Unity of Nature and Man: a new vision and conceptual framework for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

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Unity of Nature and Man: a new vision and conceptual framework for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Natl Sci Rev, 2021, Vol. 8, nwaa265


Special Topic: Ecological Civilization—Insights into Humans and Nature
Unity of Nature and Man: a new vision and conceptual framework for
the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Tianxiao Ma         1 , Yisi Hu1,2 , Meng Wang1,2 , Lijun Yu1,2              and Fuwen Wei      1,2,3,4,∗

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People live in nature. However, substan-      Harmony with Nature’. Mace et al.             humans treat nature as an object to fear,
tial evidence confirms that, under the        [5]argued that targets should be devel-       conquer, pillage and rule. In this con-
pressure of anthropogenic alteration,         oped in a well-defined, ambitious and         text, nature and man are regarded as
nature is being fragmented, imperiled         measurable way to support the next            opposing entities with contradictory de-
and becoming less able to provide essen-      CBD vision, and that three indicators         mands. It is true that the two have differ-
tial services [1]. Biodiversity loss is the   are required to measure the progress in       ent needs: nature’s demands are to main-
most significant signal of this depletion,    biodiversity recovery. Paired with the        tain its components, ecological processes
and could profoundly impact the future        UN’s Paris Climate Agreement, ‘A global       and evolutionary potential, while man’s
of human beings and the rest of life on       deal for nature’ ambitiously targets 30%      demands are to sustain a growing pop-
Earth [2].                                    of Earth to be formally protected and         ulation and improve quality of life rely-
    Against this background, Parties of       an additional 20% designated as climate       ing on resources and services provided
Convention on Biological Diversity            stabilization areas by 2030, to preserve      by nature. But the assumption underly-
(CBD) agreed a 2011–2020 Strate-              biodiversity and keep global warming be-      ing this separation of humanity and na-
gic Plan and 20 Aichi Targets to halt         low 1.5◦ C [6]. Locke et al. [7] proposed     ture is that nature is a limitless store-
continuing biodiversity loss. However,        an enabling framework of three global         house for humans to enrich themselves as
according to the latest global assessment     conditions for biodiversity conservation      much as their creativity allows. Dominant
report released by the Intergovernmental      and sustainable use that could support        anthropocentrism and dramatic techno-
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity       both approaches and achieve the 2050          logical development free humans to ex-
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in             Vision. These technical suggestions           ploit nature, which has already exceeded
2019, biodiversity is still declining glob-   provide important ideas for development       a safe and just operating space for human-
ally at rates unprecedented in human          of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity          ity [9,10]. Nature’s demands have been
history [3]. It is clear that the majority    Framework (post-2020 GBF). However,           neglected in this process, which in turn
of the Aichi Targets will not be met          they do not question the vision or the        undermined man’s basic needs, including
by the 2020 deadline [4]. Even with           basic conceptual framework of the             demands under the Sustainable Develop-
a careful strategic plan developed and        current Strategic Plan of the CBD.            ment Goals for clean air and water, via
implemented under the authoritative               We argue that the current 2050 Vi-        interactions across the coupled human-
CBD context, biodiversity and ecosys-         sion will not be sufficient to drive trans-   natural system [11]. In light of the
tem services critical for humanity are        formative change. Further, we argue that      great damage this thinking has caused to
declining and degrading fast. This has        human development cannot be divorced          biodiversity and ecosystems, we can no
prompted reflections on the current           from biodiversity conservation and uti-       longer assume that nature is an infi-
strategic plan and the UN framework in        lization. The basic understanding of the      nite resource to exploit. Nature and its
general [3,4].                                appropriate balance in the relationship       ability to provide services keep being
    The 15th Conference of Parties            between nature and humans is actually         damaged, which we now know threat-
(COP15) of CBD will be held in China          the crucial point. It is the starting point   ens the future development of human-
in 2021, during which the new strategic       that lays the very foundation of any ambi-    ity [3]. Consequently, a rethink of the
plan for the next decade of biodiversity      tious and effective strategic plan for bio-   relationship between nature and man,
conservation will be drafted. Various         diversity conservation.                       and also their demands, is essential for
suggestions have been proposed by                 With the human-centric perspective        ensuring the appropriate course of bi-
scientists and different stakeholders for     dominating for the past two centuries,        ological diversity conservation and also
contributing to this much-anticipated         nature and human are seen as two sep-         humanity development for the coming
strategic plan. They are focused on           arate entities [8]. Nature is treated as      decades.
meeting the 2050 Vision of ‘Living in         being ‘outside’ of humans, and thus

