30LIGHT YEARS AHEAD 1989-2019 - Electrical Magazine

Page created by Manuel Rojas
30LIGHT YEARS AHEAD 1989-2019 - Electrical Magazine

ISSUE 73 - JUNE /JULY 2019

                             CELEBRATING   FANTASY
                                           LIGHTS GROUP
                                           WANT TO
                                           THANK ALL
                                           OF OUR

                                           AND PUBLIC

                             YEARS         CUSTOMERS
                                           FOR KEEPING
                             AHEAD         US LIGHT
                             1989-2 01 9   YEARS AHEAD.
30LIGHT YEARS AHEAD 1989-2019 - Electrical Magazine
30LIGHT YEARS AHEAD 1989-2019 - Electrical Magazine

Issue 73 - June/July 2019                                                   In this issue...
                                                                                                                                           CITYW E ST HOTE L , SAGGAR T, DU B L I N

                                                                                                               WEDNESDAY 16 OCTOBER - 4PM - 9PM
                                                                                                               THURSDAY 17 OCTOBER - 9.30AM - 4PM
 25                                                                                                                           SEE PAGE 59 FOR MORE INFORMATION

                                                                                                                                                 GALA EVENING
                                                                                                                                                 BOOK YOUR TABLE
                                                                                                                                                 CROWNE PLAZA - FRI 21 JUNE
                                                                                                                                                          Contact Karen Jess on
                                                                                                                                                                 028 92 612990 or
                                                                                                                                                       email karenj@kmpltd.co.uk

 60                                                                                                                                                             SEE PAGE 95 FOR
                                                                                                                                                              MORE INFORMATION

News & Views                                                            Products                                                                In Focus
5           ECA annual dinner
            Over 100 members and 		                                     6             Making life easier
                                                                                                                                                8       Pearl Anniversary
                                                                                      Excitement over EasyClick                                         Fantasy Lights Group
            guests enjoy annual night out
                                                                                      launch                                                            celebrates 30 years

19          Supplier Day
            Eastern Electrical hosts trade
                                                                        44            Complete control
                                                                                      Ansell Lighting launches
                                                                                                                                                44      Lighting
                                                                                                                                                        Cutting edge developments
                                                                                      OCTO solution                                                     under microscope
19          ATC Energy showroom
            Ireland rugby legend performs                               49            Shining bright
                                                                                      LED lighting technology on
                                                                                                                                                49      Fegime Ireland
                                                                                                                                                        An in-depth look
            the honours
                                                                                      the move

37          Community volunteers                                                                                                                60      Precision Switchgear
            Praise for Irwin M&E’s nursery
                                                                        93            The real thing
                                                                                      New Draka data cable
                                                                                                                                                        & Controls
                                                                                                                                                        Investing in it’s future

THE TEAM: Managing Director Karen McAvoy                                                                             CONTACT US:                                FOLLOW US ON:
Publication Manager Janice Uprichard                                                                                 The Forge, 13b Lisburn Road,                      electrical
Editor John Hooks | Editorial Denise Maguire                                                                         Moira, Co. Armagh BT67 0JR
Advertising Sarah Walker                                                                                             T: Moira: 028 9261 2990
Head Designer Julie Anne Guiney                                                                                      T: Dublin: 01 696 8319                            electrical
Design & Digital Jo Wilson                                                                                           E: electrical@kmpltd.co.uk
Photography Gordon McAvoy | Printed by W&G Baird                                                                     www.elecmagazine.com

Reproduction of whole or in part of this publication, without prior permission from Karen McAvoy Publishing Ltd, is strictly prohibited.

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                                                                                  VERDE LED
                                                                                  Announces Launch
                                                                                  Of €5M Finance
                                                                                  VERDE LED, an Irish manufacturer
                                                                                  of commercial energy saving
                                                                                  LED lighting solutions, recently
                                                                                  announced details of a €5million
                                                                                  fund it now has available for
                                                                                  customers to finance their energy
                                                                                  efficient lighting needs. A slice of this
                                                                                  €5million fund is available, interest

Xylem water solutions wins at SEAI                                                free, to customers who wish to sign
                                                                                  up and receive financing directly
Energy Show                                                                       with VERDE LED for products, without
                                                                                  the need for involvement of any
The Sustainable Energy Authority         used for water and waste water
                                                                                  third party financial institutions. An
of Ireland (SEAI) welcomed 4,000         by recording acoustic activity
                                                                                  additional benefit of the finance
attendees to the SEAI Energy             as it passes through a pipeline.
                                                                                  package is that VERDE LED maintains
Show, which took place in the RDS        Commenting on the win, Jason
                                                                                  the lighting systems for the duration
in March. The event showed the           Howlett from Xylem Water
                                                                                  of the contract, meaning the
vibrancy of the energy sector and        Solutions said, “The SmartBall
                                                                                  customer does not need to allocate
the pace of innovation, as new           is an innovative solution and
                                                                                  any maintenance budgets.
energy saving technologies come          based on numerous case
                                                                                  Speaking at the launch, Daran
to the market. Part of this innovation   studies can typically save 99%
                                                                                  Smith, Commercial Director of
was Xylem Water Solutions for its        on a normal age based asset
                                                                                  VERDE LED said, “At VERDE LED, we
SmartBall which won both the             replacement programme.
                                                                                  are invested in our client’s projects,
Overall Product of Show Award            This award is recognition of
                                                                                  so offering interest- free financing
and the Innovation Award. The            a pioneering product that is
                                                                                  was the progressive next step for us
SmartBall technology enables the         ground breaking in its field.”
                                                                                  to solidify this investment directly.
easy identification of leaks in pipes    www.xylem.com/en-ie
                                                                                  Creating cost–saving energy efficient
                                                                                  solutions is the way towards a more
                                                                                  accessible and greener Ireland.”
   Future Energy Forum held in Dundalk                                            www.verdeled.com
   Energy leaders from Eirgrid           of Technology. It was held
   and ESB joined Martin McVicar,        in association with Engineers
   Founder of Combilift and Eamon        Ireland’s North East region
   Ryan, Leader of the Green Party       and attended by over 100
   to discuss the future direction of    engineering professionals and
   energy supply and demand at           business leaders from the North
   a recently-held Future Energy         East. Energy innovation was a
   Forum at Dundalk Institute            core focus of the event.

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Annual ECA dinner a great success
     he annual Electrical Contractors’ Association
     (ECA) dinner took place in the Culloden Hotel
     recently. Over 100 members and their guests
attended the black-tie function which took place
on Friday March 29.
ECA Branch Chairman, Colin Cherry welcomed
members before delivering his address and
toasting the Association. ECA Branch Vice-
Chairman, Jim Pridham replied to the address and
toasted the Northern Ireland Branch.                 Left to right – David Taylor, SNIPEF, Colin Cherry ECA Branch Chairman, Jim Pridham ECA
Following the toasts, BBC journalist Stephen         Vice President and Mrs Sue Pridham.

