Urmston Infant School Curriculum

Page created by Chester Acosta
Urmston Infant School Curriculum

Foundation Stage
The curriculum we offer our Nursery and Reception children, is known as 'Early Years Foundation Stage'. It covers all
areas of learning and experience, enabling the children to acquire knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes appropriate
to their stage of development.
The areas of learning are:
• Communication and Language
• Personal, Social and Emotional
• Physical Development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the World
• Expressive Arts and Design

These areas of learning will provide a firm foundation for work within the National Curriculum and should be seen as the
early part of a continuum of learning.
Our curriculum is designed so that the children are engaged in work which will develop lively, enquiring minds and will
widen their knowledge and understanding of the world. We provide a wide range of activities, which enable each child to
reach his/her potential and enjoy coming to school.
Key Stage 1
Urmston Infant school works to the National Curriculum, which provides the content for most of what we will teach your
child. The major emphasis is placed on English, Mathematics, Science, and Computing, the four core subjects of the
National Curriculum.
The Foundation subjects include: History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music and PE. Children are also taught
Religious Education.

We teach a topic based approach with ‘Learning Challenges’, that is topics that start with a question for the children to
We encourage the children to have ownership of their own learning, motivating them to explore, discover explore and
research topics on a 2 year rolling programme – details of which can be found later.

From the nursery onwards we encourage children to listen carefully, speak clearly and use ambitious vocabulary. This is
supported by ensuring children are engaged in interesting, exciting and relevant activities which help them to develop
their command of the spoken word. Throughout the school children are immersed in a literacy rich environment. Every
child has access to a wide range of books, stories and poems, all of which encourage children to want to read for
themselves. Staff skilfully build on this desire and use many techniques and strategies to develop children's reading

It's really important that children experience early success with reading and nothing succeeds like success. So please
read to them and with them, allow them to share their newly learned skills with you. Praise them and celebrate their

As children progress through the school they still have a wide range of stories, poems and books read to them. They
may borrow shared reading books every day and we ask that you continue to read to your child, even after they can read
to themselves.
Useful Information About Our Phonic Scheme
• Letters and Sounds has been developed to help children become fluent readers and writers. It is only when children
  have a secure knowledge of the 44 sounds in our language that they can fully access the world of reading and writing.
• The sounds are known as pure sounds. This means the shortest sound you can possibly make, for example ‘d’ and ‘t’ (not
  ‘duh’ and ‘tuh’).
• We use sound talking to help children learn pure sounds and to sound out certain words e.g. ‘d–o-g’ and ‘t-a-p’.
• Please note some words cannot be read using sound talking e.g. ‘old’, ‘the’ and ‘all’. (These are known as tricky words.)
• To support your child through our phonic scheme it is important that you can reinforce the pure sounds taught in
  school at home.
• Oxford Owl: Use this link to hear how to say the letter sounds correctly by clicking on 'Say the
  Sounds' http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-owl/reading

Every day your child will take part in a Numeracy Lesson. A wide range of teaching strategies, lessons and activities are
used to help children investigate measure, shape and space, numbers and the number system. The greatest emphasis is
placed on children manipulating numbers mentally and orally. They are taught a range of different strategies and are
encouraged to talk about these. At this stage recording is less important than understanding what they have learned and
applying it to real situations. Working outside gives children the opportunity to use what they know to solve real

We teach Science weekly. We teach the children about themselves, other living things and the environment. We explore
the world of materials and investigate the way changes affect these materials. The children also investigate the physical
world of forces, movement and energy. This work is done in a practical way, the children are encouraged to observe,
question and hypothesise. They then record the conclusions at an appropriate level through pictures, writing and graphs.
We have a wide range of ICT resources, including, interactive whiteboards, networked computers in every room- all of
which have broad band access, a lap-top suite and an Ipad suite. We also have digital and video cameras, programmable
robots, remote control vehicles and listening centres. Throughout the school children are taught ICT skills discretely.
ICT is also used daily to support and enhance learning and teaching in all other curriculum areas.
Protected access email and use of the internet is closely supervised.

Foundation Subjects
We concentrate on teaching the basic skills in English and Mathematics. However, we are committed to providing a broad
and balanced curriculum, which will enrich children's lives. We do this by ensuring that the other subjects of the
curriculum are taught in an enjoyable and meaningful way.

The children are helped to develop an awareness of the past through stories about people and important events. We also
use books, the internet, pictures, DVD's, plays, songs and artefacts to investigate the past. We compare the children’s
lives and locality with different periods, focussing on clothes, houses, diet, shops, jobs, transport and entertainment. We
provide opportunities for the children to develop a sense of chronology and to find out about the lives of important
people in history.

We provide opportunities for the children to study the area immediately round the school. They learn to observe their
surroundings, examine photographs, pictures and maps etc. They learn to follow directions and to compare and contrast
different locations. They are taught to use maps and plans of different kinds, both real and imaginary and to recognise,
talk and write about major features such as seas, rivers and cities using the correct terminology.
The children are taught to communicate their feelings and demonstrate skill and knowledge through a wide variety of
media. They will paint, draw and make models. They are given opportunities to explore textures in natural and man-made
form. and they are encouraged to review their own and others’ work.

Design and Technology
By using a variety of materials and tools the children increase their skills and experience and gain knowledge of what is
needed to make successful products. They make cards, games, models etc and are encouraged to design and plan their
work and develop skills such as cutting, shaping, joining and combining. The children are given opportunities to
investigate, disassemble and evaluate simple products. As they mature they learn to evaluate their work and consider
ways of improving it.

