Page created by Veronica Goodman

Engage. Learn. Achieve.

Doing Business with Us
Customer satisfaction is a priority at Trane Technologies. We are committed to better
understanding customer perspectives and refining our offerings to meet and exceed their
expectations for reliability, energy efficiency and sustainability.

 22   855-803-3563 |
Welcome to Trane University                              TM


Trane University™ is here to deliver Learning and Development solutions by being the industry leader in
providing innovative and dynamic education and skill improvement.
Our industry-leading training empowers customers to develop a high level of proficiency operating
and optimizing their equipment, controls and building systems. Trane University integrates innovative
teaching technologies for instructor-led, distance learning and online courses and webinars. We use
interactive and hands-on experience as well as Trane-developed tools for load, system, energy and
economic analysis.
Experienced professional instructors have strong controls and HVAC service backgrounds and are
familiar with Trane equipment. They draw on the expertise of Trane applications engineers, product
engineers, technical support engineers and product development teams to provide the best training

Trane University professional education is offered through two tracks.
1. Building Systems and Controls Training, focusing on system design and optimization, is valuable for
  • Facility owners and management
  • Engineers
2. Technical Service Training, focusing on operation, maintenance and troubleshooting, was developed
  • HVAC service and maintenance technicians
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Mechanical contractors

                       Thank you for trusting us for your comprehensive training.

                                                                              Trane University Course Catalog   3

3       Welcome                                          31    Commercial Systems Service
6       Enrollment                                       32    CVHS/M Chiller Operation
7       Policies                                         33    HVAC Electrical Troubleshooting

BUILDING SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS TRAINING                   34    IntelliPak® I & II Rooftop Units
                                                         35    IntelliPak® with Symbio™ 800
9       Course progression Tracer® SC+/UC/Synchrony™,    36    Precedent® Voyager™ Rooftops (3–25 Ton Units)
               Tracer® Ensemble™, Tracer® Summit™
                                                         37    RTAA Rotary Chillers
10      Tracer® Ensemble™ Operation
                                                         38    RTAC Rotary Chillers
11      Tracer® Synchrony™ Operation
                                                         39    RTAE/ACRA Rotary Chillers
12      Tracer® Synchrony™ Advanced Operation
                                                         40    RTAF Rotary Chillers
13      Tracer® Summit™ System Operation
                                                         41    RTHD Rotary Chillers
ONLINE CLASSES                                           42    RTWD Rotary Chillers

15      Introduction to Computer Networking on Tracer®   43    Single-Stage Absorption Chillers
        Summit™                                          ONLINE CLASSES
15      Introduction to LonTalk®
16      Introduction to the Tracer® SC System            45    IntelliPak® Human Interface Navigation and Status
16      Tracer Ensemble Channel
                                                         45    ReliaTel™ Zone Sensor Testing
17      Tracer Ensemble for Operators
17      Tracer Synchrony Channel
                                                         46    Trane Education Center (TEC) Frequently Asked
18      Tracer ES™ Operations—Curriculum for Operators         Questions
18      Tracer® Synchrony™ Daily Operations
19      Tracer MP580/581 Hardware and Installation
19      Tracer MP580/581 Setup and Troubleshooting


21      Course List
22      Course progression All Courses
23      Course progression Unitary Path
24      Course progression Applied Path
25      Air Conditioning Service
26      Airside System Service
27      CenTraVac® Electronic Controls
28      CenTraVac® Mechanical Overhaul Service
29      CenTraVac® System Operation and Maintenance
30      Chilled Water Systems Service

    4   855-803-3563 |
Call 855-803-3563                          Trane University™ builds
Email            knowledge systematically
Log on to Trane Education Center
                                           with a proven curriculum,
                                           expert instructors and
For a current schedule visit our website   structured learning paths.

                                                   Trane University Course Catalog   5
    Registration                                                    Hotel and Food Information
    Browse current course schedules anytime at           Hotel recommendations are given for each course.
    traneuniversity.                                                Students are responsible for making their own travel
    To register for training, please set up an individual account   arrangements. Our travel partner, BCD Travel, is a resource
    for each registrant on Then you can search       for all students to receive discounted rates at our preferred
    and select the class(es) you need. See our FAQ section for      hotels. Contact information for BCD Travel is provided on
    step by step instructions.                                      our travel information page for each class.

    Note: Trane reserves the right to reject any training course    For St. Paul and La Crosse class locations: the preferred
    enrollment.                                                     hotels provide transportation to and from class each day.
                                                                    Trane provides lunches for full day class sessions. Please
    Payment                                                         indicate any dietary restrictions in the Trane Education
    Payment can be made by:                                         Center profile.
    • Major credit card (preferred method)
    • Purchase order (PO number must be provided when               Federal Government
                                                                    Training provided by Trane University™ is listed in the GSA
    Email Confirmation                                              Federal Supply Schedule.

    The Trane Education Center will email a confirmation at
                                                                    International Students
    the address you provide in your online profile. You may
    receive a second confirmation email if the course had not       The technical seminars offered by Trane University are
    confirmed (hit the minimum number of students) when             fast paced and conducted in English. Therefore, to receive
    you registered. This confirmation email provides a link for     the full benefit from the training, it is essential that the
    information on travel accommodations. If you don’t get an       student speak, read, and understand spoken English
    enrollment confirmation, please check your junk mail or         competently, including technical terms.
    make sure Trane Education Center is recognized as a valid       Customers located outside the U.S. must enroll through
    sender by your email client. Call us at 855-803-3563 if you     the Trane office in their region. Approval is required by
    have questions.                                                 the local Trane Office in writing before registration can
    Please do not make travel arrangements until you receive        be completed. Any registration that has been approved
    a confirmation email that includes a travel link.               must be completed with a credit card payment only.
                                                                    Trane also requires all international students to complete
    Course locations                                                a Business Visa Form, to be submitted to the Trane Global
                                                                    Immigration Services team.
    •   Building Systems and Controls Courses:
        Trane, St. Paul, Minnesota*
                                                                    Accredited programs
    •   Technical Service Training Courses:
                                                                    Trane University is accredited by the International
        Trane, La Crosse, Wisconsin*
                                                                    Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
    •   Regional and Private Classes:                               Trane University complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard,
        Local Trane Sales Offices                                   which is recognized internationally as a standard of
    Some Technical Service Training courses can be                  excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this
    customized at your request and conducted at a Trane             accreditation, Trane University is authorized to issue the
    sales office or at your site. Call 855-803-3563 to discuss      IACET Continuing Education Unit (CEU)..
    your training needs.
                                                                    Trane University and its instructors receive no
    *Except where noted in course description                       compensation for any products, instruments, devices,
                                                                    services or materials presented or discussed in training

