TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...

Page created by Marcus Barrett
TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...

Unlocking Broad Acre Agricul ture
TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
      Certain statements in this presentation are “forward-looking statements”. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical
      fact and are generally identified by words such as “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “pending”, “in- tends”, “plans”, “will”, “would
      have” or similar words suggesting future outcomes. By their nature, forward-looking statements and information involve assumptions, inherent
      risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict, and are beyond the control of the management team of True North Cannabis
      Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries that could cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed by these forward-look-
      ing statements and information. These forward-looking statements also assume certain positive and pending regulatory changes, however
      an adverse change or different regulatory enactment or change could make it more difficult, if not impossible, for True North Cannabis Corp.
      and its subsidiaries to operate or to achieve their investment objectives. True North Cannabis Corp. and its subsidiaries and affiliates do not
      guarantee or make any representations or promises as to the actual return, if any, or cash flow that might be generated by its operations.

      Risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risk with respect to changes in the regulation of marijuana and industrial hemp
      production, possession and sales (including in respect of judicial interpretation and law enforcement of those regulations), general economic
      conditions and competition, taxes, corporate restructuring and related costs, capital and operating expenses, pricing and availability of
      financing. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the
      time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. True North
      Cannabis Corp. and Pure Prairie Hemp Corp. do not undertake to update or re-issue the forward-looking statements and information that may
      be contained herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
The Industrial Hemp Harvest & CBD
                     Industrial hemp has been grown as a broad-acre crop in Canada for several years for
                     the yield of hemp grain and f ibre


          Hemp has become more mainstream among Canadian growers as of      ABOUT CBD FROM HEMP
          late, with 2017’s crop approaching approximately 140,000 acres.

                                                                            The by-product of the industrial hemp
                                                                            harvest is where CBD is found on the plant -
                                                                            this is commonly referred to as hemp chaff
                HEMP GRAIN                        HEMP FIBRE
                                                                            yy As a by-product with no legal ability to
     yy Agricultural seed sales for      yy Various industrial applica-
                                                                               be commercialized until 2018, there are
        food products such as hemp          tions & textiles
                                                                               limited processes and technology in place
        oils, hearts and protein
                                                                               to manage the unique properties of hemp
                                                                            yy With the Cannabis Act becoming law
                                                                               on October 17th, 2018, licensed hemp
                                                                               growers are now able to collect and sell
          Minimal on-farm infrastructure or technology                         their hemp chaff to licensed producers
          exists to effectively collect and process hemp chaff
          for CBD production

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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
A Unique Approach to Cannabis
                 True North Cannabis brings an approach to managing the Industrial Hemp
                 harvest that provides the processes and inf rastructure necessary to
                 commercialize CBD f rom hemp

                                     TRUE NORTH PROVIDES
                                     The bridge from broad acre agriculture to the
                                     Cannabis sector. TNC brings solutions to support
                                     the hemp grain farmer to successfully harvesting
                                     and commercialize their hemp-based CBD

          BROAD ACRE AGRICULTURE                                                                        RETAIL
            Industrial hemp grown for                                                           Demand in recreational,
          grain & fibre yields from which                            CBD                     consumer packaged goods, OTC
           True North Collects the CBD                                                               and pharma.

                                                            QUALITY ASSURANCE
                                                    Government mandated quality as-
                                                    surance programs require any prod-
                                                    uct that enters the value chain to
                                                    meet strict guidelines related to:
                                                    •   Crop protection chemical residuals
                                                    •   Heavy metals
                                                    •   Microbial counts
           INDOOR CULTIVATED                        •   Pathogens                                    EXTRACTION
             Indoor and greenhouse                                                                 Oil based extraction
                                                    These can be potentially prohibitive
                  marijuana.                                                                      of cannabinoids from
                                                    roadblocks for industrial hemp if
                                                                                                   cannabis biomass.
                                                    processes are not in place to manage
                                                    these risks.
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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
The Challenge of Broad-Acre Agricul ture & CBD
                       True North Cannabis bridges the gap between broad acre agriculture and the
                       cannabis sector

