2021 HUNTING SPECIAL LICENCES - Adult Female Moose Licences Antlerless Deer Licences

Page created by Anne Ortega
2021 HUNTING SPECIAL LICENCES - Adult Female Moose Licences Antlerless Deer Licences
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     Adult Female Moose Licences
     Antlerless Deer Licences

     1 800 665-6527
    GENERAL TERMS                                                          SPECIFIC CONDITIONS
    • You must be a Québec resident and hold a valid hunter’s              FOR RECENTLY CERTIFIED HUNTERS (2020):
      certificate (except for the landowners).                             To be admissible, you must have followed and successfully
                                                                           completed your first course in the use of firearms (code A, B or F)
    • Your registration can be done in two ways:
                                                                           during the calendar year preceding that of the random draw – from
    • From the online registration form available at sepaq.com/            January 1st to December 31th, 2020.
                                                                           SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR THE MOBILITY
    • By telephone, toll free at 1 800 665-6527 (option 4). Please
      note that telephone registration ends at 4 p.m., June 20th,          IMPAIRED:
      2021 and payment must be made by credit card only.                   To be admissible, you must be a disabled hunter with a license
                                                                           authorizing you to hunt from a vehicle, issued by the Ministère des
         Please note that only online and telephone registrations          Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs by April 1st, 2021.
         will be accepted for this draw.
                                                                           SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR LANDOWNERS:
    • You must enter your hunter’s certificate number
      (8 embossed characters), last name, first name, and date              PLEASE NOTE, there will be no more paper notice by mail and
      of birth as they appear on the certificate. If it is impossible to    the designated hunters form is now an electronic form that you
      validate your hunter’s certificate with the Ministère des             will receive in the results email.
      Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, your draw application will be
      rejected. If there is an error on your certificate or if you         1. Your hunter’s certificate is not required for your registration.
      believe that it may have expired (expiration date before             2. To be admissible, you must own an all in one piece property of 4
      03-31-1994), we invite you to contact your regional office              hectares* or more in one of the zones where licences are allocated
      or the Direction des affaires législatives et des permis at             (municipal tax account required following the random draw).
      418 521-3895 to make the necessary corrections. Note that              * Equivalency: 4 hectares = 9.88 acres or 40 000 m2 or 430 556.42 ft 2
      initiation licence holders cannot register to these draws.
      However, they may be designated by winning landowners.               3. Registration for the random draw must be made in the name of
                                                                              an individual person, not in the name of a company, society or
    • Only one entry code per registation will be accepted.                   entreprise.
      If your name is selected more than once for one of these             4. Only the person whose name appears as the owner on the
      draws, the computer will assign you a single zone or territory.         municipal tax account can enter. Spouses and children may not
      The document numbers on the forms will determine your                   enter this draw.
      preferences if selected, the smallest number being your
      first choice. For online registrations, please refer to the          5. A landowner who would like to hunt must enter their name as one
      instructions on our Web site at sepaq.com/randomdraw.                   of the designated hunters if selected for the draw. A non-hunting
                                                                              landowner may designate two people to receive antlerless deer
    • You must indicate an email address. If you do not have your             licences. Please note that if the hunter’s certificate number of the
      own address, you must give us the address of a relative                 designated hunter cannot be validated, the license application will
      or a friend. This email address will allow the SÉPAQ to contact         be rejected without notice.
      you for your results.                                                6. Only two licences will be issued for each property.
    • You must indicate a telephone number. If you do not have             7. Landowners selected in the draws will receive, in their results
      your own number, you must give us the number of a relative              email, a link to an electronic form asking for the following:
      or a friend. This number will allow the regional office                 - Contact information of the designated hunter(s);
      to contact you quickly if necessary.
                                                                              - A copy of the last municipal tax account (2021) for the
    • At no time, a special hunting license delivered by random                 properties located in the selected hunting zone or a notarized
      draw and issued specifically for a zone, a zec or a wildlife              contract in the case of recently acquired properties (2021) for
      reserve, can be modified, transferred or canceled.                        which the municipality has not yet issued a tax account;
                                                                              - A resolution confirming the name of the designated hunter(s)
    • To increase your chances, you may participate in more than
                                                                                and a document attesting that the winner is the owner are
      one registration code. However, you must fully comply with
                                                                                also necessary to obtain the licences allocated to a property
      the specific conditions of each category of draws.
                                                                                belonging to a corporation or a society.
                                                                           These items must be provided by July 16th 2021. Otherwise, the
                                                                           application will automatically be rejected.


