            i=1                                                                             b

                             ∑ xi = 1, xi ≥ 0.                              Fig. 4. Characteristics of investment portfolio: a — Data set of
                                                                            features for users of RA; b — Distribution of investors' age


                             n    n

                     rp = ∑                                                 vice using dataset of 100 randomly chosen real
                                  ∑ xi · xj · vij → min                     (anonymous) users, who choose portfolios be-
                            i=1 j=1
                                                                            tween June 2011 and June 2013. This dataset is

                            ∑ xi · di = mp ,                          (3)
                                                                            available for download by Objectway Financial
                                                                            Software (
                             ∑ xi = 1, xi ≥ 0.

                                                                               Data set of features for users which invest in
      f (xi) =
                     i= 1   xi2 · vi2 + ∑ i= 1 ∑ i= 1 xi xj vij
                                            n    n

                                                                  → min,
                                                                            portfolio of finance instrument is described on
                                                                            Fig. 4, a. In this case we quantified our ordinal data:

                                  ∑ xi · di                                  Risk profile = [very low; low; normal; high; very
                                                                               high] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
                                  ∑ xi = 1,                           (4)
                                                                             Investment goals = [very low; low; normal;

                                  xi ≥ 0.                                      high; very high] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                                                                             Sex = [male, female] = [0, 1].
   Using cluster of clients and types of investors                             Average values of indicated features are follow-
we map set of users in set of investors’ types as                           ing: Risk profile = 3.16 (closely to normal), In-
described in following section.                                             vestment goals = 3.08 (almost normal), male =
  A wide series of experiments has been carried                             56% (female = 44%) (Fig. 4, a), age = 66.8 year
out to validate the types of investors for RA ser-                          (Fig. 4, b).
86                                                                                                   ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers


                            0.6                      ETH-USD
Rate of cryptocurrencies





                                  1   12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 100 111 122 133144 155166 177 188 199 210 221 232 243254 265276 287 298 309 320
                                                                    Time series (day 23.06.18–
    Fig. 5. Rate of 5 main cryptocurrencies for users of RA (23.06.18-05.08.17)

       k-means clustering algorithm for investors re-                                    Thus active working age and risk-seeking per-
    veal 2 main clusters for our dataset:                                             son is mostly corresponding to 2nd type of inves-
       1) Active working age and risk-seeking person                                  tor (profitability index = 31.6% for robo-advisor
    (man as a rule) who require more than average                                     service). At the same time retirement pensioner
    income (52%);                                                                     and risk-neutral person is associated with 3rd type
       2) Retirement pensioner and risk-neutral per-                                  of investor (profitability index = 16.5% for robo-
    son (often it is a man) who need income less than                                 advisor service).
    average (48%).
       Using open data about rate of financial inst­                                  MATHEMATICAL MODEL
    ruments (Fig. 5), such as cryptocurrencies                                        OF ROBO-ADVISOR
    (https://­                                     IN LONG RUN PERIOD
    and Marko­witz model we developed 3 main types                                    Let’s consider the work of robo-advisor service
    of investors:                                                                     based on the following example. Task of the ser-
     1 type of investor: daily profitability of the                                  vice is to determine the conditions under which

       risk-averse investor is 0.657% daily or 24.5%                                  an investor can carry out regular consumption
       annually with 0.44% risk;                                                      both before and after retirement using a personal
     2 type of investor: for the risk-seeking inves-                                 savings fund. To achieve this, the client of this

       tor, the yield will be higher — 0.87% daily or                                 service should answer the following questions:
       31.6% annually with 1.06% risk;                                                   1. What is the average annual income of the
     3 type of investor: for hybrid type of inves­                                   client?

       tor the yield will be 0.45% daily or 16.5% an-                                    2. From what age does the client plan to start
       nually with 0.28% risk.                                                        a personal savings program?
    ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                                             87
Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M.

