Therapeutic Consultation Behavioral Services: 2021 Updates - DBHDS Vision: A life of possibilities for all Virginians

Page created by Warren Stone
Therapeutic Consultation Behavioral Services: 2021 Updates - DBHDS Vision: A life of possibilities for all Virginians
Therapeutic Consultation Behavioral
          2021 Updates

     DBHDS Vision: A life of possibilities for all Virginians
Learning goals
• Understand related compliance indicators from DOJ SA
• Understand key changes to associated regulations
  – Expectations for service authorizations—effective 7/1
  – Short term grace period until 6/30
• Understand next steps
  – quality reviews from DBHDS’ LBA team
  – Practice Guidelines
  – Training for SC’s

                                                            Slide 2
• All attendees will be muted throughout
   – Please use chat/comment box for questions
        • Recording of training to capture questions
   – DBHDS will provide answers to the chat in subsequent FAQ
   – This webinar has slides that address most frequent comments
     on Town Hall (end of training)
• ASRs throughout (learning goals checks)
• Quick intros & contact information
   –   Amy Braswell:
   –   Barry Seaver:
   –   Nathan Habel:
   –   Sharon Bonaventura:
• Training also provided to SCs and service authorization team
                                                              Slide 3
DOJ Compliance Indicators
• January 2020:
  – Parties agreed upon 328 compliance indicators (CI’s)
  – CI’s roll up to associated original SA provisions
  – Several CI’s are specific to therapeutic consultation
    behavioral services

                                                          Slide 4
Most relevant indicators
•   The Commonwealth will provide practice guidelines for behavior consultants on the minimum
    elements that constitute an adequately designed behavioral program, the use of positive
    behavior support practices, trauma informed care, and person centered practices.
•   The permanent DD waiver regulations will include expectations for behavioral programming
    and the structure of behavioral plans.
•   86% of individuals authorized for Therapeutic Consultation Services (behavioral supports)
    receive, in accordance with the time frames set forth in the DD Waiver Regulations, A) a
    functional behavior assessment; B) a plan for supports; C) training of family members and
    providers providing care to the individual in implementing the plan for supports; and D)
    monitoring of the plan for supports that includes data review and plan revision as necessary
    until the Personal Support Team determines that the Therapeutic Consultation Service is no
    longer needed
•   The Commonwealth will provide the practice guidelines and a training program for case
    managers regarding the minimum elements that constitute an adequately designed
    behavioral program and what can be observed to determine whether the plan is
    appropriately implemented.
•   DBHDS will implement a quality review and improvement process that tracks authorization
    for therapeutic consultation services provided by behavior consultants and assesses:
      – 4) whether behavioral services are adhering to the practice guidelines issued by DBHDS

      CI’s for behavioral services largely focus on aligning expectations for behavior
    plans with industry standards, increasing access to services, and quality reviews to
                                      ensure adequacy

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Learning goals check
The compliance indicators for behavioral services focus on:

a. Increasing access to behaviorists only
b. Technical assistance provided by DBHDS
c. Aligning expectations for BSPs with industry
   standards, increasing access to services, and
   quality assurance
d. Quality reviews and technical assistance from DBHDS

                                                         Slide 6
•   Some minor changes
     – (e.g. change BCBA to “Licensed Behavior Analyst), change “associate” to “assistant”
         behavior analyst
     – Change “behavioral” analysis to “behavior analysis”
•   B.2. Criteria and allowable activities, allowable activities for this service shall include:
     – i. Consulting related to person centered therapeutic outcomes, in person, over the
         phone or via video feed consistent with in accordance with the requirements of the
         Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
•   C. Service units and limits.
     3. Travel time [ , and ] written preparation [ , and telephone communication ] shall be
     considered as in-kind expenses within therapeutic consultation service and shall not be
     reimbursed as separate items.
     5. [ Behavioral consultation. ]
      [ a. ] Only behavioral consultation in the therapeutic consultation service may be offered
     in the absence of any other waiver service.
      [ b. Initial requests for behavioral consultation may not be authorized for more than 180
     c. Behavioral support plans will be submitted with subsequent authorizations as well as
     baseline data for the initial request after assessment and then an annual summary of
     quarterly data for re-renewals. ]

