Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star

Page created by Gregory Mckinney
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021       Star Media Group 50th Anniversary

                                   Shaping the nation
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
2     Star Media Group 50th Anniversary                                                                                                                          THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021

A future
enriched by
the past
After enriching and enlightening
Malaysians throughout the years,
what’s next for The Star?
FOR over 50 years, The Star has not only served game-changing stories
and hard-hitting news to its readers, it has also brought insightful and
pivotal events and initiatives that enrich and enlighten Malaysians.
  During that time, we grew and progressed with the country. In doing
so, we strove to offer only the best to all.
  After all these years, here’s a quick look at how far we have come since
the early days.

The brand                               and musicals as well as sporting
                                        events, serving up a plethora of
   Since its inception, The Star as a   enriching educational and cultural
brand has expanded its reach, with      experiences to the public.
print serving as a powerful medi-          Today, while The Star and
um that was accessible to all levels continue to stay
of society - from chief executive       on the pulse of the nation through
officers of large corporations run-     trusted news and commentaries,
ning million-ringgit projects to        the brand still carries on its tradi-
retirees in coffee shops enjoying a     tion of hosting engaging events.
simple cup of Kopi-C.                      These include the various
   As the publication grew in time,     StarLive talks, sporting activities
it found other ways to reach out to     such as the #AnakAnakMalaysia
Malaysians.                             Walk, award programmes such as
   With diversification at hand, Star   the Star Outstanding Business
Publications embarked on more           Awards (SOBA), as well as exhibi-
proactive engagements with one of       tions and workshops.
these ways being to hold events            The brand has also diversified to
that matter to people.                  reach younger media savvy audi-
   From the long-standing and           ences through various media plat-
ongoing Star Education Fair             forms in different languages,
launched in 1989, The Star has          including online portals, radio sta-
since hosted cheerleading competi-      tions and a dedicated entertain-          Participants during the flag-off of the #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk at Bukit Bintang City Centre, Kuala Lumpur
tions, tech fairs, motor fairs, plays   ment streaming platform.                  in 2016. — GLENN GUAN/The Star

                                                                                er emphasis was placed on inte-         (SOPA) Awards For Editorial          News Publisher of the Year award
                                                                                grating cutting-edge methods and        Excellence to the Putra Brand        by R.AGE – The Star’s youth news
                                                                                technologies in the process of deliv-   Awards and Malaysian Press           and lifestyle platform – in 2016.
                                                                                ering content.                          Institute (MPI) – Petronas              In recognition of its investigative
                                                                                   The brand also reaches out           Malaysian Journalism Awards, The     documentaries, R.AGE also
                                                                                through various other media in dif-     Star remains committed to bring-     received two consecutive nomina-
                                                                                ferent languages, with TheStar.         ing its readers even more impact-    tions for the Peabody Awards, one
                                                                       covering fascinating topics      ful stories, views and commentar-    of the most illustrious awards in
                                                                                and breaking news online, mStar         ies.                                 American media.
                                                                                and Suria covering interesting facts       Among its most notable awards        As for the radio platform, Suria’s
                                                                                and fancies in Bahasa Malaysia          include winning the The World        DJ Lin bagged the prestigious Most
                                                                                online and on the airwaves, as well     Association of Newspapers
                                                                                                                                             p p   and       Popular
                                                                                                                                                                p     Radio Presenter
                                                                                as Chinese music and topics on          News Publishers (Wan Ifra)’s
                                                                                988.                                    World Young Reader
                                                                                   Today, its dedicated entertain-
                                                                                ment streaming platform Dimsum
                                                                                Entertainment offers unlimited
                                                                                Asian dramas and shows for view-
The look                                Technological                           ers who want a dose of entertain-
   The Star evolved from a grass-
                                        advancements                               On social networks, The Star has
roots newspaper into a multime-            As it progresses through time,       raked in thousands of followers
dia household brand that people         The Star’s easy accessibility has       through its Facebook, Twitter and
can access easily for reliable and      enabled it to continue touching the     Instagram accounts, following the
credible news.                          lives of its audience.                  latest news and happenings in
   Similarly, the look and style of        As technology very quickly           Malaysia and abroad.
the paper have also been fre-           advanced to become more mobile
quently updated to better reflect       with social media gaining more
the changing times.                     prominence, the technological shift
                                                                                Accolades and awards
   Over the years, The Star has         to accommodate and avail those            The Star’s rise in the industry is
been on the cutting edge of tech-       different platforms saw a flexible      exemplified by the accolades,
nology with its printing, producing     shift in The Star.                      awards and recognitions it has
more vivid colours on newsprint            It transitioned to unveil Star       garnered through the years.
and using different methods to          Media Group (SMG), a multimedia           It continues to win numerous
inform readers of something truly       powerhouse cutting across various       prestigious awards for its editorial                                                      The R.AGE team pose
special within its pages, such as       touchpoints in print, digital, radio,   content and photojournalism year                     with their World Young Reader News Publisher of the Year
stickers, wrap-arounds and wood-        as well as events and exhibitions.      after year.                                         award in front of the White House in 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                         2016 The investigative
free paper options.                        As it explored new ways of meet-       From the Asian Media Awards                         documentary team also received two consecutive nomina-
                                        ing the needs of its audience, great-   and Society Of Publishers In Asia                                   tions for the Peabody Awards for their work.
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021                                                                                                        Star Media Group 50th Anniversary   3

