2022 Helpful Information for Residents - Robbinsville Twp, NJ

Page created by Jerome Goodman
2022 Helpful Information for Residents - Robbinsville Twp, NJ
 Helpful Information for Residents
                     Courtesy of
           The Department of Public Works
           56 Robbinsville-Allentown Road
           Robbinsville, New Jersey 08691
               Phone: 609-259-0422
                Fax: 609-259-0322
            Website: www.robbinsville.net

    Director: Chris Rupp—crupp@robbinsville.net
 PW Coordinator: Terri Rinyu—terrir@robbinsville.net
PW Supervisor: Bruce Gravatt—bruceg@robbinsville.net

                   Updated: January 2022
2022 Helpful Information for Residents - Robbinsville Twp, NJ
Household Trash Collection Regulations
Garbage may not be placed at curbside before 9:00pm the night before scheduled pickup
and must be at curbside by 6:30am the day of pickup. Empty cans must be removed from
curbside by 9:00pm the day of collection.
The weight of each trash bag or can may not exceed 50 pounds. Please help us in this area.
32 gallon containers can get heavy very quickly, depending on density of the contents.
Please give us the courtesy of testing the weight of your cans. If they feel too heavy, please
use another can or bag! Injuries to employees cost tax dollars. Overweight cans or bags
will not be picked up. In such cases, a notice of violation may be left on your can, and the
load must be redistributed into containers of less than 50 pounds each.
BULK ITEMS—Our policy regarding “bulk” pickup states that we will pick up large
items such as couches, dressers, mattresses, furniture, etc. however, we will only pickup
two bulk items per week or a certain portion of large quantities, such as carpeting on your
regularly scheduled trash collection day. The reason for this is that the trucks would get
filled up too quickly and they would not be able to complete their assigned route without
making an additional trip to the transfer station.
Please check the integrity of you cans. Cans with jagged, sharp or cut edges, rotted bot-
toms, no handles are safety hazards. Please replace these cans for safety’s sake. For se-
vere cases, a notice of violation may be left on your can, and such a can must be removed
from service.
Household garbage should contain trash only. Please remember our community goals for
reducing the amount of solid waste through use of recycling. The cost to taxpayers for re-
cycling is much less than for garbage sent to the landfill.
Please do not put out trash or other items in cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes are a re-
cyclable item and cannot be taken with household trash, or used as a container. This will
result in the box being left at curbside.
HAZARDOUS WASTE ITEMS. This will result in your trash container being left
curbside and could result in further action.
Do not place full or partially full paint cans in with your trash. Paint containers leak when
compacted and drain onto the ground leaving unsightly residues on our streets.

METAL / APPLIANCES / TV’s & COMPUTERS—Appliances such as washers, dryers,
refrigerators, dishwashers, microwave ovens, lawnmowers, grills, etc. and/or heavy metal
items are picked up on the last Wednesday of each month. TV’s, computers will also be
picked up at this time. These items must be scheduled for pick-up through the Public
Works Department.
2022 Helpful Information for Residents - Robbinsville Twp, NJ
Aidan Court                 Cornflower Drive          Oakton Court             Truman Court
Amy Court                   Country Meadow Court      Patricia Lane            Violet Lane
Anderson Lane               Donna Street              Reagan Lane              Warrior Way
Annie Lane                  Eisenhower Drive          Robb-Edin Rd/Rt 526      Windflower Court
Arnold Lane                 Erica Circle              Roosevelt Way            Wildflower Trail
Beechwood Drive             Erin Court                Rose Court               Wilson Court
Blue Bell Lane              Gerson Road               Sara Drive               Windfall Lane
Blyman Court                Harvest Bend              Stillwell Court          Windmere Path
Branford Drive              Herman Court              Sundew Way               Windswept Drive
Brookshire Drive            Jared Drive               Sven Drive               Windward Way
Buckley Lane                Kyle Court                Sylvia Way               Winterset Drive
Cathy Drive                 Landview Court            Tanager Lane             Witmer Way
Chambers Farm Road          Line Road                 Thistle Place            Woodcliffe Drive
Compton Circle              Meadowbrook Road          Thompson Way             Woodcroft Drive
Combs Road                  Meyer Court               Tindall Road
Hutchinson Rd from Pond Rd to Mercer St

