Workplan of the Secretariat for 2019-2021 - Ramsar

Page created by Clarence Robinson
Workplan of the Secretariat for 2019-2021
             (as approved by the Standing Committee through Decision SC57-21)

1.   The Annual Plan for 2019 and Triennial Plan for 2019-2021 attached in Annex 1 reflects the
     efforts of the Secretariat during the last two years to integrate and streamline triennial and
     annual work plans, as well as the CEPA Action Plan, into one framework, as approved by the
     Standing Committee in Decision SC53-07. It is based in the revised structure proposed by the
     Secretariat and approved by the Standing Committee in Decision SC54-10.

2.   The new structure is better adapted to the Secretariat’s requirements and reflects its learning
     from implementation of the triennial plan for 2016-2018. It represents a better framework to
     track the Secretariat’s core functions and commitments, and on ensuring the delivery of
     requests received from Contracting Parties. The new framework of the Annual and Triennial
     Plan is structured around the seven core functions of the Secretariat, aligning with its
     organizational structure, and clarifying accountability and responsibility for achieving outcomes
     and impact. The functions under which the Secretariat’s work is grouped are as follows: 1.
     Governing and subsidiary bodies and meeting services; 2. Administration, human and financial
     resources; 3. Implementation support; 4. Scientific and technical services; 5. Representation,
     policy, engagement and international cooperation; 6. Resource mobilization; and 7. Outreach
     and strategic engagement.

3.   The Annual and Triennial Plan is the result of a participative process that brought together all
     staff members of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands from 22 to 24 January
     2019. The process fulfilled the Secretariat’s commitment for a formal year-end review to assess
     the work of the annual plan for 2018, identify any gaps in implementation and learn lessons
     that could help improve its work in the following year. It equally included a comprehensive
     review of the Resolutions adopted by the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting
     Parties (COP13) and decisions from the 53rd to the 56th meetings of the Standing Committee
     (SC53 to SC56) carried by the Secretariat ensuring their integration into the Triennial Plan 2019
     – 2021. The development of the plan took into account comments received in SC54 including
     the ambition for a clear, accessible and focused plan, links to SDG6 and other global indicators
     and greater focus on defining time-bound activities with clear descriptions of their completion.

4.   The Annual Plan for 2019 and Triennial Plan for 2019-2021 reflects the request made in
     Resolution XIII.7 on Enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral
     environmental agreements and other international institutions to foster and enhance cross-
     cutting subject-matter expertise within the Secretariat team as a means to maximize use of
     existing resources and avoid duplication of efforts, foster a whole-of-Secretariat approach to
     providing equitable and consistent support to Parties’ efforts to implement the Convention, and
     advance synergies and contributions across the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
     and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In adopting a structure based on functions,
     the Secretariat has considerably streamlined the Annual and Triennial Plan, reinforced
collaboration across the Secretariat’s functions to deliver specific outcomes, while clarifying
leads and accountability and responsibility for each activity. The reference to specific requests
from Contracting Parties and the identification of indicators should also increase the usefulness
of the Plan as a tool to track progress and enhance accountability. Annual performance plans of
staff have been aligned to the Annual Plan for 2019.

Annex 1
Secretariat Annual Plan for 2019 and Triennial Plan for 2019-2021

* SG = Secretary General; DSG = Deputy Secretary General; DSP = Director of Science & Policy; DRMO = Director of Resource Mobilization & Outreach; SRAs = Senior
Regional Advisors; Comms = Communication Team; FO = Finance Officer; HR BP = Human Resources Business Partner; SMT = Senior Management Team. Only leads are
mentioned but all staff will contribute to specific outputs. NC = Non-Core; SAR = Subject to available resources

 Function:                                                                         Purpose:

 1. GOVERNING AND SUBSIDIARY BODY AND MEETING SERVICES                             Secretariat ensures the efficient and effective provision of decision-
                                                                                   making and accountability processes to support CPs.

        Triennial Result               TP 2021 Indicator           AP 2019 Activities                  AP 2019 Indicator              Lead/Support        Budget

 1.1 Organized and Facilitated     Delivery of meetings     Organize and facilitate:            •   Delivery of meetings in        DSG                    Core
 meetings of all Governing         in accordance with                                               accordance with specific
 and Subsidiary bodies,            requirements and         •    STRP 22                            requirements and timely
 including logistics,              timely outputs:          •    SC57                               outputs.
 documentation, reporting,                                  •    Executive Team                 •   Satisfaction surveys and
 conference support and            •     SC57- 61           •    Working Groups including:          participant feedback.
 provision of support and          •     STRP 22- 24             Strategic Plan,
 advice to presiding and other     •     WGs as                  Effectiveness, Regional
 officers. Activities of the             requested               Initiatives, CEPA Oversight
 bodies supported (includes                                      Panel, Sub-group on
 COP, SC, STRP, pre-COPs,          Governing and                 Finance, Sub-group on
 Working Groups).                  Subsidiary Bodies             COP14
                                   established, and
 Convention Article 8 a.; Rules    support provided for     Analyse implications of joined      Analysis submitted to SC57.        SRA Africa             Core
 of Procedure, especially 26       their operation.         meetings of SC and STRP

