Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace

Page created by Oscar Norman
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
                          Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021

      Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
                                    National Library Week             Staff Spotlight On: Whitney Martin
                                    April 4-10, 2021                  Whitney is a part-time Public Services
                                    Check out our special             Associate. She started working at the
                                    programming in                    library in February of 2020. She loves
                                    celebration of National           discovering unique picture books and
                                    Library Week on page 4            planning storytimes. Her all-time favorite
                                    of this issue. This year's        books are Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and
                                    theme is "Welcome to              Do Not Say We Have Nothing by Madeleine Thien.
                                    your library!"

                                                                          2021 Online Summer
Blood Drive with Versiti • Library Parking Lot                            Reading Program
Tuesday, April 13 • 2:30-6:30 pm • Registration is                        June 1-August 6
required                                                                  Online sign-up starts on
The Blood Drive will take place in the coach                              Monday, May 24
parked in the library's parking lot. To set up a                          Whooooo loves reading? We do! Join us this summer
time, call Camille from Versiti at 847-305-9998.                          on Beanstack to explore the wide world of animals and
Visit the library's event calendar for more details                       reading with our Summer Reading Program, Tails and
and a link to register online.                                            Tales. Beanstack is an easy-to-use online program, also
                                                                          available as an app for iOS or Android devices. Get
Free Meals for Kids 18 & Under Are Back!                                  ready to start tracking reading, collecting badges, and
April 1-May 20                                                            earning tickets for prize drawings. Our Adult and Youth
Kids ages 18 and younger are eligible for a                               programs are free, fun, and open to everyone!
free meal! Grab & Go Lunches are available at
the library on Tuesdays, Wednesdays &
Thursdays from 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Please call
the library, visit our website, or follow us on
social media for more information!

An Evening with Author John Sandford on Wednesday, April 14 at 7 pm • Online via Zoom
               Join us for a virtual fireside chat with author John Sandford. John Sandford is the
               pseudonym of American writer John Roswell Camp. Camp won the Pulitzer Prize in
               journalism in 1986, and was one of four finalists for the prize in 1980. Camp is the author of
               forty published novels, all of which have appeared, in one format or another, on The New
               York Times best-seller lists.

 An Evening with Author Alex Kotlowitz on Thursday, May 6 at 7 pm • Online via Zoom
               Join us for a virtual fireside chat with journalist, author and filmmaker Alex Kotlowitz.
               Alex’s most notable books are An American Summer: Love and Death in Chicago
               and the award-winning national bestseller There Are No Children Here. Our guest
               also won an Emmy for the 2011 documentary The Interrupters. The fireside chat will
               be moderated by Pulitzer Prize-winning Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich.
               Alex and Mary will have a forty-five minute wide ranging discussion, followed by
               about fifteen minutes to answer your questions.

                                                          Library Hours
                                  Visit our website or follow us on social media for current library hours.
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
PLEASE NOTE: All youth programs are online and require
       registration and an email address.                                      online youth storytimes
Marvelous                     1st & 3rd Saturdays every month • 11 am • Information about how to access the       April 3, 17;
Mornings                      online program will be sent via email shortly before the program begins.            May 1, 15

Toddler                       Mondays -OR- Thursdays • 10:30 am • Information about how to access the             April 5-
Time                          online program will be sent via email shortly before the program begins.            May 13

Babies &                      Tuesdays -OR- Thursdays • 9:30 am • Information about how to access the             April 6-
Books                         online program will be sent via email shortly before the program begins.            May 13

Community                     3rd Friday of each month • 10 am • Information about how to access the              April 16 &
Storytime                     online program will be sent via email shortly before the program begins.            May 21

        PLEASE NOTE: All youth programs are online and require
        registration and an email address.                                youth, tween & teen classes
Crafternoons                                                     Mother’s Day Craft
Tuesdays, April 6; May 11 • 2 pm • Ages 7 & Up                   Friday, May 7 -OR- Saturday, May 8
A program for crafty kids! Make a fun project using a            All ages
wide variety of materials. Explore, experiment, and              Celebrate moms, grandmothers, aunts, and
create. Information about how to access the online               other loved ones with a craft! Young children
program will be sent via email shortly before the                will need some adult help.
program begins.

