WhiteDec k Fundamentals Tokenomics - An industry endorsed framework to clearly articulate a security token offering - Security Token Network

Page created by John Ryan
WhiteDec k Fundamentals Tokenomics - An industry endorsed framework to clearly articulate a security token offering - Security Token Network


  Wh ite D e ck          Tokenomics

An industry endorsed framework to clearly articulate a security token offering.
                  Version 1.0 | 14th January, 2019 | token.security/whitedeck


Why?                      3       Type of Security Tokens   22
Expert Insights           4       Token Mechanics           23
   The STO Journey        5       Legal Considerations      24
                                  Token Compliance          25
Fundamentals              6
                                  Token Allocation          26
   Pitch Your STO         7
                                  Token Issuance            27
   Problem                8
                                  Token Sale                28
   Solution               9
                                  Token Exchange            29
   Product                10
                                  Market Making             30
   Market                 11
   Business Model         12   Financials                   31
   Competition            13      Expert Insights           32
   Traction               14      Financial Overview        33
   Customer Acquisition   15      Financial Forecast        34
   Team                   16      Valuation                 35
   Partners               17      Usage of Funds            36
   Investors              18      Ask                       37
   Roadmap                19      Tips                      38
                                  Contributors              39
Tokenomics                20
                                  Legal Disclaimer          41
   Expert Insights        21

       Companies need a unified way to         The WhiteDeck combines the proven
       communicate STO fundamentals            VC investment deck with token

       to investors and key stakeholders.      elements of the ICO whitepaper.

                             Investment Deck   ICO Whitepaper   STO WhiteDeck



         Industry Endorsed

Expert Insights                                                                                                                         Network

           In an STO, compliance is enforced and automated through           ICOs began to redefine innovation funding and capital
           the use of smart contracts. This results in a reduced number      markets. But with scams and frauds all over the place, we
           of middlemen taking their fees and slowing the process            now need to regain market trust with higher standards and
           down. As a direct consequence of less middlemen, the issuer       the markets embracing regulatory compliance and Digital
           can form a direct relationship with the investor and ensure       Securities offerings. The Whitedeck is a great contribution to
           these important connections are managed effectively.              achieve data transparency about digital assets.

           Luc Falempin | CEO, Tokeny                                        Philipp Pieper | CEO, SWARM

           As the first French self-regulated agency in the crypto           The bridge between the old and new economy was initiated
           industry and being at the origin of the first European charter    by the ICO's movement. Now, that bridge is being
           of best practices for token sales, I sincerely believe that the   strengthened by STOs, a new class of crypto-assets that
           WhiteDeck initiative is essential in order for the market to      cements this fabulous and promising technology with
           mature and develop further.                                       old-school institutional finance. It is essential to have proper

           Laurent Leloup's | CEO, Chaineum Capital Partners                 guidance from the most renowned entities of the industry.

                                                                             Gilbert Réveillon | President CNCEF & CEO Mobile LOOV

The STO Journey                                                                                                                                                                             Network

                                                 Robust company IT security                 Legal & custodial       Bank arrangements      Ramp up marketing
STO scope, timeline,     Engage with STO
                                                 policies and systems                       work completed          and KYC approved       on proven channels
resourcing, and costs    consultancy
                                                 Pitch deck to investors for                Private sale started,    OTC Brokerage
Assess business          Assess STO
                                                 early-stage feedback                       broker-dealer            (crypto-to-fiat)
fundamentals and         suitability
                                                                                            engaged                  solution
fundraising readiness
                                                 Token governance
                                                 framework completed

    Week 1-3                  Week 4-6            Week 7-9                     Week 10-12   Week 13-15                   Week 16-18        Week 19-21               Week 22-24+

Engage with STO          Engage with token       Ensure bank supports
                                                                                            Crowdsale (depending        Select liquidity   Liquidate funds if    Token issued and
ecosystem key players    issuance platform       deposits raised from STO
                                                                                            on exemption)               provider           raised in crypto      wallets enabled
Token economics and      Marketing and           Begin execution and
                                                                                            Crowdsale whitelist and                        Close sale: governance,
mechanics defined        distribution plan       marketing experiments
                                                                                            contribution platform                          reporting, audits, accounts
Application with securities    Review existing   Fundraising strategy defined
                                                                                            Select Security Token                          Initiate on-going
agencies (regulators) for      investment        and network engaged
                                                                                            Exchange                                       management processes
registration / exemption in    contracts
relevant jurisdictions

The WhiteDeck is supported by:

                                                                                                                                                                         Los Angeles Taipei Hong Kong

Fun dam entals

           You should be able to hook
           investors in 30 seconds, pitch for
           six minutes, and be prepared for
           difficult questions.


Investors will filter for potential investment op-
portunities by asking themselves: “Do I believe
                                                                       Slow                                           Opaque
this solves a real and big enough problem?”                                           Inaccessible                                                    Excessive

Thus, if the problem is not convincing, it does
not matter how well your solution to the prob-                            Untrustworthy              Conflict of Interest               Wasteful
lem performs. So how do we communicate, the
size, depth, and intensity of the problem in a
                                                                      Complicated        Manual                             Expensive              Inconvenient

Checklist                                                                                                                               Unstable
      Explain the nature of the pain your cus-                                                                  Legal Challenges                     Impersonal
      tomer faces and how it arises.

      Explain what demographic tends to ex-
      perience this pain.

      Explain how severe and intense this pain
      is. What are all the ways it affects the cus-   The problem must be achievable, i.e. global
      tomer?                                          clean water vs. local dirty wells.                       The problem, solution, and product slides are
      Explain how often the customer feels this                                                                geared towards technology companies. If
      pain.                                           Don’t be too niche, i.e. crypto wallets for South
                                                      Korean Dash users.                                       there are very low barriers to entry. You should
      Explain how alternatives to your solution
      solve these problems, and how their solu-                                                                focus on your story. For example, whilst there
      tions are not satisfactory.
                                                      Indicate the size of the problem, how many
                                                      people are affected, and how often they expe-            are minimal barriers to entry for producing
      Examine why this problem has not yet            rience it, sub stantiated by data.                       and selling cakes, your captive story is what ini-
      been solved before your solution.
                                                                                                               tially grabs attention.
                                                      Force investors to see the problem from the
                                                      customer’s perspective.


