www.sheboygan.k12.wi.usprograms/summer-school - Register online at

Page created by Ralph Daniels
www.sheboygan.k12.wi.usprograms/summer-school - Register online at
Register online at:
Summer School Locations
                      Early Learning Center (E)                                                                  Pigeon River (P)
                          1227 Wilson Ave.                                                                       3506 N. 21st St.
                                Central                                                                      Sheridan Elementary (I)
                            621 S. Water St.                                                                   1412 Maryland Ave.
                     Cleveland Elementary (C)                                                                Wilson Elementary (Q)
                 411 E. Washington Ave. Cleveland                                                               1625 Wilson Ave.
                       Cooper Elementary (D)                                                             Farnsworth Middle School (F)
                         2014 Cooper Ave.                                                                      1017 Union Ave.
                        Grant Elementary (G)                                                           Horace Mann Middle School (H)
                           1528 N. 5th St.                                                                    2820 Union Ave.
                      Jackson Elementary (J)                                                                Urban Middle School (K)
                      2530 Weeden Creek Rd.                                                                    1226 North Ave.
                 James Madison Elementary (M)                                                                North High School (N)
                       2302 David Ave.                                                                         2926 N. 10th St.
                      Jefferson Elementary (A)                                                               South High School (O)
                           1515 Heller Ave.                                                                  1240 Washington Ave.
                  Lincoln Erdman Elementary (L)                                                       The Sheboygan Youth Sailing Club
                         4101 N. 50th St.                                                                    619 Broughton Dr.
                     Longfellow Elementary (B)                                                                Virtual (V)
                        819 Kentucky Ave.                                                      ***Students must provide their own device***

   ***Unless otherwise indicated, the last letter of the course number will correspond to these locations***

                                                        General Information
Contact Information
  •    Each Sheboygan Area School District (SASD) summer school site is staffed by a lead teacher/administrator.
  •    Classes are held Monday through Thursday at the dates, times and locations listed unless otherwise indicated.
  •    In an emergency, please contact Mr. Josh Kestell, Summer School Coordinator or the Summer School Secretary Kim Williams at 459-3662.
Enrolling Student With Disabilities
  • Students with disabilities who enroll in enrichment summer school classes should register as other students do.
  • When completing the online registration, please identify the student as a student with a disability (special consideration) and share their summer
    plans with their special ed teacher.
  • Prior to the beginning of you child’s summer class, their IEP information will be communicated with the summer school teacher.
NOTICE TO ALL PARENTS: District Media Releases
From time to time photographs, videos and audio recordings are made of students in normal school settings for use in SASD press releases, brochures,
publications yearbooks, and/or audio/video broadcast productions on SASD-TV. This information may also be posted on the District website or on the
district social media sites. The district also receives requests from news media outlets to take photographs or videos, conduct interviews and write articles
relating to special events, programs and projects in our schools. The district may release student names, date and place of birth, picture, awards received, extra-
curricular activities, current school enrolled and dates of attendance in accordance to Student Directory information Policy 8330. If you do not want your
child’s information shared please call 459-3662.
Translation Assistance
Spanish Translation: Si usted necesita ayuda en leer el mensaje, por favor llame al numera 920-459-3698 para traduccion.
Hmong Translation: Yog koj tsis totabu los yog nyeem tsis tau cov lus saum no, thov hu rau ntawm 920-803-7770

Summer School Registration - NOW OPEN
                                                         Register online at
1. Log in to Skyward Student Family Access
                                                                 When registering your child for summer
                                                                 school classes use the student’s current
                                                                           2020-21 grade level.

2. Under “Home”
   a.    Select Arena Scheduling
   b.    Select the school year link under your student’s name
   A list of available courses for your student will display.

3. Schedule a Class
   a.    Select a class that fits in your student’s schedule
         (“Yes”under Fit column).
   b.    Select Add to the left of the class.
   c.    Once selected, the course will display as “Enr”
   d.    If the class does not fit in your student’s schedule,
         then “No” will appear under the Fit column and the class cannot be
   e.    Classes can be removed by selecting the Remove link next to the class at any time.

NOTE: Once class registrations are approved, your student’s schedule will be generated and available to view and print.
Check back after you’ve completed the registration process.

4. View and Print Schedule
   a.    Select “Portfolio” on the left.
   b.    Under your student’s folder, select the “Summer School Schedule” link to open
         the schedule.
   c.    Schedule will open as a PDF document for viewing and printing.

   If you do not have Skyward Student Family Access, have a non-resident student who attended Summer School last
                                 year, or have any additional questions, please contact:
        Kim Williams at 459-3662 - kwilliams@sasd.net or Stacy Hayon at 459-3773 - shayon@sasd.net

Summer School Academics
                            *Programs are available for student by teacher recommendation.
                                      Special Education - Dates and times vary.

*Grades K through 6 Reading/Math                                    *EL Grades 9 -12
The purpose of Summer School is to provide an                         Dates: June 21 - July 29 (Monday - Thursday)
opportunity for children to maintain their skills in reading,
                                                                       No Classes July 5 - 9
writing, and math. Your child will be taught in a small class
(approximately 15:1 student-teacher ratio). This small class           Times: 8:00 - 11:45 a.m.
gives your child more time for individual teacher attention            Location: South High School
and instruction.

Teachers recommend students for this program based                  Grades 9 - 12 High School Credit Recovery Classes
on their reading and math assessments, as well as their             These classes are only open to students who have failed
classroom observations. Summer School is recommended                the class. Please contact your child’s guidance counselor
for children who are not meeting grade level expectations           to register.
and need extra support. This is a wonderful opportunity for
your child to maintain the progress he or she has made this
                                                                       Dates: June 17 - July 2 (M - F) No Class July 5-9
year, and maybe even make some gains!                                          July 12 - July 29 (M - Th)

   Dates: June 21 - July 29 (Monday - Thursday)                        Times: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

           No Classes July 5 - 9                                       Location: South High School

   Times: 8:00 - 11:45 a.m.
                                                                    Central High School Credit Recovery & Elective Classes
   Locations: Grant, Jackson, James Madison, Cooper,                These classes are only open to students who are credit
   Pigeon River                                                     deficient or have failed a class. Please contact your child’s
                                                                    guidance counselor to register.
Grades 6-8 ELA/Math (Currently in Gr 6 - 8)                            Dates: June 17 - July 23
Come and join your fellow classmates for the 2021 Middle
                                                                       Times: 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. (M - Th) and
School Summer Academy this will involve the strengthening
of your reading and math skills. You will experience field                     1:00 - 4:00 p.m. (M - Th)
trips where you will explore new places. Both math and                 Questions: Call Mrs. Abstetar at 459-6797 or see
reading will involve game-based learning where you can                 Central High Website for sign-up and details.
practice your competitive skills. If you are interested in
enhancing your reading and math skills, collaborating with
your peers, enjoying fun activities and field trips, then           Warriner On-Line High School Courses
Summer Academy is for YOU!                                          High School credit advancement courses. Course offerings
                                                                    include English 1,2,3,and 4; Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2,
   Dates: June 21 - July 29 (Monday - Thursday)                     US History, Psychology, Social Problems, Forensic Science,
           No Classes July 5 - 9                                    Biotechnology
   Times: 8:00 - 11:45 a.m.                                            Dates: June 15 - August 14
   Location: South High School                                         Questions: Please contact your guidance counselor