                                                   FVA-1661406          0         1         2       3         ...      15
                                                       125127.5                182411.7 182411.7 182411.7 182411.7 182411.7

                                                       116941.6     170478.2

                                                       18819.5      148902.3

      17588.3    17588.3     17588.3        17588.3 17588.3
0         1           2         ...           29           30       FVA-1661406
Fig. 6. Future and present values of annuity (FVA and PVA): a — Formation of a personal consumption fund FVA; b —
Distribution of personal savings fund PVA

   3. At what age does the client plan to retire?                   where i is the desired annual real interest rate on
   4. Up to what age does the client plan to use                    savings, N1 = t2 — t1 is the accumulation period of
his/hers personal savings fund?                                     a personal savings fund, S is the annual amount
   5. Which average level of ‘risk-profit’ (‘h-i’) for              saved. After N1 years the personal savings of the
financial instruments is preferable for the client?                 client will equal FVA.
   6. What is the acceptable level of annual con-                      2. To calculate the distribution of the savings
sumption C* for the client?                                         fund on constant consumption after retirement
   The task assignment of the IT service is to                      using the present value of annuity:
maintain a constant level of client’s consumption                                           1 — (1 + i) —N      2

during life-long period through automated analy-                                  PVA = C ×                ,        (7)
sis of how much he/she has to consume and save                         Where і is scheduled annual real return on sa­
each year. Example of necessary indicators for data                 vings, N2 = t3 — t2 is utilization period of a per-
analysis is presented in Table 4. Calculation of dis-               sonal savings fund, C is annual constant consump-
tributed income Y for consumption C and savings S:                  tion of the client.
                      C = Y — S.                  (5)                  Thus the future and present values of annuities
   The task assignment of robo-advisor consists                     should be equal: FVA = PVA (future and present
of two parts:                                                       values of annuities), that is, taking into account
   1. To define the annual amount of savings using                  (5) we obtain:
the future value of annuity FVA:                                                     Y ((1 + i) N — 1) .

                                       N1                                      C=                                    (8)
                 FVA= S × (1 + i)           — 1,              (6)                 (1 + i) N — (1 + i) —N
                                                                                             1              2

                                i                                      After substitution of the values from Тable 4 in
Table 4. Indicators of Robo-Advisor Service                         formula (8) we get: C = EUR 182411.7 is the an-
              Indicators                    Value of indicators
                                                                    nual constant level of consumption, which is not
                                                                    less than the desired expenditure level on the an-
The age of the client from which the          t1 = 35 years         nual consumption of the client C* = EUR 18000.
personal savings program begins
                                                                    At the same time, the annual level of client’s sav-
Retirement age of the client                  t2 = 65 years
                                                                    ings should be EUR 17588.3. If i
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

tion of personal savings funds to a constant con-                                                        Users
sumption level of EUR 182411.7 is presented in
Fig. 6, b.

MAKING IN LONG-RUN PERIOD VIA                                                                        Security
SOFTWARE MODULE OF ROBO-ADVISOR                                                                      module
To implement the practical part we developed a                        Parset data
program module as web cloud service of robo-                                               Investment
advisor using Python Django technology and temp­                                           plan module
late of user interface Admin LTE. In its final form
                                                              Clean up
the robo-advisor will have the architecture de-               module           Parser       Calculation     Users data
picted in Fig. 7.                                                                            module
   The overview of the practical module is the fol-
lowing: the application is presented in following                            Data source
figures. Firstly, user needs to pass the registration        Fig. 7. Robo-Advisor architecture
or if he has already registered — log in to the ser-
vice (Fig. 8).                                                 The system will use these data for cluster anal-
   Then, the user has to pass two questionnaires             ysis to know user’s risk level (Fig. 9).
on the website.                                                Then user has to pass the second questionnaire
   On first questionnaire page, the user has to en-          and answer next questions:
ter firstly the input data required for further cal-          From what age do you want to start your per-
culations, such as:                                            sonal savings program?
 Risk profile;                                               At what age do you plan to retire?
 Investment goals;                                           To what age do you plan to use your personal
 Sex;                                                         savings program?
 Age.                                                        What is your average annual revenue?

                     Registration page                                      Log in page
            Fig. 8. Robo-Advisor creation process

ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                           89
Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Mazur, A., and Zubrii, M.

Fig. 9. First questionnaire about investor profile

                         data input                                        output data
Fig. 10. Robo-Advisor: input and output

 What average profitability of financial instru-     consumption C to the user during long-life peri-
   ments do you expect?                               od, which is based on the input data.
 What risk level of financial instruments is ac-        In the Fig. 10 are displayed results based on re-
   ceptable for you to place your savings to?         sults of cluster analysis for representative clients:
 What is acceptable level of spending on your        interest per year = 31.6% and risk per month =
   annual consumption?                                = 32.3%. User can modify the questionnaire data
   The system includes methods for calculating S      not more often, than once a week and system will
(Payment of customer), C (Permanent consump-          automatically re-calculate the result based on new
tion of client), FVA (Future Value of An Annui-       data. If payment of customer will be changed —
ty), PVA (Present Value of an Annuity), provided      system will display it in a graph as a new break-
in the application model, which uses input data,      point.
provided by the user (Fig. 10). After calculations,      System will automatically send emails with no­
the system displays the calculated savings S and      tifications to customers if profitability of finan-
90                                                                      ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