                                                                 Kids Cook: Desserts in Disguise
                                                                                                    Monday, May 10 • 4 pm
                                                                                                    Ages 6 & Up
                                                                                                    Nom nom nom! Chef Kristyn
                                                                                                    of Mealtime Memories
Kids Cook: Pizza Party!
                                                                                                    shows and tells us all about
                Thursday, April 22 • 4 pm
                                                                                                    desserts and shares recipes
                Ages 6 & Up
                                                                                                    for everyone to try at home.
                Are you a big fan of pizza?
                So are we! Join Chef Kristyn of Mealtime
                Memories as she shares all her pizza-
                making secrets with us, and recipes for
                everyone to try at home to become                 Family Geocaching Scavenger Hunt
                personal pizza pros!                              Monday, May 24–Saturday, May 29 • All ages
                                                                  National Scavenger Hunt day is May 24!
                                                                  Celebrate by joining our Family Geocaching
Children’s Book Week: “Reading is a Superpower”                   Scavenger Hunt! There will be 28 waypoints
May 3-9, 2021 • All ages                                          (locations) where items can be found.
Children’s Book Week, an                                          After registration, you will receive your
annual celebration of books                                       list of coordinate waypoints and have
for kids and teens, began in                                      7 days to hunt. Send in pictures to be
1919 and is the longest-running                                   entered into a drawing for a prize!
national literacy initiative in
the country. Stay tuned to the
library’s social media, website, and newsletters for details
about our celebration, and how to power up with reading!
                                                                                     Free Meals for Kids 18 & Under Are Back!
                                                                                     April 1-May 20
May the Fourth: A Star Wars Celebration
Tuesday, May 4 • 11 am • All ages                                                    Kids ages 18 and younger are eligible
Are you a Star Wars fan? Journey to a galaxy far, far                                for a free meal! Grab & Go Lunches are
away with us for Star Wars Day, recognized each year                                 available at the library on Tuesdays,
on May 4th. Sign up for a special storytime and activity                             Wednesdays & Thursdays from
pack to enjoy at home!                                                               11:30 am-1:30 pm. Please call the library,
                                                                                     visit our website, or follow us on social
                                                                                     media for more information!

April/May, 2021                                            630-834-1164                                    2
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
PLEASE NOTE: All tween & teen programs are online and
       require registration and an email address.                                            tween & teen classes
                                                                 Teen Book Box Sign-Up
 April is National Poetry Month!                                 Monday, May 3 • 9 am • Grades 6-12 • Limit 15
                                  "It's impossible,"             Sign up for our Teen Book Box subscription
                                  said pride.                    service! Registrants will receive a themed box
                                                                 with a library book, as well as goodies, treats,
                                                                 activities, crafts, and book lists. If this is your first
                                  "It's risky,"
                                                                 time registering, you will receive a follow-up
                                  said experience.               form to determine your personal reading
                                                                 preferences. Sign up by May 17th and receive
                                  "It's pointless,"              your subscription box on June 14th!
                                  said reason.

                                  "Give it a try,"               STEAM for Tweens & Teens!
                                  whispered the                             Wednesday, May 12 • 1 pm • Grades 5-12 • Limit
                                                                            Sign up for our monthly STEAM kits aimed at
                                                                            tweens and teens! Each take-home kit includes
                                   - unknown                                materials for a project that encourages
                                                                            creativity, exploration, and critical thinking
                                                                            through inquiry-based learning.
 Project: Poetry!
 Monday, April 5 • Ages 12 & Up • Limit 30
                                                                Grants, Scholarships, and Loans
 April is National Poetry Month!
                                                                Thursday, May 27 • 6-7:30 pm • High School
 Celebrate by taking home a personal
                                                                Students & Up • Limit 100 • Online via Zoom
 poetry kit. Kits will include information
                                                                Presented by My College Planning Team, this
 about various types of poetry as well as
                                                                webinar will explore the complex world of
 materials for magnet poetry, blackout
                                                                need-based and merit-based financial aid.
 poetry, emoji poetry, and more.
                                                                Get tips for optimizing college admissions
                                                                and scholarships, and learn strategies for
                                                                lowering your Expected Family Contribution
Teen Book Trivia                                                (EFC), which will increase your financial aid
Friday, April 9–Sunday, April 11 • Ages 13-18 • Limit 50        eligibility.
Think you have what it takes to beat our Teen Book Trivia?
Sign up today to test your knowledge – if you answer
enough questions correctly, you’ll be entered into a
drawing for a $15 Amazon gift card!

