Page created by Denise Bowman
ISSUE 4/2021
Waldeck Consulting          Morson Projects

YOU NEVER                                DESIGNING HOMES
STOP BEING                               FOR THE NEXT
AN ENGINEER                              GENERATION OF
INTERVIEW                                HOME WORKERS

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                      YOU NEVER
                      STOP BEING
                      AN ENGINEER

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     ↓ 24
4                                                    MORSON PROJECTS                                                                                                                            MORSON PROJECTS                                                                5

In a 2020 report, it was indicated that 28% of chief
executives at Fortune 500 companies had an engineering
degree, with 34 of the top 100 of the Harvard Business
Review’s Best Performing CEOs also being engineers.

This was the case even in companies that weren’t themselves          Business Development Director Andy Hassall, to find out              Science teaches you the why, engineering the how. If your             challenges across a range on sectors, has helped me massively
engineering-based, such as Jeff Bezos at Amazon. But how             how their engineering and design backgrounds have helped             business is an engineering one, a knowledge of engineering            in my leadership role at Morson Projects. I have had to work
can a background in engineering help develop the skills needed       propel them through a combined experience of almost 80               itself can be crucial, as Andy finds working at design consultancy    with a diverse range of people and personalities with a broad
for a senior leadership role, and why are so many companies          years with Morson.                                                   Morson Projects. Having the relevant business qualifications for      range skills and capabilities. This experience has helped me to
succeeding with engineering-savvy CEOs?                                                                                                   a leadership role is always useful but knowing the mechanics          understand, shape and develop the dynamics of the business
     Within Morson Projects and the wider Morson Group, several      PROBLEM-SOLVING                                                      of the engineering process you design or make is almost more          development team that currently works for me. We are all
of our longest-serving directors began their careers within          “Engineers are generally practically and academically trained        crucial. It allows you to build teams and know which people to        different, whether by ability or personality; understand this and
the Morson Projects division of the business as engineering          throughout their career and wired in the same way. We see            surround yourself with in order to get results.                       you can work and get the best from any team and the diverse
apprentices, working their way through the business to hold key      the world through eyes that analyse, apply logic, question why            It allows you to match the right person to the most suitable     engineering teams I have worked with over the years have
executive positions.                                                 things are how they are and look for opportunities to improve.       role and take an objective view on projects with incisive and         taught me this!” – Andy
     Morson Group Managing Director Dr Kevin Gorton, said:           Our purpose in life is to problem solve using standards but also     knowledgeable input.                                                       Concise, effective, and clear communication is key for
“For me, engineering gives people a clinical way of thinking and     recognise the part research and development plays to foster                                                                                everyone in a leadership or management role, and a strong
solving problems. It allowed me to visualise the world through a     innovation.” – Steve                                                 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS                                             foundation in engineering and the associated technical
deterministic lens, making decision making easier. Engineering            Problem-solving is a key skill in both engineering and          “My son and daughter always used to ask me “why has                   communication can be invaluable – especially if the business
provides a great platform to build qualifications and learning       leadership. The ability to analyse how things work and then          everything always got to be a project, Dad?” My answer was            happens to be technology or engineering-focused but not
across different disciplines and sectors. It has given me the        rebuild them in a more efficient way can work extremely well         that everything needs a plan, a programme and a budget, even          exclusively. Leadership and management involve working
confidence and drive to be successful. I would recommend             when looking at both an engineered structure and the structure       if just in my head. This approach has helped me build a career        with teams of diverse people with often niche skill sets and
young people to become engineers because of the skills and           of a team. In the same way that knowing how all the parts of a       from apprentice to director and add value to senior management        experience, so being able to effectively communicate with
diversity of the discipline, from mechanical to civil engineering    particular machine work together to create the whole, or how one     teams by ensuring that all ideas are considered, risks are            a variety of stakeholders makes for better, more efficient
market sectors.”                                                     faulty part can have a severely negative effect on the smooth        assessed with affordability with tolerances communicated. It          outcomes.
     Morson Projects Managing Director, Chris Burke, said: “As       running of a device, a knowledge of the constituent elements of      can be challenging for colleagues who are wired differently,               Leadership involves knowing how the constituent parts of
an engineer you are taught to have a logic fact-based approach       a team gives you a knowledge of how things work that gives you       neither is wrong or right, we just see the world in a different but   an organisation work together effectively to create an efficient
to any situation. I hope that this approach helps team members       the confidence and skills to make subtle changes for the             complimentary way.” – Steve                                           whole. This same theory is true in engineering projects, so it’s
understand the mission at hand and use facts to work out             good of the whole.                                                        Engineers can see a set of related parts as a whole ‘project’,   not surprising that so many successful CEOs in so many leading
whether they are winning or losing. As with many professions,                                                                             with the constituent elements being part of a larger whole. With      global companies have swapped the drawing board for the
engineering is rooted in an apprentice culture. It is well           KNOWLEDGE OF ENGINEERING                                             every engineering project worked on needing a budget, a plan          boardroom.
understood and accepted that senior engineers have a duty to         “The definition of engineering is the use of scientific principles   and a set of recordable outcomes, this thinking can be incredibly          Morson Projects and Morson Group are working to help
bring along the younger generation. As a result there is a natural   to design and build machines, structures, and other items,           suited to leadership and management roles where a keen eye for        develop the next generation of engineering talent, and hence the
expectation to lead young aspiring engineers, I have always          including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. In       planning and delivery is needed throughout.                           future leaders. Our Gerry Mason Scholarships at the University
enjoyed this leadership privilege.”                                  particular, the discipline of engineering encompasses a broad                                                                              of Salford help bright students by paying for their three-year
     We spoke to two of our design apprentices who have gone         range of more specialised fields of engineering, each with an        COMMUNICATION                                                         engineering courses, helping those who may otherwise have
on to have long careers throughout Morson; Morson Groups             emphasis on particular area of expertise” – Andy                     “I think my background at Morson Projects, working with               struggled to finance them. ●
Client Services Director Steve Seddon and Morson Projects’                                                                                teams of engineers and designers to deliver complex client
6         MORSON PROJECTS                                                        MORSON PROJECTS                                                                 7

                                                                                                In addition to these carbon reduction steps, we will invest in
                                                                                                carbon removal projects selected on the basis of quality criteria
                                                                                                and verification of the carbon reduction impact. In doing so we
                                                                                                will offset the remaining residual emissions.
                                                                                                     The Morson Projects team supported by Morson Group
                                                                                                and its associated companies and other interested parties will
                                                                                                develop a collaborative hub with our clients, business partners
                                                                                                and other key industries to accelerate the transition to a net zero
                            Working closely with our parent                                     future together.

                            company, Morson Group, we are                                            Morson Group’s HSQE Director Gareth Morris said: “It is
                                                                                                important that we communicate to our staff, our clients, our
                            committed to continually reducing                                   community and our value chain that we care for our environment.

