Page created by Bruce Brooks
Wisconsin Health Care Association   Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living


2021 Member Resource Guide

Wisconsin Health Care Association       Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                               ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

Dear WHCA/WiCAL Members,
2020 was a challenging year. Wisconsin’s long-term and post-acute care providers are a dedicated
group of individuals who care about the residents they serve and strive to provide excellent care despite

As a member-driven organization, we encourage everyone to get involved:
    PARTICIPATE in WHCA/WiCAL’s extensive education offerings
    ADVOCATE for increased Medicaid reimbursement and support our Family Care budget requests
    SERVE on a WHCA/WiCAL Committee
    REGISTER for Spring Conference, Fall Convention, or one of our regional workshops
    CONTRIBUTE to the WHCA/WiCAL Political Action Committee

WHCA/WiCAL’s mission is to improve lives by delivering solutions for quality care. The vision for the future
is to create a climate for long-term care providers in the state of Wisconsin that allows providers to thrive
by focusing on providing the best possible quality care to the frail elderly and persons with disabilities that
member facilities serve. By working together on the association’s key goals of Advocacy, Education, and
Excellence, WHCA/WiCAL constantly strives to achieve this vision.

In these challenging times punctuated by COVID-19, regulatory changes, and reimbursement challenges,
WHCA/WiCAL’s experienced staff continues to be ready to assist your facility and staff.

If you would like to discuss the benefits of becoming a WHCA/WiCAL member, please contact Director of
Development Jena Jackson at Jena@whcawical.org or call 608- 257-0125.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet and get to know each of you.


Rick Abrams
President & CEO

2021 Calendar of Events.........................................................................................................................................4
WHCA/WiCAL Staff...........................................................................................................................................5-6
Communications Resources.....................................................................................................................................7
  WHCA/WiCAL Legislative Day.......................................................................................................................8
  WHCA/WiCAL Political Action Committee.....................................................................................................9
  AHCA/NCAL Congressional Briefing........................................................................................................... 10
  WHCA/WiCAL Contract Lobbyists................................................................................................................ 11
  Care Classic Golf Outing.................................................................................................................................12
  Virtual Spring Conference & Expo..................................................................................................................13
  Fall Convention & Expo....................................................................................................................................13
  WHCA/WiCAL Leadership Academy...........................................................................................................14
  5TH Annual Quality Symposium.......................................................................................................................14
  Cultivating LTC Leaders Webinar Series.........................................................................................................15
  Standards of Care: Driving LTC Clinical Quality Webinar Series................................................................15
  Financial Affairs Webinar Series.....................................................................................................................15
  PEAL Webinar Series........................................................................................................................................16
  WiCAL Learning Sessions................................................................................................................................16
  Infection Preventionist Specialized Training....................................................................................................17
  Educational Benefits.........................................................................................................................................17
  George F. MacKenzie Scholarship.................................................................................................................18
  AHCA/NCAL National Quality Awards Program........................................................................................19
  WiCAL PEAL..................................................................................................................................................... 20
  LTC Trend Tracker..............................................................................................................................................21
  Clinical Resource Center..................................................................................................................................21
  CareForTheAging.org...................................................................................................................................... 22
  WisCaregiver Careers Program..................................................................................................................... 23
  WHCA/WiCAL Career Center...................................................................................................................... 23

WHCA Board of Directors.................................................................................................................................... 24
WiCAL Council...................................................................................................................................................... 25
2021 WHCA/WiCAL Committees................................................................................................................ 26-27
WHCA/WiCAL Service Corporation.................................................................................................................. 28
2021 Elite Premier, Elite, Prime, Select, and Gold Business Partners................................................................. 29

     For the most up-to-date information, please visit: whcawical.org/calendar

January 6                                 May 5                                     September 8
Cultivating LTC Leaders: Mastering the    Cultivating LTC Leaders: Policies and     Cultivating LTC Leaders: The Operator’s
Long-Term Care Survey Process             Procedures – Should You Have a Policy     Guide to Understanding the
Part 1: Survey Success                    for Everything?                           (Tremendous!) Impact of the MDS

January 20                                May 19                                    September 15
Standards of Care: Something Seems        Standards of Care: Breathe Easy –         Standards of Care: Pain
Off – Identifying Changes in Condition    Respiratory Care and Services
                                                                                    September 29
January 26                                May 25                                    WHCA/WiCAL Annual Business
WHCA Committee and Board Meetings         WHCA Committee and Board Meetings         Meeting

                                                                                    September 29 - October 1
February 3                                June 2                                    WHCA/WiCAL Fall Convention & Expo
Cultivating LTC Leaders: Mastering the    Cultivating LTC Leaders: Driving
Long-Term Care Survey Process Part 2:     Excellence through QAPI
Survey Essentials                                                                   October 6
                                          June 16                                   Cultivating LTC Leaders: Fundamentals
February 17                               Standards of Care: Skin/Wound Care,       of Defense Part 1: Falls, Infection
Standards of Care: Fall Prevention        Pressure Ulcer Prevention                 Control/COVID-19 Outbreak
and Management                                                                      Management, Pressure Ulcers,
                                          June 22                                   Elopement, Wrongful Death
February 23                               WHCA Committee and Board Meetings
WHCA Committee and Board Meetings                                                   October 20
                                                                                    Standards of Care: End of Life Care –
                                          July 7                                    Hospice and Palliative Services
March 3                                   Cultivating LTC Leaders: Internal
Cultivating LTC Leaders: SNF              Investigations
Compliance Programs – Essentials of the                                             November 3
Facility Risk Assessment and Work Plan    July 19                                   Cultivating LTC Leaders: Fundamentals
                                          WHCA/WiCAL Care Classic Golf              of Defense Part 2: Falls, Infection
March 17                                  Outing                                    Control/COVID-19 Outbreak
Standards of Care: Reducing Infections                                              Management, Pressure Ulcers,
in Long-Term Care Facilities              July 21
                                                                                    Elopement, Wrongful Death
                                          Standards of Care: Depression, Anxiety,
March 23-25                               and Trauma Informed Care                  November 17
WHCA/WiCAL Legislative Day                                                          Standards of Care: Nutrition, Hydration,
                                                                                    and Weight Loss
                                          August 4
April 1-19                                Cultivating LTC Leaders: Achieving
WHCA/WiCAL Spring Conference              Objectives through People: Topics in      December 7
& Expo                                    Human Resources                           WHCA Committee and Board Meeting
April 7                                   August 18                                 December 8
Cultivating LTC Leaders: Legal Aspects    Standards of Care: Dementia Care,
                                                                                    Cultivating LTC Leaders: Lessons from
of Documentation                          Behavioral Health, and Antipsychotic
                                                                                    Headlines: Case Review 2021
April 21
Standards of Care: Care of the            August 24                                 December 15
                                                                                    Standards of Care: Incontinence, UTI,
Dialysis Recipient                        WHCA Committee and Board Meetings
                                                                                    and Catheters