Investors want to know that your solution is
extraordinary, innovative, and disruptive.
Having these qualities means your solution                                                   Stable
works, is difficult to copy, and is hard to com                        Secure                                          Streamlined
pete against. This is part of the recipe for
building a successful business.
                                                                                Accessible               Efficient
     Explain how you solve the customer’s                                                 Personalized               De-risked
     problems.                                                    Transparent
     Explain why your solution is unique, and
     demonstrate your customer insights.                                                              Convenient           Reliable
     Explain why your solution is better than
     the alternatives. How are you not only           Trustworthy
     unique, but better?
     Describe your unfair advantage. What do
     you have that your competitors struggle
     to recreate?
          Network effect: community
          Rich proprietary data
          Partnerships                            Mention how your solution addresses each of
          Higher margins                          the problems you’ve listed.                               The solution should be your special
          Brand awareness
          Strategic investors                     Why your solution is different and better than            sauce. You need to communicate
          Regulatory advantage
                                                  what currently exists on the market?
          Government support                                                                                that you’re special, not just another
                                                  Do not overstate your solution. Your traction             lemonade stand.
                                                  and customers is the proof that it works.


Investors want to know if the product you have                                  Daily                Physical
built actually delivers the solution that you
claim. They want to know how your customer
uses your product and how you make money.
                                                              Seasonal                                               SaaS
     Explain how your customer find out
     about your solution.                                                 How often                    What is
         Do you have a scalable way of reach-
                                                                          is it used?                the product?
         ing new customers?                       Realtime                                                                      FMCG

     Demonstrate how the customer uses
     your product.
         Break it down into simple steps.                                                   Your
     Reveal the step at which your company
     gets paid.                                  Defensible
          How much?                                                                                                           User
          How does this cost compare to alter-                                 Is it                                        Journey
                                                                                                     How does
          natives?                                                          scalable?
                                                                                                      it work?
     Indicate when the customer uses your          Automated
     product again.
          Does the customer come back again
          and again?                                                                                               External
                                                              Secure                                             Dependencies

A professionally edited video demonstration                                                         Payment
of your product that is no longer than 45
seconds is the best way to explain how it
works, and this can be used in a live pitch.


Investors will also evaluate a company by
considering whether its target market is big

How large your market is does not just refer to
the market you are currently serving.

Market size can refer to the set of customers
                                                                 TAM                                  SAM                                  SOM
you are targeting to serve as your product

Consider showing market growth and
forecasts in your sector, especially for new
markets. Also, market status and recent

    Substantiate your TAM / SAM / SOM
    figures.                                      The total value of every conceivable   The total value of every customer   You have competitors and con-
                                                  customer, e.g. everyone in the word    you could reach, for example in     straints. If you serve all the cus-
    Ensure the figures align with your            who eats pizza ($128bn)                your country ($44bn in USA)         tomers you can reach, how much
    financial model and forecasts.                                                                                           money would you make? E.g. 2%
                                                                                                                             market share is roughly $1bn

                                                  TAM — Total Addressable Market                        If the market size is not significant, then it
                                                  SAM — Serviceable Available Market                    becomes a ceiling which will restrict your
                                                  SOM — Serviceable Obtainable Market                   growth potential.
Affiliate Program                                       Freemium                                                Reverse Auction

Business Model
                                                                   Receive royalties for the right to sell a product.      Free basic services, chargeable premium service.        Set ceiling price with participants bidding as price
                                                                   (ShareASale)                                            (LinkedIn)                                              drops. (UpWork)
                                                                   Marketplace                                             Leasing                                                 Standardization
                                                                   Connect buyers and sellers, per-transaction fee.        Rent, rather than sell, high-margin, high-priced        Standardize previously personalized service to
Business models are repeatable, scalable, and                      (Binance)                                               products. (Hertz)                                       lower costs. (MinuteClinic)

                                                  Business Model
resilient to changes in the market. You must                       Bundling                                                Razor Blades                                            Subscription
demonstrate that your business has an estab-                       Package related goods and services. (Fast-Food          Offer high-margin razors below cost of increase         Charge subscription fee for access to a service.
                                                                   value Meals)                                            sales of the high-margin razor blades. (Gillette)       (Netflix)
lished and reliable way of making money, i.e. a
revenue model.                                                     SaaS                                                    Negative Op Cycle                                       User Communities
                                                                   Flexible charging based on service level. (HubSpot)     Lower prices by receiving payment before deliver-       Charging both membership fees and advertising
                                                                                                                           ing. (Amazon)                                           to members. (Angie’s List)
Without a business model, you will never know
whether you can put food on the table tomor-                       Crowdsourcing                                           Pay-as-You-Go                                           Low-Touch
                                                                   Large group contribute content in exchange for          Charge for actual, metered usage. (Utility Compa-       Lower prices by decreasing service. (Walmart)
row or the day after. You will always be at the
                                                                   access to other content. (YouTube)                      nies)
mercy of the markets, with little control over
your fate.                                                         Disintermediation                                       Product to Service                                      Fractionalization
                                                                   Sell directly, sidestepping traditional middlemen.      Sell the service the product performs, not the          Sell partial use of something. (NetJets)
                                                                   (WebMD)                                                 product. (ZipCar)
                                                  Business Model Lean Canvas - tZero Case Study
     Identify if you are a B2C or B2B business.
                                                          Problem                                Solution                          Unique Value Prop.               Unfair Advantage                 Customer Segments
     Describe how you leverage your business
                                                          Following an STO, tokens               tZero provides a secondary        Digital Locate Receipt (DLR)     Significant fundraising make     1. Investors in STO who want
     model to make money.
                                                          need to be listed on an                trading platform.                 is intended to "automate         acquisitions and obtain the      to sell their tokens post
                                                          exchange for liquidity.                                                  traditional REG SHO locate       appropriate trading licenses.    lock-up to other investors.
     Discuss your market insights.
                                                                                                                                   process to meet operational                                       2. Traders who want to profit
       “Our business model will remain                                                                                             and regulatory require-                                           from security token volatility
       relevant because this key market                                                                                            ments."                                                           on the secondary markets.
       trend will continue to persist.”

     Discuss the potential for your business
                                                        Existing Alternatives                   Key Metrics                                                          Channels                        Early Adopters
     model to evolve with:
                                                                                                1. Number of trading accounts                                        1. Security token or crypto     1. Early STO investors in 2019.
        Higher margins                                                                          registered.                                                          media.                          2. Market makers integrating
        More customers                                                                          2. Number of daily active users.                                     2. Partnerships with token      services into the exchange
        Cutting out middlemen                                                                   3. Average volume of trades                                          issuance platforms.             to provide early liquidity and
                                                                                                per active user per day.                                             3. Influencer marketing         test out market dynamics.

         Token                                            Cost      1. Infrastructure maintenance and expansion.                                   Revenue        1. Fee on a per transaction basis.
         Network                                          Structure 2. Regulatory compliance.                                                      Streams        2. Listing fees for tokens.
                                                                             3. KYC/AML on accounts.                                                              3. Collocation services for high frequency trading houses.


