Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post

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Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post

          Free                                                                                 March 19, 2021
Tour Gives Governor View of School’s COVID-19 Mitigation Measures
                                                                                      By Stefanie Jackson                          and test scores have fallen, he noted.
                                                                                      Photos by Jim Ritch                             “I think we can all agree that we
                                                                                          Gov.     Ralph     Northam      visit-   want our students to be back in the
                                                                                      ed Metompkin Elementary School               classrooms. That’s where they learn
                                                                                      in Parksley on Monday to observe             best,” Northam said.
                                                                                      COVID-19 mitigation measures in                 He recommended that everyone
                                                                                      practice, which have allowed both Ac-        visit the Vaccinate Virginia website,
                                                                                      comack and Northampton County      , to pre-
                                                                                      schools to offer options for in-person       register for the COVID-19 vaccine and
                                                                                      learning since September.                    wait to receive a phone call or email
                                                                                          “One of the reasons I wanted to come     alert when it’s time to schedule an ap-
                                                                                      today was to say thank you, and first of     pointment to be vaccinated.
                                                                                      all, thanks to the students. … The stu-         “That’s the way we’re going to put
                                                                                      dents and their families have really sac-    this pandemic in the rearview mirror
                                                                                      rificed since last year,” Northam said.      and get all our children back in school,”
                                                                                          The first case of COVID-19 found in      Northam said.
                                                                                      Virginia was announced March 7, 2020,           His goal is for all Virginia students
                                                                                      and about a week later, Northam’s ad-        to be back in the classroom this fall.
                                                                                      ministration made the decision to close         Clinical trials are ongoing for
                                                                                      public schools due to “unknowns about        COVID-19 vaccines for children,
                                                                                      the virus” and how it would effect           Northam said.
                                                                                      children and families, Northam said.            The Pfizer vaccine is currently ap-
Gov. Ralph Northam reads the children’s book “If You Give a Pig a Pan-
                                                                                      “We’ve learned a lot since then.”            proved for ages 16 and above and the
cake” to second graders in the class of Keyona Mapp at Metompkin El-
                                                                                          Since schools closed, children have      Moderna vaccine is approved for ages
ementary School, Parksley. The governor was touring the school to ob-
                                                                                      suffered from mental health issues,                 (Continued on Page 4)
serve its COVID-19 mitigation measures. Photo by Jim Ritch.

Looking Ahead: Nursing Home Visits Permitted; Annual Boosters Possible
By Carol Vaughn                            higher learning; finance; information      tact his or her primary care provider        ing the vaccine, it will remain import-
   The Eastern Shore this week             technology and communications; me-         to schedule a vaccine appointment. If        ant to continue masking, maintaining
moved into Phase 1c of vaccination for     dia; legal services; public safety; and    a person does not have a primary care        social distancing and avoiding crowded
COVID-19.                                  public health.                             provider, contact Eastern Shore Rural        areas until we see case counts drop in
   The health district announced Tues-        “We have nearly completed the first     Health.                                      the coming months and public health
day in a press release that, in partner-   round of Phase 1b vaccinations. We            Essential workers in phases 1a,           authorities indicate it is safe to relax
ship with Eastern Shore Rural Heath        will begin vaccinating essential work-     1b, or 1c should contact their employ-       protective measures,” the release said.
System Inc., and Riverside Medi-           ers identified in 1c while finishing up    er and have them register with the              Health department officials said
cal Group, the health district will be-    vaccinations of our 1b population. This    health department.                           they “are devoting every available re-
gin providing vaccines to additional       will allow us to move to vaccinating our      “Receiving the vaccine for COVID-19       source” to vaccination efforts and that
groups identified as being in Phase 1c.    general population more quickly,” said     does not mean life goes back to pre-pan-     they appreciate the community’s pa-
   That includes workers in ener-          Jon Richardson, chief operating officer    demic times but each vaccination gets        tience “as we work to vaccinate those
gy, water, wastewater, and waste re-       of the Eastern Shore Health District.      us closer. It is still important to wear     who are most susceptible to a negative
moval; housing and construction; food         Anyone age 65 or older or 16 to 64      a mask, social distance and practice         health outcome and at highest risk of
service; transportation and logistics;     with a medical condition should con-       good hand hygiene. Even after receiv-                (Continued on Page 8)
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
2 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

                                                                        Accomack To Get $6.3M More
                                                                          in Federal COVID-19 Relief
                           HERE                                         By Carol Vaughn
                                                                           Accomack County is expected to re-
                                                                                                                    the county for the time extension,” the
                                                                                                                    company would, at no cost, reroute roof

                        FOR YOU
                                                                        ceive $6.3 million under the federal        drain lines away from the Heritage
                                                                        American Rescue Plan of 2021, which         Center part of the building, as the proj-
                                                                        was signed into law March 12.               ect’s steering committee requested — a
                                                                           The county has not yet received spe-     change order that according to a previ-
                                                                        cific guidelines, but information re-       ous quote would cost around $27,500.
                    LINWOOD T. JOYNER II, M.D.                          leased by the National Association             The contractor “is at the mercy of
                                                                                                                    the current weather and subcontrac-
                                                                        of Counties indicates the money will

                                     Welcoming                          come directly from the U.S. Treasury,
                                                                        rather than being allocated by the
                                                                                                                    tors,” Flores wrote in a Feb. 25 email
                                                                                                                    to Accomack County Public Works Di-

                                     new patients
                                                                        state, as CARES Act funds were, Acco-       rector Stewart Hall.
                                                                        mack County Administrator Mike Ma-             According to the contract, liquidated
                                                                        son told the Accomack County Board of       damages related to not completing the
                                                                        Supervisors Wednesday.                      work by the deadline are $1,500 per
                                                                           Additionally, incorporated towns         day, totaling $138,000 over the three-
                                   RIVERSIDE EASTERN SHORE              are to receive their allocations directly   month period.
                                              FAMILY MEDICINE           from the federal government, he said.          The board approved a request from
                                 10085 William F. Bernart Circle           Half of the money is to be given to      the library trustees to name the new
                                          Nassawadox, Virginia          the county within 60 days of when the       library the Eastern Shore of Virgin-
                                                                        law was signed, with the rest coming        ia Regional Library & Heritage Cen-
                                                                        no earlier than 12 months later.            ter, and to name a small study room
                                             Dr. Joyner enjoys             The deadline to spend the funds is       for Bea Johnson and an entryway for
                                      the opportunity to care           Dec. 31, 2024.                              Otho Wescott Custis and Diana Ciuf-
                                                                           The board will discuss eligible uses     freda Custis.
                                        for his patients across
                                                                        for the money at its April 21 meeting.               Hack’s Neck Landing
                                      generations as a family                                                                Settlement Reached
                                                                           Among eligible uses are: to respond
                                          medicine physician.           to the public health emergency’s im-           The board approved entering into a
                                                                        pacts, including providing assistance       settlement agreement with a property
                                             Take care of your          to households, small businesses, and        owner, resolving a longstanding dis-
                                     health and schedule your           nonprofit organizations or aid to im-       pute related to the Hack’s Neck public
                                          appointment today.            pacted industries including tourism;        boat landing.
                                                                        to provide extra pay to eligible coun-         The landing has been used for rec-
                                                                        ty workers performing essential work        reational and commercial public access
                                                                        during the pandemic or provide grants       to the bay for generations.
                                            757-442-6600                to eligible employers; to help pay for         The agreement and general release
                                    government services impacted by re-         between the county and Nandua Se-
                                                                        duced tax revenue due to the pandem-        lects, LLC, and managing member
                                                                        ic; and to make investments in water,       Tucker Terry allow the county to ac-
                                                                        sewer, or broadband infrastructure.         quire land next to the landing to create
                                      Ea  terrn Shore Family Medicine
                                                                            Library Construction Update             a public parking area.
                                                                           The board after a closed session dis-       The improvements are expected to
                                                                        cussion took no action on a request for     be made in time for the 2021 boating
                                                                        an extension from the contractor build-     season.
                                                                        ing the new public library in Parksley.        Under the agreement, the county
                                                                           RH Contracting, Inc., asked for a        will purchase .57 acres of Nandua Se-
                                                                        three-month extension on the contract       lects’ property for $80,000, with closing
                                                                        to complete the work.                       to happen within 30 days.
                                                                           The completion dates the compa-             Pending litigation, which sought en-
                                                                        ny proposed are June 13 for substan-        forcement of a 2018 settlement agree-
                                                                        tial completion and July 13 for final       ment, will be dismissed under the new
                                                                        completion.                                 agreement.
                                                                           The company president, Edgar                Chairman Ron Wolff noted the res-
                                                                        Flores, proposed “in lieu of the addi-      olution of the matter has been “a long
                                                                        tional expense for architectural fees to    time coming.”
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 3
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
4 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

