This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...

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This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
This Issue
Issue No. 36    June 2011
                            ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron

                            Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time

                                                             Magna Systems signs new principals

                            Magna Systems at Broadcast Asia, SMPTE and IBC 2011

                            First ever Dalet MAM showcase event in Australia at Magna Systems’ purpose built training room in Sydney
This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                         

                                         Magna Systems supplies ESPN
                                                                                                                                 updates, game scores and banners.
      CEO News                                                                                                                   With Lyric PRO 8 the scriptless
                                                                                                                                 creative environment and object

Hi all,
                                         Star Sports with extended                                                               multiple timelines for complex scene-
                                                                                                                                 to-scene transitions is a big plus for

For many of you it's likely you'll
be joining us at Broadcast Asia
                                         Chyron graphics solution                                                                their creative designers. ESPN STAR
                                                                                                                                 Sports also have Chyron’s CAMIO
                                                                                                                                 system integrated into their newsroom
where we have our usual significant
presence and a good deal of our key
                                         Based on signature LEX3 CG and Lyric PRO 8                                              application with Lyric PRO software
                                                                                                                                 and the LUCI (Lyric Universal Control
principals all sharing what always
proves to be a very busy stand.
                                         graphics software                                                                       Interface) application plug-in to the
                                                                                                                                 newsroom showing the journalists and

For our Australian customers it's only                                                                                           producers instantly how the updating
                                                  agna Systems and                    ESPN STAR Sports showcases an
a short hop from Broadcast Asia to                                                                                               of text, graphics and movie objects
                                                  Engineering has supplied            unparalleled variety of premier sports
the bi-annual SMPTE show where,                                                                                                  look prior going on air.”
                                                  Asia’s biggest sports content       from around the globe featuring some
again, Magna Systems showcases
a broad range of products, systems       provider ESPN STAR Sports with               of the most iconic sports events           The Chyron LEX3 graphics solution
and workflow solutions. As SMPTE         a new upgraded Chyron graphics               to sport fans across Asia through          with Lyric PRO 8 graphics creation
draws to a close all eyes are on IBC     solution based on the LEX3 CG and            its 21 television networks and 2           and production software is a powerful,
in September and again, Magna            Lyric PRO 8 graphics software.               broadband network, each localised to       continuous graphics rendering engine
Systems will be there in force with a    Magna Systems Singapore Sales                deliver differentiated programming to      and the core provider of unrivalled,
full team present.                       Manager Jonathan Khoo said,                  meet diverse needs of Asian sports         real-time, high-end 3D animations.
                                         “ESPN STAR Sports’ requirement               fans. ESPN STAR Sports features a          The solution also provides adaptable
With so many shows in such a
                                         was for a spontaneous graphic                comprehensive portfolio of multimedia      primitive geometry, extended FBX
short space of time life is always
interesting, and we hope that            system that is easy to use, in order         assets, delivering a diverse array         support for 3DSMax, is Adobe XMP
wherever you are reading this edition,   to provide quick and fast updates            of sports content across multiple          metadata compliant and has full
that Magna Systems is in some way        from their current newsroom                  platforms, including its television        interoperability with live data sources
making product knowledge available       systems. The Chyron LEX3 CG with             networks (ESPN, STAR Sports, STAR          and the newsroom.
to you and helping keep your facility    Lyric PRO 8 graphics software and            Cricket, ESPNEWS, ESPN HD),                Jonathan Khoo concluded, “ESPN
modern and more efficient.               Camio complete news graphics                 broadband network (ESPN Player), and       STAR Sports already had multiple
                                         management system integrated with            digital content services (,    LEX3 CGs with a CAMIO and Lyric
All the best.
                                         the MOS newsroom system benefits             mobileESPN) with the aim to engage and     PRO offline application software and
David Bowers
                                         ESPN STAR Sports’ journalists and            entertain sports fans anytime, anyplace.   they recently took delivery of another
                                         producers saving them time and               Jonathan Khoo continued, “One of the       three LEX3 systems. I would also
                                         giving them greater control over             region’s most innovative broadcasters      like to thank Chyron’s Director of
                                         the look and content of their news           ESPN STAR Sports uses the Chyron           Sales Asia Pacific, William Payne and
                                         graphics and a streamlined playout           graphics solution for sporting events,     Chyron’s Support team for all their
                                         operation in the control room.”              including live events, on player           help with this project.”

This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                                

Magna Systems supplies Shine
Australia with FOR-A vision
switcher in record time
FOR-A HVS-350 vision switcher