Investors will always think about your
competitors, especially if those competitors

are massive industry players.

Address investor concerns about your
                                                            Comp. #1
competitive edge before they vocalize them                                                                              Your
in order to instill confidence.                                                                                        Project

     Identify two ways that your product
     outperforms your competitors.                                                                      Comp. #5
                                                                              Comp. #4
     List one of these performance measures on
     the horizontal axis, the other on the
     vertical axis                               Non-user friendly                                                       User friendly

     Always position your product in the top
     right corner.

     Position your competitor’s logos
     in other quadrants to signify that they
     underperform compared to you.
                                                    Comp. #2

                                                                       Comp. #3                 Why should I not invest in one of
                                                                                                your competitors? How are you
                                                                                                better for your customers?



                                                    B2B Key Metrics                                           B2C Key Metrics
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the
                                                        Revenue: How much money you are making.                   Revenue: How much money you are making.
Investors will ask for cold, hard proof that what       Major Customers: Recognizable brands that                 User Growth and Community: Number of users
you are claiming is true. Prove your business           have purchased your product that demonstrate              purchasing or supporting your product.
with the traction slide.                                validation.                                               Conversion: The percentage of your traffic that
If you do not yet have revenue, reference other         Sales Growth: Shows your ability to convert               converts to sale.
traction metrics found on the right hand side.          and grow sales.                                           Traffic: The top-line number of users exposed
                                                        Customer Commitments: number of MoU,                      to your product.
Checklist                                               Letter of Intent signed demonstrating the top             Marketing Spend: Is marketing efforts effi-
                                                        of your sales funnel.                                     cient and scalable? Demonstrate how organic
     Identify if you are a B2C or B2B business.
                                                        Industry: The industry the project is operating           acquisition lowers costs.
        B2B vs. B2C metrics or graphs will
        look very different.                            in is an essential piece of the puzzle and is             Retention: How often users engage with your
        B2B growth is typically more linear.            used to give further context to the operational           product, and how often then come back (MAU
        B2C growth is (ideally) geometric or            review.                                                   / DAU).
                                                        Target: The main target audience is evaluated,
     Include the key metrics that best describe
                                                        including whether they are B2B or B2C.                    10000
     the balanced growth of your business.
                                                        Intellectual property: Particularly for technolo-         9000

     Include a graph of most important
     metrics, going up and to the right.
                                                        gy companies, any patents or unique IP will be            8000

                                                        analyzed to find strengths that can be leveraged.         7000




                                                      We been using ABC service for six months. It resulted       3000
                                                      in a 15% cost reduction, and the team is great.

                                                      Very Happy Customer                                         1000























Customer Acquisition
                                                                                         Renowned&Co             Network

How will you actually sell your product, and         Acquisition
how much will it cost? Investors know that it’s
extremely hard to launch and sell a product or
service.                                                           Where / how are customers first exposed to your
User Economics
Ideally, you already have channels that perform
                                                                   What is your best performing channel (CTR)?
with quantifiable metrics.                                         Is this channel scalable and cost-effective
For an online business:
                                                                   long-term (CAC)?
    “CAC is $7.20 with paid ads.”
    “LTV of $400. Given current ad spend an
    reach there is 1000x scale on this channel.”
                                                                   How do you get customers to sign up or engage
For a B2B business:
                                                                   with your product?
    “We have two sales staff who reach out to
    25 leads per day.”                                             What is your customer conversion rate?
    “We close 5% of deals and are profitable
    on the first sale.”                              Activation    Is your customer onboarding process efficient
    “We estimate that we’ve contacted 0.01%                        and does it present the fewest possible
    of potential leads in the past year.”                          barriers?

                                                                   What percentage of all your customers keep
Brand Marketing & Awareness                                        coming back for more (LTV)?
During your sale, your investors are your
customers, especially if you run a crowdsale. You    Retention     What methods do you use to retain your
will need to allocate additional resources for                     customers?
marketing and community management.

You are likely marketing a security, so seek legal
advice. Market fairly, transparently, and comply
with the law.


Your mission is to convince investors that you
                                      John Doe
are the best people to develop this company                                   Tom Walt                                                  John Doe
and pursue the opportunity.           Core Team & Advisors                    CEO & Founder                                             Core Team & Advisors

What have you achieved and why is it relevant
to the business you are building right now?

What skills have you honed that are going to be
crucial for the success of the company?

What do you know that others do not? What’s
your secret sauce? Can you deliver? Do you have
the passion?

Focus on the tangible before leading into the
abstract. Where you went to school is often                  Founder                                                Core Team & Advisors
                                                                Headshot photo (should all have similar                  Headshot photo (should all have similar
You should separate your team and advisors                      backgrounds)                                             backgrounds)
into different slides.
                                                                Name (full legal name, searchable on LinkedIn)           Name (full legal name, searchable on LinkedIn)

                                                                Title (CEO, COO, CTO)                                    Title (CEO, COO, CTO)

                                                                Brief biography focusing on tangible achievements        Work History (big logos)

                                                                Work history (big logos)                            For STO (previously ICO) advisors, be cautious when they:

                                                                Education (do not emphasize, but include)               Actively advise on more than five projects.

To deliver your STO you may need additional re-                                                                         Make unrealistic claims such as having huge investor
sources, such as a project manager, lawyer, ac-
countant, tax specialist, web developer, IT securi-                                                                     Request upfront payments or percentages of your raise.
ty expert, and/or designer.                                                                                             Emphasise their ranking on ICO sites, e.g. “#2 Top Rated
                                                                                                                        ICO Advisor”.


Partners can be fantastic for the growth and
development of your business.

Additionally they provide a level of validation as
other reputable companies have bought into
what you’re doing.                                                             Cross
There may be crossover, for example a joint
product development project many result in

     Ensure your partner contributes real value.                      Your
     How do cross-marketing partners increase                       Company
     brand awareness or sales?

     How do distribution partners deliver your
     product through their channels?

     How do your product development
     partners contribute to final development?

     Consider a brief company introduction for
     your partner, for market size, revenue, and
     business metrics.


