Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager

Page created by Steven Soto
Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager

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Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
Contact persons:                                     Editorial team:
                                                     Martin Gräber, qualified physicist,
                                                                                                              Michaela Feigel
                                                     editor-in-chief                                          Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-517
Advertising:                                         Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-120                    
Helmut Junginger, qualified designer,       
media consultant                                                                                              Distribution/reader service:
Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126                          Robert Altmannshofer, M.A.                               Andrea Siegmann-Kowsky              Deputy editor-in-chief
                                                                                                              Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-361
                                                     Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-129
Birgit Raab
media consultant                                     Detlef Hinderer, state-certified technical manager,       Online/Technics:
Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125                          Head of magazines on technics                            Anne-Christin Amlinger, cert. computer scientist                   Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-549                              Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-394

Job market, advanced training:                       Sandra Lederer
Beate Lichtblau                                      Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-162
media consultant                           
Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-539                                                                                   FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH               Miriam Glaß
                                                     Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-552                              Mandichostraße 18
                                                                 D-86504 Merching
Ad placement coordination:                                                                                    Telephone: +49 (0) 8233/381-126 or -125
Karin Meier                                          Petra Kellerer                                           Fax: +49 (0) 8233/381-212
Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-247                          Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-332                   

Target group-related expertise of FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
                                                                                                                                Editorial staff/publisher
                                                                                                                                     Analysis of volume

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212
                                                                                                                                             and content
 1 Profile in brief: Better planning, construction and management of buildings and              14 Page analysis:       2017 = 10 issues
   facilities. The trade magazine „Der Facility Manager” offers solutions for this task
                                                                                                  Magazine format:                                            DIN A 4
   and gives practical recommendations for action at the strategic level of compa-
   ny organization as well as the practical level of real estate and property operation.          Total number of pages:                                      712 pages =    100.0%
   Sound practice reports, interviews, background information, product news and to-               Editorial pages:                                            551 pages =     77.4%
   pical news offer expert knowledge for all real estate operators in business, indust-           Advertising section:                                        161 pages =     22.6%
   ry and the public sector. Extensive and detailed market reviews provide orientation.           of that:             Job ads and classified ads               7.4 pages =     4.6%
                                                                                                                       Publisher’s advertisements              45 pages =     28.2%
 2 Memberships:            AGI
                                                                                                   Inserts:                                                            27
 3 Organ:                  -
 4 Publisher:              -
                                                                                               15 Content analysis of the editorial section:                      2017 = 551 pages
 5 Editor:                 Martin Gräber, editor-in-chief                                         Topical industry news/FM market                            60.0 pages =   10.9%
 6 Advertising:            Helmut Junginger, Birgit Raab                                          FM Strategy and Facility services/practice                 81.0 pages =   14.7%
 7 Volume:                 26th volume 2019                                                       Technology                                                 80.0 pages =   14.5%
   Frequency of                                                                                   IT                                                         57.0 pages =   10.3%
                           10 issues per year
   publication:                                                                                   Workplace                                                  64.0 pages =   11.6%
 8 Publisher:              FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH                             Energy and contracting                                     17.0 pages =    3.1%
 9 Postal address:         P.O. Box 1340, D-86408 Mering                                          Housing industry                                           20.0 pages =    3.6%
   Street address:         Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching                                    Trade fairs/seminars/calendar of events                    51.0 pages =    9.4%
10 Telephone:              +49 (0) 8233/381-0                                                     Law                                                        36.0 pages =    6.5%
   Fax:                    +49 (0) 8233/381-212                                                   Job & career                                               47.0 pages =    8.5%
11 Internet:                                                     Other (editorial, content pages, column, imprint)          38.0 pages =    6.9%
12 Editorial calendar:     see pages 8-9
13 Subscription rates:     plus shipping costs
   Annual subscription: Germany                  € 88.- (incl. VAT)
                           Other countries       € 83.- (excl. VAT)
   Retail sales:           € 11.- (incl. VAT)
   ISSN:                   0947-0026
                                                                                                                                                        All rates in € plus valid VAT

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
                                                         Subject area                                    Advertising price list no. 26
                                                                                                         effective from 1-Jan-2019
                                                         Facility management                             Actually distributed circulation, annual average
                                                         Building management                             (according to AMF scheme 2)
                                                         Real estate management                          10,158 copies including e-papers

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

 1 Magazine format: w = 210 mm, h = 297 mm, A4 format                                                       5 Publisher:                      FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GMBH
                                                                                                              Street address:                 Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching
 2 Type area: w = 190 mm x h = 264 mm
   Number of columns: 4 columns, width 44 mm/column                                                           Postal address:                 P.O. Box 1340, D-86408 Mering
 3 Printing and binding method, printing material:                                                            Advertising                     Telephone: +49 (0) 8233/381-126 or -125
   Offset, adhesive binding. Printing material is to be submitted digitally. Please note that se-             department:                     Fax: +49 (0) 8233/381-212
   parate guidelines apply (see information sheet „Electronically submitted printing material“                                                Email:
   page 26).                                                                                                                                  Email:
 4 Dates:                                                                                                   6 Terms of payment:
   Frequency of publication: 10 times per year                                                                Payment by direct debit with 2% discount.
   Date of publication: see editorial calendar pages 8 – 9                                                    Within ten days from invoice date net.
   Closing date: see editorial calendar pages 8 – 9                                                           VAT ID No. DE 262996914
                                                                                                              Bank details: Stadtsparkasse Augsburg (sort code 720 500 00), account no. 2 587 921
                                                                                                                             IBAN: DE88720500000002587921, BIC: AUGSDE77XXX

 7 Ad formats and rates: (all rates in € plus valid VAT)
  Format                                1c/4c Euroscale                  1-column (bleed*) mm                2-column (bleed*) mm                  3-column (bleed*) mm                 4-column (bleed*) mm
  1/1 page                                     5,810.-                                                                                                                                  190 x 264 (210 x 297*)
  Junior Page                                  4,340.-                                                                                             140 x 190 (148 x 202*)
  3/4 page                                     4,810.-                                                                                             140 x 264 (148 x 297*)
  2/3 page                                     4,590.-                                                                                                                                   190 x 178    (210 x 198*)
  1/2 page                                     3,810.-                                                         92 x 264 (100 x 297*)                                                     190 x 132    (210 x 148*)
  1/3 page                                     3,140.-                     60 x 264 (68 x 297*)                92 x 164 (100 x 176*)                                                     190 x 88       (210 x 95*)
  1/4 page                                     2,800.-                     44 x 264 (52 x 297*)                92 x 132 (100 x 148*)                                                     190 x 65       (210 x 78*)
  1/8 page                                     1,810.-                     44 x 132                            92 x 65
  2/1 page crossover                          10,900.-                                                                                                                                   392 x 264 (420 x 297*)
  2 x Junior page crossover                    8,240.-                                                                                                                                   280 x 190 (296 x 202*)
  2 x 1/2 page crossover                       7,170.-                                                                                                                                   392 x 132 (420 x 148*)
  Opening flap, (inside and outside)            7,500.-                      115 x 297* (inside), 115 x 297* (outside)
  Banderole 60 x 480 mm                        8,060.-
  Price per mm 1-column, 4c                        14.80                         *Formats for bleed advertisements: add 3 mm for trimming. These rates are also valid for adverts in the special sections of the magazine..