Tyke Tyme Junior
                  PLEASE CONTACT THE SUMMER SCHOOL SECRETARY AT 459-3662 OR 459-3773
                             TO ENROLL YOUR 3 YEAR OLD CHILD IN THIS PROGRAM.
    For children entering 4 year old Kindergarten! 9:30 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. Register for one or two or all sessions! Children must
   be toilet-trained to pre-register for this program; it is not a drop-in program. The program will consist of games, crafts, stories,
                         outdoor activities and songs for the young child. Class size limited to 20 students. .
                                               No Classes the Week of July 5-9

                            June 21 - July 1             July 12 - July 15               July 19 - 29                  August 2 - 5

       ELC                   878900431                     879000431                     879100431                     885200431
       ELC                   878900432                     879000432                     879100432                     885200432

                                                        Tyke Tyme
    Tyke Tyme Summer School is for children entering 5 year old Kindergarten through Grade 1. 9:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Register
   for one or two or all sessions! Children must be toilet-trained to pre-register for this program; it is not a drop-in program. The
  program will consist of games, crafts, stories, outdoor activities and songs for the young child. Class size limited to 30 students.
                                               No Classes the Week of July 5-9

                            June 21 - July 1             July 12 - July 15               July 19 - 29                  August 2 - 5
                              K - Grade 1                  K - Grade 1                   K - Grade 1                   K - Grade 1

  Grant K4 -1st                  N/A                      87840042G                     87880043G                          N/A
  Lincoln Erdman             87830041L                     87840042L                     87880043L                    88450044L
  James Madison              87830041M                    87840042M                     87880043M                     88450044M
   Pigeon River              87830041P                     87840042P                     87880043P                    88450044P

                                                      Tyke Tyme II
    Tyke Tyme Summer School is for children entering 5 year old Kindergarten through Grade 2. 9:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Register
   for one or two or all sessions! Children must be toilet-trained to pre-register for this program; it is not a drop-in program. The
  program will consist of games, crafts, stories, outdoor activities and songs for the young child. Class size limited to 30 students.
                                               No Classes the Week of July 5-9

                            June 21 - July 1              July 12 - July 15               July 19 - 29                 August 2 - 5
                             K - Grade 2                    K - Grade 2                   K - Grade 2                  K - Grade 2

Cleveland K4 - 2nd           88470041C                     88480042C                     88490043C                     88500044C
     Jackson                 88470041J                     88480042J                     88490043J                     88500044J
      Wilson                 88470041Q                     88480042Q                     88490043Q                    88500044Q

Summer Adventures

                                                      June 21 - July 1 Monday - Thursday
               Class                    Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
               Soccer                      2-5              8:30 - 10:00             Lincoln Erdman    82360042L
           Runner’s Club                   5-8              8:30 - 10:00                    North     82650042N
           Cement Pavers                   4-8              8:30 - 10:00                    Wilson    88790042Q
          No Bake Cooking                   1-2             8:30 - 10:00             Lincoln Erdman    87690042L
            Geocaching 1                   3-9              8:30 - 10:00             Lincoln Erdman    81430042L
   Elementary Beginning Chinese             1-5             8:30 - 10:00              Pigeon River    82980042P
          Rocketry & Flight                1-4              8:30 - 10:00                    Jackson    81440042J
             "Art Astic"                    1-2             8:30 - 10:00              Pigeon River     87590042P
          Comics Are Life!                 4-8               8:30 -10:00                    Virtual   88800042V
               Slime                        1-3              9:45 - 11:45                   Grant     88620043G
               Cheer                       2-5               10:15 - 11:45           Lincoln Erdman   82300044L
        Beads, Beads, Beads                2-5               10:15 -11:45                   Wilson    88920043Q
          No Bake Cooking                   1-2             10:30 - 12:00            Lincoln Erdman    87690044L
            Geocaching 1                   3-9              10:30 - 12:00            Lincoln Erdman    81430044L
          Rocketry & Flight                5-8              10:30 - 12:00                   Jackson    81450044J
             "Art Astic"                   3-5              10:30 - 12:00             Pigeon River    87600044P

         A Day At the Farm                  1-3              1:00 - 3:30                    Jackson    82090047J
Mushy, Gushy Sticky, Icky, Smelly Fun      3-5               1:00 - 3:30                    Wilson     81640047Q
          Wacky Wisconsin                  2-5               1:00 - 3:30                Sheridan       88400047I
             Art Camp                      2-4               1:00 - 3:30             Lincoln Erdman    82200047L
             Star Wars                     3-6               1:00 - 3:30              Pigeon River     82380047P
            Mo Willems                     1-4               1:00 - 3:30                    Virtual   88860047V
         Playground Games                  3-6               1:00 - 3:30              Horace Mann     88580047H
         Sports of All Sorts               4-8               1:30 - 4:00                    Grant      82670047G
              Kickball                     3-6               1:30 - 4:00             James Madison    82350047M
           Indoor Soccer                   4-8               1:30 - 4:00               Farnsworth      88820047F

                                                      June 21 - July 15 No Class July 5-9
               Class                    Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
Garden Club (Jefferson students only)      3-5               12:30 - 2:00               Jefferson      88720046A

Summer Adventures, Continued
                                                July 12 - July 15 Monday - Thursday
            Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
            Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
         Coding Club                 3-5               8:30 - 10:00              Longfellow      88160047B
        Summer Glee                  3-8               9:30 - 11:30                   Urban     82340043K
  Exploring World Drumming           3-5               9:45 - 11:45                   Wilson     88410043Q
     Creative Movement               K-2               10:00 - 11:30              Sheridan       88190043I

       Chalk Art Class                1-3              10:15 - 11:45           Lincoln Erdman    82210043L
         Recycled Art                2-4               10:15 - 11:45                  Wilson    88370043Q
    Super Sleuth Breakout
                                     4-6               10:15 - 11:45                  Virtual   82080043V
     Online Escape Room
       Fun With Fabric               1-4               10:15 - 11:45                  Virtual   82430043V

