Two Hound Group Shows with Sight & Scent Group Sweepstakes

Page created by Jeffrey Gordon
Two Hound Group Shows with Sight & Scent Group Sweepstakes

 Two Hound Group Shows with
Sight & Scent Group Sweepstakes
           Obedience and Rally Trials
               Open to all Hound breeds
  Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club

            Saturday, April 17, 2021
             Sunday, April 18, 2021

                                      Mail Entries with Fees to Jack Bradshaw
                                      320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503
                                      Make checks payable to Jack Bradshaw
                           FAX: (323) 727-2949 E-MAIL ENTRIES:
                  For entries made online there will be a service fee of $4.00 per dog per show.
            There will be a $4.00 service fee if entries are cancelled for any reason per dog per show.
                                      These service fees are non-refundable.
                     Include MasterCard, Visa or American Express number & expiration date
 There will be a $4.00 convenience fee charged per dog per show when using a credit card for payment of hand
                    delivered or mailed in entries. Fax machines are available 24 hours a day.
                             Hand Deliveries - 320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503
                  All entries with fees must be in the office of the Superintendent not later than
                             NOON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2021 PT
After which time no entries may be accepted, cancelled, changed, substituted, corrected, completed, or signed and no
entry fees refunded. Any change or cancellation must be made in writing and received prior to closing, except as
provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the American Kennel Club Dog Show Rules.
Fax entries that are received incomplete or unable to read will not be accepted. The proof of transmission is not proof
                                                           ENTRY FEES
First entry of a dog at this show .........................................................................................$35.00
Each additional class, same dog ......................................................................................... 24.00
Puppy Class (6-9) & (9-12) ................................................................................................. 18.00
Bred by Exhibitor................................................................................................................. 30.00
Sweepstakes entry fee ........................................................................................................ 18.00
           (Entry fees include $.50 AKC recording fee and $3.00 AKC event services fee)
                      (All rally entries include a $3.50 AKC rally recording fee.)
                                       JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
Age division counted on the day of the event:
Junior 9 and under 12 years; Intermediate 12 and under 15 years; Senior 15 & under 18 years
When filling out entry forms: achievement level and age division
Example: Novice Junior
Novice. This shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show
and who at the time entries close have not won three (3) first place awards, with competition present, in a Novice
Class. A first place in Novice without competition leading to a Best Junior award with competition would count as one
win towards moving to Open at a licensed or member show. Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class with
competition, if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with competition present it will count as one win towards moving
to Open, after the closing of entries for a show are required to transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open
Class by notifying the Superintendent or Show Secretary at least one-half hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior
Showmanship judging at the show.
Open. This class shall be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the
show, and who have won three first place awards in a Novice Class or if a win in Novice leads to a Best Junior with
competition present it will count as one win towards moving to Open in a licensed or member show.
Master Class This class will be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the
show, and who have won 10 Best Junior wins with competition from the Open Class. The calendar for this class will
be consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria for this
class are required to enter the Master Class and may change their entry the day of the show if entries have already
closed. Once the eligibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to compete
for the following year.
Reserve Best Junior Handler An All Breed club offering Junior Showmanship shall offer Reserve Best Junior
Handler, a Group Club or Specialty Club has the option to offer Reserve Best Junior. After the judge has awarded the
Best Junior Handler, the second place winner from the class that the Junior was awarded Best Junior Handler is to
return to the ring to compete for Reserve Best Junior Handler.
Each dog must be owned or co-owned by the Junior Handler or by the Junior Handler's father, mother, brother, sister,
uncle, aunt, grandfather or grandmother, including step and half relations or by a member of the Junior Handler's
household. Every dog entered for Junior Showmanship must be eligible to compete in Dog Shows or in Obedience
Trials. BITCHES IN SEASON ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. A dog that has been excused or disqualified by a Breed Judge
or by a Bench Show Committee may still be handled in Junior Showmanship if eligible to compete in Obedience
Trials. A dog that has been rejected, dismissed, or excused by the Veterinarian for the protection of the other dogs at
the show or for the protection of the dog excused may not be handled in Junior Showmanship.
Junior Handler's must include their AKC Junior Handler identification number on the entry blank. You may obtain your
number by calling the AKC (919) 233-9767.

                                                                      2021197101, 2021197102

                   38th and 39th Hound Group Dog Shows of the
                                      of Southern California, Inc.
                                (Licensed by the American Kennel Club)

                                        Oak Canyon Park
                                  5305 Santiago Canyon Road
                                   Silverado, California 92676

                          SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021
                           SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2021
                       Unbenched - Outdoors - Event Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

       External defibrillator (AED) will be on the grounds at the superintendents’ table

                                     SUPPORTED ENTRIES
                    Afghan Hound Club of California (Saturday and Sunday)
                Basset Hound Club of Southern California (Saturday and Sunday)
                    Southern California Beagle Club (Saturday and Sunday)
                  Southern California Ibizan Hound Club (Saturday and Sunday)
                Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club (Saturday and Sunday)
                        San Angeles Saluki Club (Saturday and Sunday)
                 Southern California Whippet Association (Saturday and Sunday)

Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under
American Kennel Club rules and regulations.                     Gina M. DiNardo, Secretary

RAMP - At the discretion of the judge, the following breeds may be judged on a ramp through all levels of
competition: Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
The following breeds may be judged on the ground, table or ramp: Whippets
The following breeds must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Basset
Hounds, Cirneco dell’Etna
Junior showmanship judges should follow the above.
Ramps may be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. (In all but emergency situations, the
exhibitor has no recourse. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium
list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund.) 1/1/21