        ccording to Nick Parker,           that made it clear why we decided on
        Technical Manager at Shine         FOR-A for our solution.
        Australia, the sales service and   We later found out that our vision
support he recently received from          switcher and many of the existing
Magna Systems and FOR-A was                orders with FOR-A were made under             FOR-A HVS-350 vision switcher in situ at Shine Australia
nothing short of a revelation. Parker      candlelight and that the workers were
explained, “We have just finished          walking many hours to work just               switcher has a lot of functionality            controllers making it very flexible for
installing our FOR-A HVS-350 vision        to finish pending orders. We have             that only a 2 ME mixer traditionally           engineering or additional switching to
switcher and it has a bit of a story       reserved a space on the face of the           can do. Also, the HVS-350HS has                occur and the HVS-350 even allows
behind it. We recently purchased a         mixer for a Japanese flag. This unit          2 built-in multi-viewers with different        for dissolves between the AUX buses.
FOR-A HVS-350HS Vision Switcher            shouldn't be here yet it is!”                 window configurations which gave               Most days we need to deal with
from Magna Systems. As usual we                                                          us the chance to reduce costs, as              non-timed sources and the FOR-A
                                           Shine Australia’s technical partner and                                                      makes this easy it has frame syncs on
had the ship date from them and            FOR-A supplier in Australia is Magna          traditionally an external multi-viewer
in this case the vision switcher was                                                     would be needed.                               every input which brings the system
                                           Systems who Parker maintains were                                                            together as a solution.”
set to ship within one week. Then          of upmost assistance adding, “Magna           There were other cost savings too.
the quake that shook the world hit         Systems helped us throughout the                                                             With the mixer in, working and very
                                                                                         The built-in sync generators with
Japan. Following the devastation that      development of the project with all the                                                      much a part of Shine Australia’s
                                                                                         either Blackburst or Tri Level sync
unfolded as a result of the tsunami        answers to product questions we had                                                          production department Parker
                                                                                         means additional hardware was
and nuclear disaster, we started to        for the FOR-A product range.”                                                                concluded, “When you mention the
                                                                                         reduced keeping the overall footprint
look at alternative plans for vision                                                                                                    name FOR-A we know we are in
                                           When deciding on which switcher               smaller. The switcher is also highly           good hands I wouldn't hesitate to
switchers locally thinking the worst.                                                    configurable and very easy to operate.
                                           would be best for Shine Australia                                                            recommend FOR-A to anyone. Thank
Incredibly, four days later our switcher                                                 We are working on a mixed SD and
                                           and their busy production schedule                                                           you FOR-A you have exceeded all
arrived on time from Japan.”                                                             HD show at the moment having the
                                           Parker said, “We decided on FOR-A                                                            expectations. I would also like to
Parker and his team were pleased           as the technology in this switcher            4 built-in scalers on the first 8 inputs       thank David Clemesha and his team
and then amazed with the story that        easily outclasses the competition in          and with our additional input boards,          at Magna Systems as they have been
came with the switcher’s arrival. He       the same price range. With the 1.5            the scaling option makes working in a          very helpful with their knowledge of
added, “What followed the arrival of       ME, 4 down stream keyers, 2 keyers            mixed HD / SD environment a dream!             the product and their support has
the mixer was a message from FOR-A         engines, 4 still stores and more, the         The HVS-350 allows for external AUX            been top class.”
This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                                 

Magna Systems and                                                                            Magna Systems and
Engineering signs Signiant                                                                   Engineering signs TVU Networks
Strategic distributor agreement for Australia, New                                           Exclusive distributor agreement for Australia, New
Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Malaysia                                        Zealand and Singapore

M                                                                                            M
        agna Systems and                                                                             agna Systems and Engineering        broadcasting backpack. The TVUPack
        Engineering has signed                                                                       has signed an exclusive             also features HD output in 720p or
        an exclusive distributor                                                                     distributor agreement with TVU      1080i at 25 or 30 frames per second
agreement with Signiant to represent                                                         Networks to represent the company’s         with its SDI interface.
the company’s products in Australia,                                                         products in Australia, New Zealand          The compact TM8000 is also packed
New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong,                                                           and Singapore.                              with advanced networking and
Indonesia and Malaysia.                                                                                                                  compression technologies. The high-
                                                                                             Magna Systems Product Specialist
Magna Systems CEO David Bowers                                                               David Clemesha said, “TVU Networks,         powered H.264 video encoding engine
said, “Signiant's pioneering software is                                                     is the technology leader in live TV over    delivers a vivid HD signal, even with
more than simple file transport - they     Stephen Clemesha and Rohit 'Robbie' Bansal        Internet. The company's products and        limited bandwidth. TVU's Variable Bit
automate, accelerate, manage, and          shared, and distributed, are requiring            services allow both broadcasters and        Rate (VBR) technology automatically
securely control the movement of           companies of all sizes to place a high            viewers to get the full advantage of        adjusts the bit-rate according to the
high-value digital content within and      priority on global collaboration and                                                          total available aggregated bandwidth.
                                                                                             using the Internet as a broadcast and
between organisations and ecosystems.      partnerships. Signiant’s content supply                                                       TVU's Inverse StatMux technology
                                                                                             transmission medium. The company's
Signiant solutions streamline content                                                                                                    allows the TVUPack to fully utilise the
                                           chain management solutions address                flagship TVUPack is the perfect tool for
supply chain management operations                                                                                                       available bandwidth of multiple 3G/4G
                                           these concerns by handling all of the             un-tethered broadcasting for clients
from production through distribution                                                                                                     data connections. The combination of
                                           complexities of transporting multiple files       throughout Australia, New Zealand
and upload of digital files – enabling                                                                                                   these technologies ensures that the
                                           to multiple destinations.                         and Singapore.”
customers to build new business                                                                                                          TVUPack is able to deliver the best and
models, reduce costs, and integrate        Signiant senior vice president of                 The TVUPack leads the way in 3G             most stable pictures possible.
with existing investments. Signiant        global operations Rick Cramer said,               News Gathering backpacks in both            Paul Shen, TVU Networks CEO, said,
solutions are a perfect fit for our        “We are delighted to have Magna                   SD and HD. Already in use at over 100       “TVU Networks is delighted to have
clients in the Asia Pacific region with    Systems as a partner across the Asia              broadcast stations around the world,        Magna Systems and Engineering
their ever-growing demands in file-        Pacific region. With over forty years             the latest technology developed for the     representing our products, particularly
based delivery environments.”              experience in the broadcast industry              TVUPack TM8000, allows it to accept         the TVUPack, across Australia, New
The move from tape to file-based           together with a substantial presence              HD/SDI camera signals, transmit in HD       Zealand and Singapore. Their expertise,
workflows is exerting a profound           throughout the region they are                    resolution, and output in full HD over      experience and client base in the
influence on the way companies             perfectly placed to deliver the benefits          wireless mobile and cellphone networks.     broadcast industry is second to none
approach their business. Seismic           of Signiant products and solutions to             This means journalists can easily deliver   and we look forward to a long and
shifts in the way content is acquired,     a very wide base of customers.”                   an HD quality signal using a mobile         fruitful relationship.”
This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                         