   ~  Gov. Northam~                        ly by April and 600,000 doses weekly
   (Continued From Front Page)                The governor also expects that by
18 and above.                              mid- to late May, all Virginians who
   The governor anticipates that           want the COVID-19 vaccine will be
clinical trial results will be available   able to get it.
in August concerning a COVID-19               Virginia’s COVID-19 test positiv-
vaccine for children ages 12 and up.       ity rate peaked at about 20% and
   According to Dr. Anthony Fau-           is currently near 5%. COVID-19
ci, COVID-19 vaccines for children         restrictions will be eased if the
may be approved by fall or winter,         numbers continue trending down,
Northam said.                              Northam said.
   Vaccinating         children      for      Accomack school board mem-
COVID-19 will play a role in achiev-       ber Ronnie Holden thanked the
ing herd immunity.                         governor for including in the state
   About 70% of Virginia’s popula-         budget funding for Accomack and
tion must be vaccinated to reach that      Northampton counties to receive
goal, Northam said.                        the Cost of Competing Adjustment,
   Virginia’s total population is          or COCA.
around 8.5 million, including about           COCA funding helps school dis-
2.5 million children.                      tricts offer competitive salaries to
   Roughly 3 million COVID-19 vac-         teachers and originally was intended
cinations have been administered in        only for Northern Virginia counties
Virginia to date, Northam said.            near Washington, D.C.
   A person needs two doses of the            But Accomack and Northampton
Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one           also would benefit from COCA fund-        Above left: Fourth grade teacher Sheila Walker gives a CDC-approved el-
dose of the Johnson & Johnson vac-         ing, with Accomack competing with         bow bump to Gov. Ralph Northam as she welcomes him to her class at
cine to be fully vaccinated against        lower Maryland counties for teach-        Metompkin Elementary School, Parksley.
COVID-19.                                  ers and Northampton competing             Above right: Math teacher Markest Knox, right, discusses diameters and
   Virginia was receiving about            with Hampton Roads cities across          radiuses with fifth graders at Metompkin Elementary School, Parksley, as
100,000 doses of the COVID-19 vac-         the Chesapeake Bay.                       Gov. Northam, center, and Accomack County School Board Chairman Paul
cine weekly at first, but it is current-      “People have to make a living, and     Bull look on.
ly receiving 400,000 doses weekly,         when they’re paying higher salaries
enough to meet the goal of administer-     just north of us, it’s not a fair pro-
ing 50,000 shots daily, Northam said.      cess,” Northam remarked.
   He expects the COVID-19 vaccine            “I can assure you it’s going to stay
supply to improve further, with Vir-       in the budget,” he said. “I think we’ll
ginia receiving 500,000 doses week-        make that happen.”

Gov. Ralph Northam, left, speaks at an impromptu press conference fol-
                                                                                     Gov. Ralph Northam waves goodbye to children attending school digitally
lowing his tour of Metompkin Elementary School, Parksley. With Northam
                                                                                     as second grade teacher Keyona Mapp, left, captures the moment on a vid-
are, from left, Accomack School Board Chairman Paul Bull, Vice Chair-
                                                                                     eo camera. The governor appears on the upper right corner of the comput-
man Ronnie Holden, and school board member Malcolm White.
                                                                                     er monitor.
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 5

Accomack Returns Some Students to Classrooms 4 Days a Week, Will Train Its Own Bus Drivers
By Stefanie Jackson                         trict has been approved to run its own     make a decision by its April 6 meeting.    tendent considers all the nominees
   The Accomack school board voted          bus driver testing center.                        Student School Board                and selects one student, who is subject
Tuesday night to allow kindergarten            That means new bus drivers can                     Representative                  to approval by the school board.
through third grade students in the         complete their training and become li-        Cameron Mears, a Nandua High               The student representative serves
special education inclusion program         censed in about one month instead of       School senior who lives in Melfa, spoke    a one-year term and is expected to at-
to attend school in person four days a      three to six months, Onley said.           in support of including a student repre-   tend all regular open meetings and
week starting March 22.                        The Accomack schools bus shop will      sentative on the Accomack school board.    complete research and data collection
   Superintendent Chris Holland rec-        administer the required vision tests          He spoke on behalf of himself and       as requested by the school board.
ommended the decision that will dou-        and general knowledge tests, issue         his peers who want their interests rep-       He or she does not attend closed
ble the number of days per week that        the permits, conduct behind-the-wheel      resented in school board policies.         meetings or otherwise access confiden-
those students can attend school in         training, and administer the road tests.      “I’m not here to question the deci-     tial information such as student re-
person. Normally, students in the hy-          Onley felt “hopeful that this will      sions of the school board, but listening   cords and personnel files.
brid learning program attend class in       help us in order to continue to replen-    to online school board meetings in the        The student representative serves
person two days a week and online two       ish our supply of bus drivers” and “en-    past … it’s hard to agree with some-       in an advisory capacity to the school
days a week.                                couraged” that within one day of an-       thing when there seems there’s no de-      board but does not vote.
   School board member Lisa Johnson         nouncing the openings for summer           bate, no question to it,” Mears said.                COVID-19 Update
pointed out that March 22 marks the be-     school bus drivers, potential appli-          A student representative on the            Coordinator of Student Health Ser-
ginning of the week before spring break.    cants have shown interest in the posi-     school board could provide a student       vices Tonya Martin reported that ac-
   Assistant Superintendent Rhonda          tions, she said.                           perspective and encourage debate           cording to the Virginia Department
Hall noted that the date was selected                    Senior Prom                   on policy issues before decisions are      of Health COVID-19 dashboard on
intentionally to give the returning stu-       Irma Cooper, of Bloxom, spoke           made, he said.                             March 16, Accomack had two new cas-
dents time to settle in so that addition-   during the public comment period in           The Accomack County Public              es of COVID-19 and a seven-day aver-
al student groups could be “phased in” a    support of Accomack schools holding        Schools Policy Manual outlines the         age of four new cases per day.
four-day school week after spring break.    proms this spring for seniors who have     process for selecting a student repre-        Accomack schools currently have
        Bus Driver Training                 missed out on other milestone events       sentative for the school board.            three students, one teacher, and no
   School districts across Virginia have    during the COVID-19 pandemic.                 Each high school principal nomi-        other staff members who are out of
struggled with bus driver shortages            Cooper, a Nandua High School teach-     nates two students, and the superin-       school recovering from COVID-19.
that have only worsened during the          er and parent, acknowledged that school
COVID-19 pandemic.                          board members would not be able to
   Finance Director Beth Onley said         make an immediate decision on senior
last year, Accomack schools had 105         proms but urged them to act soon.
bus drivers, but the school district has       “These kids need to know one way
23 fewer bus drivers this year.             or the other. Does that student need to
   School bus drivers have been do-         put a dress on layaway? Does that stu-
ing double runs during the COVID-19         dent need to start saving for a tuxedo
pandemic, and the pay they receive for      or dinner?” she asked.
the extra work is supplied by Corona-          Current COVID-19 restrictions
virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securi-     would not allow such an event, but
ty or CARES Act.                            Maryland is loosening its restrictions
   Onley said one reason for the driv-
er shortage is that it takes three to six
                                            and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam
                                            indicated he would follow suit with                              (757) 412-2235
months for someone to become a school       neighboring states if the COVID-19
bus driver.                                 metrics supported those decisions,
   A prospective school bus driver          Cooper said.
must apply for the position, schedule          This year’s seniors have been “hit
the school bus driver class, and wait 60    the hardest” by COVID-19. “They did
to 80 days to take the Virginia Depart-     not have their junior prom, their home-
ment of Motor Vehicles (DMV) CDL            coming, their pep rallies, their fund-
general knowledge test, Onley said.         raisers, no spirit weeks, no senior year
   Then the applicant must finish the       – possibly no senior prom,” she said.
school bus driver course, take the road        Cooper gave the school board mem-
test, and wait 30 to 60 days for an ap-     bers copies of recommended COVID-19
pointment at the DMV to become a li-        mitigation measures, including hav-
censed bus driver.                          ing the senior prom after graduation,
   Paul Brabazon, supervisor of trans-      when students would no longer need to
portation services for Accomack             be in the school buildings, and holding
schools, has been working with the          it outdoors.                                          984 First Colonial Rd. Suite 200, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
DMV, and the Accomack school dis-              She requested that the school board                      
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
6 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