                                          TUESDAY TRASH COLLECTION
Chase Court                Hutchinson Rd from Rt 526 to Pond Rd                Washington Town Center
Foxmoor Development        Pond Road                    Washington Boulevard

                                       WEDNESDAY TRASH COLLECTION
Mercer Mobile Park

                                         THURSDAY TRASH COLLECTION
Abby Court                 Gordon Road               Olivia Road               Sharon Mews Drive
Allens Road                Haines Drive              Patrick Court East        Sharon Road-All
Angelina Way               Hankins Road              Patrick Court West        Sienna Court
Barto Way                  Harriet Court             Patriot Drive             South Main Street
Beverly Court              Howard Drive              Perrineville Road         Spencer Way
Bresnahan Road             Isa Court                 Pickering Drive           Stark Drive
Buford Road                Jonathan Drive            Railroad Avenue           Thomas Drive
Canterbury Drive           Main Street               Randolph Drive            Voelbel Road
Charlene Court             Mary Lane                 Route 130                 Walters Road
Church Street              Milburne Lane             Route 33                  Windsor Road
Deborah Court              New Street                Samjan Circle             Woods Road
Emily Court                North Main Street         School Drive              Woodside Road
Francis Court              Old York Road/Rt 539      Seva Court                Wycklow Drive
Gail Court                                                                     Wycklow Court
                                           FRIDAY TRASH COLLECTION
Acacia Avenue              Fairview Road               Ivanhoe Drive           Sapphire Drive
Amber Drive                Fox Runne                   Juniper Way             Saxony Lane
Amberfield Road            Garnet Lane                 Lambert Lane            Schenck Place
Applegate Drive            Grapevine Court             Laurel Drive            Spring Garden Road
Chambers Court             Grell Place                 Lilac Terrace           Stanley Drive
Chestnut Drive             Hamton Court East           Little Ridge Road       Sycamore Drive
Christina Lane             Hamton Court West           Opal Drive              Trellis Way
Circle Drive               Hibiscus Lane               Pennfield Road          Vahlsing Way
Cottage Place              Hickory Drive               Penny Lane              Van Nostrand Court
Cottage Place Drive        Hillside Drive              Potts Road              West Manor Way
Diamond Boulevard          Hilltop Place               Prestile Place          Westbury Court
Edgebrook Road             Hobbs Court                 Richardson Road         Willow Street
Edgewood Road              Honeysuckle Drive           Robb-Allen Rd/Rt 526
Emerald Road               Hunt Drive                  Robin Road
How Do I get Rid of It Guide
                                 For Robbinsville T wnship
APPLIANCES OR ANY METAL ITEM Call Public Works at 609-259-0422 to schedule a pickup the last
        Wednesday of each month or you may drop them off at Public Works.

BATTERIES (Car/Boat/Wet Cell) ‐ Drop off at Public Works only
BATTERIES (Alkaline/Dry Cell ex: AAA, AA, C, D & 9volt) ‐ Household trash Do Not Recycle
BATTERIES (Rechargeable ex: watch, cell phone, power tools & camera ba         s ‐ Drop off
               at Public Works and Senior Center.
CARPET Household trash cut into strips no more than 4 foot wide,     and bundled no more than 50
       pounds. Limited to one room per week.

CHRISTMAS TREES Residents map place their Christmas Trees curbside and Public Works will begin
       collecting them starting the first workday after New Year’s Day and will continue collections
       weekly through January. Trees may be dropped off at the Public Works Department located at
       56 Robbinsville-Allentown Rd.

       Public Works at 609-259-0422 to schedule a pickup the last Wednesday of each month or you
       may drop them off at Public Works. Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste Collection
       Day. See www.mcianj.or for dates and times.
CONCRETE/PAVERS/CINDER BLOCK ‐ Household trash broken up in buckets no more than 50
       pounds and in limited (no more than 3 buckets)
DECKING             Household trash cut up in no longer than 4-foot lengths,   and bundled
       no more than 50 pounds, nails and screws removed or bent over to avoid hazards.
       Limited to two bundles per week.
DIRT OR SAND Check             for local landscaper for removal.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER Discharge contents into a bag for garbage. Drop off at Public Works or call for
         white goods pickup before the last Wednesday of the month.

