Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews

Page created by Alfredo Hardy
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
Your Complete Guide to the
Events and Activities of the
   Autumn Leaf Festival!
       Supplement of the
  Clarion News and Midweek
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
  Page 2 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                      Cultural Night
                                                                                                      features Rev. Jones
                                                                                                         CLARION — The third                   Jones has entertained and
                                                                                                      Clarion           University             educated audiences of all
                                                                                                      “Cultural Night” will take               ages in schools, colleges,
                                                                                                      place 7 p.m. Wednesday,                  libraries, union halls, pris-
                                                                                                      Oct. 6, in front of the court-           ons, churches and civil
                                                                                                      house during the Autumn                  rights organizations. At
                                                                                                      Leaf Festival. This night                the heart of this message
                                                                                                      will feature Rev. Robert                 is the belief that our cul-
                                                                                                      Jones, Sr.                               tural diversity tells a story
                                                                                                         Rev. Robert Jones, Sr. is             that should celebrate not
                                                                                                      a native Detroiter and an                just tolerate.
                                                                                                      inspirational storyteller                   Please bring along a
                                                                                                      and musician celebrating                 non-perishable food item to
                                                                                                      the history, humor and                   benefit the Clarion County
                                                           CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                      power of American Roots                  Community              Bank
    The Clarion Social Club and the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority teamed up to build this float
                                                                                                      music. His deep love for                 “FoodStock.”
for the 2009 ALF parade.
                                                                                                      traditional           African                  For more information,
                                                                                                      American and American                    contact the Clarion Area
                                                                                                      traditional music is shared              Chamber at (814) 226-9161
                                                                                                      in live performances that                or
                                                                                                      interweave timeless stories                 This event is sponsored
                                                                                                      with original and tradi-                 in    part     by   Farmers
                                                                                                      tional songs.                            National Bank and Modern

                                                                                                        Just in time for ALF!
                                                                                                         For more than 30 years                Living Solutions.

                                                                                                            6 New Throwback Clarion

                                                                                                             Vintage Tees
                                                                                                      Outside Special On Crafters Day, Friday, October 8th


                                                                                                           Vinny’s                              Clarion State
                                                                                                        “Buck-A-Slice”        Clarion, Pa          College        The Hot Dog
                                                           CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
   The Clarion Chapter of the Eastern Star took a drive back in time for the 2011 Autumn                                                       Remember When?
Leaf Festival parade with this wheels on wheels float. The float represents the past and                                                       wáÖ=w~Ö=_~êI=`ä~êáçå=pí~íÉI=bãÉêëçåÛë
present with a Model A 1929 Ford, period clothing, but most important, women and men                                                           o~ÖäÉóÛë=_çïäáåÖ=C=_áääá~êÇëI=
donating their time and talents toward building a better community.                                                                            gçÜååó=d~êåÉ~ìÛëI=g~ãÉëï~óI=
                                                                                                                 Main Street, Clarion          jçÇÉêå=aáåÉêI=pâ~íÉä~åÇI=eÉêãáÉÛëI
                                                                                                       800‐320‐6902•226‐8020•   aÉï=aêçé=fååI=`ä~êáçå=oáîÉê=oçÅâKKK
          This edition highlights photos from
                                                                                                      Store hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm;
          2009 and 2011 Autumn Leaf Festival.                                                                Friday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm; and Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 3
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
Schedule of events for 2021 ALF
   Page 4 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

   CLARION — Following is a           ✔Amusements rides by              Memorial Park, across from               Oct. 3.                              Oct. 9; Clarion Mall parking
schedule of Autumn Leaf           McGinnis         Amusements:          courthouse and along Main                    6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 5,    lot. Fresh and local foods and
Festival activities Oct. 2        Saturday, Oct. 2 to Sunday, Oct.      Street.                                  Wednesday, Oct. 6, and               goods are available as well as
through Oct. 10, as provided by   10. Rides operate weather per-            ✔Free wine tastings: 10              Thursday, Oct. 7.                    plants, trees, soaps, maple
the Clarion Area Chamber of       mitting:                              a.m. to 9 p.m. Deer Creek                    10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday,       syrup, honey, baked goods,
Business and Industry:                ●noon to 5 p.m. Saturday,         Winery, 3333 Soap Fat Road,              Oct. 8 and Saturday Oct. 9.          eggs, meat, fruit and vegeta-
Weeklong events                   Oct. 2, ($20 wristband)               Shippenville. Along with wine                Noon to 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct.
                                                                                                                                                      bles      for     purchasing.
   ✔Souvenirs and infor-              ●6 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Oct.      they also have food, beer, fla-          10.
mation: Available at the          2, (tickets)                          vored olive oils and vinegars.               The hobby shop is open to        Information: Facebook: Clarion
Clarion Area Chamber of               ●Noon to 8 p.m. Sunday,           Info:                 the public. Admission is free.       Farmers Market or clarionpa-
Business and Industry at 650      Oct. 3, ($20 wristband)                   ✔Contemporary model                      For more information   
Main Street or at the chamber         ●5 to 10 p.m. Monday, Oct,        and factory tour: 9 a.m.-3               please contact John Netzlof at           ✔Clarion      downtown
booth on the courthouse lawn.     4, Tuesday, Oct. 5 and                p.m., Monday, Oct. 4 through             (814) 541-0286, email at             deals: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
   ✔Airplane rides: Clarion       Thursday, Oct. 7 (tickets)            Friday, Oct. 8, at Structural           or    Wednesday, Oct. 6 and
County Airport, 395 Airport           ●5 to 10 p.m. Wednesday,          Modulars Inc., 101 Southern              view on Facebook.                    Thursday, Oct. 7; downtown
Rd., Shippenville. Airplane       Oct. 6, ($20 wristband)               Ave. Strattanville. Be sure to               ✔Free live music week-           Clarion.
rides require an appointment.         ●11 to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8,     stop by and check out “The               ends: Thursday, Oct. 7 through           ✔Fall at the mall craft
Information: (814) 226-9993.      ($20 wristband) and 6 to close        Essex,” and while you are visit-         Sunday, Oct. 10 at Deer Creek        and vendor show: 8 a.m. to
   ✔Clarion County Arts           (tickets) Note: Rides close from      ing SMI, they can show you               Winery, 3333 Soap Fat Road,          5 p.m., Friday, Oct. 8 and 10
Council Art Show opening          5 to 6 p.m. for safety inspection     how they design and construct            Shippenville. Come out and
                                                                                                                                                      a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct.
reception: 6 to 8 p.m., Friday,       ●Noon to 5 p.m. Saturday,         so you can live in the home of           enjoy some wine and food at
Oct. 1 at Main Street Center,     Oct. 9, ($20 wristband) and 6 to      your dreams. Information:                Clarion’s biggest area winery        9; Clarion Mall. Variety of
516 Main Street in Clarion.       close (tickets) Note: Rides close     (814) 764-5555, info@smi-                with lots of outside seating.        crafters and vendors will be
Information:      clarioncount-   from 5 to 6 p.m. for safety       or    www.smi-            Info: (814) 354-7392 and             displaying items for sale.       or   inspection                                                 Facebook, Deer Creek Winery.         Registration fee of $50 for
email           ●Noon to 6 p.m. Sunday,               ✔Clarion            Model                ✔Clarion          Farmers        vendors. Register: vendorsi-