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Unity of Nature and Man: a new vision and conceptual framework for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Natl Sci Rev, 2021, Vol. 8, nwaa265

‘LIVING IN HARMONY WITH                       versity is valued, conserved, restored and      considers the demands of both nature
NATURE’ VS. ‘UNITY OF NATURE                  wisely used, (c) maintaining ecosystem          and man at the same time by adopting a
AND MAN’                                      services, (d) sustaining a healthy planet       sustainable approach. In this way, nature
                                              and (e) delivering benefits essential for all   and man are no longer two opposed
The modern nature-human dichotomous           people’.                                        individuals, nor are their demands, but
perspective emphasizes the material sub-          This version of the meaning of LHN          are in complete harmony, blend and
stance of nature and its instrumental         loses its original Taoist flavor. This can      finally become one.
value relative to the contribution to hu-     be seen in the words that imply nature’s             On 5 September 2019, the theme
mans [8]. However, within the context         value to humans is necessary: nature is         of CBD COP15 was finalized and an-
of some other knowledge systems, na-          to be ‘valued, conserved, restored and          nounced as ‘Ecological Civilization -
ture has its intrinsic value because of       wisely used’ as an object, not treated as an    Building a Shared Future for All Life
the existence of its components and also      equal. There is no recognition that it has      on Earth’ [15]. This theme originates

