Thyroid function John R Arthur* and Geoffrey J Beckett

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Thyroid function
John R Arthur* and Geoffrey J Beckett*
*Division of Micronutrient and Lipid Metabolism, Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK
University Department of Clinical Biochemistry, The Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, UK

                                   Normal thyroid status is dependent on the presence of many trace elements for
                                   both the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones. Iodine is most import-
                                   ant as a component of the hormones, thyroxine and 3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine (T3)

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                                   and iodine deficiency may affect approximately one billion people throughout
                                   the world. Selenium is essential for normal thyroid hormone metabolism being
                                   involved with selenium-containing iodothyronine de-iodinases that control the
                                   synthesis and degradation of the biologically active thyroid hormone, T3.
                                   Additionally, selenoperoxidases and thioredoxin reductase protect the thyroid
                                   gland from peroxides produced during the synthesis of hormones. The roles of
                                   iron, zinc and copper in the thyroid are less well defined but sub- or supra-
                                   optimal dietary intakes of all these elements can adversely affect thyroid
                                   hormone metabolism.

                             The importance of the thyroid gland in maintaining human health is
                             well recognised. Since iodine is a crucial constituent of thyroid hor-
                             mones, it is not surprising that thyroid dysfunction is very common in
                             geographical areas of iodine deficiency. However, even when this trace
                             element is present in adequate supply, thyroid disease is present in 3-5%
                             of the population. Furthermore, the regulated supply of thyroid
                             hormone to specific tissues is crucial during fetal development1.
                               There has been much research into thyroid gland biochemistry and
                             control, both under normal conditions and when thyroid hormone
                             metabolism is abnormal. Thyroid hormone metabolism and function is
                             a complex process and includes synthesis of the hormones and pro-
                             hormones in the thyroid gland, their inter-conversion by iodothyronine
                             de-iodinases in the organs of the body, and the binding of T3 to nuclear
                             receptors to control gene expression1. Thyroid hormone metabolism and
                             action are dependent on a multitude of enzymes and proteins and the
         Correspondence to: expression or function of many of these can be influenced by trace
                DrJR Arthur, elements.
            Rowett Research    The elements most closely associated with the thyroid are iodine and
        Institute, Greenburn
           Road, Bucksburn, selenium and their roles in thyroid hormone homeostasis are relatively
     Aberdeen AB21 9SB. UKwell defined. In addition, levels of iron, zinc and copper in the diet have

    British Medical Bulletin 1999; 55 (No. 3): 658-668                                          © The British Council 1999
Trace elements and thyroid function

                               all been shown to influence thyroid metabolism, although the
                               mechanism of these effects is far from clear. This review will consider the
                               role of these trace elements in maintaining normal thyroid hormone
                               metabolism and in preventing dysfunction.

Thyroid disorders and iodine
                               Iodine is the trace element that is most likely to influence thyroid function
                               since it is an integral constituent of thyroid hormones. The recommended
                               daily requirement is 150-200 (ig. Iodine deficiency and its associated
                               clinical manifestations such as goitre, hypothyroidism, and impaired

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                               mental and physical development (cretinism) present a major world health
                               problem2. The most common thyroid disorders in areas of adequate
                               iodine intake are the autoimmune thyroid diseases and nodular goitre. In
                               these areas, hypothyroidism is commonly due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis
                               or results from atrophy of the gland (primary atrophic hypothyroidism).
                               Graves' disease, solitary nodular goitre, multinodular goitre and
                               autoimmune thyroiditis comprise the vast majority of patients who
                               present with an over active gland.

The effects of excess iodine intake

                               The increased use of iodine supplements in salt and bread and of iodine
                               containing food preservatives has resulted in a marked increase in iodine
                               intake in some countries including the US, Great Britain and Scandinavia.
                               This may be 4 times the recommended daily intake in certain regions and
                               there is now compelling evidence that such excess can give rise to thyroid
                                 Following the acute administration of iodine, thyroid hormone pro-
                               duction is transiently inhibited (Wolff-Chaikoff effect). This effect has
                               been used clinically to render patients euthyroid prior to thyroid surgery,
                               by giving potassium iodide in combination with propranolol4. Indeed,
                               before the discovery of antithyroid drugs, patients with Graves' disease
                               were treated with high doses of iodide.
                                 In areas that have been previously iodine deficient, iodine supplements
                               frequently give rise to hyperthyroidism which commonly manifests as
                               multinodular goitre. This has led to the suggestion that, in these patients,
                               there were pre-existing autonomous micronodules or macronodules but
                               that the hyperthyroidism was masked because of low iodine supply, only
                               to be uncovered when iodine was given3.
                                 There is evidence, particularly in animals, that high levels of iodine can
                               be a contributing factor in the development of autoimmune thyroid

