Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ - Center for Profitable ...

Page created by Vanessa Tran
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                  VAPG Fre q ue ntly As ke d Que s tions

                                              GENERAL ELIGIBILITY
 Citize ns hip re q uire m e nt         Does the applicant certify           Applicant entities that are a Farme r
                                        citize nship as an individual or     Cooperative, Agricultural Producer
                                        an entity?                           Group or a Majority-Controlled
                                                                             Producer-Bas ed Business, may allow an
                                                                             ”authorize d represe ntative” to certify
                                                                             U.S. citizenship for the applicant entity’s

 DUNS re q uire m e nt                  If an applicant is an individual,    Grants are not awarde d to individuals
                                        why must they apply for a            who are not associate d with an
                                        DUNS number?                         organization or business. S o the
                                                                             requirements for all applicants, including
                                                                             sole proprie tors, are the same and all
                                                                             must have a DUNS number.

 Sys te m for Awa rd Ma na g e m e nt   Must applicants provide S AM         Applicants must provide a valid S AM
 (SAM) re q uire m e nt                 registration at the time of          registration or evide nce from SAM that
                                        application?                         they have begun the registration
                                                                             process. Registration must be complete d
                                                                             before an award can be made.
                                                                             Applicants wishing to submit an
                                                                             ele ctronic application must have a valid
                                                                             SAM registration to us e

 Rura l v. Urb a n                      If locally produced product          The VAPG Program does not have a
                                        from rural producers is              rural re quireme nt, me aning that neither
                                        processe d before sold in an         the applicant, value-adde d activities, nor
                                        urban are a, does processing         markets have to be locate d in a rural
                                        still qualify?                       are a.
                                             APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY
 De finition of Ag ric ultura l         Can an absente e farm owner          No. Per the definition of Agricultural
 Prod uc e r                            qualify as an Agricultural           Producer at 4284.902, an Agricultural
                                        Producer?                            Producer is someone who produces an
                                                                             agricultural commodity through
                                                                             participation in “day-to-day labor,
                                                                             management, and field ope rations.” An
                                                                             abs entee owner would be unable to
                                                                             participate in day-to-day labor and field

 Fa rm or Ra nc h De finition           Is applicant eligibility base d on   Applicant eligibility is fundamentally
                                        the de finition of IP and AP, or     bas ed on the Independe nt Producer and
                                        on the “Farm” de finition?           Agricultural Producer definitions, rather
                                                                             than the “Farm” definition. Producers
                                                                             do not nee d to demonstrate $1,000
                                                                             gross annual sales to be eligible to
                                                                             apply. However, applicants applying for
                                                                             reserved funds and/or priority points for
                                                                             a Beginning Farmer or Rancher, Socially

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                                                                     Disadvantage d Farmer or Rancher,
                                                                     Farmer or Rancher Cooperative, or a
                                                                     Small-Me dium Size d Farm or Ranch
                                                                     must demonstrate a minimum $1,000 in
                                                                     gross annual sales to qualify. In addition,
                                                                     agricultural harvesters do not me et the
                                                                     definition of a farm or ranch and
                                                                     therefore must apply as Independent
                                                                     Producers and are not eligible for
                                                                     Reserved Funds or Priority Points as
                                                                     Beginning or Socially-Disadvantaged
                                                                     Farmers or Ranchers.

 Be e f Prod uc e r               Is a be ef produce r who buys      They would be considered an
                                  fee der calves at 400-600 lbs.     agricultural producer as long as they are
                                  and fe e ds them out to a          buying fee der calves and finishing them
                                  finished weight of 1000-1300       to a standard market weight, as well as
                                  lbs. before processing the m       maintaining ownership through
                                  into bee f products, conside red   slaughter. Simply purchasing finishe d
                                  an agricultural producer for       animals and delivering the m for
                                  this grant? Or do they have to     slaughter (order buying) does not qualify
                                  raise the calves from birth?       as an agricultural producer.

 Contra c ting Out Prod uc tion   Can the raw commodity be           The producer-applicant must grow at
                                  produce d under contract with      least 51 percent of the raw commodity
                                  another farm or does the           ne ede d for the project on their own farm
                                  producer actually have to          (owne d or le ase d). Contracting
                                  grow the crop?                     production to another producer is not

 Food Hub Elig ib ility           Are Food Hubs eligible to          Food Hubs may be eligible to apply if
                                  apply?                             they can mee t all of the program
                                                                     requirements, including qualifying as
                                                                     one of the four producer-based applicant
 Ha rve s te r Op e ra tio ns     What is an Inde pe nde nt          An Inde pende nt Produce r Harvester is
                                  Producer ‘Harvester? ’             an individual or entity that can docume nt
                                                                     that it has a le gal right to access and
                                                                     harvest the majority of a primary
                                                                     Agricultural Commodity that will be use d
                                                                     for the Value-Adde d Agricultural
                                                                     Product. Individuals and entities that
                                                                     merely glean, gather, or collect residual
                                                                     commodities that result from an initial
                                                                     harvesting or production of a primary
                                                                     Agricultural Commodity are not
                                                                     considered Harvesters and are not
                                                                     eligible for this program.

                                                                     Examples of agricultural commodities
                                                                     subje ct harvester operations are timber,
                                                                     commercial fishing and wild herb
                                                                     gathering. Agricultural crops that are

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                                                                              cultivate d are not subject to the
                                                                              harvester de finition and re quireme nts.