Chincoteague Announces New Spring Events, Cancels 2021 Pony Penning
By Carol Vaughn                                          picked up at the Chincoteague Cen-                    ary the annual seafood festival, sched-     than halfway through the planning
   Chincoteague is adapting several of                   ter on Sunday, April 18, from noon to                 uled for May 1, was canceled.               phases and preparing for upcoming
its annual events in 2021 to account                     3 p.m., or shipping can be arranged at                   Would-be attendees are being noti-       events.
for ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.                       an added cost.                                        fied about the cancellation but are be-        “Given the current orders from
   The Chincoteague Chamber of Com-                         Items include decoys; original oil,                ing encouraged not to cancel their reser-   the Governor of Virginia we would
merce announced a Decoy, Art & Get-                      watercolor, and acrylic paintings;                    vations on the island for that weekend.     not be able to have these events and
away Auction as an alternative to the                    painted furniture; shell art; Misty                      The alternative event, called “Around    not knowing when or if restrictions
Easter Decoy and Art Festival tradi-                     movie memorabilia; old Easter De-                     the Tump in 3 Days,” is planned to          would be lifted in time to open,” a
tionally held Easter weekend.                            coy Festival posters; decorated wood-                 showcase hotels, eateries, shops, and       post on the fire company’s Facebook
   “Visiting with favorite carvers and                   en Easter Eggs; copper art; and more,                 other Chincoteague attractions.             page said.
artists became a tradition for many over                 with new items arriving daily.                           Participants will purchase a #Love-         The pony auction will be conducted
the past 40 years. However, due to con-                     “We are excited to offer this oppor-               CIVA playing card at the chamber of-        online, as it was in 2020. T-shirts also
tinued restrictions and safety concerns                  tunity to support our business commu-                 fice, with participating business spe-      will be sold online.
associated with COVID-19, the Chin-                      nity, artisans, and chamber mission,”                 cials, discounts, and offerings for the        For anyone who purchased raffle
coteague Chamber of Commerce has                         the release said.                                     weekend of April 30 through May 2.          tickets in support of the Brianna Kind-
created an alternative this year,” the                      The chamber encouraged visitors                       When a participant visits a busi-        ness Park, giving two front-row seats
chamber announced in a press release.                    to plan a spring getaway weekend to                   ness, the person will get his or her card   to the Pony Swim, the winning ticket
   The virtual Decoy, Art & Getaway                      Chincoteague that weekend, when                       marked. People who complete a certain       will be honored for the 2022 swim.
Auction will be hosted online by Zeb                     they can enjoy outdoor activities and                 number of squares will receive extra           “This has been a rough year for ev-
B. Barfield Inc. at https://www.zeb-                     “then bid in the privacy of your hotel                tickets for the Extravaganza Raffle,        eryone. So many people have suffered                                           room, campground, cottage, or bed and                 typically part of the seafood festival.     unimaginable losses but I’m so confi-
   The auction will run from Easter Sun-                 breakfast while relaxing with a glass                    Find out more about Around the           dent that we all will bounce back in
day, April 4, through April 17, at 5 p.m.                of wine watching the sunset.”                         Tump in 3 Days at https://www.facebook.     2022 and that it will be the best year
   Items may be previewed in person                         Find more information about the                    com/events/276347233868829                  ever!!!” CVFC president Hunter Leon-
at the Chincoteague Center, at 6155                      Chincoteague Island Decoy, Art & Get-                   Pony Penning Canceled for 2021            ard said in the post.
Community Drive, Friday, April 16,                       away Auction at https://www.facebook.                    The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Com-        Leonard thanked the fire company’s
from 4 to 7 p.m., and Saturday, April                    com/events/2844568229124956                           pany announced Tuesday it is canceling      supporters and said announcements
17, from 9 a.m. to noon.                                     Around the Tump in 3 Days                         the 2021 carnival and Pony Penning.         about the auction will be made on the
   Items bought at auction can be                           The chamber announced in Febru-                       “By now we would already be more         CVFC Facebook page.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 e sh

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Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 7

             WATERFRONT                                           CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                 WATERFRONT
     ONANCOCK: 5BR/3.5BA MLS#53387 $649,000                 ONANCOCK: 3BR/2BA MLS#53330 $250,000                      ONANCOCK: 2BR/1BA MLS#53145 $189,900             QUINBY: 3BR/2.5BA MLS#50843 $525,000
            Maggie Grant 267-325-1033                             Stella Rohde 757-710-2025                                Andrea Zember 757-710-2233                          John Kluis 757-710-5249

              COMMERICAL                                            WATERFRONT
     ONANCOCK: 7,464 sq. ft. MLS#51166 $890,000              ACCOMAC: 3BR/2BA MLS#52456 $159,000                       PARKSLEY: 3BR/2BA MLS#51323 $154,900            OYSTER: 3BR/2BA MLS#53043 $314,900
          The Morgan Group 757-387-2444                            John Kluis 757-710-5249                                  Koerner Group 757-785-0444                     Beverly McCord 757-777-2900
   OPEN HOUSE 3/21 12-3 p.m.

CAPE CHARLES: 524 Madison Ave. 3BR/2.5BA MLS#52967 $595,000 VIRGINIA BEACH: 4BR/2.5BA MLS#50688 $520,000               EASTVILLE: 3BR/1BA MLS#52620 $59,900            LEEMONT: 2BR/1BA MLS#52524 $99,500
               Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199                               Trina Veber 757-442-0797                             Beverly McCord 757-777-2900                     Lisa Rippon 757-710-7485