6       855-803-3563 |
Trane University staff use formal and informal assessment   uses and send periodic updates showing your available
methods during the training program to allow them to        credits.
modify activities to improve student outcomes.
                                                            Cancellation Policy
Transcripts                                                 You may cancel a registration up to 14 days before the
Student transcripts are considered confidential. They are   course start date without penalty. Any cancellation
accessible by the student in the Trane Education Center.    made after that is subject to full tuition cost (student
To access your learning transcript log into the TEC and     substitutions are allowed). If you do not cancel and
run the Transcript from the Reports menu. If you wish

                                                            do not come to class, you are considered a no-show.
to request release of your training transcript to others,   All no-show participants will be charged full tuition
please contact us at to           (including Trane Employees).
request a Transcript Authorization form.
                                                            Trane University reserves the right to cancel any class. We
Discounts                                                   will notify you of class cancellation on or before 14 days
                                                            prior to the class start date. We are not responsible for
Early-Bird                                                  any travel costs related to a class cancellation.
Any class registrations received a minimum of 60 days
before the class begins, will receive a 10% “early-bird”    Building Security
tuition reduction.                                          Attendees are issued a temporary identification badge
                                                            upon arrival and are required to display the badge on
Training Packages                                           their person throughout the duration of the course.
Trane University Training Packages are designed to help
you save money when you send one or more people             Tobacco Policy
to a class or several classes. This program works by pre-   Our facilities are tobacco-free. Designated tobacco areas
paying for training credits, each credit is equivalent to   are provided outside of the building.
one dollar, which can reduce your cost by up to 40%.
GOLD Training Package - Most Popular!                       Photo Policy
 • Includes 7,800 credits                                   Applies to Technical Service Training only.
 • Package cost $6,000                                      Photography inside the Technology Center requires
 • up to 4 courses for the price of 3
                                                            special authorization. Check photography equipment
 • Gold credits are valid for one year
                                                            with our security department when entering the
GOLD PLUS Training Package                                  building.
  •   Includes 11,700 credits
  •   Package cost $9,000                                   Proper Clothing
  •   up to 6 courses for the price of 4
  •   Gold credits are valid for one year                   Normal work or business casual attire is required. Shorts,
                                                            sandals and flip-flops are not appropriate. Long pants
PLATINUM Training Package                                   and long-sleeve shirts of 100 percent cotton must be
  •   Includes 47,500 credits                               worn for Technical Service Training which involves lab
  •   Cost $30,000                                          equipment with live electrical circuits. Closed-toe leather
  •   up to 25 courses for the price of 15
                                                            shoes and long pants are required for plant tours.
  •   Platinum credits are valid for two years
Login to the Trane Education Center to purchase a
training package.
                                                            Take individual courses or build proficiency
We will contact you within 24 hours to provide your         by following a course progression. Register
Package code, your credits can be applied immediately.      online at
For your convenience, we track the credits your company

                                                                                    Trane University Course Catalog       7
Building Systems and Controls Training
Trane University™ currently offers four instructor-led      All registrations received a minimum of 60 days before
courses for building owners, operators and building         the start of class will receive our Early-Bird discount
system engineers.                                           of 10%. (Excludes purchases made with one of our
                                                            Package Programs.)
Class Location
Our instructor-led courses are delivered at the Trane       Continuous Product Improvement
Technical Training Center in White Bear Lake (St. Paul),    We strive to provide current information on our
Minnesota, and are also offered regionally in local         products. With that in mind, Trane may change course
Trane offices.                                              design and/or content without notice.

Choosing Your Classes                                       Private Training
View the step-by-step class progression flow charts,        Trane University can provide private training if you are
which outline learning components for each Trane            unable to attend one of our scheduled classes. Contact
system: Tracer® Summit™, Tracer® SC/UC/Synchrony™           us for more information.
or Tracer® Ensemble™.                                       Note: Not all classes are available for private training.

Register Online at the Trane Education Center
All course enrollments must be completed online via         Click here for the Building Systems and Controls
the Trane Education Center. Each person that wants to       schedule or go to our website
attend a course needs to have their own profile.            traneuniversity.

             Course                                        Regular Tuition          Early-Bird Rate
             Tracer® Ensemble™ Operation                       $1,320                    $1,188
             Tracer® Synchrony™ Operation                      $1,320                    $1,188
             Tracer® Synchrony™ Advanced Operation             $1,320                    $1,188
             Tracer® Summit™ System Operation                  $1,550                    $1,395

8     855-803-3563 |
Tracer® SC+/UC/Synchrony™, Tracer® Ensemble™, Tracer® Summit™

                                                                                            BUILDING SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS TRAINING

                                                      Trane University Course Catalog   9
Tracer® Ensemble™ Operation
     Length:                 Day and time:               Course Cost:          Continuing Education    Recommended search:
     2.5 days           Day 1-2: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.;             $1320                  Units:            Ensemble Operation
                         Day 3: 8:00 –11:30 a.m.                                        1.8

                                              Register Now! Trane Education Center

      Course Description
      Tracer Ensemble Operation is specifically designed
      for building operators and administrators to become
                                                                        Who Should Attend
      more efficient with their Tracer Ensemble software
      which is a Web-enabled service and monitoring                     Tracer Ensemble Operation is intended for building
      tool for multiple building facilities. Tracer Ensemble            operators and owners with Tracer Ensemble.
      allows building operators and administrators access
      to Tracer Ensemble from the local network or the                  Prerequisites
      Internet to monitor and control their building                    This is an operations-level class. Students must
      system. Students will have the opportunity to work                have an operating-level understanding of personal
      with the Tracer Ensemble software to become more                  computers and the Windows operating system.
      familiar with common tasks.                                       Students must possess knowledge of Tracer®
                                                                        Summit™ or Tracer® SC/Synchrony™ depending
      Specific Course Objectives                                        upon which system is installed in their facility.
      Upon completion of this course, participants should
      be able to:
      • Create user roles and user profiles
      • Navigate Tracer Ensemble Buildings

      • Design dashboards

      • Use override control to manipulate building

      • Make changes to building schedules

      • Manage building alarms

      • Log data

      • Create custom reports

      • Set up Tenant Services

      • Use Critical Control to limit access in Tracer

10      855-803-3563 |
Tracer® Synchrony™ Operation
  Length:                Day and time:               Course Cost:          Continuing Education      Recommended search:
  2.5 days          Day 1-2: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.;            $1320                   Units:              Synchrony Operation
                     Day 3: 8:00 –11:30 a.m.                                        1.8
                                          Register Now! Trane Education Center

   Course Description                                                 air system applications to control building air
   In the Tracer Synchrony Operation course, students
   learn to operate and modify an installed Tracer                  • Respond to hot and cold calls by applying
   SC+ system using the Synchrony interface. This                     troubleshooting strategies
   highly interactive course includes presentations,
   demonstrations and hands-on workshops where                      • Respond to alarm conditions.
   students practice using the software applications
                                                                    • Generate and view data logs and reports.