Triennial Result            TP 2021 Indicator          AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator            Lead/Support    Budget

and 27; and Resolutions XIII.4,                         Conduct a preparatory briefing    Preparatory briefing for         SRA America       Core
XII.5, XIII.5, XIII.8, XIII.9,                          to incoming members of SC         incoming SC members
XIII.18.                                                (XIII.4).                         conducted at SC57.

                                                        Establish STRP membership         STRP established as per COP13    DSP               Core
                                                        (XII.5).                          process.

                                                        Complete nomination process       Proposal for establishment of    DRMO              Core
                                                        for CEPA Oversight Panel for      CEPA Oversight Panel for SC57
                                                        decision by SC57 (XIII.5) and     and support provided for its
                                                        support its operation.            operation.

                                                        Support establishment of          Establishment of Working         SRA Asia/Europe   Core
                                                        working group on RRIs at SC57     Group on RRIs at SC57
                                                        (XIII.9).                         supported and decision
                                                                                          followed up.

                                                        Encourage gender parity in        Gender parity encouraged in      SRA Asia/HR BP    SAR
                                                        Ramsar Convention meetings        invitations to Convention
                                                        and building capacity of          meetings. Means to deliver
                                                        delegates (XIII.18 para 16).      capacity building of delegates
                                                                                          explored and proposal

1.2 Support provided to CPs       CPs have submitted    Prepare proposal for the SC57     Presentation of revised format SRA Americas/       Core
in tracking their                 National Reports.     on the revised format for         to SC57 and implementation of Europe
implementation of the SP                                National Reporting, taking into   their decision.
through their national            Global                account decisions on
reports and in reviewing the      Implementation        peatlands and gender (XIII.13
SPs.                              Report presented to   para 22, XIII.18 para 22).

Triennial Result              TP 2021 Indicator            AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator               Lead/Support       Budget

Resolutions. XIII5, XIII.13,         Proposed revision of    Support CPs Strategic Plan        Process launched according to       SRA Europe/          Core
XIII.18                              Strategic Plan          Working Group in their review     Resolution XIII.5.                  Americas
                                     prepared.               of the SP as per process in Res

1.3 Strengthened                     Increased               Secretariat enhance               Organization of at least one        SG/DSG               Core
engagement with CPs.                 engagement with         relationships with CPs Geneva     Geneva briefing.
                                     CPs in capitals and     missions.
                                     Geneva missions.                                          Develop and maintain contacts       SRAs                 Core
                                                                                               with Geneva-based missions,
                                                                                               including briefing with regional
                                                                                               groupings to be determined.

                                                             Secretariat enhance               AA/NFPs in capitals (included       SMT                  Core
                                                             relationships with AA/NFPs in     as part of all Ramsar
                                                             capitals.                         country/regional visits).

1.4 Support the efficiency of        Proposal for review     Prepare a proposal for SC57 on    Proposal outlining process          SRA                  Core
Operational Processes of             of all previous         the review of all previous        submitted to SC57 and follow        Americas/Legal       (NC
Governing and Subsidiary             resolutions and         resolutions and decisions and     up SC decision.                     Advisor (will need   TBD)
Bodies of the Convention.            decisions (validity,    follow-up on their decision                                           consultant)
                                     applicability,          (XIII.4).
Resolutions XIII.3, XIII.4, XIII.9   consistency,
and SC55-12.                         contradictions, etc.)   Review RRI resolutions and        Consider this request in light of
                                     developed with          decisions for RRI WG              the proposed review of all
                                     recommendations to      consideration and                 previous resolutions (Res
                                     SC57 and SC58, and      presentation at SC58 (XIII.9      XIII.4) and decisions.
                                     process supported.      para 30).

                                     Review of Rules of      Develop proposal to review of     Review submitted to SC57 with SG/Legal Advisor           Core
                                     Procedure               the ROPs (XIII.4) for SC57 for    recommendations and                                      (NC
                                     conducted including     decision and follow-up.           decision followed up.                                    TBD)

Triennial Result    TP 2021 Indicator          AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support        Budget

                   for SC57 and SC58.

