5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM

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5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Entrepreneurship Facilitators - Liverpool is a free service funded by the Australian Government.

  JULY 2021

5 Steps for writing a
killer Instagram bio                                                                                                by Rita Di Tomassio -
                                                                                                                    NetPlanet Digital

Instagram – how we all                          From checking reels, to sending hearts, and
                                                sharing photos and videos, Instagram provides
                                                                                                Instagram biography (or ‘bio’) is a great
                                                                                                starting point.
love this social platform!                      us with one of the best channels to engage
                                                                                                These 150 characters at the top of your profile
                                                with the community and seek some easy
                                                                                                are an introduction to your business, playing
                                                                                                an important role in the first impression your
                                                Brands are now using this powerful platform     page makes.
                                                to build awareness and strategically connect
                                                                                                Finding the correct way to use your Instagram
                                                with their target audience.
                                                                                                bio can help you capture the attention of your
                                                Want to grow your Instagram following?          audience, drive engagement, and generate
                                                Investing time into planning a compelling       future conversions.

Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                             April - June 2021

                                              Why is your Instagram bio                         might describe you and your business. This
                                              important?                                        allows you to create a genuine persona that
                                                                                                is both realistic and credible.
                                              A well-written Instagram bio can do
                                              wonders for your business, like:
                                                                                                2. Write down keywords about
                                              f Succinctly informing your audience who          your business
                                                you are and what you do                         The second step is to nail down some
                                              f Highlighting your strengths in the same         of the keywords which describe your
                                                way a resume does                               business. Regardless of the size of your
                                                                                                online business, do thorough keyword
                                              f Creating a professional first impression        research based on a general keyword that
                                              f A creative bio can give a sense of your         you want to use.
                                                personality to your target market,              3. Use brand-specific hashtags
                                                enabling them to relate to you on a
                                                personal level as well                          Include the brand-specific hashtags in
                                                                                                the bio. This will draw the attention of
                                              f A well-written business bio adds a              the viewer to your bio. Instead of using
                                                personal touch to your service and              hashtags that are specific to your brand,
                                                makes prospects feel more comfortable           using in-trend hashtags will bring more
                                                about your brand                                visibility among Instagram users.
                                              Here’s our top five smart tips to consider
                                                                                                4. Add URLs
                                              when creating a credible and engaging
                                              Instagram bio for your profile:                   Add links to your business website in a way
                                                                                                that the URL can be tracked through (app
                                              Five smart steps to write a killer                or other) analytics. This helps bring traffic
                                              Instagram bio                                     from Instagram to your website that will
                                              An Instagram bio lets people know                 result in conversions for your business.
                                              more about you and what you are good              5. Give a sneak peek to your
                                              at. Unfortunately, most professional
                                              Instagram bios are stale and boring. They
                                              lack depth and inspiration. Follow the tips       To make the bio less formal, try to add a
                                              below to spark interest and make your bio         touch of humour and creativity by using
                                              look super interesting.                           line breaks or emojis. This will make people
                                                                                                remember you even after they have closed
                                              1. Find out the keywords about                    the page or clicked through.
                                              who you are                                       Your Instagram followers will first go
                                              To maximise your 150 characters, it’s             through your profile and posts, if they find
                                              important to brainstorm keywords or               it interesting or informative then only will
                                              phrases to include in your bio. They can          they hit ‘Follow’.
                                              include your personal interests, activities and
                                              hobbies or achievements.                          While Instagram is usually overlooked as
                                                                                                a ‘not-so-useful social media platform,’ it
                                              When you initially brainstorm, prepare a          has the potential to give your brand quick
                                              list of about 10-15 keywords, shortlist 3         recognition, provided you use a powerful
                                              or 4 of the most attractive traits. If this is    Instagram bio.
                                              challenging, ask those you know, how they

Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services                                                                                         2
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                            April - June 2021

6 Essentials to Starting
a Business Successfully                                                                                       by Leanne Hume,
                                                                                                              Simply Numbers Pty Ltd

When you are
looking to start your
own business, it’s
an exciting and
creative time.
Here’s our 6 essential
tips to give your
business the best
possible start.

