Page created by Patrick Fuller
UAiNSIGHT                                                               JULY | AUGUST 2022

                                                                                                    JULY | AUGUST 2022

Early in the year, the community was         community involved in this process,        6-7 pm, Monday June 27 – In person
invited to review and provide input on       we encourage you to watch the              & Zoom
an initial set of renderings depicting the   presentation and share your thoughts       Location: 3600 Tremont Road
UA Community Center. Since that time,        and questions with us.                     Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.
the design team has been refining and                                         
further developing floor plans. By June,                                                Meeting ID: 897 4151 4699
                                             UACC Parking
they were ready to provide an update                                                    Passcode: 642415
                                             An area that emerged requiring
on their work with City Council and the
                                             additional consideration pertains to
community.                                                                              Noon, Wednesday, June 29 – Zoom
                                             parking. As the design team drilled into
      At the June 13 City Council Meeting,                                              Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.
                                             options for the proposed underground
Staff and the design team shared various                                      
                                             parking spaces, it became clear that
slides depicting how the plans have                                                     Meeting ID: 814 7181 3858
                                             due to the constraints of the site and
evolved, along with two exterior finish                                                 Passcode: 422970
                                             building, the underground parking
options (option 1 is shown above). The
                                             garage would not be as maneuverable        2-3 pm, Wednesday, June 29 – In
presentation included a discussion on
                                             and easy to use as initially intended.     person & Zoom
the financials, and concluded with a
                                             In response, the team has been             Location: 1945 Ridgeview Road
review of the anticipated construction
                                             considering options that could better      Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.
schedule, which remains on track to
                                             accommodate our community members
begin late in 2022, running through the
                                             – with a focus on senior patrons and       Meeting ID: 844 7030 8876
fall of 2024.
                                             those with special needs.                  Passcode: 465815
      The presentation was recorded
                                                  A series of meetings focused on
and is available for viewing on the
                                             parking for the UA Community Center        Full details of the UA Community
UA Community Center website, at
                                             were scheduled for late June, per the      Center project can be found at Continuing
                                             following schedule:              
our commitment to keeping the
UAINSIGHT JULY | AUGUST 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                              JULY | AUGUST 2022                           CityiNSIGHT                        3

UA Community Center Capital Campaign
Announces Matching Grant
The Upper Arlington Community

Foundation has partnered with the City
to help take the UA Community Center
from vision to reality, through its Upper
Arlington Community Center Capital
Campaign. The campaign committee
has set its sights on raising $8 million
in private funds to support this exciting
project and they are well on their way
to achieving their goal, thanks to the             Community Starts Here
generosity and support of numerous
community members.
     This summer, the campaign has
opened to all in the community. To help
                                                                 UPPER ARLINGTON
build some momentum for this phase,
an anonymous donor has generously
                                                                 COMMUNITY CENTER
committed $250,000 in matching funds                             CAPITAL CAMPAIGN
for all donations up to $1,000 in value.         In Partnership With the Upper Arlington Community Foundation
Now through the close of 2022 – or
until the $250,000 target has been                
reached – is an incredible time to show
your support and to become part of
                                                  Watch for UA Community Center                  To learn more about the UA
the community building toward the UA
                                             Capital Campaign updates, with various          Community Center Capital Campaign
Community Center, since your donation
                                             ways to support this effort scheduled to        and how you can become involved, visit
will be doubled.
                                             roll out in the coming weeks.          today!

2022 Community Survey
Every so often, the City surveys residents   responses to proceed with detailed                   Survey consultant, Illuminology,
to gauge how we’re doing in terms of         analysis of the statistically valid findings,   is undertaking the community attitude
the services we provide, and to identify     we will invite the rest of the community        survey on the City’s behalf, so that
where adjustments might be needed            to complete a second online version of          the survey content and resulting data
to stay in tune with the desires of the      the survey that will be open to everyone.       provides an accurate snapshot of
community. We are currently in the           The data obtained from this second              community sentiment on a number of
implementation stages of the 2022            survey tool will provide supplemental           issues.
Community Survey process.                    information but will not be included                 If yours is among the households
     In mid-late-June, 1,500 randomly        within the statistically valid analysis.        selected to participate in the 2022
selected households were scheduled                As the returning data is analyzed,         Community Survey, the City encourages
to receive a letter from the City inviting   the emerging opinions and themes will           you to do your part by responding and
them to participate in the survey. This      be used in a variety of ways – aiding City      making your opinions known. Please
letter will provide a user passcode          Council as it sets direction for the City       allow approximately 12 minutes to
and direct residents to complete the         and as it prioritizes projects for inclusion    complete the survey on behalf of your
survey online. A follow up letter, with a    in the 2023-2024 budget. In addition,           household.
hard copy of the survey included, will       our City departments will use the data               For additional survey details,
be mailed to households that do not          to determine satisfaction with existing         contact Emma Speight, Community
complete the online version.                 programming and services, possibly              Affairs Director, at 614-583-5045 or
     Once our survey consultant              obtaining new ideas or suggestions for
has received a sufficient number of          improvement.
4         CityiNSIGHT                                                   JULY | AUGUST 2022         

