Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...

Page created by Gene Santiago
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...

                    Visit program
   Emblematic sites & key showcases

Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
Energies of Tomorrow in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur:
         in harmony with national objectives

     National strategies and policies for the energy transition:
     •   Forthcoming Multiannual Energy Plan (French PPE plan)
     •   National laws and regulations (building codes, standards, etc.)
     •   National retrofitting program for energy efficiency (50 000 buildings/year)
     •   Publication of a national hydrogen plan (PNH) and public purchasing
         guidelines (AAP) for hydrogen-based mobility systems
     •   A national strategy based on the COP 21 Paris Climate Agreements that are
         embodied in the Sud Region’s climate strategy: “Une COP d’Avance”
     •   Industrial oversight committees (CSFs) focused on national energy strategies:
          o New Energy Systems CSF
          o Nuclear CSF

     •   Major projects connected to the nuclear sector:
          o   Grand Carénage: EDF plan to expand, renovate, modernize, and upgrade
              France’s nuclear energy infrastructure
          o   New EPRs: 3rd generation nuclear reactors

E N E R G I E S   O F   T O M O R R O W                                                2
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
The Energies of Tomorrow in the Sud Provence-
         Alpes-Côte d’Azur region
     •   A model territory that is implementing new energy strategies directly linked to the
         Mediterranean of the Future initiative.
     •   Committed cooperation by a broad coalition of private- and public-sector actors to
         propel the energy transition and develop the green economy.
     •   3 major spheres of operation that bring together regional actors: low-carbon energy
         production, energy efficiency, and energy storage.
     •   Public- and private-sector focus on innovative and specialized submarkets of the
         low-carbon energy industry: hydrogen and renewable gas, floating offshore wind
         turbines, solar & photovoltaics, energy storage, retrofitting buildings for energy
         efficiency, water & energy, Smart Grids, and nuclear energy.
     •   Emblematic programs and projects like Flexgrid: the biggest energy grid deployment
         program in France to integrate renewable energies and electric transportation while
         increasing overall energy efficiency and flexibility.
     •   An overall political and economic environment that empowers the major regional
         strategies on climate, air, energy, land use, sustainable development, jurisdictional
         equality, waste, water, risk management, and biodiversity.

     Examples of regional resources
     • #3 region in France in terms of installed hydropower capacity and hydroelectric production (15% of total French
     • 130 waterways, 104 drainage basins and 328 dams
     • 68 billion cubic meter of water
E N E R G I E S   O F   T O M O R R O W                                                                           3
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
Embrace the Sud Region’s major strategy

                                          Ensuring our future energy
                                          independence and aiming for 100%
                                          low-carbon energy by 2050!

E N E R G I E S   O F   T O M O R R O W                                      4
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
Come discover the emblematic sites
        for the Energies of Tomorrow in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

         6    Regional map
              Dedicated places
              11 Showrooms Flexgrid        12 Les Orres              13 thecamp

                  14 ITER                  15 City of Energies       16 IMREDD

              17 Nice Meridia              18 Hynovar                19 Smartseille

                  20 EOF                   21 Jupiter 1000           22 Piicto

         23 Specialist clusters

         23 Key Showcases

         25 They choose the Sud region!

E N E R G I E S    O F   T O M O R R O W                                              5
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
Regional program

                                       Flexgrid: an international showcase for French expertise
                                            An exemplary energy transition technology that will
                                             benefit both the French and global populations
                                            A hub of dynamic and innovative companies committed
                                             to the project
                                            True proximity between the projects and national
                                             decision centers
                                  43 territorial PROJECTS divided into four groups
             ECONOMY                     TERRITORIES & CITIES                PRODUCTION                MOBILITY
            9 KEY SITES                     24 PROJECTS                      4 PROJECTS              6 PROJECTS

              Flexgrid Program                                            Contact:
      Initiative Leader: Capenergies        Length of Visit          Raphael Rinaldi   /
     Domaine du Petit Arbois, 13547             TBD                   Program Director  
          Aix-en-Provence Cedex                      

