2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Page created by Billy Mcdonald
2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Environmental, Social
and Governance Report
2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
About ONE Gas
    ONE Gas, Inc. (NYSE: OGS) is a 100% regulated natural gas utility. Headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the
    company is included in the S&P MidCap 400 Index and is one of the largest natural gas utilities in the U.S.
    We provide natural gas service to approximately 2.2 million customers in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

    We own and operate approximately 63,300 miles of distribution mains, service and transmission pipelines
    across our service territory. We consistently rank in the top quartile of all safety metrics tracked by the American
    Gas Association, including the lowest Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) rate of all similar-sized local
    distribution companies in the U.S. ONE Gas is committed to providing safe, affordable and reliable energy while
    helping to build a sustainable future.

    Our Divisions Include:

                                                                           72% market share,
                                                                           the largest in Kansas

                                                                           88% market share,
                                                                           the largest in Oklahoma

                                                                           13% market share,
                                                                           the third largest in Texas

    Mission                                                      Vision
    Our mission is to deliver natural gas for a better           Our vision is to be a premier natural gas distribution
    tomorrow.                                                    company, creating exceptional value for our

    Core Values
              SAFETY                                                                  SERVICE
              We are committed to operating safely and in an                          We provide exceptional service and make
              environmentally responsible manner.                                     continuous improvements in our pursuit
                                                                                      of excellence.
              We are accountable to the highest ethical                               VALUE
              standards and are committed to compliance.                              We create value for all stakeholders,
              Honesty, trust and integrity matter.                                    including our customers, employees,
                                                                                      investors and communities.
              We embrace an inclusive and diverse culture that
                                                                     The information in this Environmental, Social and Governance Report is not to be used
              encourages collaboration. Every employee makes         for investment purposes. Please see our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K as
              a difference and contributes to our success.           updated by the most recent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for information relevant to
                                                                     investment decisions in ONE Gas securities.

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
2020 Highlights

       93.5%                          38%                     $3,220,802
overall satisfaction score    of directors are women           in total ONE Gas
 for Customer and Field              or Hispanic            Foundation grants and
         Service                                              community giving

    470 miles                      Top 25%                       Top 25%
  of distribution mains,         for four consecutive       Employee engagement
    service lines and         years in all safety metrics   scores were in the top
   transmission lines         tracked by the American         quartile of Gallup’s
    replaced in 2020          Gas Association and the         Overall Company
                                lowest DART rate four       Database for the fourth
                                     years in a row            consecutive year

         41%                                                       26.3%
  expected reduction in                                       reduction in Scope 1
Scope 1 CO2e emissions                                      CO2e emissions through
   by 2025 (from 2014)                                          replacement and
through replacement and                                     protection of distribution
 protection of distribution                                  mains and service lines
  mains and service lines                                          since 2014

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Join Us on
    Our Path to
    a Better Tomorrow
    A Message from President and CEO, Sid McAnnally
    ONE Gas continues to build on our legacy           group also ensures that we are aligned in our
    of safely delivering reliable and affordable       vision and commitments across the company.
    natural gas to our customers. We are
    committed to a clear mission – to deliver          To protect our planet for a better tomorrow,
    natural gas for a better tomorrow.                 we reduce emissions by tightening and
                                                       modernizing our system by replacement of
    Part of a better tomorrow means providing          vintage pipelines and timely leak detection
    an energy source to our customers that             and repair. We are also developing and
    improves the quality of life in our communities    adopting new technologies on our path to a
    and helps local economies thrive. Delivering       low carbon future and growing our energy
    a sustainable energy future requires both          conservation programs. Groups across our
    a sharp focus on reducing environmental            company work every day to explore the role
    impact and ensuring the resiliency and             our system will play in a sustainable energy
    reliability of our delivery systems. ONE Gas       future. Their innovation will allow us to make
    plays a critical role in meeting the peak energy   even more headway to reduce and offset our
    needs of our customers and does so at a            emissions and emissions of our customers.
    competitive price – approximately 3.5-to-1
    compared with the alternative of electricity in    Maintaining safe operations, supporting
    our service areas.                                 growth in our communities and demonstrating
                                                       responsible environmental stewardship starts
    Reducing and offsetting our methane                with our 3,700 dedicated employees. I want
    emissions is part of our short-term and            to express my gratitude for their teamwork,
    long-term business strategies. Our ONE Gas         responsiveness and enthusiasm as we look to
    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)         our company’s future.
    Steering Committee has diligently worked to
    enhance disclosures around ESG initiatives,        Our Core Values and commitment to a
    expand metrics and targets and provide             better tomorrow guide us every day. Over
    quality data and reporting transparency. This      the past 18 months, we worked together to

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
provide reliable service to our customers
through Winter Storm Uri, addressed the
evolving COVID environment and increased
our focus on inclusion and diversity.
Through it all, our employees have remained
focused on execution and serving our
customers and communities.

Through this report, we share our confidence
that natural gas will serve a critical role as we
continue to transition into a cleaner energy
future. We’re pleased to present a summary
of our work over the past year as we serve
to meet our customers’ needs for affordable,
reliable and clean energy.

Thank you for your support and interest in
ONE Gas.

                    Sid McAnnally
                    President and CEO

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
The Benefits of Natural Gas
    Natural gas is an affordable, reliable and efficient choice to achieve a
    low-cost, lower-emissions future.

            Natural gas can reduce emissions and
           work together with renewables to create a
                 more effective energy future.
             Natural gas has been a leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in
            the U.S. While much of this has been attributable to displacement of coal
             in electricity generation, natural gas also serves other important energy
          functions, such as in our work providing an affordable, reliable and efficient
          fuel for heating and cooking. By focusing on what each fuel is better suited
           for, natural gas can complement electricity generated from renewables to
              help get people the energy they need in an efficient and effective way.

                Natural gas is reliable and affordable.
               U.S. households using natural gas for heating, cooking and clothes
                drying save an average of $879 every year compared to homes
                            using electricity for the same activities.

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Natural gas is efficient, enabling us to
       meet increasing demand.
 Natural gas meets 32% of all energy demand in the U.S. It arrives
more efficiently to homes, with only a 9% energy loss from its source,
  compared to electricity, which has more than 60% energy loss.

           Natural gas is the preferred
          energy choice for homes and
  More homes and businesses in the U. S. use natural gas than ever
  before and the number continues to increase. Nearly 180 million
       Americans and 5.5 million businesses use natural gas.

                  Natural gas is safe.
        America’s natural gas utilities invest $91 million every
        day in enhancing the safety of our 2.6 million miles of
                       natural gas pipelines.