Magna Systems and Engineering                                                          Magna Systems at Broadcast
to work with Switch Media                                                              Asia, SMPTE and IBC 2011
Innovative end-to-end new media platform provider

                                                                                             his year Magna Systems and          a win-win situation. As we represent
for the broadcast industry                                                                   Engineering will be participating   over 50 key industry technology
                                                                                             at Broadcast Asia in Singapore      companies and have a significant SI

         witch Media specialises in                                                    (Stand 4L2-01), SMPTE in Sydney           business, we have major installations
         providing scalable end-to-end                                                 (Stand C44) and attending IBC in          right across the Asia Pacific region
         new media platforms for the                                                   Amsterdam in September.                   in some of the most prestigious
broadcast industry. Their engineers                                                    As we all know Magna Systems is           broadcasting facilities including ESPN
develop integrated media asset                                                         an Asia Pacific focussed systems          Star Sports, CNBC, Sony Pictures,
management, analytics, content                                                         integration company. We have offices      Turner, Astro, Ascent Media and
protection, storage and delivery                                                       in Sydney, Auckland, Singapore,           many more.
systems that enable the distribution                                                   Hong Kong and Indonesia. A large          You can expect to see
of programming via the internet.                                                       part of our business is in South East     representatives and demonstrations
A Switch Media platform enables                                                        Asia and Broadcast Asia is where          from the following key principals on
clients to manage and monitor the                                                      most of the clients in the region         our stand at this year's Broadcast
delivery of their content to PCs,                                                      go to see the latest in terms of our      Asia: Anystream/Telestream, Artec,
mobiles, iPads, Android devices          Christopher Stenhouse, CEO Switch Media       technology, products and service          Blueshape, Cambotics, Chyron,
and connected TVs. Switch Media          and David Bowers                              offerings. It's a good show as
                                                                                                                                 Dalet, Front Porch Digital, Interra,
use a hybrid of cloud-based                                                            everyone in the region can easily and
                                         AUSTAR, the Australian Broadcasting                                                     iPV, Pebble Beach Systems, Penta,
infrastructure and private tier-one                                                    relatively cost effectively be in one
                                         Association (ABC), INSEAD, Disney,                                                      RGB Networks, SeaChange, Signiant,
facilities to leverage scale, maximise                                                 place at the same time. Broadcast
                                         Fairfax Media and The Cable and                                                         Strategy & Technology, Switch Media
security and control costs. They                                                       Asia has always proven to be a very
                                         Satellite Broadcasting Association of                                                   and TVU Networks.
also use a redundant topology to                                                       successful show for Magna Systems
                                         Asia (CASBAA) and has its hubs in                                                       At this year's SMPTE show Magna
ensure continuity of service. Switch                                                   and Engineering. From our point
                                         Sydney, Mumbai and Singapore.                                                           Systems and Engineering will be
Media services can integrate with                                                      of view we can have a big stand at
current broadcast and online media                                                     Broadcast Asia where most of our          showcasing a wide range of IP-
operations or can be provided as                                                       key principals are represented. From      based systems, workflows and
standalone solutions. Switch Media                                                     our clients' point of view they can       media asset management solutions
is the online technology partner to                                                    travel to and stay in Singapore more      directly targetted at changing the
a variety of broadcast, educational                                                    cost effectively and conveniently than    way broadcasters do business and
and corporate entities including                                                       the USA or The Netherlands. Thus it's     how they monetise their assets.

