THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin

Page created by Jessie Weber
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Everything You Need to
Know to Apply to Trinity
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin

                                            ELCOME TO TRINIT
04 Think Trinity?
    06 A University for all Students
    07 Location

08 Student Life at Trinity
    09 Your First Year in Trinity
    09 Student Entertainment
    11 Student Societies and Publications
    12 Trinity Sport
    13 Accommodation
    14 A Global Campus
    15 Places to Eat and Relax
    15 An Ghaeilge/The Irish language

16 Your Learning Supports
    16 Supporting your Transition from
       High School
    16 A World-Class Library
    17 IT Services
    17 Optional Courses

18 Study, Research or Volunteer Abroad

19 Your Support Network
    19 Personal Tutor
    19 Student Mentors
    20 Students’ Union Supports
    20 Student Counseling Service
    20 Health Service
    20 Academic Registry
    20 Disability Service
    20 Chaplaincy

21 The Trinity Education

22 Starting your Career

24 US Undergraduate Applicant Guide
    25 Undergraduate Courses
    26 Application Process
    27 Undergraduate Selectivity
    28 Top 10 Courses
    29 Two-Subject Moderatorship (TSM)
    30 Support for International Students
    31 Top 10 Questions
    32 Cost to Attend
    34 Student Profiles

36 US Postgraduate Applicant Guide
    37 Postgraduate Courses
    38 Application Process
    40 Postgraduate Research
    41 Cost to Attend
    42 Student Testimonials
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
2017-2018 Term Dates
       18 - 22 September 2017   Freshers’ Week (Orientation)
       25 September 2017        Michaelmas Term teaching begins
       6 November 2017          Reading Week begins
       10 November 2017         Reading Week ends
       15 December 2017         Michaelmas Term ends

       15 January 2018          Hilary Term teaching begins
       26 February 2018         Reading Week begins
       2 March 2018             Reading Week ends
       6 April 2018             Hilary Term teaching ends
       9 April 2018             Revision/Examination Prep period begins
       1 May 2018               Examinations begin
       25 May 2018              Examinations end (flights home should
                                not be booked until exam dates are set)

YOUR EXPERIENCE                                                           3
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Think Trinity?

                                                  „ Trinity is 1st in Europe for producing
    The Trinity Education                                                                            Diversity of the Trinity
                                                    entrepreneurs (PitchBook Universities
    „ Trinity offers a world class educational      Report 2016/2017)                                Community
      experience, both in and beyond the                                                             „ Trinity is home to a diverse and
                                                  „ Trinity backs entrepreneurial students
      classroom. Our curriculum is inspired by                                                         multicultural community. We are
                                                    through programs such as LaunchBox
      the research that takes place across the                                                         proud to welcome students from all
                                                    (see page 23), supporting them to start
      university. Our students are an integral                                                         backgrounds and places. Trinity has
                                                    new businesses and social enterprises.
      part of our community of scholars who                                                            students from every county on the
      work together to explore the major                                                               island of Ireland, with nearly half coming
      questions in their areas of study.                                                               from outside of Dublin, while our
      Trinity’s degree programs will enable                                                            international students represent over
      you to cover a broad range of core          Student Satisfaction                                 100 different nationalities.
      subjects in the first two years, and then
                                                  In the Universum Student Survey 2014:
      allow you to focus in-depth on the areas
      that interest you most, in the final two    „ Trinity scored highest of all universities
                                                                                                     Student Supports
      years. You will also have the opportunity     when students were asked if they would
      to complete an individual research                                                             „ Trinity has a fantastic network of
                                                    choose the same Irish university again.
      project during your studies.                                                                     student supports to ensure all our
                                                  „ 85% of Trinity students recommended                students can get the most out of
    „ Many of our courses provide                   Trinity.                                           their time with us. These include a
      opportunities to study abroad at some                                                            personal tutor for each student, a wide
      of the top universities around the world.                                                        range of learning supports to aid your
    „ Trinity offers an excellent return on
                                                  Employability                                        transition to university, peer support
      investment and is recognized as one of                                                           and student mentors, and an excellent
                                                  „ Trinity is the only Irish university to
      only twenty-two ‘Best Buy’ public                                                                Careers Advisory Service to help you
                                                    feature in the 2016 Times Higher
      colleges in the world (Fiske Guide to                                                            find employment before and after you
                                                    Education Global Employability
      Colleges 2016).                                                                                  graduate.
                                                    University Ranking.
                                                  „ 95% of our graduates from 2015 are
    Student Life @ Trinity                          either in employment or further
                                                    study.                                           „ Some of the most famous people in Irish
    „ Trinity offers students an unparalleled
      experience. There are 120 societies                                                              history have been educated here: writers
      and 48 sports clubs waiting for you to      Location                                             like Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett;
      join them in Front Square during                                                                 scientists like William Rowan Hamilton
      Freshers’ Week, along with course             „ Trinity is situated in the heart of Dublin       and E.T.S. Walton, who won the Nobel
      specific social events for you to get to      city, at the center of Ireland’s transport         Prize for splitting the atom, as well as
      know your new classmates, not to              hub, on a beautiful campus which                   presidents Mary Robinson and Mary
      mention the legendary Trinity Ball.           contains a wonderful mix of modern                 McAleese, and many industry leaders
                                                    and historic facilities (including the             and entrepreneurs. Most recently,
                                                    country’s largest research library).               William Campbell, who studied Zoology
    International Reputation                                                                           at Trinity, won the Nobel Prize for
                                                                                                       Medicine in 2015.
    „ Trinity has a longstanding reputation for
      excellence in teaching and research. We
      are Ireland’s top ranked university,                                                           „ Our Alumni Career Network provides
      and the only Irish university in the                                                             support
                                                                                                                                           Trinity – –
      world’s top 100 universities (QS World                                                           allowing graduates to connect directly
      University Rankings 2017/18)                                                                     with other alumni around the world, to
                                                                                                       benefit from their experience and
    „ Trinity is Ireland’s most international                                                          receive career advice.
                                                                                                       career advice.
      university, ranked 44th in the world by
      the Times Higher Education ‘100 Most
      International Universities in the World                                            Listen to what our staff, students and alumni have to
      2015’.                                                                             say at:
4                                                                                        and
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is a university with a global reputation, committed to
                                                 the highest excellence in all academic endeavors. Our inspiring professors are dedicated teachers in
                                                 their fields, and global leaders in research and scholarship. The ‘Trinity Experience’ is a chance in a
                                                 lifetime for personal development in the broadest sense. Trinity has many diverse societies and clubs,
                                                 which contribute much to the life and fabric of the university and community.
                                                 As a student you feel a great sense of history, of walking in the footsteps of famous graduates, many of
                                                 whom are helping shape the history of Ireland and the wider world. I hope you will consider joining us
                                                 to study here and look forward to welcoming you to Trinity for an exciting new journey that will open
                                                 your mind to new experiences, ways of thinking and friendships, many of which will last a lifetime.
                                                 Dr Patrick Prendergast, Provost and President

