THINK BIG - AND WHEELCHAIR FRIENDLY - Cover property marketed by Vickie Dixon - OPEN HOME LIFTOUT INSIDE - Neighbourly

Page created by Charlotte Mack

Current to 21st February 2020

          THINK BIG - AND
         Cover property marketed by
                Vickie Dixon
 M: 027 444 1460 E:
                   TSB Real Estate
               Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
Superb family home with space aplenty
Mike Shaw

Christchurch’s destructive 2011 earth-
quake prompted Murray and Alison to
rebuild their family life back in home city
New Plymouth.
   ‘‘I was in the CBD the day the city fell
down,’’ Alison recalls. She was there with
daughter AJ and the pair were lucky to
escape injury.
   Murray and Alison owned two homes in
Christchurch at the time. One was in a safe
zone and undamaged, but the earthquake
condemned the second. ‘‘From the start it
was a write-off,’’ says Alison.
   That raised a question for their
insurance company: ‘‘If we build a new
home, does it have to be in Christchurch?’’
   It didn’t, and the family decided to         from the back of the garage into the end of     ovens help to cater for large gatherings.
resettle in New Plymouth. They had pre-         the home’s hallway where the bathroom               A walk-in pantry adds to the kitchen’s
viously lived in and enjoyed Bell Block as a    and toilet are located. That’s handy for any-   appeal and the window panels above the
location and were pleased to find a 1016sqm     one who’s been out doing the garden.            sink fold back to form a servery to the deck.
flat section at 28 Coby Sydney Drive.              The house presents a pleasing image to           That hardwood-timber deck, accessed
   Their circumstances had changed,             the street: silver bricks with dark Linea       by sliding doors in the lounge and master
though. AJ suffered a serious accident that     Board accents above the garage door and         bedroom, is an eye-opening 120sqm of out-
meant a wheelchair became a permanent           nearby windows.                                 door space. Alison smiles at the memory of
part of her life. So the home they planned         The front door approach has another          one visitor who told her: ‘‘Your deck is
and built here with G.J. Gardner Homes is       subtle wheelchair-friendly feature: a sec-      bigger than my house!’’
a special environment.                          tion of decking timber with an almost               The deck is great for AJ to move around
   The design is a 312sqm evolution of a for-   unnoticeable rise from the concrete of the      on with her wheelchair, and is also ideal
mer G.J. show home that Murray first saw        driveway to the minimal lip of the front-       for large gatherings. Where it meets the liv-
on Wills Rd.                                    door sill. Inside, the foyer and hallway        ing areas, Murray and Alison had electri-
   A visit reveals an environment that has      areas are wide enough for AJ to easily          cally operated overhead louvres installed to    QUICK LOOK
been carefully and thoughtfully crafted to      move around in her wheelchair, and that         provide a sheltered year-round space.           WHERE: 28 Coby Sydney Drive, Bell
allow an easy transition into new owner-        provides a pleasing airy feel for others.           There’s still room for a lawn that          Block.
ship. The wheelchair-friendly details are          The master bedroom, three generously         stretches along the length of the deck and      HOW BIG: 1016sqm in land; 312sqm in
subtle and nicely integrated to provide         sized double bedrooms and that family           around the back of the house to where a         home.
extra space and easy living for any new         bathroom and toilet are located along the       small orchard of lemon, lime, mandarin          HOW MUCH: Buyer inquiries invited,
residents here.                                 hallway. Adjacent to the foyer is an office     and guava trees grows. The grounds are          over $745.000.
   ‘‘We tried to keep it as normal looking as   nook for doing admin.                           fully fenced; secure for children and pets.     WHAT YOU GET: Contemporary, low-
possible, but make it as accessible as poss-       The kitchen, family, dining and lounge           The master bedroom that also opens out      maintenance, brick-clad home in Bell
ible also,’’ explains Alison.                   spaces are open and airy, but cavity-slider     to the deck is at the end of the hallway. The   Block with a wealth of family space
   The integrated 9m-by-8m garage is a          doors can close off the lounge when separ-      large walk-in wardrobe area is set up for       inside, and massive deck outside, and
case in point. The double-width automatic       ate spaces are wanted.                          AJ’s specific needs but could easily be         pleasing proximity to the beach.
door is overheight at 2.7m to accommodate          The lounge features a gas-flame fire-        refitted with a custom wardrobe system to       Wheelchair-friendly design is subtle and
AJ’s large wheelchair-accessible van and        place for atmosphere and the convenience        make an impressive complement to the            easily adapted to conventional lifestyles.
the ceiling inside is raised for an even        of an air-conditioning cassette in the ceil-    large ensuite. A walk-in wet-area shower        Four-car garaging is a bonus with the
greater sense of space. You can fit four cars   ing. Three other cassettes are located          has a convenient curtain provision that         extra height that could accommodate a
in this garage, and at least another two on     throughout the house, each with separate        Alison suggests could easily be replaced by     motorhome.
the generous concrete parking area out-         remote controls to achieve zoned tempera-       a glass panel if new owners prefer that.        MARKETED BY: Vickie Dixon at TSB
side, Murray points out. And the extra          ture control. A wall-mounted heat pump              In the past year or so, Coby Sydney         Real Estate – 06 968 3800 or 0274 441
height and depth of the garage could fit a      provides warmth or cooling in the family        Drive has been extended to meet the new         460.
suitably sized motorhome.                       area and a DVS system keeps the rooms           extension of Parklands Ave that now con-        ONLINE: – ref
   Laundry services are conveniently            well ventilated.                                nects to Wills Rd. That development has         TSB7463.
located along a side wall of the garage. A         The kitchen is spacious and well set out,    enhanced life for residents around here,        SEE IT: Open home on Sunday,
sliding door at the back of the garage leads    with Alison’s preferred U-shaped bench          allowing an easy 10- or 15-minute walk          February 15, from 1.00pm till 1.45pm.
out to the rear grounds, and a door opens       for plenty of preparation space. A pair of      down to the beach.

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We have 8 offices across Taranaki with property specialists available to help with all your Real Estate needs.

         Peter McDonald                  Rodney Perrett                            Kevin Hight            John McDonald                Daniel McDonald                     Danny Bates                      Brent Dodunski
          Director / Rural Sales         Director / Rural Sales          Director / Commercial Sales   Director / Systems Manager        General Manager               Residential Sales Manager            Rural Sales Manager
          CENTRAL TARANAKI                SOUTH TARANAKI                          TARANAKI                      TARANAKI                    TARANAKI                      CENTRAL TARANAKI                  CENTRAL TARANAKI
            M 027 443 4506                 M 027 241 3979                      M 021 746 371                 M 027 442 7244              M 027 259 3671                     M 027 200 0071                   M 027 498 4346

           Jakki Brodie                     Pam Hight                      Wayne Burnnand               Maureen Burnnand                 Steve Cowan                    Lizette Bretherton                   Tony Skilling
        Customer Care Manager       Rental Property Manager                        Residential Sales     Property Management              Residential Sales                Residential Sales                  Residential Sales
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       Angela Chamberlain                Denise Olliver                           Linda McIntyre           Shelley Wilkin                  Sam Woods                       Laurel Caskey                    Erica Summerfield
           Residential Sales            Property Management                         Rural Sales             Residential Sales              Residential Sales                Residential Sales               Property Management
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           M 027 423 5949                  M 027 383 4687                         M 027 282 8561            M 027 274 3554                 M 027 622 9451                   M 027 206 3361                     M 021 825 677