                                                                 COMING SOON: Nintendo Switch™ systems for checkout!
Financial Strategies for Early College Planners
Thursday, April 15 • 6-7:30 pm • Middle School Families          We're excited to start offering something entirely new to
Limit 100 • Online via Zoom                                      check out: Nintendo Switch™ gaming consoles! These
                        Presented by My College Planning         systems can be used in three different ways:
                        Team, this workshop/webinar
                        will emphasize the importance               Handheld Mode: pick up and play with the Joy‐Con™
                        of getting a jumpstart on college           controllers attached, or in the Joy‐Con™ Grip.
                        planning and introduce financial
                        aid options available to early              Tabletop Mode: Flip the stand to share the screen, then
                        planners. It will also cover mistakes       share the fun with a multiplayer game.
                        to avoid when saving for college and
                        recommend college-planning                  TV mode: Dock the Switch to enjoy HD gaming on a TV or
                        resources for families.                     computer monitor.

April/May, 2021                                             630-834-1164                              3
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
PLEASE NOTE: All adult programs are online and require registration and an email address.      adult classes

                    National Library Week                        Basic Bread & Beyond
                                                                 Wednesday, April 21 • 7-8:30 pm • Online via Zoom
                                                                 Join Father Dominic, the Bread Monk, for a

                                April 4-10!                      narrated PowerPoint presentation on ways to
                                                                 take a basic white bread recipe and make it special.

 Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) 101: An Introduction                   Bessie Coleman: One Woman Virtual Show
 Monday, April 5 • 7-8 pm • Ages 18 & Up • Online via Zoom       Monday, April 26 • 6:30-7:30 pm • Online via Zoom
 MOBA collects, exhibits, and celebrates art that will be seen   Join Gigi Coleman, great niece of Bessie Coleman, as she
 in no other venue. We interpret the art and compare it to       marks the 100th anniversary by reenacting the life of the
 classic art. This is art too bad to be ignored!                 world’s first African-American female to become a licensed
                                                                 pilot in 1921.
 Murder, Mayhem, and the Mob: Part Two: Post-Capone
 Tuesday, April 6 • 6-7:30 pm • Online via Zoom                  Build the Perfect Cheese Board
 Join Clarence Goodman as he investigates the post-Capone        Tuesday, May 4 • 6:30-8pm • Online via Zoom
 period and the Mob's move into the Modern Era.                  Learn how to create a beautiful cheese platter! Registrants
                                                                 will be emailed a suggested shopping list. Presented by
 Chicago Architecture Highlights: A Virtual Walking Tour         Meredith Meder ACS CCP.
 Wednesday, April 7 • 7 pm • Online via Zoom
 Chicago is widely recognized for its variety of modern          Murder, Mayhem, and the Mob: Part Three: Boss of Bosses
 architectural styles. See buildings constructed from the late   Tuesday, May 4 • 6-7:30 pm • Online via Zoom
 19th century through Frank Gehry's Jay Pritzker Pavilion.       Take a look at the Mob's influence on popular culture.
 Presented by Jeff Mishur.                                       Simple Spring/Summer Meals with Chef Maddox
                                                                 Thursday, May 6 • 7-8:30 pm • Online via YouTube
 Cook-Along with Chef Gale Gand
                                                                 Join Chef Maddox to learn new recipes with incredible flavors
 Friday, April 9 • 7 pm • Online via Zoom
                                                                 and only a few ingredients.
 Chef Gand will prepare a shopping list of
 ingredients and recipes ahead of our                            Pizza Beyond Red Sauce & Mozz
 program, which will be shared with                              Wednesday, May 19 • 7-8:30 pm • Online via Zoom
 participants. Then, cook-along with Chef                        Explore new flavors and textures with pizzas by
 Gand, or sit back and watch her prepare the                     Father Dominic, the Bread Monk. Join us for a live
 recipes.                                                        narrated PowerPoint including the secrets to a
 After Hours Event: Reader's Theater presented by the            great crust, sauces, and toppings!
 Friends of the Villa Park Library and The Epiphany               Seed Starting
 Players                                                          Monday, April 12 • 7:30-8:30 pm • Online via Zoom
 Saturday, April 10 • 7 pm • Online via Zoom                      Join us as Master Gardener Paul Stoffels from the U of I
 Home to Mother, a comedy in one act, written by Mary             Extension program shows us how to get started!
 Lawrence. John Wingate forgets his wife’s birthday, and wife
 Betty is not happy. She decides to go home to mother, and        Creativity in the Garden
 the timing couldn’t be worse.                                    Tuesday, April 27 • 7 pm • Online via Zoom
                                                                  The garden is the perfect place to show
 Brunch Cuisine Ideas with Chef Maddox                            creativity. Be courageous in your garden
 Thursday, April 1 • 7-8:30 pm • Online via Zoom                  decisions, think outside of the box, and
 Get your mid-morning started off on the right foot by            make your garden uniquely yours.
 learning some great recipes as well as methods & techniques      Sponsored by the Villa Park Garden Club.
 when breakfast & lunch fans come together.                       Vegetable Container Gardening
                                                                  Monday, May 3 • 7-8 pm • Online via Zoom
 Cheese 101                                                       Join us for tips and tricks! Presented by Master Gardener
 Saturday, April 17 • 2-3:30 pm • Online via Zoom                 Pat Kosmach from the U of I Extension program.
 Learn about traditional cheese
 styles, milk types, and basic flavor                             How to Care for Raised Beds
 profiles. Registrants will be emailed                            Tuesday, May 25 • 7pm • Online via Zoom
 a suggested shopping list. Presented by                          The GardenWorks Project will share how to care for raised
 Meredith Meder ACS CCP.                                          beds, as well as information on their garden programs.
                                                                  Sponsored by the Villa Park Garden Club.

 Downsize/Declutter without the Dumpster
 Tuesday, April 20 • 6-7:15 pm • Online via Zoom
 Reduce your impact on the planet while minimizing your
 possessions. Learn where to donate, what to recycle, and
 how to safely dispose of unwanted items. Presented by

April/May, 2021                                           630-834-1164                                  4
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
PLEASE NOTE: All adult programs are online and require registration and an email address.                                             adult classes

                                                                                                                    CRAFTY CREATIONS WITH GILDA
                                                                                                                     Fee $15 per project, per person
                                                                                                                                  Gilda will share a
                                                                                                                             prerecorded YouTube video
                                                                                                                                  with participants
                                                                                                                               how to paint the piece.
                                                                                                                               Attendees may view the
  Weiss Financial Ratings Series Tips & Tricks                                                                               video at any time once they
  Monday, April 12 • 6-7 pm • Online via Zoom                                                                                   have received the link.
  Paige Grillo of Greyhouse Publishing will give some tips &
  tricks for using our Weiss Financial Ratings Series database.                                                               Supplies must be paid for
                                                                                                                             and picked up at the library.
  Making Budgets Work                                                                                     Thursday,                                          Wednesday,
  Tuesday, April 13 • 6-7 pm • Online via Zoom                                                             April 8                                             May 12
  Lana Thompson of BMO Harris will discuss identifying
  personal obstacles to budgeting and creating a structure to
  track and analyze spending.
                                                                                                                               Virtual Fitness classes
  Preparing for Major Purchases
  Wednesday, April 14 • 6-7 pm • Online via Zoom
  Joe Christopher of Inland Bank will discuss
  how to prepare for major purchases.