                                                                                          Slide 7
• E. Service documentation and requirements.
• [ (1) Behavior support plans will contain the following information, at a
  minimum: (i) demographic information; (ii) person-centered
  information; (iii) history and rationale ; (iv) functional behavior
  assessment; (v) behaviors targeted for decrease; (vi) hypothesized
  functions of behavior; (vii) proactive strategies/antecedent
  interventions; (viii) replacement behaviors/behaviors targeted for
  increase; (ix) consequence interventions (when indicated); (x) safety
  and crisis guidelines (when indicated) ; (xi) any additional
  recommendations (linkages, etc.); (xii) appropriate signatures and plan
  for training. ]
• 2d: d. Ongoing progress note documentation of rendered consultative
  service that may be in the form of contact-by-contact or monthly notes
  that must be contemporaneously signed and dated, that identify each
  contact [ including location and recipient of training activities ] , the
  amount of time spent on the activity, what was accomplished, and the
  professional who made the contact and rendered the service.

                                                                         Slide 8
• 2e.
• [ (1) For behavioral therapeutic consultation, the
  quarterly review shall include graphed data and a
  summary of this data.
• (2) For behavioral therapeutic consultation, the annual
  review shall include graphed or tabled data that is
  trended across the first three quarters. ]

                                                            Slide 9
• Telehealth may be utilized for all person-centered outcome
  activities--other than direct therapy
• Consider telehealth in the following ways:
   – Increase access for people in need in rural areas
      • Increase the reach of your agency to parts of the state you haven’t
   – Increase your effectiveness, e.g. assess and train in moments
     of need
   – Connect with CSBs and/or with DBHDS to indicate your
     availability to accept via telehealth
      • Consider where you can provide face to face and where you can
        provide telehealth
      • It is most desirable to have some schedule of face to face (post-

                                                                              Slide 10
Types of authorizations for t.c. behavioral services
• Initial request
• Second request
• Annual Plan Renewal requests (follow the initial and

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Authorizations, timeframes, required documents
 Authorization        Timeframe                                             Required documentation for authorization
    Initial         Up to 180 days          Part V must outline the following:
 Authorization                                 o that a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) will be conducted
                                               o that a BSP will be created
                                               o the plan for data collection during this period
    Second         Post 180 days of         Behavior Support Plan
 authorization         the initial          FBA (the FBA may be within the BSP or a separate document).
                    authorization           Any baseline data or treatment data collected used in formulating the plan
                  period until the ISP      Part V must outline the following:
                     annual date               o Request for/description of training for stakeholders must be included and parallel what is included
                                                    in the training section of the BSP.
                                               o Measurable benchmarks for behaviors targeted for increase and decrease in the BSP, which must
                                                    be included in the “ I no longer want/need supports when…” area of the Part V
  ISP Update      Annual ISP date to        Graphical displays with progress summary covering at least the current review period.
(Annual renewal    annual ISP date          Current BSP
    or when                                 Current FBA (FBA can be incorporated into the BSP or on a separate document)
    needed)                                    o    In preparation for the shared planning meeting, the most recent FBA and treatment data must be reviewed
                                                    by the behaviorist. A reference of this review and the behaviorist’s determination of the continued validity or
                                                    need for re-assessment must be included in the FBA. See Part V requirements below if re-assessment is
                                            Documentation of any training completed within the timeframe of the most recent review period
                                            Part V must outline the following:
                                               o Request for/description of training for stakeholders must be included and parallel what is included
                                                    in the training section of the BSP.
                                               o If the behaviorist determines re-assessment is needed, request re-assessment in Part V. If
                                                    behaviorist determines previous FBA is still valid, re-assessment does not need to be include in the
                                                    Part V.

                                                                                                                                                           Slide 12
• It is understood that there will be exceptions to the
   – Communicate exceptions that you believe are impactful
     to service authorization staff
   – Feel free to reach out to Sharon or Nathan if you need
• Grace period for these changes to regs (5/1/21-6/30/21)
• An exceptions document will be created based upon
  grace period data and initial launch data

                                                              Slide 13
Learning check
How many authorization types are there for this service?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

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Key regulatory updates—Initial auth request
Initial requests for behavioral consultation may not
be authorized for more than 180 days.
  – The request must include the Part V, which must outline
    that a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) will be
    completed, that the creation of the behavior support plan
    will occur, and the plan for data collection

