Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...

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Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Top Essential Actions
                                                 for Governing
                                                    Power BI

                                                  Melissa Coates
                                               Coates Data Strategies
                                                    March 25, 2021
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Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Melissa Coates
      Data architect | Technical trainer | Consultant
      Specialist in Power BI governance & administration
      Microsoft Data Platform MVP

         Owner of Coates Data Strategies
         @SQLChick | @CoatesDS

         Creator of Power BI Deployment & Governance Workshop

        Power BI    Data Culture &     Architecture   Security &    Adoption &
       Governance Center of Excellence Decisions         Data      Administration
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI

  Data Governance            Top 10               Final
     Overview                Actions              Q&A

                    Things You Can Do Right Now
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI
1. Deeply understand the centralized & decentralized BI approaches in use
2. Focus on data trustworthiness
3. Define your guiding principles
4. Implement short, clear, data policies for the most important items
5. Set accountability expectations with clear roles & responsibilities
6. Invest in a data-centric audit & protection strategy
7. Be transparent about system administration decisions
8. Analyze & act on data for adoption, auditing & training
9. Foster your internal community, support, training & resources
10. Actively cultivate your data culture
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Where to Download Materials

Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Where Are You At?
I’m assuming that…

   You are using Power BI currently & have experienced
   some successes

   You are familiar with the basics of deploying
   Power BI content

   You are aware there are areas of improvement with
   how you oversee Power BI
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Data Governance
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
When Does Data Governance Come In?

Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
Two Paths
                        Building out the
                        governance groundwork

                        Handling the most
                        pressing analytical needs

Focus on continual, iterative, progress on both paths.
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI - Melissa Coates Coates Data Strategies - Coates Data ...
What Do We Mean by Data Governance?
                   Data          Data Platform &         System
                 Strategy         Architecture         Administration

     Data Policies,                                          Risk Management
 Standards & Processes                                         & Compliance
     Master Data                  Governance                  Business Process
     Management                                                Management

               Change                 Data                Internal
             Management              Quality               Audit

                     Data                      Data      Data          Business
  Applications                  Databases
                  Integration                  Lakes   Warehouse     Intelligence
Defining Data Governance

“    A system of decision rights and accountabilities
       for information-related processes, executed
    according to agreed-upon models which describe
                who can take what actions
                  with what information,
                        and when,
                under what circumstances,
                   using what methods.

                    Data Governance Institute
Data Is Governed When It Is…

             Trustworthy                               Secured
             The right data                            The right people

             Managed &                                 Documented &
             Audited                                   Understood
             The right way                             The right reason

 →More info:
Why Do Users Care About Data Governance?

   Is the data I                       Who owns this
  want available?                         data?
                    Can I trust this
                    data that I am
    What is the                           Am I in
 system of record                      compliance for
   for this data?                      what I want to
Effective governance can
dramatically improve user experience
user enablement is a primary objective
   (within the requisite guardrails)
Tip 1:
Deeply understand the
centralized & decentralized
BI approaches in use
Business Intelligence Approaches
                     Top-                    Blended               Bottom-
                     Down                                          Up

               Enterprise              Managed              Business-Led
                   BI                Self-Service BI        Self-Service BI
              Centralized                                   Decentralized
                         Central IT/BI/COE                  Business authors
 Report                                       Business authors
              Central IT/BI/COE
Business Intelligence Approaches
          Top-              Blended           Bottom-
          Down                                Up

      Enterprise       Managed         Business-Led
          BI         Self-Service BI   Self-Service BI
     Centralized                       Decentralized

           Most organizations have all 3
          approaches actively happening,
          whether you’re aware of it or not
Things    Assess your current state: know what’s
you can    working & what’s not.
do right
           Make a specific plan for iterative, continual,
Things    Determine which groups can – and should –
you can    manage their own content.
do right
           What exactly does that look like?
Things    Decide how to handle co-ownership
you can    scenarios, when data & reports are owned
do right
  now      or managed by multiple teams.
Tip 2:
Focus on
data trustworthiness
Data Is Governed When It Is…
Trustworthy content is a key pillar of governance:

             Trustworthy                               Secured
             The right data                            The right people

             Managed &                                 Documented &
             Audited                                   Understood
             The right way                             The right reason

 →More info:
What Do We Mean by Trustworthy Content?
    Content quality is assured                            Approved, common
                                                     definitions and KPIs are used
    Owner, SME, and steward
    responsibilities are clear                               Data provenance &
                                                              lineage are clear
        Data duplication is
       minimized with reuse                            Data & load processes are
                                                         managed & secured
  Awareness of content which                            Clear expectations about
   is discoverable & findable                             responsible data use
 →More info: Improving Trustworthiness of Power BI Content at
Decoupling Data & Reports
A shared dataset is intended for reuse across multiple reports
                                                                                    Also known as:
Shared dataset:                           Sales Data
                                                                                    dataset & thin
                      Live Connection                   Analyze In Excel               reports