                                                                                                                       Thank You
   ✔Clarion County Arts           Oct. 10, ($20 wristband)              Railroad Club display: The               Market: 8 a.m. to noon,    
Council art show: Main                Rides and games are locat-        Clarion Model Railroad display           Saturday, Oct. 2 and Saturday,                   See SCHEDULE, Page 5
Street Senior Center, 516 Main    ed in the Clarion County              is located in the basement of
Street. Art show hours: 4 to 8    Memorial Park and the court-          the Clarion Masonic Lodge
p.m., Monday through Friday       house parking lot.                    Building on Main Street,
and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday        For more information, con-       Clarion. Enter at the rear
and Sunday. The ALF Art           tact the Clarion Area Chamber         entrance to see the fascinating
Show is an exhibition of local    of Business and Industry at           set up.
Clarion County artists of all     (814) 226-9161 or info@clarion-           The display is open the fol-
ages. Information: clarion-                               lowing days and times:                            The Clarion Area Chamber of Business &          ✔Food         concessions:            10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday,                 Industry extends their thanks and appreciation
                                                                                                                        to our sponsors who make the International
                                                                                                                              Award Winning Allegheny Toyota
                                                                                                                              Autumn Leaf Festival™ possible!
                                                                                                                                       Platinum - Allegheny Toyota
                                                                                                                      Diamond - Clarion University • Diamond - Kronospan, USA
                                                                                                                           Bronze - Butler Health System Clarion Hospital
                                                                                                                      Ruby - PNC Bank • Sapphire - Clarion County Community Bank
                                                                                                                          Sapphire - Clarview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
                                                                                                                      Sapphire - First Energy • Sapphire - First United National Bank
                                                                                                                                   Sapphire - Structural Modulars, Inc.
                                                                                                                                Emerald - Burns & Burns Associates, Inc.
                                                                                                                                    Pearl - Advanced Drainage Systems
                                                                                                                         Pearl - Butler Health System Women's Care Associates
                                                                                                                                  Pearl - Butler Health System Pediatrics
                                                                                                                       Pearl - C93 Radio • Pearl - Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.
                                                                                                                           Pearl - Colony Homes • Pearl - Commodore Homes
                                                                                                                                Pearl - LeafFilter • Pearl - Northwest Bank
                                                                                                                                 Pearl - McDonald's • Pearl - S & T Bank
                                                                                                                              Pearl - Sherwin-Williams • Pearl - UFC - Parker
                                                                                                                         Pearl - UPMC - Northwest • Pearl - Waste Management
                                                                                                                                  Aquamarine - Farmers National Bank
                                                                                                                                  Aquamarine - Modern Living Solutions
                                                                                                                        Opal - Aramark Dining • Opal - Clarion Psychiatric Center
                                                                                                                            Opal - DMS Printing • Opal - UPMC - Urgent Care
                                                                                                                                  Peridot - BigFoot Country 102.1/101.3
                                                                                                                          Peridot -Clarion Moose Lodge #101 • Peridot -Motel 6
                                                                                                                            Peridot - Shippenville Healthcare & Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                       For a Schedule of activities taking place, please
                                                                                                                       contact the Clarion Area Chamber of Business &
                                                                      CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                                             Industry at 814-226-9161, log onto
    Zachary Kercheval, son of Chris and Valerie Kercheval of Clarion, celebrated his fifth

birthday Oct. 2, 2011, at the Clarion County Airport’s annual Autumn Leaf Festival Fly-in

breakfast with his grandfather, David Johnson, also of Clarion.
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
                                                        2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 5

                                                                                                                                                                      From page 4

   ✔ALF parking: all day,        or           Homes and Kronospan U.S.A.                                School PTO. Information: (814)
Friday, Oct. 8 and 7 a.m. to         ✔Clarion         County        Information: www.thomasmu-                  ✔Free flu shots for vet-         226-8433 ext. 105 or ceisen-
noon, Saturday, Oct. 9;          Farmers’ Market: former                             erans: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.,    
Immaculate        Conception     Gordman’s building at the              ✔Waste Management                    American Legion Post 66, 530           ✔Autorama Cruise In
School      parking     lots.    Clarion Mall; buy local pro-       Touch a Truck: 10 a.m.-2                 Main St., Clarion. No appoint-      sponsored in part by First
Information: ceisenman@clar-     duce, meats, eggs, plants,         p.m., Clarion Mall. Children             ment is needed, walk-ins wel-       Energy: Noon-4 p.m., Avenue or call (814)     trees, natural products, baked     of all ages can get behind the           come. For more information or       on Main Street. Parking begins
226-8433, ext. 105.              goods, herbs, honey, maple         wheel of big rigs, emergency             questions, call Ron Collett at      at 9 a.m. Sponsored in part by
                                 syrup, soaps and more. Check       vehicles, tractors, construc-            the Butler VA at (878) 271-         Allegheny Toyota.
Saturday – Oct. 2                                                                                            6677.                                  ✔Universal          Forest
   ✔United Way 5K /10K           out Facebook for more infor-       tion vehicles and more. Free
                                 mation.                            family fun. Information: (814)              ✔Advanced Drainage               Products Motorcycle Show:
Race: Registration: 8 a.m.;
                                     ✔S&T Bank Old Time             226-9161                    or           System              Cornhole        Noon-4     p.m.,     downtown
race:   9    a.m.;    Clarion
                                 Fiddler’s contest: 9 a.m.                     Tournament: 5 p.m.; down-           Clarion.
University stadium. Cash                                                                                     town Clarion.                          ✔PNC Bank Junior
prizes awarded to top three      (registration); 11 a.m. start,         ✔Big Foot Country
                                 First    United     Methodist      102.1/101.3      and     Kids’              ✔UPMC          Northwest         Olympics: 1:30-3:30 p.m.,
male and females finishers in                                                                                Classic Rock Concert: 7 to          Clarion University stadium.
each race. To pre-register for   Church, 600 Wood St.               Carnival: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.,
                                 Information: www.thomasmu-         Clarion Mall; kids will enjoy            10 p.m., downtown Clarion.          Open to Clarion County chil-
race,                    visit                                                                               Featuring “Uptown Classic           dren ages 5 to 12. Sponsored in         or     Supporting      free games, activities, clowns
                                 sponsors for this event are        and free fun. Information:               Hits,” the event is free and        part by Clarion University.
w w w. r u n h i g h . c o m                                                                                 open to all festival goers. For     I n f o r m a t i o n :
Information: (814) 226-8760      Colony Homes, Commodore            (814) 226-9161 or info@clari-
                                                                                                             more information: (814) 226-
                                                                                                             9161 or         Monday – Oct. 4
                                                                                                             Sunday – Oct. 3                         ✔Clarion         University
                                                                                                                ✔Bountiful Harvest pie           Cultural Night sponsored
                                                                                                             and bake sale: 8 a.m. to sell       in    part      by     Farmers
                                                                                                             out, Immaculate Conception          National Bank and Modern
                                                                                                             School front parking lot, Main      Living Solutions: 7 p.m. to
                                                                                                             Street. Homemade pies and           last act is over in front of the
                                                                                                             baked goods; benefits I.C.                      See SCHEDULE, Page 6

                                                                                                                                               CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                                Mark Huth of Tionesta brought his 1967 Honda 305 I
                                                                                                             sport bike to the 2011 ALF motorcycle show.

                                                                                                               Caring Heart Companions, Inc♥
                                                                                                                        NOW HIRING for Clarion County
                                                                                                                        Celebrating 9 Year Anniversary
                                                                                                                 ♥ Personal Care ♥ Laundry ♥ Running Errands
                                                                                                             ♥ Meal Prep ♥ Light Housekeeping ♥ Medication Reminders

                                                                                                                       “Caring Hearts, Helping Hands”
                                                                  CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
  This float from the 2009 Autumn Leaf Festival parade was a crowd favorite. There have
been thousands of floats in the parade over the years.                                                                           814-764-5464
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
   Page 6 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                                                                                      From page 5