                                                                                                                                Number of subject areas in
                                                                                                                                which Trinity is ranked in the
                                                                                                                                top 100 universities in the world

                             Ranked as Ireland’s
                                                                                                                                (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2016)
                             leading university
                             (QS World University Rankings 2017/18)

                                                     % of graduates
                                                                                                                                               of the student body are from
                                                     classified as
                                                     Director, VP,
                                                                                 Place in                                                      outside of Ireland, from more than

                                       18            Owner or
                                                                                 Ireland in the
                                                                                 2016 Global
                                                                                                                                              120 countries
                             Europe & worldwide
                                                                                                                                                47                    Size in acres of
                                                                                                                                                                      Trinity’s main campus

                             student exchange

                             agreements                                                      % international

                                                                                                                                                                               Sports clubs and
                                                                                                                                                                               Student societies
                                                                                                               of 2015                                                                   Over
                                                                                                            graduates in
                                                                                                            employment                                                                  440
                                                        Trinity is ranked in the                           or further study                                      Industry partners
                                                        Top 100 of institutions
                                                                      (QS World University

1st in Europe
                                                                      Rankings 2017/2018)

for producing Entrepreneurs                           More than                                                                                                                   17,500
                                                    11 ,000                                                                00                                                    Students
(Pitchbook Universities Report 2016-2017)

                                                                                                                                                                                 in Trinity

                          Ranked one of the
                                                                                                                                   5 YEAR
                          best institutions            Trinity alumni (graduates)
                                                                                                         A m o u nt

                                                                                                                                                                 g ic p la n

                          in the world for             in 130 countries worldwide                                                   PLAN

                                                                                                            a ll

                                                                                                                                                             ra t

                          education                                                                                   at


                          (2015 Princeton Review)                                                                               to Tr                 y ea
                                                                                                                                        i nit y’s 5
                                                                                                                                                                                Year in which

in the world for International Outlook -
                                                                                                                                                                                Trinity was
Highest ranked Irish university on the list
(Times Higher Education Rankings 2016)                                                       Number of printed books in Trinity's libraries
THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Trinity: A University for
    Ireland….a University
    for the World!
    Trinity Can Be Your
    University…                                        „ Students coming from the United States        example, in access to education, in gender
                                                         to study full-time in an accredited Trinity   equality, in recognition of LGBT issues, and
    A warm Trinity welcome awaits all our                program do not require a visa to enter        in disability issues.
    students. We believe that a diverse campus           Ireland.
    adds to the Trinity Experience for everyone,                                                       As Ireland’s foremost university our
    enhances their personal development and            „ It is important to note that all non-EU       campus ethos, is not only about respect,
    enriches the culture of the university. Trinity      students, whether visa-required or not,       understanding and appreciation of
    is an open and inclusive university and we           must register with the Irish                  difference, but an ethos where difference in
    are proud to keep these values at our core.          Naturalisation and Immigration Service        individuals and in groups is supported and
                                                         (INIS) – formerly GNIB – within a month       celebrated. Our student community is
    „ Our current students come from every               of arriving for permission to remain in       representative of a broad range of gender,
      county in Ireland and from 122 countries           the state.                                    nationality, ability, age, sexual orientation,
      around the world.                                                                                religion and socio-economic status. This
                                                       A Diverse University…                           diversity of background, as well as the
    „ In 2015/16 our student body had over
      4500 non-Irish students (26%), providing         Diversity and inclusion are core values of      diversity of the range of sporting, cultural,
      a true global community on Trinity’s             Trinity College, underpinned by specific        artistic, political and academic student
      campus.                                          commitments which aim to create “a              clubs and societies is reflective of that
                                                       community based on a collegiality in which      diversity, and ensures the inclusion of
    „ 45% of our students from the island of                                                           students of all interests.
                                                       all are encouraged to use their talents to
      Ireland are from outside Dublin, and we
                                                       achieve their potential.” (Trinity College
      aim to increase this proportion.                                                                 Hand in hand with our supports for
                                                       Dublin Strategic Plan, 2014-2019).
                                                                                                       diversity, being a student at Trinity is about
    „ 20% of students gain admission to
                                                       Our college community is composed of a          making the most of every opportunity to
      Trinity via educational access pathways.
                                                       rich mix of individuals who, through their      fulfil your potential, and on that basis,
      These include socio-economically
                                                       own distinctive viewpoints, contribute to       we encourage and welcome people
      disadvantaged students, students with a
                                                       the intellectually challenging culture of the   from all backgrounds to join our student
      disability and mature students. We aim
                                                       university. We are proud of many successes      community.
      to increase this proportion
      to 25% by 2019.                                  in managing diversity and inclusion, for

    „ 36% of our International students are
      from the USA. In 2017/18, we welcomed                                                               For more information on
      students from 31 of the 50 US states into
      our 4 year undergraduate programs.
                                                                                                          how to apply, see page 24

    If you are looking for an engaging,
    interesting and stimulating university
    experience at a world-class university,
    then we hope that you will apply to
    Don’t be concerned if you live far away, or if your friends are
    considering other options. Don’t worry if you are wondering if you
    will fit in at Trinity. By the time that you have joined some of our clubs
    and societies during Freshers’ Week and met lots of people with the
    same interests as you, made friends on your course through your
    class rep, met your personal tutor and student mentor, and gone to
    so many Students’ Union events that you’ve lost count, you’ll know
    that Trinity is your university!

THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Trinity’s Location
Your University, Your City                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        IRELAND