FLAGS (USA & POW) – Drop boxes at Police, Municipal Building & Senior Center.
FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS & TUBES Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste Collection
       Day. See www.mcianj.orgfor dates and times.
FURNITURE (ex: sofa, chair, a          box spring, wood table & dresser) Household trash. Limited
         to two items per week.

MEDICATION Pills, Capsules, Patches, Inhalers & Pet Medications (NO LIQUID OR SYRINGES)
           Drop box inside the lobby at Robbinsville Police Department
MOTOR OIL Drop off at Public Works only.
How Do I get Rid of It Guide…continued
PAINT     (Latex ONLY) Household trash only after paint is completely dry. Mix cat li    sand or dirt in
           paint can & let sit dry than place at curb for pick‐up on your         day.

PAINT      (Stains, Varnish & Oil Based) Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste Collection
           Day. See www.mcianj.orgfor dates and times.

PIZZA BOXES Household trash only. Theses items are no longer recyclable regardless of condition.
                          PEANUTS/BUBBLE WRAP Household trash.
SWINGSETS/JUNGLE GYMS (wood and plastic) ‐ Household trash ‐ Wood must be cut in no longer than
       4 foot lengths,   and bundled no more than 50 pounds, nails and screws removed or bent over to
       avoid hazards.            le Tykes/Step 2) broken down and placed at the curb. Limited to two
       bundles per week.

TIRES     Drop off at Public Works only (must be off rim).
TOILETS, SINKS, VANITY Household trash. Limited to two items per week.

When in doubt….

Guidelines for Proper Disposal of Household Medication
Over the counter and prescription medications should not be disposed down the drain because
wastewater treatment facilities are not designed to remove pharmaceutical compounds and they may
end up in your local waterways, and may eventually be found in drinking water. Properly disposing of
unwanted and expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in the trash promotes a healthy
aquatic environment and prevents accidental poisoning and intentional abuse.

                         4 Steps for Proper Medicine Disposal
1. Keep medicine in original container. Mark out personal information on prescription
2. Mix liquid medicine with undesirable substances like coffee grinds, cat litter, or dirt.
   Dilute pills with water, then add coffee grinds, cat litter, or dirt.
3. Place bottles in an opaque container, like a yogurt container, and secure lid; or wrap
   in a dark colored plastic bag.
4. Hide the container in the trash. Do NOT recycle.

               Do NOT dispose of medication down the drain or toilet.
            Do NOT keep excess or expired medication around the home.
   Prevent water pollution, Promote a healthy environment, Properly dispose of your
                           unneeded and expired medication.
                            Nearest medicine drop-off location:
                          Robbinsville Township Police Department
                                   (located in the lobby)
                                       1117 Route 130
                              Robbinsville, New Jersey 08691

     How to Safely Dispose of Your Syringes in Your Municipal Trash
Follow these steps to safely dispose of your syringes in your municipal trash. Your syringes must be
placed in rigid containers that will protect people from needle sticks and use containers that are un-
likely to break open on its way to the landfill.

1. Rigid Container Your may use empty laundry detergent bottles or 2-liter soda bot-
   tles or other rigid containers with screw-on caps to dispose of needles and syringes.
2. Label/Warning Place a large label with a warning on the empty container.
3. Needle Clipper Clip the Needle You can buy an inexpensive hand held needle
   clipper from the pharmacy. After clipping the needle, carefully place each of your
   used needles and syringes into your rigid container and close.
4. Seal When you are ready to dispose of your syringes, seal the bottle tightly and
   wrap duct tape over the lid.
5. Disposal You may now dispose of you labeled and tightly sealed container in your
   household trash. Do NOT recycle.
For more information please visit: http://www.state.nj.us/health/eoh/phss/syringe.pdf
Battery Information
Alkaline Batteries
In 2004, the Mercer County Improvement Authority (MCIA),
www.mcianj.org, notified the Township in writing that they were doing away
with the battery recycling program Since Mercury is no longer used in the pro-
duction of batteries, they no longer pose a threat to the environment and can be
thrown away with your household trash.
Button Cell Batteries
Most button cell batteries still contain mercury. These batteries can be brought to
the Mercer County Chemical Waste Disposal Day or a battery drop-off site.
If you believe you are in possession of a battery that contains Mercury or have ad-
ditional questions about the program, please contact the MCIA at 609-278-8100.

