3rd February 2017 - Bannon

Page created by Jamie Tate
3rd February 2017 - Bannon
Joint agency proposal to   by

                                3rd February 2017
3rd February 2017 - Bannon
3rd February 2017 - Bannon
Dear Mark,
Thank you for inviting Bannon to submit a proposal for the joint leasing role of Blanchardstown Centre.

This represents the most exciting retail real estate opportunity in Ireland. We are extremely enthusiastic
about the impact Multi and Blanchardstown Centre can have on the market over the next decade.

Bannon is best positioned to provide the comprehensive service that is required for such an asset.
Our team is the only one in the country with the relevant experience to provide Multi with the full palate
of expertise for the leasing and development input roles.

Neil, Darren and Jennifer have an unparalleled wealth of knowledge in the retail sector and together
were instrumental to the success of some of the best known retail projects in the country. Backed by
a full service team they are part of the most integrated property firm in the market.

I can personally assure you of the full dedication of our team in re-establishing Blanchardstown Centre
as the most valuable retail asset in Ireland.

Yours Sincerely

Paul Doyle
Managing Director
3rd February 2017 - Bannon
Submission by

For joint agency role on Blanchardstown Centre to

               3rd February 2017
3rd February 2017 - Bannon

         1.                     2.               3.
     Introduction             The Team          Bannon

        Page 7                 Page 11          Page 21

         4.                     5.               6.
    Understanding          The Evolution of       Why
Blanchardstown Centre   Blanchardstown Centre   Bannon?
       Page 31                 Page 41          Page 49

3rd February 2017 - Bannon
3rd February 2017 - Bannon

Bannon is Ireland’s Retail Specialist
Retail is a complex asset class which has         Bannon is Ireland’s largest and most          We use this data and experience to
become increasingly specialised over the          experienced retail specialist and has an      understand how retailers operate, assess
last decade. Blanchardstown Centre has            intimate understanding of not just the        what they can afford to pay and as a
a unique relationship with the physical           physical assets and the wider retail market   consequence maximise the rent achievable
and economic environment within which it          but also retailer business models.            for our clients.
operates and competes for business.
                                                  We are involved in the leasing and            Bannon act for a number of new to market
To maximise asset value you need a specialist     management of more retail schemes than        retailers with 120 store requirements over
who has the knowledge and experience              any other agency in the country. We have      the next 3 to 4 years. We feel exposure to
both nationally and internationally and can       a current active involvement in over 58       both landlord and tenant work is essential to
convey this to potential retailers. If the team   retail schemes from town centres and          give balanced market advice to our clients
is not fully immersed in the retail market at     shopping centres to retail parks and local    across all sectors of the retail market.
every level; leasing, management, asset           developments.
management, development consultancy,                                                            Due to the complexity of the retail asset
rent reviews and capital markets, they            We collect more than 250 pieces of turnover   class, owners need an integrated approach
cannot fully capitalise on Blanchardstown         data weekly/monthly and on average            to maximise an asset’s value. They need a
Centre’s strength in delivering value through     complete more than 150 retail lettings per    best in class retail leasing team supported
leasing for Multi.                                annum.                                        by the most experienced retail asset and
                                                                                                property management teams in Ireland.

The Team

Bannon understands Irish retail better than any
other agency and has the experience and the
team to deliver on Multi’s expectations
    Most    experienced leasing and development retail team
    in Ireland.
    This team is working together on prime retail assets longer
    than any other team in the market.
    This team has been involved in more retail schemes than
    any other agency in the country.
-   	This is the team that delivered in Dundrum Town Centre
    from scheme concept to the fully let and most valuable
    retail asset in the country.                                       Darren Peavoy        Neil Bannon          Jennifer Mulholland
    Consistent attendance at Mapic, Revo (BCSC) for over 15            Executive Director   Executive Chairman   Associate Director
                                                                       Team leader          Development          Retail Agency
    years and Completely Retail since inception.                                            and Strategy
                                                                       Retail Agency
-   This team actively pursues retailers both here and abroad          & Development
    and do not rely on associated offices to make introductions
    or advise on retailer movements.
-   	Founding member of The International Retail Network
    (TIRN), a collection of bespoke retail agency practices in
    the USA, Europe and Asia.