This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                            

                                             Magna Systems and Engineering
As usual we will have the entire
Magna Systems and Engineering
team in from Sydney alongside
representatives from our Auckland
and Singapore offices conducting
                                             presents first ever Dalet MAM
demos on our stands. We will also
have representatives from some of            showcase in Australia
our key principals giving demos,

these include: Anystream/Telestream,                 ecently Magna Systems and              market. During the three day-long
Artec, Blueshape, BridgeTech, BTS,                   Engineering presented the first        event we had two sessions per day       Dalet MAM showcase
Cambotics, Chyron, Dalet, Enensys,                   ever Dalet MAM showcase                where we demonstrated the full
eventIS, FOR-A, Front Porch Digital,         event in Australia in our purpose built        capabilities of Dalet’s Enterprise      As part of the event Magna Systems’
Harmonic, Hitachi, Inlet, Interra,                                                          Edition MAM system and Brio Server      training room was transformed with
                                             training room at their Chatswood
iPV, Isilon, Miranda, Pebble Beach                                                          System. We simulated a typical          demonstrations relevant to today’s
                                             head office.
Systems, Penta, RGB Networks,                                                               broadcast chain from ingest through     broadcast environment including
SeaChange, Signiant, Strategy &              Magna Systems Technical Sales                  to transmission and demonstrated        integration between the Dalet MAM
Technology, Switch Media, SysMedia,          Engineer Dave Alderton explained,              how the Dalet MAM system integrates     and Brio server systems and Interra
RTS Telex, Triveni and TVU Networks.         “This was a first for the Australian           and adds value throughout the chain.”   Baton QC, Front Porch Digital
                                                                                                                                    DIVArchve, Pebble Beach Neptune
Once SMPTE has come and gone a                                                                                                      multi-channel automation and Chyron
full compliment of Magna Systems                                                                                                    channel branding.
and Engineering staff will again be
                                                                                                                                    Alderton continued, “This was no
attending IBC in Amsterdam.
                                                                                                                                    ordinary demo. We simulated real life
Without question the move into IP-                                                                                                  broadcast situations, for example,
based systems, workflows and asset                                                                                                  content was ingested, QCd via Baton
management forms a bigger and                                                                                                       and archived. Then the Pebble Beach
bigger part of the projects we get                                                                                                  Neptune automation populated a
involved with and thus the kinds of                                                                                                 playlist, searched and retrieved the
solutions we have to offer our clients.                                                                                             content in the DIVArchive and sent
                                                                                                                                    it to SeaChange servers for playout.
It's been talked about for a few
                                                                                                                                    All of which had the Dalet Enterprise
years and I can tell you we are now
                                                                                                                                    Edition integrated as the overarching
officially right in the thick of it. IP or
                                                                                                                                    media asset management system.
cloud-based offerings are very much                                                                                                 Our aim was for customers to see
changing the way broadcasters do                                                                                                    the value Dalet brings to real life,
business and you can see the latest in                                                                                              tangible broadcast situations they
these types of offerings on our stands       The first ever Dalet MAM showcase event in Australia at Magna Systems’ purpose built   can resonate with, rather than purely
at Broadcast Asia and SMPTE 2011.            training room in Sydney                                                                conceptual ones.”
This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                                 

Channel Nine invests in major
RTS Telex talkback upgrades with
Magna Systems and Engineering
For GTV-9 Melbourne relocation and National
Playout Centre build in Sydney

      he Nine Network recently             a 132x132 ADAM matrix, KP32
      made two significant RTS Telex       panels, TIF 2000A Telephone Hybrid
      purchases and installations from     interfaces, 16-channel VOIP card kits,
Magna Systems and Engineering for          PAP32 panels and LCP 102 Level
its GTV-9 Melbourne studio relocation      Control Panels.
and Sydney-based National Playout          Bohm added, “We have a long and
Centre build.                                                                           Jason Pendleton, Engineering Manager of GTV-9, with the RTS Telex system supplied by
                                           well established relationship with the       Magna Systems at GTV-9 Melbourne
Magna Systems Product Specialist           Nine Network so this deal, like many
Lucas Bohm said, “Channel Nine             others, was very straightforward.            also includes KP12 panels, KP32                 The National Playout Centre receives
had two major projects that required       Despite its considerable size,               panels, PAP32 panels, RVON-16 16                information and communications
extensive talkback capabilities.           the system design and delivery               channel VOIP card kits and TIF 2000A            from all the Nine broadcast locations
The first was for their relocation         requirements were all met without            Telephone Hybrid interfaces.                    across the country and distributes
of GTV-9 in Melbourne. We had a            issue. This included having to provide                                                       it accordingly. It’s a very clever and
                                                                                        Lucas Bohm explained, “This system
comprehensive set of discussions           kit and cabling that would work over                                                         efficient system.”
                                                                                        was very similar in size, design and
with Jason Pendleton, Engineering          two levels connected by cutting              functionality requirement to the GTV-9          Jason Pendleton said, “As
Manager of GTV-9, as to which RTS          through high ceilings. The system was        relocation with one major difference.           Engineering Manager of GTV-9 in
Telex talkback products would best         designed to be very flexible removing        The National Playout Centre is now              Melbourne I had the pleasure of
suit the broadcaster’s requirements in     the need for specific cards to perform       the major playout hub for the Nine              working with Lucas Bohm at Magna
their new building after which Jason       most job functions.”                         Network and thus the RVON (Request              Systems to design and purchase
presented us with a full system design     The second major Nine Network                to Send Voice Over Network)                     communications systems for both
and we sent information on the latest      installation was the new build of            connectivity over IP was critical in            Nine Network’s Melbourne relocation
Telex products and their functionality.”   their Sydney-based flagship National         its role within the overall design.             and Network Playout Centre projects.
For the GTV-9 relocation the system        Playout Centre. Again based around           Nine have now implemented RVON                  Nine have a long history with RTS
was based around some of RTS               a Telex 132x132 ADAM matrix the              nationally via IP so all their facilities       Telex dating back to early Nine
Telex’s latest products including          National Playout Centre system               can communicate easily and directly.            outside broadcast trucks where we

