Trek to Mt. Everest, as of Camp 1Week 2

Page created by Emily Weaver
Trek to Mt. Everest, as of Camp 1Week 2
Volume XXX – Issue 03                                 Rotary Year 2013-2014                                          July 15, 2013

           Trek to Mt. Everest, as of Camp 1Week 2
                                                       by Pres. Nick Baterina

 We have successfully, and enjoyably, hurdled two                   within this month.
 weeks of our year-long trek to Mt. Everest. About
 4% elapsed time. So far so good.                                   As to the monthly dues of Php200 per member, 11
                                                                    members have paid as of July 8. I propose that this
 Our July 8 IPP Ric’s Last Hurrah! at Calle Alix in                 amount be payable and due by the start, not end, of
 the historic Club Filipino was a night of thanksgiving             the covered month so that, in principle, we will not be
 marked by enjoyable fellowship, spiced with songs,                 advancing from club funds for the various expenses
 laughter, and great food. Very good attendance too.                that the Php200 monthly dues are intended for.
 17 Golden Westerners, 10 RCMW spouses, 5 guests.
 Please refer to the WAPM #2. We need this                          We emailed on July 9 to DDG Vincent Santos and to
 occasional respite and merriments to recharge our                  our AG (Ronie Masangkay) the accomplished
 exhausted bodies and spirits, and be reinvigorated for             Strategic Planning Guide and Planning Guide for
 the still long back-breaking, yet fun, journey to Mt.              Effective Rotary Clubs. We requested their review
 Everest. Photographs of that wonderful night are on                comments on these two documents.
 page 6 of this e-bulletin.
                                                                    Last Saturday, July 13, the First Class Team,
 Our metaphoric trek to Mt. Everest requires the                    convened by Gov. Louie Ticman, held the first
 payment of fees along the way to the summit. For                   breakfast meeting at Valle Verde Country Club.Page
 July, semi-annual dues and Philippine Rotary                       9 contains some materials/photos of that event.
 Magazine (PRM) subscription. The amounts of
 Php30,032.52 and Php14,040.00 were remitted last                   Lastly, we have barely started our long trek to the
 week to Rotary International and PRM Foundation,                   Summit. Before we rush headlong, let us, especially
 Inc., respectively. These fees are budgeted from the               among us Board members, sit down and seriously
 Php1,600 per member semestral dues. Todate, 10                     plan our activities. Towards this end, let us havea
 members have paid this. I enjoin our Treasurer &                   breakfast Board Meeting on July 20 at Club Filipino.
 Secretary to collect from the rest of the members                  Let’s firm this up tonight.

                                                                    A pleasant evening and week ahead of us!

                                                                                 First Class Team Breakfast Meeting
              Part of IPP Ric Mendoza’s Last Hurrah!
The Rotary Club of Marikina West meets every Monday 8:00 P.M. at Taberna Barcelona Restaurant, Metrowalk, Pasig City
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Heavenly Father, we pray, may we intentionally place
“Service Above Self” in all of our daily pursuits. Help
us to remember as we walk together in this club, that          3rdRegular Meeting – 1st Semester – RY 2013-14
whatever we might say, only be the truth. Whatever                      July 15, 2013 – Club Filipino
steps we take together, let them build goodwill and
better friendships among us. Whatever goals we strive to    Dinner                    7:30 P.M.
accomplish through this club, let them be beneficial to     Call to Order             Pres. Nick Baterina
all concerned. Help us never to lose sight of your many
blessings. Amen.                                            Invocation                Rtn. Ronnie Feria
                                                            National Anthem           Rtn. Argel Cabatbat
                                                            Rotary Pledge             Rtn. Dionnie Littaua
                                                            Introduction of Guests
                                                                                      PP Pope Solis
                                                            and Visiting Rotarians

