What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!

Page created by Freddie Hughes
What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                    April—June 2018

                                between the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre and our Community ...

          What’s happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Our newest program Intensive Family Support (IFS) started in January 2018. This program helps families to care
for their children safely at home. The IFS program is now running a Parent Group and Fathers with Futures group.
Please see page 9 for more information.

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to a long serving Volunteer Bob Cole who sadly passed away on 25th
March 2018. Bob founded our Vision Impaired Support Group over 3 years ago,. Bob also volunteered with
Innovation Action Group and Wide Bay Sexual Assault. Bob was always happy and willing to lend a hand with
events and fundraisers for the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre. Bob will be sadly missed. Dinner in the Dark
was Bob’s inspiration. (page 5)

We have had quite a number of new staff this year due to expanding Programs and we would like to welcome:
Lauren Loumeau (Bay Families), Amanda Bluck (Psychologist in Counselling Clinic), Lyn Bell (Project Officer for Food 4
Seasons), Farzina Khan (Support Officer for Migrant Settlement), Nicole Harding, Anna Murray & Jayn Earle (Case
Managers for IFS), Jenny Ries (Casual Respite Worker), Leigh Scheltinga, (Client Support Services Coordinator) and
Charlotte Court (Support Officer for CVS)

      We recently celebrated a number of events at                       Congratulations to our
       HBNC. Harmony Day (page 7), International                          CEO Tanya Stevenson
        Day of Happiness and Neighbour Day. Rob                         who proudly carried the
                                Garland is pictured                       Queens Baton for the
                                right and the 2018                      Commonwealth Games
                             Neighbour of the Year                                     2018!!!
                             winner Brian Bourke!

                 22 Charles Street Pialba, Hervey Bay QLD 4655 I Phone: 4194 3000
                                info@hbnc.com.au I www.hbnc.com.au
What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                                              April—June 2018

                                                                             Family, Children & Youth Services
                                              ....... 1
What’s happened at the HBNC .....                                                                                             ................. 8
                                   .................. 3                      Bay Families ...................................
Summary of our programs ..........
                                                                                                                              ................. 8
                                                                             Reconnect Youth Centre ...............
                                                                                                                           .................... 8
                                                                             Play With Your Kids ....................
Client Support Services                                                                                                         ................ 9
                                                                             Intensive Family Support ...............
                                    ................ 4
Urangan Community Centre ..........
Vision Impaired Support Group .....
                                    ................ 5                        Legal & Professional Services
                                                                                                                              ................. 10
Conversations Creating Change
                                 ................... 5                        Taylor St Community Legal ..........
                                                                                                                               ................. 10
                                                                              Seniors Legal ..................................
                                                                                                                                ................... 10
                                                                              Tenancy Advice Service ...............
 Aged & Disability Services
                                            .................. 6               Networks & Contacts
 Multicultural Respite ....................
                                                                                                              tre                      ............ 11
                                               ............... 6               What’s on at the Community Cen
 Community Visitors Scheme ..........
                                                                                                                              ................ 12
                                                                               Guide to Volunteering ....................
  Multicultural Services                                                                                                        ............... 12
                                                         ............... 7     Volunteer Profile ..............................
  CAMS .................................................                                                                             ............... 14
                                                         ............... 7      Puzzles & Activities .........................
  Culture Caf ........................................
                                                                                                                                             ....... 17
                                                                                  Easy Winter Recipes .........................
                                                                                                                                             ....... 18
                                                                                  Venue Hire.............................................

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                                      April—June 2018

Bay Connect
Provides computer training and internet access at both Urangan        Community Visitors Scheme
Community Centre and the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre.
                                                                      Volunteers provide companionship to people who are socially isolated
Urangan Centre                                                        and live in an aged care home or receive a home care package in their
Located at the Botanic Gardens on Elizabeth Street. The centre        own home.
provides social support services , venue hire and activities to the
local Urangan Community. Phone: 41255 499                             Multicultural Respite
Forms Assist                                                          Respite is provided for the frail, the aged, and the people with a disability
A free service to help assist people with completing and              from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds in need of culturally
understanding forms. Wednesday 9.00am-11.00am                         specific attention.
Comfort Kitchen
Free hot dinner and refreshments for those who are doing it tough
in our community                                                      Door to door transport is provided for the frail aged or younger people
Conversations Creating Change                                         with a disability and their Carers who are eligible to access the service.
A professional development, planning and networking program to        Ph: 1800 781 773
facilitate change in our community.
Food for Seasons
A free breakfast program on Tuesdays and Lunch on Thursdays.
Located at the Urangan Community Centre.