                   Executive Team        Support Executive Team in          ET supported.                  SG/Legal Advisor      Core
                   supported as needed   preparation of TORs for SC57                                      (as required by ET)
                   to develop its TORs   as appropriate (XIII.4).
                   for approval by

                   Proposal prepared     Prepare options on Observer        Proposal including options     SRA Americas/         Core
                   with options on       Status to UNGA for SC57 with       presented to SC57 and follow   Legal Advisor
                   Observer Status to    interested CPs (SC55-12).          up as required.
                   UNGA and for
                   participation of
                   Secretariat in
                   relevant events in
                   UN system.

                   Retirement of         Request reports from the           Letters sent and reports       SG                    Core
                   working groups        Chairs of subsidiary bodies        received made available to
                   supported.            retired by the COP (Res. XIII.3)   SC57.
                                         to be provided to SC57.

                   New Contracting       Encourage accession through        New candidates for accession   SMT                   SMT
                   Parties to the        CPs, IOPs and other partners.      supported.
                   Convention.           (Res. VI.16 and 4.5).

                   Support provided to   Support interested CPs to          Convention translated in      SRA Asia/DRMO          NC
                   implement language    implement and resource the         Arabic and translated
                   strategy.             language strategy of               documents from Parties can be
                                         Resolution XIII.6.                 accessed.

Function:                                                                 Purpose:

2. ADMINISTRATION, HUMAN AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES                          Secretariat ensures the effective and accountable management of
                                                                          resources, in alignment with IUCN policies and procedures.

       Triennial Result              Indicators             AP 2019 Activities               AP 2019 Indicator            Lead/Support   Budget

2.1 Ensured management of       Compliance with       Timely and effective             Compliance with IUCN HR           HR/SMT          Core
Ramsar Human Resources in       IUCN HR policy and    management of human              policies, procedures and
line with IUCN policies and     standards.            resources.                       standards.
standards including: support
organizational                  Ongoing delivery of   Implement IUCN                   Framework and policy              HR/SMT          Core
structure/recruiting; provide   HR services.          Compensation policy and          implemented.
HR advice; support                                    competency framework.
performance management;                               Explore relevance of IUCN new    Relevant new HR initiatives       HR/SG           Core
support staff duty; ensure                            HR initiatives for Ramsar, and   identified and rolled out costs
staff engagement.                                     their costs.                     permitting.

                                Developed Ramsar      Organize and deliver training    Completion of trainings.          HR/SMT          Core
                                human resources.      according to needs assessment    Number of participants.
                                                      of 2017.

                                                      Delivery of gender training
                                                      (XIII.18, para 17).

                                Results of staff      Develop staff engagement         Develop proposal for survey       HR/SG           Core
                                engagement survey.    survey in 2019.                  including costs.

2.2 Effective and efficient     Compliance with       Timely and effective             Audited accounts for 2019.        FO/SMT          Core
financial and procurement       IUCN financial        management of core and non-
management of Secretariat,      standards.            core budget.

Triennial Result               Indicators                AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator            Lead/Support   Budget

in line with IUCN policies and   Audited accounts and     Prepare financial documents        Audited accounts 2018 and         FO/SG           Core
standards, including:            appropriate follow up    for SC57.                          Secretariat report on financial
management of financial          to management                                               management presented to
resources including              letter.                                                     SC57.
preparation and monitoring
of annual budgets, audit,                                                                    Presentation of 2019 budget
annual contributions, non-                                                                   to SC57.
core funds management and
reporting, travel and contract   Response to specific     Implement recommendations          Approval of actions taken on      FO/SG           Core
management, manage               SC and COP requests.     of the review of non-core          the review of non-core funds
service arrangements with                                 funds (including internal          by SC.
IUCN.                                                     controls) SC55 Doc.8.2).
                                                          requested by SC53-33

                                                          Disburse African voluntary         Funds disbursed annually.         FO/SRA Africa   Core
Resolution XIII.2, SC53-33 and                            contributions to RRI in
SC55 Doc.8.2                                              accordance with Res. XIII.2.

                                                          Follow-up on outstanding           Report to SC on status and        FO/SMT          Core
                                                          contributions from CPs (XIII.2).   follow up actions.

2.3 Maintained Information       Change in technology     Migrate Ramsar website to          Migration completed.              DSP/DRMO        Core
Management systems and           solutions increase the   new host.
new technology that enable       effectiveness,
the work of the Secretariat in   efficiency of the        Add functionality to the           Use metrics from CRM.             DSP/DRMO        Core
their support of the CPs.        Secretariat and its      existing CRM (contacts
                                 support of CPs.          management) platform as
Resolutions XIII.2 and XIII.4                             required.

