The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...

The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...
The Master Plan presents a strategy
                      for the development of the airport
                      to 2034, taking into account demand
                      forecasting and BAC’s specific
                      development objectives.

     Connecting People
     Building Opportunities

52   Brisbane Airport Corporation
The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...
                                         FORECASTS AND
                                         CHAPTER 5
       Chapter 5: Growth Forecasts and
               Development Objectives

forecasts and
The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...
Growth forecasts and
development objectives
Planning ahead for                  5.1	Aviation Growth                                                                                       Brisbane Airport has seen continued
                                                                                                                                               strong growth in both domestic
20 years requires                        Forecasts                                                                                             and international air travel since the
forecasting of passenger                                                                                                                       approval of its 2009 Master Plan.
demand and airline                                                                                                                             In the financial year 2007/08,
                                    Introduction                                                                                               Brisbane Airport handled a total of
operations. For Brisbane                                                                                                                       17.5 million passengers and some
                                    Aviation business, including the
Airport it also requires an         attraction of airlines, passengers and                                                                     175,000 aircraft movements.
assessment of the likely            freight, is central to Brisbane Airport's                                                                  In 2012/13, this has grown to 21.6 million
demand for commercial               growth and form the basis for this                                                                         passengers and 219,000 annual aircraft
                                    Master Plan. For this reason, trends                                                                       movements, equating to an increase of
development in                      and issues that impact on air travel and                                                                   23% and 25% respectively.
on-airport precincts.               airline expansion are regularly monitored
                                    to understand and forecast the pattern                                                                     The growth realised since the
In addition to forecasting,         and impacts of growth.                                                                                     2009 Master Plan is consistent with the
                                                                                                                                               longer-term growth results that Brisbane
BAC’s master planning is            This section outlines the current
                                                                                                                                               Airport has achieved in recent decades
directly influenced by its          and projected growth of commercial
                                                                                                                                               and this growth reflects the population
                                    airline movements to Brisbane, annual
development objectives.             passenger numbers, trends in general
                                                                                                                                               and economic growth of Queensland.
                                                                                                                                               Figure 5.1 shows the historical growth
These are based on the              aviation and domestic and international
                                                                                                                                               in passenger travel through Brisbane
                                    air freight.
long-term vision and                                                                                                                           Airport since 1997. Since this time there
values of the company,                                                                                                                         have been a number of significant
                                                                                                                                               events that have caused short-term
while also responding to                                                                                                                       impacts on air travel, including:
the broader objectives
for the city and the state.         Figure 5.1: Growth in passengers from 1997 – 2013


                                     Passenger (Millions)




                                                                           7      8         9         0         1         2     3         4          5         6        7        8     9         0         1      2          3
                                                                         /9    /9        /9        /0        /0         /0 2/0         /0         /0        /0        /0       /0 8/0         /1        /1     /1         /1
                                                                       96 997          98        99        00        01       0      03        04         05        06       07             09        10 011           12
                                                                     19      1      19        19        20        20       20     20        20         20        20       20      20
                                                                                                                                                                                         20        20        2      20

54   Brisbane Airport Corporation
The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...
»» The Asian economic crisis of 1997            Airline Highlights                            While the global financial crisis saw
»» The terrorist attacks in the United          2008 – 2013                                   some airlines reduce frequency of
   States of America in September 2001                                                        operations or deferred the introduction
                                                As Queensland continues its growth
                                                                                              of new services to Brisbane Airport,
»» The collapse of Ansett in                    as a major business and tourism
                                                                                              BAC continues to work closely
   September 2001                               destination, it is anticipated that
                                                                                              with airlines to promote Brisbane,
»» The SARS virus in 2003                       international airlines will continue
                                                                                              Queensland and Australia in order to
                                                to grow their operations through
»» The global financial crisis during                                                         attract new airlines and services to
                                                Brisbane Airport.
   2008-10.                                                                                   Brisbane Airport.
Volatility in fuel prices, coupled with         Over the last five years, a number of
worldwide economic concerns have                airlines have commenced operations,
resulted in debate about continued              increased service frequency or
growth in air travel. However, as can be        up-gauging aircraft for operations into
seen from past events, while the rise           Brisbane Airport. When airlines supply
in fuel costs and economic uncertainty          additional capacity in existing and new
may result in some short-term reduction         markets, this capacity underpins the
in growth rates, continued long-term            overall growth in passengers arriving
growth in air travel is likely.                 and departing Brisbane Airport.                            Passengers

Despite the sensitivity of world events         The changes in airlines services through              Passenger numbers have
that have affected aviation in the              Brisbane Airport since the 2009 Master                 grown 23% in the past
recent past, airline services via Brisbane      Plan are outlined in Table 5.1.                             five years.
Airport have largely been maintained
and in some cases, expanded.