Integrated Turf Health Management Program
UA has long enjoyed a vibrant youth                  During the 2018 Parks & Recreation      •   The prioritization of capital
sports program, thanks to the volunteer         Comprehensive Plan process, it was               improvements for athletic fields
efforts of several community members            determined that the conditions of the        •   Enhanced protocols within the
who serve as administrators and                 athletic fields were below acceptable            existing maintenance plan
coaches. Over time, the high use of the         standards, with resident input indicating    •   Creation of a Field Use Policy
City’s athletic fields for sports, general      that improvements should be a priority.          designed to maximize field use in a
park user activities and community                   Since then, the City has taken a            sustainable manner
events has resulted in turf conditions          number of steps to meet that goal,
                                                                                                   While these steps resulted in some
that hinder the safety and playability of       including:
                                                                                             improvements, it was determined that a
playing surfaces.                               •    Creation of a Parks & Forestry (Turf)
                                                                                             more extensive maintenance program
                                                     Specialist position
                                                                                             was needed to make lasting change.
                                                                                             To that end, the Parks & Recreation
    Juneteenth Established As A                                                              Department conducted research on
                                                                                             potential maintenance approaches and
    City Observance                                                                          tools for providing consistent quality
                                                                                             fields. This process included researching
                                                                                             industry and peer-community best
                                                                                             practices, community engagement, and
                                                                                             discussion with the Parks & Recreation
                                                                                             Advisory Board.
                                                                                                   An Integrated Turf Health
                                                                                             Management Program was identified
                                                                                             as the best approach. The program was
                                                                                             approved by City Council, following a
                                                                                             series of hearings in May and June.
                                                                                                   The backbone of the program will
                                                                                             be to take a field-specific approach,
                                                                                             based on frequent assessments, using an
On June 13, members of City Council             discuss their goals for advancing UA as a
                                                                                             objective, comprehensive and systematic
and the Community Relations                     welcoming community for all.
                                                                                             checklist for measurable items that
Committee (CRC) were joined by                       CRC members will be at the
                                                                                             affect a field’s safety and playability.
community members to commemorate                following events this summer, and they
                                                                                             This assessment will generate an overall
UA’s adoption of Juneteenth as a City           invite you to stop and visit with them:
                                                                                             rating score that, in turn, will govern
holiday and to raise the Juneteenth flag        •    July 14 Music in the Parks
                                                                                             which maintenance level is followed
for the remainder of the month at the                Performance by The Mighty
                                                                                             and which of the available tools – some
Municipal Services Center.                           Troubadours - 7 pm, Thompson
                                                                                             combination of cultural practices (such
     Juneteenth is an annual holiday that            Park South
                                                                                             as seeding and aeration), fertilization
marks the emancipation of enslaved              •    July 21 Summer Celebration &
                                                                                             and pest management – should be
African-Americans in the U.S. Juneteenth             Music in the Parks Performance by
                                                                                             prescribed and used for each field.
was first recognized and celebrated on               the NACHO Street Band - 6-9 pm,
                                                                                                   The Integrated Turf Health
June 19, 1865 in Galveston, Texas when               Thompson Park
                                                                                             Management Plan can be found on our
African-Americans were informed of              •    July 28 Arts on Arlington event,
                                                                                             website, at - just
their freedom and that the Civil War had             featuring performances by Red
                                                                                             look for the Parks Projects section of
ended. The holiday has since received                Healer & the Urban Jazz Coalition
                                                                                             the Parks & Recreation Department
its name by combining June and 19, it is             - 6-9 pm, The Mallway
                                                                                             webpage. Moving forward, this page
also referred to as Liberation Day, Black       •    September 5 Labor Day Arts
                                                                                             will serve as the repository for providing
Independence Day, and Freedom Day.                   Festival - 10 am-4 pm, Northam
                                                                                             implementation updates to the
     The ceremony also marked one                    Park
of the first community activities to be
                                                    To learn more about the CRC, visit             If you have questions, please contact
organized by members of the CRC, as
                                                          the Parks & Recreation Department, at
part of efforts to raise their profile in the
                                                                                             614-583-5300 or
community and to meet with residents to
UAINSIGHT JULY | AUGUST 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                               JULY | AUGUST 2022                           CityiNSIGHT                                        5

  FROM CHAMBERS |                                       Highlights of City Council & Its Policy Decisions

Proposed City Manager
Policy on Neighborhood
The beauty and quality of UA’s homes
and neighborhoods are a source of
pride for residents. As the homes have
aged and UA’s desirability as a premier
residential community remains strong,
some property owners choose to invest
in major home additions or to raze the
old and invest in a new-build home that
better meets their needs.
      In recent years, the Community                 FROM LEFT: Michaela Burriss, Jim Lynch, Brendan King (President), Kathy Adams,
Development Department has experi-                       Brian Close (Vice President), John Kulewicz, Ukeme Awakessien Jeter
enced an uptick in permit submittals for
substantial additions and replacement
                                              sions were scheduled enabling residents        allowing for the continuation of stag-
homes. In response, the City has taken
                                              to learn more, ask questions and provide       gered terms. The benefits that will be
steps to strengthen its regulations so
                                              feedback.                                      realized from this transition include:
that these projects better fit the charac-
                                                   The draft policy was scheduled to         •    A streamlined onboarding and off-
ter of existing neighborhoods. However,
                                              be shared with City Council at its June             boarding process for members.
some residents feeling the impacts of
                                              27 City Council Meeting, prior to the          •    A simplified process for promoting
the changes taking place around them
                                              start of summer recess. Council will revis-         the call for appointments as terms
believed that more could be done and
                                              it the issue this fall to determine the next        expire.
asked the City to revisit the issue as part
                                              steps relative to implementation.              •    Applicants may express interest in
of a broader community discussion.
                                                   Full details can be found on the               more than one Board or Commis-
      In the Spring of 2021, the City
                                              City’s website, at            sion.
facilitated a series of discussion group
                                              Just look for the Community Projects           •    A simplified process for tracking
meetings with community members to
                                              icon on the homepage.                               member terms.
better understand what issues and ques-
                                                                                             •    A streamlined application, interview
tions exist and the level of intensity sur-
rounding these concerns. A series of key      Boards and Commissions                              and selection process for Staff and
                                                                                                  Council Leadership.
findings emerged – with both positive         Update
and negative perceptions of the City’s        UA is fortunate to be called home by

neighborhood compatibility ordinance          many engaged, residents who embrace
and how it is applied emerging.               the opportunity to volunteer on behalf
      From this feedback, Staff has           of their community. This includes serving         BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON
developed a proposed City Manager             on the various Boards and Commissions
Policy on Neighborhood Compatibility.         formed by City Council.                                          Production:
                                                   Council recently enacted legislation           Emma Speight, Community Affairs Director
The policy aims to provide a clearer
                                                                                                 Phone: 614-583-5045 |
understanding of the standards and            designed to simplify the oversight of
regulations already in the City’s zoning      these entities. Historically, terms were
code and provides additional clarity on       established as each Board or Commis-
how neighborhood compatibility will be        sion was formed. As a result, the start
                                              and end dates for members’ terms were
                                                                                                       City of Upper Arlington
assessed when substantial additions or                                                                    3600 Tremont Road
replacement homes are proposed.               spread out throughout the year, making                   Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
The proposed policy was shared with           it challenging to track.                                   Phone: 614-583-5000
the Board of Zoning and Planning at the            This housekeeping step will tran-           
end of April, made available on the City’s    sition the expiration dates for all Board       
website, and a series of open house ses-      and Commission seats to June 30, while          
6         CityiNSIGHT                                               JULY | AUGUST 2022         

Celebrating Independence Day – UA Style!
It’s no secret that UA knows how to put
on an incredible Independence Day
celebration, thanks to the hard work of
the all-volunteer UA Civic Association
(UACA). With this year’s theme – Stars
Stripes and Trailblazers, featuring U.S.
Army Veteran Mr. John Bergmann as
the 2022 Parade Grand Marshal – the
community’s Fourth of July traditions
are not to be missed. Read on for an
overview of the day’s activities, and some
logistics and programming updates.

The parade begins at 9 am, heading
south on Northwest Boulevard from
Kingsdale down to North Star Road.