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
8 Preferential placements:                                                                     12 Discounts: for advertising within one year of insertion
   Outside back cover 4c                                                        6,380.-            (beginning with the publication of the first ad)
   Inside back cover 4c                                                         6,050.-
   Inside front cover 4c                                                        6,150.-             Frequency discount/quantity discount:
   Binding placement instructions                                   20% of the basic rate           3insertions                     3%                        2 pages                 3%
                                                                                                    6insertions                     5%                        3 pages                 5%
 9 Colour surcharges:                                                                               8insertions                    10%                        6 pages                10%
   For each special colour (HKS, Pantone etc.)                                  1,190.-             10insertions                   15%                        8 pages                15%
                                                                                                                                                             10 pages                20%
10 Format surcharges:
   Isolated adverts (surrounded by text)                            50% of the basic rate           All surcharges will be discounted: colour and placement.
                                                                                                    Inserts and technical extra costs are not eligible for discount.
11 Job ads, special/additional formats
                                                                                                13 Tip-ons:
    Trade directory: print + internet + link                                 see page 10           2-page                                                                         3,350.-
    – annual subscription only (includes 10 issues and 4 special issues),                          4-page                                                                         5,590.-
    not eligible for discounts. For details and categories see page 16.                            8-page                                                                         7,840.-
    Advertising entries 4c, 1 column each (44 mm width) per issue + category                       Partial format tip-ons on request.
    Column                                                                     3.90/mm             required quantity:                                                              10,300

    Trade directory: Upgrade to premium entry                               see page 11         14 Inserts: (not eligible for discount)
                     at                                   600.-            loose inserts, maximum size 205 x 290 mm
                                                                                                   Price up to 25 g                                                     260.- per thousand
    Market reviews                                                          see page 12            Price up to 50 g                                                     320.- per thousand
                                                                                                   plus valid postage
    Online advertising                                                  see pages 13-20            required quantity:                                                              10,300

    Job market                                                              see page 22         15 Adhesive postcards, samples and the like:
                                                                                                   Attached manually:                                                   105.- per thousand
    Advanced training                                                       see page 23            plus valid postage
                                                                                                   (not eligible for discount). Rates do not apply to commercial samples.
    Events + Sponsoring                                                 see pages 24-25            required quantity:                                                               10,300

    Special advertising formats on request                                                      16 Address for shipment: Silber Druck oHG
                                                                                                   (for pos. 13-15)      Otto-Hahn-Straße 25
                                                                                                                         34253 Lohfelden
                                                                                                   Delivery memo:        For „Der Facility Manager“ issue (no.)

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
                                                                                                                             Ad formats

 FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                       2/1 pages crossover                            1/1 page                                        2 x junior page crossover
                      392 mm x 264 mm (w x h)                   190 mm x 264 mm (w x h)                                 280 mm x 190 mm (w x h)
                      420 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)                  210 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)                                280 mm x 202 mm* (w x h)

           Opening flap                 1/2 page, 2-column         1/2 page, 4-column                                    2 x 1/2 page crossover
 Inside 115 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)      92 mm x 264 mm (w x h)    190 mm x 132 mm (w x h)                                 392 mm x 132 mm (w x h)
Outside 115 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)     100 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)   210 mm x 148 mm* (w x h)                                420 mm x 148 mm* (w x h)

 Formats for advertisements in the type area
 *Formats for bleed advertisements: ad 3 mm for trimming.                      Elements affected by bleed trimming need to be positioned at least 8 mm away from the trim.

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
1/3 page, 1-column               1/3 page, 2-column          1/3 page, 4-column                    Junior page                          3/4 page, 3-column
    60 mm x 264 mm (w x h)           92 mm x 164 mm (w x h)     190 mm x 88 mm (w x h)             140 mm x 190 mm (w x h)                 140 mm x 264 mm (w x h)
    68 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)         100 mm x 176 mm* (w x h)    210 mm x 95 mm* (w x h)            148 mm x 202 mm* (w x h)                148 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)

         2/3 page                      1/4 page, 1-column         1/4 page, 2-column                 1/4 page, 4-column                      1/8 page, 1-column
   190 mm x 178 mm (w x h)            44 mm x 264 mm (w x h)     92 mm x 132 mm (w x h)            190 mm x 65 mm (w x h)                   44 mm x 132 mm (w x h)
   210 mm x 198 mm* (w x h)           52 mm x 297 mm* (w x h)   100 mm x 148 mm* (w x h)           210 mm x 75 mm* (w x h)                   1/8 Seiten 2spaltig
                                                                                                                                            92 mm x 65 mm (w x h)

Formats for advertisements in the type area
*Formats for bleed advertisements: ad 3 mm for trimming.                       Elements affected by bleed trimming need to be positioned at least 8 mm away from the trim.

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212
Issue                  Dates                  Topics                                                    Fairs/exhibitions
1/2                    Closing date:          Energy management systems                                  5-Feb-2019 – 7-Feb-2019    E-world energy & water, Essen
January/February       7-Jan-2019             Fire safety                                               20-Feb-2019 – 21-Feb-2019   FeuerTRUTZ, Nuremberg
PD: 1-Feb-2019         Printing material:     Maintenance of outdoor spaces                             20-Feb-2019 – 21-Feb-2019   Maintenance, Dortmund
ED: 2-Jan-2019         14-Jan-2019            Working environment: age-appropriate workplaces

3                      Closing date:          Trade fair preliminary report: ISH Smart sanitary         11-Mar-2019 – 15-Mar-2019   ISH, Frankfurt
March                  31-Jan-2019            Electric vehicles for service providers                   12-Mar-2019 – 15-Mar-2019   MIPIM, Cannes
PB: 1-Mar-2019         Printing material:     Technology and services for the housing industry          15-Mar-2019 – 19-Mar-2019   INTERNORGA, Hamburg
ED: 24-Jan-2019        7-Feb-2019             Sustainable building materials for indoor spaces          20-Mar-2019 – 23-Mar-2019   FAF Farbe – Ausbau und Fassade, Munich

Special issue:         End of booking:        CAFM market review 2019
                                              Special sections: data collection, CAFM implementation,
PD: 14-Mar-2019        25-Jan-2019            data and project rooms