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Helping Our Employees
    and Communities
    Through Challenges
    In a year of unprecedented challenges, our Core Values — Safety, Ethics, Inclu-
    sion and Diversity, Service and Value — guided our emergency response and
    inspired us to help our customers and communities in new ways.

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
The ONE Gas Foundation made $428,000 in donations to
organizations in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to provide
emergency relief assistance to residents impacted by COVID-19.

Response to COVID-19                                  ONE Gas has also taken steps to support
                                                      our customers through this challenging
Our values of Safety and Service guided our           time. We connected them to community
response to the pandemic. As our customers’           resources to ease pandemic-related financial
homes became places of work, school and               burdens, such as the Salvation Army’s Share
refuge, we continued delivering safe and              the Warmth program and the Low-Income
affordable natural gas, bringing comfort and          Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP/
stability in the face of uncertainty.                 LIEAP). In line with regulatory guidance, we
                                                      suspended disconnects so customers would
We quickly established a cross-functional             continue to have safe and reliable service as
pandemic task force. We launched a multi-             they adjusted to the pandemic’s impact on
tiered response and safety plan using                 their lives.
guidelines from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and
third-party experts. This plan continues to
serve us as we adjust how we work based on
the risk level of the virus-related activity in our
operating areas.

We leveraged technology to transition more
than half of our 3,700 employees to a remote
working environment in only three days. We
implemented social distancing and hygiene
guidelines for those essential workers who
remained in the field and provided new
personal protective equipment for added
safety. Our customer service representatives
and technicians asked safety-related
questions before entering a customer’s
home or business to limit the spread of
COVID-19 while we continued to provide
essential services.

2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Community outreach has been a natural              Our preparation paid off – as the storm
     extension of our Core Value of Service.            developed, our system models identified
     The ONE Gas Foundation donated a total             areas that would need additional
     of $428,000 to organizations in Kansas,            reinforcement under worst-case forecasts.
     Oklahoma and Texas that provided emergency         We enhanced pressures where needed,
     relief to residents impacted by COVID-19.          deployed mobile compressed natural gas
     Financial relief allowed communities to            trailers and designed 18 overland projects to
     address housing and food insecurity, help with     provide additional short-term supply to lower-
     utility bills, and improve medical testing and     pressure systems. Our supply chain personnel
     healthcare access, including mental healthcare.    quickly secured materials and contractors,
     The company also provided 3,289 meals to           and our construction teams safely executed
     frontline workers.                                 each of the 18 projects in just a few days.

     In April 2021, we commissioned company             For seven long days, our employees worked
     leaders to evaluate best practices and outline     around the clock through adverse conditions
     our options for future work arrangements.          and focused on our primary goals: prioritizing
     Our hybrid approach to work leverages what         safety and providing natural gas service to
     we learned as we adapted to remote work            keep people warm.
     combined with the best parts of working side-
     by-side. It also allows us to maintain customer    We communicated to our customers about
     service while protecting employees and the         reducing energy usage to avoid widespread
     public. This model will aid in recruiting and      outages and provided energy conservation tips
     retaining employees and create opportunities       through our website, email, social media, local
     for continued innovation and engagement.           news stations, city officials and state legislators.

                                                        As a result of our employees’ collective
     Winter Storm Uri                                   efforts, we lost service to fewer than 900
     In February 2021, Winter Storm Uri caused          of our 2.2 million customers during the cold
     unprecedented circumstances across our             weather event. The few outages that did occur
     service area, including the coldest day            lasted less than 24 hours in most cases. This
     recorded in over a century, rolling electric       performance was the result of many elements
     brownouts and countless water main breaks.         coming together: the system improvements
                                                        since 2014; the dedication of employees who
     In recent years, we have focused on improving      went the extra mile to maintain gas service; the
     the resilience of our system to be better          goodwill of customers who conserved their
     prepared for events like the winter storm. We      usage; and the work of our field operations
     completed 19 projects that provided new            team who, in the most challenging conditions,
     transmission and distribution supply points and    worked tirelessly to ensure that our system
     81 interconnections, reinforcement or regulation   continued to provide natural gas to our
     projects to reinforce our system.                  residential customers and critical care facilities.

Listening, Learning and
Leading Change                                   In 2020, we leaned on our culture of inclusion
The challenges we faced in 2020 went             by hosting listening sessions between our
beyond natural disasters and the pandemic.       chief executive officer and employees
Events yielded a new focus on racial             representing our seven employee resource
justice issues across our country and in the     groups (ERGs), as well as employees who
communities we serve. National headlines,        do not identify with or participate in our
events unfolding in our communities and          ERGs. The immediate goal of these listening
families experiencing racial injustice remind    sessions was to gain a deeper understanding
us of the work yet to be done. There are no      of the experiences of our employees from
easy answers. The solution to these issues       their unique perspectives.
will involve active leadership, hard work and,
most importantly, recognizing the different      We utilized qualitative and quantitative data
experiences everyone faces. To build a better    to develop plans that address some of the
tomorrow for everyone, we are committed to       common themes we identified from the
listening, learning and leading change.          listening sessions. We continue building
                                                 our learning culture to enable deeper
ONE Gas does not tolerate racism or              conversations about diversity, foster a sense
discrimination in any form. We draw upon         of belonging, build fair and equitable systems,
our Core Values to reinforce what we stand       and understand the future workforce. Over
for: the value and voice of every person.        time, anticipated outcomes include increasing
Our company culture embraces inclusion           diverse representation throughout our
and diversity and encourages collaboration       organization, improving our job candidate
and feedback.                                    experience and enhancing our mentoring
                                                 opportunities. We look forward to sharing
                                                 details of our progress in future publications.

We draw upon our
Core Values
to reinforce what
we stand for:
the value and voice
of every person.

Safety and Resiliency
     Safety is our number one Core Value and at the foundation of everything we
     do. Our 3,700 employees drive our safety culture and are committed to a goal
     of zero harm. Here’s a summary of the progress we’ve made on our culture of
     safety, system resiliency and cyber and physical security in 2020 and what to
     expect next.

Employee and                                                    Recognized for Safety Excellence

         Community Safety                                                ONE Gas was awarded the Safety
                                                                         Achievement Award for Excellence in
         ONE Gas regularly ranks in the top quartile                     Employee Safety by the AGA for exemplary
         for similar-sized local distribution companies                  employee and vehicular safety for the fourth
         for all three personal safety metrics tracked                   year in a row. AGA recognized ONE Gas for
         by the American Gas Association (AGA) –                         having the lowest DART rate for the fourth
         Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), Days                     consecutive year among the country’s
         Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART) and                      largest natural gas distribution companies.
                                                                         DART reflects the most severe types of
         Preventable Vehicle Incident Rate (PVIR).
                                                                         injuries. ONE Gas’ safety scores place the
         We continue to refine our training, processes                   company among the safest natural gas
                                                                         distribution companies nationwide.
         and procedures as we strive for zero
         fatalities, zero incidents and zero harm to our
         employees, customers and communities.