Batteries that are rechargeable are recyclable.
      .Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd)
      .Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)
      .Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
      .Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn)
      .Small Sealed Lead (SSLA-Pb)
      *Weighing less than 11lbs. each*
Rechargeable batteries can be found in cordless power tools, cellular and cordless
phones, laptop computers, digital cameras, two-way radios, camcorders, and re-
mote control toys. These batteries sometimes look like regular alkaline batteries.
The label on the battery will indicate if it is rechargeable.
Preparing Batteries for Recycling
For increased safety when transporting rechargeable batteries, the Federal Depart-
ment of Transportation (DOT) has enacted new regulations which require special
preparations before batteries are transported. Residents must either individually
bag each battery or place a piece of tape on each of the terminal ends.

Collection Site Locations
You can bring your rechargeable batteries to Public Works at 56 Robbinsville-
Allentown Rd. or to find the retail collection site nearest you, please use the col-
lection site locator at www.rbrc.org or call the consumer helpline, 1-800-8-
Rechargeable batteries may be recycled at the following locations: Radio Shack,
Lowes, Home Depot, Sears, Wal-Mart and Verizon Wireless
Grass Clipping Collection Alternatives and Tip
Cut It and Leave It
Under a new "Cut It and Leave It" program, Robbinsville Township now encourages you
to cut your grass and leave it on the lawn to help fertilize it and retain moisture. This pro-
cess is also known as "Grasscycling", meaning a natural recycling of grass clippings.
Grasscycling saves time and money, as you no longer have to purchase and fill bags for
grass, the lawn stays healthier, it lowers your need to fertilize by up to 30%, and it reduces
the cost the township pays to dispose of solid waste. (Currently $125 a ton). Landscapers
are also encouraged to Grasscycle properly.
Cut Your Grass High: Longer blades of grass mean the root system below the ground
will also be longer (deeper) and healthier. Longer blades of grass tend to collect more
light and grow healthier and higher blades often help block out crabgrass and invading
Cutting Height: Don't remove any more than one third of the grass leaf at any one cut-
ting. If circumstances arise that a lawn gets too tall and you just have to lop off a bunch to
get caught up, bite the bullet and break it down into several mowings to get caught up,
with three or so days between cuttings.
Mow Only When the Grass is Dry: When you mow your lawn when the grass is wet,
you're just going to get clumps of grass, uneven cuts and invite all sorts of fungus to grow.
Mow Only When the Grass is Cool: Try to mow your grass early in the morning, not in
the middle of the day, especially if you're going through a dry period or your grass is wilt-
Don't Use A Bagger: By cutting your lawn without a bagger and leaving the clippings on
the lawn, you're adding extra nitrogen, water and nutrients back in the soil as those clip-
pings decompose. Contrary to popular opinion, grass clippings do not add to thatch
Change Direction Each Time You Mow: When you cut your lawn in several different
patterns you'll avoid creating ruts or pathways in your lawn from repeatedly going over
the same spot each week. If you're leaving your grass clippings on your lawn and you
have some small clumps, try going over your lawn again quickly in another direction to
disperse them. For a rectangular lawn, you have lots of cutting pattern options like con-
centric circles, "up and down," "back and forth," on a diagonal (left and right) or even a
Mower Maintenance: This is kind of a no-brainer, but a lot of people forget about this.
Keep your mower in good working order. Always clean out grass clippings and debris
when you're done, keep the fuel and oil relatively clean and fresh, and keep the blades in
good condition. It depends on how large your lawn is, but generally I find that buying new
blades once a season or having my existing blades sharpened several times a season works
for me. Keep an extra blade around so you'll always have a sharp one on hand .
Single Stream Recycling Guidelines
            Robbinsville Township Department of Public Works

The Township of Robbinsville contracts with Solterra which operates the recycling
curbside program in Robbinsville Township. Recycling may not be placed at
curbside before 9:00 p.m. the night before scheduled pickup and must be at
curbside by 6:30 a.m. the day of pickup. Empty containers must be removed
from curbside by 9:00 p.m. the day of collection.