                                                  Seed                                                                       Network

Often, a traditional investment round has the
following characteristics:
    There are lead investors who invest a large
    portion of the round and set the terms.
    There is a subsequent group of investors
    that follow the lead.                                Investment company
    The first quarter of the round is the                London, United Kingdom
    hardest to secure.                                                            Under exceptional circumstances you may
                                                                                  include commitments from your current round.
Figure out the needs and interest of smart
                                                                                  For example, past investors following on, or
money, i.e. investors who can bring industry
                                                                                  institutional grants.
expertise, networks, other investors, and

Outreach to investors:
    If you have accomplished investors or         Seed
    funds already hard committed, then you
    can use them to outreach to other
                                                                                     Stage (Seed, Series A/B, Crowd)
    This is the concept of using a lighthouse:
    an entity that you can hold up to attract
    other boats to shore.                                                            Investor name

                                                                                     Investor logo
                                                         Investment company
                                                         Shanghai, China
                                                                                     Investor biography (10 words)



Whilst a roadmap was an essential part of an
ICO whitepaper it does bring downsides.

Unless you have a world-class team with a huge
chance of success, investors won’t invest in         Roadmap Example
ideas. Most investors look to grow an existing
                                                         Milestone 1
This is more apparent with STOs than ICOs,               Milestone 2

where there is a shift from flips of hyped tokens,       Milestone 3

to investing in business fundamentals.
                                                       Q1               Q2         Q3           Q4     Q1           Q2            Q3            Q4
                                                      2018             2018       2018         2018   2019         2019          2019          2019

Checklist                                                Goals 1
                                                         Goals 2
     Is the item linked to growth that is                Goals 3

     backed by existing metrics?

     Would investors appreciate their money
     being spent in this way? I.e. a new
     downtown office isn’t a good milestone.         Product goals are good, ideally developing on           Traction goals, like X number of customers,
                                                     an existing working product.                            X number of sales.
     Having over-ambitious milestones could
     deter investors or compel them to hold
     off until you reach your milestones.            The roadmap should compliment your story.               Keep it grounded, and for 1-2 years.
                                                     Having the milestone “ ” would emphasise that
                                                     you are focused on growth, whereas “Hire
                                                     development team” will raise red flags.

Token omics

Expert Insights                                                                                                                          Network

           Companies who are doing an STO need to consider whether          Tokenization streamlines the process for SMEs and start-ups
           to do it in-house, which introduces custodial, banking, legal,   to issue and maintain financial instruments. Programmable
           and compliance work. Alternatively, they can select an           compliance and increased transparency reduce
           issuance platform who have optimised the process.                administrative fees, ease regulatory burden and increase
                                                                            investor confidence. Through tokenization we are bridging
           Ulyana Shtybel, Ph.D. | Vice President, High Castle
                                                                            the gap between private and public markets, opening
                                                                            previously illiquid assets to a global audience.

                                                                            Benjamin Hauser | CEO, HyperLink Capital

           Securities will be tokenised in the future but there’s still a   We view tokenized securities as just another variant of a
           lot of processes and infrastructure that needs to be             security – is it a paper bond, digital share or tokenized security.
           created before they become a reality. There has been a           So ask yourself – is your offering compliant with relevant
           bit of damage done by errant operators that didn’t care          existing securities legislature, and is the secondary trading
           about the legality of what they were doing. To make              occurring on a regulated stock exchange or equivalent.
           things worse, the information provided was usually
                                                                            Chuan Ji Lim | Senior Manager, Gibraltar Stock
           lacking in some major areas.
                                                                            Exchange Group
           Sam Gibb | Managing Partner, Endeavour Ventures

Types of Security Tokens

Whilst the WhiteDeck generally focuses on an equity STO, there
are many applications and possibilities for security tokens.
Whatever the use case, strong business fundamentals will always
be paramount.

Security Token Use Cases
Equity Tokenization: A new asset class of smaller market cap
                                                                                                        Security Token
companies with liquid tokens representing equity brings
transformative effects to the VC industry. Typically characterized
as the most illiquid asset class, VC investments will likely increase
in volume if only investors could offload or onboard risk as
necessary. The companies underlying these tokens are likely to
be Series A startups all the way to family-owned SMEs.

Asset Tokenization: Asset tokens refer to tokens which
denominate ownership of a certain quantity or amount of an
asset. The complexity of implementing such token varies as
underlying assets may range from commodity goods to real
estate, other securities, fine art, or other unique goods. Given that
                                                                                   Asset                        Equity                           Security
a high volume, high liquidity commodities contract market
already exists, it is likely that asset tokens will skew towards        Represents direct ownership   Represents outstanding debt,      Value is based on the success
unique goods and real estate.                                           in an asset or through a      value is based on interest rate   of the underlying asset.
                                                                        derivative.                   and creditworthiness.
Bundled Financial Products: As the volume of equity and asset
tokens increase, new asset classes will appear which offer              Stocks, futures, options,     Bonds, mortgages, loans,          Funds, ETFs
broader ranges of exposure. For example, it may be possible to          art, property.                debentures.
implement a tracker of all European fintech startups or
automotive component manufacturers together with correlated
asset tokens.

Crowdfunding 2.0: A music band could crowdfund their tour
and issue a token that pays dividends to investors or to a charity
of their choosing.

Token Mechanics

A big question for utility tokens is whether it's                                                      Governance                                                      If you plan to have a utility token
actually needed? How does the token integrate                                                          efficiencies                                                    (in-platform use) it should be completely
                                                                                                                                                                       dis intermediated from the fundraising or
into your ecosystem and will adoption be high
                                                                                                                                                                       financing element as investors and users
                                                                                                                                                                       are likely to be two very different groups
                                                                                                                                                                       with conflicting interests. A dual-token
The value of utility tokens (ICO) is driven by
                                                                                                                                                                       system may be a solution.
factors such as token velocity, whereas security
                                                                                Rewards                                              How does it
tokens (STO) are bound to an underlying asset.
                                                                                                                                     benefit your                          Increase
                                                                                                                                      company?                            community
Depending on your business model and usage of
token, the token mechanics may not be relevant.                                                                                                                             buy-in
For example, the use case for a Series B startup
using an STO to do an equity round is clear - the
token holder owns part of the company.                                  Discount                                             Why do
                                                                                          How does it                       you need a
The Power of Smart Contracts                                                              benefit your
Through smart contracts you can scale and                                                                                     token?                                          Liquidity
automate complex features. For example, rather
than offering straight equity to investors you
could offer a revenue share, either through                                                                                                                          Mi
payment distributions or buy back from the                                 Incentives                                                   How does it                          -ow
open market.                                                                                                                            benefit your                                 rsh

     Get expert feedback on your token                                                     Customer


     model.                                                                               experience

                                                                                                                                                                                   Consider features that you can

                                                                                                                                                                                   leverage blockchain technology



     Be prepared for difficult questions as to

                                                    If your STO is for an equity raise,

                                                                                                                                                                                   for that make your STO more


     why you need to tokenize your equity or        there likely won’t be any direct

                                                                                                                                                                                   attractive than a traditional

                                                                                                                           c ation
     asset.                                         customer benefits.                                                                                                             equity raise.