Award at the Anugerah Bintang         the only Malaysian production to
Popular Berita Harian three           win at the Maple Leaf Awards
times since 2015, an acknowl-         under the Sixth Vancouver
edgement of her talent and con-       Chinese Film Festival in Canada
tribution to the industry.            for its first ever full-length festive
   In February 2018, 988 became       flick, A House Of Happiness,
                                      clinching the Best Cantonese Film
                  DJ Lin with the
                  prestigious Most
                   Popular Radio
                                      A ccelebration in
                   Presenter          toggetherness
                    Award                As a national daily that began
                                      as “The
                                         “     People’s Paper”, The Star
                                      hass not only showcased but is           From afar, a drone camera captures the amazing sea of participants att
                                         o deeply entrenched in cele-
                                      also                                     the start of Penang Starwalk 2016 at Penang Times Square. CHAN
                                        ating the Malaysian spirit dur-
                                                                               BOON KAI/The Star
                                      ing festive seasons and in times of
                                      harrdship.                               store, it will be faced together as a   ed Malaysians from all walks of
                                         Through various unity and
                                         T                                     nation.                                 life, converging in a walk that
                                      nation-building campaigns and               Some flagship programmes             promotes unity and understand-
                                      eveents, The Star has been rallying      under The Star’s banner that aim        ing among Malaysians.
                                      the nation to solidify the love for      to bring society together include
                                        ur tanahair and our fellow
                                       ou                                      the long-standing StarWalk              Making a positive
                                          countrymen.                          Penang, which debuted back in
                                              This serves as a reminder        1978 and the PJ Half Marathon.          difference
                                            that whatever successes and           More recently, the popular             As a citizen watchdog, The
                                            challenges the future has in       #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk attract-         Star is very much aware and

                                                                                             Over the years, The Star has held many popular events,
                                                                                             including (clockwise from top left) Mamma Mia! The
                                                                                             Smash Hit Musical, cheerleading competition CHEER and
                                                                                             musical extravaganza Mystical Steppes: Along the Silk

attuned to the challenges faced       Programme that funds life-chang-          on The Star’s agenda and it has
by vulnerable and marginalised        ing surgeries for needy children          been an advocate for literacy
  It recognised that it was in a
                                      and the Star Golden Hearts Award
                                      that recognises the local unsung
                                                                                among Malaysians.
                                                                                   Using its unique position, The
position where it is able to extend
assistance that may contribute to
                                      heroes who have made Malaysia a
                                      better place.
                                                                                Star has been able to offer access
                                                                                to quality education through dif-
                                                                                                                                sights on a
the improvement in quality of life
for many Malaysians.
                                        During the pandemic in 2020,
                                      The Star ran the Star Frontliners
                                                                                ferent programmes and initia-
  Through Star Foundation, its
charitable arm, it raises, receives
                                      Initiative, rallying the nation to
                                      support frontliners by raising and
                                                                                   Through the Star Education
                                                                                Fund, The Star has helped many                     future
and administers funds for various     contributing funds to provide             deserving students from across
social causes.                        much-needed medical supplies to           Malaysia go through tertiary edu-
                                                                                                                                  SMG still has much
  Its other social initiatives        medical facilities nationwide.            cation and open their pathways
include the Medical Fund                Education has been a mainstay           for a bright future.                           to offer Malaysians –
                                                                                                                                not just in print, but
                                                                                                                                also in its extensive
                                                                                                                                  offerings in new
                                                                                                    Winners of the                With the coming of
                                                                                                    2015 Star                       the Industrial
                                                                                                    Golden Hearts              Revolution 4.0, SMG
                                                                                                    Awards cele-                  looks forward to
                                                                                                    brate their win,            integrating the right
                                                                                                    holding up                   technological tools
                                                                                                    their awards              that will help propel it
                                                                                                    and certifi-              forward in its quest to
                                                                                                                                provide audiences a
                                                                                                    — AZHAR
                                                                                                    MAHFOF/The                    wider choice for
                                                                                                    Star                             information,
                                                                                                                                   inspiration and
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
4     Star Media Group 50th Anniversary                                                                                                                            THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021

    with the nation
Shaping the growth of                                                                                             The Star’s crea-
                                                                                                                  tor, KS Choong,
a leading Malaysian                                             In January 1974, The Star called No. 15, Pitt
                                                                                                                  was the paper’s
                                                                                                                  first managing               The first issue of The Star
                                                                                                                                               appeared on Sept 9, 1971. An
news giant.                                                     Street (now Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling) home,
                                                                before going national and moving to the Klang
                                                                                                                  director and edi-
                                                                                                                  tor-in-chief.                estimated 15,000 copies were sold that
                                                                                                                                               day at 15 sen each.
                                                                Valley two years later.