             Gavin Muir                   Thomas Watt                             Robyn Burnett             Kylie Moore                    Pete Baylis                      Patsy Castles                     Rachel Fabish
             Rural Sales                   Residential Sales                       Residential Sales        Residential Sales            Residential Sales                Property Management               Property Management
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                            Viv Scott                         Anjie Cook                        Rachel Hooper              Robyn McDonald                 Blair Burnett                         Gemma Heath
                     Sales / Property Management     Residential Sales     Residential Sales                               Property Management             Rural Sales                          Residential Sales
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                          M 027 441 4596             M 027 555 4736        M 027 235 5284                                     M 027 308 2306             M 021 190 7728                         M 021 169 1010

                                                                   Lif      est       yle                       Rur   al                     oC   mer           cial                       Re     tn   al                                                                                                                                    Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                    11
Team Realty   |   Each office independently owned and operated     ADDRESS 299 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, NZ 4312
     Team Realty GVM Ltd     |   Licensed REAA 2008                     OFFICE (06) 759 8084

12    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS            Saturday, February 15, 2020                                       
Team Realty   |   Each office independently owned and operated     ADDRESS 299 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, NZ 4312
     Team Realty GVM Ltd     |   Licensed REAA 2008                     OFFICE (06) 759 8084                                                    Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   13
Team Realty   |   Each office independently owned and operated     ADDRESS 299 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, NZ 4312
     Team Realty GVM Ltd     |   Licensed REAA 2008                     OFFICE (06) 759 8084

14    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS            Saturday, February 15, 2020                                       
Beaven Realty Ltd

     JUST LISTED                                                                                                                                                                       6380 South Road, Pungarehu

 WHERECHILDHOODMEMORIESAREMADE                                                                                                                                                       3              1             1             1
 A rare opportunity and exciting opportunity to live the rural Taranaki dream                                                VIEW                 Sun 16 Feb 11.00-11.30am
 Here is your chance to secure just over a hectare of your very own lifestyle block on two titles                            PRICE                Negotiable Over $339,000
 and only a 35 Minute scenic Drive from New Plymouth!                                                                        CONTACT              Jeremy Watson - 027 244 7944
 On a very private , elevated section you will find this well presented, fully insulated 3 Bedroom                                      
 family home. Surrounded by nature, plenty of open space and a stunning view over the country                                WEBSITE    
 side to the ocean. One title with dwelling and one bare section title providing an paddock for
 grazing or maybe developing? This amazing lifestyle opportunity is only available to the buyer
 who acts NOW. Stop reading and start calling 027 244 7944

                                                     58C Gilbert Street, New Plymouth                                                                                                    160 Tukapa Street, Westown

 CENTRAL-TRANQUIL-EXECUTIVE                                                    4        2          2           2           LOCATION-LOWMAINTENANCE-LOOKINGGOOD!                                      3        1         1           1
 Sited on a prime inner flat section, this home is absolutely sure     VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 2.30-3.00pm                      Boasting a newly painted roof and well positioned Versatile         VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 1.00-1.30pm
 to impress. The tasteful colour scheme complements superbly           PRICE   Expressions of Interest Close Thu 27 Feb    Garage on a manageable section this 3 bedroom 1950s home            PRICE   Negotiable Over $389,000
 with the close by elements of nature. A spacious and serene                   2.00pm (unless sold prior)                  demands attention! Excellent schooling options (including           CONTACT Jeremy Watson - 027 244 7944
 outdoor living space that flows form the living areas, makes this     CONTACT Jeremy Watson - 027 244 7944                Frankley School and FDMC) and popular amenities are all in very   
 one for the avid entertainer. This generous 230 sqm home                                                                  close proximity. Quality insulation in both the ceiling and under
                                                                               Kris Rasmussen - 027 477 5758                                                                                   WEBSITE
 features 4 bedrooms, double garage, bathroom and master with                                                              floor, a heat pump and double glazing in most windows will
 ensuite. All this within just a short stroll to the iconic Pukekura   WEBSITE               have you ready for Winter! Call NOW!
 Park, and the many delightful Restaurants and Cafes in New
 Plymouth’s main CBD. Homes of this standard and in this
 location rarely come to market. GV $850,000

                        Supporting the                             Beaven Realty Ltd                            
                        Child Cancer                               LICENSEDREAA2008
                        Foundation for                             Telephone:067585632
                        over 20 years.                             106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth                                                                                                                                             Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                 15
Beaven Realty Ltd

     JUST LISTED                                                         3 Dorset Ave, Westown                                                                                    20 Findlay Street, Moturoa

COTTAGEAPPEAL-HANDYLOCATION!                                                            2      1        1     SUPERBVIEWS!EASYLIVING                                                   2+          2          2           1
Welcome! This delightfully sunny property has sweet cottage          VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 3.00-3.30pm           You'll feel on top of the world with widespread all-day coverage    VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 1.00-1.30pm
appeal and great further potential. You'll find two generously       PRICE   Negotiable Over $369,000         and a hive of activity to sit and enjoy! With outstanding views     PRICE   Expressions of Interest Close Thu 5 Mar
sized bedrooms, open plan living and kitchen hub, native timber      CONTACT Delwyn McCurdy - 027 285 0403    from the entire Port Taranaki area, sea, city and beyond it is              2.00pm (unless sold prior)
flooring, tidy bathroom and an easy to manage private back               never a dull day at 20 Findlay Street. Arguably some of New         CONTACT Delwyn McCurdy - 027 285 0403
yard with fruit trees. Westown shopping centre is just around                                                 Plymouth's best elevated views. Combine this with easy care
                                                                     WEBSITE                                                                                Kris Rasmussen - 027 477 5758
the corner where there are many amenities within walking                                                      low maintenance modern living and exciting further potential
distance including chemist, doctors, post office, great cafes etc.                                            and you have a winner! The two bedroom home (master with            WEBSITE
Sanders Park sports ground is over the road and it is an easy                                                 ensuite) with spacious kitchen, open plan living and street level
walk to Yarrow Stadium. Without a doubt super convenient                                                      internal access garaging has been cleverly future proofed with
location and great investing. Reside here or perhaps work from                                                possible further options to have as a two level family home or
home, there are good options to consider. Call today!                                                         future guest quarters. Come and see! Huge opportunity and
                                                                                                              views to LOVE!

                                                                 1/5 Richmond Street, Fitzroy                     NEW PRICE                                    403 Devon Street West, Lynmouth

EVERYDAYSAHOLIDAY,INFITZROY!                                              2         2         1         1     PRIMEVIEWS!POTENTIALPLUS!                                                   2        1          1           1
Situated so close to the Coastal Walkway, popular surf beaches       VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 2.00-2.30pm           Proudly positioned this fantastic Lynmouth property offers          VIEW    Sun 16 Feb 12.00-12.30pm
and amenities you can enjoy that fabulous holiday feeling every      PRICE   Negotiable Over $699,000         exciting future scope, check out the views! The opportunity and     PRICE   Offers Over $549,000
day! Ground yourself in the atmosphere and buzz that is quite        CONTACT Delwyn McCurdy - 027 285 0403    potential to capitalise on sensational 360 degree panoramic         CONTACT Delwyn McCurdy - 027 285 0403
simply FITZROY! Beautifully presented, this two-bedroom                  surroundings is real! Go up a level and you will have even more   
property has modern comforts to make you feel right at home.                                                  incredibly amazing views; sea for mile, urban landscapes and
                                                                     WEBSITE                                                                        WEBSITE
With great sun, the spacious kitchen and living space flow to the                                             Mount Taranaki to enjoy. The two bedroom home is perfectly
private courtyard to entertain or unwind. You will find updated                                               comfortable, well-presented and sunny. Own private vehicle
bathrooms on both levels and bedrooms with their own lovely                                                   access a bonus. Live in now or rent out and invest for later.
balconies. A separate office and good storage are an essential                                                Location and elevation, two popular sought after key elements!
bonus. Fabulous location! Call Del today.                                                                     GV $565,000 Call today.