Legal Considerations                                                                                                                                                       Network

                                                                What’s the cost of                 What constitutes an accredited
                                                                incorporation?                     investor in the jurisdictions you
                                                                                                   are fundraising in?

   What’s the government
                                                                                                                                             Can you open a bank account
                                                   What’s the                                                                                and what’s the local KYC or
                                                   taxation policy?                              Do you need a                               AML policy?
                                                                                                 legal opinion?

                                                                                     What information can you collect
                                                                                                                                  Crowdsale or private sale, accredited
     Do you need to consider                                                         about your investors and where will
                                                                                                                                  investors, any exemptions? Exemptions
     DLT regulation?                         What is the type of asset               it be stored? Data privacy or GDPR.
                                                                                                                                  or accredited investor requirements for
                                             (equity, debt, or security)?
                                                                                                                                  a crowdsale or private sale?

                                                              How much are you
                                                                                                        Ensure all your suppliers are suitably licensed and understand all
                                                                                                        legal implications (which vary based on jurisdiction):
             Is the jurisdiction likely to
             change their regulatory                                                                        Anyone handling your token such as issuers, exchanges, liquidity
             stance on DLT?                                                                                 providers, and custodians will need to be regulated.
                                                                                                            Media companies may not be able to rate and rank financial
                                                                                                            securities. For example, listing sites scoring your project.
                                                                                                            Marketing agencies may need to be licensed to market
                                                                                                            financial products.
                                                                                                            Fundraisers may need to be licensed broker or dealers.

Token Compliance

An STO requires a host of regulatory and legal
compliance measures. These are determined by
the jurisdiction of the investors’ residency, and
the jurisdiction of the issuer (the company).

Know-Your-Customer (KYC) is a regulatory re-        Permitted or Restricted Countries   Transfer restrictions may need to be in place for your token.
quirement to prevent money laundering, and
also necessary for on-boarding accredited inves-
tors.                                               Securities Exemptions               For example: Reg, A+, Reg. D 506c, and Reg. S.

                                                    KYC / KYB / AML Policies            PEP, watchlists, sanctions, terrorism, match logic (2+2), GDPR.
Your bank won’t allow you to deposit funds
from your raise if you cannot demonstrate rigor-    Accredited Investors                Private placements target accredited investors who are
ous KYC procedures, which must be fully audit-                                          classified differently based on the jurisdiction.

ICO projects that held onto their crypto for an
extended period of time have suffered as a
result of price depreciation. This issue has been
somewhat alleviated by stable coins for STO
raises.                                             Legal

However, the complexity of liquidation still per-   Supported Currencies for Sale           Major cryptocurrencies, stable coins, and fiat.
sists. You must be able to sell your crypto for
fiat, and deposit the fiat into your bank account   OTC Brokerage                           Crypto or stablecoins       fiat     bank liquidation.

                                                    Custodial Provider                      Bridge traditional share certificates with smart contracts.
                                                    Bank Account                            Must be willing to accept crypto-linked deposits, must
     Ensure you have very robust whitelisting                                               have audit trail on all crypto transactions.
     and KYC processes.
                                                    Escrow                                  An escrow provider will hold raised funds until a certain
                                                                                            milestone is reached.

Token Issuance

You will need to create your token, configure its
parameters, run your STO, and manage token
holders following the sale.
                                                                                                                               Selecting a Token Issuer
                                                     //Smart contracts. Automate your investment contracts & processes         Ensure that your token issuer can
Technical                                            {                                                                         support all of your legal, regulatory,
The blockchain you choose should be scalable,
                                                           “Shareholder Reporting”: “Regular positive communication to         governance, technical, exchange, and
tried and tested in a production environment,                                                                                  liquidity requirements.
and have vibrant ecosystem. Most issuers build             your investors will help underpin your token price”
on one blockchain.                                         “Share Classes”: “Common / Preferred”                               Blockchain
                                                           “Voting”: “Enabled / Disabled”                                      Ethereum, Stellar.
                                                           “Dividends”: “Paid in USDT”
Your token should adhere to common standards.                                                                                  Token Standard
It should work on different exchanges and crypto           “Lockup (for investors)”: “12 months”
                                                                                                                               T-REX, ST20, R-Token, DS Protocol,
wallets, similar to how TCP/IP allows for seamless         “Vesting (for founders/advisors)”: “6m / 12m / 18m / 24m”           SRC20, Neufund, ERC1404, TM-01,
global communication on the internet.                                                                                          ERC1450, Atomic DSS, CAT Token, SFT.
                                                           “Buy Back”: “Company buy back from investors”
                                                           “Pro-Rata”: “Right to a certain % of round”                         Fee Structure
An exciting proposition for STO’s is that                  “Anti-Dilution”: “Enabled / Disabled”                               Commission, fee, or subscription
traditional, manual, and expensive governance              “Drag Along / Tag Along Rights”: “Enabled / Disabled”
models can be automated and secured on the
                                                           “Liquidation Preference”: “Preferred First”                         Connect with third-party services such
blockchain. You can introduce attractive,
                                                           “Atomic Swap”: “Paper certificate to token”                         as accounting software, banks, and
never-before-possible features with your token to
benefit your company, investors and customers.             “Whitelist”: “Classification”
                                                           “Transfer Rights”: “Between wallets”                                UI/UX

Checklist                                            }                                                                         Your customers must have a great
                                                                                                                               experience during the KYC and funding
                                                     //Security Token Network                                                  process.
     If you have existing investment contracts are
     aligned. Ensure your STO smart contracts are
     aligned with your existing smart contracts.
                                                     Depending on your token issuance solution, investors may request smart contract security audits. This is to give
     Other contracts such as shareholders
                                                     them reassurances that funds they contribute and tokens they hold are secure. You also need to consider the
                                                     liability in the event of smart contract defects.

Token Allocation

If you are raising for an existing company, will
you tokenize all your equity? If you choose to
partially tokenize a cap table it may introduce
some complexities:                                  Equity Allocations                                              Token Allocation
    How much equity will you tokenize?
    Will existing shareholders have an option to
    swap their existing equity for tokens?                                                                                               Reserve Pool          7.5%
    Will you have multiple share classes?
                                                                         ESOP                   9.1%                                     Liquidity Pool        5.0%
    How will new investors perceive this
    approach?                                                            Token Allocation       22.7%                                    Rewards               5.0%
                                                                         Angel Investors        7.6%                                     Advisor               7.5%
If you choose to fully tokenize your cap table,
you’ll need to work with your existing                                   Founders               60.6%                                    Partners              5.0%
shareholders to convert the equity.                                                                                                      Private Sale          35.0%

Either way, your total token pool should
anticipate future allocations from the reserve

                                                                                                Common Share Class
Checklist                                           Token Lock-up

      Review existing investment contracts and                                        20%                 20%              20%           20%                20%
      speak with your existing investors.