                                                            Guest Speaker             CP Manny Reyes

            THE OBJECT OF ROTARY                                                      Sec. Ronnie Fantone
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal   President’s Time          Pres. Nick Baterina
of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in
                                                            Other Matters (if any)    RCMW Members
particular, to encourage and foster:
                                                            Adjournment               Pres. Nick Baterina
FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service;
                                                                                PP Obet de Leon
SECOND. High ethical standards in business and                                   Night Chairman
professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all
useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's
occupation as an opportunity to serve society;                       Next Week’s Meeting – July 22, 2013
THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each      Invocation                PP Levi Ugsad
Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
                                                            National Anthem           PP Dino Nolasco
FOURTH. The advancement of international
understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world          Rotary Pledge             PP Jun Bohol
fellowship of business and professional persons united      Introduction of Guests
in the ideal of service.                                                              PP Tuking Ponce de Leon
                                                            and Visiting Rotarians
                                                            Night Chairman            IPP Ric Mendoza
                 ROTARY PLEDGE
I do solemnly promise, to help advance the object of
Rotary, comply with the constitution and by-laws of
Rotary International, and of the Rotary Club of
Marikina West, ever putting into practice Rotary's motto    “The Golden West” is the official club bulletin of the Rotary
SERVICE ABOVE SELF.                                         Club of Marikina West and published weekly every Monday.

               THE FOUR-WAY TEST                                            EDITORIAL BOARD

Of the things we think, say or do:                                              Sec. Ronnie Fantone
1. Is it the TRUTH?                                                  PP Rodelle Bolante & Pres. Nick Baterina
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?                                                     Members
3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER
FRIENDSHIPS?                                                                   PP Radian Fantone
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?                                     Website Administrator
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Tonight, we are honored to have as guest speaker a          Welcome to the third edition of the Golden West for RY
very knowledgeable, conscientious, and dedicated            2013 to 2014. This is, in turn, our second e-bulletin which
Rotarian. He is CP Manuel “Manny” R. Reyes of the           is sent to the members directly via their registered e-mail
RC Rizal Centro. A Rotarian for more than three             and made available as well through our website,
decades now, he is at present the District Chair of the Response to the new and updated
                                                            form and format has been generally positive especially
TRF Annual Fund, a position that’s entrusted to him
                                                            after the talk “Empowering RCMW with Technologies”
for the third straight RY now. He will speak from his       given by PP Radian Fantone last meeting. It is good to see
heart on the topic that his mind and heart are              the general membership embrace these changes aimed
knowledgeable about and close to – The Rotary               towards the betterment of the club.
Foundation.CP Manny, WELCOME! In advance, we
sincerely thank you for the enlightenment on this           Speaking of last meeting, we have had an eventful first
subject.                                                    two meetings for this Rotary Year. Tonight’s meeting will
                                                            hopefully continue that trend as we welcome our guest
Early on in my young Rotary involvement, as I got to        speaker CP Manny Reyes. Let’s hope that these first three
know the various dues and fees, particularly the stiffer    meetings will be a precursor of things to come.
PHF contributions, I would sometimes ask
myself,”Where are all these monies going to?” The first     Unfortunately, I will not be physically present to attend the
answer came on Feb. 14, 2013 when TRF remitted to           meeting as I will still be in Hong Kong tonight. But
our MGP bank a/c the peso equivalent of US$24,950, of       thanks to TECHNOLOGY, my announcements are
which amount our club contributed US$1,000, just 4 %        reaching you loud and clear across a great distance
                                                            spanning vast land and water.
of the total project funds. With this US$24,950, our club
is now providing the much needed drinking fountains,
                                                            On that note, here are the reminders of this month’s
60 in all, to 22 schools in Marikina, San Mateo, &
                                                            activities which everyone is enjoined to take note of.
Rodriguez. We have an outstanding Global Grant              That’s all for me now from Asia’s World City. See you
Project application- “Rotary e-Books Reading Centers.”      next meeting,
If this gets the approval of TRF, I’ll get the second
answer: the US$3,000 that our club will contribute in       Upcoming Activities & Reminders:
the form of 3 new PHF restricted funds will be rewarded
with almost US$38,000 GGP total project fund, again         July 20: First monthly (breakfast) Board Meeting; 8
providing us the financial means to help public school              AM, Champaca Room, Club Filipino.
students.                                                   July 20, 2 PM to 4 PM: Briefing meeting among
                                                                    chairmen of New Generation regarding the
“Foreveryone to whom much is given, of him shall                    Interact; Marikina Rotary Youth Center
much be required.” – Luke 12:48. Let us realize this and    July 29: First monthly report by the TRF Committee
let us help especially the disadvantaged through, at                on the First Class Polio Eradication Program
least, our support of the TRF.                                      Fund-raising Car Raffle
                                                            July 31: Deadline of the remittance of car raffle
On another note, and as mentioned on the front page, let            tickets sold for the month of July
us have a breakfast Board Meeting on July 20 from 8         Aug, 11: District 3800 Duckpin Bowling Tournament
A.M. Before we rush headlong, let us, especially among              & Fellowship
us Board members, sit down and seriously plan our           Aug. 17: Second monthly (breakfast) Board Meeting;
activities. Non-Board members are most welcome to                   8 AM, Champaca Room, Club Filipino.
attend and join the discussions but will not have voting    Aug. 31: First District 3800 Mass Induction of new
                                                                    members; Club Filipino; afternoon
right should the need to divide the house arises. Some
materials for the meeting are presented on page 8.
Please refer also to the July 8, 2013 e-bulletin, pages 4
& 5.
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Manuel “Manny” R. Reyes
President / CEO
A Distributor of Scientific /Analytical Instruments
for various industries / applications
Name            : Reyes, Manuel R.
Nickname        : Manny
Date of Birth   : December 30, 1949
Status          : Widower, with 4 children

