Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland

Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
Updated Feb 1 2021
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
• Simulation and surveillance
• Planning and Design
• Training
• Maintenance
• Gaming and Entertainment
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
VTT Virtual and Augmented Reality
CIVIT TUT Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies   Virtual and augmented reality, immersivity,
                                                       optics and photonics, computer vision,
UEF Institute of Photonics                               pattern recognition, signal analysis,
CVPRL LUT Computer Vision and                              personalized wellness solutions,
Pattern Recognition Laboratory                          spatial audio, psychoacoustics, virtual
                                                      acoustics, human-technology interaction,
CMVS The Center for Machine Vision and
                                                          inclusion of impaired user groups
Signal Analysis, Oulu
UBICOMP Center for Ubiquitous Computing,
ITEE Faculty, Oulu
SPA Aalto University Department of
Signal Processing and Acoustics
TAUCHI Tampere University Tampere
Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
TUAS Futurististic Interactive
Technologies Turku
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
HUMan Optimized xR
• University of Oulu
A Cognitive Fractal and Secure EDGE
based on a unique Open-Safe-Reliable-Low
Power Hardware Platform Node
• ECSEL Joint Undertaking
• University of Oulu
Re-Engineering Retinal Imaging with
Photonics and Computational Science
• LUT School of Engineering Science
• University of Eastern Finland
• University of Tampere
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
Helsinki XR Center is an incubator for talent in the         AVR Ecosystem incubated multidisciplinary
field of virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR).            businesses to join together to seek new and disrupting
                                                             existing markets, establish co-operation between companies
Finnish Virtual Reality Association (FIVR)                   and public organizations.
aims to advance virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR) development and related activities in Finland.          Virtual Reality Finland ry organizes events,
                                                             supports VR and AR projects and shares information on the
Yle Beta is an icubator for next generation                  state and development of the XR ecosystem.
media experiences.
                                                             Photonics Finland is a technology-oriented
Nordic XR Startups is an early-stage                         association that drives the photonics industry in Finland by
Investor and accelerator for XR startups                     connecting Finnish photonics companies, research centers,
                                                             and public authorities.
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
The breakthroughs we are working on at
Dispelix will fundamentally change the way
nanophotonics are designed and
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
Aukio welcomes visitors of Helsinki Airport
with an immersive and interactive experience
where nature plays the leading role.
It gives a calming, relaxing and yet inspiring
and unforgettable experience for the visitors.

                                                 Picture: Finavia
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland
“Before, reviewing a car model with design
management meant flying to Korea and took
at least four days,” said a Kia design
executive. “Now, I can do it in one hour.”

                                             Picture: Varjo
Updated Feb 1 2021 - Business Finland

Together with the City of Helsinki, Zoan
created a virtual concert in Helsinki’s digital
twin to celebrate May Day. With 1,4 million
views it was the largest online-event in
Finland and made up for live May Day
celebrations cancelled due to COVID-19.

                                                  Picture: ZOAN

                              SYSTEM /
     HARDWARE                                   APPLICATIONS     CONTENT     END USERS
                              TOOL KIT

  COMPONENTS               Commercial             Games         Content     Consumers
       Chip             open systems and          Video        production   Business
                        development tools                       Content
   Input device                                   Military
                      Proprietary systems and                  operation
  Output device          development tools       Medical
      Others                                    Live stream
   TERMINALS                                     Logistics
    Mobile VR                                   Education
      PC VR                                       Retail
   All-in-one VR                                  Others
    AR glasses
 Interactive device

                              SYSTEM /
     HARDWARE                                   APPLICATIONS     CONTENT     END USERS
                              TOOL KIT

  COMPONENTS               Commercial             Games         Content     Consumers
       Chip             open systems and          Video        production   Business
                        development tools                       Content
   Input device                                   Military
                      Proprietary systems and                  operation
  Output device          development tools       Medical
      Others                                    Live stream
   TERMINALS                                     Logistics
    Mobile VR                                   Education
      PC VR                                       Retail
   All-in-one VR                                  Others
    AR glasses
 Interactive device
OUR SOLUTION                                    IDEAL CLIENT
Our laser and laser projection solutions are    We make custom application-specific
based on our proprietary frequency-stabilized   solutions to medium and large enterprises
laser technology and piezo-electric optical     manufacturing systems and instruments in
scanner technology which enable fabrication     consumer electronics, automotive and
of market-beating high-volume projection        biomedical industries.
and imaging products. Our solutions are
especially suitable for holographic displays    COMPANY
and multi-wavelength instruments.
                                                Brighterwave develops and sells innovate
                                                laser and laser projection solutions. We are
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           located in Tampere. We help our clients
Thanks to our innovative laser platform we      create new products loaded with competitive
offer ultra-compact lasers and laser            advantages. We provide high quality and
projection solutions having World's highest     volume through our world-class
brightness, highest efficiency and the best     manufacturing partners.
image quality in terms of contrast, color
gamut stability and speckle contrast.

Tomi Jouhti
+358 40 753 1224
OUR SOLUTION                                   Quality – Dispelix technology is designed
                                               using materials and processes that are well
Dispelix is focused on the highest             established and scalable ensuring the
performance waveguide displays that meet       highest yield, quality, and lowest risk during
the strictest demands. Together with our       manufacturing.
partners, we solve the most complex
problems enabling our customers to create      IDEAL CLIENT
AR solutions that change our view of how we
experience the world.                          Any organization who require AR displays for
                                               consumers or enterprise customers. We will
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                          focus on OEM’s, ODM’s, and Platform
Form – With the Dispelix single-layer
displays, or our custom-built displays, our    COMPANY
customers have the thinnest and lightest
displays in the world to meet the needs of     Dispelix is the world's premier waveguide
consumers and enterprise.                      display OEM offering the highest quality
                                               displays and know-how along with complete
Function – Dispelix offers our customers the   solutions partners who represent the entire
highest image quality optical performance      supply chain and AR ecosystem.
with a wide range of field of views.