Inclusive Zone                                                                           usage with one caveat: party poppers,
UACA has added an area in front of           Party in the Park                           smoke devices, snappers and sparklers
Holy Trinity Church toward the end of        Doors open at 5 pm at Northam Park,         may now be used, but on private
the parade route that is available for       featuring The Conspiracy Band and           property only. Therefore, no consumer-
community members with mobility and          culminating in an exciting display of       grade fireworks, not even sparklers, are
sensory issues. The space will include       fireworks at 10 pm.                         permitted in the parks.
a covered tent and access to parking                                                         A word of caution: sparklers burn at
                                             Northam Park Layout Changes                 upwards of 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit.
for individuals with mobility issues. This
                                             Following recent stormwater                 That is hot enough to burn skin or set
space will also provide a quieter version
                                             improvements, a portion of the turf has     grass or leaves or houses on fire. Please
of the parade, with participants asked
                                             been reseeded and is fenced off while       be careful. If you choose to use them,
to reduce the volume of their music
                                             the new grass can become established.       keep your distance from anything, or
and other noises by at least 50 percent
                                             As a result, the Party in the Park layout   anyone, that could catch fire and have a
as they pass by. This Inclusive Zone is
                                             has been adjusted, shifting the reserved    hose handy to immediately extinguish
spearheaded by the Red Oak Family
                                             table area closer to the Tremont Library.   anything that ignites.
                                             A portion of the Tremont Road Parking           We encourage you to enjoy all that
Parade Traffic & Safety Restrictions         Lot will be reserved for the general        Upper Arlington has to offer over the
The Police Division is implementing          public, in addition to the southeast        Fourth of July holiday, but be wise, and
some parade route traffic and safety         corner of the park (next to St Agatha).     above all, be safe. Leave the fireworks to
adjustments, placing non-movable                  Additionally, another portion of       the professionals.
barricades or City vehicles at the streets   the park is fenced off for a gas line
intersecting Northwest Boulevard. Local      replacement project by Columbia Gas.
                                             This area is on the south end of the
                                                                                         Pools & Northam Tennis
traffic will not be able to cross or use
                                             park adjacent to Northam Road and the
                                                                                         Holiday Hours
Northwest per the following schedule:
•     6:30-7 am – all streets between        Wexford Road intersection.                  Sunday, July 3
      Zollinger Road and Lane Avenue will                                                •  Northam Tennis – Closes at 3 pm
      be closed at Northwest Boulevard.      Fireworks Safety                            •  All 3 pools - open Noon-9 pm
•     7-7:30 am – all streets between Lane   This year, the State of Ohio has allowed    Monday, July 4
      Avenue and North Star Road will be     the sale and use of some consumer-          •  Northam Tennis – closed
      closed at Northwest Boulevard.         grade fireworks around certain holidays,    •  Tremont Pool - closed
•     Lane Avenue will remain open to        while giving local governments the          •  Devon Pool & Reed Road Water Park
      traffic until 8:30 am.                 option to ban the discharge of and/or          – open Noon-5 pm
•     All streets are expected to be         sale of fireworks. UA City Council opted
      reopened by approximately 1 pm.        to reaffirm its existing ban on sales and
UAINSIGHT JULY | AUGUST 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                                JULY | AUGUST 2022                            CityiNSIGHT                          7
Tuesday, July 5
•   Northam Tennis – Regular 7 am
    opening will be delayed by firework          CITY MANAGER UPDATE
    cleanup                                                                                                    Steve Schoeny
•   Tremont Pool – Opens at 1 pm (as
    long as fireworks/park cleanup is

Gratitude                                                                                      much longer we will be experiencing
Planning and staging events like these is                                                      these intermittent outages, I am hopeful
no small feat and it all happens thanks to                                                     we are nearing the end as temperatures
the volunteer efforts of the UACA. This                                                        start to cool back down and AEP’s crews
year’s coordinators are:                                                                       work to catch up on the damage caused
•    Event Chairs Sam and Sandi Porter                                                         by the storms. Either way, I am confident
•    Parade Chairs Michelle and Steve          June Power Outages                              that the team at the City will continue to
     Gdovin                                    It’s no secret that I love my job and
                                                                                               monitor and adapt to the situation as it
•    Float Chairs Susie and George             appreciate the exceptional team that
                                                                                               evolves, and I wish to thank everyone
     Pattison                                  has been built here over the years. That
                                                                                               who has played a role in this effort.
•    Judging Chairs Katie and Andrew           appreciation grows tenfold during times
     Widing                                    of challenge, as was recently the case
•    Fireworks coordinator Bill Hall           during the series of power outages that         Won’t You Be Our Neighbor?
•    UACA President Nichole                    rolled across the region in mid-June,           Podcast
     Montgomery                                following severe storms that occurred           In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new
                                               during the overnight hours of June 13.          way to learn about City happenings
      When these “Fourth of July” teams              The team immediately began to             in town that’s perfect for anyone who
first take on the role of Judging Chairs,      assess conditions in the community, to          doesn’t like to read or who only has time
they are committing to a four-year cycle       set up generators and temporary stop            to tune in to what’s going on in the world
of increasing responsibilities, ending as      signs at signalized intersections that had      and their community when driving in
Chairs for the entire day. UA is fortunate     lost power, and to map out a plan of            their car. Yes, this is another shameless
to have residents willing to undertake         action should the situation worsen, while       plug for the podcast that I recently co-
the planning and logistics involved in         also taking steps to help keep residents        founded with my partner in crime, City
enriching our community in this way.           informed.                                       Attorney Darren Shulman – Won’t You Be
      We also have City employees who                Our buildings were also affected          Our Neighbor?
are indispensable in the day’s events:         by the outages but we were able to set               We’re not only having fun, we’re
•     Police Division—security, traffic        up a cooling and recharging station             meeting with some fascinating members
•     Fire Division—safety, fireworks, first   for residents. Our CARES team began             of our community – such Jeni’s Splendid
      aid                                      reaching out to older adults in the             Ice Cream founder, Jeni Britton Bauer,
•     Parks & Forestry—assistance with         community who might be in need of               and UA Schools Superintendent, Paul
      event setup and breakdown                assistance, and our Fire Division put an        Imhoff – and we’re learning new things
•     Public Works—placement of                extra EMS vehicle in service to meet any        about City programs directly from the
      barricades, banners and signage          increase in medical runs resulting from         professionals on staff who make it all
•     Electrical—power and lighting            the heat. Throughout this challenging           happen.
      assistance                               time, our Parks & Recreation team kept               The podcasts typically run two times
•     Community Affairs—event liaison          pivoting to adjust programming as the           a month and the entire library of shows
                                               outages came and went, managing to              can be found at
As you enjoy what will certainly be a          keep at least two of our pools open at          – just look for the link on the Trending
fantastic celebration, please give our City    all times so that the community could           section of the homepage.
workers and UACA volunteers a word of          cool off. And we made sure we had extra              We’re on the hunt for topic and
thanks.                                        food waste containers at our three drop-        guest suggestions from the community.
                                               off locations, and supplied dumpsters at        Shoot us an email at
                                               two of our parks so that residents could        or (your choice) and
                                               dispose of any spoiled food items.              then tune in to hear what’s going on in
                                                     As I write this, we are in day three of   UA from two kooks who think they’re
                                               the outages, so while it’s not clear how        cool.
8        CityiNSIGHT                                                  JULY | AUGUST 2022         

                                                                                                popular reports. This marks the 16th
                                                                                                consecutive year that the City has
                                                                                                received this award.
                                                                                            •   Distinguished Budget Presentation
CITY NEWS AND USEFUL INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS                                                  Award for the 2021-2022 budget.