                           6 cross-sector actions that strengthen the quality/impact of the supply and ensure its
                           capacity to meet demand
                           More than €370 Million of investment
                           800 companies in the initiative with 2 100 jobs created or maintained by 2020
                           Beneficiaries: 2 600 companies involved in PROJECTS (improved competitiveness)
S M A R T   G R I D        and 115 000 residents                                                                  6
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
Your Energies of Tomorrow visit program for the
              Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

                                                                                            Les Orres
                                                                    Gap                     Smart

       Midi-Pyrénées                                            Digne
    Languedoc-Roussillon                                                Cadarache
                                  Avignon                                                                                         ITALIE
                                       Aix-en-Provence                  ITER
                                            thecamp                     Cité des Energies

                                                                                                               Nice Meridia – Ecoquartier

                                                                                                               Mer Méditerranée
rovence Grand Large + Mistral – EOF
          Innovex – Jupiter 1000                                               Le Castelet / Toulon
                                                 Marseille                     Hynovar
                                                 Smartseille - Ecoquartier
   E N E R G I E S    O F    T O M O R R O W                                                                                         7
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
The Sud region’s development agencies
         are at your service
  With their renowned expertise when it comes to welcoming companies and helping them locate to the Sud
  region, our network of economic development agencies will work alongside ARII to provide you with all the
  support you need and to organize your visit to Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur!

      Assistance                         Business                      Real Estate                      HR Support
     Opening Your                         & Sector                  Offers Tailored to
       Company                          Information                    Your Needs
       in France

                                            AGENCY SERVICES

                         Assistance                   Organization of                    Connection
                        Identifying &                  Site Visits &                     to the Local
                          Obtaining                      Meetings                         Ecosystem

E N E R G I E S   O F     T O M O R R O W                                                                            8
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...
The Sud region’s development agencies
            are at your service
            7 Development agencies working with ARII:
04     Alpes de Haute-Provence                05   Hautes-Alpes                  06   Alpes-Maritimes                13   Bouches-du-Rhône

     Agence de Développement des                   Hautes-Alpes                       Team Côte d’Azur                    Provence Promotion
     Alpes de Haute-Provence                       13, ave du Maréchal Foch           400, promenade des Anglais          10, place de la Joliette
     264, rue Berthelot                            05000 Gap                          BP 3185                             Atrium 10.5 – Les Docks
     Parc d’activités Saint-Joseph                 +33 (0)4 92 53 62 00               06204 Nice Cedex 3                  CS 45607
     04100 Manosque                                                                   +33 (0)4 96 11 60 00                13567 Marseille Cedex 02
     +33 (0)4 92 75 80 53                                                                                                 +33 (0)4 96 11 60 00

13     Marseille Euromediterranée             83   Var                           84   Vaucluse Provence                   Regional Agency

     EPA Euroméditerranée                          Agence de Développement            Vaucluse Provence                   ARII
     79, blvd de Dunkerque                         Economique CCI du Var              Attractivité                        81-83, bd de Dunkerque
     L’Astrolabe – CS 70443                        236, Bd du Marechal Leclerc        12, rue Collè de de la Croix        13002 Marseille
     13235 Marseille Cedex 02                      CS 90008                           84000 Avignon                       +33 (0)4 96 17 07 40
     +33 (0)4 91 14 45 00                          83107 Toulon Cedex                 +33 (0)4 90 80 47 00
                                                   +33 (0)4 94 22 80 42

E N E R G I E S           O F     T O M O R R O W                                                                                                9
Visit program Emblematic sites & key showcases - Présentation ...

