Income tax filing and benefits take-up - Challenges and opportunities for Canadians living on low incomes - Prosper Canada

Page created by Ian Burgess
Income tax filing and benefits take-up - Challenges and opportunities for Canadians living on low incomes - Prosper Canada
Income tax filing and
benefits take-up
Challenges and
opportunities for Canadians
living on low incomes
This report was developed by Prosper Canada          How to cite this report
thanks to generous funding provided by Intuit        Please use the following citation when
Financial Freedom Foundation. We would               referencing this report:
like to gratefully acknowledge the invaluable
                                                     Bajwa, Uttam. “Income tax filing and benefits
contribution of the report author, Uttam Bajwa
                                                     take-up: Challenges and opportunities for
as well as Lillian Knorr, Salima Shariff, Philippe
                                                     Canadians living on low income.” Toronto:
Raphael, and Prosper Canada team members,
                                                     Prosper Canada. 2019.
Elizabeth Mulholland, Allison Meserve, Julie
McFayden, Simi Khosa, Nirupa Varatharasan,
and Alex Bucik.
We would also like to extend our sincerest
appreciation to all of the survey participants
and individuals who shared their experiences
in key informant interviews. Their generous
contributions and insights form the basis of
this report.

2                                                                                                    Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Table of   Executive summary                       04

Contents   Introduction                            07

           What are the barriers?                  10

           Who is most affected?                   19

           Opportunities to increase benefit
           take-up through income tax filing       26

           Conclusions                             38

           Endnotes                                40

           Appendix 1 – Survey                     45

           Appendix 2 – Key Informant Interviews   46

           Bibliography                            47

3                                                       Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019

Since the late 1990s,          This shift is generally seen as positive      While income tax filing can be challenging    service providers offering tax support – as
                               as it harmonizes federal and provincial       for some Canadians, people with low           well as opportunities to help people with
federal and provincial         benefits, takes advantage of an existing      incomes face particular barriers. There is    low incomes file taxes and access income-
governments have made          application process most Canadians            substantial media coverage, anecdotal         boosting social benefits. This report draws
increasing use of the tax      already complete each year, and reduces       evidence, and personal insight into what      on evidence from a survey of 321 financial
                               the stigma associated with receiving          those barriers are, but little systematic     empowerment experts, interviews with
system both to establish
                               social benefits. However, the income tax      research into challenges around tax filing    10 tax-filing experts, and a newspaper scan.
eligibility for benefits and   system is challenging to navigate and not     in the Canadian context. As a result, this
to deliver them.               all Canadians who should be are filing.       report is aimed at better understanding
                               Many who do file still miss out on benefits   the barriers to tax filing for Canadians on
                               for which they may be eligible.               low incomes -- from the perspective of

4                                                                                                             Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Executive summary

Survey respondents were asked to          1	Not                           4 C
                                                                              hallenges accessing         6 F ear, mistrust and             9	
                                                                                                                                                Mental health and
identify what they believe are the           understanding                   existing supports                lack of confidence                cognitive barriers
most significant barriers to tax filing      what to do                    	Free tax clinics              	Related to knowledge           	Related to knowledge
for Canadians living on low incomes.      	These include eligibility        may be too far                   barriers, survey                 barriers, respondents
The most cited barriers were:               awareness (not knowing           away and potential clients       respondents mentioned            identified specific challenges
                                            that there are benefits          may not have access to           that people might feel           around understanding tax
                                            they may be eligible for),       safe transportation, child       intimidated by the tax           information for people with
                                            low financial literacy, and      care, or time off work to        system, be afraid that filing    cognitive barriers. This was
                                            challenges understanding         attend them. This is also        taxes will draw government       sometimes also connected
                                            complex tax forms.               related to geographic            scrutiny, and worry that         to mental health challenges.
                                                                             isolation and challenges         they will make mistakes.         More generally, poor overall
                                            Not knowing where
                                                                             around limited mobility.                                          health or well-being limits
                                            to get tax help                                                7 Literacy, numeracy
                                                                             In addition, Canadians           and language barriers
                                                                                                                                               people’s ability to file taxes.
                                          	People may not know that
                                                                             without computer access                                        10	Precarious housing
                                            they are eligible for free                                     	The income tax system is
                                                                             may not be able to take
                                            tax clinics or that free tax                                      challenging to navigate         	Sometimes
                                                                             advantage of free online
                                            clinics even exist.                                               and requires strong               connected to
                                                                             tax return software.
                                                                                                              English or French literacy        “disorganization”,
                                          3 H
                                             igh cost of
                                                                             Problems assembling              – a challenge for people          the particular challenges
                                            commercial tax help
                                                                             documentation                    with cognitive barriers,          of people with precarious
                                          	Commercial tax services
                                                                           	Many survey respondents          newcomers, and anyone             housing or who move
                                            can be too costly for
                                                                             said that “disorganization”      with low English, French or       frequently were mentioned
                                            households on low
                                                                             is a key barrier. This was       numerical literacy.               by several respondents.
                                            incomes. This is a
                                                                             often related to challenges   8	
                                                                                                             Tax filing is a
                                                                                                                                                This includes challenges
                                            particular barrier faced by
                                                                             attending tax appointments      low priority
                                                                                                                                                receiving, safely storing, and
                                            people who are not eligible
                                                                             and problems assembling                                            assembling documentation.
                                            for traditional free tax                                       	Respondents were very
                                                                             tax documents like income
                                            clinics – like self-employed                                     sensitive to the many other,
                                                                             slips, previous years’
                                            people or people with                                            pressing challenges people
                                                                             assessments, and
                                            complex tax situations.                                          living on low incomes might
                                                                             forms needed for
                                                                                                             be dealing with. Given this
                                                                             benefits eligibility.
                                                                                                             complexity, tax filing is
                                                                                                             often a low priority.