Riku Rikkola
+358 50 470 9800
OUR SOLUTION                                    glass processing solution available in the
Glaser redefines the traditional processes in
the glass industry by eliminating the most      IDEAL CLIENT
energy-intensive and polluting production
phases such as breaking, grinding, washing      Glaser can be used in various industry
and drying. Glaser cutting produces smooth      segments, including automotive,
and transparent edge, which is stress-free      construction, and medical applications. XR
and therefore requires no post-processing.      equipment manufacturers represent our ideal
For the XR industry this means excellent        client profile in the consumer electronics
image quality with just a portion of            segment, as Glaser enables free-form glass
production costs.                               cutting with high speed and excellent edge
We provide all-in-one type of machinery,
thus strongly reducing the process-related      Hypermemo is a privately owned startup
capex and the maintenance-related opex.         company with strong scientific background
Our technology also eliminates the majority     and unique know-how in industrial CO2
of waste (small glass chips), which is a        lasers. The company is backed by Finnish VC
heavy pain for the industry. So Glaser is the   funds and European Innovation Council.
most cost-effective, clean and sustainable

Erik Raita
+358 40 593 8142
OUR SOLUTION                                    IDEAL CLIENT
Nanocomp offers several optical film            Our optical film solutions are ideal for display
solutions with micro- and nanostructured        manufacturers and their related supply
surfaces for applications in consumer           chains. Nanocomp focuses on the
electronics.                                    manufacturing of micro- and nanophotonics
                                                products for the consumer electronics, laser
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           sensing and special lighting sectors.
Our solutions feature nano- or microscale
patterning. The production is based on the      COMPANY
roll-to-roll (R2R) UV imprinting process. All   Nanocomp is a global forerunner in
our processes are carried out in-house.         micro- and nano-photonics design and
                                                manufacturing, with production based
                                                on the roll-to-roll process.

Matti Eronen
+358 400 860 287
OUR SOLUTION                                   IDEAL CLIENT
We offer a base hardware platform with AR      Civil Services, Forestry, Oil rigs, Mining,
module and an assortment of sensors. AR        Security and Defense.
Software services and subscriptions for our
platform. Customization of the existing        COMPANY
hardware platform if needed to suit every
                                               We're an international team of six people
purpose. Integration of other systems with
                                               based in Helsinki and Espoo, all from
our platform.
                                               engineering backgrounds with a passion for
                                               Augmented Reality. We've mostly been
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                          focused on presenting our pilot to Defense
We believe AR is not a solution onto itself    forces and are now trying to broaden our
but integrated with the right sensors and      market to the industry.
systems can provide fluid, mobile, and
uninterrupted workflow. We go the extra
mile to consider our customer's needs above
all and offer rugged hardware solutions that
can be dropped, used in the rain, in dusty
environments, and easily maintained.

Yani Mustapha
+358 45 625 3959
OUR SOLUTION                                  COMPANY
SeeTrue Technologies serves industrial        SeeTrue Technologies is based on extensive
partners with customizable eye tracking       research and know-how from the Finnish
solutions.                                    photonics cluster. Founded in 2018, the
                                              company created a unique patent-pending
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                         optical and computer vision solution for
                                              robust eye tracking, allowing us to embed
Our technology offers high robustness,
                                              the technology to challenging environments.
customization, full API access, and fast
prototyping cycles. The system requires no
re-calibration, works with most users and     BUSINESS AREAS
eyewear, has tolerance against system         HW technology platforms - Medical /
slippage.                                     Healthcare

The solutions are suitable for head-mounted
sensor and display environments. Potential
and existing customers are mostly from
foreign markets and include at XR head set
developers and optical systems
manufactures such as microscope

Roman Bednarik
+358 41 430 6116
OUR SOLUTION                                     resolution (>70 ppd) and the comfortable
                                                 headsets enable use for hours on end with
Varjo's human-eye resolution XR/VR               no simulator sickness.
headsets, the Varjo XR-3 and VR-3,
accelerate professional XR/VR adoption and       IDEAL CLIENT
bring immersive computing to every
workplace. They deliver unsurpassed visual       Varjo's solutions deliver unsurpassed visual
fidelity across industries where absolute        fidelity for all industries and professionals
precision is necessary, including training and   requiring absolute precision, such as training
simulation, design, engineering, medical and     and simulation, design, engineering, medical
research, empowering professional users to       and research.
perform at their highest level.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            Varjo (pronounced var-yo) is headquartered
Unlike competing mainly consumer-first           in Helsinki and is creating the world's most
offerings, our XR/VR solutions are tailor-       advanced virtual and mixed reality hardware
made for professionals. XR-3 provides the        and software for professional use, merging
industry's only photorealistic mixed reality     the real and virtual worlds seamlessly
powered by video pass-through across the         together in human-eye resolution.
widest field of view for XR (115°). Both XR-3
and VR-3 have the industry's highest

Varjo Sales
+358 40 130 6998

                              SYSTEM /
     HARDWARE                                   APPLICATIONS     CONTENT     END USERS
                              TOOL KIT