                                                The showrooms
                                                  Come and visit our Flexgrid showrooms to understand how to integrate
                                                   actions and behaviors of connected end users to energy networks, to
                                                   ensure synchronization between production and consumption in real times,
     Le déploiement à grande échelle               to minimize carbon footprint and energy cost. All these allowing massive
                                                   integration of sober and decarbonated solutions
   de systèmes énergétiques intelligents sur

    des sites et des territoires diversifiés

                                                           Enedis future networks
                                                                           Solar Camp
                                                                       (The Camp Aix-en-
                                                 Aixploration              Provence)
                                               (gare Aix-TGV)
                                                                       Desk Dalkia
                                    Interactive RTE space              (Marseille)
                                                                       Smart City Innovation Center
                                                              Nice Smart Valley

                                                     Flexgrid Program                      Contact :
                                                    Head: Capenergies                 Raphaël Rinaldi   /
                                               Domaine du Petit Arbois, 13547         Program Manager    
                                                  Aix-en-Provence Cedex
S M A R T       G R I D                                                                                                                 11
Les Orres – Smart Mountain

                                            1st energy management global system
                                                 in mountain resort
                                         The smart mountain resort concept consist in energy systems set up
                                           adapted to specific moutain infrastructures (ski lifts, artificial snow, ice
                                           rink, swiming pool, tourism residences, shops, electric vehicles
                                           charging points). All integrating their specificities (seasonality, housing
                                           renting stocks, snowfall, significant temperatures variations,…)

                                               - 25%
                                           reduction of annual energy
                                           costs from.
                                                                             100 t   equivalent
                                                                                    CO2 reduction
                                                                                      in a year

                                            20%                                     7%
                                           energies consumption cut          cut of greenhouse gaz
                                           (electricity & fossil)            emissions

              Flexgrid Program                                                     Contact :
             Head: Capenergies                    Time of visit               Raphaël Rinaldi   /
        Domaine du Petit Arbois, 13547               TBD                      Program Manager    
           Aix-en-Provence Cedex                              

E N E R G I E S    D E    D E M A I N                                                                                           12
thecamp – Aix-en-Provence

                    Explore the future alongside an extraordinary community
                                      thecamp is a space dedicated to new ideas and technologies that connects
                                      different people from the universe of innovation (major companies, start-ups,
                                      scientists, students, etc.) and creates situations where they can work and
                                      interact on trans-cultural, trans-sector, and trans-generational teams. It is a
                                      hotbed of dynamic regional, national, and international talent who are driving the
                                      Smart City movement and facing the urban energy challenges of the future .

                                         An exploratory base camp, the only one of its kind in Europe, dedicated to the
                                         most innovative new projects that aim to create a more sustainable and
                                         human world
                                        An open-air showroom for the latest regional innovations

                                       Sustainable buildings with unique architecture in an idyllic Provençal setting

                                     Training programs, conferences, and workshops for the private and public
                                      sector in areas of innovation and management
                              Range of accommodation for visitors

                       Start-up accelerator

              Open-air theater and diverse cultural and sporting activities

                  thecamp                                                      Contact:
                                                  Length of Visit        Lionel Minassian
              550 Denis Papin,                                                              
           13100, Aix-en-Provence                      2h                      Vice President

E N E R G I E S   O F     T O M O R R O W                                                                                13
FOCUS: ITER – Cadarache

                                     ITER, the path toward the sun’s energy on earth

                                              An extensive coalition of nations have come together to create a new energy
                                              source that is both clean and sustainable: nuclear fusion. The ITER site at Saint-
                                              Paul-lez-Durance will be home of the world’s largest tokamak chamber for
                                              generating fusion reactions. The principle of fusion energy is to make hydrogen
                                              atoms collide and fuse together at intense heat to form helium atoms. This is the
                                              same process that occurs in stars and it creates enormous amounts of energy
                                              while emitting no greenhouse gases or hazardous waste. ITER aims to prove that
                                              this quasi-limitless source of energy can be generated for large-scale use.

                                                     35 countries                                       #1
                                                     involved in the project and together               most ambitious global scientific experiment
                                                     they account for 85% of global GDP.                after the International Space Station.