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the broader aspect of concepts it cov-        its own needs and its own evolutionary di-      from the Chinese vision of ecological
ers, such as the cultural elements of an-     rection that must be respected in a rela-       civilization. Ecological civilization is
cestors, shared history and deities [12].     tionship of mutuality as opposed to one         an eco-innovation rooted in traditional
This intrinsic value is not necessarily re-   of exploitation. While realizing this vision    wisdom of UNM to harmonize the
lated to the materials and services nature    would certainly be an improvement over          apparent contradiction between eco-
provides for man but, in turn, man is in-     current conditions, it still does not cre-      nomic development and environmental
cluded as component just as other ani-        ate the indispensable right relationship of     protection [16]. COP15 is considered to
mals [13]. One extreme example is the         UNM on which future sustainability de-          be a ‘unique and historical opportunity’
traditional Chinese Taoism, in which na-      pends. In contrast, a vision based on the       to reconcile the relationship between
ture is represented by Tien (Heaven and       Taoist idea of ‘Unity of Nature and Man’        humanity and nature [15]. UNM, as
Earth), which is composed of human and        could achieve this.                             the real connotation of COP15 theme,
non-human nature and even the ultimate                                                        could enable this renewed understand-
rule of this universe. All these perspec-                                                     ing, promote the establishment of ‘a
tives have a common ground – nature and       2050 VISION: UNITY OF NATURE                    global society in which economic, social,
man are as one.                               AND MAN (UNM)                                   cultural and environmental concerns are
    Sharing this perspective, Taoism          As UNM implies, nature’s intrinsic              addressed in a truly holistic way’ [15]
describes the relationship between            value is the existence of its compo-            and foster a sustainable future shared by
nature and man as ‘Heaven and earth           nents and broad non-material concepts           all life on Earth.
were born at the same time I was, and the     covered. It advocates that man, as one               To summarize the above implications
ten-thousand things are one with me’ (d       component of nature, must arrange his           of UNM, we propose a more holistic
ddddd, ddddddd) [14],                         activities following the rule that nature       2050 Vision of ‘Unity of Nature and Man
which can be concisely summarized as a        contains, and without damaging the              whereby all of Nature is respected, its rule
vision of ‘Unity of Nature and Man’ (‘d       sustainability of other components when         is conformed to, and its components are
d d d’) (UNM). The Chinese sages’             meeting his own needs. For example,             adequately protected and Humanity meets
UNM vision embraces inherent respect          in classical Chinese philosophy, UNM            its own unique needs through sustainable
for nature and advocates that humanity        proposed ‘d d d d d d (Trees                    production and sustainable consumption on
development should conform to the rule        are logged by time), d d d d d d                land and ocean, therefore the sustainabil-
of nature with a holistic view. Against the   (Birds and beasts are hunted by time)’,         ity of both nature and man are guaran-
background of the current perspective         telling people to use natural resources         teed and united.’ This UNM Vision can di-
of separation of nature and man and the       conforming to the life cycle of creatures       rect and motivate more comprehensive
resulting ecological crisis, this inspires    to guarantee the sustainability of both         and effective actions for conserving bio-
us to recognize ourselves as, and behave      provider and beneficiary. However,              diversity and meeting human’s demands
as, a member of nature following the          along with humanity’s overexploitation          at the same time to ensure the effec-
principle of UNM.                             of nature to accommodate increasing             tive outcome of the CBD’s three main
    The current 2050 Vision uses the          demands for material goods, the modern          objectives.
words ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’,        human-nature relationship has clearly                Using the Chinese Taoist philosophy,
the meaning of which in its original lan-     deviated from the ideal state of UNM            we propose a new conceptual framework
guage is society in symbiosis with nature,    and led to the current environmental            to illustrate the vision of ‘Unity of Na-
both with mutual benefit and necessarily      crisis. To halt the continuing decline of       ture and Man’ and relate it to implemen-
detrimental aspects for one of the parties    nature and revert to UNM, humanity              tation. A tetrahedron framework shows
[12]. However, Living in Harmony with         development must be aligned with na-            the three main skeletons, represented by
Nature (LHN) as used by the CBD has           ture’s limits and demands by respecting         ‘Nature’s needs’, ‘Man’s needs’ and ‘Bal-
four attributes which narrow its mean-        its existence, conforming to its rule           ance of Nature and Man’, and their re-
ing. The Vision says: ‘By 2050, (b) biodi-    and conserving its sustainability. UNM          lationships for achieving UNM (Fig. 1).

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Natl Sci Rev, 2021, Vol. 8, nwaa265

                                                                                                                            environmental crisis. Previous failures
                                      Unity of Nature and Man
                                                                                                                            evidenced that business-as-usual cannot
                                                                                                                            slow the rate of biodiversity loss, let alone
                                                                                                                            put it on a path to recovery. Departure
                                                                                                                            from business-as-usual will not happen
                                                                                                                            naturally, especially with the opposition


                                                                                                                            from those with vested interests [3,4],






                                                                                                   ’s                       but can be underpinned and fostered by




                                                                                                           ed               alternative value systems of whole soci-


                                                         ve susta



                                                                                                                            eties. Recognition and respect of nature’s


                                                                           e of Na



                                                                                                                            intrinsic value as well as positioning man


                                                            inable d


                                                                                                                            as part of nature will motivate people to

                                                                             ture &

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                                                                                                                            move to address the problem and seek


                                                                                                                            the ideal state of Unity of Nature and
                                                                                Man                                         Man. The shift of value systems will en-

