                                                                  Contact your Sales Rep for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                       TOGETHER TO
                                                                                                                                                                                       BUILD A SUSTAINABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                       FUTURE FOR LOTTERY
                                                                                                                                                                                       AND GOOD CAUSES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               October 13-15 in Nashville
WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY and all related characters and elements © and ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s20)   © 2020 Scientific Games Corporation. All Rights Reserved.                                       Co-hosted by the Tennessee Lottery
                                                                                                                                    THE MOVIE
                                                                                                                                                        NASHVILLE 2020
                                                                                                                                 Co-hosted by PGRI and the Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation
                                                                                                                                                    Join us on October 13 – 15 at the
                                                                                                                                                       Sheraton Hotel in Nashville

of staying ahead of the game. At GLI, our team is committed to helping you mitigate risk by providing the
                                                                                                                                                              Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie
                                                                                                                                                              Neither conference nor webinar, Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie is both,
valuable information and education needed to find your best path forward for lotteries and iLotteries. We’re                                                  and aspires to be the Gaming Theory of Everything. Building a “Theory of
here to be your partner, offering over 30 years of expertise as you face today’s new hurdles in the world                                                     Everything”, at least in the Brainiac world of physics, has been shown to be not
                                                                                                                                                              entirely possible. But the aspirational goal and the journey itself promises to

                                                                                                                                                              yield a wealth of insights that place our industry-specific issues into the broader
                                                                                                                                                              context of global trends and vision-driven momentum to meet the future head-
                                                                                                                                                              on ... with gusto, confidence, and actionable strategies. All are invited to be a
                                                                                                                                                              part of Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie.
                                                                                                               Nashville 2020                                 In Nashville on October 13-15, Post COVID19 Lottery: the Movie will be live-
                                                                                                               Co-Hosted by the Tennessee Lottery             streamed and video-recorded for maximum impact.
                                                                                                               Join us on October 13 – 15 at the              Follow (our conference website) or (home-
                                                                                                               Sheraton Hotel in Nashville!                   page and news website) for updates and to follow the production process as we
                                                                                                                                                              toil to create a new kind of experience, digitally transformed to not just enable but
                                                                                                               n Event Info & Details:
                                                                                                                                                              enrich and enhance the joy of working and striving together. Join us in person
                                                                                                                                                              Nashville or join us online for the celebratory Premier of Post-COVID-19 Lottery:
                                                                                                               n News website:           The Movie. Either way, let’s come together to re-imagine the collaborative process
                                                                                                                                                              and continue to build a bright future for Lottery and good causes.
                                                                                                               n View video-recorded presentations: www.
                                                                                                                                       We look forward to seeing you in Nashville!
                                                                                                               n e-mail:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LIVE LOTTERY                                                                                                                                                                                                         ENGAGEMENT HUB
IGT’s award-winning
                                                                                                                                                         GameTouch™ 20.
                                                                                                                                                         Recognized for global
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                                More Convenience,
                                Less Contact
                                 The cashless-enabled IGT GameTouch™ 20 vending machine minimizes
                                 cash and ticket handling for instant and draw games. It facilitates in-store
                                 social distancing and allows players to avoid busy checkout lines − good
                                 for lottery players and good for retailers.

                                 Contact your IGT account manager to learn more about the specific IGT products and
                                 services that support a safe experience for players, retailers, and their employees.

                        © 2020 IGT. The trademarks used herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of IGT, its affiliates or its licensors.
    J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

                                                                                               Publisher &
           F E A T U R E D                           I N T E R V I E W S                       Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                               Paul Jason
     10                                     14                                                 President
                                                                                               Susan Jason

                                                                                               Brand and Design
                                                                                               Dan Eggers Design

                                                                                               Honored Founders
                                                                                               Doris & Duane Burke
                                                                                               Contact Information
                                                                                               T: +425.449.3000
                                                                                               F: +206.374.2600
                                                                                               For email address changes,
    10 The iLottery Evolution Continues at the Michigan Lottery                                subscription requests and
       Deputy Director Shannon DeHaven provides updates and future plans                       requests to be placed on
                                                                                               our e-Newsletter distribution
    14 iLottery Poised to Explode onto the U.S. Lottery scene                                  list, contact:
       Synopsis of panel discussion with …                                                     PGRI, Inc.
       Stephanie Weyant, Dep. Exec. Director, Marketing and Product,                           218 Main Street, #203
       Pennsylvania Lottery                                                                    Kirkland, WA 98033
       Doug Pollard, Co-CEO, NeoPollard Interactive and Pollard Banknote             
       Charlie McIntyre, Executive Director, New Hampshire Lottery
       Rhydian Fisher, CEO, Instant Win Gaming (IWG)                                           Annual Public Gaming
       Shannon DeHaven, Deputy Director Digital Operations, Michigan Lottery                   International magazine
                                                                                               subscription rates:
    18 COVID-19 and the Lottery Industry                                                       United States: $145 USD
       From Lotteries to Vendors, the Pandemic provides opportunities and                      Canada & Mexico: $160 USD
                                                                                               All other countries: $225 USD
                                                                                               Public Gaming
    19 Is iLottery the Key for States Needing                                                  International Magazine
       to Fill Budget Shortfalls?                                                              Published six times a year and
                                                                                               distributed to readers all around
                                                                                               the world. Electronic version is
    24 Staying in Touch: COVID-19 Challenges
                                                                                               e-mailed and is also available on
       Lotteries to Maintain Communication                                                     our news website:
    26 Coronavirus Redefines Retail:
       Digitization of the in-store shopping                                                   July/August 2020
                                                                                               Volume 47, Issue 4
       experience accelerates the adoption
                                                                                               ©2020 all rights reserved.
       of new technologies, processes, and                                                     Public Gaming Research Institute
       behaviours                                                                                cISSN: 1042-1912
                                                        All the above features were authored
                                                        by Lottery Industry Leader Jim Acton

                                                                             Visit Our Family
    30 8 Ways to Strengthen the Lottery
                                                                               Of Websites
       Entertainment Brand
       Scientific Games