  COMPONENTS               Commercial             Games         Content     Consumers
       Chip             open systems and          Video        production   Business
                        development tools                       Content
   Input device                                   Military
                      Proprietary systems and                  operation
  Output device          development tools       Medical
      Others                                    Live stream
   TERMINALS                                     Logistics
    Mobile VR                                   Education
      PC VR                                       Retail
   All-in-one VR                                  Others
    AR glasses
 Interactive device
OUR SOLUTION                                    This in turn results in cost-effective and fast
                                                productions. Just the way our clients like it!
Arilyn offers Arilyn Manager AR CMS for
creating and publishing AR experiences.         IDEAL CLIENT
Creating augmented reality has never been
this easy! Arilyn Expo is a tool for creating   Augmented reality and XR is a perfect media
virtual showrooms and other virtual spaces      for brands wanting to differentiate and
that work straight on a mobile browser,         engage in a crowded media space.
desktop and VR glasses. In addition, Arilyn     Customers spend time with the brand, and
offers services ranging from concepts to        will be left emotionally connected to the
design and production to global AR              brand. We also have a sweet deal for
marketing campaigns.                            agencies – They can get our tools and our
                                                expertise for free!
Arilyn is a global pioneer in developing AR
technologies. We are also lean and agile. Our   Arilyn is a Finnish company founded in 2013.
customers can request rapid prototypes, and     We currently employ 25 professionals and a
we can develop custom features for our          vast crowd of freelancers in Helsinki and
clients. Our tools have been developed for      New York. Arilyn has a partnership with the
creatives, which means no need for coding       world's biggest packaging manufacturer CCL
and no development costs.                       to provide connected packaging for some of
                                                the world's most recognizable brands.
Emmi Jouslehto
+358 40 130 6998
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
We bridge the people and the digital             Our products are used in the digitalizing
environment in the workplace. Our intuitive      industry and for example in maintenance
solutions are used for real-time process         and field service. We're sector-agnostic
monitoring, machine control, worker              because our solutions add value across all
guidance and training, as well as for enabling   manufacturing and service businesses.
remote collaboration and assistance. Our aim
is to help people do better, learn faster, and   COMPANY
stay safer at their everyday work with the
                                                 The augmented reality software company
help of augmented reality.
                                                 was founded in 2012 with roots deep in
                                                 academic research. Our headquarters are
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            located in Oulu, Finland, the “Silicon Valley”
With a strong research background and a          of the Nordics. In addition, we have a
unique team of talented experts we develop       presence in Taiwan, Japan, and Kenya. We
most of the augmented reality technologies       serve our customers and are operating all
in-house and patent our key innovations. We      over the world.
are recognized for the ease-of-use of our
products and are a trusted companion in
developing solutions that meet our
customers’ needs today and tomorrow.

Eve Lindroth
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
Basemark provides Rocksolid Engine, a high-      Our ideal client wants to develop systems
performance real-time parallel computing         and applications for multiple accelerated
and graphics software toolkit for cross-         computing & 3D graphics hardware
platform acceleration of machine vision, AI      platforms.
algorithms and 3D rendering. Basemark
serves the silicon, edge and automotive          COMPANY
industries with optimization services and
                                                 Basemark helps customers to create
Hardware Performance Benchmarks for 3D
                                                 products that run faster, consume less power
AR/MR, Autonomous Driving and high-
                                                 and produce a premium-quality visual
performance computing systems.
                                                 output. Basemark is an industry leader in
                                                 mission-critical, real-time compute and
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            graphics software.
A long track record of working with the
chipset industry to optimize 3D rendering
and parallel computing applications on the
driver level, combined with specific expertise
in 3D user interfaces and Autonomous

Sami Niska
+358 50 487 6582
OUR SOLUTION                                    IDEAL CLIENT
The Orion360™ engine was developed and          Our technology is powering industry-leading
optimised to be an efficient and light-weight   applications ranging from simple video
solution for 360/VR video playback and          experiences all the way up to the fully
interactive 3D menus. It runs smoothly on       featured video catalogue apps integrated to
smartphones, tablets, VR headsets, smart        corporate backend systems. You have the
TVs, web browsers and even on embedded          story; we make it real.
computers in industrial machines.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           Use case analysis, data collection, algorithm
Our team is highly experienced and has a        design, simulation & implementation. Mass
strong track record of scientific and           optimisation, verification, and user
commercial success: scientific publications,    experience. We know what is feasible and
international patents, and real-world           employ scientific methods to create an
implementations with over one billion users.    algorithm that works outside as well as
The Orion360™ engine, the core of our           inside of the lab.
solution for VR video, is the result of long-
term R&D work utilising state-of-the-art
sensor fusion and visualisation algorithms.

Juha Kela
+358 40 769 4061
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
Glue is a universal collaboration platform for   Our target customers are enterprises with
virtual, face-to-face -like collaboration for    dispersed, high-performance teams who
organizations and teams around the world. It     have a need to come together to learn,
is a shared virtual environment where            share, plan and create.
participants project their human presence to
interact with others and access a complete       COMPANY
set of collaboration tools for effective live
                                                 Glue helps global teams to collaborate in
collaboration. Glue can be used on VR,
                                                 more productive and sustainable ways using
desktop and mobile.
                                                 a cloud-based virtual collaboration platform.
                                                 Our journey began 15 years ago as
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            animation and XR studio and now we are
Glue is one of the pioneers on multi-            leveraging our renowned digital
participant virtual collaboration. With the      craftsmanship to take remote collaboration
past 5 years we have focused on building the     to the next level.
best human remote presence,
comprehensive collaboration tools and
secure, scalable and customizable platform.
These focus areas have served us well as we
are seeing large multinational organizations
like Microsoft, KLM, T-Systems and BSG
Platinion choosing to work with Glue.

Jussi Havu
+358 45 216 8841
OUR SOLUTION                                      IDEAL CLIENT
Immersal provides an open cloud service for       With our AR@5G we enable the 5G operators
AR developers to create and share their           to take ownership of the emerging Spatial
Localising Digital Twins. For 5G operators we     AR value chain instead of being just a
offer a scalable platform with centrally          pipeline between the user and the
operated powerful load balancer and               application provider.
distributed low latency MEC architecture. Our
"cloud service in a box" for Enterprises has      COMPANY
all the needed Localizing Digital Twin
                                                  Immersal Oy is a Helsinki, Finland based
operations in a simple to manage and secure
                                                  scale-up. The company has world leading
to operate package.
                                                  Technology, Products and Services for
                                                  creating and managing the Localising Digital
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                             Twins.
Immersal Localisation works both on-device
and on-server which is requirement in any
experience larger than room-scale. Our
mapper and localiser works on all relevant
operating systems. Immersal AR@5G is the
only Localising Digital Twin Platform available
for mobile operators.