  Darren Peavoy
                                                     - He
                                                       	 has a depth of experience in dealing with       - He
                                                                                                            	 provides strategic acquisition advice to a
                     DIP AVEA MSCSI MRICS              both National and International occupiers            number of national and international retailers
                     Executive Director                and has secured lettings to retailers such           in sourcing new stores in their expansion drive
                     T: +353 1 647 7900                as Hollister, Hamleys, Snow & Rock, Harvey           in Ireland including Carphone Warehouse,
                     M: +353 86 3805330                Nichols, Superdry, Urban Outfitters, LK Bennett,     Smiggle, iFly, Ann Summers, Gino’s, Tuthills
                     E: dpeavoy@bannon.ie              Cath Kidston, H&M, Mint Velvet, Boots, New           and Fly London.
                                                       Look, Argos and Lidl.
                                                                                                          - He
                                                                                                            	 is a key member of The International Retail
  Darren is a Director in the Retail Agency          - He
                                                       	 has also agreed a large number of F&B             Network which has offices in the USA, UK,
  Department at Bannon with a department of 8          and leisure lettings to operators such as            China, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic
  retail agency surveyors.                             Rainforest Adventure Mini Golf, Milano, Zizzi,       and Belgium. TRIN represent retailers such as
                                                       Dunne & Crescenzi, Siam Thai, Pizza Hut, KFC,        Inditex, H&M, TK Maxx, Brandy Melville, Uniqlo,
- He
  	 has over 16 years’ experience in all aspects
                                                       Yo Sushi, Starbucks, Costa Coffee and Butlers        Barnes & Noble, Hugo Boss, Loft, Sandro,
  of property and has specialised in retail agency
                                                       Chocolates.                                          Bimba y Lola, Aesop, Nike, Wholefoods, Fossil,
  since 2003.
                                                                                                            Quicksilver and Fnac.
                                                     - He
                                                       	 travels regularly to the main retail
- He
  	 was one of the key members of the leasing
                                                       conferences     including    BCSC,      MAPIC,
  team of Dundrum Town Centre from 2003                                                                        e will bring his vast letting expertise and
                                                       Completely Retail and ICSC to bring new
  until its purchase by Hammerson and Allianz                                                                 understanding of retail development to the
                                                       tenants to Ireland and is a member of both
  in 2016.                                                                                                    role. He has the ability to introduce exciting
                                                       Revo and the International Council of Shopping
                                                       Centres.                                               international brands to the scheme through
- He
  	 was involved in the development and
                                                                                                              his vast national and international contact
  design stage of Dundrum Town Centre,
                                                     - 	He has acted for a large number of landlord          base and facilitate direct retailer meetings.
  Bridgewater Shopping Centre, Arklow, South
                                                       clients such as Crossridge Investments,
  King Street and Swords Pavilions Phase 3.                                                                    arren will also bring his understanding of
                                                       Chartered Land, Davy Private Clients, Green
                                                       Property, Key Capital, Grant Thornton, Duff &          retailer’s needs, space requirements and
- 	He has been the lead on the leasing teams of
                                                       Phelps and Irish Life.                                 knowledge of who is in the market for space.
  7 newly built shopping centres.


  Neil Bannon
                                                   - His
                                                     	 understanding of how retail schemes work           - Consequently
                                                                                                             	               he is uniquely positioned to
                    BCL MSCSI MRICS ACI Arb          for tenants given his role in Property & Asset          assist Multi in concluding complex transactions
                    Executive Chairman               Management makes him ideally suited for the             with leading retailers.
                    T: +353 1 647 7900               Blanchardstown role where he can combine
                    M: +353 86 2591205               this with his development expertise to drive              If appointed Neil’s role will be to advise the
                    E: nbannon@bannon.ie             profitability for Multi.                                   development team on the form and layout
                                                                                                                of the development and ensure it works
                                                   -	Part of his role has been to undertake an analysis       from a retailer and day to day management
  Neil has 25 years’ experience in the retail         of potential spend, catchment penetration and            perspective.
  property business dealing with shopping             the implementation of business strategies for
                                                      the schemes to seek to capture as much spend              e will also participate in concluding anchor
  centres and retail parks all over Ireland from
                                                      as possible with a view to driving the rent that         deals and complex transactions to ensure
  the refurbishment and leasing of Galway
                                                      can be sustainably derived from the asset.               that their requirements do not impact on
  Shopping Centre in 1991 to the development
                                                                                                               scheme functionality or profitability.
  and leasing of Dundrum Town Centre.              - He
                                                     	 provides advice to Dublin, Limerick,
  Neil has been involved in over 60% of the          Wexford and Waterford Local Authorities -(the
  Republic of Ireland’s shopping centre stock.       latter jointly with NAMA) on retail strategies
                                                     to enhance their Town Centre’s as retail
  His involvement with retail assets is              destinations.
  multifaceted, advising on design, development
  strategy, funding options, concluding anchor     - Neil
                                                     	   has agreed anchor deals with Tesco,
  deals and devising and implementing leasing        Dunnes Stores, SuperValu, Aldi, Lidl, House of
  strategies.                                        Fraser, Harvey Nichols, John Lewis, Marks &
                                                     Spencer, TK Maxx and Penneys.