Watson delivered a repertoire of stories from the
world of entertainment and sport to members,
following which dinner was served.
“It was a very enjoyable evening which was well
attended and went off very smoothly,” said ECA
Regional Manager, Alfie Watterson.
“We were also pleased to be able to raise
approximately £1300 for Alzheimer’s on the night
as well.”
For more pictures from the ECA dinner please log
                                                     Richard Finlay, Crown Industries with colleagues and guests.
on to www.elecmagazine.com

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Making life easier
      FE and partners, Eastron               monitoring software ConneX is also             detected and added as your
      Europe are delighted to                available.                                     metering network grows. You
      introduce EasyClick which is           In partnership with PAD Technology             can assign your own ID’s, types,
a proven solution for making the             Eastron has developed “ConneX”                 descriptions and physical locations
installation process of power meters         sub metering system, which is                  on an uploaded floor plan or
into switchboard and distribution            integrated with our data logging,              schematic to each meter.
boards easy, reliable and error-free.        remote monitoring and web HMI                  The resulting annotated floor plans
It’s a complete solution that                platform.                                      provide intuitive access to meter
includes MID panel and din                   The platform offers plug-and-play              data. Reading data and problems
rail mounted meters and offers               simplicity, with meters identified             are easily found and localised
multi-circuit capabilities. Remote           by meter serial numbers auto-                  within your organisation. As well as

  Three-phase                                     THREE-PHASE CURRENT TRANSFORNER

  current                                                                            REVERSED
                                                                                    RJ12 CABLE

  A complete                                                    RJ12 CABLE
                            RS485 MODBUS
  solution that
  includes MID
  Panel and din
                                                                                                           COMMISIONING AND
  rail mounted
                                                                                                         CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE
  meters and offers
  “ConneX” is also

                      FUSE TO VOLTAGE LOOM                        VOLTAGE OUTPUT

  • Three-phase current                      • As a standard we use a three                 flow, phase sequence and the bus
  transformers are connected                 phase internal power supply                    cabling on the RS485 output.
  into the meter via a flexible RJ12         (typically other manufactures
  Cable. The Current Transformer             internally link L1+N). If you lose             • Full range of meters from panel
  can be mounted for either                  power to L1, the meter will not                mounted MID approved to DIN rail
  orientation. The standard cable            only remain powered, it will                   mounted single load, dual load
  and reversable cable (both                 identify which phase has the fault.            and quad load (MID Pending).
  included with the CT) will correct         Free commissioning and
  not only the phase sequence but            configuration software allowing                FREE CONFIGURATION
  also the flow. There is no need to         an engineer at a centralised                   SOFTWARE ALLOWING AN
  reprogram the meter.                       point, to check all wiring from CT             ENGINEER TO COMMISSION

                                                                                “The platform offers plug-and-
                                                                                               play simplicity.”

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                                             HIGH ACCURACY PLUG IN PLAY METERING
  TO 85% OF                                        SOLUTION THAT SAVES ON LABOUR
   LABOUR                                   COMPARED TO TRADITIONAL WIRED SYSTEMS

using the floor plan interface, meter     interrogation of individual meters      RFE offer a range of robust, IP66,
data can be accessed via an               via the web HMI and supports            impact resistant HMI screens. They
intuitive search system. Individual       integration into your existing BMS      can provide a range of different
meter reports and collective              via a range of interfaces, including    screen sizes at different price points
summaries can be downloaded               Modbus TCP. The powerful web            to suit a variety of applications.
from both the HMI and the cloud           HMI enables the rollout of both         All are suitable for outdoor
service. Each datalogger can              physical HMI touch screens as           mounting, with ultra-bright screen
optionally push meter readings            well as supporting HMI access on        options available to allow viewing
up to the cloud based ConneX              any networked device running            in sunlight. Each comes with a
monitoring platform.                      an Internet browser, such as an         responsive capacitive touch screen
The datalogger enables                    engineer’s laptop PC.                   for user interaction.

  Quad load
  (e.g. lighting, general services,
  motive power/other)

                                                • Up to 4 x three-phase current transformers can be connected into
                                                the meter via a flexible RJ12 Cable. The current transformer can be
                                                mounted for either orientation. The standard cable and reversible
                                                cable, which are both supplied, will correct not only the phase
                                                sequence but also the flow. There is no need to reprogram the meter.

                                                • Fuse to voltage input ready-made cable for both voltage reference
                                                and power to the meter.

                                                • RS485 Modbus allowing the meters to be daisy chained back to a
                                                BMS or Energy Monitoring system.

RFE, Unit 19, Oak Road Business Park, Western Industrial Estate, Dublin 12.
T: 00353 1 465 9010 - E:sales@rfe.ie

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Fantasy Lights Group
celebrates Pearl Anniversary
 n celebrating 30 years in business,         and brochures and, no matter               on an hourly rate negotiated and
 Fantasy Lights Group can look back          how well you talk it up, it is never as    agreed with the client beforehand.
 over three successful decades of            effective as the real thing. That’s why    “We also provide an all-embracing
providing engineering-led lighting           Fantasy Lights invites you to use their    turn-key service that includes design,
design, consultancy and advice to            Churchtown store in particular as your     consultancy, advice and supply of
specifying professionals, contractors        very own showrooms.                        all fittings and related/associated
and end-users in both commercial             Fantasy Lights Group is also               accessories and equipment. As
and domestic lighting.                       sysnonmous with Chrtistmas and             we are providing the full turn-key
Today, more than ever, perhaps the           festive lighting.                          service, the fee for the design,
greatest challenge facing specifiers         “We are Ireland’s No 1 supplier in         consultancy and advice service
and contractors is explaining to             this sector and have a dedicated,          is waived and provided free of
clients the massive choice of lighting       purpose-designed Christmas/festive         charge.
now available, how dynamic and               showroom at our Walkinstown                “Where the lighting professionals -
vibrant it is thanks to LED technology,      premises,” said Fantasy Lights Group,      architect, consultant or contractor -
and the limitless possibilities it offers.   Chairman, Gabriel Byrne.                   already have their own designs then
Fantasy Lights’ unique showrooms             “We offer a comprehensive lighting         we are more than happy to provide
— one in Walkinstown and one in              design, consultancy and advice             the appropriate light fittings only.
Churchtown, Dublin — solve this              service to professionals and end-users     “However, more than anything
problem as they comprise fully-              responsible for festive and decorative     else, Fantasy Lights Group is about
functioning LED displays offering            lighting, including city councils,         delivering lighting solutions that
engaging pro-active presentations.           county councils, local authorities,        meet the need of the project/
Specifiers and contractors can use it        shopping centre managers, property         client, and that do so utilising all
to allow their clients to exprerience        and facilities managers, retailer groups   the benefits of the latest, most
the possibilities first hand. You can        and architects.                            up-to-date LED-based lighting
only do so much with pictures                “This is a fee-based service charged       technology.”