            Dance                    2-4                1:00 - 3:30            James Madison    82230047M
         Fancy Nancy                 1-4                1:00 - 3:30                   Wilson     81930047Q
          Unicorns                   1-4                1:00 - 3:30               Sheridan       88390047I
       Beach Volleyball              5-8                1:00 - 3:30                   Grant      82170047G
Creative Problem Solving STEM        3-6                1:00 - 3:30            Lincoln Erdman    81910047L
        Mad Scientist                3-5                1:00 - 3:30               Jefferson      82820047A
        Green Thumb                  2-4                1:00 - 3:30             Pigeon River     81740047P
  Random Acts of Kindness            1-4                1:00 - 3:30                   Virtual    88360047V
        Junk Journals                4-8               1:30 - 4:00                Jackson        88850047J
         Harry Potter                3-5               1:30 - 4:00                    Virtual   88830047V

                                                July 12 - July 22 Monday - Thursday
            Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
        Summer Glee                  3-8               9:30 - 11:30                   Urban     82340043K

                                                July 19 - July 29 Monday - Thursday
            Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
        Don't Bug Me!                 1-3              8:30 - 10:00            Lincoln Erdman    81730042L
     Staining & Stenciling           4-8               8:30 - 10:00                   Wilson    88890042Q
      Rocketry & Flight              5-8               8:30 - 10:00               Jackson        81450042J
      No Bake Cooking                 1-2              8:30 - 10:00             Pigeon River     87690042P
        Geocaching I                 3-9               8:30 - 10:00            James Madison    81430042M
          "Art Astic"                3-5               8:30 - 10:00             Pigeon River    87600042P
Favorite Storybook Characters         1-3              9:30 - 11:30                    ELC       81940043E
       Hip Hop Dance                 2-5               10:15 - 11:45           Lincoln Erdman   88840044L
            Soccer                    2-5              10:15 - 11:45                  Wilson    82360044Q
      Rocketry & Flight              1-4              10:30 - 12:00               Jackson        81440044J

Summer Adventures, Continued
                                                   July 19 - July 29 Monday - Thursday
             Class                   Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
       No Bake Cooking                   1-2             10:30 - 12:00             Pigeon River     87690044P
Geocaching II (Must have taken
                                        3-9              10:30 - 12:00           James Madison      81760044J
Geocaching I prior to the class)
          “Art Astic”                    1-2             10:30 - 12:00             Pigeon River     87590044P

  Groovy Games & Gadgets                2-4                1:00 - 3:30               Jackson        82520046J
        Gross Science                   3-6                1:00 - 3:30               Sheridan       81630046I
           Eric Carle                   2-4                1:00 - 3:30                   Grant      88810046G
            Chess                       3-8                1:00 - 3:30           Lincoln Erdman    82400046L
            Fishing                     2-5                1:00 - 3:30             Pigeon River    88300046P
          Olympics!                     2-5                1:00 - 3:30                   Virtual    88870046V
     Staining & Stenciling              4-8                1:30 - 4:00                   Wilson    88890047Q
       Dodgeball Days                   5-8                1:30 - 4:00              Farnsworth      82460047F
   Strength, Speed & Agility            4-8                1:30-4:00                     South     88750047O
          String Art                    4-8                1:30-4:00                Jefferson      88900047A

                                                   July 26 - Aug 12, Monday - Thursday
             Class                   Grade Level              Time                        Site     Course Number
                                                          8:30 - 9:30
   MS Beginning Orchestra                5                                          Farnsworth      86810041F
                                                          10:30 - 11:30
   MS Beginning Orchestra                5                                          Farnsworth      86810044F
                                                           12:15 - 1:15
   MS Beginning Orchestra                5                                               Urban      86810045K
                                                            1:15 - 2:15
   MS Beginning Orchestra                5                                               Urban      86810046K
                                                           2:15 - 3:15
   MS Beginning Orchestra                5                                               Urban      86810047K

                                                     8:00 - 8:45 Trombone/
     MS Beginning Band                   5                                          Farnsworth      86820041F
     MS Beginning Band                   5            8:50 - 9:35 Trumpet           Farnsworth      86820042F
     MS Beginning Band                   5           9:40 - 10:25 Saxophone         Farnsworth      86820043F
     MS Beginning Band                   5            10:30 - 11:15 Clarinet        Farnsworth     86820044F
     MS Beginning Band                   5             11:20 - 12:05 Flute          Farnsworth      86820045F
     MS Beginning Band                   5             12:25 - 12:55 Oboe           Farnsworth      86820046F
     MS Beginning Band                   5              1:00 - 1: 30 Horn           Farnsworth      86820047F
     MS Beginning Band                   5             1:35 - 2:05 Bassoon         Farnsworth      86820048F
                                                      9:00 - 9:45 Clarinet/
     MS Beginning Band                   5                                               Urban     86820043K

Summer Adventures, Continued

                                                  July 26 - Aug 12, Monday - Thursday
              Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site          Course Number
                                                       10:00 - 10:45
      MS Beginning Band                 5           Saxophone/Trombone/                 Urban           86820044K
                                                        11:00 - 11:45
      MS Beginning Band                 5                                               Urban           86820045K
     MS Choir Boot Camp                 5                9:30 - 10:15                   South          88680045O

                                                   August 2 - 5 Monday - Thursday
              Class                 Grade Level              Time                        Site          Course Number
         Be Your Selfie                3-5               8:30 - 10:00                Wilson             81870042Q
        Paper Plate Art                K-2               8:30 - 10:00                   Virtual         88880042V
           Wild Safari                 1-3               8:30 - 10:00           Lincoln Erdman          82920042L
                                                                                                  880500400 Kindergarten
        Dual Language                                                                               880500441 1st Grade
                                       K-5                8:30:1145                 Sheridan
   (Sheridan Students Only)                                                                         880500423 2nd/3rd
                                                                                                  880500445 4th/5th Grade

           Kids Yoga                    1-3              9:30 - 11:30                    ELC            81960043E
      Playground Games                  1-3               9:45 - 11:45                  Grant          88430043G
     Sand Castle Building               1-3              10:15 - 11:45              Longfellow          82990044B
            Origami                    3-5               10:15 - 11:45               Wilson             81980044Q
         Penguin Party                  1-3              10:15 - 11:45                  Virtual         82870044V
  Bags, Tags & Boxes...Oh My!          3-8               10:15 - 11:45          Lincoln Erdman          88780044L

