Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022

Page created by Jared Conner
Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022
Wisconsin Forward Exam
     Q&A Session
       March 2022
Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022
Forward Exam Q & A Session

Connecting to Audio
    • Call in using your computer audio (preferred) or
      through your phone
    • Your audio has been Muted on entry
    • Remain muted during the training
Asking Questions
    • Use Q&A for questions
    • We will monitor the Q&A and will answer
      questions during the session
Accessing This Presentation
    • A recording of this session will be posted on the
      DRC INSIGHT Portal

Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022
Training Materials and Resources

• District Technology Coordinators (DTC) and School Technology
  Coordinators (STC)
    • Training for New DTCs
    • Training Updates for Experienced DTCs
    • Technology User Guide
• District Assessment Coordinators (DAC) and School Assessment
  Coordinators (SAC)
    • Training for New DAC/SAC
    • Training Updates for DAC/SAC
    • Test Administrator (TA) Training
• All resources are available on the DRC INSIGHT Portal and DPI website

Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022

• We will monitor and answer questions as they are entered in
  the Q&A feature.
• We will focus on answering more general questions that
  would be relevant to others in the session.
• Specific questions related to your district or situation will be
  addressed if there is time at the end or you may be asked to
  send your question to osamail@dpi.wi.gov or

Wisconsin Forward Exam Q&A Session - March 2022 - Q&A Session, February 2022
Access to Prior Q&A Sessions

• Recording of January 12, 2022, Q&A Webinar Session
• Recording of February 9, 2022, Q&A Webinar Session
• Available at:
    • DRC INSIGHT Portal
      My Applications → General Information → Documents
    • Forward Exam Trainings Website

Examples of Possible Questions

Test Administration Questions
    1. How do I transfer a student out of my district?
    2. Why are staff not able to see the Spring 2022 Administration in the DRC INSIGHT Portal?
    3. What are the differences between the Text-to-Speech designated support, the Read Aloud
       designated support, and the Read Aloud accommodation?
    4. Do students who are new to country need to take the Forward Exam?
Technology Questions
    1.   Do testing device and the COS Service Device operating systems need to be the same?
    2.   What is the System Readiness Check access code?
    3.   How do I disable Windows 10 Game Bar?
    4.   Can a student test use a COS Configuration assigned to a site different from their testing site?
    5.   Why are we seeing the “Test session has been stopped.” error

Questions Covered on February 9 Q&A Session

Test Administration Questions
    1. Is it a requirement to use the Optional Add Accommodations window to enter student
       accessibility features?
    2. When can I access the student data and make changes in the portal?
    3. How do I transfer a student out of my district?
    4. Should I remove students from test sessions if they will not be tested?
    5. What do I do if I print tickets and find an accessibility feature was not assigned?
    6. Who has permission to update accessibility features?
    7. Do I need to add all the teachers administering the assessment to the DRC INSIGHT Portal?
    8. Where/how/when do I choose our testing window?
    9. What if we have virtual students? I see that virtual testing is not an option.
    10. Is there a proctor training video available? (Or could this be added in the future?)
    11. When should we expect to see student results in the DRC Insight portal?
    12. Are the accommodations the same as in past years?

Questions Covered on February 9 Q&A Session

Technology Questions
    1. How can I secure one-to-one testing devices before and after testing?
    2. Quotation marks and apostrophes are not working on iPad or Chrome OS Device?
    3. What are the URLs that need to be allowed on the network?
    4. Is there enough bandwidth to support the number of student planned to test at the
       same time?
    5. In my COS Configuration, EWI260 WI Forward Spring 2022 has been added
       under Content Management. It is not checked. Do I check this one too?
    6. Once the content is downloaded on our COS Service Device if there are any
       changes will that require it to be downloaded again or does that automatically

Questions Covered on January 12 Q&A Session

Test Administration Questions
    1. Where can I find information about not-tested codes?
    2. How do I confirm all students have accessibility features assigned prior to testing?
    3. When can I start printing test tickets?
    4. How do we verify student accommodations and track testing status?
    5. Why are we seeing the “Error Retrieving Content” error?
    6. Are Bluetooth earbuds permitted?
    7. Who has permission to unlock a test?
    8. If an accommodation has been added but is not used by the student, does it need to
       be removed from the portal?
    9. When will the student data be viewable in the DRC INSIGHT Portal?

Questions Covered on January 12 Q&A Session
DRC INSIGHT Secure Application Questions
 1. How do I confirm all devices are set up for testing?
 2. DRC INSIGHT Secure Application is asking for an Org Unit ID? Where can I find this?
 3. How do I update the testing device that is getting the “Client is out of date” error?
 4. What is Google’s policy on supporting older Chrome OS devices?
 5. We have Chrome OS devices that are past their Auto Update Expiration (AUE) date and have
    Version 12.0 with the Org Unit ID assigned. Will the test not work on these devices?
Central Office Services Questions
 1. Are COS Service Devices required?
 2. Where is the best place to locate a COS Service Device?
 3. I’m getting a “COS-SD is out of date” error - how do I update my COS Service Device?
 4. How do I ensure COS Service Devices have the appropriate downloaded content?
Network Questions
 1. How do I test the environment before the test starts at my site(s)?
 2. What are some network configuration best practices?
DRC Contact Information

 Wisconsin Forward Help Desk
 Technology Related Questions

DRC Customer Service
 • Hours of Operation: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm CT
 • Phone: (800) 459-6530
 • Email: WIHelpdesk@datarecognitioncorp.com

DPI Contact Information

Alison O’Hara                                Phil Cranley
Forward Exam Program Manager                 Data, Student Demographics, and Privacy Issues
alison.ohara@dpi.wi.gov                      philip.cranley@dpi.wi.gov
608-266-5182                                 608-266-9798

Jennifer Teasdale                            Duane Dorn
Education Program Specialist                 Test Security and Choice students
jennifer.teasdale@dpi.wi.gov                 duane.dorn@dpi.wi.gov
608-266-5193                                 608-267-1069

        If you are not receiving the assistance you need from the help desk,
please contact DPI - (Alison or Jennifer) - so we may help get your situation resolved.


Send additional
questions to Alison or
Jennifer, or to

Accessing This Presentation
 A recording of this session and a copy of the PowerPoint slides will be
 posted on the DRC INSIGHT Portal (https://wi.drcedirect.com) and the
DPI site https://dpi.wi.gov/assessment/forward/trainings within a week.

Thank you

            Thank you!

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