                                                              125 Braemor Rd, Newtown Little, Churchtown, Co. Dublin, 14
                                                                                                   T: 00353 (0) 1 460 1052
                                                                                             W: www.fantasylights.com

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Enlighten, the professional LED &
Architectural Lighting Specialists

       nlighten is the professional and     also be regulation compliant,           the entire team.
       architectural lighting division of   energy-efficient, and cost-effective    “The Enlighten brand is synonymous
       Fantasy Lights Group.                to install and run.                     with premier product quality and
When it comes to setting the right          “Our supplier relationships are built   service excellence. We are fully
mood or scene for a particular              on 30 years of experience and,          accredited to National Standards
project, Enlighten offers tailored,         as a result, we have developed          Authority of Ireland (NSAI) ISO 9001:
applications-based solutions that           exclusive partnerships with some        2015 and are founding members of
are innovative, energy-efficient,           of the most innovative lighting         Lighting Association of Ireland (LAI).
and incorporate the most                    companies in the world. Thus, we        “We ensure that the solutions
advanced management control                 continually excel in procuring the      we provide are in compliance
systems on the market.                      latest LED lighting products that       with all statutory and regulatory
“We have over 30 years’                     produce dynamic and industry-           requirements, while also achieving
experience in the field and our             leading solutions.                      excellence in our customer service
designers and engineers work                “Our multi-disciplinary approach        and delivery.
very closely with architects and            ensures that we provide the             “Enlighten delivers superior
consultants to devise project-              best engineering-led solutions          products, superior solutions and
specific solutions,” said Enlighten         incorporating innovative design,        a superior service experience to
chairman, Gabriel Byrne.                    friendly service and total quality      clients, the key features being
“Our value-driven philosophy is             management throughout all phases        responsibility, accountability and
not just about the provision of             of every project.                       transparency derived through the
standard, off-the-shelf products but        “Design is a key element of the         implementation of our certified
more about providing bespoke,               service we provide and we               quality management system.
innovative LED solutions.                   have our own in-house design            “We scrupulously monitor our
“We treat every project as a                engineers who work closely with         performance and engage
unique, stand-alone challenge               the project architect, consulting       in cyclical feedback analysis
requiring its own dedicated solution        engineer and contractor to ensure       to deliver greater customer
which blends, harmonises and                that the benefits and features of       satisfaction throughout each stage
is in sympathy with the ultimate            the proposed solution are fully         of our comprehensive service
objective of each project. It must          understood and implemented by           pipeline.”

Mulcahy Keane Estate, Greenhills Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12.
T: 00353 (0) 1 460 1052
W: www. Enlighten.ie

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Find the right fit
      very project has its own needs
      and challenges, and often it is
      the contractor’s responsibility to
select the right wiring devices for the
building application.
Here, Emma Segelov, EMEA
Marketing Operations Manager
at MK Electric, looks at three key

When selecting wiring devices for
hospitality premises, reliability and
safety need to go hand-in-hand with
sophisticated design
Wiring devices that offer
two-part installation – a
functional module and a
clip-on frontplate - can be                                                       guarantees, comprehensive
an ideal solution. Once                                                           customer service and breadth of
the functional module is                                                          range.
installed, the frontplate                                                         For example, MK Electric has
can be replaced as many                                                           this year launched a new range
times as necessary.                                                               set to make its products more
Some two-part solutions                                                           widely accessible – MK Essentials.
can pose an issue in terms                                                        Designed to offer reliability, ease of
of usability, as a module                                                         fit and quality, MK Essentials offers a
without a coverplate will not meet         it’s important to ensure that the      broad range of white switches and
British Standards as a fully usable        selected devices include Dynamic       sockets suitable for smaller budgets,
device. With this in mind, contractors     Device Recognition (DDR). This is a    without compromising on customer
should check that the two-part             feature which is designed to detect    expectations.
device they choose is supplied with        nuances in charging configurations     Including quality USB outlets, LED
a recyclable coverplate.                   from a range of manufacturers and      dimming, and Euro modules, the MK
                                           react accordingly. In a busy school,   Essentials range is also expandable,
EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES                     college or university this ensures     as Grid frontplates from the range
Earlier this year, the Government          optimal and efficient charging,        are compatible with MK Electric’s
issued its Education Technology            saving valuable time and resources.    Grid Plus range of modules. With a
Strategy, which aims to utilise                                                   25-year guarantee, MK Essentials
technology to make learning more           SMALLER BUDGETS                        provides contractors with a budget-
accessible whilst cutting costs and        Lower budgets shouldn’t mean           friendly, reliable solution, no matter
reducing the burden on teachers.           lower quality, especially when it      what the project.
In order to achieve this, a huge shift     comes to crucial items such as         Look for ranges, such as MK
in infrastructure is required, and         wiring devices.                        Essentials, which include features
one of the most obvious elements           Choosing a value range from a          such as backed out and captive
to this is the provision of charging       well-respected manufacturer is         screws for an easy and convenient
capabilities.                              one way to meet a lower budget.        fit, and aesthetic benefits such as
With this in mind, wiring device           By choosing an established brand,      a screwless design and high gloss
ranges which offer USB integrated          contractors can benefit from the       finish.
charging are a good choice for             reassurance of proven engineering      W: www.mkelectric.com/en-gb/
educational builds. However,               expertise, along with robust product   Pages/default.aspx

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Lightsource appoints new
Commercial Sales Director
     ightsource, the Belfast based
                                         Michael Martin, Commercial
     project lighting company, has       Sales Director, Lightsource.

     appointed Michael Martin as its
Commercial Sales Director.
Michael will lead the team in
securing new contracts across
Ireland & UK and support its existing
client base.
Michael joins Lightsource with over
30 years’ experience in the lighting
industry, namely, as the Ireland
Regional Director for Zumtobel
Group, where Michael had
overseen key projects in the areas
of education, retail, health and
amenity sectors.
Commenting on his appointment,
Michael Martin said: “It is an
honour and privilege for me to join
Lightsource at an important time in
its continued growth. I am joining a
team with considerable experience
in architectural and decorative
lighting and as a respected partner
to architects, interior designers,
design teams and their clients.
“My appointment is the company’s
                                                              “Michael’s experience within
13th and a real signal of intention.              Ireland’s lighting industry and his track
Lightsource has now grown to                             record made this appointment
become one of the biggest project
lighting teams in Northern Ireland.”                              a strategic move for us.”
Anthony Brown, Lightsource
founder, said: “The wealth of
Michael’s experience within             Awards for ‘Lighting Project Of         Northern Ireland - Intra Lighting,
Ireland’s lighting industry and         The Year’. Other recent lighting        Linea Light Group and the world-
his track record made this              projects include the Belfast City       renowned Flos.”
appointment a strategic move            Airport Security area, Bullitt Hotel,   Future growth for Lightsource is
for us, and I have no doubt that        Belfast – winner of ‘Newcomer of        moving at pace with plans to move
Michael will play an important          the year 2018, and the restaurant       into a purpose-built showroom,
leadership role in our future growth    and clubhouse at the Gleneagles         August 2019, which will deliver a
plans.”                                 Golf Resort.                            unique, customer focussed lighting
Lightsource has been involved           Michael continued: “I will continue     design studio.
in a large number of prestigious        to work with my existing customers,     Michael concluded: “We want to
contracts and recently provided         partnerships and clients where I        develop an all-in-one customer
bespoke lighting & architectural        have relationships built up over the    experience. We are really excited
solutions for the £53 million pound     course of 30 years, but also look       about what the future will bring.”
Grand Central Hotel in Belfast - a      forward to presenting Lightsource’s     T: +44 (0)28 9066 6615
finalist in this year’s NI Electrical   exclusive architectural brands for      www.thelightsource.co.uk

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                                                       BELFAST COMPANY ADDS
                                                       CONCORDIA ACADEMY TO
                                                       ITS IMPRESSIVE PORTFOLIO
                                                       OF COMPLETED PROJECTS...

