Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities

Page created by Jamie Lopez
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Working Group
Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency
                 and the European Green Deal

                                18 March 2020
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
•   Update on the Air Quality joint meeting with SUM – Anna-Maria Spyriouni,

•   Policy update including the European Green Deal, Climate Law, Climate
    Pact with Q&A – Eugenia Mansutti, EUROCITIES

•   The Renovation Wave: what we know and feedback from cities – discussion!

•   CELSIUS call on decarbonising heat sources - Katrina Folland, City of

•   EUROCITIES network update – Dorthe Nielsen, EUROCITIES
     –   Beyond 100 Days campaign
     –   New Ways of Working
     –   EUROCITIES Environment Forum activities 2020
•   Next WG AQCCEE meetings and AOB
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Before starting..

- Is your audio/video working? Use the chat if you experience any
- Please mute your microphone when you are not speaking
- This webinar will be recorded * only for internal purposes *

This is the first webinar of the series and the pilot test – we are eager to
have your feedback afterwards on what can be improved!
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Joint WG meeting Air Quality &
          Sustainable Mobility Planning
               London, 27 – 28/02/2020

What was discussed and next steps

                     Anna-Maria Spyriouni
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Policy update
1. The European Green Deal
2. New climate and environment priorities
    •   European Climate Law
    •   2030 target
    •   European Climate Pact
    •   EU Adaptation Strategy
    •   NECPs
    •   Just Transition
    •   Zero Pollution strategy
3. Looking back at the Climate Campaign
4. Air quality developments
5. Funding update
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
It is a new growth strategy that aims to
transform the EU into a fair and prosperous
society, with a modern, resource-efficient
and competitive economy where there are no
net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050
and where economic growth is decoupled
from resource use.
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
2. New climate & environment priorities

                  Biodiversity Strategy
                                          European Climate Pact     EU 2030 Climate target
                     Postponed to
                                               04/03/2020               Summer 2020

Just Transition   European Climate Law    Circular Economy Action
  Mechanism           Postponed to          Plan - Postponed to
 14/01/2020            04/03/2020               10/03/2020
                                             Legislative waste
                                          reforms - Postponed to

EU Strategy on    Zero pollution Action
 Adaptation        Plan (air & water)
 End of 2020              2021
Working Group Air Quality, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency - and the European Green Deal - Eurocities
EUROCITIES reaction to the EU Green Deal

   Key messages:
   • cities are crucial actors of the transition towards a climate
     neutral society. Many have already committed to the 2050
     goal. Achieving it is a collective challenge.
   • The European Green Deal is a unique opportunity to align
     goals, efforts and policies across level of government to
     deliver results for the citizens of today and tomorrow
2. New climate &
      Climate              environment priorities

European Climate Law
Enshrine climate neutrality by 2050 in law
• Council conclusions 12.12.2019 - Still
  opposition from Poland
=> Regulation published on 04/03: climate
neutrality objective, 5-year cycle revision of
targets through a delegated act + mention
climate adaptation and public participation
(article 11 on MLV climate & energy
dialogue in MS )
New climate & environment
           Climate                                       priorities

European Climate Law
Answer to the consultation on European Climate Law – Feb
•   64% of EUROCITIES members committed climate neutrality by 2050; 12
    before 2040
•   The current EU’s 40% GHG reduction target for 2030 is not in line with the
    trajectory of climate neutrality by 2050.
•   Revised 2030 target TO BE legally binding for all member states; public
    spending and other public policies aligned
•   significant investments are needed i.e. to finance deep retrofitting of
•   European Commission to call on member states to consult cities for the
    revision of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).
2. New climate &
        Climate                 environment priorities

EU 2030 Climate target
• Objective: increase the EU 2030 target of CO2
  emission reduction to at least 50% (potentially 55%
  depending on impact assessment run by the
• Not part of the climate law, although mention of
  revision by September 2020, EC running impact
  assessment now
→ EUROCITIES will prepare a discussion, a climate
roundtable will be dedicated to it
2. New climate &
      Climate             environment priorities

