Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP

Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP
Hamba kahle, Cde Kay!

Umsebenzi       Voice of the South African Communist Party / July 2017

       Congress Edition
      to the Front!
    Advance & Defend
        the NDR!
Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP
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Congress to
consider New Front
At its Congress the SACP, grown to nearly double its size
in just five years, will consider updating its
Medium Term Vision and reconfiguring the Alliance

       early 1 900 delegates (1 864), from                                                   the revolution. That’s the main task. But
       about 7 000 branches represent-                                                       we also have to try to defend the ANC,
       ing more than 280 000 members,                                                        and deal decisively with factionalism
       will participate in the SACP 14th                                                     within it.
National Congress in Ekurhuleni from 10                                                          “Also, given the new conditions in the
to 15 July.                                                                                  current phase of the NDR, as the Party
    There will also be 382 non-voting del-                                                   we have to play a far more active role in
egates representing, among others, Alli-                                                     ensuring widespread patriotic mobilisa-
ance partners, veterans, Mass Democratic                                                     tion to defend and advance the NDR.
Movement structures, faith-based organ-                                                          “We need to carefully consider our Or-
isations, international fraternal organisa-                                                  ganisational Renewal and Review Report
tions, SACP-related institutions, and the                                                    and reshape the Party on the basis of our
families of deceased former leaders.                                                         political perspectives and strategy. Given
    The SACP membership at the 13th                                                          the changes in the political terrain, we need
National Congress in 2012 was about           Blade Nzimande: We must restructure the        to look at how to restructure the Party.
150 000 – the SACP has almost doubled         Party                                              “We also need to consider the pros-
its membership in five years.                                                                pects and possibilities of SACP directly
    The Congress is organised on the          the Party as part of a review of its overall   contesting in elections.”
theme Advance, deepen, and defend the         strategy.                                          Cde Solly Mapaila, 2nd Deputy Gen-
National Democratic Revolution, the van-          Cde Blade Nzimande, SACP General           eral Secretary, said “We need at this Con-
guard role of the SACP.                       Secretary, said: “A crucial issue that the     gress to re-position the Party to lead the
    The Congress will review the past five    Congress must focus on is the important        next phase of our struggle, to adapt to
years and plan for the next five years as     role and contribution of the working           a new front approach, to new methods.
part of its overall Medium Term Vision.       class to the NDR. We need to far more          We have to do this to rescue the revolu-
Among the key issues to be considered         effectively mobilise the working class to      tion. The ANC is important, but we can-
at the Congress will be:                      take its rightful role in the struggle.        not rely on it. There are no guarantees it
    l A review of the SACP’s South Afri-          “The Party also has to work closely        will rescue itself. There are no signs at
    can Road to Socialism and the current     with Cosatu and contribute towards             the moment that it is learning any les-
    state of the NDR;                         strengthening it and building broader          sons from our defeats in the 2016 local
    l The SACP and state power, includ-       trade union unity.                             government elections.
    ing possibly participating in the 2019        “Fundamentally, we need to defend              “We are in an alliance with the ANC,
    elections outside the Alliance;                                                          not with an ANC faction. But there is a
    l A reconfiguration of the Alliance;                                                     narrow accumulation faction that domi-
    and                                                                                      nates the ANC. That faction just doesn’t
    l Combatting state capture and cor-

    ruption generally.
                                               Our main task is to defend                    care about the struggle, only about pur-
                                                                                             suing its own material interests. How can
    A major consideration at the Con-           the revolution … we must                     the Party relate to such a faction?”
gress will also be the SACP’s Organisa-
tional Renewal and Review Commission
                                              actively mobilise the working                      The Congress takes place during the
                                                                                             centenary year of the 1917 October Revo-
Report, which is aimed at restructuring         class to advance the NDR                     lution. The Congress will also consider

July 2017
Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP

Cover: Tshepo Lebolo; Above: Tshwane
District Deputy Chairperson Solly Tabatha.
Right: Nomarashiya Caluza (SACP
Provincial Treasurer and Sadtu Provincial
Secretary) with the KZN delegation to the
2013 Special National Congress
All SNC pix: Mpho Ranto and SACP Media staff

a review of the revolution, including
through a seminar.
    A number of awards will be made
to Party structures and individuals who
have made major contributions to the
liberation struggle. The highest is the
Chris Hani Peace Award, which has pre-
viously been conferred to Cdes Fidel Cas-
tro, Nelson Mandela, Hugo Chavez, and
Che Guevara.
    The Congress will elect five office
bearers and an additional 35 ordinary
Central Committee members.             l

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Advance, deepen
and defend the NDR!
This Congress will be one of our Party’s most demanding, argues
Jeremy Cronin, because of the responsibilities the SACP
will have to shoulder, among them taking a lead to drive the NDR

                      he SACP’s 14th Na-
                      tional Congress will
                      be one of the Party’s
                      most demanding Con-
                 gresses. This is not because
                 the Party is on the back-
foot – on the contrary, our public profile
and our membership (now more than
one-quarter million strong) have surged
over the past year. Nor is the forthcoming
Congress challenging because of sharp
inner-Party strategic divisions (which are
barely present, if at all).
    The Congress will be one of our most
challenging because of the responsibili-
ties the SACP must shoulder, and the
expectations vested in us not only by
our own members, but also by hundreds
of thousands of non-Party progressives
throughout South Africa.
    All of this relates, of course, to the im-
mediate national context. South Africa
remains afflicted by extreme and persist-        SACP media unit’s Hlengiwe Nkonyane hosting the Cuban ambassador Oscar Martinez and
ing levels of unemployment, poverty and          Cuban embassy first secretary Tania Perez Xiqués at the 2013 SNC
inequality. Many community members,
especially women and children live in a           fight against white minority rule and of     analyse in depth the reasons for this de-
chronic state of physical insecurity. At          governing a non-racial, constitutional       cline, and even pose the question: Is it
this most challenging time, much of the           democracy.                                   reversible? Certainly it has neither been
ANC is in steep moral, organisational,                Tens of thousands of communists          the SACP’s historic mission, nor is it our
electoral and strategic decline.                  over the decades have committed to this      current ambition to push the ANC aside
    This is the immediate context of our          ANC-building task, as workers, journal-      and go solo as the Party.
14th Congress.                                    ists, guerrillas, community organisers           We remain committed to the strategic
    Since the late 1920s, our Party has           and trade unionist. Some have gone to        imperative of a radical NDR. Whether the
been committed to a far-reaching Na-              the gallows, others have died in torture     ANC on its current trajectory is capable of
tional Democratic Revolution (NDR), in            chambers or on the battlefields of South-    leading such an NDR is highly doubtful.
principle, as the shortest route to social-       ern Africa both as communists and as         One way or another a major re-grouping
ism in South Africa. Since the late 1920s,        proud ANC cadres.                            of progressive national democratic forces
our Party has been active in the trenches             The steep decline of the ANC is there-   will have to take place over the coming
to help build the ANC as a radical popu-          fore a matter of great concern to the        months.
lar movement capable of leading the               SACP. Our 14th Congress will have to             This, then, is also the context in which