     Tin Box Scrapbooking              2-4                1:00 - 3:30                Jackson            88910046J
          Be Dazzling                  3-6                1:00 - 3:30                   Grant           81860046G
      Tournament Chess                 3-8                1:00 - 3:30           Lincoln Erdman          88650046L
Lego Coding (Limit 24 Students)        3-5                1:00 - 3:30           Lincoln Erdman          81970046L
         Rock Painting                 2-5                1:00 - 3:30               Jefferson           82890046J
     Build A Fairy Garden              2-5                1:00 - 3:30             Pigeon River          82190046P
          Construction                 2-4                1:30 - 4:00           James Madison           88170047M
     Sheboygan Ninja Club              2-6                1:30 - 4:00                Wilson             82660047Q
    Basketball Skills & Drills         3-5                1:30 - 4:00             Farnsworth            81840047F
    Marshmallow Madness                3-5                1:30 - 4:00                   Virtual         82830047V

Middle School Summer Opportunities

                                               June 21 - July 1 Monday - Thursday
            Class               Grade Level              Time                              Site        Course Number
         Let's Cook                6-8               8:00 - 9:30                          Urban         87980041K
       Cement Pavers               4-8               8:30 - 10:00                         Wilson       88790042Q
       Runner's Club               5-8               8:30 - 10:00                         North        82650042N
        Geocaching 1               3-9               8:30 - 10:00                     Lincoln Erdman    81430042L
      Comics Are Life!             4-8               8:30 -10:00                         Virtual       88800042V
E-Sports (Max 25 Students)         6-8               9:00 - 11:30                         North         81920042N
         Let's Cook                6-8               10:00 - 11:30                        Urban         87980043K
        Geocaching 1               3-9              10:30 - 12:00                     Lincoln Erdman    81430044L
      Rocketry & Flight            5-8              10:30 - 12:00                        Jackson        81450044J

          Star Wars                3-6                1:00 - 3:30                      Pigeon River     82380047P
     Playground Games              3-6                1:00 - 3:30                      Horace Mann     88580047H
           Kickball                3-6                1:30 - 4:00                     James Madison    82350047M
        Indoor Soccer              4-8                1:30 - 4:00                      Farnsworth       88820047F
     Sports of All Sorts           4-8                1:30 - 4:00                         Grant         82670047G

                                              June 21 - August 19 Tuesday -Thursday
            Class               Grade Level              Time                              Site        Course Number
     Live Forever Project          6-12              8:30 - 10:00                      Horace Mann     86890042H

                                               June 21 - July 29 Monday - Thursday
            Class               Grade Level              Time                              Site        Course Number
MS Strength Speed and Agility      6-8               1:00 - 3:00                          Urban         81800041K

Middle School Summer Opportunities, Continued
                                                   July 12 - 15 Monday - Thursday
             Class                 Grade Level             Time                             Site        Course Number
Super Sleuth Breakout -Online
                                      4-6              10:15 - 11:45                       Virtual      82080043V
        Escape Room

       MS/HS Chinese                  6-12             1:00 - 3:00                         South         87720047S
       Beach Volleyball               5-8              1:00 - 3:30                         Grant         82170047G
Creative Problem Solving STEM         3-6              1:00 - 3:30                     Lincoln Erdman    81910047L
        Junk Journals                 4-8              1:30 - 4:00                        Jackson        88850047J
         Coding Club                  6-8              1:30 - 4:00                      Farnsworth       88690047F

                                                 July 12 - July 22 Monday - Thursday
             Class                 Grade Level             Time                             Site        Course Number
   MS Orchestra Refresher
                                      6-8              8:00 - 8:45                         Urban         86860041K
   MS Orchestra Refresher
                                      6-8              11:15 - 12:00                       Urban        86860044K
    MS Concert Orchestra              6-8              9:00 - 11:00                        Urban        86850042K
        MS Jazz Band                  6-7              12:30 - 2:30                        South        86700046O
        HS Jazz Band                  8-11             9:30 - 11:30                        South        86720043O
      MS Concert Band                 7-8              12:30 - 2:30                        Urban         86760046K
        Summer Glee                   3-8              9:30 - 11:30                        South        82340043O

                                                 July 19 - July 29 Monday - Thursday
             Class                 Grade Level             Time                             Site        Course Number
          Let's Cook                  6-8              8:00 - 9:30                      Farnsworth       87980041F
     Staining & Stenciling            4-8              8:30 - 10:00                        Wilson       88890042Q
       Rocketry & Flight              5-8              8:30 - 10:00                       Jackson        81450042J
         Geocaching I                 3-9              8:30 - 10:00                    James Madison    81430042M
          Let's Cook                  6-8             10:00 - 11:30                     Farnsworth       87980043F
Geocaching II (Must have taken
                                      3-9             10:30 - 12:00                    James Madison     81760044J
Geocaching I prior to the class)

        Gross Science                 3-6              1:00 - 3:30                        Sheridan       81630046I
            Chess                     3-8              1:00 - 3:30                     Lincoln Erdman   82400046L
     Staining & Stenciling            4-8              1:30 - 4:00                         Wilson       88890047Q
       Dodgeball Days                 5-8              1:30 - 4:00                      Farnsworth       82460047F
   Strength, Speed & Agility          5-8              1:30 - 4:00                         South        88750047O
          String Art                  4-8              1:30 - 4:00                        Jefferson     88900047A

Middle School Summer Opportunities, Continued
                                        July 26 - August 12, Monday - Thursday
        Class            Grade Level                Time                              Site        Course Number
MS Choir Boot Camp           6-8                10:30 - 11:15                        Urban         86880044K

                                           August 2 - 5 Monday - Thursday
        Class            Grade Level                Time                              Site        Course Number
  Bags, Tags & Boxes         3-8                10:15 - 11:45                    Lincoln Erdman    88780044L

     Be Dazzling             3-6                1:00 - 3:30                          Grant         81860046G
  Tournament Chess           3-8                1:00 - 3:30                      Lincoln Erdman    88650046L
Sheboygan Ninja Club         2-6                1:30 - 4:00                         Wilson         82660047Q

                                        August 2 - August 12 Monday - Thursday
        Class            Grade Level                Time                              Site        Course Number
 MS Band Refresher            6                 8:00 - 8:45                       Farnsworth       86870041F
 MS Band Refresher            7                 8:50 - 9:35                       Farnsworth       86870042F
 MS Band Refresher            8                 9:40 - 10:25                      Farnsworth       86870043F

 MS Band Refresher            6                  12:30 - 1:15                        Urban         86870045K
 MS Band Refresher            7                  1:30 - 2:15                         Urban         86870046K
 MS Band Refresher            8                  2:30 - 3:15                         Urban         86870047K

                                           August 17 - 19 Tuesday - Thursday
        Class            Grade Level                Time                              Site        Course Number
Jumpstart to 6th Grade                       8:00 - 10:00 and                                     81710042F and
                         5 Entering 6                                              Farnsworth
     Farnsworth                               10:00 - 12:00                                         81710044F
                                                                                                   81710042H ,
Jumpstart to 6th Grade                  8:00 - 10:00, 10:00 - 12:00                                81710044H,
                         5 Entering 6                                             Horace Mann
    Horace Mann                           1:00 - 3:00, 3:00 - 5:00                                 81710047H,
Jumpstart to 6th Grade                       8:00 - 10:00 and                                     81710042K and
                         5 Entering 6                                                Urban
       Urban                                  10:00 - 12:00                                         81710044K