                       YTD Sales
                                           Product               Channel            Hub & spoke
                                           Sales                 Sales by             method
Reports:               Revenue
                                           Analysis              Product

→More info:
at the core
at the edge
Decoupling Data Preparation from the Model
Dataflows are intended for reuse of data preparation across datasets
                                                                     Power Query
                               Customer Master Dataflow(s)           Online

                                                     Customer          Sales
Shared          Sales Data
                                                     History           Programs

                             Channel      Product                       Sales
            YTD Sales                                    Customer
                             Sales        Sales                         Program
Reports:    Revenue                                      Retention
                             Summary      Analysis                      Effectiveness
Taking Things Farther with Composite Models
                                               DirectQuery for Power BI dataset

                Additional                                    Additional
                data sources                                  data sources

                                                          Live Connection

→More info:
What Can Be Endorsed?
         The author wants to signify the content is trustworthy
         The author wants to amplify that the content is available
 Data:                           Reports:                                   Set of Reports
                                         Power BI Report                    & Dashboards:
        Dataflow                         Paginated Report
→More info: Improving Trustworthiness of Power BI Content at
→More info:
Things    Use shared datasets when data is
you can    useful for > 1 analysis to reduce risk
do right   of inconsistencies, and lessen
           compliance concerns.
Things    Decouple your dataset creation & report
you can    creation work.
do right
  now      Teach content authors new habits for how
           to work so they can take advantage of
           data reusability.
Things    Use certified & promoted endorsements.
you can
do right   Create a specific review process for
  now      certified data to ensure that
           certification = trustworthiness.
Tip 3:
Define your
guiding principles
What is the Right Balance?
                                  Risk Management
 Enablement                          Compliance
  Flexibility                          Security
 Data Sharing                          Privacy

                 Data Integrity
Finding the Right Governance Focus
 Offense strategy           Defense strategy
   Revenue growth,              Risk reduction,
    cost reduction,       govt & industry regulations,
   decision-making               data privacy,
    improvements               compliance laws

  Some tolerance for            Greater investment
 “multiple versions of         in “single version of
      the truth”                     the truth”

 Some chaos accepted to        Stability over chaos
   encourage speed &             is highly valued
Example guiding principle:

  Everyone is a data steward
      Responsibility for the governed and
secure delivery of data rests equally among
  content owners, subject matter experts,
            and COE members.
Example guiding principle:

Our most critical data elements are
most actively managed during the
      information lifecycle
           Not all data has the same value.
  Our critical data elements are managed and
        monitored to a greater degree.
Things    Figure out if you are playing offense or
you can    defense when it comes to governance
do right   decisions.

           In other words, figure out your why.
Things    Get consensus on your top few guiding
you can    principles with your executive sponsor –
do right   before any data policies are crafted.
Tip 4:
Implement short, clear,
data policies for the most
important items
Inputs & Outputs of a Data Policy
   Organizational Objective High-level strategic vision

         Guiding Principle      A statement of belief

     Policy     What needs to be done and why

           Process or Controls & details for how
           Procedure a policy is implemented              Auditing &
                       A measurable level
           Standard    of attainment
A Simplified Example
                               Improve decision-making throughout
   Organizational Objective    the organization
                                Critical data elements (CDEs) are
        Guiding Principle       identified, managed, and audited

               Datasets containing CDEs have data definitions,
     Policy    sensitivity labels & are certified

          Process or Data certification process
          Procedure Data definition procedure
                       100% of certified datasets have an owner
                       85% of certified datasets are reviewed 2x/yr
Data Certification Process
At a minimum, include:
Data Certification               Report Certification
 Data source & lineage review    Report content review
 Data model tech review          Slightly lighter data review:
 Security review                      Data source & lineage review
                                       Data model tech review
 Data accuracy validation
                                       Security review
 Documentation review                 Data accuracy validation
                                       Documentation review
Things    Determine what existing decisions you
you can    should align with & reuse from your data
do right   governance board, change management
  now      board, etc.

           What differs for a self-service BI platform
           like Power BI?
Things    Make sure the data policies can be easily
you can    searched & referenced by your internal
do right
           Power BI users.