                                                                                                                                  BUILDING SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS TRAINING
   integral to a Tracer SC+ building management
   system.                                                          • Back up your Tracer SC+.

   Specific Course Objectives                                       Who Should Attend
   Upon completion of this course, participants should              Tracer Synchrony Operation is intended for Trane
   be able to:                                                      service technicians and Tracer SC/SC+ system
   • Determine the need for and sequence of                         owners, building engineers and operators.
     operation of various types of HVAC equipment.
   • Describe the different levels of control in a
     building automation system and how they relate                 Introduction to the Tracer SC System e-learning
     to equipment.                                                  module is recommended but not required.

   • Monitor and control building mechanical systems.
   • Utilize contract documentation to identify control             None
     Components and locations.

   • Create new user accounts and control their level
     of access within Tracer Synchrony.

   • Navigate the Tracer Synchrony user interface.

   • Create and modify custom time-of-day schedules.

   • Apply knowledge of schedules, area, and variable

                                                                                           Trane University Course Catalog   11
Tracer® Synchrony™ Advanced Operation
     Length:                Day and time:               Course Cost:          Continuing Education    Recommended search:
      3 days           Day 1–3: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.            $1320                    Units:            Advanced Operation

                                              Register Now! Trane Education Center

      Course Description                                               Who Should Attend
      The Tracer Synchrony Advanced Operation course                   Tracer Synchrony Advanced Operation is intended
      builds on the knowledge and skills learned in the                for Tracer SC/SC+ system owners, operators and
      Tracer SC/Synchrony Operation course. This course                building engineers who have previously completed
      will enable learners to expand their skillset to                 the Tracer SC/Tracer Synchrony Operation course
      complete a variety of advanced operations, control               and want to go deeper.
      strategies and energy saving methods to get the
      most value out of their Tracer SC+ building control              Prerequisites
                                                                       • Tracer® Synchrony™ Operation

      Specific Course Objectives                                       Tracer Synchrony Advanced Operation is an
                                                                       advanced operations course. Students must also be
      Upon completion of this course, participants should
                                                                       proficient at using a personal computer and familiar
      be able to:
                                                                       with using a web browser.
      • Define and apply coordinated control methods
        using spaces, Area, VAS and schedules.                         Pre-Work
      • Create an area using the area application and                  None
        understand the different configuration options.

      • Create HVAC, analog and binary schedules.

      • Set up and modify data logs with advanced

      • Use Tracer TU™ to backup, restore and upgrade
        firmware for Trane unit controllers.

      • Configure alarming for binary and analog points.

      • Create custom alarm categories and notification

      • Route alarm categories to users.

      • Work with Tracer Graphical Editor (TGE) to modify
        and publish Graphics to the SC+.

12     855-803-3563 |
Tracer® Summit™ System Operation
  Length:                Day and time:               Course Cost:          Continuing Education     Recommended search:
  3.5 days          Day 1-3: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.;            $1550                   Units:              System Operation
                     Day 4: 8:00 –11:30 a.m.                                        2.5

                                     Register Now! Trane Education Center

  Course Description                                                  systems.
  In this course students will learn to perform
  common and advanced operations with their                         Who Should Attend
  installed Tracer Summit building management                       Tracer Summit System Operations is intended for
  system. This highly interactive basic course includes             Trane service technicians and Tracer Summit system
  presentations and hands-on workshops where                        owners, building engineers and operators.
  students practice using the common applications
  of a Tracer Summit building management system

                                                                                                                                 BUILDING SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS TRAINING
  and learn how to monitor and control building
  mechanical systems.
  Specific Course Objectives
  Upon completion of this course, participants should
  be able to:
  • Create and modify schedules/holidays and

  • Create, modify and plot graphs of trends.

  • Respond, route and print alarms.

  • Create and modify users and passwords.

  • Create and modify basic graphics.

  • Monitor chiller plant control.

  • Apply knowledge of schedules, area, and variable
    air systems applications to controls building air

                                                                                          Trane University Course Catalog   13
Online Classes

 Trane University™ is pleased to offer online learning and development solutions. These courses are created with
 the same high quality as you would receive if you attended one of our classroom offerings.

 Here are some of the benefits to our online learning:
 Convenient: Being able to study anywhere and at any time, gives you control of your education. You decide
 when to complete the training and you can return to it at any time. All you need is a computer and access to
 the internet.
 Flexible: Whether you need more time with a particular subject or less time, you can move through the
 instruction at the pace you need to understand and apply the material.
 Stress-free: Trane University online classes are easy to access from your individual Trane Education Center
 account and most have no cost associated with them.

 If you need training and you don’t see it or we don’t offer it, please reach out to us at

14   855-803-3563 |
Online Classes

Introduction to Computer Networking on Tracer® Summit™
        Length:                       Course Cost:            Register here:                Recommended search:
        2 hours                          Free             Trane Education Center            Computer Networking

  Course Description                                        • Set up a building automation system on a shared
                                                              network comprising two sub-networks
  This course provides the student the knowledge and
  skills needed to install a simple building automation     • Using standard network tools, test an Internet
  system on a customer’s existing network.                    protocol connection between network devices

  Specific Course Objectives                                Who Should Attend
  Upon completion of this course, participants should       This course is intended for control system installer-
  be able to:                                               programmers, control system service technicians
  • Set up a simple building automation system on a         and project engineers.
    dedicated network

                                                                                                                           BUILDING SYSTEMS
  • Set up a simple building automation system on a
    shared network

                                                                                                                                    SYSTEMS AND
                                                                                                                                            AND CONTROLS
Introduction to LonTalk®                                                           Self-Paced Learning

                                                                                                                                                CONTROLS TRAINING
        Length:                       Course Cost:            Register here:               Recommended search:
        2 Hours                          Free             Trane Education Center                LonTalk

   Course Description
                                                            • Share information among devices
   This course explains what LonTalk is, identifies the     • Replace LonTalk devices
   existing network management tools Trane uses, and
   provides a basic understanding of technology and         Who Should Attend
   terminology. This course does not include use of         This course is intended for controls systems service
   third party software to extract the xif or any other     technicians, mechanical equipment technicians, and
   concepts not covered in the learning objectives.         controls systems installer-programmers.