High School Summer Enrichment Classes

                                                 June 14 - July 29, Monday - Thursday
                  Class                           Grade Level            Time                     Site       Course Number
 Redwing Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12            7:30 - 9:00                South       88770041O
 Redwing Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12           9:00 - 10:30                South       88770043O
 Redwing Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12           10:30 - 12:00               South       88770044O

  Raider Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12           7:00 - 8:30                 North       88760041N
  Raider Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12            7:45 - 9:15                North       88760042N
  Raider Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12           8:30 - 10:00                North       88760043N
  Raider Fitness, Speed & Conditioning                8-12           9:30 - 11:00                North       88760044N

                                                   June 21 - 24, Monday - Thursday
                  Class                           Grade Level           Time                      Site       Course Number
         Summertime Bakeshop                      8 entering 9       9:00 - 12:00                South        81820047O

       International Culinary Camp                    9-12              1:00 - 4:00              South        81790047O

                                  June 21 - August 13, Monday - Friday - No Class the week of July 5-8
                  Class                           Grade Level             Time                     Site      Course Number
         Competitive Swim Club                       8 - 12             7:45 - 10:45             South        86370041O

                                                June 21 - August 19 Tuesday -Thursday
                  Class                          Grade Level             Time                     Site       Course Number
           Live Forever Project                       6-12           8:30 - 10:00             Horace Mann    86890042H

                                                   July 12 - 22, Monday - Thursday
                  Class                           Grade Level            Time                     Site       Course Number
            High School Jazz                          8-11              9:30 - 11:30             South       86720043O

             MS/HS Chinese                            6-12              1:00 - 3:00              South        87720047S

                                                  July 19 - July 29 Monday - Thursday
                  Class                           Grade Level            Time                     Site       Course Number
               Geocaching I                           3-9            8:30 - 10:00             Pigeon River   81430042M
Geocaching II (Pre-Requisite Geocaching 1)            3-9            10:30 - 12:00            Pigeon River   81760044J

                                                   July 12 - 29, Monday - Thursday
                  Class                           Grade Level            Time                     Site       Course Number
   Successful Transition to North High            8 entering 9       8:00 - 12:30                North       85860042N
   Successful Transition to South High            8 entering 9       8:00 - 12:30                South       85850042O
Class Descriptions
A Day at the Farm (Grades 1-3)                                         Beginning Chinese (Grades 6-12)
Get ready for some farm fun! We will read, write, count, do            This beginning level class is designed for students who are
projects and play all things farm, minus the smell! So if you          interested in Chinese language with no or minimal knowledge
love horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and other farm animals, get         of Chinese. During this session, students will learn basic
your overalls on and join us!                                          Chinese language skills including greetings, family members,
                                                                       numbers and colors. The students will also learn about
Art Camp (Grades 2- 4)                                                 Chinese cultures, calligraphy, paper cutting and other hands-
For the budding artist, this adventure will introduce you              on activities.
to a number of art forms, and you will create a variety of
masterpieces!                                                          Build A Fairy Garden (Grades 2-5)
                                                                       This summer adventure includes a bit of fantasy, glitter and
Art” Astic (Grades 1 - 2 and 3 - 5)                                    some dirt. Join us as we create your very own fairy garden!
Develop your creative side this summer by enrolling in this art
class! This program gives young art lovers the opportunity             Cement Pavers (Grades 4-8)
to create exciting artwork in a relaxed class environment.             Get your creativity flowing; make your own stepping stones
While working with the instructor, students will explore fun           and create decorative art for indoors and outdoors.
art materials, exercise drawing skills and complete two art
projects.                                                              Chalk Art Class (Grades 1-3)
                                                                       Let’s make the black top sparkle with chalk dust! In this
Bags, Tags, & Boxes...Oh My! (Grades 3-8)                              adventure you will work with chalk in a variety of forms and
It’s time to get creative. Using a variety of stamping and             create many playground masterpieces.
scrapbooking techniques and tools, students will create bags,
tags, and boxes.                                                       Cheer Camp (Grades 2 - 5)
                                                                       Firecracker, firecracker, boom, boom, boom! This adventure
Basketball Skills & Drills (Grades 3-5)                                will teach you some great cheers and the moves to go with
Dribble, Pass, Shoot!! This adventure will combine basketball          them. Don’t miss out on the fun!
skills, fun and teamwork.
                                                                       Chess (Grades 3 - 8)
Be Dazzling (Grades 3-6)                                               Chess is all the rage this year and we have the top techniques
Shining bright, this adventure will be filled with all things          to improve your game. This class will accommodate a wide
sparkly! Join us for some fantastic projects and let your inner        variety of levels and will work to improve each individual’s
star shine through.                                                    level of play!

Be Your Selfie (Grades 3-5)                                            Coding Club (Grades 3-5) (Grades 6-8)
Be your best selfie ready to take on anything. Practice being          Do you like playing with technology, coding, video games, or
your best self using mindfulness strategies.                           robots? In this adventure you will learn how to code, create,
                                                                       and animate!
Beach Volleyball (Grades 5-8)
Here we go baby! Sink your toes into the sand, grab a ball,            Comics Are Life (Grades 4-8)
and warm up your arm. Beach volleyball on the lake, does it            Create a class comic and explore your own with this class
get any better than this?                                              where collaborating and creating personal comics are key!
                                                                       We will draw and develop comics together and share out our
Beads, Beads, Beads (Grades 2-5)                                       creations!
Bring your creative thinking cap for this adventure. We will
create projects, make art and play games all using just beads.         Construction (Grades 2-4)
                                                                       Do you like to build and design? In this adventure you will
                                                                       have the opportunity to construct unique objects using a
                                                                       variety of everyday items.

                                                                       Creative Problem Solving with STEM (Grades 3-6)
                                                                       Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.. oh MY! Join this
                                                                       adventure for a stimulating summer!

