Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre

Page created by Renee Turner
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre
Thursday 16-January-2020

                        Group Time
Today for group time we were very
 busy learning. We continued with
   colours as the Elephants have
 been really interested in this. We
also extended “Where Is The Green
Sheep”, through out this book the
children are very interested in ex-
   ploring all the different sheep.
     When we had finished Miss
 Tenneile transitioned the children
  with “bee, bee bumble bee”, this
encourages the children to become
    confident in a group setting.
 LO 4.1 – children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, co-
operation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence,
                     imagination and investigation
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre
Indoor Play
 What a great day we had exploring dif-
 ferent activities through out the room.
   Blake and Jayden both enjoyed using
 their fine motor skills and verbal com-
    munication while building the train
  tracks together as a team. Jamie en-
joyed sorting the coloured animals that
 Miss Tenneile had set up on the tables.
Amelia enjoyed role playing in home cor-
  ner during the morning she was busy
   looking after the babies, doing some
work on the computer and busy making
phone calls on the phone. Edgar enjoyed
 building with the lego which was great
   to see, as he would get very excited
when he would be able to build the tow-
  ers. During the morning the Elephants
enjoyed a wide range of activities which
  were either self selected or chosen by
LO 1.2 – children develop their emerging autonomy, interdepend-
               ence, resilience and sense of agency
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre

  Today for art, the Ele-
 phants and Miss Palmy
completed their first art
project! We did colourful
handprints that show the
  sizes of our hands and
the number of fingers we
    have. The paint felt
squishy and cold as Miss
 Palmy applied the paint
with a brush. The brushes
thistles tickled the palm
   of our hands and felt
slippery when we pressed
 our hands onto the pa-
LO 4.1 – children develop dispositions for
learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
confidence, creativity, commitment, en-
thusiasm, persistence, imagination and in-
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre
Chinese Class
  We started our Chinese Class this morning after a long
  wait. I taught the children how to count from 1—10 in
 Mandarin. They all read after me loudly. To help the chil-
 dren for the counting, I taught them a Chinese counting
   song “Where is my friend?” and another song “Two Ti-
   gers”. Both songs contained Chinese numbers and I do
  hope that beside learning about the numbers, the chil-
 dren will love the songs too. This morning Miss Tenneile
  read them a book called “Where is the green sheep?” To
 extent their learning, I translated the story into Chinese
 so that they could learn both languages. We sang “Head,
 shoulder, knee and toes”, for sure it’s in Mandarin. What
                          a fun day.
LO 4.1 – children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence,
creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and investigation
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre
Date                             16.01.2020                        Staff Name               Tenneile          Palmy                Ju   Amanda
Day                               Thursday                         Shift                   8.15-4.30         10.00-6.00   7.45-1.45     9.30-5.45
                                                                   Rest Pause              10mins             10mins      10mins        10mins
                                                                   Lunch                   12.45-1.30        1.00-1.30    12.00-12.30   12.30-1.15
       CHILD'S NAME                                                                   Rest Time                             Clothing
                      Morning tea                  Afternoon Tea
        Alexander         Late           Some           All                12.10pm                1.30pm

          Amelia          All            Allx2          All                11.50am                1.40pm

           Blake          All            Allx2          All                1.00pm-                1.40pm

           Edgar          All            Allx2          All                11.50am                1.40pm

          Elowen          All            Allx2          All                12.10pm                1.00pm

           Ethan          Late           Some           All                11.45am                1.25pm

         Harrison         All            Allx2          All                12.00pm                1.05pm

          Jaiveer        Away            Away          Away                 Away                    Away

           Jamie         some                All        All                12.00pm                1.40pm

          Jayden          All            Allx2          All                12.00pm                1.20pm

          Lincoln        Away            Away          Away                 Away                    Away

          Oliver          All            Allx2          All                11.50am                2.00pm

          Paityn         Away            Away          Away                 Away                    Away

          Reuben          Late           Allx2          All                12.40pm-               2.00pm

        Rosalinah         All            Allx2          All                12.20pm                1.20pm

          Sheldon         Late           Allx2          All                 Rested                  Rested

           Tania          All            Allx2          All                12.10pm                12.55pm

          William         All            Allx2          All                11.30am                2.00pm

UV Rating                                                                              Raining
Tea                                                                                  FRESH FRUITS
Lunch                                                                       Chicken Korma With Rice
tea                                                                        Fruit Bread with Dried Fruit
Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre Thursday 16-January-2020 Group Time Today for group time we were very busy learning. We continued with - Tiny Tiger Early Learning Centre
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