The Moose Management Plan, in accordance with current regulations, authorizes the issuing of Adult Female Moose Special Licences
specific to wildlife reserves and other managed territories.
A licence identified to a wildlife reserve or a Zec must be used in the territory for which it is delivered. This permit is not valid for
the entire hunting zone. Adult Female Moose Special Licences for zone 1 may not be used in a wildlife reserve, but may be used
in a Zec located in this zone, except the Zec Casault.

WILDLIFE RESERVES                                   ZONE 1                                                CONTROLLED HARVESTING
After the reservation of a hunting stay                                                                   ZONES (ZECS)
in a wildlife reserve, all hunters who are
part of a group staying in one of                                          ESTIMATED                      CONTROLLED HARVESTING ZONES
                                                     ZONE                  NUMBER OF         ENTRY CODE
the eligible reserves can participate                                      WINNERS                                        ESTIMATED
in the Adult Female Moose Special                                                                         ZONE            NUMBER OF   ENTRY CODE
                                                     1                         4 536         OFZ001                       WINNERS
Licences draw.
                                                                                                          Batiscan-           16      OFZBAN
 WILDLIFE RESERVES                                                                                        Neilson
                                                     RECENTLY CERTIFIED HUNTERS 2020*                     Casault            160      OFZCAS
 RESERVE            NUMBER OF      ENTRY CODE                              ESTIMATED                      LeSueur             10      OFZLES
                    WINNERS                          ZONE                  NUMBER OF         ENTRY CODE   Maganasipi          20      OFZMAG
 Ashuapmushuan           27        OFRASH                                                                 Mazana               5      OFZMAZ
                                                     1                          504          OFN001
 Chic-Chocs              96        OFRCHC                                                                 Mitchinamecus       10      OFZMIT
 Laurentides             19        OFRLAU           NOTE: Zone 1 licences will not be valid in Zec        Normandie           10      OFZNOR
                                                    Casault in 2021 since licences will be allocated
 Mastigouche             25        OFRMAG           for this Zec.                                         Petawaga            55      OFZPET
 Matane                  62        OFRMAT                                                                 Rivière-            13      OFZRIB
 Portneuf                 5        OFRPOR           * Please refer to the specific conditions on page 2   Blanche
 Port-Daniel              4        OFRPOD                                                                 Rapides-de-         20      OFZRAJ
 Rouge-Matawin            2        OFRROM                                                                 Joachims
                                                                                                          Saint-Patrice       30      OFZSAP
 Saint-Maurice           20        OFRSTM
                                                                                                          Wessonneau          65      OFZWES
NOTE: There is no point in applying for an Adult
Female Moose Licence in a wildlife reserve unless
you are part of a hunting stay in said reserve.

La Vérendrye
There is no moose hunting
in La Vérendrye in 2021.

Port-Cartier–Sept-Îles and Rimouski
Hunters will be able to harvest a male,
a female or a calf depending on what they

                                                         Entry deadline: June 20th, 2021
                                                         Limit: one entry per registration code
                                                         Hunter’s certificate mandatory


     Voir les conditions
     spécifiques en page 2.

                                           In 2021, the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs will allow the allocation of 44 850 (estimate) Antlerless Deer Licences
     Voir les conditions
     spécifiques en page 2.
                                           by random draw, to which are added 50 licences in Controlled Harvesting Zones (ZECS) and 90 licences in wildlife reserves.
 Des modalités de chasse
 particulières sont en vigueur
                                           This licence authorizes the holder to hunt antlerless deer in the zone (or part of a zone), the wildlife reserve or the controlled harvesting
                                           zone (Zec) that is indicated on the licence during a season when only hunting deer with antlers is permitted. All Québecois hunters
 dans les zones 6 nord et 6 sud
 en raison du projet expérimental
 sur la restriction de la taille
 légale des bois (RTLB). Pour
 plus modalités   de chasse
       d’information,  visitez le

                                           are eligible for this draw, on certain conditions. A licence identified to a wildlife reserve or a Zec must be used in the territory
 particulières  sont en
 site Web du MFFP     auvigueur
 dans   les zones
 gouv.qc.ca       6 nord et 6lesud
              ou composez
 en  raison
 1 877       du projet expérimental
 sur la restriction de la taille
 légale des bois (RTLB). Pour