 Date                          Changes to Airline Services
 February 2009                 Emirates commenced a double daily service direct to Dubai
 April 2009                    Virgin Australia launched services between Brisbane and Los Angeles
 November 2009                 Virgin Australia launched services between Brisbane and Phuket
 November 2010                 Tigerair commenced domestic services at Brisbane
 November 2010                 China Southern introduced direct services connecting Brisbane and Guangzhou
 January 2011                  China Airlines extended its Taipei to Brisbane service to Auckland
 February 2011                 Inaugural Aeropelican flight between Narrabri and Brisbane
 May 2011                      Qantas commenced a now daily flight from Dallas Fort Worth
 March 2012                    QantasLink introduced the larger B717 aircraft on selected domestic services
 November 2012                 Hawaiian Airlines launched direct services between Honolulu and Brisbane
 February 2013                 Etihad Airways increased frequency of its Abu Dhabi-Singapore-Brisbane service from three times
                               weekly to daily
 April 2013                    Fiji Airways (formerly Air Pacific) made its first scheduled A330 flight between Nadi and Brisbane
 June 2013                     Philippine Airlines commenced Manila-Darwin-Brisbane services (three times weekly)
 June 2013                     Malaysia Airlines increased the frequency of its Kuala Lumpur to Brisbane service from five times a
                               week to daily services
 June 2013                     Qantas increased its frequency of the Hong Kong-Brisbane service from four times weekly to daily
 August 2013                   Garuda Indonesia launched a daily Denpasar (Bali)–Brisbane service
 October 2013                  Emirates up-gauged its aircraft from a B777 aircraft on the Dubai-Brisbane-Auckland route to an
                               A380 aircraft. This up-gauging was the first scheduled A380 service into Brisbane
 November 2013                 China Southern grew the frequency of its service between Brisbane and Guangzhou over time from
                               five times weekly to a daily service
 December 2013                 Tigerair announced services between Darwin, Cairns and Adelaide commencing in March 2014
 December 2013                 Jetstar announced B787 services between Brisbane and Bali commencing in April 2014

                                                                                                    Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan   55
The Master Plan presents a strategy for the development of the airport to 2034, taking into account demand forecasting and BAC's specific ...

Approach to Forecasting                      The forecasting approach is to:             In the case of domestic travel, the
                                                                                         Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and
A significant number of factors influence    »» Review markets and establish trend
                                                                                         Regional Economics (BITRE) publishes
the growth of air travel, including:            growth rates for Brisbane
                                                                                         route level data monthly for top
                                                Airport traffic
»» The incomes of travellers – both                                                      Australian domestic routes.
   the level of income and confidence        »» Use quantitative analysis and
                                                review other studies to establish        This route level data was used by BAC
   that these levels will be maintained
                                                relationships between traffic drivers,   to establish trends that inform this
   or will grow
                                                such as GDP and traffic demand.          Master Plan.
»» The competitiveness (quality,
                                                These are undertaken at a high           In addition, capacity expansion by
   product attributes) of a destination
                                                ‘macro’ level and compared with          Australia’s domestic airlines has
   compared to alternative destinations
                                                market based, or ‘micro’ reviews         an important influence on growth
»» The supply of airline services –                                                      forecasts in the short to medium term.
                                             »» Establish the ‘reasonableness’ of
   frequency, reliability, quality of
                                                the forecasts by reviewing other         Since 1997 BAC has engaged
   service and aircraft
                                                long-term forecasts (economic,           Tourism Futures International (TFI)
»» Tourism promotion by governments,            population and traffic), and             to undertake annual and peak
   airlines and industry bodies                 by comparing Brisbane with               demand forecasts as a key input to
»» Consumer tastes and available time           other airports.                          BAC's internal budget and business
   for travel                                The ‘macro’ approach establishes            processes, overall airport master
»» The process of air travel and the         relationships between aggregate             planning, major aviation facility
   ground component of travel                passenger numbers for Brisbane              development and analysis of aircraft
                                             Airport and economic factors such           noise metrics for Brisbane Airport.
»» Threats such as wars, terrorism or
                                             as Australian and/or Organisation           In 2013 BAC engaged TFI to update its
   the emergence of pandemics such
                                             for Economic Co-operation and               20-year traffic forecasts for Brisbane
   as SARS or avian influenza.
                                             Development GDP, as well as                 Airport. The following section is based
While all of these types of factors          identifying specific markets for            on these forecasts.
have an influence on demand, only            major tourism generating countries
some can be measured and factored            and/ or regions.                            Growth Forecasts 2013/14
into the type of modelling used in
                                             The ‘micro’ approach provides an            to 2033/34
airport forecasting.
                                             additional perspective on growth and        Passenger Growth Forecasts
Of the factors listed above, income          is more responsive to developments
(generally measured through an               in specific regions (e.g. the Asian
aggregate variable such as Gross             economic crisis).                           In the near-term (out to 2019/20),
Domestic Product (GDP)) has the                                                          it is considered that international
                                             From previous research and                  passenger movements through
largest influence on growth rates for
                                             comparable studies within Australia         Brisbane Airport will sustain an average
international travel.
                                             and overseas, estimates of various          5.4% annualised growth.
In addition to the influence of GDP,         elasticities have been established,
developments in domestic and                 mainly for income and fares. This data      For the same period, the independent
international aviation will also influence   was used in forecasting passenger           body Tourism Forecasting Committee
air travel.                                  traffic by travel type and route.           (April 2013), has forecast the number
                                                                                         of international visitor arrivals to
Airline alliances, code sharing,             While these elasticity estimates            Australia will grow by an average of
privatisation and the advent of new          are not derived from Brisbane Airport       3.5% per annum.
aircraft types can have a material           data, long term monitoring of this
impact on market outcomes. For these         indicates that these estimates can          The number of Australians travelling
reasons, a number of approaches have         be valuable in preparing medium to          overseas is set to grow by an average
been used in constructing the forecasts      longer-term forecasts of air traffic        of 3% for the same period to achieve a
that underpin this Master Plan.              markets, particularly when used in          combined annual growth of 6.5%.
                                             conjunction with trend analysis for the     Based on these projections, BAC
Because forecasting deals with many
                                             specific market.                            forecasts indicate that by 2033/34,
uncertainties, BAC also considers lower
and higher growth scenarios to assess                                                    some 11.7 million passengers will pass
the sensitivity of its forecasts.                                                        through the International T1 annually.