 Ha rve s te r Op e ra tio ns -            In the context of fish/se afood,   In the context of fishing, a ‘harvester’ is a
 Fis h/Se a fo od                          what is the difference betwee n    license d, commercial fishermen who
                                           a harvester and a farmer?          ‘harvests’ wild-caught fish from oceans
                                                                              or rivers. Commercial fishe rmen do not
                                                                              meet the definition of a farm or ranch,
                                                                              and there fore are not eligible for priority
                                                                              points as Beginning Farmers or
                                                                              Ranchers, Socially Disadvantage d
                                                                              Farmers or Ranchers, Small/Me dium
                                                                              Family Farms, Farmer or Rancher

                                                                              Aquaculture (including aquaponics,
                                                                              mariculture, and algaculture) involves
                                                                              cultivation of fish, shellfish and other
                                                                              aquatic organisms in controlled settings
                                                                              including ponds, tanks, rivers and
                                                                              oceans. Operators of these facilities are
                                                                              de eme d “farmers” and could be eligible
                                                                              for priority points).

 Ha rve s te r Op e ra tio ns -Tim b e r   In the context of timber, what     In the context of timber, a farmer would
                                           is the differe nce be twe en a     be one who raises and sells tre es on
                                           harvester and a farme r?           land owned or leas ed by the farmer.
                                                                              That “farmer” must have followed a
                                                                              forestry manageme nt plan as evidence
                                                                              of “raising” the tre es (rathe r than simply
                                                                              harvesting existing stands of unmanage d
                                                                              tre es). A harvester is one who has rights
                                                                              to harvest timber but does not “raise”
                                                                              tre es.

                                                                              A logge r does not me et the definition of
                                                                              a farmer or rancher and the refore is not
                                                                              eligible for priority points as Beginning
                                                                              Farmers or Ranchers, Socially
                                                                              Disadvantage d Farmers or Ranchers,
                                                                              Small/Medium Family Farms, Farmer or
                                                                              Rancher Cooperatives. Howeve r, a
                                                                              farmer who cultivates the trees (forestry
                                                                              management program) would be eligible
                                                                              for priority points.

                                                                              In cas es in which the applicant both
                                                                              raises tre e on their own land and has
                                                                              harvest rights for additional timber,
                                                                              whethe r the applicant is de signate d a
                                                                              “farmer” or a “harvester” for the
                                                                              purpose of priority points will be
                                                                              de termined by whether the majority of

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                                                                           the raw commodity ne ede d for the
                                                                           proje ct comes from the “farm” or from
                                                                           harveste d tracts.

 Non-Profits                            Are non-profit organizations       Eligible non-profit organizations must
                                        eligible applicants?               meet the definition of Agricultural
                                                                           Producer Group: “A non-profit
                                                                           membership organization that
                                                                           represe nts Inde pende nt Producers and
                                                                           whose mission includes working on
                                                                           be half of Inde pe ndent Producers and the
                                                                           majority of whos e members hip and
                                                                           board of directors is comprised of
                                                                           Independent Producers.”

                                                                           Non-profits are not eligible to apply as
                                                                           Independent Producers be cause they do
                                                                           not me et the part of the definition that
                                                                           requires that they be “Individual
                                                                           Agricultural Producers or e ntities that
                                                                           are solely owne d and controlled by
                                                                           Agricultural Producers.” Nonprofits do
                                                                           not have owners as they are public
                                                                           entities serving a public purpose.

 Sta rt-up Fa rm ing Op e ra tions      The de finition of Independe nt    The position of the Agency is that the
                                        Producer indicates that the        applicant must ‘currently’ produce the
                                        applicant must “produce and        raw commodity at time of application,
                                        own” a majority of the raw         meaning that they must be in active
                                        commodity to which value will      production or betwe en se asons with a
                                        be added. Can some one who         commodity produced the previous
                                        is starting a farming operation,   season, at the time of application.
                                        but has never produced the
                                        commodity be an eligible

 Trib a l Elig ib ility                 Are tribes and tribal entities     Tribes and tribal entities may be eligible
                                        eligible to apply?                 if they can meet all the re quirements of
                                                                           the program, including qualifying as one
                                                                           of the four eligible applicant types. The
                                                                           Age ncy has include d guidance for tribes
                                                                           and tribal entities to assist in assessing
                                                                           their eligibility for the program. The
                                                                           guidance is containe d in Final Rule 7
                                                                           CFR part 4284 subpart J and in the
                                                                           application toolkits found on the VAPG

                                              PROJ ECT ELIGIBILITY
 Exp a ns ion of c us tom e r b a s e   What do you me an by               Customer base is the number of
                                        customer base and how is           customers for an applicant’s product(s).
                                        expansion of customer bas e        Applicants must demonstrate an
                                        demonstrate d?                     incre ase in their customer bas e as a

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                                                                          result of proje ct. Expansion of customer
                                                                          bas e can be demonstrated by providing
                                                                          a baseline of curre nt customers for the
                                                                          commodity or value-adde d product and
                                                                          an estimate d target number of
                                                                          customers that will result from the
                                                                          proje ct.

 Inc re a s e d Re ve n u e s        How does an applicant                The application must demonstrate that
                                     demonstrate increas ed               an incre ase d portion of the reve nue
                                     reve nues returning to               derived from the value-added process
                                     producers?                           will be returned to the applicant’s
                                                                          producers providing the majority of the
                                                                          agricultural commodity for the proje ct.
                                                                          The application should include a
                                                                          bas eline of current revenue s from the
                                                                          sale of the commodity or VA product,
                                                                          and an estimate d target number of
                                                                          incre ase d reve nues that will result from
                                                                          the project.