   Clarion courthouse, intro-      Cultural Night sponsored                 humor     and   power    of       soups, sandwiches, baked         Engagement Office at (814)
ductions and remarks fol-          in part by Farmers                       American Roots music.             goods, snacks, pop is offered.   393-2572                 or
lowed by Simple Gifts.             National      Bank       and                ✔Downtown Deal Days            Information: ceisenman@clar- Cost is
Tuesday – Oct. 5                   Modern Living Solutions:                 sidewalk sales: 9 a.m.-5 or (814) 226-     $50 per person.
    ✔Clarion         County        7 p.m. to last act is over in            p.m.; downtown Clarion.           8433, ext. 105.                     ✔Brighton        Pandora
Community              Bank        front of the Clarion court-                 Sherwin        Williams           ✔UPMC          Northwest      trunk show: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.;
Foodstock: Noon to 2 p.m.,         house, CU performances                   Karaoke Night: 8:30-10:30         Friday night concert: 7:30       F.L. Crooks and Co.
Clarion-Ford-Chrysler-Dodge-       immediately followed by                  p.m. in front of the court-       to 10 p.m. on the courthouse
                                   Russian music and dancing
                                                                                                                                               Saturday – Oct. 9
Jeep-RAM. Help RAM up the                                                   house.                            sidewalk, music by Legends.         ✔Clarion Walk to end
food banks. Information: (814)     by Barynya.                              Thursday – Oct. 7                    ✔Clarion       University     Alzheimer’s: 8 to 11 a.m.,
226-9161                    or     Wednesday – Oct. 6                          ✔Downtown Deal Days            distinguished awards: 6          Clarion Co. Courthouse lawn.                    ✔Clarion      University             sidewalk sales: 9 a.m.-5          p.m.; Gemmell Multi-Purpose      The world’s largest event to
    ✔Butler Health System          Cultural Night sponsored                 p.m.; downtown Clarion.           Room. To purchase tickets,       raise awareness and funds for
                                                                                                                                                            See SCHEDULE, Page 7
Women’s Care Associates            in part by Farmers                          ✔Clarion      University       contact      the      Alumni
and Butler Health System           National       Bank      and             Cultural      homecoming
Pediatrics          “Kiddies       Modern Living Solutions:                 “Pep Rally”: 7 to 9 p.m. in
Parade” – Lineup begins at 6       7 p.m. to last act is over in            front of the Clarion court-
p.m.      at     Immaculate        front of the Clarion court-              house. Homecoming court will
Conception Church parking          house, CU performances fol-              be announced and crowd will
lot parade travels Seventh         lowed immediately by Rev.                be introduced to various uni-
Ave. to Fifth Avenue. Rain         Robert Jones, Sr., an inspira-           versity groups and athletic
date is Wednesday, Oct. 6.         tional storyteller and musi-             teams.          Information:
    ✔Clarion     University        cian celebrating the history,  
                                                                               ✔Clarion      University
                                                                            “Cultural Night”: 7 p.m. to
                                                                            last act is over; in front of
                                                                            courthouse.          Clarion
                                                                            University performance fol-
                                                                            lowed by Djangophonique,
                                                                            Friday – Oct. 8
                                                                               ✔Kronospan            USA
                                                                            Farmers and Crafters Day:
                                                                            8 a.m.-5 p.m., on Main Street
                                                                            from Second to Eighth
                                                                               ✔I.C. PTO arts and
                                                                            craft show: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                            Immaculate          Conception
                                                                            Parish Event Center and
                                                                            front lawn, Main Street.
                                                                            Information: (814) 226-8433
                                                                                                                                               CLARION NEWS file photo by Tom DiStefano.
                                                                                                                  Many floats had a “Wizard of Oz” theme in 2009, and
                                                                            (ext. 105) or ceisenman@clari-

                                                                                                              this young lady in her spider car is supposed to be one of
                                                                               ✔I.C. concession stand:
                                                                            7 a.m.-3 p.m. or sold out, I.C.   the witches, but we can’t believe Ahlea Hornung, 3, was
                                                                            School cafeteria. Homemade        all that wicked.

                                                                                Any 2 for $6
                                                                                                                              Pumpkin Spice is back
                                                                                                                              in Hot & Iced Lattes,
                                                                                                                              and Iced Coffee!
                                                                                                                              Any flavor
                                                                                                                              Medium Iced
                                                                                       Big Mac, Quarter Pounder,              Coffee is just
                                                                                Filet-O-Fish, 10-pc. Chicken McNuggets
                                                                                                                              $1.29 everyday!

                                                                                                       MCDONALD’S OF CLARION
                                 CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
  The Clarion University Marching Band fired up the 2009                                                  707 Main Street & 136 Perkins Rd.
parade audience with a number of lively tunes.
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
2011 ALF royalty                                                                              Concert features
                                                         2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 7

                                                                                                                CLARION — Make your                 Food and beverages will
                                                                                                             way to downtown Clarion as          be available for purchase
                                                                                                             the Chamber brings back             from     food   concessions
                                                                                                             the Friday night concert fea-       throughout the evening.
                                                                                                             turing “Legends.” The con-          Make sure to bring your
                                                                                                             cert will be held beginning         lawn chair and settle in for
                                                                                                             at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8      an evening of great music
                                                                                                             in front of the Clarion             and fun.
                                                                                                             County Courthouse. This                Although this is a free
                                                                                                             event is free for all to            event, remember to bring a
                                                                                                             attend.                             non-perishable food item to
                                                                                                                Legends started out as a         benefit the Clarion County
                                                                                                             Clarion-Limestone faculty           Community             Bank
                                                                                                             band and have evolved into          “FoodStock.” For more infor-
                                                                                                             a band that plays commer-           mation, contact the Clarion
                                                                                                             cial ventures and fundrais-         Area Chamber at (814) 226-
                                                                                                             ing benefits. They play clas-       9161 or

                                                                                                             Don’t miss the parade
                                                                                                             sic rock from the 1960’s to            This event is sponsored
                                                                                                             the present.                        by UPMC Northwest.

                                                                   CLARION NEWS file photo by Pam Huffman.
    The Clarion Area Chamber of Business and Industry held its 2011 Miss Teen and Junior
Miss Teen Autumn Leaf Festival Scholarship Program in the Clarion Area High School audi-
torium. Sponsored by Clarion Community Medicine-UPMC (Randy Kreider, David
Zlotnicki and Stephen Mitrosksy), 10 young ladies kicked off the 58th annual Autumn Leaf
                                                                                                                CLARION — Join the               Clarion County Community

Festival with grace and style. Hannah Allen, (left) a student at Clarion Area High School,
                                                                                                             Autumn Leaf Festival, spon-         Bank “FoodStock.”

was crowned Miss Teen ALF 2011. Allen received a $1,100 scholarship bond and a $300
                                                                                                             sored by Allegheny Toyota,             Sponsors for this event

Clarion University scholarship. Aislinn Slaugenhaupt, home-school, was crowned Miss
                                                                                                             as it celebrates all Clarion        are Burns and Burns
Junior Teen 2011. Slaugenhaupt received a $650 savings bond.
                                                                                                             has to be proud of during           Associates Inc. (novelty
                                                                                                             the Butler Health System –          groups), Aramark Dining
                                                                                                             Clarion             Hospital        (VIP    brunch)      Clarion
                                                                                                             “Tournament of Leaves”              Psychiatric Center (drill
                                                                                         From page 6         parade. The parade steps off        team),    Colony     Homes
                                                                                                             at noon on Saturday, Oct. 9,        (marching             units),
   Alzheimer’s care, support      Animals Show: 4 p.m., in         KOOL at 103.3 FM; Mega                    on Main Street in Clarion.          Commodore Homes (march-
and research. Information:        front of the courthouse.         Rock at 105.5/100.5 FM; or free-          ✔First United National        WCUC at 91,7 FM and Big                      The event will showcase          ing   units), McDonald’s            Bank oldies concert: 5:30        Foot Country at 102,1 FM.                 marching bands, floats, and         (marching units), Motel 6
   ✔Eggs with Ernie: 10           p.m., in front of the court-        At ALF First aid stations              organizations of the grand-         and Studio 6 (colorguard)
a.m.-noon, Walter         Hart    house.                           are located at:                           est kind.                           Shippenville     Healthcare
Chapel parking lot. Celebrate     Sunday – Oct. 10                    Sunday, Oct. 3; “Autorama                 Reserved seats are avail-        and Rehabilitation Center
homecoming 2021 with fun,            ✔Central        Electric      Cruise In” – Ambulance will
family-friendly     activities,   Cooperative Inc. Antique         be located at the intersection            able for purchase at the            (non-profit groups), and
and a mid-morning breakfast       Tractor Show: Noon-5 p.m.,       of Fifth Avenue and Main                  Clarion Area Chamber of             Structural Modulars Inc.
bites with your favorite          Second to Fifth Avenues on       Street.                                   Business and Industry               (University floats).
eagle, Ernie. Information:        Main Street. Live music pro-        Friday, Oct. 8; Kronospan              located at 650 Main Street             For more information,
www,          vided by “The Route 8 Band.”     U.S.A. “Farmers and Crafters              for $9 each.                        contact the Clarion Area
ing.                              Emergency informa-               Day” – Medical emergency
                                                                                                                Although a free event,           Chamber at (814) 226-9161
   ✔Butler Health System          tion                             personnel will be located at
Clarion             Hospital          During the Autumn Leaf       Main Street Center, 516                   please bring a non-perish-          or                     email
“Tournament of Leaves”            Festival, fairgoers in need of   Main Street, Clarion.                     able item to benefit the  
Parade: noon to 2 p.m.;           emergency assistance by             Saturday, Oct. 9; Clarion
                                                                                                                                                                  We’re Your
downtown Clarion.                 EMS, fire and police should      Hospital “Tournament of
                                                                                                               HOME APPLIANCES
                                                                                                                Refrigerators • Washers • Dryers • Freezers     One-Stop Home
   ✔Eagle end zone alum-          call 9-1-1.                      Leaves parade” – Medical