                                                       Atlas World
                                                       is top of
                                                       the class

                                                                  hen it comes to high quality
                                                                  work at schools across the
                                                                  UK, Atlas World has nothing
                                                       to learn.
                                                       The Belfast-based company has just
                                                       finished a major piece of work as part
                                                       of the The McAvoy Group’s cutting-
                                                       edge project to deliver a new school
                                                       in the London Borough of Havering.
                                                       Appointed by the project’s electrical
                                                       contractor, AEM Ltd, Atlas World,
                                                       installed multi-disciplines including a
                                                       Grade 3 PD6662 intruder alarm and
                                                       a BS5839 fire alarm system. They also
                                                       installed a fully networked IP access
                                                       control and an IP video surveillance
                                                       system at the new school. Other
                                                       disciplines included an integrated
                                                       disabled refuge and disabled toilet
                                                       “We are very pleased with how this
                                                       job went,” said Atlas World Account

                                                       Manager, Stephen Crumley.
                                                       “Atlas has completed over 20
                                                       major jobs like this across England,
                                                       including a number of schools, over
                                                       the past three years. With many
                                                       years of experience we are now well
                                                       structured to deliver throughout the
                                                       UK. We also provide comprehensive
                                                       after-service and monitoring.”
                                                       The Concordia Academy project
                                                       saw the The McAvoy Group build the

                                         “Atlas World provides a full range
                                              of fire and security solutions.”

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                                                                                “Atlas will design
                                                                                the fire and security
                                                                                system best suited to
                                                                                the job’s requirements
                                                                                and to satisfy all
                                                                                regulatory obligations.”

2,972m2 school offsite. The building    work with AEM Ltd.                      of fire and security solutions, from
was then craned into position as 67     “It was good to team up again           initial design through to installation,
steel-framed building modules in        with AEM Ltd, we have worked on         commissioning and maintenance.
just 12 days, on the site of a former   a number of projects with them          With their experience, expertise and
nurses’ home in Romford.                and enjoy a positive working            product knowledge, Atlas will design
The project also presented Atlas        relationship with Antrim Electrical,”   the fire and security system best
World with the opportunity to work      said Stephen Crumley.                   suited to the job’s requirements and
with AEM Ltd to further develop         “In the end the Concordia               to satisfy all regulatory obligations.
what is already a very good             Academy project was pretty              Atlas World provides a full design,
working relationship.                   straightforward for us and we           install, commission and after care
“We have worked with Atlas World        delivered it on time. But we are        service on new-build, retro-fit and
for many years on similar projects      comfortable and well-versed at          system upgrade projects. Atlas
throughout the UK. We have              doing these kinds of jobs, as a         World is the perfect partner to fit in
always found them reliable and          company our infrastructure is in        with any D&B construction team.
consistent in terms of getting the      place to deal with any challenges       Atlas takes pride in delivering a
projects delivered and handed           working across the UK may bring.”       comprehensive and reliable service.
over in a timely fashion,” said AEM     Atlas and AEM are set to come           After a system is installed, Atlas
Ltd Contracts Manager, Jonathan         together for another major school       provides maintenance and servicing
Clarke.                                 job, this time at Paxton Academy        support provided by their team
Atlas World was equally pleased to      in Croydon, Surrey.                     of qualified engineers and 24/7
be able to continue its portfolio of    Atlas World provides a full range       customer service desk.

Atlas World, Unit 1 Glenbank, 720 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 8AD
T: 0044 (0)28 9039 1000 – E: info@atlasworld.co.uk

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Eaton introduces the AFDD+
        id you know that approx.
        25% of all residential fires are
        electrically ignited?
Eaton’s innovative three-in-one
AFDD+, arc fault detection device
with integrated MCB/RCD, protects
people, property and assets against
fire hazard caused by arcs. This new
Eaton component detects high
frequency patterns in end circuits
that indicate the existence of an
arc and will automatically switch off
the end circuit to minimize the risk
of fires.
An arc fault, which could be
described as a ‘micro-lightning’, is a
high power discharge of electricity
between two or more conductors,
generating a build-up of heat              current signals, to provide                 (e.g. museums) or goods of a
that can damage the insulation             sensitive detection of fault currents,      high value, as well as central
of a wire and trigger a fire. Arc          combined with avoidance of                  infrastructure (transshipment
faults occur frequently arising from       nuisance tripping. The EATON                points of goods) which includes,
vulnerable points in an electrical         AFDD+ has been developed to                 amongst others, train stations,
installation, due to factors including     ensure that other high frequent             airports.
damaged wiring, which can be               signals on the grid do not interfere
caused by rodents, overexposure to         with its detection capability.              MULTIPLE PROTECTION IN
sunlight or misguided drilling.            The installation of arc fault               ONE DEVICE
Arcs can occur suddenly or                 detection devices (AFDDs)                   Besides the Arc Fault Detection
develop over many years, creating          is recommended under the                    Device function the new AFDD+
a hidden danger for people.                international standard IEC 60364            integrates MCB and RCCB
A fast detection of an arc is              (Part 4-42). Some countries, such           functionality in a single device
therefore crucially important. Long-       as Germany, have implemented                protecting against arcs, as well
established protection devices such        national codes that require                 as residual current, overcurrent
as RCDs and MCBs most often are            their use in certain specified              and short circuits. Utilising digital
not able to detect arcs. Serial and        circumstances, making them                  technology, it is more accurate
parallel arc faults in final circuits      partly mandatory. In the US, where          than product standards require
are sometimes also referred to as          AFDDs are known as arc fault                and offering easy fault-finding
low-current arc faults which were          circuit interrupters (AFCIs), the use       indicating the type of fault that
undetectable until the invention of        of arc fault detection is required          caused the tripping of the device.
the Arc Fault Detection Devices.           by the National Electric Code. This         As such, the AFDD+ is cost-
                                           protection device is particularly           effective, robust, reliable and
FAST AND SENSITIVE                         suitable and recommended for                complete easy-to-install solution,
DETECTION OF ARC FAULTS                    buildings where people reside               that contributes to increased
An AFDD+ uses embedded                     temporarily or permanently,                 safety protecting people,
processing and smart evaluation of         buildings with irreplaceable goods          property and assets.