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Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP

Celebrating Party unity: Above: delegates
entering the SNC, singing as they come
and (right) SACP Gauteng Provincial Treas-
urer Joe Morallana (he is also NUM regional
PWV coordinator)

the 14th Congress will need to debate and
decide on the modalities within which
the SACP will engage in future elections.
The next general election is due in 2019,
but such is the volatility of the current
political reality that things might unfold
    Finally, a major challenge for the SACP’s
14th Congress will be to ensure that all of
our attention is not focused on the palace
politics unfolding within the ANC.
    The 14th Congress must emerge with
clear organisational and campaigning
resolutions that connect with the daily
lives of the working class and poor in
our country. The advancing, deepening
and defence of our democracy will not be
possible if the working class and broader
popular forces are mere political specta-
tors. 				                                l

Cde Cronin is SACP Deputy General

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Central Committee
prepares for Congress
The SACP Central Committee issued this statement
after its meeting in June

     he Central Committee of the South         the rural Nqutu municipal and other by-           uttered in ANC NEC meetings, and
     African Communist Party met in Jo-        elections in May.                                 there is a growing pattern of intimi-
     hannesburg over the weekend of 2-4            At this rate of decline the ANC may not       dating actions directed at those who
     June. This is the final CC meeting        retain its electoral majority in 2019. Fur-       dare raise concerns. The illegal role of
before the SACP’s 14th National Congress       ther organisational fragmentation cannot          a paramilitary force linked to elements
to be held in Ekurhuleni on 11-15 July. Ac-    be ruled out. Every week, in fact almost          within the MK Military Veterans’ Asso-
cordingly the political context of our Con-    every day, now with a barrage of leaked           ciation is one of the many instances, in
gress, as well as the organisational prepa-    e-mails and more and more whistle blow-           particular threats against our Second
rations for it, was the main agenda items.     ers coming forward to the South African           Deputy General Secretary, Cde Solly
    The SACP’s audited membership now          Council of Churches’ Unburdening Panel,           Mapaila. These patterns are repeated,
stands at an all-time high of 276 168. At      the sheer scale of corporate capture and          often more violently at the grass-roots
our 13th Congress in 2012 our audited          of parasitic plundering of public resources       levels, with a surge of political assassi-
membership was 154 220. Over the past          by the Gupta network becomes more and             nations, notably in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
five years there has been a steady increase    more evident. Sadly, and even more con-           l A diversionary populist ideological

in membership numbers, with a large in-        cerning, the central role is also increas-        platform – in the face of growing pub-
crease of over 26 400 members since De-        ingly apparent of President Jacob Zuma            lic exposure of their misdeeds, there
cember 2016, which we attribute to Party       and his son Duduzane in this auctioning           have been a number of ideological in-
activism increasingly winning public en-       off our national sovereignty.                     terventions from the parasitic-patron-
dorsement throughout the country. We               In the political report to the Central        age faction. Private corporate capture
are already in the process of registering      Committee four interrelated features of           of public institutions has included
Congress delegates nominated formally          the Gupta parasitic-patronage network             the SABC under the despotic rule
from branches, and we expect to have           were identified:                                  of Hlaudi Motsoeneng. The Gupta-
1 864 voting delegates.                            l Accelerated rent-seeking based on           funded ideological apparatus – The
    Our Congress occurs at a critical mo-          state capture – with key state-owned          New Age and ANN7, along with social
ment for our country. The SACP is well             corporations (among them Eskom,               media fake bloggers, and Twitter bots
aware that we carry many responsibili-             Transnet, SAA and Denel), and their           linked to pop-up “think tanks”, like
ties with high expectations being vested           billions of Rands of procurement, be-         the “Black First, Land First”, and the
in our Party from a wide array of forces,          ing the principal target.                     “Decolonisation Foundation” seek to
many of which might not have been his-             l The emergence of a parallel shadow          divert the narrative. These diversion-
torically sympathetic to us. It is no secret       state, what some have described as            ary narratives often invoke narrow,
that the ANC is now in deep crisis. At the         a “silent coup”, with key policy and          right-wing Africanist themes, and feed
highest national leadership level it is par-       deployment decisions being taken              into the erosion of the important non-
alysed by deep divisions that, for the mo-         outside of the constitutional struc-          racial values of our constitution and
ment, render it incapable of undertaking           tures of government (and of the ANC           our movement. At the local level this
the decisive corrective measures that the          governing party). In this context the         decline in moral and ideological values
great majority of ordinary ANC members             CC called for the immediate reversal          is seeing increasing tribal and ethnic-
and supporters now clearly recognise as            of the factionalist axing as an MEC of        based mobilisation.
imperative, beginning with the stepping            our provincial secretary, Cde Madoda           All of this is happening at a time when
down of President Zuma.                            Sambatha.                                 life for the majority of South Africans, the
    The steep decline in popular support           l Growing authoritarianism and in-        working class, the rural and urban poor
that saw the loss of major metros in lo-           clinations to presidential diktat, with   and middle strata, is becoming more des-
cal government elections in August last            nostalgia for military-style, top-down    perate, more insecure. Levels of racialised
year has continued unabated with, for              command and control openly ex-            and gendered poverty, inequality, and un-
instance, a further dramatic decline in            pressed. Dark threats are reportedly      employment (now at 27,7% in the narrow

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                                                                                                 politicians and civil servants.
                                                                                                 l Halting the roll-out of a nuclear

