Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre - Client Access Manual

Page created by Doris Evans
Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre
                                     Client Access Manual

   Customer Application, Rules, Regulations, and Safety Information

                                            Version 8.0 – Jan 2015

* This manual covers much of the required information for new pilots starting their flight training. To complete the
necessary requirements for the Flight Training Program Outline, this booklet shall be given in association with the
Transport Canada Study and Reference Guide, Flight Test Standards and the selected training sheet outlining cost and
requirements for the licence or rating.

It is required to read the following:

       This package,
       The Transport Canada Study and Reference and Flight Test Standards for the
        course interested in enrolling, and
       The applicable cost/requirement sheet.

Once completed, sign the last 4 pages of this package indicating acceptance of WWFC
policies and procedures.

Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre

        Company Policies – Flight Training Program Outline

Welcome to the Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre and thank you for choosing this Flight
Centre as your professional training institution. The Flight Centre has been a successful
Not for Profit corporation since 1932 and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
We would like you to read and observe the following conditions carefully; they apply to
all customers. We strive to deliver an efficient and friendly service so that you remain a
satisfied and committed customer at our organization.

                                     Mission Statement
The mission of the Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre is to provide the highest
quality and safest environment possible, to create safe pilots and to provide the
best possible resources and service support for customers of the aviation
industry while pursuing their goals and ambitions:

                       The highest quality of professional instruction
                       Leading technology and equipment for training
                       Recognition by partnering with reputable educational institutions
                       The best-in-class services and support
                       Competitive pricing

Our Client Access fee is $150.00, and continues to be offered at a pro-rated rate for new
clients who join throughout the year. Our annual fee includes a reduced deductible of
$500.00 for our clients protecting them from high financial exposure should damage
occur during their rental of an aircraft.

We trust that both current clients and new clients see the value and benefit of including
this added coverage and look we look forward to having you join us as a WWFC client.

Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
The Club’s Fleet
Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre is proud to offer a large variety of aircraft for its customers.
The models currently operated are:

Cessna 152’s                                           DA-40 G1000
Cessna 172N’s                                          Cessna 172RG’s and
Cessna 172S’s                                          Piper PA-44’s Seminoles

We also have a Transport Canada Certified Simulator for Instrument training:

1 - Precision Flight Control - MFD Simulator                - Level 2 Transport Canada Approved
1 – Alsim ALX                                               - Level 2+ Transport Canada Approved

Management and Staff

Matthew Scheben is our Chief Flight Instructor. His email address is

Kyle Green is our Assistant Chief Flight Instructor. His email address is

Bob Connors is our General Manager. His email address is

Michelle Forrest is our Dispatch Supervisor. Her email address is

Sarah Spry is our Accountant. Her email address is

Maureen Dennie is our Marketing. Her email address is

Brian Finnerty is our Pilot Shop Coordinator, and his email address is

Peter Griffioen is our Director of Maintenance. Peter has been with the Flight Centre
since 1985 and is a Transport Canada licensed A.M.E. He and his maintenance staff
keep the fleet in top notch operating condition to achieve the highest safety standards.
His email is peter.griffioen@wwfc.ca

WWFC employs a number of highly qualified Transport Canada licensed Instructors.
They are professionals that provide the highest caliber of instruction and strive for you to be

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The Pilot Shop
The Pilot Shop offers a wide variety of supplies and gifts for everyone. The shop is open daily
and can be contacted by calling (519) 648-2213.

Online Scheduling
The scheduling of aircraft and instructors can be done using our online program Flight Schedule
Pro (www.flightschedulepro.com). Once you have paid your client access fee for the year, and
have registered with flight schedule pro, we will give you access to the booking system

Flight Authorization Rules

Each Customer is responsible to ensure that all relevant licensing and other documentation is
current and carried with them. When a customer is signed out at Dispatch he/she is making a
legal declaration that they are conforming to all regulations pertaining to the flight.

An instructor must sign out all student solos and authorize dual flights. Students must have their
pilot permit and/or licence, medical certificate, radio license and PTR available for every flight.