5                                                                                                                   Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Executive summary

Priority groups with                                          Opportunities
unique tax situations
Through the survey, the literature on tax filing and a scan   A number of general areas and directions for improvement emerged from the survey. These areas suggest promising
of newspaper articles, we identified four groups with         directions for government agencies, community service providers, commercial tax filers, and public schools to
unique tax situations:                                        explore to address challenges around tax filing for people with low incomes. These directions are as follows:
1. Indigenous Peoples                                         Make the tax system easier to              Strengthen and expand existing           Address broader cultural and
2. People with disabilities                                   understand by                              community-level supports by              educational barriers to tax filing by

3. Newcomers                                                  •    implifying the income tax
                                                                  S                                      •    upporting community tax
                                                                                                             S                                    •   Integrating tax filing with other
                                                                  system to make it easier for               clinics by providing more                 financial empowerment efforts
   Self-employed individuals with low incomes
                                                                  people to understand and                   funding, better training             •    roviding more financial
These groups also demonstrate the very complex                    file their taxes – this includes           opportunities for volunteers,            inclusion education and
situations that people with low incomes can face when             automatic filing                           increasing their number and              supporting numerical literacy
tax filing and how these challenges intersect.                                                               reach, and enhancing their
                                                              Improve the general public’s                                                            (numeracy) in schools
                                                                                                             services so they can offer longer
                                                              awareness of benefits and                                                           •    ddressing the fear and
                                                                                                             hours or child care
                                                              benefits eligibility by                                                                 intimidation associated
                                                              •   L aunching awareness campaigns        •    reating culturally appropriate,
                                                                                                             C                                        with tax filing
                                                                   that promote tax filing, specific         targeted supports
                                                                   benefits, and tax filing clinics      •   Improving coordination
                                                              •    eveloping screening tools to
                                                                  D                                           between agencies
                                                                  help people more easily identify       •   E xploring private sector
                                                                  which benefits they are eligible for        opportunities and collaborations

6                                                                                                                             Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019

In Canada many benefits aimed      While income tax filing can be challenging for all Canadians,         This report highlights the particular challenges of four
                                   people with low incomes face particular barriers to accessing         groups: Indigenous Peoples, newcomers, people living with
at people living on low incomes    their tax refunds. There is substantial media coverage, anecdotal     disabilities, and self-employed individuals with low incomes.
are administered through           evidence, and personal insight into what those barriers are, but      It also considers some promising existing programs and
the income tax system. This        little systematic research into challenges around tax filing in the   opportunities to better serve the income tax-filing needs of
                                   Canadian context. As a result, this report aims to communicate        Canadians with low incomes. Building on Prosper Canada’s
means filing taxes is a critical
                                   the barriers to tax filing for Canadians on low incomes, from the     2015 report Accessing Income-Boosting Benefits Through
step in accessing benefits that    perspective of service providers offering tax support, as well as     Tax Filing, this report proposes a number of ways to improve
have the potential to boost        opportunities to help people with low incomes file taxes and, as      benefits take-up.1
household incomes.                 a result of filing, access income-boosting social benefits.

7                                                                                                                Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019

Context: Income tax
filing and benefits   Since the late 1990s, federal        many who do file still miss         interviewees, and other reports    with disabilities can qualify

take-up in Canada     and provincial governments
                      have made increasing use
                                                           out on benefits they may be
                                                           eligible for.3, 4, 5
                                                                                               suggests that this number may
                                                                                               be high. Richard Shillington,
                                                                                                                                  for a maximum of $70,000
                                                                                                                                  in federal funds through the
                      of the tax system both to                                                a social policy researcher,        Canada Disability Savings
                                                           The Canada Revenue Agency
                      establish eligibility for benefits                                       estimates that between five        Grant and up to $20,000
                                                           (CRA) does not share data on
                      and to deliver them. This shift                                          and 10 per cent of families        through the Canada Disability
                                                           tax-filing rates or benefit take-
                      is generally seen as positive as                                         living on low incomes are not      Savings Bond, which is aimed
                                                           up numbers. Nevertheless,
                      it replaces multiple application                                         getting the benefits to which      at Canadians with low incomes.9
                                                           feedback from volunteers,
                      processes with annual tax                                                they are entitled.7
                                                           workers at tax clinics, and                                            Tax refunds are often the single
                      filing that most people already      other frontline social service      Not filing or incorrect filing     largest lump-sum payment
                      undertake. It also facilitates       organizations plus data from        can mean lost income. Based        a low-income household will
                      harmonization of federal and         the few surveys and studies         on the CRA child and family        receive each year. Households
                      provincial benefits. Because         that exist, show some tax           benefits tool, tax credits have    can use these refunds for
                      most Canadians tax file, it
                                                           filing trends. Tax-filing rates     the potential to make up           big-ticket purchases and for
                      can also eliminate the stigma
                                                           are highest for seniors and         as much as 50 per cent of a        savings, especially to smooth
                      associated with receiving
                                                           individuals with children and       household’s income.8 People        finances during periods
                      social benefits through
                                                           lower for young singles and         must also file to establish        of income fluctuation and
                      separate, designated and,            newcomers.6                         eligibility for government         financial shocks.10, 11 There
                      some would argue, more
                                                           We have even less data on           grants and matching dollars        is also strong evidence that
                      intrusive processes. However,
                                                           how many Canadians are filing       for savings programs, such         take-up of specific benefits
                      the income tax system is
                                                           but missing out on income-          as the Registered Disability       improves the health and
                      challenging to navigate and
                                                           boosting benefits. Evidence         Savings Plan (RDSP). Through       economic well-being of
                      not all Canadians file and
                                                           from survey respondents,            the RDSP, eligible people          families and children.12, 13, 14

                      Tax refunds are often the single largest lump-sum payment a low-income household will
                      receive each year. Households can use these refunds for big-ticket purchases and for savings,
                      especially to smooth finances during periods of income fluctuation and financial shocks.

8                                                                                                       Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019

This report relies on   First, the researchers developed and                Second, using the survey data as a foundation,        Finally, the research was supported by a scan
three main sources of   pilot-tested a short survey (Appendix 1) of         the researchers developed a semi-structured           of relevant newspaper articles. The initial scan
information.            open-ended, qualitative questions aimed at          key informant interview guide (Appendix 2).           took place between January and May 2017 using
                        community service providers that work with          The guide was aimed at people experienced in          Google News. The search relied on key words
                        Canadians with low incomes – especially             supporting income tax filing for Canadians living     related to Canadians with low incomes (for
                        professionals working directly in the area of tax   on low incomes or engaged in other financial          instance, search terms included “low-income”,
                        filing. The survey was open between August          literacy or advocacy efforts. In all, 10 key          “low income”, “poverty” “poor”) and tax filing
                        11th and August 29th, 2016 and shared with          informants from across Canada, and one from           (for instance, search terms included “CRA”
                        approximately 4,396 people via the Prosper          the United States, were interviewed. The key          “Canada Revenue Agency” “benefits” “tax filing”
                        Canada email newsletter and Prosper Canada’s        informants were identified through the literature     “income tax” as well as the names of specific
                        social media accounts. The survey was re-           on tax filing, consultation with tax-filing experts   benefits). The preliminary search was focussed
                        shared by several community organizations. A        at Prosper Canada, and recommended by key             on Canada, but several articles addressing
                        total of 321 people began the survey, though        informants. Interviews took place over the            the situation in the United States were also
                        not all respondents completed all questions. In     phone or in person and notes were recorded by         captured. Multiple newspaper searches were
                        total, 230 surveys were partially completed; the    the researcher. Interviews were open-coded and        conducted to look at income tax filing and four
                        results presented here include all responses        analyzed in Excel.                                    groups emerged as requiring particular focus:
                        received. The qualitative data were inputted into                                                         Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities,
                        Excel and the research team jointly developed                                                             newcomers (including refugees), and self-
                        and pilot-tested a codebook for qualitative                                                               employed Canadians living on low income.
                        analysis. Two researchers analyzed the results
                        for each question in Excel and discrepancies
                        were resolved via consensus.                                                                              Limitations
                                                                                                                                  This study did not survey or interview
                                                                                                                                  Canadians living on low incomes for their
                                                                                                                                  perspectives. The majority of respondents
                                                                                                                                  to the survey were located in Ontario, which
                                                                                                                                  means the study may not represent a truly
                                                                                                                                  national picture of tax filing.