                                                                                                                Microwave Hoods • Dishwashers • Ranges            Appliance
ni party: 1 p.m., Clarion             Severe weather informa-      emergency personnel will be

University          Memorial      tion during the Autumn Leaf      located at Main Street
Stadium. Cheer the Golden         Festival will be provided by     Center, 516 Main Street,
Eagles to victory. Cost is $15    local law enforcement, festi-    Clarion.
includes      game      ticket.   val personnel and volunteers        For more on the 68th
Information: (814) 393-2572.      if necessary.                    annual Allegheny Toyota
   ✔Clarion University                For emergency informa-       Autumn Leaf Festival, call

                                                                                                                   H ET R I C K ’ S FA R M S U P P LY, I N C .
Homecoming           football     tion attendees can also tune     Clarion Area Chamber of
game: Memorial Stadium.           into the following local radio   Business and Industry at
Golden Eagles take on the         stations: C-93 at 92.7 FM;       (814) 226-9161, info@clarion-
                                                                                                                  772 Olean Trail, New Bethlehem • 814-275-3507
IUP’s Crimson Hawks.              WWCH Radio 13 at 1300                        or
   ✔Wild         World      of    AM; Froggy at 98.5 FM; 
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
Page 8 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                            Opening Cultural
                                                                                                                                              CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
   The Tempest Drill Team served as “saving the best for last” as they helped wind up the 2011 Autumn Leaf Festival parade. The group has been part
of the parade for years and works hard to provide a top-notch performance.

                                                                                                            Night features
                                                                                                            Simple Gifts
                                                                                                                CLARION — The opening           forget to bring along a non-
                                                                                                            Clarion University “Cultural        perishable food item to bene-
                                                                                                            Night” will take place 7 p.m.,      fit the Clarion County
                                                                                                            Monday, Oct. 4, in front of the     Community               Bank
                                                                                                            Clarion County Courthouse           “FoodStock.”
                                                                                                            during Autumn Leaf Festival.           The event is sponsored in
                                                                                                                Cultural Night will begin       part by Farmer National
                                                                                                            with     introductions     and
                                                                 CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                                                                Bank and Modern Living
    The Zem Zem Shrine Clarion County Trykes, shown here in 2011, is a fine group perform-
                                                                                                            remarks immediately fol-            Solutions.
ing a series of intricate maneuvers for the pleasure of parade audiences. The unit formed

‘Wild World of Animals’ show
                                                                                                            lowed by the performance of

in June of 1977. The members of the group live in Clarion and neighboring counties.
                                                                                                            Simple Gifts.
                                                                                                                Simple Gifts is made up of
                                                                                                            two women. Drawing on an
                                                                                                            impressive variety of ethnic
                                                                                                            folk styles, this award-win-
                                                                                                            ning duo plays everything
                                                                                                            from lively Irish jigs and
    CLARION — The “Wild         snapping turtle, albino mon-           While the show is free,              down-home American reels to
                                                                                                                                                              • Free Wine Tasting
World of Animals Show,”         ocle cobra, European eagle         please bring a non-perish-               hard-driving          Klezmer
                                                                                                                                                            • Antique Tool Museum
sponsored in part by the        owl, blue and gold macaw,          able item to benefit the                 frailachs and haunting Gypsy
                                                                                                                                                       • Large Gift Shop • Picnic Pavilion
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge      opossum, binturong, spot-          Clarion County Community                 melodies, spicing the mix
101 and Clarion Psychiatric     nose guenon monkey, African        Bank “FoodStock.”                        with the distinctive rhythms
Center will be held at 4 p.m.   spotted leopard, or maybe, a           For more information con-            of Balkan dance music, the               19th Annual Cider Pressing
Saturday, Oct. 9, in front of   hyena.                             tact the Clarion Area                    lush sounds of Scandinavian                   Demo and Tasting
the      Clarion     County        Don’t miss this family          Chamber of Business and                  twin fiddling and original               SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 NOON-4PM
                                                                                                            compositions written in a tra-
                                                                                                                                                            Between DuBois
Courthouse.                     event; it’s educational enter-     Industry at (814) 226-9161                                                        Octoberfest Foods and Music

                                                                                                                                                              & Brockway
    The show features a vari-   tainment.                          or                   ditional style.
                                                                                                                                                          From Exit 97 of 1-80
ety of animals, such as rep-       For more information con-           This event is sponsored in               For more information,
                                                                                                                                                             (814) 371-2217
tiles, birds, and mammals.      cerning this show, visit their     part by Loyal Order of Moose             contact the Clarion Area
Spectators may see an           website at www.wildworldo-         Lodge 101 and Clarion                    Chamber at (814) 226-9161
American alligator, alligator                      Psychiatric Center.                      or Don’t
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
Get your ALF souvenirs and information
                                                              2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 9

    CLARION - Souvenirs          festival tumbler glasses for             Show”     sponsored    by              Autumn Leaf Festival, con-       Chamber is located at 650
and information for the          sale.                                    Clarion Moose Lodge 101                tact the Clarion Area            Main Street with hours
68 th annual Allegheny              Young festival-goers can              and Clarion Psychiatric                Chamber of Business and          from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Toyota      Autumn      Leaf     also receive free custom-                Center on Oct. 9, and the              Industry by phone at (814)       Monday through Friday.
Festival can be obtained at      designed commemorative                   coloring books sponsored               226-9161     or     e-mail       The community can tune
the Clarion Area Chamber         coloring books and crayons,              by UPMC Urgent Care will                   into C-93 FM, Big Foot
of Business and Industry at      sponsored     by     UPMC                also be available at the               Information can also be          Country 102.1/101.3, Kool
650 Main Street or at the        Urgent Care, at the follow-              Chamber      merchandise               found by logging onto            103.3 FM and Froggy
Chamber        merchandise       ing family events: “Bigfoot              trailer.                     , or by         98.5/95.5 FM for updates

                                                                           Kiddies parade is fun for all
trailer which will be set up     Country 102.1/101.3 Kids’                   For questions or infor-             visiting   the   festival’s      about events and live
throughout the week on the       Carnival”    and    “Waste               mation about the 68 th                 Facebook page.                   remote broadcasts through-
Clarion County Courthouse        Management        Touch-A-               annual Allegheny Toyota                   The    Clarion     Area       out the festival.
lawn.                            Truck” on Oct. 2, “PNC
    Festival tumbler glass-      Bank Junior Olympics” on
es, shot glasses, coffee         Oct. 3, “Butler Health
mugs, t-shirts, sweatshirts,     System Women’s         Care
and Clarion-opoly games          Associates    and    Butler                  CLARION — Bring the                    To register for the parade   contact the Clarion Area
are available for purchase.      Health System Pediatrics                 little ones to the Butler              visit      Chamber of Business and
The chamber will also have       Kiddies Parade” on Oct. 5,               Health System Women’s                  Although a free event, please    Industry at (814) 226-9161
limited quantities of past       “Wild World of Animals                   Care Associates and Butler             bring a non-perishable item      or
                                                                          Health System Pediatrics               to benefit the Clarion County        The event is sponsored by
                                                                          “Kiddies Parade” which                 Community                Bank    BHS       Women’s       Care
                                                                          steps off at 6 p.m. Tuesday,           “FoodStock.”                     Associates     and     Butler
                                                                          Oct. 5, during Autumn Leaf
                                                                                                                     For more information,        Health System Pediatrics.
                                                                              This event is a favorite
                                                                          for kids of all ages. The
                                                                          parade travels down Main
                                                                          Street to Fifth Avenue and
                                                                          ends at the courthouse.
                                                                          Awards will be given imme-
                                                                          diately following the parade,
                                                                          in front of the courthouse.