SINCE 1971, The Star has brought Malaysia                                                            form role by launching mStar and acquiring      2020s... an era
and its citizens a wealth of immersive stories                                                       Suria, along with 988, reaching out to a more   in the making
and impactful events.                                                                                diversified audience.
  For our anniversary, we look back on the                                                             On Jan 4, 2009, The Star offered more            When faced with the era that marked the
milestones that have helped shape a small                                                            ways to interact with audiences through The     Covid-19 pandemic, SMG and Star
provincial newspaper into one of Malaysia’s                                                          Star ePaper, SMS News Alerts and a podcast-     Foundation launched the Star Frontliners
leading English news sources today.                                                                  ing service for mobile users.                   Initiative to support the nation’s healthcare
  We will also take a retrospective look at                                                                                                          professionals by purchasing medical sup-
where we were then and where we are now.                                                                                                             plies for hospitals and medical staff.
  The past 50 years have been amazing, but
                                                                                                     The disruptive 2010s                               SMG has also been included as one of the
the best is yet to come.                                                                                The Internet’s ubiquity ensured that near-   six new additions to the constituents of the
                                                                                                     ly everyone is connected through the prolif-    FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index (F4GBM).
                                                                                                     eration of smartphones, trending a shift in
The tumultuous 1970s                                                                                 how we communicate.
   The decade was riddled with political                                                                Doing business became more challenging
                                                                                                                                                     Network for greatness
instability and economic strife: the Middle                                                          and to recognise achievers, the decade start-      Over the 50 years that have seen our
East oil crisis and ongoing wars that raged                                                          ed with the launch of The Star Outstanding      growth from a small regional newspaper
on in parts of the world provided rich con-                                                          Business Awards (SOBA).                         into a multimedia conglomerate, we have
tent as Malaysia began to find its footing on                                                           Meanwhile the publication coalesced as       also built valuable partnerships with other
the global stage.                                                                                    Star Media Group (SMG) and reached out to       industry players.
   The Star debuted as a regional, “made-in-                                                         the community at the grassroots, through           These leaders carry important brands that
Penang” daily, perfect for inspiring future                                                          social initiatives such as Star Foundation      fuel the nation’s economy, with our partner-
generations.                                                                                         and the Star Golden Hearts Award.               ships bringing positive impact to the com-
   It was the brainchild of KS Choong, who                                                              As a multimedia powerhouse, the group        munity and the economy as a whole.
became the paper’s first managing director                                                           now cuts across various touchpoints in print,      It is through these collaborative engage-
and editor-in-chief of “North Malaysia’s                                                             digital, radio and events and exhibitions.      ments that have forged a network that SMG
Bright New Daily”.                                SMG chief content officer Esther Ng was               It soon introduced dedicated entertain-      can leverage to produce more engaging sto-
   The first issue hit newsstands on Sept 9,      the first Malaysian woman to join the World        ment streaming platform, Dimsum                 ries and relevant activities that will bring
1971 and three years later, in January 1974,      Editors Forum advisory board.                      Entertainment.                                  greater progress for the people and nation.
the paper called No. 15, Pitt Street (now                                                               Throughout this period, the ascent of           In the pages to come, SMG shares the sto-
known as Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling)                                                                women in leadership roles in media contin-      ries of some of its partners - such as Amway
home. By May, it published its first coloured     The prosperous 1990s                               ued as SMG chief content officer Esther Ng      Malaysia, Milo, Tropicana Corporation and
front page.                                          The overall relatively peaceful and pros-       became the first Malaysian woman to join        Volvo - that have made their mark as they
   Later, The Star published its first national   perous decade was marked by the Berlin             the World Editors Forum advisory board.         grew together with the nation.
edition on Jan 3, 1976 and marked the occa-       Wall collapse and dissolution of the Cold
sion by relocating its headquarters to a rent-    War, technological advances and further glo   o-
ed unit in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur.             balisation.
                                                     By June 1995, The Star officially placed
                                                  itself on the Internet as Malaysia’s first new
The iconic 1980s                                  website,, giving readers a
   In an era that saw the rise of consumerism     new avenue to access news.
and globalisation, the Cold War headed               Three months later, the publication listedd
towards its final stage with rising tension.      on the KL Stock Exchange (now Bursa
   Locally, the Malaysian economy began           Malaysia) with a public issue of over
catching up with the rest of the world, with      27,000mil shares valued at RM3.10 per
the birth of the Internet sparking a techno-      share.
logical revolution within the country.               Great strides were made as The Star’s verry
   By this time, Kuntum went into publica-        own Datuk Ng Poh Tip became the first
tion, aimed at educating and entertaining         woman to become group chief editor in
Malaysian children – the only children’s          Malaysia – an achievement maintained
education magazine to be endorsed by the          today with Esther Ng helming the editorial
Ministry of Education to this day.                team.
   It moved to its own premises at Section 13,       As the decade closed, The Star joined the
Petaling Jaya and marked the occasion with        ranks of prestigious Asian media icons and
higher printing capacity, computerising edi-      global platforms as an Asia News Network
torial, as well as advertising and accounting     member.
   However, by late 1987, political tensions
prompted the Malaysian Government to
                                                  The advancing 2000s
launch Ops Lalang, which had The Star’s              Throughout the 2000s, technology pro-
licence revoked and publication suspended         gressed with new ways of communicating
for six months.                                   using mobile phones and laptops becom-
   When this ban was lifted on Mar 26, 1988       ing more accessible to the public.
and printing resumed, “The People’s Paper”           This opened up exciting prospects that
introduced new sections to engage readers.        helped form the Star Mobile News
   By February the following year, it             Services and mobile portal, even a portal
launched the first Star Education Fair at the     for the young and hip called The Daily
Dewan Tunku Canselor, Universiti Malaya           Chilli.
with more than 30 local and international            A day after its 2001 anniversary, the com--
educational institutions.                         pany shifted permanently to Menara Star in  n      A new frontier:
   Held over three days, it was the largest       Section 16, Petaling Jaya and printing operaa-     Senior management from The Star,
education fair in the country and remains so      tions began anew on Jan 16, 2002 at the            including (from left) general manager Koh Beng Huat, information
today, offering students study options that       state-of-the-art The Star Media Hub in Bukit       technology servicers senior manager Khoo Khay Heong, group chief editor Ng Poh Tip,
are both broad and specialised.                   Jelutong, Shah Alam.                               managing director Steven Tan, regional director Datuk Kamal Hashim and In-tech editor
                                                     It assumed a multilingual and multi-plat-       Davin Arul view the electronic version The Star launched on the Internet.
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021                                                                                                                              Star50 partner: Milo              5