    34 Collaborate to deliver best-in-class
       Product Transformation PGRI Interviews                           
                                                                              industry news & information
       Fotis Konstantellos, Senior VP, Digital
       Sales, INTRALOT                                                    
                                                                           videos of conference presentations
    36 Las Vegas: The Great Social Experiment             38            
       JoyceLynn Lagula, Design Director, Wilson                              PGRI conference information
                                                                     45     magazine archive of past issues
    38 Leading the Charge in Helping Casinos
       Redefine Safety and Convenience                                  
       Post-reopening, cashless and mobile                                   listing of lotteries and vendors
       systems technology can advance the player
       experience IGT                                     40             
                                                                            Showcase of industry honorees
    40 Without Live Sports, Inspired                                                recognized by the
       Entertainment Fills the Gap                                            Lottery Industry Hall of Fame
       Virtual Kentucky Derby Attracts Millions of                         PGRI Lifetime Achievement Award
       Viewers, Worldwide Attention                                          Sharp Award for Good Causes
                                                                     50        Lottery Industry Statesman
    42 Using technology to reinvent Retailer              42
                                                                                and Stateswoman Award
       Solutions Embarking on a new era
                                                                          Rebecca Hargrove Mentorship Award
                                                                                  Collaboration Award
    44 COVID-19 When Business as Usual is
       Anything but Usual Scientific Games

                                                                                  Subscribe To Our
                                                                               Free Digital Newsletters
                             D E P A R T M E N T S                         Receive our daily newsletters at no
                                                                           charge, published 5 times a week
                                                                            to bring you the latest breaking
    8     From the Publisher
                                                                           news in the global lottery industry.
          Paul Jason                                                               Send an e-mail to:
    28 MUSL NEWS                                                    
                                                                             with “add to Daily Digest list”
       Challenges in 2020 Provide Opportunities in 2021
                                                                                   in the subject line.
    46 Scenes from PGRI SMART-Tech Miami March 3 – 5, Photo Collage
    51 Scenes from WLA/EL Marketing Seminar London February 5 – 7,
       Photo Collage
    54 Pulse of the Industry
       Synopsis of Recent Industry News

                     THE MOVIE
                                         NASHVILLE 2020
                  Co-hosted by PGRI and the Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation
                                     Join us on October 13 – 15 at the
                                        Sheraton Hotel in Nashville

                                               Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie
                                               Neither conference nor webinar, Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie is both,
                                               and aspires to be the Gaming Theory of Everything. Building a “Theory of
                                               Everything”, at least in the Brainiac world of physics, has been shown to be not
                                               entirely possible. But the aspirational goal and the journey itself promises to
                                               yield a wealth of insights that place our industry-specific issues into the broader
                                               context of global trends and vision-driven momentum to meet the future head-
                                               on ... with gusto, confidence, and actionable strategies. All are invited to be a
                                               part of Post-COVID-19 Lottery: The Movie.
Nashville 2020                                 In Nashville on October 13-15, Post COVID19 Lottery: the Movie will be live-
Co-Hosted by the Tennessee Lottery             streamed and video-recorded for maximum impact.
Join us on October 13 – 15 at the              Follow (our conference website) or (home-
Sheraton Hotel in Nashville!                   page and news website) for updates and to follow the production process as we
                                               toil to create a new kind of experience, digitally transformed to not just enable but
n Event Info & Details:
                                               enrich and enhance the joy of working and striving together. Join us in person
                                               Nashville or join us online for the celebratory Premier of Post-COVID-19 Lottery:
n News website:           The Movie. Either way, let’s come together to re-imagine the collaborative process
                                               and continue to build a bright future for Lottery and good causes.
n View video-recorded presentations: www.                                We look forward to seeing you in Nashville!
n e-mail:

                                                                                                        LIVE LOTTERY
                                                                                                        ENGAGEMENT HUB
From the

         nsofar as these continue to be              strict social distancing standards will       do it on the content side. Our concept
         interesting times, we want to               still be observed, but we hope that won’t     is that the content needs to be more
         channel our energies towards                discourage too many colleagues from           purpose-driven to deliver a more cohesive,
         building a sustainable future. We           attending. There’s that.                      integrated narrative and ultimately a more
         all know about the bright-spots of          Next, we want to take this opportunity        engaging and rewarding UX, i.e. more like
    increasing instant ticket sales and online       to take a giant leap, pushing as hard as      a “movie”.
    iLottery. That is why this issue includes        we can to forge a future that will be even    We need your help to do this, to create
    fabulous articles that speak at length to        better than the past. That begins with        Post COVID19 Lottery: the Movie
    opportunities to build on those.                 live-streaming the event, and archiving       and look forward to our industry-wide
    This is also a time to take a deep breath        the production in real-time to make it        collaboration!
    and appreciate the epochal moment                available for instant reviewing. Of course,   I want to thank Shannon Dehaven,
    we live in, and the serious impacts that         that is already being done by others as       Stephanie Weyant, and all editorial
    our current actions will have on future          we speak. Insofar as there are varying        contributors to this issue. I also want to
    generations. That’s true in the big-picture,     degrees of quality of production and user-    thank Sarah Taylor and Team MUSL for
    and it’s true for all the component parts        interface, we have the opportunity to learn   the creation of a new feature to update us
    of that picture – like the lottery industry.     from the best and improve on that. It is      all on the initiatives and leadership of the
    The pre-COVID19 world may have                   the content side of the current webinar       Multi-State Lottery Association. I want
    allowed us time to wait and see how trends       scene that holds the most head-room for       to thank Jim Acton for the extensive work
    would unfold and then try to be the “fast-       improvement, and we will apply ourselves      he did to facilitate, write, and edit so many
    follower” who watched as others blazed the       to raising the quality of content. One        of the articles in this issue. It has been a
    trail and incurred the cost of a learning        obvious low-hanging-fruit observation:        pleasure to work with Jim and I appreciate
    curve. There was typically a chasm of time       Digital A/V media are completely              his collaboration and friendship. And
    that separated the “early adopters” from         different than the medium of a live stage     lastly, I want to thank our new designer,
    mass-market embrace of new technologies          performance. What may be an engaging          Dan Eggers, for creating the new look and
    like decentralized computing, the internet,      session in-person with live-on-stage action   feel for the magazine (the last four issues)
    the Mobile as primary personal digital           seems to drag when transposed to the          – I hope you like it!
    device, etc. That allowed some time              “hot medium” of TV or its proxy, the
    to catch up. One of the effects of the           desk-top computer. Just like iLottery         It’s on! PGRI Lottery Expo will be
    current crisis is to reduce that lag-time        involves more than simply making off-line     held October 13-15 in the Sheraton
    between early-adopters and mass-market           games available to the community of           Downtown Hotel in the fabulous Music
    acceptance. We no longer have the luxury         online players, we need to realize that the   City of Nashville, Tennessee. Check
    of time to wait and watch and following          user-experience (UX) at a live physical       out conference website PublicGaming.
    fast to catch up. We need to spend the           conference is much different, and comes       org or news website
    time now to understand the big-picture           with much different expectations, when        for conference updates. We thank you
    implications of current crises, discern          delivered on digital platforms. But again,    for your support and re-commit to an
    how those will impact and shape our own          the early pioneers of webinars have made      industry that serves the interests of society,
    world, and chart a course forward and act        some excellent progress and we commend        of good causes, of players and retail
    decisively to shape a future that effectively    them for stretching to build out the new      partners, and of countless Lottery-sector
    supports the goals of our stakeholders and       platform of digital conferences, and thank    stakeholders. We are thinking about you
    Good Causes.                                     them for the shoulders to stand on as we      with a new sense of appreciation for the
                                                     endeavor to improve!                          great privilege of actually being together
    PGRI Lottery Expo Nashville presents                                                           again in person – and sooner than later!
    … drum roll … Post COVID-19 Lottery:             So … Why do we call it a “movie”? Our
    The Movie. What does that mean? First,           aspiration is to use this moment to pivot,
    we do not know what the world will look          to modernize the way we spend the time
    like in October. We hope that the number         and money to collaborate and share
    of new virus cases and other metrics will        ideas, to reinvent the whole concept of
    have subsided to the point where everyone        “conference” in either physical meeting       Paul Jason, Publisher
    feels OK about getting on a plane to go          or webinar form. We will do that on the       Public Gaming International Magazine
    to an in-person meeting. We expect that          media/infrastructure side, and we will