Public Holidays                               is no longer accepting old or unused          Calling all Upper Arlington
City offices are closed in observance of      prescription drugs. The closest alterna-      Businesses! Join the Water
the following holidays:                       tive is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.     Quality Partnership
•    Independence Day – Monday, July          The division will still be participating in
     4. Solid Waste collection is delayed     the Fall and Spring DEA Drug Take Back        partner-program
     by one day for all zones.                drop-off events.                              Join the Water Quality
•    Labor Day – Monday, September 5.                                                       Partnership to learn how
     Solid Waste collection is delayed by     Finance Awards                                your business can help
     one day for all zones.                   FINANCE                     614-583-5291      prevent stormwater
                                              The Finance Department has been               pollution and improve
Public Meetings                               notified that the City is the recipient of    water quality in local
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE         614-583-5030      the following financial awards from the       streams and rivers.
A full list of public meetings can be         Government Financial Officers Associa-        Pledge by August 31 to join the 2022
found on our Events calendar, at              tion (GFOA):                                  partnership! If you are              •    Certificate of Achievement of Ex-
interested in receiving City Council               cellence in Financial Reporting for      Leadership UA
meeting agenda updates, send us an                 the 2020 Annual Comprehensive            Class of 2022-23
email, at                   Financial Report. The Certificate of                   
                                                   Achievement is the highest form          For three decades, Leadership UA has
City e-News                                        of recognition for excellence in         been guiding its adult students through
Get timely service news and special                state and local government finan-        the ins and outs of UA’s history, govern-
project updates from the City by e-mail:           cial reporting. This marks the 34th      ment, education and community ser-
•   City Insight - weekly e-news on City           consecutive year that the City has       vices. Throughout the course—which runs
    services, special projects & events            received this award.                     from September through April—partici-
•   Activity Link - monthly updates from      •    Award for Outstanding Achieve-           pants are afforded incredible networking
    Parks & Recreation                             ment in Popular Annual Financial         opportunities while engaging in hands-
•   Sentinel - monthly program updates             Reporting for the 2020 Popular           on leadership development exercises
    from the Senior Center                         Annual Financial Report (PAFR).          and practices that prove invaluable both
                                                   This is a prestigious national award     professionally and personally once they
Visit the Connect section of our website,
                                                   recognizing conformance with the         emerge as Leadership UA graduates.
at to register.
                                                   highest standards for the prepara-       The program is currently accepting ap-
                                                   tion of state and local government       plications for the 2022-23 program.
Summer Utility Invoice
Payment Deadline: Friday, July 22
FINANCE                   614-583-5291
The second semi-annual utility invoice           UA Click2Fix
from the City was sent to UA households
                                               Visit the AppleApp or GooglePlay
in late June. This includes fees for Solid     store and search UA Click2Fix to
Waste, the Stormwater Utility and, in          download our new smartphone
some cases, a Neighborhood Lighting            reporting app. Residents can use the
Utility fee.                                   app to submit requests or notify the
                                               City of issues such as potholes, street-
Prescription Drug Disposal                     light outages, damaged street trees,
POLICE                      614-583-5150       etc. You can also view the construction
With the start of renovations to the Police    update map and contact staff using
Division offices at the Municipal Services     the app’s Directory. Call Public
Center, the Drug Collection Unit has           Service at 614-583-5350 if you have
been decommissioned and the division           any questions.
UAINSIGHT JULY | AUGUST 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                              JULY | AUGUST 2022                           CityiNSIGHT                              9

                                             UPPER ARLINGTON WALL OF HONOR
                                             In May, the families of cinematographer
                                             and professor, Dr. Robert W. Wagner,
                                             and artist, Donald Lawrence Dodrill,
                                             gathered with community members as
                                             their fathers were inducted onto the Wall
                                             of Honor.

                                             LEFT: Jon and Jennifer Wagner
                                             RIGHT (from left): Dena Giana, Davan
                                             Dodrill, Jon Dodrill

                                             (which must be completed annually),            Sales may be held from 8 am–8 pm, with
Mosquito Prevention                          and registration for beekeepers to help        items placed for display in a garage or
Like clockwork, a rainy spring followed      protect honey bee populations.                 backyard. Any signage should be placed
by warm weather brings mosquitoes out             When FCPH decides to spray, here          on private property only and should not
just in time for summer. Mosquitoes are      are some precautions you can take:             exceed eight square feet.
not only a nuisance, they are a potential    •    Bring pets indoors
health risk as transmitters of diseases      •    Remain indoors with windows               Special Events Applications
such as West Nile, La Crosse Encephalitis         closed for about 30 minutes after         Deadline for October 1-December 31
and St. Louis Encephalitis.                       spraying has occurred                     Events: July 18
      There are several ways to eliminate    •    If you come in contact with any pes-      PARKS & RECREATION         614-583-5300
potential mosquito habitats. Make a               ticides, wash with soap and water         The City has an application and
habit of emptying, removing, covering or     •    Bring laundry inside or rewash items      permitting process in place for special
up-ending receptacles with the potential          if you were unable to bring them in       events that require the use of City
to hold water. Clean out gutters, bird-           before spraying occurred                  property and/or City logistical and
baths, pets’ water dishes and toddler        •    Wash any exposed fruits or vegeta-        planning support. This includes quarterly
pools, and take measures to treat and             bles from your garden before using        submission deadlines in advance of a
seal any rainwater barrels. You can treat         them                                      planned event so that Staff have ample
these areas with Mosquito Dunks® – a         •    Allow about one hour to pass              time to review all requests and manage
natural bacteria toxic only to mosquito           before allowing children to play in       its finite supply of equipment and
larvae.                                           areas that have been treated              staffing while balancing its support of
      From mid-May through September,                                                       longstanding community events with
                                                   If adulticiding is necessary, the City   new and unique event proposals.
Franklin County Public Health (FCPH)
                                             typically receives at least 24 hour notice
sets traps to identify areas where there
                                             of areas to be treated, and in turn, we        Grass/Weed Control
are high numbers of mosquitoes or ar-
                                             use our website, email database and so-        Guidelines
eas where mosquitoes are carrying West
                                             cial media to inform affected residents.       CODE COMPLIANCE             614-583-5070
Nile Virus. If necessary, FCPH uses adul-
                                             It’s also possible for residents to register   The care and maintenance of property
ticiding (spraying) to reduce mosquito
                                             for Mosquito Spraying Updates directly         and landscaping benefits the entire
                                             from FCPH. Check out our Mosquito              community. City code specifies that
      FCPH uses Merus 3.0–a natural bo-
                                             Control page at           grass must not exceed 10 inches in
tanical pyrethrin listed with the Organic
                                             for full program details.                      height and should be kept free of
Materials Review Institute. Pyrethrins are
botanical insecticides derived from chry-                                                   noxious weeds. Failure to comply will
                                             Garage/Yard Sales                              result in notice from the City to rectify
santhemum flowers that can be applied
                                             CODE COMPLIANCE               614-583-5070     the situation within five days, at which
in and around organic gardens. FCPH
                                             Residents may conduct one garage/              time the City will make arrangements
has also improved its website, making
                                             yard sale during any six-month period,         to cut the grass/weeds at the owner’s
it easier for residents to make online
                                             not to exceed three consecutive days or        expense.
requests, complete a Do Not Spray form
                                             two days on two consecutive weekends.
SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                                                                                   LI
                                                                                                                                      N G TO N