                                                                      Taylor Street Community Legal Service
                                                                      Provides free legal advice and education to the community with the aim
                                                                      of addressing disadvantage across the Fraser Coast, Gympie, Bundaberg
                                                                      and North Burnett regions. Phone: 4194 2663
                                                                      Seniors Legal & Support Service
                                                                      Provides legal and support services to clients aged 60 and over
Bay Families
                                                                      experiencing, or at risk of, elder abuse. Phone: 4124 6863
Supports families with children 0-18 yrs in Hervey Bay and
                                                                      Tenancy Advisory Service
surrounds who are experiencing personal, social, emotional or
                                                                      Advice and assistance for tenants to understand their rights and
financial difficulties impacting on the child and family wellbeing.
                                                                      responsibilities according to the Residential Tenancies Act, which also
Play With Your Kids                                                   includes advocacy, help and referral. Phone: 1300 744 263
Helping parents and children build healthy relationships through
Reconnect Youth Centre
Support for young people who are homeless or at risk of
homelessness. Phone 4325 4431
Youth Mentoring                                                       Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS)
A school-based positive support program for youth 7-17 years old      supports the multicultural community with events and activities that
at risk of disengaging with the education system.                     encourage social connectedness. CAMS ensures that all community
Phone: 4124 1262                                                      members, regardless of cultural, linguistic or religious background have
Intensive Family Support                                              equitable access to services that respond appropriately to their needs.
Helping families to care for their children safely at home.           Migrant Settlement Service
Phone: 1300 208 469                                                   Assisting refugees or migrants with low levels of English. (Visa and other
Counselling Clinic                                                    eligibility criteria may apply)
Provides a counselling service by clinical psychologists. Doctor      Culture Caf
referrals are required.
                                                                      Encouraging harmony on the Fraser Coast with a different culture on the
                                                                      first Thursday of each month.

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                       April—June 2018

The Urangan Community Centre is located in the tranquil                  We are excited to announce a 10 year lease
surrounds of the Botanical Gardens. It is available for hire for         with the Fraser Coast Regional Council!!!
functions and weddings and provides an internet access site.
   Crafty Ladies 1st and 3rd Wed, 9am—12pm
   Focus on Friendship 2nd Wed of the month, 10-11.30am
   Food 4 Seasons Every Thurs, 10am-1.30pm
   Food 4 Seasons Breakfast Every Tues, 6.30am-8.30am
   Venue Hire seats up to 100 lecture style and 80 seated,
       small meeting room available

   Located in the tranquil surrounds of the Botanical Gardens
         P: 07 4125 5499 I E: ucentre@hbnc.com.au

The crafty ladies group is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of
every month at the Urangan Community Centre from 9-12pm.
April 4th:       BYO Craft.
April 18th:      Dream Catchers with Julie and Barb.
May 2nd:         Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea
May 16th:        BYO Craft.
May 30th:        Social Coffee Morning. BYO Craft @ Tinana Further
                 details to be advised
June 6th:        Basic Smocking Techniques with Elaine.
June 20th:       BYO Craft
       NB: Members & guests may BYO craft to any morning.
         Participation in workshops is voluntary.

                          ay of       Includes
   te :   2 n d Wednesd                           morning
                                                            tea &
Da                                       lucky do
the Month
                                                    or ticket
                                      Raffle tic
                 eil Wenck                       kets ava
 11 April: N                 Chorus                       ilable
                  ser Coast
 9 Map: Fra                   .30am
        e : 1 0 .0 0am to 11          Booking
                                              s Essent
  Tim                       rson                      ial
                 .00 per pe           Phone: 4
  Cost: $5                Members              1255499
              $4.00 UCC
                                                                           Enjoy delicious homemade food and a friendly
                                                                            atmosphere with the Food 4 Seasons crew.
What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                    April—June 2018

 To support all vision impaired people.
 To identify barriers to participation.
 To actively seek opportunities for the
  vision impaired to participate fully in the
 Support, mentor and assist the vision
  impaired to take an active role in the

    A world where every person is living
     and working to their full potential.