Wisconsin Health Care Association          Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living


             WHCA/WiCAL Staff
                          Contact us at 608-257-0125
Rick Abrams | JD WHCA/WiCAL President & CEO | Rick@whcawical.org
Rick Abrams is the President & CEO of WHCA/WiCAL. With more than 15 years working in the long-term care
profession, Rick brings a wealth of health care experience, including prior work at the New Jersey AHCA/NCAL
Affiliate, and as COO at AHCA/NCAL. More recently, Rick has worked with the American Medical Association and
the Wisconsin Medical Society. Rick holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota and a law degree from
Seton Hall University School of Law.

Jim Stoa | JD Director of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs | Jstoa@whcawical.org
Jim Stoa is WHCA/WiCAL’s Director of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs. Jim holds a Bachelor’s Degree
in Political Science from UW-Madison and a law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School. Jim has five
years of experience in policy and press relations in the Wisconsin State Legislature, serving as Chief of Staff in the
State Senate and as Policy and Communications Advisor for two State Representatives. Jim is a registered lobbyist
for WHCA/WiCAL. As Director of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Jim works on legislative advocacy,
federal/state regulatory review and assistance, survey compliance matters, and legal issues.

Pat Boyer | MSM, RN, NHA Director of Quality Advancement and Education | Pat@whcawical.org
Pat Boyer has more than 30 years of professional health care experience and is nationally recognized for her
expertise in LTC clinical and operational matters. Her areas of expertise include long-term care and post-acute
operations, state and federal compliance programs, and performance improvement process development. With Pat’s
clinical and operational expertise, she has valuable credentials that add to the value proposition of WHCA/WiCAL’s
membership. Pat is responsible for assisting members with quality advancement efforts and developing the curriculum
of WHCA/WiCAL’s educational offerings with the association’s member-driven Education Committee.

Kate Dickson | MPA Director of Reimbursement Policy | Kate@whcawical.org
Kate Dickson is a graduate of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University with a Master of
Public Administration, as well as a graduate certificate in Public Health. Kate has a strong background in quantitative
analysis and statistical research. She has held internships with the American Cancer Society, Childspring International
and the Lupus Foundation of America. Hired in 2014, Kate provides WHCA/WiCAL members with data, policy, and
financial analysis – particularly the Wisconsin State Nursing Home Payment Methodology and Family Care MCO
reimbursement questions. Please contact Kate with questions that you have about any of these matters.

Wisconsin Health Care Association         Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                                      ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

                      Jena Jackson | Director of Development | Jena@whcawical.org
                       Jena has a diverse background in brand management, public relations, and business development. With her nearly
                       20 years of professional experiences, she provides WHCA/WiCAL with fresh perspectives and ideas for growth.
                       Jena holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa in Public Relations with minors in Journalism
                       and Theater. She has a diverse background in corporate training, vendor management, government relations,
                       event planning, and sales and marketing. Jena has 10+ years of professional experience specifically pertaining
                       to business growth, relationship development, and client/member engagement. Jena continues to use her array of
                       professional experiences and background to help grow WHCA/WiCAL membership, develop lasting partnerships,
and enhance offerings and benefits to both members and business partners. Jena handles all association events from planning to
execution, including the annual Spring Conference & Expo, Care Classic, and Fall Convention & Expo. She also manages all member
and business partner relations, marketing & advertising opportunities, while also serving on the various association committees.

                      Kate Battiato | MPA Director of Workforce Development | Kbattiato@whcawical.org
                     Kate Battiato is the Director of Workforce Development of WHCA/WiCAL. A proud “Double Badger,” Battiato has a
                     Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Master’s in Public Affairs from the La
                     Follette School of Public Affairs. She brings a unique mix of public policy and HR experience to WHCA/WiCAL. Kate
                     holds certifications in Career Development Facilitation (GCDF) and Federal Job Search Training and Coaching (CFJST
                     and CFCC). Kate has served as a Policy Consultant, Legislative Aide, and a Management Analyst, all of which have
                     built her knowledge of how policy, processes, and people can combine for the better, and what adjustments to make
                     when the outcomes are less than desirable. Kate enjoys working with teams to conduct process analysis and mapping,
develop actionable performance measures, and resolve team conflict to create organizational value.

                      Jammie Moore | Director of Administrative Services | Jammie@whcawical.org
                      Jammie oversees day-to-day operations of WHCA/WiCAL. She provides membership services, manages
                      the membership database, tracks financial information, and handles accounts payable and receivable for the
                      association. Jammie has been with the association for 23 years. If you have any questions regarding billing of dues
                      or educational seminars, please feel free to contact her directly. Her organizational skills keep WHCA/WiCAL
                      running smoothly and are instrumental in the success of Spring Conference and Fall Convention.

                      Allison Cramer | Director of Communications | Allison@whcawical.org
                      Allison Cramer is the Director of Communications for WHCA/WiCAL. Throughout her career, Allison most recently
                      served as a Legislative Assistant to the Senate Majority Leader and the Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on Finance
                      concurrently. As a member of the public affairs team, Allison assists with WHCA/WiCAL’s lobbying efforts, primarily
                      through engaging members in key legislative priorities. In addition, she is the managing editor of Continuum,
                      WHCA/WiCAL’s annual trade publication, and is responsible for WHCA/WiCAL’s weekly e-newsletter,
                      CareConnection and monthly e-newsletter, WiCAL Wires. Allison is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-
                      Madison with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and minors in Education Policy Studies and German.