   Specific Course Objectives
   Upon completion of this course, participants should      Note: This course is pre-work for several other Trane
   be able to:                                              University courses.
   • Connect LonTalk devices
   • Setup the Rover™ service tool
   • Configure LonTalk devices
   • Manage the LonTalk network
   • Verify device communication

                                                                                    Trane University Course Catalog   15
Online Classes

 Introduction to the Tracer® SC System
      Length:                           Course Cost:           Register here:             Recommended search:
     1.5 Hours                             Free            Trane Education Center              Tracer SC

 Course Description                                             • Determine what set-point will be used by the system
 This course introduces you to the Tracer Synchrony             • Access, view and maintain alarms and events
 interface and common tasks performed using it.                 • Change a schedule and add an exception

 Specific Course Objectives                                     Who Should Attend
 Upon completion of this course, participants should be         This course is intended for Tracer SC/SC+/Synchrony
 able to:                                                       users and operators.
 • Understand the Tracer Synchrony role in a building
   automation system
 • Navigate through the user interface
 • View equipment and spaces status and data logs
 • Override occupancy or set-points

Tracer® EnsembleTM Channel
      Length:                           Course Cost:           Register here:             Recommended search:
 Learner Dependent                         Free                Trane-owned                  Ensemble Channel
                                                            Independent Office

Course Description                                            Who Should Attend
This channel is your source for curated video and course      Any role who has reason to use Trane Connect.
content related to Trane Connect. Explore dashboards,
energy use, find out how to remotely access your system
using Trane Connect, and more.

16    855-803-3563 |
Online Classes

  Tracer® Ensemble™ for Operators
          Length:                       Course Cost:           Register here:               Recommended search:
         45 Minutes                        Free            Trane Education Center                Ensemble

     Course Description                                       • Create tenants and generate invoices
     This course provides a good introduction to many of      • Describe Critical Control and complete an override
     the features of Tracer Ensemble as you walk through        requiring an electronic signature
     various real-life scenarios commonly encountered
     by a Tracer Ensemble building operator.                  Who Should Attend
                                                              This course is intended for Tracer Ensemble users
     Specific Course Objectives                               and operators or those interested in learning more
     At the end of this elearning course you will be          about this product.
     able to explain what Tracer Ensemble is as well as
     complete the following tasks:

     • Set user preferences

                                                                                                                           BUILDING SYSTEMS
     • Describe user roles and access
     • View status and issue overrides
     • Read and edit schedules

                                                                                                                                    SYSTEMS AND
     • Respond to alarm w/acknowledgment and
     • Generate and read data logs

                                                                                                                                            AND CONTROLS
     • Generate and read reports

                                                                                                                                                CONTROLS TRAINING
Tracer® Synchrony Channel

       Length:                        Course Cost:            Register here:              Recommended search:
  Learner Dependent                      Free                 Trane-owned                    Sychrony Channel
                                                           Independent Office

Course Description                                         Who Should Attend
This channel displays curated content related to Tracer    Anyone who uses Tracer Synchrony.
SC+ and Synchrony. Topics range from basic navigation
and building summary pages to editing exceptions and
understanding the software maintenance plan.

                                                                                    Trane University Course Catalog   17
Online Classes

     Tracer® Synchrony™ Daily Operations
          Length:                          Course Cost:         Register here:              Recommended search:
          1 Hour                              Free          Trane Education Center               Daily Op

     Course Description
                                                              •   Override occupancy or set-points
     This video based introduction to Tracer Synchrony        •   Manage alarms and events using Tracer Synchrony
     daily operations takes a brief look at navigation,       •   View schedules and exceptions
     alarms, reports, data logs, schedules and overrides.     •   Identify the schedule resultant
                                                              •   View and export reports
     If you want hands-on workshop based instructor           •   View, export, and create data logs
     training, please enroll in the Tracer Synchrony
     Operations course.                                       Who Should Attend
                                                              This training is intended for those who are new to
     Specific Course Objectives
                                                              using Tracer Synchrony, who need to learn how to
     Upon successful completion of this course the            navigate and complete simple daily tasks.
     learner will be able to:
     • Describe what Tracer Synchrony does
     • Log on to Tracer Synchrony
     • Navigate through basic user interface tasks

Tracer ES™ Operations—Curriculum for Operators
        Length:                            Course Cost:         Register here:              Recommended search:
       1.5 Hours                              Free          Trane Education Center              ES Operation
5-15 minutes per module

 Course Description                                         • Create data logs
 This curriculum will walk the student through
                                                            • Manage overrides
 common tasks they would perform while using their
 Tracer ES building management system.
                                                            Who Should Attend
 Specific Course Objectives                                 This course is intended for Tracer ES users and
 Upon successful completion of this course the
 learner will be able to:
 • Navigate and set user preferences

 • Manage alarms

 • View status, data logs and schedules

18      855-803-3563 |
Online Classes - Legacy Products

 Tracer MP580/581 Hardware and Installation
          Length:                          Course Cost:       Register here:               Recommended search:
         40 Minutes                           Free        Trane Education Center                580 Install

 Course Description                                         • Identify key components.
 This course covers Tracer MP580/581 hardware.              • Select the correct model for voltage
 Topics include:
                                                            • Remove and replace boards.
   •   Support documentation                                • Identify principle board components.
   •   Key functions of MP581 controller                    • List input and output hardware requirements
   •   Key components                                         and specifications.
   •   Board removal and replacement                        • Define the types of inputs and outputs.
   •   Inputs and Outputs                                   • Correctly wire inputs and outputs

 Specific Course Objectives                                 • Who Should Attend

                                                                                                                          BUILDING SYSTEMS
 Upon successful completion of this course the                This course is intended for Controls and Service
 learner will be able to:                                 Technicians.
   • Access support documentation for the MP581

                                                                                                                                   SYSTEMS AND
   • Recognize the key functions of an MP581

                                                                                                                                           AND CONTROLS
Tracer MP580/581 Setup and Troubleshooting

                                                                                                                                               CONTROLS TRAINING
         Length:                           Course Cost:       Register here:              Recommended search:
        30 minutes                            Free        Trane Education Center               580 Setup

   Course Description                                       Who Should Attend
   This course covers MP581 checkout and                    This course is intended for Controls and Service
   troubleshooting procedures.                              Technicians.