This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                     

                                         Magna sees the charge for
                                                                                                                             This makes these
                                                                                                                             chargers some of
                                                                                                                             the quickest in the

                                         Blueshape batteries in Australia                                                    world. In addition,
                                                                                                                             these Blueshape

                                         and New Zealand                                                                     chargers are
                                                                                                                             equipped with an
                                                                                                                             intelligent pre-
RTS Telex system supplied by Magna       Major orders placed by Channel 9, TVNZ and the                                      charge system,
Systems at GTV-9 Melbourne                                                                                                   capable of initially
                                         Australian Department of Parliamentary Services                                     generating a tiny
started off using the CS9500 frames                                                                                          charge current

and KP95 key panels which in those                agna Systems and                    Recently Magna Systems has seen        if the battery on
days was considered cutting edge,                                                     orders for Blueshape’s batteries and   charge happens to
                                                  Engineering has seen that
fitting into a 50-port matrix. With                                                   chargers increase significantly.       have a very low      Blueshape
                                                  Blueshape professional Li-Ion
the ADAM frame purchased for                                                                                                 terminal voltage.”   CVTR2 charger
                                         and Li-Polymer batteries, chargers           Clemesha added, “We have had
Melbourne I find us populating 160       and mounting accessories are being                                                  The Blueshape V-lock battery range is
                                                                                      some big repeat orders and many
ports and 128 at the Playout Centre      increasingly used by broadcasting                                                   designed, planned and manufactured
                                                                                      organisations are also buying the
and still looking to take advantage of   organisations throughout Australia                                                  in Europe employing high standards of
                                                                                      latest Blueshape products. Channel
the RTS high density ADAM frames         and New Zealand.                                                                    technology and safety. The batteries
                                                                                      Nine’s Canberra Bureau recently
that allow up to 272 ports in a single                                                                                       offer high performance in terms of
                                         Magna Systems Product Specialist             purchased Blueshape’s innovative
system. In my opinion RTS Telex                                                                                              duration in use, with the batteries
                                         David Clemesha explained, “Since             CVTR2 two-way chargers that have
continue to be the leader in large                                                                                           having the highest energy density
                                         their introduction to the region three       a 13.8V/110W output through a
format communications matrices and                                                                                           in terms of Wh per unit weight or
                                         years ago Blueshape’s batteries and          4pin XLR for in-house charging,
will serve the Nine Network well into                                                 a CVTR1M travel charger and            volume. The Blueshape chargers are
the future under the support of the      chargers have gone from strength to                                                 known for their speed of charging and
                                         strength, quickly becoming our best          additional BV100HD batteries. TVNZ
team at Magna Systems. Now that                                                       recently bought more Blueshape         the fact that they have been designed
all of our sites are RTS Telex we can    selling ranges.”                                                                    to reduce battery stress and prolong
                                                                                      BV140 batteries to power their on-
look to centralising from our Network                                                 camera microwave transmitters and      battery cell lifetime.
Playout Centre in Sydney and taking                                                   additional, airline cabin baggage-     David Clemesha concluded, “With
advantage of the intelligent trunking                                                 approved, BV100 batteries that are     more orders being placed we expect
systems using VOIP connectivity. Our                                                  used by their ENG crews around         sales of Blueshape batteries and
outside broadcast partner Global TV                                                   NZ. The Australian Department          chargers to continue their growth in
also offer us an RTS Telex solution                                                   of Parliamentary Services also         Australia and New Zealand throughout
and via RVON systems over Telstra’s                                                   purchased BV210 battery packs,         2011. Blueshape batteries are
BDSL Network, connect Nine Sports                                                     CVTR1M and CVTR2 fast charger          particularly well suited to this region
and Entertainment’s contribution to                                                   packs that are capable of charging     as they are a premium, high quality
the Playout Centre.”                     Blueshape CVTR1M charger                     at 4 Amps in constant current mode.    product at a very competitive price.”

This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                       

Pebble Beach Systems launches
Dolphin integrated channel
device into Asia at Broadcast
Asia 2011