  Identity Theft
  Thursday, April 15 • 3-4 pm • Online via Zoom
  Lana Thompson of BMO Harris will discuss methods used by
  identity thieves to steal personal information and how to
  protect yourself.

  Financial Strategies for Early College Planners                                                    Dynamic Movement 180 Workout Series presented by
  Thursday, April 15 • 6-7:30 pm • Middle School Families                                            Lisa Sawczuk • Online via prerecorded YouTube video
  Limit 100 • Online via Zoom
                                                                                                     Saturday, April 10
  Presented by My College Planning Team, this                                                        Age Reversing Gentle Stretch: Join us for this 40-minute
  workshop/webinar will emphasize the importance of getting                                          slow-paced full body stretch. Barre work is done with a
  a jumpstart on college planning and introduce financial aid                                        chair for a deeper release in end stretching.
  options available to early planners. It will also cover mistakes
  to avoid when saving for college and recommend college-                                            Saturday, April 24
  planning resources for families.                                                                   Balletone Cardio Dance: Ballet inspired 40-minute low-
                                                                                                     intensity cardio workout. No equipment needed.
  ValueLine Investment Survey
  Tips & Tricks
                                                                                                     Saturday, May 8
  Friday, April 16 • Prerecorded video via YouTube
                                                                                                     Dynamic Stretch: Release, Rebalance, Restore: Slow-
  Don Nuding of ValueLine Investment Survey will give some
                                                                                                     paced 40-minute workout to rebalance the entire body.
  tips & tricks for using our ValueLine Online database. This
                                                                                                     Mat needed for floorwork.
  presentation will be prerecorded.

                                                                                                     Saturday, May 22
               Ron Tyler, former Willowbrook High School                                             Move to Fit: Low Impact Strengthening : This 40-minute
               Biology teacher and Counselor, donated five                                           full body workout maximizes strength and mobility. Done
               volume editions of the Cave Club Underground                                          standing and seated in a chair. Gym shoes recommended
               Press 1968-1983 to the library. The Willowbrook                                       Optional: light hand weights (1-2 lbs.)
               Cave Exploring and Outdoor Club was founded
  by Mr. Tyler in 1969. It grew from seven students and two                                         Happy Healthy Yoga with Katie Sayad
  faculty members to over 200 students and 20 faculty                                               Online via GoogleMeet
  members between 1969 - 1982. The volumes will be housed                                           Saturdays, April 10 & May 8 • 9-10 am
  as reference materials in the Quiet Reading Room in the                                           Classes are designed to be thoughtful and balanced to
  Local History Collection.                                                                         empower those who attend to feel strong and agile within
                                                                                                    their body and their mind.

Program fees are due within 3 days. Registrants with unpaid fees will be placed on the waiting list after 3 days. While supplies last.                                    5
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
PLEASE NOTE: All adult programs are online and require registration and an email address.                                      adult classes
                                               ONLINE BOOK DISCUSSIONS VIA ZOOM
                                                Participants must have an email address to participate.
                                             The program link will be shared with all registered participants.

            Books & Bites
      led by Sean Birmingham
       from 11:30 am-12:15 pm

                                                         Thursday, April 1                               Thursday, May 6
                                                       Wild and Crazy Guys:                         There Are No Children Here:
                                                        How the Comedy                                The Story of Two Boys
                                                       Mavericks of the ‘80s                            Growing up in the
                                                    Changed Hollywood Forever                             Other America
                                                       by Nick De Semlyen                                by Alex Kotlowitz

    Books Worth Talking About
     led by Michelle Hoffmann
          from 7-8:15 pm

                                                            Thursday, April 8                              Thursday, May 13
                                                              There There                                Next Year in Havana
                                                           by Tommy Orange                                by Chanel Cleeton