Pre-private students must fly a minimum 1 hour every 14 days. If more than 14 days have lapsed
a ride with an instructor is necessary.

Licensed pilots should be aware that a Dispatcher may request to inspect a pilot log book,
license, medical and radio operators certificate before each flight. Each customer’s account must
be in good standing as well.

Aircraft Currency Rules

The following is a clarification of the currency rules which are in place at the Waterloo-Wellington
Flight Centre. The following currency rules apply to all customers. Occasionally, these rules may
be overridden, providing the exemption falls within the limits of the overriding insurance policy. All
exemptions must be authorized by the Chief Flying Instructor. As a minimum, you must have
flown the specific type of aircraft within the past 60 days in order to be current on that type:

To assist clients with overdue currency, WWFC will waive the Instructor fee once a calendar year
for a circuit check as part of the privileges of your Client Card. Please arrange your check with
the CFI to take advantage of this program.

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C152, C172N and C172S

If you have 150 total hours or less:
              If it has been more than 30 days since you last flew the C152, C172N or C172S,
                but less than 60 days, a circuit check is required.
              If it has been more than 60 days, a complete checkout is required.

If you have more than 150 total hours:
              If it has been more than 60 days since you last flew the C152, C172N or C172S,
                but less than 90 days, a circuit check is required.
              If it has been more than 90 days, a complete checkout is required.

All renters:
                   Flying the C152 does not maintain currency on any other aircraft type.
                   Flying the C172N or C172S does not maintain currency on the C172RG.
                   Flying the C172S does maintain currency on the C172N, provided an initial full
                    checkout on each type has been completed.
                   Flying the C172N does maintain currency on the C172S, provided an initial full
                    checkout on each type has been completed.

Note:               An initial full checkout is required on the C172S, even if you are already checked
                    out on the C172N. The procedure of simply doing a “start check” is no longer
                    acceptable. A full checkout must be completed and signed off by an instructor
                    before renting the C172S.

C172RG (Cutlass) and DA-40 G1000

To rent the C172RG (Cutlass) or DA-40, renters must have:

        75 hours total time

        15 hours post-private flying experience

        Flown the C172RG or DA-40 for at least one hour in the previous 30 days

                   If it has been more than 30 days since you last flew the C172RG or DA-40, but
                    less than 60 days, a circuit check is required.
                   If over 60 days have lapsed, a complete checkout is required.

Note:    Flying the C172RG and/or the DA-40 does not maintain currency on any other aircraft type.

PA-44 (Piper Seminole)

To rent the PA-44 (Piper Seminole), renters must have:
     150 hours total time
     15 hours of Multi-Engine time.

                   If it has been more than 30 days since you last flew the PA-44, but less than 45
                    days, a circuit check is required.
                   If it has been more than 45 days, a complete checkout is required.

Note:    Flying the Piper Seminole does not maintain currency on any other aircraft type.

Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
Bookings, Cancellations, and No-Shows
Students and Instructors are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to their booking. Flying
customers are to arrive early enough to complete any flight planning or pre-briefing so that you’re
prepared to taxi at your booked time. Also, please be considerate of the other customers when
returning the aircraft by ensuring that you are on time and the aircraft is left neat and clean.
If you’re more than 15 minutes late for your booking your aircraft and/or instructor may be
assigned to another customer.

Cancellation of Dual and Solo Bookings

If any appointment is cancelled by you with less than 12 hours notice, a charge of 1.0 hour
ground instruction may be billed to you, unless the cancellation is weather-related or due to
extenuating circumstances. Students must coordinate with Instructors to avoid cancellation fees.

If you do not show for either a Dual Booking or a Rental Flight you may be billed for 1.0 hours
your booked time up to the daily minimum. A No-Show is not fair to other customers that may
want to book a flight. You must call to cancel even if weather related.

Landing Fees

Certain airports charge a landing fee. The customer should be aware of this and try to pay the fee
at the arrival airport. These charges will be subject to an additional administration fee of $7.50 for
dispatch processing if WWFC is billed.