European Climate Pact
• Objective: co-creation process to achieve
  European Green Deal (EDG)
• EUROCITIES offered its support to the EC to
  shape this Climate Pact – meeting with
  cabinet on 05.02.2020
• Public consultation opens till 27/05 (very
  much ‘process-oriented’ though),
  EUROCITIES will answer to the
  consultation + prepare a short statement
2. New climate &
     Environment            environment priorities

EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
• New EU strategy on adaptation
• Strengthening climate proofing, resilience
   building, prevention and preparedness
• Should influence public and private
   investments (including on NBS)
→ Cities should take part in the design of the
strategy and in the negotiations to make sure
it is fit for purpose and answers critical needs
of cities.
Clean Energy package – 2030 targets

                 - EU target of 32.5% with an upwards revision clause by 2023
                 - Extend the annual energy saving obligation beyond 2020
 Energy          - Strengthen rules on individual metering and billing of thermal energy
Efficiency       – Countries need to deploy transparent, publicly available national
                 rules on the allocation of the cost of heating, cooling and hot water
                 consumption in multi-apartment and multi-purpose buildings with
                 collective systems for such services.

             - EU target of 32%, including improved support schemes
Renewable    - Clear and stable regulatory framework on self-consumption
 directive   - Higher ambition for transport and heating/cooling sectors
             - Improves the sustainability of the use of bioenergy.

             -   Countries to prepare NECP (2021 to 2030) by 2019
             -   Aligns the frequency and timing of reporting obligations but allows
Governance       MS to decide on their energy mix
             - Clear and transparent regulatory framework for the dialogue with
             civil society and local authorities in Energy Union
             - 15% interconnection target.
National energy and climate plans

•   Governance regulation obliges member states to submit their national energy
    and climate plans for period 2021-2030.

-   Submission of the first draft: December – 2018 with extensions
-   Commission feedback – June 2019

•   During this period public consultations should have been taking place:

    Under Art 15 of the Governance regulation:
    “Each Member State shall establish a multilevel climate and energy dialogue
    pursuant to national rules, in which local authorities, civil society
    organisations, business community, investors and other relevant stakeholders
    and the general public are able actively to engage and discuss the different
    scenarios envisaged for energy and climate policies, including for the long
    term, and review progress, unless it already has a structure which serves the
    same purpose. Integrated national energy and climate plans may be
    discussed within the framework of such a dialogue”
National energy and climate plans

Commission feedback:
• Plans not sufficient to achieve the 2030 RES and EE targets
   – Renewables in final energy consumption at 30.4 – 31.9 over 32%;
      highest contribution: DK, ET, ES, LT, PT
   – Energy Efficiency: 26.5% - 30.7 over 32.5% ; only sufficient
      contribution in IT, LU, ES, NL, FR – and EU currently at risk of
      failing its 2020 EE targets
   – EU 40% GHG reduction by 2030 (1990) on track – but 2% gap in
      effort sharing

• Council debate in Energy Council on 24 September 2019 – remarks
  from some MS on challenges in implementing the targets, especially on
  EE, and need for additional funding.

• Deadline for final plans: 31 December 2019
EGD: NECPs and decarbonisation of the energy

Member States (not all) presented their revised energy and climate
plans by the end of 2019. In line with the Regulation on the Governance
of the Energy Union INCL LT renovation strategies

• The Commission will assess the ambition of the plans, and the need
  for additional measures if the level of ambition is not sufficient. This
  will feed into the process of increasing climate ambition for 2030
• updating their national energy and climate plans in 2023, they
  should reflect the new climate ambition.
• The Commission will present by mid-2020 measures to help achieve
  smart integration.
• In 2020, the Commission will produce guidance to assist Member
  States in addressing the issue of energy poverty.

+ circular economy integrated in NECPs revision 2023
2. New climate &
      Environment              environment priorities

Zero pollution Action Plan
• This Action Plan targets air, water and soil
• Nothing on noise foreseen
• On water, WFD “fits for purpose” but new initiative
  will address microplastics and chemicals (including
• On air quality, fitness check concluded that
  directives partially effective in improving AQ and
  achieving AQ standards
• To be expected: strengthening of AQ provisions +
  revision of AQ standards to align w/ WHO
3. Looking back at the Climate Campaign
January: EUROCITIES position paper on 2050 long term

February: Deputy mayor of Stockholm speaks at Covenant
of Mayors investment forum, meets EU officials, including
the cabinet of the president of the European Council.