                            our total Greenhouse Gas Emissions                                  The vast majority of our emissions come from our use of
                                                                                                commercial vehicles in the delivery of certain contracts.
                            in absolute terms in order to                                            Our Group Fleet Manager, David Robinson, has worked

                            achieve Net Zero emissions by                                       for many years to reduce these emissions through the use of
                                                                                                lower emission vehicles, driver training and in-vehicle telemetry
                            2023. This will be achieved through                                 systems. One year ago we joined Shell’s fuel offset scheme

                            absolute emission reduction and                                     which has reduced our overall Net Zero carbon emissions
                                                                                                by 80%, and we are currently working hard on reducing the
                            offsetting the residual amounts.                                    remaining carbon emissions in order to achieve Net Zero.”
                                                                                                    Chris Burke, Executive Director at Morson Projects added:
                            As a Group, 82% of our emissions are currently derived from         “The team at Morson Projects are working closely with the wider
                            Operational Road Travel and other business travel. We aim to        Morson Group team to continually reduce our Greenhouse Gas
                            reduce our business travel and accommodation associated             Emissions over the next 2 years. This offsetting of emissions
                            emissions through the greater use of technology including           goes much further than our own operations and is also an
                            virtual meetings, virtual site tours and tech-savvy asset           important consideration for our technical team when designing
                            management tools.                                                   and delivering projects for our clients.” ●

                            REDUCING EMISSIONS THROUGH TRAVEL
                            We are committed to the de-carbonisation of our company
                            cars and commercial vehicles, with 49% of our company car fleet

                            already being low emission vehicles (either electric or hybrid)

                            and plans to increase this to 95% total by the end of 2023.
                                By 2023 we aim to complete all regular, commercial
                            vehicle journeys under 50 miles distance round trip by electric,
                            commercial vehicles. As suitable ultra-low emission commercial
                                                                                                                         It is important that
                            vehicles come to the market Morson Group are committed to                                    we communicate to

                            being an early adopter of new technology, ultra-low emission
                                                                                                                         our staff, our clients,
                                                                                                                         our community
                                                                                                                         and our value chain

                            Electricity consumption on our premises accounts for 14% of our
                            carbon emissions and we have already commenced the Building                                  that we care for our
                            Information Modelling of our premises by our in-house team in
                            pursuit of increasing building efficiency.
                                                                                                                         environment. The
                                Initial carbon reduction projects include the installation of                            vast majority of our
                            a power metering solution and LED lighting at Head Office and
                            other premises. As current electricity supply contracts expire,
                                                                                                                         emissions come from
                            we will purchase carbon neutral electricity including power from                             our use of commercial
                            renewable sources for our premises. We have commenced a
                            feasibility study for on-site generation on our premises and
                                                                                                                         vehicles in the delivery
                            intend to install solar generation and potentially wind power.                               of certain contracts.
8                                               MORSON PROJECTS                           MORSON PROJECTS   9

Earlier this month, IR35 legislation came
into play across the private sector.
Following our recent webinars covering      HOW CAN WE HELP?
the topic, we are working with new and      From full reviews of your contractual
existing clients to provide the necessary   workforce to practical and commercial
support to deliver IR35 compliant           IR35 solutions including fixed
solutions across the engineering and        price statements of work, we provide a
technical services landscape.               suite of robust solutions tailored to your
    For more than 40 years, Morson          organisation to help shape an effective
Projects has been delivering fully          IR35 strategy to remove the burden of
contracted-out services to clients, long    IR35, minimise risks and costs.
before IR35 legislation was established.
However, since the introduction of IR35     WHY CHOOSE A FULLY
in 2000, we have successfully delivered     CONTRACTED-OUT SOLUTION?
more than 12,000 projects as fully          Private sector organisations who
contracted-out solutions, with a value in   engage contractor populations are
excess of £750m.                            turning their attention to ensuring
    This method of working puts us in       compliance with the legislation, yet few
the position of the ‘End Client’ to any     hiring managers, procurement heads
relevant Personal Service Company           and HR professionals consider a fully
(PSC) engaged. It, therefore, means         contracted-out service as a potential
we are responsible for ensuring             option.
reasonable care is exercised correctly           A fully contracted-out service –
by producing and issuing an IR35 Status     often referred to as a Statement of
Determination Statement.                    Work (SOW) or a bought-out service
    Our robust processes, procedures        is a flexible, effective and highly
and tools to ensure IR35 compliance         successful commercial route which
are underpinned with a comprehensive        has many benefits and incidentally,
insurance policy. Our experts can help      can remove off-payroll considerations
guide businesses through the offload        related to IR35. Already commonplace
process, helping them clearly define        in engineering, IT and tech sectors,
their requirements and supporting           many other industries could benefit
them in generating Statements of            from choosing this advantageous and
Work (SOWs).                                effective way of working.
                                                 Whilst there is strictly no prescribed
                                            format, a fully contracted-out service
                                            comprises a ‘contract for services’,

...we provide a suite                       which governs the relationship and
                                            outputs agreed between the client and
of robust solutions                         service provider. ●

tailored to your
organisation to help                        Our experts are on hand to help

shape an effective                          businesses navigate the reforms, to
                                            find out more, please don’t hesitate to
IR35 strategy...                            contact the team on 0161 707 1516.
10                            MORSON PROJECTS                                                   MORSON PROJECTS                                                                 11

                  MORSON PROJECTS:                                          We caught up with our specialist control
                                                                            systems integration team within our Ematics
                                                                                                                                Codra support us with technical expertise,
                                                                                                                                providing patches to the Panorama software if

                  APPROVED SYSTEMS                                          division, to find out more about Codra, and what    we encounter any bugs during development or

                                                                            benefits our partnership creates for our clients.   upgrade cycles.

                   INTEGRATOR FOR                                           WHO ARE CODRA?
                                                                            Codra is the software manufacturer of the
                                                                                                                                WHAT BENEFIT DOES THIS
                                                                                                                                CREATE FOR CLIENTS?
                                                                            Panorama Suite Platform, specialising in            Our excellent collaborative relationship with
                                                                            industrial information technology: Front-           Codra helps us to provide support to clients
                                                                            end communication, SCADA, Data Historian            throughout the whole project lifecycle. From
                                                                            & Reporting tools. As an International IT           early contractor involvement and tender
                                                                            Engineering Services provider, the company          support, through development support and
                                                                            has forged its know-how from experience in          input, and finally system maintenance and
                                                                            services demanding very specific skills in highly   updates.
                                                                            technical sectors, such as embedded and real-            Our existing team have been delivering