                       Supporting the                            Beaven Realty Ltd                 
                       Child Cancer                              LICENSEDREAA2008
                       Foundation for                            Telephone:067585632
                       over 20 years.                            106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth

16      TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                       Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                                                
Beaven Realty Ltd

                                                                     4 Hamblyn Street, Strandon

 LIFEATTHEBEACH                                                                  5            3        3            2
 This 380m2 beach side home makes the most of stunning Sea,              VIEW    By Appointment Only
 City and Mountain views over its three and a half levels. With          PRICE   Expressions of Interest Close Thu 27 Feb
 five bedrooms, two lounges, two kitchens, two balconies and                     12.00pm (unless sold prior)
 three bathrooms this property presents so many options and              CONTACT Hayden Brooks - 022 084 5975
 suits a variety of buyers. Whether you
 want a place to lock up and leave and call your own, entertain
 family and friends, host guests or AirBnB you can feel like             WEBSITE
 you’re on a beach holiday all year round. Three car garaging
 and workshop provide plenty of space for cars, boats, kayaks,
 bikes or projects. Internal access and an elevator allow for easy
 access. An entertainers dream, relax on one of two balconies
 overlooking the azure blue Tasman Sea.

                                                                              2 Warre Street, Waitara                                                                                             65a Queen Street, Waitara

 CUTIECLOSETOTOWN                                                      VIEW       Sun 16 Feb 11.45-12.15pm                   YOUWON'TGOWRONGHERE                                                  VIEW       Sun 16 Feb 11.00-11.30am
 There are a lot of benefits to this FREEHOLD home that you wont       PRICE      Negotiable Over $309,000                   Whether its investment or first home- you cant miss this! With the   PRICE      Negotiable Over $235,000
                                                                       Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724                                                                                         Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724
 want to miss! Extensively renovated approx. 5 years ago the hard      Sam Masters - 027 738 8179                            house being situated at the front of the fully fenced section you    Sam Masters - 027 738 8179
 work is done! Modern kitchen and bathroom, 3 bedrooms, open                          can overlook the big backyard while in the modernised kitchen.
 plan living with full insulation. Stroll 100m to the closest cafe,                                                          Inside you will find a great bathroom, two bedrooms and open
 climb the bank and enjoy the river or simply appreciate the easy                                                            plan living altogether making this small but cute property a
 care, fully fenced section. Be quick! Call us today about this                                                              fantastic FREEHOLD option. This wont last long! Arrange a time to
 fantastic home!                                                                                                             view today!

        Aratapu Street Subdivision, Waitara                                       Lot 1 . Ngatimaru Road, Tikorangi                    9 Ashmore Drive, Frankleigh Park                                           32D Paritutu Road, Spotswood

 TITLESAVAILABLENOW                                                    PRIME10ACRELIFESTYLELAND                              RETIREMENT,COUPLES,FAMILY                                            PARITUTUPURSUIT!
 - Short 15-20 min drive to New Plymouth                               - Prime 10 acre flat land x2                          - 3 bedrooms + office                                                Have you been on the hunt for a place to call home for a while? I
 - Range of section options to suit everyone                           - Bordering Manukorihi Golf Course                    - Double internal access garage                                      have the best little starter to get you on the property ladder! 32D
 - HUGE interest already                                               - Fenced and ready to go                              - Low maintenance brick & plaster exterior                           Paritutu Road has all you need for that next step!
 - Over 1/2 of the sections SOLD                                       - 15-20min drive to NP                                - XL lounge + living areas                                           VIEW        Sun 16 Feb 12.30-1.00pm
 - text ARATAPU ST to 0273606966 for info                              - Prime location! Act now!                            - Lovely home for all                                                PRICE       Negotiable Over $199,000
 VIEW          By Appointment Only                                     VIEW          By Appointment Only                     VIEW         Sun 16 Feb 12.45-1.15pm                                 CONTACT Aimee Thomas - 027 757 4000
 PRICE         Negotiation Range $170,000 - $190,000                   PRICE         Negotiable Over $650,000 +GST if any    PRICE        Negotiable Over $589,000                                            Kris Rasmussen - 027 477 5758
 CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724                            CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724            CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724                           WEBSITE
               Sam Masters - 027 738 8179                                            Sam Masters - 027 738 8179                           Sam Masters - 027 738 8179
 WEBSITE                                 WEBSITE                 WEBSITE

                        Supporting the                               Beaven Realty Ltd                            
                        Child Cancer                                 LICENSEDREAA2008
                        Foundation for                               Telephone:067585632
                        over 20 years.                               106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth                                                                                                                                               Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                                           17
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“We put you first”

             New Listing

      Open Home Sunday 16th February 1-1:30pm
      29 Juliet Street Stratford
      Wow!! read the list of all that is new in this 3 bedroom home; Kitchen including dishwasher, rangehood,
      electric cooktop and wall oven; ~ Gas infinity hot water; ~ Toilet, shower and vanity; Curtains, vinyl and
      carpet; ~ Aluminium double glazed windows and new roof. Located close to supermarket and town
      amenities.Well worth your inspection, so come check it out, it won’t last long.

      New Listing

     Open Home Sunday 16th February 11-11:30am

      LUXURY RETREAT TYPE LIVING!                                                                    LIFESTYLE LIVING WITH BENEFITS
      1147 Upper Rowan Road                                                                          39B Celia Street Stratford
      A premium lifestyler offering tranquil gardens worthy of being in a garden festival and        Looking to achieve that rural lifestyle while still being in town? Well look no further. Located down the
      the bonus of a paddock for the pony, which the kids will love. This character style home       private drive is this freshly painted 1910’s character home which will tick all the boxes. Open plan living /
                                                                                                     dining and kitchen areas, which flow out onto the veranda and courtyard and your very own spa. 3
      has been modernised for today’s living. Offering new kitchen, bathroom, ensuite and
                                                                                                     bedrooms, nice tidy family bthrm with separate shower. Massive spacious garage. Let’s not forget the
      carpets to name a few. 2 Living areas both with log fires. Full insulation and solar           2.5 acres of land with numerous sheds for your animals and even a pond for your ducks, all located in
      power. Lovely sunny conservatory area looking out over your beautiful gardens.                 the town boundary. So what more could you ask for in a lifestyle.

                                Rebecca Bruce 027 965 8310 : Donna Black027 549 6123                                            Renee Zehnder | Mobile: 027 805 0541

     Stratford                                                                                                                                                                        06 765 8550
     Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                    1                                                                                    06 278 0360
22    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS            Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                                             
“We put you first”

       New Listing                                                                                                   New Listing

       Open Home Sunday 16th February 12-12:30pm

       SECRET PARK-LIKE-SETTING                                                                                      FANTASTIC FAMILY LIVING
       53c Pembroke Road Stratford                                                                                   2 Regan Street Stratford
       A great opportunity to own this gem! 3-4 bedrooms, 2 living areas or a rumpus room - spoilt for choice.       Sitting pretty this 3 bedroom 1960’s home has so much to offer. Awesome well laid out kitchen, large
       New kitchen with a walk-in pantry, separate shower room, bathroom and toilet, carpets have been               family bathroom, spacious lounge with a cosy log fire, central heating through the house as well as HRV,
       replaced, heat pump and gas heating. Outside the home has been freshly painted and it looks                   aluminium joinery and infinity hot water system. All this plus insulation and basement garaging.
       awesome. Off street parking and a single garage. A park like setting secretly out back makes this a           The home has a fantastic section, perfect for the growing family & there is a great little walkway to take
       great family home!                                                                                            the dog for a stroll at night across the road. The home has new carpets, curtains & has been repainted
                                                                                                                     inside & out. Step inside to truly appreciate this property.