                                           for which it is delivered.
 plus d’information, visitez le
 site Web du MFFP au mffp.
 gouv.qc.ca ou composez le
 1 877 346-6763.
                                                                                         Des modalités de chasse particulières sont en vigueur dans les zones 6 nord et 6 sud en raison du projet
                                                                                         expérimental sur la restriction de la taille légale des bois (RTLB). Pour plus d’information, visitez le site Web                Des modalités de chasse particulières sont en vigueur dans les zones 6 nord et 6 sud en raison du projet expérimental sur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          la restriction de la taille légale des bois (RTLB). Pour plus d’information, visitez le site Web du MFFP au mffp.gouv.qc.ca     Des modalités de chasse particulières sont en vigueur dans les zones 6
                                                                                         du MFFP au mffp.gouv.qc.ca ou composez le 1 877 346-6763.                                                                                                                                                                                                        nord et 6 sud en raison du projet expérimental sur la restriction de la taille
                                                                                         Des modalités de chasse particulières sont en vigueur dans les zones 6 nord et 6 sud en raison du projet                         ou composez le 1 877 346-6763.
                                                                                         expérimental sur la restriction de la taille légale des bois (RTLB). Pour plus d’information, visitez le site Web                                                                                                                                                légale des bois (RTLB). Pour plus d’information, visitez le site Web du MFFP
                                                                                         du MFFP au mffp.gouv.qc.ca ou composez le 1 877 346-6763.                                                                                                                                                                                                        au mffp.gouv.qc.ca ou composez le 1 877 346-6763.

                                            UNIVERSAL                                                           RECENTLY CERTIFIED HUNTERS 2020*                                                                              MOBILITY IMPAIRED*
                                                             ESTIMATED                                                                                                               ESTIMATED                                                                                                  ESTIMATED
                                            ZONE             NUMBER OF   ENTRY CODE                             ZONE                                                                 NUMBER OF               ENTRY CODE       ZONE                                                              NUMBER OF                                               ENTRY CODE
Les permis spéciaux de cerf
                                                             WINNERS                                                                                                                 WINNERS                                                                                                    WINNERS
sans bois délivrés dans les
zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR

                                            3 West               405     CEU03W                                 3 West                                                                             180       CEN03W           3 West                                                                            45                                      CEH03W
s’inscrivent dans le cadre des
opérations de surveillance et de
contrôle de la maladie débilitante
chronique des cervidés (MDC).
Ces permis doivent être utilisés

                                            4                   900      CEU004                                 4                                                                                  400       CEN004           4                                                                                100                                      CEH004
dans le territoire de la zone de
surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
sont pas valides à l’échelle de la
zone de chasse.

                                            5 East               157     CEU05E                                 5 East                                                                              70       CEN05E           5 East                                                                             17                                     CEH05E
 Les permis spéciaux de cerf
 sans bois délivrés dans les
 zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR
                                            5 West              2250     CEU05W                                 5 West                                                                            1000       CEN05W           5 West                                                                           250                                      CEH05W
 s’inscrivent dans le cadre des

                                            6 North**           3487     CEU06N                                 6 North**                                                                         1550       CEN06N           6 North**                                                                        387                                      CEH06N
 opérations de surveillance et de
 contrôle de la maladie débilitante
 chronique des cervidés (MDC).
 Ces permis doivent être utilisés
 dans le territoire de la zone de

                                            6 South**           3825     CEU06S                                 6 South**                                                                         1700       CEN06S           6 South**                                                                        425                                      CEH06S
 surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
 lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
 sont pas valides à l’échelle de la
 zone de chasse.

                                            7 North             1035     CEU07N                                 7 North                                                                            460       CEN07N           7 North                                                                           115                                     CEH07N
                                            7 South             2025     CEU07S                                 7 South                                                                            900       CEN07S           7 South                                                                          225                                      CEH07S
Les permis spéciaux de cerf

                                            8 North             1012     CEU08N                                 8 North                                                                            450       CEN08N           8 North                                                                           112                                     CEH08N
sans bois délivrés dans les
zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR
s’inscrivent dans le cadre des
opérations de surveillance et de
contrôle de la maladie débilitante

                                            8 South             1350     CEU08S                                 8 South                                                                            600       CEN08S           8 South                                                                          150                                      CEH08S
chronique des cervidés (MDC).
Ces permis doivent être utilisés
dans le territoire de la zone de
surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
sont pas valides à l’échelle de la

                                            8 East              1800     CEU08E                                 8 East                                                                             800       CEN08E           8 East                                                                           200                                      CEH08E
zone de chasse.