             Mystery Readers
           led by Denise Kuhr
               from 6-7 pm

                                                            Thursday, April 15                             Thursday, May 20
                                                            Those Who Wish                               Thereby Hangs a Tail
                                                            Me Dead: A Novel                              by Spencer Quinn
                                                            by Michael Koryta

Program fees are due within 3 days. Registrants with unpaid fees will be placed on the waiting list after 3 days. While supplies last.              6
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
                                     The Journey of a Library Hold
                                           (created by Pola B., Circulation Assistant)

          Hold is Placed                                                                          A Hold Report is Run
     Holds can either be placed                                                            Library staff prints a list with hold
     in person, over the phone,                                                          requests. This report is run once in the
    or on our website at                                                         morning and again in the evening

                                                                                               A Hold Notification is sent
       Holds Are Collected
  Holds are then gathered from                                                               Once a hold is ready, the patron
       all over the library.                                                                 will be notified. Notifications can
                                                                                              be sent via email, text, phone,
                                                                                                            or mail.

                                                                                                      Hold Pickup!
  Hold is Ready to be Picked Up
                                                                                                Holds will remain available
 Holds are shelved and filed by the last                                                                for 7 days.
   4 digits of a patron's library card
   number and the first letter of the                                                         Items in lockers will be checked
          patron's last name                                                                      out to patron accounts.

Friends of the Villa Park Library
Do you love your Library? Become a Friend! The Friends act as advocates for the library; sponsoring programs
and fundraising events, promoting the library within the community, and helping to improve the library
facilities and services. For more information, email the Friends at:

Want to support the Friends? Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible
AmazonSmile purchases to the Friends of the Villa Park Library.

Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
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305 S. Ardmore Avenue
  Villa Park, IL 60181
     (630) 834-1164

                                    CURRENT RESIDENT

             RECYCLE                                                        This newsletter is printed using environmentally friendly soy ink.

Photo Policy
The Villa Park Public Library reserves the right for staff to photograph and                        Library Information
record during programs and events to promote activities, collections, and                          Villa Park Public Library
services. Participants are not identified without their permission. Please notify                  305 S. Ardmore Avenue
staff if you do not want yourself or your child to be photographed or recorded.                        Villa Park, IL 60181
Accommodation Information                                                                      
Individuals who require an accommodation for a disability for any library                            Board of Trustees
presentation should contact the library at (630) 834-1164 at least three days                        Steve De La Rosa
before a program or event.                                                                            Deborah Canale
                                                                                                     Jennifer Hovanec
Adopt-a-Magazine Donations - Thank you to the following donors:                                    Adelaide “Pat” Hubbard
  An anonymous donor for a one-year subscription to Discover and National                              Wanda Koeller
  Wildlife.                                                                                           Dianne Luebker
  Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kurasz for a one-year subscription to Good                                      Mark McCleary
  Housekeeping, Bon Appetit, and Midwest Living.
  Wanda Koeller for a one-year subscription to Ranger Rick.                                      Library Board Meetings
  June and Fred Eaton for a one-year subscription to Atlantic Monthly,                              Wednesday, April 28
  Writer, and Parents.                                                                              Wednesday, May 26
                                                                                                    Beginning at 7 pm
Memorials and Gifts - Thank you to the following donors:                                       The public is invited to attend.
  Donation from Vivienne Carlson
                                                                                                    Department Heads
  Donation from June and Fred Eaton
                                                                                                 Sandra Hill, Library Director
Donations to the Library                                                                    Kandice Krettler, Deputy Director &
Are you interested in learning more about how to donate to the Villa Park                  Head of Circulation/Outreach Services
Public Library? Contact Carolyn Turner at (630) 834-1164 ext. 110, or visit our
website at:                    Sean Birmingham, Head of Public Services

                                                                                         John Bradford, Head of Materials Services

                                                                                           Jean Jansen, Youth Services Manager
Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace Villa Park Public Library | April/May, 2021 Serving the Communities of Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace
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