     We will help to do this by being a
    supportive network that encourages
    and facilitates the vision impaired to
        be an active member of the
                                                       Fraser Coast Interagency Meetings

                                                The next Interagency Network Meeting is scheduled for
                                                              Wednesday 11th July 2018

                                                Fraser Coast Interagency Network Interagency Meeting
                                                Dates for 2018

                                                Ideal for finding information, collaborating on projects,
                                                getting your message out or just introducing yourself, the
                                                interagency meetings are a great way to swap information
                                                and build networks.

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                        April—June 2018

   Brainasize classes held in the new playground funded by
        the Department of Education and Training!

As the program continues to grow, we are looking to recruit more
 volunteers to join us. Our volunteers help improve the quality of
life of socially isolated elderly people in the community by visiting
 and socialising with them on either a weekly or fortnightly basis.
 They chat and reminisce, share hobbies and interests, play board
games, go for a walk and go on outings for a cuppa and change of
 scenery. There are many older people in the community who are
      either in aged care facilities or are still living at home but
  receiving in home care who are isolated and do not have family
    and friends living close by. As a result they are largely cut off
 from the wider community which puts them at risk of loneliness
 and depression. The CVS is a purely social program that aims to
    benefit both the volunteer visitor and the resident. If you are
   interested to volunteer with us, please contact the Community
                     Visitors Scheme on 4194 3000.

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                  April—June 2018

                     Community Action Multicultural Service
It’s all About all of Us
Cassie Cohen and Jackson Bursill, two young endurance runners with a passion for using athletic feats to make the world a
better place sprinted into Hervey Bay in mid-January. Their latest challenge ‘Bounding Plains to Share’ has seen them
running from Cooktown in northern Queensland with the hope of making it around Australia.
The aim of this project is to raise funds and
awareness about the plight of new arrivals. Any
funds raised will go to the Asylum Seeker Resource
Centre as these young people recognised the
important work they do to support new Australians.
“It was also because of the symbolic nature of
demonstrating exactly how much space – boundless
plains – Australia has to support people in need,”
Cassie said.
Cathy Bohanna-Martin (Fraser Coast Multicultural
Respite Service), with some help regarding who to
contact from Robyn Edward (Community Action for
a Multicultural Society) were able to get a group of
young migrants to meet with the young runners.
Each migrant spoke about their journey in a
recorded interview, which later featured on
‘Bounding Plains to Share’s’ Facebook page.

          Celebrating Harmony Day in March!

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                             April—June 2018

                  Homework Club
          Currently seeking Mentors/Teachers
The teachers are given an idea of what each student
needs help with by the parents and provide support to
them in those areas using a variety of resources and                   Early Year Family Hub
learning styles. The students are given afternoon tea
                                                              Support for families with children from birth to 8
and opportunity to improve their social skills as well.
                                                                       Share ideas and experiences
                                                                            Make friends
                                                                         Meet other parents

                                                              Open Group
                                                              When:      Monday 9.30am—11.30am
                                                              Where:     HBNC childcare room, open to all 0-8
                                                                         years, $3 per family, tea & coffee
                                                                         provided, bring own morning tea
                   Great News!
 The Reconnect Fraser Coast program has
                                                              Parenting Program
 received just over $1 million in funding for the             When:      Tuesday 9.30am—11.30am
 next 5 years!                                                Where:     HBNC Child Care Room, limited spaces
                                                                         so please phone to book
 This funding allows Reconnect to continue
 supporting homeless youths and provide the                   Mobile Playgroup
 support they need to get their lives back on track.          When: Wednesday 9.30am—11.30am
                                                              Where: 1st & 3rd Wed at Toogoom Community Park
 Reconnect has worked with over 100 young                               2nd Wed at Tricare Pt Vernon
 people in troubling circumstances in 2017 alone!                       4th Wed at Urangan Community Centre