       Morson Projects are an approved systems integrator for software      time systems, critical applications, scientific
                                                                            computing, test systems and other complex
                                                                                                                                projects together for many years and have
                                                                                                                                vast amounts of experience developing and
     engineering business, Codra, having worked with them collaboratively   automation and instrumentation and control          supporting Panorama systems for major UK

                  since 2014 on major projects across the UK.               projects.                                           infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                     Two key projects recently completed are the
                                                                            WHAT DOES BEING A PARTNER MEAN?                     APMS Replacement at Drax Power Station and
                                                                            Morson Projects and our Ematics division            the Unified SCADA Upgrades for Mersey Travel,
                                                                            are a Codra Certified Integration Partner for       which we hope to share more information on
                                                                            Panorama E2, Panorama Suite, and the legacy         soon.
                                                                            Panorama P2.
                                                                                As a trusted integration partner, Morson        WHAT’S NEXT?
                                                                            Projects are able to take advantage of Codra’s      Over the coming months and years, we look
                                                                            expert engineering support team in the              forward to continuing to work with Drax, Mersey
                                                                            development and integration of the Panorama         Travel, and other clients on UK infrastructure
                                                                            software for major UK infrastructure projects.      projects using Panorama as one of our platforms
                                                                            This direct collaboration with Codra maximises      of choice.
                                                                            development efficiency and helps reduce fault            Several innovations have already been
                                                                            snagging at testing stage.                          made available by Codra, such as IEC61850
                                                                                Our team have worked on numerous major          for the electricity market and BIM operations.
                                                                            control system developments using Panorama          Others will follow at the end of the year with the
                                                                            software including tunnel upgrades for              arrival of Panorama Suite 2022, Web Client, the
                                                                            Merseytravel, Power Station upgrades for Drax       EdgeToCloud approach and many more.
                                                                            and work on the UK rail infrastructure’s traction        Paul Ward, who heads up Morson Projects’
                                                                            power networks.                                     Ematics division added: “Our relationship
                                                                                                                                with Codra has evolved significantly over
                                                                            HOW DO THE SERVICES OF THE                          the past 7 years and we are proud to be one
                                                                            TWO BUSINESSES INTEGRATE?                           of their approved systems integrators. Our
                                                                                 Codra provide the necessary software           collaborative approach to projects means we
                                                                            platform and tools for us to carry out critical     are able to deliver successful, efficient solutions
                                                                            control system development and integration          to our clients, whilst continually improving the
                                                                            works for our clients.                              software we use. We look forward to continuing
                                                                                 For our projects, our software development     to work with Codra on exciting projects over the
                                                                            team is supported by the Codra team. We define      coming months and years.”
                                                                            the software and infrastructure architecture             James Burgess, Sales Manager at Codra
                                                                            for the project and have the design validated       commented: “We are pleased to have Morson
                                                                            by Codra to ensure best practice is being           Projects on-board as one of our approved
                                                                            followed. This ensures that we are compliant        systems integrators. Their team brings a unique
                                                                            with the Panorama product roadmap, allowing         mix of technical expertise and experience to
                                                                            for seamless upgrades to future versions of         the table and we look forward to continuing to
                                                                            Panorama, which saves our clients in the long       evolve our relationship over the coming years
                                                                            term. On project completion, Codra will audit our   as we deliver successful projects together for
                                                                            software to provide independent validation.         our clients.” ●
12   MORSON PROJECTS                                                   MORSON PROJECTS                                                              13

                                                        WOMEN’S DAY 2021:

                         TO CHALLENGE
                       At Morson                                    working world: “International Women’s
                                                                    Day is a global day celebrating the
                                                                                                               build a career within STEM.
                                                                                                                    “With an above average 18% of
                       Projects, equality                           achievements of women across all           our workforce being women, equality

                       has always been                              industries and in all environments,
                                                                    as well as calling out inequality and
                                                                                                               and diversity are an everyday learning
                                                                                                               activity at Morson Projects and days
                       important when                               increasing visibility.                     like International Women’s Day only

                       considering aspects                                “Gender equality, and celebration
                                                                    across all diversities is essential
                                                                                                               reinforce our commitment to this,
                                                                                                               raising awareness both internally and
                       of the business                              for economies and communities to           externally.

                       such as recruitment,                         thrive, as well as businesses. In the
                                                                    Construction and Engineering industries
                                                                                                                    “Morson Projects, as part of the
                                                                                                               wider Morson Group have already
                       training and career                          it is clear that stereotypes are being     taken huge steps to influence positive

                       progression, in order                        challenged and a diverse representation
                                                                    of women is more evident, which is
                                                                                                               behaviour, with compulsory Equality
                                                                                                               & Diversity training for all employees
                       to create an inclusive,                      something we work hard to champion         and carrying out awareness events

                       empowering                                   as a business.
                                                                          “At Morson Projects, equality
                                                                                                               throughout the year.
                                                                                                                    “That said, there is still a
                       future for all.                              has always been important when             continuing need worldwide for more
                                                                    considering aspects of the business        progressive mind-sets and inclusive
                       Today the world celebrates International     such as recruitment, training and          behaviours, which we hope to be
                       Women’s Day (IWD) 2021 and it’s              career progression, in order to create     able to continue to support through
                       theme; #ChoosetoChallenge.                   an inclusive, empowering future for all.   our internal programmes such as
                            The IWD campaign focuses on the         As such, some of our female engineers      apprenticeship schemes, graduate
                       idea that a challenged world is an alert     are currently volunteering as mentors      training, professional development
                       world. Individually, we’re all responsible   for the University of Salford’s ‘Go        reviews, flexible working and other
                       for our own thoughts and actions – all       Beyond’ programme, working with final      internal initiatives.” ●
                       day, every day. We can all choose to         year female students to help them step
                       challenge and call out gender bias and       confidently into the industry.”
                       inequality. We can all choose to seek out          Becky Hicks, from our HR Team        Find out more:
                       and celebrate women’s achievements.          adds: “Within STEM industries in 
                       Collectively, we can all help create an      particular there is a preconception that
                       inclusive world. From challenge comes        it is a ‘man’s world’ and the statistics
                       change, so let’s all choose to challenge.    support this with only 12.37% of all
                            We hear from Executive Director,        engineers in the UK being women. This
                       Chris Burke about why Morson Projects        is why education is so important to
                       supports #ChoosetoChallenge and              ensure that young women feel inspired
                       how a diverse workforce drives a better      to use their creativity and knowledge to
14                     MORSON PROJECTS                                                                          MORSON PROJECTS                                                                    15