                 Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents/Est. 1898
                        320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503
      Telephone: (323) 727-0136; FAX: (323) 727-2949; WEB:
          Marion Bradshaw / Barbara Bradshaw / Susan Bradshaw MacLyman
Julie Bradshaw-Draper/John Bradshaw/Eloise O’Donnell/Cindy Marshall/Keith MacLyman
            One or more of the above superintendents will attend the show
President ........................................................................................................................... Ms. Valerie Stokes
1st Vice-President .............................................................................................................. Mrs. Maria Bivens
2nd Vice-President ........................................................................................................... Ms. Jennifer Gysler
Treasurer ......................................................................................................................... Mrs. Carole Beyerle
Secretary ........................................................................................................................ Mrs. Lynda Hartman
                5306 E. Versaille Ct, Orange, CA 92687, 714-943-0676,
                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                         Nancy Edgington, David Hayek, Mark Stephenson
                                                                SHOW COMMITTEE
Show Chairman ...................................................................................................................... Jennifer Gysler
    P.O. Box 720249, Pinon Hills, CA 92372 phone - 818-400-4812
Assistant Show Chairman .......................................................................................................... Maria Bivens
Catalogs ........................................................................................................................................... Members
Judges’ Accommodations ...................................................................................................... Jennifer Gysler
Judges’ Transportation..................................................................................................................... Members
Trophies ..................................................................................................................................... Helen Hayek
Grounds, Setup and Cleanup .......................................................................................................... Members
Overnight Parking Coordinator ............................................................................................... Shane Hooper
Vendor Chairman ....................................................................................................................................... n/a
Gate Parking (Friday through Sunday) ................................................................. Bradshaw, Carole Beyerle
Public Education .............................................................................................................................. Members
Judges Morning Hospitality ........................................................................................................ Maria Bivens
Judges’ Lunch ..........................................................................Catering by Herach and Ara, Jennifer Gysler
Snack Bar / Concession Stand .......................................................................... Catering by Herach and Ara
Decorations ...................................................................................................................................... Members
Publicity ................................................................................................ Carole Beyerle (Chair), Maria Bivens
Rally / Obedience ........................................................................................... Jennifer Gysler, 818-400-4812
Announcer .................................................................................................................................. David Hayek
Social Media Committee ............................................................................................................ Maria Bivens
Medical On Site ........................................................................... Carole Beyerle, RN, Nancy Edgington, RN
Breed Club Coordinator ............................................................................................................. Maria Bivens
           2467 San Antonio Cres East, Upland, CA 91784, (909) 238-6027,
                                                                EVENT COMMITTEE
               David Hayek (Chairman), Jennifer Gysler (Co-Chair), Maria Bivens, Valerie Stokes
              And all officers and members of Western Hound Association of Southern California

                           Chief Ring Steward - Janet Thomas, Parking – Bradshaw
            OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS (Only these photographers are allowed in the rings)
                           Ken O’Brien (916) 988-5610,
  David Veit, 8674 Somerset Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 847-8880,
YORBA REGIONAL ANIMAL HOSPITAL • 8280 Crystal Drive • Anaheim, CA 92807 714-921-8700
DIRECTIONS: Via the Toll Road: If you don’t have a transponder, you have 5 days
after using the toll road to pay the onetime toll on line at their website, From the
show grounds. TURN right on Santiago Canyon Road. Take the toll road 241 North to the 91 Freeway
West, Take the first exit, Weir Canyon Road, go North (RIGHT TURN). TURN right immediately on Savi
Ranch Parkway, TURN left on Mirage, Left on Crystal.
Alternate Route: From the show grounds. TURN right on Santiago Canyon Road, TURN right on
Jamboree Road, TURN left on East Santiago Canyon Road. TURN right on Cannon Street (turns into
Imperial HWY). Take 91 Freeway East for one exit . Exit Weir Canyon Road go North (TURN left). TURN
right immediately on Savi Ranch Parkway, TURN left on Mirage, Left on Crystal.

Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians’ recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and
external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.
The Show Chairman and official photographers will not exhibit dogs owned or co-owned by them.

The Western Hound Association of Southern California is a nonprofit organization. In past years
                                    we have been able to contribute to the
                         Boy Scouts of America Wiatav Lodge Order of the Arrow.
        Please note that the Boy Scouts of America will not be able to join us this year due to their
              internal restrictions related to the pandemic and accompanying health orders.
                                  We look forward to their return next year.

                                      Health & Safety Guidelines
      Adults entering the show grounds will be required to sign a Covid-19 waiver and obtain
      a wristband from the designated areas. Facial masks covering mouth and nose will be
      required at all times, unless you are at your own set-up or RV/vehicle. Social distancing
      – 6 feet apart – unless you are with your family or personal group, will be mandatory.
      See back page for waiver.

     Mrs. Carole Beyerle*                      6249 Juniper Crest Rd, Aqua Dulce, CA 91390
     Mr. David Cherry                          1832 Cheyenne Way, Modesto, CA 95356
     Ms. Stacey B. Davis                       3913 Road 92N, Pasco, WA 99301
     Mr. Glenn R. Hoffman*                     237 Moorestown Rd, Wind Gap, PA 18091
     Ms. Holly Jorgensen                       PO Box 3126, Evergreen, CO 80437
     Ms. Jennifer Lazowski*                    1619 Difficult Creek Rd, Bedford, VA 24523
     Mr. Greg Myers                            6696 Voyage Dr., Sparks, NV 89436
     Ms. Becky Nelson                          405 Adair Lane, Weatherford, TX 76088
     Ms. Robin K. Riel*                        12075 Mieras Rd., Yakima, WA 98901
     Mr. Johnnie M. Roe                        3970 Hartford St., St Louis, MO 63116
     *Judge was Provisional/Permit status for the assignment on the date the panel was approved by AKC.

                       These shows will be dedicated to the memory of
                               Hank Nave and Robert Lascoe.