                                                          Use new technology solutions       RSIS is operational and           DSP/DRMO        Core
                                                          that enable the Secretariat to     enhanced as required.
                                                          effectively and efficiently
                                                          support CPs (XIII.2).

Triennial Result            Indicators               AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator            Lead/Support   Budget

                                                                                        Use of new technology
                                                                                        solutions for key functions of
                                                                                        the Secretariat such as,
                                                                                        Capacity Building and
                                                                                        provision of technical advice
                                                                                        and dissemination of materials
                                                                                        (XIII.4 paras 29. 30).

2.4 Developed and             Secretariat processes   Maintain transparency and         Timely publication of relevant    SG/SMT          Core
maintained processes and      and systems respond     accountability of                 documents and reports on
systems that are fit for      to requirements of      administration and                Ramsar website (XIII.2).
purpose and support the       transparency and        management of the
work of the Secretariat and   accountability.         Secretariat.
                              Development and         Development of SOPs to            SOPs in place for key functions   SG/SMT          Core
Resolution XIII.2 and SC54    implementation of       standardize, enhance              of the Secretariat (SC54 Report
Report                        Standard Operation      efficiency of the Secretariat’s   Annex 2).
                              Procedures.             work and its engagement with
                                                      CP, while reinforcing
                                                      institutional memory.

Function:                                                                    Purpose:

3. IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT                                                    Secretariat supports the CPs, directly and as an enabler through
                                                                             and with others, to implement the Convention in line with the
                                                                             instructions provided by the COP.

       Triennial Result          TP 2021 Indicator          AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator         Lead/Support      Budget

3.1 Ramsar List                 Reports to COP14     Maintain the RSIS and updated      RSIS maintained and            SRAs/DSG/DSP      Core
CPs are supported in the        and SC (annually).   information on RS.                 information updated.
designation and update of
information on RS and                                Provide support and advice to      Timely response to requests.
addressing changes in the                            CPs on how to designate and
ecological character.                                update information on RS.

Maintain the List of Wetlands                        Advise and support CPs on cases All relevant cases addressed.     SRAs              Core
of International Importance                          of Article 3.2 and Montreux
and keep CPs informed of its                         Record. Priority given to longer-
status and any changes.                              standing sites (XIII.10 para 18,
                                                     XIII.11 para 19).
Ramsar Convention,                                   Develop Secretariat procedure      Art 3.2 procedure produced     SRA Europe        Core
Article 8                                            on how to address and progress     internally.
                                                     Art.3.2 reports received.

                                                     Organize RAMs upon request         RAMs prepared, funds raised,   SRAs/DRMO         NC
                                                     and fundraise as required          RAMs and follow-up
                                                     (XIII.11 para 17), prioritizing    implemented.
                                                     sites that are facing problems
                                                     similar to other sites (XIII.11
                                                     para 11).

Triennial Result            TP 2021 Indicator            AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator         Lead/Support    Budget

                                                         Prepare operational guidance        Operational guidance           SRA Europe/DSP   Core
                                                         for RAMs with STRP for SC57         prepared by STRP22 for
                                                         (XIII.11 para 15, 19 and Annex      submission to SC57.

                                                         Prepare annual RS status report     Document submitted to SC57.    SRA Europe       Core
                                                         to SC57.

                                                         Update the strategic framework      Resolution XI.8 Annex 2        DSG/SG           Core
                                                         for wetland designation to          updated and published on
                                                         include guidance on peatlands       website.
                                                         (XIII.12 para 13).

                                                         Develop protocols for direct        Request clarification from     SRA Europe       Core
                                                         database-to-database transfer       SC57 and review feasibility
                                                         of data (XIII.10 para 25).          and implications.

3.2 Technical advice provided     CPs (NFP/AAs and       Work with CPs on the                CPs supported for the          SRA              Core/
in an effective, efficient and    National Committees    completion of national wetland      completion of wetland          Americas/DSP     NC
coordinated way, aligned          where applicable)      inventories and on wetland          inventories and wetland
with the priorities established   have established       extent to report on SDG             extent measurements.
by the COP, in order to           national wetland       Indicator 6.6.1 (XIII.7 para 40)
support CPs to implement the      inventories.           including inventories of Blue       Mid-term report on status of
Convention.                                              Carbon wetlands (XIII.14) and       extent for indicator
                                  CPs use all wetlands   Arctic/Sub-arctic wetlands          6.6.1submitted to DESA
Inventories Resolutions X.15,     wisely.                (XIII.23) and earth observation     (based on COP13 NRs).
VIII.6, XIII.10                                          for inventories and monitoring
                                                         changes and contact relevant
                                                         technical partners, (XIII.10 para

Triennial Result    TP 2021 Indicator             AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support     Budget

                   CPs urged to include    Adjust format of NR for COP14        NR format for COP14 includes   SRA               Core/NC
                   into their NR for       to be proposed to SC57.              all specific requests from     Americas/SMT
                   COP14 progress on                                            COP13 Resolutions.
                   implementation of
                   Global Action on
                   Peatlands (para 22),
                   information (XIII.18
                   para 22), and on
                   agriculture (XIII.19
                   para 27).