  Jennifer Mulholland
                                                        - 	Within the last 18 months Jennifer has delivered     conferences including Revo (BCSC), MAPIC
                      BSc Surv (Hons) MSCSI MRICS         a number of high profile lettings to retailers         and Completely Retail.
                      Associate Director                  including TK Maxx, The Works, Skechers,
                                                                                                               - Her
                                                                                                                 	   clients include Irish Life, Davidson
                      T: +353 1 647 7900                  Starbucks and Pandora.
                                                                                                                 Kempner, Hudson Advisors, Davy, Tesco and
                      M: +353 86 7715017
                                                                                                                 Sawbridge Limited. She has also acted for
                      E: jmulholland@bannon.ie          - 	She is key advisory to Sawbridge Limited in
                                                                                                                 Chartered Land, Crossridge Investments,
                                                          the refurbishment, extension and repositioning
                                                                                                                 Green Property and Deloitte.
                                                          of Swan Centre, Rathmines and has delivered
- 	Jennifer is an Associate Director in the Retail                                                            - 	She is a member of The International Retail
                                                          15 new lettings since Q3 2014. She recently
  Agency Department.                                                                                             Network which has offices in the USA, UK,
                                                          secured a 10,000 sq. ft letting to Fallon & Byrne
- 	She has over 9 years’ experience specialising         who are due to open in the coming weeks.               China, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republic
  in Retail Agency and has an in-depth                                                                           and Belgium. TIRN represent retailers such as
                                                        - She
                                                          	   provides strategic acquisition advice to a
  knowledge of the Irish retail market acting for a                                                              Inditex, H&M, TK Maxx, Brandy Melville, Uniqlo,
                                                          number of national and international retailers
  wide variety of private clients and institutional                                                              Barnes & Noble, Hugo Boss, Nike, Wholefoods
                                                          in sourcing new stores in their expansion drive
  landlords in relation to retail lettings, sales and                                                            and Fnac.
                                                          in Ireland including Smiggle, Ann Summers,
                                                          Ariella Fashions, McCabes Pharmacy and                   If appointed Jennifer’s role will be to
- 	She acted as leasing agent on Dundrum Town            Aungier Danger.                                          attract both national and international
  Centre from 2008 until its sale to Hammerson                                                                     retailers to Blanchardstown Centre using
                                                        - Jennifer
                                                          	         has just secured new flagship
  and Allianz in 2016. She was responsible for                                                                     her in-depth knowledge of the market and
                                                          lettings for Ann Summers and Smiggle within
  delivering a number of key retail lettings                                                                       retailer’s requirements to secure best in
                                                          Blanchardstown Centre.
  including the first Michael Kors and Selected                                                                    class tenants who will improve tenant mix
  stores in Ireland. She has also agreed leisure        - 	
                                                          She understands retailer’s needs and
                                                                                                                   and drive Zone A rents.
  lettings to Beeftro, Funkey Monkey, Taney               requirements at national and international
  Roast & Brew and Mooch.                                 level and travels regularly to the UK to meet
                                                          with agents and retailers directly to ensure the
- 	She has an in-depth knowledge of the retail
                                                          continued delivery of new and exciting tenants
  market nationwide and at present is lead
                                                          to Ireland. She attends all major retailer
  leasing agent on 7 shopping centres.

Bannon by numbers

        No.1                  44               750
        Retail leasing      Active retail     Retail lettings
           team in            leasing             in last
         the country        instructions         5 years

        250                  150              4.5m
      Pieces of turnover    Retail lettings   Sq. ft. of retail
     data collected every                      space let in
                               in 2016         last decade