                                                                                                 programme that our country neither
                                                                                                 needs, nor can afford.
                                                                                                 These basic demands, we believe, form the
                                                                                             basis for the broadest patriotic unity in action.
                                                                                                 At the same time, however, we need
                                                                                             to ensure that these critical interventions
                                                                                             do not simply serve to return us to a sup-
                                                                                             posed business as usual. The defence of
                                                                                             constitutionality and democracy is essen-
                                                                                             tial but not enough. These historic gains,
                                                                                             which are now under dire threat, must
                                                                                             become the platform for radical transfor-
                                                                                             mation led by a popular front.
                                                                                                 We need to ensure that popular mo-
                                                                                             bilisation, a radical popular front, in the
                                                                                             present serves to address the deep-seated
                                                                                             structural problems in our political econ-
                                                                                             omy that are at the heart of reproducing
                                                                                             crisis levels of poverty, inequality and
                                                                                             unemployment along with the resulting
Forward! Delegates to the 2013 Special National Congress                                     morbid social phenomena like gender-
                                                                                             based violence.
definition) persist and are even worsen-      goes on in our country, everywhere South           What makes the Gupta-centred para-
ing. This is happening while a network of     Africans show remarkable resilience.           sitic network the most dangerous and the
parasitic plunderers fly around the world         The SACP is convinced that the great       most immediate, counter-revolutionary
in private jets with known foreign money      majority of South Africans are commit-         threat to our democracy is, precisely, the
launderers, or acquire R18-million apart-     ted to defending our Constitution and          fact that it is eroding the two principal
ments in gold-plated boltholes in Dubai.      our democracy. Our own SACP-convened           weapons in the hands of the popular
    We frequently invoke the triple crisis    national Imbizo in mid-May, one among          forces to drive radical transformation – a
of poverty, inequality and unemploy-          countless broad patriotic initiatives, un-     democratic state and a popular move-
ment. But it is necessary to add a fourth     derlines that the core values of democrat-     ment that was, once, led by the ANC.
and related dimension – the crisis of en-     ic constitutionality are shared across the         This is why the SACP is actively engag-
demic, and particularly gender-based,         widest spectrum of South Africans.             ing Cosatu and the broader trade union
violence. The majority of South Africans          The declaration from the Imbizo            movement, ANC stalwarts, veterans and
no longer enjoy the most basic of citizen-    agreed upon a minimum platform of six          supporters, civic and faith-based forma-
ship rights – a sense of personal security    basic demands:                                 tions, progressive social movements.
in their homes and neighbourhoods. A              l An independent judicial commis-              One way or another in the coming
pandemic of violence against women and            sion of inquiry into state capture to be   months the ANC-headed Alliance is being
children is particularly heinous.                 established immediately. In the light      and will be re-configured.
    Meanwhile the trust in the SA Po-             of the barrage of further revelations          Whether there is the internal capacity
lice Service in many localities is non-           concerning the Gupta network, the          within the ANC itself to drive this proc-
existent while the police themselves are          commission needs clearly to extend its     ess is uncertain, but that it must happen
often demoralised, under-resourced and            scope beyond the major but still lim-      is obvious.
overwhelmed by the scale of challenges            ited issues investigated in the Public         A reconfigured Alliance will have to
confronting them. At the same time, the           Protector’s “State of Capture” report.     be built on rootedness within working
upper echelons of the criminal justice            But we must vigorously guard against       class and poor communities. In the face
system, notably the NPA and the Hawks,            recent attempts to dilute it into inves-   of chronic violence, for instance, in locali-
along with the SA Revenue Service, have           tigating such a wide field that its work   ties we need to help communities to act
been among the first targets of parasitic         will never be completed.                   together on a non-partisan basis to re-
elite factional capture and perversion –          l The immediate dissolution of the         claim their streets and neighbourhoods
for obvious reasons.                              Eskom Board as part of a broader set       through street committees and other or-
      Let’s not lament, let’s not despair -       of urgent interventions to address SOE     gans of democratic popular power. Popu-
Mobilise, organise and defend our con-            corporate governance.                      lar power buttressed by democratic state
stitution, our democracy, our National            l Ending abuse and factionalism with-      power is the way forward.
Democratic Revolution!                            in the criminal justice system – nota-         It is in this broad context that as the
    While it is necessary to clearly iden-        bly in the Hawks, the NPA and in the       SACP we will be proceeding to our 14th
tify, to name and shame the perverse and          Intelligence services.                     National Congress in July under the
deeply worrying developments within our           l Strengthening parliament’s oversight     banner:
country, our government, our ANC-head-            role.                                          Defend, Advance, Deepen the National
ed movement – it is even more important           l Implementing the ANC-alliance res-       Democratic Revolution:
not to give way to despair or apathy. Life        olution on life-style audits for senior        The Vanguard Role of the SACP!!             l

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Proposal to defer constitutional
amendments to SNC
Abridged version of the Constitutional Committee’s
report to the 14th Congress