                                                              Coffee and Chat
 More information and resources on the Reconnect              When:      Monday 9.30am-11.30am
   Youth Centre are available on our website:                 Where:     Location alternates between coffee
  www.hbnc.net.au or by phoning the Centre on                            shops and the Urangan Community
             4325 4431 (reception).                                      Centre

                                                               Please contact the Centre on 4194 3000

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                          April—June 2018

                                                     Parenting Tip
When kids achieve something, whether it's brushing their own teeth or riding a bike, they get a sense of themselves as able
and capable, and tap into that high-octane fuel of confidence.

Building self-confidence can begin very early. When babies learn to turn the pages of a book or toddlers learn to walk, they
are getting the idea "I can do it!" With each new skill and milestone, kids can develop increasing confidence.
                                                                            Sourced: http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/nine-steps.html

What's happened at The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre!!
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                      April—June 2018

                                                         The Taylor Street Community Legal Service is an independent, non-
                                                         profit community organisation which aims to address
                                                         disadvantaged across the Fraser Coast, Gympie, Bundaberg and
                                                         North Burnett regions through the provision of a free quality legal
                                                         advice service.
                                                         Consultations are provided by local solicitors who volunteer their
                                                         time to assist the community.
                                                         Divorce Workshops are also run monthly. Please phone for more
                                                         information and upcoming dates.
                                                         Bookings are essential, please call 4194 2663.

Toni Law and Laura Archer of the Seniors Legal and Support Service
delivering an education session on elder abuse and protections to
students completing Certificate III in Aged Care through Strive
Anyone with any concerns about elder abuse is encouraged to
contact the service on: 4124 6863 for free, confidential legal
assistance and social support. All referrals welcome. The service
also welcomes requests to provide general public seminars and
tailored information sessions to organisations and groups on any
topics relating to elder abuse and protections including enduring
powers of attorneys.

Next Elder Abuse Peer Support Group: meeting at Halcro Street
Community Centre 9th April, 10-12pm.

        The Tenancy Advice Service is part of the QSTARS Program funded by the
    Department of Housing and Public Works, administered by Tenants' Queensland in
     partnership with the Hervey Bay Community Centre. It is a free information and
        advice service, offering assistance with understanding tenancy rights and
                 responsibilities. The advice line number is 1300744263

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                                                    April—June 2018

                                                                                    JUST IN CASE
                                                                                    Hervey Bay Homel
                                                                                                       essness Alliance ha
                                                                                   Just in Case card co                      ve release a
                                                                                                        ntaining important
SUPPORT SERVICES                                                                   for homelessness                           contact details
                                                                                                      services, emergenc
                                                                                   accommodation se                        y relief and
Bay Connect ............................................... 4194 3000                                  rvices. To obtain on
                                                                                  contact Fraser Co                         e  please
                                                                                                    ast Regional Coun
Bay Families .............................................. 4194 3000             (Phone: 4124 0913                     cil or We Care 2
CAMS .......................................................... 4194 3000

Community Health Centre ........................ 4122 8733

Door of Hope .............................................. 4121 6822

HB Courthouse .......................................... 4125 9300               CENTRELINK                                                               0
                                                                                                                                   .............. 132 85
                                                                                    ploy  m  en  t ... ...........................
HB Bus Service........................................... 4121 3719              Em
                                                                                                                                            ...... 132 717
                                                                                        lit y, Si ck ne   ss   & Carers ............
Migrant Settlement Program ................... 4194 3000                         Disabi
                                                                                                                                         ......... 132 490
                                                                                       h &   St ud  en   ts  ...........................
Multicultural Respite ................................ 4194 3000                  Yout
                                                                                                                                                .... 136 150
                                                                                               & Pa   re  nt  s ... ...........................
Play With Your Kids! ................................. 4194 3000                  Famili es