4                      Closing date:          BIM                                                       1-Apr-2019 – 5-Apr-2019     Energy, Hannover
April                  28-Feb-2019            Decentralized energy supply                               1-Apr-2019 – 5-Apr-2019     HANNOVER MESSE, Hannover
PD: 29-Mar-2019        Printing material:     Digital fleet management                                   1-Apr-2019 – 5-Apr-2019     IAMD Integrated Automation, Motion & Drives, Hannover
ED: 21-Feb-2019        7-Mar-2019             Working environment: Furniture for feel-good offices       1-Apr-2019 – 5-Apr-2019     Industrial Supply, Hannover
                                                                                                        2-Apr-2019 – 5-Apr-2019     Prolight + Sound, Frankfurt

5                      Closing date:          Heating – ventilation – air conditioning                  7-May-2019 – 9-May-2019     Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo Europe, Stuttgart
May                    28-Mar-2019            Maintenance and restoration of flat roofs                  7-May-2019 – 9-May-2019     The Battery Show Europe 2019, Stuttgart
PD: 26-Apr-2019        Printing material:     Daylight control and sunshade systems                     15-May-2019 – 17-May-2019   INTERSOLAR, Munich
ED: 21-Mar-2019        4-Apr-2019             Coworking and business centre

6                      Closing date:          Trade fair preliminary report: Servparc                   5-Jun-2019 – 6-Jun-2019     PARKEN, Karlsruhe
June                   2-May-2019             Locking technology and access control                     23-Jun-2019 – 25-Jun-2019   demopark, Eisenach
PD: 31-May-2019        Printing material:     Heat and smoke vents                                      25-Jun-2019 – 26-Jun-2019   Servparc, Frankfurt
ED: 25-Apr-2019        9-May-2019             Multi-function vehicles                                   26-Jun-2019 – 27-Jun-2019   CEB – Clean Energy Building, Munich
                                                                                                        26-Jun-2019 – 27-Jun-2019   SicherheitsExpo, Munich MOC

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
Special issue:                          Closing date:               Job & career
PD: 29-Mar-2019                         2-May-2019                  Courses of training in FM
ED: 21-Feb-2019                         Printing material:          Market situation
                                        9-May-2019                  Employers’ profiles

Special issue:                          End of booking:             Market review: Providers of facility services 2019
PD: 21-Jun-2019                         15-May-2019                 Germany

7/8                                     Closing date:               International providers of facility services in Germany
July/August                             31-May-2019                 Digitalisation of facility services
PD: 28-Jun-2019                         Printing material:          Sensor technology in building operations
ED: 23-May-2019                         6-Jun-2019                  Greening and utilization of roofs

Special issue:                          End of booking:             Market review: Energy management systems
PD: 22-Aug-2019                         8-Jul-2019                  and providers of energy-related services 2019

9                                       Closing date:               Ranking of industrial cleaning services                   24-Sep-2019 – 27-Sep-2019   CMS, Berlin
September                               1-Aug-2019                  Drinking water hygiene
PD: 30-Aug-2019                         Printing material:          Washroom equipment and services
ED: 25-Jul-2019                         8-Aug-2019                  Working environment: acoustics and soundproofing

10                                      Closing date:               Trade fair preliminary report: Expo Real –                7-Oct-2019 – 9-Oct-2019     Expo Real, Munich
October                                 29-Aug-2019                 Elevators and conveyor technology                         15-Oct-2019 – 18-Oct-2019   interlift., Augsburg
PD: 27-Sep-2019                         Printing material:          Modular construction – system-based construction
ED: 22-Aug-2019                         5-Sep-2019                  Technology and services for the housing industry

11                                      Closing date:               Health and safety protection at the workplace             5-Nov-2019 – 8-Nov-2019      A+A. Düsseldorf
November                                2-Oct-2019                  Security services and technology
PD: 4-Nov-2019                          Printing material:          Cleaning robots and drones
ED: 26-Sep-2019                         5-Oct-2019                  Working environments: Workplace ergonomics

12                                      Closing date:               Electromobility and charging infrastructure               14-Jan-2020 – 16-Jan-2020   aqua alta, Essen
December                                31-Oct-2019                 Heat pumps and air-conditioning
PD: 29-Nov-2019                         Printing material:          Video surveillance
ED: 24-Oct-2019                         7-Nov-2019                  Integrated lighting

Special issue:                          End of booking:             Market review FM consulting companies 2020
PD: 5-Dec-2019                          31-Oct-2019
PD: date of publication; ED: editorial deadline                                                                                                                                  subject to change
                                             Fixed categories in „Der Facility Manager“: technology • strategy • law • fairs & seminars • energy • practice
                                                       • products • job & career • working environment • App Navigator • multi-function vehicles

Media Information 2019 - job section - Der Facility Manager
                                                                                                                                         Trade directory
                                                    Information                                                                   Print + internet + link
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                                                                                             Trade directory:
                                                                                                                                             Print + internet + link –
                                                                                                                                             annual assignments only
                                                                                                                                             (not eligible for discount):
                                                                                                                                             Promotional entries 4c, 1-column each
     10 printed editions                     4 special issues                         12 months on the internet database                     (width 44 mm)

                                                                                                                                             per issue + section
                                                                                                                                             Column                               3.90/mm

Facility services                             • assignment planning                             • BHKW/KWK                                   • energy saving contracting
• full suppliers of facility services         • removals                                        • heat pump                                  • mobile energy supply
• commercial property management                                                                • photovoltaics                              • energy consulting
• providers of technical facility services    IT                                                • solar thermal energy
• cleaning service providers                  • CAFM systems                                    • fire detection technology                   Office equipment and planning
• janitorial services                         • CAFM consulting                                 • fire-extinguishing systems                  • office furniture
• safety services                             • data collection/data administration             • light/lighting                             • room acoustics
• catering                                    • CAD systems                                     • USV                                        • floor coverings
• postal services                             • ERP systems                                     • lifts/escalators
• maintenance                                 • AVA systems                                     • sun protection                             • Personnel services
• facility contracting                                                                          • sanitation technology
• height access                               Technical building equipment                      • measurement and control technology         • Basic and further training
• winter maintenance                          • building automation/building control
                                              • heating/ventilation/air conditioning            Construction services
• FM Consulting                               • RWA smoke and heat extraction systems           • renovation                                 The trade directory is based on popular
                                              • access control/time-recording systems                                                        search items on the internet.
Area management                               • locking systems                                 Energy services
• mobile room systems                         • video surveillance                              • energy management                          All categories marked with a • can
• vacancy management                          • waste technology and disposal technology        • energy supply contracting                  be booked.