      Make a list of existing investor rights.

                                                      Sale End      6 months        12 months           18 months        24 months     30 months          36 months

Whilst vesting and lockup periods transfer easily
over from the VC world, there are new features
you can implement. For example, your investors
                                                       10%           15%              15%                 15%              15%           15%                15%
could vote to release funds based on milestones
being achieved.                                                                                 Ordinary Share Class

Token Sale

                                                                                                                                                Discount Schedule — Attractive discounts
During 2019, an STO is likely to be more complex                                                                                                can encourage early investors (or lead
                                                      Token Class                                                         Security
and expensive than a traditional equity raise                                                                                                   investors). Be sure that heavy discounts won’t
because it lacks economies of scale and               Type                                                                Equity                impact future token price.
standardization. As adoption increases,
compliance automation and commoditization             Raise Amount                                                        $10,000,000           Soft Cap — In venture capital, a round will
will drive down costs, ultimately lower than                                                                                                    typically close when enough investors have
                                                      Pre-Money Valuation                                                 $50,000,000           committed. In an STO a soft cap can achieve
traditional fundraising methods.
                                                      Post-Money Valuation                                                $60,000,000           this.
In the ICO world a strong tokenomic model                                                                                                       Refund — If you have a rolling close, but don’t
                                                      Dilution                                                            10%
could be the difference between success and                                                                                                     reach your funding target, you need
failure. Is your token (your business) a sound        Tokens Issued                                                       1,000,000,000         processes to refund investors.
                                                      Token Price                                                         $0.05                 Commitments — Commitments are tracked
                                                                                                                                                through a whitelist (KYC portal). For a private
                                                      Duration                                                            56 days               sale expect to convert about 30% and for a
Are you raising enough to justify.
                                                                                                                                                crowdsale less than 10%.
    High up front costs
    Long time frames                                                                                                                            Future Raises — If you plan to issue more
    Team and resources                                                                                                                          tokens, you need to strategically plan to issue
                                                                 Discount   Price Per Token   Tokens        Raise (USD)     % of Total Supply   more tokens and consider dilutions.
    High marketing costs

                                                    Presale       15%           $0.043        10,000,000    $430,000                      1%
Sale Strategy                                                                                                                                   Pre-Sale
Pre-sale (Bridge Round): Can be for a smaller                                                                                                   A pre-sale may be used to raise funding to
                                                     Tier 1       12.5%         $0.044        20,000,000    $880,000                     2%
raise amount that can be used to fund the                                                                                                       finance the STO, however:
main sale or to achieve milestones to allow for a                                                                                               It should not be too close to the main sale, i.e.
                                                     Tier 2       10%           $0.045        30,000,000    $1,350,000                   3%
larger future raise.                                                                                                                            six months cap rather than six weeks.
                                                     Tier 3       7.5%          $0.046        40,000,000    $1,840,000                   4%     Careful you don't appear too preferential.
Private Sale (Seed Round): Fundraising from
                                                                                                                                                It may be OK to state that investors in your
private and accredited investors. In the VC
                                                     Tier 4       5%            $0.048        50,000,000    $2,400,000                   5%     bridge round received a bigger discount as
world this is usually fewer than ten investors.
                                                                                                                                                they took more risk.
                                                     Tier 5       2.5%          $0.049        60,000,000    $2,940,000                   6%
Public Crowdsale: Openly marketing and                                                                                                          Cap the amount to avoid creating a markup,
selling to members of the public, subject to                                                                                                    i.e. $300k rather than $3m. Big discounts early
                                                    Sub Totals    8.75%         $0.005        210,000,000   $9,840,000                 21.5%
regulatory and legal constraints.                                                                                                               on can create a markup for future investors.

Token Exchange

You are issuing a token that can be openly
traded on regulated security token exchanges.
                                                        Exchange Ticker                                        E.g. Bitcoin is BTC
Investors will look for reassurances that you’ve
considered how to ensure there is a secondary           Exchange Listings                                      Regional cover (US, Asia, Europe)
market for your token.
                                                        Liquidity Pool of Your Token                           Usually >$100k per exchange
Fortunately, there are providers who can assist.
You generally won’t publish this publicly as            Liquidity Pool of ETH or BTC                           Usually >$100k per exchange
you’ll be under NDA from your partners.
                                                        Pairing                                                Your token + BTC, USDT, ETH
Whilst exchanges provide the most liquidity
your token, licensed broker or dealers can also         Listing Date                                           Important for some investors
trade with each other and sell to accredited
investors. This provides a way for investors to

                                                    Selecting the right exchange
                                                        Trading volumes. If the exchange has low          The Exit Strategy
     Supports your whitelist and KYC processes.
                                                        trading volumes, there is unlikely to be
     For example, limits the transfer of stock to                                                         The exit strategy slide is commonplace
                                                        liquidity for your token.
     accredited investor wallets in a specific                                                            in pitch decks. How do you plan to give
     jurisdiction                                                                                         investors their money back?
                                                        Jurisdiction and regulatory compliance.
     Liquidity requirements - how much capital                                                            Token exchanges enable your token to
     and equity you need to provide for market
                                                        Can clients buy with fiat? If they can only pay   be bought and sold. Depending on
                                                        with crypto, they may need to buy crypto on       your lock-up periods, investors could
     Support for your token technical standard,
                                                        another exchange first, increasing friction.      sell their equity holding within months
     e.g. T-REX.                                                                                          rather than years. It’s the strongest
     Support for your liquidity provider (may                                                             value proposition for your investors.
                                                        Listing fees. Some exchanges charge $50k+
     require an API integration).
                                                        for listing.