    CHINCOTEAGUE: 3BR/1BA MLS#51840 $125,000            EXMORE: 135 ft. of highway frontage MLS#51548 $259,000      CHINCOTEAGUE: 2BR/2BA MLS#52222 $169,000           BLOXOM: 4BR/3BA MLS#52274 $150,000
           Shawn Jennings 757-894-2249                             Gladys Baczek 757-894-0098                              Barbara Bowden 757-894-0702                     Barbara Bowden 757-894-0702
                                                                                                          LA N D
      ACCOMAC: 37.73 ac Investment possibilities         HENRY’S POINT: WATERFRONT 3.19 ac pier/dock                  VAUCLUSE SHORES: NEW PRICE .94 ac                   NANDUA BAY: 3 ac w/amenities
                MLS#53321 $499,999                                   MLS#52455 $180,000                                         MLS#50846 $23,900                               MLS#50785 $17,900
           Brittany Bundick 757-710-4233                        Sherry Williamson 703-727-7067                               Dave Mitchell 757-710-8852                      Lisa Rippon 757-710-7485
          MELFA: 2 parcels .46 ac cleared                LAKEWOOD: Mostly cleared .58 ac near hospital               WOODFIELD: Cleared 1.12 ac near boat ramp          ONANCOCK: Partially cleared .25 ac
                MLS#52785 $12,500                                     MLS#51809 $27,900                                         MLS#51723 $19,900                               MLS#51897 $29,000
          The Morgan Group 757-387-2444                             John Kluis 757-710-5249                              The Koerner Group 757-785-0444                     Terry Bowling 757-710-0914
    ARLINGTON PLANTATION: WATERFRONT .8 ac                    BAY CREEK: WATERFRONT 1.10 ac                      VAUCLUSE SHORES: WATERFRONT .75 ac 3BR septic cert.    CAPE CHARLES: Paid tap fee .096 ac
                MLS#53257 $220,000                                   MLS#50878 $175,000                                         MLS#48776 $44,900                              MLS#52913 $175,000
           Beverly McCord 757-777-2900                            Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199                                  Dave Griffith 757-647-2649                     Kathy Weiner 757-646-3199
                 GARGATHA: 1.21 ac                                    ATLANTIC: 1.38 ac                                       CAPTAINS COVE: 0.24 ac                            WATTS BAY: 3.72 ac
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Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
8 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

       ~ Vaccinations~
                                             new cases reported in Virginia nurs-            •    Or for vaccinated and unvaccinat-                                        taining at least 6 feet between people),
                                             ing homes has consistently gone down                 ed residents with SARS-CoV-2 in-                                         hand washing, staying home when
   (Continued From Front Page)               since mid-January.                                   fection, until they have met crite-                                      sick, and wearing appropriate PPE.”
                                                “VDH is currently observing the                   ria to discontinue precautions                                           Vaccine Update from Dr. Danny Avula
exposure to COVID-19.”                       lowest weekly case counts since early           • Or for vaccinated and unvaccinat-                                              As of March 12, 2.5 million vaccine
   For more information about Vir-           summer 2020,” the release noted.                     ed residents in quarantine until                                         doses have been administered in Vir-
ginia’s COVID-19 vaccination ef-                Additionally, as of March 11, near-               they meet criteria to be released                                        ginia, accounting for 19.5% of the com-
forts, visit:          ly 280,000 vaccine doses had been ad-                from quarantine.                                                         monwealth’s population, Virginia vac-
covid-19-vaccine/                            ministered to residents and staff in               Facilities with COVID-19 outbreaks                                         cine coordinator Dr. Danny Avula said
    Nursing Home Visits Allowed              Virginia long-term care facilities.             should follow guidance from the local                                         in a press briefing Friday.
   The Virginia Department of Health            While relaxing restrictions on visit-        health department and CMS on when                                                Virginia is averaging around 55,000
announced it now recommends indoor           ing nursing home residents might in-            visitation should not be allowed.                                             doses per day now and is ranked num-
visits may be permitted for residents        crease the risk of transmission, Vir-              Additionally, VDH recommends                                               ber four in the United States in doses
of nursing homes, assisted living facil-     ginia’s progress in vaccinating resi-           that visitors should be counseled about                                       given and twelfth in number of people
ities, and similar healthcare settings       dents and staff “can mitigate some of           their potential to be exposed to the vi-                                      fully vaccinated.
except under certain circumstances.          these risks, and public health officials        rus in the facility.                                                             After the initial rollout of a third
   The March 10 announcement came            understand that expanding visitation               Facilities should continue to vacci-                                       vaccine from Johnson & Johnson —
after the Centers for Disease Con-           has substantial benefits to residents,”         nate new residents and staff and adhere                                       with 69,000 doses received in Virginia
trol and Prevention released updated         according to the release.                       to federal guidance for COVID-19 test-                                        and used the previous week for mass
healthcare infection prevention and             VDH recommends that indoor vis-              ing, including routine staff testing, test-                                   vaccination clinics — Virginia expects
control recommendations in response          itation can be permitted for all long-          ing of individuals with symptoms, and                                         to receive 9,600 doses weekly for the
to COVID-19 vaccination progress.            term care facility residents except in          outbreak testing, according to VDH.                                           next two weeks. Production is then
   The Centers for Medicare and Med-         the following cases:                               The release went on to say “that it is                                     expected to increase dramatically by
icaid Services at the same time re-          • Indoor visitation for unvaccinated            critical that facilities, healthcare per-                                     the end of March, with potentially up
leased updated guidelines and revised            residents should be limited to on-          sonnel, residents and visitors remain                                         to 100,000 doses weekly allocated to
visitation recommendations for nurs-             ly compassionate care situations if         vigilant by continuing to follow infec-                                       Virginia.
ing homes, according to a press release          the county’s positivity rate is over        tion control recommendations such                                                “Given these predictions, I think it is
from the VDH.                                    10% and under 70% of the facility’s         as wearing a well-fitted cloth mask or                                        very realistic that we will get through
   The changes come as the number of             residents are fully vaccinated              face mask, physical distancing (main-                                         our (Phase) 1b demand by mid-April.

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                                                                                                            $115,000                                            $52,900                                                   $197,000
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 9

In some parts of the state, that’s going
to be sooner,” Avula said.
                                            that the flu vaccine is reconstitut-
                                            ed every year … that we will have a                 Planning for Your
   As supply increases, more of the 16-     booster dose that incorporates some
64 age group with underlying medical        of the newer strains moving forward,”
conditions are receiving vaccinations       he said.
than in earlier stages of Phase 1b.         I’ve Been Vaccinated — What Now?
   Different parts of the state will be        The CDC earlier this month issued         How much does senior living cost and how do people pay for it?
allowed to move into Phase 1c as they       recommendations for what are consid-
are ready, he said.                         ered safe activities for fully vaccinated      You’re the kind of person who     the military during wartime or
   Avula said people being scheduled        people.                                     plans ahead. You chose a home        had a spouse who served, you
for vaccination “will always know              People are considered fully vaccinat-    that fit your budget and helped      may be eligible for senior living
what type of vaccine will be given” at      ed for COVID-19 two weeks after they
events.                                     have received the second dose in a two-
                                                                                        the kids pay for college. Now is     benefits:
   Virginia should “easily” meet Pres-      dose series, or two weeks after they        the time to start preparing for                    ★★★
ident Joe Biden’s goal of having all        have received a single-dose vaccine.        your future by choosing a senior       Veterans Aid & Attendance
Americans eligible for vaccination by          Fully vaccinated people can:             living community. But how much
May 1, Avula said, predicting all Vir-      •    Visit with other fully vaccinated                                           Veteran ...........................$1,936/mo*
                                                                                        will it cost?
ginians who want a vaccine should               people indoors without wearing                                               Surviving Spouse .........$1,295/mo*
be able to be vaccinated by the end             masks or physical distancing.                                                Couple .......................... $2,296/mo*
of May.                                     • Visit with unvaccinated people
                                                                                                                               *Depending on the level of care needed.
   So-called “herd immunity,” which             from a single household who are
experts put at around 75% of the pop-           at low risk for severe COVID-19                                                                ★★★
ulation being vaccinated, “is absolute-         disease indoors without wearing                                                This benefit combined with
ly within reach,” Avula said.                   masks or physical distancing.
                                                                                                                             social security payments and
   National surveys show around             • Refrain from quarantine and test-
65% of adults now are “ready and                ing following a known exposure if                                            savings often covers the cost of
willing” to get a vaccine, he said,             asymptomatic.                              The cost for senior living        senior living.
adding the final 10% or so, who may            For now, fully vaccinated people         depends on the size suite you          Ultimately, the formula of how
still be hesitant, could be reassured       should continue to:
as more vaccine supply goes to pri-         • Take precautions in public like
                                                                                        select as well as the amount of      senior living is paid works out to
vate providers.                                 wearing a well-fitted mask and          support you require. On average,     be different for every family. But
   “I think people do really rely on            physical distancing.                    this works out to be between         just like any decision you make
their doctors and nurses for guidance       • Wear masks, practice physical dis-        $3,500 - $5,000 per month.           for the future, it is worth the
and advice,” he said.                           tancing, and adhere to other pre-
   Vaccine hesitancy nationally has             vention measures when visiting             Families pay for senior           time and effort to plan ahead,
dropped significantly since December,           with unvaccinated people who            living in a variety of ways. If      choose the right community, and
including among Black and Brown                 are at increased risk for severe        you have invested in Long            design a plan that makes sense
people, he said.                                COVID-19 disease or who have an                                              for you.
   Vaccinations for children age 12 and         unvaccinated household member
                                                                                        Term Care insurance, this is
                                                                                        the time to reach out to your
up could start to happen later this fall,       who is at increased risk for severe                                                Call for a FREE
Avula said, noting Moderna and Pfizer           COVID-19 disease.                       insurance provider and ask about
currently are conducting vaccine trials     • Wear masks, maintain physical             qualifying for benefits. Many           cost comparison tool
for ages 12 to 15, but are just starting        distance, and practice other pre-       families sell the home and use            and guidance on
to recruit for trials with children un-         vention measures when visiting
der 12, making it unlikely a vaccine            with unvaccinated people from
                                                                                        part of the sale to pay for senior          your options
will be approved for those ages before          multiple households.                    living. Finally, if you served in            757-655-7783
the first quarter of 2022.                  • Avoid medium- and large-sized