Class Descriptions
Creative Movement (Grades K-2)                                           Fancy Nancy (Grades 1-4)
Any little ones who want to move are welcome to join this                Oooohhhh, la, la! Time to learn some fancy words, along with
active class! We will be exploring stretching, movement                  doing some fancy projects based on the Fancy Nancy books.
techniques, and different dance styles. At the end of the                We will have story time, games and fun turning plain into
week, students will put on a short performance of what they              fabulous!
learned for family and friends!
                                                                         Favorite Storybook Characters (Grades 1-3)
Dance (Grades 2 - 4)                                                     Would you let the Pigeon drive the bus? Join your favorite
Put on your dancing shoes and learn dance routines from                  book characters on a summer adventure!
various styles of music. This class includes dances such as
the cha-cha slide, zumba, line dancing, and flossing just to             Fishing (Grade 2 - 5)
name a few. Impress your friends with your new moves.                    Will you take the bait and get hooked on fishing this summer?
                                                                         Learn the fundamentals of one of Wisconsin’s favorite sports.
Don’t Bug Me (Grades 1-3)                                                Explore how water temperature and climate play a big roll in
Join this adventure to learn all about bugs! We will learn facts,        the catching of fish.
create projects and explore the outdoors.
                                                                         Fun With Fabric (Grades 1-4)
Dodgeball Days (Grades 5 - 8)                                            Do you enjoy crafting with fabric? If so, this adventure is for
Back by popular demand, this adventure will teach you the                you. Gnomes, pillows, and flags are just a few of the fun fabric
skills and strategies of dodgeball. Participants will learn a            projects students will be creating.
variety of new dodgeball games, and yes, they will play dodge
ball on a daily basis!                                                   Geocaching I (Grades 3-9)
                                                                         Learn what it is and have fun doing it! Geocaching is a fun
ESports (Grades 6-8)                                                     and rewarding adventure game. It is an outdoor treasure hunt
This adventure literally is fun and games! For two weeks,                where the learning environment is about hands-on experience.
we’ll look at how videogames exploded into competitive                   This is a class where students will learn about latitude and
“esports”, as well as learn a little about a popular one, League         longitude, what geocaching means, and how to use it. There
of Legends-including spending some time in the actual game.              will be enrichment activities that will go on throughout the
Come ready to play!                                                      class, including a geocaching experience at Kohler Andréa
                                                                         State Park. This class is a geocaching adventure that’s right
Elementary Beginning Chinese (Grades 1-2 and 3-5)                        for you.
This beginning level class is designed for students with no or
minimal knowledge of Chinese. During the two week session,               Geocaching II (Grades 3-9)
the students will learn basic Chinese words and sentences                This class is for those wanting to build upon the geocaching
including greetings, family members, numbers and colors.                 skills learned in basic geocaching. Students will be locating
The students will also learn Chinese songs and participate in            authentic geocaches as well as creating an authentic class
other hands-on activities.                                               geocache. Lots of walking is required during this session.
                                                                         Session I Basic Geocaching is required before taking
Exploring World Drumming (Grades 3-5)                                    Geocaching II.
Love to drum? Join us as we explore the roots and rhythms
of drumming around the world! Drumming techniques,                       Green Thumb (Grades 2-4)
improvisation, singing, group drum circles, creative movement,           Like to get your hands dirty? Join us for an adventure as we
cooperative teamwork, and communication skills are just                  dig into plants and how they grow.
some of the benefits of world drumming, come join in on the
fun!                                                                     Gross Science (Grades 3-6)
                                                                         What goes into making a Blubber Mitt? This class will teach
Eric Carle (Grades 2-4)                                                  you that and many more gross science concepts. Beware: do
Discover how Eric Carle ties facts and imagination together              not take it if you are grossed out easily!
to make great stories with valuable messages for positive
living. Enjoy reading, acting, writing, making crafts, playing           Groovy Games & Gadgets (Grades 2-4)
games and eating through his books-Pancakes, Pancakes;                   Step back in time to the games, gadgets, and crafts your
The Very Busy Spider, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and more.              parents grew up!

Class Descriptions
High School Jazz Band (Grades 8-11)                                  Kids Yoga (Grades 1-3)
For students wishing to continue or begin learning about             Using breathing, movement and sensory experiences...yoga,
jazz music. Students will learn new jazz pieces, work on             crafts and games.
improvisation, and finish with a performance on July 22 from
7:15 - 8:15 p.m.                                                     Kickball (Grades 3-6)
                                                                     The playground is calling you and the time is right for a great
Harry Potter (Grades 3-5)                                            session of an old time favorite. The adventure will include
Calling all Witches and Wizards! We will be visiting Hogwarts        games, skill development and fun!
this summer before the fall term to prepare us for our very first
year. Each of the four houses values different traits. We will       Lego Coding (Grades 3-5)
peek into Ravenclaw as we read the first book, Harry Potter          Do you love to build with Legos? Do you want to code your
and the Sorcerer’s Stone and answer challenge questions              Legos to move? Then this class is for you!
about the book. We will explore patience and hard work, in
Hufflepuff, though crafts. Gryffindor values bravery which           Let’s Cook (Grades 6-8)
we will demonstrate in our physical challenges. Slytherin            Pizza, lemon bars or cookies sound good? This Class is all
values cunning and can be seen throughout the class. At the          about creating foods from a recipe. We will cook a wide variety
end of the class, each witch or wizard will be sorted into their     of recipes using some that the students pick for themselves.
new house!                                                           We will learn to measure, follow instructions and then eat
                                                                     what we make during class. If you have never cooked or are
Hip Hop Dance (Grades 2-5)                                           awesome in the kitchen, this class will help you become a chef
If you love to dance and freestyle, this class is for you! Each      in the kitchen!
day we will warm up and stretch in a hip hop style, play dance
games, and learn a hip hop routine. At the end of the week,          Live Forever Project (Grades 6-12)
students will perform the routine for family and friends. All        Do you love the arts? Do you love history? Do you love doing
who are excited to dance are welcome, no experience required!        good things for your community? If so, the Live Forever
                                                                     Project is for you! The mission of Live Forever Project (LFP)
Indoor Soccer (Grades 4-8)                                           is to preserve local history and keep memories alive by sharing
GOAALLLL….join us for a soccer filled adventure. We will             true stories through artistic expression. Through a pen-pal
learn a few drills & skills and play tons of soccer games!!          program, we gather stories from local senior citizens, elders,
                                                                     and wisdom-keepers about their lives. Then, interested
International Culinary Camp (Grades 9-12)                            LFP members share the stories publicly through staged
For 4 days we will travel the Culinary World! Each day we will       performances and films, using art forms such as theater,
discuss culture and cuisine of a different country, then we will     music, songwriting, dance, poetry, and visual art. In this way,
head into the kitchen to prepare a regional cuisine from that        the stories and people will live on forever. LFP is now opening
area of the world. Countries we visit may include India, Spain,      its doors to students and volunteers of all ages to take part in
Germany and Thailand. Come and join us on our culinary               any or all aspects of the project! Join now!
                                                                     Marshmallow Madness (Grades 3 - 5)
Junk Journals (Grades 4-8)                                           Gooey, fluffy fun awaits in this Summer Adventure. Art
Students taking part in this adventure will turn a composition       projects, science experiments, games and more will make this
notebook into a one of a kind junk journal. What’s a junk            class stick with you!
journal? A junk journal is a place to collect and record
memories, thoughts, ideas, and events that are important to          Mo Willems (Grades 1-4)
you.                                                                 Step into the world of Pigeon, Elephant and Piggie. Enjoy
                                                                     reading, making crafts, and activities related to your favorite
Jumpstart (Grade 6)                                                  Mo Willems books and characters.
Are you wondering what 6th grade is all about? Are you
nervous about opening a new locker and being in a new                Mushy, Gushy, Sticky, Icky, Smelly Fun (Grades 3-5)
building? Come to Jumpstart and get a sneak peek into the            This Summer Adventure is sure to grab your attention and
first few weeks of middle school. You will get a chance to open      will offer a unique experience! Join us for a fun, messy,
your locker, walk through your schedule, and get to know the         exciting class.
building. Students will also be exposed to a quick overview
of basic math and reading skills. Jumpstart is perfect for
anyone going into 6th grade!