Physical Education
All children are involved in regular P.E. sessions. During the lessons children are involved in dance, gymnastics or games.
They are taught small games skills and we have the input of skilled professional coaches who make PE lessons fun,
exciting and very high quality. At Urmston Infant School we believe that physical education promotes qualities such as
perseverance, enthusiasm, and tolerance. The curriculum is designed to provide equality of access and opportunity for
each individual irrespective of ability, experience, cultural background, interests or gender. Through P.E. and lively
playtimes we enable children to develop physical confidence and to enjoy robust physical activity.

We help children to develop their enjoyment and understanding of music through singing, using percussion instruments,
playing ukuleles & violins and listening to music from different eras and cultures. The children are taught simple
composition through playing games. Most importantly they are encouraged to enjoy music, music making and singing.
Religious Education and PSHE
RE lessons are broadly Christian based but also include teaching about other faiths and cultures. We aim to help children
to grow in spirituality and develop moral values. We foster a sense of respect for themselves and others and for the
world around them.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and from the daily act of worship.

Special Educational Needs
Children have special educational needs for a wide variety of reasons. These needs may be slight or severe and may be
either temporary or long-lasting. We aim to identify special educational needs through our own monitoring and
assessment procedures. However, if you have any concerns of your own about your child we would be grateful if you
would share these with us as soon as possible. At the early stages of helping children with special needs we do all we can
in school and of course, we are always more successful when help is also given at home. We also call on outside support
where necessary. Our aim is to identify a need and plan how that need can be met in school. You will always be consulted
before any outside help is sought. Our special educational needs policy document is available in school.
It is written in line with The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.

The National Curriculum from 2014
A link to the information on the Department for Education's website:
Urmston Infant School KS1 Curriculum Topic Plan Cycle 1
 Autumn 1                                                                                                        Autumn 2

 4/9/13     9/9/13       16/9/13     23/9/13       30/9/13     7/10/13      14/10/13      21/10/13    28/10/13    4/11/13      11/11/13   18/11/13    25/11/13     2/12/13    9/12/13      16/12/13

            Where do leaves go to in winter?                                                                      Is an I-pad more fun than Grandma and Grandad’s old toys?
            Yr1 How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?                                               Half        Yr1 Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark?                                           Xmas
 to know                                                                                              term
            Yr2 How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?                                                           Yr2 Where did that racket come from?

 Spring 1                                                                                                    Spring 2
 6/1/14      13/1/14       20/1/14       27/1/14        3/2/14       10/2/14           17/2/14   24/2/14       3/3/14         10/3/14     17/3/14        24/3/14       31/3/14          7/4/14

 Where do and did the wheels on the bus go?                                                      What can we learn from L.S. Lowry’s paintings?

 Yr 1 Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used Half                                Yr 1 Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in our local
 to build their house?                                                                 term      park?

 Yr2 What is our school made of?                                                                 Yr 2 How can we grow our own salad?

 Summer 1                                                                                                      Summer 2

 28/4/14        5/5/14             12/5/14           19/5/14         26/5/14      10/6/14            16/6/14        23/6/14          30/6/14         7/7/14         14/7/14        21/7/14

 Where would you rather live England or Africa?                                   Where would you rather live England or Africa?

 Yr 1 Why are humans not like tigers?                                Half         Yr 1 Why are humans not like tigers?                                                                                Summer
                                                                     Term                                                                                                                             Holidays
 Yr2 Why would a dinosaur (giraffe) not make a
                                                                                  Yr2 Why would a dinosaur (giraffe) not make a good pet?
 good pet?
Urmston Infant School KS1 Curriculum Topic Plan Cycle 2
Autumn 1                                                                                                                Autumn 2

3/9/14     8/9/14      15/9/14        22/9/14       29/9/14       6/10/14   13/10/14       20/10/14      27/10/14      3/11/14      10/11/14        17/11/14     24/11/14     1/12/14      8/12/14     15/12/14

                                                                                                                       Why were Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong very
           Why do we love to be beside the seaside?
                                                                                                                       brave people?
to know                                                                                                                                                                                                            Xmas
           Yr1 How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?                                                   term          Yr1 Why isn’t everyone afraid of the dark?
           Yr2 How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?                                                                 Yr2 Where did that racket come from?

Spring 1                                                                                                        Spring 2
5/1/15       12/1/15        19/1/15       26/1/15        2/2/15         9/2/15         16/2/15        23/2/15          2/3/15              9/3/15              16/3/15         23/3/15             30/3/15

                                                                                                      What would a (well known story character) find exciting about our
What happened in London in 1666?

Yr 1 Which materials should the Three Little Pigs have used Half term                                 Yr 1 Which birds and plants would Little Red Riding Hood find in our local Easter
to build their house?                                                                                 park?

Yr2 What is our school made of?                                                                       Yr 2 How can we grow our own salad?

Summer 1                                                                                                            Summer 2

20/4/15        27/4/15           4/5/15             11/5/15          18/5/15           22/5/15        9/6/15        15/6/15      22/6/15       29/6/15     6/7/17           13/7/15      20/7/15      27/7/15

Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole?                                                           Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole?
                                                                                       Half Term
Yr 1 Why are humans not like tigers?                                                                  Yr1 Why are humans not like tigers?
Yr2 Why would a dinosaur (giraffe) not make a good pet?                                               Yr2 Why would a dinosaur (giraffe) not make a good pet?
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