                                                                                                                      P E R AR

                                                                                                                                                 HOOL S
  B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M U P P E R A R L I N GTO N S C H O O L S
                                                                                                 JULY | AUGUST 2022

                                                                                                                                     .   1918

  Financial Update
After delaying an operating levy request    levy request due to the pandemic and            our revenue — which reflects a typical
for the past two years, the Board of        the economic situation.                         levy cycle for a suburban school district,”
Education has signaled its intention to          “Amid the difficulties that families       Treasurer / CFO Andrew Geistfeld said.
place a 6.9-mill operating levy on the      and residents have faced over the               “It’s why suburban school districts like
November 8, 2022, ballot to provide         past two years, our school district has         Upper Arlington usually go back to
needed funding to maintain the district’s   been good stewards to our community             voters every three years to request new
high-quality educational program.           by creatively stretching our financial          operating funding.”
      The Board voted unanimously           resources so that we did not have to                  The 6.9-mill request would provide
on the evening of May 24 to approve         return to voters until this fall,” said Board   needed operating funding for the
the first of two resolutions required       of Education President Lori Trent. “It has      district to continue offering high-quality
to place an issue on the ballot. The        been five years since our last operating        academic programs for students while
Board anticipated voting on the second      request — which is two years beyond the         also taking steps to rebuild the budget
resolution on June 21, which had not        typical levy cycle for a suburban school        reserve that had been reduced amid the
been held as of publication. As part of     district like ours.”                            financial constraints of the pandemic.
the Board of Education’s commitment              In the absence of new operating            The budget reserve, currently at 13% of
to transparency, any decision to move       funding, the district has taken proactive       annual expenditures, would gradually
forward with the request will be followed   steps to stretch resources, such as             increase to 17%, or two months’ worth of
by a letter mailed to all Upper Arlington   reducing the budget reserve; seeking            annual expenditures, by fiscal year 2026.
households, and updates will be             out approximately $4.6 million in cost          Prior to the pandemic, the Board of
available at             reductions, primarily through a three-          Education maintained a budget reserve
      Over the past few months, the         year hiring freeze on new positions;            of 25%, or three months’ worth of annual
Board of Education has been reviewing       and utilizing additional COVID-related          expenditures.
the district’s future financial needs and   funding made available to school                      “As a business owner and a member
the anticipated impacts on our finances     districts.                                      of this community, I strongly believe in
— historic inflation, enrollment growth,         “Even with these proactive steps,
and the two-year delay of the operating     our expenditures are already outpacing                      Continues on page 11                     JULY | AUGUST 2022                               SchoolsiNSIGHT                  11

Parent-Teacher Organizations Enhance Experiences for Students
At the heart of each school community in the Upper Arlington
Schools is a parent-teacher organization that provides volunteers,
educational opportunities and resources, and a sense of connection
for students, staff and families.
     Families have many opportunities to participate in their
school’s parent-teacher organization, or school association —
starting with signing up to be a member of the PTO in the fall.
The money raised through annual membership dues, as well as
fundraisers throughout the school year, goes directly to support
and enhance the day-to-day experience for students and staff.
     By joining their school PTO, families will also be able to access
their online school directory.
     Joining the PTO is “a great way to get to know other parents
and students at your child’s school,” said Courtney Neckers, the
Barrington Elementary School PTO co-president. “You feel more
connected, and I think that helps the children feel more engaged in
the school community as well.”
     There are additional ways parents/guardians can get involved
through volunteering, attending a social fundraising event, leading
a committee or even joining the executive board.
     The PTOs help to fund scholarships for students; mini-grants
for teachers to support things like service-learning projects and
classroom enhancements; annual events and activities such as
multicultural celebrations, field days or tailgates; and educational
opportunities such as field trips and author visits.
                                                                         2022-23 SCHOOL DATES
                                                                         Staff convocation and meetings
Find your PTO online!
                                                                         Friday, August 12
•   Barrington PTO:
•   Greensview PTO:
                                                                         Staff in-service day
•   Tremont School Association (TSA):
                                                                         Monday, August 15
•   Wickliffe PTO:
•   Windermere PTO:                                  First day for students (grades 1-6 and 9)
•   Hastings PTO:                                        Tuesday, August 16
•   Jones PTO:
•   Upper Arlington High School PTO:                         Kindergarten orientation
                                                                         Tuesday, August 16 and Wednesday, August 17
Continued from page 10
                                                                         Classes in session for grades 1-12
the district’s long-standing practice of having a conservative budget    Wednesday, August 17
reserve fund. It helps protect our schools - and our kids - in case of
financial challenges in the future,” said Board of Education member      All students in session
Lou Sauter. “By taking a gradual approach to rebuilding our budget       Thursday, August 18
reserve, we are honoring our commitment to be fiscally responsible
while also respecting the financial challenges our residents may be      No school for students and staff: Labor Day
facing with rising household costs.”                                     Monday, September 5
     The 6.9-mill operating levy would add approximately $241.50
a year in property taxes per $100,000 of home valuation as
                                                                                  For the full 2022-2023 school
determined by the Franklin County auditor. For an Upper Arlington
                                                                                        year calendar, visit:
home valued around $400,000, that would amount to an additional
$966 per year based on calendar year 2022 tax valuations.
12       SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                    JULY | AUGUST 2022    