                   Interested CPs          Survey interested CPs and            Engagement with IPBC           SRA Asia          SAR
                   surveyed and their      facilitate their capacity building   maintained and support
                   capacity supported      on blue carbon ecosystems            provided.
                   to address and work     including communication and
                   in partnership with     sharing of information.
                   existing networks for
                   Blue Carbon (XIII.14
                   para 13).

                   Gender perspective      On the basis of guidance             Implementation depending on    SRA Asia          NC
                   mainstreamed in SP      developed by STRP, support           inclusion in STRP workplan
                   and CEPA                parties to mainstream gender in      and delivery of outcomes.
                   programme (XIII.18      SP and CEPA.
                   para 14).

                   Wetland City            Prepare Wetland City                 Document submitted to SC57.    DRMO/SRA Africa   Core
                   Accreditation           Accreditation document to seek
                   process supported,      guidance for future work from        WCA webpage live.
                   and new                 SC57 (XII.10).

Triennial Result          TP 2021 Indicator           AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support     Budget

                                 submitted to and
                                 accepted by COP14.

                                 Wetland projects      Management of projects and          Projects being implemented      SRAs              NC
                                 managed by the        programmes including: Swiss         and managed according to
                                 Secretariat have      Grant for Africa, Wetlands for      donor requirements.
                                 substantially         the Future, Nagao, Cariwet and
                                 supported CPs and     others.
                                 implementation        Prepare process to phase out        Call for proposals and          DRMO              NC
                                 activities.           the Small Grants Fund               selection of projects done to
                                                       programme upon exhaustion of        utilize remaining funds in
                                                       currently available resources       order to close the fund by
                                                       (XIII.2).                           COP14.

3.3 International Cooperation    SC annually informed Prepare the annual update on         Report submitted to and         SRA Asia/Europe   Core
Secretariat has supported CPs    on RRIs status.      the status of RRIs.                  endorsed by SC57.
in implementing RRIs,
regional projects &              RRIs supported in     Provide advice to RRIs to           RRIs operate in accordance      SRAs              Core
programmes and the               the development       enhance their capacity and          with XIII.9 para 8.
management of                    and implementation    effectiveness.
transboundary sites; open call   of their work plans
                                 (XIII.9 para 21).     Support fundraising for RRIs        Funds raised.                   DRMO/SRAs         Core
for proposals for new RRIs                             projects and manage non-core
made prior to COP14.                                   resources as directed (XIII.9
                                                       para 17- in light of XIII.2 Annex
Resolutions XIII.9 and XIII.2.                         4).

                                                       Promote awareness of the role       Updated information on RRIs     DRMO
                                                       and achievements of RRIs (XIII.9    available on Ramsar website.
                                                       para 20, 22).

Triennial Result             TP 2021 Indicator             AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator           Lead/Support     Budget

                                   Call for new RRI      [Activities for 2020/21]
                                   proposals made prior
                                   to COP14 (XIII.9 para

                                   Summary                 [Activities for 2020/21]
                                   assessment on RRIs
                                   operations and
                                   prepared for COP14
                                   (XIII.9 para 28).

3.4 Secretariat has effectively    Increased capacities    Develop a capacity building plan   Needs assessment undertaken.     SRA Africa/DSP    Core
contributed to strengthen the      built in CPs, with a    based on needs assessment and
capacity of CPs in their           priority on Least       addressing priority areas as       Capacity building plan
implementation of the              Developed Countries     requested through COP13            developed according to needs
Convention. Priority given to      and support to          Resolutions.                       and in partnership with
least developed countries and      South-South                                                relevant organizations (XIII.7
opportunities for south-south      cooperation.                                               paras 41, 42).
                                   Capacities of                                                                               DSP/ SRAs         SAR
Target 19 SP, XIII.8 para 18,      national focal points
XIII.10 para 23, XIII.14 para 13   increased through
and XIII.15 para 22.               regional training
                                   (XIII.8 para 18).