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© 2020 IGT Global Solutions Corporation. The trademarks used herein are owned by IGT or its affiliates, may not be used
without permission, and where indicated with a ®, are registered in the U.S. IGT is committed to socially responsible gaming.
Our business solutions empower customers to choose parameters and practices that become the foundation of their
Responsible Gaming programs. Images are representative only.

        In early March, prior to the nationwide response to the COVID-19 pandemic,                    Shannon DeHaven, MI Lottery
        Shannon DeHaven of the Michigan Lottery spoke to the assembled lottery                        Deputy Director, Digital Operations
        industry representatives at the PGRI Smart-Tech 2020 conference in Miami.
                                                                                                      Michigan program – the entire online user
        Shannon is the Deputy Director of Digital Operations for the Michigan Lottery                 experience from the registration experience,
        and after more than six years working on the program and four years overseeing                to marketing to games.
        its success, she has become one of the country’s foremost experts in iLottery.                The game experience is critical. Why do

                                                                                                      some scratch tickets sell better at retail than
                  fter six years working on the       certainly set a standard for the industry.      others? The look of the ticket, call outs, how
                  development, launch and             The lottery was headed by Scott Bowen,          the winning experience is unveiled to the
                  operation of the online sales       now SVP of Business Development for             player. It’s similar for iLottery in that all the
                  program for the Michigan            NeoPollard Interactive, and Shannon was a       details and attributes determine the success
                  Lottery, Shannon DeHaven has        member of the digital team.                     of the game.
     heard all manner of skepticism about the         “In 2014 when iLottery launched,                “Digital has a very different user experience
     lottery’s program.                               Michigan Lottery had 174 employees and          than a traditional product. The retail
      • It will wreck the retailer network            produced $742.8 million for Michigan’s          location lends itself to a more extended play
                                                      K-12 schools. By all measures, we were a        style,” Shannon said. “The players purchase
      • Players won’t want to play a digital
                                                      successful lottery,” she said. “Today, the      their tickets, go home, wait for the drawing.
        version of a ticket
                                                      lottery has just a few more employees and       Or they scratch a ticket in the store, in their
      • The payouts are too high to make money        contributes more than $1 billion to the         car or at home.
     But to use current lingo, Shannon “comes         state’s schools. In addition to incremental     “But with digital, the play is on the go.
     with receipts” which show that Michigan’s        lift from iLottery, we continue to see retail   And it’s a quicker pace. These differences
     iLottery journey has been a commercial           sales grow. I personally feel expanding our     mean offering a higher payout for digital
     success for the lottery and retailers, and       sales channels was critical to the lottery’s    products allows us to give the same
     an economic boon to the state. This              success.”                                       extended experience to our players online.”
     success has certainly quieted the critics,       Like any success
     said Shannon, Deputy Director of Digital         story, there are
     Operations.                                      many chapters
     “It’s understandable – people have a natural     with ups and
     fear of the unknown,” she said. “There can       downs, positives
     be conflict between the need for certainty       and negatives but,
     and the need for change.                         ultimately, results
                                                      that allow the
     “But here we are nearly six years later, and
                                                      business to continue
     the Michigan Lottery was able to return
                                                      to flourish. While
     more than $1 billion to good causes in
                                                      others might want
     FY19, and iLottery played a role in that
                                                      to focus on payouts
     number. And we expect that to only grow
                                                      and product mix,
     into the future.”
                                                      Shannon thinks
     While not the first state to offer iLottery      there is an easy
     (MN Lottery holds that honor, although           explanation for
     that program no longer exists), Michigan         the success of the              Michigan Lottery’s iLottery Net Gaming Revenue
FOLLOWING A                                     down silos”
     MARKETING ROADMAP                               between in-store,
                                                     digital and
     As a marketer for most of her career,
                                                     mobile to focus
     Shannon understands the importance of
                                                     on the lottery’s
     providing players and non-players with the
                                                     most important
     necessary information to move them to the
     digital space. The journey to purchase is
                                                     goal – increase
     different for digital players than brick-and-
     mortar players, and the lottery is constantly
                                                     to good causes.
     addressing those differences.
                                                     This is where
     “We don’t have nearly 11,000 retailers to       Shannon and
     help sell our products online; foot traffic and other executives
     point of sale marketing support is critical     at the lottery,
     for traditional businesses,” she said. “When    representing the
     we launched the iLottery program, we had        different areas
                                                                                                        experience, making it easier for players to
     to consider how reaching online players         within the operation, put together a plan
                                                                                                        fund their accounts and providing a faster
     would be different and what the impact on       that would benefit all stakeholders of the
                                                                                                        withdrawal option.
     retail could be. Our goal was to reach a new organization.
     audience. To achieve this, we started by                                                           The success of these marketing programs is
                                                     “We reviewed the user experience from both
     allocating funding to digital advertising to                                                       easy to track.
                                                     sides of the business,” she said, “and started
     drive traffic directly to the Michigan Lottery                                                     “We expect to send nearly $3 million in
                                                     to define how we would leverage retail
     website and our mobile apps.                                                                       cash outs alone to retail locations in FY20,”
                                                     outlets to drive traffic online and collect
     “Digital media kicked off the user journey.     player information, and vice-versa. We then        Shannon said. “That’s $3 million that
     We needed to make sure that we were             created immersive experiences that allowed         players can use in our retail locations. And
     driving traffic to the website but then once    players to naturally flow back and forth           we have given players who previously only
     the player got to the website, we relied on     between the channels at their convenience.         bought at retail a reason to open an online
     our platforms to act as our online storefront. By doing this, we were able to double the           account. Additionally, these efforts are
     Much like point of sale that informs players number of retail players logging into their           helping us foster our relationships with our
     and clerks that answer questions at retail,     online accounts on a daily basis and triple        retail partners, giving them opportunities to
     the website and mobile apps needed to be        the number of digital players logging into         benefit from our online traffic.”
     informative and accessible to our players.”     their accounts daily. We were then able to
     Fast forward to 2018 and the lottery fully      expand our marketing efforts to each group.        WHERE FROM HERE?
                                                                                                        Lotteries are fully aware that how they build
     optimized its website, providing pertinent       “As part of our overarching marketing
                                                                                                        their digital footprints is critical to their
     information to players and allowing the          strategy, we gave players a reason to go from
                                                                                                        economic futures. Loyalty, in all sectors,
     lottery to more easily update the site. The      in store to online but more importantly have
                                                                                                        has moved online and has been accepted
     latter was among the biggest changes as          provided them solutions that fit their needs
                                                                                                        by players. It is only a matter of time before
     the lottery could now more frequently            and wants, giving them a value proposition
                                                                                                        commerce also follows this path.
     update content, easily launch new games,         to sign up for an account.”
     include CRM capabilities, and deliver more                                                         “How we evolve our online games is a big
                                                      An example of marketing and promotions
     personalized offers to players.                                                                    question on our minds these days,” Shannon
                                                      efforts geared to both sales channels is the
                                                                                                        said. “What play mechanics should we be
     And players responded favorably.                 lottery’s daily Spin to Win. Introduced in
                                                                                                        looking at? How can we enhance the prize
     “We have been able to improve our players’       2018, this promotion allows players to log
                                                                                                        tables while also staying within regulatory
     experiences with our learnings,” Shannon         into their online account daily, spin a wheel
                                                                                                        and responsible gaming guidelines? How
     said. “We can serve bonuses to iLottery          and win either free play online, an in-store
                                                                                                        can we use advanced technology to provide a
     players based on their unique behavior.          coupon or entries into a monthly drawing to
                                                                                                        more immersive experience? This is not only
     Some of the bonuses might be working             win a cash prize.
                                                                                                        a challenge for the Michigan Lottery but
     towards converting web visitors to online        The Michigan Lottery also built                   for the entire industry. How do we continue
     players. Other times we are simply focused       functionality within its iLottery program         to evolve our most basic and traditional
     on retaining our current players.”               that allows players to purchase an Online         products when society’s attention span is
                                                      Game Card at retail to fund their iLottery        getting shorter and shorter?
     RETAIL TO DIGITAL/                               account. They also created a voucher that
                                                                                                        “How we answer these important questions
     DIGITAL TO RETAIL                                allowed their players to withdraw winnings
                                                                                                        will help all of us determine the future of
     The Holy Grail for iLottery sites is to engage   from their online account and cash out at
                                                                                                        online lottery sales. For me, I’m hoping
     retail customers on both the digital and         retailer locations. The efforts allow retailers
                                                                                                        that one day soon, it will be as easy as a
     the retail channels, and to do that without      to receive increased foot traffic, a sales
                                                                                                        Michigan player saying, ‘Alexa, buy me a
     a negative impact on the retailer network.       commission and a cashing commission,
                                                                                                        Powerball ticket for tonight’s drawing.’” n
     As Shannon puts it, they strived to “break       all while Lottery is improving the user
“But which way do I go from here?”
 ““at depends a great deal on where you want to get to”