                           SUPERINTENDENT UPDATES                                                        Paul Imhoff, Ed.D.
                           Summer Filled With Learning, Planning and Next Steps
                           In Listen Learn Lead Process
                                            spring, we hosted seven community                 The next step in the Listen Learn
                                            roundtable discussions and separate         Lead process is a report to the Board
                                            small-group student conversations at        of Education at their June 21 meeting.
                                            the elementary, middle and high school      That meeting hadn’t been held as of
Over the past few weeks, we have
                                            levels.                                     the deadline to submit this column,
said our goodbyes to the remarkable
                                                  In late April, we launched a          but by the time you receive this issue
Upper Arlington High School Class of
                                            community survey, which was designed        of UAiNSIGHT in your mailbox, you
2022 — our 98th graduating class — and
                                            to strengthen our understanding of          will be able to find the report posted
celebrated the accomplishments of all
                                            what was learned from the roundtables,      on our website at
of our students. While the 2021-2022
                                            gain clarity on contradictory themes        ListenLearnLead.aspx. Based on the
school year has ended, there is much
                                            and provide another opportunity for         findings, the Board of Education will
to do in our schools as we work on final
                                            everyone to weigh in and have a voice.      determine any action steps to take.
preparations for the upcoming school
                                                  I am thrilled to share that we have   We’ll continue to share updates on
year and continue to provide academic
                                            totaled approximately 1,800 touchpoints     our website and in the next issue of
and well-being support for our students
                                            throughout this process — from the          UAiNSIGHT.
through our summer programs.
                                            community roundtables through the
     This summer, we are thrilled to have                                               Paul Imhoff, Ed.D., is superintendent of
                                            community survey. I’d like to thank
more than 1,000 students taking part                                                    Upper Arlington Schools. You can follow
                                            everyone who has taken the time to
in Summer Academy, Summer Reading                                                             him on Twitter @imhoffpaul.
                                            share their thoughts!
for grades 1-3 and our extended
school year program. These are great
opportunities for our students to grow          2022 UPPER ARLINGTON BOARD OF EDUCATION
their academic skills, earn middle
school or high school credit, explore       FROM LEFT: Nancy Drees,
their passions and foster meaningful            President Lori Trent,
relationships.                                 Vice President Jenny
     Our teachers and principals are        McKenna, Lou Sauter and
also busy finalizing student schedules,                Nidhi Satiani
engaging in professional learning,
and wrapping up their plans for the
upcoming school year. We have a truly
exceptional staff — whose commitment
to challenging and supporting students
is second to none.
     This summer, we are also taking a
deeper look at all of the feedback that
has been gathered during the Listen         Thanks to a partnership with the City of Upper Arlington, Board of Education meet-
Learn Lead community engagement             ings take place in the Council Chamber of the City’s Municipal Services Center,
process. You may recall that this process   3600 Tremont Road. In general, the meetings begin at 6 pm on the second Tues-
was launched back in March by the           day of the month. Some exceptions apply, and last-minute scheduling changes are
Board of Education, with the goal of        possible. Please refer to for the most up-to-date information.
helping our schools and our community       Upcoming Board of Education Meetings:
be the best they can be.                    •   Tuesday, August 9, 6 pm — Council Chamber
     This was a thorough process, with      •   Tuesday, September 13, 6 pm — Council Chamber
multiple opportunities for parents,
students, staff members and community       For additional information on the members of the Board of Education and its
members to share their thoughts. This       policies, please visit                                               JULY | AUGUST 2022                              SchoolsiNSIGHT                         13

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
As the 2021-2022 school year came
to an end, Upper Arlington Schools
students, staff and families celebrated
important milestones for those moving
on to their next step — whether it’s
middle school, high school, college,
career or the military.
     “Our students are truly exceptional,
and every year we are so proud to
celebrate the unique accomplishments
of each and every one of them,” said
Superintendent Paul Imhoff, Ed.D. “The
Upper Arlington High School Class of
2022 — our 98th graduating class — truly
stands out, and every member of this
class has so much to be proud of during
their time here.”
     Upper Arlington Schools’ 98th
annual commencement ceremony
capped off the celebrations for the
                                                                       in the military and ROTC programs, and       more hours of service to the community.
approximately 490 members of the Class
                                                                       some students are making other plans,        There are accomplished artists who have
of 2022, as they walked across the stage
                                                                       whether it’s a gap year, career or another   won state and regional awards, athletes
in the Schottenstein Center to accept
                                                                       path.                                        who have competed at the highest level,
their diplomas and officially joined the
                                                                            “This is an exceptional group           and individuals who have explored their
ranks of Golden Bear alumni.
                                                                       of young people who truly reflect            passions through the performing arts
     After graduation, the members of
                                                                       our vision of uniquely accomplished          and extracurricular activities like mock
the Class of 2022 are headed off for
                                                                       students prepared to serve, lead and         and moot trial, Science Olympiad and
college, the military and some other
                                                                       succeed,” said Upper Arlington High          robotics.
destinations, too. They will be attending
                                                                       School Principal Andrew Theado. “It’s            “We wish these students the best
112 colleges and universities across
                                                                       no surprise these graduates have big         and are so excited to continue to watch
the country. Five very special graduates
                                                                       plans for the future. Their long list of     them grow as they go on to their next
have committed to serving our country
                                                                       achievements speaks for itself.”             step in life,” Theado said.
                                                                            Of the Class of
                                                                       2022 graduates, there

                                                                       are nine National
                                                                       Merit Finalists and
                                                                       16 Commended
                                                                       Scholars, and nearly
  Production:                                    N G TO N
                                                                       100 members of the
  Karen Truett                                                         prestigious Cum Laude
                                 P E R AR


  Director of Communications
                                                            HOOL S

                                                                       Society. The class has
  Phone: 614-487-5027

                                                                       16 students who have                             1918

                                                                       shown a remarkable
        Upper Arlington Schools                                        commitment to
                1619 Zollinger Road                                    service, receiving
            Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221                                the President’s
      Phone: 614-487-5000 |
                                                                       Volunteer Service                           Award for individually
                                   contributing 50 or
14       SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                       JULY | AUGUST 2022     

BITES From the Apple

92 UAHS Students Receive                     Eleanor Watson, Julia Wilson and               the way among more than 600 school
Service Awards                               Caroline Wu                                    districts across the state.
With a combined total of more than                                                                Geistfeld is a Golden Bear through
11,000 hours of service, 92 Upper            Teen Awards Gold: 100+ hours — Luke            and through. He graduated from Upper
Arlington High School students were          Ashby, Spencer Ashby, Shervin Bajestani,       Arlington High School in 1990 and
honored this spring as recipients of         Abby Black, Angelo Bowman, Josh                returned to Upper Arlington Schools in
the 2022 President’s Volunteer Service       Brown, Skylar Burkle, Natalia Caruso,          November 2005 as the treasurer / chief
Award. These awards are given in two         Joey Conroy, Ashley He, Hannah Hiller,         financial officer.
categories, Young Adult and Teen, based      Joon Kang, Matthew Lederer, Kathryn                  “This recognition for Andy reflects
on the graduating class of the recipient.    Overmyer, Ben Pettigrew, Alea Ramsey,          what we’ve known for a long time — we
Congratulations to this year’s recipients!   Karoline Sheehan, Fred Zeng and                have the best treasurer in the state
                                             Frederick Zuckerman                            of Ohio,” Upper Arlington Board of
Young Adult Awards Gold: 250+ hours          Teen Awards Silver: 75+ hours — Avah           Education President Lori Trent said.
— Rebecca Chen, Nicholas Eggleton,           Anderson, Kathryn Brooks, Fabi Corso,          “We could not be more proud of Andy
Meredith Hanosek, Nayeon Kang, Tyler         Logan Daubenmier, Claire Geistfeld,            receiving this award — which truly reflects
Reed and Alana Sayat                         Adelaide Petras, Elizabeth Townes,             his commitment to fiscal responsibility
Young Adult Awards Silver: 175+ hours        Corina Vilena-Aldama and Keita Watson          for our community.”
— Nathan Adams, Ryan Baxley, Ellie Ford,     Teen Awards Bronze: 50+ hours —
Avery Golowin, Riddhi Gupta, Kylie           Preston Bernard, Shira Bohrer, Graham
Kissler, Ryan Sivakumar, Zachary Yoakam      Efhird, Olivia Elvers, Isaac Fosler-Lussier,
and Aida Yoder                               Max Golembiewski, Drew Golowin,
Young Adult Awards Bronze: 100+              James Gray, Aaron Hong, Wendy Jiang,
hours — Alana Becker, Kennedy Beebe,         Bella Klisovic, Logan Magliery, Sally
William Campbell, Brayden Daubenmier,        Oh, Jack Peterson, Alexander Skoracki,
Mia Doron, Susan Hodson, Marlee Jupp,        Cynthia Song and Layla Swartz
Catherine Kanel, Hayden Kegg, Maya
Khelashvili, Megan Kiehl, Krish Mawalkar,    Geistfeld Honored as Treasurer
Gracey Miller, Sophie Miller, Caitlyn        of the Year
Moloney, Carter Moore, Katherine             Upper Arlington Schools Treasurer / CFO
Murphy, Nathan Narcelles, Natalie            Andrew L. Geistfeld has been named the
Potts, Lija Reynolds, Shane Roth, Neila      2022 Ohio Outstanding Treasurer of the
Sarkis, Jiwon Son, Tova Stewart, Daley       Year by the Ohio Association of School
Straub, Sebastian Swary, Audrey Szollosi,    Business Officials (OASBO) — leading
Jackson Townes, Emily Vanderhorst,                       JULY | AUGUST 2022                                 SchoolsiNSIGHT                      15