High School   : Don Bosco Academy, Pampanga
College       : B.S.B.A. - University of the Philippines / University of the East
Post Graduate : a. International Executive Training Course
                    University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA., U.S.A.
                b. M.B.A. (academic units)
                    Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of Business
                 c. M.A. in Human Development
                   Salve Regina University, Rhode Island, U.S.A.

          A. Member, Rotary Club of Downtown Manila, RY 1980-81
          B. Charter President R.C. Rizal Centro, RY 91-93
                 – A 100% PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB, 1st in D3800
                 – An EREY Club for the past 13 years
                 – A 100% Sustaining Member Club of TRF for the past 13 years
          C. DGSR – Extended R.C. Rizal Mideast
          D. Member, District Nominating Committee, RY 95-96; RY 2011-12
          E. Major Donor, Level 2 and Benefactor - The Rotary Foundation
          F. One Hundred Percent Attendance since 1991 to present
          G. Past DGGR, Assistant Governor; Deputy District Governor & Senior Dep. Gov.
          H. Chaired various Matching Grant Projects with a combined worth of $140,000.00
          I. Lead Person, WCS-DIN Project, Blood Bank Technology Exchange Program worth $252,000.00
          J. Chaired 2003 DISTAS , PETS 2002, 2004 Oktoberfest, DISCON Registration Committee; PETS
          K. Past GSE Team Leader to D5000, Hawaii, USA (1997) and GSE Chairman (2002)
          L. Recipient, R.I. Four Avenues of Service Citation for Individual Rotarians, RY 1998-99
          M. Recipient, Rotary Foundation Service Award, RY 1998-99
          N. Most Outstanding Rotarian, R.C. Rizal Centro RY 2003-04; 2004 -05; 2007-08; 2008-09; 2009-10
                O. District Chair, TRF Annual Fund, RY 2006-07; 2011-12; 2012-13; 2013-14
                P.   Charter Member – R.I. District 3800 Paul Harris Society, RY 2006-07
                Q.   District Chair – Club Extension Committee, RY 2007-08
                R.   District Chair – International Service, RY 2009-10
                S.   Resource Speaker, R.I. District 3800
                T.   Alumnus, Rotary Foundation Alumni Association
                U.   Recipient, TRF Citation for Meritorious Service, (2nd Highest TRF Award), RY 2006-07
                V.   Recipient, TRF Distinguished Service Award (Highest TRF Award), RY 2011-12
                W.   District Chair, WCS Committee, RY 2010-2011
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Rotary receives top honors for Future Vision

From left, RI President-elect Ron Burton and wife, Jetta, Foundation Trustee Chair Wilfrid J. Wilkinson, Past RI President Luis Vicente Giay, RI
President Sakuji Tanaka, RI General Secretary John Hewko, and Celia Elena Cruz de Giay at the awards banquet.

Rotary has received a silver Edison Award in recognition of the Future Vision Plan, the new grant model
that enhances the scope, impact, and sustainability of humanitarian and educational projects funded by The
Rotary Foundation.