                                                                               CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L.
                                                                              Noah Lingwall (at that
                                                                          time a sophomore in 2010)
                                                                          beat out more than 24,000
                                                                          other participants for the top
                                                                          prize in America’s largest high
                               CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                          school essay contest con-
   The Clarion University cheerleaders are always a popu-                 ducted by the Bill of Rights
lar participant in the Autumn Leaf Festival parade as                     Institute. He also earned a
shown in this 2009 photo.                                                 spot in the 2011 ALF parade.
Your Complete Guide to the Events and Activities of the Autumn Leaf Festival! - Supplement of the Clarion News and Midweek - Townnews
ALF thanks new
  Page 10 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                  2021 sponsors
                                                                                                     CLARION — The Clarion                       sponsored in part by First
                                                                                                  Area Chamber of Business                       Energy;
                                                                                                  and Industry would like to                        Modern Living Solutions
                                                                                                  acknowledge this year’s new                    is a sponsor for the Clarion
                                                                                                  sponsors for the Autumn                        University Cultural Week
                                                                                                  Leaf Festival.                                 events and beautification
                                                                                                     They include:                               sponsor;
                                                                                                     Advanced        Drainage                       UPMC Northwest will be
                                                                                                  System is the new title spon-                  sponsoring the Saturday, Oct.
                                                                                                  sor for the Corn Hole                          2 concert featuring “Uptown
                                                                                                  Tournament;                                    Classic Hits” and the concert
                                                                                                     Clarview Nursing and                        on Friday, Oct. 8 featuring
                                                                                                  Rehabilitation Center for                      “Legends.”
                                                                                                  sponsoring the commemora-                         For more information con-
                                                                                                  tive pins (currently on sale                   tact the Clarion Area
                                                       CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
   The Clarion Area Bobcat Marching band drew cheers as the hometown band for the
                                                                                                  now);                                          Chamber office at (814) 226-

2009 parade.
                                                                                                     The Autorama Cruise-In                      9161 or

                                                                                                                                              CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                    The Clarion University Reserve Officer Training Corp.
                                                                                                  marched near the front of the 2009 ALF parade.

                                                                                                                                                        21108 Paint Blvd.
                                                                                                                                                           Route 66
                                                                                                                                                       (814) 226-7013
                                                                                                       SWEET BASIL CELEBRATES AUTUMN LEAF WITH
                                                                                                  TUESDAY Traditional Lasagna served with fresh baked bread & small sweet basil salad $13.00
                                                                                                                            WEDNESDAY Wing Night
                                                                                                                                  21 Flavors to Choose From!
                                                                                                                               THURSDAY Pasta Night
                                                                                                     Choice of 5 different sauces plus fresh baked bread & small sweet basil salad $13.75
                                                                                                                                      FRIDAY Fish Fry
                                                                                                      Battered of Baked Haddock - Includes French Fries, Coleslaw, or Side Salad $13.00
                                                                                                           SATURDAY 12 oz. Prime Rib with Potato and Salad Market Price
                                                       CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
   The College Republicans followed the county’s GOP slate of candidates during the               Hours: Mon- Sat: 11:00am - 9:00pm • Sunday: 11:00am - 8:00pm
2009 ALF parade.                                                                                                       Catering Available!
Cultural Night Tuesday
                                                 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 11

features Barynya
   CLARION — Night two        presents          Russian,      of America in Washington,
of the Clarion University     Cossack,        Ukrainian,      D.C., the United Nations
“Cultural Night” spon-        Jewish and Gypsy Roma           in New York, and the
sored by Farmers National     traditional dancing, music,     Russian    Embassy     in
Bank and Modern Living        songs and virtuoso per-         Washington, D.C.
Solutions will feature        formances on instruments           Don’t forget to bring
Barynya           (Russian    including the balalaika,        along a non-perishable
dancers) 7 p.m. Tuesday,      garmoshka (Russian folk         food item to benefit the
Oct. 5, in front of the       button accordion) and bal-      Clarion           County
courthouse.                   alaika contrabass.              Community           Bank
   The Russian music,            Barynya has been invit-      “FoodStock.”
dance and song ensemble       ed to perform at some of           For more information
Barynya established in        the most prestigious cul-       about this event, please
1991 in New York City is a    tural venues in the United      contact the Clarion Area
                                                                                                                                        CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                                          The Adrenaline Drill Team participated in the ALF
world renowned group          States, including Carnegie      Chamber at (814) 226-

                                                                                                       parade for the second time in 2011. Adrenaline teaches

                                                                                                       United Way annual
that    enjoys     exalting   Hall in New York, the           9161. This event is spon-

                                                                                                       kids team work and respect.
stature as the premier        National      Constitution      sored in part by Farmers
Russian folk ensemble         Center in Philadelphia,         National     Bank    and
outside of Russia. Barynya    the Smithsonian Institute       Modern Living Solutions.

                                                                                                       5k and 10k race
                                                                                                          CLARION - The annual                Cash prizes will be award-
                                                                                                       Clarion County United Way          ed to the top three male and
                                                                                                       5K and 10K Race takes place        female finishers in each race.
                                                                                                       on Saturday, Oct. 2. The               To pre-register for the race,
                                                                                                       course begins at Clarion           visit, or
                                                                                                       University Memorial Stadium
                                                                                                       and runs along the beautiful For more
                                                                                                       streets of downtown Clarion.       information, contact the
                                                                                                          Registration begins at 8        United Way of Clarion County
                                                                                                       a.m. with the race starting at     at    (814)     226-8760       or
                                                                                                       9 a.m.                   

                                                                                                        THE NEW MAIN STREET EMPORIUM FEATURING

                                                                                                                                                           & ICE CREAM
                                                                                                               2nd Floor of over 30 Craft
                                                                                                                and Antiques Vendors!

                                                                                                                                                         ^ëëç QKMM
                                                                                                            AUTUMN LEAF GIFT SALE
                                                                                                                                                           `ÜçÅ _~ÖÖÉÇ
                                                                                                                     OCT. 2 - OCT. 10
                                                                                                                   ALL GIFTS 20% OFF                            çä~íÉ

                                                                                                                     SIDEWALK SALES
                                                                                                                    Wed., Oct. 6 & Thurs., Oct. 7
                                                                                                           SEE US ON CRAFT DAY FOR SPECIAL CANDY TABLE!
                                                                                                                 Autumn Leaf Festival Glasses Available
                                                            CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
   The Young Democrat Party of Clarion University participated in the 2009 Autumn Leaf
Festival parade with this float.                                                                              jçåÇ~óJp~íìêÇ~ó=NMJT=√=pìåÇ~ó=NOJR
   Page 12 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                                                                    and kids’
                                                                                                                                                        CLARION – Two fun
                                                                                                                                                    favorites of area tikes, the
                                                                                                                                                    “Bigfoot Country 102.1/101.3
                                                                                                                                                    Kids’ Carnival” and “Waste
                                                                                                                                                    Management          Touch-A-
                                                                                                                                                    Truck” will be held from 10
                                                                                                                                                    a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct.
                                                                                                                                                    2, in the parking lot in front
                                                                                                                                                    of the Family Farm and
                                                                                                                                                    Home (formerly JC Penney)
                                                                                                                                                    at the Clarion Mall.

Clarion County Community
                                                                                                        CLARION NEWS file photo by Tom DiStefano.
                                                                                                                                                        The kids’ carnival will
   There’s gold among those autumn leaves, and the kids in 2009 were finding plenty on this kiddies parade float spon-                              feature free games and activ-
sored by Seidle Chevrolet and James Jewelers.

                                                                                                          Enjoy live
                                                                                                                                                    ities sponsored by local busi-
                                                                                                                                                    nesses and organizations.

