Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux - Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Page created by Ellen Walsh
Legislative     Assemblée
          Assembly       législative
         of Ontario      de l’Ontario

Votes and Proceedings   Procès-verbaux

       No. 30                 No 30

     1st Session         1re session
   42nd Parliament      42e législature

      Monday                Lundi
   October 1, 2018      1 octobre 2018

10:30 A.M.                                                                                                    10 H 30
PRAYERS                                                                                                     PRIÈRES
O Canada                                                                                                    Ô Canada
With unanimous consent,                                         Avec le consentement unanime,
On motion by Mr. Smith (Bay of Quinte),                         Sur la motion de M. Smith (Baie de Quinte),
Resolved, That, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario should call on the Federal Government to reverse
their decision to transfer Terri-Lynne McClintic, who was convicted of the kidnapping, rape and murder
of 8 year old Victoria Stafford, from the maximum-security Grand Valley Institution for Women in
                   ORAL QUESTIONS                                              QUESTIONS ORALES
                   DEFERRED VOTES                                                VOTES DIFFÉRÉS
Amendment to Government Notice of Motion Number 8 for allocation of time on Government Order
Number 6 regarding the appointment of a Select Committee on Financial Transparency.
Mr. Vanthof moved:-                                            M. Vanthof propose :-
That the motion be amended as follows:
In the first paragraph the words “there shall be one hour of additional debate with 30 minutes apportioned
to the Government, 20 minutes to the Official Opposition, seven minutes to the independent Liberal Party
members and three minutes to the independent Green Party member. At the end of this time,” shall be
inserted following the number “6”; and
In the second paragraph delete the words “9(c) or”.
Lost on the following division:-                               Rejetée par le vote suivant :-
                                          AYES / POUR - 38
Andrew                      Fraser                        Kernaghan                      Singh (Brampton Centre)
Arthur                      French                        Lalonde                        Stevens
Begum                       Gates                         Mamakwa                        Stiles
Bell                        Gélinas                       Mantha                         Tabuns
Bisson                      Glover                        Monteith-Farrell               Taylor
Bourgouin                   Hassan                        Rakocevic                      Vanthof
Burch                       Hatfield                      Sattler                        West
Coteau                      Horwath                       Schreiner                      Wynne
Des Rosiers                 Hunter                        Shaw                           Yarde
Fife                        Karpoche
                                         NAYS / CONTRE - 67
Anand                       Gill                          McNaughton                     Scott
Baber                       Hardeman                      Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka)   Simard
Babikian                    Harris                        Mitas                          Skelly
Bailey                      Hillier                       Mulroney                       Smith (Bay of Quinte)
Bethlenfalvy                Hogarth                       Nicholls                       Smith (Peterborough–Kawartha)
Bouma                       Kanapathi                     Pang                           Surma
Calandra                    Karahalios                    Park                           Tangri
Cho (Willowdale)            Ke                            Pettapiece                     Thanigasalam
Coe                         Khanjin                       Phillips                       Thompson