Saturday, Hound Classic, April 17, 2021                       Sunday, Hound Classic, April 18, 2021
HOUND GROUP FIRST                                             HOUND GROUP FIRST
Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave                    Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave
Pewter Serving Platter                                        Arthur Court Serving Platter

Sweepstakes SIGHTHOUND Hound Group First                      Sweepstakes SIGHTHOUND Hound Group First
Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave                    Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave
Pewter Bowl                                                   Arthur Court round dish platter

Sweepstakes SCENTHOUND Hound Group First                      Sweepstakes SCENTHOUND Hound Group First
Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave                    Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave
Pewter small Serving Platter                                  Arthur Court hors d’oeuvre tray
SATURDAY                                           Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ........Mrs. Beyerle*
        Group & Group Sweepstakes – Ms. Riel                           Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens Swps ... Mr. Myers
                                                                       Greyhounds ............................................. Ms. Davis
            Scenthound Group – Mr. Myers
                                                                       Greyhounds Swp........................................ Mr. Roe
              Sighthound Group – Mr. Roe                               Harriers  ..............................................Mrs. Beyerle*
                                                                       Harriers Swp ........................................... Mr. Myers
Afghan Hounds ........................................ Ms. Riel        Ibizan Hounds ..................................... Ms. Beyerle*
Afghan Hounds Swp ........................ Ms. Lazowski                Ibizan Hounds Swp .................................... Mr. Roe
American English Coonhounds ................ Ms. Riel                  Irish Wolfhounds ..................................... Ms. Davis
American English Coonhound Swp ...... Mr. Myers                        Irish Wolfhounds Swp ................................ Mr. Roe
American Foxhounds ....................... Mrs. Beyerle*               Norwegian Elkhounds ................................ Ms. Riel
American Foxhounds Swp .................... Mr. Myers                  Norwegian Elkhounds Swp ..................... Mr. Myers
Azawakh ................................................... Ms. Riel   Otterhounds ............................................... Ms. Riel
Azawakh Swp ........................................ Mr. Myers         Otterhounds Swp .................................... Mr. Myers
Basenjis .................................................... Ms. Riel Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens .....Mrs. Beyerle*
Basenjis Swp ......................................... Mr. Myers       Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens Swp .. Mr. Myers
Basset Hounds ....................................... Ms. Davis        Pharaoh Hounds ........................................ Ms. Riel
Basset Hounds Swp ......................... Ms. Lazowski               Pharaoh Hounds Swp ................................ Mr. Roe
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) .......................... Ms. Davis           Plott Hounds ............................................... Ms. Riel
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) Swp ............ Ms. Lazowski                  Plott Hounds Swp.................................... Mr. Myers
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ............................ Ms. Davis          Portuguese Podengo Pequenos ................ Ms. Riel
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) Swp .............. Ms. Lazowski                 Portuguese Podengo Pequenos Swp ..... Mr. Myers
Black and Tan Coonhounds ..................... Ms. Riel                Redbone Coonhound ................................. Ms. Riel
Black and Tan Coonhounds Swp .......... Mr. Myers                      Redbone Coonhound Swp ...................... Mr. Myers
Bloodhounds ............................................ Ms. Riel      Rhodesian Ridgebacks ....................... Mr. Hoffman
Bloodhounds Swp ................................. Mr. Myers            Rhodesian Ridgebacks Swp ................. Ms. Nelson
Bluetick Coonhounds ....................... Mrs. Beyerle*              Salukis ..................................................... Ms. Davis
Bluetick Coonhounds Swp .................... Mr. Myers                 Salukis Swp .................................Ms. Jen Lazowski
Borzois ...................................................... Mr. Roe Scottish Deerhounds ............................... Ms. Davis
Borzois Swp .......................................... Mr. Myers       Scottish Deerhounds Swp .......................... Mr. Roe
Cirnechi dell Etna ..................................... Ms. Riel      Sloughis ..................................................... Ms. Riel
Cirnechi dell Etna Swp .......................... Mr. Myers            Sloughis Sweepstakes ............................... Mr. Roe
Dachshunds (Longhaired) ...................... Ms. Davis               Treeing Walker Coonhounds .............Mrs. Beyerle*
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of Treeing Walker Coonhound Swp ............ Mr. Myers
    age and older; Standard. Same division of                          Whippets .................................................... Mr. Roe
    classes in bitches.                                                Whippets Swp ......................................... Mr. Myers
Dachshunds (Longhaired) Swp ........ Ms. Lazowski
Dachshunds (Smooth) ........................... Ms. Davis                              MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of                                            Ms. Robin K. Riel
    age and older; Standard. Same division of
    classes in bitches.                                                There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
Dachshunds (Smooth) Swp ............. Ms. Lazowski                     and bitches in each breed: Norrbottenspets, Peruvian
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) ...................... Ms. Davis               Inca Orchid, Portuguese Podengo.
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of
                                                                            JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
    age and older; Standard. Same division of
    classes in bitches.                                                                       Ms. Robin K. Riel*
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) Swp ........ Ms. Lazowski
Foxhounds (English) ................................ Ms. Riel
Foxhounds (English) Swp ..................... Mr. Myers