If you want to sell where people are shopping,
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                                                w :
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             iLottery poised to
             explode onto the                                                                          through iLottery. And we expect that share
                                                                                                       to increase going forward. Obviously, we

             U.S. Lottery scene
                                                                                                       need to re-calibrate our overall thinking
                                                                                                       on what works and doesn’t work as more
                                                                                                       lotteries go online, and best-practices get
                                                                                                       refined over time.”
             In early March, prior to the nationwide response to the COVID-19 pandemic, lottery        Charlie will certainly find a kindred
             industry representatives gathered at the PGRI Smart-Tech 2020 conference in Miami.        spirit in Doug Pollard. As the Co-CEO
             One of the highlights of the conference was an iLottery panel featuring some of the top   of NeoPollard Interactive (“NPi”), which
             public and private sector experts:                                                        powers the some of the most profitable
                                                                                                       iLottery programs, Doug’s team has
             Stephanie Weyant, Dep. Exec. Director, Marketing and Product, Pennsylvania Lottery
                                                                                                       launched programs in Michigan, North
             Doug Pollard, Co-CEO, NeoPollard Interactive and Pollard Banknote                         Carolina, New Hampshire and, through
             Charlie McIntyre, Executive Director, New Hampshire Lottery                               a recent enhancement of its existing
                                                                                                       deployment, another full iLottery solution
             Rhydian Fisher, CEO, Instant Win Gaming                                                   in Virginia, in addition to a forthcoming
             Shannon DeHaven, Deputy Director, Michigan Lottery                                        program with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor
             The following is a synopsis of the lively and enlightening discussion which took place
                                                                                                       and Cannabis Commission. He sees
             between panelists at the conference.
                                                                                                       iLottery as not a “nice to have” but a “need
                                                                                                       to have” for lotteries.