1. Get the right advice                                                4. Make a Business Plan
Decide on the structure of your business. Do you want to operate       A business plan gives your business the greatest chance of success.
a company or conduct business as a sole trader? Are there any          This is essential for refining your unique selling point (USP) or
licenses that you need to operate? Some places you can seek            knowing what you can offer the market. It is vital to research and
advice from include your accountant, trade association or local        make sure you understand the market that you are operating within.
and state government regulations for operation. There are many         There are places to do your research such as Australian Bureau of
sources of free advice available to make use of, including websites    Statistics, which can give you a snapshot of the market or industry
such as business.gov.au can also help.                                 you are operating within.
2. Register your business                                              5. Get familiar with marketing and the online world
Your business will need an Australia Business Number (ABN)             There’s lots of great marketing tools online to drive your marketing
however, may not need to be registered for GST. Once you have an       efforts – such as your website, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or
ABN and completed the right registrations for your business, then      online shop – to name a few. You can also choose to register for a
you can open a bank account for your business. The business bank       ‘Google My Business’ account. To be successful in business you will
account is important.                                                  need to sell your products or services and you will not be able to do
                                                                       this without people being aware that you exist. Invest in a marketing
3. Cashflow is king
                                                                       plan of action. Understanding your customers’ needs and how you
Do a financial plan for the first 12 months to work out how you can    can meet those needs is the cornerstone of good marketing.
support yourself. Building a business takes time energy and effort,
                                                                       6. Take advantage of free support available to you
and this is an essential part of working out how you are going to
manage the financial aspects of your business. This will give you an   There are many local, state, and federal assistance programs that
overview of what costs are involved in setting up and running your     maybe applicable to your industry from Long Service Leave for
business. Who is going to be responsible for bookkeeping will be an    Construction workers and Contract Cleaners to the Small Business
important decision too. There are some free templates to assist with   Commission of NSW being able to check shop leases for free that
planning available through reliable online sources.                    you may need to search out and investigate. Investigate grants and
                                                                       other assistance which can support you as you set up your business.

Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services                                                                                        3
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                         April - June 2021

4 Business Benefits
of Professional Email
Services for SMBs                                                                                                by Gabor Szathmari,
                                                                                                                 Arrow Networks

Is your business making the most of
the benefits available with Microsoft
Office 365 and Google’s G Suite?
Here’s how to get more things done
with free add-ons and protect your
business with the security features.

Australian small businesses are the most       However, home-grade email services are         Business-grade email hosting services
likely to be targeted by scammers –            catering for the consumer market and they      come with a large number of benefits to
according to the Australian Competition        are unfit for business purposes. For these     your business:
and Consumer Commission (ACCC).                reasons, business owners should consider the
                                                                                              f Scalability - It only takes a few clicks to
                                               migration to a premium email platform when:
The sudden increase of email-based scams                                                        create email addresses, email aliases,
(also known as ‘Business email compromise’     f New employees or contractors are about         shared mailboxes and distribution lists for
scams) contributed $3.8m extra to the            to join the organisation, and the new          the new hires
losses reported to Scamwatch in 2018.            hires need reliable, easy-to-use and
                                                                                              f Professional branding - Your email
                                                 independent (non-shared) mailboxes
According to the ACCC, any organisation                                                         addresses feature your company’s
                                                 with your business name
managing money via bank accounts is a                                                           domain name (e.g. @mybusiness.com.au)
potential target of cyber scams such as        f Files and documents featuring sensitive
                                                                                              f Security - Two-factor authentication and
email-based attacks.                             data (e.g. tax file numbers, identity
                                                                                                email spoofing protection are standard
                                                 documents, contracts) are often
The good news is Australian businesses can                                                      cybersecurity features of any business-
                                                 exchanged via electronic messages
avoid these losses with professional email                                                      grade email platform
solutions with built-in protection from the    f Brand consistency is important. It can
                                                                                              f Data sovereignty - Professional services
most common scams.                               look less professional to include free
                                                                                                let you choose the preferred geographical
                                                 webmail addresses (e.g. businessname@
To make it easy, here’s an overview of the                                                      location of the company’s files and emails
                                                 gmail.com) on business cards and
security and productivity benefits of the
                                                 marketing materials or mailing your          f Productivity - Premium email solutions
two most popular business-grade email
                                                 prospects, clients and suppliers               come with a wide range of add-ons to
platforms - Office 365 and Google Suite.
                                                                                                boost productivity in your business
And we explain how these solutions can
protect your company.