                                                           Slide 15
Learning goals check
The initial request for authorization may not be authorized
for more than…

a. 45 days
b. 90 days
c. 180 days
d. 365 days

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Learning goals check
For initial authorization request, the Part V must minimally
outline the following:

a. That a BSP will be created
b. That data will be collected
c. That a FBA will be conducted
d. The completion of the Functional Behavioral
   Assessment (FBA), creation of the behavior
   support plan (BSP), and the plan for data
                                                          Slide 17
Key regulatory updates—Second auth request
For the second authorization request (after the initial, 180 day
maximum authorization request), the following are required to
be submitted by the behaviorist:
   – Part V with request for/description of training for stakeholders
   – Part V needs to include measureable benchmarks for
     behaviors targeted for increase and decrease in the ““I no
     longer want/need supports when…” area
          – “John will engage in no more than 3 instances of aggression per
            month for 3 consecutive months”
          – “Sue will communicate her desire for preferred items at least 50 times
            per month for 2 consecutive months”
   – Behavior support plan
   – FBA information/results
   – Any baseline or treatment data gathered thus far
                                                                               Slide 18
Learning goals check
For the second authorization request, the following will be
required for the behaviorist to submit:

a. Part V with request for/description of training for the
   person’s support system, measurable benchmarks
   related to behaviors in the BSP, the BSP, the FBA, and
   any baseline or treatment data
b. Part V with plan for training
c. The BSP, the FBA, and the Part V
d. Only the Part V and the BSP

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Key regulatory updates—ongoing auth requests
• For any authorization requests following the initial and
  secondary, the behaviorist will need to submit the following:
   – Part V with plan for training & measurable benchmarks for all
      behaviors in the BSP
   – Summary of data in an acceptable format (e.g. line graph display)
   – Current BSP (with FBA results)
   – Documentation of any training completed within the most recent
      review period
   Note: As a part of the shared planning meeting the behaviorist must
   review the FBA and treatment data and determine if the functions
   are still valid. A reassessment of the functions of behavior is
   required when data suggest treatment expectations are not being
   met or there has been a significant change in status of the individual
   that is negatively impacting outcomes. The review of the continued
   validity of the FBA must be documented in the BSP. If reassessment
   is needed, this must be requested in the Part V.

                                                                    Slide 20
Learning goals check
For any annual plan renewal or subsequent authorization
requests (after the second authorization), the following are
needed from the behaviorist:

a. The BSP
b. The FBA
c. Part V with plan for training and measurable
   benchmarks related to behaviors in the BSP,
   graphed data, BSP (with FBA results), and
   documentation of any training completed
   within the most recent review period
d. Only documentation of training provided to stakeholders
                                                               Slide 21
Learning goals check
Telehealth through HIPAA compliant platforms is
acceptable for:

a. Direct therapy only
b. Person centered therapeutic outcomes
c. Person centered therapeutic outcomes and direct
d. Only for training stakeholders

                                                     Slide 22
Grace period until 6/30/2021
Existing Authorizations – Grace Period:
Any re-authorization submitted between the dates of 5/1/21 though 6/30/21 may be given a new
authorization for up to 90 days to come into compliance with the new regulation requirements. If the
documents submitted are in compliance with the regulations, then the authorization can be approved up to
the deadline of the next annual ISP.

Example 1:
Jane B. submitted a request for a re-renewal (annual) for JJ on 6/1/21. The documents submitted included a
current BSP and a graphical display and analysis of the data. No FBA or training records were provided.
           Authorization decision: Authorization given until 8/31/21 upon which the resubmission must
           include a completed FBA and training records.

Example 2:
Joe D. submitted a request for re-authorization on 6/29/2021 due to an annual ISP deadline on 7/15/21. The
documents submitted included a completed FBA, graphed data, BSP, and plan for training and evidence that
some training had occurred in previous auth year. All required docs for new regs were present.
           Authorization decision: Request approved until next annual ISP date.

Example 3:
Charles B. submitted a request for a re-renewal (annual) for RB on 7/6/21. The documents submitted
included a BSP inclusive of a FBA. There were no graphical displays, no plan for training in BSP or Part V, and
no evidence that training occurred.
            Authorization decision: Pend until required documentation is provided
                                                                                                        Slide 23
Learning goals check
The grace period is until ______. After the grace period,
documentation must adhere to _______.

a. 8/31/2021, new regulations
b. 6/30/2021, regulations based on when the individual
   first received services
c. 6/30/2021, new regulations
d. 8/31/2021, regulations based on when the individual
   first received services

                                                            Slide 24
Learning goals check
If documentation does not adhere to the new regulations
during the grace period, which of the following may occur?

a. The request will be denied
b. The request may be approved for up to 90
   days; at the next authorization request,
   required documentation must be submitted
c. The request will be pended for 90 days
d. The request will be approved for the entire ISP year
   regardless of presence or absence of documentation