      TRIR AGA QUARTILE DATA                       DART AGA QUARTILE DATA                      PVIR AGA QUARTILE DATA

  1.53     1.19   1.26   1.04     1.02                   0.46            0.25                                 1.75
                                                 0.68           0.43            0.28                  1.80             1.75     1.76

 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020                       2016 2017 2018 2019 2020                      2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

1ST       2ND      3RD      4TH          OGS    1ST       2ND      3RD      4TH        OGS    1ST       2ND      3RD          4TH      OGS

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) was      Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART)   Preventable Vehicle Incident Rate (PVIR)
 1.02 incidents per 200,000 work hours.         was 0.28 incidents per 200,000 work hours.   was 1.76 incidents per million miles driven

Emergency Response Time                            doing, so emergency calls are assigned to
     From the moment we receive a call about a          resources who can respond quickly. We
     natural gas odor, we closely monitor the time      have also expanded the pool of personnel
     between creating an emergency order and            trained to be first responders. To maintain
     the arrival of the first company responder         continuous improvement, our managers
     to the scene. In keeping with our dedication       and supervisors review and evaluate ERT
     to continuous improvement, we have set a           performance and staffing levels monthly to
     goal to meet or beat a 30-minute emergency         determine how we can further improve and
     response time (ERT) at least 65% of the time.      execute those improvements.

     In 2020, ONE Gas responded to 64.49%               AGA Peer Review Program
     of emergency calls in under 30 minutes             ONE Gas is an active participant in the AGA’s
     across our service territory, which includes a     voluntary Peer Review Program, which is
     mix of urban, suburban and rural areas. We         a program that supports our practice of
     addressed the majority of the remaining 35%        continuous improvement.
     of emergency calls within an hour. While we
     slightly missed our 2020 target of 65%, we         Participating companies send natural gas
     improved 1.66% over 2019 and are taking            subject matter experts to visit each other’s
     steps to improve our response time further.        facilities to conduct a week-long, in-depth
     Improvements include utilizing data analytics      review of specific areas, including safety
     to measure the duration of each stage of           culture, technical training, damage prevention
     processing an emergency order – creation of        and pipeline safety risk management. Peer
     the order, dispatch, order acknowledgement,        reviewers observe operations and interview
     travel to the customer premises and arrival – to   employees and contractors from all parts
     identify gaps or opportunities for efficiencies.   of the organization. At the end of the week,
                                                        reviewers identify areas for improvement and
     We train our customer service representatives      best practices for safety and efficiency.
     to work efficiently and effectively with our
     dispatch team to transfer and process              ONE Gas completed its first review in 2017.
     emergency orders promptly. Our dispatch            A second review was postponed due to
     team now has insight into the location             COVID-19 precautions and is rescheduled
     of our field personnel, and what they are          for April 2022. Collaborating with peers to

     From 2017-2020 ONE Gas ranked in the top quartile in all
     three American Gas Association industry safety metrics
     and had the lowest DART rate four years in a row.

has had
zero work-related
since its founding
in 2014.

highlight leading practices and identifying        management system aligns with American
     opportunities for improvement reinforces           Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended
     our commitment to safety while also driving        Practice (RP)-1173 for pipeline safety, which
     a culture of innovation, resiliency and            utilizes a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle to foster
     continuous improvement.                            continuous improvement. In mid-2019, the
                                                        AGA board asked member companies to
                                                        voluntarily implement API RP-1173 within three
     Pipeline Safety                                    years. ONE Gas was an early and enthusiastic
     We use a variety of technologies to monitor        supporter of this industry-wide commitment.
     and maintain our natural gas distribution
     system to allow safe delivery of natural gas to    In 2021, ONE Gas leadership finalized and
     our customers and the communities we serve.        approved the OSMS program document
     These safety procedures and technologies           endorsing their full support and demonstrating
     are important parts of our system integrity        strong Leadership Commitment – the first
     program that help identify areas improvement       element of API RP-1173. Full implementation is
     as we continue to tighten our system.              expected by mid-2022.

     Pipeline Safety Compliance                         Using the four-step cycle, we determine
                                                        what we need to do, execute the work,
     Our Pipeline Safety Compliance Program
                                                        periodically review what we did and then
     supports the company’s commitment to
                                                        make improvements as required. These four
     safety by implementing a framework and
                                                        steps provide an ongoing process to identify
     processes to achieve regulatory compliance
                                                        improvement opportunities.
     and explore opportunities for improvement
     with a dedicated Pipeline Safety Compliance
                                                        Data-Driven Approach to Damage
     Group (PSCG) working alongside Operations
     to drive compliance across the organization.
                                                        We leverage data in all areas of our safety
     Pipeline Inspection                                program to guide decision-making and
                                                        improve our processes. Analyzing data on
     Along with routine inspections, ONE Gas uses
                                                        pipeline damage and reportable incidents,
     a software solution to risk-rank pipeline assets
                                                        understanding what the data is telling us
     based on several variables. This software
                                                        and taking action to reduce such incidents
     helps determine which assets to replace each
                                                        enhances safety for all stakeholders and
     year and gives us the most significant risk
                                                        helps reduce accidental methane emissions.
     reduction for each dollar spent.
                                                        Over the years, we have built several systems
     Safety Management System                           to improve our processes and drive down
                                                        these numbers.
     ONE Gas continues to implement a
     comprehensive and systematic approach to
     managing safety called the ONE Gas Safety              Full implementation
     Management System (OSMS). This safety              of API RP-1173 is expected by
Ten Elements of the ONE Gas
Safety Management System (OSMS)

Damage Reporting System Enhances                 Risk Assessment and Damage
     Safety Capabilities                              Reduction
     Damage to our pipeline facilities can            ONE Gas utilizes Risk Assessment and
     impact safety, the delivery of natural gas to    Damage Reduction technology, also known as
     customers and can cause delays in projects.      RADAR, to pull data from public and internal
     Understanding the root cause of pipeline         sources. This data helps us analyze and
     damage and having accurate, complete and         prioritize the probability of damage occurring
     timely data allows the company to mitigate       due to excavation activities near our pipelines.
     risk and make more efficient decisions. For      If a higher-risk situation is identified, we can
     example, by analyzing data, the company          proactively connect with the excavator onsite
     can determine common causes and use              before the excavation begins to help foster
     that information to improve our damage           safe practices. If a damage does occur, using
     prevention outreach and reduce pipeline          RADAR allows us to respond more quickly to
     damage in the future.                            minimize impacts.