Bank ‘Foodstock’ effort
                                                                                                                                                        Children will also have a

                                                                                                          music at
                                                                                                                                                    chance to explore big rigs,
                                                                                                                                                    cars, tractors, construction
                                                                                                                                                    vehicles and more during the

                                                                                                         Deer Creek
                                                                                                                                                    Waste Management “Touch-
                                                                                                                                                    A-Truck” event.
                                                                                                                                                        Rub elbows with home-

                                                                                                                                                    town heroes, and get behind
  A great goal and a              Chiropractic, Burford and        Rimersburg locations) and
                                  Henry Real Estate Services,      Zacherl Motor Truck Sales.                                                       the wheels of fire trucks,
     great cause                                                                                                                                    police cars, and ambulances.
    CLARION – Join the            Butler     Health    Systems         Donations can also be
Clarion Area Chamber of           Pediatrics, Butler Health        dropped off at the Clarion                                                       These free events are great
Business and Industry and         System      Women’s      Care    Ford Chrysler Dodge Jeep                                                         family fun for everyone.
the 68th annual Allegheny         Associates, CarMate Trailers,    RAM who is also once again               SHIPPENVILLE - Join                         Don’t forget to bring a
Toyota Autumn Leaf Festival       Clarion     Area    Chamber,     providing the RAM trucks for          Deer Creek Winery during the               non-perishable food item to
                                  Clarion County 4H – Penn         delivery, pickup and on-loca-
for the Clarion County
                                                                   tion collections throughout           68th annual Allegheny Toyota               help “Ram up the food
Community Bank “Foodstock,”       State Extension, Clarion                                               Autumn Leaf Festival, for wine             banks” with the Clarion
a countywide food drive that      County Community Bank (all       “Foodstock Month” as well as
                                                                   during the entire week of the         and food at Clarion’s biggest              County Community Bank
collects non-perishable, non-     branch locations), Clarion                                                                                        “Foodstock” For more infor-
                                  County YMCA, Clarion Forest      68th annual Allegheny Toyota          area winery.
expired food items as well as                                                                               There is plenty of outdoor              mation, contact the Clarion
cash donations, benefiting        Visiting Nurses Association,     Autumn Leaf Festival.
                                  Clarion,    Ford,    Chrysler,       During the last week of           seating available. Deer Creek              Area Chamber of Business
local food banks.
                                  Dodge, Jeep and RAM,             September, several groups will        Winery is located just 15 min-             and Industry at (814) 226-
    By proclamation of the
                                  Clarion Free Library, Colony     be distributing food collection       utes from Clarion at 3333 Soap             9161 or
Clarion                 County                                     bags in the Clarion, Knox,
Commissioners, September is       Homes, Dancer’s Studio,                                                Fat Road in Shippenville.                      The kids’ carnival is
                                  Faller’s Furniture, Family       Marianne, Fryburg, Leeper,               For more information con-               sponsored      by     Bigfoot
officially “FoodStock” month in                                    Lickingville, Lucinda, Marble,
Clarion County. The Mayors of     Healthcare     of     Clarion,                                         tact the winery at (814) 354-              Country 102.1/101.3. “Touch-
                                  Farmers National Bank            New Bethlehem, Rimersburg,            7392          or          visit
Clarion,         Knox,     and                                     Shippenville,               Sligo,                                               A-Truck” is sponsored by
Strattanville      have    also   (Clarion),   Foxburg     Free                                                     Waste Management.
                                                                   Snydersburg, Strattanville

                                                                                                                               OPEN FOR THE 2021 SEASON
declared       September     as   Library, Foxburg Pizza and       and Tylersburg areas. Watch
“FoodStock” Month in their        Country Store, Gates and         for them beginning Sept. 21.
respective boroughs. For the      Burns, Holiday Financial,        The bags will have tags on
entire month, businesses will     Kriebel Group, Marianne          them letting you know who
provide drop off locations for    Family Practice, PJ’s Country    your volunteer group is and
the non-expired, non-perish-      Market, Palmer’s Country         when they will be back around
able canned and boxed food        Store, Phoenix Rehabilitation,   to collect the filled bags.
items donated by the commu-       and Ramada by Wyndham.               For more information on
nity.                                Containers can also be        the       Clarion        County
                                                                                                          Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm
    Collection containers will    found at S & T Bank, Siegel’s    Community Bank “FoodStock”

                                                                                                               270 Seneca St. Oil City
be available at the following     Insurance,          Smather’s    and other ways to donate, con-
                                                                                                                                                     Visit the museum and see
businesses throughout the         Insurance,       Strattanville   tact CACBI at (814) 226-9161
                                                                                                                                                      how the discovery of oil
                                  Borough,           Structural
month         of    September:                                     or
                                                                                                                                                    still effects our lives today!
Allegheny Grille, Applewood       Modulars, Tom’s Riverside        event is sponsored by Clarion
                                  (Knox, New Bethlehem and         County Community Bank.
Junior Olympics — go for the gold
                                                              2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 13

    CLARION — The PNC                   will receive a ribbon.           supervise the day’s events.      ister a child, or how to volun-   non-perishable food item to
Bank      Junior    Olympics               Refreshments will be pro-        Pre-registration is avail-    teer to help with this event,     benefit the Clarion County
returns for Autumn Leaf                 vided for all participants. Do   able online at www.clarion-      contact the Clarion Area          Community              Bank
Festival.                               not miss this chance to make at $3 per child. They     Chamber of Business and           “FoodStock.”
    The games will be held              “Junior Olympics” dreams         are also looking for parent      Industry at (814) 226-9161           Junior Olympics is spon-
from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.                  come true. Members of            volunteers to assist with the    or            sored by PNC Bank and the

                                        Collecting, preserving and mounting leaves
Sunday, Oct. 3 at the Clarion           Allegheny Toyota and other       event. For more information          While the event is free for   coordinating sponsor is
University          Memorial            community volunteers will        about the event, how to reg-     attendees, please bring a         Clarion University.
Stadium with sign-in begin-
ning at 12:30 p.m.
    Children between the
ages of 5 and 12 who live in
or attend school in Clarion                 According to information     damaged by insects, dis-         between 2 layers of paper            (6) If time permits,
County are invited to go for            posted on the Internet by        eases or the sun.                towels. (Paper towels is used     change the paper towels on
                                        Robert Spauding, county             (3) Always collect more       to absorb the moisture from       the leaves after the first two
the gold in this fun event.
                                        extension agent at Clemson       than one leaf. Collect a         the leaves.)                      days of pressing.
    Participants will compete           University, there are several    small branch full. That way,        (3) Then press the leaf or        The whole idea about
against each other within               different methods to collect     you will be sure to get a good   leaves and paper towels in a      pressing is to remove the
the same age and gender                 and preserve leaves for a        representative of the tree.      large book.                       moisture, and to keep the
groups. Each child will par-            leaf collection.                    (4) Press the leaves with-       (4) After all the leaves
                                                                                                                                            leaves from curling.
ticipate in four events;                    Collecting leaves            in an hour after collecting or   have been placed in the
                                                                                                                                               Mounting leaves
standing long jump, dash,                   (1) Only collect leaves on   before they dry out.             books, place all the books on
                                        a sunny day and after dew           Pressing leaves               top off each other, for addi-        (1) Place the leaves in a
softball throw, and the modi-                                                                                                               photo album or between
fied javelin throw.                     has dried.                          (1) Do not fold the leaf.     tional weight.
                                            (2) Collect good leaves,        (2) Place an individual          (5) Allow 7-10 days for        acetate or cellophane sheets.
    The top three performers            leaves that have not been        leaf, or several leaves          pressing.                            (2) Identify the leaves.
in each event (for the age

                                                                                                             Greenville Pike - Clarion
and gender category) will

                                                                                                                 (814) 226-6657
receive a medal, and every-
one who participates all day

                                                                                               .               w ww . ke r le ti re . c om
                                                             Areas Largest Selection of Tires
                                                                   ATV • MOTORCYCLE • BOAT TRAILER • LAWN & GARDEN •
                                                                PASSENGER • LIGHT TRUCK • TRUCK • FARM • CUSTOM WHEELS

                                                            Qpqj                      aáëÅçîÉêÉê=båÇìê~ã~ñ»                       aáëÅçîÉêÉê=p
                                                             All-season tire                        Gravel roads are tough                      The Discoverer STT
                                                             with adaptive-                         on tires, but so are rough                  PRO™ is the most
                                                             Traction                                                                           extreme all-season,
                                                                                                    city streets. That’s why
                                                                                                                                                off-road tire Cooper®
                                                             grips the                              we created the Discoverer®                  offers to date, provid-
      CLARION NEWS file photo by Tom                         surface, rocky                         Enduramax™. It’s made                       ing remarkable off-
                           DiStefano.                        or smooth,                             with the durability of an                   road performance
   Aydan Hilliard, all of 14                                 under the most                         off-road tire but for quite                 without sacrificing
months in 2009, cut a dash-                                  severe weather,                                                                    on-road traction.
                                                                                                    and smooth on-road driving.
ing figure as the Tin Man                                    rain or shine.
from “Wizard of Oz.” But
we’re sure he already had
a heart as well as a lollipop.
                                         Clarion, PA • HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-Noon                                    CHECK US OUT ON:
Page 14 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

                                                                                                                                                              CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L.
                                                                                                                                                            Then Clarion University
                                                                                                                                                         President Joe Grunenwald
                                                                                                                                                         and wife Janice rode in the
                                                                                                                                                         parade Oct. 2, 2009, along
                                                                                                                                                         Main Street in Clarion.