        ebble Beach Systems launched      introduced Dolphin and Marina                1U Dolphin frame
        Dolphin, its cost-effective and   automation to an invited audience of
                                                                                       the underlying channel technology       with error-free playout, together
        compact fully HD integrated       resellers and broadcasters at a Hong
                                                                                       across the entire system, and a         with high quality channel branding.
channel device, into the Asian market     Kong seminar in March, and were
                                                                                       single system-wide database avoids      giving exceptional performance at an
at Broadcast Asia this June. As an        overwhelmed by the positive response
                                                                                       creating operational silos and          affordable price, and safeguarding the
SD/HD video server, master control        both products received, particularly
                                                                                       simplifies channel control”             on air production values of even low
switcher, character generator and         because Marina can be supplied
                                                                                                                               revenue channels.
channel branding solution, Dolphin        with a Chinese, Japanese or Korean           Target installations include regional
combines exceptional channel              language user interface. Under Pebble        commercial insertion, fast to market    Chelleri continued, “Dolphin
density with low power consumption.       Beach Systems automation control,            or short-term channels, disaster        gives customers the flexibility to
Each 1ru server delivers up to 4 full     Dolphin delivers highly automated,           recovery centres and content ingest.    exploit emerging and established
HD channels and comes with 2TB            frame accurate multi-channel playout         Dolphin delivers HD transmission        technologies, supporting an
of internal storage, which equates        and ingest capability, and integrates                                                               exhaustive range
to 100 hours of unique content at         seamlessly as a standalone device                                                                   of new and legacy
50Mbits/s, or with NAS storage.           into a system which might also                                                                      formats – including
Dolphin was demonstrated under the        incorporate best-of-breed video                                                                     DNxHD, DV, DVCPro,
control of Pebble Beach Systems’          server, graphics or captioning devices                                                              IMX MPEG, H.264 in
Marina automation on the Magna            for prime channels. It can also act                                                                 MOV, MXF, GXF or
Systems and Engineering booth at          as a component of a hybrid channel,                                                                 LXF wrappers. It even
the exhibition.                           mixing Dolphin with best-of-breed                                                                   allows multiple formats
Pebble Beach                              discreet devices. This means that the                                                               to be mixed on the
Systems                                   broadcaster can choose the optimum                                                                  same timeline. We
Asia Pacific                              technology for the budgetary and                                                                    can also deliver true
President,                                technical needs of each channel.                                                                    simulcast, driving an
Alex Chelleri,                            Crucially, operators are presented                                                                  SD and HD output from
added, “We        Alex Chelleri           with the same user interface whatever        Dolphin Intergration                                    the same playlist.”

This Issue ESPN STAR Sports chooses Magna Systems and Chyron Magna supplies Shine with FOR-A mixer in record time Magna Systems signs new ...
MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                      

New Telex Products

 ADAM-M                                                                              DKP 16 CLD
 Matrix Intercom                                                                     Color Display Desktop Keypanel
 Reengineered with                                                                   The DKP 16 CLD is the desktop member of
 the latest design and                                                               the CLD color keypanel family from RTS®.
 technology, the ADAM-M                                                              Like its rackmounted counterpart, the
 Matrix Intercom bridges legacy with innovation.                                     DKP 16 CLD is controlled using a ground-
 The sleek re-design provides 128+ ports in an extremely compact 3RU (rack           breaking full-color graphic interface. The
 unit) package, with full redundancy on the master controllers and power             desktop keypanel also sports innovative
 supplies. The Matrix frame supports all current ADAM cards, including AIO-          conveniences which are the new standard
 16, RVON-16, MADI-16 Plus, DBX, TriBus and MCII-e controllers. It also              among the RTS® CLD keypanel family. A
 supports existing ADAM wiring schemes and options.                                  USB port, two user-programmable buttons,
                                                                                     one-touch listen volume adjustment, and a
 Built for the entire world and the REAL world, the chassis plugs and plays          backlit keypad are just some of the common
 anywhere, running on 90-264VAC at 50/6Hz.                                           features which set this keypanel family apart.
 The chassis is built with improved low noise cooling, hot-swappable                 The DKP 16 CLD is designed with a curvaceous housing and compact
 components (including cooling modules), and improved status reporting.              footprint that sits attractively in desktop configurations.

 BTR-80N                                                                             KP 12 CLD
 Narrow Band 2-Channel UHF Synthesized Wireless                                      Color Display Keypanel
 Intercom System                                                                     The 1RU KP 12 CLD keypanel includes several cutting-edge features
 The Telex® BTR-80N Narrow Band 2-Channel UHF Synthesized Wireless                   designed to enhance capability and ease of use. The instinctive graphic
 Intercom System is a revolutionary product offering in today’s ever-changing        interface is housed inside two full-color 4.2” LCD displays. The front panel
 and shrinking RF environment. Providing an unprecedented 25 KHz of                  also features conveniences such as a user-programmable button, one-touch
 modulated band width, the BTR-80N narrow band system will allow more                listen volume adjustment on each of the 14 new multifunction keys, and a
 users per channel in the cramped UHF spectrum.                                      backlit keypad.

MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                                 

 MADI-16 Plus Card                                                                           TBX-Tribus
 Multichannel Audio Digital Interface Card                                                   Triple-Bus Expander Card Kit for ADAM
 The MADI-16 Plus card expands the ADAM system                                               A single TBX-Tribus fiber card can link up to four ADAM frames
 configuration capabilities by utilizing MADI (Multichannel                                  together and allow them to appear as one matrix system. This
 Audio Digital Interface) technology to connect any AES-10                                   makes it possible to increase the number of available users on
 compliant devices over coaxial or fiber connections                                         a system by transparently integrating additional frames. The
 at sampling rates of 44.1kHz and 48kHz. Unlike                                              ADAM frame must be equipped with a MCII-e master controller
 the RVON devices, the MADI-16 Plus has a point-                                             card, allowing the TBX-Tribus to link together multiple frames,
 to-point configuration which provides for little or                                         allowing users to quickly connect multiple ADAM intercom
 no delay in the transmission of audio across lines.                                         systems. This functionality can be very useful in mobile
 components (including cooling modules), and                                                 production scenarios to tie systems together via fiber using
 improved status reporting.                                                                  the digital audio of the TBX-Tribus. In this scenario, the MCII-e
 The MADI-16 Plus is fully scalable allowing 16 to                                           master controllers are tied together via Ethernet connections.
 64 channels of audio IN and audio OUT. And, it                                              In a failure of the fiber or Ethernet link of one frame, the affected ADAM is
 supports all standard, hot-swappable and configurable features                              automatically isolated as a fully functional ‘Island’ frame, and the remaining
 through RTS’ AZedit configuration software.                                                 frame(s) function as a normal interconnected system.