                                                                                                                    Trade directory
                                          Information                                                        Print + internet + link
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  Book your entry in the trade directory:
                                                  phone +49 (0) 8233/381-126 or 08233/381-125
                                                  or book online at

                                                  A trade directory package contains: print + internet + link
                                                  Basis: logo + address
                                                  annual assignments only (not eligible for discount): promotional entries 4c, 1-column each (width 44 mm)

                                                  Book your upgrade to a trade directory premium entry
                                                  online at
                                                  Premium: logo + address + 4 images (400 KB max.)
                                                                          + field of work (400 characters max.)
                                                                          + company profile (3,500 characters max.)
                                                                          + link to corporate video
                                                                          + link to homepage

                                                  The upgrade is valid for one year and costs 600.-

                                                  Contact persons:
                                                  Helmut Junginger, qualified designer, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126,

                                                  Birgit Raab, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125,

                                                Information                                                                Market reviews

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

Our market reviews
■ are compact tools that reduce the effort when searching suitable service partners
■ provide standardized and comparable information on the performance profiles of the companies shown
■ support opinion formation with facts and figures
■ reach all the subscribers of „Der Facility Manager“ and selected readers of our trade journals „industrieBAU“ and „hotelbau“ and are available in our shop
■ are accessible in the online database version at any time

          End of booking:                            End of booking:                            End of booking:                            End of booking:
          25-Jan-2019                                25-May-2019                                8-Jul-2019                                 31-Oct-2019

          Date of publication:                       Date of publication:                       Date of publication:                       Date of publication:
          14-Mar-2019                                21-Jun-2019                                22-Aug-2019                                5-Dec-2019

                                          Information                                                            App Navigator

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                              App Navigator
                                              Your app for our readership

                                              You developed an app for property management, for planning and restoring buildings, for technical
                                              building services or for the training and advanced training programme you offer?

                                              Our App Navigator is a cross-media tool that presents your app to the facility management target group.
                                              The frontrunner, the „TechnikerApp für Haustechniker und Hausmeister“ by net-haus GmbH, achieved
                                              during its seven-month term of presentation from March 2018 until October 2018 2,220
                                              online accesses. Additionally, we provide the readers of the printed edition of „Der Facility Manager“ with
                                              information on the app.

                                              Cross-media advertising
                                              • We include a one-time presentation of your app in our trade journal – in prominent design,
                                                including the QR code for downloading the app.
                                              • The newly presented app receives mention in and is linked with the newsletter of „Der Facility Manager“.
                                              • For the duration of one year, the apps are presented in our online overview in a particularly
                                                user-friendly way – with a filtering
                                                function and redirection to the page
                                                where the app can be downloaded.


                                              Content (online):                               Title + company logo
                                                                                              Image + video (optional)
                                                                                              Supplier (address + link to homepage)
                                                                                              Download-URL (link + QR code)

                                                                                              Package price 980.-

                                              The quickest way to your online entry:

                                                                   Information                                                                 advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                                              1. Banner placements at
                                                                                                File formats: jpg, gif, animated gif, png (animation optional; 120 KB max.)
                                     Leaderboard                                                4 weeks flat, permanent and exclusive without rotation

                                                                                                Leaderboard 728 x 90 px                                                         1,530.-
         Fullsize Banner                 Fullsize Banner                                        Fullsize Banner 468 x 60 px                                                       570.-
                                                                        Sticky WideSky          Premium Rectangle 300 x 280 px                                                  2,350.-
                                                                                                BigSize 930 x 90 px                                                             1,530.-
                                               Premium Rectangle                                Rectangle 300 x 250 px                                                            920.-
                                                                                                Skyscraper 120 x 600 px                                                           920.-
                                                                                                ½ Skyscraper 120 x 300 px                                                         720.-
                                                                                                Sticky WideSky 160 x 600 px                                                     2,350.-
                                                                                                ½ Sticky WideSky 160 x 300 px                                                   1,740.-
                           BigSize                                      Sticky WideSky

                                                                                              Access numbers: (1-Sep-2017 – 31-Aug-2018)
                                                                                                                            Page           Average per   Average sessi-      Average
                                                                                                                       impressions (PI)      month       ons per month    viewing time

                                                                                                    Der Facility          598.187            49.849          10.522        2:08 min.

                                                                                                        Since October 2011, the online presence of
                                                                                                        „Der Facility Manager” is IVW verified..

                                            1/2 Sky-
                                            scraper                                             Banner design service: You do not have a banner yet?
                                                                                                We can design one for you!                      Price (rate per hour) 64.-

                                                                                              2. Online listing in the trade directory in connection with print
                                                                                                 (siehe Seite 10 – 11)

                                          Information                                                                advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                            3. Content marketing on

                                                                              a. Company and product news                                           800.-
                                                                                 • heading with 60 characters max.
                                                                                 • 1 image (gif, jpg, png; 150 KB max.)
                                                                                 • text (1,000 characters max.)
                                                                                 • URL
                                                                                 • appears on the website for the duration of 1 month

                                                                              b. Advertorial (microsite)                                           1,600.-
                                                                                 • heading with 60 characters max.
                                                                                 • 3 images/graphics (gif, jpg, png; 150 KB max.)
                                                                                 • text (4,000 characters max.)
                                                                                 • videos optional
                                                                                 • URL
                                                                                 • appears on the website for the duration of 1 year

                                                                              We offer the service of editing all the online content formats.
                                                                              Your advantage: You will be provided with Unique Content. Surcharge + 50%

                                                                            Contact persons:
                                                                            Helmut Junginger, qualified designer, media consultant
                                                                            Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126,

                                                                            Birgit Raab, media consultant
                                                                            Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125,

                                          Information                                                                               advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  4. Advertising in the email newsletter of „Der Facility Manager“
                    Top Banner
                                                    Profile in brief: the email newsletter of „Der Facility Manager“ provides topical news for the FM industry.
                                                    Readers: around 7,200 professionals within the FM industry (Sep 2018)
                                                    Open rate: 24.0% on average
                                                    Click-through rate: 7.63% on average
                                                    Format: HTML-format newsletter
                                                    Advertisements: until 3 days prior to publication date.

                                                    a. Top banner in the email newsletter of „Der Facility Manager“                                                     860.-
                                                       Format: Top banner 600 x 100 px (80 KB max.) with link

                                                    b. Text/image ad in the email newsletter of „Der Facility Manager“                                                  620.-
                                                       Scope: 400 characters (including spaces, including link) + 1 image (gif, jpg, png;
                                                       landscape format, 300 x 200 px) + link

                                                    The assignments will be invoiced after publication.

                                                   Publication dates email newsletter
                                                    PD        10th Jan 24th Jan 31st Jan 14th Feb 28th Feb 14th Mar 28th Mar 11th Apr 25th Apr 9th May 29th May 13th Jun
                                                    PM*       8th Jan 22nd Jan 29th Jan 12th Feb 26th Feb 12th Mar 26th Mar 9th Apr 23rd Apr 7th May 27th May 11th Jun

                                                    PD        27th Jun 11th Jul 25th Jul      8th Aug 29th Aug 12th Sep 26th Sep 10th Oct 31st Oct 14th Nov 28th Nov 12th Dec
                                                    PM*       25 Jun
                                                                         9 Jul
                                                                                   23 Jul
                                                                                              6th Aug 27th Aug 10th Sep 24th Sep 8th Oct 29th Oct 12th Nov 26th Nov 10th Dec
                                                   *Printing material = advertisement material by … at the latest                                             Subject to change

                                          Information                                                                           advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  5. Stand-alone-newsletter
                                                     The stand-alone newsletter of „Der Facility Manager” exclusively distributes your advertising message to
                                                     around 7,000 professionals within the FM industry.
                                                     Scope: subject line, text (800 to max. 2,000 characters), 1 – 3 images (width 500 px each), 1 to max. 2
                                                     linkings preferably in the form of buttons (button text required, e. g. „Get information here”, „Save energy
                                                     now” etc.), link
                                                  Price:                                                                                                              4,280.-
                                                  Advertisements: until five days prior to publication date.