March: EUROCITIES marches in global climate strike. Press

EUROCITIES disseminates the position paper and also co-
signs an open letter with other stakeholders reiterating
that increasing the EU’s commitments under the Paris
Agreement is an urgent necessity:

April: EUROCITIES sends letter to commission urging cities
to be included during the national visits to lobby for the
adoption of 2050 targets. ROCITIES Climate ting
3. Looking back at the Climate Campaign
April: Launch of EUROCITIES climate survey. Gathering information from our members to provide
evidence-base of ambition. Continuing to gather responses, thus far 75 cities.
❑   Targets for 2030 and 2050 (or closest year of milestones)
❑   Type of target (CO2, GHG, fossil fuels, etc)
❑   Progress to date
❑   Baseline
❑   Link to mitigation and adaptation strategies
❑   Highlights from strategies – on development, governance, implementation
3. Looking back at the Climate Campaign
May: EUROCITIES mayors campaign; letter signed by mayors urging the European council to adopt
a carbon neutral target for 2050. The letter was published during the European council meeting of
9th May in 2019. By June, 328 mayors have signed the letter. .
emissions-by-2050-WSPO-BDBFXF Cli

mate ting

  June: event during the European Sustainable Energy Week on the
  National Energy and Climate Plans and Climate Roundtables

  September: Gathering of case-studies for climate publication.
3. Looking back at the Climate Campaign

 City Leadership for climate & climate pledges

Cities climate event hosted by MEP Pascal Canfin, ENVI Chair, in the EU
Parliament: showcase ambition of cities via collection of climate pledges

29 city climate pledges received ! & publication of best practice examples of
innovative and ambitious strategies cities are taking to tackle climate
4. Air quality developments

Ambient Air Quality Directive

During 2018: Germany, France, UK,
Hungary, Italy and Romania are taken
to court by European Commission

EUROCITIES activities:
- Position paper, July 2018
- Active participation into the Commission
  stakeholder consultations

The Commission's work on the evaluation is was
published in November 2019 .
4. Air quality developments

             Ambient Air Quality Directive –Report on the fitness
• Report on the Fitness check was published in November
Main points:
   1) More than 4000 monitoring stations have been established and this
   extensive network helped to strengthen monitoring, although some room for
   improvement remains.
   2) The Directives have established clean air quality standards for 13 air
   pollutants and the evidence of their harmful effects has been reconfirmed
   and reinforced.
   3) The Directives have improved the availability and accessibility of
   objective and comparable air quality information.
   4) The Directives have been only partially, and therefore insufficiently,
   effective in avoiding and reducing the impacts of poor air quality.

20 Member States have exceedances for often more than 1 pollutant.
4. Air quality developments

     Ambient Air Quality Directive –Report on the
                                     fitness check

BUT sufficient action was not taken at
national, regional and local level.
• Feeding into the Zero Pollution Action plan:
• EC will propose to strengthen provisions on
  monitoring, modelling and air quality plans
• Revise air quality standards to align them
  with World Health Organization (WHO)
4. Air quality developments

                                           Clean Air Forum Bratislava
                                                      November 2019
EUROCITIES represented by
EEF Chair Filipe Araújo

Main messages:
• Action is needed to strengthen policy coherence across all government
levels, in climate, energy and transport, tackling all kinds of pollution.
• Importance of ensuring enforcement of EU regulations, such as type
approval for vehicles and real driving emissions testing not to undermine
cities efforts
• Cities leading by example and tackling environmental areas together (Air
quality and green areas, climate, energy efficiency, adaptation, …)
4. Air quality developments

          Ambient Air Quality Directive – ENVI Council meeting

Council conclusions:
• Air pollution remains the most important environmental
  cause of health problems in the EU
• The Council considered that established air quality standards
  & limit values, have been effective
• BUT there is room for improvements to the legislative
  framework to ensure good air quality across the EU.