Bannon’s Retail Credentials
- 	Bannon is the largest retail property firm in Ireland with         - 	In the past 5 years alone Bannon has completed Valuations
    over 60 dedicated personnel.                                           on more than 50 large shopping centre schemes including
                                                                           Blanchardstown Centre.
- 	Bannon employs the largest collection of retail specialists in
    the country.                                                       - 	In the past 5 years Bannon has bought or sold 42 Shopping
                                                                           Centres and Retail Parks, more than any other agency in Ireland.
- 	Bannon is the market leader in the sector since 2005.
                                                                       - 	The Bannon property management team collect and analyse
- 	Bannon has been involved from inception through to
                                                                           over 250 individual pieces of turnover data on a weekly /
    pre-letting and opening of over 20 schemes.
                                                                           monthly basis and cross reference these against national
- 	Bannon concluded 150 retail lettings in 2016 and more than             performance data and indices.
    750 in the last five years.
                                                                       - 	Bannon is a founding member of The International Retail
- 	Bannon has advised on more retail developments than any                Network (TIRN) which is an association of a group of companies
    other Retail Agency in Ireland. Our development team has               similar to Bannon who specialise in all areas of retail property
    advised on over 40 different retail developments across Ireland.       consultancy. This extends our access directly to specialised
- 	Bannon has developed Ireland’s most comprehensive retail               agencies and investors in UK, USA, China, France, Germany,
    database including all 225 shopping centres & retail parks             Belgium, Spain and Czech Republic.
    above 5,000 sq.m.
- 	Bannon lease more retail parks than any other agency in Ireland.

International Reach
Bannon don’t rely on associated offices for retailer introductions. We engage directly and meet with retailers and their retained representatives.

Sample of International Tenants with whom Bannon have agreed lettings:

International Reach


p                                                   p                                            p
Dundrum Town Centre (2000-2016)                     Pavilions Shopping Centre, Swords            Ilac Centre
Client: Crossridge Investments                      Client: Chartered Land / IPUT / Irish Life   Client: Irish Life / Hammerson
Size: 111,484 Sq M                                  Size: 41,806 Sq M                            Size: 46,452Sq M
Units: 160                                          Units: 85                                    Units: 85

p                                                   p                                            p
Whitewater Shopping Centre, Newbridge (2008-2016)   Mac Donagh Junction, Kilkenny                Swan Centre, Rathmines
Client: Grant Thornton / Ballymore Properties       Client: Davy/Davidson Kempner                Client: Sawbridge Ltd
Size: 30,660 Sq M                                   Size: 17,683 Sq M                            Size: 9,290 Sq M
Units: 87                                           Units: 50                                    Units: 35


p                                       p                                 p
Marshes Shopping Centre, Dundalk        Athlone Town Centre               South King Street
Client: Kennedy Wilson                  Client: Davidson Kempner          Client: Hudson Advisors Ireland/Lone Star
Size: 25,100 Sq M                       Size: 17,200 Sq M                 Size: 6,039 Sq M
Units: 46                               Units: 62                         Units: 8

p                                       p                                 p
Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Rathfarnham   Douglas Village Shopping Centre   The Square Town Centre, Tallaght (2008-2015)
Client: Davy                            Client: Shipton Group             Client: Alburn
Size: 21,368 Sq M                       Size: 21,368 Sq M                 Size: 53,000 Sq M
Units: 69                               Units: 63                         Units: 162


p                                           p                                           p
Gateway Shopping Park, Galway               Phase 1 The Park Carrickmines (2009-2015)   Bray Retail Park
Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities   Client: Elm Holdings                        Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities
Size: 27,871 Sq M                           Size: 28,000 Sq M                           Size: 9,755 Sq M
Units: 14                                   Units: 10                                   Units: 7

p                                           p                                           p
Waterford Retail Park                       Navan Retail Park                           Sligo Retail Park
Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities   Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities   Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities
Size: 14,000 Sq M                           Size: 11,148 Sq M                           Size: 21,368 Sq M
Units: 8                                    Units: 10                                   Units: 18


Drogheda Retail Park
Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities
Size: 25,084 Sq M
Units: 15

Naas Retail Park
Client: Targeted Investment Opportunities
Size: 13,936 Sq M
Units: 8

Understanding Blanchardstown Centre

                                  112,000 sq. m.
      35 Hectare Site             Retail and Leisure                180 Shops

      2 Adjoining Retail
                                  9 Screen Cinema                   7,000 Free Car Spaces
      Parks - 38,000 sq. m.

      High Occupancy              17 million                        Extensive Catchment of
      Rate c. 98%                 Footfall Annually                 over 2 million people,
                                                                    Core Catchment Population of 660,862

                                  Avg Retail Spend                  Higher than average
      Frequency of Visits -
                                  of €163.00 incl                   dwell time of
      52 times a year
                                  Grocery                           127 minutes

                                                       Average sales density of top 15 S.C.
                                                       tenants is > €7,125 per sq. m.