                                           150 million degrees
                                           in temperature reached by the fusion
                                                                                            €20 billion
                                           process, which is 10x greater than the           in investments by the 35 participating countries. This
                                           temperature at the core of the sun.              investment in fundamental research and experimentation
                                                                                            should open the door to commercial fusion energy production.
                         500 MW
                         in energy to be
           5 000         produced.                            €3.18 billion
                                                              in contracts within France since 2007 as a result of ITER sub-contracting, with €2.31
 people employed on the ITER site.                            billion in the Sud region, which represents 72% of French contracts.

                                                 ITER                                      Contact:
                                                                                       Cyril CHAMAKH
                                           CEA Cadarache,                                                       
                                     13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance                        Mission Head

ENERGIES OF TOMORROW                                                                                                                                   14
Focus: City of Energies platform
                                    With its tradition of excellence in the energy sector and its ambition of
                                    supporting companies, CEA Cadarache launched the City of
                                    Energies project.
                                        Founded to foster connections between applied and industrial research, the
                                        City of Energies focuses on four strategic missions: solar energy, extended
                                        Smart Grids, energy efficient Mediterranean construction, and biomasses,
                                        including 3rd generation biofuels based on microalgae. The different
                                        platforms host demonstration projects and provide shared services that
                                        facilitate R&D programs for both private companies and personnel from
                                        CEATech. To this date, more than 30 partnership contracts have already
                                        been signed representing more than €71 million in investments. A dedicated
                                        zone for welcoming partner businesses, En’Durance Energies, is being
                                        developed to reinforce the CEA Cadarache cluster.

       •   Total area for commercial development: 12 hectares in 2018
       •   Total potential floorspace: 41 600 m²

       The technological innovation of the companies involved in the project could lead to the emergence of
       major PROJECTS in the energy sector.

                               ITER                          Contact:
                                                         Cyril CHAMAKH
                         CEA Cadarache,                             
                   13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance            Mission Head

E N E R G I E S   O f   T O M O R R O W                                                                              15
IMREDD (Mediterranean Institute of Risk, Environment, and Sustainable Development ) – Nice

                                     Inventing the Mediterranean city of tomorrow

                                        A multidisciplinary research laboratory and training center specialized in
                                        the environment and sustainable development with a focus on R&D,
                                        innovation, and new business concepts for the Smart City of tomorrow. Its
                                        showroom offers a global vision of the Smart City ambitions of the Nice-
                                        Côte d’Azur Metropolis and the different actors involved in this sector.

                                         Spearheading the Ecocampus de la Plaine du Var project

                                         First collaborative technology platform for researchers, educators, and business
                                        leaders working on Smart Cities: the Smart City Innovation Center that features a
                                        technical space for simulation/visualization, a shared work space, and
                                        manufacturing/creation spaces so ideas can be made concrete.

                                   4 strategic domains: Smart/Sustainable Neighborhood, Water Usage & Environment, Risk
                                    Management, and Smart/Sustainable Mobility

                       “Engineers for Smart Cities” training/university program

           Lectures, workshops, conferences, and video walls

               IMREDD                                                             Contact:
       Immeuble Nice – Premium                    Length of Visit            Pierre-Jean Barre                imredd/
         61-63 av. Simone Veil,                        2h                         Directeur                 presentation
              06200 Nice                                            

E N E R G I E S   O F    T O M O R R O W                                                                                     16
Nice Méridia – Plaine du Var, Nice

                                    An urban technology hub for Nice Côte d’Azur
                                             Méridia is the first operational segment of the Ecovallée Plaine du Var
                                             project that is an official Operation of Interest to the Nation (OIN). The
                                             Méridia is an urban technology hub that provides spaces for R&D and
                                             training related to the environment, Green growth, health, and contactless
                                             systems. It is a model Eco City for Nice Côte d’Azur and an example of the
                                             Smart City ambitions within the metro area.