9                                                                                                                        Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are
the barriers?

In considering the potential     Community service providers who work with vulnerable
                                 Canadians with low incomes were asked to identify what
benefits of tax filing, it is    they think are the three most significant barriers to income
essential to understand why      tax filing for Canadians with low incomes (Appendix 1). These
some Canadians are not filing.   open-ended responses give a comprehensive picture of the
                                 challenges their clients face when it comes to accessing
                                 income boosting benefits through the tax system (Figure 1).

10                                                                                               Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Not understanding what to do
     The most frequently cited        literacy was a fundamental        corroborated this, “Forms           “I still have a problem filling these [tax forms]
     barrier to accessing benefits    barrier. People lack              are confusing: tax laws and          out electronically and have almost missed
     was lack of necessary            “knowledge about taxes,           reporting forms are confusing
     knowledge and skills to tax      finances, and government.”        for the average person, the
                                                                                                             a large refund due to not understanding the
     file and complete benefits                                         ’explanations’ provided are          software and who should claim the taxes. I
                                      The tax system is very
     applications. This is a
                                      complex and challenging for
                                                                        convoluted which further             have a Master’s degree!”
     fundamental issue – one                                            intimidates clients and most
                                      all Canadians to navigate.
     underlying broader financial                                       give up and just don’t file.”
                                      According to a Fraser Institute
     challenges for people with low                                     Complex tax forms and the
                                      report, from 1990 to 2014 the
     incomes. Survey respondents                                        perceived opportunity cost of
                                      size of the federal income tax
     wrote that people “don’t                                           tax filing (time spent on an
                                      form increased by 25 per cent,
     understand how to,” “don’t                                         onerous task with potentially
                                      the text area by 62 per cent
     know how to file,” and “do not                                     little reward, versus something
                                      and the number of credits,
     know how to do it,” and lacked                                     else) is a crucial barrier.16 One
                                      deductions, exemptions, and
     the “ability/know how to                                           respondent admitted,
                                      exclusions by 22 per cent.15
     complete.” Many thought
                                      Survey respondents
     that overall low financial

11                                                                                                                 Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

 Figure 1

Barriers to tax filing for people living on low incomes
According to 321 community service providers

     Not knowing                            Challenges                           Problems
     what to do                             accessing                            assembling
     210                                    existing                             documents
                                            supports                             91

                                            Fear, mistrust   Other               Literacy, numeracy
                                            and lack of      (including          and language skills
                                            confidence       complex tax
     Not knowing         High cost of       76
                                                             and personal
     where to get help   private tax help                    65
     101                 98
                                                                                 Tax filing is low
                                                                                 priority 28

                                                                                 Mental health and cognitive barriers 16              16
                                                                                 Precarious housing 15                                15
                                                                                 Isolation 14                                         14
12                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

Many Canadians with low incomes are not aware                       Not knowing where to get tax help
of key tax credits and benefits, are not sure if they               For Canadians with low incomes, not knowing where to get help with tax filing is a barrier. Many
are eligible, or may not know they need to tax file                 people do not know they can access free income tax clinics and other help in their communities.
in order to access benefits.                                        Challenges include “lack of knowledge - where to get help, computers, no cost options” and “finding
                                                                    an accessible, free income tax preparation provider.” Surveyed experts pointed out that the CRA is
While few survey respondents saw eligibility awareness as a         not a consistent source of tax help. The “CRA [is] getting out of the business of helping taxpayers” and
barrier (20 out of 321 survey respondents), it is one of the most   people “can’t get hold of Canada Revenue to ask questions.” This gap in knowledge also applies to
commonly cited challenges in the literature on tax filing and       people working with vulnerable groups. Forty-three out of 321 (13 per cent) survey respondents could
benefits take-up.17, 18, 19 Respondents said that the “perception   not name a program or organization doing an “exemplary job” of supporting tax filing.
[that] having a low income means not having to file” is a major
issue, as is “not knowing they should be filing regardless of
income.” Respondents also thought that Canadians on low             High cost of commercial tax help
incomes “don’t understand the benefits” or know that “… they        Ninety-eight (31 per cent) respondents pointed out that people needed filing help, but could not
must file to get various credits.” “Canadians are not aware of      afford professional tax filing help – e.g. “accessing reliable, affordable/free support, especially for
incentive to file (i.e. tax credits).” Awareness may also relate    people who need to file multiple years,” “access to accountants for support,” and “lack of funds
to the design of benefits and their complexity, since it may be     to pay for an agency to file their income tax.” Many mentioned that commercial tax preparation
difficult for people to assess their eligibility and programs may   services offer free basic online filing to individuals with low incomes, but also pointed out that
not be well-promoted.                                               even Canadians with low incomes may have complex tax situations that disqualify them from these
                                                                    services. According to survey respondents, Canadians with low incomes sometimes use commercial
                                                                    tax services like H & R Block, even though they are eligible for free programs.

                                                                    “Many mentioned that commercial tax preparation services offer free
                                                                     basic online filing to individuals with low incomes, but also pointed
                                                                     out that even Canadians with low incomes may have complex tax
                                                                     situations that disqualify them from these services.”