Trinity sits in the heart of Dublin’s city
center and over the centuries the city has
grown-up around the university. Today, this
is a great advantage for our students.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TRINITY
Dublin is a vibrant, young, European capital
city, and everything the city has to offer is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DUBLIN                                                                                                                                                                                EUROPE
easily accessible to Trinity students. The
vast array of restaurants, cafés, delis or
coffee shops (most offering student deals
and discounts) cater for every taste and
budget. Dublin’s theaters, museums, bars
                                                                                                                                                                             Trinity’s campus contains state of the art                                                                                                                                                                                             accessible via bus or taxi. We even have
and clubs ensure that there is always
                                                                                                                                                                             modern facilities including the Sports                                                                                                                                                                                                 three ‘Dublinbikes’ (shared cycles) stations
something exciting for students to enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                             Centre, Science Gallery, Nanoscience                                                                                                                                                                                                   adjacent to the campus.
every day of the year. There are plenty of
                                                                                                                                                                             Research Centre, Long Room Hub, and the
places to shop, whether that’s for your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Trinity’s location is also advantageous when
                                                                                                                                                                             Biomedical Sciences Institute, situated on a
weekly groceries or a browse through                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                you are looking for a job – Dublin’s ‘Silicon
                                                                                                                                                                             47-acre campus of cobbled squares, historic
leading high street stores on Grafton Street                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Docks’ are within walking distance, as is
                                                                                                                                                                             buildings and green playing fields.
or Henry Street.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the International Financial Services Centre,
                                                                                                                                                                             Trinity’s central location makes it highly                                                                                                                                                                                             and a large number of other businesses
If you want to take time out to relax in                                                                                                                                     accessible for all forms of public transport:                                                                                                                                                                                          and organizations have their Irish
nature, the city’s parks (including Phoenix                                                                                                                                  Trinity will soon have its own LUAS (tram)                                                                                                                                                                                             headquarters close by. The Dublin region is
Park, one of the largest urban parks in                                                                                                                                      station and there is a DART (Dublin’s                                                                                                                                                                                                  also home to many global corporations
Europe) and easily accessible coastline,                                                                                                                                     suburban rail system) station opposite                                                                                                                                                                                                 across a range of sectors.
beaches and the Dublin mountains are all                                                                                                                                     the campus. A large number of Dublin’s
close to hand. For those new to the city,                                                                                                                                    bus services pass by the University and                                                                                                                                                                                                  The best way to explore Trinity's unique
Dublin quickly becomes a home away from                                                                                                                                      national bus routes are a few minutes walk                                                                                                                                                                                               lively,The  best wayurban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              traditional,   to explore Trinity's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  experience  is tounique
home, while for those students from Dublin,                                                                                                                                  away. Dublin’s two main train stations are                                                                                                                                                                                                   lively, traditional, urban  experience    is to pay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      us a visit. To sign up for a tour please visit
coming to Trinity gives them the chance to                                                                                                                                   in close proximity, while Dublin airport                                                                                                                                                                                                       us a visit. To sign up for a tour please visit
discover their city anew.                                                                                                                                                    is 13km from the campus and is directly                                                                                                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If you are planning to apply, come visit!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     If you’re planning to apply,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              come visit!
   Browse campus maps and directions
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THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Student Life at Trinity

    Reasons to Choose Trinity… What our US Students Say
                  Audrey Williams,                                                                   The most challenging part of
                  European Studies Student                                                           transitioning into an Irish College from an
                  from Massachusetts, USA                                                            American High School was adapting to an
                                                                                                     academic year without continuous
                   "When I was a senior in high
                                                                                                     assessment. I overcame this challenge by
                   school, my sense of
                                                                                                     continuously assessing myself
                   adventure persuaded me to
                                                                                                     throughout the course of the term.
                   apply to Trinity, and my
                                                                                                     Admittedly more often in second year, I
                   enchantment with the
                                                                                                     constantly practiced questions from past
                   university and the charming
                                                                                                     exam papers, respective textbooks, and
                   city of Dublin when I visited
                                                                                                     created study groups with peers who
                   induced me to stay.
                                                                                                     could challenge my thought processes in
    I liked how broad my course is, and it has         Caoimhe Tyndall,                              a way that kept my brain engaged and
    allowed me to study a wide range of topics -       Science Student                               intrigued throughout the year.
    French, Spanish, politics, history,                from New Jersey, USA
    economics, sociology, and philosophy. I                                                          Dublin is by far one of the most diverse
                                                       "I chose General Science as it provides       cities this Earth has to offer. Within one
    found my course’s mandatory year of study
                                                       students with the opportunity to explore a    115 km2 area, it contains striking city
    abroad to be appealing as well - and next
                                                       wide variety of science-based modules         lights along O’Connell Bridge, vibrant
    year I will be studying abroad at Sciences Po
                                                       before declaring a specialized course of      ocean views from the peaks of Howth,
    in Paris - one of the world’s most renowned
                                                       specific interest. In the first two years,    tranquil trails through St. Stephen’s
    universities for political science! As traveling
                                                       General Science allowed me to study both      Green, and everything in between. From
    is perhaps my all-time favorite thing to do, it
                                                       Neuroscience and Genetics, as well as a       the traditional pubs, to the rugby pitches,
    worked out perfectly that Dublin is a great
                                                       plethora of additional modules, introducing   to the dynamic buzz of Grafton Street,
    base to travel around Ireland and, thanks to
                                                       me to other scientific fields. Science in     every inch of Dublin exudes with Irish
    Ryanair, Europe. Besides seeing most of
                                                       Trinity is the perfect course for students    culture and Irish pride.
    Ireland on road trips with my family and
                                                       who are confident in their passion for
    going to friends’ houses, I have visited
                                                       science, but would benefit more from extra    If I had to describe Dublin in three words, I
    London, Edinburgh, Berlin, Brussels, Lisbon,
                                                       time and exposure before specializing.        would say: Picturesque, Homely, Vibrant."
    Strasbourg, Oslo, Vienna, Salzburg, Krakow,
    and Warsaw.

    Of course, it is difficult to move so far away
    from home, and to a completely new
    country to boot. However, it was all worth it,
    and going to Trinity has been an incredibly
    rewarding experience.

    If I had to give one piece of advice to any
    student about to start studying at Trinity, it
    has got to be: get involved in societies!!
    This, I believe, is what makes Trinity truly
    unique - the social life is almost completely
    run by the students, and we achieve some
    pretty incredible things. There is such a
    wide range of societies and sports clubs.
    There is really something for everyone. I’ve
    gotten to do so many other cool things - see
    my heroine Amy Poehler give a talk to the
    University Philosophical Society, give a
    chamber debate in front of hundreds of
    people. There have been so many
    advantages to coming to Trinity, and if I had
    to do the whole process over again I
    wouldn’t change a thing!"

THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Your First Year                                                                                    Of course Trinity’s entertainment goes
                                                                                                   much further than nightlife. The university
in Trinity                                                                                         is renowned for attracting some of the most
                                                                                                   interesting and famous guest speakers from
What happens after you join us in Trinity?                                                         around the world. Recent speakers have
Well, we know it’s a time of tremendous                                                            included celebrity, political, sporting and
excitement and anticipation, but also a time                                                       academic giants such as Angela Merkel,
of some trepidation, so your first week is                                                         Bono, Al Pacino, Tim Cook (CEO of Apple),
all about helping you discover Trinity and                                                         Amy Poehler, Chris Hadfield, Dana White
meeting lots of new people. Freshers’ Week                                                         (President of the UFC), John McCain, Helen
(Student Orientation) is when it all happens      At Trinity we are committed to delivering a      Mirren, Joe Biden, Channing Tatum, Rafa
– there are no classes, so it’s all about         transformative experience, not just              Benitez and Alex Ferguson to name but a
information sessions, seeing what sports          academically, but personally and socially.       few. Trinity clubs and societies ensure that
clubs and societies you want to join,             The best way to do that is to get you            your entertainment is not limited to the
meeting your student mentor who will give         meeting people and involved in activities        University’s campus with numerous trips
you a tour of campus and organize social          as soon as possible. That’s what you can         around Ireland and across the continent,
events, meeting your Tutor who will provide       expect in your first week, your first year and   including the annual Trinity ski trip which is
support to you throughout your years in           indeed every year that you are in Trinity!       the biggest international student trip in
Trinity, and of course the Freshers’ Ball.                                                         Ireland with 500 people traveling to one of
                                                  If you want to find out more about life in       the best resorts in the Alps.
During Freshers’ Week you can also meet           Trinity, you can check out the Student Life
people from the Sports Centre, and Student        section and the sections on Your Support
Supports and Services (e.g. Student               Network, Your Learning Supports, Sport at
Counseling, Health Service, Disability            Trinity, and Student Societies. Also take a
Service, Chaplaincy, Student Learning             look at the Student Profiles to hear what
Service, Careers Advisory Service and the         our current students say about their life in
Day Nursery). These are the services whose        Trinity!
job it is to make sure that you get the best
out of your time in Trinity.

