Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...

Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
               BOOTH FEES                                  Price
                      10 x 10
     8ft high rear wall drape with 3ft side drapes         $1,100      42
  8ft table with 2 chairs | Power & wireless internet
       Access for 2 representatives to all meals
                       15 x 15
      8ft high rear wall drape with 3ft side drapes        $1,800      12
2 - 8ft tables with 4 chairs | Power & wireless internet
        Access for 4 representatives to all meals
                      20 x 20
      8ft high rear wall drape with 3ft side drapes        $2,600       6
2 - 8ft tables with 6 chairs | Power & wireless internet
        Access for 6 representatives to all meals
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
Monday October 5
                                                                      Certificate of Insurance
10:00AM - 4:00PM Large Booth Move In
See map for move in times                                          Under the terms and conditions of this
                                                                    contract for services, the contractor,
3:00PM - 5:00PM 10 x 10 Booth Move In                                 consultant, vendor or exhibitor is
Forklift will be available for the day. Please indicate if you   required to show evidence of adequate
need the forklift on the registration form.                       general liability insurance coverage by
                                                                  furnishing to the American Public Works
7:00PM – 9:00PM President Elect’s Meet & Greet                       Association (APWA) a certificate or
                    All Vendors Welcome                                    certificates of insurance.

Tuesday October 6                                                   The certificate(s) of insurance must
                                                                 include the following information and be
9:45AM - 10:15AM Networking Break in Tradeshow Area
                                                                     in force for the full duration of the
11:30AM Lunch Served for Vendors                                   contract. All certificates of insurance
                                                                          issued to the APWA must:
12:00PM – 2:30PM Tradeshow Luncheon
                                                                 • Include the name of the insured, the
2:30PM - 4:00PM Vendor’s Guests**                                  insurance producer and the
                                                                   insurance company affording the
4:00PM - 7:00PM Tradeshow Happy Hour                               coverage
Open evening to entertain clients                                • Evidence of general liability coverage
                                                                   with limits of $1,000,000 each occur-
7:00PM – 7:30PM Bump Out for 10x10 booths                          rence/$2,000,000 aggregate
                                                                 • Include policy numbers and effective
Wednesday October 7                                                and expiration dates of each policy
                                                                 • Provide for thirty (30) days advance
7:00AM – 12:00PM Bump Out                                          written notice to APWA of
                                                                   cancellation of any of the insurance
                                                                 • Be issued to APWA and remitted to
                                                                   2345 Grand Blvd., Ste 500 Kansas City,
                                                                   MO 64108-2641
                                                                  We can not process your application
                                                                   without a certificate of insurance.

• Please make sure your items fit into your allotted booth space. NO EXCEPTIONS
• Please do not leave any valuables in your booth after the tradeshow area is closed.
• Please make sure you send in the names of all exhibitors prior to the tradeshow.
• If have you any AV Requirements, please contact the AV Department at the Cambridge at
• Room block end date: September 4, 2020

**Please remember to invite your clients and customers out to visit the show! We understand that
a number of exhibitors have limited time to connect with customers in Alberta and we
encourage them to invite clients out FROM 2:30pm - 4:00pm ON TUESDAY. No exceptions to this
time will be made. Let us know how many tickets you need by October 2nd ,2020.
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your support for the industry and to
               showcase your company in front of hundreds of delegates and exhibitors.