                                                   TEC Electric, Units F2/F3 Weatherwell Business Park, Clondalkin, Dublin,
                                                         D22 HN36 Ireland. Tel +353 (1) 4572445 - Email; electrical@tec.ie

18 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                                       FOLLOW US ON:           www.elecmagazine.com

                                                                                          CIF issues warning
                                                                                          on wages increases
                                                                                          in sectoral
                                                                                          employment order
                                                                                          The CIF has warned that the
                                                                                          decision to increase wages by
                                                                                          2.7% per annum for the next two
 The recent supplier day hosted by Eastern Electrical was very well attended.
                                                                                          years will put pressure on regional
                                                                                          construction companies still in

Eastern Electrical delighted with                                                         recovery mode. CIF Director
                                                                                          General, Tom Parlon, said, “The
success of supplier day                                                                   reality in regional Ireland is that
                                                                                          there is not enough activity to
Eastern Electrical (Ballymount,                      to legislation affecting different
                                                                                          sustain construction companies in
Dublin) recently held a very well                    product sectors including cable,
                                                                                          those areas. We have consistently
attended supplier day in the Red                     lighting and containment.
                                                                                          highlighted the disparity in activity
Cow Moran’s Hotel.                                   “A prize draw raffle held on the
                                                                                          between the Greater Dublin Area
The event provided an opportunity                    day saw lucky customers walk
                                                                                          and the rest of Ireland. Our regional
for suppliers to showcase some of                    off with an iPad and a Dyson
                                                                                          contractors and housebuilders
their specified products.                            vacuum cleaner and the event
                                                                                          are reporting low levels of activity
“With technology changing at                         was deemed to have been very
                                                                                          in the regions already. This wage
a fast pace and with a desire to                     successful.
                                                                                          increase will put more pressure
demonstrate the vast range of                        “It certainly proved to be a very
                                                                                          on these companies making the
different products and suppliers                     popular event for both attendees
                                                                                          delivery of essential housebuilding,
that we deal with, our trade event                   and suppliers and demonstrated
                                                                                          infrastructure delivery and job
for customers was extremely                          that we stock an impressive
                                                                                          creation in the regions even more
well received,” said Ballymount                      and extremely varied range of
                                                                                          parlous.” He added that balanced
manager, James Given                                 products.”
                                                                                          regional development and growth
“Key suppliers were on hand to                       For a gallery of pictures from the
                                                                                          in regional cities and towns is
show off their latest products and                   supplier day log on to
                                                                                          fundamental to the delivery of
to update visitors on the changes                    www.elecmagazine.com
                                                                                          Project 2040 and the creation of a
                                                                                          sustainable Irish economy. “We are
                                                                                          again warning that without strong
                                                                                          construction companies operating
                                                                                          in the regions, Project 2040 is under

 ATC Energy Showroom launched
Irish Rugby legend Devin Toner, pictured with some ATC Staff,
launches the new ATC Energy Showroom. The showroom is dedicated
to the full range of ATC Products and can be visited by appointment
                                                                                          CIF Director
through your local contact. ATC will be rolling out training days during                  General,
the coming months and would love to see you there.                                        Tom Parlon


www.elecmagazine.com          FOLLOW US ON:                                                               ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 19


Plastic is out-of-this-world
            hen it comes to out-of-this-    give you high strength to weight
            world fastening solutions       ratio, don’t absorb water, and
            plastic is giving metal a run   withstand chemicals and corrosive
for its money.                              substances such as diesel fuel and
Plastic is used in space - for              petrol.
example the Hubble Telescope and            Plastic is resistant to UV rays. That
International Space Station are held        being said, some plastics do absorb
together using plastic fasteners.           UV rays and develop free radicals
Back on earth plastic fasteners can         that corrode, so if UV protection is
offer significant advantages over           important, opt for fasteners made
their metallic counterparts.                from polyimides or FEP.                 A good rule of thumb when deciding
Metal fasteners can corrode and             Plastic fasteners are ideal for         between plastic and metal fasteners
develop rust over time, especially          electrical or electronic applications   is to think about your application.
when exposed to moisture or salty           where non-conductivity of heat          If environmental, thermal, weight,
conditions.                                 or electricity may be a critical        chemical or electrical properties
Corrosion, leads to degradation, so         property.                               need to be considered there are
if it’s corrosion-resistant fasteners you   Plastics can cost and weigh less        probably good reasons to go with
need, then often you want plastic.          and for many industries such as         plastic fasteners.
If your product will face salt-water        automotive manufacturing this           T: 00353 (0)1 806 2266
conditions, consider fasteners made         means improved performance and          E: sales@essentracomponents.ie
from PVC, Isoplast or PET which also        efficiency.                             www.essentracomponents.ie

20 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                                      FOLLOW US ON:        www.elecmagazine.com


Clynder Cables understands
that reliability is key
          lynder Cables is a company       the company’s drive to maintain the
          which understands that           highest standards. Its Tri-rated cable
          reliability is everything when   holds UL, CSA and BSI accreditations
sourcing cable.                            and its 2491X and 2491B cables are
The company has over 35 years of           BASEC approved.
experience in the supply of British        Founded in Huyton, Merseyside            known electrical wholesalers and
manufactured industrial electrical         in 1983, Clynder Cables quickly          distributors in the UK and Ireland.
cables to the UK, European                 established itself as the leading        In recent years Clynder has
and International markets, and             brand for British-made, high quality     broadened its product range with
specialises is single core cables such     Tri-rated panel and switchgear           the ‘Superflex’ range of highly
as its well-known Tri-rated cable.         wiring. In 2002 the company              flexible Tri-rated panel wires, cables
With all the company’s cable               relocated to Manchester, where it        with remarkable properties of
manufactured in the UK, Clynder            strengthened the distribution side of    flexibility and bending radius. Other
ensures high quality products with         the business, expanded the product       products include 2491X and 2491B
consistent colours either ex-stock or      range and promoted the Clynder           panel wires, Def. Stan equipment
on short lead times. This is a key area    Cables brand.                            wires and multicores.
when providing that all-important          The company’s cable is supplied          T: +44(0)161 629 9333
reliability.                               mainly to the control panel              E: sales@clyndercables.co.uk
Another aspect of this is reflected in     industry through most of the well-       W: www.clyndercables.co.uk

www.elecmagazine.com    FOLLOW US ON:                                                              ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 21


A stroke of genius
        ny intelligent fool can make
                                        Padraic Lenaghan with
        things bigger, more complex,    his QuikReel invention.