Anttoni Vesterinen
+358 40 750 1717
OUR SOLUTION                                     in China • 9/10 largest smartphone
                                                 companies as customers including Google
OptoFidelity has been delivering AR and VR       and Samsung • Strongest credit rating AAA
test solutions since 2013. Our systems focus
on measuring HMD performance in both             IDEAL CLIENT
spatial and temporal test categories. This       OptoFidelity's ideal AR/VR-customer is any
allows manufacturers to optimize the quality     contributor for AR/VR head mounted display
of the hardware and the software in their        perceptual quality. Customer can be
systems to achieve the best possible             component provider, material provider,
immersion and presence.                          contract manufacturer, ODM or the OEM.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            Anyone who wants to improve and enhance
                                                 their end user experience.
• Key patents and IPR in AR VR HMD testing
and performance measurements • Working           COMPANY
with TOP 3 AR/VR industry leaders for            OptoFidelity is an agile measurement
several years • 15 years of expertise in         automation partner with a wide range of
precision high-volume test automation,           expertise in smart device testing from R&D
metrology, software and mechatronics • Off-      concepting to smart manufacturing.
the-shelf products and tailored test solutions
• Engineering services • 18 support and
service teams in Europe, USA and China •
Own manufacturing in Finland, Estonia and

Lasse Lepistö
+358 40 741 1221
OUR SOLUTION                               COMPETITIVE
Softability offers high-quality software   ADVANTAGE
development and testing services for       We have more than twenty years of
customer assignments, as well as X-        experience in cooperating with
Reality projects for customer needs.       manufacturing companies and more
Our XReach solution enables modern         than five years of experience in X-
video-assisted remote support on a         Reality solutions. Combining the two
global scale.                              into viable businesses is our specialty.
Softability is one of the leading          Our operations are agile and reliable.
providers of Augmented (AR) and            We will be happy to guide you from
Virtual (VR) Reality solutions in          beginning to end with the adoption of
Finland. We help companies in the          new technology to get the most out of
manufacturing industry develop their       it for your business.
operations with new technologies, like
AR, MR and VR. These new                   COMPANY
technologies create a competitive          Softability is an innovative, growing
advantage for companies that utilize       and profitable software house located
them, including cost savings,              in Finland. We have achieved three
enhanced productivity and faster           years in a row Great Place to Work -
training.                                  certification. Our customer satisfaction
                                           rate in 2019 was 4,4 / 5. Satisfied
                                           employees guarantee high quality
                                           projects and satisfied customers.
Mikko Luukkonen
+358 50 554 3652
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
Tietoa XR is an ongoing open source -based       Ideal client is an organization with a business
development with important key features of       reason to communicate using 3D models of
mixed reality: - no install > direct access on   objects, products or spaces at easy and
HTTP URL addresses - works computers,            secure enough manner. Ideal client is also
headsets and mobile devices - has                interested in involving real salespersons as
reasonable data security - tested so far on      avatars in remote sales presentations on
17 simultaneous online avatar users              mixed reality experience (opt. headsets).
Additional features: - compatible to
unlimited size 3d model streaming solutions -    COMPANY
compatible to future AR solutions
                                                 Tietoa is a consultancy company backed up
                                                 with software skills. Our services improve the
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            fluency and productivity of real estate
We deliver adoptable XR solutions on HTTP        development, design, construction and
standard aimed to satisfy demanding use          marketing. We develop, consult, coordinate
cases where company data security policies       and train. We have been operating since
are often the showstopper for stand alone        2000 and employ 30 top professionals.
solutions. We don't install anything, and
traffic is firewall and VPN friendly so that
most use cases are 100% successful from
the get-go.

Tomas Westerholm
+358 50 514 3390
OUR SOLUTION                                technologies including 5G, AI, ML, NLP,
                                            data, IoT and blockchain. We take
Enhancing operations efficiency &           design thinking and lean startup
customer experience by integrating          approach seriously. We always keep
immersive dimension to traditional          the balance between human, business
processes. Our solutions match user         and technology to support our clients
and business needs, offering                in all the dimensions.
sustainable approach to solving
challenges across all industry verticals.   IDEAL CLIENT
The key focus areas include strategy
development, XR training & multi-user       All sectors and departments with
collaboration, remote assistance &          digitalisation high(est) up on the
guidance, data-infused digital twin &       agenda.
COMPETITIVE                                 TietoEVRY is a leading digital services
ADVANTAGE                                   and software company, creating digital
                                            advantage for businesses and society.
We unlock top Nordic expertise,             Headquartered in Finland, TietoEVRY
combined with near- and off-shore           employs around 24 000 experts
capabilities. Our extended team has         globally, and serves thousands of
deep understanding of spatial               enterprise and public sector customers
computing as well as adjacent               in more than 90 countries.

Ksenia Avetisova
+358 46 811 4913
OUR SOLUTION                                        other solution simply offers anything even
                                                    remotely close.
SceneStream development platform is a
comprehensive set of tools for optimizing           IDEAL CLIENT
and delivering your terabyte-scale 3D
content in full fidelity. It suits use cases from   Large enterprises that can dedicate R&D
3D mapping, autonomous driving to city              budgets to develop end-to-end solutions on
visualizations and beyond. Visibility SDK           top of our platform to solve large
enables real-time rendering optimization            undertakings in autonomous driving, 3D
through various spatial queries performed in        mapping, city visualization and so forth.
runtime and is used by the largest gaming           Smaller enterprises that deal with the 3D
companies in the world.                             content and have to spend time manually
                                                    optimizing content.
Umbra has built a solid foundation of
expertise over the last 15 years working with       Umbra is an expert in real-time 3D
the most demanding clients when it comes            rendering. Founded in 2006, Umbra has its
to real-time rendering. This has helped             roots in the Finnish Demoscene of the 90s.
Umbra develop proprietary algorithms,               Today, 30 people strong, with 90% of the
deploy products on top of them and offer            staff being engineers. Umbra serves some of
services that enable such large-scale and           the largest corporations on planet Earth with
high-fidelity 3D content rendering that no          its product offering.