SUNDAY                                       Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens .................. Ms. Riel
       Group & Group Sweepstakes – Ms. Davis                             G Basset Griffon Vendeens Swp .......... Mr. Hoffman
                                                                         Greyhounds .................................................. Ms. Riel
           Scenthound Group – Mr. Cherry                                 Greyhounds Swp………………………..Mr. Hoffman
            Sighthound Group – Mr. Myers                                 Harriers ........................................................ Ms. Riel
                                                                         Harriers Swp ......................................... Mr. Hoffman
Afghan Hounds ....................................... Ms. Davis Ibizan Hounds .............................................. Ms. Riel
Afghan Hounds Swp ....................... Ms. Jorgensen Ibizan Hounds Swp ............................... Mr. Hoffman
American English Coonhounds ............... Ms. Davis Irish Wolfhounds .......................................... Ms. Riel
American English Coonhound Swp Ms. Jorgenson Irish Wolfhounds Swp .............................. Mr. Cherry
American Foxhounds .............................. Ms. Davis Norwegian Elkhounds ............................... Ms. Davis
American Foxhounds Swp .............. Ms. Jorgensen Norwegian Elkhounds Swp ................... Mr. Hoffman
Azawakh .................................................. Ms. Davis Otterhounds .............................................. Ms. Davis
Azawakh Sweepstakes ................... Ms. Jorgensen Otterhounds Swp .................................. Mr. Hoffman
Basenjis ................................................... Ms. Davis Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens ............ Ms. Davis
Basenji Sweepstakes………………..Ms. Jorgensen P Bassets Griffons Vendeens Swp ....... Mr. Hoffman
Basset Hounds ........................................... Ms. Riel Pharaoh Hounds ....................................... Ms. Davis
Basset Hounds Swp ................................ Mr. Myers Pharaoh Hounds Swp ........................... Mr. Hoffman
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) .............................. Ms. Riel Plott Hounds .............................................. Ms. Davis
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) Swp ................... Mr. Myers Plott Hounds Swp..................................... Mr. Cherry
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ................................ Ms. Riel Portuguese Podengo Pequenos ............... Ms. Davis
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) Swp ..................... Mr. Myers P Podengo Pequenos Swp ...................... Mr. Cherry
Black and Tan Coonhounds .................... Ms. Davis Redbone Coonhound ................................ Ms. Davis
Black and Tan Coonhounds Swp .... Ms. Jorgenson Redbone Coonhound Swp ........................ Mr.Cherry
Bloodhounds ........................................... Ms. Davis Rhodesian Ridgebacks ...................... Ms. Lazowski*
Bloodhounds Swp ............................... Mr. Hoffman Rhodesian Ridgebacks Swp .................... Mr. Cherry
Bluetick Coonhounds .............................. Ms. Davis Salukis .......................................................... Ms. Riel
Bluetick Coonhounds Swp .............. Ms. Jorgensen Salukis Swp ....................................... Ms. Jorgensen
Borzois ....................................................... Ms. Riel Scottish Deerhounds .................................... Ms. Riel
Borzois Sweepstakes .......................... Mr. Hoffman Scottish Deerhounds Swp ..................... Mr. Hoffman
Cirnechi dell Etna .................................... Ms. Davis Sloughis .................................................... Ms. Davis
Cirnechi dell Etna Swp .................... Ms. Jorgensen Sloughis Sweepstakes ............................. Mr. Cherry
Dachshunds (Longhaired) .......................... Ms. Riel Treeing Walker Coonhounds .................... Ms. Davis
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of Treeing Walker Coonhound Swp ............. Mr. Cherry
    age and older; Standard. Same division of                            Whippets ................................................... Ms. Davis
    classes in bitches.                                                  Whippets Swp ................................... Ms. Jorgensen
Dachshunds (Longhaired) Swp ............... Mr. Myers
Dachshunds (Smooth) ............................... Ms. Riel                            MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of                                           Ms. Stacey B. Davis
    age and older; Standard. Same division of
    classes in bitches.                                                  There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
Dachshunds (Smooth) Swp .................... Mr. Myers and bitches in each breed: Norrbottenspets, Peruvian
                                                                         Inca Orchid, Portuguese Podengo.
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) .......................... Ms. Riel
    Open, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12 mos. of                           JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
    age and older; Standard. Same division of
    classes in bitches.                                                                    Mr. Glenn R. Hoffman *
Dachshunds (Wirehaired) Swp ............... Mr. Myers
Foxhounds (English) ............................... Ms. Davis
Foxhounds (English) Swp ............... Ms. Jorgensen

This classification applies to each breed, whose name is listed. Any change in regular or non-regular
classes appears under the individual breed heading
                                          REGULAR CLASSES
Puppy Dogs                                            Puppy Bitches
        6 mos. and under 9 mos.                                6 mos. and under 9 mos.
Puppy Dogs                                            Puppy Bitches
        9 mos. and under 12 mos.                               9 mos. and under 12 mos.
12 mos. and under 18 mos. Dogs                        12 mos. and under 18 mos. Bitches
Novice Dogs                                           Novice Bitches
Amateur Owner Handled Dogs                            Amateur Owner Handled Bitches
Bred by Exhibitor Dogs                                Bred by Exhibitor Bitches
American Bred Dogs                                    American Bred Bitches
Open Dogs                                             Open Bitches
Winners Dog                                           Winners Bitch

Veteran Dogs & Bitches - 7 years of age and older

                              BEST OF BREED (VARIETY) COMPETITION
Best of Breed (Variety) Competition - "The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best
of Breed competition. Dogs that are Champions of Record. Dogs which according to their owner's records
have completed the requirements for a championship but whose championships are unconfirmed. The
entry and showing of dogs whose championships are unconfirmed is limited to a period of 90 days from the
date of the show where a dog completed the requirements for a championship according to the owner's
records. If, at the end of the 90-day period, the championship of a dog has not been confirmed by the
American Kennel Club, no further entries of the dog for Best of Breed competition are to be made until its
championship has been confirmed by the AKC."

Stud Dog Class - For dogs that have sired two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The award will be
based on the merits of the get. The owner of the stud dog need not be the owner of the get. As the
judge's decision in this class will be based on the merits of more than one dog or bitch, no one of the dogs
or bitches making up the entry judged first in the class, will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed by
virtue of having won this class. The Stud Dog must appear in the ring with his get and be entered in the
Stud Dog Class.
Brood Bitch Class - For bitches that have whelped two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The award
will be based on the merits of the produce. The owner of the brood bitch need not be the owner of the
produce. As the judge's decision in this class will be based on the merit of more than one dog or bitch, no
one of the dogs or bitches making up the entry judged first in the class will be eligible to compete for Best
of Breed by virtue of having won this class. The Brood Bitch must appear in the ring with her produce and
be entered in the Brood Bitch Class.
Brace Class - For two dogs of the same breed with one common owner.

                               JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP CLASSIFICATION
Novice Junior Class                   Novice Intermediate Class                         Novice Senior Class
Open Junior Class                      Open Intermediate Class                           Open Senior Class
                                                                                              Master Class
                        Junior Handlers are allowed only with AKC Hound breeds.

                                             GROUP TROPHIES

Hound Group One – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave a Pewter Serving Platter
1 through fourth placements in the Hound Group - The Western Hound Association offers sustainable
hand carved Mangowood bowls

Ribbon Prizes
Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offers Rosettes to Group First through Fourth.

ALL CHALLENGE TROPHIES are offered on Saturday only.
ALL CHALLENGE TROPHIES - For permanent possession it must be won three times by the same
owners, not necessarily with the same dog and shall remain in the custody of the club until retired.