                                 Rebecca Bruce 027 965 8310 : Donna Black 027 549 6123                                                          Rebecca Bruce 027 965 8310 : Donna Black 027 549 6123

                                                                                                                                                                             BARELAND BLOCK
                                                                                                                                                                            Norfolk Road, Inglewood
                                                                                                                                                                            Prime 7352 square metre (approx 1.75
                                                                                                                                                                            acres) bareland block situated in
                                                                                                                                                                            excellent location with frontage to
                                                                                                                                                                            both Norfolk & Roads. With stunning
                                                                                                                                                                            views back to the mountain plus wide
                                                                                                                                                                            spanning rural views, what a place to
                                                                                                                                                                            build the new home. Enough paddock
                                                                                                                                                                            area for an animal or two for the kids.

                                                                                                                 Viewing By Appointment

                                                                                                                                                                            4 HA BARELAND
                                                                                                                                                                            Percival St off Richmond Rd, Lepperton
       Viewing By Appointment                                                                                                                                               Located in the very popular district of
                                                                                                                                                                            Lepperton, you will find this very good
       GRAZING / BUILDING OPPORTUNITY                                                                                                                                       lifestyle property. Contour is very easy
                                                                                                                                                                            rolling with an excellent building site.
         Hursthouse Road, Inglewood                                                                                                                                         Views are mainly rural with expansive
       An opportunity to purchase an attractive 12.6 hectares of bareland. Currently utilised as a supplement                                                               distant sea views. The head of a small
       cut and carry and grazing support property to a dairying operation this offers a new owner the                                                                       creek is surrounded by some pruned
       opportunity to buy and continue on with a similar use plus it also offers several elevated positions to                                                              pine trees plus a mix of native bush
       build a new home on which give wide spanning views of the surrounding country side. Subdivided into                                                                  with plenty of bird life. Power to
       11 paddocks with deer fencing and perimeter fenced with the same. Water is pumped to a tank and
       gravity fed to troughs in all paddocks from a spring water supply.

                                 Owen Mills | Mobile: 027 477 7302
                                                                                                                 Viewing By Appointment

      Stratford                                                                                                                                                                                    06 765 8550
      Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                   2                                                                                 06 278 0360                                                                                                                              Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                          23
“We put you first.”

     Inspect Sunday 1.00 - 1.30pm

      58 Buller Street
      Sleek and stylish modern design paired with desired location near the city, coastal walkway and beaches, this is an extremely impressive
      package. On its own freehold title, entry level has open plan living with designer kitchen, guest bedroom, bathroom, powder room and
      laundry. Upstairs provides a 2nd living room, complete with a built-in bar and a further 3 bedrooms (master with ensuite and walk-in
      robe). A small, north-facing courtyard from main living captures all day sun. There is also one secure off-street parking space. Ideal for
      those with busy lives, perfect to lock & leave. Sure to impress, be quick - others will want it too!

      Expressions Of Interest Closes 4pm 10th March (unless sold prior)
                                                                                                              www.open2view ID# 473021

     Inspect Sunday 2.00 - 2.30 pm

      39 Fillis Street
      Generously proportioned, truly functional, nestled in prestigious Fillis Street, this immaculately presented residence, is seriously for sale.
      Award winning and thoughtful, architecturally designed extensions complements this home, thus facilitating the ubiquitous indoor/
      outdoor flow us quintessential Kiwis love. Recently completed exterior painting, quality rhino carpet, superior insulated garage doors all
      add value and comfort. Add your own grass tennis court (accessories included) this is arguably the best opportunity to secure this dream
      property (zoned for all the sought after Schools). Tightly held for 35 years, time has arrived for the fortunate new owners to secure the
      lifestyle! All written offers will be duly considered.

      Price By Negotiation
                                                                                                              www.open2view ID# 464368
     Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                     06 757 5101

24    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS             Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                     
“We put you first.”

       Inspect Sunday 2.30 - 3.00pm

       482C Carrington Road
       Seldom do you find an opportunity where all the hard work is done, and you can move in and relax. This near new contemporary family
       home is set back from the street in an excellent location and is an entertainer’s dream. The smart floor plan provides the luxury of space
       with the open plan living, dining and kitchen, a separate lounge, and four generous bedrooms (master with ensuite). There is seamless
       flow to the ultimate playground outside with a 30m2 (approx.) covered alfresco entertaining area. The expansive decking connects with
       the large fully landscaped yard that includes room for the kids to play, distant sea views, room for the pool and back yard cricket.
       Beautiful presentation with all the modern aspects including ducted heating and cooling system, scullery, plus more. NPR5503

       Expressions Of Interest Closes 4pm 20th February (unless sold prior).
                                                                                                                        www.open2view ID# 471753


                                                                                                                    Inspect Sunday 12.15 - 12.45pm

       94 Belt Road                                                                                                 20 Chilman Street
       This gorgeous 1950´s Villa offers instant attraction and charming character throughout. The original Villa   Instantly attractive with modern, traditional style, this award winning home, built in 2015, oozes the
       has enjoyed further embellishment, 5 bedrooms (master with ensuite), main bathroom including bath,           ’WOW FACTOR’. Living areas are open plan and flow seamlessly to the outdoors. An oak timber kitchen
       and a separate laundry. Separate living rooms offer individual space and open to the outdoors with a         acts as the main hub. High ceilings in the living provides a sense of light & open space. The main
       seamless flow to the expansive north facing decking where you can relax. There is a third living area        bedroom with ensuite and walk in wardrobe is on the ground level as is the office, separate laundry,
       ideal for a teenage retreat, further features include the Vulcan central heating, gas hot water, and         powder room and internally accessed double garaging. Upstairs are 2 bedrooms plus a bathroom.
       room for the kids and pets to play in the fully fenced section.                                              Surrounded by easy care landscaped gardens, complete with an outdoor bath tub plus shower.

                                                                                                                    Buyer Enquiry Over $1,275,000

                                            www.open2view ID# 471940                                                                                   www.open2view ID# 435747

       Grant Paterson | Mobile: 021 901 906                                                                         Jamie Gemmell | Mobile: 0276719532

      Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                                                      06 757 5101                                                                                                                            Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                       25
“We put you first.”

      Inspect Sunday 12.15 - 12.45pm                                                                                Inspect Sunday 11.30- 12.30pm

      YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!!                                                                                        DESIRED LOCATION, ALMOST DRESS CIRCLE
      3/14 South Road                                                                                               23 Tokomaru Street
      Buy today for $299,000                                                                                        In the heart of Welbourn, this classic home offers excellent access to all schooling levels, Pukekura Park,
      Freehold today for approximately $200,000 (subject to final negotiations with the Te Taha trust). Total       Racecourse and city centre. While ripe for redecorating but comfortable as-is, this offering is so
      Cost $499,000                                                                                                 versatile, the ideal family home. Providing 5 good-sized bedrooms, 2 living areas, 2 bathrooms, and
      Fully renovated and beautifully presented, stunning harbour views and double glazed throughout.               complemented by a central kitchen, all-day sun and gas heating contributes to the warm and inviting
      Includes single garage. To inspect this excellent unit call Alex McDougall to arrange an inspection.          ambiance. Set on 620m2, the grounds have mature trees and established gardens. The garage offers
                                                                                                                    additional space in the form of workshop area and what one would call a man-cave. NPR5432

      $299,000                                                                                                      Buyer Enquiry Over $689,000

                                           www.open2view ID# 466752                                                                                      www.open2view ID# 455719

      Alex McDougall | Mobile: 027 211 9566                                                                         Vicki Ingles | Mobile: 021 633 194 | Home: 06 751 4902