                                              A 24-hectare eco-neighborhood that will foster harmonious co-existence
                                               between businesses, research centers, training and education facilities, sports
                                               and leisure facilities, and private residences.

                                         •     2 500 residences
                                     •       A cutting-edge technology hub devoted to facilitating organic economic
                                             development: incubators, Fab Labs, co-working, business centers…

                         •     Accentuates quality urban lifestyle and multi-use spaces by combining private
                               residences, training-research-business spaces, and neighborhood shops and services.

          Nice Méridia                   Length of Visit:                   Christian Gazquez
                                                                Head of European Business and Innovation Center
          06200, Nice                          2h                                                                   les-projets/
                                                                           Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis

E N E R G I E S   O F        T O M O R R O W                                                                                        17
Hynovar – Le Castelet / Toulon

                                 Hydrogen sector at the Plateau de Signes and the Ports of Toulon

                                          The HYNOVAR project has the ambition of developing
                                          specific technological components that are essential to
                                          the hydrogen sector as part of a broader mission to
                                          support local hydrogen production and promote
                                          renewable energies. This project embraces multiple
                                          innovative multi-sector applications for the industrial,
                                          agricultural, and port territories in the western part of the
                                          Var Department.

                                                            Contact: CCI du Var
                                                               Xxxxx xxxxx

E N E R G I E S   O F   T O M O R R O W                                                                   18
Smartseille – Euroméditerranée, Marseille

              Toward a comprehensive approach to sustainable urban development
                                          Smartseille is the symbol of the Euroméditerranée eco-neighborhood, a
                                          perfect example of the healthy balance that is possible between Smart City
                                          policies and pragmatic urban planning. It involves a building project that
                                          integrates advanced technologies while embracing the social, geographic,
                                          and cultural realities of its environment.

                                                A 2.7 hectare eco-neighborhood with 58 000 m² of residences, offices, and
                                                 spaces capable of welcoming 4 000 people to live and work.

                                           •      A sustainable urban development supported by model and innovative
                                                  technologies (bioclimatic architecture, sustainable materials, energy transfers,
                                                  mycoremediation decontamination, progressive management of traffic and
                                                  transportation) in order to foster social and environmental harmony.

                                    •   Reduced building footprints to provide room for trees and bushes as part of a
                                        diverse green space that includes green barriers and green rooftops.

                    Smartseille                                               Jean-Christophe Daragon
                                                   Length of Visit
                     Îlot Allar                                                 Head of Sustainable Development at
                  13002 Marseille                       2h                               Euroméditerranée

E N E R G I E S     O F    T O M O R R O W                                                                                                    19
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Project – Fos-sur-Mer
                                             Floating Offshore Wind Turbines will allow the production of electricity
                                               further from the coasts: deeper waters and stronger, more stable winds
                                             Objective: acquire operational feedback and demonstrate the technical
                                               and economic feasibility of wind electricity production
                                             Contribute to the development of a new floating offshore wind turbine
                                               sector in the Sud region
                                             Consolidate knowledge about this technology’s impact on the
                                               environment. Improve organizational systems to take advantage of
                                               energy synergies and the sharing of services/units/materials
                                             Provence Grand Large: pioneering wind energy demonstration site and
                                               #1 pilot project in the Mediterranean
                                             Fos-Sur-Mer (13)

                                   Presentation of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in the Sud Region:
                           Objective: 2 GW of installed production capacity by 2050
                                         Top 3 site for wind in Europe
                   Dedicated zones along the coast of the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis
                Ocean depths and weather conditions favorable to implementation and operation
                EOF - Eolfi                                              Thomas Bordenave
      7, rue du Docteur Fiolle 13006            Length of Visit          Head of Wind Turbines
             Marseille - France                                                                  
                                                                           Mediterranean Eolfi

E N E R G I E S    O F     T O M O R R O W                                                                                   20
FOCUS Jupiter 1000 - Fos-sur-Mer