56      Brisbane Airport Corporation
Domestic                                                                                              Aircraft Movement                                                                    forecast for Brisbane Airport. Table
The number of domestic passengers                                                                     Forecasts                                                                            5.3 shows the breakdown of aircraft
is expected to grow by an average of                                                                  Commercial Airline Activity                                                          movement growth across the
4.6% per year up to 2019/20. Growth                                                                                                                                                        international, domestic and general
                                                                                                      Aircraft movement growth is normally
rates in the longer term will remain                                                                                                                                                       aviation fleets to 2034. It also shows
                                                                                                      lower than passenger growth due to
relatively high at around 4% annually                                                                                                                                                      a comparison with aircraft movement
                                                                                                      airlines upgrading their aircraft fleets to
for Brisbane Airport due to continuing                                                                                                                                                     forecasts contained in previous master
                                                                                                      larger capacity aircraft. Given this, the
population and economic growth                                                                                                                                                             plans. By 2034, Brisbane Airport is
                                                                                                      forecast growth in aircraft movements
in Queensland.                                                                                                                                                                             forecast to be handling approximately
                                                                                                      at Brisbane Airport is less than the rate
                                                                                                                                                                                           360,000 annual aircraft movements.
Consequently, forecasts suggest                                                                       of passenger growth. In the short-
that by 2033/34, around 37 million                                                                    term to 2019, aircraft movements are                                                 Figure 5.3 shows this forecast growth
passengers will pass through the                                                                      expected to grow at an average of                                                    in aircraft movements.
Domestic T2 annually.                                                                                 2.7% per annum. This rate of growth
                                                                                                                                                                                           New Generation Aircraft
                                                                                                      will largely remain consistent over the
Figure 5.2 shows the international and                                                                long-term to 2034 where a forecast                                                   Since the last Master Plan, the
domestic growth forecast.                                                                             average annual growth rate of 2.6%                                                   world's largest aircraft manufacturers,
                                                                                                      increase in aircraft movements is                                                    Airbus and Boeing, have continued

Figure 5.2: domestic and international passenger growth forecast

                                                                                                                                                                                            International                     Domestic                    Total

                                                        Actual data               Forecast data
Passengers (’000s)








                                    8     9         0         1       12   13    14          5         6         7       18    19        0        1         2        3       4        5       6       7       8        9        0       1         2         3        4
                                 /0    /0        /1        /1                             /1        /1        /1                       /2      /2        /2        /2      /2       /2      /2      /2      /2      /2       /3       /3       /3        /3       /3
                               07 008          09        10        11/ 012/ 013/       14         15        16        17/ 018/       19      20       21        22       23      24       25      26      27      28       29       30      31        32        33
                            20       2      20        20        20       2    2     20         20        20        20       2     20       20       20        20       20      20       20      20      20      20       20       20      20        20        20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: TFI (2013)

Figure 5.3: Aircraft movements growth forecast

                                                                                                                                                                                            International                     Domestic                    Total

                                                        Actual data                Forecast data
      Movements (’000s)