13                                                                                                               Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Challenges accessing existing supports
     Many Canadians are unable to use existing tax        and “transportation to sites.” Respondents also      the internet.”21 CRA launched a secure mobile
     clinics and online supports. Free community          suggested that caregiving challenges make it         app called MyCRA in 2015 that allows users to
     tax clinics supported by trained volunteers exist    difficult for people to access clinics.              review and update their tax information. CRA
     in many communities. These may be offered                                                                 has also approved a number of mobile app
                                                          There are few programs “to support people
     through CRA’s Community Volunteer Income                                                                  versions of commercial tax return software
                                                          who need more intensive help than what’s
     Tax Program (CVITP) or through programs like                                                              (TurboTax and SimpleTax). Commercial tax
                                                          available at the free clinics. For example, help
     the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA)                                                              software providers have commented on
                                                          obtaining slips for past years or dealing with
     of Ontario program. Clinics supported by CVITP                                                            the sharp increase in mobile filing in recent
                                                          a post assessment review or changing status
     have restrictions on who they can serve (e.g.                                                             years, particularly among people in their
                                                          when relationships breakdown.” Canadians
     no self-employed). These restrictions may or                                                              20s.22, 23 Nevertheless, there may be gaps in
                                                          may have complex situations that tax clinics are
     may not apply to non-CVITP clinics. According                                                             effectiveness and promotion of tax return apps
                                                          not equipped or permitted to handle. People
     to respondents, “volunteer clinics can’t meet                                                             for young people.
                                                          “don’t fit within CVITP guidelines (e.g. self-
     the demand for free help.” There are too
                                                          employed, filing for a deceased person)”20 and
     few clinics, particularly in rural and remote
                                                          “Self-employment income means no help with           There are few programs “to support people
     areas (see “Geographic and other forms of
     isolation”). Tax clinics may not have adequate
                                                          your taxes.” Another challenge is that the cut-off   who need more intensive help than what’s
                                                          for eligibility is low. Households earning more
     capacity to deal with more complicated tax                                                                available at the free clinics. For example, help
                                                          than $40,000 may be financially vulnerable and
     situations – like taxes for newcomers and
                                                          unable to pay for private tax help.                  obtaining slips for past years or dealing with
     people with disabilities. Respondents pointed
     out the challenge of getting tax help outside        Canadians without computer access may not
                                                                                                               a post assessment review or changing status
     of tax season. People do not know “where to          be able to take advantage of free online tax         when relationships breakdown.”
     get their taxes done for free out of tax season      return software made available by commercial
     time (free tax clinics are only available during     providers to filers with incomes below a certain
     April/March).” Similarly, it is hard for people to   threshold amount. According to another survey
     access clinics with limited hours and to arrange     respondent “Government of Canada websites
     transportation. There is a need for “tax-filing      [are] rarely cell phone compatible or simple to
     sites that have flexible schedules (i.e. drop in     use on these platforms, which is the primary
     available to deal with scheduling challenges)"       way youth and low-income people access

14                                                                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Problems assembling documents
     Eighty (25 per cent) respondents identified      particular challenges acquiring SIN numbers         Newcomers may also have problems
     disorganization and difficulty assembling        and birth certificates for their children.24
                                                                                                          locating documents from their country
     documents as key barriers to tax filing. This    Newcomers may also have problems locating
     challenge is linked to other barriers like       documents from their country of origin, may         of origin, may not understand which
     precarious housing (not having a safe place to   not understand which documents are required,        documents are required, and require
     keep important documents), lack of motivation,   and require help translating documents. Maria       help translating documents.
     low literacy, and lack of knowledge about        Sophianopoulos from WoodGreen Community
     what is required to file taxes and why certain   Services describes the challenge of getting rent
     documents are important to keep. Challenges      relief “People who get caught are the ones who
     included “no identification,” problems           are most vulnerable – the ones renting an illegal
     “obtaining and saving the documents needed       room. The landlord won’t give a receipt. People
     to file,” “if they’ve worked [they] don’t have   are young, part of the same ethnic community
     their T4s,” the “complexity of the form, and     as the people who own the place, and it’s a
     required receipts/info not easily accessible/    way to deal with housing shortage in Toronto.”
     available,” and “many of our clients do not      This connects to broader challenges around
     have [a] SIN.”                                   assembling “documentation to get credit – [for]
                                                      example, their metro passes, their medical bills,
     According to Shillington, uptake of the
                                                      rent receipts.” According to Stephanie Nakitsas,
     Canada Learning Bond (CLB) is hampered by
                                                      co-founder of Urban Workers, assembling
     bureaucratic processes and costs. The CLB is
                                                      documents is difficult for self-employed people
     a grant paid by the government to children
                                                      who may have three to seven contracts in a year.
     in families with low incomes to help save for
     higher education. Newcomers to Canada face

15                                                                                                              Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Fear, mistrust and lack of confidence
     Fear, mistrust of the government, and lack            people. A recent NerdWallet survey found that     Media and critical attention around taxes,
     of confidence were identified as barriers             80 per cent of millennials are afraid of making   understandably, focus on how much Canadian
     by virtually all experts interviewed. Survey          a mistake on their taxes.27 Overall, personal     households pay in taxes each year. A Fraser
     respondents were less likely to mention fear          resources, knowledge, and skills are essential    Institute study estimated that the average tax
     as a barrier, but identified clients’ “feeling of     to giving people the confidence to navigate       bill for Canadians was $10,616 in 2015 and that,
     intimidation,” “fear of declaring their source        the system.                                       between 1961 and 2015, taxes increased by 1,939
     of income,” “fear of government,” “mistrust                                                             per cent.28 While debates around all aspects of
                                                           There is also a broader negative cultural
     of the government and fear they will ’owe’ if                                                           taxation are extremely important, the perception
                                                           perception of taxes. According to a respondent,
     years are outstanding,” “fear of owing taxes,”                                                          that the government will claw back money from
                                                           “there is a fear, either expressed or implicit,
     “fear of process,” “fear of having to pay, “lack                                                        Canadians with low incomes is a barrier to filing.
                                                           with many clients. Although there is help
     of knowledge and fear regarding Canada’s                                                                Bad tax advice and scams associated with taxes
                                                           readily available, they are often intimidated
     tax system (new immigrants),“ “shame, fear,”                                                            compound this situation.29 A recent tax scam,
                                                           by the system – as they perceive it – not
     and “isolation and feelings of embarrassment,                                                           first identified in 2013, is a good example of
                                                           as it actually is.” Lucas Stone, Financial
     humiliation, etc. about their financial situation.”                                                     how fraudsters prey on the cultural fear around
                                                           Empowerment Coordinator at Make Tax Time
                                                                                                             tax filing. In the scam, someone claiming to be
     Closely related to fear, is lack of confidence        Pay in Edmonton shared that “for the vast
                                                                                                             a CRA employee calls and tells the potential
     in one’s ability to navigate the tax system.          majority of people under a moderate income,
                                                                                                             victim about their failure to file or an error in their
     “Confidence – many people think preparing             you do your taxes and get money back, but the
                                                                                                             tax return and asks for financial and banking
     a tax return is complicated and requires              cultural language that the ’tax man is going to
                                                                                                             information to settle the debt to the government.
     math skills.” They are also worried they will         take your money’ is so pervasive that we have
                                                                                                             Newcomers and seniors have proven particularly
     make a mistake and be penalized for it.25,26          people who have made no income but are
                                                                                                             vulnerable to this scam.30,31 The government and
     Sophianopoulos describes it as a need for             scared and nervous they’ll have to pay some
                                                                                                             media attention often focuses on fraud, while
     “moral support” and that “[a] lot of older            lump sum to the government.” As Andrew
                                                                                                             failing to highlight the consequence of low take-
     people will say ’I like having you do this’ ’I’m      Cash, co-founder of Urban Workers, put it
                                                                                                             up of benefits.32
     much happier having someone else doing it.’”          “we’ve had about 40 years of propaganda
     This lack of confidence also affects younger          about taxes being bad.”