What happens after
Freshers’ Week?                                   Entertainment
                                                  University life is about so much more
After the excitement of Freshers’ Week,
                                                  than just education and nowhere is this
teaching starts and you get a chance to
                                                  more evident than at Trinity. Trinity sits
settle into your course. Most classes are a
                                                  in the heart of Dublin city where there are
mixture of lectures and tutorials and some
                                                  endless extra-curricular and recreational
have practicals as well. The tutorials are less
                                                  opportunities. You can immerse yourself in
formal and give you a chance to explore and
                                                  a broad range of sports clubs and student
discuss the topics covered in lectures with
                                                  societies and through these activities
your classmates and teaching assistants.
                                                  you will get a real sense of the ‘Trinity
Of course it doesn’t stop there. Your class       Experience’, something that extends far
rep organizes events throughout the year          beyond lectures, tutorials and exams. You
that give you endless chances to get to           will also have the benefit of the best
know your classmates. As the first year           Students’ Union in the country, providing
progresses there are many other events            Trinity students with a wide range of
to make sure that you enjoy your time in          entertainment, from mystery tours on
Trinity, including Re-Freshers’ Week in week      chartered trains to the infamous Iron
4 (another chance to join sports clubs and        Stomach competition during RAG (Raise
                                                  and Give) Week. The Students’ Union
                                                                                                   Freshers’ Week
societies), Trinity Arts Festival, RAG (Raise
And Give) Week, Trinity Ball, Students’           officer who will have the greatest impact on     Incoming Trinity students can expect to
Union activities and entertainment and            your extra-curricular ‘Trinity Experience’ is    be greeted by the famous Trinity Freshers’
many, many more events run by the 168             the Entertainments Officer, who ensures          Week, filled with day-time and night-time
sports clubs and student societies. And that      that your entertainment needs are being          entertainment, giving you a real taste of
doesn’t include all of what Dublin city has       fully catered for throughout your time in        what Trinity and the capital city have to
to offer!                                         Trinity.                                         offer. Previous Freshers’ Weeks have seen
                                                                                                   such acts as Robin Schulz, Klingande,
                                                  On top of this exciting range of events,
                                                                                                   Calvin Harris and Two Door Cinema Club
                                                  Trinity’s societies run thousands of their
                                                                                                   perform for the Freshers’ Ball. Together
                                                  own events and activities throughout the
                                                                                                   with the Entertainments Officer, student
                                                  entire year including: weekly nights out in
                                                                                                   societies put on a dedicated Freshers’
                                                  Dublin’s best nightclubs, huge international
                                                                                                   Festival offering you a taste of their finest
                                                  gigs, comedy nights, live music on campus
                                                                                                   activities. The entertainment doesn’t end
                                                  as well as plenty of other events for you to
                                                                                                   with Freshers’ week though.

THINK TRINITY BE BOLD - Trinity College Dublin
Whether you’re into a night of dance floor      The Douglas Hyde Gallery, located on
     Trinity Ball                                     fillers, rock and roll, a bit of traditional    Trinity’s campus, is one of Ireland’s leading
                                                      music, or a trip to one of the local cinemas    galleries of contemporary art. Find out
     At the end of the academic year something
                                                      or theaters, no other university offers such    more at:
     very special happens on the campus. Trinity
                                                      a diverse and easily accessible
     plays host to the world-famous Trinity Ball.                                                     Trinity is also home to a number of its very
                                                      entertainment scene.
     The biggest private party in Europe sees                                                         own museums including the Zoological
     more than 7,000 students donning ball                                                            Museum, Weingreen Museum and the
     gowns and tuxedos for Trinity’s very own                                                         Geological Museum.
     music festival. Marquees and stages are set      Theaters, Galleries and
     up across campus, with festivities kicking       Museums in Trinity
     off at 10PM and acts playing until 5AM. And
     the good news? As a Trinity student you can      Trinity contains four theaters (including the   Students’ Union
     get your hands on two coveted tickets! In        Samuel Beckett and Players’ Theaters)
                                                                                                      As a Trinity student the Students’ Union is
     recent years the Ball has been played by the     which showcase the work of students taking
                                                                                                      your union, run for students by students.
     likes of Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Basement     drama and professional acting courses, as
                                                                                                      It represents you at college level, it looks
     Jaxx, The Streets, Example, Jessie J, Rizzle     well as performances directed and
                                                                                                      after your needs, and fights for your student
     Kicks, Friendly Fires, Ellie Goulding, Charlie   designed by some of Ireland’s leading
                                                                                                      rights. Students can get involved with the
     XCX, The Kooks, All Tvvins, Duke Dumont          theatre practitioners. These theaters
                                                                                                      Union right from the moment they arrive in
     and Years & Years. The Trinity Ball is the       showcase performances during the Dublin
                                                                                                      Trinity whether that’s becoming a Class Rep,
     highlight of the year for many students.         Theatre Festival, the Dublin Fringe Festival
                                                                                                      getting involved with SU Council or even
                                                      as well as performances by leading dance
                                                                                                      running to become a sabbatical officer.
                                                      and theatre companies from Ireland and
     The Pav                                          abroad.

     The Pavillion Bar, affectionately known as       Also, make sure to visit the free, cutting-
     the Pav is located at the heart of Trinity,      edge exhibitions and events at the Science
     overlooking College Park. There really is        Gallery on the Trinity campus. Find out
     nothing better than sitting out on the grass     more at:
     with your friends when the sun is shining
     and the Pav provides a place for you to              Student Profile | Éanna Drury, Law, Ireland
     chill out and get away from the city even
                                                          “Coming to Trinity was the best decision I ever made. I never thought my time at
     when it’s all around you. It is the social hub
                                                          Trinity would go so quickly, be as enjoyable or introduce me to so many life-long
     of the University and offers a home to live
                                                          friends, but my involvement in societies ensured that it did. Every conceivable
     music, big screens for sports, and even just
                                                          interest is catered for and the buzz on campus that societies generate is
     a meeting place before the night continues
                                                          indescribable. I can’t imagine studying anywhere else!”
     on to one of the many music venues and
     nightclubs located on the Trinity’s doorstep.