      Viewing By Appointment

      57B Anglers Avenue
      Anglers Ave, just a stones throw away from the, boating, surf spots all at your back yard.
      This 3 bedroom home with large living space could be your family home or a bach.
      Options on relaxing with a north facing deck and south facing covered veranda. Easy drive to New
      Plymouth and surrounding villages. Double garage with extra storage and plenty of space. Plenty of
      running space in the enclosed section.
      MUST SEE! NPR5493

      Buyer Enquiry Over $410,000

                                           www.open2view ID# 430246

      Vicki Ingles | Mobile: 021 633 194 | Home: 06 751 4902

     Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                                                           06 757 5101

26   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                 Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                                                       
0800 75 75 73   

               no place like                            Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   27
 • Expert Attention • Free Consultation

     Kawaroa Park
     2A Morley Street
     What a delightful situation. This modern easy care home offers 3 double bedrooms (master
     with ensuite & walk-in robe) spacious double internal access garaging, gas heating &
     hot water, DVS system and lovely open-plan living that opens out to the private “cottage
     garden”. All day sun, on the flat & the walkway at your doorstep. Only a few minutes stroll
     to the CBD. Make it yours. Then move in and relax.
     Auctioneers Note:- The Trustees have instructed that this property is for sale today.
     They will consider all offers (conditional or unconditional) prior to Auction.
     New LIM Report. New Building Report. Settlement to suit. Seriously For Sale.
     Auction                     On Site etc

     Reserve Price         $599,000
     GV                    $620,000
     View                  Open Home Sunday 2.45pm                                   Roland Lina
     Web                   Trade Me                                         Mobile 021 430 343


28   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, February 15, 2020                     
    • Expert Attention • Free Consultation

                                              488A Carrington Road
                                              Any Texas Oil Baron would be proud to call this home.
                                              With 3 lounges, 6 bedrooms (5 doubles) 3 1/2 bathrooms,
                                              an entertainers kitchen and a massive pantry, this magnificent
                                              (315m2) home is presented in absolutely brand new condition -
                                              because most of it is in fact brand new. It will undoubtedly suit
                                              the most discerning new home buyer.
                                              Accessed via a private driveway, this totally unique property is
                                              surrounded by decks overlooking its own private 1,489m2 flat
                                              section with post & rail fences and pastureland beyond. Up the
                                              valley to the left, the mountain. Down the valley & right to the sea.
                                              Copious off-street parking, plenty of turning space and large
                                              double internal access garaging + a separate internal workshop.
                                              There’s plenty of room for an Olympic sized swimming pool or
                                              tennis court here too.
                                              Even JR would mow his own lawns here.
                                              Because the near new ride-on mower is also included.
                                              New LIM Report. Settlement to suit

                                              Seriously For Sale   Offers Invited
                                              GV                   $820.000
                                              View                 Open Home Sunday 3.45pm               Roland Lina
                                              Web                  Trade Me #2445799519                021 430 343

                                              Brick & A Big Double Garage
                                              16 Rangitake Drive
                                              Amazing value here and oh so tidy ! Current owner for the last
                                              19 years Originally 3 bedrooms, now 2 bedrooms & 2 lounges +
                                              a conservatory. This lovely brick home has aluminum joinery and
                                              has been re-roofed. Gas heating, gas infinity hot water and
                                              a 60m2 double ++ garage. So much for so little!
                                              Note:- The pylons no longer transmit as there is no longer a
                                              Power Station. They are redundant and due for removal.
                                              Property values are sure to rise as a result.
                                              New LIM Report.       Seriously for sale. Settlement to suit.

                                              For Sale Today       $329,000
                                              View                 Open Home Sunday 2pm                 Roland Lina
                                              Web                  Trade Me                            021 430 343

                                                                Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   29

30   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, February 15, 2020
Flag Grid   Price       Time          Address                             Description                                                          Agent    Flag Grid   Price      Time          Address                            Description                                                 Agent

    New Plymouth                                                                                                                                            New Plymouth
        Saturday 15 February                                                                                                                                    Sunday 16 February continued
 1 B3 Deadline Sale      1:00-2:00     179 Coronation Ave, Welbourn        3 bdrms, self contained unit, racecourse view osp                    HCTS     48 A4 Asking $895k     12:30-1:00    2/16 McLean St, Strandon           4brms,2bthrm,dbl gge,close2 fitzroy&eastend beach           TSBR

 2 B2 EOI                11:00-11:30 107 Belt Rd, Central                  NL 1920’s charm, 3brms, insulated, gas HW radiators, dbl gge TSBR             49 A3 BEO $895,000     4:30-5:00     116 Vivian St                      3 bed, 3 bath. Sheds, sheds & sheds!                        McNP