                                  First POWER-TO-GAS industrial demonstrator in France
                                      Jupiter 1000 is an innovative industrial demonstration project for Power-
                                      to-Gas technology. Located at Innovex at the Port of Marseille Fos, a platform
                                      dedicated to the energy transition, this project tests the process of
                                      transforming surplus electricity from renewable sources into gas as a
                                      storage method. The surplus electricity is converted to hydrogen by two
                                      electrolyzers and into methane via a methanation synthesis process using a
                                      reactor and a structure that captures CO2 from neighboring industrial
                                      smokestacks. The project takes advantage of the intersection between gas and
                                      electricity networks and the proximity of industrial CO2.

                                                              Electrolysis                              Injection
                                            Smart Grids        (Hydrogen          Methanation           Into Gas
                                                              Production)                               Network

                                                                       Hydrogen               Methane

  Key Figures:                                                   2018: Project operational
  Production of 1 MW of hydrogen energy at Fos-sur-Mer           Initiative by: GRT Gaz
                                                                 Site: Innovex platform

E N E R G I E S   O f   T O M O R R O W                                                    21
PIICTO – Fos-sur-Mer

                                    A dynamic tool for industry and energy
                                        Created in 2014, PIICTO is a pioneering industrial development project launched
                                        by a network of major companies in the Fos industrial zone in concert with the
                                        Port of Marseille Fos, the UIC Méditerranée chemical industry union, area
                                        governments, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marseille Provence.
                                        PIICTO is also supported by the French national government, the French
                                        Environment and Energy Management Agency, and the Sud Region.
                                             Industrial ecology in an industrial-port environment
                                            Mediterranean hub for bio-industry excellence
                                           Industrial energy transition as a vector in the movement toward Industry 4.0

                                          Improvement of organizational systems to take advantage of energy synergies
                                           and the sharing of services/units/materials

                                     Hosting of early phase and demonstration projects
Source : EveRé / PIICTO
                               Fos-Sur-Mer (13), bordering Etang de Berre (13)

                     A 1 200-ha industrial-port space, an association of 40 members
Over €1 billion in investments over the next 5 years (€60 million already committed to projects)
                   PIICTO                                                      Contact:
              Chez KEM ONE                     Length of Visit:              Nicolas Mat
         Carrefour du Caban RD268                  TBD                         Director
         13773 Fos-sur-Mer Cedex                            

E N E R G I E S      O F   T O M O R R O W                                                                                 22
Specialist clusters
CONNECTED CLUSTERS to boost innovative
  Our system of competitiveness clusters features renowned expertise and global leaders.
  They are major players in the Sud region, in France, and in the world, and they will provide you with
  a warm welcome and advise you in every way you may need!

                  Capenergies                             Aqua-Valley                        EA Ecoentreprises
                  (Energy Transition)                 (Water/Energy Management)           (Support for Green-Sector Companies)


                                                                                              SCS – Secured
            Envirobat BDM
    (Sustainable Mediterranean Construction)
                                                                                               Solutions (IT)

                                                                                        Pôle Mer
                            (Chemicals & Materials)

E N E R G I E S    O F     T O M O R R O W                                                                                       24
Key showcases
LEADING EVENTS in the Sud region
                                 A variety of expos and events boost the collective dynamic
                                 around the Energies of Tomorrow sector across the region
                                 Antibes,                                                                    Montpellier,
                             26-28 March 2019                                                             26-28 March 2019
 The ITER project is now entering a new phase, moving from the            The largest floating offshore wind turbine event in the world,
 construction of buildings to the assembly of machines and the            FOWT’s objective is to bolster progress in the field and to accelerate
 challenges of integrating them into the site. Don’t miss this unique     its integration into the mix of renewable energies. This event will
 occasion to build contacts with the ITER project and the extended        help generate constructive discussions between the emerging
 economy. The ITER Business Forum will provide information about          industry’s different players and stakeholders.
 the status of ITER and upcoming business opportunities, while
 facilitating partnerships between industries inside and outside of
 Europe and fostering collaboration between industries and fusion