                                                               The Women in Engineering
                                                               Mentoring Programme is powered by
                                                               our parent company, the Morson Group
                                                               and is a new mentoring initiative to cater   I hope to help the students with their confidence and
                                                               for a select group of female students in
                                                               their last year of study in engineering
                                                                                                            show how it is ok to take risks. I also believe that it
                                                               subjects in the School of Science,           is important to own our accomplishments and set
                                                               Engineering and Environment (SSEE)
                                                               at the University of Salford.
                                                                                                            positive examples for the next generation of women.
                                                                    The programme is running from
                                                                                                            The focus is on developing the mentee          encouraging them through the initial
                                                               February 2021 to May 2021 and
                                                                                                            professionally with the aims to achieve        stages of the professional development.
                                                               aims to connect the University’s final
                                                                                                            self-awareness, more confidence and            “Mentoring allows me an opportunity to
                                                               year female students with industry
                                                                                                            to feel equipped to Go Beyond the              reciprocate the guidance, kindness and
                                                               professionals to:
                                                                                                            University to get a job in industry.           support given to me by others when first
                                                               → Gain greater insights of the
                                                                                                                 “We welcome a phenomenal                  starting out, giving something back to
                                                                    industries of their chosen
                                                                                                            number of industry mentors who                 the engineering students and cohorts of
                                                                                                            registered their supporting to the             tomorrow.”
                                                               → Obtain greater knowledge about
                                                                                                            programme and are dedicating their                   Becky Veal, Head of Business Unit,
                                                                 their career prospects and have
                                                                                                            time and expertise to help promote our         shared: “Having built from scratch
                                                                 focus on the future
                                                                                                            graduate talent to encourage and upskill       and ran a successful engineering
                                                               → Acquire broader skills for personal
                                                                                                            more women into engineering roles.             recruitment business before joining
                                                                 and/or career development
                                                                                                                 “It’s a real testimony to our             Morson Projects, I hope to bring a
                                                               → Build understanding for
                                                                                                            partnership with the Morson Group,             fresh perspective to the young women
                                                                 communication and a range of
                                                                                                            and our collaborative investment to            who are taking part in this mentoring
                                                                 interpersonal skills
                                                                                                            developing our talent pipeline and             programme. I believe It is important
                                                               → Discover good practices and
                                                                                                            creating employment routes for the next        we nurture confidence in women
                                                                 understand how to enter the
                                                                                                            generation of women in engineering, to         from a young age, as they can often
                                                                 industry with confidence
                                                                                                            have five of their team from across the        be underestimated by others and
                                                                                                            Group onboard with the programme.”             as a result, start to underestimate
                                                               Anna, Ana, Becky and Maria have been
                                                                                                                 Anna Davanzo, Aerospace                   themselves.
                                                               matched with students in order to
                                                                                                            Engineer shared: “Helping to inspire                 “I hope to help the students with
                                                               offer valuable one-to-one mentoring
                                                                                                            young people and in particular young           their confidence and show how it is
                                                               sessions and will also take part in
                                                                                                            women to pursue careers in STEM                ok to take risks. I also believe that it is
                                                               group webinars, providing guest talks
                                                                                                            based disciplines is so important for          important to own our accomplishments
                                                               alongside the other mentors.
                                                                                                            the future of our industry. Taking
                                                                                                                                         ​​​​   the        and set positive examples for the next
                                                                    Dr. Maria Stukoff, Maker Space
                                                                                                            first tentative steps into the workplace       generation of women.”
                                                               Director shared: “The aims of ‘Go
                                                                                                            can be daunting and having a mentor                  Maria Williamson, Lead Design
                                                               Beyond’ are to help our students to
                                                                                                            who understands this can make the              Engineer within our Marine team added:
                                                               focus on the future, gain broader skills
                                                                                                            transition from university into work           “To give these young women the best

                                                               for personal or career development. The
                                                                                                            much less intimidating.                        chances of success in this industry,
                                                               expectation is that the knowledge and
                                                                                                                 “I’m really excited to be a part of the   it is important that time, advice and

                                                               influence of the mentor will assist the
                                                                                                            mentoring programme at the University          guidance is provided from the offset. It
                                                               student in planning career objectives
                                                                                                            of Salford, to be able to share some of        is a great responsibility being asked to

                                                               and help with gaining insight about how
                                                                                                            my knowledge and experiences with              help these young aspiring engineers,
                                                               to step confidently into the industry.
                                                                                                            future engineers and help them to enter        this is our chance to share experiences

             PROGRAMME                                                                                      the industry with confidence.”
                                                                                                                 Ana Meek, Chemical Process
                                                                                                            Engineer also shared: “I am very
                                                                                                                                                           and discuss how they see their career
                                                                                                                                                                 “These engineers have already

        We are pleased to announce that four of our female                                                  excited and honoured to be part of Go
                                                                                                            Beyond Programme. As a mentor, I am
                                                                                                                                                           chosen this path by going to university
                                                                                                                                                           and studying so I’m looking forward
     engineers, Anna Davanzo, Ana Meek, Becky Veal and Maria                                                looking forward to engaging with young         to exploring what they want to get out

      Williamson, have volunteered to join the Morson Maker                                                 engineers, and understanding their
                                                                                                            drivers, ambitions for their emerging
                                                                                                                                                           of their career and hopefully make the
                                                                                                                                                           transition a little more comfortable
            Space’s ‘Go Beyond’ Mentoring Programme.                                                        careers and supporting, guiding, and           for them.” ●
16         MORSON PROJECTS                             MORSON PROJECTS                                                                 17

WOMEN LEADERS                As part of a series   Maria has worked in Mechanical Design,
                                                   specialising in marine and submarine
                                                                                               This was a great challenge for me
                                                                                               professionally and was the first time I’d

IN ENGINEERING               of ‘Women Leaders     design for over 11 years.                   moved teams without knowing any of

                             in Engineering’       HI MARIA, TELL US A LITTLE BIT
                                                                                               my immediate colleagues.

                             interviews, we        ABOUT YOUR ROLE…                            WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU
                                                                                               AND YOUR TEAM?
                             caught up with one    A lot of what I do is very confidential,

                                                   but what I can tell you is that my role     My team are currently expanding
                             of the Lead Design    requires me to think about every aspect     again, we are in the midst of setting up

                             Engineers from our    of my team’s work, from the processes
                                                   they follow to the problems they face.
                                                                                               2 more teams, which will allow us to
                                                                                               bring more people on board and share
                             Marine division,          My team is built up of highly skilled   the knowledge, so it’s definitely an

                             Maria Williamson.     designers, but the processes that
                                                   require following are so complex that it
                                                                                               exciting time to be a part of this Morson
                                                                                               Projects team.
                                                   is my job to guide the designers down
                                                   the right path. With a wide range of        HOW DO YOU THINK WE, AS
                                                   stakeholders and the complexity of          AN INDUSTRY CAN WORK TO
                                                   these routed systems, the design work       INSPIRE THE NEXT GENERATION
                                                   often encounters a lot of changes even      OF WOMEN LEADERS IN
                                                   after it has been signed off. My team       ENGINEERING?
                                                   manage the design stage from initial        I believe that the inclusion for women
                                                   concept through to release.                 into Engineering should start from a
                                                                                               young age. If I had a better experience
                                                   WHY DID YOU CHOOSE AN                       at school with this path, then I definitely
                                                   ENGINEERING CAREER PATH?                    believe I would of embraced it a lot
                                                   Engineering has always been interesting     earlier.
                                                   to me, but I don’t believe enough                I believe the UK’s STEM programme
                                                   information was available for me in         does a great deal for students of all
                                                   school to guide me down this path           backgrounds, but schools and parents
                                                   straight from secondary education.          do need to be actively encouraging
                                                        I took Design & Technology as a        young women to choose engineering
                                                   GCSE, and it was difficult being 1 of       roles if they show an interest.
                                                   2 girls in the year taking that subject
                                                   further, I would say it actually set me     WHAT ADVICE CAN YOU OFFER
                                                   back quite a bit, and it wasn’t until 2     TO WOMEN WHO WOULD
                                                   years after leaving school that I decided   LIKE TO PURSUE A CAREER IN
                                                   to get back into Engineering and take       ENGINEERING?
                                                   on an apprenticeship. This was much         Women that have an interest in
                                                   more inclusive, and I was made to feel      engineering should climb over all the
                                                   supported.                                  obstacles to stay on that path. I promise
                                                        The qualifications I’ve gained along   it’s worth it!
                                                   the way cover Mechanical Engineering,            There are ways in which women
                                                   Nuclear Familiarisation, and Leadership     and men work and analyse situations
                                                   & Management training.                      differently and the Engineering industry
                                                        I do, however believe that now, 11     can certainly benefit from the value that
                                                   years after I started my apprenticeship,    a mix of male and female colleagues can
                                                   the industry welcomes women in a            contribute to this. The women I meet
                                                   much larger capacity.                       in this industry, like myself, have had
                                                                                               to overcome certain obstacles to get
                                                   WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER                        where they are, and as a result, have
                                                   HIGHLIGHTS SO FAR?                          grown into strong, successful people. ●
                                                   I’d say the highlight of my career was
                                                   being re-located 2 years ago, I moved
                                                   to Morson Project’s Manchester office       To find out more about how our
                                                   to set up a new team, which involved        Marine team can help you with
                                                   taking on half of an existing team and      your next project, please don’t
                                                   expanding it.                               hesitate to contact Maria by calling
                                                                                               0161 707 1516.
18                                                   MORSON PROJECTS                                                                       MORSON PROJECTS   19