     ONE Gas implemented its Damage
     Information Management System (DIMS)
     in 2019, which is a centralized process and      Improvement
     system of record for documenting damage to
                                                      A core element of OSMS program, Continuous
     ONE Gas natural gas pipelines and facilities.
                                                      Improvement means reviewing all aspects
     Before implementing DIMS, ONE Gas used
                                                      of our business with a four-step Plan-Do-
     five different systems to track damage across
                                                      Check-Act cycle to identify improvement
     the organization. The transition to a single
                                                      opportunities. This goes beyond the work
     electronic system of record drives timely
                                                      of our own employees: we evaluate our
     reporting and improves efficiencies for
                                                      contractors, technology, training, and much
     employees across the organization.
                                                      more to operate in the safest, ethical and
     Ticket Management System                         compliant manner.

     ONE Gas implemented a cloud-based                Contractor Safety Summits
     Ticket Management System in late 2018 to
                                                      Contractors play an important role in providing
     streamline all excavation ticket requests from
                                                      safe, reliable service to our customers and
     the respective state One Call centers. Tickets
                                                      support construction work, customer service,
     are routed through a centralized platform
                                                      and compliance activities. Their safety is just
     and immediately passed to the line locator,
                                                      as important to us as our employees, and we
     which gives ONE Gas increased visibility
                                                      strive to make them part of our safety culture
     into ticket data and line locate performance.
                                                      through consistent communications and
     These insights allow ONE Gas to manage
                                                      safety education.
     line locating more effectively and target
     improvement efforts as needed.

            leverages data
            in all areas of our
            safety program.

every employee
to play an active role
in increasing safety and
improving our systems.

Since 2019, we’ve held Contractor Safety           experience utility locating, simulated leaks and
     Summits, which bring contractors from              handling code violations. The training center
     across our service territory – in person or        also includes an inspector school and a dig site
     virtually – together with representatives from     for teaching safe digging techniques and best
     ONE Gas. They share safety best practices,         practices for trench shoring.
     review new protocols and procedures.
                                                        The ONE Gas Training Center held its first
     Technology to Increase Safety and                  training class in June 2021. It will help align
     Improve System Integrity                           and standardize training across the entire
     ONE Gas has designed and piloted an app            organization to reduce risk, improve training
     called O-Net that encourages every employee        quality and enhance safety for our employees
     to play an active role in improving the safety     and customers.
     of our systems. This new tool creates a space
                                                        Aligning Training with B31Q
     where everyone can feel comfortable speaking
     up and sharing their ideas. O-Net allows           In conjunction with the opening of the ONE
     employees to identify non-emergency safety         Gas Training Center, the company is in the
     concerns and operational issues and share          process of integrating B31Q, the industry
     ideas for improvement.                             safety and integrity standard published
                                                        by the American Society of Mechanical
     Employees can submit ideas, photos and             Engineers (ASME). The standard establishes
     locations through the convenience of their         the requirements for developing and
     mobile phone and track the progress of their       implementing an effective pipeline operator
     submission as it is processed. In addition to      qualification program. This new standard
     safety or operational concerns, O-Net also lets    and the centralized training center will bring
     employees submit good catches celebrating          consistency to technical training across the
     employees who made ONE Gas safer and               company and help reduce pipeline incidents
     reinforcing that safety is our number one value.   and injuries caused by human error.

     State-of-the-Art Training Center                   B31Q contains more than 150 pipeline safety
     ONE Gas broke ground on a new, state-of-           and integrity tasks that are part of operator
     the-art training center designed to provide        qualification. As the company transitions
     hands-on training to Operations employees          to this new standard, we will train all field
     throughout the company. The 17,000                 employees on this new task list through
     square-foot space has dedicated areas              instructor-led eLearning training courses,
     for specific disciplines, including pressure       written exams and hands-on performance
     and measurement, customer service,                 evaluations. Simulations will also be conducted
     construction and maintenance, fire abatement       at our state-of-the-art training center and
     and management and excavation safety. A            various hubs across the organization as part of
     Simulation City includes eight buildings that      the qualification process.
     replicate real-world scenarios our field workers
     typically face. Hands-on training lets employees

What’s Next                                      begins. If essential controls are not verified
                                                            and accessible, employees are trained to stop
           New Safety Initiatives Underway                  work until remedied.
           Our Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle drives
                                                            Time-Outs for Safety is another 2021 training
           continuous improvement. Several new and
                                                            initiative for field personnel that reinforces
           upcoming initiatives will enhance our safety
                                                            the importance of recognizing and reporting
           training and further engage our employees in
                                                            when a time-out or stop work should be
           our safety culture.
                                                            utilized, even during an emergency.
           ONE Gas plans to conduct a Safety Culture
                                                            At ONE Gas, we recognize that there is much to
           Survey for all employees to understand
                                                            be learned from a near miss. For example, we
           better how our employees perceive personal,
                                                            currently utilize machine vision integrated with
           public and pipeline safety. Subsequent
                                                            artificial intelligence technology when there’s
           periodic surveys will allow ONE Gas to
                                                            a near-miss incident while driving to have
           monitor safety culture maturity and take
                                                            important safety discussions and coaching
           advantage of growth opportunities.
                                                            with employees. We have plans to implement
           A Start with Safety initiative, beginning in     expanded near-miss reporting to track the
           November 2021, will train field personnel,       causes of near misses across our operations
           task-by-task, to confirm that essential safety   and identify patterns, which can help prevent
           controls are present and working before work     potential accidents and influence safety training.