        and more violent. It takes
a touch of genius, and a lot of
courage, to move in the opposite
This famous quote from Albert
Einstein could easily be talking
about a new invention by a
County Louth electrician and his
four-year challenge to get it to the
QuikReel, an invention by Padraic
Lenaghan aimed at eliminating
the frustrations of anyone working
with cables such as damaging the
reel, cable spiralling off broken
cardboard and kinks and curls,
went on sale last month.
And the Hackballscross man is
delighted with the early feedback
and sales for a product which has      mind,” he said. “I began to spin the     secures it to keep your cable reel
been praised for its simple design     plate and it rotated on itself very      dry and protected. The easiest
and construction.                      easily.                                  way to describe the action is
“Now the product is out there I        “The dish was about 14 inches            comparing it to a child’s spinning
have heard a lot of comments from      across and it looked about the           top which spins on its own axis
electricians along the lines of ‘why   same size as my reel of cable, so I      with only one point coming into
had this not been invented 20 years    put my cable reel in the dish and        contact with the ground.
ago’,” said Padraic.                   began drawing out the cable.             From the initial concept through
Padraic’s eureka moment came           To my amazement the dish spun            to the development of the
when he was rewiring a farmhouse       around in the same place while I         prototypes and eventually to the
and found an old blue and white        drew the cable.”                         marketplace it has taken four
enamel dish in the roofspace - the     Padraic worked through some              years of hard work for Padraic. The
kind they used back in the day for     design concepts and looked at the        process certainly hasn’t put him off
washing and shaving. “I put it on      pros and cons of each before he          as he already has plans for future
the floor and an idea flashed in my    developed a number of prototypes.        prototypes.
                                       “The first one I developed was           “It has been exciting though, from
                                       approximately 17 inches wide and         conjuring up the idea to bringing
                                       someone made the comment that            it to the marketplace has been a
                                       it could be too cumbersome for           great experience.”
                                       packing into a van,” said Padraic.       “I have a great relationship with
                                       “This was all vital feedback which I     Super Rod. When I met them to
                                       took on board and I tweaked and          demonstrate QuikReel they liked it
                                       changed things as I went.”               immediately which was great.”
                                       The more compact and user-friendly       QuikReel will be available in
                                       final version makes cable dispensing     Ireland across a range of electrical
                                       trouble-free. It’s lightweight, sturdy   wholesalers from June.
                                       and compact and fits most popular
                                       cable reel sizes. It’s easy to load      For sales and more information on
                                       and the compression gland nut            QuikReel visit www.super-rod.co.uk

www.elecmagazine.com   FOLLOW US ON:                                                          ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 23


            Intelligent electrical solutions
                                                                                                    succes d
                                                                                                             s to

            for modern environments
                                                                                                           s Ltd

            Core Solutions worked with William Farrell Ltd to deliver a full underfloor to desk power
            fitout to Blocks A, B, C, Eastpoint Business Park, Dublin.
            The solution contributes to providing a flexible and adaptable workplace to this flagship renovation project,
            which achieved LEED Platinum Certification and won the Green Project of the Year Award at the Irish Construction
            Industry Awards 2016.
            Products supplied: Betatrak underfloor busbar; Bespoke 4 compartment floor boxes; Contour on desk power and
            USB charging modules from CMD Ltd.

            Find out more, visit www.coreelectrical.com/core-solutions                                    Solutions
                                            Contact us for a quote or advice about the best solution for your project
                                            Core ROI (Dublin):        T. +353 (0)1 453 7033        E. info@coreelectrical.ie

                                                                         45 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE
                                                                         DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF
                                                                         LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR.
                                                                         We provide a wide range of bespoke
                                                                         switchgear solutions to industrial and
                                                                         commercial customers throughout
                                                                         Ireland and the UK.

                                                                         •   Low Voltage Switchboards
                                                                         •   Power Factor Correction Equipment
                                                                         •   HV & Packaged Sub Stations
                                                                         •   Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
                                                                         •   Panel Boards
                                                                         •   LV Distribution & Accessories

             Pleased to be working with                                  Tel: +44 (0)28 9181 4465
                William Farrell Ltd as a                                 Email: info@kane-engineering.co.uk
         preferred supplier of LV Switchgear.                            Or visit: www.lowvoltageswitchgear.com

24 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                                              FOLLOW US ON:                 www.elecmagazine.com


Building on success
     ack in 1985, right in the           Chairman at the company.           William Farrell Ltd started
     middle of an economic               Mike Farrell will assume the       out purely as an electrical
     downturn, Billy Farrell             position of Managing Director      contractor. While that remains
decided to take the leap                 and alongside Company              the mainstay of the business,
and establish an electrical              Director Derek Murphy, will        the company has evolved
contracting business. Since              take over the reins in driving     over the years and now
then, William Farrell Ltd has            the business forward. While it’s   provides both electrical and
survived the rigours of several          certainly a changing of the        mechanical services, turnkey
recessions to become one of              guard, says Mike, it’s been        design and build and full g
the most trusted engineering             in the works for a long time.
solutions providers in the               “We have been preparing
country. From the beginning,             for this change for quite a
the company’s underlying                 while. Derek has over 20 years’
ethos centred on providing               experience in the business
the client with a superior               while I’ve been in the industry
service and ensuring that client         for over 10 years. Maintaining
returned time and again. This            standards and ensuring that
year, Billy is set to retire from his    the company values instilled
position of Managing Director            by Billy 35 years ago are
and take up his new role of              upheld is our key objective.”

William Farrell Limited, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 18.
T: 00353 (0)1 289 5466 - E: info@wfl.ie

www.elecmagazine.com     FOLLOW US ON:                                                               ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 25

26 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE     FOLLOW US ON:   www.elecmagazine.com

                                                                         Pictured left to right are Billy Farrell, Mike Farrell, Derek Murphy.

project management services.        the industry. We’ve been able       expansion and development.
A dedicated BIM department          to build on the name of the         A growing client portfolio
ensures the company is as           business that Billy worked so       means William Farrell Ltd works
technologically advanced            hard to create,” says Mike.         across a number of diverse
as its clients and contractors.     William Farrell Ltd also offers     sectors. Current projects
Projects span a wide range          a successful FM division. Five      include enabling works at the
of sectors including medical,       years ago, a full-time manager      National Maternity Hospital
pharmaceutical, commercial          was taken on to further drive       in St Vincent’s University
fit-outs, hotels                                that side of the        Hospital, Dublin. “We’re on
and mixed-use                                   business. “It’s an      site with both Sisk and John
developments.               “A  growing         excellent part of the   Paul Construction on these
Thanks to a              client portfolio business and means            projects. There are three
buoyant, healthy         means William we can offer our                 elements to the jobs; the
business, the                Farrell Ltd        clients a bespoke,      installation of new MV and LV
company recently          works across          dedicated service.      power distribution to cater for
expanded and                 a number           Alongside the           the new power requirements
moved to a new                                  full-time manager,      at the hospital, the extension g
                             of diverse
state-of-the-art                                we are continually
premises in Dublin                              expanding the
12. “That expansion                             division for all our
is due to the excellent client      client direct works.” To further
base that the team has built        drive the business, another
up over the last 35 years.          appointment was made last
The company has forged              year. Senior Director Chris
a significant amount of             Duffy came to the company
healthy relationships with          from a tier 1 contracting
consulting engineers and            firm; his appointment was a
main contractors throughout         key part of the company’s