Home vs business email providers
New businesses often rely on low-cost
email platforms provided by internet service
providers (e.g. @tpg.com.au, @bigpond.
com) and domain registrars (for example,
GoDaddy, CrazyDomains, cPanel).

It is understandable when business owners
keep their business expenses low at the
beginnings by relying on complimentary

Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services                                                                                   4
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                              April - June 2021

                                                                                                  deceiving your staff into making additional
                                                                                                  payments to the scammer.

                                                                                                  These scams often rely on sophisticated
                                                                                                  hacking techniques such as:

                                                                                                  f phishing;

                                                                                                  f email spoofing;

                                                                                                  f fake login pages;

                                                                                                  f zero-day malware;

                                                                                                  f credential stuffing (i.e. using passwords
                                                                                                    made public in previous data breaches).

                                                                                                  While basic email services offer little to no
                                                                                                  protection from these nefarious practices,
                                                                                                  Microsoft and Google make significant
                                                                                                  efforts to combat email scams.

                                                                                                  Both Office 365 and G Suite come with
                                                                                                  features to protect businesses from email-
How a professional email                         f Create company-wide calendars for
                                                                                                  based attacks, such as:
platform makes your business                       your employees so you can make time
more productive?                                   for special events                             f Two-factor (or multi-factor)
                                                 f Join the company social network to let           authentication to defend from password
Premium email platforms such as Microsoft
                                                   off steam (Microsoft Yammer)                     theft and password reuse attacks
Office 365 and Google G Suite come with
a myriad of services helping businesses of                                                        f Email spoofing protection (with the
                                                 These add-ons all come for free with
any size to grow.                                                                                   combination of DKIM, SPF and DMARC
                                                 the standard Office 365 and G Suite
                                                 subscriptions.                                     records)
The popularity of these two services lies in
the add-ons helping you to get more things                                                        f Protection from display name spoofing
                                                 As free and low-cost email providers
done, for instance:                                                                                 and email impersonation scams
                                                 usually offer email services only, substantial
f Create team folders in the cloud to share      costs involved when these add-ons are            They also come with additional features with
  files and documents with your staff, your      purchased from third-parties like Dropbox        a strong focus on cybersecurity, such as:
  clients and your suppliers (OneDrive for       or GoToMeeting instead.
  Business, Google Drive)                                                                         f Privacy, security and compliance
                                                 Essentially, you get more from your                scoring tools
f Create and collaborate on any                  technology investments if you choose any
  document from any device. Access               of the email platforms over your low-cost        f Remote wipe company-owned laptops
  Microsoft Word, Excel PowerPoint and           email solution.                                    and smartphones
  Google Docs with your web browser or                                                            f Protection against sophisticated threats
                                                 How business-grade email
  your iOS/Android device
                                                 services keep hackers away?                        hidden in email attachments, web links,
f Host online meetings with the                                                                     zero-day malware, ransomware, and
                                                 An email scam is when a cybercriminal              other advanced attempts
  additional voice and video conferencing
                                                 contacts you or your staff pretending to
  services (Skype for Business, Google                                                            f Protection from data loss with data
                                                 be from a legitimate entity (e.g. your bank,
  Hangouts Meet)                                                                                    retention and email archiving support
                                                 your client, your supplier) with the intention
f Bring your staff together on a chat and        to defraud your business.                        As with the productivity add-ons, most of
  collaboration platform (Microsoft Teams,                                                        these security features are included with
                                                 The ultimate goal of email scams is
  Google Hangouts Chat)                                                                           your subscription for free or a small fee.
                                                 tampering with your bank transfers or