 Les permis spéciaux de cerf
 sans bois délivrés dans les
 zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR
                                            9 East                75     CEU09E                                 9 East                                                                              20       CEN09E           9 East                                                                             5                                      CEH09E
 s’inscrivent dans le cadre des

                                            9 West                75     CEU09W                                 9 West                                                                              20       CEN09W           9 West                                                                             5                                      CEH09W
 opérations de surveillance et de
 contrôle de la maladie débilitante
 chronique des cervidés (MDC).
 Ces permis doivent être utilisés
 dans le territoire de la zone de

                                            9 West-EMA***        90      CEU09Z                                 9 West-EMA***                                                                       40       CEN09Z           9 West-EMA***                                                                     10                                      CEH09Z
 surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
 lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
 sont pas valides à l’échelle de la
 zone de chasse.

Les permis spéciaux de cerf
                                            10 East              375     CEU10E                                 10 East                                                                            100       CEN10E           10 East                                                                           25                                      CEH10E
sans bois délivrés dans les

                                            10 East-EMA***       90      CEU10Z                                 10 East-EMA***                                                                      40       CEN10Z           10 East-EMA***                                                                    10                                      CEH10Z
zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR
s’inscrivent dans le cadre des
opérations de surveillance et de
contrôle de la maladie débilitante
chronique des cervidés (MDC).

                                            10 West              750     CEU10W                                 10 West                                                                            200       CEN10W           10 West                                                                           50                                      CEH10W
Ces permis doivent être utilisés
dans le territoire de la zone de
surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
lequel   ils ont été délivrés
  Des modalités       de chasse  et ne
sont  pas validessont
  particulières      à l’échelle  de la
                          en vigueur
  dansdeles chasse.
              zones 6 nord et 6 sud

                                            11 East              375     CEU11E                                 11 East                                                                            100       CEN11E           11 East                                                                           25                                      CEH11E
  en raison du projet expérimental
  sur la restriction de la taille
  légale des bois (RTLB). Pour
  Des   modalités     de  chasse
  plus d’information, visitez le
Les     Web du
     permis         sont en
               spéciaux    auvigueur
                          de   mffp.

                                            27 West              765     CEU27W                                 27 West                                                                            340       CEN27W           27 West                                                                           85                                      CEN27W
  dans    les
sans          zones   6dans les 6lesud
                  ou composez
      bois délivrés             et
zones raison
  1 877         du projet
            ouest-ZSR       expérimental
                         et 10  est-ZSR
  sur la restriction
s’inscrivent    dans le de   la taille
                         cadre   des
  légale desdebois
opérations             (RTLB). Pour
                   surveillance   et de
  plus d’information,
contrôle    de la maladievisitez     le
  site Webdes
chronique      du MFFP
  gouv.qc.ca      ou  composez
Ces permis doivent être utilisés    le
  1 877
dans   le 346-6763.
           territoire de la zone de
surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
sont pas valides à l’échelle de la
zone de chasse.

                                            LANDOWNERS*                                                         CONTROLLED HARVESTING ZONES †                                                                                 WILDLIFE RESERVES
Les permis spéciaux de cerf
                                                             ESTIMATED                                                                                                               ESTIMATED                                                                                                     ESTIMATED
sans bois délivrés dans les
   Voir 9lesouest-ZSR
             conditionset 10 est-ZSR

                                            ZONE             NUMBER OF                                          ZEC                                                                  NUMBER OF               ENTRY CODE       RESERVE                                                              NUMBER OF                                            ENTRY CODE
   spécifiques dans le cadre
                 en page   2. des
opérations de surveillance et de
contrôle de la maladie débilitante
                                                             WINNERS                                                                                                                 WINNERS                                                                                                       WINNERS
chronique des cervidés (MDC).
Ces permis doivent être utilisés
dans le territoire de la zone de
surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
sont pas valides à l’échelle de la

                                            3 West              135      CEP03W                                 Jaro                                                                                  50     CEZJAR           Papineau-
zone de chasse.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     75                                 CERPAL
                                            4                   300      CEP004                                                                                                                                               Labelle
                                            5 East               53      CEP05E                                                                                                                                               La Vérendrye                                                                           15                                 CERLVY
 Les permis spéciaux de cerf
 sans bois délivrés dans les
                                            5 West              750      CEP05W
 zones 9 ouest-ZSR et 10 est-ZSR

                                            6 North**           1163     CEP06N                                    * Please refer to the specific conditions on page 2.
 s’inscrivent dans le cadre des
 opérations de surveillance et de
 contrôle de la maladie débilitante
 chronique des cervidés (MDC).
 Ces permis doivent être utilisés
 dans le territoire de la zone de

                                            6 South**           1275     CEP06S                                **	Special hunting arrangements are in place in zones 6 North and 6 South due to an
 surveillance rehaussée (ZSR) pour
 lequel ils ont été délivrés et ne
 sont pas valides à l’échelle de la
 zone de chasse.