Reconnect Youth Centre: ……………………...4325 4431

Seniors in Focus ........................................ 4325 4046              EMERGENCY SERVICES
Seniors Legal & Support Service .............. 4124 6863                         Fire, Police, Ambulance ............................ 000
Taylor St Community Legal Service.......... 4194 2663                            HB Hospital .............................................. 4120 6666
Tenancy Advice Service ............................. 4194 3090                   HB Police Station ..................................... 4128 5333
TransComCare ........................................... 4194 3080               Lifeline Crisis ............................................ 131 114
Urangan Community Centre ..................... 4125 5499

Wide Bay Sexual Assault .......................... 4121 5999
                                                                                             RE                SERVICES
Women’s Domestic Violence Service ....... 4122 2218                          HOUSING & WELFA
                                                                                               y              Housing ............ 4194
Women’s Health Centre ............................ 4125 5788                 Centacare Emergenc
                                                                                                                                           23 1845
                                                                                                             s Centre .............. 41
Youth Homelessness Services: ……………..4128 1647                                Coolooloa Men’s Crisi
                                                                                                                                           94 3091
                                                                                                         ce ......................... 41
Youth Mentoring Program: .…………………. 4124 1262                                 Tenancy Advice Servi
                                                                                                                                              642 123
                                                                                   na l Ho us ing   .... .... .......................... 1300
                                                                                                                                           25 5845
                                                                                                         .............................. 41
                                                                             Salvation Army ........
                                                                                                                                            28 1389
                                                                                                           ............................. 41
                                                                              St Vincent de Paul ....
                                                                              We Care 2 ................
                                                                                                                                            94 3000
                                                                                                          Centre.................... 41
                                                                              HB Neighbourhood

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                     April—June 2018

Regular Programs and Activiti
  Alcoholics Anonymous
 Australian Labo
                   r Party
 Bird Club
 Centacare
 Centrelink
 Conversationa
                  l English Class
  Coordinated Su
                    pport Services
  Fraser Coast Hy
                     droponic Group
  Hervey Bay Ga
                   rden Club
  Hot Showers
  Mansong Choi
   National Federa
                       tion of Healers
   Older Men Un
   On Track - Men
                      tal health support
   QUAC - sexual
                     health clinic
   Rag Bag Doll Cl
    Regional Hous
    Rent Connect
    Reiki
    Respite Craft Gr
    Relay for Life
     Rotary Club of
                       Hervey Bay Sunrise
     Soundwaves A’
     Tai Chi
     Vision Impaire
     Weight Watch

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                              April—June 2018

            Volunteer Profile
                                                             We are looking for volunteers for these positions:

Name: Lee Vernon
                                                               Teachers                   Community Visitors
Current Role: Youth Mentor                                     Aged Visitors

Why are you Volunteering?: To give back to the
community. I had a difficult childhood and want to
help other youth who are having a hard time at
Something about yourself: I enjoy volunteering,
going to church, the men’s shed and time with my 5
Experience you bring to Volunteering: Previous
youth work, lived experiences and compassion.                          What is a Volunteer
What you would like to get from your Volunteering:     Volunteering is an ac
                                                                              tivity which takes pl
It is rewarding helping others by seeing the           not-for-profit and co                        ace through
                                                                              mmunity organisatio
                                                       projects or your local                        ns and
happiness and positive changes in the kids I work                             community and is un
                                                         to be of benefit to th                     dertaken:
with.                                                                             e community and th
                                                         of the volunteer’s ow                        e volunteer
                                                                                  n free will and withou
                                                          and                                            t coercion
                                                        for no financial paym

                                                                         Why Volun       teer?
                                                      Volunteering can de
                                                                          liver a wealth of bene
                                                        A means of building                       fits including:
                                                                                self-esteem and/or
                                                        A great way to learn                           confidence
                                                                                or develop skills and
                                                        A pathway to enha                               interests
                                                                              nce work experience
                                                       Enhance your heal
                                                                             th and get active
                                                       A way to meet new
                                                                              people or broaden yo
                                                         circle                                        ur social
                                                       As an expression of
                                                                              your gratitude for he
                                                        have received in the                          lp you may
                                                      An opportunity to su
                                                                              pport a cause you fe
                                                        about and                                    el strongly
                                                      Making a real differe
                                                                              nce to your commun
                                                                                     Source: www.voluntee
                                                                                                         rin   g.com.au

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                            April—June 2018

Four neighbours decided one summer to improve their homes. Each couple planned on an outside home improvement to
take advantage of the good summer weather. However, once they got started, they got carried away and worked on an
inside home improvement too.
Using the clues, determine the full name of each couple and the two home improvements each couple made.