through the ages
Milo has been a source of energy
and nutrition for families through
the generations.
THE first day of school has always      brands and a quintessential part of   shoes, new school bag, new station-
been a key milestone for families.      the Malaysian breakfast table. Go     ery and books with thick brown
Parents take pictures of their kids     through the pantry of any house-      wrapping paper.”
on the first day for posterity’s sake   hold and you’re bound to find the        When she got a child of her own
and enjoy looking back at what          famous green packet or tin in there   in the 1990s, Ooi continued many
changes have taken place through        somewhere!                            of the customs and traditions with
the years.                                 Made from the goodness of malt     which her parents had brought her
   Due to the movement control          barley, milk and cocoa with only      up.
order last year, students in            about one teaspoon of added sugar        Ooi says that while there was a
Malaysia only attended school in        (sucrose) - and packed with essen-    30-year gap between her school
person for about five to six months     tial vitamins and minerals that       days and her daughter’s, there wer-
in 2020. Thus, the beginning of the     help release energy from food -       en’t many differences in terms of
new school year in March this year      each cup of Milo pairs perfectly      how much energy they needed as
must have been exciting for these       with a balanced breakfast to give     kids.
children who have not been to           you and your family the energy to        “We always tried to have bal-
physical school since November          kickstart your day.                   anced meals and stuck to routines.
because of the spread of Covid-19.         So, it’s no wonder that families   We were then a middle-income
   Indeed, the new norms have           continue to trust the brand.          family, a single mother and daugh-
changed our lifestyles in many             “As far back as my memory can      ter and we did not have the luxury
ways.                                   carry me, I remember my earliest      of paying much attention to food
   But those who grew up in the         breakfast experience being a mug      nutrition! But Milo was our go-to       For most Malaysians, one of their fondest school memories would be
1970s and 80s would remember            of Milo,” says 50-something musi-     nutritious beverage that provided       lining up at Milo trucks to savour the malt-chocolatey goodness of the
how they took packed lunches to         cian Imee Ooi, who grew up in         energy, without us even knowing         beverage.
school in little food containers or     Taiping, Perak. Back in the 70s,      it!”
tiffins and had large tumblers full     during my primary school days,           Both mum and daughter (who is        cups a day, one in the morning and      super stressed about online lessons,
of their favourite drink – the staple   going back to school was as excit-    now in her mid-20s) continue to be      one during tea time,” she recalls,      coping with school work while
for many would have been Milo.          ing as celebrating the Chinese New    big Milo fans even today. Ooi says:     adding that all she had to do was       working from home and just
There’s no denying that Milo has        Year. My parents would prepare us     “Milo is a ‘must’ in our kitchen,       add hot milk to the Milo powder         adjusting to the new norms. School
nourished generations of                with a new set of uniform, new        synonymous to rice or water! We         and it was ready for consumption.       life is definitely not the same from
Malaysians, many  ny from as early as                                         drink Milo in tthe morning, of             Annamma’s daughter Liz, who is       our day!” she sighs.
their first day at school!                                                    course and an nother cup later in the   in her late 50s and has three chil-        Indeed, maintaining the kids’
   Fast forward to o 2021 and kids                                            day, hot or iced.”                      dren herself, seconds her mum say-      energy levels, while they are stuck
still love their Miilo, what more                                                Grandmother Annamma                  ing: “It must have been good            at home and going for online class-
mums and dads who  w grew up                                                  Thomas, 79, re emembers Milo as not     because I still drink it today and so   es, has become vital these days and
on the malt-choccolatey good-                                                                us drink when her
                                                                              just a nutritiou                        do my children!”                        Milo is often a saving grace because
ness of the beverrage, who now                                                              were growing up in
                                                                                   children w                            Liz says that her best Milo mem-     it helps to keep them going.
join them in enjo oying the                                                             Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur,        ories are the times when the Milo          For teacher Sheela Kuruvilla, 52,
drink every day.                                                                           buut also as a delicious   truck pulled up in school. ‘’We         going back to school wasn’t that
   Ever since it was
                  w                                                                          one!
                                                                                             o                        would all line up excitedly to get a    much of a big deal growing up in
introduced in                                                                                    ‘’All my children    cup of the deliciously cold Milo!”      Petaling Jaya, Selangor. With her
Malaysia in the                                                                                liked it. They would      Her brother Tom agrees. “Milo        daughters (just out of college), she
1950s, Milo has                                                                                have at least two      truck was the best!” he says, recall-   remembers going to buy new uni-
won the hearts of o                                                                                                   ing also that he was given an allow-    forms, shoes, socks and and lining
Malaysians acrosss                                                                           The love for Milo        ance for canteen food. “But some-       up at the school bookstore to buy
all generations. It
                  I is                                                                       cuts across all          times if I had to stay back for         textbooks, after which she would
one of those welll-                                                                          generations of           sports, then mum would prepare a        wrap and write names on them
loved household                                                                              Malaysians.              sandwich and Milo too.”                 with her daughters.
                                                                                                                         Nurse Syaza Md Razak, 29, says          For teacher Sheela Kuruvilla, 52,
                                                                                                                      she usually gives her daughter Milo     going back to school wasn’t that
                                                                                                                      before an outing so she has extra       much of a big deal growing up in
                                                                                                                      energy for the day’s activities.        Petaling Jaya, Selangor. With her
                                                                                                                         “I have been drinking Milo since     daughters (just out of college), she
                                                                                                                      I was a little girl and it was always   remembers the back-to-school rou-
                                                                                                                      my favourite drink. When I was          tine, where Milo was an important
                                                                                                                      pregnant, I would drink Milo every      part of their lives back then.
                                                                                                                      day, otherwise I would feel like I         Sheela says that her kids got Milo
                                                                                                                      didn’t have enough energy! Milo         for breakfast every morning before
                                                                                                                      always played a big role in my fam-     heading out to school. ‘’They left so
                                                                                                                      ily.                                    early that there was no appetite for
                                                                                                                         “I think Milo was also particular-   food, so it was mainly a glass of
                                                                                                                      ly important for us as kids because     Milo before they hopped on the
                                                                                                                      we didn’t like to have heavy break-     school bus. And that sustained
                                                                                                                      fast so early in the morning. Milo      them till recess!
                                                                                                                      was an efficient option, our go-to         Then for recess they would get a
                                                                                                                      breakfast drink of choice!”             sandwich or simple finger food
                                                                                                                         Syaza remembers preparing to         with another packet of Milo. It was
                                                                                                                      go back to school while growing         very much a part of their schooling
                                                                                                                      up. “Today, many parents buy            lives!”
                                                                                                                      everything online as it is more cost       Though times have changed,
                                                                                                                      efficient and saves time,” she says,    Malaysians’ love of Milo continues
                                                                                                                      adding that with the MCO, it’s also     to grow, as does Milo’s own com-
                                                                                                                      probably the safer option as well.      mitment to nourishing the nation
                                                                                                                         “Many of my friends, whose chil-     with the goodness of the energy of
                                                                                                                      dren are already in school, are         Milo.
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
Together - Star Media Group 50th Anniversary - The Star
10 Star50 partner: Volvo                                                                                                                                                      THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021