                      Brian Purtell | JD Legal and Regulatory Advisor | Brian@whcawical.org
                      Brian serves as the Legal and Regulatory Advisor to WHCA/WiCAL. He has more than 25 years of health law
                      legal experience, most of which with WHCA/WiCAL. He is a leading voice of the long-term care profession
                      in Wisconsin and nationally through AHCA/NCAL. His years of association experience have allowed him to
                      establish the necessary skills, knowledge, reputation, and credibility to serve the WiCAL and WHCA memberships.
                      He supports the association’s legislative and regulatory advocacy and provides assistance on legal matters.

Communication Resources
WHCA/WiCAL offers members up-to-date information using direct membership communications in print
and electronic media. As a member of our statewide network of long-term and post-acute care providers,
you have access to all the news and information that you need to know as an assisted living or skilled
nursing facility provider.

To sign up to receive WHCA/WiCAL’s communications, please visit whcawical.org/contact to fill out
the form.

    CareConnection: The weekly electronic newsletter, CareConnection,
      has the most up-to-date information for long-term care providers in
      the state;

    WiCAL Wires: The monthly electronic newsletter, WiCAL Wires, has
      news and information specific to assisted living providers;

    Workforce Wednesday Newsletter: The monthly electronic
      newsletter, Workforce Wednesday Newsletter, has up-to-date
      information on workforce trends, recruitment strategies, and resources;

    Member Alert: WHCA/WiCAL sends out announcements on
      important issues that need immediate action from members of
      Wisconsin’s long-term and post-acute care provider community;

    Member Memo: WHCA/WiCAL sends out regular notifications on
      important issues that Wisconsin’s long-term and post-acute care
      provider community need to be informed;

    Continuum: WHCA/WiCAL’s annual trade publication Continuum
      offers feature articles on the trends that are important to Wisconsin’s
      long-term and post-acute care provider community;

    Social Media: WHCA/WiCAL’s social media presence keeps
      members aware of the articles and events that staff are following.
      Follow WHCA/WiCAL on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

When: Tuesday, March 23, 2021-
              Thursday, March 25, 2021
               Location: Held Virtually
                      Cost: Free
WHCA/WiCAL depends on our members to get the word out to their State Legislators
about the perspective of Wisconsin’s long-term care providers regarding the 2021-23
Biennial State Budget. Our strong grassroots advocacy efforts create new opportunities
for Wisconsin’s long-term care provider community, but we need your continued
support! It is all about strength in numbers. The more WHCA/WiCAL members
participate in this effort, the stronger the voice of Wisconsin’s long-term care provider
community will be.

Our legislative day will include a briefing on how to advocate successfully by
WHCA/WiCAL’s Public Affairs Team and a panel discussion by key players in
Wisconsin’s health care, including invited guests from the Wisconsin State Legislature
and from the administration. Following the briefing and discussions, attendees will
attend virtual meetings with their legislators’ offices for scheduled meetings to discuss
the top priorities of the long-term care provider community.

For more information, please visit whcawical.org/legislativeday

When it comes to decisions by the state legislature, Wisconsin’s long-term care
community needs to have skin in the game. Okay, that’s not exactly breaking news.
But this legislative session, the long-term care community needs to be in a strong
position to communicate to key legislators the immediate need to address Wisconsin’s
LTC workforce shortage crisis, which is due in part to Wisconsin being one of the worst
Medicaid reimbursement systems in the country.

As you know, WHCA/WiCAL has requested that a representative from each member
facility contribute $2/bed to the WHCA/WiCAL Political Action Committee.

      Please visit whcawical.org/pac to contribute today!

When: June 7-8, 2021
            Location: Hyatt Regency
           Washington on Capitol Hill
Meeting face-to-face with your Members of Congress is the most effective way to
advocate for issues that impact the quality care you provide in your centers.

AHCA/NCAL’s Congressional Briefing offers you that invaluable opportunity. Come
to Washington, D.C. this June, to present and discuss your needs and concerns with
people in a position to make change. During this meeting, you will receive updates
on the latest happenings in long term and post-acute care, develop an effective and
immediate plan of action with your colleagues, and meet with your Representatives
and their staff on Capitol Hill. It is a unique opportunity to voice your concerns and
have an impact on issues you care about most.

          For more information, please visit ahcancal.org

Contract Lobbyists
Ramie Zelenkova | Partner | Rzelenkova@hwz-gov.com
Ramie has over a decade of experience in lobbying, grassroots advocacy and legislative research and has worked to maintain
strong relationships with legislative members on both sides of the aisle. Ramie represents clients in areas such as health care, long-
term care, education, and child welfare with particular experience with the Wisconsin Medicaid Program. Ramie remains active in
her community by volunteering her time to local charities and served as past-chair of Kennedy Heights Community Center Board,
a center dedicated to creating a support network for low to moderate income families. Ramie is a graduate of the University of

Greg Hubbard | Partner | Ghubbard@hwz-gov.com
Greg represents a wide range of interests and has a broad base of knowledge from experience on controversial and landmark
issues in the areas of energy, telecommunications, taxation, environment, natural resources, and land use. Greg has nearly 25
years of combined legislative and lobbying experience having spent over a decade working for several Republican legislators,
including serving as Chief of Staff to a Majority Leader in the Wisconsin State Senate. During contentious legislative redistricting
efforts in 2000, Greg provided analysis and advice to Assembly and Senate Republican leadership. Greg is a graduate of the
University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.

Katie White | Associate | Kwhite@hwz-gov.com
Katie is an Associate at HWZ with a decade of combined government affairs and legislative experience, focusing
on issues related to health care and long-term care. She also brings extensive knowledge of the legislative process
as she spent six years managing constituent relations and office operations for Wisconsin State Senator Rob Cowles.
She received her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

A George F. MacKenzie
                        Education Fund Event


                                                Proceeds support long-term
                                                     care scholarships

Cottage Grove, WI

     April 1 19, 2021 | whcawical.org/spring

September 29 - October 1, 2021 | whcawical.org/fall
         The Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake
2021 WHCA/WiCAL Educational Offerings:

LEADERSHIP ACADEMY                                                     FINANCIAL AFFAIRS WEBINAR SERIES
WHCA/WiCAL is proud to partner with Blue Rock WI to                    WHCA/WiCAL is pleased to offer the Financial Affairs
provide a customized approach to leadership development                Webinar Series available exclusively to our members. This
for post-acute and long-term care. The Academy has a                   series will provide a briefing, background, and forum for
measurable organizational impact because it helps emerging             members to learn, network, and share ideas about many of
leaders build on their strengths while working on sector-              the critical financial affairs issues SNF and AL providers face
specific problems.                                                     on a day-to-day basis. Please be sure to contact WHCA/
                                                                       WiCAL for webinar access information. Kate Dickson,
The Leadership Academy is comprised of 5 courses, spaced
                                                                       WHCA/WiCAL Director of Reimbursement Policy, will
4-6 weeks apart. Each course is focused on a different
                                                                       coordinate and moderate the Financial Affairs
aspect of becoming an effective leader. Courses are 1 day in
length with built-in opportunities for action learning and time        Webinar Series.
to address actual health care problems.
                                                                               For more information,
Courses include:
                                                                            please visit whcawical.org/
•Strengthening Your Practice of Leadership
•Leading Change and Innovation That Sticks
•The Leader as a Master Communicator
•Leading High Performing Teams                                                   FIVE-STAR         ENHANCE                    QUALITY
                                                                               QUALITY RATING   COMMUNICATION                  PLAN
•How Leaders Maintain a                                                           SYSTEM                          IMPROVE                GOAL
                                                                                                                PERFORMANCE             SETTING
 Focus on the Future

        For more information,
                                                                       THE 5TH ANNUAL WHCA/WiCAL
     please visit whcawical.org/                                       QUALITY SYMPOSIUM
         leadershipacademy                                             WHCA/WiCAL is pleased to invite you to the 5th Annual
                                                                       Quality Symposium. The theme for this year’s symposium is
                                                                       “Back to Basics.” This event will offer valuable opportunities
                                                                       to gather new tolls and resources, network with peers and
                                                                       stakeholders, and invest in yourself as a clinician or operator to
                                                                       successfully navigate the challenging world of long-term care.
                                                                       The 2021 symposium will focus on topics such as the 5-star
                                                                       ranking system, quality measures and reporting, and

                                                                               For more information,
                                                                            please visit whcawical.org/
2021 WHCA/WiCAL Educational Offerings:

CULTIVATING LTC LEADERS                                                  STANDARDS OF CARE: DRIVING LTC
WEBINAR SERIES                                                           CLINICAL QUALITY WEBINAR SERIES
WHCA/WiCAL is excited to partner with Proactive Medical                  WHCA/WiCAL is excited to partner with Proactive Medical
Review to present the Cultivating LTC Leaders webinar series.            Review to present the Standards of Care: Driving LTC Clinical
This 12-month webinar series addresses hot topics in nursing             Quality webinar series. This 12-month webinar series focuses
home operations to develop skills in managing current                    on nursing facility systems of care and managing common
clinical-regulatory, legal and compliance risks. A team of               conditions treated in the LTC setting. Each session addresses
expert presenters offers insight on systems and strategies               standards of care, staff training/competency focus areas,
to advance preparedness for the varied challenges facing                 critical nursing assessment/documentation principles,
LTC leaders, with practical solutions, templates, tools, and             care planning guidance, recommended QA activities, and
resources.                                                               practical daily operations guidance with extensive use of
When: First Wednesday of each month from 1-2:15 p.m. CST                 case examples.
| January 6 – December 8, 2021                                           When: Third Wednesday of each month from 1-2:15 p.m.
What to Expect: Participants will advance proficiency in                 CST | January 20 – December 15, 2021
identifying and mitigating facility risks and gain practical             What to Expect: Develop skills for strengthening clinical
skills in implementing operational strategies to address critical        systems and improving care quality.
industry challenges.                                                     Price: The price is $60 per session for members and $90
Price: The price is $60.00 per session for members and                   for non-members. The price to register for the entire series is
$90.00 for non-members for individual webinars. The price                $660 for member and $990 for non-members. If you register
to register for the entire series is $660.00 for member and              for the entire series, you will receive access to the recorded
$990.00 for non-members. If you register for the entire                  webinars.
series, you will receive access to the recorded webinars.
                                                                                 For more information,
                                                                              please visit whcawical.org/
        For more information,                                                      standardsofcare
     please visit whcawical.org/

2021 WHCA/WiCAL Educational Offerings:

                   Wisconsin Health Care Association                       Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

PEAL WEBINAR SERIES                                                 WiCAL LEARNING SESSIONS
WiCAL members are encouraged to maximize their                      The Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living is pleased to offer its
membership benefit via participation in the association’s           members a regular series of membership Learning Sessions
Performance Excellence in Assisted Living (PEAL) quality            via webinar designed to help inform and engage managers
advancement program. PEAL is part of the larger Wisconsin           and staff of WiCAL member facilities on a series of topics
Collaborative Coalition for Excellence in Assisted Living           critical to the assisted living profession.
(WCCEAL), which is the Department of Health Services’
initiative encouraging proactive compliance and recognizing
assisted living providers who participate in a DHS-approved,        These on-point meetings offer WiCAL members the
association-based quality initiative.                               opportunity to raise issues with their peers as well as
                                                                    WHCA/WiCAL staff and have the opportunity to hear from
                                                                    a variety of experts, consultants, and professionals in areas
The Performance Excellence in Assisted Living (PEAL)                relevant to assisted living providers.
program is designed to provide WiCAL members with key
performance improvement techniques. The PEAL webinars
will focus on utilization of evidence-based standards of            For more information, please visit
performance management and quality advancement.
For more information, please visit

2021 WHCA/WiCAL Educational Offerings:
                                                                     EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS

                                                                     10% Member Discount On Compliance Requirements
                                                                     And Education Needs
INFECTION PREVENTIONIST                                              As experts in senior care, CE Solutions partners with you
SPECIALIZED TRAINING                                                 to meet compliance requirements while streamlining your
AHCA is pleased to offer a specialized training certification        staff education process through online courses designed
program for healthcare professionals who desire to serve             to meet the needs of long-term care staff. In addition, their
as Infection Preventionists (IPs) as established in the CMS          robust e-learning system provides numerous reporting
Reform of Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care           tools for the HR professional that allow for the tracking of
Facilities.                                                          course progress, course completions, and the assessment of
                                                                     individual learning. They can also provide you with custom
                                                                     packages for specific education needs.
The course is an online, self-study program with 23 hours
of training. It includes online lectures, case studies and
interactive components taught by an array of experts from            For more information, please visit discovercesolutions.com/
around the country. AHCA’s/ NCAL’s Infection Preventionist           vgmed
Specialized Training (IPCO) training content includes:
• A thorough explanation of the impact of infections on
  the people who live, work, and visit nursing centers
• Definitions of essential components of an effective
  infection prevention and control program
                                                                     10% Discount on Online Dementia Care Training
• Identification and management of common infections                 and Certification
• Strategies to prevent the spread of infections.                    HealthCare Interactive’s CARES online dementia care
• Identification and description of the steps necessary for          training program meets the State of Wisconsin dementia
  infection surveillance, antibiotic stewardship,                    training requirements, and each staff member who
  investigating, tracking, and reporting infections                  completes any of the 5 online training programs can get
• Successful implementation strategies                               certified by the Alzheimer’s Association at no additional
                                                                     cost. Pricing starts at $24.95 per person, and affordable
                                                                     site licenses are available. Use the promo code
It addresses both clinical and organizational systems,               WHCA10 at checkout to receive 10% off your entire
processes and cultural aspects of infection prevention and           order!
control which are fundamental to effectively leading and
administering a center’s Infection Prevention &
Control program.                                                     If you have questions, or if you wish to place your order
                                                                     by phone, call (952) 928-7722 or visit hcinteractive.com
    For more information, please
     visit educate.ahcancal.org

George F. MacKenzie
The George F. MacKenzie scholarship is named for the late
George F. MacKenzie, a former WHCA Executive Director,
WHCA president and former Administrator of the Wisconsin
Division of Health, in honor of his nearly 50 years of dedication
to Wisconsin’s long-term care community.

The scholarship provides financial assistance to students           George F. MacKenzie
pursuing a degree related to long-term care and health services.

        The Scholarship Has Provided More than
                    $150,000 in Aid!

                             DID YOU KNOW?
                               Staff from
                       member facilities, business
                       partners, and their families
                               are eligible
                            for scholarships!

The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program
Inspiring Excellence Since 1996

The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program recognizes long term and post-acute care organizations across the nation for quality.
Based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework, a nationally recognized method for improving business performance, the
Program sets high standards for quality and excellence. The Program has three levels of awards: Bronze – Commitment to Quality, Silver -
Achievement in Quality, and Gold – Excellence in Quality, each of which set progressively higher standards for performance. By moving
through the three award levels, organizations will improve the quality of the care and services they provide.

  BRONZE AWARD –                                 SILVER AWARD –                                       GOLD AWARD –
  Committment to Quality                         Achievement in Quality                               Excellence in Quality
  The goal of this award level is to provide     At this level, applicants respond to a sub-set       At this final level of the Program, applicants
  applicants with the tools and resources they   of the Baldrige criteria to continue to learn        must apply the Baldrige criteria in its entirety
  need to achieve performance improvement        and develop effective approaches to drive            to show superior performance in areas of the
  through the introduction of the Baldrige       continual improvement of performance and             criteria including leadership, strategic
  criteria.                                      health care outcomes.            -                   planning, and customer and staff satisfaction.

Performance Improvement
The Program provides a proven framework that organizations can use to make
improvements in any clinical, quality or other operational outcome area. 90 percent of
applicants identify performance improvement as a main reason in applying for an award.

Superior Outcomes
Research shows that Silver and Gold recipients have superior performance in key quality
outcome areas such as 30-day hospital readmission, off-label use of antipsychotics,               Orchard Ridge, Genesis Healthcare – Florida
Five-Star ratings, occupancy rate and operating margin.

Regulatory Demands
The Program criteria prepares providers for regulatory demands such as CMS’ Quality
Assurance/Performance Improvement (QAPI) requirements and the Medicare and
Medicaid Requirements of Participation (RoP).

Team Engagement
Bring your team together for one common goal. The application process serves as a team            ACC Care Center – California

building activity to engage staff across all levels of your organization.

Esteemed Recognition                                                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION
The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award provides national, external validation of high               VISIT: www.ahcancal.org/qualityaward
quality care and services – the perfect information to share with your consumers,                 EMAIL: qualityaward@ahca.org
stakeholders and referral partners.                                                               CALL: 202.842.4444

                                                                                                        Sponsored by

2021 PEAL Curriculum
WiCAL members are encouraged to maximize their membership benefit via participation in the association’s
Performance Excellence in Assisted Living (PEAL) quality advancement program. PEAL is part of the larger Wisconsin
Collaborative Coalition for Excellence in Assisted Living (WCCEAL), which is the Department of Health Services’
initiative encouraging proactive compliance and recognizing assisted living providers who participate in a DHS-
approved, association-based quality initiative.

PEAL is a Baldrige-based program in which facilities first embark on an internal self-analysis of their organization. Upon
establishing foundational elements, participants learn or enhance their performance improvement processes that can
be utilized in clinical and nonclinical performance efforts. Unlike some other programs, there are no additional fees
for members to participate in PEAL. Participation in PEAL/WCCEAL allows facilities to access critical data comparing
their performance and quality to all other WCCEAL participating facilities, in quality variables and an annual resident
satisfaction survey. WCCEAL is gaining significant recognition and attention, and participation is taking on greater
tangible significance. WiCAL members that do not currently participate in PEAL are encouraged to join their fellow
members in this important initiative.

The Performance Excellence in Assisted Living (PEAL) program is designed to provide WiCAL members with key
performance improvement techniques.

          For more information, please visit whcawical.org/peal

The Clinical Resource Center
Your Access to Evidenced-based Care and Training Modules               All skilled nursing members and
Nursing home members and PEAL/WCCEAL members in good                   PEAL/WCCEAL members in good
standing are reminded that all personnel are able to register for      standing have access to the CRC.
and use the Clinical Resource Center (CRC) for access to a wealth      Whereas previously there was only a
of clinical standards of practice and training materials. The CRC      facility username and password, the
has been recognized nationally as a model of collaboration             system has changed to allow individuals to have their own access
between regulators and provider associations working toward            and not be dependent upon one facility registration. All skilled
improving and easing access to authoritative resources for the         nursing and eligible PEAL/WCCEAL facility members should be
provider community as well as survey personnel.                        taking advantage of this tremendous resource to identify sources
                                                                       for policy and procedure development. Importantly, the access
The CRC developed initially through a grant awarded to                 includes, free of charge, all of the American Medical Director
Wisconsin’s skilled nursing associations. It has been embraced by      Association (AMDA) Clinical Practice Guidelines, which would
state and federal officials as an invaluable source of information.    cost over $800.00 if you were to purchase these through AMDA.
UW Madison’s Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis
(CHSRA) is the contractor that develops and maintains the CRC,         To access the CRC, go to crc.chsra.wisc.edu to either sign in with
in conjunction with WHCA/WiCAL staff and members of the                your existing account, or to set up your own new registration.
Advisory Committee.                                                    Questions regarding access should be directed to the CRC
                                                                       Helpdesk found on the homepage.