                                   MEET THE TEAM:
                                   MORSON PROJECTS’
                                   BRISTOL OFFICE
                                   As part of a series of ‘Meet the Team’ articles,
                                   we caught up with our Bristol office to find out about
                                   the team delivering our projects in the South West.

We caught up with Sam Pike, Principle Design Engineer,               WHAT PROJECTS ARE YOU
who runs our Bristol team to find out more:                          WORKING ON AT THE MOMENT?
                                                                     We work with a variety of clients across the Aerospace &
HI SAM, TELL US A BIT MORE ABOUT                                     Defence industry, but an example of a key project for us would be
THE BRISTOL OFFICE TEAM?                                             the work we are doing with Leonardo Helicopters at the moment.
Our Bristol office is a diverse and dynamic team of 8 technical           Over the years Morson Projects has nurtured the relationship
staff, who work closely with clients across the Aerospace &          with Leonardo Helicopters, developing our expertise across
Defence industry. The team provide support on everything from        multiple platforms.
structural design concept through to manufacturing detail,                This long-term relationship has created offload opportunities
including the integration of systems, stress analysis, tooling       for our Bristol office, enabling us to develop our team inline with
design and manufacture, and production support.                      the clients demands.
    The team also work collaboratively with other Morson                  The team has been responsible for delivering small-scale
Projects design and stress teams located in Manchester, Hull,        stand-alone packages of work as well as working collaboratively
Belfast and Yeovil. Typical services we provide clients with are:    on larger tasks such as creating customised aircraft to meet the
→ Certification and Technical Reports                                specific requirements of the customer.
→ Check and Final Stress Analysis                                         With new insight into existing platforms, this has enabled
→ Detailed Design and DFM                                            constructive exchange of views and collective discussions with
→ Dynamic Analysis of Mechanisms                                     the client.
→ Fatigue and Damage Tolerance                                            The Bristol team are working closely with colleagues at our
→ FEM Analysis Including Pre and Post Processing                     Hull and Manchester offices to provide:
→ Initial Conceptual Design Studies                                  → Initial Design Layouts & Stress Evaluation
→ Kinematics                                                         → Production Design & Stress Analysis
→ Product Development                                                → Certification Report
→ Project Planning and Programme Management
→ Prototype and Production Design                                    WHAT DID 2020 TEACH YOU AND YOUR TEAM?
→ Stress Conceptual Design Evaluation                                From what was a strange year, my respect and confidence in
→ Stress Sizing                                                      the work the team do has only increased as I’ve experienced
                                                                     their ability to adapt to the ever-changing situation and the extra
WHAT MAKES YOUR TEAM DIFFERENT                                       challenges that have come with it.
FROM COMPETITORS?                                                        The team’s ability to be self-reliant and also working
I believe that our biggest USP is our willingness and                remotely in a communicative way has meant the team has been
capability to work collaboratively with clients using the            able to come up with solutions to everything that has been
multitude of experience and methods that we have gained              thrown at them. ●
from working across a variety of different projects for a range of
different clients.
     Our unique experience allows the team to be adaptable and       To find out more about how our Bristol team can help
reactive to any task, meaning we can get the “right people on        you with your next project, please don’t hesitate to contact
the job”, as well as challenging the conventional ways of working    Sam by calling 0161 707 1516.
“this is how we have always done it” by offering alternative view
points and best practices from the teams gathered experience.
This allows the wider team, the client and ourselves to work in
partnership to achieve the best solution to any given challenge.
20   MORSON PROJECTS                                                     MORSON PROJECTS                                                                     21

                                                      GARETH CLARKE
                                                      — FROM TOOLING
                                                      APPRENTICE TO
                                                      ADVANCED TOOL
                       As part of a series of ‘Meet the Team’ articles, we caught up
                       with Tooling Designer, Gareth Clarke, to find out more about his
                       career at Morson Projects as he has progressed from a Tooling
                       Apprentice to Advanced Tooling Designer.

                       SO, GARETH, WHAT MADE                         testing a model to then see your ideas        Manchester Metropolitan University,
                       YOU DECIDE TO DO AN                           come to life, whether that is a lifting       which I started after completing my
                       APPRENTICESHIP AT MORSON                      mechanism, trolley or overspeed test          Apprenticeship. I have been doing this
                       PROJECTS?                                     fixture. Regardless of what problem you       part-time alongside working 4 days a
                       My Dad actually worked at Morson              are solving, it’s all about the accuracy!     week at Morson Projects and have one
                       Projects for 28 years, so I definitely saw                                                  year of my studies remaining.
                       the success in his career and the variety     WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR                                 Following my graduation, I will be a
                       in his job role which inspired me to          FAVOURITE PROJECT TO                          fully qualified Engineer and then hope to
                       follow a similar path.                        WORK ON?                                      work towards Chartership.
                            When I applied for the                   One of the most interesting jobs I have
                       apprenticeship, I didn’t let anyone           worked on was an engine upgrade for           WOULD YOU RECOMMEND AN
                       know my connection to him though as           one of our defence sector clients. I was      APPRENTICESHIP TO SOMEONE
                       I wanted to know I’d got the job on my        responsible for designing the seats           LOOKING TO START A CAREER IN
                       own merits.                                   used to secure the engines’ intakes and       ENGINEERING?
                                                                     exhausts. I was the lead Mechanical           I would definitely recommend an
                       TELL US A BIT MORE                            Design Engineer and I was responsible         apprenticeship to anyone looking to
                       ABOUT YOUR ROLE…                              for producing over 100 individual             start in engineering. It is a great way to
                       I joined Morson Projects straight             designs with a team of 4 people. This is      get started in the industry, I think it is a
                       from High School in 2014 and have             one of the largest and most interesting       big advantage as the experience you
                       progressed in my career as part of the        jobs I have worked on, as there was a         gain as an apprentice from working in
                       Tooling team. I currently lead a Tooling      lot of aspects to consider in order to get    this environment as well as academic
                       Design & Manufacture delivery team            them right. Plus, it was great to see and     learning is invaluable. ●
                       which consists of 4 others and me. We         work with one of the most impressive
                       take our clients requirements, work out       ships in the world!
                       how to solve their problem or facilitate           As part of my day-to-day work, I am      To find out more about Morson
                       their requirements and then work with         also in charge of producing all tooling       Project’s Tooling & Design
                       them to deliver whatever it is they might     jobs we receive for Siemens Industrial        Capability please speak get in
                       need.                                         Turbomachinery. This involves working         touch with Gareth and the team
                             Tooling is a unique and often quite     with Siemens to find solutions to any         by calling 0161 707 1516.
                       ‘wacky’ discipline. Each project is           issues they may have, producing CAD
                       unique and often means working with a         designs and drawings of a solution and        Alternatively, if you are interested
                       vast range of other disciplines, whether      then organising the manufacture of the        in finding out more about an
                       that be Mechanical Engineering, Aircraft      item for them to use. I have designed         apprenticeship with Morson Projects,
                       Design, Civil Engineering and so on.          all sorts of equipment over the years         please contact our Group HR
                                                                     from lifting mechanisms, laser trimming       Assistant, Becky Hicks.
                       WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST                        fixtures and industrial transport fixtures.
                       ABOUT YOUR JOB?
                       For me, I really enjoy the variety of work,   WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU?
                       particularly the CAD element of Tooling       I’m currently in the third year of my
                       Design & Manufacture; creating and            BEng in Mechanical Engineering at
22                         MORSON PROJECTS                                                                          MORSON PROJECTS                                                                23