Antti Ylimutka
+358 40 726 8383
OUR SOLUTION                                    technologies all the way to WebXR, high-end
                                                VR/AR and photorealistic rendering.
Wakeone can design, develop and deploy
solutions for the immersive internet. We        IDEAL CLIENT
have cloud-technology knowledge to build
on, long record of user experience driven XR    Ideal client for our services is a high-
solutions, large team of 3D artist and          technology company with complex solution
software developers, years of service and       for global audience. With our experience and
business design experience and an               in-sights from this area we can provide the
established culture of delivering value fast,   most impressive and beneficial solutions for
be it design prototypes or deploying code for   our high-technology clients.
high-technology companies.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           Wakeone has 45 experts located in Helsinki
Wakeone has and unique combination of           and Tampere regions. Wakeone can design,
technology experts, cgi-artist and concept      develop and also support (hosting and
designer to develop unique solutions for our    service desk) solutions for our clients.
clients on the high-technology industry. To
develop our services we use a wide array of
technologies reaching from AWS/Azure could
technologies to modern web front-end

Tommi Palvimo
+358 50 353 5173

                              SYSTEM /
     HARDWARE                                   APPLICATIONS     CONTENT     END USERS
                              TOOL KIT

  COMPONENTS               Commercial             Games         Content     Consumers
       Chip             open systems and          Video        production   Business
                        development tools                       Content
   Input device                                   Military
                      Proprietary systems and                  operation
  Output device          development tools       Medical
      Others                                    Live stream
   TERMINALS                                     Logistics
    Mobile VR                                   Education
      PC VR                                       Retail
   All-in-one VR                                  Others
    AR glasses
 Interactive device
OUR SOLUTION                                    pedagogy 5) Experience 6) Enable remote
                                                teaching with AR/VR for learning hands-on
3DBear provides everything you need to          skills.
build your own virtual learning
environments. This includes proprietary and     IDEAL CLIENT
partner software, and pedagogically certified
3DBear Academy approach for training            A vocational training institute or career and
educators and co-developing content for         technical education school who wants to be
teaching without the need of learning how to    able to teach any subject remotely when it
e.g. code in Unity and Unreal. Anyone can       has not been possible to previously to do
build their own virtual learning environments   that. Applicable to more than 400 different
with 3DBear!                                    fields. Willing to invest to implement
                                                teaching with AR/VR and reap the benefits.
1) Teacher-controlled content: you build your
own AR/VR environment to match your             3DBear is top 8 XR education in the world as
teaching or training needs 2) Integrated end-   recognized by Bill and Melinda Gates
to-end experience: you get everything you       Foundation, and Google and Apple
need to use virtual learning enviroments        recommended remote teaching solution.
from 3DBear 3) Ease of use: no prerequisite     3DBear is a born global ed-tech star
computer skills needed 4) Higher order skills   originating from Finland and it has offices in
                                                Helsinki and New York.

Jussi Kajala
+358 50 561 5411
OUR SOLUTION                                      We can clone your production plant into a
                                                  virtual reality environment and enrich the
We offer solutions for virtual reality,           model with IoT data, so you can lead your
augmented reality and laser scanning using        operations effectively, regardless of your
our own collaboration platform called Design      location.
                                                  By simulating your equipment and machinery
Our Design Space collaboration software           with real-world physics, you can train your
expands your CAD software, makes your             employees safely.
own work smoother and adds value to your
clients with the help of virtual reality. While   We build prototypes, model environments
Design Space has been developed to                and visualize your products and ideas so that
generate substantial cost savings, especially     reality never again catches you, your team or
in industrial design and engineering, anyone      your customers by surprise.
working with 3D data can take advantage of
the software.                                     COMPANY
                                                  3D Talo offers virtual and augmented reality
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                             solutions to develop your business. As a
As a technological innovator and a leader         leading technological partner, we make sure
within the field, we are your top choice as a     your business has the latest and most
business partner in industrial and factory        innovative solutions in use.
planning, product development, design and
area development.

Tatu Säisä
+358 50 561 5411
OUR SOLUTION                                  IDEAL CLIENT
Our Visualization Services, also known as     Elomatic currently operates in marine &
Elomatic ViSU provides a comprehensive        offshore, machine & equipment
offering of VR, AR & MR productions that      manufacturing, and process & energy
supports our customer's development,          industry. However, our Visualization Services
manufacturing and operations, enabling        are suitable for all industries that want to
efficient communication, decision-making      enhance their competitiveness and utilize the
and training. We offer concept designs,       emerged XR market to their advantage.
virtual prototypes, sales configurators,
simulators, training environments and         COMPANY
operational digital twins.                    Elomatic is a privately owned company from
                                              Finland founded in 1970 by Ari Elo. We have
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                         over 1100 highly qualified professionals. Our
As an engineering company, we are involved    mission is to develop top technical know-how
in our customer's planning and development,   for our customers' benefit. Improving our
giving us deep industry and product           customers' competitiveness is what we do.
knowledge. We have professionals for all
major CAD software, reality capture and
technical analysis. These multiple content
sources and our visualization expertise
enable realistic and accurate XR content.