   Specific Course Objectives
   Upon completion of this course, participants should
   be able to:
     • Check inputs
     • Check outputs
     • Check the duct static pressure sensor
     • Verify operation and communication
     • Diagnose problems using the prescribed
       troubleshooting procedures

                                                                                   Trane University Course Catalog   19
Technical Service Training

Trane University™ currently offers 22 instructor-led      Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
courses for commercial systems service, maintenance       Instructor-provided PPE is required to be worn while
and operation.                                            performing lab exercises. If you prefer, please bring
                                                          personal PPE to class (i.e. prescription safety glasses
Class Location                                            with side shields, steel-toed boots, etc.) If you are
Our instructor-led courses are delivered at the Trane     attending CenTraVac® Mechanical Overhaul Service
Technical Training Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin,        or your course includes a plant tour - steel-toed shoe
and are also offered at our manufacturing plant in        covers are provided, but personal steel-toed boots will
Clarksville, TN and Pueblo, CO.                           be more comfortable.

Choosing Your Classes                                     Photo Policy
View the step-by-step class progression flow charts,      When taking a tour at one of our plants, Photography
which outline learning components for Trane systems:      requires special authorization. Check photography
Unitary and Applied.                                      equipment with our security department when
                                                          entering the building.
Register Online at the Trane Education Center
All course enrollments must be completed online via       Continuous Product Improvement
the Trane Education Center. Each person that wants to     We strive to provide current information on our
attend a course needs to have their own profile.          products. With that in mind, Trane may change course
All registrations received a minimum of 60 days before    design and/or content without notice.
the start of class will receive our Early-Bird discount
of 10%. (Excludes purchases made with one of our          Click here for the Technical Service Training schedule
Package Programs.)                                        or go to our website

Regional Training
Trane University can provide customized regional
training. To discuss your needs and our availability,
please contact us at or 855-

20    855-803-3563 |
Course List
 To view our class schedule, go to

                                Course                            Tuition   Early-Bird Rate
          Air Conditioning Service                                $1800         $1620

          Airside System Service                                  $1800         $1620

          CenTraVac® Electronic Controls                          $1950          $1755

          ​CenTraVac® Mechanical Overhaul Service                 $3500         $3150

          CenTraVac System Operation and Maintenance              $1950          $1755

          ​Chilled Water Systems Service                          $1800         $1620

          ​Commercial Systems Service                             $1800         $1620

          CVHS/M Chiller Operation                                $2500         $2250

          ​​​HVAC Electrical Troubleshooting                      $1800         $1620

          ​IntelliPak® I & II Rooftops                            $1950          $1755

          IntelliPak® with Symbio™ 800                            $1950          $1755

          ​Precedent ®Voyager™ Rooftops                           $1950          $1755

          RTAA Rotary Chillers                                    $1950          $1755

          RTAC Rotary Chillers                                    $1950          $1755

          RTAE/ACRA Rotary Chillers                               $1950          $1755

          RTAF Rotary Chillers                                    $1950          $1755

          RTHD Rotary Chillers                                    $1950          $1755

          RTWD Rotary Chillers                                    $1950          $1755

          ​Single - Stage Absorption Chillers                     $2500         $2250

                                                                                                                      TECHNICAL SERVICE TRAINING

          e-Learning Courses
          Intellipak Human Interface Navigation and Status Menu
          ReliaTel Zone Sensor Testing

                                                                               Trane University Course Catalog   21

22   855-803-3563 |

                                                            TECHNICAL SERVICE TRAINING

                     Trane University Course Catalog   23

24   855-803-3563 |
Air Conditioning Service
    Length:                Day and time:                   Course Cost:           Continuing Education      Recommended search:
    4.5 days           Mon–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                  $1800                      Units:             Air Conditioning Service
                            Fri: 8–11 am                                                   3.2

                                           Register Now! Trane Education Center

   Course Description
   This is a comprehensive, entry-level air conditioning
   service course. It concentrates on essential                           Lab Safety
   refrigeration knowledge that all HVAC technicians                      Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-
   must eventually possess in order to perform                            on live circuit portion of this course. The proper
   competent HVAC service work. After attending,                          clothing should also be worn: long pants and long
   technicians should have acquired knowledge                             sleeves of 100% cotton.
   in tool usage, basic system theory, metering
   devices, system problem identification, superheat,                     Who Should Attend
   sub-cooling, piping, evacuation and recharging
                                                                          This course is well suited for entry-level air
                                                                          conditioning and/or HVAC maintenance mechanics,
   This course is 45–50 percent lab intensive. Packaged                   service technicians and industrial or facility
   rooftop units, 2 to 5 tons, are used in the lab                        maintenance technicians. An electrician with new
   sessions. A separate course is available to help                       responsibilities in air conditioning maintenance and
   develop electrical troubleshooting skills.                             service will also benefit.

   Specific Course Objectives                                             Qualifications
   Upon completion of this course, participants should                    The student should have some basic mechanical
   be able to:                                                            and electrical background in addition to an aptitude
   • Draw and explain basic system theory.                                and interest for work with HVAC equipment.

   • Identify the four basic parts of the refrigeration
     system and how they work.

                                                                                                                                        TECHNICAL SERVICE
   • Use refrigeration instruments.

   • Perform system logging.
                                                                                                                                                  SERVICE TRAINING
   • Perform system evacuation and charging.

   • Diagnose and correct start up and service
     problems related to refrigeration systems.

   • Measure and adjust superheat and sub-cooling
     using classroom methods.

   • Demonstrate refrigerant recovery procedures.

                                                                                                 Trane University Course Catalog   25
Airside System Service
     Length:                Day and time:                  Course Cost:          Continuing Education       Recommended search:
     4.5 days           Mon–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                 $1800                     Units:                 Airside System
                             Fri: 8–11 am                                                  3.2