"Simulation City"
ONE Gas Training Center
Tulsa, OK
Cyber and Physical                                 In addition to the efforts of our dedicated
                                                        cyber and physical security teams, keeping
     Security                                           our systems safe is the responsibility of all
     Our company’s focus on safety also extends         employees. We provide quarterly mandatory
     to protecting our physical security, information   cyber and physical security awareness
     technology and operational technology              training based on current threats and security
     assets. Our chief information officer (CIO),       intelligence. We reinforce the importance
     who reports directly to the CEO, leads ONE         of safety and protecting our assets through
     Gas’ cyber and physical security efforts.          monthly phishing campaigns, which keep our
     The CIO attends the regular meetings of our        employees vigilant for cybersecurity threats.
     Board of Directors to provide updates on the
                                                        ONE Gas has not experienced any reportable
     cybersecurity landscape and what ONE Gas
                                                        incidents, neither a data breach nor a system
     is doing to keep our customers, employees
                                                        compromise; however, we understand the
     and systems safe.
                                                        need to be constantly alert. We continue to
     Under the CIO’s direction, the ONE                 strengthen our cybersecurity defense and
     Gas cybersecurity team operates 24/7,              response capabilities through state-of-the-
     continuously analyzing cybersecurity risks         art security solutions and frequent cyber
     to our business. The cybersecurity team            and physical staff training. We routinely
     participates in drills, learns from events         participate with various security information
     experienced by our peers and any attempts          sharing portals to enhance protection across
     to breach our system, and keeps abreast of         the industry.
     industry trends to implement controls, as
                                                        ONE Gas also leverages advanced physical
     appropriate, to mitigate these risks.
                                                        security technologies through AI-assisted
     In keeping with this focus, ONE Gas has            surveillance and intrusion detection. A
     voluntarily participated in Transportaion          Security Operations Center (SOC) operates
     Security Administration (TSA) corporate and        24/7 providing situational awareness and real-
     critical facility security review programs to      time response for added security, both for
     identify and mitigate potential threats to our     staffed facilities and operational assets.
     systems and now is working collaboratively
     with TSA on the security directives issued to
     pipeline operators in 2021, Security Directives
     Pipeline-2021-01 and Pipeline-2021-02.

Our cybersecurity team
operates 24/7, continuously
analyzing cybersecurity risks.

Environmental Sustainability
     ONE Gas is committed to meeting our customers’ needs for affordable, reliable
     and lower-emission energy while engaging in responsible environmental
     stewardship. To protect our planet for a better tomorrow, we are reducing
     emissions released from our system through pipeline replacement and system
     integrity projects, public awareness, end-use energy conservation programs and
     exploring new technology to take us into a low-carbon future.

Emissions Reduction                              We are looking at using our existing assets
                                                 and technology to expand renewable natural
To protect our planet for a better tomorrow,     gas capture from agriculture, waste-water
we reduce emissions by tightening and            treatment plants and landfills. We’re also
modernizing our system through pipeline          participating in research studies exploring the
replacement, which helps us maintain safe        use of hydrogen production and blending in
and reliable operations while decreasing leaks   our systems.
and emissions from our systems.
                                                 Technology is a significant driver of true
Public awareness also plays an important role.   innovation. ONE Gas continues to invest
We proactively engage key audiences with         in developing and adopting innovative
information to help them make informed and       technology that improves operational and
safe decisions and avoid third-party damage      end-use efficiencies and allows us to continue
to our pipelines.                                to provide reliable, affordable energy while
                                                 reducing our carbon footprint.
       Tightening and
         our system
     reduces emissions.                                       $515 million
                                                              in capital investments
                                                            in 2020: 70% for system
                                                                   integrity and
                                                              replacement projects

             reduction in Scope 1
           CO2e emissions through
               replacement and
           protection of distribution                           470 miles
            mains and service lines                           of distribution mains,
                  since 2014                                    service lines and
                                                               transmission lines
                                                                replaced in 2020

            expected reduction in                              244 miles
          Scope 1 CO2e emissions                              average amount of
             by 2025 (from 2014)                               vintage pipeline
          through replacement and                                replacement
           protection of distribution                         per year since 2014
            mains and service lines

Pipeline Replacement
                                                    (in miles)

        Average Annual Est.
           2021-2025                  120                   60                                  220                       400

                   2020                 130                  44       7                             289                                470

                   2019 4              113                    78          2                      233                             430

                   2018 21                111                 53          5                     240                              430

                   2017 23                           196                           61       1             144                    425

                   2016 22                          192                         43 2                131                390

                         Cast Iron            Unprotected Bare Steel                        Protected Bare Steel

                         Vintage Plastic                 Risk-Mitigation and Government Relocations

          Vintage Pipe as a Portion of Total Pipeline Inventory
                                (in miles)

           All Other Main, Service
         & Transmission Pipelines
     Risk-Mitigation & Government                                                                                                      900
          Relocations 2021-2025E
                                                                                   5,180                              4,280
              Identified Inventory                    57,020
              of Vintage Materials
                  Vintage Pipeline
            Replacement Program

                        Note: Note: Inventory based on data reported for 2020. Pipeline replacement due to future changes
                        in state or federal regulations is not projected in replacement estimates. Pipeline replacement due to
                        future changes in state or federal regulations is not projected in replacement estimates.
                        * The vintage pipeline replacement program includes wrought iron, unprotected bare steel, protected
                        bare steel and vintage plastic.

Pipeline Replacement                                 atmosphere. To reduce our emissions, ONE
System modernization remains a pivotal               Gas has piloted the use of specialized mobile
way to enhance pipeline safety and reliability       compression and vacuum equipment to
and reduce our environmental impact.                 capture methane that would otherwise vent or
Between 2021 and 2025, we expect to                  flare during maintenance or inspections and
replace approximately 900 miles of vintage           return the gas to the system. In a small pilot
pipeline materials, which includes wrought           of approximately 1,200 feet of 18” diameter
iron, unprotected bare steel, protected bare         pipe, the equivalent of 26.7 metric tons of
steel and vintage plastic. From 2014 to 2025         CO2e was captured and reintroduced into our
we anticipate a 41% reduction in Scope 1             system – the same environmental impact as
emissions from our replacement and cathodic          removing five cars off the road for one year.
protection programs. These efforts help us           We are expanding our mobile compression
reduce emissions by replacing higher emitting        pilot program in 2021.
materials with lower emitting materials or by
                                                     EPA Emissions Reduction Goals
cathodically protecting unprotected pipe,
which lowers the emissions for that pipe.            We exceeded our Environmental Protection
                                                     Agency’s Methane Challenge Program
Advanced Leak Detection Technology                   emissions reduction goal for the fourth
In early 2020, ONE Gas invested in advanced          year in a row. As a founding member, we’ve
mobile methane leak detection units and              committed to annually replacing a minimum
began a pilot to test the equipment across           of 2% of our vintage materials – a target we’ve
various pipe types, locations and surveying          exceeded each year since we began the
conditions. The mobile units are mounted             program in 2016.
within vehicles and provide in-depth analysis
                                                     Commitment to ONE Future
to create reports that provide locations of
potential infrastructure leaks. Compared             ONE Gas joined Our Nation’s Energy
to traditional walking leak surveys, the             Future (ONE Future) in 2020 to deepen our
advantages include higher sensitivity, the ability   commitment to operating our pipelines and
to operate in adverse weather conditions and         facilities in a way that balances environmental
the potential to survey approximately two times      responsibility with sound business decisions.
faster. Locating leaks and addressing them           ONE Future represents more than 45
more quickly reduces emissions. ONE Gas              natural gas companies working together to
currently operates two mobile detection units        reduce methane emissions to 1% (or less)
with plans to add more in 2022.                      across the natural gas value chain. Members
                                                     identify policy and technical solutions that
Capturing Vented or Flared Methane                   yield continuous improvement in managing
with Mobile Compression                              methane emissions associated with the
Some of our pipeline safety work requires            production, processing, transmission and
us to depressurize pipelines, a process that         distribution of natural gas.
has historically released natural gas into the