                                   8     9         0         1       12   13   14   15   16   17   18    19        0        1         2        3       4        5       6       7       8        9        0       1         2         3        4
                                /0    /0        /1        /1                                                     /2      /2        /2        /2      /2       /2      /2      /2      /2      /2       /3       /3       /3        /3       /3
                              07 008          09        10        11/ 012/ 013/ 014/ 015/ 016/ 017/ 018/       19      20       21        22       23      24       25      26      27      28       29       30      31        32        33
                           20       2      20        20        20       2    2    2    2    2    2    2     20       20       20        20       20      20       20      20      20      20       20       20      20        20        20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: TFI (2013)

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan                          57

the rollout of new technology aircraft           »» Airbus A350 XWB (Extra Wide              aircraft design, including major fuel
including A380 and B787 aircraft. Both              Body) which is scheduled to              efficiencies, quieter operation, reduced
manufacturers have also commenced                   commence airline operations during       carbon emissions, as well as improved
design of several narrow and widebody               the second half of 2014. Several         passenger amenity.
aircraft for production in the next five            international airlines that service
                                                                                             Forecast Comparisons with
years. Some of these aircraft include:              Brisbane have placed orders for
                                                                                             Previous Master Plans
                                                    this aircraft
»» Airbus A320 NEO (new engine
                                                                                             Tables 5.2 and 5.3 below compares
   option) is set to replace the current         »» Boeing B777-800X and B777-900X
                                                                                             passenger growth forecasts and
   A320 fleet from 2015 onwards.                    are new generation wide body
                                                                                             aircraft movement forecasts contained
   Qantas has placed orders for                     aircraft scheduled to commence
                                                                                             in the two most recent Master Plans
   this aircraft                                    production in 2017 for delivery in
                                                                                             for Brisbane Airport (2003 and 2009)
                                                    2020. As of March 2014 Emirates
»» Boeing 737 Max is set to replace                                                          with growth predicted in this 2014
                                                    and Etihad have placed orders for
   the existing B737 fleets from 2017                                                        Master Plan.
                                                    these aircraft.
   onwards. Virgin Australia has placed
                                                 These aircraft represent significant        While there are differences in the
   orders for this aircraft
                                                 technological advancements in               forecasts in the near term, the longer-


            Forecast                                         Passenger Numbers (shaded areas are actual figures)
 Master     Period of
 Plan       Master           Source of
 Year       Plan             Passengers         2007/08        2012/13        2017/18      2022/23       2028/29       2033/34
 2003       2003 –           International      3,800,000      5,200,000      6,900,000     9,100,000
                             Domestic           13,100,000    16,600,000     20,700,000   25,900,000
                             Total             16,900,000     21,800,000    27,600,000    35,000,000
 2009       2009 –           International      4,100,000      5,300,000      6,900,000    8,800,000     11,800,000
                             Domestic          14,400,000      18,400,000    22,100,000   26,600,000    33,300,000
                             Total             18,500,000     23,700,000    29,000,000    35,400,000    45,100,000
 2014       2014 –           International      4,100,000      4,500,000      5,500,000    7,200,000      9,300,000      11,300,000
                             Domestic          14,400,000     16,800,000    20,600,000    25,600,000     31,800,000     37,000,000
                             Total             18,500,000     21,300,000    26,100,000    32,800,000     41,100,000    48,300,000


            Forecast                                         Aircraft movements (shaded areas are actual figures)
Master      Period of
Plan        Master          Source of
Year        Plan            Passengers          2007/08        2012/13        2017/18      2022/23       2028/29         2033/34
2003        2003 –          International        24,000          30,000        37,000       45,000
                            Domestic            122,000         153,000       190,000       237,000
                            General Aviation      15,000         15,000         15,000       16,000
                            Total               161,000        198,000        242,000      298,000
2009        2009 –          International        26,000          33,000        40,000       46,000         56,000
                            Domestic            136,000         173,000       204,000      240,000        289,000
                            General Aviation      13,000         14,000         14,000       14,000         15,000
                            Total               175,000        220,000        258,000      300,000        360,000
2014        2014 –          International        26,000          29,000        33,000       39,000         45,000          48,000
                            Domestic            136,000         165,000       194,000       227,000       266,000        290,000
                            General Aviation      13,000         18,000         19,000      20,000          21,000         22,000
                            Total               175,000        212,000        246,000      286,000        332,000        360,000