   Moderna has started formulating a            in-person gatherings.
booster vaccine to potentially address      • Get tested if experiencing COVID-19
virus variants, he said.                        symptoms.
   Data show the three available vac-       • Follow guidance issued by individ-                          SENIOR LIVING at THE EASTERN SHORE
cines are strongly effective against            ual employers.
variants, in particular the U.K. vari-
ant, which the CDC predicts could
                                            • Follow CDC and health depart-
                                                ment travel requirements and
                                                                                                                    Welcome Home
become the dominant variant by the              recommendations.                                 Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care
end of March or beginning of April,            Most experts say masks, social dis-
Avula said.                                 tancing, and hand washing are likely
                                                                                                     23610 North Street, Onancock, VA 23417
   “I do think it’s possible, and may-      to be part of the “new normal” life for
be even likely, that similar to the way     some time.                                         
Tour Gives Governor View of School's COVID-19 Mitigation Measures - Eastern Shore Post
10 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

                                           Onley Accepts Bid for New Town Hall
                                           By Carol Vaughn                                             That figure came in at $1.07 million.
                                              The Onley Town Council voted 6-0                            Several council members said then
                                           Wednesday, March 10, to accept a bid                        they could not vote for such an expensive
                                           to build a new town hall.                                   town hall.
                                              The $579,867 bid, which is good for                         The council in spring 2019 approved
                                           30 days, came from Jim Wert Builder,                        spending $3,000 for a set of modular
                                           Inc., of Belle Haven.                                       building plans from Beracah. After the
                                              A second bid was from Beracah                            initial set of plans was submitted in Au-
                                           Homes of Delaware.                                          gust 2019, the council held work sessions
                                              The council action came after years                      and asked for multiple changes. The com-
                                           of planning and discussion, and after                       mittee also had the plans reviewed by a
                                           the town in January put out an invita-                      third-party engineer, among other ac-
                                           tion to bid for construction of a 2,500-                    tions Corbin detailed at the Jan. 21 coun-
                                           square-foot town hall.                                      cil meeting, where council voted to put
                                              The council will hold a public hear-                     the project out for bid using the plans.
                                           ing Monday, April 5, at 6 p.m., to re-                         Corbin said then the project “has
                                           ceive comments about the proposed                           been on the table almost 12 years.”
                                           budget for the project, which includes                         Actions taken over the years included
                                           a 15% contingency.                                          purchasing property next to the current
                                              The town has $339,454 remaining                          town hall; tearing down a building there
                                           in funds already appropriated for the                       after problems were found; paying for the
                                           project. The balance needed to be ap-                       previous set of plans and more recently
                                           propriated, including the contingency                       for the Beracah plans; and installing a
                                           amount, is around $327,392.                                 well and septic on the property, Hart said
                                              The building “is close to what was                       during an interview in November 2019.
                                           designed three years ago,” Wert told                           The council over the years has met in
                                           the council, adding that instead of be-                     several locations, most recently at Onley
                                           ing modular construction, it will be a                      Baptist Church, due to the small size of
                                           stick-built structure.                                      the current town hall, where administra-
                                              Plans are for a 55-by-55 foot, sin-                      tive staff and the police share quarters.
                                           gle-story building on a concrete slab.                              Town Manager Search
                                              It will be constructed on a town-owned                      The council on March 10 also dis-
                                           lot adjacent to the current town hall.                      cussed the resignation of Town Man-
                                              Councilman Brian Corbin, who                             ager Jamye Salazar after serving 12
                                           chairs the building committee, will                         years in the position.
                                           serve as the point of contact for day-to-                      The council voted 6-0 to accept her
                                           day operations during the project.                          resignation, with several members ex-
                                              “It’s been a long time coming,” said                     pressing regret at seeing her leave.
                                           Mayor Matt Hart just before the vote                           Councilwoman Rose Pierson made a
                                           was taken.                                                  motion to form a committee including
                                              After a Salisbury, Md., architectural                    council members Claudia Harmon and
                                           firm prepared plans for an approximate-                     Billye D. Custis to more forward with
                                           ly 3,000-square-foot building, the town                     recruiting a new town manager. Sala-
                                           in 2018 received only one bid to build it.                  zar said she will help with the process.
                                                                                                                              Visit our website for complete listings:
                                                                                                                                 6202 Maddox Blvd.,
                                                                                                                               Chincoteague, VA 23336
                                                                              Angie Abell   Jennifer Huether Duane Gladding         757-336-3600
                                                                               Broker           Realtor         Realtor
                                                                                  Waterviews of Chincoteague Channel
                                                                            Lovely home on a quarter acre in natural setting. Over 1,500 sq. ft. with
                                                                         3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, office space, new flooring, skylights and more.
                                                                                              Large shed/workshop with electric.
                                                              Private Farm on 33 Acres
                                               Well-maintained home with pond. Features a large front porch, fireplace,
                                              3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious kitchen and more. Includes 4 chicken houses
                                                                       with many possibilities.
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 11

                            ONANCOCK: Sunset Bay Farm is a waterfront country estate located on Onancock Creek with views extending to the
                                                   Chesapeake Bay. Comprised of 72 acres that include pasture, private yard, and woods-land.
                                                   The main house is classic Georgian style architecture with over 6,000 square feet of living
                                                   space. Special features include 9-ft. ceilings, wet bar, private office/study, game room
                                                   and 4 fireplaces. Outside enjoy the in-ground pool, wrap around deck, sandy beach and
                                                   private pier with 2 boat lifts. Additionally there is a 36x72 Barn with attached 72x210
                                                   indoor riding arena; ideal for the equestrian but also easily adaptable to use for whatever
                                                   your need is. Guest house/Apartment offers two additional living spaces, for guests and/or
                                                   caretaker. Priced below Sept. 2020 appraisal!