                                         LTC Trend Tracker
LTC Trend Tracker is a web-based tool that enables long term and post-acute care providers, including assisted living,
to access key information that can help their organization succeed. This exclusive benefit for AHCA/NCAL
members, allows skilled nursing and assisted living organizations to benchmark personal metrics to those of
their peers and examine ongoing quality improvement efforts. LTC Trend Tracker is AHCA/NCAL members’
one-stop-shop to gain timely information and valuable insight about their own performance as well as the
entire profession’s.

Behold the Power of Information: With just a few clicks of a button, LTC Trend Tracker gives you access to government data collected
by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on skilled nursing centers – providing you with one central hub for all your
reporting needs. For assisted living members, LTC Trend Tracker allows you to upload and track key quality metrics. Use the Dashboard
to quickly see how you are trending on key metrics compared to your peers. Quickly download reports to share and engage staff
members as well as area providers to build partnerships.

Enhance Your Commitment to Quality: Improving quality care is a journey, and LTC Trend Tracker is the tool you need to ensure
your organization stays on track. Monitor your progress on quality measures, Five-Star, AHCA/NCAL Quality Initiative goals, hospital
readmission rates and more. Identify areas your organization should address in order to improve and set your own performance
targets. Demonstrate your dedication to quality to your patients and residents with verifiable results.

Gain a Competitive Edge: Monitoring only your own performance isn’t enough to stay relevant in today’s long term and post-acute
care market. LTC Trend Tracker provides information on fellow providers from a local, regional and national perspective, so you can see
how you measure up (individual organization’s information stays private; LTC Trend Tracker only reports in the aggregate). Benchmark
yourself to those of your peers and keep your organization ahead of the curve.

Take Advantage of Your AHCA Membership: More than 8,000 skilled nursing centers and assisted living communities have signed
up to use LTC Trend Tracker – at no additional cost to their organization. You must be an AHCA member to access this
valuable resource.
Wisconsin.carefortheaging.org is an informational resource that aims to foster a
    deeper understanding on the wide range of career pathways available
     in the profession and inspire those who are looking for a new career
           opportunity to become a part of this rapidly growing and
                          exceptionally rewarding field.

        We recognize that job seekers need support and information to
     navigate the various career pathways available. We have developed
         resources that you may find helpful as you navigate the field.

                            We Invite You To:
    Explore our featured career-focused videos from current caregivers who
     have passionately shared their inspirational journey in the field to give
                       you a glimpse into their world, and

    Peruse other resources including education and training requirements,
         salaries, and advancement opportunities to help you find the
         right fit as you prepare to embark a career in this noble field.

Last year, WHCA/WiCAL announced that we partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
(DHS) to assume administration of the WisCaregiver Careers program, a successful CNA training initiative
started by DHS in 2018.

The WisCaregiver Careers program provides free CNA training and free nurse aide competency testing to
program participants and coordinates an employer consortium, which provides $500 six-month retention
bonuses to WisCaregivers. In addition, the project will coordinate the implementation of a new 75-hour
CNA training curriculum with the goal of assisting nursing homes in establishing nurse aide training

Wisconsin nursing homes can participate in the program as employers or as training providers.

To sign up or to learn more, please contact WHCA/WiCAL’s Director of Workforce Development,
Kate Battiato at Kbattiato@whcawical.org.

The WHCA/WiCAL website has a Career Center tool
      where members can post open positions.
                     Simply go to
     and fill out the proper information to submit
           your employment opportunity.
    You may also view submitted job postinhgs at
   To access the job portals on the website, simply
   click on ‘Careers’ on the pull-down menu, and
          select ‘View Jobs’ or ‘Post a Job’.

Wisconsin Health Care Association                                 Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                                            ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

                            WHCA Board of Directors                                                                                               Douglas

                            District 1  Green, and Walworth Counties                                                                           Ashland

                                                                                                                                  12                                    Vilas
                            District 2  Dane and Jefferson Counties                                            Barnett               Sawyer         Washburn

                            District 3  Columbia, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, Sauk,                                                   Price        Oneida  11 Forest
                                                                                                              Polk     Barron        Rusk
                                        and Vernon Counties                                                                                       Taylor

                                                                                                          St. Croix 10
                            District 5 Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties                                                           Chippewa

                                                                                                                       Dunn                                  Marathon
                                                                                                                                                                       7 Shawano
                            District 6 Dodge, Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Washington,                 Pierce               Eau Claire      Clark

                                        and Winnebago Counties

                                                                                                                        Buffalo                                        Portage Waupaca              Brown

Steve Kuranz



                            District 7 Clark, Marathon, Portage, Shawano, Waupaca, and Wood Counties

WHCA Board President                                                                                                                                                                                                              Manitowoc

                                                                                                                                                          9 Adams                                         Winnebago    Calumet
                                                                                                                                                                     La Crosse
                            District 8 Brown, Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Oconto, and                                                             Juneau
                                                                                                                                                                                       Fond Du Lac
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lake                          Sheboygan

WHCA AT-LARGE                           Outagamie Counties                                                                              Vernon                                                  6
REPRESENTATIVES                                                                                                                                                 Sauk                  Dodge


                            District 9 Adams, Buffalo, Green Lake, Jackson, Juneau, LaCrosse, Marquette, Monroe,




70 Beds or Less                         Trempealeau, and Waushara Counties                                                                     3 Iowa Dane 2                                    5


Laura Holmstrom             District 10 Barron, Chippewa, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Rusk, and                                                                                          Racine
                                                                                                                                                       Lafayette     Green    Rock
                                                                                                                                                                                    1                        Walworth