             ust weeks after Stephanie Weyant       variety of topics critical to the future of    “The data is clear – we know this is going
             served as moderator of the iLottery    interactive platforms in the lottery industry. to deliver incremental sales, we know it’s
             panel, the Pennsylvania Lottery                                                       going to deliver younger players, we know
                                                    Charlie McIntyre, who now oversees lottery it’s going to create convenience, and we
             iLottery program soared past the       AND sports betting in the Granite State,
     $1 billion mark in revenue just before                                                        know we’re going to attract some people
                                                    believes that the results in New Hampshire who won’t go into a convenience store for
     its two-year anniversary. In her opening       – which offers a full iLottery program –
     remarks in Miami, Stephanie explained                                                         whatever reason,” Doug said. “Retail is still
                                                    certainly support Stephanie’s point. While a really good space for lottery to be in and
     why iLottery programs are critical for         Powerball and Mega Millions sales have
     keeping lotteries relevant in today’s                                                         we do a good job in it. We’ve got to keep
                                                    struggled nationwide this year, the New        doing a good job. But iLottery is an area
     increasingly technology-driven world.          Hampshire Lottery has seen a surge of          where if you want to get to those younger
     “iLottery might represent incremental          online play for the multi-state games.         players, you have to provide online access.”
     growth right now but I firmly believe          “Our Powerball and Mega Millions year-
     that it is also the future of our industry,”                                                  From New Hampshire to Pennsylvania
                                                    on-year sales have soared online – up 80% to Kentucky to Georgia to Virginia,
     Stephanie said. “It is about staying relevant, for Powerball, 28% for Mega Millions,”
     expanding the player base, expanding                                                          iLottery programs are becoming more
                                                    Charlie said. “All while we have seen          commonplace across the lottery landscape.
     points of distribution, reaching players       the same in-store activity drops as other
     where they are located, and meeting                                                           And the pandemic helped many of these
                                                    lotteries. So we know there are players        programs attract attention and users. To
     players’ expectations. We really don’t have    who want to play these games, they just
     a choice but to offer technology-driven                                                       maintain the momentum, lotteries will
                                                    don’t want to go to the stores to play. Most need to expand focus on interactive games
     options to our players.”                       of us wouldn’t consider these traditional      with entertaining winning experiences.
     With that opening note of iLottery             lottery products as internet products but
     optimism, the panelists delved into a          now we do 1/10th of our Powerball sales        Rhydian Fisher, CEO of Instant Win
                                                                                                   Gaming (IWG), knows a lot about both the
    Now is the Time to Stay Connected
Today more than ever, it’s vital to be where your players are, wherever they are.
       Scientific Games’ portfolio of iLottery products lets your players
          stay connected to each other and to the games they love.

                         Reimagine Next
                   © 2020 Scientific Games Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
present and future of iLottery games. After        For Pennsylvania, the tactic was inclusion        colleagues, the data allows lotteries to make
     all, IWG provides eInstant games to more           – make the retailers feel like they are part      informed decisions on how to reach players.
     than 20 WLA/NASPL-member lotteries and             of the solution, and the future. As head of       “What’s interesting to me is how the data can
     has been selected as a supplier to every U.S.      the lottery’s marketing group and iLottery        drive the game development process,” he said.
     lottery offering eInstants.                        program, Stephanie tackled this from both a       “What it shows me is how much we’ve been
     “Today, it’s not about the number of game          marketer and business person’s outlook.           operating with one hand tied behind our
     titles available to lottery players, but rather    “We told the retailers that it was incumbent      backs in the retail space. When we evaluate
     the wide variety of game mechanics. There’s a      on us to prove to them the program wouldn’t       the success of an instant game in retail, we
     huge difference,” Rhydian said. “And, there’s      hurt them,” she said. “And I think that’s         use an index. It’s the most blunt instrument
     an opportunity for us to use things like multi-    what we’ve done, by making
     player games and progressive jackpots with
     online instant tickets to revolutionize people’s
                                                        them part of some of the
                                                        decisions, giving them the
                                                                                         Data will surprise you and
     experiences with lotteries.                        opportunities to earn money      you have to be ready to
     “People use the term ‘social’ around lotteries     by referring customers and
                                                        selling a product, WebCash,
                                                                                         react to those surprises
     without backing it up. We now have the
     opportunity to start experimenting and             for players to load money        with action that enhances
     innovating in our own space, working
     on ways to make people feel like part of a
                                                        into their accounts. So we
                                                        provided them with things        the games, the promotions,
     community. As the laws start permitting,           they could do at retail to
                                                        promote the program and be
                                                                                         and value to the players.
     iLottery can allow lotteries to seize
     opportunities to attract new players, and not      a part of iLottery right from
     be scared off by the challenges.”                  the start.                                       imaginable, right? It tells you nothing about
                                                        Rhydian, whose games are featured in most        the demographic. Why did people play?
     Rhydian continued, “There is a player-base
     out there that is not being served. They’re not    iLottery platforms, and Shannon, who helped What parts did they like? What didn’t they
                                                        launch one of the country’s first and most       like? We get none of those answers. Now
     necessarily unhappy but they aren’t being                                                           we have the ability to do that, to extract
     served. Adding these players to the customer       financially-successful online sites, agreed
     mix means incremental sales today, and             that including retailers right from the start is more granular detail about why people play
                                                        critical.                                        the games.
     customers for the future as well.”
                                                        Rhydian: “The way that most of these              Doug used the example of a game Charlie
                                                        lotteries have launched, including retailers      launched in New Hampshire – Holiday
     IMPACT ON                                                                                            Cheer. It was launched as an online game in
                                                        and asking their opinions, is exactly how you
     BRICK-AND-MORTAR                                   need to do it. Reach out to the retailers, give   2018 and made into a retail game in 2019.
     Like discussions that are taking place in          them a reason to transform, create products       But the retail game included a code that
     many jurisdictions, the topic of the impact of     that will actually give them a reason to come     provided free games of the eInstant Holiday
     iLottery on brick-and-mortar retail sparked        on board, and provide incentives that create a    Cheer if players opened an iLottery account.
     an animated and informative discussion. Any        win-win for everyone.”                          “Now we could see who the players are,” he
     lottery considering launching online sales         Shannon: “Michigan is six years into            said. “And we saw that they were younger
     needs to weigh the impact on its retailer base     iLottery and we are still adding ways to        players, how often they came back, what
     and the opposition it might face. How do           include the retail network. We want and need features kept them online a little longer. Oh,
     lotteries handle this debate? With the facts.      them to feel good about the program. We’ll      and on the retail side, it indexed at 124. That
     “I remember walking into a retailer just after     never get 100% of the network on board.         was all great news.”
     iLottery had been approved and the owner           But if we show that we’re making an effort to Rhydian agreed with Doug’s take on data
     says to me, ‘Mr. McIntyre, what are you            include and help retailers, most will stay with and added that data also means you have to
     going to do when these stores close? How are       us for the long haul.”                          be ready to work hard.
     you going to help these families?’” Charlie                                                        “Data is only as good as your ability to
     said. “It was awful.                               DATA:                                           react to it,” he said. “You have to be flexible,
     “Fast forward to the following year, we            HOW TO USE IT                                   nimble, capable of producing promotions.
     had launched iLottery and were the fastest                                                         Data will surprise you and you have to be
     growing lottery for instant ticket sales, up       The group homed in on the immense amount ready to react to those surprises with action
     around 8% year-over-year,” he said. “The           of data that is created from an iLottery        that enhances the games, the promotions,
     result of the iLottery launch was not even a       program and, most importantly, how to use       and value to the players.”
     blip on the retail sales front. And by the way,    it. Historically, lotteries have struggled with
                                                        implementing programs based on data they        Rhydian talked about the Jungle Tumble
     we took 5.5% of our profits and gave it back                                                       online game they launched in Pennsylvania
     to the stores as part of an instant ticket sales   have collected. Now, iLottery allows for
     incentive program. So, ask any NH Lottery          instant data collection and immediate contact last year which featured a cascading game
                                                        with players.                                   mechanic. It was actually a scratch card with
     retailer and most will say they have no issue                                                      the player matching 3, 4, and 5 symbols but
     with iLottery.”                                    For Doug and his NeoPollard Interactive         it looked like you were matching symbols in
                                                                                                                                    Continued on page 58