                                   Supported CPs in                                                                            DSP/ SRA-Africa   SAR
                                   their capacity to
                                   implement Blue
                                   Carbon policies
                                   (XIII.14 para 13).

Function:                                                                       Purpose:

4. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SERVICES                                            Secretariat supports the CPs in getting scientific and technical
                                                                                guidance from STRP and other scientific bodies.

       Triennial Result           TP 2021 Indicator             AP 2019 Activities               AP 2019 Indicator           Lead/Support      Budget

4.1: STRP supported by the       Adoption and             Support STRP in the              Work plan presented to SC57.    DSP                Core/NC
Secretariat to deliver its       implementation of        development of the STRP work
triennium work plan by:          the STRP work plan       plan 2019- 2021 at STRP22 for
- Facilitating preparation and   2019- 2021.              SC57, including mandate in
  production of high priority                             different COP13 resolutions.
  outputs under high priority
  tasks in work plan; and,       Delivery of STRP         Support STRP in                  STRP supported in delivery of   DSP                Core/NC
- Ensuring STRP products are     outputs as per its       implementation of its work       outputs.
  policy relevant and            work plan 2019-          plan and delivery of outputs.
  adapted and                    2021.
  communicated to specific       As appropriate,                                           Information produced by STRP    DSP/SRA-Asia       SAR
  target audiences.              liaison established                                       and provided to IPCC.
                                 with IPCC to provide
Resolution XII.5, XIII.8         relevant information
                                 produced by STRP
                                 on blue carbon
                                 (XIII.14 para 14).

4.2: Secretariat has             Wetlands and the         Engagement with relevant         Inputs provided to relevant     DSP                Core
contributed to ensuring that     Convention are           technical bodies (IPBES 7,       processes on key issues.
wetlands and the                 addressed in             SBSTTA 23), Chairs of the
Convention are addressed in      relevant in scientific   Scientific Advisory Bodies of
relevant scientific processes    processes and            the Biodiversity-related

Triennial Result          TP 2021 Indicator          AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator         Lead/Support    Budget

and the Ramsar convention       collaboration         Conventions and other MEAs
contributed to other            promoted.             (CSAB).
scientific processes (CSAB,
IPBES, IPCC, Technical bodies   Proposals delivered   Facilitate the delivery of        Proposal delivered to IPBES.   DSP             Core
of other MEAs).                 to IBPES.             proposals to IPBES Secretariat
                                                      (XIII.8, Annex 4).
Resolution XIII.8

4.3: Rollout of technical       Guidance has been     Technical guidance produced       Number of downloads of         DSP/DRMO        Core
guidance of the Convention.     published and         by STRP is made available and     briefings, guidelines and
                                shared with CPs and   used by CPs in implementation     toolkits produced.
                                partners.             and Capacity Building (incl. on
                                                      Blue Carbon, Resolution

Function:                                                                Purpose:

5. REPRESENTATION, POLICY, ENGAGEMENT AND                                Secretariat reinforces the relevance and visibility of wetlands and the
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION                                                Convention, ensuring its inclusion in relevant policy processes and
                                                                         with key audiences.

       Triennial Result         TP 2021 Indicator         AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator           Lead/Support    Budget

5.1 Parties are supported in   Relevance of         Support CPs in mainstreaming       Develop a regional/national      SRAs/DSP        Core/NC
engagement with global,        wetlands and the     and realising relevance of         pilot approach to mainstream
regional and national          conventions are      wetlands and the Convention        wetlands in their national SDG
processes ensuring the         included in CPs’     in the 2030 SDG Agenda             strategies (NSDS) and NDCs.
relevance of wetlands and      national SDG         including tools, guidance,
the Convention is included     strategies and       capacity building and funding
in global policy framework     NDCs).               opportunities, with others
(Agenda 2030, SDGs, HLPF,                           (XIII.7 para 41).

Resolution XIII.7

5.2 Effective cooperation      Synergies plan       Prepare a preliminary plan to      Preliminary plan presented to    SRAs/DSP        Core
with Intergovernmental,        approved by SC58.    strengthen synergies with          SC58.
International and regional                          other MEAs for SC58 and
Organizations and                                   contributions to the post-2020
Multilateral Environmental                          global biodiversity framework.
Agreements is promoted                              Resolution XIII.7 para 23.
and improved.
                               Effective            Secretariat strengthens            Secretariat has strengthened     SRAs/DSP        Core
Resolutions XI.6, XIII.7,      cooperation with     collaboration with relevant        collaboration with relevant
XIII.20, and XIII.24           relevant MEAs and    MEAs and IGOs, as listed in Res.   MEAs and IGOs and explored
                               IGOs.                XIII.7 para 35: UNEP, UNDP,        cooperation with UNEA, GPI
                                                    FAO, WB, WHO, WMO,                 (Resolution XIII.13

Triennial Result    TP 2021 Indicator           AP 2019 Activities                AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support    Budget

                                          UNESCO, UNECE and other          paras.30/31), UN Water,
                                          regional economic                AEWA, Pan-African Agenda on
                                          commissions of the UN, GEF,      Ecosystem Restoration,
                                          MEAs such as the UNFCCC,         ASEAN/Centre for
                                          UNCCD, CBD, CMS and others.      Biodiversity), EU, African
                                                                           Union, Arctic Council (XIII.23
                                                                           para 30), etc in areas of
                                                                           common interest.