        Sunday 16 February                                                                                                                               50 A3 B.E.O $899K      1:00-1:30     55 Vivian St                       5 bed, 2 bath character home, central location              HCTS
 3 A1 $199k N/O          12:30-1:00    32D Paritutu Rd, Spotswood          2 bed tidy unit and garage                                           PROF
                                                                                                                                                         51 B4 $1,275,000 BEO 12:15-12:45 20 Chilman St                          Superb, easy care, stylish - must see!                      WFNT
 4 A2 $299,000           12:15-12:45 3/14 South Rd, Moturoa                Price reduced - Vendor says“SELL”                                    WFNT
                                                                                                                                                         52 A2 BEO $1,600,000 12:00-12:30 34 Whiteley St, Moturoa                Brand new executive home with sea views                     RWNP
      A1 $329,000        3:45-4:30     16 Rangitake Dr, Spotswood          Brick & XOS Double Garaging. See Multilist                           MLTI
                                                                                                                                                         53 B1 Auction          12:00         240 Omata Rd, Spotswood            Solid 1960’s 3 bedroom + Study home                         BAYL
 5 C2 O/O $349,000       11:00-11:30 261 Frankley Rd, Ferndale             2bdrm + office,open plan, fenced deck area                           REMX
                                                                                                                                                         54 B1 Auction          1:00-1:45     18 St Ives Gr, Whalers Gate        4 bedroom, ensuite, bush setting                            HCTS
 6 B2 $369k N/O          3:00-3:30     3 Dorset Ave, Westown               A cutie! 2 bdrms, sunny open plan living.                            PROF
                                                                                                                                                         55 C2 Auction          1:00-1:30     790 Frankley Rd, Hurworth          3 Bed home + Office, 2.26Ha approx                          BAYL
 7 B4 EOIO $379,000      12:30-1:00    115 Mangorei Rd, Merrilands         3 bedrm, sunny, elevated, great location                             REMX
                                                                                                                                                         53 B1 Auction          2:00-2:30     240 Omata Rd, Spotswood            1960’s 3 Bedroom plus study home                            BAYL
 8 B2 $389k N/O          1:00-1:30     160 Tukapa St, Westown              3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Great Location                                PROF
                                                                                                                                                         56 C2 Auction          2:00-2:30     22 Patterson Rd, Hurworth          Superior Living, 4 Bed, Pool, 3 Living, Entertain           BAYL
 9 B2 BEO $389,000       3:00-3:30     152 Pembroke St, Westown            1960’s, O/plan, 3 bed, basement tandem gar + Spa                     RWNP
                                                                                                                                                         57 B1 Auction          2:15-3:15     42 Hobart Dr, Spotswood            LAST CHANCE! Quiet cul-de-sac,3bdm,fenced section           HCTS
 10 C3 BEO $395,000      12:30-1:00    1/34 Hori St, Vogeltown             2 x 1brm units. O/P living, comb bathroom, parkin                    RWNP
                                                                                                                                                         58 C3 Auction          2:30-3:30     212 Huatoki St, Upper Vogeltown    2 bdrms, 2092m2 section, bush and mountain views            HCTS
 11 B2 BEO $399,000      11:30-12:30 1/6 Hoyle Pl                          2Brm,Brick,Sunroom,Single Garage,Cls to Shops                        McIW
                                                                                                                                                              B4 Best Offers    12:30-1:00    7d Royal Hts, Glen Avon            NEW LISTING 4 bdrm, 2 bathrm, sort after location           REMX
 13 B2 B.E.O $415K       12:00-12:30 25 Tavistock St, Westown              3bdm,2 bath,tidy,handy location,fenced section                       HCTS
                                                                                                                                                         60 C4 Best Offers      1:30-2:00     2 Taylor Pl, Merrilands            3brm twnhse dbl glzed gd insul. 2 livng see ad              REMX
 14 B1 BEO $415,000      3:00-3:30     89B Poplar Gr, Whalers Gate         NL - 3 bed, 2 bath, privacy and views!                               McNP
                                                                                                                                                         61 A5 By Negotiation   3:30-4:00     15 Gleneagles Way, Waiwhakaiho     Outstanding Luxury Living At It’s Best!                     McNP
 15 C2 BEO $429,000      3:00-3:30     56A Woodleigh St, Frankleigh Park 3 dbl brm, dbl gge, fab deck, fully fenced                             TSBR
                                                                                                                                                         62 B2 Deadline Sale    12:30         14a Lombardy Pl, Whalers Gate      Solid 4bdm, spacious, sunny + private                       HCTS
 16 A2 BEO $439,000      11:00-11:30 164A Vivian St, Central               Brick 4 bdrm 2 living 2 kitchns, 2 levls, centrl                     RWNP
                                                                                                                                                         1 B3 Deadline Sale     1:00-2:00     179 Coronation Ave, Welbourn       3 bdrms, self contained unit, racecourse view osp           HCTS
 17 B3 BEO $439,000      2:00-2:30     19 Sycamore Gr, Lower Vogeltown NL-Renovated 1920s 3bed, 2bath, private, peaceful                        McNP
                                                                                                                                                         63 B2 Deadline Sale    1:00-2:00     4 Oliver O’Leary Way, Westown      Brand new,3bdm,3 bathrooms,mountain view,dbl gar            HCTS
 18 B2 BEO $449,000      1:00-1:30     12d Marina Gr, Frankleigh Park      Beautiful bush setting+stream, 4brm 2bath lge liv                    TSBR
                                                                                                                                                         59 C4 Deadline Thurs   12:45-1:15    5a Tupuhi, Highlands Park          Near new exec 3+bdm sunny room for camper see ad            REMX
 19 B2 Neg over $469k 12:00-12:30 60 David St, Westown                     4 bed, 2 bths, 2 lvl, rumpus, large section                          BAYL
                                                                                                                                                         64 C2 E.O.I            12:00-1:00    247 Frankley Rd, Frankleigh Park   NEW LIST 3bed+office close to shops schools & bus           HCTS
 20 B2 $485,000          2:00-2:30     45 Wallath Rd, Westown              spacious 3 bedroom home extra accomodation                           T&C
                                                                                                                                                         65 A4 EOI              11:00-11:30 28 McLean St, Strandon               NL-Solid 1930’s 3 bedroom home, great location!             McNP
 21 B2 BEO $489,000      3:00-3:30     23 Trafalgar St, Westown            NL Sunny low mtce, 3 bedrm, dble gge int acc                         TSBR
                                                                                                                                                         66 C2 EOI              12:00-12:30 29 Doralto Rd, Frankleigh Park       4 brms+ office GV $480,000                                  REMX
 22 B4 N/O $490,000      11:30-12:00 21 Awanui St, Merrilands              Fully renovated, 3 bdrm, Excellent location                          REMX
                                                                                                                                                         67 C2 EOI              12:30-1:00    53h Doralto Rd, Frankleigh Park    3brm, 3bth, dbl gge, See               REMX
 23 A1 BEO $499,000      1:30-2:00     14 MtView Pl, Spotswood             Beautiful sunny, 4 bed newly renovated home with views               TSBR
                                                                                                                                                         68 C3 EOI              1:00-1:30     389 Carrington Rd, Upper Vogeltown Packed with potential, 3 bedroom bungalow                   BAYL
 24 B2 BEO $519,000      1:00-1:30     191 Tukapa St, Westown              4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, immaculate                                  REMX

 25 C2 BEO $549,000      12:30-1:00    259 Frankley Rd, Ferndale           NL, 4 BED IN GREAT LOCATION, POOL, SEE AD!!                          McNP     69 A3 EOI              1:00-1:30     58 Buller St                       Stylish, contemporary apartment style living                WFNT

 26 A2 $569k O/O         12:00-12:30 403 Devon St West, Lynmouth           Great views, potential for more! tidy sunny home                     PROF     70 C3 EOI              2:00-2:30     169B Heta Rd, Highlands Park       5 beds, dblgge, ensuite, deck, great sun                    BAYL

 27 A2 BEO $579,000      12:30-1:15    421 Devon St West, Lynmouth         3brms, rumpus, new bathrm & kitchen,dbl grg,EMPTY, VIEWS!            TSBR     71 C3 EOI              2:30-3:00     482C Carrington Rd                 Family & entertainers playground, near new                  WFNT

 28 C2 $589k N/O         12:45-1:15    9 Ashmore Dr, Frankleigh Park       3 Bd + office, large living, dbl garage                              PROF     72 A2 EOI              11:30-12:00 10 Carver Pl, Lynmouth               LOCK’nLEAVE! Views,2bed,spacious, sunny, sge gge            TSBR

 29 C2 BEO $599,000      12:00-12:30 11c Redwood Cres, Hurdon              Stunn elevated views, sunny, private,3brms, 2bthrms,office           TSBR     2 B2 EOI               2:00-2:30     107 Belt Rd, Central               NL 1920’s charm, 3brms, insulated, gas HW radiators, dbl gge TSBR

 30 A2 EOIO $599,000     1:00-1:30     2&3/28a Bayly Rd, Moturoa           Brand new‘lock up n leave’3brms, 2bathrms                            REMX     73 A1 Offers           1:00-1:30     14 Lavender Cl, Spotswood          New build 4 bedroom home                                    T&C

      A2 $599k Reserve   2:45-3:30     2A Morley St, Central               Kawaroa. Modern. Immaculate. See Multilist                           MLTI     12 B2 P.B.N            12:00-12:30 158b Tukapa St, Westown              3 Bed, 1 bath, 1 garage, bush outlook                       HCTS

 31 B3 BEO $619,000      11:30-12:00 102B Frankley Rd, Frankleigh Park LARGE 6 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME, MUST SEE!!                                  McNP     74 A3 P.B.N            1:00-1:45     16 Hine St                         BRAND NEW,4bdm,office,3 living,great location               HCTS

 32 C4 BEO $649,000      1:15-1:45     60 Karina Rd, Merrilands            Fully renovated 3 bedroom home in Merrilands!                        McNP     75 B5 P.B.N            1:30          201 Egmont Rd, Hillsborough        5 bedroom home, 10 hectares, private, secluded              HCTS

 33 B1 $650,000          3:00-3:30     43 Sealy Rd, Omata                  2.2 hectares, 4 bedroom home,top location                            T&C      79 D5 P.B.N            2:30          115 Turangi Rd Lower, Motunui      Unique Tuscan style, stunning sea views                     HCTS

 34 B2 BEO $675,000      1:00-1:30     20 Dorset Ave, Lynmouth             3brm Bungalow, ensuite, office, dbl garaging                         RWNP 76 B3 PBN                  2:00-2:30     39 Fillis St                       Neighbouring Pukekura Park, stunning character              WFNT