cial instruments will be changed and these notifi-             online service that helps the client to form an in-
cations will be displayed in the system. User can              vestment portfolio and subsequently manage it.
choose new investment plan and system will show                   The robot-adviser developed by us is designed
potential profitability changes. For high-level                primarily for private persons (investors) who in-
risk users system will send it every day, for hy-              vest for a long time in financial instruments in
brid-level risk users — twice a week, for low-level            order to secure a permanent passive income at the
risks users — once a week.                                     planned retirement age with the help of a robot
                                                               consultant. The task assignment of our IT service is
CONCLUSIONS                                                    to maintain a constant level of client’s consump­
In our opinion, savings are remaining balance of               tion during life-long period through automated
disposable income directed to maintaining or im-               analysis of how much he or she has to consume
proving the standard of living in the future. This             and save each year. To define the annual amount of
fact describes an additional argument in favor of              savings to guarantee constant level of consump-
using an automated financial consultant who will               tion for each private person during long life pe­
assess the necessity of an immediate change in                 riod we use present and future value of annuity.
the average propensity to consume, depending on                   In the future it is planned to expand the system
the model parameters changes. The concept of “ro­              in following directions: develop a web-based ver-
bo-advice” means using of automation and digital               sion of the application, add integration with ex-
techniques to build and manage portfolios of ex-               ternal services to find financial instruments for
change-traded funds and other financial instru-                investment, add administration system and im-
ments for investors. Robo-adviser represents an                prove the application interface.

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                                                                                                          Received 04.01.19
                                                                                                           Revised 10.04.19
                                                                                                          Accepted 07.05.19

В.М. Кобець1, В.О. Яценко2, А.Ю. Мазур1, М.І. Зубрій1
  Херсонський державний університет,
  вул. Університетська, 27, Херсон, 73003, Україна,
  +380 552 32 6782,
  Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка,
  вул. Васильківська, 90-А, Київ, 03022, Україна,
  +380 44 521 3578,
Вступ. На сьогодні проблема пошуку оптимального балансу між споживанням та заощадженнями, перетвореними в
інвестиції, вирішується за допомогою автоматизованих систем прийняття інвестиційних рішень, прикладом яких є
послуги автоматизованих фінансових консультантів або робо-консультантів (robo-advisers), які працюють на базі
математичного алгоритму, що ґрунтується на теорії споживання та заощадження.
   Проблематика. Завданням розробленого ІТ сервісу є підтримка постійного рівня споживання клієнта протягом
всього періоду життя шляхом автоматичного аналізу того, скільки він/вона має споживати та заощаджувати щороку.
Результати пропозицій щодо співвідношення споживання та заощадження можуть змінюватися при зміні початкових
фінансових даних.
   Мета. Розробити інвестиційний план для профайлів інвесторів з урахуванням їх схильності до ризику за допомогою
аналізу даних сервісом автоматизованих фінансових консультантів (robo-advisers).

92                                                                                   ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)
Data Analysis of Personalized Investment Decision Making Using Robo-Advisers

   Матеріали і методи. SWOT-аналіз послуг робо-консультантів (RA) та порівняльні характеристики робо-кон­суль­
тант­ів пояснюють переваги сервісу RА. Мікросервіс для розрахунку стабільного рівня споживання і модель фі­нан­
сового консультування робо-консультанта для гарантування стабільного рівня споживання клієнта розроблено з ви­
користанням низки технологій: Python 3.6, Django 2.0, Django Rest framework, AngularJs, HTML5, CSS 3, Bootstrap.
   Результати. Розглянуто співвідношення споживання—заощадження, нові тенденції послуг робо-консультантів
(RA) використовуваних для прийняття інвестиційних рішень. Розроблено математичну модель робо-консультанта в
довгостроковій перспективі та описано підтримку прийняття інвестиційного рішення в довгостроковій перспективі
за участі програмного модуля робо-консультанта.
   Висновки. Розробку RA призначено, насамперед, для приватних осіб (інвесторів), які інвестують у довгострокові
фінансові інструменти, з метою забезпечення їхнього постійного пасивного доходу на основі обраного ними періоду
заощадження і моменту виходу на пенсію.
Ключові слова: робо-консультант, аналіз даних, довгострокове прийняття рішень, ануїтет.

ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2020. 16 (2)                                                                       93
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