                                                                                                              High click-through and download rates are essential for the
                                                                                                              success of this online tool. You may achieve these rates by
                                                                                                              providing users with attractive and high-quality information
                                                                                                              (downloadable aids, drawings, data sheets, possibility to order
                                                                                                              samples, user examples and images).

                                                  Contact persons:
                                                  Helmut Junginger, qualified designer, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126,

                                                  Birgit Raab, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125,

                                          Information                                                                     advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  6. Video

                                                  Videos possess a particularly high potential to explain facts. We are catering for the trend towards moving
                                                  images via integrating videos in our webpages, newsletters and e-books.

                                                  We use our digital channels to distribute your video:
                                                  • (10,520 sessions/month on average*)
                                                  • (2,200 sessions/month on average *)
                                                  • Newsletter von „Der Facility Manager“ (7,200 recipients*)

                                                  Production + distribution as a package
                                                  Due to our expertise in the field of facility management, we know what kind of content is relevant.
                                                  In coordination with our contact person in the staff or marketing department, we create the storyboards for
                                                  company reports and employer portraits and produce the video in cooperation with professional partners –
                                                  including cutting and integration of the spoken text.

                                                  Our package price for a video with a maximum length of 3 minutes
                                                  and a shooting location in Germany:                                                                     7,500.-

                                                  * September 2018

                                          Information                                                                 advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  a) company report
                                                  Image building and branding at its best – cross-media advertising to become known within the
                                                  FM industry.

                                                  b) product presentation
                                                  Videos explain the functioning of innovative products or services in an efficient and intelligible way.

                                                  c) employer portrait
                                                  An excellent recruiting tool. Present yourself as an attractive employer.

                                                  d) case study
                                                  This format is for storytelling.
                                                  Videos communicate messages via interesting perspectives and screen play

                                                  e) feature
                                                  „Do good and tell about it in a video“ is what Walter Fischer would say these days.

                                                  Contact persons:
                                                  Helmut Junginger, qualified designer, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126,

                                                  Birgit Raab, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125,

                                                                           Information                                                                    advertising
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                            7. Content marketing via ebook

                                                                            Present your company along with the major topics from „Der Facility Manager“ – thoroughly edited by our editorial
                                                                            team and distributed directly to more than 7,200 professionals within the FM industry. The ebook of „Der Facility
                                                                            Manager“ enables you to present yourself with your expert knowledge to your target group.
  Smart oder sicher
                                                                            As an exclusive sponsor you will be given, along with the content from our magazine „Der Facility Manager“,
                      Bild: Sergey Nivens –

                                                                            4 pages for advertisements and your logo will appear on the title page of the ebook.

                                                                            The ebook will be distributed (for downloading free of charge) via a stand-alone newsletter that carries your logo.
                                                                            Your ebook will remain on our website for one year.

 IHR LOGO                                                                   Price:                                                                                                      10,200.-
                                                                            On request we will of course also prepare an offer for a printed version for you.

                                                                            8. White paper for lead generation

                                                                            White papers convey complex content in a comprehensible, ad-free way and convince customers by communicating
                                                                            expertise. They are used as instruments for advertising and communication in order to generate valuable contact
                                                                            with clients (lead generation) by means of campaigns that are tailor-made for the target group.

                                                                            FORUM Zeitschriften & Spezialmedien creates white papers in close cooperation with partners in the industry and
                                                                            promotes them through its own channels (trade journals „Der Facility Manager”/„industrieBAU“/„hotelbau”, news-
                                                                            letter, websites etc.). Interested parties may obtain the white papers free of charge as a download when registering
                                                                            (providing a lead).

                                                          Example:          Get in touch with us to receive a tailor-made offer!
                                                          209 leads from
                                                          February until
                                                          October 2016

                                                                                 Information                                                                job + career in FM
                                       FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                                         The compendium on occupational profile, market and career opportunities in the field of FM
                                                                                         In relation to the trade fair Servparc (25-Jun-2019 – 26-Jun-2019, Frankfurt/Main), „Der Facility Manager“
  ro s s medi                                                                            publishes the third edition of the cross-media special, again dealing extensively with the occupational profile
c          ideo
                                                                                         as well as the training and market situation.
    mit V te 18                                                                          All content will be published in print + online in our special issue (total circulation 10,000) and on our
siehe                                                                                    homepage

                                                                                         Employers, universities, colleges and training institutes yield the best rankings in online searches via multi-
                                                                                         channel. Their ad will also reach the readers of the 10,000 printed issues and the 7,200 recipients of the
                                                                                         newsletter that attracts attention to the special issue.

                                                                                         Dates: see page 9
                                                                                         Company profile
                                                                                         Advertorial, 2 pages, print + online (3,500 characters max., 4 images max.)                               5,610.-

                                                                                         Advertisements incl. online-presence for 1 year
                                                                                         1/1 page                                                                                                  5,990.-
                                                                                         inside front cover                                                                                        7,800.-
                                                                                         inside back cover                                                                                         7,640.-
                                                                                         outside back cover                                                                                        8,090.-
                                                                                         1/2 page                                                                                                  3,100.-
                                                                                         1/4 page                                                                                                  1,200.-
                                                                                         Photographic prints, per piece                                                                                1,46
                                                                                         Personalized edition, PDF, surcharge                                                                      1,890.-
                                                                                         Personalized edition, print (3,000 copies), surcharge                                                     6,930.-
Christopher Badzioch/

                                                                                         Contact persons:
                                                                                         Beate Lichtblau, media consultant
                                                                                         Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-539,
                                                                                         Detlef Hinderer, Head of magazines on technics, building and real estate (editorial team)
                                                                                         Phone: +49 (0) 82 33/381-549,