                                            7 North             345      CEP07N                                    experimental project. For more information, visit the MFFP website at mffp.gouv.qc.ca or call
                                                                                                                   1-877 346-6763.
                                            7 South             675      CEP07S
                                                                                                            ***	Special permits are being issued in zones 9 West-EMA and 10 East-EMA in the context
                                            8 North             338      CEP08N
                                                                                                                 of operations for the detection and control of chronic wasting disease of cervids. These
                                            8 South             450      CEP08S                                  licences must be used within the territory of the enhanced monitoring area (EMA) for which
                                            8 East              600      CEP08E                                  they were issued and are not valid in the entire hunting zone. Special antlerless deer licences
  Lorsque des permis spéciaux
   de cerf sans bois sont                   9 West-EMA***        30      CEP09Z                                  issued for zones 9 West and 10 East cannot be used in EMA zones.
   délivrés pour une réserve

                                                                                                                   †	When special antlerless deer licences are issued for a wildlife reserve or a Controlled
   faunique ou une zec, les
   permis spéciaux de cerf sans

                                            10 East-EMA***       30      CEP10Z
   bois de la zone ne sont pas
   valides sur ces territoires.

                                                                                                                      Harvesting Zone, the special antlerless deer licences of the hunting zone are not valid
                                            27 West             255      CEP27W                                       in these territories.

  Hunting activities will have to take into consideration the public health measures and guidelines in place during the white-tailed
  deer and moose hunting season in the fall of 2021.
  • Hunters will also have to take into consideration directives concerning inter-regional travel and possible restrictions in this
  • It is the responsibility of hunters to plan their hunting activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Sépaq and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) cannot guarantee that the hunting activity associated
    with the licence covered by this draw will not be affected by these measures and directives in place in the fall of 2021.
  • Registration fees for random draws are non refundable.


The deer hunting licence is now               The launch of the inscription for the           For more information on new
associated with a hunting zone.               “Relève à la chasse” event will take            developments in white-tailed deer
It is possible to purchase two hunting        place in September 2021 (details will be        hunting, please visit mffp.gouv.qc.ca/
licences, a regular licence and               released by the MFFP).                          la-faune/plans-de-gestion
a supplementary licence. Each licence         If you are the winner of a special
must be associated with a different           antlerless deer licence, it will only
hunting zone, with the exception of zones     appear on one hunting licence, namely
5 West, 8 East, and 8 South, where both       the licence associated with the zone
licences can be associated with               for which you won. In zones 5 West,
the same zone.                                8 East, and 8 South, if you purchase                FOR ALL THESE DRAWS
The licence to hunt deer for the first        two licences for the same zone, the
kill allocated by random draw has been        antlerless deer licence will appear only            Entry deadline:
abolished. Special antlerless deer licences   on the regular licence. If you hope to              June 20th, 2021
are now issued for zones 5 West, 8 East,      harvest two deers, it would be more
                                              advantageous to purchase the regular                Limit:
8 North, and 8 South.                                                                             one entry per registration code
                                              licence and the supplementary licence at
It is possible for the holder of a special    the same time. This way, if you harvest             Hunter’s certificate mandatory
antlerless deer licence to share it with      an antlered deer first, you will be able to         (except landowners)
their immediate family, i.e. grandparents,    use the transportation coupon from the
parents, brothers, sisters, spouse,           supplementary licence and you will be
children, grandchildren, and children         able to keep the privilege of harvesting
and grandchildren of the spouse.              an antlerless deer with your regular
                                              licence during the antlered deer periods.
The “Relève à la chasse” weekend for
white-tailed deer, established last year,     The regular hunting licence and the
will take place on October 30th and           supplementary hunting licence may be
October 31st, 2021. This weekend              used in any wildlife reserve or outfitter
is specially meant for the young certified    with exclusive rights, as long as you
aged from 12 to 17 years old, for the 2020    respect the bag limit for the zone in
newly certified and for initiation            which the structured wildlife territory is
licence holders.                              located (one deer per hunter per zone,
                                              except for zones 5 West, 8 East, and
On this occasion, it will be possible         8 South where it is two deer per hunter).
to use the special antlerless deer licence    The special antlerless deer licence may
received from the random draw or to use       only be used on the territory for which it
one from an immediate family member.          was issued.
ZONE MAPS                                                                      ZONES OR PARTIAL ZONES CONCERNED BY THESE DRAWS