                                                                                                              CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
  The Stars drill team of Rimersburg, shown here in 2011, has won numerous first and second places throughout the

ALF brings back McGinnis Amusements
years. The team has appeared in may ALF parades.

   CLARION - Feel like a           them to serve their events               permitting.                         located around the Clarion
kid again with McGinnis            for more than 20 years.                      The schedule is as fol-         County Memorial Park and
Amusements, and enjoy              Family owned and operated                lows: From noon to 5 p.m.           the     Clarion      County
rides and games that appeal        since     1947,   McGinnis               Saturday, Oct. 2 ($20 wrist-        Courthouse parking lot. For
                                                                                                                                                              CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L.
to all ages. Based out of          Amusements strives to                    band available) and 6 p.m. to       more information, contact
                                                                                                                                                            Al Jacks of Clarion served
Strongsville, Ohio, McGinnis       maintain a modern, safe and              11 p.m. (tickets available)         the Clarion Area Chamber of
                                                                                                                                                         as the grand marshal for the
Amusements has been pro-           well-maintained carnival for             rides close from 5 p.m. to 6        Business and Industry at
                                                                                                                                                         2009 Autumn Leaf Festival
viding rides and amuse-            all to enjoy.                            p.m. for safety inspection;         (814) 226-9161 or info@clari-
                                                                                                                                                         parade in Clarion.
ments at festivals, fairs, and         The carnival rides are                   From noon to 8 p.m.   
other carnival events, some        open from Saturday, Oct. 2 to            Sunday, Oct. 3 ($20 wrist-
of which have been using           Sunday, Oct. 10, weather                 band);
                                                                                From 5 to 10 p.m.
                                                                            Monday, Oct. 4, Tuesday,
                                                                            Oct. 5 and Thursday, Oct. 7
                                                                                From 5 to 10 p.m.
                                                                            Wednesday, Oct. 6 ($20
                                                                                From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                            Friday, Oct. 8 ($20 wrist-
                                                                            band) and 6 to 10 p.m.
                                                                            Friday, Oct. 8 (tickets) rides
                                                                            close from 5 to 6 p.m. for
                                                                            safety inspection;
                                                                                From noon to 5 p.m.
                                                                            Saturday, Oct. 9 ($20 wrist-
                                                                            band) from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
                                                                            (tickets) rides close from 5 to
                                                                            6 p.m. for safety inspection;
                                 CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                                From noon to 6 p.m.
     The Libertarian Party of Clarion County reminded the                   Sunday, Oct. 10 ($20 wrist-
2009 parade audience there is a third party in politics and                 band)
it is active.                                                                   All rides and games are
Find something tasty at
                                                          2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 15

                                                                                                                 the food concessions
                                                                                                                      CLARION – Guests should                  bread bowls, apple dumplings,
                                                                                                                 bring their appetites for the                 Italian sausage, steak sand-
                                                                                                                 food concession stands at the                 wiches and more. This year,
                                                                                                                 68th annual Autumn Leaf                       new vendors are added to the
                                                                                                                 Festival      sponsored       by              line-up offering “Firehouse
                                                                                                                 Allegheny Toyota. There are a                 Subs” as well as flavored
                                                                                                                 wide variety of foods sure to                 lemonade, cider and hot choco-
                                                                                                                 please everyone, so prepare                   late drinks
                                                                                                                 those taste buds and try them                     These tempting morsels
                                                                                                                 all.                                          can be found in the Clarion
                                                                                                                      Look for favorites such as               County Memorial Park and
                                                                                                                 cinnamon rolls, fried veggies,                along Main Street. Picnic
                                                                                                                 gyros, pizza, Stromboli rolls,                tables are located throughout
                                                                                                                 wraps, taffy, Amish donuts,                   the park to sit and enjoy the
                                                                                                                 barbecue, fresh cut fries, wings,             food and the atmosphere.

                                                                      CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.

Arts Council hosts art
   Clarion PAWS participated in the 2011 with these two characters which drew a lot of                                                                       CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
attention from the audience along Main Street in Clarion.                                                           The College Republicans followed the county’s GOP
                                                                                                                 slate of candidates during the 2009 ALF parade.

show and reception                                                                                                           FLU S HOTS
                                                                                                                        Walk-ins welcome!
   CLARION - The public is         artwork must be received by          able online at their Facebook
invited to the 62nd annual
                                   Sept. 18 and the fee is $15 for      page, via email, and via regu-
Clarion County Arts Council        first entry and $10 for the          lar mail upon request and
Reception and Art Show to be       second entry.                        also at the Clarion Area
held Oct, 2 through Oct. 9 in          There is a limit of two          Chamber of Business and
the Main Street Center.            entries. After Sept. 18,             Industry office.
   The hours of operation for      entries will be accepted from           For more information or
the show are 4 to 8 p.m.           1 to 4 p.m. at the Main Street       to download the art show                    100 Liberty Street • Clarion, PA 16214     340 Tionesta Plaza • Tionesta, PA 16353
Monday through Friday and          Center on Saturday, Sept. 25.        entry form, please contact
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday         Application, entry fee and           Taylor        Banner        at                 814-226-9310                                814-755-3557
and Sunday.                        artwork must be received             Clarioncountyartscouncil@g
   This year’s opening recep-      along with entry fee of $25 or email her at                                        John & Cindy Slagle, Owners
tion will be held 6 to 8 p.m. on   for first entry and $15 for sec-
Friday, Oct. 1 at the Main
Street Center, 516 Main
                                   ond entry, limit of two
                                                                        Clarion County Arts Council
                                                                        provides art exposure and
                                                                                                                           High Dose Flu Shots for Seniors
   Early bird registration is
                                       Participants must com-
                                   plete the application form
                                                                        activities for the region. For
                                                                        the most up-to-date informa-
                                                                                                                            Other Vaccines Also Available
currently open and will close      when submitting their art-           tion on all activities, check                                      Ask Pharmacist for details.
at 5 p.m. on Sept. 18.             work.                                out the Clarion County Arts
Application, entry fee and             Applications will be avail-      Council’s Facebook page.                    Visit our website:
The ghost of Pumpkin Zilla
   Page 16 ❖ 2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK

By Rodney L. Sherman                 The family had no
Clarion News Editor
                                                                                                          Pumpkin Zilla out of                       tunity to make one last

    I’m not proud of it and
                                 small children so no lit-
                                 tle hearts were broken
                                 but that doesn’t justify
                                                            SHERMAN’S                                     the car and John was
                                                                                                          screaming from the
                                                                                                                                                     incredible bounce. It was a
                                                                                                                                                     scene directly out of The

I’m bragging, but I was a                                                                                 pain of balancing the                      Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
teenage pumpkin thief. It’s      what we did.                                                             tremendously heavy                             We swerved slightly left
been 30 years since the night        I had three accom-                                                   pumpkin on one leg.                        as Pumpkin Zilla passed
of my only crime spree and       plices that night in the                                                 The car was speeding                       overhead, disappearing into
it’s time to come clean from     fall of 1981. They were                                                  down the road and rap-                     the darkness of the lower
the pumpkin guts-stained         Martin, who drove the By Rodney Sherman                                  idly approaching down-                     roadside.
guilt.                           getaway car, John, who                                                   town Turkey City.                              I went home and endured
    I thought about saying       was sitting in the back                                                     I got myself up on                      a long night of nightmares
“Pumpkin Zilla” belonged to      of the car with me and                                                   my knees on the back                       which featured giant pump-
a mean old man who shout-        Kevin, who rode shot-                                                    seat     and       gave                    kins flying through the air.
ed at small children and         gun had cased the                                                        Pumpkin      Zilla    a                        The next day, Allegheny-
                                 scene.                         I jammed the pumpkin               mighty push and he rolled                         Clarion Valley High School
kicked puppies so that it
might be seen as some sort           Kevin said the pumpkin through the car door and               out of the car.                                   hosted a football game
of cosmic justice for a cranky   was huge. It was so big, he onto John’s lap.                          I fell across John’s lap                      against Keystone.
                                 said, that it would take two       We were speeding back          and ended up hanging half                             I was sitting in the stands
old coot who deserved it, but                                   toward     Wentings Corners.
the truth is the pumpkin in      us to carry it.                                                   way out of the car. John                          and I overheard a fellow
                                     We cruised past the        John     was   turning a nice      quickly grabbed a hold on                         about my age talking to his
question was snatched from
the well porch of a family       house several times, check- shade of red under the                me. There was a lot of shout-                     friend.
                                 ing the approach and get- weight of the giant pumpkin.            ing.                                                  “… and then this big

home along what is now                                              We had successfully
named Canoe Ripple Road in       away route, scoping the yard                                          I looked back toward the                      %*&#$@ pumpkin came
                                 for obstacles and plotting     grabbed     Pumpkin Zilla and      rear of the car and there was                     smashing into the side of the
Licking Township.                                               escaped but we had given no
                                 where to park the car.                                            Pumpkin Zilla, rolling and                        porch and exploded,” I heard