                                                                                                                              Job market:
                                                   Information                                                                    job ads
  FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                              – THE online job market of the FM industry
                                                       Via our career portal you will inspire highly qualified applicants whom you would not be able to address other-
          Fullsize Banner        Fullsize Banner       wise. Additional advantages of the web portal that is specifically geared to the FM industry are:
                                                       • Your job advertisement may be published at once.
                                                       • We publish your ad at a prominent place on the homepage.
                                                       • Our expert SEO (search engine optimized keywords, links and structure).
                                                       • Responsive web design optimizes the portrayal on PCs as well as tablets and smartphones.
                                                       • Your advert will also be published on Facebook and Twitter plus via RSS.
                                                       • We will include your ad in our e-mail newsletter and in our printed edition.
                                                       Job advertisement
                                                                          Printed edition                    Online                                      Price
                                                                          price per millimetre
                                                       Print                                                                      –                              4.50
                                                                          (column width = 44 mm)
                                                       Premium            1/2 page ad                        ad in PDF-format (duration: 2 months)          2,400.-
c ro s s
          video                                                           1/1 page ad                        ad in PDF-format (duration: 2 months)          4,800.-
   with e 18
           ag                                                                                                based on your layout (template: HTML
   see p
                                                       Flex Online                        –                                                                   890.-
                                                                                                             or PDF); duration: 2 months
                                                                                                             via online form;
                                                       Quick Online                       –                                                                   350.-
                                                                                                             duration: 1 month
                                                       Internships/                                          via online form;
                                                                                          –                                                                      98.-
                                                       student jobs                                          duration: 1 month

                                                       Company profile
                                                                          Printed edition                    Online                                      Price
                                                                          advertorial, 3,000 3,500
                                                       Print                                                                      –                         6,400.-
                                                                          characters + 4 images max.
                                                                          advertorial, 3,000 3,500
                                                       Print Plus                                            1 year on          7,500.-
                                                                          characters + 4 images max.
                                                       Online only                        –                  1 year on          1,800.-
                                                       Contact person see page 23.

                                                                                                                                                                           Job market:
                                                              Information                                                                                       events/further training
FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                                  Job market: training and advanced training:                                                                             420.-
                                                                  Use our channels to spread word about your institute or college.
            Fullsize Banner                Fullsize Banner
                                                                  Do you offer seminars, degree courses (master, bachelor) or trainings/advanced trainings*?
                                                                  Use our online job market to attract the attention of your target group!
                                                                  Entry via filling in our form.
                                                                  Your announcement of the event will additionally be listed in the event calendar in our printed edition.

                                                                  *Bachelor, master, business management specialist or additional qualifications. Standard entry free of charge.

                                                                  Full-size banner 468 x 60 px                                                                                            480.-
                                                                  (animation optional, 80 KB max)
                                        o s s - medi              4 weeks flat
                                        with e 18
                                        see p

                                                                  Access numbers: (1-Sep-2017 – 31-Aug-2018)

           Fullsize Banner                  Fullsize Banner                                        Page                                Average
                                                                                                                  Average per                             Average
                                                                                                impressions                          sessions per
                                                                                                                    month                              viewing time
                                                                                                    (PI)                                month
                                                                          Facility-               126,914            10,576              2,200              5:42

                                                                  Contact person:
                                                                  Beate Lichtblau, media consultant
Information on topics and training in FM                          Phone +49 (0) 8233/381-539,

                                          Information                                                              Events/Sponsoring

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                  Expert symposiums and congresses by „Der Facility Manager” – first-hand know-how

                                                  The expert symposiums of our magazines „Der Facility Manager”, „industrieBAU” and „hotelbau”
                                                  provide participants with directly usable knowledge in the framework of half-day, full-day or two-day events.
                                                  Generously timed breaks offer participants and speakers the opportunity for in-depth discussion.
                                                  During relevant trade fairs, the magazines „Der Facility Manager”, „industrieBAU” and „hotelbau” also
                                                  organize specialist conferences geared to the target group.
                                                  At all types of events, the cooperation with sponsors grants attractive conditions to participants.

                                                  2013                              10 events                                    371 participants
                                                  2014                              10 events                                    414 participants
                                                  2015                              12 events                                    713 participants
                                                  2016                              19 events                                  1,329 participants
                                                  2017                              19 events                                  1,382 participants
                                                  2018 (25-Oct-2018)                18 events                                  1,421 participants

                                                  You are interested in presenting yourself as an industry partner at an expert symposium or one of our congresses?
                                                  Please get in touch with us – we will be happy to tell you more about our concepts, terms and conditions.

                                                  Contact persons:
                                                  Helmut Junginger, qualified designer, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126,

                                                  Birgit Raab, media consultant
                                                  Phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-125,

                                          Information                                                          Events/Sponsoring

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

                                                     Expert symposiums by „Der Facility Manager“ –
                                                     your direct connection to your customers
                                                     The expert symposiums of „Der Facility Manager” do not only focus on knowledge transfer, but also on

                                                     We create a variety of occasions and opportunities for direct communication with the participants – from
                                                     generously timed breaks with excellent catering to breakout sessions, workshops and tours.

                                                     Establish contact with your target group at our expert symposiums!

Subject area
                                                                                                     Information sheet „Electronically
                                                                                                     submitted printing material“
                                                         Facility management
                                                                                                     Supplement for advertising price list no. 26
                                                         Building management
                                                                                                     effective from 1-Jan-2019
                                                         Real estate management

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212

Acceptance of digital adverts                                                                          3 Fonts:
For digital advertising/printing material to be accepted via ISDN/DSL and to be processed                All fonts used in the advertisement must be listed or be converted into paths. If in doubt,
without any problems certain requirements must be met:                                                   please enclose the fonts.
                                                                                                       4 Graphics/image files:
  1 Systems/programmes:                                                                                  If any graphics or scans are placed in the advert, it is essential they be enclosed as original
    FTP (login data on request)                                                                          files. Image files and graphics should always be delivered in CMYK mode. PDF files must
    Email:                                                                          not contain RGB files and all fonts must be embedded. For any questions regarding distiller
    In case of enquiries phone +49 (0) 821/2 46 47-0                                                     settings please phone +49 (0) 821/2 46 47-0 or request the settings via email.
     Requirements for electronic adverts                                                               5 Colour adverts/proofs:
     ICC profile: ISO Coated v2                                                                           For each advert a colour proof is required, or one b/w proof per colour with details of
     Data formats for electronic adverts:                                                                the respective shades (Euroscale, HKS, Pantone). For special colours please also enclose
     Acrobat PDF (please save PDF files without password)                                                 specifications in CMYK. Colour prints from colour photocopiers will not be regarded as
     Adobe InDesign                                                                                      contract proof quality, colour prints from digital proofers only to a limited extent.
                                                                                                       6 Prices:
     - please create spot colours (e.g. HKS, Pantone), RGB and indexed colours using the CMYK            For the processing of digital adverts our separate prices apply.
       model (Euroscale)                                                                                 Faults due to incomplete or incorrect files, wrong settings or incomplete information will
     - images in a document should preferably be imported on a 1:1 scale with a resolution of            be charged. This equally applies for additional typesetting or lithography works and the
       300 dpi (line art 1200 dpi). Stroke widths should not be lower than 0.25 pt.                      production of missing proofs.
     - image file formats: eps, Tiff, jpg

Other systems/programmes on request                                                                      Colour-obliging digital proofs according to ISOcoated (DIN), format A4                     25.-
                                                                                                         Hourly rate for processing transferred digital data                                        60.-
  2 Data storage devices:
    CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs                                                                                  7 Warranties:
    Along with the data storage device comprehensive information on the magazine/title,                  The publishing house does not assume any liability for discrepancies regarding texts,
    sender/company, operating system, the programme versions used, file names and colours is              images and particularly colours due to the lack of a print-out or colour-obliging proof.
    required. Files must not be saved as closed PostScript files.