Please help us in this area. 32 gallon containers can get heavy very quickly, de-
pending on density of the contents. Please give us the courtesy of testing the
weight of your containers. If they feel too heavy, please use another container.
Injuries to employees cost tax dollars. Overweight containers will not be picked
up. In such cases, a notice of violation may be left on your container, and the
load must be redistributed into containers of less than 50 pounds each.

                    Other Helpful Recycling Information

First, collections are rarely canceled due to weather conditions. However, if ex-
tremely severe weather conditions exist, please check the Township website,
www.robbinsville.net or contact the Robbinsville Township Public Works at (609)
259-0422 to find out if collections will take place as scheduled.

For safety purposes, if snow or ice conditions exist, please ensure your collection
containers are visible and easily accessible.
On windy and rainy days, make sure cardboard boxes are broken down and bun-
dled with string or tape. In your commingled recyclables container, place the
heavier items, such as glass bottles and jars , on the top of the pile so that the alu-
minum cans and plastic bottles and paper won’t blow away.
The Public Works Department has lids available for purchase at 56 Robbinsville-
Allentown Rd. Monday through Friday, 6:30 am to 3:30 pm. 20 gallon lids (for
the older yellow and green buckets) are $4.00 each and the 32 gallon lids (for the
newer Kelly green buckets) are $5.00 each. Lids must be purchased in person.
2022 Robbinsville Curbside Recycling Schedule

  Please remember to have recycle containers to the curb by 6:30 a.m.

                             January 5
                            January 19
                            February 2
                           February 16
                              March 2
                             March 16
                             March 30
                              April 13
                              April 27
                              May 11
                              May 25
                              June 8
                              June 22
                               July 6
                              July 20
                             August 3
                             August 17
                             August 31
                           September 14
                           September 28
                            October 12
                            October 26
                            November 9
                           November 23
                            December 7
                           December 21
Brush Collection Policy
The Robbinsville Township Public Works Department will be collecting brush on the 1st
& 2nd full weeks of each month. Starting the week of April 4, 2022, through the week of
November 14, 2022, residents can place their brush out curbside for pickup.
No phone calls will be necessary to schedule pickup.
Residents west of Route 130 will have their brush picked up the
1st FULL week of the month
Residents east of Route 130 will have their brush picked up the
2nd FULL week of the month
There will be NO scheduled curbside brush pickup from November 21, 2022 through April
2, 2023. There is a drop–off facility at the Public Works Department located at 56 Robbins-
ville-Allentown Road. Brush may be dropped off all year long between 7:00 a.m. & 3:30
p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
All brush is to be cut to a maximum length of six (6) feet and a maximum diameter of six (6)
inches. Small twigs may be placed in open buckets or containers and placed near the pile of
larger brush for removal. All forsythia, willow vines, firethorns, tall grasses, and briars must
be tied in bundles not to exceed six inches in diameter.
Logs, stumps, evergreens with roots, or debris from land, etc., as well as commercial
trimmings, will NOT be collected with brush.
All limbs and brush shall be placed in an orderly manner with all butts (six inches in
diameter maximum) facing the roadside. The size of the pile may not be larger than
four feet high by 15 feet wide and is limited to one pile per property.
For the safety of pedestrians and motorists, please do not place brush at the curb more than
two (2) days prior to the scheduled pickup.

 Grass Collection Policy
 Grass Clippings are picked up with your regular trash from April through November.

 Clippings must be placed in open bags or containers and be out to the curb by 6:30am on
 the same day as your regular trash collection day.