Blanchardstown Centre – Tenant Mix
                          Blanchardstown Centre opened in 1996 and               The shopping centre has a higher than average
                          being 21 years old requires modernisation and          anchor representation, by floor area, of 47%.
                          investment to bring it in line with similar regional   This takes into account Dunnes Stores who own
                          centres of its stature and dominance.                  their store. This is above the ideal target of 33%
                                                                                 Anchor stores, however on an income (leasehold
                          The Centre benefits from a strong tenant mix           only) basis this is a more aligned figure of 33%.
                          appealing to a broad shopper profile albeit the
                          ability to renew and revitalise this tenant mix        The representation of MSUs is below what would
                          has been hampered by the scheme’s ongoing              be expected for a scheme of this size and market
                          success with 61 of the current tenants in              position. The lack of right sized stores within
                          occupation from the original leasing programme.        the centre has seen some of the potential MSU
                                                                                 occupiers migrate to the surrounding retail parks.
                          The retail parks provide a strong draw for a more      This spread of users across such a large site can
                          diverse customer base and are a key component          impact negatively on the shopper experience.
                          to the success of Blanchardstown Centre. The           It also makes it more challenging for the retailers
                          mixed use and bulky goods offer provides a             to understand where they belong within the
                          balanced tenant mix and together work as a             scheme.
                          destination for the catchment. New entrants to
                          the market and international operators should
                          be targeted to ensure that a point of difference
                          is maintained and enhanced in order to increase
                          penetration to the catchment.

UNDERSTANDING BLANCHARDSTOWN CENTRE                                 6%
                                                              24%                          47%               SSU

Unit Classification By Floor Area                                                                            F&B
                                                                                                             Leisure / Cinema
Blanchardstown Main Mall                                      Blanchardstown 7% Main Mall
                                                                         16% Dunnes)
Level 1&2 (incl. Dunnes)                                      Level 1&2 (excl.
                                                                    24%                  47%     SSU
               7%                                                          9%                    Leisure / Cinema
                                                                  8%         16%                             Anchor
                                                                                           33%               MSU
24%            7%                47%                 SSU                      9%
          6%                                                                                                 F&B
                                                                        8%                       Anchor
                                       Anchor        F&B
                                                                                         33%     MSU         Leisure / Cinema
                                       MSU                        30%
                                                     Leisure / Cinema                            SSU
    24%                    47%         SSU
           16%                         Leisure / Cinema              30%
                                                                                   20%           Leisure / Cinema

               16%                                                                 20%

    8%8%                               Anchor        Anchor

                           33%         MSU
                                 33%                 MSU

      Uses over represented

14%                                                                                               These graphs detail uses under or
                                                                                                  over represented when compared
12%                                                                                               to other regional centres including
                                                                       Blanchardstown Centre      Dundrum Town Centre, Trafford
10%                                                                                               Centre, Westfield London, Westfield
                                                                                                  Stratford and Bluewater.




         Cosmetics &   Jewellery &   Phones, Electrical   Services             Gifts, Books and
          Pharmacy     Accessories      & Musical                                Newsagents

                                                                     Blanchardstown Centre

                                                               36    Average
                                                                                                          Blanchardstown Centre

                    BLANCHARDSTOWN CENTRE



                           Cosmetics &         Jewellery &           Phones, Electrical     Services              Gifts, Books and
      Uses under representedPharmacy           Accessories              & Musical                                   Newsagents


                                                                                                        Blanchardstown Centre





         Ladies     Unisex     Lingerie   Sports             Homewares           Kids and      Casual              Leisure
        Fashion     Fashion                                                       Games        Dining

Uses under/over represented continued...

                                   From analysis of unit numbers within the main         A clear area to improve the overall mix is to add
                                   centre, with reference to comparable Irish and        further casual dining offers which is currently
                                   UK centres, there is a higher than average            well the below average. This is an important part
                                   representation of non-fashion/serviced based          of major shopping schemes and would improve
                                   uses.                                                 dwell time and enhance the overall experience.