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           THE LOTTERY
            By Jim Acton
            Lottery Industry Consultant

                 As the lottery representatives who attended the PGRI          n What will be the revenue expectations for the new
                 Lottery Expo in Miami parted ways in early March, no one        fiscal year and beyond?
                 could have imagined it would their last in-person meeting     The passage of time will provide context to all these
                 for many, many months. By mid-March, many of us had           issues. While many lotteries saw little revenue impact
                 retreated to the safety of our homes; handshakes and          (and many, in fact, have enjoyed sales boosts as the
                 hugs were replaced with Zoom meetings.                        lottery provided the only available source of entertain-
                 With the nationwide spread of COVID-19 and the ongoing        ment), others were hit hard and the pain will continue.
                 stay-at-home/safe-at-home orders given by many Gov-           Some lotteries had to make the difficult decision to lay
                 ernors, life was turned upside down across the country.       off employees.
                 The fortunate amongst us were only dealing with barking       As the lottery industry slowly returns to normalcy, it's
                 dogs during video conferences. So many others have            helpful to look back over the past few months, review
                 been either battling the COVID-19 virus themselves or         what has taken place in the industry, and discuss
                 worrying about friends and loved ones.                        where the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic
                 For those in the lottery industry, the concerns were multi-   have left us.
                 layered and the impacts were both small and large:          In this special section, we will take a look at how the
                 n How would employees deal with working from                sudden shift in lottery sales due to pandemic-related
                   home, many for the first time in their careers?           stay-at-home orders has renewed the push for iLottery
                 n Do daily drawings continue with staff operating ball in many states. We will examine how some of the lot-
                   machines?                                                 tery industry's most important retail locations, deemed
                                                                             as "essential businesses," are working to streamline
                 n Is it safe to allow lottery retailers to continue to sell and speed-up lottery purchases. And we’ll look at
                   lottery products?                                         how lotteries have used social media and other online
                 n How will the vendor-lottery relationship change           communications tools to stay in touch with critical
                   with few or no in-person visits?                          constituencies.

Is iLottery the Key for
               States Needing to Fill
                   Budget Shortfalls?

      n 2014, the Michigan Lottery became               states laid off workers, including from the ranks of
      the envy of the lottery industry when it          lottery employees, including 60 at the Oregon Lot-
      launched its iLottery e-instant platform.         tery alone (13% of the lotteries workforce)
      Lotteries watched, inquired and strategized       In a radio interview in April, NY Governor said
      about how they could add a similar platform       that the state might have to cut education funding
      in their states. Since then, other states have    to address the state's budget shortfalls.
      come on board, offering either eScratch tick-
      ets or single day draw game sales - Georgia,      "I said kiddingly to a legislator, 'This is the easiest
Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Illinois,        budget we've done. There's no option. The num-
North Carolina and North Dakota. On July 1,             ber is zero," Cuomo said. “We have no money."
Virginia launched eScratch and single ticket/same-      When we look at iLottery during these difficult
day draw game sales.                                    times, we might just be seeing the future of the
But what happens now? Will states continue to           lottery put on hyper-speed.
slow-walk iLottery, even as they fast-track the
process of licensing sports-betting operators? Will     GEORGIA, KENTUCKY iLOTTERY
lotteries be handcuffed as they look to modernize       SALES SOAR; RHODE ISLAND
their operations, broaden their customer base and       LAUNCHES FULL iLOTTERY
increase revenues? Or now, after months of vary-        For both the Georgia Lottery Corporation and
ing degrees of “stay-at-home” orders to help stop       Kentucky Lottery, the stay-at-home orders associ-
the spread of coronavirus, have we arrived at the       ated with the COVID-19 outbreak has been a fur-
tipping point where states realize that retail habits   ther opportunity to leverage their digital offerings.
were already changing such that lotteries must          Both lotteries enjoyed an excellent year for digital
offer alternative purchase options that no longer       sales in 2019 but by mid-May 2020, respectively
require an in-person retail experience?                 were performing year-to-date +62% and +57%
As state budget chiefs and lottery directors have       in digital sales vs. the prior fiscal year. This growth
nervously monitored there week-over-week sales,         had accelerated through the end of 2019, when
there is one critical point – iLottery sales, where     both lotteries invested more on digital advertising
available, never faltered. In fact, they skyrocketed    and focused on player acquisition.
in most metrics, including new customer sign-ups        Both Georgia and Kentucky lotteries excel with
and overall sales.                                      draw-based-game digital offerings, particularly
Will it take ongoing sales challenges, profit goal      Keno, for which the digital channel represents
stresses, and continuing revenue gaps across state      23% of total sales in Georgia and 15% of total
budgets to finally push more states to expand lot-      sales in Kentucky. Offering the same Keno game at
tery offerings? If you consider where many states       retail and digitally, rather than having a Keno-style
find themselves as the country steps forward and        e-Instant game at a significantly higher payout,
back with economic re-opening, this certainly           allows those lotteries to benefit from the higher
looks like the final straw:                             profit margin with a prize payout of 65%, and to
                                                        promote more cross-selling opportunities between
- New York state is forecasting a $15 billion rev-      core players. Given all that has happened since the
enue decline across the state                           start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many peo-
- West Virginia has been losing $9 million/week         ple not leaving their homes, the long-term strategic
from its closed casinos alone                           planning of both lotteries and their well-timed
                                                        choice to focus more on the digital channel at the
- New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio announced
                                                        beginning of 2020 resulted in positive momentum
limited spending and hiring freezes
                                                        and a strong first half of 2020.
- Virtually unheard of in the past, a number of

