2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter

Page created by Marc Norton
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter

 A Festival of Black
 History and Culture
January 27 through February 28
 In recognition of National Black History Month
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
So u t h e r n
Soul F i x i n s

         A R oswe ll Roo t s

         February 10
        12:30-3:30 PM
        So u l Fo od C o o k-Off

Roswell Area Park: Bill Johnson
 Community Activity Building
   N    CE

Roswell’s First Soul Food Cook-Off welcomes community and professional
cooks competing in four delicious categories! Come out and vote for your
      favorite dishes and enjoy live music, storytelling and culture!
           Storytelling with Babatunde scheduled at 1 & 3 PM.

   Food categories include meat-based side dish, vegetarian side dish,
                    breads/cornmeal, and desserts.

                     FREE EVENT

       Want to enter as a cook and serve up
                your favorite dish?
                    Register at
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
     February 16, 2019
            8 PM
 Roswell Cultural Arts Center
Translated loosely as “Get Funky,” Ranky Tanky performs their
  interpretation of the timeless music of the Gullah culture –
    from playful game songs to heartbreaking spirituals and
 delicate lullabies – updated with gospel vocals, jazz trumpet
               solos, and an R&B rhythm section.

            Tickets: $30
   Senior, Students, Military $25
770-594-6232         roswellCAC.com

   "Soulful Honey to the ears" - NPR
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
History Exhibits
               Behind the Big House:
                   The Enslaved Landscape
Smith Plantation              Exhibit showcases the hard work that
                               kept the Smith Plantation operating
935 Alpharetta Highway,
                              day to day - through tasks, buildings,
      Roswell, GA
                                 and tools found "behind the Big

                                  Monday-Saturday 10 AM-3 PM
        FREE                            Sunday 1 PM-3 PM

              Exhibit on Display February 1 - February 28

            Slave Cabin Interpretive
Smith Plantation              Display in cabin will outline the history
                                   of slavery in Georgia and the
935 Alpharetta Highway,          plantation economy that was so
      Roswell, GA               dependent upon an enslaved labor
        30075                  force. Display is located in the Barn
                              Interpretive Space at Smith Plantation.

                                  Monday-Saturday 10 AM-3 PM
        FREE                            Sunday 1 PM-3 PM

              Exhibit on Display February 1 - February 28

                   By Skilled Hands
                                  An exhibit of objects from the
 Barrington Hall               permanent collection at Barrington
  535 Barrington Drive,
                               Hall created by enslaved craftsmen.
      Roswell, GA
                              The exhibit also includes photographs
                               and other documentation related to
                               the diverse skills of these artisans.
  Included with
Regular House Tour                Monday-Saturday 10 AM-3 PM
                                        Sunday 1 PM-3 PM
              Exhibit on Display February 1 - February 28

            More information at www.southerntrilogy.com
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
Art Exhibits
         Roswell Historical Society presents
          Black Heritage - The Unsung
              Heroes of Roswell
                              This photographic exhibit focuses on
Roswell Cultural             the story of the everyday heroes of the
  Arts Center                Black community and their labors from
                                      the days of slavery and
  950 Forest Street,
                              Reconstruction, through the trials of
    Roswell, GA
                              segregation, to their efforts to create
                              a vital and influential community for
                                        future generations.
       FREE                       Monday-Friday 9:30 AM-5 PM

                 Gallery open January 2 - February 28

            City Hall Gallery
Black History Month Artistry Celebration
Roswell City Hall              Artwork in various genres including
                              oils, acrylics, photography and more.
    38 Hill Street,            Art will highlight local black artists
     Roswell, GA              and original artwork from students at
       30075                       Hembree Springs elementary.

       FREE                         Monday-Friday 9 AM-5 PM

                Gallery open January 28 - February 28
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
Jan 28
                                 Roswell Roots:
                          Festival of Black
                          History & Culture
Roswell City Hall           Proclamation
Council Chambers
     38 Hill St.
                         Join Roswell's Mayor and City Council
                         as they kick off the Roots celebration
 Monday, January 28           by reading the official event

     7:00 PM
                          More information at: 770.641.3705


       Join Us at Our Kick-Off Events for
              Roswell Roots 2019

                        JAN 27
                               Jazz Vespers
    Roswell                Experience the ancient liturgy of
  Presbyterian           Vespers, combined with the melodic
                          and harmonic rhythms of jazz with
     Church                Atlanta Jazz Chorus and Quartet
   755 Mimosa Blvd.        under the Direction of Dr. Dwight
                               Andrews, Pastor of First
                          Congregational Church and Emory
 Sunday, January 27th       University’s Professor of Music.

     4:00 PM

2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter

Celebrate National Black History
Month by expereiencing Roswell’s
African American culture through fun
events for everyone.

Roswell Roots is a community-wide,
month-long festival honoring our
diverse community while focusing on
heritage, art, food and important
contributions. This festival helps
strengthen our community ties and
highlights both the past and present.