Blazing a trail
of evolution
Whether then or now, be it the classic Volvo 760
GLE of yesteryear or today’s sleek S90, you know
you’ve got a car that’s at the forefront of
technology, style, sustainability and safety.
THE Volvo Group originated in 1927 when             the interior a spacious feeling which was also        tige-builder par excellence for Volvo Car             including City Safety, Pilot Assist, Adaptive
the first Volvo car rolled off the production       very comfortable. And above all, the car had          Corporation for almost a decade.                      Cruise Control, BLIS with steer assist, Cross
line at the factory in Gothenburg, Sweden.          real character.                                                                                             Traffic Alert with auto brake, Orrefors crys-
Only 280 cars were built that year. Since              It soon proved to be the right choice. The                                                               tal gear lever with illumination, Apple car
then, Volvo (which is Latin for “I roll”) has       Volvo boxiness was a hit and soon turned
                                                                                                          Luxurious choice                                      play and Android auto, 360° surround view
been a world-leader in safety technology and        into a hallmark. In the spring of 1978, the              “The 760 was the flagship during its time          camera, Bowers & Wilkins Premium Sound
innovation.                                         first driveable prototype was ready and               and similarly, S90 plays that role at this            Audio System and Nappa leather comfort
   Today, it is one of the most well-known          many more test vehicles were quickly                          moment. The Volvo Cars design dur-            seat.
and respected car brands in the world with          finished.                                                           ing that period is known for its           The S90 is powered by Volvo’s Drive-E
sales in 100 countries. Volvo Cars sells premi-        In 1979, the Volvo AB car                                           sharp edges and ‘boxy’ pro-          powertrains, including petrol and diesel var-
um-segment car models in three segments:            division was turned into its                                              portions. The design lan-         iants, as well as Volvo’s T8 Twin Engine, a
sedans (S60, S90), versatile estates (V60, V90)     own company - Volvo Car                                                      guage has changed tre-         petrol plug-in hybrid mated to an 8-speed
and SUVs (XC40, XC60, XC90).                        Corporation - with Håkan                                                      mendously and is totally      automatic transmission.
                                                    Frisinger as its first CEO                                                      different now,” says           Volvo’s T8 Twin Engine delivers all the
                                                    and in 1980 an interest-                                                        Nalin Jain, Managing        benefits of a high performance, low emission
Hit rewind                                          ing concept car was                                                              Director of Volvo Car      petrol engine with an electric motor that
   In 1982, Volvo entered the small group of        shown which hinted                                                               Malaysia.                  delivers power on demand with ultralow
manufacturers of prestige vehicles with supe-       more than just a little bit                                                         “Then, and now, the     CO2 emissions and more than 40km of pure
rior comfort and high performance levels.           about what was coming                                                           foundation of Volvo Cars    electric range.
   The Volvo 760 GLE was launched in                a year later. The Volvo                                                        design is rooted in its         “Volvo is a human-centric automotive
February 1982. Seen as elegant and exciting         Concept Car was an                                                            Scandinavian heritage,        brand with a strong safety and sustainability
with its characteristic design, the 760 was         updated version of                                                          which focuses on elegant        heritage. ‘Omtanke’, which means caring,
well received, and became the car that actu-        Wilsgaard’s cut-back which                                                lines and crafted with preci-     consideration or to think again, is the value
ally saved Volvo Car Corporation and paved          was the real design inspiration                                        sion and attention to detail.”       that is built-in and is part of our character,”
the way to the modern company of today.             of the 760. Although shorter at                                           The S90 is Volvo’s premium        Nalin, who was appointed to helm Volvo Car
   When the first plans for the new car were        the back than the 760 was to                                          4-door, 5-seat flagship sedan         Malaysia in March 2019, taking over from
                                                                                           Volvo’s new purpose
drawn up in the mid 1970s, the automotive           be, it was almost identical.                                          today. It is built on the Scalable    Lennart Stegland.
                                                                                            is ‘freedom to move
industry was experiencing a lot of difficulties.       Volvo finally presented the                                        Product Architecture (SPA),
The oil crisis had just passed and at Volvo,        760 in February 1982. It was an              in a personal,           Volvo’s advanced modular