                                                 Register Now! Trane Education Center

     Course Description                                                   • Describe the capabilities and the limitations of the
     This course covers the operation and setup of a                        building control system from a service technician
     commercial VAV system from the standpoint of                           standpoint.
     the service technician. Shutoff VAV, Bypass VAV
                                                                          • Using a Rover service tool, analyze air delivery on
     and Single Zone VAV will be discussed in the class,                    multiple VAV systems.
     although Shutoff VAV (traditional VAV) will be the
     primary focus. The concepts discussed will apply to                  • Describe the difference between Single Zone VAV
     new system startup as well as existing buildings. The                  systems and Multiple Zone VAV systems.
     course also discusses the different fan types used in
                                                                          • Go through the procedure required to establish
     commercial HVAC units.
                                                                            the supply pressure setpoint on a VAV system.
     The lab exercises are designed around several
     working VAV systems in our La Crosse, Wisconsin,                     Lab Safety
     training lab. This includes IntelliPak® Commercial                   Student participation in any hands-on portion of this
     Self-Contained (CSC) and rooftop units (RTU) with                    course will include ladder safety and use of proper
     various types of VariTrane® VAV boxes. During the                    fall protection. It is expected the student will adhere
     lab exercises, students will use the various tools                   to all other safety requirements as they arise.
     and software needed to setup and commission
     (or re-commission) a VAV system. Attendees will                      Who Should Attend
     learn to recognize important parameters within
                                                                          This course is ideal for advanced service, controls,
     building plans in order to commission the building
                                                                          and maintenance technicians, as well as service
     as the design engineer intended. The plans used
                                                                          contractors. Existing Building Systems personnel
     will include the equipment schedule, sequence of
                                                                          and others involved with system commissioning
     operation, airflow requirements, and ventilation.
                                                                          or with ensuring that an HVAC system is operating
     The course includes systems used in all geographic                   correctly and efficiently would benefit from this
     regions.                                                             course.

     Specific Course Objectives                                           Qualifications
     Upon completion of this course, participants should                  Participants attending this course must have strong
     be able to:                                                          HVAC skills or an understanding of engineered
     • Verify system airflow using multiple methods.                      building systems. They should also understand
                                                                          the importance of compliance with today’s energy
     • Interpret fan curve data from the various fan types                efficiency requirements.
       such as forward curve, airfoil, and direct drive

     • Set up and verify proper system air with the fan
       types used in our lab.

26    855-803-3563 |
CenTraVac® Electronic Controls
   Length:                Day and time:                   Course Cost:           Continuing Education        Recommended search:
    3 days            Tue–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                  $1950                      Units:                 Electronic Control

                                           Register Now! Trane Education Center

  Course Description                                                     Lab Safety
  This course is intended to update experienced                          Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-
  service technicians on Trane CenTraVac chiller                         on live circuit portion of this course. The proper
  control technology. Detailed coverage includes                         clothing should also be worn: long pants and long
  electronic capacity modulation controls found on                       sleeves of 100% cotton.
  all Trane centrifugal chillers manufactured between
  2001 and the present. Earlier-model control systems                    Who Should Attend
  are not discussed in depth. This course covers                         This course is for technicians who regularly work
  Tracer™ CH530 and Tracer AdaptiView™ control                           with Trane CenTraVac CVHE/F/G/L and duplex
  system in use at this time.                                            chillers.
  This is a controls technology class only. Centrifugal
  operation and maintenance understanding is                             Qualifications
  necessary for this course.                                             Technicians must be comfortable with electrical
                                                                         controls, electrical meters such as digital volt-
                                                                         ohmmeters and understand refrigeration and
                                                                         centrifugal chiller control requirements. It is helpful
  Specific Course Objectives                                             if technicians have experience with other HVAC
  Upon completion of this course, participants should                    electronic control systems or have attended Trane
  be able to:                                                            University's HVAC Electrical Troubleshooting
  • Operate all the controls covered by this course,                     course. Familiarity with basic computing skills, file
    including systems interface.                                         management and internet downloading procedures
                                                                         is also desirable.
  • Describe operating logic for Tracer CH530 and

                                                                                                                                        TECHNICAL SERVICE TRAINING
    Tracer AdaptiView control platforms.

  • Use control information for routine operational

  • Use menu-driven diagnostics.

  • Perform trouble analysis on controls and
    determine necessary field repairs or replacement

                                                                                                 Trane University Course Catalog   27
CenTraVac® Mechanical Overhaul Service
     Length:                  Day and time:                 Course Cost:          Continuing Education       Recommended search:
     3.5 days            Tues–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                $3500                     Units:                  Mechanical
                               Fri: 8–11 am                                                 2.5

                                                 Register Now! Trane Education Center

     Course Description                                                    Lab Safety
     This course will broaden any technician’s level of                    Students are required to wear steel-tipped
     service and overhaul expertise. It will help them gain                footwear, safety glasses and gloves to participate
     confidence and experience in maintenance, repair                      in mechanical lab service procedures. Appropriate
     and major overhaul of water-cooled CenTraVac                          work clothes should be worn to disassemble a
     chillers. The course provides learning situations                     chiller.
     not otherwise available or that may take months
     or even years of on-the-job exposure to encounter.                    Who Should Attend
     This course lays a substantial foundation for the                     This course is designed for technicians or mechanics
     technician’s continued professional growth and                        who have experience in other HVAC chiller products
     provides familiarity with other centrifugal chiller                   and are beginning to work with centrifugal
     products. This is a mechanical service course only.                   products. The class is useful for experienced
     Controls course attendance is required for complete                   centrifugal service technicians who have no formal
     CenTraVac chiller service coverage.                                   centrifugal overhaul training or experience with
                                                                           Trane CenTraVac chillers.
     Specific Course Objectives
     Upon completion of this course, participants should                   Qualifications
     be able to:                                                           In order to attend this course, a student must meet
                                                                           the following qualifiations:
     • Identify various Trane centrifugal chillers and
       variations in mechanical components.                                • Previous heavy refrigeration service experience

     • Be familiar with documented factory service                         • Skills with close tolerance measuring instruments
       information available to support Trane centrifugal
       chillers.                                                           • Experience with shop rigging of components
                                                                             heavier than 150 lbs
     • Properly maintain and repair chillers with varying
       lubrication and cooling system designs.                             Plant Tour Requirement
     • Properly overhaul a CVHE/F/G/L CenTraVac                            Leather shoes which give good protection and long
       chiller compressor and motor, using factory-                        trousers are required. Neither sandals nor cloth-top
       recommended procedures.                                             shoes are permitted in manufacturing areas.