                                   By contrast there is a significant under              There were 14 lettings in 2015, 5 on Level 1 and 9
                                   representation of fashion uses and casual dining      on Level 2. Notably none of these lettings were
                                   offers. This creates identifiable gaps in the mix     to major international brands that would enhance
                                   including a standalone lingerie offer over and        the existing tenant mix and create a point of
                                   above the recent Ann Summers letting. There is        difference.
                                   also an opportunity to improve the fashion offer
                                   by adding more ladieswear, boutique stores and        New lettings in 2016 to Sostrene Grene,
                                   unisex fashion brands.                                Ann Summers, Lifestyle Sports and Disney have
                                                                                         started to correct some of the areas of under
                                   These tenant mix gaps create an opportunity to        representation within the centre; however
                                   provide a more fulfilling customer experience         there is still a requirement for a much greater
                                   whilst profitably delivering new tenants for Multi.   re-balancing of the tenant mix.

                                   The     lower     than    average     homewares       A detailed and robust letting strategy, in
                                   representation in the mix analysis is very well       conjunction with Multi and in line with Multi’s
                                   represented in the retail parks with 11 homeware      business plan, needs to be created and
                                   and electrical offers, the most comprehensive         implemented for the Centre as the current
                                   collection in the country. The leisure offer does     tenant mix is fragmented and there is a lack of
                                   not reflect areas outside of Multi’s ownership,       clustering.
                                   namely Leisureplex.


Letting Strategy
This strategy should include:
    Further analysis of the tenancies with reference to expiring
    leases or break options, under-performing tenants and vacant
- 	Further analysis of the tenant mix to identify gaps in the mix of
     both the main centre and the retail parks.
-	Identification of Best in Class tenants to fill those gaps.
- 	 A focus on new to Ireland brands to broaden the international
     profile of Blanchardstown Centre.
- 	Ensuring each new letting improves on Zone A targets.
- 	 The need to be cognisant of the future master plan to ensure that
     new deals tie in with the overall plan for future development.

By clearly demonstrating to potential occupiers the gaps that exist
in the mix Multi will capitalise on retailers’ enthusiasm to fill these
gaps whilst also improving the customer experience and driving
more spend into the scheme. Clustering of uses creates a better
shopping experience for customers as well as providing retailers
with comfort on adjacencies.

Locating similar retailers within pre-defined areas will identify the
right location for each target tenant ensuring maximum rent and
maximum return for Multi whilst also improving customer experience.

The Evolution of Blanchardstown Centre
“Knowing the correct mix
 of elements to deliver
  the best end result”


The Evolution of Blanchardstown Centre
Blanchardstown Centre opened in 1996, of the current        has only 4 years left to lease renewals and has a clear     opportunity provided by the retail parks to both attract
occupiers 61 are from the original leasing programme.       opportunity to develop.                                     open use tenants who cannot afford mall rent and also
The lack of evolution in the tenant mix is despite the                                                                  as a mechanism to enhance an overall tenant mix by
complete revolution within the retail sector over the       The opportunity afforded by the development of the          decanting users from the mall to the retail park units.
last 21 years. Blanchardstown Centre has not benefited      Yellow Mall, in a better configuration than the planning
from new entrants to the Irish market as much as other      granted scheme and the expiry of 60 leases between          The creation of a tenant mix is not formulaic as it requires
schemes have, for instance when Blanchardstown              now and 2021, is unique in terms of the ability to          an understanding not just of what an individual retailer
Centre opened approximately 40% of the tenants that         redefine the tenant mix of the Centre. The redefinition     delivers in terms of customer experience but also of
now trade in Dundrum Town Centre were not available         of the mix can allow Blanchardstown Centre to become        what the combination of different tenants in different
to the Irish customer.                                      Ireland’s most valuable retail asset once again, a          locations delivers as a whole.
                                                            position it enjoyed up to 2010.
To some degree Blanchardstown Centre has been                                                                           The combination of retailers in the correct quantum,
a victim of its own success, by providing profitable        Delivering on the opportunity afforded by the lease         location, profile and format is what creates the picture
platforms for retailers to continue trading. The turnover   expiries and the proposed Yellow Mall extension             that the customer sees. At Bannon we put ourselves
of tenants has been very low which has led to stagnation    requires a leasing and development consultancy              into the customers mind-set and see the tenant mix in
in the tenant mix.                                          team with a proven track record of delivering value for     a holistic context. The goal therefore is that customers
                                                            landlords. Bannon is uniquely positioned to offer this      will see Blanchardstown Centre as an experience to
In 2007 Blanchardstown Centre and Dundrum Town              experience.                                                 be enjoyed and frequented, as opposed to being a
Centre were achieving the similar Zone A rates. By 2015                                                                 collection of individual tenants within a 35 hectare
Blanchardstown Centre was only achieving 70% of the         The retail parks need to continue to provide a compelling   campus.
rents being achieved in Dundrum Town Centre.                reason for customers to visit Blanchardstown Centre
                                                            and as part of linked trips continue to be a destination    A well-conceived and comprehensively implemented
There is no reason, in our view, why Blanchardstown         for all shoppers. Care needs to be taken to ensure          tenant mix strategy will re-define what Blanchardstown
Centre should take second place to Dundrum Town             there is synergy between the retail park and mall           Centre means as a brand to the customer.
Centre. Whereas Dundrum Town Centre is now 12               lettings in order to prevent any cannibalisation of
years into a 25 year lease cycle Blanchardstown Centre      spend or fragmentation of footfall. There is a unique