                                          Continue to collaborate with     Implementation of the agreed     SG, SRAs        Core
                                          the Secretariats of other        activities for 2019 and report
                                          biodiversity-related             to SC57.
                                          Conventions through the
                                          Biodiversity Liaison Group and
                                          report to the SC in a regular
                                          basis (XIII.7 para 5).

                                          Explore with the other MEAs,     Possible options for the         SRAs, DRMO      SAR
                                          governments and private          establishment of a multi
                                          sector the possibility of        stakeholder global coastal
                                          development of a multi           forum subject to the
                                          stakeholder global coastal       availabilitity of resources.
                                          forum (Para 36 Resolution

                   Wetland issues are     Secretariat promotes and         Represent the Convention in      SG/SRAs/DSP     Core
                   included in relevant   supports CPs in inclusion of     international meetings and act
                   international          wetland issues in the 2030       as a spokesperson for the
                   /regional efforts to   Sustainable Development          Convention (CBD, SBI and Post
                   address the 2030       Agenda.                          2020 Biodiversity Strategic
                   Sustainable                                             Framework, HLPF on
                   Development                                             Sustainable Development in

Triennial Result    TP 2021 Indicator              AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator           Lead/Support      Budget

                   Agenda and SDGs                                              July, SDGs workshops on
                   (High Level Political                                        indicators for SDG 14 and 15).
                   Forum on
                   Sustainable               Continue working with the          Report to the IAEG-SDGs on       SRA Americas/SG   Core
                   Development, SDGs         Inter-Agency Expert Group on       the progress of achieving SDG
                   14 and 15 (XIII.7         Sustainable Development Goal       Indicator 6.6.1 on wetland
                   para 41).                 Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), and        extent.
                                             other relevant UN agencies, on
                                             water-related indicators, and in
                                             particular SDG Indicator 6.6.1
                                             on wetland extent.

                   Implementation of         Work with the Secretariats of  Renewal of the MOU with the          SRA Americas      Core
                   the priority activities   the Inter-American Convention Secretariat of the Inter-
                   of the MOU                for the Protection and         American Convention for the
                   between Ramsar            Conservation of Sea Turtles    Protection and Conservation of
                   Secretariat and the       and the Convention on the      Sea turtles.
                   Inter-American            Conservation of Migratory
                   Convention for the        Species of Wild Animals to    Conservation of turtles in            SRAs/DSP          Core
                   Protection and            enhance marine turtle         Ramsar sites according to
                   Conservation of Sea       conservation in Ramsar Sites  Ramsar MOU and CMS MOUs.
                   Turtles (XIII.24 para     (Americas, the Indian Ocean
                   15).                      and South-East Asia and the
                                             Atlantic Coast of Africa)
                                             (XIII.24, para 24.

                   Approval by SC58          N/A                                N/A                              DRMO, SRAs        Core
                   elements of advice
                   for the GEF
                   concerning the
                   funding to support
                   the objectives and

Triennial Result    TP 2021 Indicator             AP 2019 Activities                  AP 2019 Indicator         Lead/Support    Budget

                   priorities of the
                   Convention, for the
                   eighth replenishment
                   of the GEF financial
                   mechanism, and CPs,
                   communicated to the
                   GEF (XIII.7 para 46).

                   Strengthen               Strengthen collaboration with      Collaboration on areas of       DRMO, SRAs      Core
                   collaboration with       the GEF Secretariat concerning     common interest according to
                   the GEF Secretariat.     the funding to support the         SP and Parties priorities and
                                            objectives and priorities of the   engagement on the GEF
                                            Parties (XIII.7 para 46).          Council.