   Where to go next?                               existing mailboxes can easily be migrated
                                                   to the new email platform.
   If you think the time is ripe to migrate to
   Office 365 or G Suite, you should get in        It typically takes a couple of hours to
   touch with your preferred IT provider to        get your business onto the new service
   get your business on board.                     and start benefiting from the additional
                                                   productivity add-ons and security features.
   They can further demonstrate the
   benefits of these email platforms to your       Arrow Networks is a managed IT services
   business and calculate the cost savings         provider offering business email hosting
   compared to your existing solution.             services on Office 365 and G Suite.
   You do not need to worry about losing           Contact the team today to discuss your
   any of your emails, as the content of your      business’s technology solutions.

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5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                        April - June 2021

Getting Out and About

EF Nicole attended LCC Business After 5      EF David and NEIS Consultant Edmond
event 21st April 2021. Keynote speaker Joe   Nehme having lunch after meeting with
Risk CEO of Arab Bank                        Many Rivers 26th May 2021

Wally Mehana CEO of Canterbury Bankstown     Hon. Dr. Geoff Lee, MP. Minister for
Chamber of Commerce at the CBCC              Skills and Tertiary Education, Sport,
Business After 5 Event on 26th May 2021      Multiculturalism, Seniors & Veterans.
                                             Addressing the CBCC Business After 5 Event
                                             26th May 2021.

EF David attended LCC Business After 5       EF David and EF Nicole with Hon. Dr. Geoff      Advertisement for radio program 3 Quirks
Event on 19th May 2021                       Lee, MP. Minister for Skills and Tertiary       and a Turk. EF David promoted EFS of the
                                             Education, Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors &   program on 21st May 2021
                                             Veterans. At CBCC Business After 5 Education
                                             Growth Innovation On 26th May 2021

                                                               EF David and EF Nicole
                                                               attending DESE meeting
                                                               on 23rd June 2021

6                                                                                  Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
Launchpad Newsletter                                                                                                April - June 2021