Jeffrey Bennett and Nan Eisley-Bennett offer through the Western Hound Association of Southern
California, Inc., a Five Piece Silverplate Coffee and Tea Service, for Group First.
H.G. and Joan Frailey offer an antique Whippet figure on wood base, to the Whippet placing in the Group.
Roy Anderson, Von Arbee Dachshunds, offers the Ch. Von Arbee's Razzle Dazzle Memorial Challenge
Trophy, a Silverplated Tray, to the highest placing Dachshund in the group.
Susan and John Hamil offer a Garry Newton bronze seated hound figure for Group First.
Tom and Lani Powers, through the Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offer a
Silverplated Tray for Group First.
Carol Parker, through Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc., offers a sand casted hand
polished 17” oval bunny/orchid tray for Best of Breed Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen.

                                        FIRST BRACE IN GROUP
Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offers a Gift Card ($20 value)
Trophy pledges: The Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. wishes to thank all
contributors for their generous donation to the trophy fund. All contributors will be listed in the premium list
and or catalog. Robert Newman, ESQ, Susan LaCroix Hamil, David & Helen Hayek, Lou Guerrero &Hank
Nave, Bo Bengtson, Sighthound Review, Allan Reznik, Eric & Crystin Sedman,

                                       BREED TROPHIES
Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offers a “Hound Classic” pin to Best of Breed or
Best of Variety.

                                            Afghan Hounds
Best of Breed – The Afghan Hound Club of America offers a 2” Bronze Medallion depicting the
club emblem, suspended from a red, white and blue ribbon.
The Afghan Hound Club of California supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Winners Dog
and Winners Bitch, Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex.

                                            Basset Hounds
The Basset Hound Club of Southern California supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Best
of Breed, Best of Opposite and Best of Winners.

Southern California Beagle Club is pleased to support the entry at this show and offers handcrafted
colorful crate pads made by Linda Ugenti for Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex and Best of Winners in
both 13” and 15” varieties.

                                            Ibizan Hounds
The Southern California Ibizan Hound Club supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Best of
Breed, Best of Opposite, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks
The Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club will support the entry at this show and offers African Motif
trophies for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. The Orange Coast
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club offers an OCRRC bronze medallion for Best of Breed, provided there is an
entry of at least a three point major in either sex.

The San Angeles Saluki Club, Inc. will support the entry at this show and offers Saluki motif trophies for
Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, and Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog and
Reserve Winners Bitch.
The Southern California Whippet Association supports the entry at this show and offers trophies Best of
Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.

                                        Junior Showmanship
The Western Hound Association offers a Gift Card ($20 value).for Best Junior Handler

                                 SWEEPSTAKES GROUP TROPHIES
Best Hound in Sweepstakes – David & Helen Hayek offer a large Bolstered Dog Bed
First in Sighthound Group – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave a Pewter Bowl
First in Scenthound Group – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave a small Pewter Serving platter
Western Hound Association offers 6’ Transfer Leads for first through fourth placements in Groups
                                    Sweepstakes Breed Trophies
Afghan Hounds – Brigitte Kaiser, Snoods Unlimited, offers a snood for Best in Sweepstakes.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks – The Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club offers African themed trophies
for Best In Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes.
Salukis – The San Angeles Saluki Club offers Saluki motif trophies for Best In Sweepstakes and Best of
Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes.

Please like our page at
for new information, updates, weather conditions, exhibitor
information, etc."
                                        GROUP TROPHIES
Hound Group One – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave an Arthur Court Serving Platter
1 through fourth placements in the Hound Group - The Western Hound Association offers sustainable
hand carved Mangowood bowls

THE YEAR “BUNNY” Wendy Anderson and Linda Mattson offer a crystal bowl through the Western
Hound Association of Southern California for Group One on Sunday.

                                    FIRST BRACE IN GROUP
Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offers a Gift Card ($20 value).

                                    SUNDAY BREED TROPHIES
                                           Afghan Hounds
Best of Breed – The Afghan Hound Club of America offers a 2” Bronze Medallion depicting the
club emblem, suspended from a red, white and blue ribbon.
The Afghan Hound Club of California supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Winners Dog,
Winners Bitch, Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex.

                                             Basset Hounds
The Basset Hound Club of Southern California supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Best
of Breed, Best of Opposite and Best of Winners.
Southern California Beagle Club is pleased to support the entry at this show and offers handcrafted
colorful crate pads made by Linda Ugenti for Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex and Best of Winners in
both 13” and 15” varieties.
                                             Ibizan Hounds
The Southern California Ibizan Hound Club supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Best of
Breed, Best of Opposite, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch

                                            Rhodesian Ridgebacks
The Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club supports the entry at this show and offers hand crafted
coats with African motif fabric as trophies for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog and
Winners Bitch. The Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club offers a OCRRC bronze medallion for Best
of Breed, provided there is an entry of at least a three point major in either sex.

The San Angeles Saluki Club supports the entry at this show and offers Saluki motif trophies for Best of
Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, and Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve
Winners Bitch.
The Southern California Whippet Association supports the entry at this show and offers trophies for Best
of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.

                                          Junior Showmanship
Western Hound Association offers a Gift Card ($20 value) for Best Junior Handler
                                 SWEEPSTAKES GROUP TROPHIES
Best Hound in Sweepstakes – Western Hound Association offers a Matching Set of Wine Glasses
First in Sighthound Group – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave an Arthur Court round dish
First in Scenthound Group – Lou Guerrero offers in memory of Hank Nave an Arthur Court hors d’oeuvre
The Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. offers, Bolster Style Crate Mats for first
through fourth placements in Groups
                                     Sweepstakes Breed Trophies
Afghan – Brigitte Kaiser, Snoods Unlimited, offers a snood for Best of Sweepstakes.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks – The Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club offers an African motif trophy for
Best In Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite sex in Sweepstakes.
Salukis – The San Angeles Saluki Club offers Saluki motif trophies for Best In Sweepstakes and Best of
Opposite sex in Sweepstakes.
                               SIGHT and SCENT SWEEPSTAKES
The Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. Sweepstakes is open to all owners and
breeders of dogs assigned to the Hound Group by the American Kennel Club. All entries in sweepstakes
must also be entered in a regular class and the entry must be made as an additional entry on the same
entry blank with age and/or division specified.