William Farrell Limited, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 18.
T: 00353 (0)1 289 5466 - E: info@wfl.ie

www.elecmagazine.com   FOLLOW US ON:                                                                         ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 27

                                   Pictured left to right are Mark Keenan, tony Kennedy, Edward Dunne, Colin Sweeney, Ken Maher and Akash Saxena.

of the multi-storey carpark         completing projects to a very                 definitely wanted as the lay-
and the construction of a           high standard has kept us to                  out in our last premises was a
new pharmacy department             the forefront of the industry                 bit disjointed. Now, the space
for the existing hospital.” The     for several years. We have                    in our new facility is much
company has just completed          also started to expand our                    more conducive to open
work on Number One                  reach beyond Dublin and                       working relationships between
Ballsbridge, a flagship project     have completed projects                       all teams.”
consisting of 90 apartments,        nationally,” said Mike.                       A management team
14,000 sq m of office space         A new state-of-the-art                        consisting of over 20 highly
and 14 retail units. Other          premises in Dublin 12 reflects                qualified and experienced
projects include the Oracle         the company’s success and                     professionals are now
campus in Eastpoint Business        the trust that clients have                   benefitting from the new
Park and two hotels in the          placed in William Farrell Ltd                 modern premises. “It will
city centre – a 160 bed             over the past few years.                      allow us to work more
aparthotel on Ormond Quay           “We’ve taken about 4000 sq ft                 collaboratively and service
with Bennett Construction           of office space which includes                our clients to an even higher
and a 135 bed hotel just            high tech meeting rooms,                      standard,” said Mike. An g
off Grafton Street with M&P         conference facilities, a new
Construction. “We’ve also           BIM desk and collaboration
entered the pharmaceutical          spaces. A new funky canteen
sector and recently                 including arcade games and
completed a 500MW CHP               table tennis has made the
plant installation in Drogheda      area that bit more enjoyable
and a medical device                for everybody. It’s great for
production line. Diversification    staff interaction and morale.”
has always played a major           A large open-plan layout
role at William Farrell Ltd.        allows for more collaboration.
Entering new markets and            “That was something we

William Farrell Limited, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 18.
T: 00353 (0)1 289 5466 - E: info@wfl.ie

www.elecmagazine.com   FOLLOW US ON:                                                                                 ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 29

                                     SPECIALISTS IN:
                                          CABLE                                                                        WISHING
                                       LED LIGHTING
                                   WIRING ACCESSORIES                                                                  WILLIAM
                                    EV CAR CHARGERS                                                                 FARRELL LTD
                           SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) & ACCESSORIES                                                     CONTINUED
                                OFFERING TURNKEY SERVICES:
                                IN-HOUSE LIGHTING DESIGN TEAM
                                                                                                                    IN YOUR NEW
                                  ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS                                                          PREMISES
                                    DATA & COMMUNICATIONS

   BRANCH             ADDRESS                                                              BRANCH MANAGERS               PHONE
   Ballymount         M50 Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Dublin 12                  Alan O’Donoghue               01 4566717
   Sandyford          Unit E3, Three Rock Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18     Wayne Murphy                  01 2952011
   Croke Park         Unit G2 Croke Park Industrial Estate, Russell Street, Dublin 1       Dominick Fitzpatrick          01 8554704
   Finglas            Unit 27, North Park, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11                  Derek Wright                  01 8041160
   Naas               Unit A1, Toughers Industrial Estate, Newhall, Naas, Kildare          Ger O’Reilly                  045 447860
   Portlaoise         Clonminam Industrial Estate, Portlaoise, Laois                       Niall Keogh                   057 8664660
   Dundalk            Ard Easmuinn Road, Dundalk, Louth                                    Ger Craven                    042 9327854
   Bray               Unit A3 Old Court Industrial Estate, Boghall Road, Bray              Derek Martin                  01 2042670
   Kilkenny           Unit 11A, Loughboy Industrial Estate, Kilkenny                       Tom Kelly                     056 7750410
   Waterford          Tramore Road, Waterford                                              Brian Coughlan                051 377755
   Cork               Tramore Road, Cork                                                   Ed Mortell                    021 4704100
   Eastgate           Units 31-32 East Gate Drive, Eastgate, Little Island, Cork           David Welch                   021 4296240
   Mallow Road        North Point Business Park, Mallow Road, Cork                         Stewart Dennehy               021 4932300
   Tralee             Ballymullen, Tralee, Kerry                                           Ian Bourke                    066 7145300
   Killarney          Ross Road, Killarney, Kerry                                          Jack O’Sullivan               064 6633985
   Limerick           Dock Road, Limerick                                                  Pat Murphy                    061 417442
   Ennis              Unit 9 Quinn Road Business Park, Ennis, Clare                        Mick O’Neill                  065 6844233
   Galway             Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway                                             Mike Devine                   091 745300
   Castlebar          Castlebar Industrial Estate, Castlebar, Mayo                         Pat Lowther & Eddie Rowland   094 9023650
   Ballina            Unit 7 Moyvalley Business Park, Ballina, Mayo                        Frank Carroll                 096 60420
   Sligo              Finisklin Industrial Estate, Sligo                                   Padraig Doyle                 071 9145068
   Athlone            Unit 3 Daneswell Business Park, Monksland, Athlone                   Michael McGrath               090 6494681

                             THE COMPLETE ELECTRICAL WHOLESALER


  t: 01582 544 544
  e: sales@detaelectrical.co.uk
                                                                            Wishing William Farrell Ltd all the
                                                                                  best in their new premises.
  w: detaelectrical.co.uk

30 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                                                 FOLLOW US ON:           www.elecmagazine.com

                                                     Pictured left to right are Michael Moran, Oggy Radovic, Owen McSweeney and Hira Gurung.