Our directory of key contacts in the Cabramatta, Fairfield and Liverpool area.
Accountants                            Business Connect – Find an           Merrylands Chamber of                Thrive Refugee Enterprise
Smarter Accounting Pty Ltd             Advisor                              Commerce                             Gus Nehme – Business and
                                       www.business-connect-register.       www.merrylandschamberofcommerce.     financial support
(02) 9755 4552
                                       industry.nsw.gov.au                  com.au                               (02) 9797 8378
                                       Pinnacle Traction                                                         www.thriverefugeeenterprise.org.au
W Wen & Co                                                                  Grants & Funding
                                       Anthony Wood - 02 8315 2055                                               Networking Events
Chartered Accountants                                                       SupportJobs for NSW
& Business Advisers                                                         1300 562 679                         BNI Spirit – Liverpool Chapter
Suite 7, Level 2, 300 George St,       Silver & Wise                        www.jobsfornsw.com.au                (Business Networking
Sydney NSW 2000                        Hunter Leonard - 0400 237 647                                             International
Tel: 02 8090 2449 / 02 9871 3429       www.silverandwise.com.au             IT                                   www.facebook.com/bnispirit /
or 0402087829                                                               Arrow Networks                       www.bni.com.au
                                       Business Community
Nexus Norwest 4 Columbia Court                                              Gabor Szathmari - 1300 883 420
                                       Services                                                                  See also Chambers of
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153                                                     www.arnet.com.au
                                       Fairfield City Council Small                                              Commerce
(by appointment only)
www.wwenandco.com.au                   Business Initiative                  Legal                                South West
                                       www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/        Genesis Legal Partners               Entrepreneurial Hub
Box Advisory Services
                                       Business/Business-Resources/         jenny@genesislegalpartners.com.au    www.facebook.com/
6/23 Hunt St, North Parramatta
                                       Useful-Business-Information                                               groups/1072921752892762/
NSW 2151                                                                    Pinnacles Trademark Specialists
1300 411 022                           Liverpool City Council – Start       www.pinnacletms.com.au               SWNG (South Western
dmach@boxas.com.au                     and Grow Your Business In                                                 Networking Group) – Liverpool
                                       Liverpool                            Licences & Permits                   www.swng.org.au/chapters/liverpool
                                       www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/business/   Australian Business Licence          Women’s Networking Links
SBA Small Business Accounting
                                       local-business/start-and-grow-       and Information Service              www.woman.com.au/women-in-
Julia Zhang - 0425 282 622
                                       your-business-in-liverpool           www.ablis.business.gov.au            business-networking-groups-and-
                                       Business Hubs                        Life Coaches                         events
Simply Numbers Pty Ltd
Leanne Hume - (02) 8319 2066           The Workary                          Fox Coaching                         Small Business Loans
www.simplynumbers.com.au               www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au /       Rolf - 0404 840 506                  ANZ Small Business Specialist
leanne@simplynumbers.com.au            theworkary                           www.foxcoaching.com.au               Lily Chang - 0423 109 009
Silver & Young                         0437 733 270                                                              lily.chang@anz.com
                                                                            Marketing ASBAS Digital
Suite 501, Level 5, 7 Secant Street,   South West Sydney Business                                                Prospa
                                                                            Crimson Dragon Digital
Liverpool – Angelo Argyros             Enterprise Centre                                                         www.prospa.com
                                       (02) 4647 6232
                                                                            Yesica Alfonso - 0435 426 657        Many Rivers
Business Advisory Services                                                  www.crimsondragondigital.com         www.manyrivers.org.au
Business Enterprise Centre             Business Information                 NetPlanet Digital                    NAB Small Business Team
www.becaustralia.org.au                & Support                            Rita Di Tomassio                     Juliana Gebara - (02) 9732 9305
Canterbury Bankstown                   business.gov.au                      Unit 5/605 Hume Highway Casula       www.nab.com.au
Business Advisory Service              asic.gov.au                          NSW 2170
                                       www.employment.gov.au                www.netplanetdigital.com.au
                                                                                                                 Small Business Training
(02) 9707 9227
www.cbcity.nsw.gov.au/business         (Department of Employment,                                                New Business Assistance
                                       Skills, Small and Family Business)
                                                                            Migrant Resources                    with NEIS Program – Konekt
Collappor8                                                                  Assyrian Migrant Resource            Liz Nguyen - 0459 899 034
Jo Johnston, Business Consultant,      Business Insurance                   Centre                               www.konektemployment.com.au/
(02) 8328 1350                         www.bizcover.com.au                  Jolie Linh Nguyen - (02) 9687 9901   start-your-own-business
Level 8/25 Restwell St,                                                     www.cmrc.com.au
Bankstown NSW 2200                     Chambers of Commerce                                                      New Business Assistance
                                                                            Community Migrant Resource           with NEIS Program
                                                                            Centre                               – Sydney Business
                                       Chamber of Commerce
                                                                            Jolie Linh Nguyen - (02) 9687 9901   1800 634 772
Western Sydney                         www.cbchamber.org.au
                                                                            www.cmrc.com.au                      www.sydneybusiness.org.au
Resource Centre                        Liverpool Chamber                                                         netplanetdigital.com.au
0434 507 079
                                                                            Ignite – Small Business Start-
                                       of Commerce
                                                                            ups – Settlement Services
                                       Lisa Aifantis – Secretary
                                       1300 464 547
Business Coaches                                                            Dina Petrakis - 0478 103 290
Business Australia

7                                                                                          Sydney South West Entrepreneurship Facilitator Services
5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM 5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM 5 Steps for writing a killer Instagram bio - APM
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