      Bill Chandler                                                MLS #53259 · $1,999,999
                                      Bill Chandler 757-710-0760 · 22639 Center Parkway, Accomac, VA 23301

                           PRISTINE WATERFRONT HOMES

                                                   POPLAR COVE: Be ready to be BLOWN AWAY when you
                                                   walk up (or take the elevator) to the 2nd floor great room. French doors lead to the 2nd floor
                                                   wrap-around terrace where you can take in the magnificent sunsets. Vast panoramic views
                                                   of Onancock Creek welcome you to all this home has to offer. 8 acres of land include a grass
                                                   runway with hangar, a private beach, and a boathouse that sits next to a private, deep-water
                                                   boat basin with an 8,000-lb. lift. There is a detached 2-car garage, a deluxe guest cottage
                                                   that's tucked behind a bamboo patch that has become a sanctuary for bluebirds, cardinals
                                                   and hummingbirds. An added bonus is 3 acres of oyster grounds. Nothing was spared on
                                                   upgraded finishes in this home with recessed lighting throughout, a cozy gas fireplace,
The Morgan Group                                   cherry flooring, custom cabinetry, granite countertops and gas stovetop.

                                                               MLS#53255 · $1,175,000
                      The Morgan Group 757-387-2444 · 200 Market Street, Onancock, VA 23417
12 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