apprenticeship programme,          qualified electricians who can            drive in pushing the business
outside of and additional          progress through the business.            forward and also highlights
to the Solas scheme, is also       In a market where you have                its commitment to keeping
in place at William Farrell        such demand for electricians,             up with an evolving industry.
Ltd and it’s here where the        it’s really important to build            “Smart buildings are set to
company sources much               that loyalty and create a                 become a massive part of
of its talent. “Company            strong pipeline of electricians           our industry so we’ve recently
Director Derek Murphy runs         coming through the                        engaged with the Internet of
the popular programme.             company.” Development and                 Things. We’ve allied ourselves
Apprentices get assigned           retention of key talent is critical       with different providers of
additional assignments, , they     to the business’ success.                 IoT services to enable smart
get mentored and they get          Special mention must go to                buildings and we also have
evaluated on a six monthly         Tony Kennedy, John Doherty,               a dedicated engineer, Colin
basis. If an apprentice            Eddie Dunne, Dean Fields and              Sweeney, who’s looking after
doesn’t have experience in a       Trevor Mageean who have a                 that side of the business.”
particular area, we set them       combined 130 years of service             Colin trained as an apprentice
specific tasks.” Apprentices       in the company.                           with William Farrell Ltd. “That’s g
will have to document their        William Farrell Ltd’s
experiences and display            expertise and high levels of
their understanding of             workmanship have been
the process from both a            recognised several times
theoretical and practical          over the years. In 2018, the
point of view. “They’ll also       company was shortlisted for
be judged on their findings.       both ‘Large Contract of the
We’re not just making sure         Year’ and ‘Large Contractor
we’re getting guys through         of the Year’ at the Electrical
an apprenticeship, we’re           Awards. That recognition
producing really good              emphasises the company’s

William Farrell Limited, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 18.
T: 00353 (0)1 289 5466 - E: info@wfl.ie

www.elecmagazine.com   FOLLOW US ON:                                                                            ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 31

                         20 YEARS 1999-2019

           Best of luck to William Farrell Ltd
                 in their new premises

      4 Bray South Business Park - Bray - Co. Wicklow.
         T: 00353 (0)1 2762888 - E: sales@profile.ie

                                & ELECTRICAL

                          SUPPLIERS OF
  We are at the forefront for Innovation in our
  Sector and offer the latest in time saving,       Wishing
  labour reducing, and cost cutting products.      continued
                                                   success to
  We pride ourselves on our aptitude to
  source the one-off product that has proved
                                                   Farrell Ltd.
  elusive to our Customer.

     MEF (Belfast), 134 Townhill Road, Portglenone, Ballymena,
                     Northern Ireland, BT44 8AW
             T: 028 2582 2877 - E: salesni@mef.co.uk

32 | ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE                                          FOLLOW US ON:   www.elecmagazine.com

                                                         Pictured left to right are Daniel Callery, Michael Kenny, Chris Duffy and Valerie Chong.

particularly important to us,      management system, we’ve                  software applications have
building and promoting our         been completely accident                  increased productivity
staff from within. A lot of the    free since its introduction,” said        and allowed us to be
people in key positions within     Warren Lynch, Procurement                 more efficient. We’re
our business have been with        Manager at William Farrell                committed to implementing
us a long time; they’ve come       Ltd. Buy-in from staff has                technologically advanced
up through the ranks in the        transformed the culture at                software solutions that allow
business. Quite often they’ve      the company and has led to                us to drive the business
gone off to get experience         additional procedures being               forward and offer our clients
elsewhere but we’ve recruited      introduced to coincide with               the best possible service,”
them back and they now             new best practice coming out,             said Warren.
hold senior positions within our   like the Electrical Safe Systems          Client satisfaction has been
business.”                         of Work (ESSOW).                          the backbone of William
Both quality and health and        A new initiative that                     Farrell Ltd for nearly 35 years.
safety are crucial aspects of      encourages staff members to               With Mike and Derek at the
the William Farrell business.      promote a culture of Health               helm, that ethos is surely set
On health and safety, the          & Safety is also working                  to continue.
company is certified to OHSAS      well. “We award a prize on
1800:2007. “We’re certified        a monthly basis which is
with the NSAI and through          increasing awareness and
that, we have implemented          ensuring our staff are quick to
a full health and safety           report potential accidents and
management system which all        near misses which we take
of our employees are trained       very seriously,” says Warren.
on. It’s consistent throughout     Quality is another area where
the business and it’s used on      the company has invested
all of our projects. As a direct   heavily and achieved ISO
result of introducing that         9001 certification. “Different

William Farrell Limited, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 18.
T: 00353 (0)1 289 5466 - E: info@wfl.ie

www.elecmagazine.com   FOLLOW US ON:                                                                              ELECTRICAL MAGAZINE | 33
                                            Group Limited
                   YOUR M&E PROFESSIONAL

•   Electrical Estimating & Quantity Surveying            •   Valuations
•   Operation & Maintenance Manuals – Mech & Elec         •   B.I.M M&E Services(Building Integrated Modelling)
•   As Installed Drawings                                 •   B.I.M Assett Tagging
•   CAD Services                                          •   Method Statements
•   Submittals                                            •   Full range of M&E Engineering Services

                                        TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION GROUP
Lisnalea, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, Ireland - T: 00353 (0)42 969 4870 - M:+353(0)83 442 1524 - info@tecdocgroup.com


From small acorns…
       ust three years after launch,
       Technical Documentation
       Group has grown to the
point where it has over 450
customers on its books.
It has been a meteoric rise
for the company from the
townland of Lisnalea in
Bailieborough, Co Cavan and
with firm plans for future growth
there are still some exciting
chapters ahead in this success
“My background is in
Electrical QS and when
we started the business
we began getting a few
calls asking if we priced
electrical jobs, things                                                             “We know the systems, we
have really taken off
from there to the point
                                                                                    know the materials and we
where our electrical                                                                can price jobs such as small
estimating services
                                                                                    extensions right through to
are the core of our
business,” said Technical                                                           multi-million euro projects.”
Documentation Group,
Director, Michael Clarke.               quantities and wholesaler reports, as       “This has already come online in the
“There aren’t a lot of other            well as a detailed list of clarifications   UK on all public sector jobs at the
companies in Ireland offering           for all of your estimates.                  design stage,” said Michael.
these services and we can bring         Technical Documentation Group has           “We have completed numerous
real expertise. We know the             designs on future growth and is keen        projects with BIM but in the coming
systems, we know the materials          to develop its Building Information         few years it will definitely become
and we can price jobs such as           Modelling (BIM) services.                   more mainstream to the point where
small extensions right through to       BIM is a great tool for visualisation. It   every project, both public & private
multi-million euro projects.            enables a three-dimensional virtual         sector, will require it. We want to make
“We also prepare a detailed             representation of the building.             sure we are ready for that.”
project bill of quantities for          During a project’s bidding phase,           T: 00353 (0)42 969 4870
consultant engineers for                renderings, walkthroughs, and               E: info@tecdocgroup.com
tendering or budget purposes.”          sequencing of the model may be              W: www.tecdocgroup.com
Whether you are looking for a           presented with better clarity. 3D
full-time electrical estimating         Visualization with BIM provides a better
service, or an estimate on              picture of what a structure may look         Technical Documentation
an adhoc basis, Technical               like even before it is constructed.          Group services:
Documentation Group can                 It takes away the effort of bringing         • Full electrical tender process
offer a solution.                       together the different 2D views by           • Drawing take-off only service
The company can provide your            different trades as the information          • Production of bill of quantities
business with a comprehensive           from all streams like architecture,          • Schedule of rates
suite of tender return                  structural, facade and MEP into a            • Provide value engineering services
documents including full bill of        single BIM model.

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