 35 D4 B.E.O $679K       12:45         13 Bosworth St, Egmont Village      New Listing,4bd,2 living,2 bathrm,3 car garaging                     HCTS     77 B2 Set Sale Date    1:00-1:30     10 Waimea St, Westown              4 bdrm flat & fully fenced back yard                        RWNP
 36 B1 BEO $679,000      1:00-1:30     5B Cyrus St, Whalers Gate           Brand New, 3 bed 2 bath, stunning bush views                         McNP     78 B3 Tender           12:15-12:45 27 Standish St                       Iconic location, 3bdm,2 bthrm, elevated outlook             HCTS
 37 B3 $689,000 BEO      11:30-12:30 23 Tokomaru St                        Large 5 bedroom home - VENDORS WANT SOLD!                            WFNT            Wednesday 19 February
 38 A4 $699k N/O         2:00-2:30     1/5 Richmond St, Fitzroy            Ground yourself in the atmosphere & buzz that is quite simply FITZROY! PROF   80 A2 BEO $979,000     5:15-6:00     16A Belt Rd, Moturoa               Luxury Living in a Superb Location!                         McNP

 39 C2 BEO $705,000      11:45-12:15 36D Shelter Gr, Frankleigh Park       Great Family Living in a Excellent Location                          McNP            Thursday 20 February
 40 C1 BEO $720,000      2:15-2:45     3F Honeyfield Dr, Whalers Gate      Near new & easy-care brms, 2bthrms, elevated w. views                TSBR     63 B2 Deadline Sale    5:30-6:00     4 Oliver O’Leary Way, Westown      Brand new,3bdm,3 bathrooms,mountain view,dbl gar            HCTS

 41 B3 BEO $739,000      12:30-1:00    4 Mackillop Way, Brooklands         NEW BUILD! 3 bedroom, ensuite, double garage                         McNP        Bell Block
 42 C2 Neg Over $790K 1:00-1:30        370 Tukapa St, Westown              Private. sheltered and attractive gardens                            BAYL            Sunday 16 February
 43 A1 $800k G/V         1:00-1:30     20 Findlay St, Moturoa              Near new, sensational views, 2.5 bdrm, ensuite                       PROF     81 B5 BEO $679,000     2:15-3:00     116F Wills Rd                      NL - Fantastic Location - Exceptional Opportunity           McNP

      C3 $820,000 GV     2:00-2:30     488A Carrington St, Hurworth        “Southfork” See Multilist                                            MLTI     82 B5 BEO $745,000     1:00-1:45     28 Coby Sydney Dr                  N/LIST! See Cover Think big! Wheelchair friendly            TSBR

 44 A4 BEO $825,000      12:00-12:30 8 Chatswood Gr, Fitzroy               3 bdrm, ensuite, large orchid house/shed                             RWNP        Inglewood
 45 C3 BEO $839,000      12:00-12:30 6 Kindberg Rd, Hurworth               4 bed 2 bath 2 living perfect entertaining space                     McNP            Sunday 16 February
 46 B3 $850k G/V         2:30-3:00     58C Gilbert St, City                Dress circle, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom                                  PROF     83 D2 O/O $470,000     1:00-1:30     3 Carrington St                    7 brms+ office +1355m2 section                              REMX

 47 B1 B.E.O $870K       11:30-12:00 7 Byron Pl, Whalers Gate              Large 5 bed family home,dble gar,internal access                     HCTS     84 D2 BEO $1,150,000 2:00-2:30       1326 Upland Rd                     Beautiful 4Brm Brick,Multi Garaging on 12 Acres             McIW                                                                                                                                                                          Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                                           31
Flag Grid   Price          Time         Address                      Description                                          Agent   Flag Grid   Price           Time          Address                        Description                                         Agent

   Oakura                                                                                                                            Stratford
       Sunday 16 February                                                                                                                Saturday 15 February
85 D1 Auction              1:15-1:45    219 Ahu Ahu Rd               The“Good Life”                                       BAYL    103         Tender          10:00-10:30 220 - 268 Brookes Rd, Cardiff    19.83ha (49 acres),Flat to Rolling,Mountain Views   McIW

86 D1 Deadline sale        2:00-2:30    107 Wairau Rd                As new family home, peace, privacy & views!          McWA           Sunday 16 February
                                                                                                                                              O/O $269,000    12:45-11:15   26 Antonio St                  3 bdrm, ideal fifirrst home purchase                McST
   Waitara                                                                                                                        104

                                                                                                                                  105         O/A $270,000    2:15-2:45     61 Cloten Rd                   Characteristic 1920s 4 bdrm                         McST
       Sunday 16 February
87 D4 O/O $225,000         11:30-12:00 101A Cracroft St              Refurbished 3brm cottage style, sunny wrap deck      McWA 106            O/O $299,000    1:30-2:00     27 Lysander St                 3 bdrm, open plan, Floor area 100sqm                McST

88 D5 $235k N/O            11:00-11:30 65a Queen St                  Tidy 2 bdrm, single garage,fenced                    PROF 107            O/A $299,000    3:30-4:00     21 Broadway                    3 bdrm, large open plan living                      McST

89 D5 $309k N//O           11:45-12:15 2 Warre St                    Renovated,, 3bdrm,, fullyy fenced,, great location   PROF 108            O/O $329,000    12:00-12:30 117 Swansea Rd                   3 bdrm, open plan, largge car shed                  McST

90 D4 BEO $369,000         2:00-2:45    45 Stafford St               NL 2dbl brm, heatpump, lg deck, dblgge o/st park     TSBR                BEO $395,000    1:00-3:00     55A Broadway                   3bdrm, 990m2, well presented brick basement home    PRPL

      D4 By Negotiation    2:30-3:30    7E Kapui Pl                  3 bdrm, recycled timber home, HUGE workshop          PRPL    110         O/O $399,000    3:00-3:30     17 Broadway                    5 bdrm, open plan living, mountain views            McST

   Hawera                                                                                                                                     O/O $589,000    11:15-11:45 61 Warwick Rd                    5 acres, 4 bdrm, farmlet with sheds                 McST

       Sunday 16 February                                                                                                            Other Areas / Rural / Lifestyle
91          BEO $259,000   1:00-2:00    349 High St                  3 bdrm, single garage, close to schools & shops      PRPL           Sunday 16 February
92          E/O $289,000   1:45-2:15    42 Tawa St                   Solid First Home/Investment                          MGFN                O/O $589,000    11:15-11:45 61 Warwick Rd, Stratford         5 acres, 4 bdrm, farmlet with sheds                 McST

93          $349,000       1:45-2:15    336 South Rd                 House, Gardens & Privacy                             MGFN 111 D4 Neg Over $680K 11:30-12:00 15 Alfred Rd, Egmont Village              3 Bed Summit Stone on 4 Acres approx                BAYL

94          E/O $379,000   2:30-3:00    3A Karaka St                 Easy Care - Easy Living!                             MGFN 112 B5 O/O $450,000            12:00-12:30 537 Richmond Rd, Lepperton       NEW LISTING, Cute, 2 Beds, Dbl Garage, 812 sqm      RARE

95          E/O $385,000   1:00-1:30    27 Galt St                   Spacious Opportunity! Buy Me!                        MGFN 113 B5 B.E.O $695K             1:00-1:30     5 Cross St, Lepperton          NEW LISTING! 4bdm,2 living,brick,1689m2 section     HCTS

96          E/O $399,000   1:00-1:30    33B Argyle St                Central Townhouse, 3 Bedroom                         MGFN                Deadline Sale   2:30-3:00     16 Rangauri St, Manaia         Hall-type Building with Multiple Opportunities      METC

97          BEO $399,000   1:45-2:15    74A Wilson St                2 Bedrooms, Office, Internal Access Single Garage    METC 114 D2 O/O $609,000            3:00-3:30     343 Durham Rd Upper, Norfolk   Trendy Shed Home,3 Brm,5 flat acres approx          McIW