The Sweepstakes classes will be judged prior to the regular breed classes for each eligible Hound Breed.

Published Champions of Record are eligible to enter the Western Hound Association of Southern
California, Inc. Sweepstakes.
Classes are divided by sex and age and are offered for all Hound breeds or varieties between the ages of
six months and under eighteen months.
Each Hound receiving the award of "Best in Sweepstakes" in its respective breed or variety is eligible to
compete in the Sight or Scent Group level. The Hound Group Sight and Scent Sweepstakes is to be
judged before the Hound Group.
Classes (divided by sex): 6 & under 9 months; 9 & under 12 months; 12 & under 18 months
Sighthounds                                              Scenthounds
Afghan                                                   American English Coonhound
Azawakh                                                  American Foxhound
Basenji                                                  Basset Hound
Borzoi                                                   Beagle 13”
Cirneco dell’Etna                                        Beagle 15”
Greyhound                                                Black & Tan Coonhound
Ibizan Hound                                             Bloodhound
Irish Wolfhound                                          Bluetick Coonhound
Norrbottenspets*                                         Dachshund (Longhaired)
Peruvian Inca Orchid*                                    Dachshund (Smooth)
Pharaoh Hound                                            Dachshund (Wirehaired)
Portuguese Podengo*                                      English Foxhound
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno                               Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Rhodesian Ridgeback                                      Harrier
Saluki                                                   Norwegian Elkhound
Scottish Deerhound                                       Otter Hound
Sloughi                                                  Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Whippet                                                  Plott Hound
                                                         Redbone Coonhound
*AKC Miscellaneous                                       Treeing Walker Coonhound
Class Money Awards
35% of entry fees will be retained by Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. for
expenses and group awards. All remaining monies collected plus any added monies will be divided as
follows: 1st Place - 40%, 2nd Place - 30%, 3rd Place - 20%, 4th Place - 10%
                                         RIBBON PRIZES
First Prize - Blue Ribbon                                                        Third Prize - Yellow Ribbon
Second Prize - Red Ribbon                                                       Fourth Prize - White Ribbon
 Winners - Purple Ribbon                                      Reserve Winners - Purple and White Ribbon
  Best of Winners - Blue and White Ribbon                Best of Breed or Variety - Purple and Gold Ribbon
   Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed or Variety - Red and White Ribbon
   Select – Light Blue and White Ribbon
And the following ribbon prizes for all non-regular classes:
First Prize - Rose Ribbon                                                  Third Prize - Light Green Ribbon
Second Prize - Brown Ribbon                                                      Fourth Prize - Gray Ribbon
 Best in Sweepstakes - Pink and Green Ribbon            Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps - Lavender Ribbon
  Best Brace in Group - Dark Green Ribbon                    Best Junior Handler - Rose and Green Rosette
                                                      Reserve Best Junior Handler – Pink and Gray Rosette
All ribbons will be flat with the exception of rosettes for Group Placements, Group Sweepstakes
Placements, and Best Junior Handler.

Specialty Lure Coursing Trials - Premiums will be available on
Judge: Chris Demery
Trial secretary: Jennifer Gysler (

Back to Back Afghan Hound Club of California, Inc. 1ST AND 2ND
Contact: Ms. Nancy Edgington, Show Chair, 909-628-9347,
1st Judge: Dianne Kroll
1st Sweepstakes: Carol Chapek
2nd Judge: Sylvie McGee
Show secretary:

Back to Back Bassett Hound Club of Southern California 1st and 2nd
Contact: Candis Holman (909) 455-6201,
1st Judge: Joani Rush
1st Sweepstakes Judge: TBD
2nd Judge: Carol Makowski
2nd Sweepstakes Judge: Janet Hicks
Show secretary: Eileen Parr

Back to Back Southern California Ibizan Hound Club 1ST and 2ND
Show Chairman: Mr. Justin Dannenbring, (951) 734-2559,
Judges: Stacey Davis and Pam Lambie

34th Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Specialty
Contact: Ms. Jennifer Gysler, President (818) 400-4812
Judge: Mr. Frank DePaulo
Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Liz Demery
Show Secretary:

San Angeles Saluki Club
Contact: Jackie Wassenaar,
Judge: Ms. Wendy Duggan
Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Jennifer Kiever
Show secretary: Kathy Hand

Obedience and Rally Trials
Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club, Open to all Hounds Obedience and Rally Trial
Judge: Mr. Robert Margolis
Contact: Ms. Jennifer Gysler, President (818) 400-4812
Show secretary:

Western Hound Association of So CA, The Hound Classic Group Show #1
Sight & Scent Group Sweepstakes
All Hound Obedience & Rally Trials by Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
Judge: Ms. Gina Grissom

Western Hound Association of So CA, The Hound Classic Group Show #2
Sight & Scent Group Sweepstakes
All Hound Obedience & Rally Trials by Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
Judge: Ms. Gina Grissom