Student Societies                               You cannot miss the society stands during
                                                Freshers’ Week, during which Front Square
                                                                                                All students are encouraged to contribute
                                                                                                to our publications and new student
and Publications                                will be packed with all 120 societies, the
                                                Students’ Union, the Trinity Publications
                                                                                                publications can be supported should you feel
                                                                                                we’re missing out on coverage in any
Student life in Trinity is extremely diverse    committee and 48 sports clubs all vying for     particular area.
and exciting, mainly due to the daily           members. There are numerous events daily
assortment of events and activities             throughout the week and it does not let up      Contributors are regular award winners
organized by students for students.             during term time. Never fear if you don’t       at the National Student Media Awards
                                                make it during this week – societies are        and many of our alumni have had very
We have 120 student societies which             open to new members throughout the year.        successful careers including author and
constitute the most dynamic and active set                                                      journalist Mark Little; Peter Murtagh
of university student societies in Ireland.     Find out more at:       (reporter, The Irish Times) and Eoin McVey
We cover a multitude of interests from the                                                      (managing editor, The Irish Times); Paul
Animation Society to the Zoological Society                                                     McGuinness (former manager of U2) and Ed
and we are home to the world’s oldest           Trinity Publications                            Mulhall (former Managing Director of News at
student societies, the ‘Hist’ or Historical                                                     RTE and former Financial Times editor ).
Society founded in 1770 and the ‘Phil’ which    Trinity students produce the widest
                                                range of student publications of any third      Find out more at
is the oldest debating society in the world
                                                level institution in Ireland. Our current       and
founded in 1683 and whose guests have
included everyone from Amy Poehler to           publications include Trinity News; The
                                                                                                Additionally, Trinity is home to the University
International Space Station commander           Bull, Ireland’s only student financial paper;
                                                                                                Times, whose website
Chris Hadfield.                                 Icarus, Trinity’s literary journal and
                                                                                       is one of Ireland’s
                                                Ireland’s oldest Arts publication; The
Trinity is home to Ireland’s only entirely                                                      leading student news websites.
                                                Piranha, a satirical newspaper; TCD
student run orchestra, which regularly plays    Miscellany, Ireland’s oldest student            Find out more about Trinity’s student societies
music festivals such as Electric Picnic and     publication and Trinity Film Review.            at:
Forbidden Fruit as well as DU Players which
are the most active theatre group in Ireland.
You can try your hand at everything from
gaming to volunteering, get involved at all
                                                     Student Profile | Caroline Holland, Law Student, USA
levels with running a radio station or write,
                                                     "If I had one piece of advice to give to a student starting in Trinity it would
direct and star in your own film or TV show,
                                                     be Get Involved! There is no better way to meet new people or to feel like
learn a new language or brush up on your
                                                     part of the Trinity community. The clubs, societies, and sports teams are
photography or DJ skills. Why not take part
                                                     fantastic and the events they host are attended by all. In the past few
in a fashion show or show off your musical
                                                     months for example, LawSoc has hosted Sarah Rafferty, Donna in Suits, the
talents at an open mic night?
                                                     Phil has hosted Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, and Snow Sports took a trip to Les
                                                     Arcs, France. Of course, the highlight of the year is Trinity Ball!"

Sports Clubs
                                                                                                         Sporting life in Trinity kicks off in Freshers’
                                                                                                         Week when all students are encouraged to
                                                                                                         join some of the 48 official sports clubs
                                                                                                         currently on offer at Trinity, including:

                                                                                                         Aikido, American F.C., Badminton,
                                                                                                         Basketball, Boat, Boxing, Camogie,
                                                                                                         Climbing, Cricket, Croquet, Cycling,
                                                                                                         Equestrian, Fencing, Gaelic Football,
                                                                                                         Golf, Handball, Harriers, Hockey, Hurling,
                                                                                                         Judo, Karate, Kayak, Lawn Tennis, Netball,
                                                                                                         Orienteers, Rifle, Rugby, Sailing, Snow
                                                                                                         Sports, Soccer, Squash, Sub Aqua, Surfing
                                                                                                         and Bodyboarding, Swimming, Table
     Trinity Sport                                     Our qualified staff are available to offer help
                                                       and guidance. There are additional costs
                                                                                                         Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Trampoline, Ultimate
                                                                                                         Frisbee, Triathlon, Volleyball, Windsurfing.
                                                       per class or an annual class pass is available
                                                       to buy for the fitness class enthusiasts.         Find out more at:
     Sports Centre                                                                                       student-sport/clubs/
                                                       Our diverse sports facilities spread
     The Trinity Sports Centre is the hub of all       across three locations include:
     sports and fitness activity on campus. With
     an onsite gym and swimming pool, along            „ 25m swimming pool, sauna and
     with activities like Intra Mural Sports, Sports     steam room
     Volunteering Program, Campus Runs and             „ Gym, fitness studio and spinning studio
     Operation Transformation, we have an
     inclusive and friendly environment where          „ 3 multi-purpose sports halls
     you will instantly feel part of the Trinity       „ Islandbridge Boat House
     sport family.
                                                       „ Climbing wall
     The sports centre offers a number of              „ 3 tennis courts
     classes and courses including:
                                                       „ Futsal court
      Spinning                  Pilates                „ 1 international standard water based
                                                         hockey pitch
      Rip 60                    Core strength
                                                       „ 1 rifle range
      Bootcamp                  Tai chi
                                                       „ Keiser Room                                     Sports clubs are supported at a recreational,
      Power pump                Step & core                                                              competitive and elite level catering to 7,000
                                                       „ 3 '5-a-side' all weather pitches
                                                                                                         student club members annually. There is
      Kettlebells               Yoga
                                                       „ 2 changing pavilions                            something to suit everybody.
      Box fit                   Ballet sculpt          „ Full size floodlit GAA pitch
                                                                                                         Our student sport clubs are run by students
      H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training)      „ 3 soccer pitches                                for students where lifelong friendships
                                                       „ 2 rugby pitches                                 are formed and they offer something for
                                                                                                         everyone regardless of level or availability.
                                                                                                         Courses and workshops are organized so
                                                                                                         that you can learn to run a sports club,
     Sports Scholarships                                                                                 building many additional practical skills as a
                                                                                                         captain, secretary, treasurer or committee
     Trinity Sport has a proud history of              Trinity currently has 4 USA Victory Scholars
     supporting talented sports students               studying at Trinity, via the Sport Changes
     during their time at Ireland’s premier            Life foundation, in addition to 3 USA Eagles      2015/16 has been a landmark year for Trinity
     university. The focus of the Sports                                                                 Sport. Pride of place goes to our Men’s
                                                       Scholars on the Trinity Rugby team.
     Scholarship Program is on the support                                                               Rugby 1st team who secured promotion to
     services required by each individual              What you can expect from a sports                 Ulsterbank League Division 1A. Our Boxers,
     student, to develop their sporting talent,                                                          under the guidance of long standing coach
     skill and standard.                                                                                 Dan Curran won both Junior and Senior
                                                       „     Financial Assistance
                                                                                                         Intervarsities. Hurling has seen a resurgence
     Each year Trinity is proud to offer sports        „     Nutritional workshops
                                                                                                         in recent years and 2015/16 saw back to
     scholarships to US students who                   „     Sports medical care program                 back Ryan Cup titles and promotion to
     demonstrate outstanding ability in their          „     Sports physiology testing                   Fitzgibbon Cup. Further Intervarsity wins
     named sport and an ability to compete at                                                            came in the form of Division 1 Mens Tennis
                                                       „     Sports psychology workshops
     National or International level.                                                                    and our Fencing Club, who have taken nine
                                                       „     Access to performance coaching
                                                                                                         straight Intervarsities in a row.
     Trinity currently has 65 sports scholars in       „     Strength & conditioning program
     a variety of sports, from soccer and              „    Support to liaise with academic tutors       For more information see
     athletics, to swimming and basketball.
                                                       „     Sport Scholarship kit
Trinity Hall                                  Other Options for First Year
                                               Rooms are arranged in self-catering
                                               apartments, with each typically               For international students who do not
                                               accommodating six persons and consisting      wish to avail of their guaranteed Trinity-
                                               of a mix of single and twin en-suite          approved accommodation, the alternative
                                               bedrooms with a large kitchen/living room.    is to seek private rented accommodation,
Accommodation                                  Facilities include a games room, music
                                                                                             usually sharing an apartment or a house
                                                                                             with other students.
All international first year students are      room, computer room, sports hall, social
guaranteed Trinity-approved                    spaces, shop and a self-service               The Accommodation Advisory Service
accommodation.                                 launderette. The Reception area is open       helps students find accommodation by
                                               24/7. Residents of Trinity Hall also become   providing them with advice and access to
Rooms on campus are primarily reserved         members of the Junior Common Room,            house-hunting resources. A database of
for students in their final year and Trinity   which organizes a range of extra-curricular   properties is available to be viewed all year
Scholars; however, there are a number of       activities.                                   round. During August and September a
rooms on the campus suitable for                                                             fully staffed service is run from the
students who have mobility difficulties        „ Hear the views of former residents and      Students’ Union Office. It provides
and who are capable of independent               parents of Hall residents by viewing our    information and contacts for students
living. Students may apply for a room once       video clip at:                  wishing to secure rented accommodation
they have accepted a place in Trinity.           accommodation/studentsandstaff/             and offers guidance on what to look for
                                                 students/TrinityHall                        when renting. Phones are provided so that
Find out more at:
accommodation/studentsandstaff/                „ Residential charges start at €5,861.17      students may make contact with
students/applyforaroom                           for a single room or €4,495.33 for a twin   landlords. The Advisory Service may also
                                                 room, excluding utilities and               be able to give some information on
                                                 depending on room type. For further         lodgings (residing in a room in a house
                                                 information on prices see:      with meals provided).
                                                 accommodation/studentsandstaff/             For further information and advice see:

A Global Campus                                  International Societies
     As Ireland’s leading university located in
                                                      and Clubs
     the center of the vibrant, multi-cultural        Trinity is famous for its diverse society life
     capital city, Trinity is committed to            and for being home to the oldest student
     educating global citizens, be they Irish         society in the world. The number of clubs,
     students making an international impact          societies and publications grows every year
     or students from over 100 countries              as students found new societies and clubs.
     sharing their cultural experiences with the      Some of the most active societies are the
     Trinity community.                               cultural organizations which celebrate
                                                      international holidays, share local foods,

                                                                                                       Discover Ireland
                                                                                                       with the
                                                                                                       Student Society
                                                                                                       DUISS was founded in 1984 to promote
                                                                                                       communication between the Irish students
                                                                                                       of Trinity and those coming from abroad
                                                                                                       and now has over 500 members. Events
                                                                                                       include social nights, talks and
                                                                                                       presentations, film screenings, day trips
                                                                                                       and weekends away.

                                                                                                       Average events per week:               3

                                                                                                       Day trips per year:                   30

                                                                                                       Weekends away per year:                5

                                                                                                       Recent destinations:
                                                      debate global politics and strengthen            Killarney, Cork, Galway, Belfast, Kilkenny
     Trinity Global Room                              cultural awareness. Trinity societies and
                                                                                                       This is only one of the many international
                                                      clubs with international themes include:
     Opened in 2013, the Trinity Global Room                                                           societies on campus.
     is a unique social and event space that          Afro-Caribbean Society, American Football
     has quickly become a hub of international        Club, Arabesque Society, Caledonian
     activity on campus. It features a multi-         Society, Capoeira Society, Chinese Society,
     purpose layout, 12 large-screen televisions      Cumann Gaelach, Europa Society, French
     with over 300 international channels, a full-    Society, Germanic Society, Indian Society,
     time Student Support Officer and a staff of      International Student Society, Italian
     student ambassadors. No two days are the         Society, Japanese Society, Jewish Society,
     same in the Global Room. Hosting close to        Korean Society, Modern Languages Society,
     400 events a year, the Global Room               Muslim Student Association, Russian
     highlights the richness of Trinity’s             Society, Society for International Affairs
     international community.                         (SoFIA), South East Asian Society (DUSEAS),
                                                      SUAS, and Trinity Global Development
     A team of student ambassadors, made up           Society.
     of both Irish and international students, are
     trained to offer support in navigating Dublin,
     locating student services throughout Trinity
     and providing a friendly ear for any student

     Find out more at:

Places to Eat                                    An Ghaeilge/The                                 Cuireann Coláiste na Trionóide clár
                                                                                                 saibhir agus éagsúil imeachtaí, deiseanna
and Relax                                        Irish Language                                  foghlama agus sóisialta ar fáil trí Ghaeilge.
                                                                                                 Tá rud éigin ann do gach leibhéal cumais,
                                                 Trinity offers a rich and varied program of     cibé más cainteoir líofa nó tosaitheoir tú.
                                                 events, learning and social opportunities in
Restaurants and Coffee                                                                           Cuireann Coláiste na Tríonóide ranganna
                                                 the Irish language. There is something for
Shops on Campus                                  all levels of ability, whether you are fluent   Gaeilge, ó bhunleibhéil go hardleibhéil, ar
                                                 or a beginner.                                  fáil saor in aisce do mhic léinn. Cuireann an
Students can choose from a wide range of                                                         Scéim Chónaithe lóistín agus deontais ar
restaurants and coffee shops on campus           Trinity offers free Irish classes, from         fáil do mhic léinn le Gaeilge atá ag iarraidh
to suit all tastes and budgets, including:       beginners to advanced levels, to all            cónaí le cainteoirí Gaeilge eile agus an
                                                 students. Our Irish Language Residency          Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn sa Choláiste.
„ The modern Buttery Food Court with
                                                 Schemes provide accommodation and a
  a hot food counter, deli counter, and                                                          Is cumann mac léinn mór é An Cumann
                                                 small grant to Irish-speaking students who
  gourmet coffee shop.                                                                           Gaelach (, a bhfuil roinnt
                                                 wish to live with other Irish speakers and
„ The Old Dining Hall, where lunch is            promote the language.                           mhaith gradam buaite aige agus a mbíonn
  enjoyed in traditional splendor, but with                                                      clár leathan imeachtaí ar siúl aige i gcónaí.
  a student budget in mind.                      An Cumann Gaelach ( is a          Cuireann a imeachtaí neart deiseanna ar
                                                 large, multi-award-winning student society      fáil cairde nua a dhéanamh. Is spás sóisialta
„ The Pavilion Bar serving hot food all day,     with an wide-ranging program of events. Its     compordach i gcroílár an champais é
  for breakfast lunch and dinner.                events provide many opportunities to            Seomra na Gaeilge, ina mbíonn mic léinn ag
„ Coffee shops in the Arts Building,             make new friends. Seomra na Gaeilge- the        comhrá le chéile trí Ghaeilge.
  the Hamilton Building and Áras an              Irish Language Room - is a comfortable
                                                 social space in the heart of the campus,        Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais:
  Phiarsaigh See: or
                                                 where students can chat together in Irish.      gaeloifig
  follow us on Facebook or Twitter (@
  TCDbites) for further details and special
                                                 For more information, see:
  offers and promotions.

Dublin City
As Trinity is located at the heart of Dublin
city, you have the best range of delis, cafés,
restaurants in the country on your
doorstep. Exploring the city when you arrive
is an exciting way to start your time in

Your Learning Supports

                                                                                                A World-Class Library
                                                                                                The library will be at the center of where
                                                                                                you study and learn. Trinity’s library is not
                                                                                                just one building, but several, located
                                                                                                across the campus and in our teaching

                                                                                                There are areas designed for discussing
                                                                                                your recent lectures and working together
                                                                                                on group projects and there are also
                                                                                                designated quiet areas where you can do
                                                                                                serious study and catch up on your notes
                                                                                                and reports.

                                                                                                Starting with welcome tours during
                                                                                                Freshers’ Week, library staff are available to
                                                                                                help you throughout your time in Trinity.

                                                                                                The library isn’t just a place with books. The
                                                                                                library is on your phone, tablet and
                                                                                                computer, and available anywhere in the
                                                                                                world. There’s WiFi and in excess of 300,000
                                                                                                e-books as well as millions of online journal
                                                                                                articles. Of course we’ve regular books too –
                                                   „ Attend free face-to-face and online
     Supporting your Transition                      workshops on topics including time
                                                                                                about 6 million, more than any other library
                                                                                                in Ireland and on every subject.
     from High School                                management, essay writing, reading
                                                     and note taking, exam preparation          Don’t forget the Book of Kells, a beautiful
     Learning at university is different to High     and procrastination.                       Celtic manuscript known worldwide.
     School and it can be a challenge to
                                                   „ Book an individual consultation with a     Admission is free for Trinity students.
     manage your own time, meet deadlines,
     submit assignments, understand the              learning advisor or attend the drop-in
                                                                                                Find out more:, and
     material and motivate yourself to study.        service to discuss your study issues.
                                                                                                follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find
     This can happen to all students, no matter                                                 out more.
     where you come from or what your

     background. But no need to worry.                     It being my first year at Trinity,
     Student Learning Development (SLD) can                I didn’t really know anything
                                                           about how I should be studying.
     help you study effectively and be
                                                           The person I spoke to at Student
     successful with our range of services. You
                                                           Learning Development helped
     can:                                                  me greatly as I was wasting a
       „ Check out our website: www.student-               lot of time in the library and not for loads of resources              getting much done.
       including podcasts, downloads and
       interactive workshops on topics to
       help you to manage your time, develop       Further great learning supports are
       note taking, researching, writing and       available from the Maths Help Room, the
       presentation skills.                        Programing Center (www.scss.tcd. ie/
                                                   psc) and Peer Learning in Languages.
                                                   English Language support is available
                                                   for Trinity students for whom English is
                                                   a second language (

means your score will appear on your final
                                                                                                university transcript. Whether you take
                                                                                                a language module as an optional extra
                                                                                                or for credit you will receive a certificate on
                                                                                                completion of the module which confirms
                                                                                                your proficiency level according to
                                                                                                internationally recognized norms.

                                                                                                Find out more at:

                                                                                                BROAD CURRICULUM
IT Services                                     Optional Courses                                Interested in broadening your education or
You can find all of the information you will    OPTIONAL LANGUAGE COURSES                       University experience?
need about the central IT services in           Optional language learning offers Trinity       How about taking a module from outside
Trinity at the IT Services website:             students the chance to study a language
                                                                                                your chosen course?                           alongside your course at no extra cost.
                                                Language learning allows you to expand          Options available include modules in the
As a student at Trinity, you’ll receive an      your options for studying abroad during         following areas: email address. The student email        your degree, gives you a competitive edge
service is a lot like Gmail as it is provided   in graduate employment and enhances             Literature, Irish cinema, languages,
by Google. You’ll also get a username           your future mobility and your intercultural     philosophy, psychology, political science,
and password which give you access to a         awareness. As well as learning a language,      business and entrepreneurship, law, planet
wide range of IT services, including access     you will gain key competencies such             earth, art in Ireland, science and technology,
to Trinity Wi-Fi for you to connect your        as communication, teamwork and                  gender and society, European studies,
computer, tablet or phone to the internet.      collaboration, interpersonal skills and         Greek art and architecture, Roman art and
                                                confidence in giving presentations.             architecture, history, Asian studies, Book of
Computer rooms are located across
                                                                                                Kells and theology.
campus, with both PC and Mac computers,         The following languages are available: Irish,
and in some cases these rooms have 24-          French, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish,      These optional modules account for
hour access using your Student ID card.         Croatian, Korean, Japanese and Mandarin.        approximately 10% of the teaching for the
Printing services (including photocopying       For some languages, the minimum entry           year and give you a great chance to develop
and scanning) are available in computer         requirement is a Leaving Certificate (or        an interest or skill beyond your immediate
rooms and in libraries.                         equivalent) qualification. Other language       course. You would possibly be taking
                                                modules are open to complete beginners.         your chosen module with fellow students
If you ever need IT support, our IT Service
                                                These modules are designed for students         from other undergraduate courses, where
Desk is on hand to help. You can find
                                                who are not taking a language as part of        Science and Engineering students meet
us on campus, or you can email us at:
                                                their degree program.                           fellow students from Arts or Health sciences,, phone us at +353
                                                                                                broadening your Trinity Experience and
(0)1 896 2000 or submit and check queries       The number of places available for students     providing a wonderful opportunity to view
online at                       in their first year at Trinity is limited but   the subject from a different perspective.
                                                these modules are available in each year of
                                                your studies. In some degree courses you        Find out more at
                                                can take these modules for credit, which        curriculum