Link to Council conclusions:
4. Air quality developments

Real Driving Emissions testing procedure
•   Since 1 September 2017, new car models have to pass both tests before they
    can be driven on European roads.
•   RDE legal framework in comitology procedure
•   The Court annulled some of the provisions on “conformity factors:
    comitology VS ordinary legislative procedure – annulment delayed until Feb
•   The Commission is today proposing to reinsert the conformity factors for new
    car models of 2.1 until 2020 and the already revised technical margin of
    error of 1.43 after 2020 through the legislative procedure requested by the
    General Court and is appealing.

14 June 2019 – proposal for a regulation put forward by the Commission with
same CF– new EP & Council will have to vote
Esther de Lange, EPP, NL, appointed Rapporteur in the EP
4. Air quality developments

Real Driving Emissions testing procedure

The proposal follows the ordinary legislative
The Council has adopted its internal negotiating
position (General Approach - Not very ambitious!

ENVI Committee vote * NOW POSTPONED * was
supposed to be held on 18 March 2020
4. Air quality developments

EEF Chair sent a
letter to ENVI
committee members
(+ TRAN + IMCO) to
adopt an ambitious
position on the Real
Driving Emissions
legislation and
previous positions
since 2015
4. Air quality developments

EVENT - The Bumpy Ride Towards Real Driving Emissions –
03 March
w/ NL Perm Rep, MEP Bas Eickhout, and other stakeholders

Watch it online:
The Green City Accord
Webinar on the challenges cities face in
        tackling air pollution

            Wednesday 01 April
             at 11:30 – 13:00

        We’re looking for volunteers – for a
     moderated cities’ panel to kickstart the
     discussion: what are your key challenges
      in complying with EU legislation on AQ?
Funding update
A quick reminder: EUROCITIES projects team services

1. Funding forecast & funding briefs,
   regular funding e-mail
2. Partner searches & Letters of Support
3. Events, webinars, project corners
4. Matching ideas and funding
   opportunities, contact funders
5. Involving EUROCITIES as a project
Check out our funding information page
Regularly updated funding forecast and weekly information in the
funding mails. To subscribe: contact
Looking for partners?

• Partner search template
• Uploaded on the notice board, sent to all
  EUROCITIES contacts trough the digest
5. Upcoming funding opportunities
Next LIFE calls

            2017-2020 multiannual work programme
            Traditional Projects –               Next call in April 2020, submission of        FB to be
             sub programme environment           concept by June 2020                          provided

            Traditional Projects –               Next call in April 2020, deadline September   FB to be
             sub programme climate               2020                                          provided

  LIFE                                           Next call in April 2020, deadline September   FB to be
            Integrated project for environment
                                                 2020                                          provided

                                                 Next call in April 2020, deadline September   FB to be
            Integrated project for climate
                                                 2020                                          provided

                                                 Next call in April 2020, deadline in June     FB to be
            Technical assistance projects
                                                 2020                                          provided
Horizon 2020 Energy calls
                                                                                           **NOW OPEN**
Horizon 2020 Work programmes
A new round of Horizon 2020 calls is expected in Summer 2020 in support of the Green Deal ambitions.

                        LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy
                                                                                                D: 10 September 2020   FB available
                                        skills in the building sector

                     LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings
                                                                                                D: 10 September 2020   FB available
                     through innovations for legacy equipment

                     LC-SC3-B4E-11-2020: Financing for energy efficiency investments -
                                                                                                D: 10 September 2020   FB available
                     Smart Finance for Smart Buildings

                     LC-SC3-B4E-13-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance D: 10 September 2020             FB available

   H2020 – SC3-      LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing
                                                                                                D: 10 September 2020   FB available
 Secure, Clean and   the market through informed decision and collective actions
  Efficient Energy

                     LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy poverty            D: 10 September 2020   FB available

                     LC-SC3-EC-5-2020: Supporting public authorities in driving the
                                                                                                D: 10 September 2020   FB available
                     energy transition

                     LC-SC3-SCC-2-2020: Positive Energy Districts and Neighbourhoods
                                                                                                D: 1 September 2020    FB available
                     for urban energy Transitions

                     LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)
                                                                                      D: 1 September 2020              FB available
                     aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition
Thank you for your
EU Renovation Wave
Where do we stand?