58      Brisbane Airport Corporation
term forecasts in the 2014 Master Plan                                                 Brisbane Airport experienced rapid                   International Freight
(post 2020) remain similar to those                                                    growth in general aviation as a result
                                                                                                                                            Approximately 25% of air freight
contained in Brisbane Airport’s 2003                                                   of the strong growth in the resources
                                                                                                                                            movements into Australia are via
and 2009 Master Plans.                                                                 sector between 2010 and 2012. This
                                                                                                                                            dedicated freighter aircraft (BITRE,
                                                                                       resulted principally in increased aircraft
It is interesting to note that the first                                                                                                    2012). The balance of air freight
                                                                                       movements of smaller narrow body jet
Master Plan for Brisbane Airport, the                                                                                                       imported into Australia is carried
                                                                                       aircraft and turboprops and subsequently
1983 Master Plan, which included two                                                                                                        in the cargo holds of passenger
                                                                                       demand for the existing runways.
parallel runways and the cross runway,                                                                                                      aircraft. At Brisbane Airport, future
predicted Brisbane Airport would                                                       General aviation movements at                        growth in this air freight sector
have an ultimate capacity of 40 million                                                Brisbane Airport represent currently                 is dependent on increases in the
passengers per annum with 400,000                                                      only a small percentage of total aircraft            number of services to Brisbane by
aircraft movements.                                                                    movements (approximately 8% on                       international network carriers, which
                                                                                       average of total movements). General                 is one of BAC’s strategic aviation
Since 1983, significant efficiencies
                                                                                       aviation movements are forecast to                   business development objectives.
have been realised regarding on-
                                                                                       grow only marginally over the next                   Figure 5.4 shows forecast growth in
ground servicing operations, passenger
                                                                                       20 years. Table 5.3 shows forecast                   international freight.
facilitation in terminals and air space
                                                                                       growth in general aviation aircraft
management. This, in conjunction with                                                                                                       Special consignments such as bulky
                                                                                       movements to 2034.
aircraft fleet increasing in size and                                                                                                       industrial plant, livestock and airframe
capacity, means that the predicted                                                     Other regional airports such as                      deliveries are transported by dedicated
capacity in 1983 will be exceeded for                                                  Archerfield, Caboolture and Redcliffe                charter air freighter aircraft. Current
passenger forecasts in the 20-year                                                     would be expected to remain the main                 trends suggest that this pattern
forecast period of this Master Plan.                                                   General aviation airports for South                  will continue.
                                                                                       East Queensland (SEQ).
General Aviation                                                                                                                            Brisbane Airport handles approximately
                                                                                       Air Freight                                          12% of Australia’s international air
General aviation refers to that part
                                                                                                                                            freight (BITRE 2012) and ranks third
of the aviation industry not engaged                                                   Air freight is an important source of
                                                                                                                                            after Sydney and Melbourne. Brisbane
in scheduled commercial flights, such                                                  revenue for passenger airlines. The
                                                                                                                                            is an important international export
as charter and private operators, or                                                   International Air Transport Association
                                                                                                                                            airport for Queensland and Australian
services such as the Royal Flying                                                      reports that air freight can contribute
                                                                                                                                            goods, especially perishable produce.
Doctor Service.                                                                        up to 12% of airline revenue on some
                                                                                       international services.                              Domestic Freight

Figure 5.4: International Freight Forecast
                                                                                                                                            Domestic air freight is mainly overnight
                                                                                                                                            parcel express business carried by
                                                                                                                                            dedicated scheduled air freighter
                                                                                                             Imports          Exports
                                                                                                                                            aircraft operating within Australia-
                          250,000                                                                                                           wide networks. The efficiency of
                                                                                                                                            these essential services is highly
                                                                                                                                            dependent on Brisbane Airport being
                          200,000                                                                                                           fully operational 24 hours a day.
                                                                                                                                            Accurate indications about the amount
Freight Volume (Tonnes)

                                                                                                                                            of domestic freight transported are
                                                                                                                                            difficult to determine as no industry or
                                                                                                                                            government body monitors this aspect
                                                                                                                                            of freight.



                                          13      14 15 16 17 18 19 20        21 22 /23 /24      5    6    7  8
                                                                                                         /2 /2 /2
                                                                                                                  9   0  31   2    3    4
                                       2/       3/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/             /2   /2              /3 0/ 1/3   /3   /3
                                      1        1           0   0                     22 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 03 03 032 033
                                   20       20     20 20  2   2   20  20  20   20
                                                                                   20   2   2     2    2   2  2   2   2   2   2    2

                                                                                                                                                Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan   59

5.2	Introduction to                        Development objectives
     the Development
     Objectives                             Economic