            BROAD ACRE VOLUME                AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT                 CONTAMINANTS                  CANNABIS COMPLIANCE
          yy Working in acres, not           yy On farm infrastructure is     yy Potential exposure to            yy Regulatory compliance is
             square feet presents several       not set up to deal with the      microbials, pathogens and           key! Health Canada requires
             challenges, particularly           unique characteristics of        crop protection chemicals           extensive seed to sale
             volume and storage. In 2018,       hemp chaff. The flowabili-       can be potentially prohibitive      tracking and mandates strict
             TNC processed 2.5 million          ty and moisture properties       roadblocks to commercialize         adherance to a set of rules
             KG of biomass through it’s         in chaff requires unique         CBD from hemp                       that are dynamically evolving
             facility                           management solutions

                                                   Solutions based on experience
          yy Multiple fleets of industrial    yy TNC provides farmers a       yy Agronomic advice and             yy Rigorous product batching
             sized collection equipment          solution to collect, move       in-field touch points               and grower intake program
             backed by appropriate               and dry a unique product        identifies potential contami-       allows TNC to efficiently track
             logistics infrastructure to         - custom, conveyor based        nants before they occur             product back to the grower,
             collect and handle product          infrastructure allows for    yy Controlled environment              field and approved seed
             volumes                             product movement without        storage and product curing          variety used to grow the crop.
          yy Refinement process removes          bridging or binding, while      reduces risk of contamina-          This provides compliance
             unwanted biomass – reduces          a tailored combination of       tion after processing               surity to our customers from
             finished product volume,            airflow and temperature                                             seed to sale
                                                 manages the impact of        yy Third party partnerships give
             while increasing CBD                                                TNC access to processes that
             potency resulting in lower          moisture levels on product
                                                 quality                         can eliminate contamination
             extraction costs                                                    challenges that occur
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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
CBD: A Compelling Opportunity for Demand Growth
                     All forward looking scenarios represent compelling global demand


                                                                                        CBD DEMAND IS GROWING
      $25,000 USD
                                                                                         yy US market data for CBD serves as reasonable
                                                                                            indication of global demand growth
     $20,000 USD
                                                                                         yy Wide range of forecasted expectations, $2B to $22B
                                                                                            by 2022 – all scenarios represent compelling global
      $15,000 USD                                                                           demand, driven by:
                                                                                                 1)    New products
      $10,000 USD                                                                                2)    New customers
                                                                                         yy Retail growth in demand bodes well for CBD manu-
          $5,000 USD                                                                        facturers
                                                                                         yy Manufacturers with steady supply are optimally
                                                                                            positioned to capture value
             $0 USD
                                                                                         yy Demand is growing for over-the-counter and pre-








                                                                                            scription pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged





                                                                                            goods & recreation CBD

                              High Demand Scenario

                              Low Demand Scenario

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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
Hemp-based CBD: Global Supply
                                         Global hemp production is robust and growing, driven by demand for food
                                         products, textiles and industrial applications, and CBD


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Canadian Industrial Hemp Industry has the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Unique Opportunity to Lead CBD Supply
                                                              GREEN LAND
                                                              (DENM ARK)

          ALASKA (USA)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      yy Core competency in broad acre agriculture
                                                                       ICELAND                                                                                                RUSS IA
                              CA N ADA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      yy Leading position in global hemp acreage
                                                                                            UN ITED
                                                                                                                GERM ANY
                                                                                                                                PO LAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      yy Progressive regulatory backdrop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      yy Developing, best in class extraction infrastructure and

                         UN ITED STATES OF AMERICA                                       SPAIN

                                                                                                                                                                                     CHIN A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         commercial product distribution through Licensed
                                                                                                                                                                 SYR IA


                                                                                                                                              EGYP T
                                                                                                                                                                             INDIA          LAOS

                                                                                                                                                                                         TH AILAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                     VIETN AM

                                           SAN JOSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Global Industrial Hemp Footprint Thousands of acres
                                                                                                                                                       M ALAWI

                                                                                                                                                                                                                AUSTRAL IA
                                                      CHILE                                                                          SOUTH


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ZELAND    2,000


                                                                                                                                                                          Hemp Producing Countries

                                                                                                                                                                          Non-Hemp Producing Countries                                          Canada represents significant portion of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the global industrial hemp footprint
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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
A Unique Approach to Cannabis
                  True North Cannabis brings the model and experience necessary to unlock broad
                  acre agriculture for CBD production