      Under Geistfeld’s leadership,
the treasurer’s office has successfully
managed a $230 million in bond funding
for the first phase of the facilities master
plan — ensuring that the community’s
new high school and five renovated
or rebuilt elementary school projects
remained on budget and on schedule.
In addition, Geistfeld’s office proactively
took on a bond refunding project this
year, which netted a gross savings of
approximately $24 million for Upper
Arlington taxpayers over the life of those
      The district also consistently earns
a clean audit opinion and the Auditor
                                               •   Hastings Middle School: Amanda               a gold medal for a perfect score.
of State Award, most recently in 2022,
                                                   Walton, sixth-grade language arts        •   Four students from Hastings Middle
recognizing its commitment to effective
                                                   teacher                                      school were recognized for winning
and accountable financial practices for
                                               •   Jones Middle School: Chris Lape,             entries in the Max May and Lydia
the community, and continues to be one
                                                   orchestra teacher                            May Memorial Holocaust Art and
of a handful of Ohio school districts to
                                               •   Upper Arlington High School: Dr.             Writing Contest. Congratulations
have the highest bond rating — AAA —
                                                   Leah Miller, language arts teacher           to writing winners Elena Zhu (first
from S&P Global due to strong financial
                                               •   District: Todd Fessler, band director        place), Zoe Kourlas (third place)
planning and community support.
                                                                                                and Marion Robertson (honorable
                                               Uniquely Accomplished                            mention); and art winner Cindy Ju
Golden Apple Awards                            There were so many unique                        (second place)!
Each spring, the Upper Arlington Civic                                                      •   UA for Ukraine — a service-
                                               accomplishments to celebrate as the
Association recognizes outstanding staff                                                        learning project that started with
                                               school year came to an end! Here are
members at Upper Arlington’s public                                                             one teacher and seven students
                                               some highlights.
and private schools with Golden Apple                                                           at Upper Arlington High School
                                               •   The cast and crew of the Upper
Awards. UACA directors solicit and                                                              and ballooned into a multi-school
                                                   Arlington High School production
review public nominations, then select a                                                        partnership — raised nearly $13,500
                                                   of 42nd Street was honored as the
deserving staff member in each school.                                                          for the humanitarian efforts in
                                                   best musical production at the CAPA
Congratulations to the 2022 Golden                                                              Ukraine.
                                                   Marquee Awards, which celebrates
Apple Award winners from Upper
                                                   high school musical theater in
Arlington Schools!
                                                   central Ohio. UAHS rising senior         Golden Bear Bash!
                                                   KK Murphy, who played Maggie             The Upper Arlington Education
•   Burbank Early Childhood School:
                                                   Jones, received best actress in a        Foundation (UA+Ed) invites you to
    Holly Witzel, preschool teacher
                                                   supporting role, and rising senior       celebrate the 16th annual Golden Bear
•   Barrington: Kelli Wilcox,
                                                   Edith LeBlanc, who served as stage       BASH! September 4th, the Sunday
    kindergarten teacher
                                                   manager, received the award for          of Labor Day weekend. This year’s
•   Greensview Elementary School:
                                                   outstanding technical execution.         FUNdraiser will once again be held at
    Mary Rappaport, paraprofessional
                                               •   Upper Arlington High School made         the Amelita Mirolo Barn.
•   Tremont Elementary School: Angela
                                                   moot court history by winning                 Proceeds from the BASH benefit
    Morway, kindergarten teacher
                                                   the state moot appellate court           UA+Ed’s mission to provide meaningful
•   Windermere Elementary School:
                                                   competition for two consecutive          opportunities for each and every
    Jodi Palmer, physical education
                                                   years.                                   student. Learn more about becoming
                                               •   Eleven fifth-grade students              a sponsor and purchasing tickets at
•   Wickliffe Progressive Elementary
                                                   from Greensview Elementary     
    School: Dr. Felice Kassoy, school
                                                   School received medals for their              Be sure to follow UA+Ed on
                                                   performance on the National              Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
                                                   Mythology Exam. Among these
                                                   students, Alina Krishnasetty earned
16   SchoolsiNSIGHT                         JULY | AUGUST 2022     


                            School Year Send-off
                      As the 2021-2022 school year came to a close, our schools hosted some
                      very special celebrations for students in recognition of a successful year
                         and all of their accomplishments. From field days at the elementary
                        schools to outdoor games and team-building activities at the middle
                       schools, students packed a lot of fun into the final days of the year. For
                      the graduating Class of 2022 and fifth and eighth graders moving on to
                      middle school or high school, there were special celebrations including
                       senior receptions at the elementary schools, clap-outs, and promotion
                                         ceremonies celebrating these classes.                         JULY | AUGUST 2022                                SchoolsiNSIGHT                                   17


  Upper Arlington High School junior Ethan Samora              The Upper Arlington High School boys lacrosse team captured their 17th
  qualified for the state tournament in tennis and             state championship with a 12-10 win over Dublin Jerome on June 4. This
  finished in the final eight in the state in boys singles.    was already a historic year for the team as they celebrated their 50th year
                                                               as a program.

The Upper Arlington High School track and field team finished the season        The Upper Arlington High School girls lacrosse team ended
with multiple school records and six student-athletes qualifying for the        their year state runners-up after a 13-12 overtime loss to
state championship meet.                                                        New Albany.