                                            1.	Drive and enable national and state economic wealth and
BAC's vision for Brisbane Airport is to
                                                employment growth
be world best and the preferred choice
for passengers, airlines, business and      2.	Provide aviation infrastructure to accommodate and
the community. Objectives to achieve            encourage growth
this vision are based within four           3.	Commitment to best practice corporate governance and
pillars of sustainability – economic,           prudent management of Brisbane Airport for the benefit
operations, environment and social.             of Australia.
BAC's approach in adopting the four
pillars of sustainability will enable
future growth of Brisbane Airport
– connecting people and building            Operations
opportunities for not only Brisbane, but
more broadly throughout Queensland
                                            1.	Facilitate the safe and secure movement of people,
and Australia.
                                                freight and aircraft
A critical driver in establishing the       2.	Ensure the timely delivery of new and improved
development objectives for the 2014             airport capacity
Master Plan has been to consider
how Brisbane Airport can develop            3.	Deliver innovative, efficient and continuous airport services
while seamlessly connecting not only
                                                where customer service is at the core of airport operations
people with the world, but designing        4.	Develop relationships to optimise overall
Brisbane Airport to offer exceptional           operational performance.
connections with the local community
and local businesses.
In order to continue to operate as          Environment
a critical transport hub and be a
catalyst for economic and population
growth in Queensland, the provision         1.	Achieve a balance between the on-airport built environment and
of infrastructure in a timely manner is         biodiversity values
critical to demonstrating BAC's vision      2.	Achieve environmentally sustainable development across
for Brisbane Airport.                           the airport
The proximity of Brisbane Airport to        3.	To be recognised as a leader in the management of energy, water,
rivers, wetlands and Moreton Bay lends          waste, noise and biodiversity.
itself to embrace and promote features
of the surrounding natural environment
and to prioritise sustainable design of
buildings. By reflecting these qualities,   Social
a sense of place and urban fabric that
is quintessentially Brisbane is instilled
across BAC's development plans.             1.	Contribute to achieving the vision of Brisbane as a new world
                                                city that encourages growth while protecting the city’s values
                                                and lifestyle
                                            2.	Harness development opportunities to underpin Brisbane Airport
                                                as a business and leisure hub to maximise airport accessibility
                                                and connectivity
                                            3.	To build respectful and valued relationships so all people want to
                                                be part of, and have pride in Brisbane Airport.

60     Brisbane Airport Corporation
5.3	Economic                              As the largest international airport                   Recent forecasts suggest a doubling of
                                           in Queensland, Brisbane Airport                        domestic and international passengers
                                           contributes to the tourism sector by                   at Brisbane Airport in the next 15 years.
Objective 1: Drive and enable              connecting Brisbane and Queensland                     As Queensland’s largest airport for
national and state economic wealth         to new and existing international                      departing and arriving passengers, as
and employment growth                      markets. The prime contributor to                      well as being the primary airport for air
                                           the tourism economy is through                         cargo, Brisbane Airport will continue to
Being one of Australia’s fastest growing   expenditure by travellers, be that for                 improve the quality of its airline network
airports, Brisbane Airport is recognised   business or recreation.                                linking Queensland with international
as being a key driver in the long-
                                           A substantial proportion of the                        hubs, destinations and business centres.
term growth of the Queensland and
                                           resource sector relies on the ability of               BAC works closely with airlines to grow
Australian economies. Brisbane Airport
                                           its workforce to travel to work on a                   capacity (seats and flights) and to
is planning a significant expansion
                                           fly-in fly-out (FIFO) basis. As the major              promote air cargo business on domestic
program to support demand for aviation
                                           hub airport for Queensland, Brisbane                   and international routes. Building strong
services throughout the next 20 years.
                                           Airport provides a critical role in the                partnerships with airlines underpins the
Investments including the New                                                                     airport’s participation in a high quality
                                           resource economy through enabling
Parallel Runway (NPR), expansions                                                                 aviation network.
                                           the movement of the FIFO workforce
to the International T1 and Domestic
                                           throughout Queensland and Australia.                   Objective 3: Commitment to best
T2, satellite terminals, mass transit
systems and commercial property            Objective 2: Provide aviation                          practice corporate governance and
developments are planned to                infrastructure to accommodate and                      prudent management of Brisbane
enable growth.                             encourage growth                                       Airport for the benefit of Australia.
The economic benefits of Brisbane          Additional airport capacity provided                   BAC is committed to responsible
Airport will reach beyond its              through state-of-the-art terminals,                    corporate governance and compliance,
boundary and contribute to the local,      satellite terminals and the construction               innovative and informed planning
Queensland and Australian economies.       of the NPR are deliberate strategies                   and sound business management
Locally, sustained growth translates to    to accommodate future aviation                         and systems. These principles have
employment at businesses operating         growth. A responsible strategy to                      remained consistent over previous
from Brisbane Airport. There are also      ensure adequate transport options and                  Master Plans for Brisbane Airport and
flow-on effects from transactions          commercial car parking for visitors to                 they are strong imperatives for BAC
between airport businesses and the         the airport is a necessary adjunct to                  to grow shareholder value and to build
local economy.                             these developments.                                    infrastructure for the future.