Jani Moisala
+358 50 381 8181
www.elomatic.com, visu.elomatic.com
OUR SOLUTION                                    IDEAL CLIENT
MeKiwi produces custom made XR solutions,       Ideal clients are SMEs and enterprise
tailor made for clients' needs. Thanks to our   companies that want to adopt VR trainings
team of experts, MeKiwi can complete a wide     and simulations for improving quality, saving
range of XR (AR/VR/MR) projects, fully in-      time and decreasing costs. MeKiwi usually
house, from concept creation until delivery.    works with clients who have addressed a
We focus on enterprise XR software, such as     need or an issue and assist with the best XR
device/ gadget simulations as well as           solution.
personnel trainings in VR/MR.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           MeKiwi is a VR publisher and XR developer
MeKiwi offers a wide range of services under    focusing on custom built XR software for B2B
the same roof, from graphics designing to 3D    clients. We have one of the largest XR
modeling, from game design to execution in      development teams in Finland and we have
XR- experts of gamification. Client does not    our own VR game development & publishing
have to know the details; We turn ideas into    section. We enjoy creating creative AR
concepts, and concepts into products.           experiences for SMEs, XR simulations and
MeKiwi is an Oculus ISV Program partner         MR trainings.
and is one of the very few XR developers
that can utilize the world's most advanced
headset Varjo XR-3.

Merih Arikkök
+358 44 751 0096
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
With our VR-evaluation product Arvo              Our service is designed for diagnosis and
diagnosis process is made easier with            treatment of neurological challenges (e.g.
quantitative and objective data. After           aphasia). Easy-to-use exercises serve
diagnosis rehabilitation can be done with our    therapists and rehabilitees in the fields of
VR-rehabilitation product Koto, which offers     speech therapy, neuropsychology,
pre-made exercise packages to several            occupational therapy and physiotherapy,
different diagnoses. With VR-evaluation it is    both remotely and during rehabilitation
easier to frequently evaluate effectiveness of   appointments.
rehabilitation and medication.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            Peili Vision was founded in 2015 based on
Core team, advisors, customers and               the idea of helping people in their
collaborator researchers are key opinion         rehabilitation process with the latest
leaders in their fields and they hold the best   technology - by utilizing Virtual Reality. Our
possible skills and knowledge available. We      mission is to improve neurological
are very hard focused on research and we         rehabilitation processes from diagnosis to
are able to develop products in close            rehabilitation and evaluation with our VR
collaboration with our customers with agile      solution.
methods. With our new products we stand
out from the crowd with our unique and
groundbreaking products.

Jussi Auvinen
+358 50 376 7150
OUR SOLUTION                                      sports communities that find novel ways to
                                                  interact with the physical environment.
Our flagship game, Skatrix, embraces
skateboarding’s challenge of making a             IDEAL CLIENT
massive playground out of the real world.
With this game, we aim to replicate the           Our goal is to build a Skatrix community by
social experience of shredding a skate spot       targeting: Young skateboarding enthusiasts
with your friends, even in times when we are      who wish to express themselves through
apart. Skatrix was designed to let players        skateboarding, on and off the board. And
around the world invent clever ways to skate      earlier skaters and other action sports fans
by exploiting their surrounding architecture      from older generations who wish to keep
and environment.                                  skating non-physically.

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                             COMPANY
As expert implementers of AR technologies,        Reality Crisis is an Augmented Reality mobile
we’ve created a system that integrates            game development studio distributed across
cutting edge, widely available functionalities,   Europe, the Americas, and Oceania. We
with intuitive controls. We then joined forces    create games inspired by the positivity and
with skateboarding legend, Rodney Mullen,         perseverance of action sports communities
to find the right game-feel to authentically      and give players the super-power to project
recreate the creativity displayed by action       their aspirational selves onto the world.

Kasimir Lehto
+358 50 472 1722
OUR SOLUTION                                   IDEAL CLIENT
Instantly publish 3D models from any BIM       Targeted at BIM Professionals, we deliver
software to any device. Communicate and        countless opportunities for non-technical
review issues in the model on site with our    audiences, making 3D models easier to
3D/VR Viewer. Use our Commenting Tool and      share with anyone anywhere. Architects can
get 2-way feedback regardless of which BIM     now rapidly share 3D plans with clients or
software you are using. Also, breaking down    contractors and construction workers can
existing barriers to sharing large BIMs, our   review changes in 3D on site via mobile
streaming service works with any size of       devices.
model on any device.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                          Tridify is a technology automation company
Only one license needed: invite team           focusing on BIM (Building Information
members to generate Tridify Web Viewer         Model) communication and visualization. Our
links and share links freely with anyone. No   team has deep domain expertise in 3D
additional licenses or accounts needed.        rendering and game engines, graphics and
                                               VR/AR. Our fully automated workflow is
                                               based on a very advanced open standards
                                               BIM processing engine, built over more than
                                               six years. Privately held and based in
                                               Helsinki, Finland.

Kasey Snyder
+358 40 181 5541
OUR SOLUTION                                    by helping consumers start the purchase
                                                online at home.
Our visual CPQ tool powered by
VividPlatform™ enables product                  IDEAL CLIENT
configuration for complex, modular products
with an array of visualization options          Anyone who has a complex, modular product
including AR, VR, 360 panorama and high         can benefit from our solution. Our visual,
quality resolution imaging, all integrated to   rules based solution provides up-to-date
your existing sales processes. We also          pricing for correct quotes to send semi-
provide the tools to independently maintain     custom products quickly and error-free to
the solution and provide training in areas      production, saving time and money.
related to 3D as required.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           Our customers always have their sales
We offer a wide range of visualization          catalog at their fingertips – up-to-date with
options and we integrate directly to your       all options, colors, designs and prices. Our
existing systems. We bring additional value     core competence and vast technology
to business by shortening the sales cycle,      expertise in visual configuration and CPQ
inspiring customers to commit to purchase       solutions place us in a great position to help
when they really see what they are getting.     manufacturers in their shift to digital.
Sales staff are seen as experts and online
sales and pre-sales practices are supported