 Bags or containers must not weigh more than 50 pounds or they will not be picked up.
 Alternatively, we strongly recommend that residents recycle grass clippings by mulching
 them back into their lawns. This will promote a healthier lawn and save the Township
 considerable disposal fees which, right now are $125.00 a ton.
Leaf Collection Policy
Robbinsville Township will perform its annual Curbside Leaf Collection Program
beginning the week of October 17, 2022 through the week of December 19, 2022.
The NJDEP has mandated that we have 7 days to pick-up leaves after they have
been advertised to be placed out for pickup. To accomplish this, the Township has
been divided into six (6) sectors; A through F.

PLEASE be reminded that once the leaf crews have gone by your house, in order
to keep to the schedule, we cannot accommodate requests for returns until the next
scheduled pickup. PLEASE do not place additional leaves out until then.


*Place your leaves in wind-rows (long, narrow, neat piles), curbside by the start-
ing dates for your sector.
This is the preferred way of placing your leaves out for collection.
*Do not place leaves within ten (10) feet of a storm drain inlet.
*Do not park vehicles in front of leaf wind-rows….if we can't reach your leaves
we can't pick them up!

No twigs, branches, trash, or other debris are to be in leaf wind-rows.

These items must be removed from your leaves prior to our vacuum arrival. These
materials damage our vacuums creating equipment downtime which hampers our
ability to keep to the schedule. If we find these materials in your leaves, your wind
-rows will be left and we will not return until the next pass. At the next pass, your
wind-rows will still need to be clear of the materials.

*If you have a contractor/landscaper, they need to be instructed to follow these
guidelines, or to take the leaves with them.

Cooperation from every resident is essential for the program's success.
Leaf Collection
In order to comply with new DEP storm water regulations, the town is divided in-
to sectors, and each sector is assigned a specific week to have their leaves picked
up curbside. We will repeat going through the sectors from October through De-
2022 Leaf Collection Schedule

                       A/D                     week of - October 17
                       B/E                     week of - October 24
                       C/F                     week of - October 31
                       A/D                    week of - November 7
                       B/E                   week of - November 14
                       C/F                   week of - November 21
                       A/D                   week of - November 28
                       B/E                    week of - December 5
                       C/F                   week of - December 12
                  As Needed                  week of - December 19

SECTOR A:     Windswept, Combs Farm, Town Center, Hutchinson Rd., Line Rd., Washington Blvd.,
Route 33, Cubberly Meadows, Buckley Lane, Chase Ct., Windflower Ct.

SECTOR B:    Dalton Meadows, Beechwood Acres, Saran Woods, Crestwood Acres, Highlands,
Windsor Meadows, Beechwood Dr., Tindall Rd.

SECTOR C:        Meadowbrook Estates, Canterbury Ridge, Landview Estates, Country Meadows, Brook-
shire, Town of Windsor, Meadowbrook Rd., Windsor Rd. (West of Route 130), Hankins Rd., Voelbel
Rd., Perrineville Rd., Allens Rd.

SECTOR D:      Stream & Field, The Ridings, Squire’s Court, Bresnahan Rd., Windsor Rd., (East of
Route 130), Sharon Rd. (Gordon Rd. to Old York Rd.), Walters Rd., Old York Rd., New Street

SECTOR E:       Woodside Estates, Washington Greene, Fox Runne, Woods at Washington, Gordon Rd.,
Sharon Rd. (Gordon Rd. to Route 130), Spring Garden Rd., West Manor Way, Edgebrook Rd., Circle
Dr., Robbinsville-Allentown Rd., (Turnpike to Township Line), Springside at Robbinsville

SECTOR F:     Hillside Terrace, Washington Hunt, Arbor Walk, Country Gate, Washington Leas,
Sandlewood, Richardson Rd.
Household Hazardous Waste and Used Electronics Waste Collection Event
     Date: Saturday, March 26, 2022      Saturday, June 4, 2022
                     Saturday, September 10, 2022
     Location: Dempster Fire School
               350 Lawrence Station Road
               Lawrence Township
     Time: 8am to 2pm Rain or Shine
     Website: mcianj.org