16                                                                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Literacy, numeracy and language skills               Tax filing is low priority
     People with limited or no English or French          Respondents and interviewees work closely with Canadians living on low incomes and, as a result,
     language skills struggle to understand               were very conscious of the complexity and daily challenges of their lives. Seventeen respondents
     and comply with income tax forms. Survey             pointed out that with all of the daily problems of a household – childcare, work, finding work,
     respondents identified “low literacy/numeracy/       caring for dependents etc., tax filing is simply a low priority for some people. “Clients have difficulty
     digital skills,” “literacy issues,” “reading,” and   attending scheduled appointments” and are “unable to file personal documents year to year.” Other
     the “technical language used by CRA” as barriers.    barriers are “disengagement” and “Time to attend the appointment, as many instances they are
     This is also a challenge for newcomers who may       overwhelmed with other life challenges.” This is particularly the case when tax filing itself is difficult.
     not have access to tax information in their first    A 2016 CBC profile on income tax filing illustrates the challenge of competing priorities. Janet Smith
     language. Computer literacy is also a typical        had three years of back taxes to catch up on and was struggling to assemble her documents. Three
     barrier. In 2016, 16 per cent of Canadians who       years ago, a parent died, she had back surgery, and had a business failure. Taxes were low priority.
     filed used paper forms – a 66 per cent drop from     For Smith "Enough was enough. I just had to put it off."35
     2006 – but certain demographic groups may be
     overrepresented in paper filing.33 Respondents
     mentioned that the shift from paper to online        Mental health and cognitive barriers
     filing has been a major challenge for seniors and    Sixteen (five per cent) respondents identified barriers related to mental health, declining abilities
     others who do not have computers or have low         due to aging, and general cognitive challenges like learning disabilities. For instance, barriers
     computer literacy.34                                 were “cognitive/mental health, which impacts on the executive functions required to organize
                                                          and file necessary paperwork and receipts for income tax purposes, as well as an inability to
                                                          navigate the tax filing documents/system,” “disabilities – learning barriers i.e. memory issues
                                                          FSD, Autism, developmentally delayed, lack of writing and math skills, ” “lack of capacity due to
                                                          aging,” and the need for a “support person to organize and prioritize tax filing for the individual.”
                                                          Issues around knowledge, complexity, and eligibility awareness are especially challenging for
                                                          people with mental health challenges. In Canada, mental health is a particular problem since
                                                          there is confusion among physicians, potential recipients, and tax filing professionals as to
                                                          whether mental health conditions qualify those affected for disability benefits. They are indeed
                                                          eligible, but this confusion further compounds the stigma and barriers associated with mental
                                                          health problems and their impact on people’s lives.36

17                                                                                                      Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
What are the barriers?

     Precarious housing                                       Geographic and other forms of isolation
     For people without fixed addresses –                     Canadians in rural areas, or who lack access        women from cultures where their movement
     precariously housed Canadians and frequent               to transportation, can have challenges              may be restricted) may not be able to access
     movers – it can be a challenge to learn about            getting to banks, government offices, and           tax help or may be less likely to learn about
     benefit opportunities, assemble and maintain             tax preparation services (free tax clinics          benefits and tax-filing information. Isolation
     documents, prioritize tax filing, and receive            or commercial services). Barriers include           is also relevant because social networks are
     benefits.37 According to survey respondents,             “isolation in rural locations – no transportation   an important way for people to learn about
     “no address,” “transient lifestyle,” and “no             or phone,” “finding a free location nearby,”        benefits. People with less developed networks
     permanent/fixed address” were all barriers.              and not being able to “travel to fill out forms     may miss out on information about helpful
     Evidence for people who are precariously housed          at times.” Those with disabilities and anyone       programs.39
     or frequent movers shows that they feel less             with limited mobility (including seniors or
     connected to communities, i.e. social networks,
     which are a key source of information on benefits,
     have lower awareness of available services,
                                                              "Those with disabilities and anyone with limited mobility (including
     encounter more challenges accessing services              seniors or women from cultures where their movement may be
     (due to their location in different neighbourhoods        restricted) may not be able to access tax help or may be less likely
     and settings and not knowing where to go for
                                                               to learn about benefits and tax-filing information."
     help), and feel less trust towards health services,
     the police, and other government agencies. This
     is also challenging for service providers, because
     it is difficult to offer continuity of services – e.g.
     following up on a tax return.38 This issue is closely
     connected to lack of paperwork. Respondents
     identified challenges like “homelessness (not
     having identification, documents, etc.),” “rapid
     address changes/couch surfing - loss of ID,” “loss
     of paperwork – moving and losing government
     tax documents,” and “No records: precarious
     living - move often, evicted often, couch surfing,
     no documents, permanent address changes
     regularly - gets them in trouble.”
18                                                                                                        Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is
most affected?
Through the survey, the literature on tax filing and a scan     The particular tax-filing context for First Nations people in Canada
of newspaper articles, we identified four groups with unique
tax situations:
                                                                demonstrates the need for better understanding of First Nations’ taxation
                                                                among volunteer and commercial tax services and for targeted tax-filing and
1. Indigenous Peoples
                                                                financial literacy interventions.
2. People with disabilities
3. Newcomers
   Self-employed individuals with low incomes
These groups also demonstrate the very complex situations
that people with low incomes can face when tax filing and how
these challenges intersect.