Tax Forms

This applies to students enrolled in a full time accredited program, CC/UW. Private students
must have completed their private pilot license and be working on their commercial license in
order to claim. You can always obtain the form with the total for the year, and have the
information to submit when you are eligible. Please refer to the Canada Revenue Agency form
at www.arc.gc.ca form TL11B E (11) or call 1-800-959-3376 for more information. This form must
be filled out and signed by a flying school or club. The original is an official document, if you lose
it additional copies are available by request for a fee of $25.00.

Multiple Day Bookings

Generally, WWFC requires a minimum billing of 4 flight hours per day for multi day bookings. An
Extended Rental Approval Form must be completed by the customer and reviewed and approved
by the CFI for every multiple day, USA bound, or + 300 nm booking. These forms may be found
in the flight planning area of the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre.

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Maintenance Problems – Away from CYKF

In the unlikely event maintenance problems are encountered away from home base during a
flight, the pilot must call the WWFC Dispatcher toll free at 1-877-FLY-WWFC and get in touch
with our maintenance staff and/or Duty Pilot for advice to rectify the problem. All repairs must be
authorized by our Maintenance staff.
The customer is expected to safeguard the aircraft until it is ready to be flown back. WWFC is not
responsible, financially or otherwise, to provide alternate travel arrangements when such
problems might occur.

Wet and Dry Rates

Aircraft will normally be rented at the “wet rate” which includes the price of fuel.
Dry rates for aircraft need management approval.


Applicable taxes will be applied to all invoices.

Payment Policy and Methods

All customers will be required to provide a valid Credit Card number that will be kept on file.
WWFC does not provide credit to any customers. Accounts must be paid in full upon the
completion of all flights. Customers whose accounts are in arrears will be denied service until the
account is settled. Corporate accounts may be approved by the General Manager on an
individual basis. A valid credit card will be placed on file. Delinquent accounts are subject to
interest charge of 2% per month and may be sent to Collections.

The preferred payment methods are: Cash, Debit and cheque. Other methods of payment
options are: Visa, MasterCard, and Amex.
Customers must have prior approval for personal cheques by the General Manager. NSF
cheques will be subject to a $25.00 service charge.

Headset Rental

Headset rental is available on a first-come first-served basis for a charge of $5.00 per flight hour.
Headsets are also available for sale in the Flight Centre’s Pilot Shop.

Refund Policy

Refunds on account balances are subject to management approval and an administration fee of
$25.00. Allow 2 weeks for processing. Client Card fees are not refundable.

Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
Overview of Membership Benefits

As a customer of the Waterloo-Wellington Flight Centre you will be part of one of the
most progressive and prestigious flight training organizations in Canada. You will be
entitled to numerous benefits:

        PE (Private Examiner) available on short notice.
        Flight planning facilities.
        Private briefing rooms/classrooms.
        Modern restaurant facilities (catering also available).
        Long range and extended aircraft rentals.
        Solo Twin (Seminole) rentals.
        College and University affiliation (Conestoga College/ University of Waterloo)
        Various Commercial Pilot Programs
        Level 2 Transport Canada approved Simulator.
        Planned group trips and annual events.
        Pilot shop/gift shop.
        10% discount on our hourly maintenance charge.
        Various social gatherings (BBQs, dances etc…)
        Quarterly Tailspinner newsletter
        First-Class facilities and Equipment
        Sustaining Membership Eligibility after 1 year of membership subject to Board of
         Director approval.
        Professional and courteous staff.
        Seminars and lectures
        Meeting room facility rental
        Online Aircraft and Instructor Scheduling

 We take pride in providing you with the highest level of service!

Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
Operating Limitations
Student Solo Flights: Minimum weather conditions for VFR DAY / NIGHT

Solo Standards

Note: The day restrictions are for students not yet RPP/PPL licensed and the night restrictions are for students who are not yet night rated. A student’s
Flight Instructor may from time to time specify greater visibility and/or higher ceiling and/or lower wind speeds than those listed below. This will be noted
in the student’s PTR.