Today the annual renovation rate of the building stock varies from
0.4 to 1.2% in the Member States → need at least to double to
reach the EU’s CURRENT energy efficiency and climate objectives
– But still too low compared to what is needed to achieve the 1.5
degrees of the Paris Agreement

EPBD enforcement: revised EPBD entered into force on 10 March
(Clean Energy for all Europeans package):

Long term renovation strategies with milestones for 2030 /
2040/2050 (at MS level) Minimum energy performance
requirements for new buildings & under m renovation + all new
NZEB by end 2020.

EED: energy efficient renovations to at least 3% of the total floor
area of buildings owned and occupied by central governments.
National governments are recommended to only purchase
buildings that are highly energy efficient.
EU Renovation Wave

Long-term renovation strategies
EU countries to adopt a long-term renovation strategy
• These strategies will form part of EU countries’
  integrated national energy and climate plans
  (NECPs) → submitted end 2019
• an estimate of the expected energy savings
• financial component (effective use of public
  funding, aggregation, de-risking)
→ input to the ‘renovation wave’ initiative
What is on the table?                   Renovation Wave
Energy efficiency & affordability - EU and the Member States should
engage in a ‘renovation wave’

• address barriers to renovation of public and private buildings; addressing
  national regulatory barriers that inhibit energy efficiency investments in
  rented and multi-ownership buildings. + social housing/schools/hospitals

• bring together a broad range of relevant stakeholders, including
  builders, architects, engineers and local authorities (open platform?)

• push for renovation efforts over larger areas to incite better financial
  conditions and economies of scale.

2020: assessment of MS national long-term renovation strategies (part of
NECPs) Our EGD reaction: the Commission should require the involvement
of cities in the development of National Long-Term Renovation strategies to
achieve better implementation of the Energy Performance of Building
Renovation Wave
What are the main challenges you experience in renovating your
building stock / helping private owners to take action?

    • Building surveys/ gather data on the building stock?
    • Supply chain and skills?
    • Finance?
    • Energy behaviours / awareness to dwellers of highly
      efficient buildings after intervention?
    • Collective decision making in condominiums?
    • And any other challenge and factor that is hampering local
      action to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in the
    • Or else?

    → What would you ask to the EU Commission to address
      this challenges?
Renovation Wave

What initiatives are you already implementing in your cities to:

    • Support the demand side: providing
      information/independent advice and helping collective
      decision-making processes to home owners and
      condominium managing structures?
    • Support the supply side: working with the private sector
      to build skills for workers in the sector?
    • To boost renovations in privately owned housing/ publicly
      owned housing / public buildings / private commercial
CELSIUS call on decarbonising
                 heat sources (Katrina Folland)

Celsius Initiative, the former Smart Cities FP7 project
run by the City of Gothenburg, is in the process of
establishing 5 forerunner groups in the area of heating
and cooling.

Celsius is funded by DG Energy and its goal is to help
cities with implementation, bring experts and facilitate
the process and discussion.
The Celsius Forerunner Groups
   Building the future together
              EC WG AQEECC 2020-03-18
      Katrina Folland, Johanneberg Science Park
How it started
                 Based on the premise that cities and districts are in a
                 position to take the lead in the energy transition, London
                 and the Islington Borough, Rotterdam, Cologne, Genova and
                 Gothenburg came together to create CELSIUS.
                 The European Project CELSIUS was funded under the 7th
                 Framework Programme and it:
                 ✓ Developed innovative solutions for district heating and
                 ✓ Assembled a network of 72 cities and 68 City Supporters
                   between 2014 and 2017
                 ✓ Influenced European policy through position papers
Too good to let go

A network of organisations from public, private and research institutions
collaborating to help cities plan, develop and optimise their district heating and
cooling networks.