19                                                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

Profile 1
Indigenous Peoples
           Indigenous people with        These include language, the values that         Survey respondents and interviewees           information on tax filing tends to focus on
           low incomes have some         shape financial choices, lack of trust          also highlighted Indigenous Peoples’          tax obligations and exemptions rather than
           of the same income tax        towards governments and financial               historically fraught relationship with        possible benefits and credits.47, 48 Simon
           challenges as other filers,   institutions, geographic isolation,             Canadian governments. In response to this     Brascoupé, Vice President of Education
but they encounter additional cultural   limited access to banks and other               barrier, survey respondents emphasized        and Training at AFOA Canada, suggests
and structural barriers.                 financial services, education, literacy,        the need to build trust, for instance, to     that existing programs – perhaps
                                         and numeracy gaps.40 The particular tax-        “reach First Nations communities. It may      connected to health services or to trusted
                                         filing context for First Nations people in      be best to connect with local First Nations   groups like AFOA Canada – should take on
                                         Canada demonstrates the need for better         led organizations and/or Band offices to      tax filing and benefits promotion through
                                         understanding of First Nations’ taxation        see what they would need/want. We see         information packages, reports, and tax
                                         among volunteer and commercial tax              a really high demand among First Nations      clinics. He sees the Canada Child Benefit
                                         services and for targeted tax-filing and        individuals.” Patsy Schramm, Consultant       (CCB) as a wake-up call that Indigenous
                                         financial literacy interventions.               with the First Nations Development            people are missing out on income-
                                                                                         Institute in the United States, emphasized    boosting benefits. In promoting tax filing,
                                         A major source of misunderstanding is
                                                                                         that being Cherokee was essential to          young people may be a specific group
                                         the popular perception that First Nations
                                                                                         legitimizing her work for the Native VITA     to target because, as Saulis points out,
                                         people do not pay taxes. The reality
                                                                                         program. For Schramm “Native people           seniors on reserves have higher filing and
                                         is that exemptions are very narrowly
                                                                                         trust Native people. If you can convince      take-up rates. Brascoupé agrees, saying
                                         defined and do not affect benefits
                                                                                         the leaders to get on board, and they’re      much of the tax filing support in First
                                         eligibility.41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Tamara (Tammy)
                                                                                         the ones who share the information, it’s      Nations communities is directed to elders
                                         Saulis, Chief Financial Officer of Nipissing
                                                                                         going to be better received.”                 accessing pension benefits.49,50
                                         First Nation and AFOA Canada (formerly
                                         Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of    Many community groups do run programs
                                         Canada), said that she frequently helps         on reserves and in community centres.46
                                         people with returns who have been               Saulis and her team at AFOA had helped
                                         misinformed by private tax preparers            approximately 60 people to file by
                                         or volunteer clinics. “H&R Block is not         September 2016. She also personally does
                                         equipped for First Nations tax filing.          20 returns each year for family members.
                                         There are also bookkeepers who’ll               While more informational brochures are
                                         argue with the individual saying ’you’re        appearing for other income-tested benefits
                                         supposed to be paying income tax.’”             like the Registered Education Savings Plan,

20                                                                                                                       Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

                                               Figure 2

                                              Groups considered by respondents to be most
                                              affected by barriers
            People living on low incomes                                                                                                                      132

                              Newcomers                                                                                   96

                                   Seniors                                                                 82

        Families, including single parents                                                          76

              People with addictions and
                mental health challenges                                                          74

                     Precariously housed                                                    60

                            Young people                                               57

       People with less formal education                                      33

     People with disabilities or caregivers                               31

                       Indigenous people                            24

                                     Other                                            56

                                              Number of respondents (n=321)

                                              “Richard Shillington, a social policy researcher, estimates that between
                                               five and 10 per cent of families living on low incomes are not getting
                                               the benefits to which they are entitled.”

21                                                                                                       Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

 Figure 3

barriers by group
                                   Lack of     Not      Cost of    Difficulty    Difficulty      Fear/        Low        Tax filing      Mental       Precarious      Isolation
                                 knowledge   knowing    private   accessing     assembling      lack of    literacy        is low      health and      housing
                                             where to    help     tax clinics   documents     confidence                  priority      cognitive
                                             get help                                                                                    barriers

People living on low income
(including benefit recipients)



Families with children

People with addictions and
mental health challenges

Precariously housed

Young people

People with low levels of
formal education
People with a disability/
illness and caregivers

Indigenous Peoples

22                                                                                                                    Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

Profile 2
People with
disabilities or                        As challenging as tax filing is for people      with immediate, daily challenges to see      challenging to fill out in cases of mental
caring for those                       with low incomes, the situation is made         the benefit. The problem of qualifying       health and cognitive disabilities, which

with disabilities
                                       worse with the additional barriers and          for, and accessing, benefits and credits     make up approximately 30 per cent of
                                       struggles associated with disabilities. For     is particularly acute for people without     short and long-term disability claims in
                                       people with disabilities and their caregivers   family support, who may fall behind in       the workplace.53 Overall, physicians have
             One survey respondent     “researching and applying for tax credits       filing their taxes, lack a fixed address,    significant discretion in determining
             shared “I have met with   takes a back seat to other needs.”              and lose documents.                          whether or not someone has a disability.54
             single parents with                                                                                                    Some doctors may charge a fee to
                                       One difficulty is that the benefits system      According to O'Dwyer, qualifying for the
             multiple children with                                                                                                 fill out the eligibility form, which is
                                       for people with disabilities has different      Disability Tax Credit (DTC), the gateway
disabilities that have not accessed                                                                                                 another potential barrier for people with
                                       qualification criteria at the provincial and    to the RDSP, can be very difficult, as
the Disability Tax Credit or our                                                                                                    disabilities living on low incomes.55
                                       federal levels and between agencies.            physicians may not know how to fill out
provincial primary caregiver credit
                                       According to Tom O'Dwyer, an accountant         disability forms in a way that makes         Another challenge is that people with
and their children have lived with
                                       at Ability Tax who specializes in disability    sense to the CRA. Rules on eligible          disabilities, especially those who are
these disabilities for years.”
                                       benefits, “they’ve made it extremely            conditions are constantly changing and       not tied to community groups or patient
                                       complex for people trying to help these         the understanding of disability from a       networks (e.g. the Multiple Sclerosis
                                       individuals.” He says that though the           medical perspective may be different         Society), may be socially isolated and
                                       Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)       than the concepts underpinning CRA           not know about benefit opportunities
                                       is a great program, it is future oriented,      requirements.51, 52 O'Dwyer points out       and processes.
                                       which makes it difficult for people dealing     that disability forms are particularly

                                       “The problem of qualifying for, and accessing, benefits and credits is particularly acute
                                        for people without family support, who may fall behind in filing their taxes, lack a fixed
                                        address, and lose documents.”