 Bus in e s s Pla n                  To apply for working capital         Yes, the regulation re quires that the
                                     funds, does the Business Plan        Business Plan be complete d by a
                                     have to be prepared by an            Qualified Consultant. The definition in
                                     inde pende nt third-party like       the regulation identifies a Qualified
                                     the Fe asibility Study?              Consultant as an independent, third-
                                                                          party, without a Conflict of Interest.
                                                                          Se e policy stateme nt in RD Instruction
                                                                          4284.922(b)(6) where this is state d.

                                             PRODUCT ELIGIBILITY
 Alg a e                             Is algae —for us e in a              Yes, algae is an eligible bio-bas ed
                                     renewable energy proje ct—           commodity.
                                     considered an agricultural
                                     commodity for the purpose of
                                     this grant?
 Ana e r ob ic Dig e s te rs         Must energy ge nerated by an         Energy ge nerate d by an on-farm
                                     on-farm anaerobic digester be        digester under the renewable energy
                                     utilized on the farm?                product category can be us ed on the
                                                                          farm and/or sold to the grid. In order to
                                                                          demonstrate expanded cus tomer bas e,
                                                                          on-farm generate d energy must be sold
                                                                          off-farm and/or be us ed to produce
                                                                          another value-adde d product on the
                                                                          applicant’s farm or ranch, for which
                                                                          incre ase d reve nue can be
                                                                          demonstrate d.

 Bottle d , p a s te urize d m ilk   Is paste urize d and bottle d milk   Yes, paste urizing and bottling milk and
                                     a value-adde d product?              may be eligible activities under either the
                                                                          “change in physical state” or “locally
                                                                          produce d food” categories. Note that

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                                                                               this represe nts a revers al of past Age ncy

 Ca ttle -                                 Is backgrounding or                 It is the position of the Age ncy that
 Ba c kg rou nd ing /Pre c o nd itioning   pre conditioning cattle in          backgrounding or pre conditioning
                                           pre paration for the fe e dlot an   animals (fee ding, he alth care,
                                           eligible expe nse?                  acclimation in pre paration for a fee dlot
                                                                               environment) are not eligible expe nses
                                                                               be cause they are relate d to agricultural
                                                                               production. Thes e expe nses are not
                                                                               eligible, per 4284.926(l).

 Chris tm a s Tre e s                      Are Christmas Trees an              Unless Christmas trees can qualify
                                           eligible proje ct?                  under the ‘produce d in a manner’
                                                                               category, as organically-grown, for
                                                                               example, they are not eligible for the
                                                                               program. Wreaths made from tre e
                                                                               branches are not eligible under ‘change
                                                                               in ‘physical state’ be cause they are
                                                                               basically the same as cut flowers, which
                                                                               are s pe cifically prohibited in the program

 Ea rthworm s                              Are vermiculture -                  Earthworms are considere d an
                                           vermicomposting proje cts           ‘alternative livestock specie s’ and are an
                                           eligible for VAPG?                  important part of sustainable agriculture
                                                                               systems. Worm castings or vermi-
                                                                               compost are recognize d by USDA as
                                                                               agricultural by-products. Therefore
                                                                               vermiculture proje cts are eligible for the
                                                                               program if the applicant owns the

 Ha y                                      Is bale d hay an eligible value-    Conventionally produced and bale d hay
                                           added product?                      is not an eligible product. However,
                                                                               organically produced hay could be an
                                                                               eligible product, as could hay that is
                                                                               pellete d or otherwise transforme d into
                                                                               something other than baled hay.

 Ind us tria l He m p                      Is industrial hemp eligible for     VAPG applications proposing projects
                                           the program?                        relate d to Hemp will be considere d for
                                                                               funding if the proje ct me ets all program
                                                                               eligibility requirements, including
                                                                               currently producing Hemp with a valid
                                                                               producer licens e. Applicants must
                                                                               provide a valid producer license issue d
                                                                               by a S tate, Tribe, or USDA, as applicable
                                                                               in accordance with 7 CFR part 990.

 Ma n ure Colle c tion                     If an applicant wants to collect    On-farm ge nerated manure is an eligible
                                           manure for a composting or          by-product of the farm that cultivates the
                                           energy proje ct, what is the        animals that produce the manure. The

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                                        difference betwe en a              manure is de eme d a “residual”
                                        harvester and a farme r?           agricultural commodity. Farmer v.
                                                                           Harvester eligibility: Harvesters must
                                                                           harvest the primary agricultural
                                                                           commodity and not merely colle ct
                                                                           “residual” commodities that result from
                                                                           an initial harvesting or production of a
                                                                           primary agricultural commodity. J ust
                                                                           like food processors may not merely
                                                                           colle ct produce from farme rs and the n
                                                                           process it into various foods; manure
                                                                           colle ctors may not merely collect
                                                                           manure from farmers and then process it
                                                                           into e nergy. Note that Agricultural
                                                                           Producers may apply for funding as
                                                                           farmers to utilize their manure for energy
                                                                           proje cts; but colle ctors of farmer’s
                                                                           manure may NOT apply to the program.

 Multip le Com m od ity Own e rs hip    If an applicant is marketing a     The position of the Agency is that the
                                        mixed produce box to               applicant must produce more than 50
                                        consumers, do the farmer           percent of e ach of the items name as a
                                        share holders have to provide      subje ct commodity for the proje ct.
                                        more than 50 percent of every      Additional items that can be shown to
                                        single item in the box ne ed?      add value (through a broader product
                                                                           line or varie d selection as demonstrated
                                                                           by increas ed customer bas e and
                                                                           reve nue re turne d to producers) AND are
                                                                           a result of one or more of the five value -
                                                                           added methodologies can be source d
                                                                           from non-applicant third-parties.