Zeus III                                                                                     Zeus III LE/LE+
                                                                                             Digital Intercom Matrix
Digital Intercom Matrix                                                                      Introducing the Zeus III LE and
Zeus III is the next generation of condensed intercom system units, giving compact           LE+, the lighter versions of the Zeus III Digital
systems more options for their intercom configurations. It has 32 channels IN/OUT            Intercom Matrix, sporting 16 channels of audio
and two (2) configurable party-line interface channels. Its compact size is perfect          IN/OUT. The Zeus III LE is a single power supply
for environments with limited space. With the addition of Ethernet, the Zeus III             unit, while the Zeus III LE+ contains two (2) power
can be configured from virtually anywhere on the network using AZedit Intercom               supplies to give the added protection of power supply failover. The Zeus
software. Alternatively, the Zeus III can be directly connected to AZedit through the        III LE/ LE+ still has two (2) configurable party line interface channels. Its
use of the USB connector on the front panel. The system has 32 standard RJ45                 physical size is perfect for those environments where space is a concern.
connectors making it easier to connect your intercom system with audio lines and             The Zeus III LE/LE+ can be configured from virtually anywhere in the network
keypanels by keeping the RTS wiring scheme.                                                  using Ethernet and the AZedit intercom software. Alternatively, the Zeus III
                                                                                             LE/LE+ can be directly connected to AZedit through the use of the USB
                                                                                             connector on the front panel.

MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                            

Finance News Network and
StarComm switch to FOR-A
HVS300 vision mixer from Magna
Systems and Engineering
Powerful, compact, broadcast level switcher

        ecently the Finance News          The HVS-300HS is part of FOR-
        Network, Australia's leading      A’s popular Hanabi series and
        provider of online business and   represents one of the most powerful,
financial video news and OB specialist    compact, broadcast level switchers
StarComm purchased the innovative         on the market. Although small,
FOR-A HVS-300HS portable video            the 1RU HVS-300HS (there is also
switcher from Magna Systems and           a 2RU HVS-300RPS) is packed
Engineering.                              with features including frame
Finance News Network’s MD Simon           synchronising and re-sizing engine
                                          on every channel which allows any              Simon Van Es at the Finance News Network
Van Es explained his organisation’s
purchasing decision. He said, “We         standard definition equipment to be
                                          used in full HD mode.                          with the HVS-300 and Magna’s               live events and sports where we
had been looking for a system
                                                                                         service.”                                  use our small portable Flypack. We
that could take some of our older         Van Es continued, “The HVS-300
                                                                                         Another recent purchaser of the            have a great relationship with Magna
720x576 content and upscale it to         had a long list of excellent functions.
HD but also take new HD sources           We were particularly impressed with            HVS-300 is sporting OB specialist          Systems and spent a good deal of
and mix them all together. Ultimately     the fact that the HVS-300 also has             StarComm. Well known for their work        time discussing which switcher would
our goal was to move to a full HD         keyer with chroma key, DSK, dual               helping to provide the broadcasts          be best for us with the team there.
workflow but in the process we still      picture-in-picture, 16-channel multi-          and graphics for the Association           When we’d considered all the options
wanted to use some of our older           viewer, still stores and much more. To         of Surfing Professionals (ASP) tour,       the FOR-A HVS-300 was clearly the
equipment. We looked at a heap of         be honest we could have purchased              StarComm owner Joel Medeiros said,         best choice as it incorporates up to
options and the one that stood out        it online but we decided to go with            “We purchased the FOR-A HVS-300            12 inputs and 8 outputs, DSK, dual
head and shoulders above the rest         Magna Systems because of their                 because it is perfectly suited for a       picture-in-picture, 16-channel multi-
in terms of functionality and value for   excellent local sales and support and          wide-range of productions that we          viewer and a wide array of other
money was the FOR-A HVS 300.”             I’m happy to say we are delighted              are actively involved in, particularly     functions in a compact 1RU size. It’s

MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                           

                                        Magna Systems supplies
also straightforward to use and easy                                                                                               to test and it worked perfectly giving
to configure.”                                                                                                                     them smooth streaming to the web,
                                                                                                                                   iPhones, iPads and iPods with no

                                        Department of Education,
StarComm have recently returned
                                                                                                                                   buffering and no lag. As a result they
from ASP events in South Africa and
                                                                                                                                   purchased the unit and we expect
Tahiti where they used the HVS-
300. Medeiros added, “The HVS-
300 is an excellent piece of kit that
                                        Premier Media Group and                                                                    more orders in the near future.”
                                                                                                                                   Premier Media Group (PMG) is home
worked brilliantly in both countries.
It’s very reliable and really punches   Hillsong Church with online                                                                to some of Australia's favourite
                                                                                                                                   subscription television channels, and
                                                                                                                                   also runs Australia's number one