                                                                  PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • JULY/AUGUST 2020   19

              ust prior to the COVID-19 outbreak,         apps in the U.S. and most recently installed        ity in just five months,” he said. “This is the
              IGT implemented plans to upgrade            its latest advancements in player functionality     leading lottery app solution in the market
              the Georgia Lottery’s digital platform      for the Missouri Lottery. Alongside wagering        and the first to comply with Apple Guideline
              and increase the marketing support          features, players can use the app to create play    4.7. We worked closely with the RI Lottery
     the company provides to the lottery. The             slips for retail purchases, store their favorites   team to develop and launch an iLottery solu-
     results of that work played out March-May,           numbers and identify themselves as player’s         tion that provides a modern playing experi-
     as digital sales accelerated significantly. In the   club members. The app is fully compliant            ence for RI Lottery players. It gives players
     early weeks of May, sales are at +155% in tra-       with new Apple requirements regarding user          the choice and convenience to now play
     ditional draw-based games, +115% in digital          experience and native content for HTML5             Keno and e-instant games from their mobile
     Keno and +330% in e-Instant compared to              games. Players have welcomed the new app,           devices, consistent with how they engage
     the same time period in 2019.                        and it is number one among US iLottery mo-          with other forms of entertainment and media
                                                                                                              as well as purchase goods and services today.”
                                                                                                              Built on the PlayCommand platform that
                                                                                                              also supports sports betting in the state, the
                                                                                                              IGT PlayDigital solution integrates the retail
                                                                                                              and digital lottery experiences together with
                                                                                                              a host of tools from purchase to play, and
                                                                                                              it can all be done in a few touches on the
                                                                                                              mobile app.
                                                                                                              Drago added, “Rhode Island players now
                                                                                                              have the added convenience of playing the
                                                                                                              lottery from their homes and personal de-
                                                                                                              vices. In collaboration with the Lottery, our
                                                                                                              expert marketing team has created promo-
                                                                                                              tions and loyalty campaigns to attract and
                                                                                                              retain players that will ensure a successful
                                                                                                              player engagement strategy to drive revenues
                                                                                                              for the RI Lottery.”
                                                                                                              All three Lotteries are powered by the IGT
                                                                                                              PlayCommand platform and sophisticated
     IGT’s iLottery mobile offerings for the GA Lottery,                                                      player account management system, which
     KY Lottery and RI Lottery                                                                                enables lotteries to control all administrative
                                                                                                              functions such as payments, player account-
     “It’s exciting to see our team’s efforts making      bile applications based on app store reviews.       ing, marketing campaign management,
     a difference in Georgia. From the new games          Marty Gibbs, interim President and CEO of           CRM and responsible gaming controls
     that have been developed for the market to the       the Kentucky Lottery, said, “We are delighted       for players. The team of digital marketing
     engaging promotions and loyalty campaigns            to have launched our new mobile app. We             experts help the lotteries improve results by
     our expert marketing team has rolled out, it’s       expect the expanded functionality and ap-           using the powerful reporting tools available
     rewarding that it has resulted in a positive out-    pearance to help us continue to bring value,        to analyze data that is turned into actionable
     come for our customer,” said Enrico Drago,           convenience and the best entertainment to           insights that drive the day to day digital busi-
     SVP, IGT PlayDigital.                                our players.”                                       ness strategy.
     Similarly, the Kentucky Lottery had improved         In late April, the Rhode Island Lottery         “There is nothing more satisfying for the
     its focus on iLottery and had started launching      launched a new mobile experience that           IGT PlayDigital team than to help our
     new IGT e-instant games that offer increased         enables players to register and play Keno along customers achieve greater results for good
     value to players through higher prize payouts.       with a catalog of exciting e-instant games.     causes through the addition of new prod-
     Sales have improved significantly, from +37%         Players can register for free, create a digital ucts and services,” explained Enrico Drago.
     in total year-to-date digital sales in mid-March     wallet and have winnings under $600 auto-       “Bringing modernized playing experiences
     to +57% by the end of May 2020 (comprised            matically transferred into their accounts. This and solutions to market during this time has
     of +60% in digital draw-based game sales and         enables the lottery to reach a broader range of further amplified the importance of a digital
     +260% in e-Instants).                                players and offer a convenient way to play.     channel as a growth strategy for lotteries. We
                                                                                                          are committed to partnering with more and
     In early May, the Kentucky Lottery launched          As SVP of IGT PlayDigital, Enrico Drago         more of our customers to introduce and re-
     a new mobile wagering app built by IGT that          leads the team responsible for creating and     sponsibly grow the digital business over time
     delivers a completely redesigned customer ex-        delivering the PlayLottery suite. “Our team set in order to drive new revenue growth.”
     perience. IGT has delivered 10 mobile lottery        another record in delivering this functional-
PENNSYLVANIA ENJOYS                                    support the Pennsylvania Lottery’s iLottery pro-
                                                       gram, with effective use of powerful CRM tools
AN ONLINE BOOST                                        and bonusing programs that engage and retain
While the Pennsylvania Lottery just launched           players. The growth of the iLottery program
its iLottery platform in May 2018, it has been         in Pennsylvania since the program launched
an eventful two years – two RFPs for operators         continues to surpass expectations. Based on total
(as mandated by the Commonwealth’s legisla-            wagers, the $1 billion milestone reached just
tion) and more than $1 billion in revenue. The         prior to its two-year anniversary makes Pennsyl-
Lottery has offered internet instant games from        vania the most commercially successful iLottery
the start, and has added draw games to its online      launch in North America to date.
lineup, including Mega Millions and Powerball,         During its first full fiscal year of iLottery,
which have been available on that platform since       Pennsylvania traditional lottery sales grew 7.2%
January 2020.                                          over the prior fiscal year and Scratch-Offs alone
It has been a busy, eventful two years for the PA      grew 5.9%. But the month of April is where the
Lottery.                                               Lottery truly saw the potential of this technology
                                                       start to ramp up. iLottery play was up 35% com-
Add in the past few months, when at one point          pared with March, with $89.2 million in topline
about 30 percent of the PA Lottery's roughly           play and $11.4 million in gross gaming revenue
9,800 retailers closed because of COVID-19, PA         (play minus prizes and promotions/bonuses).
Lottery executives were certainly happy to have        The number of first-time players in April was
iLottery available to players.                         also up 45% over March, with nearly 15,000
“During this unprecedented time, we have               new online players.