                                                                                1. George, who wasn't
                                                                                married to Kim, didn't
                                                                                remodel the kitchen.

                                                                                2. Ted Manor and his wife
                                                                                had the roof replaced.

                                                                                3. Larry and Alice didn't add
                                                                                a bathroom or landscape
                                                                                their yard
                                                                                4. Burt, who wasn't married
                                                                                to Mary Wells, installed new
                                                                                carpeting in the bedrooms
                                                                                but didn't add a swimming

                                                                                5. Tara, whose last name
                                                                                wasn't Fischer, added a new

                                                                                6. The Parkers didn't
                                                                                remodel the kitchen. The

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                  April—June 2018
                                                                              Sudoku Medium

                                                                              1.      A cowboy rides in a town on Friday
                                                                                      stays for three days and leaves on
                                                                                      Friday. How is that possible?
                                                                              2.      What has a bed but doesn’t sleep and
                                                                                      a mouth but never eats?

Across                     40. Conceit                  Down                               31. Duos
1. Wrestling pads          41. Grant's rival            1. Motor inn                       32. Bath powder
5. Actress ____ Davis      42. Withdraw                 2. ____ acid (protein              33. Copier
10. Play divisions         44. ____ Plaines             component)                         34. Handling
14. Harbinger              45. Moon feature             3. Portable shelters               36. Understood! (2 wds.)
15. Zodiac sign            47. Kindled again            4. Traps                           42. Hollow stalk
16. Horn blast             49. Those folks              5. Hayloft locale                  43. Clock info
17. Singer ____ Turner     50. Newswoman ____ Shriver   6. Musician ____ Clapton           46. "____ Something About
18. Carnival attractions   54. Carrying a weapon        7. Ocean movement                  Mary"
19. Large food fish        56. Most sore                8. Casual tops                     48. Plaid
20. Ways in                60. Sly glance               9. Double curve                    51. ____ Witherspoon of
22. Dogma                  61. CB ____                  10. Go to                          "Sweet Home Alabama"
23. Defeated candidate     62. Narrate                  11. Offered in response            52. Tiny landmass
24. Talk wildly            63. Of sound mind            12. Quality of sound               53. Motorist's aid
25. Short distances        64. Serving perfectly        13. EMT's word        21. Skills   54. Furthermore
29. Most senior            65. Adrift                   22. "A ____ of Two Cities"         55. Cut grain
32. Make a doily           66. Picks                    24. Leased car                     56. Mexican meal
35. Soup cracker           67. Short letters            26. Diner                          57. Rewrite
37. Inexperienced          68. Court dividers           27. Conspire                       58. On cloud ____
38. Spring mo.                                          28. Beatle Ringo ____              59. Pooches
39. French ____                                         30. Wise                           61. Rushed

Code Cracker: 1=T, 2=N, 3=U, 4=M, 5=J, 6=B, 7=P, 8=A, 9=D, 10=Q, 11=O, 12=C,
13=Z, 14=Y, 15=S, 16=W, 17=G, 18=F, 19=H, 20=E, 21=I, 22=X, 23=R, 24=V, 25=L,
1.     His horse is
       named Friday.
2.     A river.
                               Puzzle Answers
      April—June 2018
                                                                                Code Cracker
      Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                           April—June 2018