      major issue at Congress will be the     a National Congress. The CC shall ensure     Proposals on amendments
      finalisation of the Organisational      that all provinces, districts and other      Number of CC members: Should the
      Renewal and Review Commission           structures receive such amendments or        number of members elected to the CC be
      Report. Decisions on the report will    any other amendments proposed by the         increased? If so, by how many and why?
entail constitutional amendments. In-         CC not less than six weeks prior to the          Most provinces proposed that the
stead of making constitutional amend-         National Congress, and all comments          number of additional CC members be
ments at this 14th National Congress,         received shall be tabled at the National     increased from 35 to 44, so that, with the
which may have to be reviewed after           Congress. Amendments that do not meet        six office bearers the CC comprises 50
the Organisational Renewal and Review         these deadlines shall be considered by a     members in all.
Report is finalised, the May Party Build-     National Congress, provided a two-thirds         Deputy general secretaries: The
ing Commission meeting and the June           majority of the delegates agree that they    North West proposes that that the de-
Central Committee meeting decided it          may be considered.”                          bate on 3 Deputy General Secretaries at
would be more productive to consider                                                       the 13th Congress be revived. There was
constitutional amendments holistically        Approach to Constitution                     enough consultation on this and suffi-
and in terms of a strategic framework,        Constitution: a guide but not com-           cient consensus on 2 Additional DGS’s,
and therefore proposes to Congress that       prehensive: For a variety of reasons,        they argue. The additional DGS should
constitutional amendments be consid-          a Party Constitution should not be too       be the national co-ordinator for group
ered after the 14th National Congress,        comprehensive or long. It should not         membership. “The only danger is when
at a Special National Congress (SNC)          be a substitute for addressing issues        Constitutional amendments are fixed on
in 2018. In other words, constitutional       through policies, political education        names of incumbents,” says the NW
amendments not be considered at the           and action. Constitutional Amend-                Alternative ex-officio representa-
14th Congress and be deferred to a SNC        ments are only made at Congresses            tives in SACP structures: If, for exam-
in 2018.                                      and Constitutions should not be              ple, a Provincial Secretary or Chair is una-
   If there are amendments that are ab-       changed lightly.                             vailable to attend a CC meeting, a Deputy
solutely urgent and need to be effected           Need for rules and guidelines to         Provincial Secretary (or some other ap-
at the Congress they can be, “provided        complement the constitution: This            propriate Office-Bearer; or PWC member
a two-thirds majority of the delegates        may be necessary to set out in detail such   or PEC member) or a Deputy Chair (or
agree that they may be considered” (Sec-      issues as the need for political educa-      some other appropriate representative
tion 26.2 of the Constitution).               tion; induction of new members; a Code       of the PEC) should be allowed to attend
   Most of the constitutional amend-          of Conduct; penalties for offenses and       CC meetings. The same situation should
ment proposals submitted were consid-         other matters.                               apply to PECs and other executive struc-
ered at the 29-30 May 2016 PBC meeting            Differences with communist par-          tures of the SACP.
and the CC meetings of June and August        ties in power: While there are many les-         North West argues for: “A constitu-
2016 and the PB meeting of 12 May 2017.       sons to be drawn from the experiences        tional amendment, which should read:,
Proposals were received from the SACP         of communist parties in government,          ‘In the absence and with the written
Secretariat, North West, Mpumalanga,          especially in China and Cuba, we obvi-       apology of the ex-officio member of any
Free State and Western Cape.                  ously cannot put into our constitution       structure or level, the deputy to that of-
                                              some of the issues they have, as we do       fice shall attend; and in the case of office
Constitutional provisions on constitutional   not have control of the state and because    with more than one deputy, the option
amendments                                    of the historical and other differences of   be of the first deputy and only in the lat-
Section 26.2 of the constitution provides:    our situation. But we should certainly       ter’s absence that the next deputy should
“All proposed amendments to the con-          draw from constitutions of these parties     attend’”.
stitution shall be submitted in writing to    whatever is relevant and useful to our           Mpumalanga’s view is: “A clause
the CC not less than two months prior to      experience.                                  can be included into the constitution

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Umsebenzi - Communists to the Front! Congress edition - SACP

for representation of ex-officio members
only by deputies. This must only happen
through an application to the secretariat
prior to the meeting and the acceptance
of the application therefore. The Deputy
Secretary and the Deputy Chairperson
should be allowed to attend the CC, PEC
and DEC meetings in the absence of both
Secretary and Chairperson.”
    Interestingly, there is no proposal to
increase the provincial or other SACP
structures’ deputy secretaries to three.
    Increase PEC (Provincial Executive
Committee) membership: Mpumalan-
ga proposes that the PECs be increased
to 30, including officials
    Increase DEC (District Executive
Committee) membership: Mpumalan-
ga proposes that the DECs be increased
to 25, including officials.
    Increase numbers of district, sub-
district and branch executive struc-
tures: North West holds: “On the neces-
sary focus of the SACP to strengthen the
organisational capacity with the current
financial constraints on appointments of
additional staff, constitutional structures
from District level to be structured to
respond to organisational development         Delegates to the 2013 SNC: National Congress delegates will be asked to consider deferring
needs as follows:                             SACP constructional amendments to the next SN
    The office bearers of the District be
defined as: District Secretary, District      maximum of 10 additional members.                  Branch: 2 years
Chairperson, District Treasurer, District         The office bearers of the Branch be            Constitutional Committee: The Con-
Deputy Chairperson, District Deputy           defined as: Branch Secretary, Branch           stitutional Committee comprises: Yunus
Secretary, Secretary for Organising and       Chairperson, Branch Treasurer, Secretary       Carrim (Chair), Ben Martins (Deputy
campaigns, Secretary for Political Educa-     for Organising and campaigns, Secretary        Chair), Malesela Maleka (Secretary),
tion and Ideological Development and a        for Political Education and Ideological        Charles Setsubi, Mluleka Dlelanga, Zing-
maximum of 15 additional members.             Development and a maximum of 8 ad-             iswa Losi, Bulelwa Thunyiswa, Reneva
    The office bearers of the Sub-Dis-        ditional members.”                             Fourie and Buti Manamela.
trict be defined as: Sub-District Sec-            Term of office of district, sub-dis-           Constitutional Commission: Two
retary, Sub-District Chairperson, Sub         trict and branch executive structures:         representatives from each province and
District Treasurer, Sub-District Deputy       North West proposes that the term of of-       the YCL, members of the Constitutional
Chairperson, Sub-District Deputy Secre-       fice for District, Sub-District and Branch     Committee make up the Constitutional
tary, Secretary for Organising and cam-       be constitutionally defined as follows:        Commission. The Commission will meet
paigns, Secretary for Political Education         District: 3 years                          on the day of registration of the Congress
and Ideological Development, and a                Sub-District: 2 years                      and report to Congress on Day 1.        l

   Contributions on the
   Centenary of the
   soviet revolution
   The issues of Umsebenzi in the last quarter of this year will focus on
   the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. We would welcome
   contributions, preferably not exceeding 1 500 words,
   for publication. The deadline for articles is 15 September 2017.