                                                                                                                            hance individuals’ and societies’ internal
                                                                                                                            connection with nature [17], and drive
                                                                                                                            policy, technology and humanity devel-
                                                    Enabling Conditi                                                        opment on the track towards sustain-
                                                                                                                            ability. The achievement of global biodi-
                                                                                                                            versity targets relies on collective global
                                                                                                                            efforts. Although UNM originates from
                                                                                                                            classical Chinese philosophy, its core is
                                                                                                                            shared by different cultures and perspec-
Figure 1. Tetrahedron structure of the new conceptual framework. The three upper skeletons rep-
                                                                                                                            tives worldwide, e.g. the ancient ‘Mother
resent the main strategic goals of the framework, focusing on ‘Nature’s needs’, ‘Man’s needs’ and
‘Balance of Nature and Man’, respectively The base plain represents the enabling conditions (e.g.                           Earth’, ‘Gaia’ in South America, ‘Brah-
mainstreaming, capacity building and resource mobilization) for assuring effective implementation                           man’ in India and modern environmental
of the strategic plan.                                                                                                      ethics. In this light, UNM is promising to
                                                                                                                            align efforts of different parties and com-
                                                                                                                            munities to a unified vision. This nature
The base plain in the bottom repre-                                  meet they must be co-equal and inextri-
                                                                                                                            also allows for UNM and its principles to
sents the enabling conditions (e.g. main-                            cably intertwined.
                                                                                                                            be translated easily into language that fa-
streaming, capacity building and resource
                                                                                                                            cilitates parties and communities devel-
mobilization) acting as the footstone of
                                                                     KEYS FOR THE PATHWAY                                   oping specific solutions for balancing lo-
the whole framework. Each of the three
                                                                     TOWARDS UNM VISION                                     cal developments with nature and sharing
skeletons has a clear goal, which com-
                                                                                                                            useful implementation experiences.
bined with the others, will lead towards                             While the Unity of Nature and Man pro-
UNM. The three are (1) meet nature’s                                 vides an alternative conceptual frame-
needs for protection, (2) meet humans’                               work to rethink and deal with our rela-                Holistic view and systems
needs for wellbeing, and (3) achieve sus-                            tionship to nature, further developments               thinking promotes required
tainable development that leads to a new                             are needed to enable its effective imple-              knowledge and nexus
kind of prosperity which respects nature’s                           mentation. Here we propose four dimen-
needs, and unites and balances the needs
                                                                     sions that should be examined to enable
of nature and human. These goals also                                the changes that can balance the needs                 Interactions between nature and hu-
correspond to the three main objectives                              of nature and man moving forwards to                   manity, including between ecosystems
of CBD including biodiversity conserva-                              achieve the strategic goals of CBD and                 and human wellbeing, are complex. To
tion, equitable sharing of benefit (wellbe-                          2050 UNM Vision.                                       address the current environmental crisis,
ing) and sustainable use of biodiversity.                                                                                   including biodiversity loss, requires a
When all three strategic goals are sup-                                                                                     deepening understand of this complexity,
ported by another goal of adequate en-                                                                                      which can be informed by UNM phi-
                                                                     Transformation of value systems
abling conditions, we can achieve UNM.                                                                                      losophy. Knowledge of coupled human-
                                                                     underpins the departure from                           nature or socio-ecological systems,
    The key point of this is that true inte-
gration of nature and man (UNM) means
                                                                     business-as-usual                                      including that of indigenous and local
integrating human development goals                                  Based on the above discussion, the long-               communities [12], should be accu-
and biodiversity goals as equal and mu-                              term misinterpretation of our relation-                mulated and should evolve through
tually reinforcing. Both have their own                              ship with nature and the resulting in-                 enhanced interdisciplinary research
needs which must be met, and where they                              terferences are responsible for today’s                and adoption of a more holistic view of

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Natl Sci Rev, 2021, Vol. 8, nwaa265

UNM that regards nature and human             to more sustainable ones [4,17,23]. In
as an organic whole. As biodiversity is       this light, the transformation of how we
a multifaceted issue intertwined with         value nature and the way we deal with the
human development, nexus (integrated)         relationship to nature proposed by the
and system-oriented approaches are            UNM makes it fundamental momentum
needed to simultaneously achieve goals        and also enhancement of other leverage
of biodiversity conservation, related         points for societal changes. Additionally,
human wellbeing improvement, and to           three goals in the UNM conceptual
seek a balance in the UNM framework.          framework, namely meet nature’s needs,
Systems thinking focusing on dynamic          meet human’s needs, and their balance
relationships of these three dimensions,      through sustainable development, reflect
including their elements, is necessary        the complex interconnection between