Delavan Health Services                 St. Croix Counties

                            District 11 Florence, Forest, Langlade Lincoln, Marinette, Menominee , Oneida, Price, Taylor, and Vilas Counties
Independent Providers       District 12 Ashland, Barnett, Bayfield, Douglas, Iron, Sawyer, and Washburn Counties
Steve Kuranz
Hope Health & Rehab         DISTRICT 1                                                   Representative                                                    DISTRICT 9
Skuranz@                    President                                                    Kris Sprtel                                                       President
oakridgecarecenter.com      Dave Egan                                                    Congregational Home, Inc.                                         Stacy Kopp
                            Real Property Health Facility                                Ksprtel@congregationalhome.org                                    Grand View Care Center
Multi-Facility              Degan@rphfcorp.com                                           DISTRICT 6                                                        Skopp@grandviewhome.org
Jeff Schueller              Representative                                               President                                                         Representative
North Shore Healthcare      Bob Molitor                                                  Dovie Mauer                                                       Anthony Abela
Jschueller@nshorehc.com     Alden Network                                                Eden Senior Care                                                  Atrium Living Centers
                            Bob.molitor@thealdennetwork.com                              Dovie@edenseniorhc.com                                            Aabela@atriumlivingcenters.com
Non-Proprietary Seat        DISTRICT 2                                                   Representative                                                    DISTRICT 10
Stephanie Sherman           President                                                    David Mills                                                       President
Carriage Healthcare         -OPEN-                                                       North Shore Health Care                                           Melissa Walthall
Companies                   Representative                                               Dmills@nshorehc.com                                               Park View Home, Inc.
Ssherman@                                                                                                                                                  Mwalthall@parkview-cc.com
                            Scott Frank                                                  DISTRICT 7
carriagehealthcare.com                                                                                                                                     Representative
                            Oak Park Place                                               President
                            Sfrank@oakparkplace.com                                                                                                        Tonya Sweeney
Wisconsin DON Council                                                                    Izzy Weinberg                                                     Ladysmith Care Community
-OPEN-                      DISTRICT 3                                                   Champion Care                                                     Tonyas@ladysmithcarecommunity.com
                            President                                                    Izzy@championhcare.com
                                                                                         Representative                                                    DISTRICT 11
Business Partner Member     Paul Fiscus
                            Maplewood of Sauk Prairie                                    Aaron Topper                                                      President
Pat LeMire
M3 Insurance                Pfiscus@maplewoodsaukprairie.com                             AA Healthcare                                                     -OPEN-
Pat.lemire@m3ins.com        Representative                                               Atopper@aahealthcaremgt.com                                       Representative
                            Mark Scoles                                                  DISTRICT 8                                                        Deb Klatkiewicz
Past Presidents             Greenway Manor                                               President                                                         Park Manor, Ltd.
Jeff Schueller              Mscoles@greenwaymanor.net                                    Josh Theis                                                        Debklatkiewicz@gmail.com
North Shore Healthcare      DISTRICT 5                                                   Green Bay Health Services                                         DISTRICT 12
Jschueller@nshorehc.com                                                                  Jtheis@nshorehc.com                                               President
                                                                                         Representative                                                    Peggy Rahkonen
                            Mike Jones
Kevin Larson                Willowcrest Health Services                                  Mitul Lindemann                                                   Twin Ports Health Services
Spring Valley Health Care   414-762-7336                                                 Synergy Health Care                                               Prahkonen@nshorehc.com
Kevinl@svhcs.org            Mjones@nshorehc.com                                          Mitul@synergyseniorhc.com                                         Representative
                                                                                                                                                           Dale Kelm
Deb Klatkiewicz
Park Manor, Ltd.                                                                                                                                           Birch Haven Senior Living
Debklatkiewicz@gmail.com                                                                                                                                   Dale@birchhavenseniorliving.com

Wisconsin Health Care Association                  Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                                            ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

                                                                                                                   Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living Regional Map

WiCAL Council                                                                                                              Douglas

Region 1    Dodge, Fond du Lac, Jefferson, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Walworth,                                                                   Ashland


            Washington, and Waukesha Counties                                                                    Burnett    Washburn          Sawyer
                                                                                                                                                                      5                                            Florence
                                                                                                                                                                      Price          Oneida      11
Region 2    Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Grant, Iowa, Juneau, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe,                        Polk       Barron              Rusk

            Richland, Rock, Green, Sauk and Vernon Counties                                                                                                       Taylor

                                                                                                             St. Croix                 Chippewa
Region 3    Adams, Brown, Calumet, Door, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc Marinette,                                        Dunn                            44                 Marathon
                                                                                                               Pierce                                                                                      Shawano                              Door
            Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage                                                               Pepin
                                                                                                                                      Eau Claire              Clark

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ne u
                                                                                                                            Buffalo                                                       Portage Waupaca           Brown

            Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago Counties




Region 4    Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Marathon, Pepin, Pierce, Rusk, St. Croix,                                    La Crosse
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Winnebago    Calumet

                                                                                                                                                                           Juneau                       Green
            Taylor, Trempeleau and Wood Counties                                                                                                                                                        Lake Fond Du Lac          Sheboygan


Region 5    Ashland, Barnett, Barron, Florence, Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln Oneida, Polk, Price, Sawyer,                                                                      Sauk






            Vilas, and Washburn Counties                                                                                                                                                                                  1

                                                                                                                                                                           Iowa           Dane             Jefferson

                                                                                                                                                                       Lafayette         Green     Rock         Walworth

Dale Kelm                                              Sue Sobieralski                                                     REGION 4
WiCAL Council Chair                                    Brenwood Park                                                       Michelle Niles
                                                       Ssobieralski@brenwoodparkliving.com                                 Lake Manor
Mike Stemm
WiCAL Council Vice Chair                               REGION 2                                                            Michellen@ladysmithcarecommunity.com
                                                       Hayden Frank                                                        Billie Meyer
Michelle Niles
                                                       Oak Park Place                                                      Applegate Terrace
WiCAL Council Secretary
                                                       Hfrank@oakparkplace.com                                             Bmeyer@nshorehc.com
                                                       Lori Wright                                                         REGION 5
Michael Stemm                                          REM Wisconsin
Riverview Village Senior Living                                                                                            Dale Kelm
                                                       Lori.wright@thementornetwork.com                                    Birch Haven Senior Living
                                                       REGION 3                                                            Dale@birchhavenseniorliving.com
Steve Kuranz
                                                       Kristine Ritzenhein                                                 Heather Fishleigh
Hope Health & Rehab
                                                       Cottonwood Manor                                                    Lake Shore Assisted Living
                                                       Kritzenhein@cottonwoodmanor.com                                     Hfishleighlakeshoreassistedliving@outlook.com
Stephanie Edel
                                                       Marcia Christiansen
Kenosha Senior Living
                                                       Rainbow House
Allan Barr
Reena Senior Living