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Seize the moment!
The ANC has demonstrated it is neither willing nor capable
of driving the NDR, writes Yershen Pillay, so the SACP must
establish a working class-led front and move rapidly on to socialism

“It is time to recognize the historic and ti-     of Marxism–Leninism, we are called upon         enough to transform the economic base
tanic nature of the fight, and to unite all our   to make our own history by circumstances        and property relations in the country.
forces in countering the enemy’s palpable         directly encountered, given and transmit-           Post-1994, we have continuously ac-
activity with an even more active Red For-        ted from the past.                              cepted and managed unholy alliances
ward Movement, political and industrial, of                                                       manifesting themselves in different
all the workers; a Great Push so militant,        What are these circumstances?                   shapes and forms within the ANC. These
well organised and unified by solidarity as       Our society is in crisis. Our state is in de-   manifestations are bound to continue
to deliver, in co-operation with the advanced     cay. The fundamental cause of the soci-         long into the future, stifling the build-
Labour Movement of the rest of the world,         etal crisis and state decay is the untrans-     ing of work class hegemony in society
the knockout blow to a hated class system.”       formed semi–colonial capitalist economy         and deliberately postponing the socialist
(CPSA/SACP, 1921)                                 and a governing party plagued with the          revolution. This is in direct violation of
                                                  diseases of capitalism, thus incapable of       the principles agreed to in the South Af-

                      he South African            leading a programme for the radical trans-      rican Road to socialism (SARS) whereby
                      Communist Party (the        formation of this capitalist economy.           we have clearly stated that the advance-
                      Party) is the vanguard           The ANC itself is no longer capable of     ment and consolidation of the NDR does
                      party of the working        leading the victory of the National Demo-       not mean the suspension of the socialist
                 class in South Africa. Since     cratic Revolution (NDR). As a governing         revolution.3
                 inception, the Party has         party in a capitalist society it continues to       The experience of the ANC as a govern-
been deeply engaged and actively involved         suffer from the life-threatening diseases       ing party post-1994 suggests the growth
in the struggles of ordinary citizens. The        of capitalism – greed, competition and ac-      and entrenchment of a traditional bour-
Party is a product of the struggles of or-        cumulation. It is an organisation besieged      geoisie nationalism within the ANC itself.
dinary South African citizens fighting for        by patronage-linked factionalism, gate-         The rejection of this traditional form of
an end to capitalism and a better life for        keeping and corruption. It has become           bourgeois nationalism in favour of a more
all. In South Africa – No Middle Ground,          a meditation committee for conflicting          advanced revolutionary nationalism was
Cde Joe Slovo argues: “For those who live         bourgeois interests, where the political        one of the pillars constituting the foun-
in apartheid’s reality, not in debate but in      representatives of the dominant bour-           dation of an alliance with the ANC and
their daily experience, the need to destroy       geoisie exercise their influence, power         the acceptance of the ANC as the head
it in all its manifestations is a self–evident    and authority. This is precisely why very       of the Tripartite Alliance. The retreat to
truth. That is the starting point and the         little content and direction has been pro-      traditional bourgeois nationalism, espe-
only remaining question is how?”1 The             vided to the second phase of the NDR.           cially since 1996 and more overtly and
same can be said about capitalism today.          The embourgeoisment of the ANC has              arrogantly since 2009, together with the
Therefore the only remaining question is          led to very little or no appetite for the im-   dysfunctionality of leadership within the
how do we end capitalism in South Africa          plementation of radical economic change         ANC, raises the question of whether the
– thereby contributing to the end of glo-         that favours the working class. Examples        ANC is still capable of leading the NDR.
bal capitalism? What type of society will         of change can be found in some sectors of       The struggle for the victory of the NDR
replace it? What then is the Party’s projec-      the economy, but none of them are radical       post–1994 has been abandoned to a politi-
tion in this respect?                                                                             cal project of state capture by the domi-
    In the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louise                                                          nant bourgeoisie, as is the experience of
Bonaparte, Karl Marx wrote: “Men make                                                             many other liberation movements in the
their own history, but they do not make            ANC’s crisis of legitimacy is                  developing world. It is a political project
it just as they please; they do not make                                                          managed within the ANC leading to the
it under circumstances chosen by them,              irreversible … it is time for                 capture of the state to win a share in the
but under circumstances directly encoun-          the SACP to lead a new front,                   continued exploitation and domination
tered, given and transmitted from the
                                                  with the working class as the                   of our people.
                                                                                                      The political representatives of the
    As communists guided by the ideology                   leading force                          bourgeoisie in the ANC have become

July 2017

                                                                                               rural masses, non–comprador bourgeoi-
                                                                                               sie and progressive sections of the urban
                                                                                               petty bourgeoisie. This New Front will
                                                                                               require a new organisational vehicle that
                                                                                               displaces the current organisational vehi-
                                                                                               cle, led by the ANC.