              WHAT TO BRING
  PESTICIDES & HERBICIDES                                    WHAT NOT TO BRING
  CAR BATTERIES                                            LATEX PAINT
  PAINT THINNER                                            HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES
  OIL BASED PAINT                                          HEATING OIL
  STAINS & VARNISHES                                       INFECTIOUS WASTE
  GASOLINE                                                 RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS
  ANTI-FREEZE                                              EXPLOSIVES & MUNITIONS
  DRIVEWAY SEALER                                          RAILROAD TIES
  INSECT REPELLENTS                                        ASBESTOS
  MERCURY                                                  TIRES
  FLUORESCENT/CFL’S/                                       WOOD
  COMPACT LIGHT BULBS                                      FENCING
                                                           AIR CONDITIONERS

Electronics Recycling & Shredding Events
      Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022                             HOUSEHOLD
            Saturday, October 8, 2022                            CHEMICALS
Location: Lot 4/ 641 South Broad St
        (across from Mercer County Administration Bldg)
      Time: 9am to 12pm Rain or Shine
      Website: mcianj.org

  FAX MACHINES                         Maximum of eight boxes and/or bags of paper
  KEYBOARDS                            No household chemicals
  LAPTOPS & PERIPHERALS                No commercial business
Robbinsville Township Residential Free Paper Shredding Event
      Date: Saturday, May 14, 2022
            Saturday, November 5, 2022
Location: Robbinsville Township Firehouse
                 1149 Route 130 North
                 Robbinsville, New Jersey
                 (Parking Lot adjacent to building)
      Time: 9am to 1pm Rain or Shine (or until truck is full)

        WHAT TO BRING            WHAT NOT TO BRING                    NO
       PAPER MATERIAL            BOOKS                            BUSINESSES
                                 MAGAZINES                            OR
       BILLS                                                     COMMERICIAL

       100 POUND LIMIT

Used Electronics Waste
      The Public Works Department now has a drop-off location at 56 Robbinsville-
      Allentown Road for ONLY the following used electronic waste:
            Computer CPU’s
            Computer Desktop Units
            CRT Monitors
            Flat Screen/LCD Monitors
            Printers (Inkjet, LaserJet, & DOT Matrix Accepted)
            Flatbed Scanners
            Computer Speakers
            UPS Battery Backups
            ...and other computer related peripherals.

NO DVD players, VCR’s, stereo units, game consoles or other types of electronics can
be dropped off at this time. These items can be taken to the Mercer County Hazardous
Waste and Used Electronics Waste Collection Events sponsored by the Mercer County
Improvement Authority. Please see their website www.mcianj.org for more details.