Since 1987, the Edison Awards have recognized innovative new products, services and business leaders in the United
States. The awards symbolize the persistence and excellence personified by Thomas Edison. Winners represent active
contributors to the cause of innovation in the world.

RI President Sakuji Tanaka accepted the award during the annual Edison Awards gala held 25 April in Chicago, the city
where Rotary was founded in 1905. The Future Vision Plan received top honors among funding models competing in the
Lifestyle and Social Impact category. Nominee ballots were judged by a panel of more than 3,000, including members of
seven associations that represent a wide range of industries and disciplines.

“This Edison Award recognizes and validates Rotary’s innovative approach to humanitarian service, as we constantly
strive to improve lives and communities by addressing the world’s most pressing problems,” says Tanaka. “It is a great
honor to accept such a prestigious award on behalf of Rotary’s global membership of 1.2 million men and women.”

The Edison Award coincides with the successful completion of a three-year pilot in which 100 Rotary districts in more
than 70 countries tested Rotary’s new grant model.

The Future Vision Plan simplifies Rotary’s grant process, and focuses Rotarian service efforts where they will have the
greatest impact. The model is innovative in combining Rotary’s volunteer base and a global reach with local resources to
support sustainable, high-impact results in communities all over the world. The model funds more than US$100 million in
service projects annually.

The new grant model will be implemented 1 July 2013 for Rotary clubs worldwide.
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July 8, 2013. Calle Alix @ Club Filipino. T’was IPP Ric’s

A night of many colors. Sumptuos Club Filipino food. Supplemented with litson baboy by IPP Ric, on top of the Banang’s
pancit. Hot chicken cream salad by Ann Virgie. Johnnies & reddies. People that matter most to the club, the unstintingly
supportive spouses foremost in the list. Guests: DDG Dr Vincent Santos & spouse Dr Eula – the crooners from RC
Marikina. AG Ronie & spouse Liza. Dodjie Cabalquinto, RC Marikina’s PE. Ms. Adette Arce, from our printer AWD. 17
strong GWs. Singing with the pianist. Of course, the essence of the night – the plaques, symbolic of IPP Ric’s sincere
appreciation of everybody’s help in the glorious RY that was. These colors: our club’s key fuel for the RY 2013-2014 Mt.
Everest trek.
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                            MONITOR OF ATTENDANCE & PAYMENT
      2 Meeting and IPP Ric’s Last Hurrah! – RY 2013-2014 – July 8, 2013 – Calle Alix, Club Filipino

                Attendance                      Monthly dues                           July 2013 S.A. dues
                                          Paid Rcvbl                     Meals                  Rcvbl     Pymt       District
No.                                                       Pymt on                 Paid as of                          Fund
            Family                        as of   as of                                         as of      on                    (P4300)
                          Rtn     Sps                                                                               (Php500)
                                          7-Jul   7-Jul       8-Jul       8-Jul      7-Jul      7-Jul      8-Jul
  1   Africa                                      200                                           1600
  2   Agabin                              200      0                                            1600
  3   Aguilar                                     200                                           1600
  4   Almocera             1                      200                                           1600
  5   Baterina             1       1              200             200     300        1600                                         PAID
  6   Bernardino           1                      200                     300                   1600
  7   Bohol                1       1              200                     300        1600
  8   Bolante              1       1              200             200     300                   1600
  9   Cabatbat                                    200                                           1600
 10   Crispino             1       1              200                     300                   1600
 11   De Leon              1       1              200                     300        1600
 12   Delos Reyes                                 200                                           1600
 13   Fantone              1       1              200             200     300        1600
 14   Fantone              1       1              200             200     300        1600
 15   Fantone              1                      200             200     300        1600
 16   Feria                                       200                                           1600
 17   Gose                 1                      200                     300        1600
 18   Littaua                                     200                                           1600
 19   Mendoza              1                      200             200     300        1600
 20   Nicolas              1                      200             200     300                   1600
 21   Nolasco              1       1              200             200     300                   1600
      Ponce de
22    Leon                                        200                                           1600
23     Sacro               1       1              200             200     300        1600
24     Solis               1       1              200                                1600
25     Ugsad               1                      200             200     300                  1600
26     Valencia                                   200                                          1600
T O   T A L               17      10      200     5000        2000       4500       16000      25600