     • Properly inspect compressor and motor
       components for compliance to factory

28    855-803-3563 |
CenTraVac® System Operation and Maintenance
   Length:                Day and time:               Course Cost:          Continuing Education       Recommended search:
   3.5 days           Tue–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                $1950                   Units:                CenTraVac System
                           Fri: 8–11 am                                               2.5

                                           Register Now! Trane Education Center

Course Description                                                   Who Should Attend
This course will familiarize owner maintenance                       Our target is individuals responsible for the operation
supervisors and technicians with Trane CenTraVac                     and preventative maintenance of Trane CenTraVac
CVHE/F/G/L/S and new CVHM centrifugal chiller                        chillers (CVHE/F/G/L/S/M). This course will benefit
operation and maintenance requirements. It will assist               technicians, supervisors or engineers who make
them understanding chilled water systems and load-                   planning decisions to support centrifugal chiller
based chiller dynamics. The course will help technicians             maintenance.
troubleshoot and will help chiller owners decide if
work can be done in-house or not. Technicians can                    Qualifications
particularly benefit from coverage on diagnosing                     Students will benefit from this course in direct relation
and maintaining machine design performance, and                      to their background knowledge of refrigeration,
learn what can occur if operating outside of these                   electrical, mechanical, and basic heat transfer systems.
parameters. We will discuss the addition of the new                  This course addresses the needs of individuals from
refrigerant options: R514A and R1233zd, and the                      widely varied backgrounds and does not require
changes that were made to the chillers. Students will                in-depth HVAC knowledge.
have the opportunity to observe the manufacturing and
the assembly of key components in a factory tour. This               Plant Tour Requirement
course relies primarily on classroom lecture and does
                                                                     Leather shoes which give good protection and long
not include hands-on maintenance training.
                                                                     trousers are required. Neither sandals nor cloth-top
                                                                     shoes are permitted in manufacturing areas.
Specific Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be
able to:

• Describe Trane centrifugal chiller operation and

                                                                                                                                      TECHNICAL SERVICE
  chilled water system theory.

• Observe chiller construction process.
• Use operating logs to recognize normal operation
  and how abnormal influences affect chiller operation

  and performance.

• Recognize problems that reduce efficiency and
  damage equipment.

• Identify system components and their role in the

• Identify system differences related to the new
  refrigerant options.

• Identify chilled water piping designs.
                                                                                            Trane University Course Catalog      29
Chilled Water Systems Service
      Length:                Day and time:                 Course Cost:           Continuing Education       Recommended search:
      3.5 days           Tue–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                $1800                      Units:                  Chilled Water
                              Fri: 8–11 am                                                 2.5

                                                 Register Now! Trane Education Center

     Course Description                                                   • Using operating pumps, calculate flow and then
     This course is intended to provide attendees with a                    plot changes of flow using a balancing valve.
     "systems" approach to maintaining and diagnosing
                                                                          • Calculate unit capacity on a chiller by using proper
     problems involving chilled water piping systems
                                                                            tools and methods.
     from a service perspective. It will show technicians
     and supervisors how Trane utilizes water flows to                    Lab Safety
     obtain efficient chiller operation. The course will
                                                                          Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-
     also discuss water system conditions that can be
                                                                          on live circuit portion of this course. The proper
     detrimental to efficient operation and possibly
                                                                          clothing should also be worn: long pants and long
     damaging to system components. Students will take
                                                                          sleeves of 100% cotton.
     flow measurements in a laboratory setting, using
     recommended tools and techniques to determine
                                                                          Who Should Attend
     chilled water system performance. Chilled water
     system types such as decoupled loop, variable-                       This course is intended for plant engineers,
     primary flow and others will be discussed.                           maintenance supervisors, operating engineers,
                                                                          HVAC service technicians, and maintenance
     Specific Course Objectives                                           technicians who need an improved understanding
                                                                          of chilled water system control and maintenance
     Upon completion of this course, participants should
                                                                          requirements and techniques.
     be able to:
     • Demonstrate an understanding of the water                          Qualifications
       principles as applied to a chilled water system.
                                                                          This course addresses the needs of persons from
     • Calculate the loop size in a chilled water system                  widely varied backgrounds and does not require
       in order to understand and prevent short loop                      in-depth HVAC knowledge. Students should be
       issues.                                                            ready, however, to assimilate HVAC "systems"
     • Measure and verify water flow on a simple chilled
       water system using a variable frequency drive.

     • Calculate water flow in a system using various

     • Given the necessary tools, service literature and
       personal protective equipment (PPE); properly log
       multiple chillers in our hands-on lab.

30    855-803-3563 |
Commercial Systems Service
   Length:               Day and time:                  Course Cost:           Continuing Education        Recommended search:
   4.5 days          Mon–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                 $1800                      Units:                Commercial Systems
                          Fri: 8–11 am                                                   3.2

                                          Register Now! Trane Education Center

  Course Description                                                   clothing should also be worn: long pants and long
                                                                       sleeves of 100% cotton.
  This course exposes the student to commercial unit
  and systems operation, set-up, and troubleshooting.
                                                                       Who Should Attend
  This course is delivered through a combination of
  classroom activities, interactive workshops, and                     This course is ideal for dealer, contractor or
  hands on lab exercises using Trane commercial                        owner maintenance technicians progressing from
  unitary and applied equipment. The course                            residential to light commercial service who have
  emphasizes a systematic approach to commercial                       experience in HVAC.
  HVAC system service and troubleshooting.
  Specific Course Objectives                                           We recommend attendees meet one of the
  Upon completion of this course, participants should                  following:
  be able to:                                                            • Completion of a vocational or technical
                                                                            program in air conditioning/refrigeration
  • Interpret temperature and pressure readings on                       • At least 1.5 years practical experience
    an operating refrigeration system.                                   • Completion of one of the following Trane
                                                                            University courses
  • Troubleshoot common refrigeration system issues.                         • Air Conditioning Service
                                                                             • HVAC Electrical Troubleshooting
  • Measure airflow using appropriate airflow
    instruments.                                                       Qualifications
  • Apply airflow fundamentals to unit operation.                      Students must also have a working knowledge
                                                                       of the basic theory needed to diagnose the
  • Perform combustion analysis and determine                          refrigeration cycle and an understanding of the

                                                                                                                                      TECHNICAL SERVICE TRAINING
    combustion efficiency.                                             following tools and subjects:

  • Compare air mixtures using the psychrometric                       • Refrigeration Manifold Gauge Set
                                                                       • Volt/Ohmmeter
  • Set up an economizer using appropriate mixed air
    formulas.                                                          • Electronic Temperature Meter

  • Describe building systems used in commercial                       • Clamp-on ammeter
    HVAC applications.
                                                                       • Temperature/Pressure Relationships
  Lab Safety
                                                                       • Metering Devices
  Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-
  on live circuit portion of this course. The proper                   • Basic trade math

                                                                                               Trane University Course Catalog   31
CVHS/M Chiller Operation
     Length:                  Day and time:                Course Cost:            Continuing Education       Recommended search:
     3.5 days            Tues–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm               $2500                       Units:                    CVHS
                               Fri: 8–11 am                                                 2.5