 Ra w Milk                              Is raw milk an eligible value -    Yes, but only if project activities related
                                        added product?                     to the unpaste urize d fluid milk or
                                                                           unpasteurized milk product does not
                                                                           conflict with applicable State or local
                                                                           government statutes, administrative
                                                                           regulations or policies regarding the
                                                                           production, processing, handling,
                                                                           distribution and/or sales of raw fluid milk
                                                                           or milk products.

                                         Elig ib le Ta s ks & Us e of Fund s
 Ap p lic a nt-owne d , s e p a ra te   If an applicant owns a             It is allowable for the producer to
 e ntity p roc e s s ing                processing facility that is a      process utilizing their own facility.
                                        separate le gal e ntity from the   However, grant funds cannot be use d to:
                                        agricultural production entity,    pay for goods and services from an
                                        can the applicant use grant        entity that employs the applicant owner
                                        funds to pay for processing        or immediate family membe r
                                        expens es?                         (4284.926(n) or otherwise compe nsate
                                                                           the applicant or family member for any
                                                                           role they may play in the processing

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                                                                              facility; purchase raw commodity from
                                                                              the producer e ntity (4284.926(o).

                                                                              Applicant or family member time on
                                                                              eligible proje ct tasks could be use d as
                                                                              in-kind match amounting to no more
                                                                              than 25 percent of total project costs.

 Ap p lic a nt Tim e                       Can grant funds be us ed to        No, grant funds cannot be used to pay
                                           pay for the time applicants        applicants or their family members for
                                           contribute to their proje ct?      their time of the proje ct (services).
                                                                              However, a limite d amount of applicant
                                                                              or applicant family member time can be
                                                                              contribute d as in-kind match. Se e
                                                                              4284.923(a) and (b).

 Bra nd e d Me rc ha nd is e               Is the cost of brande d            Brande d merchandise (for resale or give
                                           merchandise as a promotional       away) is not an eligible promotional
                                           expens e an eligible expens e?     expens e per 2 CFR 200.421(e)(3). This
                                                                              does not include product-re late d
                                                                              literature. Limite d expenditures for staff
                                                                              uniforms is permitted.

 Ca te ring Cos ts                         Are the costs of cate ring for a   Only the cost of pre paring samples of
                                           marketing eve nt eligible?         the value-added product is eligible. Any
                                                                              other relate d catering costs are
                                                                              considered ‘entertainme nt’ and are not

 Cla s s e s , Ed uc a tiona l             Are costs associated with          No, these costs are not eligible as 2 CFR
 Exp e rie nc e s                          classes or other e ducational      200.472 limits educational activities to
                                           experie nces for customers         employe e development.
 Com m e rc ia l Kitc he n                 Can VAPG funds be us ed to         Acquisition, construction, or renovation
                                           build a commercial kitche n?       of facilities are not eligible VAPG
                                                                              expens es.

 Coop e ra tive Purc ha s e of             Can a cooperative use grant        Cooperative applicants cannot us e grant
 Inve ntor y from Me m b e rs              funds to purchas e raw             funds to purchas e raw commodity from
                                           commodity from members?            members per the program regulation at
                                                                              4284.926. However, the cooperative’s
                                                                              purchase of inventory from members is
                                                                              an eligible in-kind match, if value d fairly.

 Cos ts inc urre d for ta s ks             Can a recipient incur costs for    No. Costs may be incurre d only for tasks
 b e yo nd th e e nd of g ra nt p e riod   tasks that are to be completed     to be complete d during the grant period,
                                           after the e nd of the grant        per the approve d work plan/budge t
                                           period?                            timeframe. S ee Se ction II.A.1 (d) of the
                                                                              Financial Assistance Agre e ment:
                                                                              “Revisions of the Work Plan and Budget.
                                                                              You must complete all elements
                                                                              of the Work Plan in Attachment B in
                                                                              accordance with that Attachment and

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                                                                           must use proje ct funds only for the
                                                                           purposes and activities spe cified in
                                                                           Attachme nt B - Approved Work Plan and
                                                                           Budge t. You must further complete the
                                                                           outcomes shown for e ach Work Plan
                                                                           items within the time and s cope
                                                                           constraints shown in Attachment B.”

 Cos ts for Ce rtific a tions            Are the costs for obtaining       It de pends on the type and purpose of
                                         various product, operational,     the ce rtification. Obtaining certifications
                                         or management certifications      relate d to the production of the
                                         considered eligible expens es?    agricultural commodity (organic, GMO-
                                                                           fre e, etc.) are not eligible, although for
                                                                           planning grant purposes, including the
                                                                           feasibility of obtaining thos e
                                                                           certifications could be include d in
                                                                           feasibility studies etc. Food safety
                                                                           certifications relate d dire ctly to the
                                                                           processing of the value-added product
                                                                           are eligible. ‘Quality management’
                                                                           certifications such as IS O are not

 Cos ts to Me e t Re g ula tory          If nutritional labeling and       Yes, if mee ting regulatory requirements
 Re q uir e m e nts                      complete shelf-life studies are   relate d to the processing, marketing, or
                                         require d for, say, a chees e-    distribution of the product are necessary
                                         maker, to ship product out of     to the performance of the award, they
                                         state, are these costs eligible   are eligible working capital expens es.
                                         expens es under VAPG?