                                                                                                                                             Circulation and
                                                                                                                                       distribution analysis

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212
16 Circulation control:                                                                          18 Analysis of geographical distribution:

                                                                                                    Economic area                               Share of actually distributed circulation

17 Circulation analysis:               Copies per issue                                                                                              %                        Copies
                                  on an annual average
                           (1-Jul-2017 – 30-Jun-2018)                                               Domestic                                        96.33                      9,785
                                                                                                    Foreign countries                                3.67                        373
    Circulation printed:                       10,000                                               Actually distributed circulation
                                                                                                                                                  100.00                      10,158
                                                                                                    incl. e-paper
    Actually distributed circulation
    incl. e-paper:                             10,158               of that abroad:   373

    Sold copies:                                 2,873              of that abroad:   330
    - subscribed copies:                         2,581 of that copies for members:    231
    - other sales:                                 292
    - retail sales:                                  -

    Free copies:                                 7,285

    Remaining, archive and
    voucher copies:                                195

                                                                                                                                       structure analysis

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212
19 Sectors/industries/business types/professional groups

                                                                                                                                                               Share of actually
    Department/group/class               Recipient groups (according to the classification of economic sectors
                                                                                                                                                            distributed circulation
                                                                                                                                                             %              Copies
    10-37, 40.0, 50-52, 55.1, 63.3, 65, Industry, trade companies, banks, insurance companies, project developers, service providers
    66, 70, 70.32, 70.32.00, 74.15.6, and suppliers for building management and construction, large hotels, hotel chains, tourism,                           59.8           6,065
    74.7, 74.8                          energy suppliers, energy management
    74, 74.84.1, 63.23.1                 Service providers generally, organisers of trade fairs and events, airports                                         13.2           1,328
    74.2, 74.20.5                        Specialist planners, architects, engineers                                                                          10.6           1,073
    85.11                                Hospitals, clinics, sanatoria                                                                                        6.1             615
    74.14, 74.15.1-5                     Consulting companies                                                                                                 4.6             467
    75.1, 91.1                           Offices, authorities, associations                                                                                    3.6             368
    80.2-4                               Schools, colleges, universities                                                                                      2.0             200
                                         Others                                                                                                               0.1              42
                                         Actually distributed circulation incl. e-paper                                                                     100.0         10,158

20-24 Characteristics were not surveyed as they do not impact the assessment of this trade journal as an advertising medium.

Summary of the survey method
Analysis of the recipient structure by file evaluation – total collection
                                                                                                         6. Description of the survey:
 1. Type of file:                                                                                            The data were evaluated according to industry classifications.
    The recipient file comprises the addresses of all recipients. The existing postal information            The addresses were qualified by the publisher.
    can be used as the basis for sorting the file according to postcodes or recipients in Germa-
    ny or abroad, respectively. Additional information in the file: industry classification.               7. Target person of the survey:                                                    not applicable

 2. Survey method:                                                                                       8. Reader characterization:                                                        not applicable
    Analysis of the recipient structure by file evaluation – total survey
                                                                                                         9. Fluctuation:                                                                    not applicable
 3. Date of file evaluation:                                                        1-Jul-2018
                                                                                                        10. Conduct of the survey:                                                               Publisher
  4. Recipient structure:
      a) Total number of recipients in the file:                                      101,580            11. Investigation period:                                                               July 2017
      b) Structure of recipients of a current average
issue according to sales forms:
- sold circulation                                                                      2,873           In its structure, implementation and reporting, this survey complies with the current version
- permanent free copies                                                                 1,173           of the German Central Advertising Industry Federation (ZAW) framework for the analysis of
- rotating free copies                                         5,682                                    advertising media.
- promotional issues                                                                     430
actually distributed circulation, incl. e-paper                                       10,158
- of that domestic                                             9,785
- of that abroad                                                 373
      c) Total number of rotating recipients                                          56,820
         (rotating after each issue)

 5. Basic total (parts surveyed):
    Main unit                                                              10,158 = 100.00%
    Thereof not covered in the survey:                                        430 = 4.23%
    - promotional issues                                         430
    Of the main unit the investigation
    represents                                                              9,728 = 95.77%

FORUM Zeitschriften und Spezialmedien GmbH, Mandichostraße 18, D-86504 Merching, phone +49 (0) 82 33/381-126/-125, fax +49 (0) 82 33/381-212
Item 1 In accordance with the following General Terms & Conditions of Business an advertising                  Orders for supplements are only binding for the Publisher when a sample has been submitted
order is the contract for the publication of one or more advertisements of an advertising party in             and approved. Supplements which because of their design and style give the reader the impres-
a printed medium for the purpose of distribution.                                                              sion of being a component of the newspaper or journal, or which contain advertisements from
                                                                                                               other parties are not accepted. The Advertiser shall be informed immediately in the event that his
Item 2 Advertisements are deemed for publication within one year of entering into the agreement.               advertisement is refused.
If under the terms of the agreement the right to submit individual advertisements has been granted,
the order shall be carried out within one year of publication of the first advertisement, given that the        Item 9 The Advertiser is responsible for providing the text and proper printing material for the
first advertisement is called off and published within the period described in paragraph 1.                     advertisement and for supplying the supplements in good time. The Publisher shall demand sub-
                                                                                                               stitutes immediately for any print copy which is obviously unsuitable or damaged. The Publisher
Item 3 On conclusion of the transaction, the ordering party is entitled to call off further adver-             guarantees the usual standard of print quality for the selected titles within the technical scope of
tisements within the agreed period of time or as stated under item 2 in addition to the quantity               the printing material submitted and the paper quality used.
of advertisements named in the order.
                                                                                                               Item 10 In the event of the advertisement appearing in full or in part illegible, incorrect or in-
Item 4 In the event that an order is not carried out due to circumstances beyond the control of                complete, the Advertiser is entitled to a reduction in payment or to a replacement advertisement
the Publishers, the Advertiser, without prejudice to any other legal obligations, shall grant to the           in perfect condition, but only to the extent to which the purpose of the advertisement has been
Publisher the difference between the warranted allowance and the actual acceptance. Remunera-                  impaired. If the Publisher fails to comply within a reasonable deadline set for this purpose, the
tion is void when the non-conformity is a result of force majeure in the risk area of the Publisher.           Advertiser is entitled to a reduction in payment or cancellation of the order. Claims for compen-
                                                                                                               sation resulting from positive breach of an obligation, culpa in contrahendo and tort are – also
Item 5 For the calculation of the ordered quantity, text millimetre lines are converted to adver-              in the case of orders placed by telephone – excluded. Claims for compensation resulting from
tisement millimetres in accordance with the price.                                                             impossibility of performance and delay are restricted to indemnity for the foreseeable damage and
                                                                                                               to the payment for the advertisement or insert concerned. This does not apply to intent and gross
Item 6 Advertisements and third-party supplements that are expressly to be intended to be                      negligence on the part of the Publisher, his authorized representative and employees assisting in
published in stipulated numbers or specific editions or which are to be situated in certain places              the performance. Liability of the Publisher for damages on account of the absence of warranted
in the journal shall be submitted to the Publisher with enough time for the latter to be able to in-           characteristics remains unaffected. In the course of commercial business transactions, the Publis-
form the Advertiser before expiry of the advertising deadline in the event that the order cannot be            her is also not liable for gross negligence on the part of employees assisting in the performance;
performed in the stipulated way. Classified advertisements shall be printed under the appropriate               in the remaining cases the liability for gross negligence is restricted in extent to the foreseeable
heading, without requiring an express agreement to this effect.                                                damage up to the renumeration for the advertisement concerned. Complaints – except in the case
                                                                                                               of defects which are not immediately obvious – must be enforced within four weeks after receipt
Item 7 Advertisements which by reason of their editorial design are not immediately recognizab-                of the invoice and voucher.
le as advertisements shall be clearly identified as such by the Publishers by insertion of the word
„advertisement”.                                                                                               Item 11 Specimen proofs will only be supplied when expressly requested. The Advertiser is re-
                                                                                                               sponsible for the correctness of the returned specimen proofs. The Publisher shall include all
Item 8 The Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertisements – including individual call-offs              corrections of errors that it is notified of within the period of time set when sending out the
within the scope of a contract – and orders for supplements for reason of content, origin or tech-             specimen proof.
nical form according to standard, justified principles of the Publisher if the content violates laws
or official regulations or if the publication is otherwise unacceptable to the Publisher. This also             Item 12 When no specific sizes are prescribed, the basis of the calculation shall be the actual
applies to orders handed in at branch offices or receiving offices or handed out to representatives.             copy size usual for the type of advertisement.