               MORSON PROJECTS'                              We interviewed them to find out more about their careers
                                                             so far and why choosing to start an apprenticeship in 2021,
                                                                                                                                  CRAIG: My career highlight has been attaining a First-Class
                                                                                                                                  Honours Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering at

               POWER APPRENTICES                             might just be the best decision you make!
                                                                 Paul Ward, who heads up our Power division explains:
                                                                                                                                  Manchester Metropolitan University.

               GO FROM STRENGTH                              “We’ve been taking on apprentices for over ten years now.
                                                             We have a fantastic success rate of recruiting both school and
                                                                                                                                  DID YOU, OR DO YOU PLAN TO CONTINUE YOUR
                                                                                                                                  EDUCATION AFTER YOUR APPRENTICESHIP?

               TO STRENGTH                                   college leavers and training them to become valued members
                                                             of our team, so much so, that 60% of our current Power team
                                                             began their career with us as an apprentice.
                                                                                                                                  JAMES: As well as my NVQ, I am currently in my final year
                                                                                                                                  studying for a HND having completed the HNC in previous years,
                                                                                                                                  from this, there is the option to continue into a final ‘top-up’ year

As Morson Projects’ Power division celebrates another            “Our apprenticeship training scheme sees employees
                                                             gain a broad range of experience across Power, Electrical and
                                                                                                                                  in order to achieve my BEng in Electrical Engineering.
                                                                                                                                       I plan to continue past my HND at Wigan & Leigh College
successful year of business, we caught up with two members   Instrumentation disciplines. Academically, some choose to            and onto my degree in order to make the most out of my time in

of their team, who started out as apprentices.               continue their studies after completing their HND’s at college,
                                                             by going on to study for a degree.”
                                                                                                                                  education and to improve my knowledge and understanding of
                                                                                                                                  certain principles within work.
                                                                 We caught up with Craig Nuttall and James Adshead,
                                                             who started with us as apprentices, to find out more about life      CRAIG: I started my degree just after completing my HNC
                                                             as part of our Power Division.                                       in 2016 and graduated in 2020 with a First-Class Honours
                                                                                                                                  Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Manchester
                                                             HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT MORSON                                   Metropolitan University.
                                                             PROJECTS AND WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?
                                                             JAMES: I’ve worked at Morson Projects for 3 years now and I          WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP FOR YOU IN YOUR CAREER?
                                                             am currently an Engineering Apprentice. My day-to-day duties         JAMES: I want to continue to learn and improve within work over
                                                             include providing CAD support for one of our senior engineers        the next few years with the goal of being able to produce design-
                                                             as well as assisting in a variety of other office duties. Working    based work, as well as being able to undertake draughting work
                                                             alongside a senior engineer, I am able to continually improve my     in order to further progress my career.
                                                             knowledge and experience, creating a foundation for what I hope
                                                             will be a successful and rewarding career.                           CRAIG: The next step in my career is to become an Electrical
                                                                  I study part-time at Wigan & Leigh College, on day release      Design Engineer.
                                                             each week and will be officially completing my apprenticeship in
                                                             the coming months when I receive my certificate for completing       WHY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND AN
                                                             my NVQ in Design and Draughting. Once I have completed               APPRENTICESHIP TO AN ASPIRING ENGINEER?
                                                             my apprenticeship, there are further opportunities at Morson         JAMES: I would highly recommend an apprenticeship to
                                                             Projects for progress onto further education.                        school and college leavers as an alternative to the traditional
                                                                                                                                  route. After finishing my A-Levels I was unsure whether an
                                                             CRAIG: I have worked at Morson Projects for just over                apprenticeship was a viable option in trying to work towards
                                                             8 years now and my current role as a Senior CAD Technician           an engineering career but after working in the industry for 3
                                                             involves working closely with a Senior Electrical Design Engineer    years and having spoken to others across the industry, I truly
                                                             on the electrical design aspects of projects as well as drafting     believe that apprenticeships can be beneficial to the traditional
                                                             AutoCAD drawings.                                                    university route as you finish with the same qualifications but
                                                                  I completed my apprenticeship in 2016, after 4 years            with more practical experience, as well as the opportunity to
                                                             of studying at North Trafford College (ONC) and also Wigan           start earning instead of being straddled with debt.
                                                             & Leigh College (HNC).
                                                                                                                                  CRAIG: Yes, I would highly recommend apprenticeships to
                                                             WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR CAREER                                            young adults as you get paid whilst you learn. Engineering is
                                                             HIGHLIGHT SO FAR?                                                    an interesting topic as it is continuously evolving. As a former
                                                             JAMES: A highlight for me has definitely been having the             apprentice I learnt more about what I was doing in the drawing
                                                             opportunity to travel to Scotland and other places within the        office as I was taken to site being shown what each project
                                                             UK to visit different sites. Our projects are located in a variety   involved. ●
                                                             of places across the UK, so being able to go out and visit these
                                                             sites is great experience and is a welcome change of scene
                                                             from our typical way of working.                                     To find out more about how our Power team can help you
                                                                                                                                  with your next project, please don’t hesitate to contact Paul
                                                                                                                                  by calling 0161 707 1516.
24                                              MORSON PROJECTS                                                                      MORSON PROJECTS   25

The Morson Projects’ Panel Build team specialise
in providing power system protection panels and
cubicles for a wide range of clients.