                                         dening and is remembered by her fam-         A graveside service was held Tues-      ers, c/o Chester Jackson, P.O. Box 366,
                                         ily as always sending cards for every-    day, March 9, 2021, at Vandegrift Cem-     Parksley, VA 23421.
                                         one’s birthday or wedding anniversary,    etery, Bensale. Memorial contributions        Memory tributes may be shared with the
                                         making baby blankets for charities and    may be made to Kindness Matters Res-       family at
       Eileen Ashton                     other worthy causes, doing all kinds of   cue at          Arrangements are by the Williams
   Mrs. Eileen Ashton, 96, wife of       puzzle books, and volunteering with          Online condolences may be sent to the   Funeral Homes, Onancock and Parksley.
the late Eugene G. Ashton Sr. and a      the sewing group at senior care centers   family at
resident of Painter, passed away Mon-    on the Eastern Shore.                        Arrangements were made by                Susan Sellew Bradley
day, March 1, 2021, at Commonwealth         Eileen is survived by her children,    Doughty Funeral Home in Exmore.               After a long illness, Mrs. Susan
Senior Living at the Eastern Shore,      Glenn R. Ashton and his wife, Marcy,                                                 Sellew Bradley has gone to eternal
Onancock. Born in New London, Conn.,     of Hawley, Pa., Eileen Ashton Court-        Donald Jester Ayres                      rest. The loving wife, mother, grand-
and raised in Langhorne, Pa., she mar-   ney and her husband, Charles “Billy,”        Mr. Donald Jester “Donnie”              mother, and great-grandmother passed
ried and raised her family in Bensa-     of Painter, Eugene G. Ashton Jr., of      Ayres, 81, of Melfa, passed away Fri-      away March 7, 2021. She adored her
lem, Pa., prior to moving to Painter.    Painter, and Steven E. Ashton and         day, March 12, 2021, at Riverside          family and put them above all else.
   Eileen      was                       his wife, Elaine, of Hampstead, N.C.;     Shore Memorial Hospital in Onancock.          Sue was born Sept. 3, 1947. Grow-
the daughter of                          one brother, Walter Leonhauser, and       A native of Nelsonia, he was born July     ing up in Connecticut and spending
the late Paul C.                         his wife, Diane, of Levittown, Pa.; a     12, 1939, in Nassawadox, a son to the      her summers on Cape Cod made her
Leonhauser and                           sister-in-law, Jeanette Leonhauser,       late Warren Leon Ayres and the late        appreciate      the
the late Marga-                          of Levittown; nine grandchildren and      Mary Jester Ayres.                         Eastern Shore. It
ret Burke Leon-                          numerous great-grandchildren and             Known for his quick wit and un-         was the same, the
hauser and was                           great-great-grandchildren. In addition    canny ability to                           bay on one side
a member of Holy                         to her husband and parents, she was       make and save                              and the ocean on
Trinity Episcopal                        predeceased by three brothers, Col.       a dollar, Donnie                           the other, only
Church,     Onan-                        Paul C. Leonhauser and his wife, Tru-     owned and oper-                            the climate was
                       Mrs. Ashton
cock, and was a                          dy, Robert Leonhauser, and Harry G.       ated D&M Furni-                            a bit milder. She
U.S. Navy Reservist serving during       “Gigi” Leonhauser and his wife, Laura;    ture in Parksley                           came to love Cape
World War II. Eileen was a home-         and two sisters, Margaret “May” Ridge     for decades. He                            Charles and all it
                                                                                                                                                    Mrs. Bradley
maker who had worked at Villager Inc.    and her husband, William, and Mary        loved antique cars                         had to offer.
in Bensalem after her children were      “Shorty” Morrow and her husband,          and motorcycles                               Sue was a ray of sunshine in so
grown. She loved crocheting and gar-     Robert.                                   and was a long-                            many people’s lives. She worked at the
                                                                                                           Mr. Ayres
                                                                                   time member of                             Boardwalk in Cape Charles for almost
                                                                                   the Eastern Shore Cruisers, the An-        all the time she lived here. She loved
                                                                                   tique Automobile Club of America, and      meeting new people and surprised
                                                                                   the Apple Dumpling Gang Motorcycle         many of them because she looked
                                                                                   Club. Those who knew Donnie best           much younger than she actually was.
           NOW IN STOCK OUR NEW LINE OF SCRUBS AND UNIFORMS                        would tell you his favorite thing to do    She also loved the many other mer-
                                 WHITE SWAN
                                  ALL SIZES
                                                                                   was talk, and he was often found do-       chants in town that she had contact
            ALSO COME AND SEE OUR WINTER CLEARANCE SPECIALS                        ing just that, either around a table at    with. Selling/merchandising was her
             BUY ONE WINTER COAT GET A SECOND COAT HALF OFF                        Club Car Café or one of his other daily    true passion.
                      WARM WINTER PAJAMAS HALF OFF
                                                                                   hangouts.                                     She lived much of her life in Crom-
                                                                                      Donnie will be greatly missed by        well, Conn., but found some of her
                                                                                   family and friends, though they rejoice    greatest happiness in her retirement
                                                                                   in knowing he is now reunited with his     on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with
                                                                                   beloved daughter, Mary Alice Ayres,        her husband. There was nowhere on
                                                                                   his parents, and the many friends who      the Eastern Shore that Sue didn’t like,
                                                                                   welcomed him home.                         everything from the Jack Spot at Sun-
                                                                                      He is survived by his wife, Gwynne      set Beach to the Chincoteague ponies.
                                                                                   Ayres; stepchildren, Chris Northam,        The wineries, the museums, the eat-
                                                                                   Doug Northam, Billy Northam, and           eries, the ice cream places, the flower
                                                                                   Jeannette Fields, as well as their fami-   growers, the beaches, the sunsets, she
                                                                                   lies; and his sister, Bonnie Meadows,      loved them all.
                                                                                   and her husband, Tom, and her daugh-          She will be deeply missed by her
                                                                                   ters, Billie Dawn Barbon and Carla         husband, Seymour Mersick Bradley
                                                                                   Dabrowski.                                 III, of Cape Charles. Her loss is also
                                                                                      Funeral services will be conducted      felt by her daughters, Tricia Rand
                                                                                   from the graveside at the Onancock         Levesque and her husband, Michael,
                                                                                   Cemetery Saturday, March 20, 2021,         of Cromwell, Conn., Carrie Rand An-
                                                                                   at 4 p.m., with the Rev. Wayne Asbury      astasiades and her husband, William,
                                                                                   officiating.                               of Wethersfield, Conn.; her grand-
                 6496 LANKFORD HIGHWAY, OAK HALL, VA 23416                            Contributions in Donnie’s memory        children, Katelyn, Alexander, Emma,
                        WWW.OASISMARKETGROUP.COM                                   may be made to Eastern Shore Cruis-        Niko, James, and Quinn; as well as
March 19, 2021 • Eastern Shore Post • 13
her great-grandchildren, Genevieve,       24577 Front St., Accomac, VA 23301.             Phyllis was born and raised in         member of Drummondtown Baptist
Vincent, and Jonathan; and her hus-         Memory tributes may be shared with the     Payneville, and was a member of the       Church and was a delivery route sales-
band’s daughter, Jennifer Campo, of       family at       Payneville Baptist Church. She was a      man for Schmidt Bread Company. He
Milford, N.H.                               Arrangements are by the Williams-          very patriotic woman who respected        was a former Little League coach, en-
   She was predeceased by her father,     Parksley Funeral Home.                       the United States flag and was an ac-     joyed spending time at Bojangles with
Thomas H. Sellew Jr., and her mother,                                                  tive member of the VFW Women’s Aux-       the “Coffee Club,” and adored his be-
Marion W. Sellew.                         Mary Catherine Bundick                       iliary while living in Pennsylvania.      loved four-legged sidekick, Maggie. Of
   The family will hold a private ser-       Mrs. Mary Catherine Bundick,              Phyllis was extremely crafty and loved    course, all of Jerry’s joys in life were
vice in her memory.                       93, of Painter, received eternal life Mon-   painting, drawing, cake decorating,       second to having Billie by his side.
   In lieu of flowers, the family re-     day, March 1, 2021, at her residence.        gardening, and flowers. Phyllis never        In addition to his wife, survivors in-
quests donations in Susan’s memory           Born in Nassawadox, Mary was the          met a stranger and loved socializing,     clude his two sons, Kent Lilliston and
be made to the charity of the donor’s     beloved daughter of the late McKinley        whether it be taking walks by the riv-    his friend, Chris Taylor, and Keith Lil-
choice.                                   Smith and the late Rosie M. Smith.           er, playing rummy, or having visitors.    liston and his wife, Wendy, all of Ac-
                                          She was married to George E. Bundick            She is survived by her three chil-     comac; his brother-in-law, Kenneth
   James Dean Brown                       Sr. (deceased).                              dren, Tammy Brady (Michael), of Cape      Lang, of Accomac; and niece and neph-
   Mr. James Dean “Jim” Brown,               Private funeral services were held        Charles, Sharon Fliehmann, of Camp        ew, Lynn Sherwood and Greg Lewis,
58, husband of Lisa Michelle Brown        Saturday, March                              Hill, Pa., and Bobbie Vessels (Jim), of   and their families, all of Accomac.
and a resident of Melfa, passed away      13, 2021, at the                             Brandenburg; grandchildren, Sabrina          A graveside funeral service was
Friday, March 12, 2021, at TidalHealth    Bethel Memorial                              Brady, Amanda Brady, Jennifer Brady,      held at Edgehill Cemetery in Accomac,
Peninsula Regional in Salisbury, Md.      Gardens, Frank-                              and Kane Fetter; great-grandchildren,     Sunday, March 14, 2021, with Dr. Da-
   Born May 4, 1962, in Missouri,         town, with the Rev.                          Kinley Brady and Raylan Barefoot; sis-    vid Denny officiating.
Jim was the son of the late Larry         Martin Bundick                               ter, Charlotte Konkle; three brothers,       In lieu of flowers, memorial dona-
Alvin Brown and Violet Nadine Bar-        officiating. Inter-                          Ronnie Williams (Jane), of Payneville,    tions may be made to the Eastern
lett. He served his country in the U.S.   ment was in the                              Tony Williams (Pam), of Mooleyville,      Shore S.P.C.A., P.O. Box 164, Onley,
Navy,      retiring                       Bethel Memorial                              Ky., and David Konkle, of Mooleyville;    VA 23418, or to Drummondtown Bap-
as Naval Chief.                           Gardens.                                     her two dogs, Boots and Bailey; and       tist Church, P.O. Box 282, Accomac, VA
                                                                 Mrs. Bundick
Following       his                          She leaves her                            granddog, Bear.                           23301.
military     career,                      love and fond memories to her children,         Visitation will be held Saturday,         Memory tributes may be shared with the
Jim worked for                            Pastor Martin Bundick, Rosemary Vin-         March 20, 2021, from 1 to 6 p.m., from    family at
T-Solutions, and                          nie, Diane Perkins, Sandra Harmon,           the Chapel of Bruington-Jenkins-Stur-        Arrangements were by the Wil-
was an electron-                          Samuel Bundick, Milton Bundick,              geon Funeral Home in Brandenburg.         liams-Parksley Funeral Home.
ics lab instructor                        Keith Bundick, Ronald Bundick, and              A graveside service will be held at
for Eastern Shore                         Andre Bundick; siblings, Helen Smith,        Arlington National Cemetery at a later      Carroll Lee Marshall
Community Col-                            Bernice Cloud, and William Smith; 38         date.                                        On the last of a Bayside flood tide,
                        Mr. Brown
lege.    He    was                        grandchildren; 67 great-grandchildren;          Expressions of sympathy may be         Mr. Carroll Lee Marshall, 80, of San-
an active member of Baptist Bible         19 great-great-grandchildren; and a          made to Alzheimer’s Association Great-    ford, went to meet his maker on March
Church in Accomac, serving as a Sun-      host of other relatives and friends.         er KY and Southern IN, 6100 Dutch-        14, 2021. Carroll Lee was born May
day School teacher, church clerk, and        Arrangements were by the Cooper           mans Lane, Suite 401, Louisville, KY      8, 1940, in Saxis, to parents Lorraine
sang in the choir. Jim also enjoyed op-   & Humbles Funeral Co., Accomac.              40205, or to the Pets In Need Society     Ewell Marshall and Carroll Wesley
erating ham radios.                                                                    (P.I.N.S), P.O. Box 522, Brandenburg,     Marshall. A graduate of Atlantic High
   In addition to his wife, survivors            Phyllis Erickson                      KY 40108.                                 School and Ferrum College, Carroll
include a son and daughter, Joshua            Mrs. Phyllis Madeline Williams              Online condolences may be made at      Lee worked various jobs prior to a long
Lee Brown and his wife, Angelica, of      Erickson, 78, of Brandenburg, Ky.,                        and distinguished
Exmore, and Heather Megan Clark           passed away Monday, March 15, 2021,                                                    career at Holly
and her husband, Jacob, of Melfa; four    at the University of Louisville Hospital       Jerry Farring Lilliston                 Farms Poultry in
grandchildren, Samantha, Kayden,          in Louisville, Ky.                              Mr. Jerry Farring Lilliston, 77,       Temperanceville.
Ethan, and Sophia; a brother, Stephen         Phyllis was born Oct. 11, 1942, in       beloved husband of Billie L. Lilliston       Carroll Lee re-
Eli Brown, of Branson, Mo.; and sever-    Payneville, Ky., a daughter to the late      and a resident of Accomac, passed         tired from Holly
al nieces, nephews, cousins, and their    Charles McKinley and the late Ethel          away peacefully with his loving wife of   Farms      Poultry
families.                                 Barley Williams.                             57 years by his side on March 10, 2021,   at an early age,
   Funeral services were conduct-         Her           husband,                       at Sentara Leigh                          turning his devo-
ed from the Baptist Bible Church          David LeRoy Er-                              Hospital in Nor-                          tion to his true      Mr. Marshall
in Accomac, Thursday, March 18,           ickson; brother,                             folk.                                     labor of love,
2021,with Pastor Robert Fletcher          Curtis Williams;                                Born     March                         carving working decoys in the style
officiating. Interment with military      s i s t e r - i n - l a w,                   30, 1943, he was                          of Miles Hancock. Most days he could
honors followed at the Fairview           MaryAnn              Wil-                    the son of the late                       be found in his little carving shop
Lawn Cemetery in Onancock. Visi-          liams; and broth-                            Edwin and Nel-                            working on his next creation. Many
tation was at the church one hour         er-in-law, Patrick                           lie Powell Lillis-                        Eastern Shore organizations have
prior to the service.                     S h a u g h n e s s y, Mrs. Erickson         ton, formerly of                          been the beneficiary of his kindness
   Memorial donations may be made to      also         preceded                        Onancock. Jerry                           and donations throughout the years.
                                                                                                              Mr. Lilliston
Baptist Bible Church Building Fund,       her in death.                                was a longtime                                  (Continued on Page 14)
14 • Eastern Shore Post • March 19, 2021