Study, Research or
Volunteer Abroador
Study, Research
Volunteer Abroad
Trinity is committed to educating globally-                                                    around the world. The Erasmus Work
engaged citizens. In addition to offering a                                                    Placement/Traineeship program enables
range of international activities on campus,                                                   students to work in another European
students are encouraged to explore study,                                                      country. The Erasmus Work Placement/
volunteer and work opportunities around                                                        Traineeship Program provides you with the
the world. Spending time abroad enhances                                                       opportunity to work in an international
your academic, cultural and personal skills                                                    environment and to put your academic
and sets you apart in the global job market.                                                   learning into practice. It will improve your
                                                                                               language skills and enhance your CV by
                                                                                               providing international employment
Study Abroad                                                                                   experience.

Trinity has partnership agreements with
some of the world’s leading universities,                                                      Spotlight: International
offering Trinity students the chance to study
abroad as part of their degree. In addition,
                                                                                               Work Experience
Trinity is a longstanding participant in the
Erasmus Program of European exchange,

offering hundreds of options for students                                                               Working in a distant country
looking to study in Europe.                                                                             could be a daunting experience,
                                                                                                        but during my summer internship
Non-EU exchange options include: Australia,                                                             with Crompton Greaves I was
Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan,                                                                made feel exceptionally welcome.
Russia, Singapore and the United States.        Summer Programs                                         I was based in Mumbai, which is
                                                Trinity students have the opportunity to get            a very exciting, diverse city. They
                                                involved in summer programs offered in our              gave me a fantastic experience of
International Welcome                           partner universities in many cities around              Indian life and I also felt that the
                                                                                                        work I was doing was important
Program                                         the world. Each year Trinity students are
                                                offered discounted prices and a number of               and valued. I am only sorry that I
The International Welcome Program               tuition-free places from our partners. Find             was not able to stay longer!
connects Trinity students, on an exchange,      out more at:                        Michael Cullinan,
with Trinity alumni volunteers who reside in    students/international                                  MAI Engineering
that region to provide support, cultural
advice and networking opportunities. There
are over 110,000 Trinity alumni scattered
                                                Working Abroad
across 130 countries worldwide. Students                                                       Spotlight: Global
benefit enormously from the exchange of         Trinity’s Careers Advisory Service works       Volunteering
ideas with alumni and gain useful insights      with international employers to offer
into making the most of their time abroad.      work experience and graduate job listings      A collaborative project between Trinity’s
                                                                                               Centre for Global Health, the Norwegian
                                                                                               Institute of Technology and six African
                                                                                               universities in Sudan, Malawi, Namibia and
                                                                                               South Africa, the EquitAble project
                                                                                               researches how to promote greater access
                                                                                               to health care for people with disabilities
                                                                                               and other marginalized groups in those
                                                                                               four African countries. EquitAble aims to
                                                                                               enable universal and equitable access to
                                                                                               healthcare for vulnerable people in
                                                                                               resource-poor settings.
Your Support
Your Support       Network

Trinity is an exciting place, full of
opportunities to learn, make friends, and                                                       Student Mentors
experience new things. While Trinity delivers                                                   You will meet your Student 2 Student (S2S)
world class courses, it is not just about your                                                  mentors during Freshers’ Week and they
academic development: we also want                                                              will make sure that you know other people
Trinity to be a place where you can develop                                                     in your course before your classes even
socially, morally, culturally and personally.                                                   start. They will also show you around the
                                                                                                campus and how to use the library. Your
But with so much going on, we know that
                                                                                                mentors will keep in regular touch with you
you might need a helping hand every now
                                                                                                throughout your first year and invite you to
and then. So, from the first day, you will get
                                                                                                events on and off campus. They will also give
a personal tutor and a student mentor to
                                                                                                you useful information about your course and
make sure you will always have someone
                                                                                                what to look out for. In addition, there are
to explain things to you, to advise you, or
                                                                                                specific programs for mature and
just listen. We also have a range of specific
                                                                                                international students.
supports and services to help you in your
academic and personal lives. These include:      Personal Tutor                                 S2S mentors are students, just like you,
                                                                                                so you never have to worry about asking
„ Student Learning Development                   In your first week in Trinity you will be
                                                                                                them a question or talking to them about
                                                 assigned a personal tutor (a member of our
„ Student Counseling                                                                            anything that’s worrying you.
                                                 academic staff). Your personal tutor will
„ Student Health                                 then be available throughout your time in      S2S also offers Peer Supporters, a team
                                                 Trinity to offer help and advice on topics     of students who are specially trained to
„ Tutor Service
                                                 such as:                                       listen confidentially to another student.
„ Careers Advisory Service                                                                      No problem is ever too big or too small.
                                                 „ Changing course, exam results, appeals,
„ Disability Service                               taking a year out                            S2S is supported by the Senior Tutor’s
„ Chaplaincy                                     „ Financial difficulties                       Office and the Student Counseling Service.
„ Day Nursery                                    „ Family and personal problems.                Find out more:
We also have specific support programs for       Essentially, your tutor will help with
international students, mature students

                                                 anything that gets in the way of you
and students from socially or economically                                                                 As a student in first year,
                                                 achieving your full potential. They will act
disadvantaged backgrounds.                                                                                 I had two brilliant S2S
                                                 on your behalf where necessary, and help
                                                                                                           mentors who gave us helpful
                                                 you contact other student support services                advice and showed us the
There is always someone to listen and help.
                                                 should you need them. Find out more at:                   ropes which definitely made
We want to make sure that Trinity is a place
                                                                          it easier to settle in!
where you are given the best chance to
reach your goals.                                Looking forward to seeing you in Trinity.

Prof. Kevin O’Kelly, Dean of Students            Dr Aidan Seery, Senior Tutor                              I found that my S2S
                                                                                                           mentors really helped
                                                                                                           me in understanding
                                                                                                           my coursework and in
                                                                                                           my transition to Trinity.

                                                                                                           During my first year I was
                                                                                                           new to Dublin. I felt that
                                                                                                           my S2S mentors really
                                                                                                           helped me a lot to settle in.

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