                                                                                               A new front for the victory of the NDR and
                                                                                               The current conjuncture requires a new
                                                                                               alliance of progressive revolutionary class-
                                                                                               es that can be mobilised in support of the
                                                                                               victory of the NDR and socialism. A new
                                                                                               front for the victory of the NDR and social-
                                                                                               ism requires a new organisational vehicle
                                                                                               with a new leadership to achieve its goals.
                                                                                               The SACP should lead this New Front to
                                                                                               build the unity of progressive revolution-
                                                                                               ary classes and other strata to deepen,
Pondering the future: General Secretary Blade Nzimande (centre), Deputy General Secre-         advance and consolidate the NDR as the
tary Jeremy Cronin and Treasurer Joyce Moloi-Motopa considering the SACP’s post-Con-           most direct route to socialism. It is only
gress challenges                                                                               the SACP as the political vanguard of the
                                                                                               working class that can lead a New Front
more differentiated after 20 years of ANC      of the competing bourgeoisie. The ANC           united across racial and gender lines.
government party in South Africa. We           can therefore not be depended on to the             We can no longer afford to be in alli-
can no longer speak of the political rep-      lead the victory of the NDR. Doing so will      ance with and to be led by an ANC that
resentatives of a single capitalist class      contradict the interests of the competing       has abandoned its revolutionary progres-
or black bourgeoisie existing within the       bourgeoisie within its ranks and push the       sive nationalism of the past in favour of
ANC. One can identify the political rep-       revolution beyond the bounds acceptable         a traditional bourgeoisie nationalism
resentatives of three propertied classes       and beneficial to any of these propertied       that we see today. The ANC is a party of
competing with each other for resources        classes. The ANC post–1994 has played a         the bourgeoisie who have welcomed the
that are under the control of the state: a     mediatory role between the political rep-       character flaws of President Jacob Zuma,
national bourgeoisie whose base is inter-      resentatives of the conflicting propertied      as they did of former President Thabo
nal and whose interests lie in the own-        classes. It now has the responsibility of       Mbeki, and have cultivated such flaws for
ership and control of industrial capital;      moderating, managing and preserving             their own ends.
a comprador bourgeoisie composed of            the social relationships of the propertied          A new front would be a direct re-
black middle class elements working with       classes which the capitalist economy re-        sponse to the triple crises’ of legitimacy,
western imperial capital and/or eastern        quires. Consequently, it can no longer be       integration and participation in the ANC
imperial capital and whose interests lie in    tasked with the responsibility of leading       as the leader of the Alliance. A crisis of
acquiring a share of the domestic exploits     the victory of the NDR.                         legitimacy as a result of the ethical and
by imperialist capital; and the political          Capitalism was founded on the exploi-       moral degeneration in the ANC, a crisis of
representatives of a parasitic bourgeoisie     tation of humans by humans. It is based         integration as a result of dysfunctionality
whose interests lie in the extraction of       on the principle of ‘survival of the fittest’   in the leadership of the ANC and a crisis
resources from the state, not for the pur-     and gives rise to competition, greed and        of participation as a result of gate–keep-
poses of social reproduction, but to sus-      inequality. Democracy was founded on            ing and degenerative patronage linked
tain a power elite. The interests of these     the principle of political equality, imply-     factionalism.
three propertied classes are found to be       ing that the majority rule. It is therefore         The SACP has previously argued that
competing but not contradictory. The po-       impossible for capitalism to be compat-         a rupture has occurred in the multiclass
litical representatives of these three bour-   ible with the victory of the NDR and so-        consensus post–1994 around the national
geoisie continue to fight for dominance        cialism. To achieve this requires the end       democratic revolution. This rupture re-
in the ANC, having already captured the        of capitalism. The means to achieving this      quires the formation of the new front
structure and culture of the ANC.              objective is the formation of a New Front       which will place the working class as the
    The post–1994 ANC is more engaged          of the working class in alliance with the       primary motive force for deepening, ad-
in the mediation between the national                                                          vancing and consolidating the NDR.
bourgeoisie, the comprador bourgeoi-                                                               There are a series of questions that
sie and the parasitic bourgeoisie. While                                                       we may need to address in the discussion
the ANC is more involved in moderating            Achieving state power                        around this new front in relation to state
and mediating the conflict between these
propertied classes, the masses want to
                                                   is impossible without                       power. These questions have previously
                                                                                               been posed by the Party for discussion
redistribute wealth in their own favour.        conscientising the masses                      but have not been sufficiently addressed:
However, this redistribution of wealth          that socialism is possible -                       l What constitutes a revolutionary ap-

in favour of the working class and rural                                                           proach to state power?
poor will inevitably harm the interests        Karl Marx & Frederick Engels                        l What would be the consequences

                                                                                                                                  July 2017
12 Umsebenzi

   and impact on the Party directly con-       be no second class participation in our         post-2009 has succeeded in shifting gov-
   testing elections in a multi-party set-     movement.”5                                     ernment from a neo–liberal posture on
   ting as the head of the new front for the       The post–1994 character of the ANC          state–owned companies and trade policy
   victory of the NDR and socialism?           clearly suggests a deviation from the           to a developmental policy largely embod-
   l What are the immediate struggles          Strategy and Tactics document with the          ied in the New Growth Path with explicit
   and how do we link these struggles to       introduction of narrow nationalist ten-         job goals.” 7
   the struggle for socialism?                 dencies within its rank and file. This de-          However, what more could the Party
   l Other than political power, what are      viation has subsequently led to a rupture       achieve with independent political power
   the other key sites of power to estab-      and disunity in the revolutionary alliance      if it were to make the transition from a
   lish working class hegemony?                with the working class.                         ‘party in government’ to ‘the governing
                                                   The Party has the twin tasks of deep-       party?’ Notwithstanding the international
People’s power for state power and state       ening and advancing class-consciousness         limiting factors, if the “deliberate check
power for socio–economic transformation        amongst the people as necessary for state       and counter–balances of the SACP influ-
One of the most immediate struggles            power and that of pursuing state power          ence in government” were to be removed
should be the revitalisation of the work-      necessary for radical economic transforma-      as a factor, how much more progress
ing class as the primary motive force in       tion in the interests of the working class.     could we make towards the victory of
the NDR. The current epoch has seen                These two tasks do not exist in isola-      the NDR and socialism? It can be argued
significant differences emerging between       tion or have a certain hierarchy where          that given the track record of the SACP in
the Party and the ANC on the main con-         first comes political consciousness for         government especially since 2009 much
tent, strategy and tactics of the NDR.         state power and then follows the task of        more progress can be made if the Party
This is further compounded by the lack         the capture of state power necessary for        were to make the transition from ‘a party
of joint decision making by all partners       effecting socio-economic transformation.        in government’ to ‘the governing party.’ A
in the alliance.                               The task of deepening and advancing             transition of this nature can only manifest
    The 12th Congress programme adopted        class and political consciousness neces-        itself through a radical shift in the strat-
in 2007, the South African Road to Social-     sary for state power goes hand-in-hand          egy and tactics of the Party with particular
ism (SARS), provided a basis for a revo-       and evolves side-by-side with the task of       emphasis to the question of the SACP and
lutionary approach to state power. SARS        seizing state power necessary for radical       state power.
argued that a revolutionary approach to        economic transformation while laying                The post–1994 ANC has suffered a cri-
state power is the antithesis to a narrow,     the basis for the construction of a socialist   sis of legitimacy that is irreversible. The
electoralist approach to the capture of        economic order. The dialectical nature of       deficit of credibility has increased sub-
state power by the working class.              these twin tasks constitutes the theoreti-      stantially during the Zuma years from
    Marx and Engels argued that the work-      cal underpinnings for the Party not to go       2007 and even more so in the second
ing class could not effect the economic        it alone in the quest for state power but       Zuma administration from 2012.
and social transformation of society           rather to lead a new front for the victory of       It is time for the SACP to deliberately
without state power but they also argued       the NDR and socialism.                          lead a new front, a broad alliance of the
that achieving state power was impos-              These twin tasks must include the           working class and other strata with the
sible without conscientising the masses,       struggle for working class hegemony in all      aim of capturing state power and the
through struggle and through their own         other key sites of power in society. It must    creation of a state in which the working
experience, that socialism and ultimately      include the building of a popular national      class, in town and countryside, in alliance
communism was possible. 4                      sovereignty around the state. Any discus-       with the rural poor, non-comprador bour-
    Popular peoples’ power is necessary        sion around the formation of a new front        geoisie and progressive sections of the ur-
for state power, and state power is nec-       must adopt the strategic thrust of the 12th     ban petty bourgeoisie will be the leading
essary for socio–economic transforma-          Congress programme adopted in 2007              force. It is time for the Party to seize the
tion. For the Party to lead the victory of     which directs us to build working class         moment!				                                l
the NDR it will need to end the unholy         hegemony in the state, in the workplace,
alliance with the national bourgeoisie,        in the economy, in the battles of ideas and     Cde Pillay is the Chairperson of the
comprador bourgeoisie, and parasitic           in our communities.                             YCLSA and serves on the board of the
bourgeoisie. A new front would result in                                                       National Youth Development Agency
a new peoples’ democracy, not in capital-      Conclusion
ism, and would lay the basis for a social-     The SACP as a ‘party in government’ has         Notes
ist South Africa.                              been relatively successful especially since     1. Joe Slovo, “No middle ground” in Davidson,
    The achievement of state power is an       the Polokwane Conference of the ANC in          Slovo and Wilkinson, Southern Africa – The
SACP objective. But who then has the role      2007 and the subsequent deployment of           new politics of revolution, 1976, p. 107
of conscientising the workers, if not the      SACP cadres into the Zuma administra-           2. Marx, 1852, p. 15
SACP as their vanguard party?                  tion in 2009. The Political Report pre-         3. 2012, p. 7
                                               sented to the Augmented Central Com-            4.
The twin tasks of the SACP                     mittee in December 2016 points to these         5. Cited in Slovo, J. “No middle ground” in Dav-
In its approach to unity contained in its      successes with particular reference to          idson, Slovo and Wilkinson, Southern Africa –
1969 Morogoro Strategy and Tactics docu-       labour policy, competition policy, trade        The new politics of revolution, 1976, p. 175
ment, the ANC states: “We are revolution-      policy, infrastructure development, the         6. Political Report presented to the Augmented
aries, not narrow nationalists. Committed      spatial economy and the post–school edu-        Central Committee, 2016, pp. 7 -8
revolutionaries are our brothers (sic) to      cation and training sector.6 According to       7. Political Report presented to the Augmented
whatever group they belong. There can          the report, “The left axis in government        Central Committee, 2016, pp. 7