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Micronutrients in health and disease

                         disease. How iodine produces such an effect is unclear but it may involve
                         the production of iodine-rich thyroglobulin, which may be particularly
                         immunogenic. Some, but not all, studies in humans have shown that the
                         presence of serum anti-microsomal antibodies is more prevalent in areas
                         adequate in iodine than in areas of mild iodine deficiency3.
                           A role for iodine in modifying the effects of growth factors is also
                         possible. For example, epidermal growth factor receptors in thyrocytes
                         are greatly diminished in the presence of iodine.

The effects of low iodine intake

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                         Up to one billion people live in areas where they are at risk from the
                         effects of iodine deficiency. Of these, approximately 211 million have
                         goitre and about 20 million have impaired brain function. There are
                         many iodine deficiency diseases (IDDs) which can affect human subjects
                         of all ages, but they are particularly severe in fetal development and
                         during stages of rapid growth in infants giving rise to cretinism1.
                           The clinical outcomes of iodine deficiency thus range from mild hypo-
                         thyroidism to severe endemic cretinism. Cretinism manifests in two
                         quite different forms. In myxoedematous cretinism, there is severe
                         hypothyroidism and stunted growth but the prevalence of goitre is much
                         lower than that in non-cretins1. There is often thyroid atrophy with no
                         thyroid tissue being palpable. Typically plasma thyroxine (T4) and
                         3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine (T3) are very low whilst thyrotrophin (TSH) is
                         extremely high. Thyroid destruction in these subjects may start in utero
                         or soon after birth. In neurological cretinism, which is more common
                         than the myxoedematous form of the disease, mental deficiency may be
                         accompanied by neurological problems including hearing and speech
                         defects. Growth and thyroid function are usually normal.
                           Whilst the pathogenesis of cretinism is unclear, there is no doubt that
                         iodine deficiency plays the major role since the diseases may be
                         prevented by iodine supplementation of salt used for cooking by an
                         injection of iodised oil. However, other factors, which may vary with
                         geographical location, also influence the prevalence and type of the
                         disease. These may include goitrogens and selenium status1-5.

                         Concentrations of selenium are higher in the thyroid than in any other
                         tissues other than liver and kidney, indicating that it has important
                         functions within the gland. In 1987, it became apparent that selenium
                         could exert marked effects on thyroid hormone metabolism in tissues

660                                                                     British Medical Bulletin 1999,55 (No 3)
Trace elements and thyroid function

                               other than the thyroid6. It, therefore, differs in its action from iodine
                               whose effects on thyroid status are largely confined to the thyroid.
                               Selenium is an essential component of many selenoproteins that regulate
                               thyroid hormone synthesis, preserve thyroid integrity in conditions of
                               marked oxidative stress, and control hormone metabolism in non-
                               thyroidal tissues where the prohormone T, is converted to biologically
                               active T3 or its inactive isomer rT35"7.

Selenium and thyroid hormone de-iodination

                               The discovery of increased T4 and decreased T3 concentrations in plasma

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                               from selenium deficient rats and cattle provided the first demonstration
                               that selenium could affect thyroid hormone metabolism. These changes
                               were associated with considerable decreases in hepatic and renal type I
                               iodothyronine de-iodinase (IDI) activity which converts T4 to T3. These
                               observations led to the suggestion that IDI was a selenoenzyme; this was
                               subsequently proved by partial purification and cloning. The selenium
                               present as selenocysteine in IDI is coded for by a TGA stop codon5"7.
                                 The levels of T4, T3 and rT3 are also regulated by two further de-
                               iodinases type II (IDII) and type HI (IDHI) that also contain selenium.
                               IDII shows quite a different tissue distribution from EDI and is found
                               principally in brain, central nervous system, brown adipose tissue and
                               the pituitary. The metabolic function of these tissues depends on T3
                               which is 'locally produced' from T4 by de-iodination catalysed by IDII.
                               This process provides a very sensitive mechanism by which thyroid
                               hormone metabolism can be finely regulated in specific tissues5'8.
                                 To further refine the intracellular control of T3 at a tissue level, IDm
                               catalyses inner ring de-iodination, which converts T4 to the inactive rT3
                               and also catabolises T3 to produce the inactive T2 Thus co-ordinated
                               expression of the three de-iodinases can regulate the concentration of T3
                               that is presented to specific tissues5'8.
                                 The ontogeny of the de-iodinases suggests that they are switched on
                               and off in utero and that this may be crucial in regulating and co-
                               ordinating fetal development in animals and humans. However, the
                               ontogeny of IDI in humans is quite different from that in the rat or the
                               sheep and thus data from animal models should be interpreted with