                                                    IN 2018 TRUE NORTH
                                               yy Executed on 8,000 acres of hemp
                                                  across AB in 2018
            BROAD ACRE AGRICULTURE             yy Worked with 25+ growers              CANNABIS INDUSTRY
            yy Full service harvest support    yy Worked with multiple strains on   yy Downstream commercial
            yy Agronomic advisory                 the approved cultivar list           relationships with licensed
               platform                                                                producers
                                               yy Produced over 200,000 lbs of
            yy Integrated logistics, storage      finished product production       yy Reliable source of CBD
               and refinement operations                                            yy Compliance and Quality
            yy Existing relationships with                                             Assurance programs ensure
               farming community and                                                   best-in-class product quality
               partnerships across industry

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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
2018: Pioneering Broad Acre Hemp Chaff Collection
                      In 2018, True North Cannabis brought a unique platform to the farming


                    FACILITY                           FLEETS                        AGRONOMY                           OPERATIONS

          yy Design and construc-           yy Design and custom fabri-      yy Implemented an integrated        yy Outperformed harvest expec-
             tion of 22,000 square foot        cation of 6 universal chaff      plant science and data              tations by executing on 8,000
             processing facility, housing      collection fleets utilizing      collection platform to provide      acres across Alberta with
             storage, refinement and lab       conveyor based technology        insight into CBD production         over 25 grower partners with
             operations                        to manage the unique             yields across a range of            0 safety incidents
                                               properties of hemp-based         agricultural variables

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TRUENORTH - Unlocking Broad Acre Agriculture - CANNABIS - Eastern Alberta Trade ...
Value Generation for Broad Acre Hemp CBD
                     Potency is the primary driver of value

 Genetic improvements regarding CBD potency will be longer term to realize benefits - challenges include:
           - Approval process to list on Canadian cultivar
           - Development of a viable strain, conducive to broad acre cultivation in outdoor conditions

                                Controlling operating efficiencies will drive value generation

   7%                                                                       TRUE NORTH’S STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE HIGHER
                                                           Our target is
                                                           5% or greater
                                                                            1) IMPLEMENTION OF AGRONOMY PROGRAM
   4%                                         $8.00
                                                                            2) IMPROVE FIELD TO FACILITY OPERATIONAL
                                                           Price per gram
   2%                                         $4.50        steps up at 3%   EFFICIENCIES
                                                                            3) IMPROVEMENT IN REFINING TECHNOLOGY
                    2018                  2019

            Potency levels beyond 3% receive a price per
            gram of $8.00, a significant increase from
            $4.50 per gram.

Slide 10
Investment in Agronomy & Data
                          True North Cannabis is building an industry leading database relating to CBD
                          production yeilds across a range of agricultural variables

                            2018 AGRONOMY PROGRAM                   STRATEGIC INVESTMENT                    2019 AGRONOMY PROGRAM

                         yy In field touch points and            yy Increasing in field touch points     yy TNC has unique opportunity to
                            questionnaire based data on          yy In house agronomist capturing           develop IP in the broad acre hemp
                            fertilization, variety, seed date,      plant data and CBD life cycle           space at the start of the value
           PRE HARVEST

                            combine type and harvest                                                        chain
                            technique, crop protection           yy Increasing precision agriculture
                                                                    platform                             yy 2 core focuses:
                            chemical usage and place in crop
                            rotation                             yy Continue 2018 data collection on          1) Comprehensive pre harvest
                                                                    approved varieties                        oversight program

                                                                 yy Working with partners to identify         2) Pre harvest Quality Assur-
                                                                    upcoming genetics                         ance analysis related to CPC and
                                                                                                              pathogen exposure

                         yy Several data points collected        yy Data driven advice to improve        yy Program to be led by certified
                            along process from all growers,         potency and quality                     agronomist
                            focusing on the impact to CBD

                                                                 yy Advanced weather and environ-        yy Supported by substantially more
                            production yeild                        mental analytics                        accurate and indicative technology,
                         yy Data collected on 8,000 acres of     yy Agronomy support to determin-           including HPLC for cannabinoid
                            hemp production has yielded the         ing harvest timing                      testing
                            premier data set in hemp space

                              TNC’s agronomy and data program is creating a unique platform to provide data driven advice to
                                            our farmers across several key value driving agronomic variables