We hope you will join us for
one or more events during the
month of February. We encourage
everyone to explore Roswell during
this festival in hopes of learning and
experiencing something new!
2019 February A Festival of Black History and Culture - AAHGS Metro Atlanta Chapter
A Festival of Black History and Culture
       Many thanks to the 2019 sponsors, partners, and committee members that make Roswell Roots possible:

      Committee Members                                                                      2019 Community Sponsors and Partners
 Pam Billingsley                   Mike Harris                                                                          Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System
 Bulloch Hall                      Beckie Hawkins                                                                               Groveway Community Group
 Nancy Bishop                      Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs   The King and Queens Chapter of the American Bridge Association
 Gail Bohannon                     Mary Lucas                                                                                           Red Door Playhouse
 Theresia Carrington               Gerry McDonald                                                                                 Roswell Historical Society
 Donna Clayton                     Peggie Peters                                                                                          Soul Food Cypher
 Roswell Cultural Arts Center      Jeff Pruitt                                                                               The Southern Trilogy of Homes
 Sharon Crumley                    Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs                      Visit Roswell Convention and Visitors Bureau
 Chuck Douglas                     Corinne Sutherlin
 Smith Plantation                  Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs
 Marie Epps                        Robert Winebarger
                                   Barrington Hall

                                                                                                  Roswell Roots is brought to you by the Cultural Services Division of the
Follow Roswell Historic and Cultural Affairs @CityofRoswellGA on social
                                                                                               City of Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs Department
media for updated information on Roswell Roots or visit roswellroots.com
                         Jan. 27                                                                     2                                                                           3                                                                    9
                                                                                                    Bid Whist Party                                                                  Groveway's                                                   Open Hearth Cooking
                                                                                                 The Kings and Queens Chapter of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      Got Talent                                                     and Discussion
                                                                                                 American Bridge Association (ABA) is                                                                                                               about the Slave Community:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Come One, Come All! Groveway
                                                                                                   proud to be sponsoring the fourth              Roswell Cultural                                                                                House, Skilled and Field Workers
                                                                                                  Roswell Roots Bid Whist Card Party.
                                                                                                                                                                               Community Group, Roswell’s oldest         Smith Plantation
                                                                         Roswell Adult                                                              Arts Center                     civic organization, presents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           935 Alpharetta Hwy
                                                                                                    The game of whist, a precursor to                950 Forrest St.             “Groveway’s Got Talent,” a talent
                                                                        Recreation Center          both bid whist and bridge, has been                                           show featuring a variety of local                                Discover how members interact within
                                                                        830 Grimes Bridge Rd.    around at least since the 1700's, when                                        performers. It is sure to be treat, as       Saturday, Feb 9       their community to support each other
                                                                                                                                                  Sunday, February 3
                                                                                                  it was a favorite in London gambling                                          the contestants will compete for a                                in their groups and the overall society
                                                                                                  houses.During the Civil War, African                                         first place prize of $500! Join us in
                                                                         Saturday, February 2
                                                                                                    Americans were introduced to the                    2:30 PM                    celebrating Black History and              3:00 PM                         of the enslaved.

                                                                                                   game and were said to have put the                                           cheering on all the wonderful gifts
                 JAZZ VESPERS                                                                               “bid” in bid whist.                                                    and talents in our community.
                                                                         12:30 - 4:00 PM                                                          Adults - $18.00                                                         Included with
        Details on Other Side of Brochure                                                            Tickets must be purchased in                                                    More information at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Regular House                   More information at
                                                                                                      advance. Call 314-520-4775                 Ages 12 & under -            ɸwww.grovewaycommunitygroup.com                                     www.roswellgov.com/SmithPlantation
                                                                         $10 per person                                                                $10.00                                                            Tour Admission

                           10                                                                      16                                                                           17                                                                  22

                                                                                                                                                                               Telling Our Story                                                    Soul Food Cypher

                                                                                                                                                                                     with Groveway
                                                                                                                                                                                    Community Group                                                   Soul Food Cypher is an evening
                                                                                                                                                    Pleasant Hill                                                                                 showcasing the craft and ingenuity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    freestyle rap and spoken language.
                                                                                                                                                 Missionary Baptist                                                          Red Door

                                                                                                                                                                              Join us as we step back in time for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Soul Food Cypher will curate a
                                                                                                                                                                              view of life in Roswell from those who
                                                                                                                                                       Church                  lived it. Listen as Roswell residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Playhouse                  Roswell-themed cypher that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    challenges master emcee’s through
                                                                                                                                                    725 Pleasant Hill St.      share their stories of growing up in         587 Atlanta St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  live on-stage improved segments Soul
                                                                                                                                                                                    Roswell's Black community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Food Cypher combines freestyle and
                                                                                                                                                    Sunday, February 17                                                   Friday, February 22

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   positivity to generate momentum for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  social consciousness and storytelling

            SOUTHERN SOUL FIXINS                                                           RANKY TANKY                                                                                                                                                           expression.