23                                                                                                                    Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

Profile 3
            In an article to assist       This seems to be a typical experience.      a more laid back country (maybe also a         challenges. A respondent shared that
            newcomers filing taxes,       According to Dhirta Subedi, a settlement    dictatorship)?” MacDonald also described       “I have met with a mother that was a
            Gokul Jayapal describes his   counsellor at Welcome Place, "many          the problem of finding and verifying           refugee who had been paying for her
            experience filing taxes for   refugee families, due to lack of            documents from other countries – “I had        son’s hearing aid batteries for years
the first time in Canada, "I went to      knowledge or language, don’t have a         a family last year … and we had to keep        because Income Assistance did not take
a bank hoping they can file income        clear understanding of the importance       delaying their tax appointment for two         the time to bring in a translator to explain
taxes for me, but they politely           of filing an income tax return.”57 For      and half months, so they could track           . . . benefits for her son with a profound
explained to me to get help from a        Julie MacDonald, Program Coordinator        down the paper work for their [country of      hearing loss.” Respondents advocated
tax professional. I faced a fair share    at the YMCA Halifax, “there’s just a        origin] pension as well as their income        for multilingual, culturally sensitive
                                          general, huge lack of awareness around      from working in [country of origin] for that   interventions and pointed out that
of newcomer obstacles in my early
                                          government benefits that newcomer           particular tax year. It was a huge source      newcomers are sometimes independent
days in Canada."56
                                          families may be eligible for.” She said     of stress for them trying to find English      and only use services for their first few
                                          “we’re working with a family that’s been    versions of their foreign documents or         years. According to Stone at Make Tax
                                          in Canada since 2009 and just recently      even finding those documents.” One             Time Pay, “our experience is that they
                                          found out that they need to do taxes.       survey respondent also said that “Some         were very eager to try to figure it out and
                                          They’re now struggling to find papers       immigrants end up working for cash.            tended to be very prepared. They may
                                          from 2009 to get their refunds and          They do not have good knowledge of             need only minimal help in future years”.
                                          benefits, because they had no idea they     social benefits associated with taxes
                                          were supposed to be doing it.”              such as EI [Employment Insurance] and          “It was a huge source of stress
                                          Newcomers show “unfamiliarity
                                                                                      pension plans.”                                 for them trying to find English
                                          [with] Canadian tax documents” and          Newcomers and immigrant seniors are             versions of their foreign
                                          the Canadian income tax system.             particularly vulnerable to misinformation
                                          Sophianopoulos says that the biggest        and fraud.58 Like Indigenous people,
                                                                                                                                      documents or even finding
                                          challenge for newcomers is that many        newcomers also face certain social              those documents.”
                                          don’t speak English, but that it also       stigma around their access to benefits
                                          “all depends on which country they          – and may be inaccurately perceived as
                                          come from. Are they from a totalitarian     burdens on the system.59 For all tax filers,
                                          regime in which any interaction with the    the situation becomes even more difficult
                                          government will send you to jail? Or from   when they are dealing with additional

24                                                                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Who is most affected?

Profile 4
Self-employed                                          Community Response and Advocacy at
                                                       West Neighbourhood House, they are
                                                                                                       capacity to help. For Sophianopoulos,
                                                                                                       “I feel badly telling someone who has
                                                                                                                                                      One exception is ACORN Canada, which
                                                                                                                                                      recently launched Tax Collective, a social
individuals with                                       noticing “many low-income people are
                                                       being encouraged by social assistance to
                                                                                                       made $30,000 that ’yes, you can write off
                                                                                                       your expenses, but you owe HST on every
                                                                                                                                                      enterprise operating on a cost-recovery
                                                                                                                                                      model to help people who might not
low incomes                                            start up their own businesses.” Miryam          one of those services.’” For Stone at Make     qualify for other free programs.
                                                       Zeballos has observed the same trend,           Tax Time Pay, “the frustrating thing is that   Nevertheless, programs for freelancers
           For self-employed people                    “there are a lot of people in the Ontario       we’ll get people who aren’t aware that         are not being developed with the
           in Canada, tax filing is not                Works program for the self-employed             they are self-employed and think they’re
                                                                                                                                                      self-employed tax filer in mind and
           strictly about boosting                     and they are not making much.” Recent           employed.” Sophianopoulos says, “for
                                                                                                                                                      are, instead, to prevent tax evasion.
income through benefits take-up, as                    controversies with Uber and Airbnb show         someone like an Uber driver especially,        Stephanie Nakitsas and Andrew Cash, the
they may not receive a refund and                      that many Canadians earning money in the        very few are making enough money to            founders of Urban Workers, suggest that
may even owe money.                                    sharing economy are not reporting their         afford to hire an accountant. You can now      their community of younger, precarious,
                                                       incomes or paying GST/HST.69, 70, 71, 72 Many   claim some of your car repairs. We can’t       contract workers would benefit from
Tax filing is also about boosting their financial      do not realize they are required to pay tax     tell you the percentage you can claim.         initiatives like raising the GST/HST
security, avoiding the consequences of tax             on ’gig economy’ incomes.73 This kind of        You have to figure out which percentage        threshold, income averaging (for
evasion, and investing in future benefits (e.g.        misunderstanding shows that freelancers         of the car you use for work. They have         instance, by pre-paying tax or withholding
CPP retirement and Employment Insurance                have important knowledge gaps when it           to keep every single gas receipt and           part of annual income for a future year),
Special Benefits for the self-employed).               comes to tax filing and this is not unique      have a corresponding log. You have             tool kits and fact sheets on how to file
However, key informants from Urban Workers             to the sharing economy.74, 75, 76               to pay HST on every single sale. If you        taxes and where to go for help, and more
also shared that tax filing for freelancers can be                                                     haven’t done that, this tax return will get
                                                       Julie Macdonald has encountered growing                                                        government efforts to understand and
an enormous source of stress and uncertainty.                                                          you audited.”77 Paperwork is a typical
                                                       demand from small business owners                                                              address the financial challenges of self-
The rules are complex and the risk of audits                                                           challenge. For instance, some employers
                                                       for help, which the YMCA Halifax’s free                                                        employed, precarious workers. As one
and penalties for filing mistakes are very high.60                                                     may be slow to get contract workers
                                                       income tax clinic is unable to provide.                                                        interviewee said about self-employed tax
The explosion in the sharing economy has                                                               their paperwork.78, 79, 80, 81, 82
                                                       The YMCA tries to connect people                                                               filing, “no one is looking into this area.”
increased the number of self-employed                  with resources, but it is challenging.          Few programs exist to help self-employed
Canadians.61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 Some of these newly   Sophianopoulos suggests that, for               people with low incomes file their taxes
self-employed are already financially vulnerable       relatively straightforward situations – e.g.    (CRA’s CVITP clinics are prohibited from
– like young people and newcomers. More                someone cleaning houses and making              providing filing assistance to individuals
social programs are also encouraging people            $10,000 a year – some clinics may be able       with employment expenses, business
with low incomes to become entrepreneurs.67, 68        to help. In other cases – e.g. an E-Bay         or rental income/expenses, or who are
According to Lynne Woolcott, Director of               seller who would like to make business          self-employed). Tax-filing assistance
                                                       deductions, free clinics do not have the        from a professional accountant is costly.