1.Entries must reach the Superintendent, Jack Bradshaw by Noon, Wednesday, March 31, 2021 PT. Fees should
 accompany entries. This club and/or its superintendent assumes no responsibility for wrong or incomplete information
 given on the entry blank by the owner or agent of the owner. This club and its superintendents assume no
 responsibility for the owner or owner's agents entering a dog in a class in which the dog is not eligible to compete, or
 for entering the same dog twice.
2.Returned Checks do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Superintendent will add a collection fee to the amount of
 each returned check and declined credit card. Subsequent returned checks for the same exhibitors may result in their
 being put on a CASH ONLY basis. The returned check or declined credit card MUST BE MADE GOOD by cash or
 money order BEFORE the dog will be allowed in the ring.
3.Exhibitors' Identification tickets and judging programs will be mailed to the address given on the entry blank. If not
 received within a reasonable time prior to the show, notify the superintendent. Tickets returned by the Post Office
 marked 'undeliverable' will be held at the Superintendent's Office. PLEASE BRING YOUR IDENTIFICATION TICKETS
4.During the hours of judging owners are to be on call, and have their dogs ready to bring into the judging ring promptly,
 in order that the judging will not be delayed. Dogs need only be present for their judging. Dogs not needed for further
 judging may be excused. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have his dog ready to be shown and at the entrance
 of the judging ring when the steward calls for the class. Owners of dogs or the handlers of the dogs alone are
 responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging rings. This means it is not the responsibility of the ring
 steward, nor of any agent of the show-giving club to locate any dog, its owner or handler, when the dog's presence is
 needed in a judging ring. It should be understood by every exhibitor and handler that waiting for dogs to be brought
 into the ring is a courtesy extended to the owner or handler of the dog. There is no rule of this club nor of The
 American Kennel Club that requires a judge to wait for an owner or handler to bring his dog into the ring. Show hours 7
 a.m. to 7 p.m.
5.Trophies and prizes will be awarded in the judging ring before the completion of the judging of the breed and the
 superintendent's office advised at once, in the event of any discrepancy. All trophies must be claimed the day of the
 show. None will be mailed.
6.Exhibitors are admonished to make themselves familiar with the agreement of the American Kennel Club, referred to
 on the reverse side of the entry blanks that accompany this premium list. Rule books are available online at
7.The club, its superintendents or their employees will not be responsible for the loss of or damage to any dog exhibited,
 whether the result of accident or other causes and in addition assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury
 sustained by an exhibitor or handler. It is distinctly understood that every dog at this show is in the care and custody
 and control of his owner or handler during the entire time the dog is on the show premises.
8.No grooming tables, pens or exhibitors setups will be allowed in the aisles and all grooming must be done away from
 the judging ring in areas specified by the club.
9.Entry fees shall NOT be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, sick, lame, excused by veterinarian or
 judge, barred from competition by action of the Bench Show Committee, or because the dog is ineligible to compete
 due to being entered incorrectly. There is no refund of entry fee for duplicate entry. There will be a $4.00 fee charged
 for cancellation of entry prior to closing of entries.
10.Only dogs that are eligible to compete to be allowed on the grounds.
11.Declination of Entries. The Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc. may decline any entries for
 cause and may refuse to receive or may remove any dog on account of disease, viciousness or other causes, and no
 one shall have any claim or recourse against the Kennel Club or any official thereof.
12.If, because of riots, civil disturbances or other acts beyond the control of the management, it is impossible to open or
 complete the show, no refund of entry will be made.
13.Do not leave any dogs in closed vehicles.
14.Dogs which according to their owners' records have completed the requirements for a championship after the
 closing of entries for the show but whose championships are unconfirmed, may be transferred from one of the regular
 classes to the Best of Breed or Variety Competition, provided this transfer is made by the Superintendent at least one
 half hour prior to the start of the earliest Conformation judging at the Show.
15.Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class after the Closing of entries for a show may transfer their entry from the
 Novice Class to the Open Class provided that this transfer is made by the Superintendent at least one half-hour prior to
 the scheduled start of the earliest conformation judging or one half-hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior
 Showmanship judging at the Show, whichever is earlier.
16.All persons attending this event hereby waive any claim for damages against the Club, or its members, in the event
 a motor vehicle has to be entered to rescue a dog from overheating or improperly vented conditions.
17.All vehicles parked in VIP Parking Area without VIP Pass will be ticketed and fined.
18.No mats or other devices that cover the grass will be used.
19.Parents and/or Guardians are responsible for the actions of their children.
20.By attending this event, you acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public
 place where people are present and agree not to hold the superintendent liable for any illness or injury.
21.By attending this event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold
 Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, its owners, employees, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

                                 ATTENTION EXHIBITORS
There are plenty of tree shaded areas on the perimeter of the park. We recommend all exhibitors
bring their own personal pop-up tents. There will be designated areas for set-up. Mats will be
allowed on the grass at this park. Pop-up tents must be sufficiently apart to allow for social
distancing unless you are with your family or personal group.

This is a self-cleaning show. All exhibitors will be responsible for the clean-up of their dogs. This
includes aisles, all surrounding areas and parking lots.

We appreciate your cooperation in assisting us in maintaining these outstanding show grounds.
No vehicles permitted on grass near rings.
No alcohol is permitted.
No smoking is allowed under the Hound Classic tents.
No exercise pens, crates allowed under judging tents, aisles, or Pop-Ups at ringside ropes.
No generators are permitted on the grass, or near rings.
No personal golf carts on the show grounds.
No access to the show grounds on Wednesday.
No access to the show grounds before Noon Thursday.
Covid waiver must be signed and turned in upon entering showgrounds
Masks must be worn at all times except at your set-up or RV/vehicle
Social distancing is a must.
No ringside seating – you must be 6 feet away from the rings

                                  GO ON LINE TO VIEW
                          The Hound Classic show grounds video:
                            EXHIBITOR – HOST HOTEL
                                   La Quinta Inn & Santa Ana
                             2721 Hotel Terrace, Santa Ana, CA 92705
                     DO NOT CALL THE HEADQUARTERS 800 NUMBER.
     For reservations, you must call (714) 540-1111, option 1, specify “Western Hound”
  Reservation link:
                       Tour the LaQuinta -Santa Ana Website:
Approximately 20 minutes to the show grounds, depending on traffic. Airport shuttle is
available 5:30 am – 10:45 pm from Orange County John Wayne Airport only.

Make reservations ASAP – rooms will go fast. A block of rooms has been set-aside. When
making reservations, refer to Western Hound (Dog Show) for special rate of $80 per night
(double/suite). No dog deposit. After March 31, 2021, the rates will NOT be guaranteed at the
group rate. Rooms are available on the first floor and offered on a “first arrival, first served”
                                       NO EXCEPTIONS
Please keep dogs crated while in the hotel rooms. Exhibitors are responsible for cleanup around
hotel and surrounding areas. DO NOT exercise your dogs on the Embassy Suites Hotel
property next to the LaQuinta Hotel. We had complaints that exhibitors are NOT picking up after
their dogs.