                                 WHERE TO MAKE-UP IN ZONE 4 ROTARY CLUBS
     Day               Time           Rotary Club                                                 Venue
   Monday            7:30 P.M.         Rodriguez          Villa Virginia and Boy Resort, Brgy. San Rafel, Rodriguez, Rizal
   Monday            8:00 P.M.      Marikina South        Cobo Resort, Mt. Wilson St., Mountainview Villa, San Roque, Marikina City
  Wednesday          8:00 P.M.      Marikina Central      WenDric's Place, 2 Jacamar St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City
  Wednesday          8:00 P.M.      Metro Marikina        Kainan sa Bahay-Bahayan Restaurant, Sumulong Highway, Masinag, Antipolo City
  Wednesday          8:30 P.M.         San Mateo          Drop Zone Cafe, Amado Compound, Malanday, San Mateo, Rizal
  Thursday           7:00 P.M.          Marikina          Marikina Rotary Youth Center, Sumulong Highway, Sto. Niño, Marikina City
  Thursday           7:00 P.M.     Marikina Uptown        WenDric's Place, 2 Osmundo de Guzman St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City
  Thursday           8:00 P.M.      Marikina North        La Veranda, #70 Gen. Ordonez St., Marikina Heights, Marikina City
  Thursday           8:00 P.M.     Rivercity Marikina     Kainan sa Bahay-Bahayan Restaurant, Sumulong Highway, Masinag, Antipolo City
    Friday           7:00 P.M.      Marikina Heights      RC Marikina Heights Office, 40 Gil Fernando Ave, Marikina City
    Friday           8:30 P.M.      Marikina Hilltop      Forgems Place, 7 Guijo St., Montevista Subd., Marikina City
   Saturday          8:00 P.M.    San Mateo Highlands     P1 B18 L25 Sta. Barbara Villas II, San Mateo, Rizal
   Saturday          8:30 P.M.       Marikina East        Kainan sa Bahay-Bahayan Restaurant, Sumulong Highway, Masinag, Antipolo City
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                                         First Monthly Board Meeting
                                    July 20, 2013 from 8A.M.; Club Filipino

             Breakfast                                                 7:30 ~
             Call to Order                     Pres. Nick              8:00
             Invocation                        PP Pope
             National Anthem                   PP Tuking
             Business Portion
                   1. Assignment of member-in-charge of club events/activities. (The list shown below is
                         preliminary and deemed incomplete. Club Admin Chair, PP Rodelle, is requested to come up
                         with a comprehensive list. Let’s firm up the persons in-charge during the meeting...Pres Nick)
                   2. Review of/Discussions on the Requirements for 2013-2014 Presidential Citation and District
                         and RCMW Goals &Thrusts
                   3. Committee reports
                               Club Administration             PP Rodelle
                               Service Projects                Rtn Arnold
                               Public Image                    PP Pope
                               Membership                      PP Boyet
                               The Rotary Foundation           PP Jun
                               Leadership Development          Pres Nick
                                    - Internal                 Pres Nick
                                    - External                 PP Bojie
                   4. Other Matters
             Adjournment                       Pres. Nick              10:00
      Events/Positions & Rotarians/Anns In-charge:(As part of Leadership Development in, among other reasons,Rtns-
      in-charge are advised to involve at least one other member in their area of responsibility.)
       1. Aug. 31 Mass Induction – PP Boyet (Rtn Nic)
       2. Sept. 9 Governor’s Visit – Pres Nick (PE Arnold)
       3. “Agmula Tayo Idiay Ilokos” family outing cum environmental project             – PP Rollie
       4. Club bulletins        – PP Rodelle (Rtn Ronnie)
       5. First Class Car Raffle         – PP Jun (Rtn Argel)
       6. Oktoberfest          – Rtn Jerry (Rtn Ronnie Feria)
       7. PalaROTARY Sportsfest – PP Bayani (???)
       8. Christmas Party – c/o Anns
       9. Anns Nights          – c/o Anns
       10. Election of RY 2014-2015 Officers             – PP Obet, COMELEC Head (???)
       11. Environmental Project        – PP Bojie (???)
       12. DISCON 2014 – Pres Nick (PP Levi)
       13. DISTAS 2014 – PE Arnold (PP Radian)
       14. April 2014 RC Taipei Tienmou Visit – PP Pope
       15. Sports activities (golf, bowling) – PP Dino (Rtn Vic)
       16. Awards Subcommittee – PP Frix (???)
       17. Charter Anniversary, etc. – PP Rodelle (???)
       18. Others - ???
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                            Summary Notes on the