           Use a consistent organizational approach
           so users aren’t surprised.
Things    Pick your most important thing to start with.
you can
do right
  now      • Data certification process
           • Data ownership policy
           • Data handling policy
             (aka data usage & distribution policy)
             (aka data classification policy)
Tip 5:
Set accountability
expectations with clear
roles & responsibilities
Business Intelligence Approaches
          Top-             Blended           Bottom-
          Down                               Up

      Enterprise      Managed         Business-Led
          BI        Self-Service BI   Self-Service BI
      Centralized                     Decentralized

     Your approaches in use, by whom, and how,
            will have a big effect how the
       roles & responsibilities will be defined
Define Roles & Responsibilities

                                        Does everyone
                             IT &
  Power BI                 Ancillary    understand:
   Roles                    Roles       • What are normal
              Governance                  expectations?
    BI &
                                        • What is required?
                           User Roles   • What is prohibited?
                                        • Where is flexibility
Content owners & subject
matter experts in the business
units form the foundation of a
    well-governed system
Governance Checks & Balances
                      Executive Leadership
                  Level 3: Audit + Compliance
                   Internal audit and external audit

     Level 2: Data Governance Team + Center of Excellence
             Define policies, standards, and procedures
      Support business units with questions, issues, and training

           Level 1: Business Units + Ancillary Teams
            Content authoring, publishing, and security
         Data management, data stewardship and validation
                 The foundation of a well-governed system
Things    Get clarity on who your Power BI
you can    executive sponsor is, and how much
do right   authority this person has for
  now      implementing policies throughout the
Things    Define your relevant roles & responsibilities.
you can
do right   Include them within formal HR job
           descriptions whenever practical.
Things    Communicate & teach content creators
you can    what their role is related to safeguarding
do right   data & the responsible use of data.
Tip 6:
Invest in a data-centric
audit & protection
There’s a Lot of Power BI Content Everywhere
    Source data in         Content published   Content exported
    databases, apps        to the Power BI     from the Power BI
    & data lakes           cloud service       cloud service
                           Datasets            PBIX files exported
    Files stored in file
    servers, OneDrive,                         Exports to
    SharePoint, laptops    Dataflows           PowerPoint & PDF
    Power BI Desktop &                         Data exports
    Paginated Rpt files    Reports
                                               E-mail subscription
    Excel workbooks                            images &
                           Dashboards          attachments
    Source data files                          Content
                           Workbooks           embedded in
    External tools files
                                               other services
Data-Centric Audit & Protection (DCAP)
DCAP strategy: an approach to information protection that focuses
on protecting the data itself

        Know                      Protect                     Govern
  Identify where data is     Define data protection    Audit the use of sensitive
 located & classify it by   policies for how & where    data, verify changes to
     sensitivity level        data is managed to       permissions & when user
                                prevent data loss       behavior is not typical
Sensitivity Labels
A Know >
Protect >
begins with
of content
Sensitivity Labels Drive Policies & Recommendations
                     Sensitivity Labels

  User         Data Storage             Data Loss              Preferred Content
 Access          Allowed                Prevention                Distribution
 Internal       Online                    Locate                    App, workspace,
                                          sensitive info            sharing
 External       Offline/download
 Conditional                              Block access              Email
 access                                                             Anonymization
               **Many things can be automated; others are educational
Data Catalog
A Know > Protect > Govern strategy includes a data catalog as a key component.
You can’t effectively govern data if you don’t know what you have.
Things    Establish a classification taxonomy.
you can
do right   Define sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365
  now      which are:
           •   Simple & few (4-7 in total)
           •   Intuitive & can be localized
           •   Hierarchical
           •   Generic enough to last a long time
           •   Broadly applicable across the organization
Things    When creating a data handling policy, focus
you can    on exactly what you need to prevent for
do right   each sensitivity label.
           Automate what you can with data loss
           prevention (DLP) policies in Microsoft Cloud
           App Security and/or Microsoft 365
           Compliance Center.
Things    Look into the Azure Purview public preview.
you can
           • Self service users: catalog for search, lineage,
do right
  now        glossary, classification
           • Administrators: data map of what data exists,
             where, lineage & who uses it
           • Compliance: where sensitive data is located & who
             uses it
Tip 7:
Be transparent about
system administration
Sources of Confusion & Irritation for Users
                Why can’t I start
  Why can’t I     a Pro trial?        Why can’t I
   create a
                                     export data?
                  Why can’t I
                   certify a
  Why can’t I                       Why can’t I use
   share to                          this custom
   Teams?         Why can’t I           visual?
                   install a
Many Settings Affect the User Experience
                 Tenant Settings
                                                                   Gateways &
                                                                   Data Sources
                 Premium & PPU Settings

  Admin Organizational Visuals                                      Licensing &
  Portal                                                             Free Trials
         Azure Connections

                 Featured Content                                   Installations

  →More info: What You Need to Know to Administer Power BI at
What we want to avoid is a
Power BI administrator
deciding *solely on their own*
what should & shouldn’t be
Things    Review each tenant setting to ensure it is
you can    purposeful for:
do right   • Behaviors you want to encourage
           • What you need to deny
Things    Document settings for the broader internal
you can    Power BI community, including which group
do right   applies to each setting.
           This documentation should be easily located
           in your internal Power BI community “hub.”
Things    Review who is a Power BI administrator.
you can    Reduce the number of permanent
do right   administrators if you have more than a few.
           If there are people who legitimately need
           access occasionally, implement that with
           Azure Active Directory PIM (Privileged
           Access Management).
Tip 8:
Analyze & act on data for
adoption, auditing &
Why Activity Analysis is Critical
   Critical content
   What content is most frequently used?
   Is it adequately supported?