Selenium deficiency and thyroid hormones

                               In selenium deficiency, there is a stria hierarchy of selenium supply to
                               specific tissues and also to different selenoenzymes within a tissue.

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Micronutrients in health and disease

                         Concentrations of selenium and selenoenzymes are greatly decreased in
                         liver, kidney and muscle, whereas those in the brain and endocrine
                         organs such as the thyroid gland are less affected. Indeed, the expression
                         of thyroidal IDI can even increase in selenium-deficient rats5. Within
                         different organs, specific selenoproteins are retained at the expense of
                         others, presumably to preserve the most important aspects of meta-
                         bolism in selenium deficiency10. For example, in the selenium-deficient
                         rat, EDI is better retained than cytoplasmic glutathione peroxidase in
                         thyroid, liver and kidney, presumably in order to preserve thyroid
                         function and iodothyronine de-iodination and to limit changes in
                         plasma T4, T3 and TSH5.
                            If selenium deficiency is continued over more than one generation in

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                         rats, plasma T4 concentrations may not be increased. The reasons for
                         this compensation are not fully understood but it may be that
                         homeostasis is achieved by increased metabolism of T4 by IDIIF.

Selenium, thyroid hormone synthesis and oxdidative damage in the thyroid

                         The functional unit for thyroid hormone synthesis is the follicle, a
                         structure made up of clusters of thyrocytes. These synthesise a high
                         molecular weight protein thyroglobulin, which is then exported and
                         stored as a colloid in the follicular lumen. Synthesis of thyroid hormones
                         requires iodination of tyrosyl residues on thyroglobulin and subsequent
                         coupling of these iodinated derivatives. These reactions take place within
                         the follicular lumen at the surface of the apical membrane and not within
                         the thyrocyte1-5.
                           Iodination of tyrosyl residues on thyroglobulin requires the generation
                         of hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations and also the action of
                         thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme located on the luminal side of the apical
                         membrane. The generation of H2O2 is probably crucial for the control
                         of thyroid hormone synthesis and is regulated by a complex network of
                         interacting second messenger systems. The thyrocyte is thus exposed to
                         high concentrations of H2O2 and consequently of toxic lipid hydro-
                         peroxides. However, the availability of H2O2 and the subsequent
                         peroxidative damage are decreased by selenoenzyme systems in the
                         thyrocytes which may be involved in regulating hormone synthesis.
                         Extracellular glutathione peroxidase is secreted by thyrocytes into the
                         follicular lumen and may regulate the availability of H2O2 for thyroid
                         peroxidase at the apical membrane11. The intracellular glutathione
                         peroxidases may detoxify H2O2 and lipid hydroperoxides within the
                         thyrocyte and protect the gland from oxidative damage. It is significant
                         that glutathione peroxidase activity is decreased by over 99% in the liver
                         but by only 50% in the thyroid of selenium-deficient rats10.

662                                                                      British Medical Bulletin 1999,55 (No. 3)
Trace elements and thyroid function

                                 Thioredoxin reductase may also protect against the damaging effects
                               of H2O2 in the thyrocyte. This selenoenzyme can also act a growth factor
                               and may have several important and diverse biological effects on the
                               cell, acting either directly or through thioredoxin. Signalling pathways
                               that are associated with increased H^C^ production, stimulate synthesis
                               of thioredoxin reductase in the thyrocyte. As well as having a potential
                               antioxidant role, thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin can provide
                               reducing equivalents for the activity of IDI12.
                                 It is less easy to demonstrate effects of selenium status on plasma TSH
                               and T3 concentrations in the heterogeneous human population. Never-
                               theless, low selenium status has been associated with changes in serum
                               thyroid hormone concentrations with an inverse correlation between

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                               plasma selenium and T4 concentrations consistent with low IDI activity
                               in low selenium status in elderly subjects. Moreover, selenium
                               supplementation decreased plasma T4, but plasma T3 and TSH con-
                               centrations were unaffected by selenium status and treatment13. Plasma
                               T4 concentrations are also elevated in subjects with phenylketonuria and
                               this has been attributed to low selenium status arising from
                               consumption of low protein diets. Selenium supplementation of these
                               patients decreased plasma T4 concentrations, consistent with an increase
                               in hepatic IDI activity14.
                                 There is some evidence that de-iodination of thyroid hormones is
                               impaired in humans receiving large amounts of selenium, but this has
                               not been studied in detail15.