   PLATINUM | $7,500                    GOLD | $5,000                    SILVER | $2,500

• 10 x 10 Booth (or credit of     • Signage and printed material     • Signage and printed
  $1000 to a larger booth)          recognition                        material recognition
• Signage and printed material    • Opportunity to address large     • Two (2) complimentary
  recognition                       group                              passes for representatives to
• Opportunity to address large    • Four (4) complimentary reg-        attend sponsored events
  group                             istrations                         and bring greetings to the
• Four (4) complimentary reg-     • Verbal recognition of Spon-        group.
  istrations                        sorship company at the           • Verbal recognition of Spon-
• Verbal recognition of Spon-       event                              sorship company at the
  sorship company at the          • Company logo on the                event
  event                             sponsor board                    • Company logo and website
• Company logo on the spon-       • Company logo and website           address in the program
  sor board                         address in the program           • Official Acknowledge in
• Company logo and website        • Official Acknowledgement in        Conference E-Newsletter
  address in the program            Conference E-Newsletter          • Company logo linked to
• Official Acknowledgement in     • Company logo linked to your        your website for remainder
  Conference E-Newsletter           website for remainder of 2020      of 2020
• Company Logo linked to your
  website for remainder of 2020

      For Platinum, Gold or Silver Sponsorship Levels choose any of the items below to
      achieve your desired level of recognition:

       $3,000 Meet & Greet                             2 Available

       $2,500 Happy Hour Hors d'oeuvres                2 Available

       $2,500 Tradeshow Lunch                          2 Available

       $1,500 Lanyards                                 1 Available

       $1,000 Breakfast Sponsor                        4 Available

         $750 Brewery Sampling at Booth                6 Available

         $700 Coffee Sponsor                           9 Available

         $500 Sessions                                15 Available

      Hospitality Suites Monday & Tuesday Nights       2 Available contact Jeannette for details

                             Cambridge Red Deer Hotel & Conference Centre
                                  3310 50 Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 3X9
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
Send registration and payment to:                                 Registration deadline is
 Excellence in Public Works Conference & Tradeshow                  September 1, 2020.
 PO Box 44095, Garside Postal Outlet
                                                                            NO REFUNDS.
 Edmonton, Alberta, T5V 1N6                                           A confirmation will be forwarded to you
                                                                  upon receipt of your registration and
 Ph: (403) 990-2792                                                payment. Keep a photocopy of the
 Fax: (888) 812-7014                                                registration form for your records.
 (Please make cheques/money orders payable to APWA)              Payment must accompany registration.

  Booth Rental and Additional Exhibitor Meal Tickets                Disclaimer: All supplies and equipment of
                                                                    any kind brought onto the premises by
  Number of 10 x 10 booth(s) _____ x $1,155.00 (GST included)       the exhibitor before, during or after the
                                                                    show shall be at the exhibitor’s own risk
  Number of 15 x 15 booth(s) _____ x $1,890.00 (GST included)       absolutely. Trade Show Management,
                                                                    Facility Management and their
  Number of 20 x 20 booth(s) _____ x $2,730.00 (GST included)       employees and agents shall be
                                                                    protected and indemnified from all
  Number of Outdoor Spaces _____ x $210.00 (GST included)           claims made by or on account of loss or
  Number of EXTRA Meal Ticket(s) _____ x $71.92 (GST included)      damage to property or injury or death
                                                                    resulting from the show or occupancy of
  Sponsorship Amount __________________                             the space allotted as per this
  Amount Enclosed __________________(GST #12356 - 5426)
                                                                    Other items may be attained if advised
  Would you like to host a live demo?                               prior to the trade show. Cost will be at
                                                                    the price charged by the Convention
  Yes / No                                                          Services. Please contact the AV dept. at
                                                                    the hotel for more information.
  Are you having a draw at your booth?
  Yes / No                                                          □ Payment MUST accompany
  Will you need the forklift?                                       □ Choice of Booth
                                                                    □ Certificate of Insurance
  Yes / No                                                          □ Company Logo for Sponsorship
                                                                       e-mail to
  Booth Preference                                                  □ Names of representatives by
                                                                       September 1st 2020
  CHOICE # 1 _____ CHOICE # 2 ____ CHOICE # 3 ____

Primary Contact Name:
Company Name:
Credit Card Number:                                                Exp:                 CCV:
Name on Card:                                                                 Card type:
Mailing Address:
Phone:                                              Fax:

     Registration confirmation and invoices will be sent to the email address provided above.
Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ... Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ... Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ... Vendor and Sponsorship Registration - APWA Alberta Annual Equipment ...
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