      * Programme started on time at 8 A.M.; ended a little past 12 noon – very good time management
      * well-attended; full Ballroom; though by 11, many of the FCPs left
      * J. R. Nereus Acosta , GM of LLDA, Secretary/Presidential Adviser for Environmental Protection –
          Guest Speaker; very eloquent speaker; speech was long but was able to hold attention of assembly
      * “Tuwid na Daan sa Luntiang Paraan”- GM Acosta’s vision theme
      * CASPI/MOA between District 3800 and LLDA signed
      * Facilitators/Presentors (Several Rotarians delivered the actual presentations. Our PP Radian, District
          Chair on club bulletin, presented on e-bulletin:
          - Service Projects         PDG Efren O. de Guzman
          - Membership               PDG Virgilio G. Farcon, Jr.
          - TRF                      PDG Fabio J. Enriquez
          - Club Administration      PDG James O. Dee
          - Public Image             IPP Joanne Felix
          - Phil. Rotary Magazine PDG Edison U. Ang
          - District Awards          PP Elmer C. Espiritu
          - GML                      CP Jun Rivera

                                                                         Sec J.R. Nereus
                                                                         Acosta with the
                                                                         Zone 4 First
                                                                         Class Presidents
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                                              ROTARY FELLOWSHIPS

Rotary Fellowships are groups of                   How Rotary Fellowships Operate                           Some Benefits of Rotary Fellowships
Rotarians, Rotarian spouses, and                       Each fellowship is operated independently of            Fellowships provide opportunities for
Rotaractors who join together to:                       Rotary International, with its own rules, dues           Rotarians to make lasting friendships
      Share a common interest in worthwhile            requirements, and administrative structure.              outside of their own club, district, or
       recreational activities (sports, hobbies,       Membership in fellowships is open to Rotarians,          country.
       etc.)                                            spouses of Rotarians, and Rotaractors.                  Fellowships contribute to the
      Further their vocational development            Fellowships must be international in nature with         advancement of world understanding
       through acquaintance with others of the          active members in at least three countries.              and peace.
       same profession                                 Each fellowship elects at least three officers to       Fellowships serve as an incentive for
      Make new friends around the world                oversee the group’s administration.                      attracting new members to Rotary and
      Explore new opportunities for service           Fellowships are expected to facilitate                   retaining existing ones.
      Have fun and enhance their experience            communication among their members and
       in Rotary                                        maintain regular communication with RI.

Join a Fellowship
Interested in a particular Rotary Fellowship? Click on the topic to visit the group’s website, or use the e-mail address provided to
contact the group’s designated contact officer.
    Amateur Radio                                     License Plate Collecting
    Antique Automobiles                                Literacy Providers      
    Authors and Writers                 Magicians               
    Bird Watching                                       Magna Graecia           
    Canoeing                   Marathon Running        
    Caravanning                    ns
    Carnival, Parades &                                Music                   
    Chess                              Old and Rare Books      
    Computer Users                                     Past District Governors 
    Convention Goers                         Photographers           
    Cricket                                    Police and Law Enforcement
    Curling                                 Pre-Columbian Civilizations
    Cycling                                    Quilters and Fiber Artists
    Doctors                                  Railroads               
    Doll Lovers                                    Recreational Vehicles   
    Editors and Publishers                              Rotary Global History             www.rotaryglobalhistoryfellowship.or
    Environment                              Rotary Heritage and History       g
    Esperanto                                   Rotary on Stamps        
    Fishing                                       Scouting                
    Flying                                              Scuba Diving            
    Geocaching                                         Shooting Sports         
    Go                                                   Singles                 
    Golf                                  Skiing                  
    Gourmets                                 Social Networks         
    Home Exchange                       Tennis                  
    Honorary Consuls                          Total Quality Management
    Horseback Riding                    Travel Agents           
    Internet                                            Travel and Hosting      
    Italian Culture                                    Wellness and Fitness    
    Jazz                                          Wine                    
    Latin Culture                            Yachting                
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