Building on the reputation and the momentum it had created, at the end of the
project the City of Gothenburg through Johanneberg Science Park, RISE, IMCG
and Euroheat & Power joined forces to create the Celsius Initiative.
Our philosophy:
Don’t re-invent the wheel!
✓ There are many innovative and efficient
  solutions that have already been tried and
✓ The Celsius Toolbox assembles solutions –
  including practical information, best
  practices & lessons learned.
✓ The Celsius network brings together
  experienced cities and other stakeholders to
  share experiences and exchange ideas.
Purpose of the forerunner groups
✓ Help cities reach as many decision/
             validation points as possible
✓ Based on the peer to peer approach
✓ Members will vary according to interest:
      > 5 forerunner cities with similar challenges
      Supporting 1 spearhead city implement a solution to said challenge
      Collaborating with experts from industry, research, projects and other organisations
Celsius Forerunner Groups
             Bringing together city representatives and experts
        to help cities overcome their heating and cooling challenges.
1st round of Forerunner groups                   Crosscutting support for all groups
1. Starting a DHC system                         ✓ Sustainable business models,
2. Waste heat recuperation & HP                  ✓ financial instruments,
3. Decarbonisation                               ✓ integrated planning,
4. Cooling                                       ✓ policy & regulations,
5. Replication of pilots and demos               ✓ stakeholder and citizen engagement,
6. Testbed integration (TERMO)                   ✓ city data management
                                                 ✓ Other……
Forerunner group – Decarbonisation
This is some of the things that you need to do:

                                     1.Thoroughly inventory all GHG-emissions with emphasis
                                       on carbon dioxide. Identify biggest emitters of carbon
                                       dioxide. Establish a zero point.

                                     2.Decide a ladder of reduction with emission targets for
                                       heating and cooling. Involve stakeholders and citizens.
                                       Commitment from the city's top management.

                                     3.Create a roadmap with log term commitment.

                                     4.Learn from other cities. Be innovative.
Actions for Decarbonisation

• Identify the largest emitters
• Identify low-hanging fruits
• Set up a timeline for reductions. Start with some of the
  low-hanging fruits and celebrate success.
• Start with tackle the more challenging emitters (base
  load production, use of natural gas for heating, etc)
• Energy performance analysis of public buildings. Start
  energy saving actions
• Refurbishment and energy saving in public buildings.
  Influence private property owners to refurbish and make
  energy saving improvements.
Benefits for forerunner cities
✓Knowledge sharing from the          ✓Rescue meeting – when cities are in
 demand and needs of the cities       deadlock or stalled process
✓Cities will be co-creators of the   ✓Meetings
 process and decide the support         ✓ At least one yearly meeting in person
                                        ✓ Monthly meetings on line
 they want
✓Have cities talk to each-other –
 facilitate contact and discussion   ✓Toolbox
✓Tailored training by bringing in    ✓Event
 experts                             ✓News
Contribution from forerunner cities

✓Active engagement

✓An openess to share success and failure

✓A willingness to co-create the forerunner process

✓Political back up

✓Possbility to do the homework (= knowledge about the own city)

✓Join the meetings
Learn more and participate in the discussion about the Celsius
               Forerunner Groups during the
    kick-off webinar on Thursday March 26 at 10:30 CET

                    Click here to register!
Thank you! - @celsiuscity
Network update
– Mission Board on 100 climate-neutral
– 100 Days campaign and Beyond
– New Ways of Working

                            Dorthe Nielsen
Mission on 100 climate neutral cities

Proposal in December by the Mission Board:

                                             What is next?
                                             o Develop the key
                                               implementation concept: city
                                             o Do you want to
                                                o   Contribute to the developments?
                                                o   Be regularly updated?

                                             o Influence EU’s policies and
                                               spending priorities!
New ways of working
                               Strengthening results-oriented work processes

A) Clearer criteria for WGs                        B) New methodology for collaborations –
  –   Relevance of proposed objectives to
                                                   •   Time limited
      EUROCITIES’ strategic goals and              •   Has clear objectives, deliverables and
      objectives, as well as the EU agenda             identified results
                                                   •   Comes with an estimated need of resources
  –   Clarity and achievability of the proposed
                                                   •   Delivers on our strategic objectives
      activities, deliverables and timeline

  –   Demonstrated support and ownership           A mission could be:
                                                   •    A group of cities working together toward a
      from other members
                                                        specific result
  –   Available resources of the Brussels office   •    A visibility or advocacy campaign with a clear
                                                   •    A collaboration across several WGs on a shared
                                                   •    A new working method (e.g. a LAB) designed
                                                        to create new results for cities
                                                   •    …??
Closing Session

Info on next meeting(s)

            Anna-Maria Spyriouni
            Inge van de Klundert
7 - 9 October 2020
  (re-)new(ed) and improved
EUROCITIES Environment Forum
Thank you for your
   attention !
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