                                                 Register Now! Trane Education Center

     Course Description                                                   should be worn to disassemble a chiller.
     This course is for the experienced centrifugal
     service technician or facility personnel who want to                 Who Should Attend
     familiarize themselves more with Trane's CVHS/M                      This course is designed for technicians and
     Centrifugal Chiller operation and maintenance                        mechanics who have experience with other HVAC
     requirements. The course provides insight into                       chiller products and are experienced in working with
     chiller construction, use of chiller control platform                other Trane centrifugal products.
     and overall sequence of operation. In addition,
     proper unit disassembly and motor replacement will                   Prerequisites
     be performed in a lab environment along with the                     We highly recommend attendees take Trane
     factory mounted adaptive frequency drive.                            University's CenTraVac System Operation and
                                                                          Maintenance course prior to attending or have two
     Specific Course Objectives                                           or more years of service exposure to centrifugal
     Upon completion of this course, participants should                  equipment.
     be able to:
     • Discuss the operating characteristics of the
       CVHS/M Chiller.                                                    In order to attend this course, a student must meet
                                                                          the following qualifiations:
     • Operate the Tracer AdaptiView™/ TU control
       platform applied to this chiller.                                  • Previous heavy refrigeration service experience

     • Identify CVHS/M chiller components and discuss                     • Skills with close tolerance measuring instruments
       their role in the system.
                                                                          • Experience with shop rigging of components
     • Perform proper disassembly of the unit and motor                     heavier than 150 lbs
                                                                          Plant Tour Requirement
     • Demonstrate an understanding of the AFDN/AFD3
       operation and maintenance guidelines.                              Leather shoes which give good protection and long
                                                                          trousers are required for plant tours. Neither sandals
     • Discuss the operational characteristics of the                     nor cloth-top shoes are permitted in manufacturing
       Earthwise™ purge as it applies to the CVHS/M                       areas.

     Lab Safety
     Students are required to wear steel-tipped footwear,
     safety glasses and gloves to participate in mechanical
     lab service procedures. Appropriate work clothes

32    855-803-3563 |
HVAC Electrical Troubleshooting
   Length:                 Day and time:                  Course Cost:          Continuing Education        Recommended search:
   4.5 days            Mon–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                 $1800                     Units:                    Electrical
                            Fri: 8–11 am                                                  3.2

                                             Register Now! Trane Education Center

   Course Description
                                                                         • Recognize characteristics of single- and three-
   This course is intended to improve a technician’s                       phase motors and their associated control
   ability and confidence when troubleshooting                             components.
   electrical problems on commercial HVAC
   equipment. The course will broaden the technician’s                   • Discuss the principal maintenance requirements
   capabilities to troubleshoot controls and other                         for longer operating life of electrical components.
   electrical circuits by teaching an understanding of
                                                                         • Practice systematic methods of electrical
   practical electrical theory as applied to the products                  troubleshooting for all major HVAC products.
   and components found in HVAC. The information
   and skills learned should greatly decrease service                    Lab Safety
   diagnosis time and take the guesswork out of
                                                                         Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-
   isolating problems found in single and three-phase
                                                                         on live circuit portion of this course. The proper
   air conditioning and heating products. This course
                                                                         clothing should also be worn: long pants and long
   makes extensive use of lab hands-on methods.
                                                                         sleeves of 100% cotton.

   Specific Course Objectives
                                                                         Who Should Attend
   Upon completion of this course, participants should
                                                                         This course is ideal for HVAC installers, maintenance
   be able to:
                                                                         mechanics, industrial electrical technicians and
   • Define and use fundamental electrical terms, laws
                                                                         apprentice level service technicians who have
     and formulas for understanding what electricity is
     and what it does.                                                   HVAC servicing responsibility and need a thorough
                                                                         understanding of electrical troubleshooting skills.
   • Discuss the basics of series, parallel and series-

                                                                                                                                       TECHNICAL SERVICE TRAINING
     parallel circuits.                                                  Qualifications

   • Identify the proper usage of meters required to                     Students should have some basic mechanical and
     troubleshoot electricity.                                           electrical background in addition to an aptitude and
                                                                         interest for work with HVAC equipment.
   • Increase confidence and ability in reading
     complex wiring diagrams.

   • Discuss the control logic and sequence of unit

   • Discuss safeties and component operation in
     Trane equipment.

                                                                                                Trane University Course Catalog   33
IntelliPak® I & II Rooftop Units
      Length:                Day and time:                  Course Cost:           Continuing Education       Recommended search:
      4.5 days           Mon–Thu: 8 am–4:30 pm                 $1950                      Units:                   IntelliPak
                              Fri: 8–11 am                                                  3.2

                                                  Register Now! Trane Education Center

     Course Description                                                    Lab Safety
     The course focus's on operation, start-up and                         Instructor provided PPE is required for the hands-on
     maintenance of 20 to 130 ton IntelliPak I and 90 to                   live circuit portion of this course. The proper clothing
     162 ton IntelliPak II rooftop units. Proper service                   should also be worn: long pants and long sleeves of
     techniques will be discussed to include correct                       100% cotton.
     maintenance procedures and intervals. Factory
     recommended installation and start-up procedures                      Who Should Attend
     will also be discussed. Students will also learn the                  This course is intended for rooftop service
     service and checkout procedures for the mechanical                    technicians who have a good understanding of both
     cooling and heating systems related to Intellipak.                    constant volume and variable air volume rooftop
                                                                           units and systems and need additional knowledge
     Specific Course Objectives                                            regarding startup and maintenance procedures of
                                                                           Trane IntelliPak rooftop units.
     Upon completion of this course, participants should
     be able to:                                                           Qualifications
     • Using IntelliPak terminology, discuss rooftop unit
       functions.                                                          Students must have a good understanding of
                                                                           both the refrigeration and combustion cycles and
     • Demonstrate circuit board level troubleshooting by                  understand airflow dynamics. Students should also
       using an Intellipak wiring diagram.                                 be able to follow electrical ladder diagram logic
                                                                           and be familiar with commercial unitary equipment
     • Practice configuration and setup of a unit using an
       Intellipak Human Interface.                                         sequence of operation.

     • Demonstrate the proper setup procedure for                          Plant Tour Requirement
       cooling and heating.
                                                                           Leather shoes which give good protection and long
     • Discuss and demonstrate pressure transducer                         trousers are required for plant tours. Neither sandals
       troubleshooting.                                                    nor cloth-top shoes are permitted in manufacturing
     • Describe the basic IntelliPak sequences of

     • Describe scroll compressor construction and

     • Diagnose and troubleshoot IntelliPak binary and
       analog inputs and outputs.

     • Test and verify modulating dehumidification.

     • Demonstrate an understanding of CV, SZVAV, and
       VAV air flow properties.
34     855-803-3563 |
You can also read