Class Descriptions
MS/HS Chinese (Grades 6 - 12)                                            Middle School Concert Orchestra
This class is designed for students interested in Chinese                (Grades 6-8) *Also see refresher class below
language with minimal to advanced knowledge of Chinese.                  Students in grades 6-8 will work on playing in a large ensemble
As a beginning Chinese student, you will learn basic Chinese             and learn concert orchestra music with a performance on
language skills, calligraphy, paper cutting, Chinese cultures and        July 22 from 5:45-6:45 pm. Students should have at least
other hands-on activities. For intermediate and advanced                 6 months of playing experience and should provide their own
Chinese students, you will focus on learning more Chinese                instrument or secure one from their middle school strings
with fun activities and games. You will continue learning                teacher before the end of the school year.
about aspects of culture not covered during the school year
including calligraphy and Chinese painting, origami, paper               Middle School Orchestra Refresher (Grades 6-8)
cutting and Tai Chi.                                                     A refresher for string students who want to start playing,
                                                                         haven’t played in awhile, or just want to sound better will
Middle School Band Refresher                                             meet before or after orchestra (students are encouraged to
(Grades 6-8) Classes meet Monday-Thursday                                sign up for both the refresher and orchestra).
This class is designed for students who want to start playing
again, haven’t played in awhile, or just want to sound better.                •    Violin/Viola: 8:00-8:45am
We will review band skills to prepare for being in a concert                  •    Orchestra: 9:00-11:00
band in the upcoming school year.                                             •    Cello/Bass: 11:15-12:00

Middle School Beginning Band (Grade 5)                                   No-Bake Cooking (Grades 1 - 2)
Begin playing an instrument with a lesson every Monday-                  In this course students will be introduced to a new recipe each
Thursday for three weeks. This is a great opportunity to learn           day and have the experience of preparing their own snack.
something new and get ready for 6th grade band!                          Students will explore the nutritional information for each
                                                                         recipe. Students will also have the experience of learning
Middle School Beginning Orchestra (Grade 5)                              kitchen safety, dish washing, and refrigeration. This course
Begin playing an instrument with a lesson every Monday-                  will develop students abilities to follow written and oral
Thursday for three weeks. This is a great opportunity to learn           directions and to work cooperatively with others.
something new and get ready for 6th grade orchestra!
                                                                         Olympics! (Grades 2-5)
Middle School Choir Boot Camp                                            The 2020 Winter Olympics were rescheduled for Summer
(Grades 5-8) Classes meet Monday-Thursday                                2021 which allows us an opportunity to learn about the
This class will focus on note reading, rhythm, and vocal                 Olympic athletes and sports they participate in! Enjoy sports
technique. It will include games that will help students meet            videos, books, and crafts to study the Olympics.
each other and come together as one choir family.
                                                                         Origami (Grades 3-5)
Middle School Concert Band (Grades 6-8)                                  Learn how to create paper creations using the art of Japanese
Students will work on concert band music and finish with a               paper folding. No tape allowed!
(required) performance on July 22 from 5:45 - 6:45 p.m..
This is a fun way to keep playing your instrument over the               Paper Plate Art (Grades K-2)
summer. Must have 6 months of playing experience and                     Dinosaurs, Tigers & Crowns...oh My!! Join us as we create
provide their own instrument or secure one from their middle             some really cool projects using our imaginations and paper
school band teacher before the end of the school year.                   plates.

Middle School Jazz Band (Grades 6-7)                                     Penguin Party (Grades 1-3)
For students in grades 6-7, the middle school jazz band is               Do you flip out over penguins? Is so, this is the class for you. In
for students wishing to continue or begin learning about                 this class you will learn more about penguins. You’ll also get to
jazz music. Students will learn new jazz pieces and work on              make projects, play games, and read really interesting books.
improvisation. Performance on July 22 from 7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
                                                                         Playground Games (Grades 1-3 and 3- 6)
                                                                         Games, Games and more Games! This Sheboygan style
                                                                         adventure is a nod back to the old days of Playgrounds ... join
                                                                         us as we play all the old favorite games and throw in a few
                                                                         new ones!