                                                                                                                          60 leases to expiry by 2021 with a
                                                                                                                          combined floor area of 8,500 Sq M


Sample target tenants from 2017 thru 2021


“All retail is local”
“Use our experience to
 maximise your value”

Using Bannon’s retail DNA to the benefit
of Blanchardstown Centre
Retail is a complex asset class. It is heavily         The leasing up strategy will be controlled to           The creation of such a good quality and exciting
dependent on a number of unique characteristics        create new rental tones and ultimately drive            tenant mix and the ultimate enhancement of the
and interactions between the asset, its                rents throughout the centre.                            centre as a whole, along with the provision of the
catchment, customer profile and retailer mix.                                                                  best retail units, will create and drive demand
                                                       The combined opportunity of the lease expiries          within the market. Upon completion of the Yellow
In this context Blanchardstown Centre requires         and the Yellow Mall extension will create               Mall, Level 2 in Blanchardstown Centre should
its own “Leasing Sales Story” as an explanation        the opportunity for the clustering of tenants           be the most compelling collection of retailers in
to retailers as to why they will profit by occupying   designed around customer experience. We will            a single circuit within the Country. The quality
a store in the centre. To build this story requires    target a range of new and relocated occupiers           of adjacencies, along with the biggest and best
expertise in a number of areas, namely Retail          so that the net impact of the Yellow Mall will be       retail offer in Ireland and the ability to control
Agency, Asset Management and Property                  felt across the entire scheme, not just on Level 2.     supply, will drive competitive tension and
Management.                                                                                                    ultimately rents.
                                                       The initial focus in letting the Yellow Mall will be
This integrated approach to leasing retail             the Anchor store. This will be followed by key          From our experience in the leasing up of a
assets has worked extremely well for Bannon            lettings that will set the tone of the mix within       number of key shopping centres, throughout the
particularly in similar schemes.                       Yellow Mall. These tenants will deliver footfall        letting process, rents grow from initial lettings
                                                       into key areas along the mall.                          as the occupancy and tenant mix evolve. For
The traditional approach to convincing retailers                                                               example, we achieved growth of over 30% in
to take space has been replaced with the need          During this initial letting stage we will start to      Zone A rates during the pre-let phase in Dundrum
to demonstrate the solid business opportunity          enhance the tenant mix in the entire centre and         Town Centre.
any retail unit represents. This goes beyond           capitalise on the provision of the most modern
catchment analysis and requires in-depth real          and best configured retail space in any shopping        By the first rent review in 2010 Dundrum Town
time knowledge of how retailers perform in             centre in Ireland. The lettings will be about           Centre’s value exceeded Blanchardstown
different locations.                                   placing the right retailers in strategic locations      Centre’s for the first time. Despite the great retail
                                                       that will attract other retailers and enhance           recession, rents have grown from €3,650 at the
                                                       footfall and ultimately lead into rent driving deals.   2010 reviews to €4,500 Zone A psm today.

Why Bannon?