July 2017


Africa-Cuba – hands
across the water
As Donald Trump derails US-Cuban normalisation plans,
Chris Matlhako reports on Africa reaffirming its ties with Havana

                      38-person     delega-    also contributed to the continent in the     – is intended to undermine Latin Ameri-
                      tion of the Friends      cultural and spiritual spheres.              can integration trade bodies such as Alba
                      of Cuba Society- SA         The fifth continental solidarity meet-    (the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples
                      (Focus-SA) took part     ing took place at a crucial time – with      of Our America) and Mercosur (South-
                 in the successful 5th Afri-   Donald Trump committed to undoing            ern Common Market). By triggering a re-
                 ca Continental Conference     Barack Obama’s softening of relations        gional crisis the USA is seeking to regain
of Solidarity with Cuba, in Windhoek, 5-7      with Cuba, as he bows to right wing pres-    lost ground and reclaim what it regards
June.                                          sure from the hostile anti-Cuba Miami-       as effective economic colonies. Since the
    The South African delegation, drawn        mafia. This year also marks the 50th year    efforts of the region to shrug off the yoke
from the ranks of the progressive nation-      of the cowardly murder of Che Guevara        of neoliberalism in the 1990s, the Latin
al liberation movement in the country          in Bolivia in 1967.                          American left and progressives have had
and representing the South African Com-           Recently Latin America has confront-      to confront the regrouping of right wing
munist Party (SACP), Congress of South         ed extreme US efforts to undermine the       national bourgeoisie.
African Trade Unions (Cosatu), the Afri-       progressive left governments. In Boli-           The fifth Africa-Cuba Continental
can National Congress Women’s League           varian Venezuela, ‘hybrid war’ has been      Solidarity Conference is an affirmation
(ANC WL) and MK veterans, was the sec-         unleashed, characterised by violence         of the historic ties that have existed be-
ond largest after the host nation. Previ-      clashes with the authorities and pro-        tween Cuba and Africa. Socialist Cuba
ous editions of the continental solidarity     PSUV (PSUV - United Socialist Party of       has been on the side of the people of Af-
conference have been held in Johannes-         Venezuela) forces in major cities of the     rica since the early years of the triumph
burg (1995), Accra in Ghana (1998), and        country. The ‘hybrid war’ has been char-     of the Revolution. The people of the con-
Addis Ababa in Ethiopia (2012).                acterised by fanning internal contradic-     tinent have been able to count on Cuba
    The delegates discussed the ongoing        tions, sponsoring opposition violence to     as a reliable ally throughout this period.
economic blockade against Cuba; joint          conduct a campaign of terror and vio-        As early 1961, Cuba provided crucial sup-
development initiatives between Cuba           lence against ordinary people and state      port to national liberation struggles, and
and their respective governments; and          institutions.                                has maintained unwavering solidarity
the achievements of solidarity work,              The underlying agenda of this cam-        for more than half a century, sharing its
such as the international campaign for         paign is to seek to nullify the example      limited resources and shedding its blood
the release of the Cuban Five. They re-        of Cuba and to isolate it. Strangling Ven-   on the continent. 			                     l
called the important role played by the        ezuela –experiencing low levels of eco-          Cde Mathlako is the Politburo Secre-
late Fidel Castro and dedicated the con-       nomic growth because of low oil prices       tary of International Relations
ference to his memory.
    The scale of Cuban engagement in Af-
rica after 1959 is multi-dimensional. There
was also military engagement in Angola,
where tens of thousands of young Cu-
ban soldiers served during the 1970s and
                                                    Editorial Board
                                                                          Umsebenzi         Joyce Moloi-Moropa
                                                    Editor-in-Chief:                        Solly Mapaila
1980s, and dramatically altered the bal-
                                                    Blade Nzimande                          Mluleki Dlelanga
ance of forces in southern Africa. Medical
cooperation was provided in many parts              Deputy Editor- in-Chief:                Chris Matlhako
                                                    Jeremy Cronin                           Malesela Maleka
of the continent during particular crises
and also in the training of local doc-              Editor:                                 Mark Waller (sub-editor)
                                                    Yunus Carrim
tors. Education was promoted through                                                        David Niddrie (chief sub-editor)
technical, administrative and university                                                    Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo
training of large numbers of young peo-                                                     Reneva Fourie
ple in African countries or in Cuba. Cuba
                                                                                                                               July 2017
14 Umsebenzi