Class Descriptions
Raider Strength, Speed and Conditioning (Grades 9 - 12)                Rocketry and Flight (Grades 1- 4)
We invite students to join us for this course designed for any         Explore the scientific method using the forces and scientific
type of student-athlete. Students will learn and perform               ideas of rocketry and flight. This course offers introductory
activities to develop their strength, speed, flexibility, and          hands-on activities and experiments with the younger
cardiovascular endurance. This enrichment course is highly             elementary students in mind. Activities include the building
recommended for any students interested in participating in            and flying of paper airplanes and a variety of rockets (straw,
High School Athletics. There are four 1.5 hour sessions that           paper or stomp and 2-liter bottle).
will include a dynamic warm-up, Raider Strength Lifting
Component, and Speed, Agility, and Plyometric Training. The            Rocketry and Flight (Grades 5 - 8)
times for these sessions are listed below.                             Explore the scientific method using the forces and scientific
                                                                       ideas of rocketry and flight. This intermediate course
The below Sessions will include a Dynamic Warm-Up,                     takes the study of flight and builds in ideas and concepts
Raider Strength Lifting Component, and Speed, Agility, and             of engineering and design. This “fast-flying” course offers
Plyometric Training.                                                   hands-on activities and experiments, including the building
                                                                       and flying of paper airplanes and a variety of rockets (straw,
    • Session 1 - 7:00-8:30 AM                                         paper or stomp, 2-liter bottle and model rockets).
    • Session 2 - 7:45-9:15 AM
    • Session 3 - 8:30-10:00 AM
    • Session 4 - 9:30-11:00 AM                                        Runners Club (Grades 5 - 8)
                                                                       Love to run? Want to stay in shape for the summer? Then this
                                                                       adventure is for you!
Random Acts of Kindness (Grades 1-4)
Let’s bring some joy to Sheboygan and spread some kindness.
Join us as we complete projects, crafts and activities to help         Sand Castle Building (Grades 1 - 3)
others out and share some smiles!                                      Grab a shovel and pail! Help build a grand sandcastle city
                                                                       as well as sand animals and messages of kindness for beach
                                                                       goers to enjoy! This class will involve science, crafts, games
Recycled Art (Grades 2-4)                                              and your imagination.
Turn trash into treasure by creating art out of materials you
would otherwise throw away. Join us and see where your
imagination takes you.                                                 Sheboygan Ninja Club (Grades 2 - 6)
                                                                       Have you seen the American Ninja show? This adventure
                                                                       offers training and fun Sheboygan Ninja style!
Redwing Strength, Speed and Conditioning
 (Grades 9 - 12)
The course is designed for any type of student athlete.                Slime (Grades 1 - 3)
Students will learn and perform activities to develop their            We know you love it!! This adventure will make and explore
strength, speed, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.            many kinds of slime ... get ready to get those hands messy.
Additionally, students will have the opportunity to advance
themselves by working with the experts in Sports medicine              Staining & Stenciling (Grades 4-8)
from Aurora Health Care. This enrichment course is highly              In this do it yourself adventure, students will be painting/
recommended for any students interested in participating in            staining wood boards to create a variety of projects.
High School athletics but is welcome to all South students.
Students must register for the desired time slot they will             Strength, Speed, & Agility (Grades 5 -8)
attend via Skyward Family Access.                                      In this class you will learn how to improve your skills through
     June 14 - July 29, Monday - Thursday                              the use of equipment, techniques, and hard work. Come
                                                                       prepared to sweat!
     • Session 1 - 7:30 am - 9:00 am
     • Session 2 - 9:00 am - 10:30 am
     • Session 3 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm                                 String Art (Grade 4-8)
                                                                       Break out a hammer and nails to make all sorts of creative
Rock Painting (Grades 1-4)
This is your chance to join the “Kindness Rocks” movement!
You’ll be introduced to the basics of painting and learn unique
techniques, including marbling and dot painting! Rocks can
be kept and treasured or hidden throughout the community
for others to find.

Class Descriptions
Summertime Bakeshop (Grade 9)                                         Star Wars (Grades 3-6)
Learn upscale restaurant quality desserts in a safe and fun           May the force be with you! This adventure will delve in to the
environment. Join us to savor the flavor of summer preparing          Star Wars phenomenon with games, projects and fun. Learn
summertime favorites like a Fresh Strawberry Shortcake, a             fun facts you never knew!
French Cherry Almond Tart and A White Chocolate Raspberry
Mousse. If time, we will dabble with frozen desserts such as          Swim Club (Grades 9 - 12)
Lemon Granita or Lavender Ice Cream.                                  This course will provide the opportunity to experience a daily,
                                                                      high level, swimming technique and instruction program. It
Super Sleuth Breakout: Online Escape Room                             is intended for students who wish to work hard daily in a
(Grades 4-6)                                                          swimming environment. To enroll, a student should be able
Calling all problem solvers and puzzle lovers! This adventure         to swim at least 350 continuous yards freestyle without
will require you to solve challenges to complete BreakoutEDU          stopping. Class is limited to 25 participants.
activities. You will also have the opportunity to create your
own clues to stump your friends.                                      Tin Box Scrapbooking (Grades 2-4)
                                                                      In this adventure you will turn a tin box into a one of a kind
Soccer (Grades 2-5)                                                   scrapbook. Students will need to supply their own photos for
An adventure to satisfy all soccer lovers! We will focus on           this class.
skills, drills, and games.
                                                                      Tournament Chess (Grades 3-8)
Sports of All Sorts (Grades 4-8)                                      Love chess? Want to test our your skills? Want to learn the
This adventure offers you the opportunity to play the sports          newest tournament techniques? If yes, then this adventure
you love. No practice or training … just GAMES !!                     is for you.

Successful Transition to North or South High School                   Unicorns (Grades 1-4)
(Grade 9 in the 2021/2022 School Year)                                Sparkly, glittery, magical ... we will have it all in this class. Come
Designed for incoming freshmen from public, private and               along with us as we do everything Unicorn. This adventure
home schools that plan to enroll at North or South High               includes games, crafts and activities!
School for the 2021-2022 school year, this class introduces
students to study skills applicable to high school and will           Wacky Wisconsin (Grades 2-5)
familiarize them with the nature of a high school environment         Our state offers a variety of adventures. Come learn about
at North or South and their daily schedules. Content of the           some of Wisconsin’s best kept secrets. Shhh! We don’t want
course will include, but is not limited to: learning effective        the word to get out.
reading and comprehension strategies; practicing core life-
long skills for academic success; interactive activities that         Wild Safari (Grades 1-3)
practice reading, writing, discussion and collaboration. The          Do you wish you could see lions in Africa? Or penguins in
final component is to orient students to North or South by            Antarctica? In this summer adventure you can! We will spend
giving them building tours and engaging them in fun team-             our time traveling around the world to explore different
building activities. Students successfully completing the             animals in their diverse habitats. Don’t forget to bring your
course will receive .5 credit.                                        safari hat!
Summer Glee (Grades 3-8)
Ideal for students in grades 3-8 wishing to sing and move.
Students will learn new choral pieces, including musical
theater selections and other genres, while working on vocal
techniques and choreography which complement the music.
Performance on July 22 from 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.

Summer Nourishment
Join us for FREE Grab N Go meals at the door
this Summer! Anyone may pickup meals on
behalf of Children. Meals are intended for ANY
child 18 years of age or younger.

Pickup Dates: 		        June 21st-July 29th (Monday-Thursday) *Closed July 5th-8th. After July, 29th, the
			                     only days for pickup will be August 4th & August 11th at Central Office location only.

Pickup Time: 		7:30am-11:00am

Pickup Locations:       Jackson Elementary, James Madison Elementary, Grant Elementary,
			                     Cooper Elementary, Pigeon River Elementary, North High, South High, Central Office

     If your child is on site attending SASD summer school programs, athletics, or other activities,
                 breakfast and lunch will be offered to your child as part of the program.
                                For more information, please visit our website:

                                                                   Lessons are also
                                                                   part of Summer
Thursday July 22, 2021
  South High School                                                    School!
      Commons                                                            See the Community Recreation
                                                                    Department Summer Catalog for details
  Middle School Concert Band,
                                                                    and registration information. The catalog
  Orchestra and Summer Glee:
                                                                   is available on the Recreation Department
    5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
                                                                                    website at:
  Middle & High School Bands:
    7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.                                             www.sheboyganrec.com
You can also read