                                                                                 Cauliflower Pasta Bake
          Spicy Prawn Spaghetti
              It only takes 20 minutes
INGREDIENTS                                                                  300 g rigatoni pasta
                                                                             1 head cauliflower (1.4 kg), cut into medium
   400g spaghetti                                                            florets
   1/4 cup vegetable oil                                                    250 g piece sourdough bread, torn into 2cm
   6 spring onions, cut into                                                 pieces
       3cm lengths                                                           ½ cup finely grated parmesan
      2 cloves garlic, sliced                                               ½ cup finely chopped
      400g raw peeled prawns, thawe                                          fresh parsley
      1 teaspoon crushed chi  lli
      250g punnet cherry tomatoes                                       Cheese sauce
       2 bunches asparagus, trimmed,                                     75 g butter, chopped
       1/4 cup coriander leaves                                          2 tbsp plain flour
       1/4 cup mint leaves                                               3 cups milk
       Lime cheeks, to serve                                             1 cup coarsely grated
                                                                            Tasty cheese
  METHOD                                                                  ½ tsp ground nutmeg
                                    cepan of salted boiling
  Step 1: Cook spaghetti in a sau                                         Salt and pepper, to taste
                                           ons. Drain.
           water following packet directi
                                  ing pan over medium-high
  Step 2: Heat oil in a large fry                                       METHOD
                                             k for 2-3 mins or
           heat. Add spring onion and coo
                                            for 30 secs. Add
           until soft. Add garlic and cook                               1. Cook pasta in a large saucepan of boiling, salted
                                            or until opaque.
           prawns and cook for 3-4 mins                                     water until almost tender. Drain. Transfer to a
                                       aragus, spaghetti,                   large, greased ovenproof dish (15-cup capacity).
   Step 3: Add chilli, tomatoes, asp
                                             mins or until
           coriander and mint. Toss for 2                                2. Boil, steam or microwave cauliflower until tender.
                                             e cheeks.
           heated through. Serve with lim              te.com.au
                                                                            Drain. Add to pasta in dish.
                            Sourced from : http://www.tas                3. Meanwhile, combine bread, parmesan and
                                                                            parsley in a large bowl.
                                                                         4. To make sauce, melt butter in a large saucepan
                                                                            over a medium heat. Add flour. Cook, stirring, for
How to become a smart shopper                                               1 minute, until bubbling. Remove from heat.
                                                                            Gradually whisk in milk until smooth. Return to
 Plan your meals and snacks for the week                                   medium heat. Whisk until sauce boils and
 Prepare your shopping list
                                                                            thickens. Remove from heat. Whisk in cheese and
 Shop around - become familiar with your local food
   stores and the foods they offer                                          nutmeg. Season with salt and pepper.
 Pay attention to weekly specials and additional mark                   5. Pour sauce over pasta and cauliflower to evenly
   downs found later in the day                                             coat. Top with bread mixture.
 Buy in bulk foods that you eat a lot of and those that can             6. Cook in a hot oven (200C) for 25 minutes, or until
   be stored for later use e.g. rice, oil, sugar, meat,                     golden. Stand for 10 minutes before serving.
   vegetables, canned food, bread, pasta, tomato sauce
                                                                                             Sourced from : http://www.foodiful.com.au

Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                             April—June 2018

The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre is available for room
  hire. We have a range of rooms available including Hall,
Childcare, Meeting rooms and Kitchen. The rates are based
      on community, commercial and weekend rates.

                                                       Please contact the office to discuss availability, costs
                                                        and further information regarding room bookings.

    Weddings, birthdays, presentation dinners or meetings, whatever the function, contact the
                               Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre:
                              Phone: 4194 3000 Email: bookings@hbnc.com.au

                                        part by:
   Our services are funded in
                                         s                                   DISCLAIMER
            Department of Social Service
                                                         The Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre has made every
                                 Child Safety and
     Department of Communities,                           effort to ensure the information contained within this
                 Disability Services                          newsletter is accurate at the time of printing.
                                  partment of Health
    Queensland and Australian De
                      and Aging
            Fraser Coast Regional Coun
          Gambling Community Benefit                             The Mission of the Hervey Bay
                                  l Support Program
     Legal Aid—Community Lega                                   Neighbourhood Centre is to build
               Attorney General’s Office                         a strong, cohesive and healthy
                                      d Citizenship
       Department of Immigration an
                                                                 community by developing and
                                            ining               providing programs and services
           Queensland Education and Tra
                                                                that respond to the needs of the
                   Wilson Foundation                            most disadvantaged and isolated
                                                                    people in the community.

Building a stronger community                          18
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