Item 13 Until the closing date for advertisements orders may be cancelled free of charge. Costs              In addition, claims to price reduction are excluded if the Publisher informs the ordering party
already incurred (costs for typesetting, postage etc.) will be billed separately. In the case of can-        about the reduction in circulation figures in good time, enabling the latter to withdraw from the
cellation of an order after the closing dates for advertisements or failure to submit the printing           contractual agreement before the advertisement gets published.
material in time, a cancellation fee of 100% of the commissioned size of the order for the respec-
tive issue will be charged. The cancellation of an order must reach the Publisher in written form            Item 19 For advertisements with box numbers, the handling and forwarding of the offers in good
until the respective closing date for advertisements.                                                        time will be dealt with by the Publisher with the due care of normal business practice. Registered
                                                                                                             letters and express letters to box number advertisements shall be forwarded by normal post. Mail
Item 14 If the Advertiser does not pay in advance, the invoice shall be sent out immediately, but            received in reply to advertisements with box numbers will be kept for four weeks. Letters which
in any event no later than 14 days after the advertisement was published. The invoice is to be paid          are not collected within this period will be destroyed. Valuable documents will be returned by the
within the time period stated in the price list which begins on receipt of the invoice, as long as no        Publisher, without obligation to do so. The Publisher reserves the right in the interest of and for
other terms of payment or advance payment has been agreed on in individual cases. Discounts are              the protection of the ordering party, to open the offers received by way of inspection, in order
granted for payments before the deadline, and as described in the price list.                                to eliminate the possibility of misuse of the box number service. The Publisher is not obliged to
                                                                                                             forward business promotional mail and agency offers.
Item 15 In the event of default or deferment of payment, interest and collection costs will be
charged. In the case of default of payment the Publisher can delay the further execution of the              Item 20 Print copy shall only be returned to the Advertiser when this is specifically requested.
current order until payment has been received and can demand payment in advance for the sub-                 The obligation to hold these documents expires after three months following the end of the
sequent advertisements. In the case of justifiable doubt as to the ordering party’s ability to pay,           contractual period.
the Publisher is entitled, even during the term of an advertising agreement, to make the publica-
tion of further advertisements, without consideration of any originally agreed date for payment,             Item 21 The place of performance is Augsburg. In business dealings with commercial business
dependent on the advance payment of the amount and on the settlement of outstanding invoices.                people or legal persons under public law or in case of special funds under public law, the place of
                                                                                                             jurisdiction in case of legal action is Augsburg. Insofar as claims of the Publisher are not enforced
Item 16 On request, the Publisher will supply documentary evidence of the advertisement to-                  in default proceedings, the place of jurisdiction for non-business people is deemed to be their
gether with the invoice. Depending on the type and scope of an advertisement order, adver-                   residence. If the address or the normal place of residence of the ordering party, including non-
tisement excerpts, proof pages or complete proof numbers shall be supplied. If this cannot be                business people, is not known at the time of the legal action being taken or if after the contract
provided, a legally binding voucher from the Publisher confirming the publication and distribution            has been concluded, the ordering party has relocated to a new address or to a different normal
of the advertisement will be sent.                                                                           place of residence which is outside the area of validity of the law, then the place of jurisdiction
                                                                                                             is agreed to be Augsburg.
Item 17 The ordering party has to bear the costs associated with preparing the printing material
ordered or for any amendments to originally agreed executions requested by or attributable to                Item 22 All present and future claims of the agency against its ordering party in respect of the
the ordering party.                                                                                          insertion and possible additional costs are assigned to the Publisher. The agency has the authority
                                                                                                             to recover the assigned debts for so long until it has met the contractual obligation of payment
Item 18 With respect to a standing order for multiple advertisements a reduction in the number               towards the Publisher. The Publisher is in principle entitled to disclose and recover the debt on
of copies circulated may lead to a claim for a price reduction, if the overall circulation average           his own behalf.
throughout the insertion year beginning with the first advertisement or stipulated otherwise
if the circulation has not be specified is smaller than the average circulation sold during the               Item 23 The Advertiser has sole responsibility for the content and legal admissibility of the texts
previous calendar year (in case of trade magazines this refers to the distributed circulation, if            and pictures made available for the insertion. The Advertiser is under obligation to release the
applicable). A reduction in circulation only constitutes a deficiency that justifies a price reduction         Publisher from any third party claims which arise against the former from the performance of
if it amounts to                                                                                             the order, even if the order should be cancelled. The Publisher is not obliged to examine orders
                                                                                                             and advertisements to check whether these infringe on rights of third parties. In the event that
          20% for a circulation of up to 50,000 issues                                                       cancelled advertisements are still published, the Advertiser does not have any right to enforce a
          15% for a circulation of up to 100,000 issues                                                      claim against the Publisher.
          10% for circulation of up to 500,000 issues
           5% for circulation of over 500,000 issues.                                                        Item 24 All graphic material submitted must be free of third-party rights.

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