                            Nice, Palais de la Bourse                                                  Marseille,
                                   Sept 2019                                                       14-15 march 2019
 Innovation to benefit cities, territories, and citizens. This annual
 event is focused on the diverse issues related to the Smart City,
                                                                          Forum International Energy for Smart Mobility, dedicated to energy
 which naturally includes questions of energy. As a hallmark event
                                                                          solutions for sustainable & smart mobility.
 for urban innovation, the lnnovative City conference is essential for
                                                                          World leaders, SME’s, startups and institutions meets on one of the
 meeting the public- and private-sector officials shaping the Smart
                                                                          main issues of tomorrow: find solutions to offer a competitiveness
 City of tomorrow: elected, representatives, business leaders, R&D
                                                                          and low carboned energy to make large scale mobility possible
 specialists,   urban    planners, entrepreneurs,         sociologists,
E N E R G I E S      O F     T O M O R R O W
They chose the
Sud region!
They invested in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
                                            Klearia, water analysis systems – Nice
                                            “We chose the Côte d’Azur and Nice Eco-Vallée because of the presence of so many
                                            major industry players, the broad network of research centers, and the unbeatable
                                            quality of life.”

                                      DOOSAN BABCOCK, French subsidiary – Aix-en-Provence
                                      “As our company specializes in industrial engineering in the energy sector, Provence
                                      quickly became the obvious choice for us. The diversity of production methods was the
                                      territory’s major attraction.”

                             Quechen Silicon Chemical, silica factory – Port of Marseille Fos
                             Christine Cabau-Woehrel, president of the Port Authority of Marseille Fos: “Due to the size of the
                             investment, the Quechen Silicon Chemical investment will require abundant resources in terms of
                             property, energy, industrial water, and international connectivity. Today the port presents major
                             advantages at a European scale for welcoming international investors interested in reaching Europe as
                             well as Africa and the Middle East.”

                     GRT Gaz France – Fos-sur-Mer
                     “GRT Gaz went on a ‘Tour de France’ to find the territory that was most favorable to the development of the
                     Jupiter 1000 project and it was in Provence that the company found the ideal site to create its Power-to-Gas

                  Enedis and RTE, bases of smart grids – South region
                  The electric networks managers invest in the Flexgrid program, deploying the smart grids bases and interact
                  with many major projects to accelerate the energy transition.

E N E R G I E S     O F   T O M O R R O W                                                                                       28
ENERGIES OF TOMORROW helping make the Sud
     region the #1 SMART REGION in Europe
       World market estimated at $1.4 trillion/year

       France has strategic committees (CSFs) for 16 key sectors of the national economy and 2
       of them are dedicated to energy: New Energy Systems CSF and Nuclear CSF

       The Goal: Ensure the Sud region’s continued energy independence and aim for 100% renewable
       energy by 2050

       One of 3 dedicated Smart Grid territories in France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur features the
       Flexgrid program

       2 emblematic programs for the territory with Flexgrid and ITER (world’s largest international
       nuclear fusion research site), pioneering PROJECTS such as Jupiter 1000 (Power-to-Gas) and
       Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, and innovative platforms such as the City of Energies and

       Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur adopting Smart Energy technologies:
       → 8 related domains of activity: Hydrogen and Renewable Gas, Floating Offshore Wind Turbines,
         Photovoltaics, Storage, Retrofitting Buildings for Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids, Water Energy, and Nuclear
       → 3 700 public/private firms in the sector accounting for 40 000 jobs
       → Huge potential for new job creation in the Sud Region’s renewable sector: 60 000 jobs (FTEs) by
         2023, 126 000 jobs by 2030, and up 415 000 jobs by 2035

       A full and diverse value chain, from energy production to storage to Smart Grids to
       consumption. It includes the building sector and the digital sector

E N E R G I E S   O f   T O M O R R O W                                                                           29
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