                                           Early morning airside operations at Brisbane Airport

                                                                                                      Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan   61

                                    5.4       Operations                        operations and safety, BAC works
                                                                                closely with the Civil Aviation Safety
                                                                                Authority, Airservices Australia,
                                    Objective 1: Facilitate the safe and        government departments and agencies
                                    secure movement of people, freight          and the aviation industry.
                                    and aircraft                                A ‘whole of airport’ focus is adopted
                                    The safety and security of people,          in planning and managing Brisbane
                                    freight and aircraft at Brisbane            Airport’s security and emergency
                                    Airport remains a fundamental priority      services. Risk assessment, innovation,
                                    within the 2014 Master Plan. This           continuous improvements and
                                    objective is central to the continuity      communication with stakeholders
                                    and compliance of airport operations        are important steps in designing
                                    and to the airport’s financial success      facilities and processes to meet
                                    and reputation.                             security obligations e.g. access control,
                                                                                passenger screening, incident response
                                    A safe and secure airport is essential      and recovery plans and critical
                                    to attract airlines, to grow passenger      infrastructure protection.
                                    numbers, stimulate cargo and logistics
                                    business and to ensure passenger            Brisbane Airport strives for and
                                    and community confidence. The               achieves a high level of compliance
                                    protection of aircraft (both airside and    in safety and security. However, even
                                    in surrounding air space) is critical and   greater vigilance will be required in
1                                   ensuring the safety of people at work       the future as airports face potential
                                    is also vital as the airport expands.       new or heightened risks, and Brisbane
                                                                                Airport’s facilities, flights, employment
                                    The maintenance of air safety               and freight continue to expand. To
                                    standards and compliance through            address this challenge, BAC is engaged
                                    responsible terminal and airfield design    in research that will ensure it remains
                                    and stringent operating procedures          at the cutting edge of new security
                                    are addressed in the Master Plan and        technologies. BAC will also work with
                                    in BAC’s supporting implementation          its industry and government partners
                                    strategies. To achieve compliance and       to maintain airside safety standards
                                    confidence in airside                       and to explore flexible, risk-based
                                                                                security measures.

62   Brisbane Airport Corporation
1 Aircraft refuelling.
                                                  2                                            3
         2 Aircraft apron directional signage.
         3 Brisbane Airport’s Operations'
         team inspects the runway and
         taxiway system.

Objective 2: Ensure the timely                   Objective 3: Deliver innovative,             Objective 4: Develop relationships
delivery of new and improved                     efficient and continuous airport             to optimise overall operational
airport capacity                                 services where customer service is at        performance
                                                 the core of airport operations
The intent in the 2014 Master Plan                                                            There are many organisations which
is to continue to increase airport               Quality, efficiency and innovation jointly   contribute to the efficient operation
capacity by investing in an integrated           influence how the airport will perform       of Brisbane Airport including
and carefully staged program of                  as a service provider. Convenient, safe      airlines, aviation support providers,
development for the airfield (runways,           and reliable journeys for passengers,        government agencies and regulators.
taxiways and aprons), terminals,                 as well as the efficient transit of          As growth continues, pressure on
buildings, aviation support facilities and       freight through Brisbane Airport are         existing infrastructure will occur
other infrastructure.                            key outcomes of smooth facilitation          until new capacity is operationally
                                                 processes in the terminals.                  ready. Fundamental to optimising
For over a decade, a range of shared
                                                                                              the performance of existing runways
forums on infrastructure and capacity            Within this Master Plan, innovation
                                                                                              and terminal areas is for key industry
provision have paved the way for                 and continuous improvements in
                                                                                              groups to work together to identify,
more productive communication on                 terminal and airfield design, growing
                                                                                              develop and implement opportunities
infrastructure development throughout            the terminal space at the right time,
                                                                                              to improve efficiency while continuing
SEQ. Awareness of the interface                  improved processes and increased
                                                                                              to prioritise safe and secure operations.
between capacity provision on and                automation, are key opportunities to
off the airport is both a current and            enable the achievement of stakeholder        Industry participation in programs to
future priority.                                 satisfaction with services. Leading          better manage peak hour demand
                                                 edge systems and technologies will           and opportunities to enhance
Availability of critical assets to operate
                                                 help to facilitate aircraft arrivals and     airport capacity without additional
the airport and meet the demands of
                                                 departures in 24/7 operations and            infrastructure are key priorities for BAC
aviation and regional growth is essential.
                                                 streamline passenger processing,             in this master planning period.
For BAC, achieving sustainable and
                                                 freight and baggage handling.
responsible growth on-airport means                                                           The provision of adequate terminal
ensuring that new and improved                                                                capacity is also vital to accommodate
operating capacity is available to                                                            a growing number of airline arrivals
maintain business continuity and satisfy                                                      and departures, along with more
demand. However, identifying ways to                                                          efficient processes for check-in,
maximise the airport’s current capacity                                                       baggage handling, security, customs,
is also important.                                                                            quarantine and immigration. Close
                                                                                              relationships with the airlines, ground
A consistent and sustained asset
                                                                                              support providers, border agencies and
maintenance program, the use of
                                                                                              law enforcement are vital to achieve
new technologies and continuous
                                                                                              these goals.
improvement in processes and
front-line skills, allows BAC to more
effectively manage the pace of growth