 Cos ts of Inte lle c tua l Prop e rty   Are costs related to              The Cost Principles at 2 CFR 200.448
 (Pa te nts , Tra d e m a rks ,          trademarking or copyrighting      indicate that costs relate d to intelle ctual
 Cop yrig hts )                          promotional or other material     property are allowable only if required
                                         eligible in VAPG?                 by the Fe deral award. VAPG has no
                                                                           such requirement, so these costs are not

 Cre d it Ca rd Tra ns a c tion Fe e s   Are fe es charged to ve ndors     Yes, credit card trans action fees are a
                                         for cre dit card sales            component of ‘cost of goods sold’ and
                                         trans actions an eligible         are an allowable working capital
                                         working capital expens e?         expens e. They can be reimburse d with
                                                                           grant funds, or they can be de ducte d
                                                                           from Program Income; but not both.
                                                                           Care should be take n that only those
                                                                           fees associate d with the sale of the
                                                                           subje ct value adde d product are
                                                                           expens ed against the grant.

 Elig ib le Exp e ns e s for Foo d       What are some examples of         Food hubs could use VAPG funds for
 Hub s                                   eligible expe nses for Food       planning purposes, i.e. fe asibility studies,
                                         Hubs?                             marketing or business plans relate d to
                                                                           the processing and/or marketing of
                                                                           value-adde d products. Working capital

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                                                                      funds could be us ed to pay for
                                                                      processing or packaging expe nses;
                                                                      marketing and promotion, and some
                                                                      administrative expe nses (accounting
                                                                      software, for example). Production
                                                                      relate d expe nses including production
                                                                      planning and coordination are not
                                                                      eligible expe nses.

 Eq uip m e nt                   The program regulation says          There is no definition for ‘fixed
                                 that ‘fixe d equipme nt’ is not an   equipme nt in either the program
                                 eligible cost. Does that me an       regulation or in fe deral grant guidance (2
                                 all equipme nt is ineligible?        CFR 200). The Cost Principles in2 CFR
                                                                      200.33, indicate that ‘equipment’ refers
                                                                      to an asset with a value of $5,000 or
                                                                      more AND a useful life of more than one
                                                                      year. Use of grant funds to purchase
                                                                      equipme nt me eting this definition is not

                                                                      However, ““supplies” means all tangible
                                                                      personal property other than thos e
                                                                      des cribed in §200.33” (including
                                                                      computers) if the acquisition cost is less
                                                                      than $5,000, regardless of the le ngth of
                                                                      its useful life. Therefore, “supplies” may
                                                                      include a wide range of ite ms from
                                                                      packaging materials and office supplies
                                                                      to some computers and small-scale food
                                                                      processing items. Note : Divid ing
                                                                      c om p on e nts of a s ing le p ie c e of
                                                                      e q uip m e n t into s m a ll c om p on e nts for
                                                                      the p urp os e of c irc um ve n ting the
                                                                      $5,000 thr e s hold is not a llowa b le .

                                                                       For more spe cific information re garding
                                                                      ‘equipme nt,’ see 2 CFR 200.439. Costs
                                                                      incurred for materials and s upplies
                                                                      ne cessary to carry out the performance
                                                                      of the award are allowable working
                                                                      capital expenses.

 Eq uip m e nt Ma inte na nc e   If the applicant owns/re nts the     Routine maintenance to ke ep the
                                 equipme nt already, are              equipme nt in working condition is
                                 equipme nt mainte nance costs        allowe d. It does not allow repairs which
                                 eligible?                            exte nd the useful life or e nhances the
                                                                      value of the asse t.
                                                                      •         No repair of equipme nt
                                                                      •         No spare parts for e quipme nt
                                                                      •         Labor costs to operate the
                                                                      proje ct-relate d e quipment or to clean-up
                                                                      after an eligible value-adde d processing
                                                                      activity is eligible.

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Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

 Exp orting                              For a working capital grant, is   Yes, some exporting expenses are
                                         exporting the new product an      eligible emerging market or expansion
                                         eligible marke ting expense ?     activities.

 Fre e zing a nd Ca n ning               Are flash fre ezing and canning   Flash fre e zing (including IQF) and
                                         considered a post-harvest         canning are considere d food processing
                                         pres ervation processes?          activities and are eligible program
                                                                           activities under the “change in physical
                                                                           state” category. Note that this
                                                                           represe nts a reve rsal of past Age ncy
                                                                           policy for IQF.

 Inc orp ora tio n Cos ts                Are costs for an applicant to     Organization costs, per 2 CFR 230.455
                                         incorporate their business an     and 48 CFR 31.2 are not allowable costs.
                                         eligible expe nse?                For planning grants, some limited
                                                                           expens es relate d to legal or tax
                                                                           consultations on the type of organization
                                                                           to form may be allowable.

                                                                           In addition, steering committe e
                                                                           applicants must have forme d a le gal
                                                                           entity prior to exe cution of a grant
                                                                           agre ement. Expenses incurred prior to
                                                                           the be ginning of the grant period are not
                                                                           reimburs able.

 Inte rn e t Sa le s a nd Loc a l Food   Can an applicant applying for     Records and re porting for the proje ct
                                         a working capital grant for a     would ne ed to demonstrate that the
                                         locally-produce d agricultural    volume of agricultural commodity
                                         food product market and se ll     propose d for the working capital project
                                         their product over the            was actually markete d and distributed
                                         Interne t? If so, how do we       within the ge ographic limitations for
                                         ensure the geographic             “Locally Produce d Foods.” This quantity
                                         restrictions are met?             must include the quantity propos ed by
                                                                           both the applicant’s producers (51
                                                                           percent or more) plus any additional
                                                                           quantity provided by third-party sources
                                                                           (up to 49 perce nt), as applicable.