Our team offer a full scope of works from    generation. Utilising a fully equipped     TESTING:
primary and secondary engineering            workshop facility in Manchester, Morson    → FAT
and design through to site installation,     Projects work closely with clients         → SAT
including connections to grid >132kv.        to define and supply their complete
     As part of our offering, our team are   requirements.                              Our previous annual capacity was 80
also able to offer clients the design and                                               per annum Large Secondary Protection
build of protection and control panels on    WHAT SERVICES DO                           Panels and 200 per annum Small LV/ MV
existing frameworks.                         THE TEAM PROVIDE?                          Panels, however we have now secured
     Following the recent appointment        We work closely with clients across the    additional storage at one of our sites
of Jonathan McCreavey as Panel Shop          Infrastructure, Nuclear, Transportation,   in Irlam to increase our capacity due to
Manager we caught up with him and            Manufacturing and Renewables sectors.      heightened demand for this service.
the rest of the team to find out more        Our team includes experienced panel
about what projects they are working on      builders who, together with our team of    WHAT PROJECTS ARE YOU
and what offering they can provide to        project and design engineers are able      CURRENTLY WORKING ON?
clients. The team currently includes the     to offer clients a complete solution to    Although we can’t go into detail
following members (left to right):           their control and system requirements,     about our current projects due to
→ John Armstrong                             including install and commissioning        client confidentiality, we are currently
     Installation Manager                    services, covering the below:              working on a range of battery storage
→ Jonathan McCreavey                                                                    solutions, Remote Power Quality (RPQ)
     Panel Shop Manager                      TYPES:                                     installations, infrastructure maintenance
→ Graeme Burns                               → Critical Power & Standby Power           upgrades and some large projects in
     Senior Site Engineer                       (ATS & UPS)                             power generation and renewables.
→ Josh Loughran                              → HV Secondary Protection
     Electrical / Site Engineer                 & Control Panels                        WHAT’S NEXT FOR
→ Jay Lee Smith                              → LV & HV Metering                         THE PANEL TEAM?
     Apprentice                                 (Remote Power Quality)                  As mentioned earlier on, we grew our
                                             → LVAC Switchboards                        Panel Build team by initially providing
We have also been joined by Senior           → PLC & Motor Control Panels               full design from primary design to
Design Engineer, Jack Roberts, who,                                                     connection which then evolved into
thanks to recent software investment         APPLICATIONS:                              also offering secondary protection and
and training, will soon be EPLAN             → Data Centres                             control panel build, the next step for
certified. We caught up with the team        → Traffic Management                       us is panel build installation for a wider
to find out more…                            → Power Distribution                       range of clients, utilising our National
                                               (6.6kV – 400kV)                          Grid approved team. ●
HOW CAN THE TEAM HELP?                       → Automation & Control
Morson Projects specialise in providing      → Building Management
power system protection panels and                                                      To find out more about how our Panel
cubicles for all levels of electrical                                                   Build team can help you with your
power transmission, distribution and                                                    next project, please don’t hesitate to
                                                                                        contact us by calling 0161 707 1516.
26        MORSON PROJECTS                                                                                                 MORSON PROJECTS                                                               27

     MEET                                                                As part of a series of ‘Meet the Team’ articles, we caught up

     THE TEAM:                                                           with Systems and Software Engineer, Dean Ellison, to find out
                                                                         how he has been using his coding skills to enhance his role as
     DEAN ELLISON                                                        an Engineer within our Control Systems team.
     SYSTEMS &
                                                                         After finding issues I will then discuss     benefits our clients in terms of working      I am continuing to enhance my
                                                                         possible solutions with the relevant         efficiently, meeting milestones and           knowledge of control systems and

                                                                         design team. It’s a challenging role that    sharing best practise. It is a privilege to   gain expertise in various stages of the
                                                                         incorporates a good mix of technical         work with such a knowledgeable bunch          systems development lifecycle. I am
                                                                         disciplines. I get to interact with system   of engineers.                                 also passionate about the global push
                                                                         designers, software developers and                I like to think that I bring some        towards net zero carbon emissions and
                                                                         experts from other disciplines, to better    good benefits to my team, such as my          the increasing adoption of renewable
                                                                         understand the product and to verify         systematic approach to identifying and        energy technologies. In years to come
                                                                         that each sub-system works as per its        solving issues, good initiative to find       I would like to say that I had used
                                                                         design intent.                               efficient ways of working, and a desire to    my engineering skills in the fight to
                                                                                                                      keep things simple wherever possible.         tackle climate change. So perhaps
                                                                         AT WHAT POINT DID YOUR                       The goal is always to develop the best        one day I will be leading a team in the
                                                                         CODING AND ENGINEERING                       possible solutions for our clients,           development of novel designs for future
                                                                         CAPABILITIES START TO BE                     ensuring that the control systems we          engineering technologies.
                                                                         USED TOGETHER?                               develop are safe and reliable.                     Gordon Murphy, who heads up
                                                                         Like most engineers I enjoy analysing                                                      Morson Projects Systems & Software
                                                                         how things work and finding the best         WHAT PROJECTS HAVE YOU                        team added: “Following a chance phone
                                                                         methods to improve products and solve        WORKED ON RECENTLY?                           call and an excellent interview, we were
                            HI DEAN! TELL US A LITTLE
                                                                         problems for people.                         At Morson Projects I have worked on a         delighted to welcome Dean to our team
                            BIT MORE ABOUT YOU AND
                                                                         While I had some good exposure to            range of civil and defence projects with      in Belfast in 2017.
                            YOUR ROLE?
                                                                         computer programming during my               a variety of clients, including Rolls-             “Dean joined Morson Projects with
                            I joined Morson Projects in 2017, and
                                                                         degree, I would consider myself more         Royce, BAE Systems, and Mitsubishi            a strong technical background from
                            work with a team of over thirty engineers
                                                                         of a logical problem-solver than a           Aircraft Corporation.                         his previous roles including working at
                            in Belfast to develop safety-critical
                                                                         software developer.                              Each project has come with its own        Rolls-Royce and Bombardier, which
                            software for aircraft engine control
                                                                              When I started work at Rolls-           unique challenges and development             was complimented by his academic
                                                                         Royce in 2015, I was surprised that          opportunities. I have enjoyed working         achievements.
                                  I have a master’s degree in
                                                                         many of my engineering colleagues            in multi-disciplinary teams, leading               “Over the past 3 years, Dean
                            aerospace engineering and am
                                                                         wrote code on a daily basis. Whether         work packages, and interfacing with           has become a valued member of our
                            professionally chartered with the
                                                                         writing a simple batch script or coding a    clients on-site. For example, I frequently    Systems & Software team, who is
                                                                         bespoke software solution, I discovered      travelled to the Rolls-Royce site in          willing and completely able to take on
                                  My current role is within our
                                                                         that I enjoy writing code to automate        Birmingham to support key software            responsibility working and delivering a
                            Hardware-Software Integration team,
                                                                         repetitive tasks and to help solve           certification activities for the Pearl 700    quality product for our clients.” ●
                            where I am responsible for testing
                                                                         complex problems. So I suppose my            engine, and on a previous project with
                            that our designed software operates
                                                                         coding and engineering capabilities          Mitsubishi I was the lead engineer
                            correctly when deployed onto engine
                                                                         developed alongside one another, and         within Morson Projects for systems            To find out more about how our
                                                                         now I am working with a great team           verification work on the Pratt & Whitney      Control Systems team can help you
                                  On a typical day, I try to find
                                                                         of engineers to develop software for         1000G engine.                                 with your next project, please don’t
                            realistic scenarios to ‘break’ the control
                                                                         aircraft engines.                                                                          hesitate to contact Dean by calling
                            system, which often requires me to
                                                                                                                      WHAT’S NEXT FOR YOU?                          0161 707 1516.
                            think outside-the-box. First I have to
                                                                         HOW DO YOU CREATE BENEFITS                   A career in engineering is one of lifelong
                            understand the system design, and then
                                                                         FOR YOUR TEAM AND CLIENTS?                   learning, so I am always looking for
                            code some useful tests to verify that the
                                                                         We are a close-knit team at Morson           opportunities to develop myself and
                            hardware and software are behaving
                                                                         Projects, and this undoubtedly               learn new skills.
                            as expected.
WALDECK         29