  The Upper Arlington Board of Education honored 23              Hastings and Jones middle school students who had just completed
  retirees for the 2021-2022 school year — including             their seventh and eighth grade years kicked off the summer break
  seven in attendance at the May 24 meeting — for their          with an orchestra trip to Chicago — where they performed at the Field
  decades of service to Upper Arlington Schools.                 Museum and participated in clinics at VanderCook College of Music.
18      SchoolsiNSIGHT                                            JULY | AUGUST 2022

2022 Cum Laude Awards
Membership in the Cum Laude Society is the highest academic recognition
a high school student can achieve on a national level. The society was
established in 1906 to recognize academic excellence, justice and honor. It
was modeled after Phi Beta Kappa. The Upper Arlington chapter of the Cum
Laude Society is supported by the Dr. Charles Wade Moulton Fund of the
Upper Arlington Education Foundation. Congratulations to our 2022 scholars!

Matthew Abel                   Sarah Giammar              Haley Martin                 Arjoo Sitaula
Ameen Abubakr                  Jennifer Green             Brooke Mason                 Ryan Sivakumar
Jahnavi Acharya                Riddhi Gupta               Krish Mawalkar               Alaina Smith
Nathan Adams                   Caroline Hackett           Katherine McKenzie           Elliot Snyder
Kun Bai                        Bhada Han                  Megan McKinney               Benjamin Son
Reva Baste-Bania               Jacob Hanks                Macy Medors                  Kampbell Stone
Kyle Baugh                     Kajal Hari                 Domenic Melaragno            Lawrence Stelzer
Alana Becker                   Connor Harper              David Mockabee               Daley Straub
Luke Bracken                   Susan Hodson               Julia Molnar                 Sebastian Swary
Julia Brill                    Ethan Howe                 Caitlyn Moloney              Samuel Texter
Lydia Britton                  Annie Hu                   Emma Morris                  Lauren Thompson
John Burky                     Evan Huang                 Leela-Blue Mullins           Skylar Trent
David Butz                     Ava Hunt                   Ryan Nichols                 Sanay Tufekci
Caroline Campbell              Eveline Jiang              Lucy O’Brien                 Evangeline Turnbull
Leah Cashin                    Hyunbin Jeoung             Taryn O’Brien                James Underwood
Avery Catalano                 Anneliese Johanni          Jack Olson                   Isabella VanMeter
Rebecca Chen                   Sally Jones                Rhea Pathak                  Nathan Varda
Lucy Cheng                     Nayeon Kang                Amanda Peters                Jennifer Vogt
Sam Cheung                     Anusha Kapoor              Callia Peterson              Steventon Wagner
Hera Chung                     Kiah Kapoor                Stella Petras                Walter Waligura
Natalie Clayton                Nicholas Karavolos         Daniel Petronella            Alexander Wilkins
Jordan Clevenger               Kate Kershner              Gabrielle Phlegar            Caroline Wu
Caden Colombo                  Maya Khelashvili           Caroline Porterfield         Evelyn Wu
Emma Coppola                   Megan Kiehl                Tyler Poth                   Kaiwen Wu
Kea Corso                      Eleni Kourlas              Summer Powell                Maxen Yerington
Elise Crespo                   Jillian Kuehn              Ruchika Raj                  Zachary Yoakam
Mihai Crisan                   Caroline Langmeyer         Rahul Rajaram                Owyn Young
Cecilia Dapino                 Vivian Lawless             Ava Richard
Katia DeJong                   Anna Leach                 Maxwell Robins
Evan DHerete                   Rachel Leach               Nathan Ross
Nora Diday                     Claire Lebron              Ethan Samora
Nora Dimitrov                  Lauren Leff                Neila Sarkis
Ethan Dunlap                   Andrew Lehman              Alana Sayat
Madeline Fine                  Kezia Lietzau              Samantha Schaefer
Ty Fredrick                    Elizabeth Liu              Claire Schettler
Joseph Gardner                 Eric Liu                   Anna Schuler
Owen Gawel                     Isaac Lute                 Madeline Sells
Sarina Ghadiali                Nathan Mark                Miriam Silver
Library iNSIGHT
                                        JULY | AUGUST 2022

 B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M T H E U P P E R A R L I N G T O N P U B L I C L I B R A R Y

Summer Reading Club
Continues Through July 31
Our “Oceans of Possibilities”                                                             the Upper Arlington Public Library, who
Summer Reading Club continues                                                             have sponsored Summer Reading Club
through July 31. Pick up a                                                                for many years. They provide funds for
reading log at any UA Library, or                                                         prizes, performers, printing and more.
download one at read.ualibrary.
org. For each day you read, color                                                         Dive Into These Activities
in a sea creature on your reading                                                         Be sure to visit our libraries for programs
log. After you’ve colored seven                                                           and experiences that will have you
sea creatures, bring it back to any                                                       feeling like a sea explorer. Kids can
UA library for a prize. Your first                                                        make shark crafts at Miller Park Library
completed sheet will earn you a                                                           on Friday, July 1 from 10 am-Noon. Our
coupon packet and an entry in                                                             Lane Road Library has a Sea Creatures
our grand prize drawings. With                                                            Scavenger Hunt from July 1-31. Our
your second sheet, you’ll earn a                                                          Main Library will host Shark Week
book and a drawing entry. With                                                            activities daily at 2 pm from July 25-29.
your third sheet, you’ll get a                                                            While you’re here, check out the ocean
drawing entry and a sticker.                                                              life floor path and sea-themed photo
     Our selection of grand prizes           Food, McDonalds, Star Lanes Polaris, and
                                                                                          booth, then take the quiz in the vestibule
includes something for readers of all        Thurber House.
                                                                                          as you exit to find out what sea creature
ages, including Kings Island tickets,            A huge thank you to the Friends of
                                                                                          you are.
LEGO sets, gift cards to local businesses,
a 2023 Upper Arlington family pool pass,
and many more. Grand prize winners will
be notified on August 1.
     All reading counts! Attending
                                             Visit the playground at Fancyburg Park
storytimes, reading aloud together,
                                             to read this summer’s StoryWalk book,
listening to audiobooks – all types of
                                             Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea
reading count for everyone from babies
                                             by Jan Peck. A child encounters different
to adults.
                                             sea animals while exploring underwater.
     Thank you to our 2022 sponsors,
                                             At the end of the StoryWalk, scan the QR
who donated coupons or prizes to
                                             code of your favorite animal for a special
this year’s program: Arby’s, Brush
Crazy, Buckeye Lady, City of Upper
                                                   The StoryWalk book changes each
Arlington, Clay Café, Cover to Cover
                                             quarter and is made possible through a
Books for Young Readers, Cub Shrub,
                                             partnership of the Library and the City of
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, Kings
                                             Upper Arlington, with funding from the
Island, Original Goodie Shop, Original
                                             Friends of the UA Library, the UA Rotary,
Pancake House, Piada Italian Street
                                             and Northwest Kiwanis.
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