                                                                           Ways to docume nt local sales:
                                                                           Track the percentage of Internet sales to
                                                                           customers in the local area,
                                                                           reimburs ement amounts should refle ct
                                                                           that percentage of local sales achieved.
                                                                           Include a tracking device on the we bsite
                                                                           to monitor “hits” or “sales” from
                                                                           applicable zip codes within the de fine d
                                                                           local are a.

 Lia b ility Ins ura nc e                Can grant funds be us ed to       The cost of product liability insurance is
                                         pay for liability insurance?      allowable only for the proje ct-specific
                                                                           product and only for the le ngth of the
                                                                           grant period.

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Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                                                           Personal liability insurance and policies
                                                                           covering facilities are not allowable.

 Pa c ka g ing /La b e l De s ig n        Can the design of labels and     No, these activities are considere d to be
                                          product packaging be             part of the planning proces s.
                                          include d in a working capital

 Proc e s s ing Cos ts                    Is paying a third-party          Yes, grant funds may be us ed for this
                                          processor to co-pack or toll-    purpose.
                                          process the value-adde d
                                          product an eligible use of
                                          grant funds?

 Proc e s s ing Cos ts of Ad d itiona l   Can additional product be        Use of funds to process additional
 Com m od ity                             added for processing?            product that is more than the amount
                                                                           propose d in the grant application (51
                                                                           percent) applicant + 49 perce nt third-
                                                                           party raw commodity) for the VAPG
                                                                           proje ct, or that is unrelated to the proje ct
                                                                           is not an eligible cost.

                                                                           Processing additional product that is
                                                                           separate from and not related to the
                                                                           subje ct value-adde d product is not an
                                                                           eligible cost and would require a pro-
                                                                           rated expens e of the rente d facility or
                                                                           equipme nt.

 Re c ip e De ve lop m e nt               Can grant funds by used to       Yes, but re cipe developme nt is only
                                          pay to develop recipes for the   eligible for planning grants. Working
                                          propose d value-adde d           capital proje cts should alre ady have
                                          product.                         finalize d re cipes in place.

 Sig na g e                               Can grant funds be us ed to      Yes, signs can be purchas e d as long as
                                          purchase exterior signs?         there are not “e quipme nt” components
                                                                           with individual costs of more than $5,000
                                                                           and a us eful life of more than one year.

 Short-te r m Re nta ls of                Can a farmer rent or le ase a    Short-term le ase or re ntal of a
 Eq uip m e nt or Fa c ility              processing facility or           processing facility or e quipment is
                                          equipme nt for a value-adde d    allowable only for eligible processing
                                          product?                         activities propose d in the application and
                                                                           only for the amount of product propos ed
                                                                           in the application. Grant funds cannot
                                                                           be use d for le ase or rental payme nts
                                                                           incurred prior to or exte nding beyond
                                                                           the approve d grant period. Capital
                                                                           leases or le ase-purchase arrangeme nts
                                                                           are not allowable.

FY 2021                                             12
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

 Slotting Fe e s & Tra d e          Are discounts to retailers in    One-time slotting fees to re tailers to
 Dis c ounts                        return for carrying a value-     facilitate stocking the product are
                                    added product, an eligible       eligible as long as the terms of the
                                    expens e?                        contract are disclose d. Ongoing price
                                                                     discounts from the supplier to a
                                                                     wholesaler or retailer are not eligible
                                                                     proje ct expens e.

 Tra ve l Cos ts                    Are travel costs incurred by a   Grant funds may be use d to pay travel
                                    member of an applicant e ntity   costs for travel ne cessary for the
                                    doing marketing work an          performance of the award. Foreign
                                    eligible cost?                   travel requires the prior approval of the
                                                                     Age ncy for e ach se parate foreign
                                                                     trip. Se e 2 CFR 230 (51 Travel) Cost
                                                                     Principles—applies to nonprofits and
                                                                     commercial applicants.

 Ve hic le Re nta l                 Can grant funds be us ed to      Grant funds cannot be use d to purchase
                                    purchase or rent vehicles?       vehicles, per 4284.926(e). Grant funds
                                                                     can be use d to re nt (not capital le ases or
                                                                     lease purchase) ve hicles to deliver
                                                                     value-adde d product to buyers. Other
                                                                     uses of the ve hicle must be pro-rate d
                                                                     from the grant-related portion.

 Wool Sc ouring a nd Ca rd ing      Do wool scouring and carding     Standard wool cle aning/carding
                                    qualify as value-adde d          processes do not are eligible under any
                                    expens es?                       of the 5 value-adde d me thodologies.
                                                                     However, non-standard processes may
                                                                     be eligible under the category
                                                                     “produce d in a manner that enhances
                                                                     the value …”

                                            MATCHING FUNDS
 Ap p lic a nt tim e a s m a tc h   Can the applicant contribute     Applicants and applicant family
                                    the value of their time spent    members can contribute a limited
                                    working on the project as in-    amount of the fairly-value d time on the
                                    kind match?                      proje ct as applicant in-kind match. This
                                                                     contribution may amount to no more
                                                                     than 25 percent of total project costs.
                                                                     Se e 4284.923(a) and (b) for additional

 Ca s h v. In-kind Ma tc h          What is the difference           Cash match me ans actual funds
                                    be twe en cash and in-kind       available from the applicant or a third
                                    match?                           party to pay for eligible project
                                                                     expens es. Cash may be in the form of
                                                                     actual cash, loan or line of cre dit, as
                                                                     demonstrate d and verifie d by re quire d
                                                                     documentation from a financial

FY 2021                                       13
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                                                           In-kind contributions are eligible, fairly-
                                                                           value d goods and s ervices from the
                                                                           applicant or third party provide d for
                                                                           eligible proje ct purposes. These are
                                                                           goods and services for which the
                                                                           applicant or third-party contributor have
                                                                           no out-of-pocket expense.