problems were rising regarding the build            elegant car with a completely          sustainable and safe           vehicle platform that under-
                                                                                                                                                                Safety first
quality of the new Volvo 200-series, and there      new and unconventional                     way’, says Nalin.          pins all Volvo cars in the 90            Volvo’s leadership in the field of automo-
was a need for a new large volume-seller for        design, pleasant to drive, com-                                       and 60 Series launched in             tive safety is confirmed in the S90. The SPA
the new decade – a car that would meet the          fortable and offered with three                                       recent years.                         platform has resulted in the strongest Volvo
continuing demands for fuel efficiency,             different choices of engine: a four-cylinder             Like its siblings XC90 and V90, the S90 car-       cars to date because of extensive use of
exhaust emission control and safety. It was         turbo, the V6 now bored out to 2.8 litres and         ries the proud and confident face of Volvo’s          boron steel, as well as numerous safety sys-
difficult to foresee what kind of car custom-       the Volkswagen-built but Volvo speci-                          design language, along with classic          tems designed to protect people inside and
ers of the new decade, the 1980s, would             fied in line-six D24 turbodiesel.                                    Volvo styling cues. Key features       outside the car.
want.                                               When fitted with this engine,                                            include the iconic “Thor’s            Volvo’s City Safety technology, standard on
   The 760 was conceived in a time when             the 760 was the quickest                                                    Hammer” LED headlight           all Volvo models, combines automatic brak-
conditions changed almost daily and there           diesel car off the mark in                                                     design, the new grille and   ing functionality and collision avoidance sys-
was no Internet to broaden the views! But           the world at the time.                                                          Volvo Iron Mark, and        tems to cover a range of potential accident
Volvo made use of the best possible tool avail-        The Volvo 760                                                                  the expressive use of     scenarios and help keep you safe. City Safety
able – thorough analysis. What was impor-           became a turning                                                                   the Volvo word mark      is the only system in the market that detects
tant was reliability, fuel efficiency, longevity,   point for Volvo Car                                                                 on the rear.            pedestrians, cyclists and large animals.
serviceability, low noise levels, design and        Corporation, product                                                                  In the cabin, Volvo      According to Nalin, the two founding
performance.                                        wise and financially,                                                               has taken cues from     fathers, Assar Gabrielsson and Gustav
   It was decided that a rear-wheel drive           and formed the basis                                                                the clean,              Larson stated in 1927, “Cars are driven by
should be employed, that the wheelbase              for the continuation                                                               Scandinavian interior    people. The guiding principle behind
should be 10cm longer than that of the 240.         of the company.                                                                    design of its XC90       everything we make at Volvo, therefore, is
The car was also to be somewhat shorter             Without the 760 there                                                            model and raised the       and must remain, ‘safety’.
than the 240 but have the same width and be         would not have been                                                             bar with new details on        “Safety has been the core foundation of
         100kg lighter!                             the 850, S80 and so on. It                                                    the dashboard and instru-     the brand right from when it started. This
             There were many design proposals       wasn’t until 1998 that pro-                                                 ment panel, including new       gives Volvo Cars an edge compared against
         to consider for the exterior design.       duction ended with the V90,                                             air blades that stand vertically    its competitors, and even now Volvo Cars
         Most of them were sedans but Volvo’s       the last Volvo car with its roots in                               on each side of the Sensus user          remains at the forefront of new safety inno-
          head of design, Jan Wilsgaard, was        760 technologies.                                            interface.                                     vation,” he shares.
          more into a hatchback. In the end,           In total, 221,309 units of the 760 were               According to Nalin, the S90 exudes with               “The guiding principle remains at our
           the result was a sedan with an           made before it was replaced in the autumn             luxury in everything from design to seg-              core, but we have also defined a new compa-
           almost vertical rear screen and boxy     of 1990 by the more modern 960. By then, the ment-leading features, many of which are                       ny purpose, ‘Freedom to move in a personal,
            rear section. The straight sides lent   760 had been a profit-maker and pres-                 not even available in most of the competitors         sustainable and safe way’.”