                                    NAYS / CONTRE - Continued
Crawford                  Kramp                         Piccini                    Tibollo
Cuzzeto                   Kusendova                     Rasheed                    Triantafilopoulos
Downey                    Lecce                         Rickford                   Wai
Dunlop                    MacLeod                       Roberts                    Walker
Fedeli                    Martin                        Romano                     Wilson
Fee                       Martow                        Sabawy                     Yakabuski
Fullerton                 McDonell                      Sandhu                     Yurek
Ghamari                   McKenna                       Sarkaria
The House recessed at 11:54 a.m.                            À 11 h 54, la Chambre a suspendu la séance.
1:00 P.M.                                                                                              13 H
       INTRODUCTION OF BILLS                                       DÉPÔT DES PROJETS DE LOI
The following Bill was introduced and read the              Le projet de loi suivant est présenté et lu une
first time:-                                                première fois :-
Bill 37, An Act respecting civil liability for              Projet de loi 37, Loi concernant la
climate-related harms. Mr. Tabuns.                          responsabilité civile à l’égard des dommages
                                                            liés au climat. M. Tabuns.
                 MOTIONS                                                       MOTIONS
Mr. Smith (Bay of Quinte) moved,                            M. Smith (Baie de Quinte) propose,
That, the schedule of the House for Tuesday, October 2, 2018 as set out in standing order 8(a), be revised
by substituting “1:00 p.m.” and “1:05 p.m.” for “3:00 p.m.” and “3:05 p.m.,” respectively.
Debate arose and after some time,                           Il s’élève un débat et après quelque temps,
Carried on division.                                        Adoptée au vote.
                PETITIONS                                                    PÉTITIONS
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Sessional Paper No. P-1) Mr. Mantha.
Implementing minimum wage (Sessional Paper No. P-4) Ms. Begum, Mr. Hassan, Ms. Karpoche and
Mr. Yarde.
The Long-Term Care Homes Act (Sessional Paper No. P-13) Mr. Hatfield.
Social assistance policies (Sessional Paper No. P-28) Ms. Morrison.
The price of gasoline (Sessional Paper No. P-34) Mme Gélinas.

The Acting Speaker (Mrs. Gretzky) informed                La présidente suppléante (Mme Gretzky) a
the House of the following changes in the                 informé la Chambre des changements
Order of Precedence for Private Members’                  suivants dans l’ordre de priorité des affaires
Public Business:-                                         d’intérêt public émanant des députés :-
Mr. Kanapathi assumes ballot item number 94;
Mr. Harris assumes ballot item number 36.
           ORDERS OF THE DAY                                           ORDRE DU JOUR
Motion for allocation of time on Government Order Number 6 regarding the appointment of a Select
Committee on Financial Transparency.
Debate resumed and after some time,                       Le débat a repris et après quelque temps,
The question was then put.                                La question a ensuite été mise aux voix.
Carried.                                                  Adoptée.
Ordered, That, pursuant to Standing Order 47 and notwithstanding any other Standing Order or Special
Order of the House, when the Order of the Day is called resuming the adjourned debate on Government
Order Number 6, the Speaker shall put every question necessary to dispose of the motion and any
amendments thereto which questions shall be decided without further amendment or debate; and
That, notwithstanding Standing Order 9(c) or 28(h), there shall be no deferral of any vote; and
That, in the case of any division on the amendment to the motion and the motion, the division bell shall
be limited to 5 minutes.
Second Reading of Bill 36, An Act to enact a              Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 36, Loi
new Act and make amendments to various                    édictant une nouvelle loi et modifiant
other Acts respecting the use and sale of                 diverses autres lois en ce qui concerne
cannabis and vapour products in Ontario.                  l’utilisation et la vente de cannabis et de
                                                          produits de vapotage en Ontario.
Debate arose and after some time the House                Il s’élève un débat et après quelque temps, à
adjourned at 6:02 p.m.                                    18 h 02, la Chambre a ajourné ses travaux.
                                              le président
                                            TED ARNOTT
      STANDING ORDER 39(a)                                   CONFORMÉMENT À L’ARTICLE
                                                                 39 a) DU RÈGLEMENT
Repeal of the 2015 Health and Physical Education curriculum (Sessional Paper No. P-48) (Tabled
October 1, 2018) Mr. Crawford, Mr. Downey and Mr. Nicholls.
Notwithstanding clause (Sessional Paper No. P-52) (Tabled October 1, 2018) Mr. Crawford.

      RESPONSES TO PETITIONS                                 RÉPONSES AUX PÉTITIONS
Health and physical education curriculum (Sessional Paper No. P-2):
        (Tabled July 25, 2018) Ms. Fife.
        (Tabled July 23, 2018) Mr. Harden.
        (Tabled July 23, 25, 2018) Ms. Karpoche.
        (Tabled July 24, 2018) Ms. Morrison.
        (Tabled July 23, 24, 25, 2018) Ms. Stiles.
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