                                                                           Note that cash contributions will result in
                                                                           higher scores than in-kind contribution
                                                                           during the application s coring process.

 In-la ws a s ‘im m e d ia te fa m ily’   Do an applicant’s in-laws        Yes, close in-laws (father, mothe r, sister,
 re g a rd ing a p p lic a nt tim e a s   contributions to a proje ct      brother) fall under the ‘related by blood
 m a tc h                                 count against the 25 perce nt    or marriage’ part of the definition:
                                          limitation on applicant/family
                                          member time as in-kind           “Individuals who are clos ely related by
                                          match?                           blood, marriage, or adoption, or live
                                                                           within the same hous ehold, such as a
                                                                           spouse, domestic partner, parent, child,
                                                                           brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent,
                                                                           grandchild, nie ce, or nephe w.”

 Inve ntor y a s m a tc h                 Can the raw commodity be         Yes, the value of raw commodity
                                          used as match?                   produce d and owne d by the applicant
                                                                           can be use d as an applicant in-kind
                                                                           matching contribution for working capital
                                                                           proje cts provide d that it is fairly valued
                                                                           and that the basis for the valuation is
                                                                           given in the application.

                                                                           Inventory is not appropriate for Planning
                                                                           grants be cause this type of grant does
                                                                           not involve utilization of the commodity
                                                                           in the course of the grant period.

 Fe d e ra l loa ns a s m a tc h          Can proce eds from Fe de ral     In general, fe deral loans can be use d as
                                          loans such as FSA loans be       match as long as they lose their identity
                                          used as matching funds?          as fe deral funds when they reach the
                                                                           borrower and if there are no restrictions
                                                                           on the use of those funds. Other federal
                                                                           funds, such as grants, cannot be use d as

 Sub s titute In-kind for Ca s h          After an award is made, can a    No. As part of the competitive scoring
                                          grante e substitute in-kind      process, applications having verified
                                          match for cash?                  cash match were awarde d more points
                                                                           than thos e with in-kind. S ubstitution of
                                                                           in-kind for cash would invalidate the
 Prog ra m Inc om e a s Ma tc h           Can estimate d program           No. Although program income e arned
                                          income be propose d as           during the grant period can be us ed to
                                                                           finance or re place verifie d matching

FY 2021                                            14
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                             matching funds at the time of       funds, it cannot be claime d at time of
                                             application?                        application be cause it cannot be verifie d.

 Sta te ta x c re d its a s m a tc h         Can transferrable S tate tax        No, transferable state tax credits cannot
                                             cre dits be use d as matching       be use d as matching funds. Tax credits
                                             funds?                              are sold for less than face value,
                                                                                 therefore their actual value is not known
                                                                                 until the time of sale. In addition, some
                                                                                 tax cre dits can be rescinde d by the
                                                                                 states in which they are issue d.

                                         PRIORITY POINTS / RESERVED FUNDS
 Multip le c a te g orie s                   If applicant me ets more than       No, qualifying applicants may re ceive
                                             one cate gory for priority points   points for only one category.
                                             (e.g. socially disadvantage and
                                             farmer cooperative) will that
                                             get more points?

 Soc ia lly Dis a d va nta g e d Fa rm e r   If a farm is owned by 2 women       In the event there are multiple farmer
 or Ra nc h e r—Pe rc e nt of                and 1 male, do they qualify as      owners of the applicant organization, at
 own e rs hip                                a socially disadvantage d           least 51 percent of the ownership
                                             farmer becaus e they are            (shares) of the operation must be held
                                             owned by a majority of              by members of the socially
                                             women, eve n if the 1 male          disadvantaged group to qualify for
                                             owns 60 percent of the farm?        Priority Points, so in the example given,
                                                                                 the applicants would not qualify as
                                                                                 socially disadvantage d. To qualify for
                                                                                 Reserved Funds, 100 perce nt of the
                                                                                 owners must be members of a socially
                                                                                 disadvantaged group.

 Soc ia lly Dis a d va nta g e d Fa rm e r   If a hus band and wife each         Yes, becaus e ownership of the farm is
 or Ra nc h e r—Pe rc e nt of                own 50 percent of the farm          100 percent owned by socially-
 own e rs hip & m ultip le c a te g ory      and the hus band is Latino, do      disadvantaged farmers, the y qualify for
                                             they qualify for priority points    both priority points and reserve d funds.
                                             as socially-disadvantaged
                                             farmers bas ed on gender and

 Sm a ll or Me d ium Fa m ily Fa rm          An agricultural producer is a       The small/me dium Family Farm priority
                                             large dairy farmer with gross       points are bas ed on annual gross sales
                                             reve nues in excess of              in the previous three years. Owners are
                                             $1m/year. They also are s mall      100 percent identical for the dairy and
                                             producers of vegetables and         produce entities. They have only
                                             fruit. They are in the proce ss     recently reconfigure d the produce part
                                             of putting in an application for    of the business into a new LLC. They
                                             a VAPG solely for the               are the s ame farm and farm owne rs and
                                             vege tables and fruit. They         would ne ed to acknowle dge ALL farm
                                             have set up a ne w LLC for this     income, including dairy. Thus, they are
                                             business, although in the past      not eligible for Small/Me dium Family
                                             the fruit and vege table income     Farm Priority Points.
                                             was mixed into their total
                                             income. For the purposes of

FY 2021                                                15
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                        this grant are they
                                        small/medium sized
                                        farmers? The same owners
                                        exist for e ach company.

