WEINER FINANCE WhitePaper 17/05/2021

Page created by Teresa Maxwell
WEINER FINANCE WhitePaper 17/05/2021

   DeFi Cryptocurrency Token

           @$WENR 2021

                              Weiner Mission

Weiner Finance is committed to supporting charities that focus on researching and
    developing treatments (and ultimately) a cure for cancers that affect, well,
 Weiners. Weiner Finance, through it’s cryptocurrency token, aims to be a major
source of donations to charities that support men’s reproductive health such as the
Testicular Cancer Society, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the Movember Project,
  as well as many others. Weiner health is important and we are focused on the
             ultimate goal of ending cancers that affect your Weiner.

A Weiner is the most important thing a man owns, so protect it at
                           all costs
                                 - Doug Walton

                                    @$WENR 2021

$WENR is a community-focused DeFi cryptocurrency aiming to help everyone keep their Weiner
 healthy. Our goal is to provide charitable donations to different organizations around the globe
fighting testicular and prostate cancer among others. Such donations are driven by the community
  and are achieved through price movement of the token. $WENR tokens will be converted for
$ETH - ideally at weekly intervals and market cap goals of $1M, $10M, $100M and so on. Proof of
donation will always be provided when confirmation is received from the charity organisation and
   will be posted on all our social platforms. We want to bring positivity to the world! Working
                             together we will make our Weiners safe.

   $WENR started when a group of crypto enthusiasts joined forces after countless rug-pulled
  tokens were entering the crypto space. The goal was to develop a meme coin that was charity
 focused and firmly against rugpulls. The term 'rugpull' to pull the rug out (from under someone)
 means to to suddenly take away important support (from someone). In the context of crypto and
Decentralized Finance (DeFi), having been rug pulled means to have buy support or Decentralized
Exchange (DEX) liquidity pool taken away from a market. This typically results in a selling frenzy as
                other liquidity providers, holders and traders capitulate the token.

   Since the creation of the project, the $WENR team has parted ways with the original token
 developer due to not sharing the same values and views going forward. Six of the original Eight
developers remain, and many additional community members have joined the team and are eager
                                     to help improve $WENR.

  The $WENR team believes in the amazing potential of DeFi as a global changemaker and have
  bonded together over the events that have taken place in getting $WENR to where it is today.
Every new person on the leadership team stepped up from the community to drive a change, and
                          that’s when new project expectations were set.

                                       Fixed supply

                                  100 billion total supply

                            10 billion marketing/charity fund

                              90 billion circulating supply

                                  1 billion tokens burned

                               Roadmap 2021


 ● Updated Website, Branding and Logo, dedicated Graphic Designer and Solidity Dev
 ● Join us in our first AMA. 400 holders giveaway + random raffle giveaways for active
     telegram chat users.
 ● We will be performing a “buy and burn” at 500 holders where the dev team will buy
     back tokens and burn them.
 ● Testicular cancer society research and donation.
 ● Tyler Blackmer GoFundMe donation.


 ●    $WENR giveaways/meme competition.
 ●    Whitepaper Release.
 ●    750 NFT Weiner Charity Drive with Proceeds going towards The Testicular Cancer
 ●    Partnership with TCS (Testicular Cancer Society) Announcement
 ●    Lead to YouTube video with tweet linking to YouTube $WENR awareness video.
 ●    Follow-up story after 2 weeks via our social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Reddit
      etc - how has $WENR performed.
 ●    Implement donations to the TCS with $WENR

 ● June is focus on father’s month: Father’s Day (05/20 US/Canada) - Father's Day giveaway

 ● Share Results of NFT Auction

 ● Share results from NFT charity auction and how much was raised.

 ● News Article and interview

 ● First exchange listing research and potential implementation.

 ● Celebrity endorsements and/or partnerships


     ● Merhandise line

     ● $WENR Wallet

     ● Tier 2 Exchange Listing

     ● Update on donations made.

     ● Bridge to BSC + ETH

     ● Begin work on the #SAVEAWENR Foundation

Concept idea:

   ● Is there a Guinness World Record for most cryptocurrency donated in a

      day/week/month/year? If so, begin to mobilize the community through continued

      buying (price appreciation) or directly adding to the donation wallet.

   ● Achieve world record for the most money donated to Testicular Cancer/ Prostate

      Cancer Charity via cryptocurrency.

   ● Social media content supporting the above and donation update.


   ● Halo $WENR promotion of some sort (TBD) including social media blast of Twitter,

      Instagram and Reddit etc.

   ● Halloween themed messaging throughout the month.

   ● Guinness update if applicable.

   ● Donation update.

   ● November being historical for men’s health awareness due to Movember, be thankful for

      your Weiner and take care of it.

   ● More focus on educational materials this month, including awareness and prevention.

   ● Exploring a men’s health partnership (eg. MANSCAPED Men’s Shaving Company and

      Movember Charity connection released recently).

   ● Identify a worthy GoFundMe and in the holiday season spirit, make our biggest donation

      yet and share a promotional video sharing feedback from the recipient.

$WENR Contract Address: 0xd3239cb876ae9d7da7918a3a076cba3b02eda652

Website: https://weinerfinance.org/

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/weiner-finance/




Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeinerFinance

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wenrcoin/
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