                                                          Slide 25
Practice Guidelines for BSPs
DBHDS has created draft Practice Guidelines for BSPs:
   – These are basic guidelines on the minimum elements that
     constitute an adequately designed behavior support plan
     (behavioral treatment plan) for individuals receiving
     therapeutic consultation behavioral services under the DD
     waivers in Virginia.
   – Inclusive of supplemental information on the use the least
     restrictive and most effective treatment philosophy and
     positive behavior supports, utilizing person-centered thinking
     and planning, and incorporating a trauma informed approach
     as it relates to behavior support planning
   – Behaviorists must review the practice guidelines and minimum
     elements to ensure their BSPs are in adherence
   – Please always consider the audience that is delivering front
     line services (e.g. copious technical jargon in BSPs)

                                                                Slide 26
Minimum Required BSP Content Areas
•   Demographic information
•   Person centered information
•   History and rationale for services
•   Functional behavior assessment (FBA)
•   Hypothesized functions of behavior
•   Behaviors targeted for decrease
•   Behaviors targeted for increase (replacement behaviors)
•   Antecedent strategies
•   Consequence strategies
•   Safety or crisis guidelines (if applicable)
•   Plan for training
•   Appropriate signatures (consent)

• Practice Guidelines will be posted on Town Hall under DMAS on

                                                                  Slide 27
Quality reviews on minimal BSP elements
• DBHDS behaviorists will review a randomized sample of
  all behavior support plans that are authorized
   – DBHDS will provide quality feedback on the presence or
     absence of required elements to behaviorists via a
     documented quality review process
• Adherence to the spirit of the elements is important for
  multiple reasons
   – Quality services for individuals
   – Consistency across providers
   – Field of behavioral services in VA through publicly funded

                                                              Slide 28
Learning goals check
The Practice Guidelines for Behavior Support Plans...

a. Are currently available and will be used for peer reviews by
b. Will be posted on Town Hall in May 2021, are
   guidance on the minimum required BSP
   elements, and will be used for quality reviews
   of BSPs by DBHDS LBAs
c. Will be posted on Town Hall in May 2021 and will be used
   by DBHDS service authorization for authorization reviews
d. Are currently available and will be used by DBHDS service
   authorization effective 7/1/21

                                                               Slide 29
• What about changing billing units to 15 minutes?
   – Nature of regulations
   – CMS applications on Town Hall, include request for this
     change there
• Can t.c. be added to the BI waiver?
   – CMS applications on Town Hall

                                                               Slide 30
• Are quarterlies based on the ISP date or based on the
  date that services began?
   – Quarterlies align with ISP dates, not when behavioral
     services began
• What if you are requesting an initial authorization one
  month before the ISP date? Example: ISP date is
  8/1/2021, and you request initial auth on 7/1/2021?
   – Request the auth for the one month
   – Complete another similar request for the remaining 5

                                                             Slide 31
• What is “in kind” paperwork?
   – Refer to regulations for “allowable activities” for what is
   – Example of “in kind” written paperwork
• What about obtaining the SIS? Is the FBA an age-
  appropriate assessment?
   – Request the SIS from the SC and document the request
   – The FBA is an age-appropriate assessment

                                                                   Slide 32
• Why are data and graphs required? We will have
  significant problems obtaining data…
  – Suggestions…
     • Ensure families and providers understand your responsibility as a
       behaviorist and what is required for this service
     • Select appropriate data collection methods/measurement
         – Consider if need to be integrated into other current data systems
           (e.g. sleep, toileting, etc.)
     • Target the right amount of behaviors given the needs and
       resources available
     • Utilize telehealth for in vivo data collection which you take to
       supplement data taken in the home or community

                                                                           Slide 33
• Why are data required, suggestions cont.…
      • Provide appropriate training
      • Frequent reinforcement for data collection and corrective
        feedback when lacking
      • Emphasis on data collection yielding better decisions results
      • Incorporate data review and graphing into your sessions
• Data collection buy in for staff & families…
   – Increase control by longer term positive reinforcers and
     decrease control by shorter term negative reinforcers
     (Tarbox, 2017)

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      Slide 35
Resources & next steps
• ABA Snippets articles in OIH Newsletter
    – Began June 2020
    – Navigate to “Newsletters” tab
•   Practice Guidelines for BSPs on Town Hall
•   Training for support coordinators
•   Upcoming training opportunities
•   Exceptions information
•   BSP template for optional use
•   Responses to questions in chat via FAQ

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You can also read