 Ha rve s te r                          Are harvester operations          It is the Agency’s position that
                                        eligible for Priority Points or   harvesters do not me et the definition
                                        Reserved Funds?                   requirements for a farm or ranch.
                                                                          Harvester applicants are not eligible to
                                                                          receive Priority Points for as, Farmer or
                                                                          Rancher Cooperatives or S mall/Me dium
                                                                          Family Farms. Harvester applicants may
                                                                          apply for Mid-Tier Value Chain Priority
                                                                          Points, as applicable.

                                                                          Likewise, Harvester applicants may not
                                                                          apply for Res erve d Funds for Beginning
                                                                          or Socially- Disadvantaged Farmers or
                                                                          Ranchers, but may apply for Mid-Tier
                                                                          Value Chain Res erve d Funds, as

                                          APPLICATION PROCESSING
 AD3030                                 Do all types of applicant         The AD3030 form applies only to
                                        entities have to file an          corporations, i.e., thos e who file articles
                                        AD3030?                           of incorporation in the state in which
                                                                          they do business. Entities such as LLCs
                                                                          do not file articles of incorporation, and
                                                                          so are not require d to fill out the

 Sys te m for Awa rd Ma na g e m e nt   How does a State Office           Fe deral agencies may se arch the SAM
 (SAM) Re g is tra tion                 confirm an applicant’s SAM        databas e from any valid .gov, .mil, or
 Re q uir e m e nt                      active status?           domain. To confirm active status,
                                                                          go to www.s and click on
                                                                          “Se arch.” On the s earch page, enter the
                                                                          DUNS number and click on Se arch. If
                                                                          the entity is registere d, the Cage Code
                                                                          and Expiration Date will appear.

                                                                          Applicants who do not have a Cage
                                                                          Code at application, must provide
                                                                          evidence that they have be gun the
                                                                          process and submitte d the require d
                                                                          information to SAM.
 Ele c tronic Sig na tur e s            Can applicants use an             Electronic signatures for applications
                                        ‘electronic signature’ rather     submitte d via are allowed.
                                        than a written signature?         However, upon award, documents from
                                                                          ALL awarde es should be updated with a
                                                                          written signature.

FY 2021                                            16
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

 Inform a tio n Re c e ive d a fte r the   Can an applicant submit or a      Additional information cannot be
 De a d line                               State Office solicit additional   solicited or acce pted after the
                                           application information afte r    application de adline.
                                           the application de adline?

 Fid e lity Bo nd s                        Must grante es get a fidelity     Deciding on the amount of the bond is
                                           bond, and if so, for what         within the authority of the S tate Office
                                           amount?                           that is monitoring the grant.
                                                                             Considerations for deciding the amount
                                                                             of the bond include the size of the grant,
                                                                             the payment method, the financial
                                                                             controls of the grante e, and any other
                                                                             management abilities of the grante e that
                                                                             could put Federal funds at risk.

                                                                             In general, we recommend that
                                                                                 • Any grant over $50,000 has
                                                                                     some level of bond re quire ment;
                                                                                 • Any grant being paid in advance
                                                                                     has a bond amount e qual to the
                                                                                     entire amount of the grant;
                                                                                 • Any grant awarded to an e ntity
                                                                                     that has neve r had a Federal
                                                                                     grant have some level of bond
                                                                                     requirement; and
                                                                                 • Any grant awarded to a grante e
                                                                                     that does not me et the
                                                                                     standards outlined in 3019 for
                                                                                     financial and personnel
                                                                                     management practices has
                                                                                     some bond amount require d.

                                                                             To determine the amount of the bond, a
                                                                             good rule of thumb is that the bond
                                                                             amount should e qual the maximum
                                                                             amount of expenditures that will be
                                                                             incurred for a given time pe riod. For
                                                                             example, if you expe ct re quests for
                                                                             reimburs ement to occur on a quarterly
                                                                             basis, the n 25 percent of the grant
                                                                             amount might be appropriate. The key
                                                                             is to remember that the purpose of the
                                                                             bond is to protect the government’s
                                                                             interest in the grant, so the greater the
                                                                             risk to the government (higher the grant
                                                                             amount, we ak financial controls of the
                                                                             grante e, etc.) the clos er the bond
                                                                             amount should be to the full amount of
                                                                             the grant.
                                                 AWARD PROCESSING
 Pe rform a nc e Pe riod                   How do I corre ctly determine     The pe rformance period start date
                                           the pe rformance pe riod start    provide d by the applicant s hould be
                                           date for a VAPG award?            adjuste d to the actual date of award —

FY 2021                                              17
Value-Added Producer Grant FAQ

                                      the date the financial assistance
                                      agre ement is execute d by the Age ncy.
                                      The grant period end date should also
                                      be adjuste d accordingly. The grant
                                      recipient should provide a revised
                                      budge t with the adjuste d start and end
                                      dates. Proje ct activities should begin
                                      within 90 days of the date of award.

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