31 →

               ← 36
               STATION COMPLETES

          40 →
30   WALDECK                                                           WALDECK                                                                  31

               CASE STUDY:                                                                              Lincolnshire couple

                                                                                                        Nathan and Amye
                                                                                                        Marshall had grand

                                                                                                        ideas to create a
                                                                                                        Dutch-barn style
                                                                                                        property when they

                                                                                                        came across a plot
                                                                                                        of land near Weston
                                                                                                        Hills in South Holland.
                                                                                                        Channel Four’s Kevin
                                                                                                        McCloud and the
                                                                                                        Grand Designs team
                                                                                                        also joined them on
                                                                                                        their journey to create
                                                                                                        their forever home.

               The Waldeck team were appointed by          structures, often for commercial and         the building components that needed
               architectural firm, Studio 11, to support   industrial developments. Such a large        careful consideration. Sanjay was happy
               them with the foundation and super-         steel frame, which was necessary to          to develop those details with us and
               structure engineering design for a          achieve the Dutch-barn style roof, is not    this attention to detail is reflected in the
               giant cathedral-like new home, which        common for a house, so it was great to       excellence of the completed home.”
               recently featured on Channel 4's Grand      be able to use our expertise to help with         Home owner, Nathan shared:
               Designs. The building was modelled          this bespoke design solution.                “We found the plot back in early 2019
               on the Dutch-barn style houses of the            “We had a couple of visits to the       and Studio 11’s Kris and his team had
               area – but with a sleek contemporary        site, collaborating closely with the wider   completed the drawings and gained
               twist and a rather striking 5,000 tile      team in the early stages for the project,    approval by August 2019, so work
               ‘armadillo’ roof.                           but the last time we went on site was to     began the following month.
                    Adjacent to the property, which        see the steel frame go up, so it was great        “As for the property itself, we
               sits in about an acre of land, was          to see the project progress into the final   wanted something architecturally
               an additional annexe which would            stages on Channel 4’s Grand Designs.         different. The house is about 4,500sq
               accommodate Nathan’s mum and                     “As always, it was a pleasure to        ft, arranged over two storeys and has
               stepdad to provide multi-generational       work with Kris and the team at Studio        five bedrooms and five reception rooms.
               living.                                     11 who we have been working with for              “It took just over a year, from late
                    We caught up with Waldeck’s            several years now, supporting them on        September 2019 to November 2020,
               Project Lead, Sanjay Dhanani, to            a selection of residential developments      and the final filming for Grand Designs
               find out more about our involvement:        across the East Midlands.                    took place on 17th November 2020.
               “Waldeck were responsible for the piled          “Studio 11 did a fantastic job of       That morning we were still rushing to get
               foundation and ground beam design           bringing this project to life and we are     the last delivery of gravel down!
               for the project as well as the design       grateful to have been able to assist!”            “To come home each evening to
               of the super-structure steel frame to            Kris Baxter, Founder & Creative         Amye and to the house that we’ve built,
               suit the Dutch-style barn shape. Our        Director at Studio 11 added: “As usual       and to know there’s a space for our
               team modelled the civil and structural      it was a pleasure to work with Sanjay        parents and my older children, Noah and
               elements in 3D using Revit.                 and the Waldeck team on this project.        Ava, has really made the whole journey
                    “On this unique project, we were       Achieving the open plan nature of            worthwhile.” ●
               able to apply the same standards and        the building meant that a steel frame
               processes that we would usually use         was the only option, but the roof form
               when we are designing much larger           created several intersection issues with     Find out more:
32                                                      WALDECK                                                                       WALDECK   33

Following on from our engineering designs                                                 WHAT ARE YOU AND YOUR
                                                                                          TEAMS’ MAIN AREAS FOR
recently being showcased on Channel 4’s Grand                                             FOCUS WHEN DESIGNING AND
Designs, we caught up with Associate Director,                                            DELIVERING A PROJECT?

Sanjay Dhanani, who led the super-structure and                                           The key drivers for all projects have to
                                                                                          be cost and efficiency. Finding effective
foundation design for the project.                                                        engineering solutions that are economic
                                                                                          to build provides benefits for both the
                                                                                          Contractor and the Client. With the
Although the hour-long episode sharing      WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE                        range and depth of experience that we
the journey of building Nathan and          PART ABOUT YOUR JOB?                          have within the team, I have confidence
Amye’s dream home, may have been our        My favourite part is seeing the projects      that we are able to deliver practical
‘fifteen minutes of fame’, many of the      that the team have worked on go into          solutions to the projects we work on.
projects Sanjay and the team have been      construction, especially when we have
involved with are equally (if not more)     seen the designs through from concept         WHAT’S NEXT FOR
impressive.                                 to completion. I still get that buzz!         YOUR TEAM?
     We caught up with Sanjay, who is            I also really enjoy being able to work   The Peterborough team are currently
based in our Peterborough office, to find   with Clients, Architects and Contractors      delivering a host of medium-sized
out more about what happens behind          alike to solve complex problems. For          residential developments and large
the scenes in our Civil & Structural        me, collaboration is key and we have a        industrial projects throughout the UK,
Engineerings team.                          great team of engineers and technicians       which have been our ‘bread and butter’
                                            who work really well together to deliver      in recent years.
HI SANJAY! TELL US MORE                     projects both large and small.                     However, we’re also involved in a
ABOUT YOUR ROLE?                                                                          range of projects in other sectors such
I have worked in the construction           WHAT WAS YOUR MOST                            as healthcare, food manufacturing
industry for over 20 years now and have     REWARDING PROJECT?                            and commercial retail, which we look
been at Waldeck since 2007, where           I’ve been lucky enough to work on a           forward to continue expanding over the
I lead a team of Civil and Structural       range of significant projects, both close     coming months. Who knows, we might
Engineers and Technicians.                  to home and on a national scale.              even get another TV appearance one
     My experience covers a wide range           A few examples include the new           day, too! ●
of civil and structural engineering         Sports Centre at Stamford Endowed
disciplines and has seen me working         Schools and Primark at the Queensgate
on multi-million pound schemes              Centre in Peterborough, plus a host           To find out more about how our
across sectors such as automotive,          of complex manufacturing and                  Civil & Structural team can help you
manufacturing, data centres,                infrastructure projects for Jaguar            with your next project, please don’t
educational, retail, commercial and         Land Rover and more recently some             hesitate to contact Sanjay by calling
residential.                                large Data Centres.                           08450 990285.
     I work closely with clients and our
in-house multi-disciplinary team to
ensure the delivery of innovative and
commercially-aware design solutions
for projects across the UK.
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