98          O/O $479,000   1:00-1:30    18 Laurent VC St             3 Bedrooms, Double Garaging, New Build               METC                Auction         11:30-12:00 43 Cumming St, Okato             1950’s Weatherboard home, 3+ bedrooms               BAYL

99          $750,000       3:15-3:45    242B Turuturu Rd             Superb Lifestyle Living!                             MGFN                Auction         2:45-3:15     716 Puniho Rd, Okato           11.11Ha Grazing. 4 bedrooms                         BAYL

100         $849,000       12:00-1:00   281 Waihi Rd                 Large Sunny Family Home - 3.5Acres!                  MGFN                Tender          11:00-11:30 146 Oxford Rd, Okato             3.9Ha and 3 bedroom home                            BAYL

   Normanby                                                                                                                                   Tender          11:45-12:15 183 Oxford Rd, Okato             Spacious 3 bedroom on 2 acres                       BAYL

       Sunday 16 February                                                                                                         115 B1 BEO $649,000         11:00-11:30 2 Sealy Rd, Omata                4bed,2bath,great outdoor living,1700m² section      McNP

101         $289,000       12:00-12:30 53 Grey St                    4-5 Bedrooms, 4 Car Garage                           MGFN 116 B1 EOI GV $940K            2:00-2:30     5A Sealy Rd, Omata             Immac 4+bdrm, 3lvng, 3gge, sleepout, nursery        McNP
102         O/O $299,000   1:00-1:30    43 Grey St                   4 Bedrooms, 2 Living Areas & Single Garage           METC                $339k N/O       11:00-11:30 6380 South Rd, Pungarehu         3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lifestyle                    PROF

   Opunake                                                                                                                                    O/O $435,000    12:30-1:00    51 Ngakoti St, Urenui          Family living,3brm+, conservatory, close to river   McWA

       Sunday 16 February                                                                                                                Wednesday 19 February
            Auction        1:00-2:00    185 Tasman St                1 hectare all flat, 3 bedroom, 1920’s bungalow       HCTS                Auction         5:30-6:30     43 Cumming St, Okato           1950’s Weatherboard home, 3+ bedrooms               BAYL

34            TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                        Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                                                                       
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40   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, February 15, 2020
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%RX   Q   GDU   \   O   HQL   V   D   HU   QL   FLG   WD   YL   H   R   OQ   \                R%   Q X   UDG   \   O   H Q L   V   D   HU   QL   DFLG   HYLW   \OQR

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44    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, February 15, 2020   Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   45
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            Whatever your property needs, contact Bayleys Taranaki today.                                                                                                                              SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saturday, February 15, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                                      47
                                                                                                                                                                             features that seem
                                                                                                                                                                             innovative today
                                                                                                                                                                             may soon become
                                                                                                                                                                             a routine part of
                                                                                                                                                                             any new-build.
                                                                                                                                                                             PHOTOS: 123RF

         or most of us, our house will be                                                                                                               recommended by experts for houses

         our biggest asset. So when                                                                                                                     being built today.
         building, it makes sense to                                                                                                                        Architect and HomeStar assessor
         want to create something that                                                                                                                  Jessamine Fraser said future-proofing
won’t become obsolete in a decade’s                                                                                                                     measures included increasing
time.                                                                                                                                                   insulation values, energy efficiency
   Some of it is about new technology                                                                                                                   and the future potential for energy
and fun gadgets, but future proofing                                                                                                                    shortages.

                                                  a home build
also involves effective and clever                                                                                                                          ‘‘Including on site power
design, eco-friendly measures and the                                                                                                                   generation, wind or solar or even mini
ability to withstand the effects of                                                                                                                     hydro if there’s a nearby stream; on-
climate change.                                                                                                                                         site rainwater storage and greywater
   If you’re building a new house in                                                                                                                    recycling; and even composting toilets
2020 and want it to stand the test of                                                                                                                   will all contribute to the sustain-
time, simply sticking to the building                                                                                                                   ability and ongoing resilience and
code shouldn’t be a target, it should be                                                                                                                longevity of your home,’’ she said.
a bare minimum.
                                                  The house you build today should be efficient and                                                         Each house would also need to be
   Future-proofing a new-build will           comfortable for years to come, writes Shabnam Dastgheib.                                                  designed with the future of the
cost more but experts say the benefits                                                                                                                  individual family in mind, Fraser
far outweigh the initial outlay. The                                                                                                                    said.
things that are new and innovative                                                                                                                          New babies, temporary injury, and
today will soon become a routine part                                                                                                                   long-term disability or illness could
of a new-build.                                                                                                                                         all affect how the space was used.
   The Building Guide recommends                                                                                                                            ‘‘Building in flexibility for the
that every new-build has at least some                                                                                                                  potential for conversion of a ground
level of smart-home installation as                                                                                                                     floor level room to a bedroom, a
this will soon become an essential                                                                                                                      bathroom accessible to wheelchairs,
requirement for any home.                                                                                                                               space for a future lift, and adding
   A smart home has a commun-                                                                                                                           additional framing strategically into
ication network that allows                                                                                                                             bathroom walls to enable the future
appliances to be remotely controlled,                                                                                                                   installation of support rails, are all
monitored and accessed.                                                                                                                                 part of designing a home for life,’’ she
   By the end of 2018, more than                                                                                                                        said.
200 million homes in the world had at                                                                                                                       Fraser said a home needed to be
least one smart device. By the end of                                                                                                                   designed and built for mental, social
2023, there will be more than                                                                                                                           and emotional wellbeing, not only
300 million smart homes and more                                                                                                                        physical comfort.
than 6.4 billion smart home devices –                                                                                                                       It needed to take into account the
an average of 21 per smart home.                                                                                                                        changing ways in which people
   Future Proof Building, an organis-                                                                                                                   live with built-in flexibility.
ation that advocates for better                                                                                                                             ‘‘It’s important to get the funda-
building practices, recommends a                                                                                                                        mentals right first, site context,
power point placement plan, climate                                                                                                                     orientation, social context and use,’’
control, centralised wiring, and a data                                                                                                                 she said. ‘‘Designing for the sun and
and communications hub for all new                                                                                                                      wind, ensuring we have sun warming
builds.                                     Each new home          Mark Graham is the ability to              security would also play a major role     our homes in winter and shade and
   It also advises installing a keyless     needs to be            function off-grid by generating power      in ensuring the home remained             cross-ventilation to keep us cool in
entry system, secure boundary               designed with the      through solar panels and incorpor-         functional for years to come.             summer, means that all the more
fencing, security lighting, and CCTV.       future of the          ating an electric car charging station.       Sound control should also be a key     technical aspects of construction for
                                            individual family in
   Keeping families safe and healthy        mind.
                                                                      Graham said climate change was          feature in new-builds. By                 thermal performance don’t have to
should be an integral part of any new                              going to mean higher temperatures          incorporating noise resistant exterior    work so hard.’’
house design. This involves                                        and more extreme rains and so new          wall cladding, quiet appliances,              Fraser said New Zealand didn’t
mechanical filtered ventilation                                    houses needed to be built to withstand     double or even triple glazing and solid   rate very highly in terms of future-
systems, anti-allergen carpet, central                             those conditions.                          core doors, a house could become          proofing housing stock but she
vacuum systems, non-toxic paint, and                                  If solar panels are out of the budget   much more user-friendly.                  recommended those building in the
slip resistant surfaces.                                           then wiring a house to be solar power         Soft-closing drawers and hinges,       near future to look at initiatives like
   Also essential, according to the                                ready was a good way to go.                noise-resistant insulation and            Goldsmith St in Norwich for
Building Guide’s publisher                                            Good ventilation, heating and           acoustic plumbing are all                 inspiration.

48      TARANAKI DAILY NEWS           Saturday, February 15, 2020                                                                                       
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