Slide 11
Investment in Harvest Operations
                   Driving improvements to harvest operations through experience

             Universal                       Accelerated,          Improved cart             Wireless control
           combine to cart                  contained cart           conveying               and monitoring
              sleeve                           offload                systems                   systems

                                                                                                       PROCESS AUTONOMY &
                      PRODUCT CONTAINMENT                      OPERATING EFFICIENCY
                   yy Key driver of raw material volumes   yy Minimizing the status quo grain      yy Requirement for hands on
                      and potency yield!                      harvest to collect hemp chaff is        operation of collection equipment
                   yy 2018 saw lower efficiency levels        critical to the farmer                  puts operator in harms way, both
                      that improved through harvest        yy Improved collection equipment           from equipment and dust
                      – improvised solutions need             reliability, hopper offload times,   yy Remote operations from combine’s
                      to be fabricated into universal,        and ability to operate remotely         cab eliminates the risk to the
                      permanent solutions                     are required to improve collection      operator and reduces the hands on
                                                              metrics and unlock economies of         requirement for labour

Slide 11
Investment in Processing & Ref inement
              Leveraging investment in technology and footprint expansion to improve
              potency and product quality

                  Key Drivers of Investment Plan
                                                                Improving Potency

       IMPROVED              QUALITY           THROUGHPUT         yy Improved refinement process for mechanical can-
        POTENCY             ASSURANCE            CAPACITY            nabinoid removal from hemp chaff
                                                                  yy Investing in existing technology from outside
                                                                     industy to be implemented in TNC’s process

                                                                Improving Quality Assurance

                                                                  yy Enhancing product segmentation practices and
                                                                     post production storage capacity
                                                                  yy Investment in custom, container-based storage
                                                                     with flex capacity for harvest raw material inventory
                                        2019                      yy Scale up of existing environmentally controlled
                            CURRENT     EXPANSION                    finished product storage area
                                                                  yy Improvement in existing SOPs related to
                                                                     production batching

                                                                Enhanced Throughput Capacity

                                                                  yy Debottlenecking of refining capacity to reduce
                                                                     impact of harvest raw material inventory surge
                                                                  yy Investment in dual production lines - incremental
                                                                     benefits include dedication of one line for organic

Slide 12
TNC’s Competitive Advantage
                   Securing supply through harvest operations

                IN-FIELD HARVEST                                                          PARTNERSHIPS
             SUPPORT PROVIDES TNC:                     TNC backward                       IN EXTRACTION
                                                       integrates into     yy Gives TNC line of sight to product specification
    yy Access to raw material supply                 supply by providing      needs & required product feedback
    yy In-field data to progress agronomy program
                                                      a harvest service    yy Allows TNC to focus on core strenths
                                                       model support
    yy Improvements to our best in class harvest
                                                      to hemp farmers
                                                     manage the unique
    yy Lower material cost by supporting the hemp       challenges of
       grain farmer
                                                      harvesting hemp
    yy Seed to sale tracking                                                         HEMP EXTRACTIONS
                                                         based CBD

                                                      HEMP REFINEMENT

                    HEMP FARM
                                                           focused on
                                                         extraction and
      True North Cannabis is the only hemp harvest
      sevice provider in Canada                          retail product

Slide 13
Commercial Success
                      TNC’s CBD Raw is the premier hemp based CBD raw material for extraction

                  WHY TRUE NORTH

                                                                                                 6 ACTIVE
           yy Reliable source of CBD supply                                                     CUSTOMERS
           yy Volumes to support downstream
           yy Compliance through seed to sale
              tracking                                                                   MULTIPLE PRODUCT
           yy Robust Quality Assurance program                                              RE-ORDERS
           yy Ability to ship rateably
           yy Experienced
                                                                                          OVER $1M IN SALES
                                                                                          IN FIRST 3 MONTHS

             TNC’s CBD RAW IS THE
            PREMIER HEMP PRODUCT                                                              SELLING AT
                                                                                           EXPECTED PRICES

           yy Higher potency
           yy Cleaned of contaminants
           yy Extract ready                                                                     2019 SUPPLY
           yy Extract efficient

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TRUENORTH                    CANNABIS

       1-855-472-1420                 1-855-472-1420
       1-403-835-4369                1-780-918-9348
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