Selenium and the sick euthyroid syndrome

                              In euthyroid patients with severe illness not attributable to a thyroidal
                              cause (non-thyroidal illness: NTI), plasma concentrations of T3 are often
                              markedly decreased. This condition is very common in hospitalised
                              patients and is often referred to as the 'sick euthyroid' or 'low T3'
                              syndrome16. Such patients often also have decreased concentrations of
                              plasma selenium and this has led to the suggestion that the low T3 may
                              result from impaired expression of hepatic IDI17. Whilst selenium
                              supplementation can attenuate the fall in T3 in NTI, the syndrome has
                              complex effects which span the whole of the hypothalamic-pituitary
                              thyroid axis16-18. The hormone pattern in NTI is different from that in
                              simple selenium deficiency, where the most marked changes are in plasma
                              T4 not plasma T3. In contrast, in many patients with NTI, plasma T3
                              concentrations may be very low but with little change in plasma T416. The
                              fall in plasma selenium, which occurs in acute illness, may be a negative
                              acute phase response19.

British Medical Bulletin 1999;55 (No. 3)                                                                   663
Micronutrients in health and disease

Combined selenium and iodine deficiencies
                         Several animal studies have been conducted to assess the effects of
                         combined selenium and iodine deficiencies. Selenium deficiency can
                         exacerbate the hypothyroidism and goitre due to iodine deficiency. In
                         contrast, selenium deficiency can increase or decrease brain IDII activity,
                         which is a crucial enzyme for the supply of T3 required for normal brain
                         development. Such animal studies illustrate the complex interactions
                         between selenium and iodine deficiency and provide some basis for
                         interpretation of the effects of the deficiencies in humans5.
                           The most comprehensive studies of the roles of selenium and iodine
                         deficiency in human thyroid metabolism have been carried out in Zaire

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                         in areas where there has been a high incidence of myxoedematous
                         cretinism. Cretinism was endemic in particular geological areas that
                         coincided with areas of low selenium soil content. This led to the
                         proposal that the thyroid atrophy was due to loss of protection from
                         toxic levels of hydrogen peroxide. In low selenium conditions the
                         thyrocyte was hypothesised to express less glutathione peroxidase and
                         hence to lose protection from the peroxidative stress generated by the
                         gland in iodine deficiency5'20-21.
                           Further support for this hypothesis has come from selenium supple-
                         mentation trials in the endemic goitre belt of Northern Zaire. Serum
                         selenium levels in children and cretins in this area were much lower than
                         levels in adults living in villages on the border of the endemia area and,
                         indeed, were similar to levels in severely selenium-deficient children in
                         China. When schoolchildren and cretins were given 50 ug Se/day (as
                         selenomethionine) for 2 months, serum selenium and red cell gluta-
                         thione peroxidase returned to normal. In the cretins, there was also a
                         marked fall in serum total T4 levels from an initial mean of 12.8 nmol/1
                         to 2.8 nmol/1, accompanied by a rise in TSH. These T4 concentrations
                         can be compared with a lower limit of normal of approximately 60
                         nmol/1 in many European countries. In the normal schoolchildren,
                         selenium supplementation also reduced serum T4 but without a con-
                         comitant rise in TSH concentrations5-20'21.
                           The fall in serum T4, which occurred, on giving selenium may have
                         resulted from an increase in the expression of hepatic IDI, which would
                         increase the metabolism of plasma T4 to T3. In the normal children with
                         adequate amounts of functional thyroid tissue, the gland would be able
                         to meet the subsequent increased requirement for T4 synthesis. However,
                         in cretins there was probably insufficient functional thyroid tissue to
                         meet the increased requirement for thyroid hormone5'20.
                           These studies led to the hypothesis that selenium deficiency may actually
                         protect the brain from some of the detrimental effects of iodine deficiency.
                         Since the brain depends on plasma T, for production of T3, which is