                                                                                                   2021281112, Rally 2021281108
                                                                                                   2021281113, Rally 2021281107
                             Two days of Obedience and Rally Trials
                                                 Open to all Hound breeds
                      Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club
                                          (Licensed by the American Kennel Club)

                                                   Oak Canyon Park
                                             5305 Santiago Canyon Road
                                              Silverado, California 92676

                                 SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021
                                  SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2021
                                        Outdoors - Show Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

                                 Only Hound Breeds are allowed in this trial
                             Placements will be awarded as an All Hound event.

Jennifer Gysler .............................................................................................................. President
Jenny Cradle ..........................................................................................................Vice President
Alex Gilewski ................................................................................................................ Treasurer
Sherri West ........................................................................................... Corresponding Secretary
                                      PO Box 980007, Temecula, CA 92589

                                 Trial Chair – Jennifer Gysler
     PO Box 720249, Pinon Hills, CA 92372 phone - 818-400-4812

 Veterinarian, photographer, announcer, parking, set-ups and all other host club information is provided by
                           Western Hound Association of Southern California.

Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American
Kennel Club rules and regulations                                         Gina M. DiNardo, Secretary

                          Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents/Est. 1898
                                 320 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503
               Telephone: (323) 727-0136; FAX: (323) 727-2949; WEB:
                   Marion Bradshaw / Barbara Bradshaw / Susan Bradshaw MacLyman
       Julie Bradshaw Draper / John Bradshaw / Eloise O’Donnell / Cindy Marshall / Keith MacLyman
                    One or more of the above superintendents will attend the shows.

Trial Information Continued
Judge: Ms. Gina Grissom, 9209 Priscilla St., Downey, CA 90242

Beginning Novice A & B. Novice A & B, Graduate Novice, Open A & B, Graduate Open,
Utility A & B – Jump Heights Required beyond Novice. Jump Heights order is high to low.
Rally: Novice A & B, Intermediate, Advanced A & B, Excellent A &B, Master
Jump Heights Required for Advanced/Excellent/Master (choose from: 4, 8, 12, 16”)
High In Trial – Valerie Stokes, Valair Kennels offers Arthur Court serveware

One set of ribbons will be awarded for the All Hound trials.
Obedience High In Trial - Blue & Gold Rosette
Obedience Highest Combined Score - Blue & Green Rosette
Rally Highest Combined Score - Blue & Green Rosette
Rally Highest Combined Triple – Blue & Red Rosette

First Prize - Blue Ribbon, Second Prize – Red Ribbon,
Third Prize - Yellow Ribbon, Fourth Prize – White Ribbon
Qualifying score required for all Prizes. All Qualifying Scores will receive a Green Ribbon

                                  Join us in Advertising in the catalog
                                   CATALOG ADVERTISING RATES
Full Page (1 photo)                                                                  $40.00/60.00
Inside Front Cover (1 photo)                                                         $70.00/70.00
                                        Deadline: March 22, 2021
                                           Send original ads to:
                               Julie Bradshaw-Draper

              Checks made payable to WHASC. Send copy of ad with payment to:
                                      Jennifer Gysler
    PO Box 720249, Pinon Hills, CA 92372 phone - 818-400-4812

                 These shows will be dedicated to the memory of
                 Hank Nave and Robert Lascoe

The wildfires in Santiago Canyon were devastating, starting less than a mile from Oak Canyon Park. For
that reason, we ask you to be especially careful with smoking in the park and surrounding areas. No
smoking will be allowed under the Hound Classic tents. We request that you extinguish and dispose of all
cigarettes carefully.
                          PARKING - DAY OF SHOW PARKING
                Day of Show Parking Open at 6 AM daily. No Access Wednesday.
   $10.00 per day. OVERSIZED VEHICLES: $15.00 per day. Set-up allowed after Noon Thursday.
                                    OVERNIGHT PARKING
No access Wednesday. In and out vehicle privileges will be allowed.
There will be an Unloading Zone in the Overnight Parking Area. Must unload and move to parking lot.
Parking is solely at the applicant’s own risk. The applicant by submitting this application waives any and
all claims and causes of action against Western Hound Association of Southern California, Inc., all Hound
specialty clubs, Oak Canyon Park, James Event Productions and its employees, agents, volunteers
related to loss of, or damage to the vehicle, fire, theft or loss of personal property, loss or injury to the
animals in applicant’s charge while on show grounds or parking area.
All outdoor cooking (bbq’s and hibachis) must be setup in cleared areas only. They must be attended at
all times, and completely extinguished following usage.
All overnight parking will be either on grass and/or blacktop.
All overnight parking is by reservation only. Spaces is approximately 40’x25’. Unreserved RV parking
will be assigned space accordantly by the RV Chairman. Payment must be paid in cash. No exceptions.
Reservations, with payment, must be received by March 31, 2021. Spaces assigned in the order
No refunds after close of entries. There will be a $25.00 service charge for returned checks.
All vehicles must be entirely self-contained. No electrical hookups available.
No discharging of gray water.
No generators allowed after 10 pm or before 6 am will be strictly enforced.
No automobiles permitted in reserved overnight RV parking or unloading.
Exhibitors are responsible for clean-up of their parking spaces.

 WHASC reserves the right to withdraw parking privileges from anyone who
 cannot abide by the rules or who resorts to abusive language and/or other
 tactics. Violations of any of the rules could result in Bench Show Committee
There is no handicapped parking available adjacent to the show grounds. However, there is an unloading
area in close proximity to the show grounds.
No vehicles allowed on the show grounds. Unloading will be allowed only in the designated area.
No personal golf carts on the show grounds.
Please mail OVERNIGHT PARKING APPLICATIONS and CHECK TO: Shane Hooper, 23367 Ocotillo Way, Apple
Valley, CA 92337, (909) 268-8745, Email: If you wish to park with others you
MUST send your checks & reservations in the “SAME ENVELOPE, NO EXCEPTIONS.”

NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________________

PHONE _________________________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________
INDICATE WHICH DAYS. $50.00/PER NIGHT: THURS:                     FRI:  SAT: ______SUN: _________
Additional charge for oversize vehicles (45’ plus) of $14.00 per night.
Motorhome:                           Truck & Trailer:____________                  Box:_________
NUMBER OF DOGS                                   MAJOR BREED
LICENSE NUMBER ________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED _________________________________
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