Erin Saraspää
+358 44 509 8553
OUR SOLUTION                                          COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
Wapice digitizes its clients’ business processes      Our solutions derive from a good balance
from the beginning to the end of the production       between tailored software development and our
chain, from sensor electronics to digital cloud       own products. Wapice has extensive experience
services. We provide a digitalization chain for all   digitalizing industrial needs and business
areas of business, including sales, product           solutions. We also have long and comprehensive
development, product maintenance and                  experience in Industry 4.0, manufacturing
servicing. Ultimately, this supports the              execution systems (MES), manufacturing
development of entirely new digital business          operations management (MOM) systems,
concepts.                                             industrial electronics, sensors, communication
We provide tailored software development and          and industrial systems.
consulting with the full range of AI, cloud,
DevOps, embedded systems and edge                     IDEAL CLIENT
computing, IoT, security, web and mobile              Our customers are both large and small industrial
solutions. One of our products is an IoT platform     companies, many of them operating globally. We
called IoT-TICKET®, the complete Internet of          serve them with tailored software, electronics
Things (IoT) tool suite. Another product is our       and business processes, in addition to our own
visual sales configurator Summium® CPQ                products. An ideal customer for us is one
(configure, price, quote). Summium® Selector is       wanting to digitalize their business using future
our easy-to-use webshop solution for demanding        technology today.
industrial needs.
                                                      Wapice is an award-winning Finnish IoT,
                                                      Industry 4.0 and AI company supporting leading
                                                      industrial enterprises around the world on their
Pasi Tuominen                                         digitalization journeys. Established in 1999,
pasi.tuominen@wapice.com                              Wapice employs over 340 software and
+358 40 579 3932                                      electronics experts at 10 offices in Finland.
OUR SOLUTION                                   provide an unforgettable experience for your
                                               customers. 4. AR Marketing solutions will
Our services can be divided into 4 different   liven up any tour through vivid storytelling
groups: 1. VR in Training. Train your          and gamification.
employees in an immersive environment. 2.
VR in Design. Walk through 3D models, meet     IDEAL CLIENT
your colleagues, attach notes and much
more in VR. 3. VR in Marketing. Showcase       A progressive company who wants to
your production plant, manufacturing           redesign their critical business processes
capabilities or products in VR. 4. AR in       with VR or AR. These business processes
Marketing. Take your cultural heritage site,   could, for example, be something related to
museum experience, learning platform or        design, training or marketing.
any marketing idea to a whole new level.
                                               We at CTRL Reality specialize in the
1. VR Training solutions will cut down         production of state-of-the-art augmented
travelling, training and human error related   reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) solutions
costs. 2. VR Design solutions make             that elevate companies' performance to the
communication more straightforward and         next level. We are a university-based spinoff
reduces design iterations and the need for     company capable of delivering corporate-
travelling. 3. VR Marketing solutions will     level solutions.

Teijo Lehtonen
+358 44 440 0005

                              SYSTEM /
     HARDWARE                                   APPLICATIONS     CONTENT     END USERS
                              TOOL KIT

  COMPONENTS               Commercial             Games         Content     Consumers
       Chip             open systems and          Video        production   Business
                        development tools                       Content
   Input device                                   Military
                      Proprietary systems and                  operation
  Output device          development tools       Medical
      Others                                    Live stream
   TERMINALS                                     Logistics
    Mobile VR                                   Education
      PC VR                                       Retail
   All-in-one VR                                  Others
    AR glasses
 Interactive device
OUR SOLUTION                                     IDEAL CLIENT
In the context of extended realities, we         We co-create digital products and services
create services that push the limits of AR, VR   with forward-thinking companies. We are not
and MR, and combine them with data,              afraid to experiment, build, and learn. No
artificial intelligence, machine learning and    two clients are the same, and neither are
user-centric design to create real value to      any two projects. Our technology and vendor
end users and organizations. We want to be       agnostic approach allows us to craft solutions
a part of defining how XR technologies are       that truly serve business.
going to be used in the future.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            We are an international digital engineering
We are an independent, fast and flexible         and innovation company. We create digital
consultancy, formed around an extraordinary      products and services and bring together
core of technical excellence, and supported      strategy, design, engineering and data to
by exceptional understanding of usability and    build resilience. We transform businesses
design. We have built our company around         and help our clients master digitalization and
our people and our clients, always leading       complexity, so they can take control of their
from the front of technological change in        futures.
order to help companies become future-
capable. We truly empower our people to do
right by the client and focus on business
outcomes and the long term.

Ike Rings
+358 50 516 0194
OUR SOLUTION                                         IDEAL CLIENT
We are pioneers and explorers of the Smart           Our solutions are perfect for places and spaces
Space - uniting the digital and physical world. At   where you need wow-factor. Our clients are
OiOi, we create meaningful, immersive,               usually public spaces like airports, museums,
interactive and digital installations in physical    science centers, activity & theme parks, football
spaces. These different elements make the space      teams and company showrooms. We have
visually interesting and very experiential. Users    started to deliver learning experiences for
can control the content displayed in the mode        schools and daycare, wellness sensory walls for
with their gestures, touch or their smartphone,      elderly houses. We also do events and brand
for example. The installations can also respond      engagement, but we also love to dabble into
to sound and music and use open data sources.        pure art projects.

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                                COMPANY
We deliver tailored, meaningful solutions that       OiOi has been creating memorable and
truly meet our client's needs and goals with over    meaningful digital experiences for ten years. Our
10-year experience. We use our Smart Space           experience in digital media goes far further – we
planner -service design method to collaborate        have worked in the leading, most awarded digital
closely with our clients to meet their needs. With   agencies in Finland in leading positions. We work
our software and platform, we are flexible for       with a strong, scalable and international agency
any environment and can create big or small          and freelancer network for projects of all sizes.
projects for global markets.