Please note: Donors are responsible for any data on all media.
Township of Robbinsville
                                          Snow and Ice Control Information
When do you apply salt to the roadways?
When a winter storm is forecast, Robbinsville Township employees utilize 6 dump trucks to apply salt to the roadways. When we
Apply salt, we follow an anti-icing policy which involves spreading salt as early as possible to prevent snow and ice from bonding
to the pavement surface and keep it in a plowable condition. This practice significantly reduces the amount of salt needed to maintain
our roadways in a passable condition. Currently, we utilize solid rock salt for anti-icing.
How long does it take to spread salt on the roads in the township?
Presently, it takes about 3 ½ to 4 hours to apply rock salt to all of the roads in the township.
Are you investigating any alternatives to your current anti/deicing materials?
We are always looking for smarter ways to accomplish the many tasks we perform more efficiently and cost effectively. We once
considered a setup to treat our rock salt with liquid calcium before applying it to the roadways. This practice allows the salt to work
more effectively, therefore reducing the amount of salt used. The downfall to this practice is that calcium is highly corrosive to our
trucks & equipment, potentially creating the need to have to replace brake lines, fuel lines, rotors, drums, etc., therefore, we decided
against it. Another option utilized by our neighbor, Hamilton Township, is using liquid salt (brine) as an anti-icing chemical. Brine can
be applied well ahead of the onset of forecast frozen precipitation and is significantly less expensive than most other chemicals used f
or anti-icing. Although this practice has proven to work on highways such as the NJ Turnpike, the 95’s, etc. it remains to be seen whether
it is as effective on local roads which have considerably less traffic. If you do not have the traffic to dissipate the melted snow, the brine
solution becomes diluted and in colder temperatures can freeze and do more harm than good. These roads typically would still have to be
salted so we would be doing twice the amount of work.
How much snow must fall before you begin snow plowing operations and what roads get plowed first?
When a weather forecast for snow is received, and the forecast is calling for plowable snows (usually 2 inches or more), plows are
Installed on all trucks and equipment prior to the onset of the storm. When plowable snow accumulates on the pavement, Robbinsville
Township employees begin plowing operations on all primary roads. On the primary roads, every attempt is made to keep the roadway
clear of snow “curb to curb”. Primary roads are maintained in a passable condition throughout the entire storm. Once the primary roads
have been deemed passable, and that condition can be sustained with fewer resources, (usually when the snowfall ends) the plows are
sent into the developments. We will then plow the development streets from “curb to curb”. Driveways will not be cleared.
How many miles of Roadway is Robbinsville responsible for?
Robbinsville has approximately 84 miles of roads that are township responsibility. Route 33, Route 130, Robbinsville Edinburg,
Robbinsville Allentown, Church Street, Windsor Rd. from Main St. in Windsor westerly, and Old York Rd. are all either state or county
How many vehicles do you use for plowing?
Currently, there are 18 trucks, 1 loader, 1 backhoe and 1 tractor that the Township owns and utilizes for plowing. During heavier snow
accumulations, our sanitation trucks can be used as plow vehicles. Private contractors may also be utilized to supplement the plowing
Who is responsible for clearing sidewalks?
The property owner is responsible for clearing the sidewalks. When clearing sidewalks / driveways, snow should not be shoveled or
blown into the streets.

                                              TIPS FOR DEALING WITH A WINTER SNOWSTORM
1) If possible, remove your vehicle from the street whenever plowable snows are forecast. Vehicles parked along the curbs make
it difficult for plow operators to clear the roads. (See ordinance below)
2) If possible, please avoid driving or parking on the roads during or immediately after a heavy snowstorm. The less traffic our
plow operators encounter, the more efficiently they can get the roads cleared.
3) Do not shovel or blow snow into public streets. This not only defeats the purpose of our snow plowing but creates unsafe
conditions or all drivers. All shoveled or blown snow should be piled in your yard or in the area between the curb and sidewalk. There
is an ordinance prohibiting this action, and you may be issued a summons / fine for violation.
4) We will not clear driveway openings. During the course of plowing snow off of the roads, driveways may get plowed in (snow
deposited in front of the driveway opening by plow trucks). This is unavoidable. To minimize this inconvenience, residents are
encouraged to clear the area of the roadway (adjacent to the curb) to the left of their driveway (when looking at the street from their
property). Most of the snow, being carried by the plow, will drop off in that area before reaching the driveway. Unfortunately, it is often
necessary to plow some roads more than once (especially those roads that were plowed early in the event); consequently, you may have
to open up your driveway more than once.
5) Portable Basketball Hoops, Hockey Nets, etc. Objects such as these or any other item placed in the street should be removed to
avoid being damaged by our snow plows.
Ordinance 2001-37


Article III. Street Deposits and Obstructions

§ 225-19. Snow.
No person, firm or corporation shall dump or push snow onto a Township road that in any way causes or results in
damage to the road or road surface or to the traveling public or causes or results in the obstructing or delaying of
the movement or flow of traffic.

Ordinance 2003-21
§ 7-10. Temporary parking prohibition for snow plowing and removal.
Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the streets and highways, an emergency
shall exist, and no vehicle shall be parked on the streets or highways or portions thereof indicated.

The above parking prohibitions shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed
sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.

Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and
proper regulation of traffic and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall pay
the reasonable costs of the removal and storage, which may result from such removal before regaining possession
of the vehicle

The effectiveness of this subsection is contingent upon signs being erected as required by law.

E. Unless other penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statute, every person convicted of a violation of this
subsection or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 15 days or both.

                 Name of Street                      Sides                               Location

                 All municipal streets               Both                                Entire length
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