In 2020, we submitted our emissions data          infrastructure. In addition to electric or
     to ONE Future for the first time. ONE Future      hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, many of these
     will release results in Q4 2021, revealing how    programs cover NGVs. ONE Gas also
     the emissions reduction work of member            offers incentives for personal and business
     companies can contribute to long-term             purchases of dedicated or bi-fueled NGVs
     carbon reduction.                                 in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. In the past
                                                       two years, we provided more than 250 NGV
     Compressed Natural Gas for Fleet and              rebates across our service territories.
     Transport Customers
     Facilitating the use of compressed natural        ONE Gas also takes advantage of this cleaner-
     gas (CNG) vehicles is just one of the many        burning fuel. More than half of our light-duty
     ways we can help our customers reduce             fleet is CNG-capable. In 2020, ONE Gas
     their carbon footprint. Compared to gasoline      avoided 47,292 metric tons of CO2e with our
     or diesel, CNG can help reduce carbon             fleet of NGV, equivalent to removing more
     dioxide emissions by up to 30% and carbon         than 10,215 passenger vehicles from the road.
     monoxide by as much as 85%.
                                                       Our public and private CNG fueling stations
     The result of compressing natural gas to          provide clean-burning compressed natural
     high pressures, CNG can be used in place          gas to large fleet vehicles across Kansas,
     of gasoline, diesel fuel and propane, in light,   Oklahoma and Texas.
     medium and heavy-duty natural gas vehicles
                                                         About ONE Gas CNG Fueling Stations
     (NGVs). CNG is one of the cleanest-burning
     alternative fuels today, producing the fewest       • Operating 27 fueling stations accessible
     GHG emissions of any motor fuel.                      to the public
                                                         • Operating 6 private stations
     In addition to environmental benefits, NGVs
                                                         • Transporting supply to 67 retail fuel
     can have an economic benefit, too. CNG
                                                           service stations
     is typically less expensive than gasoline
     and offers higher octane. Many states have          • Transporting supply to 49 private CNG
     incentives and tax credits available for              stations (fuel bus fleets, delivery fleets,
     non-internal combustion engine vehicle                waste management fleets and more)
     purchases, conversions or refueling station

                                                                             In 2020, we
                                                                             47,292 metric
                                                                             tons of CO2e
                                                                             with our fleet
                                                                             of NGVs.
Public Awareness
Excavation damage – which occurs when
someone unrelated to the utility accidentally
hits one of its lines, usually while digging –
                                                  811 Day – “11 Days of Giveaways”
is a safety risk, constitutes a challenge to
maintaining pipeline integrity and can be a       We’ve seen significant growth in
significant cause of emissions.                   engagement with our Aug. 11 - 811 Day -
                                                  social media campaign year over year by
Our public awareness efforts and damage           adapting to an ever-changing social media
prevention programs proactively engage key        environment. We rely heavily on data from
audiences with information to help everyone       previous campaigns to guide upcoming
make informed and safe decisions and avoid        public awareness campaigns.
third-party damage to our pipelines.
                                                  In August 2020, we asked our social media
Public Awareness Programs Include:                followers to engage with us and answer
   • 811 Call Before You Dig – Participate in     questions by commenting to enter drawings
     local damage prevention programs to          for giveaways. We also worked with local
     promote safe digging                         media to educate key audiences about the
                                                  importance of calling 811 before any digging
   • Natural Gas Safety – Educate the public
     about how to detect a natural gas leak and
     what to do and not do if they suspect one      • 66,000 engagements, 435% increase
   • Cross-Bore Education – Provide cross-            over 2019 social media campaign
     bore awareness and safety measures to          • 4.7 million impressions, 1,924% increase
     plumbing and excavating stakeholders             over 2019 social media campaign
     (cross-boring occurs when a gas line
                                                    • 13 earned media placements in four
     intersects a water pipe)
                                                      metropolitan markets
   • Social and Traditional Earned Media –
     Leverage popular social media platforms
     and news media channels to raise
     awareness of safe digging
   • Internal Stakeholder Engagement –
     Create employee safe digging advocates
     through educational materials, contests
     and safe digging trivia
Key Audiences Include:
  • Customers
  • Emergency responders
  • Professional excavators
  • Homeowners
  • Public officials
  • Employees                                                                                    29
End-Use Energy                                  In addition to these formal programs, we
                                                     invest in energy conversation education for
     Conservation                                    our customers and communities. We regularly
     We work closely with our customers to           engage in multimedia education campaigns
     encourage end-use energy conservation           that cover television, radio, print, billboards,
     through our customer programs and               and social media. We provide energy saving
     education campaigns.                            tips on our websites and in communications
                                                     to customers, builders and service providers. .
     Our rebate programs help customers in Texas
     and Oklahoma make smarter energy choices        We are actively participating in the research,
     that benefit them and the planet. Since 2015,   development and deployment of new
     we have provided more than 713,000 energy       emissions mitigation, delivery and end-use
     efficiency rebates, totaling $96 million.       technologies that help our company and our
                                                     customers positively impact the environment.
     Our Programs Include:
                                                     Since 2016, ONE Gas has invested more than
       • Low-Income Energy Efficiency Assistance
                                                     $10 million in researching and developing
                                                     innovative natural gas technology solutions
       • Home Improvement and Appliance              through an ongoing partnership with the Gas
         Replacement Program                         Technology Institute (GTI), a leading non-profit
       • New Home Program                            organization specializing in researching new
                                                     energy technologies. In 2020, the company
       • Commercial Direct Install Program
                                                     contributed $755,280 for technology
       • Natural Gas Vehicle Rebate Program          development through our partnership with
       • Water Conservation Program                  GTI. Our investment supports more than 100
                                                     active technology projects.