Sami Kämppi
+358 40 820 4561
OUR SOLUTION                                     services solve productivity issues in a more
                                                 individual and customized way within all
Process Genius offers a digital twin (3D) user   industrial sectors. Success is guaranteed by
interface for complete situational awareness     our long experience in software development
24/7. We visualize the data and rationalize      in this field.
the operative hands-on work with different
kinds of digital twin solutions. Additionally,   COMPANY
our extensive knowledge of web applications
makes it possible to enhance productivity        Our Process Genius people are experts who
using a wide range of different development      harness digital technologies for the benefit of
projects. Since most of our staff have a         business. We manage user interface design,
background in the industrial world, we are       3D modeling, software development, project
able to combine coding with industrial           management and gamification. We work
knowledge.                                       independently with many different
                                                 technologies to meet ever-changing business
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            needs.
Our easily deployable Digital Twin solution is
a SaaS platform enhancing productivity,
safety and transparency, especially in the
subcontracting industry. Our professional

Jani Akkila
+358 400 362 024
OUR SOLUTION                                     COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
Our virtual models, digital twins and            Our expertise combines built environment
location-based services create cost-efficient    and infrastructure planning with extensive
asset management, daily operations,              knowledge of smart digital solutions and
logistics, mobility and situational awareness.   technological revolutions, such as 5G, IoT
We promote data management and open              and smart transport. We serve a wide range
data flows to boost data interoperability and    of customers, such as the manufacturing
high-quality construction.                       industry, harbors, municipalities and civil
We compile terrain, infrastructure and           authorities. With a deep understanding of 3D
buildings digital twins for planning,            technology, open building information
maintenance and situational awareness.           modeling (BIM) and geographic information
A joint model and representation of the real     systems (GIS), we are a Finnish pioneer in
world is needed to achieve multi-domain and      building information modeling.
mutual situational awareness for decision-
making by all domains and stakeholders.          COMPANY
                                                 Sitowise is one of the largest planning and
                                                 consulting agencies in the built environment
                                                 industry in Finland and Scandinavia. We are
                                                 the leading expert in diversified urban
                                                 projects and a pioneer in digital built
                                                 environment solutions, data-driven
                                                 management and data modeling.

Jarkko Männistö
+358 50 579 0579
OUR SOLUTION                                    IDEAL CLIENT
Our 3D, AR and VR solutions change the way      Our ideal clients are forward-looking
people communicate and interact with            companies that recognise the transformative
information, transforming how they work,        potential of extended reality as one of the
learn and collaborate in Sales & marketing –    key technologies of the next wave of
by improving customer experiences and           digitalisation – driving new growth, new
accelerating buyer journeys Learning &          operating models, productivity gains and
training – by improving learning results and    reduced carbon footprint.
addressing skill gaps Operations &
maintenance – by improving worker               COMPANY
performance and promoting sustainability.
                                                Stereoscape enables people to experience
                                                information in entirely new ways. We are a
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                           team of XR experts working together with a
Amid rapid development of XR technologies,      network of international partners, devoted to
we remain technology independent. We            making digital information more alive,
focus on putting new technologies at the        responsive, accessible and enjoyable, using
service of people, with emphasis on             game-changing XR technologies.
interactive and immersive design and user
experience. Our network-based business
model enables us to select the best tools for
the job to deliver end-to-end solutions and
the best value to our clients.

Karoliina Leisti
+358 44 743 8078
OUR SOLUTION                                        being able to design, test and simulate changes
                                                    in the virtual world first, you can validate
Visual Components offers a 3D factory simulation    changes virtually. This minimizes downtime and
and visualization suite consisting of a set of      speeds up implementation.
standard-setting innovative tools to design the
factory of the future with modern simulation. Our
simulation suite gives machine builders, system
                                                    COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
integrators and manufacturers around the world      Visual Components is recognized as a global
a simple, quick and highly cost-effective           leader in the manufacturing simulation industry
approach to build and simulate their total          and a trusted technology partner to many of the
process solution. With solutions for sales,         leading brands in industrial automation. Our
manufacturing optimization and offline              brand-independent solution provides machine
programming, Visual Components software is          designers, system integrators and end users a
trusted by hundreds of organizations worldwide      platform on which to integrate their solutions,
to support critical planning and decision-making    from concept to commissioning and operation.
Visual Components helps you design smarter          COMPANY
solutions and get better outcomes from              Founded in 1999 by a Finnish-American team of
technology purpose-built for manufacturing          simulation experts, Visual Components started
design. You can get predictable performance and     with a humble goal – to make factory design and
plan new automation projects with confidence.       simulation technology easier to use and more
Our solution reduces critical mistakes and          accessible to manufacturing organizations of all
oversights, so you get results you can trust. By    sizes.

Mikko Salminen
+358 9 252 40800
OUR SOLUTION                                      IDEAL CLIENT
Our services can be divided into 3 main           Company that is looking for business
groups: Zoan Virtual Studio (ZVS) creates         benefits from utilizing virtual technologies or
dazzling virtual worlds in high-quality 3D for    offering next level entertainment and wow-
virtual or augmented reality. Zoan Real           experiences.
Estate (ZRE) helps the clients to present
their real estate portfolio to the world with     COMPANY
leading technology. Burst Live is a technical
                                                  ZOAN is an award-winning team of over 100
platform that allows different kinds of virtual
                                                  professionals combining game-engine based
events and concerts.
                                                  3D graphics with the latest technologies. The
                                                  company was founded in 2010 and is based
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                             in Helsinki, Finland. With our now over 100
With 10 years of experience in combining          professionals we create engaging content
real-time 3D with technology solutions, we        and unique experiences in VR, AR and 3D.
are passionate about being the best. Our
goal is to be the ones that define the global
standard with the help of our global
(multinational) team. Additionally, we have a
wide range of experiences from retail to
industry and from education to marketing.

Laura Olin
+358 40 351 6808
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