                                     “Pumpkin Zilla” was sit- thought as what to do with           bouncing along at whatever                        him say.
                                 ting on the well porch, about him.                                speed we were traveling. He                           I could feel my ears turn-
                                 50 to 75 feet back from the        We lacked the nerve to         was not disintegrating.                           ing red and I was sure he
                                 road and just out of the light smash his guts on the main

                                                                                                       Not only was Pumpkin                          would figure out I had some-
                                 shining from the house street of Knox. None of us                 Zilla not smashing into little                    thing to do with Pumpkin
                                 porch.                         could take him home and            orange pieces, but he                             Zilla slamming into his
                                     And he was as big as       face    explaining where he

  Club train
                                                                                                   appeared to be gaining on                         home.
                                 Kevin had said.                came from.                         the car. There was a lot of                           I made a quick exit and
                                     The car was parked             Pumpkin Zilla had to be        shouting and now some                             never looked back. I had
                                 around the bend from the       dumped     and since I had to be   screaming.                                        committed theft and that

                                 house. Martin stayed behind    home     by 11 p.m., he had to         I was soon back in the car                    was bad enough, but I also
                                 the wheel and the rest of us be dumped fast.                      and both John and I watched                       had committed criminal mis-
                                 tiptoed up the road.               As we headed down the          through the back window as                        chief in damaging someone’s
                                     We ran to the well porch   hill   into Turkey City, the       Pumpkin Zilla continued to                        home.
                                 and in classic Three Stooges   decision    was made to roll       bounce higher and longer as                           I never stole another
                                 form, we all bent over at the Pumpkin Zilla out of the car.       he gained ground on the car.                      pumpkin.
    CLARION - The Clarion        same time to grab Pumpkin          Martin swerved into the        There was a lot more shout-                           But ever now and then,
Model Railroad Club exhibit      Zilla. The collision of heads  left  lane and John opened         ing and screaming.                                when the autumn moon
is open on the following days    left us all seeing stars and   his  door.  I reached over and         The whole “incident” out-                     shines bright and the wind
and times during the annual      we fumbled to get a grip on tried to roll Pumpkin Zilla           side Turkey City couldn’t                         carries sound just right over
Allegheny Toyota Autumn          Pumpkin Zilla.                 out the door. I managed to         have lasted more than a few                       the ridge to my home, I can
Leaf Festival: from 10 a.m. to       Two of us could have car-  get   the pumpkin rolled up        seconds but it was unfolding                      hear the echoes of four
4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, Friday,   ried the giant pumpkin to      onto    John’s right leg but       in slow motion as we lived it.                    teenage boys screaming like
Oct. 8 and Saturday, Oct. 9;     the car faster, but being the lacked the leverage to shove            Martin had to slow down                       little girls as the ghost of
from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday,        inexperienced criminals we the danged thing out the               to make the slight curve and                      Pumpkin Zilla chases them
Oct. 5, Wednesday, Oct. 6,       were, we all tried to hold on door.                               Pumpkin Zilla – somehow                           into Turkey City.■
Thursday, Oct. 7 and from        to a corner of a round pump-       Martin and Kevin were          still in one huge and menac-                          The author is the edi-
noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct.      kin while running down a shouting at me to get
10. The hobby shop is open to                                                                      ing piece — used the oppor-                       tor of the Clarion News.
                                 pitch-dark road.
the public.
                                                                   RANKIN AUCTION
                                     I went down first, trip-                                                                   NEW LIGHT, INC.
    The     Clarion     Model
Railroad Club is located in      ping over my own feet. My                                           Are you a compassionate person looking for a great career opportunity?
                                 fall dropped Kevin and John,
                                                                                                                        New Light, Inc. is now accepting applications for
the basement of the Clarion                                                                                  Direct Care Personnel for the Clarion and DuBois areas.
Masonic Lodge Building on        sending Pumpkin Zilla
                                                                                                     This position will provide support for intellectually/developmentally disabled individuals
Main Street in Clarion.          rolling on down the road and            C omple te Sales                                   in a community based residential program.
Fairgoers can enter at the       into a ditch.                               Se rvice               Competitive starting hourly wages ($12.00/hr. - $14.00/hr.) All shifts available, especially
rear entrance of the building        We “rassled” Pumpkin        Dan and Gary • Clarion, PA                      night and weekend shifts! Open Availability greatly appreciated!
                                                                                                    Benefit Package Available! Paid Vacation! Opportunity for advancement in the company!
to see the fascinating display   Zilla out of the ditch while                                            We are a restraint and restriction free agency. Interested individuals must be
of various scale railroad lay-   Martin yelled at us to get in                                            able to obtain a criminal background check free of certain serious violations,
                                 the car. With Pumpkin Zilla                                                        child abuse clearance, FBI clearance and possess a valid
outs                                                                                                                drivers license and a reliable, registered, insured vehicle.
    For more information,        out of the ditch, John              Phone (814) 379-9862           All interested individuals may contact the HR Dept. at New Light, Inc
please contact (814) 541-        jumped into the passenger            and (814) 764-3502                     PO Box 761, Clarion, PA 16214 @ 814-226-6444 x103
                                                                                         or email
0286.                            side rear seat and Kevin and                                                              New Light, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Antique tractor show
                                                               2021 Autumn Leaf Guide ❖ September 28 & 29, 2021 ❖ CLARION NEWS/ The MIDWEEK ❖ Page 17

isn’t just for farmers
   CLARION — Are you a           several classes.
tractor and farm equipment          There is plenty for every-
enthusiast? Then make            one to enjoy at this year’s
plans to attend the Central      show. This year the crowd
Electric Cooperative Inc.        will be entertained by The
antique tractor show during      Route 8 Band, playing a mix
the Autumn Leaf Festival.        of country, rock and blues
This year’s show will take       appealing to a variety of
place from noon to 5 p.m.        audiences. There will also be
Sunday, Oct. 10, on Main         free barrel train rides for
Street in Clarion.               children.
   All farm-related displays        Although a free event,
are welcome including farm       please bring a non-perish-
tractors, garden and lawn        able item to benefit the
implement, hit and miss          Clarion County Community
engines, toys, hit and miss      Bank “FoodStock.” For more
engines       and     more.      information, contact the
Registration is available        Clarion Area Chamber at
online at      (814) 226-9161.
or on the day of the event.         The event is sponsored by
There is no fee to register.     Central              Electric

 IC PTO arts and craft show
Trophies will be awarded in      Cooperative, Inc.

   CLARION         —      The    Parish Event Centre during
Immaculate       Conception      Autumn Leaf Festival.
Ladies Guild Arts and Craft         For more information,
show will be held from 7 a.m.    email     ceisenman@clari-
to 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8 in or call 814-
the Immaculate Conception        226-8433, ext. 105.

                                                                                                                                      CLARION NEWS photo by Rodney L. Sherman.
                                                                               The Rising Stars of Clarion served as honorary grand marshals for the 2009 ALF parade
                                                                             down Main Street in Clarion.

                                                                                    mêÉëÉ~ëçå eÉ~íáåÖ=p~äÉ
                                                                              açåÛí=ï~áíKKKlêÇÉê=kçï=                                   (While Supplies Last)

                                                                               Vent-Free &                                                  Wood Stoves
                                                                               Vented Heaters                                               Pellet Stoves
                                                                               • Log Sets                                                   • Free Standing
                                                                               • Fireplaces                                                 • Inserts
                                 CLARION NEWS file photo by Tom DiStefano.     • Wall Units                                                 Electric Heaters
    Many floats had a “Wizard of Oz” theme in 2009, and
this young lady in her spider car is supposed to be one of                            SHIPPENVILLE                                          TIONESTA
the witches, but we can’t believe Ahlea Hornung, 3, was                                 226-5040                                             755-3561
all that wicked.                                                                     •
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