                                              Ceiling (AGL)
           Day                   Vis                                  Temps                 Wind                 Min Fuel
                                                                   Minimum           Max DCWC               1 hour
Circuit                         5+ SM              1500′           -25˚C             & max gust 25          Reserve
                                                                   (ambient)                   OR
                                                                                     Instructor             For solo x/c: max
Local flight                    6+ SM              2000′
                                                                   Maximum           evaluation as          allowable OR min.
                                                                   +35˚C             noted in PTR           of 1 hour reserve
Cross Country                   6+ SM              3000′           (ambient)         (whichever
                                              Ceiling (AGL)                          limitation is a more
           Night                 Vis                                                 restrictive value
                                                                                     shall be used)
Circuit                         6+ SM              1500′

Local flight                    8+ SM              3000′

Licenced Student Solo (RPP/PPL),Dual and/or Rental Flights: Minimum weather conditions VFR Day / Night

Note: That day restrictions are for a student who has obtained RPP/PPL/CPL licence standards and the night restrictions are for a student who has
obtained the night rating. These restrictions also apply to all Flight Instructors who are conducting flight training under VFR flight rules. In certain
instances the or Duty Pilot may authorize lower standards for student activity. These restrictions also are applied to Rental Flights.
Note that student pilots who have obtained an RPP/PPL licence and/or a night rating may have weather restrictions that supersede these minima for a
greater safety margin as written in their PTR by their flight instructor.

Note that night restrictions assume that the pilot HAS a night rating or licence that is not restricted to Day only
             Day                    Vis           (AGL)           Temps                    Wind                   Min Fuel
                                                             Minimum             Max DCWC                     1 hour
Controlled airspace               3+ SM            1500′     -25˚C               &
Fuel and Oil Requirements

Minimum fuel requirements for WWFC operations are as follows:

         Flight Operation                 Minimum Fuel Requirement sufficient for:

                                              The planned flight plus

                                         Dual and solo circuits              1.0 hr reserve

                                          Dual cross country                 1.0 hr reserve

            VFR flights
                                          Solo cross-country                 1.0 hr reserve

                               Plus a further contingency reserve if required by any
                               factors that may affect the planned duration of the flight.
                               A minimum 20% contingency is highly recommended.

                                              The planned flight plus

                                      Conducting an approach and a missed approach
                                             A flight to the alternate aerodrome

             IFR flights       A minimum 1.0 hr reserve at normal cruising speed

                               Plus a further contingency reserve if required by any
                               factors that may affect the planned duration of the flight.
                               A minimum 20% contingency is highly recommended.

Flight operations shall follow the guidelines set forth by the manufacturer in regards to minimum and maximum
oil requirements. These guidelines are outlined in the Pilot Operating Handbook under Airplane Handling,
Service and Maintenance Section.

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Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
WWFC Operations
As a large complex organization it is vital that all staff, students and customers are aware of the policies and procedures
that are in place at WWFC. The following are a brief summary of the documents that outline operations here at WWFC.
They are accessible to pilots for reference in the library behind Dispatch. They include:
              1. Flight Instructor Handbook
              2. Maintenance Control Manual
              3. Flight Instructor Guide (Transport Canada)
              4. Human Factor for Aviation (Transport Canada)
              5. Flight Training Manual (Transport Canada)
              6. Current Charts and Maps for Operations
              7. Aviation Information Manual

Defect Reporting
Any defects discovered on the aircraft shall be immediately reported to the Maintenance department and/or the Duty Pilot.
All defects shall be entered in the Journey Log and must be rectified by the approved procedures outlined in the WWFC
MCM. The WWFC Maintenance Control Manual details the requirements for defect reporting and deferral of items. The
deferral log specifying deferral times and items under deferral can be found on the first page of the aircraft’s Journey Log.

Soft Field Operations
All pilots are to request authorization from the CFI and/or Duty Pilot to operate in or out of soft or unprepared fields
(Grass, Gravel, Dirt). Pilots will require prior experience to attempt these operations solo.