   Change tracking
   What changes occur, when, and by whom?

   Internal and external auditing
   Are you able to satisfy requests from auditors?
Why Activity Analysis is Critical
   Monitoring adoption efforts
   Can we analyze not only usage stats, but that the system is
   being used consistently and optimally/as it was intended?

   Data trustworthiness levels
   How many certified vs. non-certified datasets? How many
   datasets support > 1 report?

   License usage
   Who is (and is not) using Power BI, at what frequency?
Why Activity Analysis is Critical
   Understanding usage patterns
   How are users *really* using Power BI?

   Finding training opportunities
   Is training actively made available to new users, or to
   encourage specific behaviors?

   Suspicious usage patterns
   Are any concerning activities occurring?
End-To-End Power BI Auditing Solution
 M365                         Power BI                               MSFT Graph                         Gateway
Audit Log                     REST APIs                               REST APIs                         Servers

 Power BI        Workspace     Gateways  Apps,    User Info &    Group    Power BI           Power BI    Gateway
  Activity      Inventory &     & Data Capacities Service Prin Membership Licenses           Admins       Logs
  Events          Security      Sources   etc.

                                          PowerShell Scripts

             Data Lake,                       Power BI                    Analytical                by users
             NoSQL, or                        Auditing                    Datasets                    (RLS)
             File System                      Database                    & Reports
Original raw data                 Historical transactions &    Prepared data for adoption,
   JSON files                     point-in-time snapshots          security & auditing

         Accessed only by                     →More info: What You Can Learn from the Power BI Activity Log and
               auditors &                     REST APIs at
Things    Begin retrieving all of the raw data from
you can    the Power BI Activity Log if you haven’t
do right   already.
           Augment it with data from the various
           Power BI APIs.
Things    Start learning from the Activity Log data
you can    how Power BI is *really* being used by
do right   the user population, and take action
Tip 9:
Foster your internal
community support,
training & resources
Internal Power BI Community
One of the biggest success factors is nurturing the internal
Power BI community with:

        Support & Mentoring               Knowledge Sharing

                      Resources                  Training

        Documentation                 Communication
One of the best ways to decrease
 risk is to increase knowledge
Things    Set up an internal Power BI “hub” for
you can    documentation, links, resources, training
do right   info & announcements.

           Choose a convenient location where
           users frequently work.
Things    Update the tenant settings so that the
you can    help menus in the Power BI Service direct
do right   users to your Power BI “hub.”
Tip 10:
Actively cultivate your
data culture
“ A data culture
  promotes and encourages
    data-driven decisions
    by more stakeholders
        in more parts
     of the organization
Matthew Roche – Data Culture Series on
Goals of a Data Culture
    1. Active and consistent reliance on data for decision-making
    2. Effective use of data by more stakeholders

    1. Reliance on tribal knowledge
    2. Hunches & gut decisions from the HIPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion)
Do You Need a Center of Excellence?
  Who will nurture the internal Power BI community and
  advance the data culture on an ongoing basis?

  Who will mentor & build your network of Power BI
  champions & experts?

  Who will define & manage the governance model?

  Who will have a cross-departmental view into what’s
  happening across the organization?
Things    Decide who will nurture the internal
you can    Power BI community.
do right
           Make sure they have time, focus,
           resources, funding & motivation.
Things    Create & actively promote guidelines &
you can    policies which encourage a balance of
do right
           control & empowerment.
Things    Define specific, measurable, goals for the
you can    Power BI community to monitor progress
do right
           & retain support for it.
Links to More Info
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI
1. Deeply understand the centralized & decentralized BI approaches in use
2. Focus on data trustworthiness
3. Define your guiding principles
4. Implement short, clear, data policies for the most important items
5. Set accountability expectations with clear roles & responsibilities
6. Invest in a data-centric audit & protection strategy
7. Be transparent about system administration decisions
8. Analyze & act on data for adoption, auditing & training
9. Foster your internal community, support, training & resources
10. Actively cultivate your data culture
Top Essential Actions for Governing Power BI

      Two paths:        Building out the
                        governance groundwork

                        Handling the most
                        pressing analytical needs

Focus on continual, iterative, progress on both paths.
More Resources from Melissa
  Slides:                            Diagrams:

  YouTube:                           Blog:

  Power BI Governance Training:      Twitter:              @SQLChick | @CoatesDS
Additional Resources
Power BI Whitepapers

Matthew Roche’s Data Culture Series

Power BI Adoption Framework

Power Platform Adoption Framework
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