   The S90 is Volvo’s flagship,
   a premium 4-door, 5-seat
   flagship sedan.
THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021                                                                                                            Star50 partner: Amway Malaysia 11

 through the years with

Amway Malaysia has helped everyone
live better and healthier lives since 1976.
MENTION the brand Amway and you’d be               ments over the years with its offering of         rate social responsibility and community
hard-pressed to find any Malaysian who             over 450 products in health and wellness,         outreach programmes, which focuses on
doesn’t recognise it.                              beauty, personal care, home care and home         helping solve global as well as local chal-
  And for good reason, too: For more than          tech categories.                                  lenges.
40 years, Amway and its portfolio of quality          Throughout it all, Amway remains stead-           Among the many initiatives, (i) Amway’s
products have become an inseparable part           fast to its tagline to ‘Help people live better   Nutrilite Power of Five Campaign addresses
of Malaysian lives.                                and healthier lives!’ via its social network-     early childhood malnutrition around the

Growing from strength to
                                                   ing business opportunity concept that
                                                   focuses on engaged communities of pas-
                                                                                                     world, (ii) Amway Friends of the
                                                                                                     Community involves ABOs and Amway                    THE WORLD’S #1*
                                                   sionate people – together with its six endur-     employees volunteer to help Malaysian chil-         selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand.
strength                                           ing values of partnership, integrity, person-     dren in need, Rumah Tunas Harapan                               *Euromonitor International Limited
   Amway Malaysia’s humble beginnings              al worth, personal responsibility, achieve-       helped build local foster homes and (iv)
started when Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos          ment and free enterprise.                         Projek HeadSTART is a programme to help
identified the country as a viable market for         Over the years, Amway Malaysia has             young adults transition to working life and
Amway, paving the way for Malaysia to              helped empower communities to strength-           become productive members of society.            Healthy Living megatrend, prevention,
become one of the pioneer Amway affiliates         en their sources of income and uplift their          During the Covid-19 pandemic, Amway           product innovation, personalisation, natural
in the Southeast Asian region.                     standards of living, as it believes in helping    Malaysia worked with the Malaysian               ingredients, superfoods, food/beverage
   Among the first to introduce the idea of        people unleash their true potential to start      Government, Ministry of Health and               alternatives and influencers will be the key
direct selling, social commerce and entre-         a business for themselves with Amway’s            University Malaysia Medical Centre to help       themes to ensure the specific needs and
preneurial business ownership in Malaysia,         support and backing, as well as its world-        frontliners, public hospitals and shelter        wants of our diverse range of consumers
Amway kicked off with a small operation            class products and services.                      homes through donations of its award-win-        are taken care of, particularly amidst uncer-
consisting five employees at Jalan Ipoh circa         To keep current with the times, the com-       ning air purifiers as well purchases of          tain and turbulent times.
1976. By 1980, Amway Malaysia established          pany has constantly modernized its infra-         Covid-19 test kits.                                 According to Duong, “Consumers want
its first regional distribution centre in          structure and services, most notably its             Most recently, Amway Malaysia collabo-        assurances and have the right to know
Butterworth and had launched its first             recent launch of an enhanced order man-           rated with the Social Welfare Department         where their products come from, this
Nutrilite product, the Family Pack.                agement system to enable seamless mobili-         (JKM) to provide food aid and immunity           includes supplement and vitamins. Our
   From there, Amway grew from strength            ty and home delivery capabilities to grow         boosting supplements to impacted commu-          objective is to give consumers peace of
to strength with an unerring focus on build-       sustainable business.                             nities. Amway also empowered these com-          mind to track their products along the sup-
ing up the business and its product offer-            This push towards digital platforms &          munities with entrepreneurship awareness         ply chain, every step of the way.”
ings, as well as establishing itself as a recog-   tools has proven fortuitous during the pan-       with the hope to inspire families in need of        All the ingredients it uses in its products