664                                                                       British Medial Bulletin 1999,55 (No. 3)
Trace elements and thyroid function

                               essential for normal brain development, the increased plasma T4 con-
                               centrations in selenium deficiency may help to protect the fetal brain during
                               development. Thus it is now considered unethical to supplement a popul-
                               ation deficient in both selenium and iodine with selenium alone because of
                               the theoretical risk of exacerbating abnormal brain development20.
                                 Selenium deficiency can not always totally explain the onset of endemic
                               cretinism in iodine-deficient areas. In certain provinces of Africa where the
                               degree of selenium deficiency is similar to that in Zaire but the iodine
                               deficiency is more severe, myxoedematous cretinism does not occur.
                               Similarly in areas of Tibet where iodine and selenium deficiencies are both
                               severe the incidence of myxoedematous cretinism is very low and
                               neurological cretinism predominates22. Thus, combined iodine and

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                               selenium deficiencies are not sufficient alone to explain the high frequency
                               of myxoedematous cretinism in Central Africa. The possible role of other
                               factors such as thiocyanates must again be considered.

The effects of thyroid disease on selenium status
                               Thyroid status appears to have an influence on selenium metabolism.
                               Patients with hyperthyroidism have lower levels of plasma selenium and
                               red cell glutathione peroxidase than do euthyroid subjects, regardless of
                               the cause of the hyperthyroidism. When treatment restores a euthyroid
                               state, these markers of selenium status also return to normal23. Low
                               selenium status is not the cause of the hyperthyroidism but rather the
                               hyperthyroidism diminishes the size of the plasma pool of selenium,
                               possibly by modifying the half-life of the selenoproteins.

Zinc and thyroid function
                               There are indications that zinc is also important for normal thyroid
                               homeostasis. Its roles are complex and may include effects on both the
                               synthesis and mode of action of the hormones. Thyroid hormone
                               binding transcription factors, which are essential for modulation of gene
                               expression, contain zinc bound to cysteine residues24. However, it is not
                               known whether dietary zinc deficiency has a direct effect on this aspect
                               of thyroid hormone metabolism. In cultured cells, very strong chelators
                               of zinc are required to influence binding of transcription factors to
                               DNA. In the thyroid gland itself, transcription factor 2, which interacts
                               with the promoters for the thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase genes, is
                               a zinc-containing protein. The binding of transcription factor 2 is
                               affected by redox state, but again it is not known whether this can be
                               changed by dietary zinc intake24.

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                           The role of zinc in thyroid metabolism has been investigated in
                         animals but with conflicting results. Zinc deficiency can decrease plasma
                         T3 levels but in other studies no effect was observed. Similarly, zinc
                         deficiency has been reported to both increase and lower hepatic IDI
                         activity25*26. These conflicting reports may reflect differences in the
                         severity of the zinc deficiency and subsequent effects on food intake,
                         since this by itself would decrease plasma T3 levels and hepatic IDI
                           Marginal zinc deficiency appears to have no influence on the effects of
                         iodine deficiency in rats27. However, in a more complex study with
                         combined selenium, iodine and zinc deficiencies, there was an inter-
                         action between selenium and zinc deficiencies on thyroid follicle cell
                         architecture, which was compatible with apoptosis28.

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                           Zinc has also been connected with thyroid metabolism in humans.
                         Many patients with Down's syndrome have low serum zinc levels which
                         have been associated with diarrhoea and resultant malabsorption of
                         zinc. Those patients also had raised plasma TSH concentrations and
                         autoantibodies to thyroglobulin. When patients with Down's syndrome
                         were supplemented with zinc, plasma TSH levels were decreased to
                         normal and plasma reverse T3 was increased to normal29. In other
                         studies, low zinc status was associated with decreased thyroid hormone
                         levels. The biochemical basis of such changes has yet to be established30.

Other trace elements and the thyroid
                         Iron and copper status have also been linked to decreased plasma T3
                         concentrations in animals and man31'32. As with zinc, these changes have
                         not yet been associated with specific changes in enzymes involved in
                         thyroid hormone metabolism. It remains to be determined whether the
                         changes in thyroid metabolism are a direct result of the iron and copper
                         deficiencies or a non-specific response to poor health.

                         JRA is grateful to the Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and
                         Fisheries Department for financial support.


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                           Ingbar's The Thyroid, 7th edn. Philadelphia: lippincot-Raven, 1996; 736-67

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