Market Making
                                                                                                                                                                              HELIOS              Network

Despite the regulated nature of security tokens,
when your token has a micro-cap in a global
market where 24/7 trading is possible, you need                                                                                                  Ensuring liquidity exists for your security
to consider liquidity and price protection.                                                                      Token Wallet
                                                                                                                                                 token is crucial from the moment it can be
                                                                                                                                                 traded. Low liquidity assets are more
What is liquidity?
An asset with high liquidity has a large volume                                                                                                  susceptible to market manipulation and
of orders in the market, making it possible to                                                                                                   can lead to ‘pump and dump’ activities that
                                                                                                                 Security Token
buy and sell large positions in a short period of                                                                Exchange                        destroy investor confidence.
time. It is very hard to fake liquidity, since capi-
                                                              Token Issuance
tal must be tied up on the order book.                                                                                                           Your market maker must have adequate
                                                                                                                                                 inventory risk and spread management
There are only three things that traders need:
                                                                                                                 Market Maker                    systems in place to ensure inward
     Transparent, open, and secure markets.                                                                      Liquidity                       investment into the token, encourage price
     High liquidity, making it possible to trade
     large positions in short time periods.
                                                                                                                                                 stability and make it desirable to trade.
     Organic trading volume and demand on
     both sides of the market (buyers and sellers).

                                                       850K                                                                       78M

      Do you need this service yet? If you forecast    800K
      low trading volumes because you’re busy          700K
      building your company, maybe it’s too            650K

                                                                          Jagged order book,                                                             Excellent liquidity, with
                                                       500K             making it hard to trade at                                                        orders posted at every
                                                                             certain prices.                                                                      price.
                                                                                                                                        6326.0     6350.0 6360.0   6380.0   6393.5   6410.0   6461.0
                                                              0.00165    0.00170   0.00175   0.00185   0.00190    0.00195

Finan cials

Financial Overview

The financial overview affords investors a
snapshot into company performance.                                                 2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018

The income statement informs the investor as       Revenue
to how you operate. It indicates whether you
are operating at a loss, at break-even, or at a
                                                   Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
profit. This will give insights into your growth
sustainability and the amount of risk
accompanying an investment.                        Gross Profit

These documents should be prepared before          Expenses
investor outreach to accelerate deal execution.

                                                   Salaries and Benefits
                                                   Rent and Overhead
     Income statement:
          Gross Profit (revenue - cost of goods    Depreciation and Amortization
          Expenses (before Income, Tax,            Interest
          Appreciation and Amortization =
          Net earnings                             Total Expenses

     Audited company accounts (especially for
                                                   Earnings Before Tax
     late-stage companies)

     Bank statements proving revenue (for
     investor due diligence)

                                                   Net Earnings

Financial Forecast

Forecasts are more relevant to companies that
have meaningful financial histories.
                                                                                 Year 1   Year 2   Year 3   Year 4   Year 5

Early stage investors place little emphasis on
forecasts and are known to halve the projected     Target Market
figures to represent more realistic outcomes.
Nevertheless, they are important as an
expression of the company’s financial situation.
                                                   Active Users, After Chum
Ensure that you are able to justify any
assumptions related to company growth.
                                                   Market Penetration (Active)

     Financial forecast excel template.
                                                   Total Annualized Revenue
     Historical data on revenues, gross profit,
     expenses, net profit.
     Assumptions such as tax rate,
     non-increasing rent, accelerated sales
     growth.                                       Annualized Expenses

     If you project higher sales growth in
     coming periods, prepare justification.        EBITDA

     Conservative and an aggressive sets of
     financial projections in which you hire       Annualized EBITDA
     more staff, expend more on marketing,
     develop a product faster, and achieve
     higher sales.                                 EBITDA Margin


Established companies tend to be valued using                                                        Company
their mature financial information, whereas
startups tend to be valued on more of an
instinctual basis. This is also because certain
methods (such as Discounted Cash Flows) use
past financial data to extrapolate the future.
                                                                          Startup                                                 Established
Startups tend not to have as long a financial
history as established companies.

Established Companies
Relative Valuation:
    Comparable Analysis: P/E, EV/EBITDA,
    Precedent Transactions: EV/Sales,
    EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT                                                            Market
Intrinsic Valuation:                                        Instinctual          Sentiment                                                             Intrinsic
     Discounted Cash Flows: statement of cash               Negotiation                                                                               Valuation
     Assumptions: tax rate, discount rate, and
     perpetual growth rate

Return Multiples:                                                         Industry
    VCs need to obtain a certain multiple on      Cost to                                    Comparable             Precedent
    their RoI in order to return their fund                                Growth                                                                    Discounted
                                                   Build                                       Analysis            Transactions
    (taking into account follow-on rounds and                             Projects                                                                   Cash Flows
    their dilution).
    Anything that de-risks the VCs investment
    can increase your valuation: promising
    sector, ace founding team, functioning
    product, solid traction.
    Raising from early-stage investors more
                                                                                              Historical            Projected           Historical              Projected
    closely resembles a negotiation rather than
    a valuation.                                                                             Cash Flows            Cash Flows          Cash Flows              Cash Flows

Usage of Funds                                                                      Network

                                     Whilst a pie chart gives a quick indication
                                     of how funds will be used, be prepared
      16%                            to provide a detailed cost breakdown.
      Operations   26%
                                     Presenting usage of funds is more
                                     common in a public crowdsale. Traditional
                                     VCs will usually inspect your financial
                                     model directly.
                                     Whilst this slide is more relevant to how
      54%                            funds will be spent following an equity
      Product                        raise, it may also apply to asset backed
                                     tokens. For example, a portfolio of physical

                                                                                                        Los Angeles Taipei Hong Kong   Network

This is the call-to-action of your entire deck; you
are seeking investment to grow your company.

Smart Money
Investors who can bring mentorship, customers,
partners, and open their network to you want.
Include these elements in your ask.

Key points:
    How much are you raising?
    What are you raising this money for?
    Contact information (QR code, email,
    phone number...)

      This is a solicitation for investment. Ensure
      that you are only sending a deck with this
      slide to accredited investors. If you are
      sending this deck to unaccredited
      investors, remove this slide.

                                                      Dear investors.
                                                      So many customers love what we do, yet we cannot
                                                      serve them all as we’re are at capacity. With your funds
                                                      we can scale and address these unserved customers
                                                      and generate even more revenue.