nised brand name in Malaysia.                      demic, enabling Amway Business Owners             income opportunities.                            are grown, harvested and processed on
                                                   (ABOs) to quickly adapt to the new norms                                                           over 6,000 acres of certified organic farm-
Rapid growth                                       and help them migrate offline communities         A trusted health, wellness and                   land through sustainable, chemical-free
                                                   online for greater engagement despite the                                                          farming methods, which then undergo
   Fast forward, Amway Malaysia celebrated         movement restrictions.                            entrepreneurship brand                           extensive research, testing, and formulation
its 20th anniversary by rapidly growing its           According to Mike Duong, managing                 Staying true to its values, Amway             before being made available in the market.
business further, expanding its health and         director of Amway Malaysia, Singapore and         Malaysia has a clear vision for the future: to      This is just one of the ways Amway
wellness offerings and becoming a public           Brunei, “Amway’s purpose, values and              empower entrepreneurship, especially in          believes it can continue helping more and
listed company on the Main Board of Bursa          founders’ fundamentals remain the same,           communities, via social commerce. Moving         more Malaysians enhance their health and
Malaysia.                                          we recognise that ABOs and consumer               forward, Amway has put in motion strate-         wellness to live their best lives.
   During the dot-com era, adapting to             needs have dramatically changed.                  gies to improve the efficiency of its offer-        “For over 45 years, Amway has woven its
changing trends and consumer behaviour,               “We are committed to unleashing entre-         ings and operations, particularly on the dig-    way into the fabric of Malaysia and
Amway Malaysia was among the pioneers              preneurship and must rise to meet the             ital front.                                      Malaysian lives. We have helped to provide
to bring direct selling online, with its then      need. Our focus is to help ABOs transition           This effort includes continuously innovat-    millions of Malaysian citizens with award
ground-breaking (now                   from traditional face to face interactions        ing Amway’s digital offerings to meet the        winning products for better health, cleaner going live to enable online              towards building meaningful online com-           ever-evolving customer expectations, meet-       homes, fresher air and clean water, healthi-
transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a          munities and social selling.”                     ing the needs of dynamically growing             er younger looking skin and unparallelled
week.                                                 Amway continues to build up and                health-conscious consumers, and providing        business ownership opportunity.
   Taking a humanised approach towards             improve the welfare and        livelihood of      meaningful and relevant business opportu-           “We look forward to celebrating our 50th
sustainability - be it in its products, busi-      M   l   i communities.
                                                   Malaysian              iti                          it ffor gig
                                                                                                     nity       i social-economy
                                                                                                                      i l             ki g entre-
                                                                                                                                   seeking            anniversary and beyond, but most impor-
ness, or its projects for the people - Amway       Thhis can be seen                                 preneurs.                                        tantly, we are dedicated to helping everyone
Malaysia continues to make rapid improve-          th
                                                    hrough their corpo-                                   Amway works to capitalise on thet           live better and healthier lives,” said Duong.

Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos founded                  For more than 40 years, Amway and its portfolio of quality products have             Amway recently celebrated its 60th anniversary since it
Amway more than 60 years ago.                         become an inseparable part of Malaysian lives.                                       was established, with a special A60 event in Las Vegas.
THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021                                                                                                                                     13

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14   THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021 15
16 Star50 partner: Tropicana Corporation   THE STAR, THURSDAY 11 MARCH 2021
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