                                                                                                   Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan   63

5.5      Environment                        Objective 2: Achieve
                                            environmentally sustainable
                                            development across the airport
Objective 1: Achieve a balance              Key to sustainable infrastructure is
between the on-airport built                not only building with quality materials
environment and biodiversity values         but also considering the broader
Part of building for the future is to       impact the building will have on the
reserve open space as a means to            surrounding environment over time.
create a balance with continued             The amount of energy and water
development while retaining the             consumed, the amount of waste and
most important aspects of the               carbon generated and the quality
natural environment of Brisbane             of the surrounding environment
Airport. Consideration of the most          each affect how the infrastructure
appropriate locations and densities         could impact on the environment.
for development and integrating             Sustainable development brings into
concepts underpinning public realm          focus these impacts at the design,
are high priorities for BAC to achieve      construction and operational phases.
a balance between the built and             Objective 3: To be recognised as a           1 Water quality testing is undertaken
natural environments.                                                                    across the airport.
                                            leader in the management of energy,
                                                                                         2 Native flora is a feature of Brisbane
BAC has established a Biodiversity          water, waste, noise and biodiversity         Airport’s landscape.
Zone within the boundaries of               In BAC's unique position of building
Brisbane Airport which accounts             and maintaining infrastructure,               1
for more than 10% of the entire             utility networks and land banks, its
airport site. Its purpose is to             management of these lends itself to
ensure that biodiversity values are         consider and implement innovative
maintained across the site so that          opportunities in an existing operating
a balance between built and natural         environment. This often means that
environments can be realised and            BAC is positioned at the forefront of
preserved. The Biodiversity Zone            implementing new technologies in an
contains a number of species such as        operating environment which has not
the Lewin's Rail (a small bird) and         been done previously. The knowledge
red-bellied black snake.                    gained from this shapes thinking
The Biodiversity Zone will be actively      on how systems can be improved.
managed to protect significant species      This brings opportunities to share
and habitats. BAC is also exploring         knowledge with broader industries –
the feasibility of a public trail to view   be that other airports, utility providers,
the Biodiversity Zone. However, the         government agencies or communities.
protection of biodiversity values is
paramount in evaluating these public
access opportunities.


64     Brisbane Airport Corporation
5.6      Social                           Objective 2: Harness development                             Objective 3: To build respectful and
                                          opportunities to underpin Brisbane                           valued relationships so all people
                                          Airport as a business and leisure hub                        want to be part of, and have pride in
Objective 1: Contribute to achieving      to maximise airport accessibility                            Brisbane Airport
the vision of Brisbane as a new world     and connectivity
                                                                                                       Brisbane Airport is more than just
city that encourages growth while         Complementing the program for                                arrivals and departures; it is part of the
protecting the city’s values              aviation capacity development is the                         greater landscape of Brisbane, a host,
and lifestyle                             continuing exploration of commercial                         an ambassador and a showcase for
The past two decades have seen            opportunities. The selective and timely                      the best of Brisbane. With this in mind,
significant growth which has              development of Brisbane Airport’s                            BAC, as the custodian of Brisbane
transformed Brisbane from a regional      non-aeronautical precincts will                              Airport, is committed to supporting
centre to a global hub. Brisbane has      underpin and support the continued                           and engaging with its local community
evolved into Australia’s new world        growth in aviation capacity forecast                         to build pride in the airport and
city with an emerging reputation as       over the next two decades.                                   encourage a sense of co-ownership.
a vibrant and sustainable centre for      Investment in commercial                                     BAC is also proud to be leading the
innovation and enterprise.                opportunities will promote Brisbane                          way in engaging with the community
Brisbane Airport is the doorway           Airport as a place of transit and                            through a comprehensive Community
between the vibrancy of Brisbane          gathering for people, ideas and                              Engagement Program. This program
and the rest of the world. The global     material, a vibrant centre for                               is dedicated to generating informed,
connection that Brisbane Airport offers   commerce, innovation and recreation                          ongoing and interactive discussion
is a catalyst for Brisbane to create      and an internationally recognised                            about airport development, aircraft
business and tourism opportunities        model of sustainable development.                            technologies, potential impacts from
with the fastest growing economies in                                                                  increased aircraft operations and
Asia and beyond.                                                                                       airspace management.

BAC seeks to capture the city’s unique
brand of cosmopolitan warmth and
translate this into a friendly laidback
welcome to all travellers. BAC seeks to
extend this approach by reflecting it
through all development plans.

                                          BAC encourages community participation at Brisbane Airport

                                                                                                           Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan   65
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