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to identify effective solutions to address    biodiversity issues and humanity devel-
complex challenges of biodiversity loss       opment. Endeavors to reach these goals
and sustainable development. Some             will promote knowledge accumulation
good practices are emerging. For in-          of social-ecological systems, including       Figure 2. A Chinese temple showing the step
stance, the Nature-based Solutions            externalities and telecouplings, while        path towards the UNM Vision. Standing on the
aims to provide human wellbeing and           the UNM philosophy’s holistic view can        base plain of ‘enabling conditions’, three strong
biodiversity benefits simultaneously with     inform and foster integrated solutions        pillars symbolize the three main strategic goals
support of nature [18], and the policy        for the nexus of relevant goals featured      of this new framework. These support upgrad-
                                                                                            ing of the stage goals of 2020, 2030, 2040 and
innovation of Ecological Conservation         by complex interactions and multi-sector
                                                                                            2050. By achieving these goals, we can finally
Redline, under a broader institutional        involvement, all of which can underpin        reach the vision of UNM, ‘Unity of Nature and
framework of Ecological Civilization in       desirable transformative changes in           Man’.
China, is designed to guarantee both the      different aspects. On the other hand,
national ecological security and essential    the realization of UNM Vision and
ecosystem services [19–21]. These con-        its potential contributions to CBD’s          A phased approach and
cepts and practices offer references and      three strategic goals and the Sustainable     milestones on area-based target
inspiration for other countries to develop    Development Goals rely on concrete
                                                                                            to reach the UNM Vision
integrated solutions to sustain biodiver-     commitments from Parties. The shared
sity benefits and human wellbeing.            aspiration to build a sustainable future      ‘Unity of Nature and Man’ aiming
                                              for both humanity and nature will form        to tackle the long-term imbalance of
                                              the first step of global communities to-      meeting the needs of nature and man is
Transformative changes to                     wards the UNM Vision. Mainstreaming           an ambitious vision. It can be reached
tackle indirect drivers of                    humans’ dependence on nature and the          only by achieving stage goals one by one
biodiversity loss and concrete                necessity to respect the intrinsic value of   following periodic strategic plans with
commitments of Parties                        nature and needs will help to generate a      collective global efforts. Milestone(s)
                                              sense of responsibility to act for nature     or overarching goal(s) can motivate
Based on the Global Assessment Report                                                       willingness of stakeholders to develop
                                              and biodiversity across sectors in differ-
on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services                                                      ambitious but realistic plans on bio-
                                              ent scales. Parties should take the form of
issued by IPBES, three goals of CBD                                                         diversity conservation and enhanced
                                              commitments to achieve transformative
and sustainable future cannot be met                                                        mainstreaming. Notwithstanding much
                                              changes in current unsustainable produc-
along current trajectories, and are only                                                    debate on the bold protected area target
                                              tion and consumption patterns to reduce
possible through transformative changes                                                     [24–27], the Post-2020 GBF should
                                              indirect drivers for biodiversity loss, and
across economic, social, political and                                                      still be expected to aim higher on the
                                              in governance approaches to handle
technological factors [3,4]. According                                                      area-based protection/retention target
                                              nexus challenges on simultaneously
to Donella Meadows, there are ‘leverage                                                     and regard it as a critical milestone for
                                              meeting the needs of nature and man in
points’ where small shifts can lead to                                                      global biodiversity conservation in the
                                              the long term. Last but not least, a trans-
fundamental changes in the system                                                           coming decades. Land-use change acted
                                              formative resource mobilization strategy
towards sustainability [22]. Although                                                       as the sharpest contradictions between
                                              is essential for sufficient and effective
specific leverage points vary across                                                        nature and man over the past 50 years
                                              financial support for the ambitious UNM
contexts, a shift of value systems, as well                                                 [4]. The decline of nature will not stop
                                              Vision, especially against the background
as visions of a good life, are agreed to be                                                 unless biodiversity per se has sufficient
                                              of post-pandemic recovery of the world’s
deep leverage points for enabling trans-                                                    space to sustain whilst ensuring man’s
formative changes from current trends                                                       needs are met guided by the Agenda

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