                   Report regularly to      Report to SC57, on progress in     Approval of SC57 of the         SRAs, DSP       Core
                   SC on progress in        implementing Resolution            progress report.
                   implementing             XIII.7and Resolution XI.6 on
                   Resolution XIII.7 and    Partnerships and Synergies
                   Resolution XI.6 on       with Multilateral
                   Partnerships and         Environmental Agreements
                   Synergies with           and other institutions.
                   Agreements and
                   other institutions (ie
                   synergy process
                   under the CBD and
                   UNEP, strengthen
                   collaboration with

Triennial Result          TP 2021 Indicator           AP 2019 Activities              AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support      Budget

                               UN agencies, MOU

Function:                                                                 Purpose:

6. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION                                                  Secretariat utilizes a whole-of-Secretariat approach to mobilize
                                                                          resources to: 1. Generate non-core funding for activities within the
                                                                          Secretariat’s current non-core budget; and, 2. Facilitate resource
                                                                          mobilization for CPs at the national and regional levels.

       Triennial Result         TP 2021 Indicator            AP 2019 Activities             AP 2019 Indicator          Lead/Support      Budget

6.1 Funds raised to support    Percentage of funds    Present revised fundraising      Approval of work plan by      DRMO/SMT           Core
non-core priority activities   raised against         work plan to SC57, reflecting    SC57.
as prioritized by Res XIII.2   projected 3.2m CHF     new non-core priorities of Res
Annex 3.                       non-core priority      XIII.2 and SC54-6.
Resolutions X.12, XIII.2 and
SC52-23                        Integrated focus on    Completion of database of        Database operational for      DRMO               Core
                               corporate actors as    potential funding sources.       SC57.
                               potential funders as
                               per Resolution X.12.

                               Decision SC52-23 to    Completion of proposals for      Proposals completed mid-      DRMO               Core
                               prepare and adopt      RAMs, Gender, RRIs, WWD and      2019.
                               the Convention’s       Inventories.

Triennial Result         TP 2021 Indicator           AP 2019 Activities               AP 2019 Indicator         Lead/Support    Budget

                              first full Resource   Outreach to potential funders.     Number of potential           DRMO            Core
                              Mobilization Work                                        funders/quarter.
                              Plan implemented.

6.2 Support CPs in their      Volume of funds       Completion of database of          Database operational for      DRMO/SMT        Core
national and regional fund-   raised reported by    potential funding sources.         SC57.
raising efforts.              CPs.
                                                    Development and provision of       Fundraising templates/tools   DRMO/SMT        Core
                                                    fundraising templates and tools.   provided by year-end.

                                                    Capacity building in fundraising   TBD based on CB plan of       DRMO/SMT        Core
                                                    for CPs.                           Secretariat.

Function:                                                                      Purpose:

7. OUTREACH and STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT                                           Secretariat is a catalyst to raise visibility for conservation and wise use
                                                                               of wetlands and the work of the Secretariat and CPs.

       Triennial Result             TP 2021 Indicator             AP 2019 Activities                 AP 2019 Indicator            Lead/Support    Budget

7.1 Through strategic             WWD implemented.         World Wetlands Day 2020              An increase in the number of     DRMO            Core
partnerships/engagement,                                   planning and implementation.         events, downloads, and
and platforms such as WWD,                                                                      social media engagement
increased visibility through                                                                    over 2019.
leveraging the actions of
others for the wise use of        IOP activities           Start implementation of the 5        Implementation of a              DRMO            Core
wetlands.                         implemented in           joint activities identified in the   minimum of two joint
                                  accordance with          2018 – 2024 IOP MOU.                 activities underway.
Resolutions X.12 and XIII.1       MOU.
                                                           Work in partnership with             All partnership agreements       DRMO/SMT        Core
                                                           organizations where the              comply with SC54-16
                                                           partnership objectives adhere        guidance.
                                                           to the criteria provided by

                                                           Renew Danone partnership for         Danone partnership               DRMO            NC
                                                           2020- beyond.                        renewed.

7.2 Through targeted              Increased use and        Regularly publish and post           Number of stories and articles   DRMO            Core
outreach, raised the visibility   access to materials      relevant content on                  published on the website.
of the Convention at the          and information on and social media          Number of website visitors
national, subnational,            the Convention, its SP   platforms. Ensure that website       and analytics for page views
regional and international        and priorities at        content is current.                  and downloads. Number of
levels.                           national, subnational,                                        followers on Twitter.

Triennial Result     TP 2021 Indicator            AP 2019 Activities              AP 2019 Indicator           Lead/Support    Budget

                   regional and            Initial planning for 50th         Draft 50th Anniversary plan     DRMO            Core
                   international levels.   Anniversary.                      prepared.

                                           Secure high-profile speaking      Number of speaking and          SG/SMT          Core
                                           and presentation                  presentation opportunities at
                                           opportunities for the SG and      targeted events and key
                                           Secretariat staff with targeted   high-level fora.

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