The SACP pays tribute to Cde Kay Moonsamy: (from left) Sbusiso Sithole, Busani Mbatha (Thulani Ncwane district organiser) and Mlu Nkosi
(Magwaza Maphalala district organiser)


Hamba kahle, Cde Kay!
The SACP released this statement on the passing of Cde Kay
Moonsamy, ‘a die-hard communist in the old tradition’, always ready
to roll up his sleeves for the Movement

     he SACP is saddened by the death late      and other SACP leaders, I visited Cde Kay       was active in the SACP after we came back
     on 21 June in eThekwini of SACP and        about a month ago. He was very distressed       home, he would constantly say ‘we must
     Alliance veteran Cde Kay Moonsamy.         about the state of the ANC and couldn’t un-     roll up our sleeves and put our shoulder to
     Cde Moonsamy, 91, was a former SACP        derstand how such a glorious movement           the wheel, comrades’. He served as Nation-
National Treasurer and the last President       could sink to such depths.                      al Treasurer of the SACP at a time when it
of the South African Congress of Trade Un-          “Cde Kay was a die-hard communist           was very difficult to raise funds, and he had
ions (Sactu) at the time of its disbanding      in the old tradition. He came from a work-      very strict views about who qualified as a
shortly after 1990. He was among the 156        ing class background and joined the Party       donor. His long political life in the SACP
leaders charged for high treason in the his-    through the trade unions. He was active in      spanned major periods in the Party’s his-
toric 1956-61 Treason Trial.                    a wide range of Alliance structures, but saw    tory, and he was obviously a huge reservoir
    SACP General Secretary Cde Blade            himself as first and foremost as a commu-       of knowledge and experience.”
Nzimande, said; “It is comrades like Kay        nist. He was very frank, committed, unyield-        Cde Moonsamy was born in Durban
Moonsamy who laid the foundations for           ing, militant, and constantly argued that the   on 5 July 1926. Coming from a very poor
our democracy. We owe him and his gener-        1994 negotiated transition failed the working   background, he had to leave school at 14
ation a huge debt. We can’t let them down.      class and poor because it did not adequately    and work as a machinist at Rhodesian Tim-
Their sacrifices can’t be in vain. We have to   address economic transformation.”               bers Limited. He soon joined the Natal Box,
defeat the parasitic bourgeoisie and deepen         SACP Deputy General Secretary Cde           Broom and Brushworkers’ Union, and be-
and consolidate our democracy.                  Jeremy Cronin, said: “Cde Kay was quietly       came its president.
    “Together with our veteran Cde Eric         consistent, and I remember when I first             In December 1944, aged 18, he joined the
Mtshali, Solly Mapaila, Themba Mthembu          met him in exile, and through the time he       Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA),

July 2017

                                                                                                        Above: KZN Premier Willies
                                                                                                        Mchunu (2nd left) with Comrade
                                                                                                        Kay’s children and programme
                                                                                                        director, SACP Politburo member
                                                                                                        Yunus Carrim
                                                                                                        Far left: Party delegation visiting
                                                                                                        Cde Kay shortly before his pass-
                                                                                                        ing: James Nxumalo, Themba
                                                                                                        Mthembu, Blade Nzimande, Eric
                                                                                                        Mtshali, Solly Mapaila
                                                                                                        Left: Cde Kay visiting Nelson

and was elected to the Durban Commit-         1963 he was served with a banning order. A     and was later elected SACP National Treas-
tee in 1949. He continued to work under-      month later he was sentenced to 18 months’     urer. In 1999 he was elected to Parliament
ground after the CPSA was banned in 1950.     imprisonment for violating his order.          and served for 10 years.
    He joined other communists and other          He was also detained under the 90-day           In 2015, Comrade Kay was awarded the
progressives in the Natal Indian Congress     law and charged under the Suppression of       Order of Luthuli by the state for his major-
(NIC) to form the Anti-Segregation Council    Communism Act on 1 December 1964. He           contribution to the struggle.
to oust the conservative Kajee-Pather lead-   was given bail, and in June 1965 went into          He was laid to the rest at an official
ership of the NIC and replace them with       exile, leaving behind his unemployed wife      provincial funeral on 24 June addressed by
Cdes Monty Naicker and Yusuf Dadoo, who       and four minor children.                       senior leaders of the Alliance and veterans
worked much more closely with the ANC.            Based mainly in Lusaka and Dar es Sa-      of the struggle. According to his wishes, the
    Cde Kay was active in the 1946 Passive    laam, he served in various structures of the   funeral was
Resistance Campaign and other campaigns       movement in exile, and attended both the            brief, simple and modest, with the SACP
led by the Natal Indian Congress. On his      1969 Morogoro and 1985 Kabwe Conferenc-        playing a prominent role.
20th birthday, he was sentenced to four       es of the ANC. He assisted Cde JB Marks, the        Cde Kay is survived by Tammy, Ragini,
months imprisonment under the Riotous         ANC Treasurer General, in Dar es Salaam,       Saroj, Rajen, Vassan and Lefika. The SACP
Assemblies’ Act.                              and in 1982 was elected Chairperson of the     conveys its deepest condolences to his fam-
    During the 1960 State of Emergency he     Lusaka Regional Committee of the SACP.         ily, relatives, friends and comrades.
avoided arrest and worked underground. He     He served as Treasurer-General of Sactu be-         The SACP dips its revolutionary red
helped to organise the three-day national     fore becoming its President in 1989.           banner in honour of this outstanding stal-
protest from 29 to 31 May 1961. On 31 March       He returned to the country in June 1991,   wart!         			                          l

                                                                                                                                 July 2017
16 Umsebenzi

            Hamba kahle, Cde Kay!
               Kay Moonsamy
               5 July 1926 – 21 June 2017
July 2017
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