25                                                                                                                                     Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Opportunities to
increase benefit
take-up through
income tax filing
The survey results and           Efforts include supports delivered in a wide range of settings     Existing tax-filing supports, many part of the CRA’s CVITP
                                 – e.g. food banks, retirement homes, subsidized housing,           clinics, are doing outstanding work to overcome barriers for
interviews show the breadth      community centres, and libraries (Figure 4). Respondents           Canadians with low incomes. For instance, the Make Tax Time
and richness of organizations    involved with these kinds of programs acknowledged the             Pay program in Edmonton run by E4C and funded by United
working to support tax filing.   resources and training from CVITPs. One respondent, for            Way, provides free tax preparation services through over 20
                                 example, praised the CVITP, describing its excellent support       tax clinics with 250 volunteers and files over 4,000 tax returns
Many survey respondents were
                                 for tax preparers, online training, and special help line. Other   each year. Between January and September 2016, WoodGreen
knowledgeable about local        programs facilitated by accountants and students were also         Community Services in Toronto completed 5,001 returns worth
efforts to help Canadians with   mentioned. Only six respondents identified companies that offer    $1.48 million. Nevertheless, the interview and survey data
low incomes file their taxes.    free online filing for people under a certain income threshold.    suggest opportunities to strengthen supports and learn from
                                                                                                    successful tax-filing interventions.

26                                                                                                           Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Opportunities to increase benefit take-up through income tax filing

                                                 Figure 4

                                                Who is doing an exemplary job of supporting tax filing?
                                                (according to 321 survey respondents)

                     Non-profit organizations                                                                                                                      95

                                       CVITP                                                                    59

                                 Don’t know                                                  43

                 Volunteer income tax clinics                                           40

            Government agencies and offices                     10

                  No one is doing a good job                7

     Chartered accountants (e.g. CPA Ontario)               7

                               Private sector              6

                          University students          5

                                                Existing tax-filing supports, many part of the CRA’s CVITP clinics, are doing outstanding work to
                                                overcome barriers for Canadians with low incomes. For instance, the Make Tax Time Pay program
                                                in Edmonton run by E4C and funded by United Way, provides free tax preparation services
                                                through over 20 tax clinics with 250 volunteers and files over 4,000 tax returns each year.

27                                                                                                           Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
Opportunities to increase benefit take-up through income tax filing

Simplifying tax filing
Simplification and automation are proven ways to            For self-employed people living on a low income,                 The new CRA Auto-Fill program introduced in 2016, is
improve access to benefits. In the United Kingdom, the      the CRA reviewed its services to small and medium                a step towards making tax filing less burdensome. It
Office of Tax Simplification advises the government on      enterprises, which may simplify and clarify tax filing.88        allows individuals, or their authorized representatives,
simplifying the tax system, including the language and      Survey respondents requested very basic supports                 to securely and automatically fill in parts of their income
content of forms, and reducing paperwork. Canada has        such as simplifying the language of forms, providing             tax and benefit return with information that the CRA has
no equivalent office.83                                     plain language one-page summaries explaining tax                 available at the time of filing the return. The program is
                                                            filing and benefits, and easier processes for replacing          meant to reduce errors and make filing less burdensome for
High uptake rates are associated with programs that:
                                                            missing tax documents. Sophianopoulos suggests                   Canadians. The information provided through this service
•    Are universal                                         that plain language tax information is important and             is fairly extensive and includes tax slips for employment,
•    Are automatic or have no application process          that the CRA “design the website for regular tax filers          benefits like pensions and the CCB, and connects the form
                                                            rather than tax professionals.” For Zeballos, the tax            with related information like immigration arrival dates.
•    Have no associated application costs
                                                            system is “continuously changing” and it is hard for             Nevertheless, it is only available for the tax years 2015 and
•    Have very simple and clear eligibility criteria       even professionals to keep up. Many of these suggested           beyond, Canadians must be registered for “My Account,”
•     equire information about the claimant only (e.g.
     R                                                      initiatives (e.g., plain language, pre-filled forms) currently   which requires computer access and literacy, it must be
     when parents are estranged, but one needs to apply     are being incorporated into tax filing by the CRA.               completed through an online application (which may or
     for child benefits)                                                                                                     may not be free), and many people are still unaware that
                                                                                                                             the program exists and do not know how it works.91 For
•    Proactively reach out to eligible people84            Automatic filing                                                 instance, many survey respondents did not know about the
For instance, commentators suggest that the simple          Several respondents advocated for automatic filing for           program and several pointed out the need for more training
change of establishing a RDSP automatically once an         certain groups – e.g. people with simple returns and             and awareness around it. It is too early to evaluate the
individual is eligible for the federal DTC would make the   benefits recipients, and even for the entire population. An      effectiveness of the program, but, in spite of these barriers,
process less onerous for eligible individuals and their     example of a more automatic process is Ontario’s 4-in-1          it seems like a positive step.
caregivers.85 As a respondent put it, “the more hoops a     Newborn Bundle that allows parents to register a child’s
person has to jump through to file their taxes, the less    birth, get a birth certificate, apply for a Social Insurance
likely it is that they will file.”                          Number, and sign up for the CCB.89 The Organisation
Many different commentators have identified problems        for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
with the complex language and length of Canadian            suggests pre-populated returns reduce fear and uncertainty
income tax forms.86 The code was 11 pages when it           around filing, speed processing, reduce errors, and have a
was created in 1917 and 3,200 pages by March 2014.87        reduced compliance burden for tax payers.90

28                                                                                                                              Prosper Canada | Income tax filing and benefits take-up 2019
You can also read