                                                                          Zone 1                                                                                  Zone 3

                                                                          Zone 4                                                                         Zones 5 and 6

                                                                          Zone 7                                                                                  Zone 8

    These maps are provided for reference purpose only.                                       Source:
    You can obtain more accurate maps by visiting the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune       Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, ©Gouvernement du Québec, 2021
    et des Parcs Web site at: https://www.quebec.ca/en/tourism-and-recreation/

Refer to the tables in the previous pages to select your registration code(s).

                                                    Zone 9                       Zones 9 West-EMA and 10 East-EMA

                                            Zones 10 and 11                                               Zone 27

HOW TO MAKE YOUR PAYMENT                                               REGULATIONS AND PREREQUISITE
    · The $8.11 per entry registration fee (taxes included) is non-        CONDITIONS FOR THE HUNT
      refundable. All registrations in 2021 must be paid by credit         If you are selected in one of these draws, before hunting, you
      card. It is possible to use a prepaid credit card.                   must comply with the regulations and respect the following
    · In the event of an administrative error in processing your entry     conditions:
      or during the random draw, your sole recourse as an entrant will     · Be the holder of a valid regular or supplementary licence to hunt
      be the refund of your registration fees. We advise you to keep         white-tailed deer or a regular licence to hunt moose (specific to
      a copy of your payment vouchers as well as your document               the hunting zone). Except in the cases provided for in the Québec
      numbers.                                                               sport hunting regulations published by the Ministère des Forêts,
                                                                             de la Faune et des Parcs, a special moose hunting licence may
    · Registrations made by telephone must be paid by credit card
                                                                             not be used by another person. Thus, only the holder may hunt
      at the moment of the call.
                                                                             under the terms of said licence. A special deer hunting licence
                                                                             may, however, be shared with the immediate family. For more
    CORRECTION SERVICE                                                       information, please visit the MFFP website at mffp.gouv.qc.ca or
    · If you wish to modify an already completed registration, you           call 1-877 346-6763.
      must write to the email address tirageausort@sepaq.com               · A special hunting licence is valid only in the zone, subzone, or
      before June 20th, 2021. You must provide as much information           territory (zec or wildlife reserve) indicated thereon.
      as possible about your registration (name, number of form,
      certificate number) and specify your request.                        NOTES
    · Online and telephone registrations are secure and easy
                                                                           · The Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) which
      methods that ensure the validity of each participant’s
                                                                             manages these hunting activities reserves the right to limit,
                                                                             modify or cancel certain services and activities, if circumstances
                                                                             warrant so.
                                                                           · The information regarding regulations given in this brochure is
    · The draws will take place at the end of June. Afterwards, we will      summarized. For more information, please visit the MFFP Web
      inform participants of the results of the draws by email.              site at mffp.gouv.qc.ca or dial 1 877 346-6763.
    · The winners of the following categories: Universal, Recently         · The Société des établissements de plein air du Québec would
      Certified Hunters, Mobility Impaired, Controlled Harvesting            like to remind all concerned that completing a draw registration
      Zones and Wildlife Reserves will have to get their licences from       form in the name of or on behalf of another person with
      an authorized dealer equipped with the computerized hunting            fraudulent intent and without legitimate authorization may
      licence selling system.                                                constitute a criminal act.
    · Winners in the category Landowners must complete the                 · The Société des établissements de plein air du Québec holds
      electronic form for Designated Hunters which can be accessed           random draws on behalf of and with the approval of the
      via a link in the results email and attach a digital copy of their     Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs.
      property tax account (see specific conditions for Landowners         · The Société des établissements de plein air du Québec, the
      on page 2).                                                            Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, or a duly
                                                                             authorized agency reserves the right to verify all documents
                                                                             provided for obtaining a hunting special licence.
                                                                           · These random draws are supervised by an independent
                                                                             accounting firm.
                                                                           Register online at sepaq.com/randomdraw.

    INFORMATION                                                            REGARDING HUNTER’S CERTIFICATES
                                                                           AND REGULATIONS:
    REGARDING RANDOM DRAWS:                                                Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
    1 800 665-6527, option 4                                               1 877 346-6763 (toll free)
    tirageausort@sepaq.com                                                 mffp.gouv.qc.ca
                                                                           Photos: Mikael Rondeau, Beside, Émile David
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