  (Continued From Page 13)
                                         reside on Chincoteague Island. Car-
                                         roll Lee was preceded in death by his
                                                                                     Rev. Jack D. Pruitt officiating. In lieu
                                                                                     of flowers, memorials may be made to
                                                                                                                                 M. Pitt; his children, Anna P. Anderson,
                                                                                                                                 of Jamesville, Arline Riley (Thomas
                                         parents and two brothers, Freddy            a charity of one’s choice.                  Sr.), of Melfa, James Pitt III, of James-
His legacy will live on in the numer-    and Guy Marshall.                              Online condolences may be sent to the    ville, Jean Dunton (Robert), of East-
ous carvers and artists that he col-        A celebration of life will be held       family at        ville, Albert Pitt, of New Jersey, the
laborated with in such a true Eastern    Saturday, March 20, 2021, at 5 p.m.,           Arrangements were made by                Rev. Norman Pitt (Karen), of Wachapre-
Shore art form.                          at Creek Point in Saxis. After a brief      Wilkins-Doughty Funeral Home in             ague, Kathy Pitt, of Belle Haven, Pris-
   Carroll Lee was very active in the    service, the celebration will continue      Cape Charles.                               cilla Johnson (Herbert), of the Eastern
March of Dimes, various local chap-      at the Saxis Firehouse. Food and re-                                                    Shore, and Gerald Pitt, of Melfa; 43
ters of Ducks Unlimited, an active       freshments will be provided. Per his                 James Pitt Jr.                     grandchildren; 61 great-grandchildren;
member of the Chincoteague Island        wishes, casual attire is requested,            On Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, at 11:24     20 great-great-grandchildren; sister-in-
Decoy Carvers Association, the Saxis     camouflage preferred.                       a.m., James “JP” received his heavenly      law, Annette Chandler, of South Caro-
Island Museum, the Temperanceville          In lieu of flowers, donations may        wings. Mr. James Pitt Jr., the son of       lina; brother-in-law, Sidney Harmon Sr.,
Masonic Lodge, Nassawango Country        be made to the Saxis Island Museum,         the late James Pitt Sr. and Hytonia Bat-    of Portsmouth; his adopted sons, Tyrone
Club, Accomack County Little League,     20101 Saxis Road, Saxis, VA 23427.          tle Pitt, was born Dec. 24, 1927, in West   Davis, Willie and Leon White, and Je-
and numerous other organizations.           Arrangements are by the Thorn-           Norfolk Portsmouth. He was a graduate       rome Hack; good friends, Deacon “Berk-
His pastimes included fishing, hunt-     ton Funeral Home in Parksley.               of I.C. Norcum High School in Ports-        ley” Purnell Collins, Deacon Thomas
ing, golf, coaching, and later in life                 mouth. He was an excellent saxophone        Mapp, and Persell Beckett Sr.; nephews,
“solving the world’s problems” with                                                  player. While traveling to the Eastern      Sidney Harmon and Andres Harmon;
the many friends that stopped by his     Lawrence Nottingham                         Shore to play with                          nieces, Donta Harmon and Cindy Mas-
shop on a daily basis.                      Mr. Lawrence Milton Nottingham,          the band at Down-                           senburg; and a host of cousins, friends,
   He is survived by his loving wife     95, husband of the late Sue Robins          ing’s Beach, he                             and St. Mary’s Baptist Church Family.
of 59 years, Marlene White Marshall;     Nottingham and a resident of Cheri-         met and married                                 Arrangements were made by John O.
a son and daughter-in-law, C.L. and      ton, passed away Saturday, March            the love of his life,                       Morris Funeral Home in Nassawadox.
Cheryl Marshall; two grandsons,          13, 2021, at his residence. A native of     Myrtle Howard.
Hunter and Parker Marshall; and          Bridgetown, he was the son of the late      They were mar-                               Michael Donald Teets
two granddogs, Bailey and Finley.        Lawrence Milton Nottingham and the          ried June 2, 1951,                             Mr. Michael Donald Teets,
His remaining brother and sister-        late Jennie Roberts Nottingham. He          and this union                              cherished son, brother, nephew,
in-law, Danny and June Marshall,         was a retired general agent for Penn        was blessed with                            cousin, and friend, passed away
                                                                                                                Mr. Pitt
                                         Central Railroad,                           10 children. He                             Friday, March 5, 2021, at his home.
                                         member of Trinity                           served in the U.S. Army honorably dur-      Born May 26, 1977, in Uniontown,
                                         United Methodist                            ing the Korean War. As a veteran, he        Pa., he was the son of Catherine Lou-
                                         Church, and mem-                            was a charter signing member of the         ise Conard Teets, of Carlsbad, N.M.,
                                         ber of American                             Eastern Shore DAV Chapter #61.              and the late Glenn C. Teets.
                                         Legion Post #56.                               James became a self-employed truck          Michael was a graduate of Ring-
                                            He is survived                           driver. As an entrepreneur, he hauled       gold High School,
                                         by four grandchil-                          long and short distances over the road      in Monongahela,
                                         dren, Lawrence M.                           for more than 40 years. He also en-         Pa., and received
                                         Nottingham II and                           joyed farming and being a commerce          his     bachelor’s
                                                               Mr. Nottingham
                                         his wife, Danielle,                         waterman on his boat, the Play Boy.         degree from Al-
                                         of Belle Haven, Stephanie Gallaher and      He joined St. Mary’s Baptist Church,        derson     Broad-
                                         her husband, Michael, of Tavernier, Fla.,   Jamesville, under the leadership of the     dus in Philippi,
                                         Shelley R. Hogg and her husband, Al-        Rev. Morris Baines. James was then          W.V.      During
                                         len, of Hebron, Md., and Suzy Cherrix, of   ordained as a deacon. He also served        college, he was
                                         Salisbury, Md.; six great-grandchildren,    as trustee, church treasurer, senior        active in “The         Mr. Teets
                                         Connor Gallaher, of Tavernier, Cameron      choir member, and pastor’s aide until       West Virginians”
                                         Gallaher, of Tavernier, Suzanne Deters,     his health declined. He was dedicated       singing group and was president
                                         of Charleston, S.C., Anna Marie Hogg,       and always willing to do his part and       of Phi Delta Sigma Fraternity. In
                                         of Tampa, Fla., Hillary Hogg, of Sacra-     beyond. James was the patriarch of the      his 43 years of life, Michael im-
                                         mento, Calif., and Sophie Chapman, of       family for five generations. He was a       pacted the lives of countless people
                                         Belle Haven; and numerous nieces and        devoted husband, father, grandfather,       of all ages. As an educator for Ac-
                                         nephews. He was predeceased by his          great-grandfather, great-great-grand-       comack County Public Schools, he
                                         son, Robin Nottingham; daughter, Su-        father, uncle, and brother, and he be-      was adored by his students as well
                                         zanne Rayne; brother, Roberts Notting-      came friends with anyone he met.            as his colleagues. His musical tal-
                                         ham; and two sisters, Marianna Dabson          He was preceded in death by his          ents were limitless, a gift he self-
                                         and Jennie Lou Cotton.                      parents; son, Freddie Pitt; sister, Ber-    lessly shared with local schools
                                            A graveside service with military        nice Harmon; brother, Hosey; and two        and churches, The North Street
                                         honors was conducted Wednesday,             nephews.                                    Playhouse, and a myriad of spe-
                                         March 17, 2021, at Cape Charles Cem-           James leaves to cherish great memo-      cial events throughout the Eastern
                                         etery with Barry Downing and the            ries: his loving wife of 69 years, Myrtle   Shore. Always striving to better
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