Securing of Items in the Aircraft
All loose items in the aircraft during ground and flight operations shall be secured. Pilots are not to exit the aircraft outside
of the apron at WWFC during ground taxi to retrieve any items unless it is an emergency. Please have airport personnel
notified of any objects on the airfield that may have been ejected from an aircraft.

Use of Checklists
Checklist will be supplied with each of the WWFC aircraft flight bags. These checklists contain all the required
manufacturer suggested checks and additional checks deemed important by WWFC. Pilots using WWFC aircraft are to
use the checklists while operating WWFC aircraft to ensure safety. If checklists are missing from the bag, additional ones
can be obtained by dispatch. Use of the POH checklist is also permitted in absence of a WWFC checklist. It is important
to ensure that checklist items and equipment set-up are to be completed during stopped phases of ground operations to
allow the pilot 100% concentration on taxi manoeuvres. Only checklist items requiring motion as stated in the POH shall
be done by WWFC pilots.

Unscheduled Landings
Should a forced or unscheduled landing become necessary, follow all procedures in the POH to ensure a safe landing.
After landing, WWFC emergency procedures are in the aircraft’s Document Binder to assist in securing the aircraft and
acquiring help. As soon as practical, contact WWFC through the quickest means. Information on contact numbers are in
each aircraft’s document bag.
Warning:            1.   Do not attempt to take off from the landing area
                    2.   Do not move or disturb the aircraft unless absolutely necessary to prevent injury

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Practice Areas
Unless sanctioned by an instructor, all practice shall be conducted within one or both designated practice areas. The
practice areas are designed to minimize the risk associated with crowded airspace and inhospitable terrain.

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Securing Aircraft
Every effort shall be made to secure an aircraft when not in use at all locations where a ground stop is required.
Adequate securing of the aircraft is dependant on the duration of the layover and the current forecast weather. The
proper procedure for securing an aircraft is as follows:
    1.        Park aircraft in the designated parking location following direction of a marshaller if present,
    2.        Every effort should be made to park the aircraft into the prevailing wind,
    3.        Secure the aircraft in such a manner that it would not move. Chocks are preferable to the parking brake as
              the parking brake is prone to failure and may cause aircraft damage if towing is attempted with brake
    4.        If the winds are forecast or exceed 15 knots for the period the aircraft is to remain stationary, the aircraft shall
              be secured with tie down ropes on the wings and tail.
    5.        Aircraft parked overnight shall always be tied down or put in a hanger.
Tie down ropes are available from line crew. It is recommended tie down ropes be carried on-board for flights in which
they may be required.

WWFC Directives and Policies

    1.        No person shall take an aircraft without first being authorized on the Day Sheet by an Instructor or Dispatch.
    2.        Licenced pilots and students must be able to produce their licence, radio permit, current medical certificate
              and proof of recency, currency and proficiency to the authorizing authority.
    3.        A flight package including weight and balance, extended rental approval form, flight plan and other required
              information shall be submitted before any flight.
    4.        Flight plans must be filed for all day or night flights to other airports or flights greater than 25 nm from CYKF.
    5.        No person shall operate a WWFC aircraft over water and beyond gliding distance to land except during take-
              off and landing.
    6.        Spins and/or spiral dives are only permitted with a WWFC instructor on-board.
    7.        All pilots must inspect and ground check the aircraft prior to flight and agree not to take-off unless the aircraft
              is airworthy. In addition, pilots must operate the aircraft within the limitations expressed in the POH, CAR’s,
              the Aeronautics Act, WWFC rules, and any other laws or statutes of countries whose airspace is entered.
    8.        Prior to any solo / rental flights, all pilots shall complete the type specific open book exam and ensure a copy
              has been submitted and placed in their file.
    9.        WWFC Daily Flight Sheets must be completed in full at the end of each flight, as these documents replace
              individual entries normally placed in the aircraft’s Journey Logbook. All pilots shall accurately record HOBBS
              start time, HOBBS time, uptime, downtime and airtime, and record them in the Day Sheet where appropriate.
              Trips with engine shutdowns shall be signed out and recorded with each stop as a separate flight.
    10.       The CFI retains the right to impose any additional safety limitations on any flight. The CFI retains the right to
              exempt any pilot from any rule or regulation where he/she believes safety will not be adversely affected.