                                        mobile streaming
well above its weight in terms of
                                                                                                                                   general sport website. PMG owns and
functionality. We are very happy with
                                                                                                                                   operates nine TV channels which are
the HVS-300 and the advice and
                                                                                                                                   provided to subscription TV providers
service that Magna Systems always

                                               ccording to Magna Systems               / 5000 multi-format encoder was the         FOXTEL, Austar and Optus, as well as
back up their sales with.”
                                               Technical Sales Engineer Dave           ideal solution as it allows the DoE to      providing content to mobile phones
                                                                                       deliver content online with an effective    and other online partners.
                                               Alderton the market for online
                                        streaming solutions is growing fast.           user interface to its audience. We          The Hillsong Church mission is
                                        Alderton explained, “Recently we               gave the DoE a Spinnaker SD / 5000          outworked through four major
                                        supplied the Department of Education
                                        (DoE), Premier Media Group (PMG)
                                        and the Hillsong Church with efficient
                                        systems based around the Inlet
                                        Spinnaker SD / 5000 multi-format
                                        encoder that provides full support
                                        of adaptive streaming and Video On
                                        Demand (VOD).”
                                        SpinnakerTM uses a state-of-the-art
                                        encoding engine and an advanced
                                        toolset to deliver high bandwidth
                                        performance and a unique feature set
                                        on the web.
                                        Alderton continued, “The DoE
                                        required a solution which would allow
                                        them to stream to the web in order to
Billabong World Pro Juniors, North      provide remote students with effective
Narrabeen, Sydney                       distance learning. Inlet’s Spinnaker SD        Spinnaker SD / 5000 multi-format encoder Smooth Streaming Diagram

MAGNA NEWS                                                                           

                                          Magna Moments…
campuses in Australia (Hills, City,
South West and Brisbane), a city-
wide network of connect groups,
contributing ministries and extension
Alderton said, “PMG are an innovative
media company who were looking
for an online solution so they could
stream content to the Fox Sports
website and onto iPhones, iPods and
iPads. It was important to PMG that
                                                                                  NAB 2011
their viewers were able to sit in front
of their laptops or handheld devices
and watch sport without annoying
interruptions of service or buffering.
Hillsong recorded several large church
events and then streamed them via
their website.”
The Spinnaker SD / 5000 can
simultaneously stream in multiple         Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011
formats including 3GP, H.264, Flash,
Silver Light, VBR and CBR within the
same system all from one compact box.
                                                                                  Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011
Alderton concluded, “After testing
and demos both PMG and Hillsong
purchased multiple Spinnaker SD
/ 5000 boxes. There was a tight
turnaround to get the Fox Sports
website launched but we managed
to deliver all four units on time.
PMG is another great example of a
broadcaster who, with the capability
of online streaming, is now able to
extend and push their content to
viewers in an efficient and convenient
way. This is very much the future of
content consumption.”                     Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011        Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011

MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                       

Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011        Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011

Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011        Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011

Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011        Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011   Magna Systems dinner at NAB 2011

MAGNA NEWS                                                                                                                      

Audio News
Exciting new additions to our product range

       he Inter-M V2-Series                installation area; in particular the
       Professional Amplifier is           PAM 480 amplifier. This was the
       compact, light weight               obvious choice when it came
and extremely reliable, this new           to selecting a reliable sound
range of SMP (switch mode)                 distribution system throughout the
professional amplifiers from Inter-M       Bunning Stores nationally.
will supersede the very popular L          Beautifully engineered, with loads
Series which have over the past            of great features the PAM480
fewyears earned a reputation for          delivers 480 watt RMS of clean
performanceand reliability.               reliable sound.
Improved performance, specification
                                           PAM-MPM4CD/USB/DRP                         Das Reveals New                        DAS 15-inch Road 15A
and design makes this new range of
SMP amplifiers another milestone in        Player, Tuner                               Road Monitors
amplifier design for Inter-M.              A new addition to the PAM Series            DAS Audio recently released its        Also on board is a FIR filter loaded
                                           modules is the PAM-MPM4. This new           new Road series of stage monitors,     DSP intended to ensure constant
PAM 480 Amplifier                          module from Inter-M incorporates            including the 12-inch Road 12A         phase response. Two EQ presets are
                                                                                       and the 15-inch Road 15A two-way       available-Monitor and Main, adjusting
The Inter-M PAM Series continues           CD, USB, and FM TUNER all in one
                                                                                       powered enclosures.                    the frequencies response for use on a
to make inroads into the                   compact, easy to install unit.
                                                                                                                              pole mounts as a multipurpose box.
                                                                                       These two monitors replace the
                                                                                                                              Another key feature is the DAS M-75N
                                                                                       manufacture’s SM and SML series
                                                                                                                              neodymium compression driver,
                                                                                       boxes , in this new design the
                                                                                                                              designed to deliver high SPL and low
                                                                                       connectors are underneath the          distortion. The driver is attached to a
                                                                                       cabinets front section, thereby        new 40-degree by 60-degree horn.
                                                                                       protecting them from breakage
                                                                                       or accidental disconnection. Both
                                                                                       enclosures incorporate Class D
                                                                                       power amplification delivering
                                                                                       550watts into the low frequencies
                                                                                       and 220wats for highs, plus a switch
Inter-M V2-Series Professional Amplifier                                               mode power supply.

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