              2020 Energy Efficiency Program Highlights

     22 million                                                                63,665 rebates
       gallons of                                                                      totaling
     water saved
     by customers

In 2020,
the ONE Gas
Energy Efficiency
helped customers save
22 million gallons
of water.

Innovation and                                   while supporting the American farmer. The
                                                      joint effort will deliver a sustainable, renewable
     Technology                                       energy option for ONE Gas commercial and
     Renewable Natural Gas                            industrial customers to reduce emissions and
                                                      achieve ESG goals.
     Renewable natural gas (RNG) projects
     capture methane from organic materials like      ONE Gas is also exploring opportunities with
     food and animal waste, redirecting it away       RNG project developers to capture methane
     from the environment and removing harmful        from organic waste sites like landfills and
     contaminants from the atmosphere. ONE Gas        wastewater treatment facilities across our
     is exploring how it can deliver this captured    service territory and how to deliver it through
     methane to homes and businesses just like        our existing pipeline assets.
     the geologic natural gas we deliver today.
                                                      Exploring Hydrogen Technology
     In spring 2021, we announced a partnership
                                                      Another exciting opportunity to positively
     with Vanguard Renewables to develop and
                                                      impact the environment is with renewable
     expand farm-based RNG projects across
                                                      hydrogen and hydrogen technologies. ONE
     Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, marking
                                                      Gas is actively investing in research and
     Vanguard Renewables’ first mid-continent
                                                      partnerships to understand the mechanics
     alliance with a local natural gas distribution
                                                      of blending renewable hydrogen into our
     company. The partnership taps into
                                                      existing pipeline system. Blending hydrogen
     Vanguard’s network of farm-based anaerobic
                                                      into the existing natural gas infrastructure
     digesters, which offer a circular solution to
                                                      has national and regional benefits for energy
     food-waste recycling and decarbonization
                                                      storage, resiliency and emission reductions.

                          Renewable Natural Gas Process

     Capture biowaste              Convert into           Process the                   Inject the
        from dairies,           biogas (anaerobic       biogas to make              biomethane into
       farms, landfills           digestion, etc.)     it pipeline-ready            the pipeline for
      and wastewater                                     (biomethane)                  future use
     treatment plants

In 2020, ONE Gas partnered with eight               fuel for multiple end-use applications, including
  national laboratories and 19 other industry         fuel cell electric vehicles, when coupled with
  participants on the HYBLEND™ Collaborative          large, baseload consumers that use hydrogen
  Research Partnership. Led by the National           for clean, reliable stationary power.
  Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), this
  two-year project examines the technical             As a project partner, ONE Gas has provided a
  barriers and long-term effects of hydrogen at       financial contribution for the multi-year projects
  different blends on different pipeline materials,   and supplies natural gas as an energy source
  quantifies the costs, environmental impacts and     for the steam methane reformation process to
  other opportunities for hydrogen production.        convert natural gas to hydrogen.

  In close collaboration with GTI and The             In addition to national research studies, ONE
  University of Texas at Austin, ONE Gas also         Gas is working on efforts to advance the
  joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)          development of hydrogen use on a local level.
  project, Demonstration and Framework for            ONE Gas has joined the recently formed
  H2@Scale in Texas and Beyond. The project           Oklahoma Hydrogen Production, Transportation
  is supported by DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell        and Infrastructure Task Force and will provide
  Technologies Office within the Office of Energy     research on the production and distribution
  Efficiency and Renewable Energy. H2@Scale           of hydrogen, including using existing pipeline
  in Texas and Beyond intends to show that            infrastructure to safely transport hydrogen and
  renewable hydrogen can be a cost-effective          hydrogen fuel products.

In 2021,
we partnered with
Renewables to
develop farm-based
RNG projects.
Making a Difference
     Social responsibility begins with fostering a safe, ethical, inclusive and diverse
     culture. ONE Gas employees care about one another as much as they do our
     customers and the communities we serve. Here’s how we made a difference for
     our employees, customers and communities in 2020, and what’s next for 2021.

engagement scores were in the top quartile
Supporting Our                                  of Gallup’s Overall Company Database
Employees                                       and showed improvement for the fourth
                                                consecutive year. Gallup studies consistently
We’ve seen firsthand how an inclusive work
                                                show organizations with highly engaged
Employee where all viewpoints
             Resource         are welcome,
                         Groups    at ONE Gas   employees have fewer safety incidents, less
creates an engaged and high-performing
                                                turnover and more productivity.
workforce and an environment where top
talent wants to work.
                                                Inclusion and Diversity
Since we began measuring employee               To build a better tomorrow for everyone,
engagement in 2016, we’ve seen a marked         we have created a culture that embraces
improvement in scores each year. In 2020,       inclusion and diversity and encourages
we again had high participation in our annual   collaboration across our organization. The
employee engagement survey, with 90% of         family-like environment and mutual respect
employees providing feedback. Employee          make ONE Gas a special place to work.

               ONE Gas Employee Resource Groups

BLOG (Black Leadership at ONE Gas)              VERG (Veterans Employee
Shares and promotes resources to advance        Resource Group)
inclusion and diversity through the lens of     Supports and develops current and future
our African-American and Black employees.       veteran employees.

                                                ONE PRIDE (People Respecting Inclusion
Promotes understanding and provides
                                                and Diversity in Everyone)
support for employees with disabilities and
                                                Promotes a safe and supportive culture
those helping loved ones with disabilities.
                                                for LGBTQ+ employees that allows each
                                                employee to bring their whole self to work
                                                and is actively engaged with the community.
La Voz
Raises awareness of Hispanic and Latino
culture while fostering and promoting
                                                WE Lead (Women in Energy Leading)
professional development opportunities and
                                                Supports women through professional
serving our communities.
                                                and personal development, networking
                                                with peers and leadership, mentoring and
                                                community engagement and philanthropy.
Native ONE
Promotes awareness of Native American
culture, issues, health and education to
employees and the community.
We do not tolerate racism or discrimination       Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) drive
     in any form. We draw upon our Core Values         engagement and awareness throughout our
     to reinforce what we stand for: the value         organization. In addition to connection and
     and voice of every person. Our company            collaboration, ERG’s help us recruit diverse
     culture embraces inclusion and diversity and      talent, share valuable education on diverse
     encourages collaboration and feedback.            topics, provide professional and leadership
                                                       development opportunities for members
     The Board approved updates to our Code
                                                       and promote community involvement. All
     of Business Conduct and Ethics in 2020 to
                                                       employees are welcomed and encouraged
     reinforce our policies on non-discrimination,
                                                       to join ERGs, regardless if they identify as a
     anti-harassment and equal opportunity, which
                                                       member of the group’s constituency.
     included requiring our suppliers to adopt
     policies and practices on these topics as well.   Growth and Diversity
     And we recognize the continuing importance        Every employee makes a difference and
     of listening to our employees to create a more    contributes to our success at ONE Gas. We
     inclusive environment , which we continued in     actively recruit and retain a high-performing
     2021 through CEO LIstenting Sessions.             workforce and create an environment where
     Our Inclusion and Diversity Council, chaired      top talent wants to work. Our programs and
     by our CEO, includes five permanent and 14        policies help attract diverse talent and support
     rotating members from various functional          our employees’ physical, social, emotional and
     areas, backgrounds and experiences.               financial health.
     The Council provides governance and
                                                       In addition to monitoring the diversity of our
     guidance for implementing I&D strategies,
                                                       workforce across roles and leadership levels,
     and its members are natural advocates and
                                                       we also require leaders to employ diverse
     thoughtful listeners making an impact with
                                                       teams when interviewing talent. Our annual
     their local teams.
                                                       employee engagement survey focuses on
                                                       company values, including Inclusion and
                                                       Diversity, using Gallup’s Inclusiveness Index.