Wisconsin Health Care Association        Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                                   ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

             2021 WHCA/WiCAL Committees
If you would like to join one of these committees and are a staff of a current WHCA/WiCAL member facility,
                     please send an email indicating your interest to info@whcawical.org.
BUDGET COMMITTEE                                                     EDUCATION COMMITTEE
Chairperson: Michael Jones, Mjones@nshorehc.com                      Co-Chair: Tina Belongia, Tbelongia@nshorehc.com
Staff Liaison: Jammie Moore, Jammie@whcawical.org                    Co-Chair: Mitul Lindeman, Mitul@synergyseniorhc.com
This committee is charged with the development of                    Staff Liaison: Pat Boyer, Pat@whcawical.org
WHCA/WiCAL’s annual operating budget. The budget is                  The Education Committee is charged with the development
generally developed in August and September. The Budget              and implementation of educational programs and
Committee’s recommendation for the operating budget                  conferences for member facilities. Educational planning
for the next calendar year is presented to the Board of              includes coordination of educational functions at WHCA/
Directors and voted on by the association’s membership at            WiCAL conferences, statewide trainings and workshops,
the Annual Business Meeting during Fall Convention. The              webinars, and other educational resources. This includes
committee can meet, as needed, at other times during                 location planning and the recommendation of educational
the year.                                                            and entertainment functions at WHCA/WiCAL conferences.
                                                                     The Education Committee may receive recommendations
BUSINESS PARTNERS COMMITTEE                                          from other WHCA/WiCAL committees and should carefully
                                                                     assess the need and timing of recommended education.
Chairperson: Pat LeMire, Pat.lemire@m3ins.com
Staff Liaison: Jena Jackson, Jena@whcawical.org
                                                                     INDEPENDENT PROVIDERS COMMITTEE
This committee is designed to give WHCA/WiCAL Business
Partners a formalized voice on their needs and concerns              Chairperson: Steve Kuranz, Skuranz@oakridgecarecenter.com
to the Board of Directors. This committee works to ensure            This committee serves as a forum for the independent
the timeliness and quality of the services WHCA/WiCAL                provider (less than three facilities under similar management)
provides its Business Partners, in an effort to help foster          to voice their individual and collective concerns regarding
productive working relationships with WHCA/WiCAL                     the issues confronting the long-term care industry.
member facilities.
                                                                     MULTI-FACILITY PROVIDERS COMMITTEE
BYLAWS COMMITTEE                                                     Chairperson: Jeffrey Schueller, Jschueller@nshorehc.com
Chairperson: Alan Gaffner, Alan.gaffner@thealdennetwork.com          This committee serves as a forum for the multi-facilities (three
This committee addresses and resolves all questions referred         or more facilities under similar management) to voice their
to and relative to the interpretations of the Association’s          individual and collective concerns regarding the issues
Bylaws. Moreover, the committee provides continuing                  confronting the long-term care provider community.
oversight on the Bylaws to assure that they are consistent
with the direction and desires of the membership. On
request from the Board of Directors, it drafts written policy
consistent with the association’s constitution and bylaws and
presents the draft to the Board of Directors for approval and
recommendation to the membership as a whole. It keeps the
policies up to date in an organized manner and makes them
accessible to the membership
Wisconsin Health Care Association        Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living

                                   ADVOCACY  EDUCATION  EXCELLENCE.

             2021 WHCA/WiCAL Committees
If you would like to join one of these committees and are a staff of a current WHCA/WiCAL member facility,
                     please send an email indicating your interest to info@whcawical.org.

PAYMENT COUNCIL                                                      QUALITY COMMITTEE
Co-Chair: Amber Snow, Ambersnow@ensignservices.net                   Co-Chair: Caryn Adams, Cadams@bedrockhcs.com
Co-Chair: Gary Johnson, Gjohnsen@jtcpas.com                          Co-Chair: Shellie Sonnentag, Ssonnentag@rphfcorp.com
Staff Liaison: Kate Dickson, Kate@whcawical.org                      Co-Chair: Kathy Hilgart-Schraufnagel, Kathy.hilgart@
This committee will provide a forum for data and                     outlook.com
information exchange and dialogue among financial                    Staff Liaison: Pat Boyer, Pat@whcawical.org
managers; as well as development of commentary, policies             The Quality Committee is a collaborative effort to advance
and recommendations on matters relating to current and               care quality and current standards of clinical practice in
emerging payment methodologies for skilled nursing and               WHCA/WiCAL member facilities. This committee will also
assisted living facilities.                                          focus efforts on promoting the National Quality Awards
                                                                     and the AHCA Quality Initiatives.
Co-Chair: Debora Klakiewicz, Debklatkiewicz@gmail.com                SURVEY/REGULATORY COMMITTEE
Co-Chair: Jay Hintze, Jay.hintze@svn.com                             Chairperson: Brian Purtell, Bpurtell@nshorehc.com
Staff Liaisons: Jim Stoa, Jstoa@whcawical.org and                    Staff Liaison: Jim Stoa, Jstoa@whcawical.org
Allison Cramer, Allison@whcawical.org                                The Survey/Regulatory Committee reviews quarterly DQA
This committee is designed to foster membership                      citation statistics for ways in which facilities can advance
contributions to, and participation in, the substantial              and improve their efforts toward survey compliance. As a
political activities of WHCA/WiCAL including the                     means of enabling these efforts, the committee will make
WHCA/WiCAL Political Action Committee. This committee                educational session recommendations for the Spring
is responsible for establishing strategies to allow the              Conference, Fall Convention, as well as topical areas that
association to enact its mission in the legislative process.         should be covered in regional and one-day workshops.
Attention is placed on the unique aspects of the political           The committee will also make recommendations for
arena as it pertains to local, state, and federal activities.        elements to be included in survey preparation tool
                                                                     development for facilities. The committee will be the
                                                                     primary vehicle through which the association develops
                                                                     recommendations on strategic reform planning of the SNF
                                                                     survey system to CMS and state survey agency officials.

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