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WiFlight Usage Policy

    1. Information Gathered

         Recording is initiated automatically with engine start, and continues to record until the engine is shut down. The
         system continuously gathers GPS location, accelerometer data, ambient (cockpit) noise and audio recorded via
         the aircraft intercom system. Audio is recorded from two sources; the onboard device microphone (ambient
         cockpit noise) and from the left seat intercom jack (radio and intercom communication). The data is stored in the
         device until the automatic post-flight upload. All of the recorded data is pieced together automatically to determine
         aircraft location, track, groundspeed, altitude, vertical speed, G-loading and engine RPM throughout the flight.
         Flight data is synchronized with recorded audio and the information is presented in a combined format via the
         WiFlight system website.

         A WiFlight recording device will not be present in an aircraft unless a placard is in place declaring that all voice
         and flight data is being recorded.

    2. Access Provisions

         The purpose of the system is to allow a pilot to access their own flight data and to facilitate training. In that aim,
         the following user access to flight data will be granted:

                    Dual training flights: student and instructor
                    Solo training flights: student and authorizing instructor
                    Rental flights: pilot in command

         All recorded data is directly accessible to the Safety Manager and Chief Flight Instructor. Under normal
         circumstances, recorded data is retained and accessible to associated users for three years.
         Users are able to share any individual flight to which they have access. Use of this feature is at the discretion of
         the user.

         Without the consent of the person(s) concerned, WWFC may not share access to recorded data with any
         individual who does not meet the access criteria listed above, except in the case of an aviation occurrence or
         accident. If information is recorded that is deemed pertinent to cause in an occurrence investigation, recorded
         data may be shared with the assigned Transport Canada Civil Aviation Inspectors either in whole or in part. In the
         event of an aviation accident, all recorded data and the physical device will be surrendered to the Transportation
         Safety Board.

    3. Usage Restrictions

         Data from the WiFlight system is intended to be used by flight instructors, students and licenced pilots as a
         debrief tool for their flights. The data will also be reviewed by the Safety Manager in the event that an automatic
         alert is generated, or an aviation occurrence is reported or suspected to have occurred.

    4. Alert Criteria

         The data analysis system generates automatic alerts in the event that certain parameters are met. Presently,
         alerts include flight below 500’ AGL outside of an airport environment, flight into restricted airspace, etc. Alerts are
         sent to the Safety Manager, who reviews the alerts to determine their nature. At the discretion of the Safety
         Manager, the situation that caused the alert may be entered into the WWFC Safety Management System and
         addressed thereafter according to that System.

    5. Device Removal or Disabling

         If a WWFC aircraft is equipped with a WiFlight device, it may only be removed or disabled by WWFC personnel.

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Client Access Application
Application Date:                                           TBFO Account #:

Type of Membership:            Client           Renewal                Aircraft Owner          Sustaining       IFR Renewal (Sim)

                                                                                                                                         Office Use Only
          Documentation Received
          Passport                      Birth Certificate            Driver’s Licence          Government Photo
          Professional Training
          PCC Contract         (CPL, FIR, Fast Track)
          International Training

Accepted:           Y          N        PCC Coordinator:                                          CFI:

Personal Information

Last Name                                                   Middle Initial              First Name

Permanent Address

City                                            Province                                Postal Code

Country                                                              Date of Birth

Email Address

Home Number                                                          Cell Number

Emergency Contact Name                                                       Relationship

Home Number                                                          Cell Number

Licence Information

Current Licence Held
        None yet                                Glider                                  Recreational
        Private                                 Commercial                              ATPL
Licence Number

Accident  andViolations
              Violations(check both if applicable)

          I have never been involved in an aircraft accident
          I have never been charged with a violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulation’s