Why Bannon?
When Bannon act as the agent on a retail scheme         Bannon is the only team who have been involved           The key communication to retailers is to
we constantly benchmark the tenant mix against          in the successful creation of a quality F&B mix          demonstrate that they will derive healthy trading
other similar and aspirational examples. From           alongside a major Irish Shopping Centre.                 profits from the scheme. The role of the leasing
this analysis we identify any gaps in the tenant                                                                 agency team in Blanchardstown Centre will be to
mix or areas to enhance or increase certain use         When we meet new entrants to the market we               show why the centre is the best conduit through
types. Following the identification of these gaps       sell the Irish story first. We explain the underlying    which retailers can access the growing and
we then identify Best in Class retailers/operators      fundamentals of the economy and the macro                dynamic Irish economic story.
who will fill these gaps and arrange direct             picture. We also give them an understanding of
meetings with those target occupiers.                   comparable retail densities in the entire market,        Blanchardstown Centre has the advantage
                                                        not just scheme specific.                                of being able to demonstrate growth in both
We then achieve lettings to these Best in Class                                                                  wealth and population within its catchment with
operators. We also create a balanced mix of Food        We understand the complexities involved when             an explosion of house building and job creation
and Beverage operators to target the various            a retailer opens their first store in a new market       taking place.
requirements from customers. This will cover            and are sensitive to their issues including logistics,
all day offerings from breakfast through lunch          new currency set up, creating new shop fit teams         This knowledge and understanding has been
and on to evening meals, while also creating a          and of course understanding the different micro          proven by the numbers of new entrants that we
“grazing” offering for shoppers.                        markets within the country.                              have been able to bring to Ireland as well as the
                                                                                                                 retailer acquisition roles that we have won.
A good mix of coffee shops, family dining, casual
dining and finer dining/table service offers together
with an enhanced leisure offering will create a more
balanced offering for customers, enhance dwell
time and increase penetration into the catchment.


              The Revolution in Retail
              Bannon understands that the internet and the        In addition to store format there is a need through
              emergence of the Omni-Channel Retailing             the tenant mix to make sure that the centre as a
              platform are changing store formats and retailer    whole is an entertaining and engaging place for
              requirements. Retailers now want access to          customers to visit.
              stores which allow them to access a large
              geographical base and present their stores in       They need to be entertained, stimulated and
              a format that enhances their brand awareness        pandered too from the moment they leave their
              and supports their online sales platform. Stores    home to the moment they arrive back. This
              are becoming more fun places for customers to       focus on driveway to till experience is key in
              interact with product ranges in a manner that       positioning Blanchardstown Centre at the top
              cannot be delivered through a phone or tablet.      of the requirement list for retailers competing
                                                                  in an online world. Bannon understands this
              Blanchardstown Centre can capitalise on             dynamic and can communicate the advantages
              this revolution in how retailers interact with      Blanchardstown Centre has in this context.
              their customers by targeting flagship formats
              reducing the need for retailers to have stores in
              other shopping centres.

                                                          “We speak retailers language”


We have the Largest Assembly of                     What Retailers want                                      Fast Changing Market
Retail Real Estate Expertise in Ireland             We have adopted a model of listening to                  Retail is the most dynamic sector of real estate
The Bannon approach is to use the synergy           retailers and have used the opportunity created          because the property needs to react to fast
between best in class Retail Leasing, Retail        by the recession in the retail trade to develop a        changing and sometimes fickle consumer
Asset Management and Retail Management              sophisticated and detailed understanding of how          demands. Bannon is best positioned to advise Multi
teams to provide us with a clear advantage in       different retailers make money. We appreciate why        on this sector because we are more immersed in
attracting retailers to the schemes with which      certain locations work better for some retailers         it than any other candidate. We manage, lease,
we are associated. There is a clear and logical     better than others and how the combination of            review, value buy and sell more retail property than
linkage between understanding how an existing       different tenants and users can be constructed to        any other agency.
retailer trades in one of our centres and seeking   maximise the return for all. It is this understanding
to demonstrate to a new tenant why they should      of how retailers make money that allows us to
locate alongside them.                              communicate to them in their own language about
                                                    the opportunities to trade in the schemes we lease.

                                                                          What you see is what you get
                                                                          The team we are putting forward have been together for almost a decade. They
                                                                          are the team that will meet with your design and leasing team. They are the
                                                                          team that will meet with, pitch to and negotiate with the retailers on your behalf
                                                                          and they are the team that will sit with your legal team to get deals over the line.
                                                                          The task will not be outsourced or shared with different offices. The team you
                                                                          see is the team you get and they are the best team in the market.

Contact Information

  Darren Peavoy                      Neil Bannon                         Jennifer Mulholland
  Executive Director                 Executive Chairman                  Associate Director
  Team leader                        Development                         Retail Agency
                                     and Strategy
  Retail Agency
  & Development

  T: +353 1 647 7900                 T: +353 1 647 7900                  T: +353 1 647 7900
  M: +353 86 3805330                 M: +353 86 2591205                  M: +353 86 7715017
  E: dpeavoy@bannon.ie               E: nbannon@bannon.ie                E: jmulholland@bannon.ie

Registered Name: Bannon Commercial Property Consultants Ltd. Trading as “Bannon”.
Registered Address: Hambleden House,19-26 Lower Pembroke St., Dublin 2.

PSRA Number 001830
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