Investment rounds have a lead who typically
negotiates the terms, with other investors           Goals                                                       Content
following. Initial outreach to should include the
WhiteDeck plus any supplemental materials              The objective of the WhiteDeck is to grab the              An investment deck should contain 15-20 slides,
such as a product demo video.                          interest of investors and demonstrate to key               plus an appendix.
                                                       stakeholders that your STO is well planned.
You can connect with investors through warm
introductions, pitch events, LinkedIn,
broker/dealers, and marketing. During your first       Investors look at hundreds of deals. If you want           It should not take more than five seconds for an
meeting you will have an opportunity to                them to spend time reading your deck, it has to be         investor to understand the main point of a slide.
introduce your company and STO. Do not                 clear, concise and straight to the point.
assume that they have thoroughly read anything
you sent. Be prepared for the standard
question that investors ask: “How are you
                                                       When filtering deals, investors often ask themselves       Images are worth a thousand words. Consistent,
different to you competitors?”                         “Why should I not invest in this deal?” Attempt to         clear, and quality branding is essential.
                                                       foresee concerns and constantly adapt your deck in
Checklist                                              response to doubts.
                                                                                                                  An investment deck is often sent electronically. It is
    Always establish the next steps before
                                                                                                                  meant to be read independently, without
    leaving a meeting.
                                                                                                                  simultaneous feedback or explanation from the
    Ideally, schedule the next meeting before                                                                     company.
    the first meeting ends.
                                                     Other Documents
    Explain how often the customer feels
                                                     Based on regulatory requirements and broader best
    Notify them that you will send them an           practices be prepared to produce the following documents:
    email to follow up on any next steps or intro-
    ductions.                                          Business plan
                                                       Sale and private terms and conditions
    Send an email or group message confirming
    next steps and thanking the investor for their     Disclosures
                                                       Website terms and privacy policy

Contributors                                                                                                                            Network

      Richard Foster             Brooks Rao                     Darren Camas                 Amy Diez                  James A. Butler, PhD
      Security Token Network,    Security Token Network,        Security Token Network,      DREAM, CFO                Sharpe Capital,
      Jack of all Trades & CEO   Head of Research               Senior Advisor at Cardano,                             Co-Founder & Director

          Entrepreneur               VC                             Blockchain                   Financial Modelling       Liquidity

      Chris Rawlings             Luc Falempin                   Daniel Coheur                Eamon Walsh               Samuel Katz
      22x, Founding Partner      Tokeny, CEO                    Tokeny, Chief Strategy       Tokeny, Head of           Security Token Lawyers,
                                                                Officer                      Compliance                Partner

          Entrepreneur               Token Issuance                 Token Issuance               Token Issuance            Legal

      Laurent Leloup             Thomas Réveillon               Bertrand Theaud              Matthieu Bonnici          JT Law
      Chaineum & France          Chaineum, Partner              Coinlaw, Founder &           Coinlaw, Co-Founder       Co-Founder,
      Blocktech, CEO                                            Managing Director                                      VerifyInvestor

          Advisory                   Advisory                       Legal                        Legal                     KYC

      Nico Konrad                Ivan Jelic                     Dr. Mervyn Maistry           Scott McKenzie            Alfonso Lopez De
      DLT Capital, Managing      DLT Capital, Partner           Kintaro Capital, Chairman    DLT Capital, Legal        Castro
      Director                                                  of Kintaro Capital, CEO of   Consultant, PhD           Corporate Director,
                                                                Konfidio                     Candidate
                                                                                                                       Financière d'Uzès
          Fund                       Fund                           VC                           Legal                     Financial Services

      Philip Millar              Ivan Ripamonti                 Ulyana Shtybel, PhD          Lewis Barber              Sam Gibb
      HighCastle, CEO            Kintaro Capital,               HighCastle, Vice President   Helios Liquidity,         Endeavour Ventures,
                                 Head of Research at Kintaro,   and Board Member             Co-Founder                Managing Partner
                                 Konfidio Accelerator

          Token Issuance             Advisory                       Token Issuance               Liquidity                 VC

Contributors                                                                                                          Network

      Bernardo Quintão         Thiago Paiva             Cylus Watson                Casey Sparks       Gilbert Réveillon
      Liquia Digital Assets,   Liquia Digital Assets,   Pinksky Capital, CEO        Pinksky Capital,   CNCCEFl, President ICT
      Managing Partner         Partner                                              Analyst            and Digital Economy

          VC                       VC                       Fund                        Fund               Advisory

      Andrew Hogue             Lior Goldenberg          Early Boykins III           Simon Martin       Lukas Krigar
      Totem, Co-Founder and    BITSME, Chief            Andra Capital, Director     Tokenomos,         Tokenomos,
      Director of Strategy     Operating Officer                                    Venture Director   Economist

          Developer                Accelerator              Fund                        Token Issuer       Legal

      Yaroslav Writtle         Benjamin Hauser          Joshua Levitt               Philipp Pieper     Peter Woodard
      Symbol Network,          HyperLink Capital,       HyperLink Capital,          Swarm Fund, CEO    DLTMI, Founder and
      Engagement Manager       CEO                      Co-Founder and Director     and Co-Founder     CEO
                                                        of Strategic Partnerships

          Tokenomics               Token Issuance           Token Issuance              Legal              Advisory

      Charles Pyo              Richard Kim              Jackson Ra                  Yale ReiSoleil     Kateryna Lyplyava
      Chain Partners, CEO      Chain Partners,          Chain Partners,             IOB, Co-founder,   IOB, Business
                               VP of Blockchain         Head of BD                  Chairman and CEO   Development Manager

          Advisory                 Advisory                 Advisory                    Trading            Trading

      Laura Toma               Kevin Yu                 Ed Zabar                    JL Law             Sam Stone
      Co-Founder &             Partner & Venture        Founder and CEO,            Verify Investor,   Product Manager,
      Head of Operations,      Builder, BoostX          Verif-y Inc.                Co-Founder         Swarm
      Renowned & Co

          Marketing                Accelerator              Token Issuer                KYC                Protocol

                                            D OWNLOA D
                                        the latest version of the WhiteDeck.


If you have any feedback or if you would like to support the WhiteDeck in the next publication, please email whitedeck@token.security.

Legal Disclaimer                                                                                                                          Network

     Ensure you have a clear legal architecture before                 This WhiteDeck do not contain all material information
                                                                       regarding the risks associated to the purchase of security
     publishing anything about your STO. This includes
                                                                       tokens. The buying of security tokens involves risks, which you
     documents and any social or marketing campaigns.                  should understand prior to making your decision to buy.

    This WhiteDeck is not intended to be an offer to sell, or a        Opinions, assumptions, assessments, statements, as same are
    solicitation of any offer to buy, any security token or other      enclosed in this WhiteDeck, constitute only subjective views,
    financial instrument. This WhiteDeck is as of 10th January 2019,   beliefs, outlooks, estimations of Security Token Network and
    may not be complete or final and is subject to change. Security    the contributors, should not be relied on, are subject to change
    Token Network does not make any representation or warranty         due to a variety of factors, including fluctuating market
    as to the accuracy or completeness of the information              conditions and economic factors, and involve inherent risks
    contained in this WhiteDeck and Security Token Network has         and uncertainties, both general and specific, many of which
    no obligation to update or keep current any information or         cannot be predicted or quantified and are beyond the control
    projections contained herein.                                      of Security Token Network.
You can also read