Flight Time

Total Flying Time                       Hrs     Total Flying Time in the last 12months                        Hrs

Medical Certificate

Medical Held            None            Category 1          Category 2       Category 3        Expiry Date of Medical

Training Plan

        NON PCC                                                                                PCC
   Getting my Pilots Licence              IFR Training                                          Career Commercial Training
   Night Rating                           Multi Engine Training                                 Flight Instructor Rating
   IFR Recurency Training
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Client Agreement

I hereby apply to be a client of the Waterloo-Wellington Flying Centre, (Waterloo-Wellington Flight Club, Inc.), and enclose payment for my Annual Client
Access fee.

I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the WWFC Client Handbook which sets out rules, regulation and operating procedures of the
WWFC. I also understand that such rules, regulations and operating procedures may be amended or otherwise changed from time to time by the
WWFC management. Such changes will be posted at the WWFC or distributed electronically or communicated verbally.

I further acknowledge the WWFC’s overall safety objective is the proactive management of identifiable hazards and their associated risks which may
affect aviation safety, cause injury to people or cause damage to equipment or the environment and therefore the WWFC has instituted a Safety
Management System (SMS) which requires all clients to fully disclose and report all accidents, safety hazards or concerns.

In consideration of being accepted as a client of WWFC, I herby agree to abide by all the rules, regulations and operating procedures the WWFC now
has in effect or which may be in affect at any time during my term as a client and I furthermore agree to abide by the WWFC’s Safety Management
System at all times.

Consent to Receive Electronic Communications

WWFC utilizes various platforms for communicating electronically with our clients – Flight Schedule Pro, Constant Contact, and Microsoft Outlook. As a client with
WWFC, I agree to receive electronic communications from WWFC regarding flight scheduling (via SchedulePointe), company communications in the form of customer
information emails and communication from company staff and flight instructors, with the understanding that I can unsubscribe at any time.

Revocation of Client Status

I understand that my status as a client may be revoked at any time by WWFC for violations of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS), unsafe operation of an aircraft,
carelessness or gross negligence and/or without cause at the sole discretion of the board of directors. I also acknowledge that WWFC may hold me responsible for damage to
WWFC property should it be caused by my negligence or willful acts.

Freedom of Information

I understand that WWFC has in place a policy under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents legislation and will not, without my prior consent, use or
disclose my Personal Information for any purpose except as herein provided or allowed under this act. I therefore grant my consent to WWFC to collect and use for its own
purposes any information which can be regarded as personal information about me.

Liability Waiver

In consideration of being accepted as a client of WWFC, I do hereby, for myself, my heirs, and/or personal representatives, release and discharge WWFC, it’s directors and
employees and their respective heirs and personal representative from all and any and all claims which I may have against any of them by reason of any matter whatsoever,
including, without limitations, the piloting of an aircraft or being a passenger in an aircraft. I understand that there are inherent risks associated with flying in an aircraft and
take full responsibility for my actions and any personal injuries or damages which I may suffer in connection thereto.

Signed:                                                      Date:

If the applicant/client is under the age of 18, this application must also be signed by a parent/legal guardian.

Signed:                                                      Date:                               Relation to applicant:

Methods of Payment

WWFC requires that all services, including flying, be paid in full at the end of the flight or when services have been delivered. WWFC does not extend credit to its clients. If a
client has a balance owing to WWFC, they must pay it in full before further flights or services. Clients with balances owing may be denied further flights or services.
Payment may be made with cash, debit, cheque, online bill payment, Visa or MasterCard.

Credit Card on File

I herby authorize WWFC to charge any outstanding balance on my account to this credit card. I understand this authorization will remain on file for 1 (one) year..

Card Number:                                                                                       Type        Visa         M/C

Expiration Date:

Signed:                                                      Date:

Fax the application to us at (519) 648-3102 or mail it to the address below:

Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre
Unit 3-1448 Fountain St. N
Breslau, Ontario N0B 1M0

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Ver. 8 – Jan 2015
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