     We Lead                                           Its popular mentoring program, open to
     Mentoring Program                                 all employees, pairs company leaders
     WE Lead (Women in Energy Leading) is our          with mentees that enhance participants’
     largest and longest-running ERG with more         personal and professional skills. The group
     than 500 active members.                          matched 86 employees with mentors in
                                                       2020 and has facilitated more than 430
                                                       professional matches since the program
                                                       began in 2015.

2020 Workforce Diversity Stats                  • 55% Women and individuals who
  • 27% Women in the workforce                    identify as members of traditionally
                                                  underrepresented racial and ethnic
  • 35% Individuals who identify
                                                  groups in Engineering positions
    as members of traditionally
    underrepresented racial and ethnic          • 48% Women and individuals who
    groups in the workforce                       identify as members of traditionally
                                                  underrepresented racial and ethnic
                                                  groups in IT positions

Benchmarking Workforce Demographics

                                          2020            2018 U.S. Utility Company
                                         ONE Gas                  Average 1

Women                                     27%                                 25%

Individuals who identify as members
of traditionally underrepresented         35%                                 27%
racial and ethnic groups
Women and individuals who
identify as members of traditionally
underrepresented racial and ethnic        43%                                 35%
groups in leadership
                                                     1. Source: 2018 EEOC Reports: NAICS2 22-Utilities
                                                        (most current data available due to COVID-related delays)

Wellness at ONE Gas                                   Financial: Help employees prepare for the
                                                           future by educating them on spending, saving
     Just as our employees take exceptional care           and investing to meet short- and long-term
     of our customers, we strive to take exceptional       financial goals.
     care of them. ONE Gas is committed to
     fostering a culture of physical, financial,           Emotional: Educate and promote ways to
     emotional and social well-being that supports         overcome life challenges that can affect
     all aspects of employee’s lives. Our well-being       an employee's health, family life and job
     programs and benefits take a holistic approach        performance.
     to inspire employees to make healthy personal
     and professional lifestyle choices.                   Social: Highlight the value of being part of a
                                                           community and the importance of developing
     Four Areas of ONE Gas Well-Being                      healthy relationships.

     Physical: Encourage healthy lifestyles where
                                                           Click here to learn more about employee
     employees are aware of their state of health
                                                           well-being and benefits at ONE Gas.
     and opportunities for improvement.

         Physical                  Financial                  Work-Life                   Career
        Well-Being                 Well-Being                 Balance                    & Culture
                                                            Paid Time Off
      Health Insurance                                                          Employee Resource Groups
                            Retirement Savings Plans:      Holiday Time Off
      and Prescription
                            401(k), Profit-Sharing Plan                             Mentorship Program
           Drug                                             Paid Pandemic
                           Employee Stock Purchase
           Dental                                         Paid Parental Leave    Professional Development

                             SmartDollar — Money                                   Continuing Education
           Vision            Management Tool and           Mothers Rooms          Scholarship and Tuition
                              Financial Education                                  Assistance Programs

      Health Spending
        and Savings                                            Adoption
                                                                                  Volunteer Program and
         Accounts                 Life Insurance              Assistance
        (FSA, HSA)

     Tobacco Cessation         Accidental Death &              Employee
                                                                             Service Award Recognition
         Program                Dismemberment             Assistance Program

     CareATC Wellness
                              Short- and Long-Term           Tele-Mental
          Centers                                                                     Matching Grants
                                    Disability               Counseling
      (where available)
                            Dependent Care Flexible           Elder Care
        Virtual Visits                                                                Job Shadowing
                              Spending Account                Resources

Employees Helping Employees:                    professional development. It also reduces the
ONE to ONE Fund                                 time and cost of recruiting and competing for
ONE to ONE Fund is a voluntary, charitable      talent and skills externally.
organization created by employees to help
                                                Through employee listening sessions, we
each other in times of personal crisis. An
                                                learned that some employees felt that
eight-member board of directors, comprised
                                                our internal candidate experience lacked
of ONE Gas employees elected for four-year
                                                transparency. In response, we reviewed
terms, administers the fund. The mission of
                                                our internal candidate experience from the
the ONE to ONE Fund is to assist in times of
                                                application process through interviewing and
crisis, such as natural disasters, unexpected
                                                job placement. We identified opportunities
illnesses and associated health care
                                                to diversify the makeup of our interview
expenses, or other hardship situations for
                                                panels and provide more communication
ONE Gas employees.
                                                touchpoints throughout the application and
  • In 2020, 33 employees received              interview process.
    $66,507 in financial support.
                                                In spring 2021, armed with this information,
  • 32 employees used 1,812 donated             ONE Gas piloted an updated internal
    vacation hours.                             candidate experience. We increased the
                                                diversity of interview panels and took steps
What’s Next                                     so that applicants received constructive
Enhancing Our Internal Candidate                feedback at each phase of the recruiting
Experience                                      process. Survey feedback from the pilot
                                                showed the process was positive, transparent,
Annually, ONE Gas fills approximately 40%
                                                fair and supportive to the internal candidates.
of open positions with internal candidates.
                                                The new internal candidate experience was
Hiring from our internal workforce increases
                                                implemented company-wide in summer 2021.
employee engagement and enhances

     Top 25%                                                                26%
Employee engagement                                               Year-over-year increase in
 scores were in the top                                                membership in
   quartile of Gallup’s                                          Employee Resource Groups
    Overall Company
 Database and showed
  improvement for the
fourth consecutive year

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