 The PA Lottery’s iLottery
 platform is available on
 most devices

                                                       With stay-at-home orders still in place in PA
been seeing incredible growth in PA Lottery            for most of May, that month then broke new
online play,” said Pennsylvania Lottery Deputy         records. Online play in May was up 7 percent
Executive Director of Marketing and Products           compared to April with over $95 million in
Stephanie Weyant. “We are setting new records          topline online play and $12 million in gross
for play and first-time depositors, and breaking       gaming revenue. May was also a record month
them just a quickly.”                                  for deposits, with over 44,000 depositors.
Weyant added, “While we are happy to see a             Powerball and Mega Millions sales online, which
growth in our online play, a majority of our sales     are reported separately, are making up about six
still come from our traditional games. Further-        percent of overall Powerball and Mega Millions
more, the increase in online sales is not enough       weekly sales, as compared to about two percent
to offset the sales the Lottery has lost on the        in previous months.
traditional side of the business since Mid-March.
Just to put it in perspective, an estimated 70 per-    These numbers can be largely credited to the
cent of our business comes from our Scratch-Off        management of the entire game portfolio,
sales. So, it’s our traditional products that remain   delivery of exciting iLottery content to the mar-
the foundation of our business.”                       ket, and tools to enable retailer support, while
                                                       continuing with the strategic management of all
Behind the scenes, there are cross-functional          traditional lottery products sold at brick-and-
teams of lottery, systems, marketing and digital       mortar retailers.
experts at Scientific Games working together to
                                                                                                            PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • JULY/AUGUST 2020   21
                                                                                                             As North America’s first $1 billion iLottery
                                                                                                             operator, the Michigan Lottery has achieved
                                                                                                             results that show that sustainable growth and
                                                                                                             performance is available through the iLottery
                                                                                                             channel. States like New Hampshire, which
                                                                                                             launched its iLottery program in September
                                                                                                             2018, are proving that this model for success
                                                                                                             can be replicated. Though New Hampshire is
                                                                                                             a state with a population of only 1.3 million,
                                                                                                             its per capita iLottery sales in its first year of
                                                                                                             operations exceeded the standard set by the
                                                                                                             Michigan Lottery by 75%.
                                                                                                             During these past shutdown months, these
                                                                                                             lotteries have shown the potential of iLot-
                                                                                                             tery. Comparing April 2020 to March 2020
                                                                                                             performance, both Michigan and New
     Scientific Games offers a variety of games to PA Lottery iLottery players
                                                                                                             Hampshire Lotteries saw improvement across
     Amy Bergette, Vice President, Digital Con-           offer full iLottery to it players, the company     all major program KPIs. The Michigan Lottery
     tent Studio at Scientific Games which oper-          has since expanded its customer base to            experienced a 40% increase in bets, or growth
     ates the PA Lottery iLottery program, said,          include lotteries in Virginia, New Hampshire       of $51.7 million. Net Gaming Revenue was
     "The past few months have seen a big uptick          and North Carolina. Working with a diverse         similarly improved with an impressive 46%
     in online/mobile playership, but it has actu-        range of lotteries has provided the company        uptick over March. The New Hampshire
     ally been an incredibly busy two years for all       with a holistic view of what is happening in       Lottery’s April 2020 results posted 49% higher
     of us. iLottery brings game entertainment            the industry.                                      in terms of bets. This translated to a $580,000
     directly to a player's computer or mobile de-                                                           increase in net gaming revenue – the single
                                                          "There is a pent-up demand for iLottery that
     vice, so the ability to offer digital play has al-                                                      highest grossing month-over-month change
                                                          has been building among U.S. lotteries for a
     lowed the Lottery to maintain a level of sales                                                          since the New Hampshire Lottery launched in
                                                          number of years,” said Scott Bowen, SVP of
     continuity during the global COVID-19                                                                   September 2018. Player acquisition has seen
                                                          Government Affairs and Business Develop-
     crisis and provide vital funding for programs                                                           highs that have only been outpaced by billion-
                                                          ment for NeoPollard and former Commis-
     benefitting older Pennsylvanians.”                                                                      dollar jackpots, with 105% and 45% increases
                                                          sioner of the Michigan Lottery. “Considering
                                                                                                             in first-time depositors in Michigan and New
     Bergette explained, “Our iLottery platform           the continued impact of the COVID-19
                                                                                                             Hampshire, respectively.
     is built to handle an enormous volume of             pandemic and the economic pressures facing
     activity so we are equipped for the level of         lotteries as a result, the need for iLottery has   Across NPi’s customer network, overall per-
     engagement we have seen in Pennsylvania.             never been greater. Not only does iLottery         formance at the close of May drew significant
     It also provides the flexibility to integrate        give players more options, U.S. lotteries with     increases as compared to February, before the
     powerful tools to enable important affiliate         iLottery have experienced no negative impact       impact of shutdown orders. There has been a
     programs that incentivize retailers to partici-      on retailers. In fact, the growth of iLottery      significant influx of new players – growth, on
     pate in the iLottery program by signing up           in Michigan has occurred alongside a 45.5%         average, of 227% since February. Similarly,
     new players. Combined with highly effective          increase in retail sales since iLottery launched   bets grew by over 95% and Net Gaming
     marketing campaigns that leverage today’s            in 2014."                                          Revenue saw tremendous improvement, with
     best practices for player retention and en-                                                             an average of 120% higher returns.
     gagement, this ensures continued growth for          NPi’s iLottery programs for the MI and
                                                                                                             “The recent and significant impacts of the
     the program.”                                        NH Lotteries offer mobile capabilities
                                                          which expand its accessibility to players          global COVID-19 pandemic to the way

                                                                                                             lotteries traditionally operate and market
                                                                                                                           their products has emphasized
     HIGH ACTIVITY LEVEL                                                                                                   the need to accelerate digital
                                                                                                                           transformation and diversify how
     Powering the most profitable iLottery                                                                                 lotteries engage players,” said
     programs in the industry in terms of per                                                                              Doug Pollard, Co-CEO, NeoPol-
     capita return to state, NeoPollard Interactive                                                                        lard Interactive. “As the industry
     (“NeoPollard” or “NPi”) has certainly seen                                                                            begins to focus on economic
     an array of new players of all ages and back-                                                                         recovery and rebuilding successful
     grounds join the ranks of play-from-home                                                                              retail partnerships, state lotteries
     customers. While the Michigan Lottery was                                                                             and governments will be well-
     the first lottery to partner with NeoPollard to                                                                       served to advance discussions on
You can also read