                                                                                                                                                        3:30 PM                                                                7:00 PM
        Details on Other Side of Brochure                                        Details on Other Side of Brochure                                                                   More information at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tickets available at

                                                                                                                                                          FREE                                                            $8 for all ages

                            23                                                                    23                                                                           23                                                                 SOULL FOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SOU   FOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           D CY

                          Open Hearth Cooking                                                                                                                                Reading and Book Signing of
                                                                                                 3rd Annual Roswell                                                             Black American Voices
                            & Living History
                                  with Clarissa Clifton
                                                                                                  Roots Arts Festival                                                           Joe Barry Carroll
                                                                            Roswell                                                                 East Roswell                NBA All Star Joe Barry Carroll will
                            Living History Interpreter and Open
Smith Plantation              Hearth Cooking Expert Clarissa            DoubleTree Hotel         Discover heritage and culture through
                                                                                                                                                       Library                   read from his latest book, "Black
                                                                                                   the artwork and creativity of black                                          American Voices", Shared Culture,
  935 Alpharetta Hwy.         Clifton, will demonstrate making                                                                                    2301 Holcomb Bridge Rd.
                                                                                                    artists and creatives from Metro                                            Values and Emotions featuring the
                           traditional southern food in the Cook       1075 Holcomb Bridge Rd.
                                                                                                   Atlanta. Original art and handmade                                           Zamora ɸCollection. Carroll, now a
 Saturday, February 23     House hearth on the historic grounds
                                                                                                  items will be available for purchase.                                         visual Artist and Author shares his
                                   of the Smith Plantation.                                                                                        Saturday, February 23
                                                                        Saturday, February 23                                                                                     paintings, thoughts and stories
    10:00 AM                                                                                                                                                                  juxtaposed to works from the African
                                                                                                                                                                               Art Collection of his friends Antonio
                                                                       10:00 AM-4:00 PM                                                                 2:00 PM                          and Betty Zamora.
 Included with                    More information at                                                    For more information
Regular House              www.roswellgov.com/SmithPlantation                                     roswellrootsartsfestival@gmail.com
                                                                                FREE                                                                      FREE
Tour Admission

                           24                                                                     26                                                                        9 24                                                                   23
                               3rd Annual                                                                  An Ode to
                                                                                                          Edna Lewis:                                                         Remember the 400                                                    Coming to the Table:
                          College & Greek Fair                                                   Southern Delicacies Cooking                                                                                                                      an invitation to racial healing
                                                                                                            Class                                                                                                                                   Coming to the Table is a national
                                                                                                                                                                              Focusing on the amazing narrative of
  East Roswell               Start your college search at the
                                                                        Barrington Hall's                                                             East                       African Americans, this program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Global Dance            organization that promotes dialogue,
                           Roswell Roots College Fair! Interact                                  Celebrate the cooking style of, Edna Lewis, a                                                                                                           brave spaces for difficult
Recreation Center         with admission representatives from a              Kitchen              renowned African-American chef, teacher
                                                                                                                                                  Roswell Library
                                                                                                                                                                              celebrates the journey of rising from      Studio & Theater           conversations, social justice and
                             wide range of higher education                                      and author who helped refine the American                                      the shackles of slavery to making
   9000 Fouts Rd.                                                                                                                                                                                                         2300 Holcomb Bridge     racial healing. ɸThe event will feature
                                                                           535 Barrington Dr.             view of Southern cooking.                                           invaluable contributions to the fabric
                           institutions, connect with resource                                                                                    2301 Holcomb Bridge Rd.                                                                           an introduction to the values and
                              groups, as well as Greek letter                                                                                                                              of humanity.
                                                                                                     The menu for the evening will be:                                                                                                               mission of CTTT: uncovering the
                                organizations. This is your               Tuesday, February 26   Simmered Greens with Cornbread Dumplings                                                                                                         accurate history of the U.S., creating
 Sunday, February 24                                                                                                                               Saturday, Feb 9th &
                            opportunity to obtain free college                                                                                                                                                            Saturday, February 23
                                                                                                        Edna Lewis’s Fried Chicken                                                                                                                 connections, promoting healing, and
                                                                                                                                                    Sunday, Feb. 24th
                           admission counseling. Book awards                                                 Southern Biscuits                                                                                                                    taking action. ɸAnyone who wishes to
                           will be presented to select students.                                        Very Good Chocolate Cake!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     contribute to the healing of the
  2:00-5:00 PM                                                          6:30 PM-9:00 PM                                                                 1:00 PM                                                           1:00-3:00 PM            wounds and ongoing legacy of slavery
                                                                                                                                                                                      More information at                                         and racism in the U.S. is welcome to
                                      More information at                                          Seating is limited & reservations can be
                                                                                                                                                                                    www.rememberthe400.com                                                         attend.
                          roswellrootscollegefair2019.eventbrite.com                                    made by calling 770-640-3855
       FREE                                                            $50.00 per person                                                                  FREE                                                                  FREE

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